Health in EHCPs, Talking, Reminders & Links 26th May 2015
Dear All Following the Bank Holiday, quite a mix… Integration of Health with EHCPs During the Open Meetings the question of how Health services should be integrated into the EHCP process has been raised several times. For children and young people with complex health needs that go beyond the core therapies of OT, Speech and Language and Physiotherapy the integration of information on health is new - and SENCOs, the SEN team and families are sometimes finding this challenging. A group of parents within Richmond SEND Family Voice are working with professionals from Health (Therapies managers and Health Commissioners) to agree what the issues are and to draft some guidelines that can be made available to all to address this lack of clarity. The questions that we will be trying to answer are: 1) What information on Health should be in an EHCP and in which section should it be (i.e. under SEN provision or under Health provision) - we will try to look into this based on a range of health profiles (e.g. physical disability / mental health issues / hearing loss / medical care etc.) 2) What is the best way of ensuring that all the relevant health information and reports is collected and input to the EHCP process? 3) What is the right process to follow and what is the role of the Lead Professional. Is there a need for a lead professional type role in health? 4) What is the process for a child who has complex health needs but not obviously SEN? 5) Is there anything that can be done to address the capacity issues around some of the Health Provision (e.g. OT) through better use of workshops / resources rather than always 1 to 1 provision? We have an initial meeting with the Health professionals scheduled for June 17th after which we can come back to you with an update. In the meantime if there are any parents or young people who would like to contribute to this or to let us know about any specific issues or concerns – in confidence - please do get in touch via this email address or our phone number. It is also worth saying that although we are currently working on this for the Health part of the plan we recognise that the Social Care aspect could also benefit from some clearer guidelines and we intend to tackle this as a next step. Talking is good for you! (and thank you)
"I have felt listened to and respected - it's hard to explain just how much weight this lifts off my shoulders." (from a parent attending one of the Open Meetings) Over the last month, over 120 families took the opportunity to attend our series of Open Meetings to discuss the new Education, Health & Care Plans with Anna Chiva, Head of Special Educational Needs and post-16 commissioning with Eamonn Gilbert, 14-19 Partnership manager & Lead Commissioner. We explored what was new, what was working and what need to change. We also talked about what families really want from post-16 education that would lead to productive employment, or other options, for young people’s futures.
We are very grateful to Anna & Eamonn for participating so readily in these meetings. It’s made such a difference to the parents who attended; without exception, every meeting started with some anxiety (or anger) from parents and every meeting ended with parents feeling less anxious and more listened to. We’re taking a definite action to publish the positives and some good news stories following the Open Meetings – as well as continuing to challenge what needs to change. To support future developments, we are talking with Achieving for Children about the findings and themes from the Open Meetings; and so the communications cycle will continue. We are looking forward to publishing these plans on soon! We expect these to include further development work on Post-16 opportunities with the new ‘Education Business Partnership’ person soon to be employed by Eamonn. Also, further development work (and the official launch) of the Local Offer ( ). Richmond SEND Family Voice & LEAD Kingston jointly organised and facilitated the Open Meetings. Thank you to everyone who attended and to Anna & Eamonn for their time and candour in talking with families.
Reminder: for Kingston parents… Kingston L.E.A.D (the official parent carer forum in Kingston) would like to invite ALL Kingston parents/carers of children or young people with SEND, to an extraordinary meeting to discuss the future. Kingston L.E.A.D = Listen Engage Advocate for Disability. Harts Boatyard, Kingston - Thursday 4th June at 8pm Reminder: Short Breaks & Aiming High Recent changes to these services, the funding and eligibility criteria have prompted a steady stream of queries to RSFV. Would you like to find out more about the short break services available in Kingston and Richmond? Caroline Baxter, Head of Integrated Services for Disabled Children, Jodi Williams/David Arrow, Inclusion Development Officers and Caroline Jager, Aiming High & Short Breaks manager have arranged some dates to meet with parents to talk about the changes in short break services. The dates are: Kingston - Moor Lane Centre Wed 3rd June: 12.30pm-2pm and the same evening from 6.30pm-8pm Richmond Wed 10th June: 6.30-8pm in The Terrace Room, York House Wed 17th June: 12.30pm-2pm in the Training Room, Croft Centre
Links Learning Disabilities Awareness week… This runs from 13th to 20th June and the theme is Hear My Voice. Here is a link to the blog for Richmond borough’s activities: Preparing for Adulthood have posted this succinct, 2 minute, film on how Gateshead Access to Employment Services (GATES) have supported young people in securing and keeping jobs:
The Anti-Bullying Alliance have published a video of advice from disabled young people, for disabled young people on ‘Let’s Stop Bullying for all’. This very watchable, 5 minute video is made by the Council for Disabled Children and Achieving for Children: Special Needs Jungle most recent article on the importance of parents advocating for each other to make the SEND Reforms work (hear hear!): My Rights, Your Responsibility is a set of information written primarily for parents of disabled children. It provides information to parents on their child's rights to access activities, community facilities and other services. These come from the Council for Disabled Children and are offered as free online training modules. As well as the web based information within the modules, there is also a series of 6 printed leaflets. These can be downloaded from the link below. The six basic leaflets are: Children’s right to communicate their views and be listened to Choosing a service for your child Expectations The Equality Act What is risk? What services need to know (aimed at service providers) As ever, if you have any queries at all, please ask and I'll do my best to find an answer. With best wishes, Romany RSFV phone: 07469 746 145