MPs again, DfE/DoH & a Hallelujah! 20th December 2017 Dear All We promised this would be an update on national news… so perhaps not the most gripping reading, but important to our families nonetheless. Go straight to the Hallelujah at the end for some seasonal cheer!
MPs again… We’re pleased to write that we’ve finalised the informal meeting notes from the SEND Forum on 1st December and included a resume of a follow up meeting with Zac Goldsmith.
Meeting notes for the SEND Forum, which includes: 1. Summary of format and objectives for the SEND Forum. 2. Informal meeting notes from the SEND Forum – with Sir Vince Cable and Sir Ed Davey MP - 1st December 2017 3. A resume of the meeting with Zac Goldsmith MP - 15th December 2017
You will find the notes here: We have further plans and dates to follow this up in the New Year. Should you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact with Penny or Alex on the e-mail addresses below: Penny: or Alex:
From: "IMPLEMENTATION, SEN" <> Date: 05 December 2017 at 12:01 Subject: Updates from the Department for Education [DfE] and Department for Health [DoH] On a fairly regular basis, and usually just before holiday periods, the DoH and DfE issue a SEN Implementation bulletin. In this article, we are offering the highlights. If you would like the full bulletin, please reply to this e-mail. “In this update we have included: 1. An invitation to respond to the consultation on mental health launched in a green paper published yesterday by the Department for Health and the Department for Education. 2. Details of a consultation on raising concerns and making complaints about health, social care or education. This involves a survey for children, young people and adults with a learning disability, autism or both, their families and paid carers. 3. Details of recommendations for the UK made by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.