News from the dfe & afc, and some videos

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News from DfE & AfC, and some videos 9th September 2015 Dear All The SEND Reforms are one year on, and the Department for Education are making tweaks… (Word version of this bulletin is also attached.)

Children and Young Person’s Listening Event – places still available Richmond Health and Wellbeing Board would like to invite parents, carers, young people, and the organisations that work with them to share their views about the challenges and opportunities for young people in Richmond to stay healthy and well. This is the strategic (most important) “listening” event from Public Health and the discussions from this will shape future services. As well as a wider debate on keeping young people healthy and ensuring joined up services, there will be workshops on the following areas for more in-depth discussion:  Special Educational Need and Disabilities (SEND)  Emotional Wellbeing and mental health  Services for under fives  Tackling risky behaviours Details are: Monday 14th September, 6.00pm-8.00pm (registration and refreshments at 5.30pm) Heatham House, Whitton Rd, Twickenham TW1 1BH Due to the capacity restrictions at the venue you will need to register prior to attending. Please RSVP to Sophia Coward stating which of the workshops you would like to attend, giving a first and second preference.

SEND news 1 – Transition (& a note on Post-16 provision) On 4th September the Department for Education held a workshop on “Transitions” ...specifically the transition from a Statement to an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHC Plan). In keeping with the spirit of the SEND Reforms the audience was mixed to reflect the change to co-ownership. From Kingston & Richmond, attendees were:  from Achieving for Children’s SEN Team; the Head of SEN & the two Principal Case managers.  from parent groups; Caroline North (Kingston), Rachel Derrick & Romany (Richmond)  also an Independent Support Partnership worker and a Richmond SENCo Key topics The departmental advice for Local Authorities has been updated (3 rd edition) is attached, and can also be found here: Noted changes are to the timescales:  Notification period for the start of the Transfer Review Process is a minimum of two weeks  The Transfer Review Process is a maximum of 18 weeks from the notified start date

…there was discussion on what exactly that meant in practice as in ‘who had to do what by when’; also that a minimum notice period meant that LA’s could give as much notice as they liked and not stick to the minimum! A lively subject that exercised everyone in the room (whatever their purpose or profession) was what happened after school or college. In essence, it’s great to create an EHC Plan for a young person preparing for adulthood and going on to further education – but the post 16 & 19 establishments are not geared up for young people with SEND in the way that schools now should be. The answer from the DfE is “we must adapt our provision” and “put needs first”. That’s a tall order… a major part of the SEND Reforms is to create better long term outcomes, so our post-16 provision needs to change and be commissioned to meet this vision. That is going to take time. If you would like a copy of the slides, please reply to this e-mail and we’ll arrange to post a set to you (if we haven’t got an electronic copy by then) You can also view Achieving for Children’s Post-16 funding documentation here:

SEND news 2 – SEND Implementation meeting For the past three years, Simon James (AfC’s Associate Director for SEND) has chaired a decision making forum developing and implementing the SEND Reforms; initially in Richmond and then in Kingston when the two boroughs merged. Monday 7th September was the most recent meeting and the group agreed to make these meetings quarterly (rather than monthly). The membership is made of Education, Health and Care professionals and includes parents and young people. A couple of Highlights The Personal Budgets workstream submitted a final report and credited the young people, and parent representatives from LEAD Kingston and RPCAG for their “insight, challenge and support”. There is to be a closing meeting to formally feedback to the participants. Recommendations included:  ensuring all providers undertaking assessments and offering support to families routinely give copies of all paperwork and discuss these with the families  publish a clear eligibility criteria for social care direct payments, SEN ‘top Up funding and Continuing Care where this is not already available  …whilst not wishing to list all the recommendations here (available on request), it’s fair to say that although not many families want to take up personal budgets (most ‘cos its too difficult), the workstream uncovered processes that need to be streamlined and made a lot more accessible – and this is to all our benefit. The Local Offer workstream announced that the Department for Education are now so impressed by ours – as developed with families – that it is being used as an example of best practice nationally. Please continue to refer to the Local Offer and use the feedback form if you can’t find what you’re looking for. Karen Lowry, the content manager, is dedicated to making this as innovative and useful as possible. The Local Offer now has a webcast on the site to help organisations/activity/event providers register. …soon to be on the Local Offer! “The Richmond Dyslexia Association are delighted to announce this year’s line-up for the Autumn Talks. We have an excellent group of professionals covering a wide range of aspects of supporting children with specific learning difficulties. CPD certificates will be available. All are welcome. Venue: Richmond Old Town Hall, Whittaker Ave, Richmond, TW9 1TP. Tuesdays 7.30pm - 9.00pm. Tickets; Members - £8 per night or £45 for all 6, Non-Members - £10 per night or £55 for all 6. More info and to book please contact us at . Tuesday September 22nd “Links Between the Home, School and Educational Psychologist” - Dr Florence Charles. Tuesday September 29th “The Role of the Physio and the Occupational Therapist in Schools” - Wiz Chilton and Julia Terteryan . Tuesday October 6th “The Driver Youth Trust and Our Schools Project, Drive For Literacy” - Sarah Driver. Tuesday October 13th “Improving Reading Motivation in Learners with Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLDs). Is there an ‘app’ for this?” - Alison Shafiee. Tuesday November 3rd “Specialist Teacher Assessments and Exam Access Arrangements” - Helene Jones and Juliet Stoker. Tuesday November 10th “The Journey towards a National Dyslexia Agenda in Schools” - Jeannie Naylor Carr. “

More from government departments… Launched… “A new online tool for schools across the country to give parents the best possible advice and tips on preparing their children for adult life. The new online service, called Parent Info, will give parents the information they need to help them navigate the minefield of issues children can now face on everything from spotting the warning signs of self-harm, to having a healthy body image and managing money in a digital world. As well as giving them the confidence and support to speak to their children on such sensitive issues, it will also provide them with pathways for where they can go for more hands on support on specific issues.” “We are seeking views on the revised National Framework for Children and Young People’s Continuing Care (including a tool to ensure all relevant needs are assessed and support decisions about care). The framework helps clinical commissioning groups and other professionals to assess the care required for children and young people with health needs that are not met by existing or specialised services. The 2010 framework has been revised to take account of changes to commissioning and the new arrangements for children with special educational needs and disability.”

Survey on disability hate crime We hope you will not need this but it is appropriate to pass it on… “The Metropolitan Police Service is currently undertaking a survey to identify what issues are faced by London's disability community when reporting disability hate crime. The purpose of the survey is to review the service currently available, in order to provide a service that reflects the needs of the disability community. The survey should only take 5-7 minutes to complete and closes on 28th October 2015. The link to the survey is here: If you, or someone you know, has been a victim of disability hate crime we would be grateful if you could complete the survey. Kind regards, Peter Fletcher Senior Communications Manager | Campaigns and Stakeholder Engagement | Public Affairs | Transport for London Email: Web: “

Family Matters Ruils are launching their new service… “Do you have a child with additional needs? Do you need time to unwind, relax, have a chat and a break? The Family Matters Drop–in Group meets at the Heart Centre, 67A Holly Road, Twickenham TW1 4HF (at the back of M&S). We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, from 10am to 12am. Our first group session is next Wednesday 16th at 10am. Here are all the dates. 2015: 16th September, 21st October, 18th November, 16th December 2016: 20th January, 16th February, 16th March. You can pop in, have coffee meet other families share experiences and have a break in a peaceful environment. If you would like to find out more or have a chat contact Jackie Wade:; 020 8831 6083 or 07903633327 “

Videos… Richmond’s autism strategy group have produced three short films, which look at living with Autism in the community, having contact with the Police and visiting the GP. Click on the video player to view the films. You can choose each film from the playlist. A particular favourite for me was this honest (and familiar) exchange: Q “How are you?” A “Now that is big question.”

More on autism is the Ted Talk by Rosie King on her view of autism. (just over 6 minutes)

Thames Path Challenge Finally, staff from M&S in Tolworth are walking the Thames Path Challenge this Saturday to raise funds for Express CIC; a 'not for profit' community organisation supporting young people with autism and their families in Kingston. You can visit their fundraising page here: As ever, if you have any queries at all, please ask and we'll do our best to find an answer. With best wishes, Romany (for Richmond) and Caroline North (for Kingston) Phone: 07469 746 145

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