Reminders, Good News and Links galore 1st April 2017 Dear All Wishing you all the best for the Easter holidays…
Reminder: Decision on placements for young people in year 11 and year 13 and above needed by AfC urgently All young people in year 11 and years 13 and above should by now have received a letter (and possibly a reminder) from the SEN Team at Achieving for Children (AfC)asking for their nomination of placement from September of this year. So far very few people have responded to say what their plans or wishes are for next academic year. It is very important that the SEN team receive a response because: 1) they can help to ensure that appropriate college places and apprenticeships are available if they know what the demand is 2) EHC Plans need to be continued if the young person continues in some form of education (unless going to university - where a different support model is provided) AfC request that any family with a young person in year 11 or year 13 or above who have not yet communicated their preference for September 2017 please do so by the end of the Easter holiday (Monday 17th April) - even if intending to stay on at the current placement. Please contact: For Kingston families: For Richmond families:
Clarendon Pupil Expansion Proposal (Richmond) As may be are aware Clarendon school is being redeveloped on two sites as their current buildings are no longer fit for purpose. Due to this expansion, we are proposing to increase pupil places from 108 to 148 by 2018. Could you please click on the link below to read the proposal and complete the short survey at the end? Thank You!
We need to hear from you… 1. What does ‘overnight respite’ mean to you – and for you? Does your child have complex health needs, severe or complex learning difficulties, a life limiting diagnosis or other complex additional needs? Does your child receive ‘overnight respite’ (that’s an overnight break for you and them!). If not, would you like them to?