School New Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) Consultation Feedback Meeting Wintergarden York House Thursday 10th May 10:00 – 12:00 Sarah Herbert, Lead School Improvement Advisor (SEND) Matthew Paul, Associate Director, School Place Planning Attended by 13 Parents The main content of the meeting is contained in the powerpoint presentation that was used at the meeting, available on the SFV website Review of online survey responses 27 Kingston respondents 42 Richmond respondents Discussion relating to the number of respondents in Kingston to “disagreed” with additional places or proposals. Not clear why this would be – comments didn’t make this clear. Sample size still fairly small however. Discussion of the SRP (Specialist Resource Provision) model Discussed that although there does not seem to be any formal research about the efficacy of the SRP model, agreed that they have appeared to be successful and popular in Kingston (where there are currently more). Discussed current SRPs and that while many are popular there have been issues for some families where the SRP has not been able to adequately meet the needs. Problems with training and staff cover were discussed. Also discussed the difficulty that parents face when raising concerns about a provision while their child is still at the school as there can be a worry that the school will “take it out on the child”. Request that AfC consider ways of talking to parents who are unhappy or have experienced problems outside of the school context, which feels safer. AfC mentioned that there is a review taking place at Latchmere and a final decision will be taken regarding the expansion of the SRP following this review. Discussion about how an SRP needs to be able to enable access to lessons that children can excel at (e.g. music) rather than using those lessons to do e.g. additional literacy. A parent explained that sometimes the fact that the curriculum is better suited to the child is a critical factor when looking at special school provision. Also discussed that children need support not only in lessons – but also corridor / playtime and that needs go far beyond just academic needs, social, emotional, sensory and communication needs also
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must be met for the child to thrive. AfC confirmed that the intention of the SRP set up if working well is that there is flexibility to meet the needs of the child in the most appropriate way. Discussion of access to schools / communication of what is on offer AfC explained that there will be a secondary school “market place event” (name will be changed) for year 5 children with SEN where parents and children can meet all the local schools / provisions on one evening to get a sense of what is on offer (will be held in July at Tollworth girls and at Orlean Park). Parents stated that it would be really useful for year 4 children to be able to access since often parents need to look at a large number of schools, and often more than once in order to make an appropriate decision about the best school for their child’s needs. Discussion of difficulty of getting meetings at schools and that schools are not always welcoming (too many potential children to accommodate?). Sarah Herbert agreed to take this point to the next SENCo meetings (starting from next week) as an item to discuss. Discussion of need for parent knowledge to be more respected by schools and other professionals. “Parents are the experts on their children”. AfC communication that 2 transition officers for KS2/3 and KS4/5 are being recruited into the SEN team. Participants agreed that it would be useful to understand what their role is. They will need to fully understand the range of SEN. AfC would like parental input in designing the brochures that there is an intention of creating for all SEN provision in Richmond and Kingston Therapies Discussion of lack of access to speech and language therapy and how this is distorting demand for EHCPs. AfC responded that there is a therapies workstream and also an early intervention project. Parents need to know how to access services if they have issues with the provision at the school Inclusion Trying to agree with schools an inclusion charter. Opportunity for parents to input as part of the inclusion summit (planned for July 3rd but not yet communicated to parents). Would be good to get young people and children to contribute. Example of training for staff in a school who will be getting an SRP. Tony Atwood training / have had parents of the children do training. Considered a good model. School hear very committed. Staffing / Training: School improvement team will organise training provision (AfC Workforce development team). Suggestion of training from parents for SRP staff – so they understand how best to tap into the parent base and work constructively with parents
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Question: Training for TAs in the SRPs? There is training available – but schools don't always take up the offer. There is a review every year of the school conducted by school improvement team. Social, emotional, behavioural issues: Training for schools is available. Reintegration support group have a service that help teachers to manage challenging behaviour in schools. Emotional support service also included in this training. Gaps on provision: MLD There is an view within AfC that for many children with MLD the congnitive gap at secondary makes the school curriculum difficult to adapt. So there is an assumption that many children with MLD will access a special school at secondary. Parents argued that a tailored curriculum and alternative qualifications would be desirable. Particularly since children are in mainstream in primary often, then special school for secondary, then back to Richmond college (mainstream) for sixth form. Rachel Derrick (21&Co) put forward the idea of looking at good practice from other LAs or areas around SRPs or similar for children with MLD in mainstream. Discussion of gap in proposed provision of MLD with no autism.
ABA Sunflower ABA free school working group have had discussions with R Henderson / C Penfold of AfC. Discussions of working with the special school in Brent (the Manor?) about the possibility of them having satellite provision in Richmond. No certainty about when or where. That would be Autism provision. Question about whether Son-rise therapy has been looked into as a potential approach AfC Working group being set up to look at how best practice can be disseminated. SCERTS being looked at by the Ed Psych service. SEMH Discussion with gap between CAMHS and what schools provide. “Don't need a diagnosis” because schools can handle it. But schools are not always able to without a diagnosis. ADHD 123 Magic rolled out in primary school Another approach for older children is being looked into(the why try approach) ADHD specific programmes A parent informed the group that Derby university have released training online training modules for ADHD, Autism etc,
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Seems to be a gap in proposed provision for children with ASD but no associated learning disability. Seems to be a lot of evidence in secondary schools it's the kids with ASD without LD who fall out of secondary school. Question around support for children with PDA. Secondary v Primary places Recognition that there are still too few places in secondary. However struggling to find secondary schools who are willing and able to take an SRP (Space issues / funding issues) Changes to original SRP proposals Provision at KS2 for children with Speech, Langauage and Communication needs will be established at Castle Hill (so it follows through from KS1) rather than at Lovelace, as originally proposed. Tolworth girls proposals for a Emotional Health provision positively received by the group Barnes primary SRP linked to expansion of primary. On hold – but will be reviewed again with the new council
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