SEBAGO Since 1946 Sebago has been inspired to create some of the world’s most iconic footwear styles enjoyed by people who appreciate the best quality, casual footwear. The first Sebago store in KZN will carry the three ranges of the brand: Docksides, Citysides, and Campsides. All Sebago ranges, as well as a capsule collection of men’s apparel and accessories, are available at Sebago. TAG TACTICAL ACTION GAMES Offering Lasertag and Airsoft games for kids from six years to adults. Great fun for birthday parties, team builds, friends and families. Experience a Vietnam “Khe Sanh village” themed arena, or our open game on the last Friday evening of every month. Booking is advisable. Games start from R100 a person. For more info call or Whatsapp Bryan on 082 836 7419.
HYDRAULICS The Hydraulics concept store distinguishes itself in offering prominent, luxury, international brands of the highest quality and distinct aesthetic, and aims to gain every sector of the casual clothing market, providing premium designs while educating the individual on international, street fashion. EVLV Evolve Denim Company (EVLV) was born out of necessity to offer a premium well-crafted brand experience for the urban South African customer, taking them on a journey of escapism and discovery, changing their perception of style, through innovation, exceptional attention to detail and high-level graphics – all the while paying homage to urban street culture. FOR MORE INFO
All can be experienced at Gateway Theatre of Shopping
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