Field Assessment Form

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SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM 1. Assessment Details Date of Assessment: Assessed By (Name of Primary Assessor): Also Assessed By (Name of Additional Assessor): Start Location (e.g., upriver landmark/parcel border): Downriver End Location (e.g., downriver landmark/parcel border): Precipitation Conditions in ☐ Heavy rain Last 24 Hours: ☐ Light rain Present Precipitation ☐ Heavy rain Conditions: ☐ Light rain

Time of Assessment:

☐ Intermittent showers ☐ None

☐ Other: ___________________

☐ Intermittent showers ☐ None

☐ Other: ___________________


SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM Site Photos Instructions During the field assessment, assessors are encouraged to take several photos of the site and the specific conditions assessed in this form. Photos can include images of the overall site and images of specific site conditions (e.g., vegetative protection, bank erosion, presence of trails, etc.). Take photos using your camera or phone and upload them to one of the following cloud storage folders using your web browser: • Microsoft OneDrive - • Google Drive - All photos should be labeled using the following naming convention: “SiteID_Description.” For example, if a photo was showing bank erosion on the site, it should be labeled “01_BankErosion.” “01” is the site ID number, while “BankErosion” represents that the photo is related to Section 3b of the assessment form (i.e., Bank Erosion). If taking more than one photo of the same site condition, please feel free to add numbers after the description (e.g., 01_BankErosion_02).


SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM 2. Site Description Parcel ID (provided by Project Team member): Ownership: ☐ Public* *If Public, Government ☐ Local Jurisdiction: ☐ Other ___________

☐ Private

☐ Unknown

☐ State


Surrounding Land Use:

☐ Brushland ☐ Commercial ☐ Forest

☐ Forested wetland ☐ Industrial ☐ Non-forested wetland ☐ Open Land

☐ Park ☐ Residential ☐ Other: ___________________

Habitats Present: (Select all that apply)

☐ Aquatic (e.g., river, pond) ☐ Cliffs ☐ Deciduous Forest ☐ Evergreen Forest

☐ Grassland/Meadow ☐ Pasture/Farmland ☐ Ridgetops ☐ Steep Slopes

☐ Wetlands ☐ Valleys ☐ Other: ___________________

Invasive Species Coverage:

☐ None

☐ Rare

☐ Partial

Sum of habitats present: ☐ Extensive ☐ Unknown


SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM 3. Existing Sewer/Stormwater Infrastructure Description Sewer/Stormwater Infrastructure Present (e.g., exposed ☐ Yes (5) pipes, manholes, sewer outfalls, etc.): Type: ☐ Exposed pipe ☐ Exposed manhole ☐ Other __________ Material: ☐ Concrete ☐ Corrugated metal ☐ Other __________

☐ No (0) ☐ Leaking sewer ☐ Smooth metal



☐ Corrosion ☐ Cover missing ☐ Cracking ☐ Joint failure ☐ Other __________ Notes/Location: Please use this space to provide any additional notes regarding sewer and/or stormwater infrastructure present at the parcel. Also feel free to make notes and mark-ups directly on the site map provided. Note: Please limit the amount of text and print as legibly as possible when making notes and mark-ups.


SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM 4. Overall River Condition1 a. Vegetative Protection: More than 90% of 70-90% of the (Circle # for each side of the riverbank riverbank surfaces riverbank) surfaces and covered by native immediate riparian vegetation, but one zone covered by class of plants is not native vegetation, well-represented; including trees, disruption evident understory shrubs, but not affecting full or nonwoody plant growth macrophytes; potential to any great vegetative disruption extent; more than through grazing or one-half of the mowing minimal or potential plant not evident; almost stubble height all plants allowed to remaining. grow naturally. Parcel/Near-side Bank 10 9 8 7 6 Opposite Bank 10 9 8 7 6

50-70% of the riverbank surfaces covered by vegetation; disruption obvious; patches of bare soil or closely cropped vegetation common; less than one-half of the potential plant stubble height remaining.

5 5

4 4

Less than 50% of the riverbank surfaces covered by vegetation; disruption of riverbank vegetation is very high; vegetation has been removed to 5 centimeters or less in average stubble height.

3 3

2 2

1 1


If the parcel borders the River or the site map shows it is in the floodplain, complete this section of the assessment. Otherwise, leave this section of the form blank. 5

SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM 4. Overall River Condition (continued) b. Bank Erosion: Banks stable; (Circle # for each side of evidence of erosion riverbank) or bank failure absent or minimal; little potential for future problems. <5% of bank affected.

Parcel/Near-side Bank 10 9 Opposite Bank 10 9 c. Floodplain Connection: High flows (greater (Circle # for each side of than bankfull) able riverbank) to enter floodplain. River not deeply entrenched. Parcel/Near-side Bank 10 9 Opposite Bank 10 9

Grade and width stable; isolated areas of bank failure/erosion; likely caused by a pipe outfall, local scour, impaired riparian vegetation or adjacent use. 8 8

7 6 7 6 High flows (greater than bankfull) able to enter floodplain. River not deeply entrenched. 8 7 6 8 7 6

Past downcutting evident, active stream widening, banks actively eroding at a moderate rate; no threat to property or infrastructure.

Active downcutting; tall banks on both sides of the stream eroding at a fast rate; erosion contributing significant amount of sediment to stream; obvious threat to property or infrastructure. 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 High flows (greater High flows (greater than bankfull) not than bankfull) not able to enter able to enter floodplain. River floodplain. River deeply entrenched. deeply entrenched. 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 TOTAL SCORE


SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM 5. Overall Buffer/Floodplain Condition2 a. Vegetated Buffer Width: Width of buffer Width of buffer (Circle # for each side of zone >50 feet; zone 25-50 feet; riverbank) human activities (i.e., human activities parking lots, have impacted zone roadbeds, clear-cuts, only minimally. lawns, crops) have not impacted zone. Parcel/Near-side Bank 10 9 8 7 6 Opposite Bank 10 9 8 7 6 b. Uninterrupted Vegetated Greater than 75% of Between 50% and Buffer: buffer area 75% of buffer area (Circle # for each side of uninterrupted, uninterrupted, riverbank) providing providing continuous habitat continuous habitat and reducing the and reducing the concentration of concentration of flows. flows. Parcel/Near-side Bank 10 9 8 7 6 Opposite Bank 10 9 8 7 6

Width of buffer zone 10-25 feet; human activities have impacted zone a great deal. 5 4 5 4 Between 25% and 50% of buffer area uninterrupted, providing continuous habitat and reducing the concentration of flows. 5 4 5 4

Width of buffer zone <10 feet: little or no riparian vegetation due to human activities. 3 3

2 1 2 1 Less than 25% of buffer area uninterrupted, providing continuous habitat and reducing the concentration of flows. 3 2 1 3 2 1


If the parcel borders the River or the site map shows it is in the floodplain, complete this section of the assessment. Otherwise, leave this section of the form blank. 7

SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM 5. Overall Buffer/Floodplain Condition (continued) c. Floodplain Vegetation: Predominant Predominant (Circle # for each side of floodplain floodplain riverbank) vegetation type is vegetation type is mature forest young forest Parcel/Near-side Bank 10 9 8 7 6 Opposite Bank 10 9 8 7 6 d. Floodplain Habitat: Even mix of wetland Even mix of wetland (Circle # for each side of and non-wetland and non-wetland riverbank) habitats, evidence of habitats, no evidence standing/ponded of standing/ponded water water Parcel/Near-side Bank 10 9 8 7 6 Opposite Bank 10 9 8 7 6 e. Floodplain No evidence of Minor floodplain Encroachment: floodplain encroachment in the (Circle # for each side of encroachment in the form of fill material, riverbank) form of fill material, land development, land development, or manmade or manmade structures, but not structures effecting floodplain function Parcel/Near-side Bank 10 9 8 7 6 Opposite Bank 10 9 8 7 6

Predominant Predominant floodplain floodplain vegetation type is vegetation type is shrub or old field turf or crop land 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Either all wetland or Either all wetland or all non-wetland all non-wetland habitat, evidence of habitat, no evidence standing/ponded of standing/ponded water water 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Moderate floodplain Significant encroachment in the floodplain form of filling, land encroachment (i.e., development, or fill material, land manmade structures, development, or some effect on man-made floodplain function structures). 5 5

4 4


1 1


SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM 6. Restoration Potential a. Restoration Candidate: b. Estimated Restorable Area: (Circle #) c. Restoration Potential: (Circle #)

d. Potential Restoration Practices: (Select all that apply)

☐ Yes (5) Greater than 50% of parcel area

☐ No* (0) (*Move to next section if “No” is selected) Between 25% and 50% of Less than 25% of parcel parcel area area

5 2 0 Parcel on public land where Parcel on either public or Parcel on private land where the area does not appear to private land that is presently road, building, be used for any specific used for a specific purpose; encroachment, or other purpose; plenty of area adequate area available for feature significantly limits available for restoration restoration project(s) available area for restoration project(s) project(s) 5 4 3 2 1 ☐ Discharge Prevention ☐ Habitat Enhancement ☐ Riparian Reforestation ☐ Expand River/Stream ☐ Naturalize River ☐ River Corridor/Parcel Network Corridor/Parcel Clean-up ☐ Flow ☐ Prevent Bank Erosion ☐ Other: Deflection/Diversion ___________________ Sum of potential restoration practices:


SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM 6. Restoration Potential (continued) e. Accessibility for Good: Open area in public Restoration: ownership, sufficient room (Circle #) to stockpile materials, easy access for heavy equipment using existing roads or trails

f. Potential Conflicts: (Select all that apply)

Difficult. Must cross wetland, steep slope, or sensitive areas to get to site. Few areas to stockpile available and/or located a great distance from site. Specialized heavy equipment required. 5 4 3 2 1 ☐ Existing Impervious ☐ Poor/Unsafe Access to ☐ Widespread Invasive Cover/Development Site Species ☐ Lack of Sun (for ☐ Potential Contamination ☐ Other: plantings) ___________________ ☐ Wildlife Impacts Sum of potential conflicts: TOTAL SCORE (minus sum of potential conflicts)

7. Flood Storage Potential a. Flood Storage Candidate: ☐ Yes (5) b. Evidence of Poor Infiltration (e.g., ponding, standing water): c. Evidence of High Water Table (e.g., stressed/stunted plants):

Fair: Forested or developed area adjacent to site. Access requires tree removal or impact to landscaped areas. Stockpile areas small or distant from site.

☐ No* (0) (*Move to next section if “No” is selected) ☐ Yes (5)

☐ No (0)

☐ Yes (5)

☐ No (0)


SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM 7. Flood Storage Potential (continued) d. Flood Storage Area: Greater than 50% of parcel Between 25% and 50% of Less than 25% of parcel (Circle #) area parcel area area 5 2 0 e. Flood Storage Potential: Parcel on public land where Parcel on either public or Parcel on private land where (Circle #) the area does not appear to private land that is presently road, building, be used for any specific used for a specific purpose; encroachment, or other purpose; plenty of area adequate area available for feature significantly limits available for flood storage flood storage project(s) available area for flood project(s) storage project(s) 5 4 3 2 1 f. Potential Conflicts: ☐ Bank Erosion ☐ Impact/Flooding on ☐ Potential Contamination (Select all that apply) Neighboring Parcel ☐ Existing Impervious ☐ Wildlife Impacts ☐ Poor/Unsafe Access to Cover/Encroachment ☐ Other: Site ___________________ Sum of potential conflicts: TOTAL SCORE (minus sum of potential conflicts)


SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM 8. Educational Potential a. Educational Qualities: (Circle #)

Parcel has multiple, potential Parcel has one potential Parcel has no potential educational sites with many educational site with some educational sites. good viewpoints and a good viewpoints and one or variety of vegetation classes, more vegetation classes, species, and/or access to species, and/or access to open water. open water. 5 4 3 2 1 b. Accessibility for Parcel is a property with Parcel is a property with Parcel is on a property that Education: public access and trails to public or private access and does not have public or (Circle #) the site of potential no existing trails to the site private access. educational opportunities. of potential educational opportunities. 5 4 3 2 1 c. Parking: Adequate parking is Adequate parking is a 5-15- Adequate parking is more (Circle #) available less than a 5minute walk from than 15-minute walk from minute walk from the educational site, or parking the educational site, or no educational site. is limited to less than 5 cars. adequate parking is available. 5 4 3 2 1 d. Accessible to Those with Disabilities: ☐ Yes (5) ☐ Partial (2) ☐ No (0) TOTAL SCORE:


SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM 9. Recreation Potential a. Opportunities for Watersports: (Circle #)

b. Trail-Based Recreation: (Circle #) c. Parking: (Circle #)

Parcel has access to open Parcel has access to open Parcel has no access to open water suitable to watersports water suitable to watersports water suitable to (e.g., canoeing, kayaking, (e.g., canoeing, kayaking, watersports. etc.) with easy access to the etc.) with limited access to water. the water. 5 4 3 2 1 Maintained trails are present Trails present on the parcel No trails present on the on the parcel. but not maintained. parcel. 5 4 3 2 1 Great than 5 parking stalls Parking is a 5-15-minute Parking is more than 15are available less than a 5walk from educational site, minute walk from the minute walk from the or parking is limited to less educational site, or no educational site. than 5 cars. adequate parking is available. 5 4 3 2 1 TOTAL SCORE:


SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM General Notes on Site Conditions and Restoration/Flood Storage/Educational/Recreation Potential Please use this space to provide any additional notes regarding the site conditions and/or potential of the site. Also feel free to make notes and mark-ups directly on the site map provided. Note: Please limit the amount of text and print as legibly as possible when making notes and mark-ups.



Appendix A: Reference Page Surrounding Land Use Examples












SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM Reference Diagrams to Estimate Percent Cover






SHAWSHEEN RIVER PARCEL FIELD ASSESSMENT FORM Poor Infiltration & High Water Table Examples



Appendix B: Glossary of Terms Term



Deepening of stream channel cross section resulting from process of degradation.


The removal of streambed materials caused by the erosional force of water flow that results in a lowering of the bed elevation throughout the reach (opposite of downcutting).


A gradual advance beyond usual or acceptable limits.

Entrenched [stream/river]

A stream/river that that has eroded downward; incised.


The geological process in which earthen materials are worn away and transported by natural forces such as wind or water.


Downward entry of water into soil.

Invasive Species

Non-native species that have spread into native or minimally managed systems, causing economic or environmental harm by developing selfsustaining populations and becoming dominant and/or disruptive to those systems

Flow Deflection/Diversion

Change the direction of stream flow or to concentrate stream flow. Restoration practices with flow deflection/diversion are predominately used to deflect flow away from eroding stream banks, concentrate the 25


Definition flow in the center of the channel, redirect water in and out of meanders, and/or enhance pool and riffle habitats.

Flood Storage Potential

Capacity of an area to temporarily store (flood) water within the river/stream channel and its floodplain.


Pooling of water on the surface of the ground resulting in formation of ponds or large puddles.

Riparian Zone

Lands that occur along watercourses and water bodies. Typical examples include flood plains and streambanks.


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