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 The following set of slides depicts the potential flood risk reduction along a profile of Merchant’s Way and Main Street for Alternative 2.

 The colored bands correspond to the annual risk of inundation during coastal storm events. For example, as early as 2030, there is an estimated 50% chance that water will rise to the low point on Merchant’s during a coastal storm at least in any given year.

 By toggling through following three images, the colored bands rise vertically on the profile, indicating that flood risk on Merchant’s Way and Main Street increases over time. The proposed berm and dry floodproofing provides moderate risk reduction in the short term and becomes less effective over time. Since the expanded sponge park is intended to flood, there are no consequences to structures or property resulting from flooding in the park. Flooding in the park is anticipated to occur more frequently under the future projected scenarios.

 This table indicates the risk reduction in any given year provided by dry floodproofing existing buildings and a vegetated berm compared to the existing conditions at the highest and lowest points on Merchant’s Way.

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