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The FEMA BCA Calculator calculates the benefits of a project through building data for each structure located in the project area and projected Stillwater Elevations. This information was acquired through a variety of resources.

 Building information was obtained from property cards through Vision Government Solutions for the Town of Wareham (https://gis.vgsi.com/warehamma/Search.aspx).

 Stillwater Elevations for the current (2030) 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year recurrence intervals and approximate values for Projected Sea Level Rise were modeled and provided by Woods Hole Group.

 Elevations (lowest finished floor and ground elevations) were determined through a field survey from Woods Hole Group, LIDAR, and measurements of the lowest entry point for water to enter a building from Fuss & O’Neill personnel.

 The Base Flood Elevation (BFE), elevation 14, was acquired from FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM).

 Costs for each mitigation action for each individual building are based on an engineering order of magnitude cost relying on past experience. Costs will be refined as the project moves through design.

 The project useful life is how long the mitigation action will be effective. Each mitigation action useful life varies and was based on the FEMA BCA Reference Guide, June 2009. The useful life for each mitigation action are:

 Building Elevation = 25 years

 Acquisition = 100 years

 Floodproofing = 25 years

 Floodplain and Stream Restoration (greenspace) = 30 years

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