Create a pedestrian bridge between the Dale Street Conservation Area and Foster's Island Nature Trail to improve access and connectivity to important trail networks along the Shawsheen
Establish a chain of linear parks along the Shawsheen that are linked by parkways and waterways, and anchored by key community assets. Example projects could include:
(1) Acquire parcels at the end of Gradall Lane and establish a future park along the Shawsheen between Gradall Lane and Stevens Street that would include new walking paths, boat put-ins, picnic tables, and a community center
(2) Improve the use of the stone building at the bowling green (2 Balmoral St) to provide concessions, restrooms, etc. to create a key destination along the Shawsheen with connections to other nearby open spaces, trails, etc. (e.g., Shawsheen Fields, Sacred Heart Reservation)
(3) Enhance access to Shawsheen Pines and Serio's Grove/Pole Hill as destinations along the Shawsheen
Improve pedestrian safety and access on the upstream side of the Central Street bridge by either (1) exploring opportunities to move the existing sidewalk to the upstream side of the bridge or (2) building a new pedestrian bridge to connect Shawsheen River Reservation (AVIS) with Town Conservation Commission land along Abbot Bridge Drive (including the existing boat launch)
Raise the profile of the river throughout the community by advancing proposed signage* and other placemaking projects that strengthen community ties to the river and share relevant information (e.g., key river crossings, historical context, recreational opportunities, etc.)
*Proposed signage has been developed in earlier regional efforts coordinated by Andover Trails (in partnership with local community members) that can be leveraged/built upon to finalize designs and establish community buy-in.
Challenge - lack of connectivity to existing trail networks
Challenge - (1) Establish new connections to the Shawsheen through the Town & (2) Build stronger connections to existing preserved lands and recreational opportunities along the Shawsheen
Challenge - address issues of pedestrian safety and improve access to existing preserved open space
Benefit - build upon existing signage work completed by Andover Trails (in partnership with local community members)
Challenge - establish a stronger connection to the river throughout the town
Dale Street Conservation Area
Gradall Lane; Balmoral St; Shawsheen Pines; Serio's Grove/Pole Hill
Central Street
Education and recreation programming for K-12, families, and the Senior Center; Outdoor classrooms; Family-oriented paddling days
Serio's Grove
Shawsheen River Walk from Tewksbury to Lawrence; accessibility for all; connectivity between neighborhoods and bordering communitiesRiver Corridor
Host River cleanups; Ballardvale Pond cleanupRiver corridor; Ballardvale Pond
Flood mitigation; Naturalize impervious areas; Acquire land for preservation; Expand stream channel
Remove Ballardvale Dam for reasons related to ecology, resilience, and fisheries
Parking lot by Pump Station and Shawsheen Plaza; Sacred Heart Reservation
Ballardvale Dam
Balance conservation and accessibility; Consider using hard, natural materials as opposed to pavement where possibleRiver Corridor
Foster collaboration between Town Departments and with private organizations; Establish a Town authorized and managed program to support the boat racks, a boat rental program, and public events; Establish an ongoing operating fund to maintain Town-owned properties along the River for recreational purposes
Build ADA accessible platforms, docks, and kayak launches
Establish a shuttle system to bring river-goers between destinations
Host an annual River Celebration Day; "Herring Fest"; Cultural Celebration of the River
Promote the passing of the Community Preservation Act; Funding opportunity
Use composting toilets when adding restrooms along the River corridor
Identify unique habitats along River for protection
Establish a Conservation Commission restriction on the Girl Scouts parcel (Camp Maude Eaton)
Build a Welcome Center at Abbott Bridge Dr and Central St
Build pedestrian bridges over the River at strategic places
Create access to the River from North Main St
Design a framework to assure the navigational channel of the River is kept open for canoes and kayaks
Town Departments
River Street
River Corridor
River Corridor
River Corridor
River Corridor
Abbot St/Pomps Pond
Abbott Bridge Dr/Central St
River Corridor
277 N Main Street
River Corridor