III Volume, Trikala 2014 Quotes from popular books 3rd Comenius ebook ‘Wordcrossing”
“WordCrossing”: Comenius project
ΕΛΛΑΔΑ- GREECE 1) "Το ημερολόγιο της Άννας Φρανκ": Anne Frank Anne Frank Quotation Οι γονείς μπορούν μόνο να δώσουν καλές συμβουλές και να δείξουν το σωστό δρόμο, αλλά η τελική διαμόρφωση του χαρακτήρα ενός ανθρώπου βρίσκεται στα δικά του χέρια. “Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.” Anne Frank’ s diary first published in 1947. The diary of Anne Frank is a book written by Anne Frank and first published by her father Otto H. Frank. But, actually “The diary of Anne Frank” is not a book that was meant to be published and make Anne Frank famous worldwide. It was the real diary of a Jew teenage girl who lived in the Second World War. It was a notebook that Anne Frank considered as her only real friend and could write all her secrets and everything that she felt. Anne Frank is a person that I admire for her courage and strength. Actually, after reading her diary I realized that I am very alike with her as she was a teenage girl the same as me. However, she had such a tragic end to her life. But, even though, she achieved her main goal. As she wrote by herself, she wanted to go on living even after her death with her books and she did it without even knowing it. Dimitra Petsa
2) Ο μικρός Νικόλας: Goscinny Le Petit Nicolas (1960) Τι θα ήθελα να κάνω όταν μεγαλώσω; Να κάνω τους ανθρώπους να γελάν. What did I want to do when I grew up ? Make people laugh.
“WordCrossing”: Comenius project
Goscinny was born in Paris in 1926, in a family of Jewish immigrants from Poland. At school he was "the Class Clown”. His family moved to Buenos Aires. When his father died he became a junior illustrator in an advertising agency. Goscinny, along with his mother, left Argentina and went to New York in 1945. To avoid service in the US military, he travelled to France to join the French Army in 1946.Promoted to senior corporal, he became the appointed illustrator of the regiment and drew illustrations and posters for the Two of his most famous works were PILOTE and ASTERIX and LUCKY LUCKE . Le Petit Nicolas (Little Nicholas) is a series of books. It was published for the first time on March 29, 1959. Nicholas is an illustration of an ideal childhood and a nostalgic memory of the 1950s. I love this book because Nicolas is a lot like me, the plot is hilarious and the sketches are so funny. I liked more, the part with the guard! I found it extremely amusing! I think everyone would enjoy reading it. Sofianos Papaeythymiou
3) Τζέην Έιρ: Charlotte Brontë Jane Eyre «Βοήθεια, βοήθεια, βοήθεια!» και έπειτα: «Ρότσεστερ! Ελάτε γρήγορα!» Μία πόρτα άνοιξε. Κάποιος έτρεξε, ή όρμησε κατά μήκος του διαδρόμου. Πάνω μου κάτι έπεσε και υπήρχε ησυχία.» “Help, help, help!” and then: “Rochester! Come quickly!” A door opened. Someone ran. Or rushed, along the passage. Above me something fell and there was silence” Charlotte Brontë, the writer, was born in 1816. She was the third daughter of the Rev. Patrick Brontë and his wife Maria. In 1831 Charlotte became a pupil at the school at Roe Head, but she left school the following year to teach her sisters at home. She returned returns to Roe Head School in 1835 as a governess: for a time her sister Emily attended the same school as a pupil, but became homesick and returned to Haworth. Ann took her place from 1836 to 1837. In 1854 Charlotte, expecting a child,
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caught pneumonia. It was an illness which could have been cured, but she seems to have seized upon it (consciously or unconsciously) as an opportunity of ending her life, and after a lengthy and painful illness, she died, probably of dehydration. It was published on 16 October 1847 Jane Eyre’s parents die when she is very young and she spends a loveless childhood in the care of her aunt and cousins. When she is ten she is sent away to school. Here life is not much better, with little food or warmth. At last she is able to leave school, and she goes to work as a governess. Life in her new home is quiet until her employer, Mr Rochester, suddenly returns. At first Jane has little to do with him, but then their love develops-though threatened by Mr Rochester’s mysterious past.
From my point of view, that book is very special and unique. The plot is very interesting and in this way it keeps you in suspense. It has a mystery which intrigues the interest of the readers. I suggest that everyone should read this book. Areti Tsiami
4) Ο δρόμος για τον Παράδεισο είναι μακρύς: Maroula Kliafa It’s a Long Way To Heaven Kedros, 2003 Φοβάμαι, Ελένη, πως δεν μπορείς να με νιώσεις. Δε φταις εσύ. Εσύ είσαι τυχερή. Ποτέ δε θα αντιμετωπίσεις μια παρόμοια κατάσταση. ….Εσύ τα έχεις όλα: οικονομική άνεση, ομορφιά, έρωτα… Η ζωή είναι δική σου. ….
“WordCrossing”: Comenius project
Eleni, I am afraid you cannot feel me. I cannot blame you. It’s not your fault. You are lucky. You’ll never face a situation like this….You’ve got everything: wealth, beauty, love…. Life is all yours.. Maroula Kliafa was born in 1937 in Trikala, Greece where she still lives with her family. She has studied journalism and she has been entering into literature for more than 40 years. She is also dealing with the study of local history, the collection of folk myths, games and photos. She has written several novels for adolescents and two of them have been translated into Russian and German as well. Besides extracts from her novels have been used in official curriculum by the Greek Ministry of Education. Moreover she has been awarded several prizes by Athens Academy, Greek Literature Club, and Women Union etc. She has also been honored with a doctorate by the Thessaly University. An advertisement for correspondence in a newspaper is the reason of the creation of a strong friendship between two 15-years-old girls that belong to two different worlds: Veronica that comes from Albania with traumatic experiences of abandoning her country, and Eleni, daughter of an urban family of Athens that seems that no problem affects her life. For eight whole months the two friends communicate through correspondence and trust each other their secrets and their dreams. They describe with humor their life in school, they comment every reasonless thing happen, they fall in love, and they are disappointed, but they hope. And suddenly… Suddenly everything change. The communication that they have created is in danger. A secret almost destroys their relationship. Will this secret “kill” their friendship? It is proved that the two girls have so strong a friendship that they remain friends for ever. There are many reasons that I liked that book. First of all, this books aims at certain and modern problems that our contemporary society faces. For instance, the heroes of the book experience the racism and as well as the social isolation. Also, these girls are different and as a result sometimes they feel that they live in the margin. What is more, this book is very interesting, because we read a conversation between two young girls talking about their lives and that matches to the majority of the girls. Finally, the writer does not make any comment about the girls’ behaviors
“WordCrossing”: Comenius project
and she just lets us judge, comment and understand the book according to our point of view. Areti Baltou
QUOTE «Όταν σου αρέσει κάποιος, πρέπει να επιτρέψεις τον εαυτό σου να εκτεθεί ώστε να σε πλησιάσει. Η
“When you like someone, you have to allow yourself to be vulnerable enough to let them in. Love is messy.” A Beautiful Dark is the first book in a captivating trilogy by debut author J Jocelyn Davies. She edits young adult fiction at a publishing house in New York, a job that has allowed her to cultivate a keen interest in all things angsty, hilarious, and/or unrequited. She is a graduate of Bates College, and lives in an apartment overflowing with books. Review On the night of Skye’s seventeenth birthday, she meets two enigmatic strangers. Complete opposites—like fire and ice—Asher is dark and wild, while Devin is fair and aloof. Their sudden appearance sends Skye’s life into a tailspin. She has no idea what they want, or why they seem to follow her every move—only that their presence coincides with a flurry of strange events. Soon she begins to doubt not just the identity of
In the dead of a bitingly cold Colorado winter, Skye finds herself coming to terms with the impossible secret that threatens to shatter her world. Torn between Asher, who she can’t help falling for, and Devin, who she can’t stay away from, the consequences of Skye’s choice will reach further than the three of them could ever imagine. “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
Jocelyn Davies edits young adult fiction at a publishing house in New York, a job that has allowed her to cultivate a keen interest in all things angsty, hilarious, and/or unrequited. She is a graduate of Bates College, and lives in an apartment overflowing with
Publishing year: 22/03/2012 I like this book because it has a lot of mystery, it’s a a haunting and beautiful story, part of what makes it so good, is the mystery behind what exactly is going on. Both in Skye’s life, but also in Skye herself. The reader is given hints, and enough to create a theory as to what’s going on, but it’s not really obvious. There’s not enough to feel like you’ve got it all figured out. And even if you figure out what’s going on with Skye, the bigger picture is an even bigger mystery. These type of books are my favourite! Efi Rangou
6) ΤΙΤΛΟΣ: Το Κινητό: STEPHEN KING TITLE: Cell «Οι εισβολείς σκοτώθηκαν από μικρόβια που ο δικός μας οργανισμός ανέχεται πολύ εύκολα, δε θα ήταν θεία δίκη να πεθάνουν όλοι τους από ιό των υπολογιστών;» “The invaders were killed by gems that our body tolerates easily, wouldn’t it be a nemesis dying all of them by a computer virus?” It’s October 1 and all are normal in Boston’s streets until all people who were talking in phone went crazy and started attacking their fellow men. One team of nonphone users survivors is trying to eliminate the current ‘zombies’ but their number is insane. Meanwhile a father, who is in the team, is trying to find his son but in his way he got caught up by a leader of the ‘zombies’ with his team mates and now they are waiting for their execution….. COMMENTS The Cell is a very nice and enjoyable book in my opinion. It would be a great book to spend your time if you love reading scary and horror stories. I think it isn’t “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
appropriate for children though. The storyline flows very well recounted and has an amazingly huge interesting for the reader. The author, by the way he writes the story, you can easily imagine scenes of the book. The end wasn’t exactly what I was expecting but it was enough to satisfy me. I would like to read it again with the same interest. STEPHEN KING Stephen Edwin King is an American author of horror, suspense, science fiction and fantasy stories, who was born in 1947, Portland. Most of his books have sold more than 350 million copies and some of his books have become movies too. King has received a lot of rewards like Bram Stoker Awards, World Fantasy Awards and British Fantasy Society Awards. King attended Durham School and graduated from Lisbon Falls High School.He displayed an early interest in horror as an avid reader of EC’s horror comics. He began writing for fun while he was still in school. In 1973, King’s first novel Carrie was accepted by publishing house Doubleday. King wrote The Shining which published 1977. King also wrote a few pages of the benefit X-MEN comic book Heroes for Hope Starring the X-Men. Argyris Georgalas
Italo Calvino Le città invisibili Despina. La città e il desiderio La città si presenta differente a chi viene da terra e a chi dal mare.Il cammelliere che vede spuntare all'orizzonte i pinnacoli dei grattacieli, sa che è una città ma pensa a una nave , che lo porti via dal deserto, Nella foschia della costa il marinaio distingue la forma d'una gobba di cammello, sa che è una città, ma la pensa un cammello che lo “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
porti via dal deserto del mare, verso oasi di palme, verso palazzi e cortili in cui ballano scalze le danzatrici. (…) Ogni città riceve la sua forma dal deserto a cui si oppone; è così Despina al confine tra due deserti. Italo Calvino Invisible cities ( first edition 1972 by Einaudi) Despina, The city and the desire The city appears in a different way to those who come from the land and those who come from the sea. The camel driver who sees the pinnacles of the skyscrapers rising on the horizon knows it is a city but thinks of a ship that will take him away from the desert. In the mist of the coast the sailor distinguishes the form of a camel hump, he knows that it is a city, but he thinks it’s a camel that will take him away from the desert of the sea, to the oasis of palm trees, to palaces and courtyards where the dancers dance barefoot . (...) Each city receives its shape from the desert to which it is opposed; this way Despina is the border between two deserts. Italo Calvino (1923-1985) Intellectual of great political commitment to society and culture, he was one of the most important Italian writers of the twentieth century. Invisible cities ( first edition 1972 by Einaudi) The book explores imagination and the imaginable through the descriptions of cities made by Marco Polo, an explorer who is talking with Kublai Khan. The Emperor describes the state of his vast and expanding empire.
Nicolò Ammaniti Io e te ( published in 2010 by Einaudi)
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sapevo che oltre quella porta c'era il mondo che mi aspettava, e io potevo parlare con gli altri come se fossi uno di loro, decidere di fare le cose e farle. Potevo partire, potevo cambiare. “Olivia, mi fai una promessa?” “ Cosa?” “Che non ti droghi più” “ te lo giuro” “ E tu mi prometti che ci rivedremo?” Nicolò Ammaniti Me and You I knew that there was a world beyond that door waiting for me, and I could talk to others as if I were one of them, I could decide to do things and do them. I could leave, I could change. "Olivia, will you make me a promise?" "What?" "That you won’t use drugs anymore "" I promise " "And can you promise we will meet again?"
Nicolo Ammaniti (Born in 1966) He is one of the most famous Italian contemporary writers. In his novels, particularly aimed to young people, he deals with the problems of adolescents and the relationship between parents and children. His most famous book is "I'm Not Scared ". Alessandro Manzoni I Promessi Sposi ( Einaudi 2013- first edition 1840) Dopo un lungo dibattere insieme, conclusero che i guai vengono bensì spesso, perchè ci si è dato cagione; ma la condotta più cauta e innocente non basta a tenerli lontani; e che quando vengono, o per colpa e senza colpa, la fiducia in Dio li raddolcisce e li rende utili per una vita migliore.
Alessandro Manzoni The Betrothed After debating together for a long time, they concluded that troubles often come because one caused them; but the most cautious and innocent conduct is not enough to “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
keep them away, and that when troubles come, with or without fault or negligence , the trust in God softens them and makes them useful for a better life.
Alessandro Manzoni (1785-1873) He is considered one of the most important authors of Italian Romanticism and father of the nineteenth-century novel in Italy. Originally a follower of the Enlightenment, he converted to Catholicism after his stay in Paris. His major works: the Odes, the tragedies, and the novel "The Betrothed" are based on Providence and Christian values.
Ryszard Kapuściński, In viaggio con Erodoto ( published in 2013 by Feltrinelli ,Translated into Italian by Vera Verdiani, ( first published in 2004) Non si sa esattamente cosa spinga l'uomo a girare il mondo . La curiosità? Il desiderio di avventura? Il continuo bisogno di stipirsi? Chi perde la capacità di stupirsi è un uomo interiormente svuotato, ha il cuore bruciato. Chi considera tutto un dejà vu e non riesce a stupirsi di nirente ha perso la cosa più preziosa, l'amore per la vita.
Ryszard Kapuściński, Travels with Herodothus “We do not really know what draws a human being out into the world. Is it curiosity? A hunger for experience? An addiction to wonderment? The man who ceases to be astonished is hollow, possessed of an extinguished heart. If he believes that everything has already happened, that he has seen it all, then something most precious has died within him—the delight in life.”
“WordCrossing”: Comenius project
Ryszard Kapuściński ( 1932-2007) Ryszard Kapuściński was a famous Polish journalist. He was born on March 4th 1932 in Pinsk.He worked for the Polish press since 1981.He was shortlisted for the Nobel Prize for literature, but he also won other awards, including the “Principe de Asturias” in 2003. He died on January 2007.Travels with Herodothus is one of the several books based on travels and journeys. The original title was “Podròze Z Herodotem”. The first edition was published in 2004.Since then, Travels with Herodothus has been translated into more than thirty languages and sold about one million copies. It appeared in Italian in 2005.
“WordCrossing”: Comenius project
Giacomo Ulivi Lettera IV, 1942 '(…) il più è non perdersi mai d'animo, non piegarsi mai, non guardare l'ostacolo : ma solo la meta!' '(…) the most important thing is never to lose heart, never give in, not to look at the obstacle: but only at the aim!' Giacomo Ulivi, Letter IV to Ennio Loyola, August 1942
Giacomo Ulivi, Spiritual testament letter written in prison for his friends, to whom it was never sent. ‘sempre tutte le pillole ci sono state propinate col dolce intorno; tutto è stato ammantato di retorica: facciamoci forza, impariamo a sentire l'amaro; non dobbiamo celarlo con un paravento ideale, perché nell'ombra si dilati indisturbato.’ Giacomo Ulivi, Lettera testamento spirituale scritta in carcere per amici, ai quali non fu mai spedita ‘So far all the pills have been given to us with something sweet around them; everything has been covered with rhetoric: let's be strong, let’s learn to taste the bitterness; we cannot hide it behind an ideal screen and let it grow undisturbed in the shadow.’
Giacomo Ulivi was born in Parma on 29th October 1925. After completing his classical studies he entered the faculty of Law at university, where he developed his ideas against Fascism. In 1943 he entered the Italian Resistance. He was captured twice and managed to escape, but he was taken again and was shot by the Fascists in Modena on 10th November 10, 1944. He was only 19.
“WordCrossing”: Comenius project
HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE 1. Quote: “The truth. It is a terrible and beautiful thing, and should therefore be treated with great care”. “La verdad. Es una cosa terrible y hermosa, y por lo tanto debe ser tratada con gran cuidado”. 2. Writer biography: Joanne rowling was born in july of 1965 in UK. She studied in Exeter university where she studied french philosophy. In 1992 she got married and one year later a daughter was born from that relationship. When the relationship crashed ,she and her daughter Jessica came back to the U.K, where she wrote her first book, which appeared four years later,Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. After having a great success with this first book,
continued writing books.
J.K.Rowling,at the present is 48 years old. The Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone and the others books by J.K Rowling are a novel from teenagers. she write a lot of books of harry potter, in total she has written seven books, which have been released succesfully into films. 3. Name and year from the publication:Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone-1997 4. Translated by: English-Spanish: Alicia Dellepiane Rawson , Adolfo Muñoz Garcia , Nieves Martín Azofra. 5. Name of the publishing house: Salamandra 6. Short summary: Harry Potter is an orphan boy brought home with his uncle , the Dursleys. His parents died in a car accident when he was barely a year, since then he has a small lightning -shaped scar on his forehead. Harry Potter 's life is not easy. For one thing he does not understand his uncles and his cousin seem to hate him, just because he consider him to be different, different. But he is a normal guy ... Or not? 7. Personal comment: " Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone " is the first book in the series of adventures of boy wizard Harry Potter. A saga that has achieved worldwide an important achievement : making children , adolescents and older are encouraged to read . The author, J. K. Rowling, has attracted everyone's attention with this character emerged under the mixture beings of the most distinct trends : tradition, superstition , mythology, fantasy literature, ... Perhaps the most remarkable feature of this first book is so unique and enjoyable way that Rowling has narrating events. It is a direct language, with many explanations but without an overly “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
complicated lexicon. We could define it as the genuine story we all want to hear sitting around a fireplace on a cold winter night. Possibly this is one of the secrets of this young wizard , his way of being, with his acting and , above all, for being a completely normal child that could identify any kid his age , has captured the hearts of millions of readers around the world. Mariona Queralt i Clara Sànchez HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS 1.Quote: “Estaré en mi habitación sin hacer ruido, pretendiendo que no existo” “I’ll be in my room quietly, pretending I do not exist.“ 2. Writer biography: Joanne rowling was born in july of 1965 in UK. She studied in Exeter university where she studied french philosophy. In 1992 she got married and one year later a daughter was born from that relationship. When the relationship crashed ,she and her daughter Jessica came back to the U.K, where she wrote her first book, which appeared four years later,Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. After having a great success with this first book,
continued writing books.
J.K.Rowling,at the present is 48 years old. The Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone and the others books by J.K Rowling are a novel from teenagers. she write a lot of books of harry potter, in total she has written seven books, which have been released succesfully into films. 3. Name and year from the publication: “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets“ the 2nd of July in 1998 4. Translated by:Adolfo Muñoz Garcia y Nieves Martín Azofra. 5.Name of the publishing house:Salamandra 6. Short summary: Harry Potter, having completed his first year at Hogwarts and having spent the summer with his aunt and uncle, is preparing himself for his second year at Hogwarts school of magic. He happens to meet, Dobby, a small elf who warns him not go to Hogwarts this year, because He would be in danger. once he’s at the school, a message appears on the walls revealing that the chamber of Secrets has been opened, and that Slytherin’s son is killing all pupils with impure blood. Harry finds a diary, whose owner Tom Riddle he would later discover that it was the real name of Lord “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
Voldemort. Harry discovers the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets to rescue Ginny Ron's sister, who had been manipulated by Voldemort messages. 7. Personal comment: " Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets " is the second book in the series of adventures of boy wizard Harry Potter. A saga that has achieved worldwide an important achievement : making children , adolescents and older are encouraged to read . The author, J. K. Rowling, has attracted everyone's attention with this character emerged under the mixture beings of the most distinct trends : tradition, superstition , mythology, fantasy literature. We could define it as the genuine story we all want to hear sitting around a fireplace on a cold winter night. Possibly this is one of the secrets of this young wizard , his way of being, with his acting and , above all, for being a completely normal child that could identify any kid his age , has captured the hearts of millions of readers around the world. Daniel Berrio, Abel Esteller i Santiago Puentes
HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN 1. Quote: “¿Piensas que los muertos a los que hemos querido nos abandonan del todo? ¿No crees que los recordamos especialmente en los mayores apuros? Tu padre vive en ti, Harry, y se manifiesta más claramente cuando lo necesitas.” “You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don’t recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble? Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself most plainly when you have need of him.” 2. Writer biography: Joanne rowling was born in july of 1965 in UK. She studied in Exeter university where she studied french philosophy. In 1992 she got married and one year later a daughter was born from that relationship. When the relationship crashed ,she and her daughter Jessica came back to the U.K, where she wrote her first book, which appeared four years later,Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. After having a great success with this first book,
continued writing books.
J.K.Rowling,at the present is 48 years old. The Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone and the “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
others books by J.K Rowling are a novel from teenagers. she write a lot of books of harry potter, in total she has written seven books, which have been released succesfully into films. Now she's a married woman who has 2 children. 3. Name and year from the publication: “Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban” published on the 8th of July in 1999. 4. Translated by:Adolfo Muñoz Garcia y Nieves Martín Azofra. 5. Published by:Salamandra 6. Short Summary: This book talks about Harry’s parents and friends. In this book Harry is 13 years old and for the first time he feels love and hate. The plot of the book describes a dangerous murderer, Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban, who is willing to find and kill Harry. We also know that he was the first person to escape from the wizard prison and nobody knows how. Many say he acquired such powers when he was on the side of Lord Voldemort. 7.Personal Comment: The Harry Potter’s saga has been one of the most successful sagas in the world. I think that this book is very interesting and I totally suggest it to the people who has free time and have fun with this kind of books. Alba Rodríguez Onieva, Ferran Romero, Gemma Borrueco Mariblanca
“I que la sort us acompanyi sempre” “And may the odds be ever in your favor!” 2.
Suzanne Collins 3.
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She is a novelist and screenwriter. In September 2008, she published “The Hunger Games”, the first book of her incredible trilogy. The trilogy's second book, “Catching Fire”, was released in September 2009, and its third book, “Mockingjay”, was released on 2010. they had been on The New York Times Bestseller list for more than 60 weeks so they became very famous. 4.
Name of the translator
Pilar Ramírez Tello is the woman, who translate the book from English to Spanish. 5.
The Hunger Games is a competition whose main aim is to survive in the battlefield, but only one of the 24 tributes (two for each district, one girl and one boy) can return home alive, and the other 23 have to die. Katniss volunteers in the 74th Hunger Games in order to save her sister. Starting the competition Katniss was really afraid for having to kill other people but she fought so intelligently that finally she got the objective and her partner tribute Peeta Mellark survived too. 6.
Personal opinion
I enjoyed a lot the book because it talks about society and classes and how the money influence on the life. I recommend Hunger games because it’s very interesting and you can learn a lot of things.
Pau Castelltort, Ferran Gil i Rosó Baulida
THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
PART II 1.-Quote: “Mirada clara, barbilla arriba y sigue sonriendo. Te estoy hablando a ti, Katniss” “Eyes bright, chins up, smiles on. I'm talking to you, Katniss.” 2.- Writer’s biography: Suzanne Collins was born in August of 1962, she was writing. She wrote the trilogy of the hunger games. Her career in 1991. Suzanne Collins wrote the trilogy of the hunger games in 2008, this books are the best books who was written. 3.-Number and year from the publication: 1 September 2009 4.-Name from the translator: Pilar Ramírez Tello 5.- Name of the publishing house:RBA Libros.S.A 6.- Short summary: Katniss Everdeen with Peeta Mellark won the 74th Hunger Games, and for celebrate the 75th anniversary choose those that have won in previous times. They are chosen for them to return to play in the Hunger Games.While the Cornucopia be allied with someone and who are allied to the Finnick, Beetee Johanna and Wiress. In the end nobody ends up winning. 7.- Short comment: This book is for all the ages but that are read more are the teenagers because is a novel that has got action, science fiction and adventure. It’s an interesting book because you don’t know what will happen.
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Sara Segura, Jana Folch
MOCKINGJAY PART III 1. Quote: “El foc s’escampa! I si nosaltres cremem, us cremareu amb nosaltres!” “Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!”
2. Author: Suzanne Collins 3. Biography of Suzanne Collins (1962) Suzanne Collins has had a successful and prolific career writing for children's television. She has worked on the staffs of several Nickelodeon shows, including the Emmynominated hit Clarissa Explains It All and The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo. Collins made her mark in children's literature with the New York Times bestselling five-book series for middle-grade readers The Underland Chronicles, which has received numerous accolades in both the United States and abroad. In the award-winning The Hunger Games trilogy, Collins continues to explore the effects of war and violence on those coming of age. Collins lives with her family in Connecticut. 4. Translator: Armand Carabén “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
5. Short Summary Katniss challenges and wins the Capitol another time. She survived at the last hunger games, but she’s away from Peeta. The Capitol doesn’t like losing and the president Snow wants revenge. He has warned that everyone is in danger: Katniss’ family and friends and all the people from the 12 district. She becomes a symbol of the revolution, and the rebels prepare themselves for the final battle. 6. Publication date: 24th August 2010 7. Publisher: Scholastic 8. Personal comment: The Hunger Games is an amazing book, once you start reading you can’t stop! The fact that the book is about the future is very interesting and it isn’t boring.
Marti Riba , Maria Carmona
1 Polish Władca pierścieni „ Wyjmując Pierścień z kieszeni Frodo zamierzał go cisnąć w sam środek płomieni na kominku. Lecz teraz zrozumiał, że nie zdobędzie się na to, przynajmniej nie bez ciężkiej walki. W rozterce ważył Pierścień na dłoni i z wysiłkiem przywoływał na pamięć wszystko, co Gandalf mu opowiedział.”
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English The Lord of the Rings “Taking the ring out from his pocket, Frodo was going to throw it into the heart of flames in the fireplace. But now he understood that he won’t do this, at least without real fight. He was torn inside and weighing the ring on his hand , he was putting a lot effort to remind everything what Gandalf told him.” Author:
English philologist and writer. He is the author of many stories taking place in a mythical world. Number and year when the edition published: ISBN 83-7319-172-0, Warszawa 2002 Name Name
of of
the publisher:
translator: Warszawskie
Skibniewska Literackie
Summary of the book: "The Lord of the Rings" is a fantastic novel, which takes place in a fictional world called Middleearth. This place is inhabited by Hobbits – creatures similar to human beings, but much smaller. The Lord of the Rings is an entity named Sauron, the Dark Lord, who long ago lost the One Ring that contains much of his power. His overriding desire is to reclaim the Ring and use it to enslave all of Middle-earth.
The main
character of the novel is a Hobbit named Frodo. Frodo inherits his uncle mysterious ring, which he can
Personal comments: At each step of the book, we can observe compensated struggle between good and evil. I recommend it to all fans of history, fantasy and suspenseful stories. (Michał Stępień)
“WordCrossing”: Comenius project
2 Polish Hobbit “Tak śmiali się i śpiewali mieszkańcy tego lasu. Nic mądrego, powiecie zapewne. Ale ich by to nie wzruszyło, śmialiby się jeszcze głośniej, gdybyście im to powiedzieli. Bo to były oczywiście elfy. Kiedy ciemność zapadła na dobre, Bilbo dostrzegł je wśród drzew.” English The Hobbit “In this way all of forest residents were laughing and singing. You might say that it isn’t smart at all . But if you told them that they wouldn’t be impressed much , they would laugh louder.Because they were elves of course.But when it got dark completely, Bilbo noticed them among the trees.” Author:
English philologist and writer. He is the author of many stories taking place in a mythical world. Number and year when the edition published: ISBN 978-83-244-0213-7, Warszawa 2012 Name
Name of publisher: Wydawnictwo ISKRY Summary of the book: “The Hobbit” is the story of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who lives in Hobbiton. A Hobbit is a small creature half the size of a man. They have no beards and hairy feet with a tendency for rotund stomachs. They tend to be farmers and rarely go on adventures. Beyond the borders of their people, few have ever heard of them. Bilbo enjoys a peaceful and pastoral life but his life is interrupted by a surprise visit by the wizard Gandalf. Before Bilbo is able to improve upon the situation, Gandalf has invited himself to tea and when he arrives, he comes with a company of dwarves led by Thorin. They are embarking on a journey to recover lost treasure that is guarded by the dragon Smaug, at the Lonely Mountain Personal comments:
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This book is really worth reading for everyone, who likes adventure novels. I recommend it to all teenagers who want to escape from the real world. (Mariusz Zagórski) 3 Polish Dziewczyna i wilk “Wilczek wahał się, rozdarty między obawą a nieodpartym pragnieniem oddania się, zaufania i znalezienia oparcia. Pozostali tak przez długą chwilę, twarzą w twarz, odczuwając tajemnicze wzajemne przyciąganie. Aurelia wyczuwała wewnętrzna walkę wilczka i zdawała sobie sprawę z tego, iż łamie pierwotne prawa zakazanego dla niej świata.’ English Girl and the wolf “Small wolf was hasitating , it was torn inside between its fear and the desire to be loved and trust anyone. They stood in this position for a while , face to face ,they were feeling mysterious emotion to each other.Aurelia was feeling extreme struggling that was inside the body of small wolf and she knew that she is breaking native rules of forbidden for her World.” Author: Elina Vincent Elina Vincent's seventeen years old. When she started writing the novel "The Girl and the Wolf", was, like the heroine, fifteen years old. It's senior year student of the class in one of Paris' high schools. Number and year when the edition published: ISBN 83-60022-00-3, Krosno 2005 Name of the translator: Violetta Turek – Lacastaigneratte Name of publisher: Dom Wydawniczy BELA MED Summary of the book: Book by Elina Vincent Fri "The Girl and the Wolf, is a novel for young people, but also sensitive people. It tols about fifteen years old Allie, orphaned by parents who died in a tragic accident. In central Canada, the land of wild and beautiful, surrounded by loved ones, choose the association of a lost, scared, but really the intelligent and loyal wolf who has just lost his mother. Additionally, her life comes a young Frenchman, Matheiu, who tries to get close to the girl, and get to know her better, and understand the world. It's a great story, saying that life is not always beautiful, but “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
sometimes cruel. It tols about the great friendship that does not appear only between people but also between man and animal. Personal comments: Reading it, I threw the tears in your eyes, because it created in me a great excitement and emotions. Certainly more than once I will read it again. (Patrycja Misztal) 4 Polish Odyseja “Odys przy ognisku Usiadł, lecz się odwrócił w ciemność od połysku, Bowiem pomyślał sobie, że przy tym nóg myciu Blizna, jaką ma, łatwo podpadnie odkryciu. Starka zaś, przystąpiwszy, poczęła myć pana, I zaraz ją poznała.” English Odyssey “Odis sat at the fire but he turned around into the darkness because of the shining.He started thinking that during washing his legs, the scar that he’s got might be visible.Starka started to wash his lord’s body and she recognised it.” Author: Homer Homer was a Greek traveling singer. It is believed that he is the father of ancient epic poetry. He is the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. It is considered that Homer was blind. Homer was unique among the poets of his time. He used special style called Homeric, characterized by a large number of epithets. Number and year when the edition published: ISBN 83-88944-38-X, Wrocław 2001 Name
Name of publisher: Wydawnictwo SIEDMIOGRÓD Summary of the book: The poem mainly centers on the Greek hero Odysseus (known as Ulysses in Roman myths) and his journey home after the fall of Troy. It takes Odysseus ten years to reach Ithaca after the ten-year Trojan War. In his absence, it is assumed he has died, and his wife Penelope and son Telemachus “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
must deal with a group of unruly suitors, the Mnesteres or Proci, who compete for Penelope's hand in marriage. Personal comments: Odysseus is a very important and really positive character. He taught us that we should not be put off by anything. We have to to fight for our goals and dreams. Do not worry if something goes wrong. Polish proverb says: "After the storm, the sun always comes.” (Roksana Dłużniak 5 Polish Mały Książe “ Dorośli nigdy nie potrafią sami zrozumieć. A dzieci bardzo męczy konieczność stałego objaśniania. Musiałem wybrać sobie inny zawód: zostałem pilotem. Latałem po całym świecie i muszę przyznać, że znajomość geografii bardzo mi się przydała.” English The Little Prince “Adults are never able to understand that. And children are really tired of explaining. I had to choose other job : I became a pilot. I was flying around the World and I have to admit that geography knowledge was really important and gave me a lot.’ Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900 -1944)
de Saint-Exupéry is both a pioneer of aviation and a well-known French writer. He was born in Lyon, France, in 1900. At an early age, he dreamed of a life of adventure and wanted to become a naval officer. Unfortunately, he failed the exam to qualify him for naval officer training school. As a result, he turned his attention to the field of aviation.
1939, when France went to war with Germany, Saint-Exupéry immediately enlisted in the army, hoping to become a military pilot in the war effort. He accomplished many missions over occupied France. On July 31, 1944, Saint-Exupéry left for his last mission. His plane was destroyed by the Germans over the Mediterranean. Number and year when the edition published: ISBN 83-900983-9-3, Toruń 2005 Name
Name of publisher: Wydawnictwo ALGO Summary of the book:
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“The Little Prince” is the most popular of the books written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. With a timeless charm it tells the story of a little boy from Asteroid B-612.
The hero of the
book isis a simple, mystical, creature. One day a seed arrives on his planet and blooms into a beautiful flower. Though the flower is lovely, it is vain and irritates the Prince. Finally he leaves his planet, to escape the flower. After visiting several asteroids, the Little Prince reaches Earth, where he meets the narrator in the Sahara Desert. His adventures on six different planets are recounted, including the encounters with the king, the vain man,
the drunkard, the businessman,
the lamplighter, the geographer, the snake, the fox, and planets and meets many people, whom he questions about life.
the narrator. He visits many In particular, he wants to
understand the existence and pastimes of adults on Earth. He tries to find his answers from a snake, a fox, and the narrator. The story ends when The Little Prince finds the answers to his questions about what is important in life. When he realizes his love for the flower, he accepts that he must return to his star to care for the rose. He makes arrangements with the poisonous snake to bite him. Personal
For me it is a charming story about amazing friendship between two people - an adult pilot, and a little boy. In the Little Prince’s stories we can see the truth about ourselves. He has learned from the fox that the important things in life cannot be seen with the eye, only felt with the heart. In the book, Saint-Exupéry explains the importance of true friendship, relationships and what is essential in life. For children it is beautiful, interesting and funny tale about the boy who looks a friend. For adults, short, well-written story about themselves. Therefore, this is the book good for everybody, everywhere and in every age. I truly recommend it and I promise that you will never regret reading. (Katarzyna Prusek)
6 Polish Buszujący w zbożu “Problem ze mną polega na tym, że zawsze w końcu muszę czytać wszystkie sztuki, żeby mieć o nich pojęcie. Kiedy aktor recytuje swoją kwestię, nie jestem w stanie złapać sensu, bo wciąż się niepokoję, czy za chwilę go nie poniesie i nie zacznie się popisywać.” English The Catcher in the Rye
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“The problem with me is that in the end I always have to read all of those plays to know something about them. When an actor recites his lines , I don’t get any ideas what is it about because I am still nerous if he suddenly gets furious and starts to flaunt.” Author: Jerome David Salinger (1919-2010) Jerome David Salinger - American writer. He began writing at the age of 15 years. His
The protagonists of his works are young people seeking the meaning of life, love, hope. Number and year when the edition published: ISBN 978-83-7359-555, Warszawa 2009 Name of the translator: Magdalena Słysz Name of publisher: Wydawnictwo ALBATROS Summary of the book: “The Catcher in the Rye” is narrated by a young man named Holden Caulfield. Confused and disillusioned, he searches for truth. Holden is not specific about his location while he’s telling the story, but he makes it clear that he is in a mental hospital or sanatorium. The events he narrates take place in the few days between the end of the fall school term and Christmas, when Holden is sixteen years old. Holden’s story begins on the Saturday following the end of classes at the Pencey prep school in Agerstown, Pennsylvania. Pencey is Holden’s fourth school. He has already failed out of three others. At Pencey, he has failed four out of five of his classes and has received notice that he is being expelled, but he is not scheduled to return home to Manhattan until Wednesday. He visits his elderly history teacher, Spencer, to say goodbye, but when Spencer tries to reprimand him for his poor academic performance, Holden becomes annoyed. He tells us also that the one thing he would like to be is the catcher in the rye. He would stand near the edge of a cliff, by a field of rye, and catch any of the playing children who, in their abandon, come close to falling off. Holden ends his narrative, telling the reader that he is not going to tell the story of how he went home and got sick. He plans to go to a new school in the fall and is cautiously optimistic about his future. Personal comments: This is an excellent book for young readers, lost and rebellious. The novel covers a period of adolescence, puberty, forming their own views of the world, for themselves and other people. The writer showed typical teenage rebellion, but also honesty. I recommend this book very much. (Tomasz Woźniczka)
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ROMANIA Geargiana Vasut 1. Jane Eyre Quotes "Pot trai singura daca respectul de sine si circumstantele imi vor cere acest lucru. Nu trebuie sa imi vand sufletul pentru a cumpara fericirea. Port in mine o comoara care ma poate tine in viata daca toate bucuriile din afara vor diparea sau vor fi oferite la un pret pe care nu mi-l pot permite"
“I can live alone, if self-respect, and circumstances require me so to do. I need not sell my soul to buy bliss. I have an inward treasure born with me, which can keep me alive if all extraneous delights should be withheld, or offered only at a price I cannot afford to give.” Summary I loved that book, "Jane Eyre". It tells the story of a "wicked" little girl who grows up without her parents, a girl who learns how to truly live. She learns how to take care of herself in a harsh world, how to fight for what she wants and how to depend on no one but herself. Jane finds out that love means to love someone for their character, not only for their looks, to love the ones who least deserve it, for they need it the most. Most of all, she learns the difficult lesson of forgiveness. And eventually, from a troublesome child, she becomes a beautiful women inside and out. Maria Groza 2.
." Charlie si fabrica de ciocolata” Charlie and the chocolate factory
Quotes "Totul in acesta incapere poate fi mancat. Chiar si eu pot fi mancat dar acest lucru s-ar numi canibalism, lucru care este desconsiderat in majoritatea societatilor”
“WordCrossing”: Comenius project
“Everything in this room is edible. Even I'm edible. But, that would be called canibalism. It is looked down upon in most societies.”
Summary “
Totul din
cannibalism.Este consideratjosnic in majoritateasocietatilor.” A poor young boy, named Charlie Bucket, wins a tour through the most magnificent chocolate factory in the world, led by the world's most unusual candy maker, Willy Wonka. With him are an obese, gluttonous boy named Augustus Gloop, a spoiled brat named Veruca Salt, a record-breaking gum chewer named Violet Beauregarde, andMike Teavee, an aspiring gangster who is unhealthily obsessed with television. Ardreea Murvai 3. The Memoirs of a Geisha Quotes ‘’Sperantele sunt ca si ornamentele de par. Fetele vor sa poarte prea multe. Cand ele imbatranesc arata ridicol purtand doar una.’’ ‘’ Hopes are like hair ornaments. Girls want to wear too many of them. When they become old women they look silly wearing even one.’’ Summary The book tells us the story of a little girl who tries to gain her freedom by becoming a geisha. Sayuri's story begins in a poor fishing village in 1929, when, as a nine year old with unusual bluegray eyes, she is taken from her home and sold into slavery to a geisha house. A few years later Saiyuri is given money and a handkerchief in the street by a strange but kind man known as the Chairman. From that moment she falls in love with him and she decides that every step she will take will be to bring herself closer to him. Georgiana Fericean 4. Chira Chiralina CITATUL:"[...]dear Dragomir, if you can't be honest just be like your sister or your mother can be even a thief, but one with soul, because a man without soul is like a dead man who doesn't let the living live." “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
Summary This book is a tragic, romantic, adventurous and glamorous story about two brothers: Dragomir and Chira. They were brought near a mother who was born for body pleasures, not for maternity. Dragomir and Chira tasted the temtations of vice when they were just young children. Along of adventurous character, innumerable events that they were subjected to, the story Chira Chiralina presents the character of human's body. When she felt that she would die, she told her daughter her last some world "Chira if you're not given to live in that cleaning which is come from God, never be an honest hypocrites. Don't mock God and always be what he made you, live your life how you feel and if you want to be a bitch be one with heart."
Zete Silvia 5. Chira Chiralina 'Cuz the goodness of one single man is more powerful than the wickedness of thousands men." "Căci bunătatea unui singur om este cu mult mai puternică decât răutatea miilor de oameni." Summary Chira Chiralina is an adventure book, which present life of two children born in Turkey. They were raised by their mother, who let them grown up in company of small pleasures of body, because that was her passion. In the long run, Chira was part her mother show. By this time, Dragomir was sitting at the window as a guard. He did this thing because her father, and his older brother came unannounced and beat them until their blood flowed. They made this with no reason, and very frequently. Their father was sitting in another house, in the other side of town, and he came all the time accompanied by his older son, just to hurt them. The most interesting part of the book was when the last representation of Chira and her mother take place. As usual, their father came and beat them. He caught her children with the house turned, and he realized that his mother had guests. He and his older son knocked them more loudly as usual, and took Chira and Dragomir's mother in a cellar, and closed her there. Chira was closed in a limber box, and Dragomir “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
was taken with them as a slave. That was the way Dragomir and Chira life was spent..All day arranging and made them look better, and at night at representations.
Deniss Blisariu • 6. The Lady of the Camellias Quotes “We find everything in little things. The child is little, but he close the man, the brain has no room to swing a cat in, but it hides the thinking. The eye is only a point, but it hugs the space.” “ Totul se gaseste in putin. Copilul e mic, dar inchide omul, creierul e stramt, dar adaposteste gandirea. Ochiul nu e decat un punct, dar imbratiseaza spatiul.” Summary The theme of the Lady of the Camellias is a love story between Marguerite Gautier, a "demimondaine" suffering from tuberculosis, and a young provincial bourgeois, Armand Duval. The narration of the love story is told by Duval himself to the (unnamed) narrator of the book. She is named as the Lady of the camellias because she wears a white camellia when she is available to her lover(s) and a red one when her delicate condition precludes making love.
TURKEY 1. Serenad The quotation in Turkish : “ Aşk bir uçurumun kenarında gözü kapalı yürümektir.” The quotation in English : “Love is to walk with closed eyes on the edge of a cliff.” “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
The author´s short biography : Zülfü Livaneli was born in Ilgin, Turkey in 1946 .He is a Turkish folk musician (singer and composer), novelist, newspaper columnist, and film director who has been highly popular for decades. He is also a prominent left-wing and social-democrat politician, and was a member of the Turkish parliament for one term. Livaneli has been a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador since 1996. The edition number / publishing year : Published in March 2011 by Doğan Kitap (first published 2011) Short summary of the book : Serenade tells a love lasting for 60 years. It is about Holocaust that everyone knows and the Blue Regiment that a few people know and the fact that the real people who are oppressed in all political problems are always human beings. Personal review : I learned lots of historical facts through this book .Unbelievable things happened in the past and it's a great shame I had no idea about them. Fantastic book, moving story. ( Reviewed by Tayfur Kunt) 2. Think of a Number The quotation in Turkish : “Her cinayet ardında unutulmayacak bir iz bırakır.” The quotation in English : “Every murder leaves an impression which will not be forgotten afterwards.” The author´s short biography : John Verdon was born in The United States , in 1942 .He has held several executive positions with Manhattan advertising firms, but like his protagonist, he recently relocated with his wife to rural upstate New York. The edition number / publishing year : Published in April 2011 by Koridor publishing (first published 2011) Translated into Turkish by Cemile Özyakan.
“WordCrossing”: Comenius project
Short summary of the book : Arriving in the mail over a period of weeks are taunting letters that end with a simple declaration, “Think of any number…picture it…now see how well I know your secrets.” Amazingly, those who comply find that the letter writer has predicted their random choice exactly. For Dave Gurney, just retired as the NYPD’s top homicide investigator and forging a new life with his wife, Madeleine, in upstate New York, the letters are oddities that begin as a diverting puzzle but quickly ignite a massive serial murder investigation. Personal review : This book is an exciting read, which pulls you in from the first word, and digs its claws in deep. I’ve found this to be one of the most original mysteries I’ve read in a long time. Gurney is a complex character and the way his mind works is fascinating as he unravels the tangled threads that have knotted around him. I highly recommend this book! ( Reviewed by Ezgi Alkaya ) 3. Aşk (Love) The quotation in Turkish : “Gel, gel ne olursan ol yine gel ! İster kafir, ister Mecusi, ister puta tapan ol yine gel, Bizim dergahımız, ümitsizlik dergahı değildir. Yüz kere tövbeni bozmuş olsan da yine gel.” The quotation in English : "Come, come again, whoever you are, come! Heathen, fire worshipper or idolatrous, come! Come even if you broke your penitence a hundred times, Ours is the portal of hope, come as you are." The author´s short biography : Elif Şafak was born in Strasbourg, France, in 1971. She is an award-winning novelist and the most widely read woman writer in Turkey. Critics have named her as "one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary Turkish and world literature". Her books have been translated into more than thirty languages and she was awarded the honorary distinction of Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters. Shafak has published eleven books, eight of which are novels. She writes fiction in both Turkish
“WordCrossing”: Comenius project
and English. Shafak blends Western and Eastern traditions of storytelling, bringing out the myriad stories of women, minorities, immigrants, subcultures, youth and global souls. The edition number / publishing year : Published March 2010 by Doğan Kitap (first published 2009) Short summary of the book : Ella Rubenstein is forty years old and unhappily married when she takes a job as a reader for a literary agent. Her first assignment is to read and report on Sweet Blasphemy, a novel written by a man named Aziz Zahara. Ella is mesmerized by his tale of Shams's search for Rumi and the dervish's role in transforming the successful but unhappy cleric into a committed mystic, passionate poet, and advocate of love. She is also taken with Shams's lessons, or rules, that offer insight into an ancient philosophy based on the unity of all people and religions, and the presence of love in each and every one of us. As she reads on, she realizes that Rumi's story mirrors her own and that Zahara —like Shams—has come to set her free. Personal review : It gives some insight into the religious differences between Muslim and Christian. It shares some philosophy and reason for Rumi's ascent as one of the greatest poets of all time. it was a wonderful read for anyone interested in Rumi, the Sufi philosopy, or anyone wanting to live a more lovecentered life. If you have read any of Rumi's poetry and enjoyed it, you should consider reading this novel. (Reviewed by Gizem Çetin ) 4. The Hunger Games 1-2-3 The quotation in Turkish : “Hayatta kalmak için öldürmek zorundasın.” The quotation in English : “You have to kill in order to survive.” The author´s short biography : Suzanne Collins was born in Hartford, Connecticut, The United States in 1962 .She has been busy writing for children’s television since 1991. She has worked on the staffs of several Nickelodeon “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
shows, including the Emmy-nominated hit Clarissa Explains it All and The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo. For preschool viewers, she penned multiple stories for the Emmy-nominated Little Bear and Oswald. She also co-wrote the critically acclaimed Rankin/Bass Christmas special, Santa, Baby! Most recently she was the Head Writer for Scholastic Entertainment’s Clifford’s Puppy Days. The edition number / publishing year : Published in 2012 by Pegasus Publication (first published 2008) Translated into Turkish by Sevinç Tezcan. Short summary of the book : In a dark vision of the near future, a terrifying reality TV show is taking place. Twelve boys and twelve girls are forced to appear in a live event called the Hunger Games. There is only one rule: kill or be killed. When sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen steps forward to take her sister's place in the games, she sees it as a death sentence. But Katniss has been close to death before. For her, survival is second nature. Personal review : I read all three books of the trilogy. I can't imagine reading any of the books without reading all of them in order. I really like the characters in this book, they are so wonderful, my favorite character is Katniss. I think she is so brave! It is defenitly worth reading. ( Reviewed by Cem Celal Tellioğlu ) 5. Kyra Kyralina The quotation in Turkish : “Dostluk en değerli mücevherdir. Kaybetmemek için özen gösteriniz.” The quotation in English : “Friendship is the most precious jewel. Please, take great care in order not to lose it ! ” The author´s short biography :
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Panait Istrate was born in the Danube port Brăila in Romania, on 11th August 1884 He studied in primary school for six years in Baldovineşti, after being held back twice. Then he earned his living as an apprentice to a tavern-keeper, then as a pastry cook and peddler. In the meantime, he was a prolific reader. He had written to the French writer he admired most, Romain Rolland, with whom he had tried to get in touch for long. Rolland received the letter through the Police, and immediately replied to this letter. In 1923 Istrati's story Kyra Kyralina (or Chira Chiralina) was published (with a preface by Rolland). Romain Rolland declared him "Gorki of the Balkan countries". Isolated and unprotected, Panait Istrati died of tuberculosis at Filaret Sanatorium in Bucharest on 18th April,1935. The edition number / publishing year : Published in 2011 by Culture Publications of İşbank (first published 1923) Translated into Turkish by Bertan Onaran. Short summary of the book : Stavro and Kyra meet Nazım Efendi at an inn. They get along with him well. Nazım Efendi takes Kira to the harem at the Palace and Stavro goes to İstanbul. While he is walking around in İstanbul, he feels faint. A man helps him. He tells the man he is looking for his big sister and mother. He also looks for them everywhere, but he can’t find. Starvo leaves the men’s house and comes to Beirut. He is in distress because he hasn’t got an identity card. One of his friends who knows his situation often wants him to give money by threatening him. That’s why, he goes to Damascus, and he stays at a bad hotel. His money is stolen at this hotel. One day , while he is walking in the streets of Damascus, he sees Kyra and runs towards her but he can’t catch her. The book tells about Stavro’s adventures while he is looking for his sister. Personal review : If you read this book, you can understand more quickly what, when and how you should do. This book taught us to catch happiness and to continue life what may happen to us. ( Reviewed by Öykü Çelebi ) 6. Hasret ( Longing ) The quotation in Turkish : “Aşk için dilin, dinin ve ırkın hiçbir önemi yoktur. İki aşık birbirinden çok uzaklarda olsa , aradan yıllar geçse dahi aşkları hiç bitmez.” “WordCrossing”: Comenius project
The quotation in English : “There is no importance of language, religious and race fort he people who love each other. Even if they are very far away from each other and passes a long time, their love never finishes.” The author´s short biography : Canan Tan , who is one of the famous Turkish novelists, was born in Ankara in 1951. She began writing at her early age. When she was a student at secondary school , she published the journal of the school with her literature teacher. When she won awards for a poetry competition which was organized by Hisar magazine, she started to love
literature much more. Although she loved
literature, she went to Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ankara because of the request of her family. Nevertheless, she didn’t leave off literature, continued to write stories. The edition number / publishing year : Published 2013 by Doğan Kitap (first published 2013) Short summary of the book : “Hasret” (Longing) is a story of a broken love and life-long longing which was taken from a reallife passing during the period prior of the Independence War and the Republic. Tacettin and Patricia love each other and want to marry, but Tacettin’s family are oppose their marriage. It has never been seen that a Turkish man had married to a Greek girl. They can’t get married, but Patricia is pregnant . Tacettin tells his family the situation , but he can’t get them to agree to his marriage. It is impossible to marry, so the two lovers’ dreams will not be able to come true. Tacettin and Patricia has a baby. Tacettin give him the name “Ali” which is the name of his father. Ali is their last hope. Something they never expected happened . Exchange was signed between the Greek and Turkish Government. According to this, from 1st May,1923 , mandatory exchange was going to start between the Greek orthodox people living in the territory of Turkey and the Turkish Muslim people living in the territory of the Greece. Personal review : If you want to understand what is real love, to be touched and even to cry a little, you must read this book. ( Reviewed by Rasim Anıl Kunt)
“WordCrossing”: Comenius project