Book 3 /3 Visual Standards Guide
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide The New Identity
Table of Contents
Book 3 /3 Visual Standards Guide
_ Visual Standards Guide In book 1, a brand strategy was built for the new Green Party US. Included in that strategy is a new mission statement. In book 2, a new logo was developed, paving way for the new look and feel of the new brand, Green. We welcome you to take Green into the world using this guide and help society bring our world’s natural resources back into our lives.
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
_ Table of Contents –
The New Identity _ The New Logo _ Anatomy _ Alternate Variations _ Improper Uses
The New Standards _ Colors _ Typography
The Future _ Brand Projections Chart _ Brand Extensions
The New Identity
The New Logo Anatomy Alternate Variations
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
Improper Uses
The New Identity
The New Identity
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
The new logo is an embodiment of the new brand soul.
_ The New Logo The new logo was derived from the keywords that were created in the visual strategy. During the visual development phase, the keywords were turned into phrases and camps and through a convergent process, the “integrated” direction was selected and refined into the new mark, which informed the wordmark creating a combination mark and system.
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide The TheNew New Identity Identity
The New Logo
New Green Logo
_ The Primary Logomark The three shapes in the new logo represent the planet and it’s natural resources, plants, earth, and water.
The New Identity
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
Thought and intentional consideration goes into every aspect of a logo.
_ Anatomy The structure of a logo consists of carefully considered and refined shapes and lines that relate to the various parts of the identity and its’ applications.
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide The New Identity
Primary Combination Mark
x x
Graphic Symbol
The diagram to the left illustrates how the logo is comprised of multiple circles. Set within a circle, the leaf, land, and water elements originated from some circular aspect. This shape is used to represent Green because circles symbolize universality, the infinite nature of energy, and wholesome worldliness.
Inspired by various geometric typefaces such as League Spartan, Gotham, and Helvetica Neue, the wordmark is also created from circles. Each component is related to the other in an integrated manner. The letters “G” and “R” were developed first and the “E’s” and “N” were created using particular components of the “G” and “R.” The “Earth” symbol sits centered above the letter “G.”
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide The New Identity
Secondary Combination Mark
Alternate Variation
Clear Space
The variations shown here are also acceptable in different formats and applications and at different sizes. The graphic symbol may exist without the logotype and the logotype may exist without the graphic mark.
The primary logo and it’s variations require a certain amount of spacing around it indicated by the width of the letter “n.”
The secondary combination mark shown above is also acceptable, depending on the application, format, and size. This is the only case in which the size ratio between the symbol and logotype change. Here, the earth elements equal the height of the letter “N” and the symbol is centered to the top of the logotype.
The New Identity
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
A variety of compositions, shapes, and sizes, are necessary for the different formats and applications.
– Alternate Variations In this day and age, we have to consider the identity to be more than just a logo. The logo exists within a system of design elements that must work together cohesively for people to identify the brand. This includes all the alternative variations the logo must function as to live within the different applications.
The New Identity
Alternative Variations
The Green Movement of the United States
– Signatures The combination mark with the typographic descriptor of Green or it’s extensions create the Green signature.
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
The descriptors will sit below the logomark. In a few cases in which a horizontal variation is needed, only the symbol or the logotype will be used, but not as a combination mark. The secondary combination mark will never be used with a descriptor.
– The Green Movement of the United States
Seed Pals The Green Movement of the United States
The Green Movement of the United States
The Green Movement of the United States
The Green Movement of the United States
The New Identity
Alternative Variations
– Alternative Variations Chart
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
In small sizes, the symbol is preferred. Otherwise, the primary combination mark is the preferred logo variation in most cases. The symbol (by itself and within combination marks) should never be too small.
preferred usage secondary option
0.50 in
tracking increases by 10% when ≤ 0.75 in
1.00 in
2.25 in
3.00+ in
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide The New Identity
Don’t do these.
– Improper Uses The logo is designed with careful thought and consideration and made to represent the brand in a very intentional and specific way. To stray away from the logo guidelines is to mislead people from the values of the brand.
The New Identity
Improper Uses
– Improper Use Examples
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
Consistent use of these standards is necessary for a brand to be successful and recognizable.
green Do not center alter the alignment in these proportions
Do not add a shadow.
Do not alter the logotype
Do not alter the color beyond specifications.
Do not skew or distort the mark.
Do not rotate the mark.
Do not alter the symbol and logotype ratios.
Do not use the mark as a mask
Do not overlay mark over a busy background.
Green _ A Visual Visual Standards StandardsGuide Guide The New Standards
The New Standards
Green _ A Visual Visual Standards StandardsGuide Guide The New Standards
Green is the color of growth.
_ Colors The main colors of the new system are shades of green — as it should be. Green is the color of growth and nature. It is complemented by a strong orange and blue to both contrast and complete the color identities of the new brand.
The New Standards
– Colors
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
The colors were selected to reflect the brand’s keywords: grassroots, integrated, and natural. Water and Tree are the more obvious colors of nature and Fire contrasts them effectively to create a bold new look. Secondary colors are more flexible. The colors displayed are suggested to soften the strong primary colors. Secondary colors must be soft and earthy, unless it’s text color, then it should be dark and highly contrasted.
Primary Colors
Tree R 94 G 156 B 124
Hex PMS 5D9C7C 556 C
R 39 G 144 B 165
Hex 278FA5
PMS 2221 C
C0 M 75 Y 100 K0
R 242 G 101 B 34
Hex F16521
PMS 166 C
C 50 M 50 Y 60 K 25
R 114 G 102 B 88
C 60 M 10 Y 55 K 15 Water C 80 M 30 Y 30 K 15 Fire
Secondary Colors (Suggested)
C 40 M5 Y 35 K0
R 156 G 202 B 178
Hex 9BC9B2 PMS 559 C
C 10 M5 Y 20 K0
R 229 G 229 B 206
Hex E4E5CE PMS 621 C
Hex 716558 PMS 404 C
C 100 M 60 Y 60 K 80
R0 G 24 B 30
Hex 00181D PMS 296 C
Green _ A Visual Visual Standards StandardsGuide Guide The New Standards
A strong serif and a universal sans-serif.
_ Typography The progressiveness of the new brand begs for a strong and bold typeface. In addition, it subverts the tradition of a serif typeface as body copy where it is turned into the main headline typeface.
The New Standards
– Lexia
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
Lexia is a contemporary slab-serif font family, drawing its strength from the traditional typographic values of harmonious proportions and highquality craftsmanship. The smallest details, like subtly curved serifs and open character shapes, give Lexia a warm, friendly feel, perfect for the newly branded Green. Advertising and is the most used weight of the font for headline uses.
Character Set
Aa abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789! @#$%^&* ()
Light Regular Bold Black Advertising Light Italic Italic Bold Italic Black Italic Advertising Italic
Designer Design Date Publisher
Ron Carpenter 2007 Dalton Maag
The New Standards
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
Azo Sans Azo Sans is a new sans serif loosely based on the elementary forms of geometry. It is constructed in a geometric manner and inspired by the constructivist typefaces of the 1920’s, but is instilled with a humanistic quality. Azo Sans is full of nuances that soften the strictness of pure geometry, making the typeface more human and pleasant to read in longer body text, while maintaining a sober and rational appearance.
Azo Sans
Character Set
Aa abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789!@#$%^&*()
Light Regular Bold Light Italic Italic Bold Italic
Designer Design Date Publisher
Rui Abreu 2013 Rui Abreu
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide The Future
Brand Projection Chart
Brand Extensions
The Future
The Future
Green _ A Visual Visual Standards StandardsGuide Guide
The brand will live in a unique space within society in the realms of politics, business, and education.
_ Brand Projections Chart and Extensions Green aims to influence the way people interact with the natural world. This brand projection chart diagrams the way these capacities are positioned and how potential extensions live within these distributions. While staying true to the brand mission, the extensions must remain relevant. The following are examples of how Green will look in these new capacities.
The Future
Brand Projections Chart
_ Brand Projections Chart
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
Green is distributed into three areas: govenment, economy, and education. Within these areas and the impact on people distributed by individuals, communities, and society, the potential brand extensions are placed into this positional diagram.
Green Party US
gov ern
me nt
y om on ec
Green Treats Green Attorney
Waste Lab
Building Green
Green Maps
Minty Green
Trek Planters
Society’s Village
Environmental Curriculum
Natural Games
Scavenger Hunt
Super PAC How-To-Green Life Coach
Foraging Class
Guerilla Gardens
Pedestrian Maps Parklets Celebration
Seed Pals
DocuGreentary Revitalizing Parks Made TV
e d u c a t io n
Individual (1)
Community (1K)
Society (1M)
The Future
Brand Extensions
_ Potential Deliverables
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
List of potential deliverables the new and improved Green Movement can provide that is in line with the mission.
p product
ed educational opportunity
s service v event n environment cb co-brand x experience
x cb
x ed
Foraging Class
A seed-pal program that individuals that grow plants can share their seeds with pen-pals. Any new strains can be also sent to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.
A cooking/foraging class that teaches people the how to prepare and eat things that are not normally known to be eaten. This includes weeds and plants that people can find on the sidewalk and hikes, or even parts of regular recipes that typically get thrown away.
s x ed
EcoTours An ecotourism company that takes people to different parts of the world to learn about the ecology and the cultures and well-being of those people and environments.
p cb
Pedestrian Maps A series of pedestrian maps that takes individuals around a city’s green spaces.
p cb
Trek Planters A trekking pole that doubles as a trash stick, picking up trash along a trail, allowing for easy disposal at regulated bin or facility.
p ed cb
How-To-Green A Being Green For Dummies book teaching people how to reduce their footprints and what they can do to be a greener member of society.
The Future
Brand Extensions
p cb
p cb
Doodie Treats
Minty Green
A collaboration with Taste of the Wild Dog food that turns dog poop compostable and ecofriendly. It encourages people to walk their dogs without the burden of forgetting a poop bag or intoxicating the environment.
A collaboration with Ricola to market the Swiss-made herbal cough drops and breath mints that are all made with natural ingredients without any pesticides, herbicides, or insecticides. nxv
n cb
Building Green A collaboration with an architectural firm. This would promote sustainable green building designs in accordance with the USGBC and it’s LEED program, functionality, and social interaction. s
Super-PAC A political action committee dedicated to supporting the campaigns and politicians of the Green Party. xv
Guerilla Gardens A guerilla gardening organization that subverts abandoned spaces into beautiful gardens. This also serves to combat the criminalogical broken windows theory. sn
Society’s Village This would be a service that would help particular homeless camps build small homes and communities out of scrap materials. The goal is eventually to turn existing homeless communities into actual communities within society. The formerly displaced people will work to maintain a clean public space.
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
A powerful documentary on how consumers affect the environment and how the environment affects the society.
x ed v cb
Scavenger Hunt A scavenger hunt that ranges from cities to National Parks (NPS), to solve a puzzle, helping people recognize how natural resources are connected to a civil society.
p ed cb
Revitalize Parks
Natural Games
A collaboration with community volunteers cities to revitalize local parks and spaces. These events are single-day to weekend-length that gather the community to clean up, restore, or build local parks so that they are sustainable and inviting.
Mattel toys and games for children that require the help of friends and use of natural resources to function and play.
n ed v cb
Parklets Celebration Day A city-wide celebration of parklets and how the parklets serve to promote businesses and reduce cars on the road. s ed
Life Coach A life coach that helps individuals and families live the most sustainable way they can within their budget and needs. ed
Environmental Curriculum Classes that teach people the politics of the environment — how particular policies affect the environment — and what could be done to change it.
Made TV A video series, a How-It’s-Made version of everyday products that extends the making of the product down to the fundamental materials and natural resource extractions. s
Green Attorney An environmental firm that defends the rights of the earth and fights against environmental atrocities. s ed cb
Waste Lab In collaboration with the EPA and waste companies, this is a research lab that seeks to ways to harness the abilities of human-produced wastes (sewage and landfills) to create something productive or renewable and nontoxic.
Green _ A Visual Standards Guide
In book 1, the Visual Development Guide, we show the process of how the new identity was developed using the strategies developed in this book. In book 2, the Visual Development Guide, we show the process of how the new identity was developed using the strategies developed in this book. Now that we have developed and produced the standards, what will the next steps be?
Explore the future of Green online at www.greenmovement.us. _
Fannie Ko GR 604 Nature of Identity AAU Fall 2017