Scotiapreneur Issue 1

Page 1

 What does the Premier say about our small businesses?

Small Business is BIG Business in Nova Scotia

 Which Nova Scotian hit the Golden Globes?

 Meet our Entrepreneurs!

 You hear his music on the radio… do you know he lives

down the street?

ISSUE #1 November 2012


ahn-truh-pruh-nur, -noor; Fr. ahn-truh-pruh-nœr) A person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.

(scoh-shah-pruh-nur) A Nova Scotian entrepreneur.

ŠScotiapreneur Publications 2012 1



What’s Inside? The Premier Says… 3

Independent Online Magazine Dartmouth Nova Scotia B2Y 3M6 Canada

What’s Happening Now? 4 Interviews! 5


Local Star Spot Lights 8

Nicole Davis

OOPS! I Started a Business?


Work Hard…Play Hard 15

It’s MOVEMBER! How’s the Stash?

Number of Small Businesses by Maritime Province

NS 29,966



NFLD 17,028

Bass Player Matthew Campbell talks to us.


PEI 5,889

TURBINE’S Lisa Drader-Murphy is here!



Entrepreneurship and innovation are important parts of any economy, and that is certainly the case here in Nova Scotia. Entrepreneurs and innovators ignite great ideas and turn them into reality, finding new and better ways of doing things. You don’t have to look too far in our province to see many examples of that, from smaller businesses like FanPlastic Girl Gear, to larger home-grown businesses, like GoInstant. … Nova Scotia is supportive of new and emerging businesses, now more than ever. From offshore exploration to shipbuilding, never before has our province seen such tremendous opportunity. We want companies and individuals to be innovative and build ideas around those opportunities, to attract and train the minds in the business, and create higher value jobs for the future.

““TThheepprroovviinncceeiissccoom mm miitttteeddttoo bbuuiillddiinnggaann eennttrreepprreenneeuurriiaall ccuullttuurreeiinn NNoovvaa SSccoottiiaa;;aaccuullttuurree tthhaattw wiillllhheellpp eennssuurreeggrreeaatt iiddeeaass aarreebboorrnnhheerreeaatthhoom meeaannddggiivveenn tthheeooppppoorrttuunniittyyttooggrroow w..””

We’re giving companies in Atlantic Canada better access to venture capital, and we’re encouraging and attracting innovation. Nova Scotia led the way to create a regional venture capital fund to make sure our new and emerging companies have access to funds they need to grow and become more competitive. The province also supports small businesses through the Business Development Program, the Credit Union Small Business Loan Program and the Productivity and Innovation Voucher Program, among many others.

will help create an environment in which all business can thrive and grow. Our combination of talent, dedication and expertise is shaping the Nova Scotia of the future. A copy of our jobsHere plan can be found at Sincerely, Darrell E. Dexter, Q.C., M.L.A. Premier of Nova Scotia

The province is committed to building an entrepreneurial culture in Nova Scotia; a culture that will help ensure great ideas are born here at home and given the opportunity to grow. Nova Scotia has a lot to offer. We are building on our strengths in ocean technology, information and communications technology, financial services and many other sectors in the knowledge-based economy. Through the province’s jobsHere plan, we are helping businesses become more productive and innovative with a focus on learning and competitiveness. This 3


MOVEMBER! TThhaannkk yyoouu vveetteerraannss!! N Noovveem mbbeerr 1111 L Leesstt W Wee FFoorrggeett

Are you spending a little too much time grooming your face this month? Need to invest in a pocket mirror guys? It’s all for a good cause! Don’t worry ladies! If you think your neighbour is looking a little extra creepy this month it won’t last forever, well hopefully not… It’s Movember! And many men around the province are raising money and awareness for cancer affecting men by growing out ridiculous mustaches of art!

At only eleven months old Shiella Robertson’s tiny tot, TTOORRII,, is showing us how it’s done!

Support Prostate Cancer and Male Mental Health Initiatives.

Visit Women can rock a stash too, thanks to Pip Robins funky mustache cowls. See Interview Page 5



How do you label yourself? I don’t consider myself an artist, but I am comfortable with using the word “Artisan” to describe myself. I’m more than a “Crafter” and even though my business is my career, I still kind of snicker when I say I make cowls and belt buckles for a living.

What would you be doing right now if you weren’t here? Meet Pip! Launched by Nova Scotia native, Gillian Hyde, in 2009; Pip Robins Accessories introduced us to the newest must have “Mustache Cowls”. Expanding her line into gorgeous belt buckles, Gillian moved to Toronto this year.

I have no idea. Now that I have moved to Toronto and expanded my business I often think about all the little things that had to happen in my life and other people’s lives to get me exactly where I am today. I am so thrilled this has worked out the way it has.

How did you get into the “cowl business”?

Any struggles or surprises?

I started making cowls after seeing a man walking in the North End of Halifax who, on a freezing cold day, was attempting to stay warm by wearing a bandana over his face. Like many other men, I assumed, he didn’t like wearing scarves to keep his face and neck warm despite the temperature. Though I thought it was a silly attempt to keep warm, I really loved the way it looked on him- the bank robber or protestor look. I thought to myself that there’s got to be a better way to keep people warm but without the scarf- so I went home immediately and started sewing up prototypes. I’d never heard of a cowl scarf before (they’re traditionally knitted), so this was a totally organic idea of mine. When I was happy with my design, I put my first few for sale online and they started selling immediately.

Starting a business in Nova Scotia was all that I knew, so I had nothing to compare it to until moving to Toronto. Now that I’m here, I’d say the lack of quality craft shows and suppliers is probably something that I wish I could change. There’s fabric districts in Toronto and other cities the size of Halifax, but in Nova Scotia we have two chain fabric stores with very little selection. I loved having a table at the Halifax Seaport Farmer’s Market every weekend, and I absolutely loved the artisan community that it offered. I don’t have that here to the extent I did there. The thing I love most is how many people care about locally-made products in Nova Scotia.

If you could offer a first-time entrepreneur only one piece of advice, what would it be?

I was happy keeping my day job and making and selling cowls seasonally until my career shifted into something that I no longer enjoyed. I quit my day job in the summer of 2011 and have been doing this full time ever since.

Be smart with your money. Start up businesses don’t have to make you go in debt. Grow your business within your means. Not everything has to happen at once. Take your time and grow as quickly or slowly as your profits come in.

My other product line is belt buckles- and the idea to make them hit me like a lightning bolt when I woke up on New Year’s Day 2012. I’d never considered making belt buckles before- I had no idea where to start or where to get supplies, but I spent the next couple of weeks spending an extraordinary amount of time and money on teaching myself how to make belt buckles that were really cool. I had a large collection of belt buckles, but finding ones that I liked was rare- so now I make ones that I’d be happy to wear, and luckily a lot of people like what I do!

Would you leave Nova Scotia to help the success of your business? I did leave Nova Scotia, and although I miss my family and the ocean, moving to Ontario was the best thing I could have done. [] Visit Pip Robins Accessories


INTERVIEWS Between school and business I also find time to write music and interact with family and friends.

What's the biggest thing you struggle with as an entrepreneur in Nova Scotia? Biggest surprise?

United Among Scotians, an entertainment event service in Halifax, was started by Darcy Miller, a 24 year old man from Digby. Collaborating with music artists, writers, and other local talents, Darcy hopes his business will strengthen creative relationships among Nova Scotians. With the success of his “Black & White Affair” opening event, and the distribution of U.A.S promotional merchandise, word is spreading.

The biggest struggle I face as an entrepreneur is not having the financial stability in order to build my business at a more effective rate. There are many aspects of the Entertainment industry I would like to expand into but without the capital there is only so much that can be done at a restricted pace. The biggest surprise that I have encountered since I began my own business would have to be the amount of support I have received from people in the community. Trying to gain support and resources from a city you are not from presents many challenges but I’m thankful for those who support my business in its beginning stages.

What lead you to start U.A.S? I began my own business strictly off a creative spark. When I was younger I always wanted to own my own business but I never knew what it would be. I never planned to have my own company but after I started to brainstorm ideas and gained more confidence within myself I decided to step things up and start my own business.

If you could offer a first-time entrepreneur only one piece of advice, what would it be?

What would you be doing right now if you weren’t here? If I wasn't involved in business I would most likely be working a dead end job, not satisfied and content. Thankfully, I have chosen a different path.

How have your entrepreneurial motivations changed since you first started?

““IInneevveerrppllaannnneeddttoohhaavveem myy oow wnnccoom mppaannyybbuuttaafftteerrII ssttaarrtteeddttoobbrraaiinnssttoorrm miiddeeaass aannddggaaiinneeddm moorreeccoonnffiiddeennccee w wiitthhiinnm myysseellffIIddeecciiddeeddttoo sstteepptthhiinnggssuupp”” My advice for a first-time entrepreneur would have to be for them to stay true to themselves and never stop their drive to learn. People are always going to criticize but it’s just a matter of embracing the positive and learning from the negative.

My entrepreneurial motivations have changed tremendously over the last few years. I use to think running a business was a good idea, now I believe it’s a perfect way of life for me. I’m more focused and determined to build my business more than I ever was,the more I learn the more excited I am to apply that knowledge to my company.

How have the Nova Scotian people supported your venture? From attending an event to interacting through a Facebook page, the Nova Scotian people have definitely demonstrated their support and shared their opinions towards my business and ideas. I want my company to grow with as many people as possible, the bigger the team the stronger and more successful we all become. []

What does a day-in-your-life consist of? I am currently taking a full-time Business Administration course at Nova Scotia Community College so the first part of my day consists of learning and school work. Once school is done for the day I usually spend time networking and brainstorming.

Contact U.A.S. at



Stephanie Brown of Halifax added fins to her credentials to give a whole new meaning to the term “school of fish”!

What do you typically tell people when they ask you what you do?

what I do will come off strange or crazy but all the media I have encountered have always endeavoured to put me in the best possible light.

I am a licensed teacher, environmental educator, and children’s performer. I still enjoy saying “I’m a professional mermaid” too… I was really inspired by How has our provincial government supported your seeing individuals around the world performing and venture? creating companies as mermaids. They were gaining speed, publicity, and revenue fast. Since there’s I haven’t had any official support from the Canadian little opportunity for new teachers in government; however I have received our province I decided to merge my validation and moral support through “ I ’ v e a l w a y s w a n t e d t o educational experience with my many politicians. I have also been simply teach and since I experience with children to give hired for events paid for by the my mermaid company a unique government… The nice thing about can’t do it in a classroom I edge. I could see it was an being in a province that is considered do it in a costume.” untapped market here. tight-knit is that everyone is referring you. I am constantly met by total strangers who Have your motivations changed since becoming a know exactly who I am. It didn’t take very long for my professional mermaid? business to become known and word of mouth certainly helped that. In general I find people to be very kind, No. I’ve always wanted to simply teach and since I can’t helpful, and full of ideas for me. do it in a classroom I do it in a costume. I fleshed out my goals and motivations when I first had the concept and What could this province do to make your efforts more those remain the same today. I did not expect to make a successful? lot of money, I simply want to cover my expenses and pay some bills. The real drive is the experience and the fun. Fund educational programs and education in general. Put emphasis and funding back into the educational What’s the biggest thing you struggle with as an systems including our science institutes, libraries, entrepreneur in Nova Scotia? Biggest surprise? museums, and schools. It’s a struggle to charge what I think is fair for my skills. When a person hires me they aren’t just getting a gal in a costume. I have two degrees relevant to my field, a lot of training and experience, and an excellent background with 100% customer feedback. I also provide professional photography and editing for birthday parties and events. My peers around the world with only some or none of these things are able to charge 3 times as much at LEAST. Local Photographers are able to charge for 30 minutes what I’ve been able to charge for 60-90 while not only including professional photography but performing, educating, party favours, and more. It’s been a real struggle to validate my skills so I can cover my costs and earn a little. My biggest surprise would be how supportive local media has been. I’m always worried

Would you leave Nova Scotia to help the success of your business? While I have gained international attention I believe leaving NS would mean starting my business over completely and starting from scratch. While it’s been a great place to live for my mermaid business, as a teacher the options are too few. The sad thing is, I have more opportunities in a mermaid tail than I do as an NS teacher. If I want to be in a classroom I will have to leave the province. For now I’m staying put to see how far I can really take this and hopefully make a difference in my corner of the world. [] Visit Stephanie’s website:



Nova Scotians can go to the Golden Globes too! Just ask Lisa Drader-Murphy of Turbine.



How have your entrepreneurial motivations changed since you first started?

This Canadian fashion designer’s creations even look good upside down! At least, her famous Upside Down Dress does. Based in Nova Scotia, Lisa Drader-Murphy’s company is responsible for producing celebrity sought after power clothes for women. Her incredible creativity sparked a collection that has led her around the world. Lucky for us, she chose Nova Scotia to be her home.

My motivations since the conception of Turbine in 1997 haven't really changed, rather they've evolved as I've learned and defined the business model. From the beginning growth was a major goal and even when we moved from Calgary to rural Nova Scotia and "slowed the pace" for ten years, I had 5-10 employees, ran a retail and wholesale division, and even ran a popular cafe that offered private dining/shopping experiences at our studio. Now that my children are older, we're back on the expansion plan and actively looking for new Turbine locations.

::: I read that it was finding an old stock of fabric that lead

to the creation of Turbine. Had you thought about designing your own line before this? I had already been a designer, employed in the garment industry full time for almost 10 years when I discovered the vintage wool in the warehouse of my employer. I had designed many collections prior to this, including a line of high-end silk lingerie as assistant designer, which sold to 140 stores in North America and into Europe. I had designed my own collection of heirloom gifts that I sold through my own distribution network of 11 reps from Winnipeg to Vancouver as well as children's clothing, maternity wear, and more.

What is your work schedule like? Daily life varies for me! An average week is 1/3 spent in the studio on production, 1/3 mentoring, public speaking volunteering, and 1/3 working with my management team at one of our Turbine locations. Other days consist of media interviews, shows, trunkshow road-trips, and fabric sourcing excursions. I also travel frequently for a combination of inspiration and charity work.

What do you typically tell people when they ask you what you do?

Any struggles or surprises working as an entrepreneur in Nova Scotia?

I tell them that I am a fashion designer with a background in designing for the garment manufacturing industry and that I own and produce the Turbine collections in a 100% vertical operation, meaning I control every stage of the process. From concept, pattern development, samples, sourcing, production, and retail, every step takes place in our studio in the Annapolis Valley.

I have not found it a struggle as an entrepreneur in Nova Scotia! Entrepreneurship, regardless of your province, requires adeptness in your costing and margins, an understanding of which products are resonating most, and maintaining an ongoing dialogue with your clients.

If you hadn’t found that fabric, where do you think you would be now?

What is your favorite part of the designing/retail process?

I'm certain that I'd be designing and marketing a collection, either for a manufacturer or, more likely, as an independent designer.

I love it all! And I do it all. When people hear that we produce up to 300 pieces/week they often ask whether I produce offshore. We do EVERYTHING right here in Nova Scotia. I get very excited wandering through markets in Europe and India, selecting beautiful unique



““W Whheennppeeoopplleehheeaarrtthhaattw weepprroodduucceeuuppttoo330000 ppiieecceess//w e e k , t h e y o f t e n a week , they often asskkw whheetthheerrIIpprroodduuccee ooffffsshhoorree.. W WeeddooEEVVEERRYYTTHHIINNGGrriigghhtthheerreeiinnNNoovvaaSSccoottiiaa..”” fabrics and envisioning the garments they will become. And, I find it therapeutic and peaceful to go into the studio very early on a quiet morning, heat up my industrial iron, and spend hours pressing garments taking pride in hanging them crisply on the rack, ready for merchandising.

I think they were resigned to the fact that I was going to do what I wanted! My husband, Carey, was very supportive. Although we were a young family just trying to get established and money was very tight, he trusted my vision and intelligence.

How have the Nova Scotian people supported your venture?

Smart man! Is that something you would encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to do? Trust their vision?

The people in Nova Scotia have been amazingly supportive! In fact, in 23 years in this industry, I haven't seen anything like it, anywhere else. The loyalty of our clients resonates through the energy and activity that happens in our retail operation every day, at our fashion shows, and even on our runways. Our clientele frequently step up as models and truly exude an energy that is authentic and contagious!

I would encourage them to trust their vision AFTER studying, interning, and working in their chosen field first. If they do so, their vision will be much more clear and safer to follow!

Would you leave Nova Scotia to help the success of your business? I honestly don't feel that I have to leave Nova Scotia to fulfill our expansion goals. We live in an electronic age that has afforded me the luxury to do business and access media internationally, while enjoying the envied rural Nova Scotian lifestyle. I have traveled to Hollywood and France to promote the Turbine Collections, have appeared on CNN, Entertainment Tonight, on numerous European media outlets, and have traveled extensively in search of unique fabrics and inspiration. There is no reason for me to leave Nova Scotia and we have no plans to do so! I ♥ NS!

From your experience, do you feel the Nova Scotian government is supportive of new and emerging business? Having started the Turbine collection with approximately $250 in my bank account and around 1000 hours of sweat equity, I have never received government funding in the form of loans, grants, or otherwise. I found ways to leverage the resources as they became available, paid close attention to driving both the top and bottom line, and have grown my business on retained earnings. My only interactions with government has been when I've received a letter of congratulations or a Notice of Motion, to which I would have to say, yes, the Nova Scotian government is supportive!

If women could only have ONE Turbine piece, what would you say is the MUST-HAVE from your collection?

Wow Lisa! It sounds like you really applied yourself. How did you get into designing in the first place? Did you attend school for fashion?

The OBI belt! We have sold more than 5000 of these all over the world. A good piece to transform almost any outfit. []

Thanks! Yes, I graduated from Form & Function Design Academy (a private international design college in Calgary) in 1990 at the top of my class. I worked a number of jobs, working my way up from the cutting room, pattern development, design department, to Director of Design and Product Development for manufacturers across Canada.

Visit Turbine at

How fantastic! Was the fashion design direction a choice that your family supported?



BBaassss PPllaayyeerr,, AAlleerrtt TThhee M Meeddiicc 11

SPOTLIGHT ♫ Hey Kid! To the back of the line to the back of the line♫

and far between so routing can be an issue at times. We usually tour our way out to Southern Ontario a few times a year which is great because there are a lot of heavily populated cities about an hour a part from each other. But it’s about a twenty hour drive from here to Toronto and surrounding cities and gas prices don’t do us any favors.

You’ve heard his music on the radio. You’ve probably seen him and the rest of the band Alert The Medic playing, or on posters…but did you know he lives right down the street? Matt Campbell, a rockstar Bass Player and dedicated musician, is one busy guy. When he isn’t touring with the guys, or practicing, or working on media promotions – he is busy planning their future gigs.

The biggest surprise about the music industry here is definitely the support from other musicians, bands, local organizations and fans of our music. You can’t beat East Coast hospitality.

When you’re asked what you do for a living, what do you say? I usually tell people that I'm a musician or that I play in a band which sort of downplays what a touring musician’s job description is. We operate a business that frequently employs a staff of 2-3 people, aside from ourselves, to take care of publicity, radio tracking and accounting while we handle the writing, the retail and the heavy lifting.

““W Whhiilleeaallllooffm myy ffrriieennddssw weennttooffffttoo uunniivveerrssiittyy,,II w weenntt iinnttooaa rreeccoorrddiinngg ssttuuddiioo””

If you could offer inspiring musicians only one piece of advice, what would it be?

To stay with it, there’s a lot of ups and downs in the music industry but if it’s your passion then definitely pursue that and have the patience to see it grow and to learn and to keep getting better.

What would you be doing right now if you weren’t here?

How has our government (provincial) supported your venture?

That’s a tough question to answer because this has been my focus since I was in middle school. While all of my friends went off to University I went into a recording studio to record my first album so there were never any other serious career aspirations. If I had to pick a different career path it would still be in the entertainment industry, like an event promoter or an agent.

There’s funding out there for small businesses in Nova Scotia on a provincial and national level, especially with new businesses just trying to get off the ground. We’ve been lucky to work with a few organizations that support the arts and have helped us obtain grants and loans for such things as recording and touring.

How have the Nova Scotian people supported your venture?

What does a day-in-your-life of Matthew Campbell, Bass Player for Alert The Medic, consist of?

We’ve had great support from local radio and newspapers that have helped us spread the word about the band and have helped us develop a really loyal fan base. Nova Scotians just love to see local talent succeed beyond the Province and this is the kind of place where it seems like everyone knows everyone. I think in that aspect people can really feel connected to what you’re doing.

It depends on what the band has on the agenda. We all have separate roles within the band so for example if we’re preparing for a tour then I’ll get the confirmed dates from my guitarist and we’ll begin to map out our online promotion campaign. I handle our website, social media and email accounts and do a lot of online social marketing to promote upcoming events.

Would you leave Nova Scotia if it meant crazy fame?

If we’re on the road we’re usually quite busy playing shows, doing interviews, arranging meetings with other industry professionals and traveling from city to city.

As a band it’s crucial for us to continue to develop new markets and that involves a lot of traveling away from home. We’re a business on wheels which is obviously different than most businesses but it’s the name of the game. We’ve talked about a permanent move to a bigger market in the past but realized that we have just as much opportunity as a band based in Nova Scotia than anywhere else in the Country. []

What’s the biggest thing you struggle with in the music industry here? Any surprises? The biggest thing we struggle with as a touring band based in Halifax is touring logistics. The cities in the Maritimes are fairly spread out and major cities are few

Find Alert The Medic at



“Received my first shipment of product from the manufacturer… 100,000 units. All stamped with the barcode of someone else’s product.” “Attended my first trade show in a very crafty community; I knew I would do well – until I arrived and realized the entire neighbourhood was French and I couldn’t even pronounce Bonjour correctly.”

OOPS! I started a business! Real life start up mistakes and mishaps shared anonymously. “I need a what permit?”

“My customer asked me if I had any tattoos… I thought it was kind of strange, but nodded and lifted my shirt to show her the ink on my belly. The expression on her face flagged me right away that she had been speaking by my deaf ear. She had actually asked me to pass the orange juice. I’m not sure which of us was more mortified. She didn’t come back.”

“The Revenue Agency asked me why I hadn’t declared earnings… I told them I hadn’t made any money. They said ‘but you are running a business?’ I replied ‘Yes, but I can’t afford to pay myself’.”

“There’s no business like show business… BUT there are tons like mine… staying competitive is kicking my butt!” 13


What lead you to start your own business? Was it a creative spark? Or necessity? Definitely a creative spark! We saw an opportunity to bring healthy, simple snacks to Nova Scotia. Ones that use the beautiful food other food producers/farmers have been making here for decades.

What do you typically tell people when they ask you what you do? We make healthy little snack bars using the Maritime’s best ingredients!

What would you be doing right now if you weren’t here? Likely traveling! Kathy and I both love to travel with our partners.

How have your entrepreneurial motivations changed since you first started? I think they’ve only grown since we first started. We have been really excited to be as accepted by the local community and are so happy that our business continues to reach more people with every passing week.

What’s your work week like? Kathy and I both have day jobs, so in the evenings we do MwL stuff. Tuesday nights we bake, Wednesday/Thursday we package, Friday is delivery day and on Saturdays we go to market. Kathy MacDonald and Sheena Clark are baking their way through Nova Scotia one healthy bar at a time! Using all local ingredients, these locals’ baked goods are in high demand.

Have you run into any issues here in Nova Scotia? Post/shipping is a bummer. Our bars are quite heavy compared to their size, so they tend to be relatively expensive to ship.

Visit them at

What’s worked for you that you would suggest to others?

Find their bars: Halifax Seaport Farmers’ Market Alderney Farmers’ Market Uncommon Grounds World Tea House Cafe Brea The Trail Shop The Summit Shop Just Us! Cafe, Barrington & Spring Garden Rd Coburg Coffee House The Grainery Co-op Edible Matters Pantry Noggins Farm Markets, Alderney Landing and Annapolis Valley Pete’s Frootique Halifax P’lovers

Twitter is just about the best, most time/cost effective marketing tool there is. Get on it, and use it well!

How has Nova Scotia supported your venture? It’s all about Nova Scotians! Our business has been pushed into more cafes and stores than we thought possible as a result from our customer’s demands. We have regulars every week at the market and great support from those who follow us on social media. It feels good!

Would you leave Nova Scotia to help the success of your business? Maybe. That’s a big question! []



FanPlastic Girl Gear celebrates after a long shoot! T urbine De sig ne r han gs o ut wit h Gwe n Ste fa ni!

We’re known for our good work ethics in Nova Scotia… but we also know how to have


R a in a Th e H a lifax Mer ma id (St ep ha n ie Br ow n ) playing for the camera on set of a John Mullane vid eo shoot. Cr ed it t o RP M P r od u ct ion s

J o rdanto wn’ s T rist an J o hnso n sto p s by the U.A.S. Blac k & White Aff ai r in H alif ax. Tristan is Canada’s 4th highest ranked in Featherweight MMA! 15


♼A big

thank you

goes out to the

following people and organizations that provided stories, interviews, photos, and their time to this publication. Premier Darrell Dexter Cleo Alexander Lisa Drader-Murphy Turbine Matt Campbell Alert The Medic Gillian Hyde Kathy MacDonald Sheena Clark Darcy Miller U.A.S. Entertainment Tristan Johnson Stephanie Brown Lee van Delft Shiella & Tori

FanPlastic Adjustable Sliding Knot Bracelets $6

Turbine’s All Mineral, Paraben Free Lipstick $26

Made With Local Health Bars $3

Pip Robins Mustache Cowl $40


Š Scotiapreneur Publications 2012 17

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