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Editor’s Note Vikas Jha Editor | Vikas@businessconnectindia.in
What is the ideal way to assess a nation’s progress? For every individual, there may be one or more utopian state of mind to define the well-being of a country. For some, it may pertain to the big GDP numbers. At the same time, for many others, it may coincide with the lavish lifestyle of the citizens. Then, there comes a different breed of people who gives impetus to innovation, ideas and revolution. We come across a number of such people who never stop chasing their dreams despite being low on pennies. They are driven by a deep perseverance; believe in vision and a rock-solid attitude. In 21st century, India has emerged as the new epitome of Silicon Valley for its brand new startup culture. This is for sure one of the reasons why it is becoming an ideal place for young believers and innovators. The new age entrepreneurs are passionate about their goals more than anything else. “Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.” –Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO They barely worry about money, what matters to them the most is their vision for which they are ready to go that extra mile. They prepare themselves for the imminent hardships, hindrances and failures in advance because they are well aware that all those are part & parcel to the path of success. “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” –Michael Jordan, NBA Legendary Basketball MVP For a startup, it is very crucial to fathom that they have nothing to lose. They either achieve or learn. They need hard work paired with dedication bring excellence. “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” –Steve Jobs, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO, Apple What differentiates them from other is the well-planned execution of the idea that their competitors cannot. “Ideas are commodity. Execution of them is not.” –Michael Dell, Dell Chairman and CEO Not only this, they are hardly bothered about failures. What they are bothered about is the regret they might have if they do not try what they wish to. “I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.” – Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder and CEO “You shouldn’t focus on why you can’t do something, which is what most people do. You should focus on why perhaps you can, and be one of the exceptions.” –Steve Case, AOL Co-Founder and CEO There are a whole lot of companies who are busy changing the perception of people about India by their deep desire to make India a global hub of ideas and innovations. We at Business Connect feel proud of featuring such companies in our latest issue “Startup of the year”. So, get ready to see the new face of India. Happy reading!!!
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
BUSINESS CONNECT Vol 1 |Yearly Edition|February 2019 Publisher & Editor : Abhishek Kumar Dubey Editorial Team
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Cover Story
Contents 10
Dr. Rafi Shaik Founder
& Chief Scientific Officer
Prince choudhary Managing Director
Nandury Narasimha rao CEO & Founder
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
Nishanth Chandran Founder, TenderCuts
Mukesh Sharma Founder & CMD
WHERE SERENITY PREVAILS Alok Taunk Geetanjali Shivanand Co-Founder Co-Founder
Rohit Sharma
Managing Director
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
Satish Kumar Bhatt
CEO, Enbio Green Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Froot Research
Amit Gautam
Chief Technology And Strategy Officer,
Akhilapriya Properties Pvt. Ltd. THE ALMIGHTY PRIME MOVER
Niranjan Kanna Reddy Prem Krishna Vayuvegula
Directors Of Akhilapriya Properties Directors Of Akhilapriya Properties
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How did gst impact the startup world in india
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Dr. Rafi Shaik
Founder & Chief Scientific Officer
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CARBANIO PIONEERING A REVOLUTION IN DIGITAL B2B TRADE OF CHEMICALS Yashasvi Khushu | Business Connect With a vision to become the world’s largest B2B online marketplace for the chemical industry, Carbanio.com is rapidly pacing towards buying and selling of chemicals to strengthen the relationship between academia and industry for research & innovation. The visionary, Dr. Rafi Shaik, Founder, and Chief Scientific Officer actively looked to digitally route the complete process of the buyer raising a request for acquiring chemicals to the seller furnishing the goods a few weeks later in a few easy steps through Carbanio. For a number of industries, going digital has proven to be a blessing in terms of sale growth and soaring revenue in the last two decades. But if we dig deep for the chemical and the procurement industry, the market has not seen much of a change, stagnation has prevailed for a while now. In a country like ours, where the internet has taken over the market hugely, it’s unfair to be dealing with such a tedious process to procure chemicals through an overriding and long drawn trade of chemicals. Carbanio is just the solution to this problem. It is the first B2B marketplace that supports both the Chemical industry and Academia to reinforce research & innovation. It is a digital revolution in the industry of buying and selling chemicals.
Their firm belief has introduced a service to the industry that would solve the problem of buying chemical products from a number of sellers without going through any hassle. At Carbanio, a team of professionals is working towards the issues at hand aggressively and is encouraging a digitized route for all the buyers and sellers to make the process comprehensive.
Dr. Rafi Shaik, Founder, and Chief Scientific Officer, in conversation with Business Connect Magazine, gives us an insight into his venture,
Business Connect: Tell us a bit about the coWmpany including its services. Dr. Rafi Shaik: Carbanio is an online B2B Marketplace for Chemicals which has created convenience to Businesses and Academia to buy ready stock of Chemicals from multiple sellers and ensure delivery of the product at their doorstep.
Business Connect: How and why did you decide to create it? Dr. Rafi Shaik: While pursuing Masters and Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, it was a daunting task to buy Chemicals for research. To procure chemical, it used to take weeks to months as there is no information available with us about who sells and whether they have stock of that chemical or not. Even our professors had a tough time in finding chemicals to continue research. I have struggled a lot to do my research due to non-availability of Chemicals. Normally it takes 4yrs to complete Ph. D. but it took me almost 6 years due to the constant non-availability. After completing my Ph.D., I left for Taiwan to do PostDoctoral research and I saw the same issue of non-availability of Chemicals. When I joined pharma companies in India, the trend of non-availability of Chemicals continued and this enormously impacts research in India. This problem pushed me to do something in 2015 which will help researchers like me to know where we can find ready stock of chemicals so that as a researcher I can contact the supplier immediately and buy chemicals.
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Being from a non-technology background, little was my knowledge and know-how on how to build a site. I tried using known channels to develop a website, but it did not work well as there are no websites which I can refer to and technology people do not know anything about Chemicals or Chemical Industry.
After multiple iterations; in 2017 I was introduced to Vijay Devarakonda by a common contact. We sat together brainstormed for hours on the problem of buying Chemicals. Since he is not from Chemistry background, initially he did not believe and he did his own research on the internet and then finally concluded that yes, it is worth solving this problem.
After struggling for months, we have finally launched our platform naming it as Carbanio which means Carbon in the Italian language.
Business Connect: What problem does your company solve and how are you different from others in the field? Global market size of Chemical Industry is 4.5 trillion US$ and in India it is 180 Billion US$. Though the market is huge, unfortunately, this Industry is not yet digitized and India does not have its own marketplace for Chemicals. There are few listing sites for Chemicals and they belong to China.Companies in India used those listing sites as an online media to reach buyers by paying a premium and likewise buyers. Listing sites did help a little to the businesses, but the time taken to procure chemical remained the same which is weeks to months.
Initially, my intention was to launch only a site which will display ready stock of Chemicals and the seller’s name so that the interested buyer can contact offline and buy chemicals. But after continuous discussions with our users, we have decided to launch an end-to-end marketplace which is an aggregator which not only displays ready stock of chemicals, but also the buyer can make payment on the platform and we will deliver the Chemical to their doorstep. Since I have already burnt too much money and time in trying to build the site, we have decided to build a platform which meets 3 main features which will help us in understanding the market reaction and get user feedback i.e. Display ready stock of Chemicals, Payment Gateway and Pickup from Seller and Deliver to the Buyer. Though these 3 features sound simple, these are the most complex ones which we have built till date. When we talk to the sellers, initially they were not ready to partner with us as they did not believe in online business, payment gateway partners did not support initially as there is no referential platform which is similar to Carbanio and logistics partners were not ready as they do not know how their business model works for chemicals. www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
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We wanted to remove the hurdle of enquiring and receiving quotations which is a traditional method of procuring chemicals. We want to digitize the entire process of buying and selling which not only helps buyers in procuring ready stock, but also scales the sales of chemicals and enables the supplier to do business 24/7.
Business Connect: How challenging is it to run a startup in an atmosphere of cut-throat competition in the market? Dr. Rafi Shaik: Fortunately there are no direct competitors as this industry is niche. We have other challenges as a startup which will remain a challenge for a couple of more years like changing the mindset of both Buyers and Sellers.
Business Connect: What is
your current business model? Dr. Rafi Shaik: Carbanio.com is a B2B Marketplace wherein we have 2 types of Customers – Businesses and Academia. Businesses can do both selling and buying, whereas Academia can only buy Chemicals. Businesses, based on their inventory, they can publish their stock as New, Discounted and Free Chemicals, wherein Free Chemicals can be procured only by Academia. Unlike the listing sites, Carbanio.com strictly allows ready stock of Chemicals to be published by the Businesses. No individual can buy Chemicals from Carbanio unless the registration is as per government compliance. We wanted to make our platform as free as possible just like other B2C marketplaces. We do not charge any fees to neither the seller nor buyer to register in Carbanio.com. We charge only when a sale happens.
Business Connect: Who are your clients? Dr. Rafi Shaik: Our clientele list is long, we have more than 20 Universities and 3500 businesses which buy Chemicals from Carbanio.com
Business Connect: What kind of change do you want to bring with your products/ services? Dr. Rafi Shaik: We strongly believe that Chemical industry needs a service that would help buyers of chemicals procure products from multiple sellers without much hassle. We want to offer a unique experience to customers, something that will enable all the parties in the industry (buyers and sellers) digitize their sourcing process. Businesses and Academia can buy ready stock of chemicals from 1mg to a ton without any hassle. We want India to become self-sustainable in chemicals by leveraging Carbanio.
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Business Connect: Is hiring a tough task for startup companies? How do you cope up with this obstacle? Dr. Rafi Shaik: Yes absolutely. As every startup faces hiring challenges, we also face the same. Most of the candidates look for corporate companies which are stable and have a brand image in the market.
We hire based on their experience and capabilities rather than educational qualifications. We do not negotiate with a candidate and we ensure they are offered as per market standards. This helps us in hiring quality and experienced professionals. Business Connect: How optimistic are you about the investments? Are you looking for any? Dr. Rafi Shaik: B2B segment is now growing. Quite a few B2B startups have raised funding. This proves that investors are positive in diversifying their funds. Yes, we are planning to raise funds which will help us in growing and expanding further.
buyers choose what suits their requirements the best and at the same time get the access to order it from multiple sellers, all under one roof. Quality is at the topmost priority, hence the buyer can be sure about the chemical purity and also compare the prices at the same time. The only kind of chemicals you will see available online that are in stock with the sellers, ensuring that there is no waiting period for the buyer in regard to any product. Here you will be at the fancy to receive the product at your doorstep, canceling out on the worries of shipping and delivery. This virtual wonder is not just for the buyers, even the sellers can avail the services of a true sourcing partner for small and bulk quantity chemicals. If you are a seller, your access would be to a greater number of consumers with constant feedback for improvement. The revenue and business experience an immediate boom with a shorter buying route resulting in an increase in volume. Carbanio promises transparency for both buyer and seller a platform that can be trusted for a global network with massive reach. Their will to continuously develop and research has strengthened the industry, they also encourage a number of industries to offer chemicals that are of no use to them, to the institutions for research at zero cost. This will not just benefit the students but also the professionals from the industry to develop a mutually beneficial relationship to help the industry move forward in sync and harmony. Dr. Rafi Shaik and Mr. Vijay Devarakonda have efficiently arranged transparent pricing for buyers to take quick and effective decisions. Regardless of what the size of the company is, it’ll be treated equally. They have developed an opportunity to flourish for the buyer, seller, scientist, and the academia, introducing ample employment opportunity in the picture. Carbanion is ‘one stop shop’ for all your chemical shopping needs from specialty, agro, pharma, basic and catalogue chemicals to chemicals in bulk or for research. Avoid delivery delays and let go of searching vendors, serve all your chemical needs at competitive prices on this digital platform with an assurance of delivery at your doorstep.
Business Connect: what are your future plans? Dr. Rafi Shaik: By the end of 2019, we will be launching Carbanio.com internationally which will help buyers across 193 countries to buy Chemicals from Indian manufacturers and suppliers. The aim at Carbanio is to form an easy channel for
World’s first platform to buy chemicals online, Carbanio.com, is bringing academic institutions and chemical industries together boosting a strong bond and chemical donations.
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BCM Review
Business Connect Team Just a visit to apple farm seeded up the world’s largest information technological company and third largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world after Samsung and Huewai . Unless you have been under the rocks for life. You may have heard once of Apple Inc. for sure. Apple has high level brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. The live example for the customer loyalty is having more than 1.3 billion Apple users spreaded across the world. Today we the team of Business connect have dedicated this article to the journey of fun,spirited and not intimidating firm of the world “Apple Inc.” GLORY ON THE WAYS The American multinational technology company was incepted 42 years ago by three brilliant minds -Steve jobs,Steve Woznaik and Ronald Wayne on April 1,1976. The company is headquartered in Cupertino, California acquiring 500+ retail stores in the world. The company earlier known as Apple computer company, In 1977 firm get its recognition as Apple Inc. A public ltd . Company in August 2018, become the first public US company to worth over US $1 TRILLION, shedding more than 1,30,000 employees and owning 500+Retail stores in 24 countries. Also the operation of iTunes become the world’s largest music retailer. All these coins tossed the company up to design,devlop and sell consumer electronics, computer software and online services. TAKE A FLASH BACK The all three heads of the company seed the foundation in order to develop and sell Woznaik’s I personal computer, in January 1977, revenue from sales noted including Apple II grew frequently within few years. They get filled up with motivation and in order to capture the moment they started to hire
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personnel, computer designers and initiated the product line. Over next couple of years, firm shipped new computer technologies featuring innovative and creative abilities of Graphical user interface like Macintosh (1984).. With the help of huge marketing campaign and sailing the slogan of “think different”, the commercial credited widespread critical acclaim. However,the up level price tags and limited software titles shape power struggles between the company senior executives. In 1984, Woznaik sign out from the Apple and immerse himself in his own commitments where on other hand, Steve jobs resignation shake the structure as a whole. Jobs founded his new company – NeXT along with former Apple staff. As soon as market for personal computer enlarges in its shape, Apple’s computer lost share to low price tags especially those with Microsoft windows operating system. The body was on the brink by both hands either be it economic or be it financial structuring. Despite of shuffling the whole executive on the go, No stone are seem to turn around in their favour. Gil Amelio by the thought of inner development bought NeXT in 1997 aiming to bring Jobs back. With the acquisition of NeXT, Steve regained the ledership power within the company and become the new CEO shortly. The steps of Jobs back in the world started the beginning of rebuilding of Apple’s status, and shutter up Apple’s very own retail stores in 2001, holding number of companies to devise a great portfolio of solutions, software titles. Refurbishing and changing few some of hardware used earlier in its computer. In January 2007, Jobs renamed the organisation displaying the more focus drift into consumer electronics, simultaneously announced Iphone which reflects the huge critical acclaim and financial success to the journey. In August 2011, jobs sign resignation as CEO of the company due to unusual health complications and Tim Cook become the new CEO of the world’s largest Information technological company. Just in two months span, Jobs died marking the end of the era of organisation. In 2018, the company become the new face of brand loyalty and customer satisfaction value writing of US$ 1 trillion worth and having US$ 265.595 billion as revenue from operation. The history makers of the world are glowing in the dark ways. WHAT THEY DO ? The industry belong to develop, design and dealing in computer hardware, computer software, consumer electronics, digital distribution, semiconductor features, fabless silicon design and corporate venture capital. Their respectful and successful products include Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, iPad, apple watch, Apple TV, Home Pod , Mac OS, iOS, watch OS ,TV OS, iLife, iWork, final cut Pro, logic Pro and Garage band. WHAT THEY HAVE? Apple pay store, iTunes store, App Store, Mac App Store, iBooks Store, iCloud and Apple music. Wrapping up This was the whole journey of Apple Inc in a short blink. Hope you are inspired with the great professional and attractive appearance of the entrepreneurship. How the firm floats on the tides of the environment and bridges all the difference by best possible way. Business connect wishes you happy reading!! And happy entrepreneurship!!
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With the aim of serving the best, they glorify the dreams, sailing the bumps of massive competition. Started their journey with the motto of making things effortless, suave and convenient for their users and developer. They believe technology is like art, a soaring exercise of the human imagination. Technology always empowers people to ride high in their imagination. Theyshape the dream into reality. They havethe potential to fly high and energy to design fortune. They let people be creative; to be productive, and to be advance. it has become appallingly obvious that technology has exceeded our aspirations. It has led the humans to rule the globe. SMIDGEN REALTECH PVT. LTD. is a media lab which is constantly evolving their methodologies in order provide a better and trustworthy environment to their clients along with, a growth-oriented and friendly atmosphere to theirpersonnel. Ina consistently changing environment, they are molding themselves to provide utmost satisfaction to their clients in the global network. Clearing the backlog of complex real estate business, the firm has diversified itself in the heads of technical serving to vanish the fogey map of selling, buying or market research of real estate things. It perfectly adopts the key mantra of success in this evolving world. Being Fair, committed, dedicated and passionate towards every picture of life. Working along with almost 40 employees in the shed. Established in 2018, the firm was originated in UTTAR PRADESH sighting at bringing professional and specialized beings under one roof to allow best amenities in the diversepen.The story began with just a question in mind which was resolved with the answer of “MEETING-ESTATE WITH TECHNOLOGY.” Bridging the distance of virtual and reality, the firm is consistent in their vital up gradation. Believing in resolving the differences in the lap of technology to keep quality at bars. With their technical proficiencies in property trading and real estate matters across the country, the company is serving the globe. The company has efficiently served many of the nationalized as well as international clients, even one of the biggest organizations in the world like with regard to their property settlements and worldwide real-estate counseling. Talking about national credentials, the firm has worked with Rindex Media Pvt. Ltd., Sanjeevani Greens, Winter line Heights www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
Pvt. Ltd., Lakshay infrahomes Ltd.,OmG Group of Companies, M/S Shri Balaji Traders, Alofttec Private Solutions and many more…
DRIVING THE MOTTO OF “REALTY MEETING TECH”. They used the weapon of networking in the battle of competitive markets. The firm is completely engaged in making thing easy, suave, and convenient and of best quality standards so that they can chart up the global network of the business. Surviving in the cutthroat competitive market is not an easy task but they managed to stand their own and make their idea been drawn in the real frame. They understood the need of learning and make their approach of technical enactment to nestle in the market. The firm shares the secret funda of their massive approach towards their services and extraordinary performance in the frame.”It is challenging, but if you have big network, then toughest thing will deliver to you smoothly, with the time we understand the power of networking because to grow any business you need a network and to grow a network you need to grow your thoughts and that too not in your field of business but worldwide to everything.”
PRECISE DECISIONS ABOUT WISE INVESTMENTS The firm is regulating their business investments very wisely, being optimistic about the investments which can yield better returns and stability of uncertain return of investment factors. while performing the investment it becomes difficult to ascertain future yielding, the firm focuses on the graphs of the investment and gets into it only when it seems to result sweet from the bursting balloon. Beingcalculative, opportunistic and measurable of potential risk and threats in funds employment ought to very distinguish task.
DRAWING TRUSTFUL AND WORTHY ENVIRONMENT Equipped with the state-of-the-art and communication facilities, pinpoint ‘expertise in customer needs’ as its forte and ensures maximum competency along with the added benefit to have easy access to local resources for in-depth research and investigations. The company also
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pledges to deliver various inputs and valuable insights for the development of the economic and commercial condition of the country. CMDof this company MR.PRINCE CHOUDHARY shares the credit behind the company’s successful position to his whole team who have worked with them day and night for the rising of this firm not only domestically but internationally as well. Under the leadership of such a highly experienced professional, the company is diversifying itself in its profession the by impartingdiscipline, commitment and honesty, and also with the ability to deliverassigned task as fast as possible.Offering the services like Social Media Marketing, Identity Development, E-Commerce, Direct Marketing Strategies, Exhibition Design, CMS Development, SEO, Social Media Workshops, Social Media Integration, Brand Consulting, Interactive Media, Marketing Concepts, Illustrations, Campaigns, Online Communications, Web development,3D/Maya Modeling, On & Offline Communications.
the due diligence and compliance in related Plan of synchronizing government transport services through a revolutionary mobile application project. Adaptation to technology would aid them to provide the best possible amenities to their clients overseas in the least possible time along with keeping confidentiality, satisfaction,and quality at their priority.
THE MAN BEHIND THE SUCCESS MR. PRINCE CHOUDHARY AND MR.ROHIT SHARMA established the company, having its headquarters in Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. They engaged themselves in the expansion of the firm with utmost dedication, commitment& zeal and taken the firm to another level; their directions, optimistic approach and foresighted nature are helping them to be globally crowned. They both believe their partnership to be the result of the firm’s glory, believing them to be cordially related with each other like of brother from different mothers. Different from the Adage-“do not do many expenses, always remember of your earning. Mr. Prince Choudhary also reveals one of his ideology and unique philosophy that
Do the expenses at fullest and never kill any of your realistic or unrealistic dreams, as more you expense will always give you a reason to earn more. So, always have big desires and a biggest of heart to do expense and to earn more as per your expense. The success model inspires everyone to dream big so that one put all his efforts to achieve the same.
FEATURING DISCOVERY FOR WORTHIER FUTURE. Apart from expanding its services globally in the near future, SMIDGEN REALTECH PVT. LTD is working on
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EGEE Pallet Pallets made easily available by EGEE Vikas Jha | Business Connect India is flooded with innovative people who keep looking for solutions of complex and critical quandaries. In recent times, we have been fortunate enough to witness people making use of their creative and fruitful ideas. Their concepts keep evolving with the need of changing times. Many budding minds have proved their worth by giving shape to their vision. Their quest for providing out of the box resolutions has made India a new hub of startups. Now and then, we see people working on revolutionary thoughts. EGEE Pallet Private Limited (EGPPL) is an emerging player that has become synonymous with an affordable place where one can have Pallets. It is a company established to manufacture, import & export, sale/lease of pallets, crates and boxes made from wood which are used for material handling mainly for shipment and / or storage in warehouse. This Hyderabad based company manufactures and supply returnable and exchangeable pool pallets of various sizes as per the client’s requirements under the brand name of EGEE pallet. EGPPL is founded with an intention of providing the full range of wooden pallets for packers and end users like Pharmaceutical, Breweries, Logistic companies for easy material movement and storage using pallets suited to their specific needs. www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
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Nandury Narasimha rao CEO & Founder
Strictly adhere to global standards
The EGEE Pallet is employed and implemented in all industrial and commercial sectors. It is designed and manufactured to be employed in fully automated production processes such as during loading and removal in high rack warehouses and conveyor systems. The EGEE pallet meets all European and International logistics requirements for export pallets. The manufacturing of pallets by the company conforms to stringent quality guidelines in its own manufacturing unit. This guarantees a uniform pallet standard. The fundamental idea of a uniform norm is to have a complete inter-changeability of the same products during production, handling and transportation. The process of the company ensures that every phase of fabrication of pallets is properly performed, inspected and documented as per the industry standards or client specifications. Fabrication is carried out by highly skilled and experienced technicians. In the wake of globalization, the importance of logistics is increasing. This can be attributed to the fact that more and more national and multi-national companies are sourcing, manufacturing and distributing their products and services on a global scale. Thus, the recognition of performance of logistics industry would become prime importance of economic development for India in long term. The Indian logistic industry has been gaining traction, with e-commerce penetration, economy revival, proposed GST implementation and government initiatives like “Make in India”, National Integrated Logistic Policy, 100% FDI in warehouses and food storage facilities, etc.
Crucial to logistics industry
Furthermore, with respect to India’s GDP growth, the logistics industry is expected to grow at 1-1.5x as logistics business is directly co-related with economic activity. Considering the aforementioned aspect, the Indian logistic industry is projected to grow at a CAGR of 15-20% during FY16-FY20. Pallets are one of the crucial components of Logistics industry and hence the growth of logistics industry will reflect in pallets making and leasing industry also. Pallets play a vital role in Logistic industry which prompted the founder NVL Narasimha Rao to venture into this business of Pallets Manufacturing. In order to keep costs low, to concentrate on their core business and to reduce the inventory and landfill, leasing of pallets is the necessity for companies involved in the movement of their goods from one location to another. Wood is an environmentally
friendly material. It is fully repairable, recyclable and completely bio-degradable. There is a heavy demand for the wooden pallets and a huge gap between demand and supply in the market. Meeting that demand from the clients is a challenge for the existing players in the field. EGEE Pallet is trying to fill that gap. There are currently few companies operating in Pallets leasing industry across India. Mostly they procure pallets from different manufacturers from market and lease them to their clients. They operate more or less like supplying companies.
Owns manufacturing plant
“We would like to avoid all middle men in the process of manufacturing and leasing a pallet. We procure wood and manufacture in our own manufacturing plant. We have our in-house technical team to timely respond to the clients for the AMC issues”, says N.V.L Narasimha Rao, CEO & founder of EGEE Pallet. As of now, it caters to the needs of the clients in Material Handling / Supply Chain Management (SCM) by giving them the option of either purchasing the pallets directly from it or renting the pallets as and when required. It has client base from all the industrial and commercial sectors that include Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Automobiles, Iron & Steel, Construction industries, Packaging, Breweries, FMCG and Food sectors etc. The Pallets offer good structural rigidity and maintain product reliability. The life of the pallets can be extended by strict control and maintenance standards. Raw material used in fabricating the pallets is sourced from a qualified vendor and are manufactured by qualified and experienced technicians. All the fabricated pallets undergo stringent quality process. EGPPL quality process ensures that the fabricated pallet meets all the export requirements like heat treatment in line with IPPC/ISPM15. EGPPL staff is readily available to the customers for any service/maintenance at short notice of 48-72 Hrs.
The Company being a startup is pretty optimistic about investments as there is a huge potential for the company to grow. It is looking for suitable investors to join the company and extend their expertise. It is aiming to provide excellent logistic solutions to any organization involved in movement/storage of materials by ensuring least product damage, greater efficiency, improved safety and significant cost savings. It wants to cater to the needs of the clients in Material Handling / Supply Chain Management (SCM) by making one million pallets available for use by the end of 2023.
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www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
BCM Review
A HEALTHY DIET FOR A HEALTHY NIGHT The most important thing in every entrepreneur’s life is a good sleep. We all work continuously in order to get relaxed nights, especially in case of entrepreneurs, the efforts they made in busy day life is commendable, tight schedule, utter stress , sorting situation thoroughly makes the mind and the body physically and mentally ill. The sickness or absence of sleep may even leads to disaster. In order to capture relief in eyes and mental health, we the team of business connect magazine has tried to draw a sheer line in the frame of healthy diet for healthy night. Our mind has its automatic clock alarm called circadian rhythm. These rhythm of subconscious mind tick tock the bell of sleepy head. When the body lacks tryptophan hormone levels, the frame of mind relaxation reduces. Though maintaining bedtime rituals, consistent bedtime and turning off phone screen 30 minutes before the bed is recommended points.
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Business Connect Team
Collecting the natural tips and tricks, the team has prepared the canvas of mind relaxation. Let’s have a slight walk through the natural world:-
1. CHEERS FOR GLASS OF CHERRY JUICE Fruits are always been bulk providers of healthy vitamins and proteins. Study shows that cherry owes tryptophan orders that can effectively sooth sleeping habits than any other chemical substances. So cheer up for healthy glass of cherry juice before the bed so as to maintain the body’s circadian rhythm.
2. SAY NO TO ALCOHOL There is a Big NO for alcohol intakes as alcohol hits a major throw on the healthy sleeping behavior of an individual. It seems to diffuse the body relaxing hormone levels in the busy and hectic life especially in case of entrepreneurs. For them it becomes very necessary to have sleepy nights and mental stability.
3. DOSE OF MELATONIN SUPPLEMENTS For the ones having sleeping disorders, medical practitioner suggest the dose of melatonin supplements to build a slight change in tryptophan hormone. The treatment features healthy and happy sleeps. 3-5gm of the supplements are advised half an hour before the bed so as to promote mind relaxation.
4. TRY SOME WALNUTS AND ALMONDS Almonds are rich source of magnesium and walnuts owns high concentration of amino acid sequence to raise tryptophan orders. These are the best way to get relaxed nights and drift off to the bed so easily.
5. BOWL OF HONEY AND FLAKES Having honey at night re-stocks the liver with glycogen and ensures good sleep. It reinforces the fact that one can use honey for good sleep. The recent discovery of revolutionary Hibernation Diet has revealed that eating fructose-rich foods such as honey before bed helps burning fat and to increase stamina. It also pens best time to burn fat is while sleeping. Taking honey at bedtime can activate our body’s natural recovery and help to beat insomnia.
So, we wrap up the sleepy discussion and hopes that these do’s and don’ts will gift you healthy nights. Wish you a very happy sleeps!!!☺️ www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA [ 25 ]
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Nishanth Chandran
Founder, TenderCuts
Dr. Amit Mishra | Business Connect
ell, buying meat in wet markets or from butchers is an unpleasant experience characterized by a perpetual stench, buzzing flies and the revolting sight of meat hung upside down. Undoubtedly, the experience seems to be pretty horrific. But, who has ever given a thought over easing this stinky experience! Founded in 2016 by a self-professed, ardent meat lover and founder, Nishanth Chandran, TenderCuts was born of the vision to provide fresh, quality meat in line with WHO standards, the desire to bring back the real taste of meat, and to give people unlimited choice of meats, cuts and flavors, in the comfort of their home. TenderCuts is committed to delivering farm fresh, healthy and hygienically processed meat right to your doorstep in 120 minutes. “We offer the finest selection of chicken, mutton, seafood, exotic meats and marinades, nonveg pickles that can be ordered online, on your phone or at the TenderCuts retail experience store. Our premium range also includes free-range chicken and goat,� proclaims Chandran.
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All about this ‘MEATY’ Affair
TenderCuts, India’s first omni-channel meat company We sell through retail stores, direct orders from our website, Mobile app and call center. TenderCuts prides itself on its pristine industry standards and for the following quality differentiators: • • • • • • •
Fresh and hygienically processed meat/seafood Experience the real taste of meat Antibiotic/Hormone/Chemical/preservative free RO washed and pre-cleaned Cold chain technology that preserves freshness Meat sourced from local communities Meat is handled by trained personnel within completely automated systems and at our state-of-the-art facility, where the pre-cleaning and washing of meat is done with RO purified water.
Today, the brand is on a ‘meaty’ voyage to transform people’s experience of buying meat, as the experience of buying one isn’t a cakewalk. Not only is the meat stale, unhygienic, low on taste, but is also unfit for human consumption, according to World Health Organization (WHO). Guidelines state that the meat kept at temperatures between 5 to 60 degrees Celsius, which becomes poisonous with time. The quality meat and seafood provided by TenderCuts conforms to FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) and WHO (World Health Organization) standards on the distribution and consumption of fresh–cut meat. “We have successfully gathered 1 lakh+ customers within a short span of 3 years. We have partnered with 100+ farmers in giving fair price & timely payments at the same time ensuring stringent quality standards for customer’s hence encouraging micro entrepreneurship,” asserts Chandran.
Obstacles are the part and parcel
“Being an avid meat lover myself, I wasn’t satisfied with the quality of the meat I get from the market. The meat is not hygienic and there were no convenient options to purchase the meat. There weren’t any players who delivered quality meat at the doorstep. There was a definite gap in the market on what people want and what was available. This got me thinking about options that we can explore to penetrate this niche segment. Therefore, this gave rise to TenderCuts, remembers the meat lover.
Multiple challenges were faced by them at various phases. Educating the customers was a major challenge. Since most customers are accustomed to buying from local markets, it was their initial challenge to communicate about the disadvantages of warm meat, but once we communicated, we pretty much got them coming back to us. Another challenge they faced was to train the butchers in the market and improves their life. They trained them on multiple cuts, hygiene cuts, etc. They also ensure that all butchers are healthy and even performed their medical test every month. The first phase of the pilot operation was launched last year to understand the product and user behavior. By September 2016, the company expanded to most of the parts of Chennai and by January 2017 they got Dr. Chef Damodaran on board as their brand ambassador.
Future Prospects
At TenderCuts, innovation & new product development has been the core and the company has been innovating products by making life easier for families and one of the biggest innovations, which has been brought about, is the ready to cook category is the marinated meat, using marinated meat our customers can not only save time also cook the most delicious recipes under 5-7 mins. Apart from this they have been constantly innovating new products in the ready to cook category, such as starters & gravies, etc. The vision is to become a single brand for all your meat & seafood needs. The highly unorganized market and the consumer awareness on buying high quality hygienic meat are increased and therefore there is a potential growth of 300% year on year. As the consumption of meat is increased there is no supply chain player in the industry, being a strong supply chain player we deliver the freshest and hygienic meat & seafood from FARM to CUSTOMER. So the growth percentage is higher and hence it’s a very scalable model. We currently have 13 TenderCuts stores in Chennai and recently launched our 1st store in Hyderabad, Banjara Hills on 14th December 2018 and plan to open another 18 stores in Chennai & 14 stores in Hyderabad in the next 2 years. Also aims to expand 70 stores in other major cities in the next 5 years.
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TRANSITION TO THE WORLD OF VALUE-BASED Yashasvi Khushu | Business Connect The Company based at Indore, is planning to expand its wing at National and globallyacross countries in establishing, maintaining, operating, running, managing and administering healthcare, diagnostic, health aids and research centres for updating health records globally. Health facilities in India has been restricted by centre to vertical successful National Health Programmes viz, small Pox eradication, Polio eradication, Mission Indradhanush, National Ayush Mission,to name a few. But the ultimate goal of sustainable healthcare will be attained only when the best of healthcare will be available to all, in particular to rural areas and below poverty lines families and other eligible sections. The adverse situation of healthcare services in rural areas of India as well as Madhya Pradesh, and the predominant exploitationof poor due to the absence of qualified doctors, health monitoring system & equipments also high medical expenses incited Mr. Sharma, the concept of initiating a business in healthcare sector about 10 years ago, with an aim to develop a generosity among people about their health to diagnose, trace & track the diseases, with a mission to develop a new model using latest technologies fortaking care of individual’s health life-long as well as perform the monitoring of health by regularly performing basictests of the individual, this initiative could prove boon to the society. The company is decided to prepare the “NATIONAL HEALTH CARD”( NHC ) in Rs.1100 and will manage the lead for the basic 72 tests including BP monitoring, Blood sugar test, CBC, Urine Test, ECG, TMT, Full Lipid Profile, full Liver Profile, Bone Density Test etc. at gross route, to monitor & maintain the health record ofevery citizen. The main motive of the concept is to diagnose disease at primary level & eradicate that disease at that level, which can cut the loss of health, wealth & time. The group havea very concrete & viable planning to establish international standard labs like AIIMS, MEDANATA, FORTIES & BREACH CANDY, in which they will provide the worldclass basic test facilitites oneconomical cost. The company will maintain the test records and history of each registered individual card holder’s health.” which will be maintained by trained technician and there will be no need to carry any testreports by the patients. www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
Samudayik vikas evam paryavaran samvardhan parishad, an integrated emerging healthcare delivery service provider section 8 company which will be the implementing agency, is founded, after a long research & development by Mukesh Sharma, a knowledgeable, hardworking and visionary personality who is committed to provide quality world class health services of regular health monitoring to the citizen of Madhya Pradesh. Mukesh Sharma Founder & CMD
Mr. Sharma, on behalf of company, holding solely, “Trade Mark & Copyright “of name & alsoof execution plan of NATIONAL HEALTH CARD (NHC) with tag line - “Health in Your Pocket.” Along with this Copyright Department of India has awarded Mr. Sharma copyright for 294 differentideas & concepts, in Literary & Dramatic Work whichare unique in its kind. Company will recruit 367 District / Tehsil Coordinators, 3150 Technicnicians and 22000 Jan Swasthya Workers for Madhya Pradesh only. At present they have targeted Madhya Pradesh, & the budget of the project is around 603 crores. Aftercompleting network in MP, they will be expanding their network to execute the programme at National Level. Also, they are having overwhelming response and positive dialogue with overseas government authorities. The group will utilise the manpower to monitor the registered patients health totrace & track the people suffering from diseases. In particular, they want to target the people who cannot afford the expenses on diseases. They have organised successfulily Health Check Up, Blood Group Camps” and “Cancer & TB Screening” in various villages in Indore and nearby regions. In 2015, Mr. Sharma registered the NGO services named “Naya Daur”. After a long struggle he came up with another company service “samudayik vikas evam paryavaran samvardhan parishad “. “Samudayik” named with this pious thought of “Sarv Kalyan ” or”Work for All . “The
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concept of health checkup & monitoring health has been acknowledged and admired by WHO, many govt. authorities, political representatives & pvt. Companies also. Mr. Sharma, a passionate writer, an IAS aspirant up till 2003, had involved himself in different R&D programs for the last 18 years and had contributed to many articles in Hindi on Humanity, Culture, in particular, Indian culture and European culture, before entering into Entrepreneurship. Mr. Sharma, a triple postgraduate in English Literature, Sanskrit Literature and History from Devi Ahilya University, Indore in 1994, 1996 & 1998 respectively. Healso placed in order of merit of university, also completed Diploma in Comparative Languages & Mass Communication from Hyderabad and Bhopal in 2000 and 2003 respectively. Mr. Sharma gives full credit of his successful journey to his “Mother” who although had no formal education, but she always inspired him to prove himself and do something useful for the society. Although he was not born Entrepreneur, but his leadership quality was inherent in him from school days, which he developed and focussed heading towards this Entrepreneurial Journey. Even before the idea of launching the company, he always used to lead among his circle in creative& other activities, which was inculcated by the blessings of parents and his relatives, friends and admirers. Ultimately, he was always focused to prove his qualities. The group is focussing to create a “SELF DEPEND SOCIETY”. They are trying to modernise a system prevalent in India called “Barter System” or “Vastu Vinimay” with the new technologies. The barter system is a system of trade in which there is no involvement of currency, one good of value is traded with another good of equal value. Barter systems have been in place for thousands of years throughout human history. The group will keep monitoring of health of individuals with minimum cost and in service they will provide international standard healthcare with National Healthv Card. They have planned to divide the health monitoring system at four levels, Panchyat, Tehsil, Zila and Sambagh (Division) This project will minimise the cost for every individual’s health care. At present, The major issue being faced by the the group in running the service is lack of funds. At initials, they’re in search of, Angel Funders, to avail fund, some of Rs. 10 crore, to execute the project. The milestones of the company has been in the form of leads or response from people of Indore and nearby regions. People are welcoming the idea with great hands. Some of them, shake hands with handsome investments. They have praised the plan and have advised to plan properly like prepare presentations and utilize budget for proper execution. The company has called Investors from different sectors.
Regular Health Monitoring System (RHMS) is the main theme of this concept. Once the person get registered by payingthe requisite amount & geta National Health Card, they will be monitored for life time for any sort of health issue. The uniqueness about their service is that they are going to track the health regularly of every individual and they are going to maintain data of those. They are going to make panels for different Doctors in every District and Sambagh and they are going to take service from Doctors by our own contacts and networks. For medicines also they are going to make networks and make the availability of the medicines of contagious diseases like Tuberculosis, leprosy etc. and even for dreadful diseases like Cancer, Diabetes etc. in addition to Psychology disorders and immunisation programmes at minimum cost. Their main motto is to reduce the burden of medical expense on individual suffering from diseases.
Presently although the group is targeting to villagers and the places where there is lack of medical facility but people from every section of society may it be from urban or rural are going to be targeted in the near future.They have launched at Indore and nearby villages of Madhya Pradesh. But very soon they are planning to expandthis project at National level. They will manage the Instruments manufacturing company through CSR activities or donations. They are going to diagnose the disease of enrolled patient’s and make a network of Doctors in the coming 6 months according to different sectors like Heart Specialist, Kidney, Oncologist etc. They are going to implement the method Ayurvedic or Allopathic according to suggestions made by the specialist Doctors. With a pious concept of a”Healthy Citizen- Healthy Nation”, SAMUDAYIK VIKAS EVAM PARYAVARAN SAMVARDHAN PARISHAD, has taken a right approach and is heading towards a successful business for a valuable service to humanity. They are marching ahead to achieve the goal,”MISSION HEALTHY BHARAT Up To 2025”.
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Company Milestones and Achievements
Company’s Uniqueness
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
BCM Review
Business Connect Team Being at the peak of a mushrooming startup scene, India is turning into a ground for innovation and employment. It successfully is catapulting a number of companies like Paytm, Flipkart, Ola etc. to a unicorn status i.e. startups being valued at $1billion or more, crucially playing a boss in bringing the unorganized sector into the section of organized sector. Among the world nations with most startups, India is ranked number third with more than 4000 Startups currently. And with each day the number is only growing and is anticipated to cross a mark of 10,000 in a few years. Though the introduction of GST routine is not completely helpful for startups, it definitely is said to help the growth. Let’s take a tour of the pros and cons of GST and its impact;
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PROS; Starting A Business: There were a number of tax compliances that had to be followed earlier to start a new business, but after GST coming into the picture all the sales and indirect central taxes have been consolidated. Presently the paperwork has been reduced and the registration is single as well. The time consumed in this process can be now devoted to more constructive means in the business. Any business that has a turnover of less than 20 lakh does not need to anymore register for VAT which was not the case earlier. Presently all the startups and small businesses are exempted from a structure of this nature. Logistics Cost: The reduction in the tax procedures after the introduction of GST has majorly helped in multiplying the inter-state delivery of goods and services all through the country. From state to state there was OCTROI tax that had to be paid before crossing the borders which would eventually increase the expenditure of the business. Presently there has been a uniformity bought in the same tax all through the country. The entire process of registration and payment of tax has been made available online. Multiple Taxations: There were taxes levied on goods multiple times which eventually swelled the price they were paying for the goods in comparison to the original price. The introduction of GST has eliminated such taxation by valuing tax on only the goods produced as the final product. Invoice: There has been a uniformity bought in the application of taxes resulting to which the distinction between the goods and services has been evaded. There are a number of advantages that can be availed now in terms of tax incentives.
Tax Credit Process: You will automatically not be eligible for Input Tax Credit if the supplier has not filed and paid their taxes. The major drawback about this is that if in the supply chain even one of the link has failed, it will result in great damages to the company. Technological Challenges: One of the major problems in a country like ours is technology and this has impacted the process of GST and the startups because the complete process has now been shifted online. And this online process may not be completely successful due to lack of technology or even the basic knowledge of it. Tax Collection: In the initial phase the cost is endured by the startup but later the TCS (tax collected at source) has to be paid by the owner and they would receive the refund only after filing the return. Capital Blocking: Since the GST routine has been introduced, the funds have to be uploaded by the startups in electronic form with the tax department which will lead in blocking of funds substantially. A startup will have to basically set aside a portion resulting in choking of the capital in the input tax credit system. Compliance Parameter: If there is a prospective buyer, they will be at the disposal to check the GST compliance rating and decide about the credibility of the company like the credit score. The guidelines are extremely stringent of the compliance and come at a certain bandwidth and cost. Reverse Charge: If the goods are transferred from one business that does not need to pay GST, to another that is obliged to pay, in this case, the buyer is the one who would be taking care of all the taxes. They have to selfinvoice and then upload the same on the GSTN while they file their return. This is nothing but just a bad debt that has to be paid by the buyer.
Consolidation: Difficult interstate movements, complicated taxes, cost of compliance, and more have all come to an end after GST came into being. Under this regime, there is only one tax to be paid ensuring that the whole procedure is centralized.
Freelancers: If the business person does not have a fixed place to do the business from, they have to enroll themselves as a casual taxable person under GST. It becomes mandatory for the person to do the registration because they do not come under the bar of 20 lakh being freelancers.
There is no sector that is not dealing with the pros and cons of GST. We are running in the period of transition, it will face its ups and downs. There will be a lack of technological skills and implementation but there also will be an overcoming from it.
Tax Problem: In the prior years the excise duties were paid by the business that extracted a turnover of INR 1.5 crore but since the GST has reduced the number to 20 lakh, small businesses have also come under its cap. The tax burden on the manufacturing startups has hence increased.
Startups will face a few problems but will always be on the fancy to be saved by the experts in the business. The experts can always lend a hand for registrations and filing, letting the owner concentrate on thriving in the business better.
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www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
Alok Taunk Co-Founder
Geetanjali Shivanand Co-Founder
Lovely Sharma | Business Connect indfulness is a fundamental way of living life to the fullest and is equally convoluted. Eastern Mindfulness is a platform offering tools & strategies for achieving excellence in various areas of life. The team offers scientifically designed mindfulness programs for individuals, companies & institutions to empower them for optimizing their performances. These programs include modules like stress release, productivity enhancement, mindful leadership, improving relationships, mindful goal setting & manifestation, excelling in mindful communication, emotional intelligence and much more.
Minds behind the Venture
Alok Taunk, the co-founder & excellence coach at Eastern Mindfulness, holds an intensive corporate experience of more than a decade, where he was a part of various organizations working across various roles including sales, marketing, digital advertisements, online marketing & was also a part of many corporate think tanks. Also he has been practicing various self-enhancing scientific mindfulness & other Vedic practices under direct supervision of a Himalayan master for around eleven years from now. He noticed how people across the corporate realm are facing burnouts due to increasing stress, responsibilities, pressure, which is also hampering their other walks of lives. Similarly is the case with students, who are constantly living under judgments & pressure. Thus he, along with Geetanjali who holds deep interest & strategic formulations in diet & nutrition thought of coming up with Eastern Mindfulness – A platform offering tools for optimizing performances. They are also working on an application called MindField App, which would offer guided meditations, wisdom audios etc which is likely to be launched in Coming Months. A new year gift to the humanity for their holistic wellbeing.
A walk through their lives
An amazing journey of years of holistic practices and training right from the Himalayan master, Alok and Geetanjali have religiously dedicated themselves to transforming lives. While Alok has a management background in studies and work; an extensive experience of corporates for almost a decade has provided him a versatile approach, that lets him be in others shoes and guide them for applying the Eastern Mindfulness principles for optimizing their lives. On the other www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
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hand, Geetanjali raised in a holistic sort of an environment where she “understand” inspite of understands and propagates knowledge to others, just the way she was guided under her mentor. The organisation clearly understands value of every single human being as a universal entity and therefore provides various transformational offerings for various people accordingly. The corporate word in the overall arena requires it badly and the programs revolve around stress release, productivity, relationships, goal manifestation, leadership, selfconfidence, etc.
Challenges while driving the force
An Eastern Mindfulness programs help companies & individuals in dealing with workplace stress, anxiety & empowers in order to enhance focus, awareness, productivity and inclusiveness. The organization offers various other scientifically devised engagement programs for improving & enhancing communication, work relations, mindful goal setting, building mindful teams, leadership, strategies for work life balance etc. Usually it is found that start-ups struggles a lot in finding a suitable candidate. Fortunately hiring of the right candidates hasn’t been a problem for the makers ever. People love to get associated themselves with value. The size and the magnitude of the company doesn’t matter if the value they are getting is enormous. Everyone strives for progress & loves to associate their identity with a positive idea, of course keeping remuneration part into consideration.
Going Ahead
Currently, the organization is closely working with the corporate & institutions wherein the businesses / institutions hire the Eastern Mindfulness services for their employees/students/members – the engagement can range from a day to few weeks to few months along with regular follow-up webinars. Eastern Mindfulness offerings aim at empowering individuals, whether they are in a corporate setup, institutions – students, professionals or any other walk of life, with selfdevelopment & scientific performance optimizing tools & strategies which they can integrate in their routine to enhance their mental, emotional & physical state of being. Once individuals take charge of their lives they can easily handle every situation around them. The makers are working on various modules and soon shall provide ready to implement strategies to bring a measurable change in various areas of life, whether it is work, family, social, success etc.
In a candid chat with our Senior Editor Sugandh Bahl, cofounder Alok Taunk opened up about various challenges and his plan to tackle them. Here are the excerpts: Business Connect: What problem does your company solve and how are you different from others in the field? Alok Taunk: At Eastern Mindfulness, we have combined some higher & sacred consciousness uplifting scientific processes for holistic development which makes us stand apart.
Business Connect: How challenging is it to run a startup in an atmosphere of cut-throat competition in the market? Alok Taunk: We primarily focus on internal competition, which means to better our offerings, our products & services from their previous versions. Honestly, our entire focus, energies & resources are channelized towards selfgrowth & expansion. Secondly, our services are one of its kind and what makes them stand out are the scientific ancient mindfulness protocols which are integrated with all the modules. Business Connect: Is hiring a tough task for start-up
companies? How do you cope up with this obstacle? Alok Taunk: We keep on getting resumes where people are eagerly looking forward to work with us as they see the difference we are making in people’s lives.
Business Connect: Please go through your future plans? Alok Taunk: We are working on a self-help mobile application which shall contain guided meditations, wisdom audios, tips and much more which shall prove handy and one can use it either on the go or at leisure to work on various fields like health, work, mindfulness and emotions etc. Apart from these, we are restructuring our marketing & advertising strategies in order to reach as many people as possible so that this scientific wisdom can be integrated in their lives to make a difference.
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Rohit Sharma Managing Director
Technology is now a big part of our society and our foreseeable future. There is little room for people that wish to live without technology, and luckily, it is still advancing at a rate that has helped stave off stagnation. Technology is the necessity of life as we all need to look upon one’s day to day problems related to lifestyle or either related to medical, food, transportation, etc. All these things are to be solved by developing the technology which becomes a cure for Human beingsRIZILIANT TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD. With the support of extremely efficient quality designers, expert developers,and a team filled with supreme enthusiasm to devised everything. They are providing services and helping others to transform their thoughts into real applications.
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ENDING NEEDS AT TECHNOLOGY Vikas Jha | Business Connect
For everystart-up, it is not easy to establish its presence and survive in the extremely sophisticated marketto achieve itsgoals. challenging environmentand meeting the quality standards are very difficult to pass in survival. The company executives expressexperience and bestefforts asa key ingredient of success for resorting the customer’s back. Working with the respectful credentials with them likeEnnovata, Neem AyuZorg, Keyworld India, Rindex, Dintex.
making something out of the box. We are working for real solutions and want to take everyone with us in this amazing world of technology.” Asserts company Head Mind Mr.ROHIT SHARMA
With the agenda of connecting mass with technology. Filling the gap with untouched arenas of technology, they are moving ahead in the growth of every aspect.offering a single solution to fulfill daily needs and to help peoplefor a convenient and simpler life.
Bringing every individual to a digital platform to offer or use their services. Theytarget the rural areas like small towns and cities where human beings are stillunknown to the amenityof ordering food online, book a cab, online shopping, or availing freelancing services. Keeping around 20 super talented workforcesunder a single rooffor meeting all possible ends at one point. With the help talented and committed HR TEAM, it became much easier for them to hire effective personnel under the shed.
Basic psychology of the business minds reveals their funda of victories that “Everyone is in a race to win and come fast. We are not into a race of
After the deployment of their Product, being very optimistic about investments decisions, they are planning for future funds employment if found devised and transparent. Talking about future discoveries they are moving their heads to connect at least 100 Million people belongingfrom rural areas, small towns and cities and providing them a platform to utilize the amenities and showcase their potential skills.
♦ Key officials
Every idea needs a mind to be shaped into reality, framing the wonderful venture can’t be possible without these amazing heads. Company‘s CEO& Founder Mr.Prabhakar Sharma andManaging Director Mr.Rohit Sharma makes every effort forthe glorious journey of the company.Mr.Rohit Sharma also in association with Mr. PrinceChoudhary heading towards the successful commitments for their another real estate and IT venture famed as SMIDGEN REALTECH PRIVATE LTD. Their utmost zeal, passion,andcommitments, they are leading the positivism. [ 37 ]
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
BCM Review
Business Connect Team
Technology is now bleeding across-the-boards. Every loop in this world is equipped with technical support and encouragement, Enlarging its scale and breadth technologies are unfolding many variables of kinds and minds. Be it moon discovery or sewing machine, Humans are depending on the concern in every possible way. Benefiting the stakeholders in great potential, technology has created its pretty path in every pins. Being entrepreneurs, it become important to go through every pen which can leads to profit along with studying their every possible pitfalls. Dealing in the worth of trillions, technology seems to nourish every economic and Social consequences. In the fountains of trends this 2019 blemishes with many
technological upgrades featuring the best out of everything to create the market space. Millions of inventions in the lap, the technology has been a wonderful spot in the garage of economy. We, the team of Business connect has evaluated these leading trends for the year and its prospects. Get set ready for the trailing top 5 trends of this fortune 2019 1. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2. AUGMENTED REALITY 3. BLOCK CHAIN 4. AUTOMATION 5. INTERNET OF THINGS
Let’s have a brief study about these trending features
1. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Artificial intelligence is all about machines having human like attributes of seeing speaking reading composing tasks but learning through repeated interactions and also recognizing emotions too. This technology features algorithms that adopts Geo location, user history machines and speech dynamically adopts to perform dangerous acts more quickly, and correctly better than human beings. As per the US research and advisory firm Gartner, all the software somewhere uses the AI technology so as to assure worth association.
2. BLOCK CHAIN You all may have gone through the very fame digital currency “ BITCOIN” which all of sudden drawn all the public attention towards it. Disrupting the potential of many enterprises Block chain is the secure and reliable system for keeping records and trustworthy reports. Block chain seems to grow at pace to acquire the larger size of scales towards securing time-consuming, centralized and insecure systems. By 2019 block chain will definitely be seen in every core innovation of the industries.
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3. AUTOMATION A control loop evolving from on-off facility to multi level high standards algorithms, either be it home or industrial applications, craning innovation and centered economic & social consequences the revolution of robotics has been started from earlier 1960s, a technology where human assistance is nominally required. Effectively replacing hard, physical and monotonous tasks with automatic control, automation is successfully widens up its branch in globe. In the forthcoming time period automation is going to be great player in the technical world as by 2030 it is estimated to terminate around 73 million jobs of unskilled professional and create a technical space for trained, experts and skilled personnel.
4. INTERNET OF THINGS Also known as “A solution to basket of remotes”. It is the interconnection via net of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. The market is estimated to raise by 30 billion devices by 2020 along with the project value of $7.1 trillion. The architecture of Internet of things include 3 tiers: Devices; The edge gateway; and The Cloud. The particular can encode 50-100 trillion objects along with following the motions of the same. This thing has somehow established it’s circle in solving the technical backlashes.
5. AUGMENTED REALITY According to Wikipedia: Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real-world are “augmented” by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory. The same has boosted the market of gaming and entertainment by its advancements. AUGMENTED REALITY is more likely to be accepted than the virtual reality, enabling the next generation of computing. The feature is creating its own space by working with top brands and companies. So, it can be said that AUGMENTED REALITY will soon make its chart in technical world.
WRAPPING UP the briefs, these five are estimated to be the trending technical features of this 2019. Hopefully this article will help you to get your scope about the technical world. Take your time and get trained yourself for the upcoming future trends. With the emerging need of professionals in pace walking technology, its right time to opt for one domain and become expert with the need of hour. Business connect wishes you Happy reading!! Happy technology!!
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Call us on (+91) 9210226851 , 8076448740 to join this digital revolution.
A reliable name in waste water & solid garbage waste treatment
Sugandh Bahl | Business Connect
As the population of the country continues swelling, the need to have clean environment in the form of clear water and organic waste keeps on intensifying. “According to TechSci Research report, India Wastewater Treatment Plants Market by Type, Plant Category, Operating Mode, Competition Forecast and Opportunities, 20112021�, wastewater treatment plants market in India is projected to grow at a CAGR of over 12% till 2021. This is on account of increasing water pollution, rapid urbanization, implementation of stringent regulations pertaining to proper treatment and disposal of sewage along with restrictions on discharge of effluent waste water into water bodies.
Satish Kumar Bhatt
CEO, Enbio Green Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Demand for wastewater treatment plants in India is surging on account of rising industrialization and development of residential sector that require installation of sophisticated municipal wastewater treatment systems. Strict directives issued by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) regarding proper disposal and management sewage necessitate construction of new sewage treatment plants in the country. Further, increasing penetration of municipal wastewater treatment plants in residential and commercial sectors is projected to drive India wastewater treatment plants market over the next few years. To this end, an emerging force has surfaced to put to use its expertise for the betterment of environment. Enbio Green Solutions is a burgeoning name that provide complete solutions provider for water, waste water& organic waste. It is a Solution driven company to integrate selected emerging technologies in Solid and Liquid waste treatment and gives end to end solutions. The scope of these technologies varies widely and each technology is unique in its application and integration of these technologies to provide customized solutions to clients. www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
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Serving major domains
It has a team of seasoned professionals who have rich experience in industries such as Textile, Sugar, Distillery, Pharmacy and in government sectors like Municipal Corporations, Railways, PHED to name a few. In a short span of time, it has established itself as a reliable and trustworthy service provider in the industry. The supreme focus of the company has always been to find answers as to how could it heal this damaged nature that surrounds us and aid humanity with its yet small but impressive results. This Delhi based company is working with a vision to better its environment by bringing global premiere green technology, offering end to end solutions for Solid & Liquid waste environmental issues. It has a mission to provide ecologically friendly and sustainable solutions that is efficient and economical. Moreover, it aspires to deliver outstanding and reliable services consistently. It has deeply imbued values such as Green Technology & Innovation, People and Society as its core strength to deliver its services. It strives to make the world a better place by using global premier green technologies in its products by aiming to meet the needs of its clients. This is done while keeping in mind all the environmental and ecological needs. The Company provides first class support by merging different technologies to give clients a customized and unique solution for their individual issues. Hence, it is providing top notch solutions using the best of its services. It ensures minimal cost consumption while delivering efficient and innovative solutions for your problems and smooth after maintenance services as per client’s convenience.
Making robust bonds
The ever growing technologies need to be tested first to see if they are fit enough to be rolled out into the world. “We look after such domains and have tie-ups with
universities, government bodies and the best research institutes to guide us in choosing the best of technologies for our work”, says Satish Kumar Bhatt, CEO of the company. The basic idea behind this business is to provide ecofriendly, sustainable and green technologies for water, waste water and solid waste treatment. Mr. Bhatt brings around 20 years of experience in his field. Having worked with leading Indian companies, Mr. Bhatt realized that he could contribute more to society through entrepreneurship. This went on to become the driving force for the establishment of the company. Currently, it is working on green technologies to solve problems in water and wastewater treatment, disinfection of water and waste water without use of any chemicals. Moreover, it is making use of solar energy based water desalination system for rural and border area villages/ army area. Apart from this, it has the state-of-the-art domestic solid waste treatment for composting and controlling odor emission. It is powered with solar water purifier that offers water in an eco-friendly manner. This humanitarian effort has helped a lot as the water and other ecological crisis surrounds us. Moreover, the company provides a wide range of sewer treatment plants. It has an edge over the traditional septic tank used for water treatment. Refineries garnered the largest share in India wastewater treatment plants market, on the heels of large amount of wastewater generated from the industry and increasing refining capacity of India. In 2015, India had a refining capacity 223.3 MMTPA and this is projected to cross 310 MMTPA by 2017. Indian pharmaceutical industry is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 12.89% over 2015–20 to reach USD 55 billion by 2020, and this is projected to drive India industrial wastewater treatment plants market.
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Merryweather Services Pvt. Ltd.
RESEARCHPROGLOBAL Epitome of Impeccable Writing & Editing Vikas Jha | Business Connect With the change in times, the ways and means to widen presence among clients have changed dramatically. Now, it has become more important than ever to become distinguishable as the market is crowded with a number of players. In such circumstances, a business entity needs to make sure that its products or services are able to cater to the targeted prospects. There are a number of ways to make it happen. Taking assistance of professional writers is one of the fastest emerging mechanisms to that end. When we think of impeccable writing, the name that flashes in our mind is none other than Merryweather Services Pvt. Ltd (the parent company of Researchproglobal). It is an emerging company with the worldly wise knowledge of writing domain. It has a team of expert writers who are not only writers but expert researchers. After going through an in-depth analysis, the writers and editors work out the modus operandi best suitable to the clients’ needs. In a short span of time, it has established itself as a force to reckon with in the arena of services pertaining to writing. Irrespective of the fact that it is a startup, Researchproglobal has managed to witness rise in clients’ interests who are willing to take its services. The Company is working with the key objective to provide technical, financial and knowledge services to business firms as well as direct customers. The idea came into being only because of the aspiration of Ruby Immaculate.Also Ms. Nirmala A and Mr. Dominic Kingsley J, the directors of the company were looking to improve the services of the domain worldwide. The Chennai-based Company is currently solving knowledge related problems. It yields English editing & writing services, statistical and analytical services for the market research of business firms. It has always been a tricky affair for startups to get projects frequently. Initially, getting new projects was proving to be challenging for the company but its www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
perseverance and high quality solutions ensured its relevance in the market. It currently serves via two models namely Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Customer (B2C) models. Its long list of clientele includes Researchers, Scientists, Lecturers, Students, Market research firms, Research journals, weekly and monthly magazines related to Academics and Research. For any startup, sustenance in this competitive world is the most vital thing. One needs to come up with a USP in order to place ones brand apart from the peers. Moreover, some changes can be brought in the way of presentation to the clients without compromising the quality of the services. The Company keeps researching extensively the market needs and how its services could help companies and individuals.
As of now, the company is looking for new investments through novel ventures. Moreover, it is planning to launch online journal in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, Humanities and Medical Science. It is poised to cement its position as one of the top notch writing services provider. [ 44 ]
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Mushrooming of a destined leader
Dr. Amit Mishra | Business Connect
ndia is gaining pace when it comes to adoption of startup culture. Of late, people have started showing faith in out-of-the-box concepts ideated by new age entrepreneurs. Several successful startups have shown their potential to the world. Companies such as Flipkart, Snapdeal, Zomato and Ola etc. are just a tip of the iceberg to corroborate an ambience of new entrepreneurial ecosystem. We have witnessed startups of assorted domains but hardly have we seen companies in the domain of Artificial Intelligence. The inception of Froot Research has ended that drought. It is a R&D based burgeoning company in the arena of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It has a deep-seated focus on innovation, advancement and realization of AI. It is excelling in computational Research, Development and Consulting. It is working with a goal to bring real, human-like or superior intelligence to businesses and everything that touches our lives. Moreover, it is striking chord with academia as well as corporates to advance its research and develop new models of intelligence. Established in May 2018, initial results of its work have been very promising and have garnered appreciations from customers and partners. And now after garnering industry acceptance, it is filing patents for technology to ensure that IP is protected. Despite being a new entrant, approach of the company has been spot on. Froot’s innovative Artificial Intelligence models are intuitive, targetless, interpretable and based on cognitive research. It cuts down the time drastically to build domain specific intelligent products. This reflects from the fact that in short span it has built a broad portfolio that can cater needs of Telecom, Finance, IP (Intellectual Property), Healthcare, Advertising and content domains. In 2019, it plans to expand its portfolio further to Manufacturing, Logistics and Marketing domains.
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Seasoned expertise is the game changer
Amit Gautam, the man behind the startup, gained expertise of the IT and AI domains by serving some top-rated companies of Europe and North America. His experience spans more than 14 years. Mr. Gautam had worked in various roles with tier-1 customers like AT&T, Sprint, Vodafone and various vendors. This gave him a deep understanding of the challenges that enterprises face. Having a background in research, engineering and management, he decided to take the bull by its horn and started a company that would build systems that exhibit real intelligence and solve challenges unsolved for years. This became a pillar of the Froot Research. Few years back, people used to stay sceptic about startups but there has been a pragmatic change in their mindset. Investors are now looking for serious research startups in India that work in Artificial Intelligence. By means of its credentials and work, Pune based Froot Researchis very well placed to engage them in growth plans. Furthermore, with myriad of entrepreneurial initiatives going on, it just opens up more opportunities to collaborate with others and expand further.
Principles of substance
The Company is taking giant leaps forward to make machines intelligent, self-aware and self-adaptive so that they could serve the needs of businesses and society. Everything that it does places it apart; from the way it recruits, engages academia, design products to the way it builds roadmaps. There are many things that differentiate it from others in the field but the key differentiator is its focus on research and on building generic models that find place in various problem domains. To build a culture of innovation, it follows three principles.
• Be on the edge: It knows what’s going on in research world and it always ensuresto build upon the latest and the greatest.
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Amit Gautam
Chief Technology and Strategy Officer,
Froot Research
• Something New: Anything that it builds must have novelty in it, be it the intelligence model, the architecture or even the user interface. • Fail fast, fail often: For each task it takes upon, it defines the key success factors. It then develops and test those specific parts first to ensure that it fails fast, if something was to not work eventually. ‘Failure’, at Froot is seen as just a step forward. The AI industry offers a nerve-racking competition for startups but the company takes it as a source of refining itself. Thismakes it go beyond and to prove that it’s a cut-above. Most of its current products cater to the needs of big businesses. Thus, it works in a B2B model in that context. Apart from its B2B business model, it is also looking to explore opportunities in B2C model by entering Healthcare technology which is of direct value to the masses.
A full-proof future plan
When we talk about clients, the company is engaged with at least 2 multi-million dollar companies spread across Switzerlandand US that are seen as key players in their domain. Apart from this, it has also partnered with one of India’s 2018’s Top 20 startups in life sciences. In
coming years, the company is looking to make an impact in technology as well as social world. The technology adapted by the company is bound to make businesses smarter and faster. Not only this, it wants to help people enrich their experiences and get valuable insights in the areas that matter to them the most. In India, there is a paucity of AI research companies. This gives Froot distinguished advantage. Froot is always accessible to researchers in a vacuum of AI research companies. With strong R&D focus, innovative AI technology under the belt, a clear long-term growth plan and acceptance of product by key market players, Froot is an attractive startup for investors. Few investors have already offered to invest in the startup. It has a 3-year technology road map that involves expanding research in Hierarchical temporal memory, inferential models, signal processing and automated machine learning. It plans to reach out to more and more customers, take the central stage in key conferences and demonstrate the power of its advanced technology. By 2020, it aims to make this novel technology integral part of multiple top 500 companies’ ecosystem.
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BCM Review
An idea is a unique thought that may result in to either AN INVENTION, INNOVATION OR A DISCOVERY. Business Connect Team Entrepreneurship is the boat which sails on the high waves of extreme environment. Both the internal and external factorsof the dynamic natureinfluence the business development in every possible pin.Every individual once thinks to become aEntrepreneur, but to ride long way in the journey of glory is a hard case thing.“Fake it till make it� is always a pleasure success mantrato face business tides. Every business should learn to collect small pebbles to build a kingdom to rule. Entrepreneurs are set to raise fire but this whole process is likely to accomplish only when necessary planning and management of mind and ideas have taken worth place. PLANNING and EXECUTION of the dynamic environment before the end result is the most important thing to do. Every possible aspect of the game is to be studied at pin point. Only Strong roots canmake the powerfulshed for tree. Planning is same as preparing the bed stronger enough to build a glorified and successful empire. A great project float on a perfect project planning and execution for which we the team of Business connect magazine dedicate this article to project planning and management.
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LET’S HAVE A LOOK ON THE STARS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE SKY What it do ?? Project planning and management of the company format is the foremost thing to make things more simpler and easier to measure. Itis the function of selecting an objective and developing schedules, policies and procedures to attain the specific goals and objectives.The whole process is suave but important one which involves :-
1. Identification of objective
5. Risk management After detailing the activities, resources, schedule and costs, one should go through the potential threats in the route of completing the project successfully.
6. Formulation of communication plan
The main component of project planning is to identify the objective or need of the project which must be identified after keeping the needs of all stakeholders in mind. Note that an objective is more specific than goals that make it easier to measure the success of the enterprise.
Communication plan is a mechanism of preparing a document that shows the information of the stakeholders, required information and the communicated channels, that may be daily, weekly, or monthly describing the performance milestone achieved and the work planned further.
2. Selection of activities
7. Documentation
After the identification of objective, next phase is to achieve the same, for which the optimum performance and accurate activities are to be selected.
The documentation of quality plan is crucial for its better implementation. It facilitates the coordination of team, activities and resources to achieve quality target through better control measures.
3. Identification of resource requirements The most important phase of the company format is to identify the needs of resources and allocation of the same in the journey accurately.
4. Preparation of budget
project plan. This budget helps in monitoring and control the cost expenditure during the implementation phase.
8. Evaluation Management reviews should occur after each phase to evaluate the project’s progress during the various checkpoints of business life.
The budget encompasses the estimation of labor, equipment and materials for implementing the Wrapping up the planning procedure. We, the team of business connect magazine hopes that these pillars and process would help you to make the most successful business and makes sense to have the wonderful business floatingon the extremely dynamic waves of sea. As we all know that entrepreneurship is not an easy task to build or survive but also not Impossible to make. Wishing you a Happy Reading!! Happy Entrepreneurship!!
Tides are always there to welcome you but IT DEPENDS ON YOU HOW TO REACH THE SHORE.
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Prem Krishna Vayuvegula, one of the directors of Akhilapriya Properties Private Limited, is a dynamic personality. His strong determination and willpower have helped him fulfill his dream of having own construction company. Niranjan Kanna Ready, the other director, is a man of individuality who is a self-motivated person whose tremendous efforts to fulfill his dream have made him a successful businessman.
Ujjawali Shrivastava | Business Connect ONSTRUCTION WITHOUT DEVIATION IS our MAIN MOTTO- conveyed Prem Krishna Vayuvegula & Niranjan Kanna Reddy, the Directors of Akhilapriya Properties Pvt. Ltd.
CONSTRUCTION is the most important sector that contributes greatly to the economic growth of a nation. The Construction industry has been the driving force for the local economy for the past several years. Everyone dreams of having a dream house and “Vavuyvegula and Reddy’ are the ones who have dedicated themselves to fulfill this dream of people. They educate and help people in buying a property which is built in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the concerned local authorities. www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
COMPANY’S ANECDOTE Akhilapriya Properties Private Limited is a name that resonates among the prominent residential and commercial developers in Tamilnadu & Andhra Pradesh. Having its Headquarters in Chennai, Akhilapriya Properties is primarily focusing on residential and commercial projects. The Company’s upcoming residential projects include deluxe apartments, villas, row houses, development of plots and aspirational houses replete with world-class amenities. In all of its projects, the company lays a strong emphasis on environmental management, water harvesting and high safety standards. COMPANY’S QUEST The main mission of the company is to develop quality properties based on realistic values for its clients, investment affiliates, as well as its joint venture partners. Its striving feat is to continuously expand the role of a leading developer in the construction industry by building lasting relationships
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with its clientele and all concerned on the foundations of performance, trust and confidence. COMPANY’S UNIQUE SPIRIT Innumerable construction companies exist in today’s world. To make oneself unique in this industry is a big challenge. But the constant dedication and unceasing efforts of its Directors make Akhilapriya Properties different from others. It provides property management services to the non-resident investors. One who buys a flat in this project can lease it out to Akhilapriya Property Management Services which takes care of the flat by paying a monthly rent to the investor. As such, the investor need not worry about renting out the flat, maintenance of the flat etc. People can invest from any corner of the Globe and avail a hassle free returns. “Construction without deviation” is their only motto, whereas 90% of the market is filled up with illegal and deviated constructions. Buying a home is a dream to every common man. A person saves all his money throughout his life to buy his or her own home. Without having a proper knowledge of this kind of issues, he or she invests all his hard earned money in buying an illegal or a deviated property and ends up paying huge fines and sometimes even losing the home. “So we have decided not to get into such kind of deviated and illegal constructions but to
deliver the best to our buyers.” asserted “Vayuvegula & Reddy”. SUBJUGATING DEMUR AND HIGHLIGHTING In the words of Mr. Reddy & Vayuvegula, “Competing with the existing competitors in the market is a big hassle, gaining the trust of the clients is another big issue. You need to prove that you are the best when compared with the competitors in the market”. On the basis of their above words, it is assumed that they always focus on providing better facilities to the clients in comparison with their competitors in the construction field. At the time of advertisement, numerous companies promise to provide to their clients a number of facilities and amenities. But in reality they provide only a few among the promised ones. In most cases there are deviations from the approved plans to a tune of 10%, 15% and in extreme cases even 25%. But Akhilapriya Properties confirm not to have any deviations from the approved plan and to provide all the facilities and amenities promised. In most cases, the developers give a deadline to handover the flats to the clients. But due to many factors, they are not able to stick to the deadline and make a lot of delay in handing over the property to their clients. But Akhilapriya Properties promise to stick to the deadline and save unnecessary anxiety to its clients. THE PRIMEVAL PROJECT The numero uno project “PRISTINE” constructs 76 premium apartments. All are 2BHK flats facing east and west. The Construction commenced in October 2018 and will be completed by October 2020 (The deadline given by the developers). The project has been approved by DTCP (Director of Town and Country Planning) Amaravathy, Andhra Pradesh. There will be no
deviations from the approved plan. Akhilapriya Properties takes great pride to deliver to its clients the apartments with international quality specifications and standards. The Project “PRISTINE” offers excellent connectivity to Chennai & Tirupati International Airports. There are 5 Sea Ports within a radius of 100KMS from SRICITY. They are Chennai Port (65kms), EnnorePort (50kms), Kattupalli Port (52kms), Krishnapatnam Port (100kms) and the upcoming Duggarajupatnam Port (60kms). There are also Express trains connecting to Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Delhi. “PRISTINE” is located just 1.5kms from SRICITY, India’s fastest growing SEZ (Special Economic Zone). SRICITY is deemed to be the ‘Future Smart City of Andhra Pradesh. 175 best International companies from 27 Countries are established in SRICITY. Enumerating in this, there are Educational Institutions and Hospitals spread across 7500 acres. SRICITY is working towards becoming a carbon neutral city and is one of the best in India to live and work in. PREVALENT BUSINESS MODEL Akhilapriya Properties Private Limited is a direct sales business model. It has tied up with some local marketing agencies & services, generate revenue through a network of sales persons who sell the flats directly to customers. Here direct sales takes place through presentations or demonstrations of the product or service in a one-to-one setting. Publicity Videos and Banners are posted and circulated through Social media to reach millions. Hoardings showcasing the project details are posted in all the major cities of south India. FORTHCOMING PROJECTION Akhilapriya Properties is a big dreamer. Its aim is to become a well-known and a reputed
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construction company in south India as well as north India down the line in 10-20 years. It is planning to build commercial Shopping malls with world class Food courts, state of the art multiplex screens and Star Hotels. It is also interested in developing residential projects in: • Amaravathy, The new capital of Andhra Pradesh. • Sricity, Indias fastest growing SEZ in between Chennai & Tirupati. • Tirupathi, India’s richest Piligrim City and many other places. Apart from these, it is also formulating a plan to construct a world class theme park beside. www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA
BCM Review
Business Connect Team
I have a question for all – what is life?? does life exactly means to success and if yes !! Then how do you get the success?? Think for a while.. For me, Life is all about happiness and happiness is only achieved by satisfaction. How satisfied we are shows how happy we are. Have you ever seen the ECG report of the heart, Full of waves, up and down lines, showing the health of our heart but if you have ever noticed, we are alive only till the heart beats. If the line goes straight it will mean we are dead. Even and odds are the part of life, all have to ride the roller coaster of situations, how we tackle things is most importantmatter to look upon. Entrepreneurship is same roller coaster ride, not every one thinks of riding it but the one who rides it with excitement, enjoys the most. While painting the business idea in real pen, the main thing to look upon is the business idea and its real feasibility and profitability. Idea showing the real worth is taken into consideration.
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Let’s start the brief sail on business strategies and key points to keep in mind.
Planning involve everything from the beginning either its be promotion of idea or selling goods better. Each and every pin is to be looked up so that customer will get as much utility from the commodity as they want,
An entrepreneurship is a social process, where interaction of people with each other is necessary to persuade them to act in a particular way concerning on maximum satisfaction of consumer needs.
ANALYSING YOURSELF By Analyzingand gathering information about the self status, business can float through the main business analysis of their strengths, weakness, potential opportunities and related threats.
Pillars of Entrepreneurship
i) Identification of customer market
ii) Understanding needs of customers and wants
SWOT Analysis
iii) Developing goods and services to satisfy needs
W – Business weaknesses and negative points.
iv) Satisfying consumer needs better than competitors
v) Last, but not the least, Doing all this at profit.
S - Business strengths and good points. O – upcoming business opportunities and subsequent plans. T – Business threats and related competitions.
MARKET OFFERING A good ‘market offering’ is one which is developed after analyzing needs and preferences of potential buyers. While doing business, it become very important to impress customers more than the similar brands in the market. Once the consumer get exactly what he wants, our brand is publicized automatically. Our branding will shift in the hands of customer and it will definitely up the charts of business success. Every consumer is rational and his monotonic preference bends to maximizing utility deals so, it becomes the charge of every Entrepreneur to feature the deals in such a way that consumer will bend only towards them.
CUSTOMER VALUE The consumer prefers those goods which provide them maximum satisfaction and utility on their money, the entrepreneur should look and aim at adding customer value to the product at profit, so that the consumer resort back every time to YOU. They look upon NEW and securing the NEW serving is in your court. Higher the customer value, bigger the profits.
MARKETING PLANNING The Entrepreneur should develop appropriate marketing plans to achieve the business objectives covering various Important aspects of business growth and expansion.
Figuring out these things really help the organization to step in Better spaces. Faith and efforts all these are basic stuff in building the profitable house.
CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICE Business doesn’t end with selling its services but starts from it, selling products is not so much tough task but resorting the customers back in need is difficult one. A very important function of every Enterprise is to form customer support services for their consumers like after sale services, complaint management services, customer grievance cell etc. All those activities build higher chances of customer satisfaction and repeating the person as consumers.
SET A USP (UNIQUE SELLING POINT Entrepreneurship is an idea, and execution of this idea requires a lot of efforts, riding big wave is in the uniqueness. Starting from the organization’s promotion, one must create or identify its unique selling point which will differentiate it with others in the same boat. The X FACTOR is much more important for the growth of any business idea that one must identify before the product offering to customer.
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Property Management and
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We are in operation since 2007 and provide services to property owners and tenants Our mission for Property Owners is to relieve them from the hassles of day-to-day details of operation to ensure a smoothly operating, profitable and appreciating real estate investment. Our mission for Tenants is to provide them with a decent and happy living with NO BROKERAGE and take care of all of thier rental needs when it comes to staying peace fully in the home of their choice
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Our Services Property Management
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No 41, VJ Infinity, 2nd Cross, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560 043 India www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 1 | Yearly Edition February 2019 INDIA [ 56 ]