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Assumption 9




Based on watersedCI 2019, The most number of individuals possible must be successfully transitioned through the change, and this requires that organizational transformation be constructed from the ground up. Change can be seen to have momentum when seen as a curve in this way. Often, during a change initiative, attention is given to those who reject it. To gain momentum, we should concentrate on the majority rather than the laggards or those who resist.

In The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Malcolm Gladwell explains that the "tipping point" is "the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point." Consider how digital media has replaced physical media in popular culture. There has been a significant drop in newspaper sales as a result of the tipping point being reached when the majority of people now get their news online.

Mass-scale change has an impact that lasts for a long time. Therefore, pushing the early majority and the late majority past the tipping point should be our primary goal. Having stated that, there are additional actions that leadership should do to support organizational change, such as: Building the capacity to cultivate and grow change within an organization, such as by setting up a change practice or change management office within that organization. - Setting up the people, processes, and technology to enable successful change. Promoting principles like open communication, taking calculated risks, being adaptable, and constant improvement are part of this.

Individual change is the cornerstone of organizational change. There is no momentum if the critical majority is absent. The best strategy for doing this is to include many levels of management. The motivations, desires, and issues that each employee has with the project must be understood by the manager. In order to help, inspire, and make it possible for that person to adopt the change, they do this. You would build momentum to reach the tipping point if every manager did this for each of their direct subordinates. It's useful to keep in mind: Knowing your audience well is essential. Never generalize your audience too much. Utilizing audience profiles is beneficial, such as: user demands, target audience, demography, etc.


Based on the article 70 percent of change programs fail due to employee resistance and lack of management support. With the constant pressure of having to change, new technologies, and a diverse workforce, the need for effective change leadership has never been more vital. As a result, Go MAD! technique was implemented in this case. The technique GoMAD! consists of four proven strategies to produce lasting value while executing change inside and outside of organizations. Those four strategies are;

1. Go – Create movement, a sense of authenticity and urgency

Go demands a fearless and genuine leader that will establish an atmosphere of belonging, trust, and vulnerability, where the leader accepts the uncertainty but gives a sense of direction. By exhibiting sincerity, vulnerability, and creating knowledge of the shift, individuals inside the company will experience a feeling of belonging. 2. M – Understand individual and team motivations

M reflects improving motivating behavior comprehension. Motivational behaviors are a vital step frequently ignored owing to time and resource limitations. One reason why change attempts fail is because leaders lead from their own motivations rather than adapting and leading from the perspectives of people they lead. 3. A – Assess team/individuals on a psychological change curve

A is to evaluate the organization's and individuals' positions on the change curve. Communication and productivity increase when leaders understand where the team is on the curve and employ the correct motivating behavior strategy, as outlined in the preceding section. 4. D! – Do Right and WOW! moments of gratitude/appreciation

This method will aid leaders to create pleasant, practical, and time-tested talents to lead constructive change in an organization.


It is a mystery on what makes people change but there is research suggesting that there are three factors present when an individual makes the choice of changing which is Ability, Motivation and also Opportunity (AMO). Motivation may be the key factor, and without it, we may have not driven to actually act on what we know or the opportunities given to change. Using AMO framework helps in increasing the understanding on what drives the behavior changes and helps to effectively and empathically support people on making necessary changes. With that, the assumption of what drives the behavior on changing or not changing ; Motivation, Ability, and Opportunity.

- Motivation

Motivation is vital in behavior change, by having it we can just make anything happen while without it, it will be a big obstacle. It refers to things that drive us to act upon things such as beliefs, goals, emotions and identity. For example when we don’t believe that something is real or important, it may not change our behaviors or thoughts on it and proceed making a bad decision that may threaten others. For example, Millennials and Gen Z are motivated by experiences, notoriety, and flexibility while Boomers and Gen X traditionally prefer money and position. The younger generation needs personalization which translates into individual attention and value and by taking the time to invest in personal motivation, they feel valued and heard making it allows visibility on communicating to drive changes most effectively.

- Ability

Ability is the information, skills, and knowledge necessary to change our behavior which is why in any changes, there will usually be education, training or awareness- building components. It also includes things like memory and attention as we might know what to do but forget how to do it.Relating to the article, 70% changes project fails due to lack of management support and employee resistance. It is important to ensure that continuous information and support are there to ensure the learning curve involved in mastering or sticking to a new behavior. It also can be helpful in offering memory support but what for sure is knowledge does not change behavior, at least not by itself.

- Opportunity

Opportunity refers to a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do or support or inhibit a person’s ability to change. In many organizational changes, a person's ability may be affected by the lack of time and material resources which makes a change especially when people are overburdened, can't be done or doesn’t get a lot of traction. Undeniably people can be supportive but with the lack of resources, it will be hard to be carried out.

Other than tha, another aspect of opportunity can be its social pressure which can either be supporting or challenging the behavior change. For instance when an influential member of a work team encourages everyone to use toe tap and not a handshake it may give a positive effect but if this person is ridiculed and refuses to, it will just flip it into the worst scenario which affects the whole group overall on tarnishing the group reputation. It also applies to other changes of scenario such as changing procedures or using a new system. It influences them which can have a broad effect.


Go MAD has helped organizations and teams to aid the leader to think bigger and outside the box in order to create pleasant, practical, and time-tested talents to lead constructive change in an organization. However, there are some errors and barriers in order to implement Go MAD! Technique as a problem solving solution in an organization. Logically, it will be hard to handle huge businesses that are executing complicated changes quickly and effectively. The problem also varies depending on each individual including ages, characters and personalities that will greatly affect the overall organizations.

Hence, there are other approaches such as human resources where the manager's responsibility shifts from controlling employees to actively promoting their development and performance. Next, The contingency approach, also known as the contingency approach, is founded on the idea that strategies or actions that are successful in one scenario fail in another. Other than that, there are The Organizational Behavior (OB) Systems Approach which sees the organization as a cohesive, purposeful system made up of interconnected pieces.This strategy offers managers a lens through which to view the company as a complete, entire individual, whole group, and whole social system.

However, from all the research made by professionals and 25 years of experience in more than 40 countries, this error itself can easily be countered since Go MAD! technique is the best choice since it consumes less time, money and difficulty. This is a win for the leaders of an organization since it provides people with the abilities they require to handle challenges and realize their objectives.


To sum up, leaders that use the Go Motivate Assess Do Right! methodology will succeed in enacting change by instilling a feeling of urgency, belonging, and engagement that is based on the servant leadership virtues of trust, commitment, and caring. Yes, change is challenging, but businesses may establish meaningful and rewarding team relationships that eventually make a positive and productive difference by Going MAD!, getting crazy, and concentrating on strengthening individual connections to the change's success.

But Change is change, plain and simple. The distinction is that organizational transformation can only be achieved when numerous individuals undertake personal changes. Whatever the change, it is always based on specific individuals acting differently, whether we're deploying new technology or processes, merging organizations, or something else. Therefore, if organizational change is the result of numerous individual changes combined,

An initiative can be shaped by both individual and organizational change, but the key distinction is that individual support is necessary for change to succeed. The organizational change support mentioned above is shaped by an understanding of individuals, and this understanding will also serve to propel the whole transformative effort.


https://www.tutorialspoint.com/organizational _ behavior/organiz

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