Beyond the Curtains [Technology Portfolio]
Farah Kassim
TERM 01 //The Fringe Society - Recap LA DEFENSE - Project 1
UNSEEN VIEW// The Weaponisation of La Defense The segregation of the French Muslim Algerians through infrastructure is projected in this drawing, whereby the roads and its multiple layers are highlighted to show the disconnectivity between the re-settlements and La Defense. The monumental scale of the buildings within La Defense and immediately adjacent to the Algerian resettlement, further drives the perceived boundaries deeper. La Defense’s building typology changes almost constantly and new buildings are built often as the governing parties enforces the adaptability of the district to the times, in order to maintain the high levels of financial competitiveness within the district. The Algerian resettlement however, is located directly adjacent to a historical cemetery. The cemetery is land that will never be developed, therefore the Algerians are effectively isolated, indefinitely.
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
TERM 02 //BEYOND THE CURTAINS Verb Models - Exploration
DISRUPT// Key Words as Catalyst for Design Development
The verb model workshop was an exercise in identifying key words in the project articulation as a catalyst for design development. The verbs I selected were Disrupt, Control and Integrate. However due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, I was unable to gain access to the studio where my verb models are. I was only able to access photos of the model I created for Disrupt. The model is of a slightly raised piece of paper on a card platform, folded multiple times over to create a fine grid all over. An L shaped cut was made in equal lengths along two sides of the center grid, and the resulting flap was lowered to the level of the card platform to create a subtle disruption to the grid.
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
Disrupt /dɪsˈrʌpt/ verb To interrupt an event, activity or process.
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
5 Brewer St - Google Maps
1 Brewer St - Google Maps
5 Brewer St
London, England Google Street View
2 Winnett St - Google Maps
2 Winnett St 79 Wardour St - Google Maps
79 Wardour St,-0.1337,3a,15y,164.58h,115.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siNUsi3ogRTbXKLDd22cJDQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en
Image capture: Aug 2019
© 2020 Google
London, England Google
Image capture: Aug 2019
© 2020 Google
Image capture: Aug 2019
Street View
n, England
Image capture: Aug 2019
© 2020 Google
London, England Google
a,15y,220.38h,107.88t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sd0tj-KyUkzhR7T1kuqMH9A!2e0!… Street View
Image capture: Aug 2019
© 2020 Google
Image capture: Aug 2019
© 2020 Google
London, England Google Street View
Next I studied facade elements. Seeing as how the window is a key device in the project’s themes of display and privacy, I focused on windows and facade ornaments that highlight their design. Fenestration studies included key openings and their ornaments.,-0.1330668,3a,15y,278.11h,107.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdEauAqRKIKkur4AOFyXRqg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en
After facade elements, I focused on materiality and collected a site material inventory to record their characteristics. The data was then used to inform the design and establish a relationship with the site.
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
© 20
EXISTING STRUCTURE// Elevations and Sections
The structures within the site consists of a mix of 18th century heritage buildings and newer reproduction styles. I began my site studies by studying the existing buildings’ structural makeup as well as facade elements in order to find an opportunity for intervention. The results of the study are a myriad of varying spatial heights that appear almost stepped in terms of structural levels. I also found a level of commonality in most of the facade elements as well as materiality. I also found that the main heritage buildings were all of similar height and materiality. I then decided to learn from this by respecting the heritage buildings and retaining them, and applying the stepped level concept into my design to portray the “slotted in” look of the local urban fabric. I used the existing floor plate levels to inform the heights of the project’s stepped floor slabs and referred to the site’s local elements to portray a subtle continuation of the architectural language of the existing architecture.
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
Existing Building Levels on Chosen Site
Right Elevation and Section of Block
Front Elevation and Section of Block
Left Elevation and Section of Block
Rear Elevation and Section of Block
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
TERM 02 //BEYOND THE CURTAINS Structure RENOVATION PLAN// A rough draft of the site plan was used to determine which structures within the blocks should be renovated and replaced without disrespecting the site. As I continued detailing the design development, I was able to determine more specific details of the existing structures and retained and incorporated them into the new plan.
Overall Demolition Plan
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
The existing load bearing walls were replaced with a new steel frame structural system. Ground floor facades were largely retained despite the insertion of a new structural system within.
Partial New Structure
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
TERM 02 //BEYOND THE CURTAINS Structure -Plans
Ground Floor Plan
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First Floor Plan
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Second Floor Plan
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Third Floor Plan
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
TERM 02 //BEYOND THE CURTAINS Structure Perspective - Section Sectional
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
TERM 02 //BEYOND THE CURTAINS Facade Expression
RENOVATION PLAN// The existing load bearing walls were replaced with a new steel frame structural system. Ground floor facades were largely retained despite the insertion of a new structural system within.
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
TERM 02 //BEYOND THE CURTAINS Structure - Primary Stability Elements
Plan View of Steel Structural System
STABILITY ELEMENTS// Because the primary construction material is masonry, a steel frame structure is utilized to support the load. This is because steel structural systems are stronger and lighter than timber structural systems and more cost effective than concrete. The stepped levels of the design also benefits from the steel structural system. Steel elements and systems used are I-Beams, bracings, columns and RC pad footing with piling.
Primary and Secondary Beams
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
Axonometric View
Front Elevation
Right Elevation
Rear Elevation
Left Elevation
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
TERM 02 //BEYOND THE CURTAINS Structure - Load Path Diagram + Composition of Structural Systems
LOAD PATH// The diagram shows the distribution of load on the structural system from the beams to the column and finally to the pad footing at the base of the column.
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
Curtain Wall System
- Reinforced Concrete - Masonry - Composite Steel Decking
Steel Frame I-Beam System
- Steel Frame I-Beam System - Facade Retainment
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
TERM 02 //BEYOND THE CURTAINS Construction - Drawings & Details
PERSPECTIVE// The perspective shows both the interior and exterior environment of a worker’s flat.
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
TERM 02 //BEYOND THE CURTAINS Construction - Drawings & Details
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
TERM 02 //BEYOND THE CURTAINS Construction - Drawings & Details
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
TERM 02 //BEYOND THE CURTAINS Environment - Ventilation
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
TERM 02 //BEYOND THE CURTAINS Environment - Artificial Lighting
London’s Hidden Sex Workers
London’s Hidden Sex Workers