Tim Murray City Administrator tmurray@ci.faribault.mn.us 507-333-0355 Heather Slechta Assistant to the City Administrator hslechta@ci.faribault. mn.us 507-333-0353 Kevin Bushard HR Manager kbushard@ci.faribault. mn.us 507-333-0354
CITY COUNCIL Meetings are held at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month in the Council Chambers, Faribault City Hall, 208 First Ave. Work sessions are held at the same time and place on the first and third Tuesdays. Kevin Voracek Mayor mayor@ci.faribault.mn.us 507-384-0567 Sara Caron City Councilor scaron@ci.faribault.mn.us 320-333-4607 Royal Ross City Council Member rross@ci.faribault.mn.us 507-456-2932 Thomas Spooner City Council Member Tspooner@ci.faribault. mn.us 507-323-4903 Peter van Sluis City Council Member Pvansluis@ci.faribault. mn.us 507-412-9168
Janna Viscomi City Council Member jviscomi@ci.faribault.mn.us 507-334-5603 Jonathan Wood City Council Member jwood@ci.faribault.mn.us 612-597-9159
COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Provides programming, review, and administration for all things associated with the development of land and buildings. Included are: Building codes, community development, historic preservation, housing, planning & zoning and rental registration/licensing Director - Deanna Kuennen, 507-333-0376, Stephanie Aman Economic Development Coordinator, 507-333-0388
RICE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Meetings are held at 8:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month in the Rice County Government Services Building, 320 Third St. NW. Work sessions are held at the same time and place on the first and third Tuesdays. Sara Folsted County Administrator sfolsted@co.rice.mn.us 507-332-6121 Jim Purfeerst - District 1 jpurfeerst@co.rice.mn.us 507-332-6100
Galen Malecha - District 2 gmalecha@co.rice.mn.us 645-6041 (h)/332-6101 (o) Dave Miller - District 3 dmiller@co.rice.mn.us 507-334-4763 Steve Underdahl - District 4 sunderdahl@co.rice.mn.us 507-332-8222 Jeff Docken - District 5 jdocken@co.rice.mn.us 952-652-2876/332-6101 (o)
STATE REPRESENTATIVES Brian Daniels - District 24B State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55155 rep.brian.daniels@house. mn 651-296-8237 Rep. Todd Lippert - District 20B 523 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155 rep.todd.lippert@house. mn 651-296-0171
Gov. Tim Walz 130 State Capitol 75 Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55155 651-201-3400 mn.gov/governor
NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES U.S. Rep. Jim Hagedorn (CD1) 11 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 301 Mankato, MN 56001 202-225-2472 (DC office) U.S Sen. Amy Klobuchar 1200 Washington Ave. S, Room 250 Minneapolis, MN 55415 507-288-5321 (Southern office) 202-224-3244 (DC office) US Sen. Tina Smith 60 Plato Boulevard E, Suite 220 St. Paul, MN 55107 651-221-1016 (St. Paul) 202-224-5641 (DC office)
Sen. John Jasinski District 24 95 University Avenue W. Minnesota Senate Bldg., Room 2101 St. Paul, MN 55155 sen.john.jasinski@ senate.mn 651-296-0284 Sen. Rich Draheim District 20 95 University Avenue W. Minnesota Senate Bldg., Room 3227 St. Paul, MN 55155 sen.rich.draheim@senate. mn 651-296-5558
Faribault Area Resource Guide • 13