Le Sueur-Henderson High School Commencement Ceremony
Class of
2016 Sunday, May 29 | 2:00PM
Le Sueur-Henderson High School Gymnasium
Class photo courtesy of Marie Retka
Class Flower: Calla Lilly Class Colors: Blue and Gold Class Motto:
The hardest battle you will face in life is to be no one but yourself in a world which is trying its hardest to make you like everybody else.
MAY 2016
Wednesday, May 25, 2016W
Le Sueur-Henderson High School Commencement Program
Processional.........................................“Pomp and Circumstance”....................................................Le Sueur-Henderson Concert Band Introduction............................................................................................................................................Ms. Andrea Faches, Chairperson Le Sueur-Henderson School Board
National Anthem ....................................................................................................................................Le Sueur-Henderson Concert Band (Signers from American Sign Language Class ....................................................................................Lucas Anderson, Samantha Ashton, Robin Bach, (Please Stand) Alexander Borchardt, Kaitlyn Steinborn, Sean Wieland, Emma Witt Le Sueur-Henderson School Song.........................................................................................................Le Sueur-Henderson Concert Band (Please Stand) Band Selection ....................................“Arabian Dance” by Brian Balmages..................................Le Sueur-Henderson Concert Band Rachel Pletke, Director Welcome ..................................................................................................................................................Madeline Meyer, Class of 2016 Vocal Selection ....................................“And Wherever You Go” by Douglas Wagner .......................Le Sueur-Henderson Concert Choir Lindsay Jacobson, Director Introduction of Graduate Speaker, Mason Zeiher ..............................................................................Mr. Kevin Enerson, LSH MS/HS Principal Commencement Address.......................................................................................................................Stacy Carpenter, High School Counselor Presentation of the Class of 2016 .........................................................................................................Mr. Kevin Enerson, High School Principal Awarding of the Diplomas ..................................................................................................................... Andrea Faches, Bill Floyd, Amy Hardel, (Please hold applause) Nikki Kiemele (Board Members) Brad Schmidt (Teacher), Ann Zeiher (Teacher) Vocal Selection ....................................“Wide Open Spaces” by Dixie Chicks ...................................Amelia Froelich, Quinn Hynes-Marquette, Class of 2016 Class Poem ...........................................“2016 Class Poem” Author Unknown ...................................Cole Riesch, Class of 2016 Class Farewell.........................................................................................................................................Quinn Hynes-Marquette, Class of 2016 Recessional ..........................................“The Throne Rule (and End Title)” by John Williams ......Le Sueur-Henderson Concert Band (Please remain seated until administration and graduates have departed) Flowers for the graduates provided by the Class of 2017 Junior Ushers: Jordan Carlson, Klaire Hudson, Kathleen O’Brien, Mikayla Reinhardt, Mason Straub, Luke Wilson
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Robert J. Acevedo
Kassy Aguilar
Lucas Anderson
Samantha Ashton
Dylan Aydt
Robin Bach
Parents: Juan and Janie Acevedo
Parents: Maria and Mario Aguilar
Parents: Dean and Jill Anderson
Parents: Vicki and Aaron Brancamp
Parent: Daniel Aydt
Parents: Eldred and Sarah Bach
Future Plans: Undecided.
Future Plans: Attending Concordia College.
Future Plans: To go into the field of computer science.
Future Plans: Attend MSU for elementary education.
Future Plans: Currently undecided.
Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Benjamin Barron
Angel Benavidez
Makayla Blake
Frank Boelter
Carlie Brandt
Parents: Laura Barron and Mike Barron
Parent: Ida Benavidez
Parent: Sandi Ostermann
Parents: Thomas and Carmen Boelter
Alexander Borchardt
Future Plans: Undecided.
Future Plans: College somewhere.
Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato and major in biology.
Future Plans: Welding program.
Congratulations graduates! We congratulate you and your fellow graduates on a job well done! Chuck Frauendienst, FIC MN Lic. 140889 137 Windsor Dr., Le Sueur, MN 507-665-3225
Way to go Grads!
Parents: Jason and Tammy Borchardt Future Plans: Study biology at St. Olaf.
Parents: Kim and Kevin Brandt Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota to pursue an education in the medical field and play softball.
As you make your next step...
Your determination and hard work have paid off today as you prepare to accept your diploma. Keep striving for success, and it will meet you at every corner.
please know we’re behind you all the way. May you make the world a better place!
Congratulations to the Class of 2016! 16 Companies and 20 Professionals!
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303 Valleygreen Square Le Sueur, MN 56058 507-665-3366
Christin Rose Burgess
Wednesday, May 25, 2016W
Grant Casperson
Daisy Castillo
Jose Castillo Jr.
Abigail Clark
Devon Cranston
Parents: Troy and Brooke Casperson
Parents: Jose and Claudia Castillo
Parents: Jose and Claudia Castillo
Parents: Monica and Samuel Clark
Parents: Derek Olson and Terri Heath
Future Plans: Attending MSU, Mankato in the fall to study English.
Future Plans: Attend community college in the fall for my generals then transfer to a university to study social work.
Future Plans: Attend a four year school for my bachelor’s degree in exercise science.
Future Plans: Attend College and earn a master’s degree, travel the world.
Future Plans: Attend Ridgewater College in Hutchinson for nondestructive metal testing.
Katherine Cronk
Kalie Devine
Darrian Dimmel
Mandy Doerr
Tyler Eccles
Katelyn Eckblad
Parents: Kevin and Elaine Cronk
Parents: Summir Manuel and Matthew Devine
Parents: Derek Dimmel, Nicole Carlson and Joe Hagen
Parents: Ashley and John Hank and Angie and Matthew Doerr
Parents: Lisa and Kori Klockmann and Derek and Lindsay Eccles
Parents: Dan and Jackie Eckblad
Future Plans: Attending the University of Minnesota, Duluth to major in biology.
Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University in the fall. Major to be determined.
Future Plans: Attend North Dakota State University to receive a major in criminal justice with a minor in Spanish.
Future Plans: Attend college.
Parents: John and Gwen Burgess Future Plans: Attend MSU, Mankato and major in either business or elementary education.
Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato and earn a degree in accounting.
All the Best at Graduation!
Emma Witt, Selina Houska, Grant Casperson. Hannah Wilmes, Katherine Cronk, Christin Burgess
That diploma is your ticket to a bright and promising future. If you believe in yourself and pursue your dreams, anything is possible.
Congrats to the Class of 2 0 1 6 !
and the graduating class of 2016! Congratulations and Best Wishes on your Graduation!
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Future Plans: To study agriculture with a minor in business.
226 S. Main Street - Le Sueur - www.gopherheating.com
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Tracy Eischens Parents: Tim and Peggy Eischens Future Plans: Attend Bethel University for nursing.
Eric Christopher Fahey Parents: Ed and Diana Fahey Future Plans: I will be working for a while and then attend Central Lakes College.
Amelia Froelich
McCray Grams
Parents: Christopher and Kimberly Froelich
Parents: Melissa and Andy Daschner and Shane Grams
Future Plans: Attending Drake University in the fall.
Future Plans: Attend the University of River Falls Wisconsin to study exercise and sports science.
Quinn Hynes-Marquette
Madeline Lee Kleschult
Parents: Sue Hynes and Greg Marquette
Parents: Craig and Laurie Kleschult and Dave and Karla Tully
Nicolas Hernandez
Selina Houska
Kallan Hudson
Parents: Nicolas and Gloria Hernandez
Parents: Wanda and Brian Kane and Val Houska
Parents: Trent and Melissa Hudson
Future Plans: South Central College.
Future Plans: Attend SMSU and major in psychology.
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LSH Schools
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Congrats to the Class of 2016!
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Future Plans: Going to Central Lakes to become a heavy equipment operator.
Future Plans: Attend the College of Saint Benedict.
Congratulations Residential • Commercial Carpet - Custom Tile - Hardwood 507-665-4407 104 North Main Street - Le Sueur www.millercustomfloors.com
Class of 2016!
Madison Hartmann Parents: Tony and Shannon Hartmann Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota, Duluth to major in business.
Future Plans: Attend SMSU to play soccer and further my education in exercise science.
2016 Class of
Your future starts today, and we wish you all the best! Congratulations, G raduates!
WintersPlumbing & Heating Inc. 110 Ferry St. • Le Sueur • 1-507-665-3056 • www.wintersplumbing-heating.com
Breanna Rose Kroehler Parents: James and Brenda Kroehler Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Madeline Meyer Parents: Monica Meyer Javens and Todd Meyer Future Plans: Major in nursing at St. Olaf College in Northfield.
C o n g ra tu la tio n s o n y o u r im p re s s iv e a c a d e m ic a c h ie v e m e n t, g ra d u a te s . W e k n o w y o u ’v e w o rk e d h a rd to e a rn y o u r d ip lo m a , a n d n o w a w o rld o f o p p o rtu n ity is a t y o u r fe e t. Y o u r e x p e rie n c e s a t s c h o o l h a v e s h o w n y o u th e p o w e r o f h a rd w o rk a n d d e d ic a tio n , a n d n o w y o u h a v e th e p o w e r to m a k e a ll o f y o u r d re a m s c o m e tru e . M a y e v e ry ro a d le a d y o u to w a rd s u c c e s s a n d h a p p in e s s !
M o s k e ’s A u to S e rv ic e , In c . M i St • Le Sueur 507-665-43 3 3
ngratulations o ! C ss of 2016 ! Cla
Wednesday, May 25, 2016W
Nathan Lindorff
Hope Ludwig
Joe Luna
Hannah Mathews
Parents: Mark Lindorff and Holly Schluter
Parents: Tammy and Shawn Ludwig
Parents: Jose and Christa Luna
Future Plans: Attend Ridgewater College in Hutchinson for welding.
Parents: Marie and Ronald Schutz and Dan Mathews
Future Plans: Work.
Future Plans: Attend MSU, Mankato, major in accounting.
Faith Ann Mumphrey
Kayla Naranjo
Allison Marie Nyblom
Parents: Michelle R. and Chalon C. Mumphrey Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota, Duluth and major in psychology.
Parents: Tomasita Naranjo and Jason Heyn Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato for secondary education.
The Future is Yours!
Congratulation Class of 2016! Where Our Product, Price & People Make the Difference
Future Plans: Undecided.
Elizabeth Christine Marian Olsson Parents: Curtis and Christine Olsson Future Plans: Attending the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
Congratulations Good Luck to the Class of 2016!
Oberle, LTD
106 Ferry Street Le Sueur 507-665-2238
Parents: Charles Nyblom and Jennifer Widmer
Future Plans: Attending Minnesota State University, Mankato where I will major in environmental sciences.
Certified Public Accountants
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101 Bridge Street • Le Sueur, MN 507-665-6414
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Enrique Ordaz
Travis Otto
Justin Pethke
Chad Pfarr
Cole Riesch
Travis Savoye
Parents: Enrique Ordaz and Maricruz Suarez
Parents: Scott Kehoe and Doreen Duff
Parent: Tom Pethke
Parents: Doug and Sara Pfarr
Parents: Angela Detwiler and Jon Savoye
Future Plans: Diesel mechanic.
Future Plans: Heavy equipment operator.
Future Plans: Heavy equipment operator.
Parents: William Riesch and Lisa Holmquist
Garrett D. Schwartz
Cierra Jean Shehata
Brady Steinborn
Kaitlyn Steinborn
Parents: Darren Schwartz and Sarah Ernst
Parents: Khaled and Andrea Shehata
Parents: Ruth and Darwin Steinborn
Parents: Matthew and Heidi Steinborn
Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College to study pre-law.
Future Plans: Major in finance and minor in financial planning at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Future Plans: To become a welder and have a family.
Future Plans: Minneapolis Business College for medical assistant (CMA).
Future Plans: Animation.
Haley Schaaf Parents: Beth Schaaf, Charlie and Marcia Schaaf Future Plans: Attending Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Congratulations to our Class of 2016 graduates! May you continue to achieve great success in all of your future endeavors. F am ily and E m erg ency dental care in a F riendly A tm os phere!
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Future Plans: Attend South Central College in Mankato for accounting.
Samantha Marie Stewart Parents: Ronald and Sherity Stewart Future Plans: Go to college to become a medical assistant then later go on to be a trauma nurse.
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Future Plans: Attend U of M, Twin Cities.
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Good Luck!
Kyle Tappe Parents: Ron Tappe and Georgia Weller Future Plans: College.
Good Luck Class of 2016! Friendly Personal Service!
Order your Subway Party Platter. Call for your Catering needs
Class of 2016!
Hats off to the Class of 2016!
Future Plans: College at Ridgewater in Hutchinson.
Parents: Cecilia Guerrero and Jorge Valenzuela
ain Street • Le Sueur
Sean Wieland
Parents: Arcides and Maribel Villegas
Parents: Pauline and Jay Wieland
Future Plans: Become a mechanic.
Future Plans: Go to college.
Future Plans: Go to college at South Central to become a registered nurse and keep working at Comfort First Assisted Living in Le Sueur.
Hats off to the Graduates!
Good Luck Class of 2016!
H G rill O C O p
o m p e a ll e n
e m a d e P iz z a n t i l l 10 P M D a i l y F o r T a k e O u t 7D a y s A W e e k
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Class of 2016!
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Community Insurance Agency
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to the Class of 2016 Good Luck With Your Future!
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S T . 5 6 0 5 8
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C I A L E S U E U R . C OM
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Ca r a B i s h o p R E A L T OR ® 6 1 2 -7 5 6 -3 5 3 9
My zip code is wrong, it’s 56044. _Ditch the picture of the grads and the you reflect back on your graduation, stand and makeWhen congrats biggerand you’ll treasure the great friends and wonderful memories you’ve made along the way. my info along the bottom. We congratulate you andThanks! all your fellow graduates on a job well done!
from all of us at
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Cory Thompson and Neoma Gilbertson
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Destiny Thompson Lorena Valenzuela Parents: Guerrero
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Congrats to the
Wednesday, May 25, 2016W
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Congratulations to the Class of 2016! HAIRITAGE STYLING SALON 3 2 3 6 2 3 0 0 th S treet H enders on ( 5 0 7 ) 2 4 8 - 3 6 4 9 K y leen B randt, Ow ner
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Hannah Wilmes
Samantha Winter
Emma Witt
Mason Zeiher
Parents: Angie Devine and Kelley Wilmes
Parents: Dawn and Chuck Winter
Parents: Gary and Susie Witt
Parents: Ann and Mark Zeiher
Future Plans: Attend South Central College in Mankato.
Future Plans: Attend Saint Catherine’s University.
Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus, majoring in accounting.
Fr o m t h e St a f f a t M in n e s o ta V a lle y V e t 5 10 D o p p y La n e Le Sueur • 665-2371
Class of 2016! On your graduation day, we’ d like to congradulate you and wish you good luck as you embark upon new and ex citing endeavors. M ay good fortune and good health be yours as you continue to achieve great things.
We’ve watched you come this far, and now the sky is the limit. Hold fast to your dreams, and don’t be afraid to reach for the stars. We know you can do it!
Best Wishes, Class of 2016! 0 N M i Street, Le Sueur, MN
w . h t b m
1 0
n . c o m
Your hard work has paid off, and graduation is your time to let loose and celebrate. R emember that good decisions have led you here today, so stay smart and celebrate responsibly. We hope your graduation day is special in every way, and we wish you much luck as you take the nex t step. Congratulations!
FREE d e l i v e r y t o Le Su e u r t o o ! Fo r y o u r c o n v e n i e n c e ! 4 1 7 M ain S treet - H enderson. M N | 5 0 7 - 2 4 8 - 3 2 4 4 • 6 6 0 3 rd S t. - G aylord, M N | 5 0 7 - 2 3 7 - 2 9 3 3
Open Monday - Friday 9 a.m. • 5 p.m.
Ann Porter Insurance Agcy Inc. Ann Porter 0 M i Street •Le Sueur Bu 0 rteri t te r
Congratulations, Class of 2016!
Congrats to the Class of 2016! Wolf Motors HWY 169 North, Le Sueur 507-665-6476 | 1-800-569-8331 | www.wolfmotors.com
Congratulations to the You Earned It! Class of 2016!
Le Sueur Family Dental 219 South 2nd Street Le Sueur 507-665-6812
Dick Kent Barry
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” Harriet Tubman
Congratulations To the Class of 2016!
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Wednesday, May 25, 2016W
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Wednesday, May 25, 2016
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Wednesday, May 25, 2016W
• Le Sueur-Henderson Class of 2016 • Robert Jay Acevedo Kassandra Aguilar * Lucas Dean Anderson * Samantha Nicole Ashton Dylan Garcia Aydt Robin Marie Bach ** Benjamin Earl Barron Angel Lea Benavidez Makayla Marie-Ostermann Blake Frank JP Boelter Alexander Jordan Borchardt *** Carlie Noelle Brandt **† Christin Rose Burgess * Grant Stephen Casperson ** Daisy Daniele Castillo Jose Juan Castillo Abigail Marie Clark ** Devon Michael Cranston * Katherine Ann Cronk * Kalie Nicole Devine *† Darrian Lei Dimmel Mandy Lee Doerr ***† Tyler Paul Eccles Katelyn Marie Eckblad Tracy Joleen Eischens ***† Eric Christopher Fahey Amelia Louise Froelich **†
McCray Shane Grams Madison Lynn Hartmann ***† Nicolas Zavala Hernandez Selina Marie Houska *† Kallan Joesph Hudson Quinn Jude Hynes-Marquette ***† Madeline Lee Kleschult * Breanna Rose Kroehler * Nathan James Lindorff Hope Cecelia Ludwig Jose Amado Luna IV * Hannah Marie Mathews ** Madeline Lee Meyer ***† Faith Ann Mumphrey ** Kayla Marie Naranjo * Allison Marie Nyblom * Elizabeth Christine Marian Olsson **† Enrique Guadalupe Ordaz-Suarez Travis Ryan Otto Justin Allen Pethke Chad Richard Pfarr Cole Louis Riesch * Travis Eugene Savoye Haley Marie Schaaf ** Garrett Douglas Schwartz **† Cierra Jean Shehata *† Brady Roger David Steinborn
(***) Graduating with Distinction (3.86 GPA or better) (**) Graduating with High Honors (3.51 GPA or better) (*) Graduating with Honors (3.0 GPA or better) (†) National Honor Society Member
L okf
or t hi s s e c t i on
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Steinborn Samantha Marie Stewart Kyle Matthew Tappe ** Destiny May Thompson Lorena Valenzuela Josue Arnaldo Villegas Sean Mitchell Wieland * Hannah Nicole Wilmes Samantha Julianna Winter * Emma Marie Witt * Mason Allan Zeiher ***
Congrats to the Class of 2016!
Congratulations to all Minnesota Valley Health Center employees graduating this spring! Brenda Oelfke, MNSU, Mankato
A sp e L e S u 101B L e S u
c ia l p ro je c t o f th e e u r N e w s -H e r a l d B rid g e S tre e t, e u r , M N 55058 P u b lis h e r C H A D H J E L L M IN G M a n a g in g E d ito r S U Z Y R O O K
A d v e rtis in g C o n s u lta n ts M IK E L L M E L IU S M IS S Y D A S C H N E R
Congrats! H ere’ s h op ing all of y ou r dreams c ome tru e! Y ou r h ard w ork and dedic ation h ave tak en y ou to th is p oint, and w e k now y ou ’ ll c ontinu e to ac h ieve g reat th ing s in th e f u tu re. K eep u p th e g reat w ork . B es t w is h es , M c C ray G rams and to th e C las s of 2 0 1 6 !
A d D e s ig n M A R Y J O B L A N C H A R D L E S U E U R -H E N D E R G R A D U A T IO N , M a y t os ubs c r i b e r s a n d r e a d N e w s -H e a r l d a t n o a d d A l l a dve r t i s i n g c o n t a i n r e s pons i bi l i t y o f t h e a d r e s e r ve d. © 2 016.
S O N 2 016 i s d i s t r i b u t e d e rs o f th e L e S u e u r itio n a l c h a rg e . e d h e re in is th e v e rtis e rs . A ll rig h ts
1 0 1 B ridg e S treet S u ite B | L e S u eu r, M N 5 0 7 -6 6 5 -3 3 3 2 w w w . les u eu rnew s - h erald. c om
Laura Hubmer, Rasmussen
Dylan Aydt, LSH
Kelli Schultz, MNSU, Mankato Mason Zeiher, LSH
Elizabeth Olsson, LSH
Elizabeth Turner, South Central