St peter grad

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Class Of

Saint Peter High School

Friday, May 27th • 8pm Commencement:

Floyd B. Johnson Memorial Field , St. Peter High School

MAY 2016



Thursday, May 26, 2016

Rahma Abdi

Yaxye Abdulahi

Ahmed Aden

Parents: Sami Ismail and Leila Abdi

Parents: Hawo Jama and Abdirahman Abdulahi

Parent: Hibo Mahamuud

Future Plans: Attend Ohio State University for nursing

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato and major in electrical engineering

Future Plans: Attend Augsburg College for mechanical engineering

Cort Jon Albrecht

Alexandra Taylor Alt

Kobe Anderson

Parents: David and Linda Albrecht

Parents: Robert Fuller and Brenda Walter

Parent: Courtney Anderson

Future Plans: Attend college in Mankato

Future Plans: Major in Biology

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato for business management and linguistics

Class Motto:

“Together, we have experienced life. Separately, we will pursue our dreams. Forever, our memories remain.”

Class Flower: Bamboo Class Song:

“On My Way” by Phil Collins

Class Colors:

Navy blue and white

Congratulations to the Class of 2016!

Congratulations to the Class of 2016!

Congratulations to the Class of 2016!

Michelle Lund, D.D.S. | Bethany Kjellgren, D.D.S.

612 S. Minnesota Avenue | St. Peter, MN 56082 Look for this section on A special project of the St. Peter Herald, 311 S Minnesota Ave, St. Peter, MN 55082 Publisher CHAD HJELLMING

Managing Editor SUZY ROOK



ST. PETER HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION, May 2016 is distributed to subscribers and readers of the St. Peter Herald at no additional charge. All advertising contained herein is the responsibility of the advertisers. All rights reserved. ©2016.

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Congratulations Kobe, JohnHenry, Andrew and the Class of 2016.

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Maggie Anderson

Emily Marta Annexstad

McKenna Aune

Avery Bachman

Andrew Baker

Parents: Jeff and Sheila Anderson

Parents: Rolf and Jean Annexstad

Parents: Rich and Tami Aune

Parents: Marc and Wendy Bachman

Parents: Marty and Judi Baker

Future Plans: Attend Luther College to study chemistry, physics, or biology

Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities to major in animal science or Ag communications and marketing

Future Plans: Attend Willamette University in Salem, OR

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College to study physics and play football

Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University and major in engineering

Levi David Ballman

Zoey Bartlett

Parents: Joey and Bobbi Jo Ballman

Parents: Mike and Tracy Chmiel & Mike Bartlett

Future Plans: Attend South Central College

Future Plans: Attend Winona State University to study business administration

Congrats to the Class of 2016! Engraving Embroidery Screen Printing Sublimation Great Local Team Colors Memories!

Alexandra Krehbiel Baskfield

Hannah Krehbiel Baskfield

Parents: Allison Krehbiel and Pat Baskfield

Parents: Allison Krehbiel and Pat Baskfield

Future Plans: Attend Boston College

Future Plans: Attend Bates College in Lewiston, Maine

Congratulations To our #1 Popper and to the Classs of 2016!

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Congratulations to the Class of 2016! Good Luck! Am e r i c In n ® Mo t e l & Su i t e s St . P e t e r

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Beth Baumann

Jennifer D. Bergeson

Carmen Bistrup

Mallory Blaschko

Emi Bollum

Parents: Gloria Lager and Jim Baumann

Parents: Dan and Tricia Bergeson

Parents: Tim Bistrup and Dana Bistrup

Parents: Cara and Randy Olinger & Rusty and Teri Blaschko

Parents: Tom Bollum and Tomoko Watanabe

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato for business management

Future Plans: Attend Purdue University for aerospace engineering

Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota, Morris for pre-veterinary medicine

Brigette A. Boyer

Travis J. Brock

Cullen Robert Bruce

Emily Carpenter

Bill Chadwick

Parents: Doug and Lisa Boyer

Parents: Marcius and Mimi Brock

Parents: Rod and Cindy Bruce

Parents: Jerry and Brenda Carpenter

Parents: Eric Chadwick and Andrea Faches

Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato

Future Plans: Attend Bemidji State University

Future Plans: Attend the University of Wisconsin, Superior to study physical therapy and play basketball

Future Plans: Attend the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, to eventually pursue a career in medicine

Melissa AnnaMarie Chalupnik

Andrew Clark

Maggie Conlon

Alex Devens

Aliza Doherty

Parents: Dana Clark and Sandra Hayes

Parents: Jerry and Shelly Conlon

Parents: Jessica Devens and Jeremy Rodning

Parents: Darin and Laura Doherty

Future Plans: Attend South Central College for two years, then transfer to Minnesota State University, Mankato to major in business

Future Plans: Attend Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa, on a golf scholarship, and double major in biomedical engineering & missions and theology

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College

Future Plans: Attend the University of Wisconsin, River Falls to study elementary and special education

Parents: Steve and Kim Chalupnik Future Plans: Attend Viterbo University in La Crosse, Wisconsin, to pursue a degree in the science field and play soccer

Congratulations Class of 2016!

Future Plans: Attend the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse to study pre-med

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato

Congratulations! Rebecca Favre and Emily Carpenter! Best wishes to you and to the rest of the 2016 SPHS graduates!

Red Men Club St. Peter 412 S. 3r St. • 934-9966

226 Nassau, St. Peter, MN 56082 • 507-931-4000



Thursday, May 26, 2016

Sean Driscoll

Dylan Evenson

Rebecca Lynn Favre

Mariel Ferragamo

Nathan Filler

Parents: Jenn Schmoll and JP Driscoll

Parents: Jody and Gina Evenson

Parents: Mike and Cindy Favre

Parents: Michael Ferragamo and Janine Wotton

Parents: Tim and Cheryl Filler

Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota

Future Plans: Attend South Central College for automotive services

Future Plans: Attend Hamline University in St. Paul

Future Plans: Attend Colby College as a presidential scholar

Future Plans: Diesel Mechanics

Jaide Fondie

Zack Forland

Nash Lee Galles

Victoria “Tori” Garza

Parents: Todd and Jennifer Fondie

Parent: Michele Pomije

Parent: Rachel A. Huffer

Parent: Trema Perez

Alison Loraine Gessner

Future Plans: College

Future Plans: Attend the University of Gallaudet to study medicine or law

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato to pursue a degree in dentistry

Parents: Jamie and Carrie Gessner Future Plans: Attend South Central College

Eilanna Gonzales

Taylor Graft

Zach Hage

Ally Hagen

Roman Hagen

Parent: Ponce Gonzales

Parents: Rick and Jenny Graft

Parents: Sandra Lindquist and Wayne Hage

Parents: Jay and Tara Schroeder

Parents: Paul and Corrin Hagen

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College and major in biology

Future Plans: Obtain a nursing degree

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato for chemistry

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato for law enforcement

Congratulations 2016 Graduates! NDRESEN COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL

Congratulations to Brandon Paul as well as the class of 2016.


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A Special Congratulations to the Graduates of 2016!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Brady Keith Hanson

Mitchel Harlow

Madeline Harvey

Sanguja Hassan

Parents: Keith and Carmen Hanson

Parents: Dan and Jen Harlow

Parents: Chris and Joyce Harvey

Parents: Malenga and Rehema Hassan

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato for law enforcement

Future Plans: Attend North Dakota State University and study architecture

Future Plans: Attend the University of St. Thomas

Future Plans: Attend St. Cloud State University

Ezekiel James Haugen

Jordan M. Hermel

Hazel Loree Herrera

Parents: Peter and Brenda Haugen

Parents: Jenny Hermel and Jason Eggers

Parents: Lorena Vargas and Edgar Herrera

Noah Patrick Hildebrandt

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College to major in physics and play tennis or football

Future Plans: Attend Winona State University to study composite materials engineering and play club soccer

Future Plans: Attend the Art Institute of Minneapolis for culinary management

Skyler Hochstein

Alex Hoehn

Mitch Johnson

Lauren Juell

Parents: Mark and Shelly Hochstein

Parents: Terry and Shari Hoehn

Parents: Tom and Deb Johnson

Parents: Jay and Julie Juell

Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University Honors College and nursing program

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato for accounting or finance

Future Plans: Attend South Central College to study agricultural business

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College

Parents: Teresa and Kurt Hildebrandt Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Be Proud of Yourself! You’ve worked hard to get where you are today, and we congratulate you on this well-deserved achievement. Now it’s your turn to relax and enjoy your graduation day. We hope it’s filled with wonderful moments you’ll always remember!


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Congratulations to Mitch Johnson and the entire class of 2016.

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Congratulations to Alex Hoehn and to the Class of 2016! (507) 934-1795 | Website: | E-mail:



Thursday, May 26, 2016

Madeleine Kennedy

Jordan L. Kienholz

Bradyn Klubben

Garrett W. Kopka

Parents: Erica and Daniel Kennedy

Parents: Jeff and Deb Kienholz

Parents: Patrick and Tami Klubben

Parents: Lorene K. Jones and Brad J. Jones

Future Plans: Major in mortuary science

Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota, Duluth

Future Plans: Attend Presentation College for sports medicine and to play football

Future Plans: Attend South Central College to major in culinary arts

Desmond Christine Krueger

Ezekiel Kyoore

Taylor Morgan Laabs

Jacob Arthur Lamb

Parents: Paschal and Martha Kyoore

Parents: Amy Schley and Scott Schley

Parents: Bob and Dana Lamb

Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota, Duluth to pursue forensic pathology

Future Plans: Attend Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa, and pursue athletic training or psychology

Future Plans: Attend Southwest State University in Marshall

Future Plans: Attend Wartburg College in Wavery, Iowa, and participate in soccer and choir

Alexis Lambert

JohnHenry Lee

Aaron Michael Leeb

Mason Legg

Parents: Cynthia Wussow and Jason Lambert

Parents: Ed and Melissa Lee

Parents: Mike and Karen Leeb

Parents: Stanley Legg and Tiffany Legg

Future Plans: Attend South Central College to find her passion in life so she can find an amazing career

Future Plans: Attend South Central College

Future Plans: Attend the University of St. Thomas to pursue a degree in the science field

Future Plans: Attend the University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Parents: Robert and Angela Krueger

The City of Kasota


The Class of 2016!

200 N Webster Street • Box 218 • 931-3290

Congratulations to the Class of 2016! Good Luck!

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Congratulations and Good Luck Class of 2016!



Thursday, May 26, 2016

Alyssa Lokensgard

Koleman Lund

Colton Lusty

Autumn Mikel Maas

Parents: Tim and Anna Lokensgard

Parents: Kevin and Michelle Lund

Parents: Grey and Kassia Lusty

Parents: Michael and Shelly Maas

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College for health and exercise science

Future Plans: Attend Beloit College to study pre-med and play basketball

Future Plans: Attend the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse to major in biology and play basketball

Future Plans: Attend Bethany Lutheran College for business or exercise science

Jacob Evan Marlow

Alexis McCann

Gavin Meagher-Thole

Breanna L. Meger

Parents: Rick and Kris Marlow

Parents: John and Nikki McCann

Parents: Katie and Chris Hanson & the late Aron Thole

Parents: Crystal and Chris Lemke & John and Lona Meger

Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota, Duluth to study biochemistry

Future Plans: Attend college and become an EMT

Future Plans: Attend South Central College

Future Plans: Pursue a career as a French teacher

RaeAnn Lynn Meyer

Samantha Mitchell

Tobias Mittermayer

Joey More

Parents: Scott and Malinda Meyer

Parents: Mark and Melissa Mitchell

Parents: Bernd and Ines Mittermayer

Parents: Charles and Rachel More

Future Plans: Attend Winona State University to major in elementary education

Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota, Duluth and then go on to medical school

Future Plans: Pursue a marketing degree

Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota, Duluth or Broward College in FL, undecided major


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Class of 2016!

Class of 2016!

171 St. Julien Street • St. Peter • 934-0055 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Congratulations to the Class of 2016! (507) 931-2200 | (507) 934-8480 1900 North Sunrise Drive | St. Peter, MN



Thursday, May 26, 2016

No Picture Gretchen Anna Niederriter

Rachael Obermiller

Krishna O’Brien

Jack Olinger

Abdiasis Omar

Parents: David and Angie Obermiller

Parents: Jessica and Kesha O’Brien

Parents: Cara and Randy Olinger

Parent: Khadro Liban Adam

Future Plans: Attend Lewis & Clark College in Portland, OR

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College

Future Plans: Attend the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse or join the US Navy

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato to pursue a degree in the dental field

Makayla Padgett

Christopher Parker

Brandon Mark Paul

Luke Patric Pehrson

Austin J. Petersen

Parents: Jason Padgett and Stacy Thryn

Parents: Brenda Parker and Christopher Parker

Parents: Stacey Paul and Kelley Paul

Parents: Amy and Pat Pehrson

Parents: Jeff and Melissa Terpstra

Future Plans: Attend South Central College for culinary arts

Future Plans: Attend Argosy University and major in radiologic technology

Future Plans: Attend Ridgewater College for welding

Future Plans: Attend Bemidji State University or Winona State University

Future Plans: Undecided

Tanner Joseph Peterson

Alexander Quist

Quinn E. Rapking

Taylor Reichel

Alison Rinehart

Parents: Brent Reichel and Kari Francis

Parents: Dave and Monica Rinehart

Future Plans: Attend Concordia University

Future Plans: Attend the University of St. Thomas to major in biochemistry

Parents: Chuck and Debbie Niederriter Future Plans: Attend Lawrence University

Parents: Evan and Jeannie Peterson Future Plans: World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms-USA

Congrats Class of 2016! 121 S ut 17 1

er a St • e e P a e • 952 73.6577 es ta e • St. Peter • 5 7 519.1135 | Like us on

Parents: Andrew and Lisa Quist Future Plans: Attend Grinnell College in Iowa to study history and play football

Parents: CharLee and David Francis & John Rapking Future Plans: Attend South Central College then transfer to Michigan Tech or Minnesota State University, Mankato to major in biomedical research and computer science

CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES! 1 1 S. inne t e. • 507-931- 100

Congratulations to the Class of 2016! 311 S. Minnesota Ave. St. Peter, MN 507 - 9 31- 4 520



Thursday, May 26, 2016

Megan E. Roach

Sara Renee Rönnkvist

Samantha Sack

Brianna Marie Samuelson

Parents: Pat and Carolyn Roach

Parents: Amy and Stefan Rönnkvist

Parent: Carrie Sack

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato or Dakota County Technical College

Future Plans: Attend Iowa State University to pursue a degree in chemistry

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato to major in human performance

Devin C. Sickler

Joseph Siebels

Maranda Sorensen

Cody Vacek

John Walker

Parents: Patrick Sickler and Elizabeth Sickler

Parents: Mark and Lorie Siebels

Parents: Rhonda and Mark Kaelberer & Kerry and Stacy Sorensen

Parents: Tony and Mary Grack & Josh and Jo Kosek

Parents: Jeff and Donna Walker

Future Plans: Undecided

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato for nursing

Future Plans: Join The National Guard or attend Ridgewater College

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato to pursue a degree in the psychology field

John (Allie) Warren

Rachel Weelborg

Kaelan Weiss

Mara Weller

Sidney Welp

Parents: John and Jennifer Warren

Parents: Bart and Ruthann Weelborg

Parents: Rusty and Madonna Weiss

Parents: Matthew and Wendy Weller

Parents: Rebecca and Jeff Welp

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College to major in computer science

Future Plans: Attend Hamline University for graphic design

Future Plans: Attend the University of Minnesota, Duluth and study physics

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College

Parents: Tim and Karla Samuelson Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato

Katherine Sandquist Parents: Debra and David Sandquist Future Plans: Attend Creighton University

Congratulations Class of 2016!

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to the Class of 2016!

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Nathaniel Wenner

Dustin West

Parents: Chuck and Jill Wenner

Parents: Karla West and Jerry West

Future Plans: Attend the University of Wisconsin, River Falls to study agricultural engineering

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato to study social studies

Future Plans: Attend Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa, to study Spanish and education, and to compete in soccer and track & field

Connor Winter

Jarett Yeager

Youssuf Mahdi Youssuf

Parents: Theresa Winter and Dean Winter

Parents: Trent and Traci Yeager

Parents: Mahdi Deriye and Asha Ahmed

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College to major in English and political science

Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato for computer engineering

Future Plans: Mechatronic Engineering

Faduma Mohamed Abdullahi Abdiaziz Adem Abubaker Harley Jo Bock Paige Nicole Bryant Amanda Stephanie Ham

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Ella Mae Carletta Wiebusch

Kia Williams

Noah Wilson

Parent: Candice Williams

Parents: Ron and Sandra Wilson

Future Plans: Attend South Central College then transfer to Minnesota State University, Mankato to study pre-med

Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College to study music or history

Parents: Corey and Cinde Wiebusch

Not Pictured

Reem Jabril Ibrahim Dallas Marie Mears Kyro Lee Mielke Luis Antonio Moreno Selena Mosqueda Ibrahim Noor

Jose Aaron Ramirez Manuel Ramirez, Jr. Mayra Edith Ramirez Abdul Abdinur Salam Mario Uvalle-Ramos, Jr.

Congratulations to the Class of 2016!

Hats Off To The Graduates! Congratulations to the Class of 2016! Dr. Mary A. Snyder 2 0 2 W a lnut Street Sa i nt Peter, MN (5 0 7 ) 9 3 4 -2 2 3 1

CLOTHING CO. NUTTER D nt n St. Peter • 507 931-4340 - e

-5 3 •

urs -7 • r

-6 • Sat


E. Hwy 99 • St. Peter (507) 934-5600



St. Peter HigH ScHool St. Peter HigH ScHool graduation graduation 2016 2016

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

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