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Figure 2 Al-Khalifa Study Area and al-Khalifa Street Area
Figure 2 Al-Khalifa Study Area and al-Khalifa Street Area.
Al-Khalifa Street Area of al-Khalifa is part of the Study Area and includes the mosques of Ibn Tulun and al-Sayyida Nafisa, considered as anchor monuments of Historic Cairo. Other outstanding monuments within al-Khalifa Street Area are the mausolea of Shajar al-Durr, alSayyida Ruqayya, al-Ja’fari and ‘Atika, restored by Athar Lina Initiative under the supervision of the MoTA as well as Fatima Khatun and al-Ashraf Khalil, for which a comprehensive conservation study has been prepared by Athar Lina. These diverse major anchors and outstanding monuments give the area a specific character. Al-Khalifa has an exceptional heritage value and is a hub for different activities, with a potential to enhance the socioeconomic condition of the community through social, cultural and service projects.
3. Al-Khalifa Street Area Analysis: Following the updated Geographic Information System (GIS) of al-Khalifa Street Area and based on a plot-by-plot field survey2, a detailed analysis of the urban fabric was carried out. This analysis gave detailed information on the heritage value of the buildings and open spaces, and covered the urban environment of al-Khalifa Street Area. The gathered information and the detailed analysis are a step to a comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan for al-Khalifa Street Area.
2 Check Report Two – Survey of al-Khalifa Street Area (April 2019), Built Environment Collective, Ford Foundation.