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Figure 45 one of the activities attended by the participants during the workshop
Annex One: Summary of the Open Spaces in Historic Cairo Training Workshop and the participants’ outcomes
In the framework of the CPHC Project, and in collaboration with IMPAQT56, a three-day workshop was held from the 1st to the 3rd of February, 2019. Students were invited from Alexandria University, Suez Canal University and Nile University (in addition to participants from an open call) to collaborate on developing innovative design solutions for public spaces in Historic Cairo. The number of participants were 50 and they worked in groups.
The workshop activities included presentations and guided tours of the areas, specific group lectures, site visits, field work, internal presentations, design sessions, internal feedback session and final presentations that were presented to experts. In the weeks that followed the workshop, one intervention was implemented based on the workshop outputs and additional research.
The workshop contributes the following to the CPHC research project: • Public housing: public space intervention in Zaynhum. • Historic qasabas: open spaces identified in the Conservation Plan of al-Khalifa. • Informal settlements: use of public and open spaces for advocacy in al-Hattaba.
Figure 45 One of the activities attended by participants during the workshop.
The following includes the outcomes of the workshop concerned with al-Khalifa Street Area: i. Working group one: Dilapidated building plots (Shaykhu Madrasa Open Space)
56 This 3-year project, funded by the European Commission, aims to breed architects capable of initiating a paradigm shift in Egyptian architecture practice. A consortium of highly esteemed partners in their fields of specialization, from Europe and Egypt, come together to realize this vision.