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Figure 1 Aerial view part of the Study Area
Figure 1 Aerial view of part of the Study Area. © Daniele Pini
Al-Khalifa Street Area is the focus of the component of the Management Guidelines for Heritage Sites – applied to the neighbourhood of al-Khalifa. This corresponds to the Athar Lina
Al-Khalifa Street Area:
1 action area, located to the south-east of Historic Cairo within the Study Area mentioned above. From the north, al-Saliba Street borders the area, from the east Darb al-Husr Street, from the south al-Sayyida Nafisa Square and from the west the Mosque of Ibn Tulun. Since 2012, Athar Lina Initiative has operated along the following three main lines of action:
1. Conserve and rehabilitate monuments and historic buildings to turn them into a community resource. 2. Establish and strengthen ties between the community - particularly women, children and youth - and their neighbourhood’s heritage 3. Link heritage to economic and social development through an integrated approach that enhances and improves quality of life in the historic city.
1 Athar Lina Initiative operates within the framework of a partnership between a number of governmental and non-governmental entities – principal partners being The Built Environment Collective and Megawra in collaboration with Cairo Governorate and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.