"YOUR PHARMACIST IS AT YOUR SERVICE!" 2nd Forum of Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care

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25. RUJNA 2017. SEPTEMBER 25TH 2017


Od istraživanja do zdravstvene skrbi:













Martina Šepetavc ZU Farmacia, Zagreb




Arijana Meštrović Pharma Expert za edukaciju i savjetovanje, Zagreb


Iva Kuliš, Sanja Mihanović Ljekarna Pablo, Zagreb


Marijana Brozović, Ana Galić Skoko Olgica Velkovski Škopić, Mateja Mršić Ljekarne Zagrebačke županije, Velika Gorica, Hrvatska

Danijela Pavić ZU Ljekarne Vaše zdravlje, Zadar


Sanja Antolović-Gavrić ZU Ljekarne Pablo, Zagreb


Željko Güttler ZU Ljekarne Tripolski, Osijek


Paula Bakalović ZU Ljekarne Lukačin, Zagreb



Katarina Fehir Šola ZU Ljekarna Bjelovar, Bjelovar Iva Mucalo, Sanda Vladimir Knežević Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Donatella Verbanac Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 44 / POJAVNOST INTERAKCIJA LIJEKOVA U FARMAKOTERAPIJI BOLESNIKA KOD PRIJAMA I OTPUSTA IZ BOLNICE

Mateja Klarić Opća bolnica Karlovac, Karlovac Vesna Bačić Vrca Klinička bolnica Dubrava, Zagreb, Sekcija za kliničku farmaciju Hrvatskog farmaceutskog društva




Ruža Bundović, Katarina Fehir Šola ZU Ljekarna Bjelovar, Bjelovar 52 / JAVNOZDRAVSTVENA AKCIJA – SVJETSKI DAN ASTME


Martina Prusac,. Darka Draženović Govorko ZU Ljekarna Draženović, Metković

Maja Osenički, Igor Kalčić Sekcija za analitiku lijekova Hrvatskog farmaceutskog društva, Zagreb



Marija Gudelj Plazanić, Sanja Mihanović ZU Ljekarna Pablo, Zagreb


Jasminka Vugec Mihok Gradska ljekarna Zagreb, Zagreb Elizabeta Kiršek, studentica Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 62 / ULOGA NUTRICIONISTIČKOG SAVJETOVALIŠTA U LJEKARNIČKOJ SKRBI – PRIMJER ISTOČNE SLAVONIJE

Darija Kajtar, Betilija Fadi Sekošan ZU Ljekarne Tripolski, Osijek

Ivan Pepić Sekcija za farmaceutsku tehnologiju Hrvatskog farmaceutskog društva Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Zagreb 68 / POGLED U BUDUĆNOST FARMACIJE IZ PERSPEKTIVE MLADIH ZNANSTVENIKA I PRAKTIČARA

Miranda Sertić Sekcija farmaceuta juniora HFD-a Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet, Zagreb Predsjednica FIP Young Pharmacists Group 78 / FARMACEUTSKA IZVRSNOST KAO DODANA VRIJEDNOST - ZAŠTO PACIJENTI VJERUJU U PREPORUKU LJEKARNIKA?

Anita Galić Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo, Zagreb









Doc. dr. sc. Maja Jakševac Mikša, mag. pharm. Izvršna direktorica, Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo Executive Director, Croatian Pharmaceutical Society

Svjetski dan ljekarnika, utemeljila je Međunarodna farmaceutska federacija (FIP) 2009., a obilježava se svake godine 25. rujna (na datum osnutka FIP-a 1912.), s ciljem promicanja izvrsnosti i doprinosa ljekarničke struke zdravlju stanovništva. Ovogodišnji Svjetski dan ljekarnika, osmi po redu, ponovna je prigoda da sve članice Međunarodne farmaceutske federacije (132 diljem svijeta, okupljaju više od 3 milijuna ljekarnika), pa tako i Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo (jedini hrvatski član FIP-a), prikažu i ukažu svim relevantnim institucijama, medijima, drugim zdravstvenim profesijama te široj javnosti, na važnost i znatan doprinos ljekarničke struke poboljšanju zdravlja. Tema obilježavanja Svjetskog dana ljekarnika ove godine je „Od istraživanja do zdravstvene skrbi – Farmaceut Vam je na usluzi“. Predsjednica FIP-a dr. Carmen Peña je povodom ovogodišnjeg Svjetskog dana ljekarnika izjavila: “Ova je tema odabrana

On the day when International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) was founded in 1912., September 25, all pharmacist celebrate World Pharmacists Day, promoting excellence and the contribution of the pharmacy profession to the health of the community. This (eighth) World Pharmacist Day (WPD) is an excellent opportunity for all members of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (132 worldwide, bringing together over 3 million pharmacist), including the Croatian Pharmaceutical Society as the only Croatian member of the FIP, to present and point out to all relevant institutions, media, other health professionals as partners in health and general public on the importance and the positive contribution of the pharmacy profession in improving health. “From research to health care – Your pharmacists is at your disposal“ ” is the theme of this year’s World Pharmacists Day. The President of FIP, dr. Carmen Peña said on this occasion: “This theme was chosen to reflect the numerous contributions the

kako bi odražavala brojne doprinose farmaceutske struke zdravlju. Od istraživanja i razvoja lijekova, preko edukacije budućih farmaceuta i farmaceutskih znanstvenika, do pružanja izravne ljekarničke skrbi - sve to činimo u službi naših pacijenata i zajednica. Želimo naglasiti da su farmaceuti okosnica zdravstvene skrbi u mnogim okruženjima. Ali pružanje skrbi ne počinje u javnim ili bolničkim ljekarnama. Briga o pacijentima počinje prepoznavanjem zdravstvenih problema stanovništva i razvojem lijekova, kreiranjem zdravstvenih politika i obrazovanja upravo za rješavanje detektiranih problema. Mi farmaceuti smo često na samom početku procesa - kada se identificira prva molekula koja će učinkovito liječiti bolest.” Slijedom toga, Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo nastavlja obilježavati ovaj prigodni dan s aktivnostima koje su koordinirane s FIP-ovim smjernicama te ove godine organiziramo 2. Forum izvrsnosti u ljekarničkoj skrbi. Pred vama su odabrani primjeri dobrih ljekarničkih praksi, koje služe kao nadahnuće za budućnost ljekarničke skrbi u Hrvatskoj i globalno.


pharmacy profession makes to health. From research and development of medicines, to educating future pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists, and providing direct care, we do all this in the service of our patients and communities We want to emphasise that pharmacists are the backbone of health care in many different settings. But providing care does not begin in community or hospital pharmacies. Taking care of patients starts with recognising the health issues of populations and developing medicines, policies and education to tackle them. We pharmacists are often there at the very beginning of the process — when the first molecule that effectively treats a disease is identified.“ The Croatian Pharmaceutical Society continues to celebrate World Pharmacists Day with activities coordinated with FIP’s guidelines, and this year we are organizing the 2nd Forum on Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care. In this publication you can find examples of good pharmacy practices presented at the Forum of Excellence, and they can serve as an inspiration for the future of pharmaceutical care in Croatia and globally.



Doc. dr. sc. Arijana Meštrović, mag. pharm. FFIP Pharma Expert za edukaciju i savjetovanje Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu Near East University, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus – Faculty of Pharmacy

Najbolje ljekarničke prakse temelje se danas, ne samo više na unaprijed zacrtanim postulatima ljekarničke skrbi koja svoje znanstvene temelje nalazi u kliničkoj farmaciji, već i na iskustvu ljekarničkih ustanova i profesionalnih organizacija koje iz vlastitog poslovanja, procesa implementacija novih usluga, analiza potreba pacijenata, pa i znanstvenih istraživanja mogu graditi razvoj održivog i modernog ljekarništva u zdravstvenim sustavima svojeg okruženja. Istraživanja u ovom području su u porastu, a ova je tematika aktualna na globalnim stručnim, pa i znanstvenim forumima, gdje se izmjenjuju iskustva i opisuju uspješni modeli implementacije novih segmenata ljekarničkih usluga i poslovanja, te se govori o Implementacijskoj znanosti koja svoje postulate temelji na multidisciplinarnosti i svakim danom dobiva jasnije okvire. Danas znamo koji su to čimbenici koji će osigurati da implementacija novih usluga u

The best pharmacy practices are founded today, not just on the predetermined postulates of pharmaceutical care which is scientifically based on clinical pharmacy, but also on the experience of pharmacy institutions and professional organizations gained from their own context. That includes the implementation of new services in pharmacy, analysis of the patients’ needs, and scientific research in order to build the development of sustainable and modern pharmacy practice in the health systems across the globe. Research in this area is on the rise, and the topic is frequently addressed at many expert scientific forums globally, including experiences exchange and discussion of implementation of new pharmacy services in sustainable business models. There is increasing need to apply the implementation science principles in the service implementation, build on multidisciplinary approach and guidelines which are constantly obtaining clearer and more user-friendly formats. Facilitators of the implementation of new pharmacy services are therefore well-known. When not carefully taken into account, they can easily turn

ljekarništvu bude uspješna, a ne uzmu li se pažljivo u obzir, mogu se pretvoriti u barijere koje je bez cjelovitog pristupa ljekarničkom poslovanju zapravo nemoguće otkloniti. Na prvom je mjestu interprofesionalni, integrirani pristup pacijentu i kolaborativna praksa u zdravstvenim sustavima koja se u nekim zemljama poput Sjedinjenih Američkih Država razvila na čak 5 razina, te donosi velike uštede zdravstvenom sustavu. Ljekarne koje u zdravstvenim sustavima pokušavaju svoju djelatnost organizirati izolirano nikada ne razviju vlastitu praksu do razina izvrsnosti. Potom slijedi timski rad, podjela odgovornosti prema kompetencijama i specijalizacijama iz određenih stručnih ili komplementarnih područja (klinička farmacija, pedijatrijska ljekarnička skrb, hitna stanja, nutricionizam, skrb o pacijentima s posebnim potrebama). Jedno od najvažnijih obilježja najboljih ljekarničkih praksi je komunikacija i savjetovanje s pacijentima razvijeno do najviših razina. Nove tehnologije koje omogućavaju brži protok informacija i ažuriranje u najkraćem roku snažna su poluga današnje komunikacije u zdravstvu. Na tu se kategoriju nastavljanju IT alati i aplikacije za prikupljanje i obradu


into barriers, that, without a comprehensive approach to the pharmacy context, could actually become impossible to address. Primarily, interprofessional, integrated approach to the patient care and collaborative practice in healthcare systems (developed in some countries such as the United States at even 5 levels) can bring great savings to the healthcare systems. Pharmacies cannot work in isolation in the healthcare systems, as they will never develop their own practice to the level of excellence. Team work, responsibility sharing and competence development in specializations of certain professional or complementary areas (clinical pharmacy, paediatric pharmacy, emergency, nutrition, care of the patients with special needs) are extremely important. One of the most important facilitators of the best pharmacy practices is the healthcare communication and patient counselling, developed to the highest level of professionalism. New technologies that enable dynamic information flow, can update and support in the shortest possible time the information exchange, what is one of the strongest advantages of today’s health-

Najbolje ljekarničke prakse veliku pažnju i sredstva polažu na jasno označavanje svoje djelatnosti, osobito ljekarničkih usluga po kojima se međusobno razlikuju. Marketinški alati, ali i preraspodjela prostora koji više ne služi samo izradi i distribuciji lijekova, već i pružanju kognitivnih i drugih usluga u procesima skrbi bit će jasno vidljivi u uspješnim ljekarničkim projektima. Jasno zacrtani standardi, kontrola kvalitete pružanja usluga otvara prostor za nova radna mjesta u ljekarništvu kao što su: Kontrolor kvalitete, Voditelj odnosa s ključnim klijentima, Voditelj razvoja kompetencija, Voditelj marketinga ljekarničkih usluge, Facilitator procesa promjena u sustavu itd. Najveću uspješnost u ljekarničkom poslovanju imaju organizacije koje angažiraju vanjske eksperte koji nisu dio njihovog sustava kao edukatore, konzultante, dizajnere, projektne programere, no u isto vrijeme potiču razvoj i vidljivost internih “šampiona” i pokretača promjena o kojima vode posebnu brigu i planiraju njihov razvoj. Najbolje ljekarničke prakse svoje inicijative temelje na stvarnim i pomno ispitanim potrebama pacijenata, te ih razvijaju prateći zadovoljstvo pacijenata i njihove rezultate.

The high-quality pharmacy practices will always allocate their resources on the visibility - clear labelling and marketing of their activities, especially pharmacy services that will differentiate them from the others. Marketing tools, but also the space rearrangements; cannot serve only for the production and distribution of drugs, but also for the provision of cognitive and other patient care services – to make them clearly visible in successful pharmacy projects. Clearly defined standards and quality assurance of service delivery will open up the space for new engagements in pharmacy profession, such as: Quality Assurance Manager, Customer Relationship Manager, Competence Development Manager, Pharmacy Marketing Manager, Facilitator of Change Processes, etc. The greatest success in pharmacy business initiatives are shown in organizations engaging external experts who are not part of their system. Those could include external educators, consultants, designers, lawyers, marketing experts, project developers etc. At the same time, it is important to encourage the development and visibility of the internal champions and the facilitators of change that will require speSECOND FORUM OF EXCELLENCE IN PHARMACEUTICAL CARE / 9

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podataka, i u poslovnom i u kliničkom segmentu (Healthcare inteligence, prev. eng.).

care communication. These facilitators are followed by the IT tools applications for data collection and processing, both in business and in the clinical environment, building the healthcare intelligence and capacity.


Doc. dr. sc. Arijana Meštrović, mag. pharm. FFIP Pharma Expert za edukaciju i savjetovanje Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu Near East University, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus – Faculty of Pharmacy

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Ne manje važno, osnova najboljih ljekarničkih praksi je i čvrsta i održiva financijska konstrukcija, u kojoj su troškovi i prihodi pomno planirani i uvršteni u financijske pokazatelje, te naplaćeni prema pažljivo promišljenim izračunima. Iskustva pokazuju da valja pomno pratiti varijabilne troškove, te raditi na povećanju korisnika usluga koje se mogu dobiti samo u ljekarni, u osobnom kontaktu s magistrom farmacije ili educiranim farmaceutskim tehničarom. Od posebnog su značaja ljekarničke prakse koje se temelje na javnom zdravstvu, edukaciji pacijenata, projektima koji potiču adherenciju i sigurnost pacijenata, te oni koji u svom djelovanju pacijenta povezuju s ostalim segmentima zdravstvenog sustava, poput zbrinjavanja nuspojava, laboratorijskog praćenja rezultata liječenja, ustanovama za rehabilitaciju i sl. Na sve ove, ali i mnoge druge faktore, u svojim se smjernicama i strateškim dokumentima pozivaju Međunarodna farmaceutska federacija (FIP), Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO), Europski direktorat za kvalitetu u medicini (EDQM), Farmaceutska grupacija Europske Unije (PGEU) i drugi relevantni stručni autoriteti.

The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Directive of Quality of Medicines (EDQM), the Pharmaceutical Group of European Union (PGEU) and other relevant profession authorities, are creating their guidelines and strategies including all mentioned, as well as many other factors for change.

cial attention and careful plan for their development. The best pharmacy practices are based and designed on the actual and carefully studied needs of the patients, developed by accompanying patient satisfaction and followed up investigating the patient outcomes. Not less important, the basis of the best pharmacy practices is a solid and sustainable financial structure, where costs and revenues are carefully planned and included in the financial indicators, remunerated according to the carefully designed financial calculations. Experience shows that it is important to pay special attention of the variable costs, as well as on increase of service users who can only get the service in the pharmacy, by the personal contact with pharmacist or an educated pharmacy technician. Of particular importance are pharmacy practices based on public health, patient education and health literacy, patient adherence and patient safety projects, as well as those oriented to connect the patients with other healthcare segments, such as pharmacovigilance, laboratory monitoring of the treatment results, rehabilitation facilities and similar.

U ovom uvodnom predavanju prikazat ćemo detalje i izvore navedenih obilježja najboljih ljekarničkih praksi kroz globalnu perspektivu, te najaviti koji od tih elemenata već imaju svoju aplikaciju u hrvatskoj ljekarničkoj praksi.

In this introductory lecture, the details and resources of the mentioned facilitators of the best pharmacy practices will be presented from the global perspective, recognizing many of these elements applied in Croatian pharmacy practice.



• Pharmaceutical care – policies and practices for a safer, more responsible and cost-effective health system© Council of Europe, 2012 • Garcia-Cardenas et al. Evaluation of the implementation process and outcomes of a professional pharmacy service in a community pharmacy setting. A case report / Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy j (2016) 1–14 • Roberts AS, Benrimoj SI, Chen TF, Williams KA, Aslani P. Practice change in community pharmacy: quantification of facilitators. Ann Pharmacother 2008; 42:861–868. • World health organisation • FIP Board of Pharmaceutical Practice (BPP), Annual Report 2016. • Moullin JC, Sabater-Hernández D, Benrimoj SI. Model for the evaluation of implementation programs and professional pharmacy services. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2016 May-Jun;12(3):515-22. • Durks D, Fernandez-Llimos F, Hossain LN, Franco-Trigo L, Benrimoj SI, Sabater-Hernández D. Use of Intervention Mapping to Enhance Health Care Professional Practice: A Systematic Review. Health Educ Behav. 2017 Jun 1:1090198117709885. doi: 10.1177/1090198117709885. [Epub ahead of print] • PGEU Annual report 2016 • WHO, FIP. Joint FIP/WHO guidelines on good pharmacy practice, Geneva 2011.

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• Pharmaceutical care – policies and practices for a safer, more responsible and cost-effective health system© Council of Europe, 2012 • Garcia-Cardenas et al. Evaluation of the implementation process and outcomes of a professional pharmacy service in a community pharmacy setting. A case report / Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy j (2016) 1–14 • Roberts AS, Benrimoj SI, Chen TF, Williams KA, Aslani P. Practice change in community pharmacy: quantification of facilitators. Ann Pharmacother 2008; 42:861–868. • World health organisation • FIP Board of Pharmaceutical Practice (BPP), Annual Report 2016. • Moullin JC, Sabater-Hernández D, Benrimoj SI. Model for the evaluation of implementation programs and professional pharmacy services. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2016 May-Jun;12(3):515-22. • Durks D, Fernandez-Llimos F, Hossain LN, Franco-Trigo L, Benrimoj SI, Sabater-Hernández D. Use of Intervention Mapping to Enhance Health Care Professional Practice: A Systematic Review. Health Educ Behav. 2017 Jun 1:1090198117709885. doi: 10.1177/1090198117709885. [Epub ahead of print] • PGEU Annual report 2016 • WHO, FIP. Joint FIP/WHO guidelines on good pharmacy practice, Geneva 2011.

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02 Prevencija I PRAĆENJE


12 / D R U G I F O R U M I Z V R S N O S T I U L J E K A R N I Č K O J S K R B I

Martina Šepetavc, mag. pharm. ZU Farmacia, Zagreb


Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija u svojem posljednjem izvješću o statusu nezaraznih bolesti navodi da su one uzrok 70% svih smrti u svijetu (1). Pri tome su kardiovaskularne bolesti vodeći uzrok smrtnosti s udjelom od 44,25% te od njih godišnje u svijetu umre 17,7 milijuna ljudi (1). Zabrinjavajuća je činjenica da je udio smrti od kardiovaskularnih bolesti u populaciji dobi od 30 – 69 godina čak 80% tj. 15 milijuna radno sposobnih osoba (2). Prema procjeni Europskog kardiološkog društva, Hrvatska se ubraja u zemlje visokog rizika za kardiovaskularne bolesti sa smrtonosnim ishodom (3).

The World Health Organization in its last Global status report on noncommunicable diseases states that these kind of diseases are the cause of 70% of all deaths globally (1). Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality with a share of 44.25% and of them annually in the world die 17.7 million people (1). The most worrying is the fact that the proportion of deaths from cardiovascular diseases in the population aged 30-69 years is even 80%, that is 15 million people of working age, annually (2). According to the estimates of the European Society of Cardiology, Croatia is one of the country’s high risk for cardiovascular disease with a deadly outcome (3).

Hrvatski zavod za javno zdravstvo u Zdravstveno – statističkom ljetopisu za 2015. godinu kao vodeći uzrok smrtnosti u našoj zemlji navodi bolesti kardiovaskularnog sustava s udjelom od 47,40% (4).

Croatian Institute of Public Health in the Croatian health statistics Yearbook for 2015. lists that the leading cause of mortality in our country are diseases of the cardiovascular system with a share of 47.40% (4).

Europske Smjernice za prevenciju kardiovaskularnih bolesti, objavljene od strane Europskog kardiološkog društva, navode učinkovitost prevencije kako u općoj populaciji promocijom zdravih

European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention, posted by European Society of Cardiology, cite the effectiveness of prevention in the general population by promoting healthy lifestyle

životnih navika tako i pojedinačno u pacijenata koji već imaju umjereni ili visoki rizik od obolijevanja od kardiovaskularnih bolesti kao i kod pacijenata koji već imaju dijagnosticiranu bolest i propisanu terapiju lijekovima. Eliminacijom rizičnih čimbenika moguće je smanjiti obolijevanje od ovih bolesti za najmanje 80% (2,5,6).

behaviour and individually in patients who already have a moderate or high risk for cardiovascular diseases as well as for patients who have already been diagnosed with the disease and have prescribed medication therapy. By eliminating risk factors it is possible to reduce the morbidity of these diseases for at least 80% (2,5,6).



Podizanje svijesti građana o čimbenicima kardiovaskularnog rizika, prevenciji te pravodobnom otkrivanju parametara rizika kao i otkrivanje problema uzrokovanih lijekovima ukoliko im je propisana terapija za bolesti kardiovaskularnog sustava.


U Kardiološkom savjetovalištu ljekarni Farmacia naglasak je na primarnoj i sekundarnoj kardiovaskularnoj prevenciji te savjetovanju u terapijskim i dijagnostičkim postupcima kardiovaskularnih bolesnika uz suradnju specijalista kardiologa i ljekarnika. Ljekarnik u prvom kontaktu s pacijentom procjenjuje radi li se o kandidatu koji s obzirom na postojeće rizične čimbenike, osim edukacije ljekarnika o prevenciji i zdravim životnim navikama, treba savjetovanje s kardiologom gdje će se utvrditi

S E C O N D F O R U M O F E X C E L L E N C E I N P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C A R E / 13

Raising the awareness of general population about the cardiovascular risk factors, prevention and timely detection parameters of risk as well as the detection of drug therapy problems caused by medications for cardiovascular diseases if they have already been precribed.


Cardiology Counselling in Farmacia pharmacies emphasise primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention and also consulting in the therapeutic and diagnostic procedures of cardiovascular patients in the colaboration of a cardiologist and a pharmacist. The pharmacist at his first contact with the patient assesses if this patient is a candidate for futher consultation with the cardiologist to determine if futher medical

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je li potrebna dodatna liječnička obrada.

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Kardiolog radi procjenu rizika smrtnosti pojedine osobe od kardiovaskularnih bolesti u narednih 10 godina, a prema SCORE tablicama koje su službena preporuka od strane Europskog kardiološkog društva i prema europskim Smjernicama za prevenciju kardiovaskularnih bolesti u kliničkoj praksi. Ljekarnik isto tako prilikom izdavanja lijekova uočava probleme uzrokovane propisanom terapijom kao i interakcije lijek-lijek, lijek-dodatak prehrani, lijek-hrana te predlaže rješenja u suradnji sa specijalistom kardiologom.


Kardiološko savjetovalište provodi se u 3 javne ljekarne ZU Farmacia u Zagrebu od listopada 2014. godine 2 puta mjesečno u trajanju od 2 sata kad je u ljekarni prisutan specijalist kardiolog. Obrađeni su rezultati za razdoblje od listopada 2014 do srpnja 2017. s ukupnim brojem od 269 pacijenata. Praćeni su čimbenici rizika za svakog pacijenta prema SCORE tablicama i europskim Smjernicama za prevenciju kardiovaskularnih bolesti u kliničkoj praksi, i to: dob, spol, vrijednost krvnog tlaka i ukupnog kolesterola, vrijed-

tretment is needed considering the patient’s existing risk factors, besides the education provided by pharmacist about prevention and healthy lifestyle behaviour. A cardiologist estimates the 10 year risk of fatal cardiovascular disease, according to the SCORE tables, which are the official recommendation by the European Society of Cardiology, and according to the European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice. Also, the pharmacist during dispensing detects the problems caused by the prescribed medication therapy as well as drug-drug interactions, drug-dietary supplement interactions, drug-food interactions and proposes solutions of these problems in colaboration with a cardiologist.


Cardiology Counselling is carried out in 3 community Farmacia pharmacies in Zagreb from October 2014 year with a frequency of 2 times a month for 2 hours when a cardiologist is present in a pharmacy. The results are processed for the period from October 2014 to July 2017 with total number of 269 patients. The risk factors have been monitored for each patient according to the SCORE tables

nost triglicerida, glukoze u krvi te je li pacijent pušač. Dodatno se prema preporukama Europskog kardiološkog društva prate redovitost fizičke aktivnosti, BMI, opseg struka, prehrambene navike, pozitivna obiteljska anamneza na krvožilne bolesti te uzima li pacijent lijekove kako bi procjena rizika smrtnosti prema SCORE tablici bila što objektivnija. Čak 76,95% pacijenata ima povišen rizik za smrtni ishod od kardiovaskularnih bolesti u narednih 10 godina, od toga 87,44% pacijenata ima visok ili izrazito visok rizik, a 12,56% umjereni rizik. U ovom predavanju osim rezultata za navedene parametre biti će prikazani primjeri slučajeva koji su pravodobnom intervencijom ljekarnika zbog problema uzrokovanim propisanom terapijom lijekovima te uočavanjem potrebe za procjenom čimbenika kardiovaskularnog rizika i savjetovanjem sa specijalistom kardiologom prevenirali razvoj komplikacija te pridonijeli poboljšanom ishodu liječenja pacijenata.


Rezultati kardiološkog savjetovališta u javnoj ljekarni pokazuju znatan broj osoba s prisutnim visokim ili vrlo visokim rizičnim čimbenicima

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and European Guidelines for cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice, such as: age, gender, the value of blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, value of glucose in the blood, and whether the patient is a smoker. In addition, according to the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology it has been recorded regularity of physical activity, BMI, waist circumference, nutritional habits, positive family history on cardiovascular diseases and whether the patient is taking medications in order to make risk assessment of fatal cardiovascular disease more objective according to the SCORE table. Even 76.95% of patients have an increased risk for fatal cardiovascular disease in the next 10 years and from them 87.44% of patients have a high or extremely high risk, while 12.56% moderate risk. In this lecture, besides the results for the specified parameters, will be presented examples of cases which are according to timely intervention of the pharmacist due to problems caused by a prescribed medication therapy and seeing the need for assessment of cardiovascular risk factors, in colaboration with a cardiologist have been prevented further complications and have contributed for improving patient outcomes.


The results of the Cardiology Counselling in a community pharmacy, show a substantial

za razvoj kardiovaskularnih bolesti sa smrtonosnim ishodom u narednih 10 godina.

number of patients with high or very high risk factors for the development of fatal cardiovascular disease in the next 10 years.

Ovime se ukazuje potreba za jačanjem proaktivnije uloge ljekarnika u provođenju preventivnih akcija u javnim ljekarnama, pravodobnom otkrivanju parametara rizika kao i otkrivanju problema uzrokovanih lijekovima. Ljekarnici svojim intervencijama poput savjetovanja o čimbenicima rizika, pravilnom uzimanju lijekova, nefarmakološkim mjerama te dobrom suradnjom s liječnikom mogu utjecati na smanjenje komplikacija vezanih uz obolijevanje od kardiovaskularnih bolesti što dovodi do poboljšanja zdravstvene skrbi i u konačnici do smanjivanja troškova u zdravstvenom sustavu.

This indicates the need for strenghtening a more proactive role of the pharmacist in carrying out preventive actions in community pharmacies, timely detection parameters of risk as well as discovering the drug therapy problems. Pharmacists with their interventions such as counselling about risk factors, the proper using of medications, non pharmacological measures and colaboration with the doctor can impact on reducing the complications associated with the cardiovascular diseases morbidity which leads to improvements in health care and ultimately reducing costs in the health care system.



1. World Health Organization. Global status report on non-communicable diseases 2014 . 2. GBD 2015 Risk Factors Collaborators. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet, 2016; 388(10053):1659-1724 3. 2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: The Sixth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of 10 societies and by invited experts). European Heart Journal, Volume 37, Issue 29, 1 August 2016, 2315–2381 4. Hrvatski zdravstveno - statistički ljetopis za 2015. godinu, HZJZ 5. Liu K , Daviglus ML, Loria CM, Colangelo LA, Spring B, Moller AC, Lloyd-Jones DM. Healthy lifestyle through young adulthood and the presence of low cardiovascular disease risk profile in middle age: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in (Young) Adults (CARDIA) study. Circulation 2012;125:996–1004. 6. NICE Public Health Guidance 25. Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease.

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1. World Health Organization. Global status report on non-communicable diseases 2014 2. GBD 2015 Risk Factors Collaborators. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet, 2016; 388(10053):1659-1724 3. 2016 European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: The Sixth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of 10 societies and by invited experts). European Heart Journal, Volume 37, Issue 29, 1 August 2016, 2315–2381 4. Hrvatski zdravstveno - statistički ljetopis za 2015. godinu, HZJZ 5. Liu K, Daviglus ML, Loria CM, Colangelo LA, Spring B, Moller AC, Lloyd-Jones DM. Healthy lifestyle through young adulthood and the presence of low cardiovascular disease risk profile in middle age: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in (Young) Adults (CARDIA) study. Circulation 2012;125:996–1004. 6. NICE Public Health Guidance 25. Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease.



Doc. dr. sc. Arijana Meštrović, mag. pharm. FFIP Pharma Expert za edukaciju i savjetovanje Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu Near East University, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus – Faculty of Pharmacy


Intuitivne i znanstveno utemeljene aplikacije s preglednom, sugestivnom grafikom koja uključuje tablice, grafove, retrospektivne i prospektivne analize olakšavaju razvoj, implementaciju i dokumentiranje ljekarničkih usluga i intervencija, unapređenje i praćenje indikatora kvalitete ljekarničke skrbi, te praćenje ishoda liječenja pacijenata. U Hrvatskoj je u posljednjih godinu dana 11 ljekarničkih ustanova počelo koristiti alat za dokumentiranje intervencija Pharma Expert Matrix i rezultati su obrađeni, spremni za interpretaciju i prezentaciju ljekarničkog prinosa.

Intuitive and scientifically-based applications with a previewable, suggestive graphics that includes tables, graphs, retrospective and prospective analyses, can facilitate the development, implementation and documentation of pharmacy services and interventions, the improvement and monitoring of quality indicators of patient care, and monitoring patient outcomes. During 2016 and 2017, 11 pharmacy institutions in Croatia have been using the tool for documenting interventions Pharma Expert Matrix. The results are documented, ready for interpretation and demonstration of pharmacists’ contribution to the patient care process.




Projekt ima cilj učiniti dostupnima rezultate mjerenja indikatora kvalitete ljekarničke skrbi u hrvatskim ljekarnama, kao i pratiti indikatore uspješnosti implementacije projekata,

The aim of the project was to make the results of measuring the quality of pharmacy care indicators in Croatian pharmacies available, as well as to monitor project imple-

rezultate screeninga i kontrolnih mjerenja za pacijente, procjene rizika za pojedine grupe pacijenata, praćenje adherencije pacijenata, promjene životnih navika i uspješnosti postizanja terapijskog cilja. Na putu prema terapijskom cilju neke su vrijednosti imale značajan utjecaj na tijek skrbi i liječenja. Cilj je bio uočiti značajnija odstupanja od referentnih vrijednosti, koja zahtijevaju upućivanje bolesnika liječniku na dodatne konzultacije i korekciju terapije. Kolaborativna praksa i zajednička skrb za bolesnika – mijenjaju plan za postizanje terapijskog cilja.


U okviru screening mjerenja, postupke provjere statusa pružane su individualno, na

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mentation success indicators, screening results and patient follow-up, risk assessments for individual patient groups, patient adherence monitoring, lifestyle changes and the success of therapeutic goals. On the way to achieve the therapeutic goal, some values had a significant influence on the care and treatment process. The aim of the project was to identify significant deviations from the reference values, which require referral to the physician for additional consultation and correction of therapy. Collaborative practice and common patient care change the plan to achieve the therapeutic goal.


Within Screening measurements, services were provided individually, at the patient’s request, or as assessed by a pharmacist, or within public

Web aplikacija Pharma Expert Matrix je implementirana u: ZU Ljekarne Pablo, ZU Ljekarne Vaše Zdravlje, ZU Ljekarne Splitsko-Dalmatinske županije, ZU Ljekarne Zagrebačke županije, ZU Ljekarne Čebulc, ZU Ljekarne Pavlić, ZU Ljekarne Coner, ZU Ljekarne Lukačin, ZU Ljekarne Tripolski, ZU Ljekarne Draženović i ZU Ljekarne Švaljek. Uključene su ljekarne u gradovima i selima diljem Hrvatske. U razdoblju 01.03. 2016. – 01.06.2017. broj pacijenata uključenih u projekt bio je: 3550 pacijenata, od toga 2830 u usluge screeninga i kontrolnih mjerenja, te 720 u Savjetovanje pri prvom izdavanju lijeka koje poboljšava adherenciju kod uzimanja lijekova koji su propisani pacijentu prvi put.

Web application Pharma Expert Matrix was implemented in: ZU Pharmacy Pablo, ZU Pharmacy Your Health, ZU Pharmacy Splitsko-Dalmatinske županije, ZU Pharmacy Zagrebačke županije, ZU Pharmacy Čebulc, ZU Pharmacy Pavlić, ZU Pharmacy Coner, ZU Pharmacy Lukačin, ZU Pharmacy Tripolski, ZU Pharmacy Draženović and ZU Pharmacy Švaljek. Pharmacies in towns and villages around Croatia were included in the project. In the period 01.03. 2016 01.06.2017, the number of patients involved in the project was 3550 patients, of which 2830 in screening and control measurements, and 720 in NMS (New medication Service) - Counselling at first issue of drug that improved adherence when taking medicines prescribed for the first time. The data was collected in accordance with the protection of patients’ rights of data confidentiality. S E C O N D F O R U M O F E X C E L L E N C E I N P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C A R E / 17

N A S TA V A K N A S T R A N I C I 1 8 / C O N T I N U I N G O N P A G E 1 8

zahtjev pacijenta ili prema procjeni ljekarnika, ili pak u okviru javnozdravstvenih projekata, preventivnih programa i promocije zdravog načina života. Sva mjerenja i „screeninzi“ izvršeni u ljekarni su orijentacijski te nisu služili u svrhu postavljanja dijagnoze, već ranom otkrivanju rizičnih faktora i praćenju trenutnog statusa bolesnika.

health projects, preventive programs, and healthy lifestyle promotions. All measurements and screenings performed at the pharmacy were approximate and did not serve to set the diagnosis, but to early detect risk factors and to monitor the patient’s current status.


Doc. dr. sc. Arijana Meštrović, mag. pharm. FFIP Pharma Expert za edukaciju i savjetovanje Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu Near East University, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus – Faculty of Pharmacy

Podaci su prikupljeni u skladu sa zaštitom prava pacijenata o tajnosti podataka.

N A S TA V A K S A S T R A N I C E 1 7 / C O N T I N U E D F R O M P A G E 1 7


Pacijenti u kojih su rađena kontrolna mjerenja imali su rezultate izvan referentnih vrijednosti: • Glukoza u krvi: 36% pacijenata • Metabolički sindrom: 33% pacijenata • Krvni tlak: 75% pacijenata • Loša inhalacijska tehnika: 47% pacijenata • Trigliceridi: 50% pacijenata • Kolesterol: 14% pacijenata Prilikom pružanja usluge SPIL Savjetovanje pri prvom izdavanju lijeka rezultati pokazuju da: • 60% pacijenata nije adherentno • 11% prekida uzimanje lijeka kad se osjećaju dobro • 40% liječnika šalje poruke i pitanja za ljekarnika, 55% ljekarnika šalje pitanja i poruke za liječnika • 62% pacijenata je ostvarilo terapijski cilj • 26% pacijenata vodi dnevnik samokontrole • 28% pacijenata ima nuspojave • 13% pacijenata ima dodatna pitanja o lijekovima

• 13% of patients have additional medication issues • 62% of patients introduce healthy habits for consultation with a pharmacist


Patients in which control measurements were performed have shown results out of the expected range of the reference values, as follows: • Blood glucose level: 36% of patients • Metabolic syndrome risk: 33% of patients • Blood pressure measurements: 75% of patients • Incorrect inhalation technique: 47% of patients • Triglycerides: 50% of patients • Cholesterol: 14% of patients When delivering New Medication service - First-time counselling, the results show that: • 60% of patients are not adherent • 11% discontinues taking the medicine when they feel good • 40% of physicians send messages and questions to a pharmacist, 55% of pharmacists send questions and messages for a doctor • 62% of patients achieved a therapeutic goal • 26% of patients are keeping a self-control diary • 28% of patients have side effects

• 62% pacijenata uvodi zdrave navike radi savjetovanja s ljekarnikom. Liječnici, ljekarnici i pacijenti su zadovoljni uslugama, liječnici traže od ljekarnika da provjeri u ljekarni vrijednosti tlaka ili šećera u krvi i da prilagodi dozu lijekova, liječnici upute pacijenta u ljekarnu po preporuku za komplementarnu terapiju, tlakomjer, edukaciju pacijenta. Liječnici pitaju smiju li nazvati radi provjere interakcija, mogu li naručiti određeni lijek u ljekarni?


Ljekarnici su dokumentiranjem podataka pridonijeli prikupljanju dokaza o broju pacijenata koji nisu postigli terapijski cilj, te razlozima za to, probiru pacijenata koji nisu znali da imaju povećanje vrijednosti GUK-a, krvnog tlaka, lipida u krvi i drugih metaboličkih parametara. U suvremenom ljekarničkom poslovanju ovakav način bilježenja rezultata motivira ljekarnike na pružanje intervencija i usluga, te podiže razinu svijesti o važnosti uloge ljekarnika u očima liječnika, pacijenata i stručne javnosti.

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Physicians, pharmacists and patients are satisfied with the services, doctors are asking the pharmacist: To check the level of blood pressure and to adjust the dose of medication, physicians are referring the patient to the pharmacy, as a recommendation for complement therapy, to buy the pressure gauge, for patient education. Doctors ask if they should call for interaction check, can they order some medicines in a pharmacy?


By documenting the results, pharmacists contributed to the collection of evidence on the number of patients who did not reach the therapeutic goal, and the reasons for this, and screening of patients who did not know that they had high glucose level, high blood pressure, not expected blood lipid and other metabolic parameters. In the modern pharmacy, such a way of recording results motivates pharmacists to provide interventions and services, and raise awareness of the importance of the role of a pharmacist in the eyes of the physicians, patients, and the public.

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Iva Kuliš, mag. pharm., univ. spec. oec., Sanja Mihanović, mag. pharm., Ljekarna Pablo, Zagreb



Ljekarništvo u Hrvatskoj kontinuirano se mijenja i nailazi na nove izazove. Starenje stanovništva, porast kroničnih oboljenja i komorbiditeta upućuju na važnost prevencije i sustavne kontrole na svim razinama zdravstvene skrbi. Najnoviji trendovi u pružanju ljekarničke skrbi u Europi i svijetu je stavljanje naglaska na samoliječenje, promociju zdravlja, prevenciju bolesti i održavanje i poboljšanje zdravstvenog stanja kroničnih bolesnika kroz savjetovanje i pružanje dodatnih ljekarničkih usluga, kao i suradnju s drugim zdravstvenim profesionalcima . Ljekarnici su prva linija zdravstvene skrbi te su na taj način u svakodnevnom kontaktu s najvećim brojem pacijenata. Ljekarna je idealno mjesto za provođenje preventivnih programa usmjerenih poboljšanju javnog zdravlja, kao i za kontrolu kroničnih bolesnika.


Program brige o zdravlju obuhvaća skup ljekarničkih

Pharmacy profession in Croatia is continually changing and meeting new challenges. Aging of the population, the rise of chronic diseases and comorbidity indicate the importance of prevention and systematic control at all levels of healthcare. The latest trends in providing pharmacy care in Europe and the world are focusing on self-medication, health promotion, disease prevention, maintenance and improvement of the health status of chronic patients through counseling and providing additional pharmacy services as well as collaboration with other health professionals . Pharmacies are the first line of healthcare system and are thus in daily contact with the largest number of patients. Pharmacy is an ideal place to implement prevention programs aimed at improving public health, as well as for disease controlling with chronic patients.


The Health Care and Prevention Program encompasses a set of pharmacy services aimed at disease prevention, maintenance of health status and regular control of chronic

usluga usmjerenih na prevenciju bolesti, održavanje zdravstvenog stanja i redovitu kontrolu kroničnih bolesnika. Cilj Programa je probirnim mjerenjima u ljekarni (Point of care testing) usmjeriti naše korisnike prema ranom otkrivanju bolesti, a oboljelima pomoći sustavno provoditi kontrolu i time poboljšati adherenciju i učinkovitost terapije. Pružanje dodatnih ljekarničkih usluga u okviru ljekarničke skrbi također mijenja percepciju javnosti o ljekarnicima. Ljekarnik je zdravstveni profesionalac usmjeren na dobrobit pacijenata. Pružanjem dodatnih ljekarničkih usluga postižu se pozitivni zdravstveni i humanistički učinci te podiže kvaliteta života naših bolesnika.


Program brige o zdravlju obuhvaća provođenje probirnih mjerenja, individualno savjetovanje koje provode naše magistre farmacije te sistematično praćenje rezultata. Probirna mjerenja koja se provode u okviru Programa su mjerenje glukoze, kolesterola, triglicerida, krvnog tlaka te kontrola astme mjeračem vršnog protoka zraka. Mjerenja su se dokumentirala putem komer-

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patients. The aim of the Program is to guide our patients towards early detection of the disease by point-of-care testing and assist patients to systematically control and thereby improve adherence and effectiveness of their therapy. Providing additional pharmacy services within pharmacy also alters public perception of pharmacists. The pharmacist is a health professional focused on the well-being of their patients. By providing additional pharmacy services, positive clinical and humanistic effects are achieved and the quality of life of our patients is increased.


The Health Care and Prevention Program encompasses point-of-care testing, individual counseling conducted by our licensed pharmacists and systematic monitoring of results. The point-of-care testing carried out within the Program is the measurement of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure and asthma control with the peak airflow meter. The measurements were documented by entering data in a commercial internet application. POCT devices

cijalne internetske aplikacije. Korišteni su aparati namijenjeni za samokontrolu i profesionalnu uporabu.


U razdoblju od 20. veljače do 20. lipnja 2017. evidentirano je 664 mjerenja, od čega je izmjereno 340 krvnih tlakova, 226 glukoza, 44 kolesterola, 27 triglicerida, 13 mjerenja parametara vezanih uz određivanje rizika za metabolički sindrom te 14 kontrola astme. Ukupno 48% izmjerenih rezultata bilo je izvan referentnih vrijednosti. Najviše je bilo povišenih vrijednosti kod mjerenja krvnog tlaka (76%). Kod 54% ispitanika utvrđen je rizik za metabolički sindrom, 44% ispitanika imalo je povišenu vrijednost triglicerida, dok je 16% ispitanika imalo povišenu vrijednost kolesterola, a 16% glukoze.


Program brige o zdravlju sustavnim provođenjem prevencije i kontrole bolesti ima pozitivne učinke na poboljšanje javnog zdravlja i adherenciju kroničnih bolesnika. Kroz Projekt korisnici su educirani o zdravim životnim navikama, prehrani i tjelovježbi, dok su kod izmjerenih prekograničnih vrijednosti korisnici bili usmjereni na daljnju obradu kroz zdravstveni sustav. Kod kroničnih bolesnika povećana je učinkovitost terapije i svjesnost o nužnosti samokontrole. U suradnji s liječnicima opće

were small medical devices used for self-control and professional use.


Between February 20 and June 20, 2017, 664 measurements were performed, out of which 340 blood pressure, 226 glucose, 44 cholesterol, 27 triglycerides, 13 measurements of metabolic syndrome parameters and 14 asthma controls with peak airflow meter were measured. A total of 48% of the measured results were outside the reference values. Most results outside the reference values were blood pressure results (76%). 54% of respondents had a risk for metabolic syndrome occurrence, 44% of respondents had elevated triglyceride levels, 16% respondents had high cholesterol and 16% high glucose levels.


Health care and Prevention Program through systematic prevention and control of chronic disease has positive effects on improving public health and adherence of chronic patients. Throughout the Project patients were educated about healthy lifestyle habits, diet and exercise, while at measured cross-border values the patients were directed on further checking through the health system. In chronic patients, the effectiveness of therapy and awareness of the necessity of self-control has increased. In collaboration with general practitioners, the quality and availability

medicine povećana je kvaliteta i dostupnost zdravstvene skrbi u manjim i dislociranim sredinama. Projekt je imao pozitivne učinke na percepciju bolesnika o ljekarnicima kao zdravstvenim profesionalcima i nezaobilaznim članovima zdravstvenog sustava. Program brige o zdravlju uspješan je primjer sustavnog provođenja ljekarničkih usluga u velikoj ljekarničkoj ustanovi i može poslužiti kao primjer ljekarništva u Hrvatskoj koje je u korak s europskim trendovima.

of healthcare in the smaller and dislocated localities has increased. The Project had positive effects on the patients’ perception on pharmacists as healthcare professionals and essential members of the healthcare system. The Health Care and Prevention Program is a successful example of implementation of pharmacy services in a large pharmacy chain and can serve as an example of modern pharmacy practice in Croatia, keeping up with European trends.

Meek W, Sinclair P (2017). Pharmacy as a gateway to care: Helping people towards better health, FIP Publication, http://fip.org/publications. 2 Internet application of data documentation, matrix.pharmaexpert.hr



S E C O N D F O R U M O F E X C E L L E N C E I N P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C A R E / 21

Meek W, Sinclair P (2017). Pharmacy as a gateway to care: Helping people towards better health, FIP Publication, http://fip.org/publications. 2 Internet application of data documentation, matrix.pharmaexpert.hr



Marijana Brozović, mag. pharm. Ana Galić Skoko, mag. pharm. Olgica Velkovski Škopić, mag. pharm. Mateja Mršić, mag. pharm. Ljekarne Zagrebačke županije, Velika Gorica, Hrvatska


Hipertenzija zadnjih desetak godina postaje gorući problem u zdravstvu, unatoč golemom naporu svih grana medicine u njezinoj prevenciji. Podatci, kojima raspolažu sve krovne organizacije u zdravstvu, ukazuju na činjenicu da broj oboljelih nažalost nije u opadanju. Predviđanja govore da će broj hipertoničara do 2025. porasti za 60% i dostići vrijednosti od 1,56 milijardi oboljelih u svijetu (1). U Hrvatskoj ciljne vrijednosti arterijskog tlaka postiže svega 23% pacijenata liječenih antihipertenzivima (2). Svjedoci smo da velik broj njih ostaje bez pravilne dijagnoze tijekom cijelog života. Farmaceut, kao zdravstveni djelatnik kojeg pacijent najčešće susreće, postaje idealan provoditelj sustava za prevenciju, edukaciju i praćenje stanovništva.


Ljekarne Zagrebačke županije

During the last decade hypertension has become a burning problem in healthcare in spite of tremendous efforts of all branches of medicine in its prevention. The data collected by all umbrella organizations within the healthcare system show that the number of patients with hypertension is unfortunately not falling. Predictions say that by the year 2025 the number of hypertensive patients will grow by 60% and reach the number of 1.56 billion people worldwide (1). In Croatia, only 23% of patients treated with antihypertensive medications reach the arterial pressure target values (2). A large number of them are not properly diagnosed during their lifetime. A pharmacist, as a health worker that the patient sees most often, becomes the ideal person to carry out the system for prevention, education and population monitoring.


The company Ljekarne Zagrebačke županije in coopera-

u suradnji s Hrvatskim društvom za hipertenziju provele su javnozdravstvenu akciju mjerenja vrijednosti krvnog tlaka, uz dodatno savjetovanje pacijenata s ciljem osvještavanja problema neprepoznate ili neadekvatno regulirane hipertenzije. Osobe koje su uz hipertenziju imale problem s pretilošću, uključene su u program zdravog mršavljenja u Ustanovi.


U sklopu Ljekarni Zagrebačke županije tijekom svibnja 2017. provođena su kontrolna mjerenja krvnog tlaka kod zainteresiranih pacijenata. Mjerenja su provođena u 17 podružnica na području Zagrebačke županije u radno vrijeme ljekarni. Osim izmjerenih vrijednosti krvnog tlaka, općih podataka o pacijentu (spol, dob, visina, težina, ITM), bilježeni su i podatci o životnim navikama, prehrani te postojećoj terapiji. Pacijenti su uz razgovor sa svojim farmaceutom dobili adekvatan savjet o najboljem obliku prehrane kod proble-

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tion with the Croatian Society for Hypertension has conducted a public health action of blood pressure measurement together with additional counseling for patients. The aim of the action was to raise awareness of the problem of unrecognized or inadequately regulated hypertension. People who had problems with obesity in addition to hypertension were introduced into the healthy weight loss program in the Institution.


During May 2017, control blood pressure measurements were performed on interested patients in the subsidiaries of the Ljekarne Zagrebačke županije. The measurements were performed in 17 subsidiaries in Zagreb County during the working hours of the pharmacies. In addition to the measured blood pressure values and the general patient data (sex, age, height, weight, BMI), the data on life habits, eating habits and current therapy were recorded, too.

ma hipertenzije, promjenama životnih navika te prigodni edukativni materijal, koji je Ustanovi ustupilo Hrvatsko društvo za hipertenziju.

As a part of the consultation with their pharmacist, the patients were given appropriate diet recommendations in case of hypertension, changes of life habits, as well as educational materials provided to the Institution by the Croatian Society for Hypertension.



Uz osnovne podatke pacijentima je određen indeks tjelesne mase i stupanj uhranjenosti. Poražavajući podatci pokazuju da je 69% ispitanih pretilo, a od ukupnog broja ispitanih, čak je 7% u metaboličkom sindromu. Polovica pretilih osoba spada u 2. i 3. stupanj pretilosti. Vrijednosti krvnog tlaka su mjerene dvaput i gotovo polovina mjerenja (45%) spada u hipertenziju. Od ispitanih pacijenata 63% je imalo dijagnosticiranu hipertenziju i koristi terapiju. Zabrinjavajuća je činjenica da preko 40% ovih pacijenata nema zadovoljavajuću regulaciju vrijednosti krvnog tlaka unatoč terapiji. Od toga broja njih 26% je zadovoljno svojom terapijom. Prema dobivenim podacima, svega 38% ispitanika je u zadnjih mjesec dana provjerilo vrijednosti krvnog tlaka u liječničkoj ordinaciji. Podatak koji zasigurno prati

The measurements were performed on 458 patients whose average age was 61. More than 2/3 of the participants were older than 50. 60% of all participants were female. In addition to the basic data, the BMI and the nutrition level of the patients were also determined. The disappointing data show that 69% of the participants are obese, and 7% of all participants suffer from a metabolic syndrome. Half of the obese people are in the 2nd and 3rd class of obesity. The blood pressure values were measured twice and almost half of them (45%) can be classified as hypertension. 63% of all participants were diagnosed with hypertension and are undergoing treatment. It is a worrying fact that more than 40% of these patients do not have satisfactory regulation of blood pressure values along with their treatment. Nonetheless, 26% of them are satisfied with their treatment. According to the collected data, only 38% of the participants checked their blood pressure values at a doctor’s office during the last month. The data that is surely in line with the Croatian average is S E C O N D F O R U M O F E X C E L L E N C E I N P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C A R E / 23

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Mjerenja su provedena na 458 pacijenata, prosječne dobi 61 godina. Više od 2/3 ispitanika bilo je starije od 50 godina. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika 60% ispitanih su bile žene.


Marijana Brozović, mag. pharm. Ana Galić Skoko, mag. pharm. Olgica Velkovski Škopić, mag. pharm. Mateja Mršić, mag. pharm. Ljekarne Zagrebačke županije, Velika Gorica, Hrvatska


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the fact that only 40.2% of the patients practice some form of physical activity (3). This is mostly walking, jogging and fitness. prosjek u Hrvatskoj je da svega 40,2% pacijenata prakticira neki oblik fizičke aktivnosti (3). Uglavnom se radi o hodanju, trčanju i fitnessu. Većina ispitanika je svjesno rizika neadekvatne prehrane i prekomjernog unosa soli. Informacije dobivaju iz različitih izvora, primarno od liječnika i poznanika, ali isto tako i iz digitalnih medija. Dodatan faktor rizika koji je promatran su pušačke navike ispitanika. Rezultati su se pokazali obećavajući, obzirom da čak 79% ispitanika nisu pušači. U tom broju je 29% bivših pušača. Zajednički interes Hrvatskog društva za hipertenziju i Ljekarni Zagrebačke županije je bio i utvrditi postoji li interes među ispitanicima za korištenjem mobilne aplikacije kojom bi se mogle pratiti vlastite vrijednosti tlaka, GUK-a, broj koraka ili neke druge fizičke aktivnosti. Gotovo četvrtina sudionika voljelo bi koristiti ovakav oblik praćenja.

Most of the participants are aware of the risks of inadequate eating habits and excessive salt intake. They obtain information in various ways, primarily from doctors and acquaintances, but also from digital media. An additional risk factor that was analyzed is the smoking habits of the participants. The results are promising, as 79% of the participants are non-smokers. 29% of these 79% are former smokers. The common interest of the Croatian Society for Hypertension and the company Ljekarne Zagrebačke županije was to also find out whether there is an interest among the participants to use a mobile application which would track their own blood pressure values, blood glucose level, the number of steps or some other physical activities. Almost one quarter of the participants would love to use this kind of tracking.

Provođenjem ovakvih javnozdravstvenih akcija, učvršćuje se suradnja s liječnicima - u ovom slučaju Hrvatskim društvom za hipertenziju. Otvara se niz dodatnih usluga koje se mogu provoditi u ljekarni; od savjetovanja pacijenata o ispravnom korištenju lijekova, praćenju adherencije, savjetovanju o promjeni loših životnih navika do uključivanja u druge programe kao što je to Mršavimo zdravo zajedno. Time se preveniraju moguće komplikacije kardiovaskularne bolesti i smanjuju troškovi u zdravstvu prelaskom pacijenata iz primarne u sekundarnu zdravstvenu zaštitu.

Organizing public health actions of this kind strengthens cooperation with doctors – in this particular case with the Croatian Society for Hypertension. It opens up space for carrying out a number of additional services that can be offered in pharmacies – from counseling patients about the proper use of medications, adherence monitoring and counseling about changing bad life habits to joining other programs such as Mršavimo zdravo zajedno (Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Together). This prevents possible complications of cardiovascular diseases and reduces healthcare costs when switching from primary to secondary health care.

Znatan uzorak ispitanika pokazao je nešto bolji rezultat od svjetske statistike, no hipertenzija i dalje ostaje problem na kojem treba kontinuirano i temeljito raditi u svim dijelovima zdravstvenog sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj.

A significant sample of participants showed a slightly better result when compared to global statistics, but hypertension still remains a problem that needs to be continually and thoroughly worked on in all parts of the healthcare system in the Republic of Croatia.



1. Kearney PM,Whelton M,Reynolds K,Muntner P,Whelton PK,He J.Global burden of hypertension: analysis of worldwide data. Lancet.2005;365:217–223 2. Vitezić D.Važnost smjernica i farmakoekonomike u liječenju arterijske hipertenzije.Medix 2013;104/105:245-251 3. Središnji državni ured za šport.Rezultati provedenih istraživanja za analizu stanja za potrebe Nacionalnog programa sporta;Rezultati istraživanja o sportskoj i rekreacijskoj aktivnosti.2017.

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1. Kearney PM,Whelton M,Reynolds K,Muntner P,Whelton PK,He J. Global burden of hypertension: analysis of worldwide data. Lancet.2005;365:217–223 2. Vitezić D. Važnost smjernica i farmakoekonomike u liječenju arterijske hipertenzije.Medix 2013;104/105:245-251 3. Središnji državni ured za šport. Rezultati provedenih istraživanja za analizu stanja za potrebe Nacionalnog programa sporta;Rezultati istraživanja o sportskoj i rekreacijskoj aktivnosti.2017.

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03 Doprinos




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Danijela Pavić, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarne Vaše zdravlje, Zadar


Arterijska hipertenzija (AH) jedan je od najvažnijih preventabilnih uzroka prijevremenog umiranja i jedan od najvećih javnozdrastvenih problema današnjice u svijetu. Unatoč činjenici da su za liječenje AH-e preporučene relativno jednostavne nefarmakološke mjere i dostupan veliki broj efikasnih antihipertenziva, kod većine pacijenata bolest je loše kontrolirana. Ljekarnici su najdostupniji visokoobrazovani zdravstveni djelatnici, koji su spremni biti dio zdravstvenog tima za prevenciju i liječenje bolesti, a direktan kontakt bolesnika oboljelog od hipertenzije s ljekarnikom prilikom preuzimanja lijekova, stavlja ljekarnika u idealnu poziciju za eventualne intervencije.


U ljekarni Vaše zdravlje u Zadru nizom aktivnosti pokušavamo pridonijeti boljoj kontroli AH-e. Naša uloga u tome podrazumijeva: naglašavanje važnosti samokontrole arterijskog tlaka (AT-a), davanje uputa o pravilnom mjerenju AT-a, mjerenje AT-a u ljekarni, savjetovanje o

Arterial Hypertension (AH) is one of the most important preventable causes of premature death and one of the largest public-health problems in the world today. Despite the fact that relatively simple non-pharmacological measures are recommended for the treatment of AH, and a large number of effective anti-hypertensives are available, in most patients the disease is poorly controlled. Pharmacists are the most accessible highly educated health care professionals who are prepared to be part of the health care team for the prevention and treatment of the disease, and direct contact of patients suffering from hypertension with a pharmacist when taking medicines places the pharmacist in an ideal position for possible interventions.


In the pharmacy Vaše zdravlje in Zadar, we try to contribute to better control of AH in a series of activities. Our role in this implies: emphasizing the importance of self-control of arterial pressure, giving instructions on proper arte-

pravilnoj prehrani, savjetovanje manjeg unosa soli, poticanje pušača na prestanak pušenja, poticanje na smanjenje tjelesne mase, poticanje tjelesne aktivnosti, upozoravanje na moguće nuspojave antihipertenziva, upozoravanje na moguće interakcije antihipertenziva s drugim lijekovima, savjetovanje o ispravnoj upotrebi lijekova te edukacija i poticanje na suradljivost kako bi smanjili lošu adherenciju.


Od početka 2017. značajno smo se uključili u praćenje kroničnih pacijenata sa AH. Organizirali smo jednodnevne javnozdravstvene akcije povodom obilježavanja Svjetskog dana hipertenzije i Svjetskog dana bolesnika. U razdoblju od početka veljače do kraja travnja provodili smo projekt Savjetovanje i procjena adherencije za pacijente s arterijskom hipertenzijom. Također, svakodnevno provodimo screeninge i savjetovanja vezana za AH-u. Prilikom svake od tih aktivnosti, osim što pacijentima mjerimo tlak, savjetujemo ih o važnosti samokontrole i pravilnog mjerenja AT-a, o nefarmakološkim mjerama,

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rial pressure measurement, measuring arterial pressure in a pharmacy, counseling on proper nutrition, counseling for lower salt intake, promoting smokers to quit smoking, stimulating body weight loss, stimulating physical activity, warning of possible side effects of anti-hypertensives, warning of possible interactions of anti-hypertensive drugs with other medicines, advice on the correct use of medication and education and encouragement of compatibility to reduce poor adherence.


Since the beginning of 2017, we have been involved in the monitoring of chronic patients with AH. We have organized one-day public health drives marking the World Day of Hypertension and the World Day of Patients. In the period from the beginning of February to the end of April, we conducted the Project Counseling and Assessment of Adherence for Patients with Arterial Hypertension. We also conduct screenings and counseling on AH on a daily basis.

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Danijela Pavić, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarne Vaše zdravlje, Zadar

ispravnoj primjeni lijekova, upozoravamo i razgovaramo o nuspojavama i interakcijama lijekova te nesuradljive pacijente pokušavamo motivirati edukacijom o rizicima neliječene hipertenzije. O svim aktivnostima obavještavamo liječnike obiteljske medicine u obližnjim ordinacijama gdje nailazimo također na podršku i suradnju. Rezultate bilježimo u elektroničkom obliku kroz web aplikaciju Matrix gdje ujedno imamo mogućnost obrade podataka. Prilikom provođenja projekta Savjetovanje i procjena adherencije za pacijente s arterijskom hipertenzijom za mjerenje adherencije koristili smo inačicu Moriskyjeve skale na hrvatskom jeziku.


Od veljače do kolovoza 2017. u savjetovanje je bilo uključeno 215 pacijenata. Rezultati pokazuju da je kod 181 pacijenta (84,19%) izmjerena vrijednost AT izvan referentnih vrijednosti. Samo 84 pacijenta (39,07%) prati vlastite rezultate i ishode liječenja. Kod 18 pacijenata (7,91%) zabilježili smo nuspojavu tijekom uzimanja lijeka. Evidentirali smo i veliku potrebu za savjetovanjem o prehrani, tjelesnoj aktivnosti, uporabi

In each of these activities, besides measuring the pressure of patients, we advise them about the importance of self-control and proper AT measurement, non-pharmacological measures, correct drug administration, warn and talk about side effects and drug interactions, and we try to motivate non-cooperative patients by educating them about the risk of untreated hypertension. For all activities, we inform family physicians in nearby clinics, where we also receive support and co-operation. Results are recorded electronically through the Matrix web application where we also have the ability to process the data. During the implementation of the Project Adherence Advisory and Adherence Assessment for patients with arterial hypertension we used the Morisky scale in Croatian to measure adherence.


From February to August 2017, 215 patients were included in the counseling. The results showed that in 181 patients (84.19%) the measured value of AT was outside the reference values. Only 84 patients (39.07%) monitor their own outcomes and treatment 28 / D R U G I F O R U M I Z V R S N O S T I U L J E K A R N I Č K O J S K R B I

soli, regulaciji tjelesne težine i ostalim nefarmakološkim mjerama. Neke od pacijenata uputili smo liječniku nakon čega smo uspjeli evidentirati da je kod 9 pacijenata promijenjena postojeća ili uvedena nova terapija. Mjerenjem adherencije dobili smo rezultate da je od 118 pacijenata, koliko ih je bilo uključeno u ispitivanje, samo 52% pacijenata je visoko adherentno dok su ostali djelomično (20%), odnosno nisko adherentni (28%).


Savjetodavna i edukacijska uloga ljekarnika za kontrolu AH-e važna je zbog praćenja rezultata i ishoda liječenja, otkrivanja nuspojava te prepoznavanja i poboljšanja moguće loše adherencije bolesnika. Uključivanjem ljekarnika u skrb za pacijenta može se znatno pridonijeti postizanju bolje kontrole AH-e te spriječiti posljedice nekontrolirane bolesti: češća hospitalizacija, porast troškova liječenja i porast kardiovaskularnog mortaliteta. S E C O N D F O R U M O F E X C E L L E N C E I N P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C A R E / 29

outcomes. In 18 patients (7.91%), there was a side effect during drug administration. We also noted the great need for counseling on nutrition, physical activity, salt, body weight regulation and other non-pharmacological measures. Some of the patients were referred to a doctor, after which we were able to record that 9 patients had changed or existing new therapy was introduced. Adherence measurement showed that out of the 118 patients involved in the study, only 52% of patients were highly adherent while the remaining were partially (20%) or low adherent (28%)


The counseling and educational role of the pharmacist in AH control is important for monitoring the results and outcomes of treatment, detecting side effects, and recognizing and improving the adherence of patients with poor adherence. Involving a pharmacist in the care of a patient can greatly contribute to achieving better control of AH and prevent the consequences of the uncontrolled disease: more frequent hospitalization, increased treatment costs, and increased cardiovascular mortality.



Sanja Antolović-Gavrić, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarne Pablo, Zagreb


Uloga ljekarnika u javnoj ljekarni danas je sve više usmjerena prema pacijentu. Pružanje ljekarničke skrbi osim izdavanja propisanog lijeka/medicinskog pomagala i kontrolu doza prilikom preuzimanja propisanog lijeka/ova u ljekarni odnosi se i na savjetovanja pacijenta o sigurnoj i učinkovitoj primjeni lijeka/ova kao i proizvoda za samoliječenje. Nuspojave koje mogu nastati tijekom primjene propisane terapije bitan su čimbenik koji utječe na suradljivost pacijenta za propisanu terapiju, mogu nastati i uslijed nepravilne primjene lijekova te signalizirati potrebu za promjenom dosadašnje terapije pacijenta, kako bi se osigurao optimalni ishod liječenja te spriječile daljnje komplikacije i napredovanje bolesti.


Cilj istraživanja je bilo praćenje kod koliko se pacijenata unatoč nuspojavama, koje su nastale tijekom primjene propisane terapije uspio postići terapijski cilj u suradnji ljekarnika s drugim zdravstvenim stručnjacima. Ujedno je praćen i doprinos ljekarnika u učinkovitom liječenju bolesti vezano uz nuspojave.





Today, the role of a pharmacist in a community pharmacy is increasingly directed towards the patient. Providing medical care, in addition to issuing prescribed medicines/ medical supplies and dose control when taking the prescribed medicine(s) in a pharmacy, also applies to counselling the patient regarding safe and effective drug use as well as self-treatment products. Side effects that may occur during the application of the prescribed therapy are an important factor influencing the patient’s compliance for the prescribed therapy, and they may also occur due to improper drug administration and signal the need to change the patient’s current therapy to ensure the optimal outcome of the treatment and prevent further complications and progression of the illness. The aim of the study is to monitor how many patients, despite side effects that occurred during the application of the prescribed therapy, managed to achieve the therapeutic goal in the cooperation of the pharmacist with other health specialists. At the same time, the pharmacist’s contribution to an effective treatment of side effects was monitored.

Istraživanje je provedeno od 8. mjeseca 2016. do 6. mjeseca 2017. među pacijentima za koje je prijavljena zapažena sumnja na nuspojavu HALMED-u u ljekarničkoj zdravstvenoj ustanovi „Pablo“ Ilica. U tom razdoblju HALMED-u je prijavljeno 49 sumnji na nuspojavu i prijavljene sumnje na nuspojavu provedene su kroz bazu podataka Centra za farmakovigilanciju ljekarničke zdravstvene ustanove „Pablo“. Zbog nedostupnosti e-kartona pacijenata ljekarniku i potrebnih razina informacija, kao što je praćenje nuspojava lijekova tijekom cijelog trajanja liječenja i postizanja terapijskih ciljeva (za sve pacijente za koje je prijavljena zapažena sumnja na nuspojavu HALMED-u) bilo je moguće pratiti 27 pacijenata, koji gravitiraju u ljekarnu “Pablo“ Ilica u kojoj je provedeno istraživanje. Kod 71% pacijenata od ukupnog broja pacijenata, koje je bilo moguće pratiti u istraživanju postignut je terapijski cilj. U 21% slučajeva pacijenata kod kojih je postignut terapijski cilj, postizanje terapijskog cilja potvrđeno je u komunikaciji s nadležnim liječnicima, koje su ljekarnici izvijestili o zapaženim sumnjama na nuspojavu.

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The study was conducted between August 2016 and June 2017 among patients reported to have been suspected of having a side effect to HALMED at the “Pablo” Ilica pharmacy. During this period, 49 suspected side effects were reported and the reported side effects were entered in the database of the Centre for Pharmacovigilance of the pharmacy health institution “Pablo”. Because of the unavailability of e-cartons of the patients to the pharmacist and the required levels of information such as monitoring of the side effects of the medicine throughout the entire duration of the treatment and achievement of therapeutic goals for all patients for whom the side effects to HALMED were reported, it was possible to monitor 27 patients who gravitate to the pharmacy “Pablo” Ilica, where the research was conducted.


The therapeutic goal was achieved in 71% of patients who were able to be monitored in the research. In 21% of cases where the therapeutic goal was achieved, the achievement of the therapeutic goal was verified in communication with the relevant doctors who the phar-

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Sanja Antolović-Gavrić, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarne Pablo, Zagreb

U 79% slučajeva pacijenata kod kojih je postignut terapijski cilj, postizanje terapijskog cilja bilo je moguće potvrditi samo razgovorom s pacijentima prilikom preuzimanja propisane terapije u ljekarni zbog nedostatka obrasca, koji bi omogućio bolju komunikaciju liječnik - ljekarnik u svrhu postizanja terapijskog cilja. Svi pacijenti u provedenom istraživanju savjetovani su o sigurnoj i učinkovitoj primjeni lijekova. Među pacijentima kod kojih je postignut terapijski cilj, unatoč nuspojavi koja se dogodila tijekom primjene propisane terapije 37% pacijenata ljekarnici su savjetovali o sigurnoj i učinkovitoj primjeni novopropisane terapije zbog potrebe za promjenom dosadašnje terapije nastale uslijed nuspojave lijeka/ova dok su u 37% slučajeva ljekarnici u razgovoru s pacijentom prepoznali nuspojavu. U 21% slučajeva pacijenata kod kojih su ljekarnici prepoznali nuspojavu, ljekarnici su i uputili pacijente liječniku kako bi se postigla pravovremena i dogovorna korekcija terapije, spriječile daljnje komplika-

macists reported to regarding the observed suspected side effects. In 79% of cases where the therapeutic goal was achieved, the achievement of the therapeutic goal was only confirmed by talking to patients when taking over the prescribed drug therapy in the pharmacy due to lack of form, which would allow better doctor - pharmacist communication for the purpose of achieving the therapeutic goal. All patients in the study were advised by pharmacists on safe and effective drug administration. Among the patients who achieved the therapeutic goal, regardless of the side effect that occurred during the prescribed treatment 37% of patients were advised by pharmacists on the safe and effective use of the new therapy due to the need to change current therapies because of side effects while in 33% of cases the pharmacist recognized the side effect during a conversation with the patient. In 21% of patients who have been diagnosed with side effects by pharmacists, the pharmacists sent the patients to a doctor

cije i napredovanje bolesti te osigurao optimalni ishod liječenja. Kod 11% pacijenata kod kojih je postignut terapijski cilj ljekarnici su pridonijeli postizanju terapijskog cilja povećanjem suradljivosti pacijenata za propisanu terapiju savjetovanjem pacijenata o načinima preveniranja/smanjivanja nuspojava dok je kod 5% pacijenata savjetovanjem o nuspojavama „smanjen strah od nuspojava“ i povećana suradljivost pacijenata za propisanu terapiju.


Ljekarnici u javnim ljekarnama u svom su svakodnevnom radu u izravnom kontaktu s pacijentima i na taj način u mogućnosti prepoznati zdravstvene probleme pacijenata, probleme vezane uz terapiju lijekovima, uočiti/smanjiti nuspojave, koje nastaju tijekom primjene propisane terapije. Zbog svega prije navedenog ljekarnici su u mogućnosti u suradnji s drugim zdravstvenim stručnjacima osigurati koordiniranu zajedničku zdravstvenu skrb za pacijente čime utječu na ishod liječenja bolesti dok prijavljivanjem sumnji na nuspojavu aktivno pridonose većoj sigurnosti pacijenata i učinkovitosti zdravstvenog sustava.

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to achieve timely and agreed correction of therapy to prevent further complications and progression of the disease, and ensure optimal treatment outcome. In 11% of patients achieving the therapeutic goal, pharmacists have contributed to the achievement of the therapeutic goal by increasing the compliance of patients for the prescribed therapy by advising them on ways to prevent/reduce side effects while with 5% of patients with side effects there was a “reduced fear of side effects” and increased patient compliance for the prescribed therapy.


Pharmacists in community pharmacies in their daily work are in direct contact with patients and thus are able to identify patient health problems, drug-related problems, and observe/reduce side effects that occur during the application of the prescribed therapy. Because of all of the above mentioned, pharmacists are able, under cooperation with other heath experts, to provide coordinated joint health care for patients, therefore affecting the outcome of the treatment of the illness while the reporting of suspicions on side effects will actively contribute to greater patient safety and the efficiency of the health system.

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Željko Güttler, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarne Tripolski, Osijek



Ljekarničku skrb mogli bismo definirati ne samo kroz sustav svih obavijesti koji su nužni pacijentu za korištenje lijekova, nego i kroz utjecaj lijekova ukoliko su bačeni u okoliš. Tijekom 2016. godine farmaceutski otpad (opasan medicinski otpad) postaje predmetom istraživanja zbog sve učestalijih slučajeva uklanjanja originalnih pakiranja lijekova isteklog ili neisteklog roka valjanosti. Učestalost povrata neiskorištenih lijekova postavlja pitanje adherentnosti pacijenata, veću učestalost nuspojava ili nedovoljno praćenje pacijenta. Iako ljekarnička skrb obuhvaća unapređenje farmakoterapijskih postupaka i postizanje terapijskih ciljeva, praćenje, izbjegavanje ili smanjivanje nuspojava lijekova, izbjegavanje interakcija, terapijskog dupliciranja ili pojave alergija, skrb nad pridržavanjem terapijskog protokola od strane pacijenta, poboljšanje učinka kliničkog liječenja, racionalizacija troškova za određene terapijske protokole i provođenje preventivnih mjera očuvanja i zaštite zdravlja možda bismo trebali

Pharmacists’ care could be defined not only through the system of all the information that is necessary for the patient to use drugs, but also through the influence of drugs if they are thrown into the environment. During 2016, pharmaceutical waste (hazardous medical waste) becomes the subject of research due to the more frequent cases of removing the original packaging of medicines from an expired or unexpected period of validity. The frequency of withdrawal of unused drugs raises the question of patient adherence, increased frequency of side effects, or insufficient patient monitoring. Although pharmacy care includes improving pharmacotherapeutic procedures and achieving therapeutic goals, monitoring, avoiding or reducing drug side effects, avoiding interactions, therapeutic duplication or allergy, treating the patient’s compliance with the therapeutic protocol, improving the effect of clinical treatment, cost rationalization for specific therapeutic protocols, and the implementation of preventive measures for the protection and preservation of health may also need to direct the legal regulation of the impact on

usmjeriti i zakonsku regulativu o utjecaju na okoliš. Pacijentima su dostupniji lijekovi za liječenje mnogih bolesti, a njihove su cijene u porastu. Uočene su bačene originalne kutije citostatika te inzulina čija cijena premašuje stotine kuna koje su mogle biti utrošene na prevenciju u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti. S obzirom na to da pacijenti prolaze mnogo dijagnostičko-terapijskih postupaka (DTP), i na primarnoj i na sekundarnoj razini, kako bi dobili kvalitetno liječenje, ipak na kraju lijek uklone pa je nužno upozoriti na taj problem. Također, provjerili smo koliki broj naših kolega uputi pacijenta o ekološkom utjecaju bačenog lijeka tijekom izdavanja lijekova.

the environment. Patients are more available medications for the treatment of many diseases, and their prices are rising. Dozens of original boxes of cytostatics and insulin, whose price exceeded hundreds of kunas, could have been spent on prevention in primary health care. Due to the fact that patients undergo many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures (DTP), and at the primary and at the secondary level, in order to get quality treatment, but at the end of the drug removed so it is necessary to draw attention to this problem. We also checked the number of our colleagues to tell the patient about the environmental impact of the drug during drug delivery.



Pridržavajući se Zakona o održivom gospodarenju otpadom, dužno prikupljeni farmaceutski otpad popisali smo (broj kapsula i tableta), evidentirali rok valjanosti, označili podrijetlo (selo/grad) te klasificirali prema anatomsko-terapijskoj klasifikaciji lijekova (ATK). Također ispitali smo svjesnost pacijenata i magistara farmacije o utjecaju bačenog lijeka u okoliš kroz nekoliko pitanja:

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In compliance with the Law on sustainable waste management, due pharmaceutical waste collected were recorded (the number of capsules and tablets), recorded expiry date, marked the origin (village / city) and classified according to the Anatomical therapeutic classification of drugs (ATC). We also investigated the awareness of pharmacists’ patients and masters about


Klasificirajući lijekove prema ATK šiframa zastupljeni su antidijabetici 10% (bigvanidi), antihipertenzivi 10% (diuretici, ACE inhibitori, Ca blokatori), antiulkusni lijekovi 10% (H2 blokatori, IPP), antibiotici 5% (sulfonamidi, cefalosporini, sintetski penicilini), antialergici 10%, antiaritmici 5%, analgetici 10% (ibuprofen, ketoprofen, tramadol), citostatici 5%, statini 15% (simvastatin i atorvastatin), anksiolitici 10% (benzodiazepini), oftalmici 5% (kapi i masti za oči), OTC lijekovi 5%. Ukupno je sakupljeno 34 162 komada tableta, kapsula te ostalih farmaceutskih oblika S E C O N D F O R U M O F E X C E L L E N C E I N P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C A R E / 35

the impact of the drug on the environment through a couple of questions: 1. Are you aware of the potential impact on the environment when issuing and selling medicines and medical products? 2. What drugs would you consider that we should warn the patients of ecosystem damage if they end up in the household waste? 3. Do you think pharmacists should warn patients about pharmaco-ecology? 4. Would you accept HALMED’s recommendation on the effect of the drug, ie the active pharmaceutical substance on the environment?


Classification of drugs according to ATC codes include 10% (biguanides), antihypertensive 10% (diuretics, ACE inhibitors, Ca blockers) 10% antihistamines (H2 blockers, IPP), antibiotics 5% (sulfonamides, cephalosporins, synthetic penicillins), antiallergics 10%, antiarrhythmics 5%, analgesics 10% (ibuprofen, ketoprofen, tramadol), anti-cancer drugs 5%, statins 15% (simvastatin and atorvastatin), anxiolytics 10% (benzodiazepines),

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1. Pri izdavanju i prodaji lijekova i medicinskih proizvoda upozorite li pacijente o mogućem utjecaju na okoliš? 2. Za koje biste lijekove smatrali da bismo trebali upozoriti pacijente o štetnosti na ekosustav ukoliko završe u domaćinskom otpadu? 3. Smatrate li da bi ljekarnici i farmaceutski tehničari trebali upozoriti pacijente o farmakoekologiji? 4. Biste li prihvatili preporuke HALMED-a o utjecaju lijeka, tj. aktivne farmaceutske tvari o štetnosti na okoliš?


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Željko Güttler, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarne Tripolski, Osijek

(tube, bočice). U odnosu selo - grad više je farmaceutskog otpada u gradu (80%). Od ukupno prikupljenih lijekova, 35% nije istekloga roka. Svega 10% ljekarnika upozori na štetnost o bačenom lijeku u mogući otpad, gdje prije svega prednjače citostatici. Smatramo da bismo trebali, osim pacijenata, osvijestiti i magistre farmacije da tijekom izdavanja upozore na ekološki utjecaj bačenog lijeka u okoliš. 95% svih zdravstvenih djelatnika ZU Ljekarne Tripolski smatra da bismo trebali upozoriti na štetan utjecaj bačenog lijeka na okoliš te navode, da bi pri izdavanju trebalo postojati upozorenje o samoj štetnosti na okoliš.


Kroz medije i nacionalne programe o zbrinjavanju lijekova potrebno je raditi na odgovornosti samih pacijenata, ali i na edukaciji zdravstvenih djelatnika koji nažalost ponekad zanemare faktor utjecaja na okoliš. Osim godišnjeg izvješća o prometu lijekovima koji smo kao ljekarna dužni

ophthalmic 5% (drops and eye ointments ), OTC drugs 5%. A total of 34,162 pieces of tablets, capsules and other pharmaceutical forms (tubes, vials) were collected. Compared to village - city there are more pharmaceutical waste in the city (80%). Out of the total collected medicines, 35% is not a deadline expired. Only 10% of the pharmacist warns of the potency of the dumped drug in the possible waste, predominantly the cytostatics. We believe that, besides the patients, we should also make the pharmacists aware of the environmental impact of the medication in the environment when issuing it. 95% of all health professionals at ZU Pharmacy Tripolski believe that we should warn of the harmful effects of the drug on the environment and suggest that there should be a warning about the environmental hazard when issuing.


Through the media and national programs regarding the disposal of medications is necessary to work on the responsibilities of the patients, but also to the education of health care professionals who

dostavi HALMED-u također možda bismo trebali razraditi mjesečno ili godišnje izvješće o farmaceutskom otpadu kako bismo lakše mogli pratiti tendencije i navike pacijenata. Kroz svakodnevni rad uočavamo često posuđivanje lijekova koji nisu namijenjeni osobi koja ih pije zbog čega je ponekad nemoguće provoditi farmaceutsku skrb.


Pacijenti bacaju lijekove zbog nuspojava na lijekove, nisu adherentni te se ne pridržavaju propisane terapije. Smatramo da je osim upute i razgovora liječnika s pacijentom, magistar farmacije također važna karika u adherentnosti pacijenata. Suradnjom između liječnika i ljekarnika možemo spriječiti polipragmaziju te posljedično smanjiti trošak prema zdravstvenom sustavu. Osim prava na pravodobno liječenje i dostupnost lijekova, zajednički bismo trebali raditi na odgovornosti, edukaciji te informiranosti pacijenata o ekološkom utjecaju lijekova na okoliš.

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unfortunately sometimes neglect the factor of environmental impact. In addition to the annual report on the sale of drugs that we as a pharmacy required to deliver HALMED also perhaps we should develop a monthly or annual report on the pharmaceutical waste to make it easier to track tendencies and habits of patients. Through day-to-day work we often notice the lending of medications not intended for the person who takes them, which is why it is sometimes impossible to conduct pharmacological care.


Patients drop medication due to drug side effects, are not adherent and do not adhere to prescribed therapies. We consider that apart from the instructions and the talk of a doctor with a patient, a pharmacists is also an important link in patient adherence. Collaboration between doctors and pharmacists can prevent polypragmatism and consequently reduce the cost to the health system. In addition to the right to timely treatment and availability of medicines, we should jointly work on the responsibilities, education and information of patients on the environmental impact of environmental medicines.

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Paula Bakalović, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarne Lukačin, Zagreb


Prema podacima iz razvijenih zemalja, polovica kroničnih bolesnika ne uzima lijekove na propisan način. Adherencija pacijenta prema propisanoj terapiji preduvjet je uspješnog liječenja i postizanja terapijskog cilja. Nepridržavanje propisane terapije, posebice u liječenju kroničnih i asimptomatskih bolesti, predstavlja veliki problem koji ne utječe samo na ishod liječenja pacijenta, već i na cijeli zdravstveni sustav. Posljedice neadherencije su brojne: povećan broj prijema u bolnicu i hospitalizacija, pogoršanje bolesti i nastanak komplikacija, smanjena kvaliteta života, funkcionalnost i radna sposobnost, smrt pacijenta i, u konačnici, povećanje troškova zdravstvene skrbi. Kako bismo mogli pristupiti ovom problemu, važno je poznavati i razumjeti čimbenike koji uzrokuju smanjenje adherencije. To su, prije svega, niska motiviranost pacijenta zbog nepovjerenja u dijagnozu


According to data from developed countries, half of patients with chronic disease do not take their medications properly. Medication adherence is a primary determinant of treatment success and the key element to achieve therapeutic goals. Nonadherence to appropriately prescribed therapy, especially in the treatment of chronic and asymptomatic diseases, is a major problem for society affecting not only patient health outcome but also the entire health care system. The consequences of medication nonadherence are numerous: increased rates of hospital admission and hospitalization, substantial worsening of disease and occurrence of complications, reduced quality of life, functionality and working capacity, patient death, and last but not least, increasedhealth care costs. In order to approach the problem of medication nonadher-

i/ili sumnje u korist propisane terapije, strah od nuspojava, neshvaćanje dugoročnih rizika za zdravlje i posljedica nepridržavanja terapije te nerazumijevanje uputa o planu liječenja. Prediktori ne adherencije prema propisanoj terapiji su i postojanje kognitivnih i/ili funkcionalnih poremećaja, politerapija, kronični multimorbiditet i ostalo. Mišljenje da je pacijent jedini odgovoran za stupanj adherencije prema propisanoj terapiji je pogrešno. Zajednička je odgovornost liječnika i ljekarnika pomoći pacijentu da ostvari najveći mogući stupanj adherencije motivacijom i edukacijom pacijenta o njegovoj bolesti i važnosti pravilnog i redovitog uzimanja terapije.


Znanje i vještina ljekarnika mogu bitno utjecati na razumijevanje terapijskog plana i povjerenje u dugoročnu korist od pravilnog uzimanja lijekova. Procjena stupnja adherencije, odnosno pacijentovog pridrža-

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ence, it is important to know and understand factors contributing to poor adherence. These are, first of all, lack of motivation due to distrust of the clinical diagnosis and / or doubt about the efficacy of the prescribed therapy, fear of potential side effects, failure to understand long-term health risks and consequences of nonadherence as well as misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the treatment plan. Predictors of nonadherence to prescribed therapy also include the presence of cognitive and / or functional disorders, polytherapy, chronic multimorbidity etc. Medication adherence is not exclusively the responsibility of the patient. It is both physician’s and pharmacist’s responsibility to help their patient achieve the greatest possible level of adherence by improving patient’s knowledge about his / her illness and enhancing motivation to take medications as they are prescribed.

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Paula Bakalović, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarne Lukačin, Zagreb

OBJECTIVE vanja dogovora o provođenju liječenja, prvi je korak i svojevrsna smjernica za daljnje djelovanje.

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Za utvrđivanje stupnja adherencije pacijenata koji u ZU Ljekarne Lukačin redovito podižu svoju terapiju za kronične bolesti koristili smo brz i jednostavan alat – Morisky skalu za mjerenje adherencije (MMAS-8). Procjena adherencije pomoću ovog alata pokazala se korisnom u otkrivanju problema vezanih uz pridržavanje terapije i planiranju intervencija s ciljem poboljšanja suradljivosti pacijenata. Projekt smo u našoj ustanovi provodili tijekom veljače i ožujka 2017. U projektu je sudjelovalo 150 pacijenata oboljelih od šećerne bolesti tipa 2, hipertenzije i/ili dislipidemije.


Dobiveni rezultati bili su u skladu s podatcima iz razvijenih zemalja. Zabrinjavajuće je da je gotovo polovina ispitanih

Pharmacist’s knowledge and skills can have a significant influence on patient’s understanding of the therapeutic plan and patient’s confidence in the long-term health benefits of taking medications properly. The first step toward improving adherence involves measuring the degree to which patient’s behavior is in agreement with the health care provider’s recommendations.


In order to estimate level of adherence in chronically ill patients who regularly fill their prescriptions in ZU Ljekarne Lukačin, we used a quick and simple tool - Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8). The assesment of adherence with this tool has proven useful in detecting problems related to adherence and planning interventions for improving it. The project was carried out during February and March 2017. The project involved 150 patients with type 2 diabetes, hypertension and / or dyslipidemia.

bolesnika smanjila ili prekinula uzimanje lijekova zbog toga što su se osjećali lošije kada su lijek redovito uzimali, a da o tome nisu obavijestili svog liječnika, te da gotovo trećina bolesnika prestane uzimati lijekove kada osjeća da je bolest pod kontrolom. Činjenica da velik broj pacijenata ne ostvaruje zadovoljavajući stupanj adherencije potaknula je ljekarnike da se aktivno uključe u poboljšanje adherencije raznim strategijama poput edukacije pacijenata putem pisanih materijala. Također, dobiveni rezultati prezentirani su liječnicima obiteljske medicine što je za posljedicu imalo i poboljšanje suradljivosti između liječnika i ljekarnika. Povezanost i kvalitetna komunikacija između zdravstvenih djelatnika od iznimne su važnosti u povećanju adherencije prema dugotrajnoj terapiji, s direktnim utjecajem na ishode liječenja i kvalitetu života naših zajedničkih pacijenata.


Zaključno, važno je osvijestiti adherenciju prema propi-

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The results obtained were in accordance with data from developed countries. It is a matter of great concern that almost half of the patients reduced the dose or discontinued taking their medications because they felt worse when they were taking them regularly, without informing their physician about it. Furthermore, almost one-third of patients stopped taking their medications once they felt the disease symptoms were under control. The fact that a large number of patients did not achieve a satisfactory adherence encouraged pharmacists to implement appropriate strategies to enhance adherence, such as patient education through written materials. Moreover, the results were presented to family physicians, which resulted in increased cooperation between physicians and pharmacists. Collaboration and high-quality communication between healthcare professionals are of utmost importance in improving adherence

to long-term therapies, with a direct impact on the treatment outcome and the quality of life of our common patients.


sanoj terapiji kao čimbenik koji bitno utječe na ishod terapije, odnosno zdravstveno stanje pacijenta. Ljekarnici bi trebali redovito provjeravati adherenciju prilikom izdavanja lijekova i preuzeti odgovornost za unaprjeđenje adherencije s obzirom da su ljekarnici sudionici zdravstvenog lanca koji pacijentu daju lijek izravno u ruke te ih pacijenti uglavnom posjećuju češće nego druge zdravstvene djelatnike. Zadaća ljekarnika je osigurati pravilnu i sigurnu primjenu lijekova i pomoći pacijentu da se lakše i uspješnije pridržava propisane terapijske sheme kako bi se ostvario željeni terapijski ishod.

In conclusion, it is important to be aware of patient’s adherence to prescribed therapy as a factor that significantly influences the outcome of the treatment and therefore, the patient’s health status. Pharmacists should regularly check adherence to long-term therapy and take responsibility for improving adherence, since they are healthcare professionals who dispense medications directly to patients and generally see patients more frequently than other healthcare providers. Pharmacists’ role is to ensure appropriate and safe use of medications and to help patients to follow treatment plan more easily and successfully in order to achieve desired therapeutic outcome.

Prema Haynesu, istraživaču koji se prvi počeo sustavno baviti adherencijom: „Bolja adherencija prema postojećoj terapiji može pacijentima više koristiti nego novi lijek“.

According to Haynes, a researcher who first began to systematically deal with adherence issues: “Better adherence to existing treatments can be more beneficial to patients than any developing new medical treatment.”



1. Čulig J. Adherencija prema propisanoj farmakoterapiji. Pharmabiz, 2016, 22, 44–47. 2. Sabaté E. Adherence to Long-Term Therapies: Evidence for Action. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2003.

1. Čulig J. Adherencija prema propisanoj farmakoterapiji. Pharmabiz, 2016, 22, 44–47. 2. Sabaté E. Adherence to Long-Term Therapies: Evidence for Action. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2003.

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Katarina Fehir Šola, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarna Bjelovar, Bjelovar doc. dr. sc. Iva Mucalo, mag. pharm. Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu prof. dr. sc. Sanda Vladimir Knežević, mag. pharm. Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu doc. dr. sc. Donatella Verbanac, mag. pharm. Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu


Primjena velikog broja lijekova u osoba starije životne dobi često uzrokuje terapijske probleme s posljedicom produženog trajanja i povećanja intenziteta bolničkog liječenja, češćeg prijema u bolnicu i hitnu službu, nedovoljno učinkovitom skrbi u domovima za starije i nemoćne osobe, neuspjehom u liječenju i povećanoj smrtnosti. Prisutnost nekoliko kroničnih bolesti, polipragmazija te promjene farmakokinetike i farmakodinamike lijekova u starijih osoba višestruko povećavaju rizik nastanka nuspojava, interakcija lijekova i drugih terapijskih problema. Ljekarnik je zdravstveni djelatnik s kompetencijama procjene pacijentovih terapijskih potreba, identifikacije postojećih i sprječavanja potencijalnih terapijskih problema, izrade plana skrbi za svakog pojedinog pacijenta te procjene i praćenja ishoda liječenja. Usluga upravljanja farmakoterapijom koju bi pružali ljekarnici u suradnji s liječnikom opće medicine u domovi-

Use of large number of medications in the elderly is a common cause of therapy problems resulting in prolonged and more intense hospital treatment, more frequent hospital and emergency admissions, insufficiently efficient care provided in nursing homes, unsuccessful medical treatment and an increased mortality rate. The presence of several chronic diseases, polypragmasy and the changes of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs in the elderly significantly increase the risk of side effects, drug interactions and other therapy problems. Pharmacists are health professionals competent for assessing patients’ therapy needs, identifying the existing and preventing the potential therapy problems, creating a care plan for each individual patient, and assessing and monitoring the treatment outcomes. Pharmacist-managed pharmacotherapy provided by pharmacists in cooperation with GPs in nursing homes could significantly contribute to a more rational use of medications

ma za starije i nemoćne osobe mogla bi značajno pridonijeti racionalnijoj primjeni lijekova i boljoj zdravstvenoj skrbi osoba starije životne dobi.


Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je odrediti učestalost i vrstu terapijskih problema u bolesnika starije životne dobi smještenih u domu za starije i nemoćne.


Prospektivno intervencijsko istraživanje provedeno je u razdoblju od veljače do lipnja 2016. godine u Domu za starije i nemoćne “Sv. Kamilo de Lellis” u Vrbovcu, uz odobrenje Etičkog povjerenstva ustanove. U istraživanje su bili uključeni stacionirani korisnici koji su imali dva ili više lijekova u terapiji te su potpisali informirani pristanak. Podaci o terapiji i komorbiditetima te osnovni laboratorijski nalazi prikupljeni su uvidom u medicinsku dokumentaciju te kroz razgovor s korisnicima i medicinskim osobljem Doma. Procjena moguće neprikladnosti propisane terapije provedena je primjenom kategorizacije terapijskih problema prema Strand i sur.1

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and an improved health care of the elderly.


The aim of the study was to identify the frequency and type of therapy problems arising in elderly patients residing in nursing homes.


A prospective interventional study was conducted in the period from February to June 2016 in the Sv. Kamilo de Lellis nursing home in Vrbovec, Croatia. The study had been granted approval by the institution’s Ethics Committee. The study was conducted on the home residents using two or more drugs as part of their therapy, who signed the informed consent to participate. Data on their therapy and comorbidities, as well as the patients’ basic laboratory results, were collected by looking at their medical records and by talking to the residents and the home’s medical staff. The estimate of possible inappropriateness of prescribed therapy was based on the categorization of therapy problems established by Strand et al.1



U istraživanje su bila uključena 102 ispitanika s prosječnom dobi 79 godina (raspon 60-96) koji su u prosjeku uzimali 6,4 ± 2,97 lijekova (raspon 2-16) te imali 3 ± 1,52 različitih dijagnoza (raspon 0-11). Broj propisanih lijekova iznosio je 665, a komorbiditeta 301. Utvrđeno je ukupno 430 terapijskih problema, što je iznosilo 3,9 ± 3,56 terapijskih problema po osobi. Najviše ih je svrstano u sljedeće kategorije: Predugo trajanje primjene lijeka (61,5%), Nuspojava ( 53,8%) i Ovisnost (42,3%).


Istraživanjem je ustanovljena visoka učestalost terapijskih problema u ispitivanoj skupini pacijenata starije životne dobi. Štićenici doma istodobno koriste mnogo lijekova, što je glavni uzrok čestih terapijskih problema, a naročito pojave klinički značajnih interakcija i nuspojava. U racionalizaciji liječenja starijih osoba potrebno

The study included 102 participants with the median age of 79 (ranging from 60 to 96), taking an average of 6,4±2,97 drugs (ranging from 2 to 16) and having an average of 3±1.52 different diagnoses (ranging from 0 to 11). In total there were 665 prescribed drugs and 301 comorbidities. A total of 430 therapy problems were identified, with an average of 3,9±3,56 therapy problems per person. The largest number of therapy problems were categorized as Using a drug for too long (61.5%), Side effects (53.8%), and Addiction (42.3%).


In the study, a high frequency of therapy problems in the participating elderly patients was identified. The nursing home residents use a large number of drugs simultaneously, which proves to be the main cause of frequent therapy problems, most notably the onset of clinically significant drug interactions and side effects. Rationalization of treatment of the elderly calls for prescribing as few drugs as possible, as

je propisivati što je moguće manje lijekova te izbjegavati neodgovarajuće lijekove i lijekove koji mogu izazvati međusobne interakcije. Ujedno je ukazano na ulogu ljekarnika u poboljšanju skrbi o osobama starije životne dobi smještenih u domu za starije i nemoćne, a koja se temelji na ljekarničkim kompetencijama. Uključivanjem ljekarnika u skrb za korisnike domova te izravnim kontaktom i individualnim razgovorom ljekarnika i štićenika doma o lijekovima stvara se veće povjerenje, razumijevanje terapije i suradljivost u liječenju.

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well as avoiding inappropriate drugs and those that can result in undesired interactions. The study also stressed the role of pharmacists, based on their competencies, in the improvement of care provided to the elderly placed in nursing homes. Inclusion of pharmacists in the care provided to patients residing in nursing homes, as well as direct contact between the pharmacist and nursing home residents and providing individual counselling on medication, all lead to building trust, better understanding of therapy and cooperability in treatment.



Mateja Klarić, mag. pharm. Opća bolnica Karlovac, Karlovac prof. dr. sc. Vesna Bačić Vrca, mag. pharm. Klinička bolnica Dubrava, Zagreb Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu


Svake godine na svjetskome tržištu lijekova pojavljuje se sve veći broj novih lijekova s kojima se sve više novih, donedavno nepoznatih interakcija, opisuje u novijoj medicinskoj literaturi. Rizik za pojavom interakcija također raste zbog povećanog broja novih, ali i starijih lijekova u farmakoterapiji bolesnika.


Cilj opservacijskog istraživanja je usporediti pojavnost potencijalno klinički značajnih interakcija lijekova u farmakoterapiji bolesnika kod prijama i otpusta iz bolnice, utvrditi stupanj kliničke značajnosti te najčešće prisutne interakcije na koje bi trebalo posebno obratiti pozornost u svakodnevnom radu.


Provedeno je prospektivno opservacijsko istraživanje u periodu od rujna 2016. do siječnja 2017. u Općoj bolnici Karlovac, na odjelima za internu medicinu, a uključivalo je sve pacijente zaprimljene u tom razdoblju, koji su dali

A large number of drugs are introduced every year, and new interactions between medications are increasingly reported. The growing use of new pharmacological agents leads to an increased risk of drug interactions.


The aim of the observational study was to compare the occurence of clinically significant drug interactions at hospital admission and discharge pharmacotherapy, to determine the degree of clinical relevance and the most frequent interactions, to identify groups of drugs particularly prone to clinically significant drug interactions and which interactions with other drugs deserve particular attention in the daily work.


The prospective study included all patients admitted between September 2016 and January 2017 in an internal medicine ward. Each patient signed an informed consent. Information on patients medication use history was obtained from each patient by interview. A list of prescription, 44 / D R U G I F O R U M I Z V R S N O S T I U L J E K A R N I Č K O J S K R B I

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Mateja Klarić, mag. pharm. Opća bolnica Karlovac, Karlovac prof. dr. sc. Vesna Bačić Vrca, mag. pharm. Klinička bolnica Dubrava, Zagreb Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

informirani pristanak. Osim propisanih lijekova (temperaturna lista i otpusno pismo), u razgovoru s ispitanicima, sačinjen je i popis korištenih bezreceptnih lijekova i dodataka prehrani. Za utvrđivanje potencijalnih klinički značajnih interakcija lijekova korištena je baza podataka Lexi-Comp®Online, dok su analiza interakcija i statistička obrada podataka provedene u statističkom programu MedCalc - verzija 14.8.1.

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Uključeno je 142 pacijenta prosječne starosti 69 godina, od čega 73 muškarca. Ispitanici su najčešće zaprimani u bolnicu putem hitnog prijama, njih 70%. Kod prijama prosječan broj korištenih lijekova po pacijentu iznosio je 7,9 od čega prosječno 7,2 receptnih, a prilikom otpusta je prosječan broj korištenih lijekova po pacijentu iznosio 7,4 samo receptnih lijekova. U popisu svih korištenih lijekova i dodataka prehrani kod ispitanika prilikom prijama, utvrđeno je ukupno 718, a pri otpustu 639 potencijalno klinički značajnih interakcija. Kod prijama udio interakcija lijekova stupnja značajnosti X iznosio je 3,6%, stupnja značajnosti D 14,1%, a kod otpusta udio interakcija lijekova stupnja značajnosti

non-prescription medications and dietary supplements was made in conversation with the patient. In addition, medical history, medication use before hospitalization, temperature list and, hospital discharge letter, and relevant laboratory and clinical data were obtained from medical records. The Lexi-Comp®Online database was used to determine the clinically significant drug interactions. After collecting of the data analysis of potential interactions was performed using a statistical analysis of data using statistical package for social sciences MedCalc version 14.8.1.


The sample consisted of 142 patients (average of 69 years), 73 of them were males. The most common hospital visits were as emergencies, 70% of them. At admission the average number of medications for patient was 7.9, of which it was 7.2 prescription drugs, and at discharge the average number of medications for patient was 7.4, only prescription drugs. At admission, in the list of all prescription and non-prescription medications, and dietary supplements, 3,6% out 718 potentical drug – drug interactions were considered

X iznosio je 2,6%, a D 11,3%. Lijekovi najčešće prisutni u interakcijama stupnja značajnosti X bili su su amiodaron, tiotropij, kvetiapin i ciprofloksacin, a u interakcijama stupnja značajnosti D kombinacija paracetamola i tramadola, diazepam, ibuprofen, furosemid, acetilsalicilna

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as a combination of drugs contraindicated or should be avoided - X type interactions and 14,1% were considered as clinically significant – D type interactions. At discharge out of 639 potential drug – drug interactions 2,6% were considered as a combination of drugs contraindicated/should be


kiselina, ibuprofen, diazepam, alopurinol i zolpidem. Pri otpustu je veći broj pacijenata u svojoj farmakoterapiji imao barem jednu interakciju nego pri prijamu (pri prijamu 81,7%, a pri otpustu 80,3%), dok je prosjek interakcija po pacijentu bio otprilike sličan pri prijamu i otpustu (oko 5).

avoided - X type interactions and 11,3% were considered as clinically significant – D interactions. The most common drugs with X degree of clinical significance of interaction were amiodarone, tiotropium, quetiapine i ciprofloxacin, and with the D degree of clinical significance of interaction

Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na činjenicu da većinu najčešćih interakcija uzrokuje ograničen broj lijekova. Ova saznanja bi trebala usmjeriti pozornost propisivača i ljekarnika na učestalost primjene i potencijal izazivanja interakcija prethodno spomenutih lijekova u kliničkoj praksi te ih potaknuti na daljnju edukaciju i suradnju. Kako bi se smanjio broj lijekova istodobno prisutnih u farmakoterapiji bolesnika, nužno je redovito i temeljito provoditi analizu farmakoterapije bolesnika uzimajući u obzir i laboratorijske parametre, pridružene komorbiditete i stanje bolesnika. Iako je većina utvrđenih interakcija lijekova umjerenog stupnja kliničke značajnosti C, u cilju prevencije i optimizacije terapije, potrebno je posebnu pozornost usmjeriti na one stupnja značajnosti D i X, čije posljedice mogu ugroziti ishode liječenja i sigurnost pacijenata, te utjecati na porast morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Ljekarnici imaju ključnu ulogu u upravljanju farmakoterapijom pacijenata koji su izloženi riziku od pojave klinički značajnih interakcija lijekova.

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were combination of paracetamol i tramadol, diazepam, ibuprofen, furosemide, acetylsalicylic acid, allopurinol i zolpidem. At discharge, a smaller number of patients (80,3%) in their pharmacotherapy had at least one interaction more than at admission (81,7%), while the average number of interactions for patient was roughly similar to admission and discharge (about 5).


This study reveals that the majority of prescribed interacting drug combinations involve a limited number of drugs. The findings may increase the awareness among prescribers of these most common drug interactions in clinical practice and highlight an area for further education and cooperation with pharmacists. To minimize it, periodic evaluation of patient’s drug regimen is necessary. Although most of the observed interactions in this study had the degree of clinical significance of C (moderate clinical significance), in order to prevent and optimize therapy, particular attention should be paid to the drug interactions with degree of significance of D and X. Pharmacists can play a critical role in managing the medication therapy of patients at risk for clinically important drug-drug interactions.

04 Promicanje



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Katarina Fehir Šola, mag. pharm., univ. mag. pharm. Ruža Bundović, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarna Bjelovar, Bjelovar


Dugogodišnjim aktivnim sudjelovanjem u obilježavanju Nacionalnog tjedna dojenja i Međunarodnog tjedna dojenja, osiguravanje posebnog prostora za dojenje i prematanje djece te dodatnom edukacijom djelatnika ljekarne o dojenju, Ljekarna Bjelovar je postala Ljekarna - prijatelj dojenja. Ljekarnici iz Ljekarne Bjelovar već dugi niz godina uspješno surađuju sa specijalističkim pedijatrijskim ordinacijama, pedijatrijskim odjelom Opće bolnice Bjelovar te Udrugama za potporu dojenja, te smo na taj način postali aktivni član u promicanju dojenja i skrbi za majke i dijete. Organiziranjem stručnog skupa „Skrb o majci i djetetu - zrcalo društvene zrelosti“ - Uloga ljekarnika u promicanju dojenja u Bjelovaru, aktivnim sudjelovanjem u Grupama za potporu dojenju i Savjetovalištima za dojilje te pokretanjem Savjetovališta za majke i djecu unutar ljekarne, ljekarnik se pokazao kao nezaobilazni aktivni član zdravstvenog sustava.


Cilj zajedničke suradnje s pedijatrom i patronažnom sestrom je unapređenje zdravstvene

With long-standing active participation in the marking of the National Breastfeeding Week and the International Breastfeeding Week, providing a special area for breastfeeding and changing children and active education of pharmcists, the Bjelovar Pharmacy has become a friend of breastfeeding. Pharmacists from Bjelovar Pharmacy have been working successfully with specialist pediatric clinics, pediatric department of the General Hospital of Bjelovar and the Breastfeeding Groups for many years and have become an active member of the promotion of breastfeeding and nursing care for mothers and children. By organizing a professional meeting on “Mother and child care - reflecting social maturity - The role of the pharmacist in promoting breastfeeding” in Bjelovar, by active participation in breastfeeding support groups and breastfeeding counseling and the launching of the mothers and children counseling center within the pharmacy, the pharmacist proved to be an inevitable active member of the health system.


The goal of joint co-operation with a pediatrician and nurse

skrbi djece i majki te detektiranje najčešćih problema s kojima se mlade majke suočavaju. Ljekarnik i liječnik dobrom i uspješnom suradnjom mogu puno pomoći pacijentu i omogućiti mu najbolju moguću zdravstvenu skrb.


U ispitivanje su uključene majke i djeca polaznici Grupe za dojenje, koje su dale suglasnost na davanje podataka. Podaci o terapiji i komorbiditetima te osnovni laboratorijski nalazi prikupljeni su uvidom u medicinsku dokumentaciju te kroz razgovor s korisnicima i medicinskim osobljem specijalističke ordinacije.


U Grupama za potporu dojenju i Savjetovalištu u razdoblju od listopada 2016. do svibnja 2017. sudjelovalo je 35 majki i 36-toro djece. Osim podrške dojenju, identificirana su četiri najčešća problema s kojima se majke suočavaju, a to su dojenačke kolike, atopična koža dojenčadi, problemi s kožom dojilja te nepravilna primjena vitamina D. Od 36-ero djece koji su bili uključeni u istraživanje, primijetili smo da kod djece koja su dojena i nisu dobivali nikakvu

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is to improve the health care of children and mothers and to detect the most common problems faced by young mothers. With good and successful co-ordination, a pharmacist and a doctor can be of great help to the patient and provide him with the best possible health care.


The study included mothers and children attending the Breastfeeding Group, who had given consent to use the data. Therapy and comorbidity data and basic laboratory findings were collected through medical records and through discussions with users and medical staff of a specialist clinic.


In the period between October 2016 and May 2017, 35 mothers and 36 children participated in the breastfeeding and counseling groups. In addition to support breastfeeding, four most common problems that the mothers face were discovered. These problems are the infant colics, atopic skin of infants, problems with skin of nursing mothers and inappropriate use of vitamin D.

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Katarina Fehir Šola, mag. pharm., univ. mag. pharm. Ruža Bundović, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarna Bjelovar, Bjelovar

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nadohranu postoji manja pojavnost kolika za razliku od onih koji su primali nadohranu. Također veća pojavnost kolika uočena je kod muške djece. Tu je ljekarnik imao važnu ulogu u poticanju dojenja. Ljekarnik je svojim savjetima utjecao na pravilnu njegu kože djece s atopijskim dermatitisom. Smjernice za liječenje atopijskog dermatitisa obuhvaćaju primarnu edukaciju pacijenata/roditelja o bolesti, olakšavanju i liječenju simptoma, optimalnoj hidrataciji i regeneraciji kože te prevenciji sekundarnih komplikacija (vezanih uz grebanje i češanje, psihološki aspekt...). Isto tako savjetima pomažemo majkama o njezi osjetljive kože tijekom trudnoće i za vrijeme dojenja. Istraživanja pokazuju da 80-95% dojilja prate problemi bolnih bradavica, a njih čak 26% odluči prestati privremeno dojiti upravo zbog te boli. To smo potvrdili i u praksi. Uzroci boli mogu biti različiti: pogrešan položaj djeteta, nedovoljna vlažnost gornjeg sloja kože ili pak skidanje prirodne masnoće kože. Ovdje je također dokazano da ljekarnička intervencija i edukacija te psihološka pomoć dojiljama ima

Of the 36 children included in the study, it was observed that in children who are breastfed and have not received any complementary feeding there is less incidence of colics than those who received complementary feeding.There is also a higher incidence of male children who have colics. The pharmacist has played an important role in promotion of breastfeeding. The pharmacist has been influenced by proper advice for the skin care of children with atopic dermatitis. Guidelines for the treatment of atopic dermatitis include education of patient / parent on disease, relief and treatment of symptoms, optimal hydration and regeneration of the skin and prevention of secondary complications (scraping and combing, psychological aspect, etc). Likewise, we advise mothers about the care of the sensitive skin during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Studies show that 80-95% of nurses are suffering from painful warts, and 26% of them choose to stop breastfeeding just because of that pain. We have also confirmed this in

značajan učinak u produljenju i ustrajnosti u dojenju. Provedena je dodatna edukacija o važnosti pravilne primjene vitamina D. Nedostatak vitamina D bilježi se učestalo među zdravom dojenčadi, djecom i adolescentima u Europi, posebice u određenim rizičnim skupinama koje obuhvaćaju dojenu dojenčad, roditelja koji se ne pridržavaju preporuka za nadomjesnu primjenu vitamina D. Preporuka je da sva dojenčad prima 400 IJ vitamina D dnevno, a promicanje ove javnozdravstvene mjere dužnost je pedijatara, ljekarnika i svih drugih zdravstvenih djelatnika. Od prve do osme godine života preporučena doza iznosi čak 600 IJ prema Institute of Medicine. Održavanjem edukativnih predavanja o važnosti i prednostima dojenja, njezi kože djeteta od najranije dobi, njezi majčine kože za vrijeme trudnoće i tijekom dojenja te kako se zaštiti od sunca od najranije dobi, podignuli smo svijest majkama o tim temama.


Zaštita, promicanje i potpora dojenja je važan javno zdravstveni prioritet svih

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practice. Causes of pain may be different: incorrect position of the child, insufficient moisture of the upper layer of skin or removal of natural skin fat. In this case it has also been shown that pharmacy intervention and education and psychological support for breastfeeding have a significant effect on prolongation and persistence in breastfeeding. Additional education has been made on the importance of proper use of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is commonly reported among healthy infants, children and adolescents in Europe, especially in certain risky groups involving infants, parents who do not adhere to recommendations for the substitution of vitamin D. Recommendations are that every infant receives 400 IU of vitamin D per day and the promotion of this public health measure is the duty of a pediatrician, a pharmacist and all other healthcare professionals. From the first to the eighth year, the recommended dose is as high as 600 IU to the Institute of Medicine. By having educational lessons about the importance and

benefits of breastfeeding, the skin care of the baby from the earliest age, the nursing of the mother’s skin during pregnancy and during breastfeeding and how to protect from the sun from the earliest age, we have raised mothers’ awareness of these issues.


zemalja, zbog čega je Hrvatska strategija zdravstva od 2012.2020. godine program dojenja ugradila kao važan zadatak. Suradnjom s Udrugama i liječnicima, ljekarnik je uključen u aktivni dio skrbi za majku i dijete. Svojim znanjem, savjetima i angažmanom olakšali smo mnogim majkama to novo razdoblje u životu. Stekli smo povjerenje majki koje su sudjelovale u Savjetovalištu te se naša uloga kao ljekarnika prepoznala. Aktivnim sudjelovanjem u grupama za dojenje, suradnjom s liječnicima, pokazalo se da ljekarnik može biti i je vrlo važna karika u poticanju i održivosti dojenja.

Protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding is an important public health priority of all countries, which is why Croatia’s Health Strategy 2012-2020 program of breastfeeding is an important task. By cooperating with associations and doctors, the pharmacist are actively involved in the care of mother and child. With our knowledge, counsel and engagement, we have made it easier for many mothers to live in this new era of life. We got the trust of mothers who took part in the counseling and recognized our role as pharmacist. Active participation in support groups for breastfeeding and collaboration with doctors proved to be a very important links in the promotion and sustainability of breastfeeding.



1. Grgurić J. Novi programi za promicanje dojenja. Paediatr Croat. 2014;58(Supl 1):151 – 8. 2. Lathrop H. Knjiga o dojenju. Split:Harfa;2008. 3. Vranešić Bender D. I sur. Smjernice za primjenu vitamina D. Liječnički Vjesnik 2016;138

1. Grgurić J. Novi programi za promicanje dojenja. Paediatr Croat. 2014;58(Supl 1):151 – 8. 2. Lathrop H. Knjiga o dojenju. Split:Harfa;2008. 3. Vranešić Bender D. i sur. Smjernice za primjenu vitamina D. Liječnički Vjesnik 2016;138

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Martina Prusac, mag. pharm. Darka Draženović Govorko, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarna Draženović, Metković


Ljekarnički tim Ljekarne Draženović, povodom Svjetskog dana astme 2016. i 2017. godine, organizirao je javnozdravstvene akcije.


Cilj ovog projekta je bio edukacija pacijenata o astmi, simptomima, terapiji, inhalacijskim tehnikama te savjetovanje o individualnim pitanjima i poteškoćama.


2016. godine prikupljani su osnovni podaci o pacijentima - dob, spol, postoji li već dijagnoza astme te ovisno o tome Upitnik: Imam li astmu? i Upitnik o kontroli astme (1), te podaci o terapiji. PEF mjeračem (peak flow meter) provjeravala se plućna funkcija, a vrijednosti su se uspoređivale s očekivanim vrijednostima PEF-a dobivenim s obzirom na dob, visinu i spol, za svakog pacijenta individualno, koristeći kalkulator PEF-a dostupan na web stranici Astma Centra (2). Ljekarnik je potom savjetovao pacijenta o bolesti, terapiji, inhalacijskoj tehnici, eventualnim zabrinutostima i poteškoćama te uočavao i rješavao terapijske probleme.

Pharmacists’ team from Pharmacy Draženović has organised public health campaigns for World Asthma Day in 2016 and 2017.


The aim of this project was to educate patients about asthma, its symptoms, therapy, and inhalation techniques, and to provide consultations about individual queries or difficulties during therapy treatment.


In 2016, we collected basic patient information – age, sex, previous asthma diagnosis and prescribed therapy. Based on their asthma status, patients were asked to complete either “Do I have asthma?” or “Asthma control test” questionnaire (1). Lung function was tested using PEF (peak flow meter) device and the results for each patient individually were compared with expected PEF values in terms of age, height and sex using PEF calculator available on Asthma Center web page (2. Finally, pharmacists consulted the patients about their disease, prescribed therapy, inhalation techniques and addressed individual queries or difficulties while recognizing and solving therapy issues.

2017. godine primarno se provjeravala inhalacijska tehnika bez obzira na indikaciju. Prikupljali su se detaljni osnovni podaci o pacijentu (dob, spol, visina, težina, zanimanje, osnovna dijagnoza, komorbiditeti, životne navike, terapija, obiteljska anamneza). Ljekarnik je potom proveo savjetovanje po sljedećim točkama: provjera inhalacijske tehnike, upitnik o kontroli astme (gdje je primjenjivo), provjera adherencije Morisky testom (MMAS-4) (3) te dodatno (razumijevanje bolesti, razumijevanje svrhe propisane terapije, korištenje brzodjelujućih bronhodilatatora, ASK, neselektivnih beta blokatora, uočavanje nuspojava). Po završetku savjetovanja ljekarnik je ispunjavao obrazac Mišljenje ljekarnika koji je namijenjen pacijentu, a sadržavao je uočene terapijske probleme i preporuku za njihovo rješavanje.

In 2017, we focused on patients’ inhalation technique regardless the indication. We collected basic patient information in detail (age, sex, height, weight, profession, basic diagnose, comorbidity, life habits, therapy, family anamnesis). This was followed by the consultations where the patient’s inhalation technique was examined, and asthma control test was performed (where applicable). Morisky medication adherence scale (MMAS-4) was tested as well (3), together with patient’s understanding of disease and therapy purpose. We also investigated the frequency of use of short acting bronchodilators, ASA or non-selective beta blockers, and potential side effects of inhalation therapy. After completing the consultation, patient received Pharmacist Opinion form, with therapy’s issues and recommendations on how to solve them.



Ukupno su pregledana 24 pacijenta. Od toga 12 s dijagnozom astme, 5 s drugim dijagnozama (alergija, azbestoza, bronhitis, KOPB), 7 bez dijagnoze, 5 uz dijagnozu astme ima i drugu dijagnozu bolesti dišnog sustava, a 14 s terapijom za bolesti dišnog sustava. Ukupan broj propisanih inhalera na uzorku

In 2016, 24 patients participated in our campaign. 12 of them were diagnosed with asthma, 5 had other diagnosis (allergy, asbestosis, bronchitis, COPD), 7 patients were without diagnosis, 5 patients had asthma and other diagnosis, while in 14 cases chronic respiratory disease therapy was reported.

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Martina Prusac, mag. pharm. Darka Draženović Govorko, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarna Draženović, Metković

pacijenata je 20 (prosječno 1,4 inhaler po pacijentu). Maksimalan broj različitih inhalera po pacijentu je 3. Ukupno je ispunjeno 10 Upitnika: Imam li astmu? s rezultatima: svi pacijenti su imali pozitivan rezultat testa od toga 7 bez dijagnoze druge bolesti dišnog sustava, a 3 s dijagnozom druge bolesti dišnog sustava.

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Ukupno je ispunjeno 11 Upitnika o kontroli astme s rezultatima: odlično -1, u skladu s očekivanjima - 4, ne zadovoljava - 2, nepotpuni podaci - 4. Od 12 PEF mjerenja 8 ih je u zelenoj, 3 u žutoj i 1 u crvenoj zoni. P R EG L E D UZO R K A I Z 20 1 7.

Ukupno su pregledana 23 pacijenta. Od toga 21 s dijagnozom kronične bolesti dišnog sustava (J44, J45), 14 s dijagnozom astme, 4 s dijagnozom KOPB-a, 3 s dijagnozom astme i KOPB-a, 2 s dijagnozom akutne bolesti dišnog sustava (J20). Ukupan broj propisanih inhalera na uzorku pacijenata je 37 (prosječno 1,6 inhaler po pacijentu). Maksimalan broj različitih inhalera po pacijentu je 3. Inhalacijska tehnika je provjerena na 29 inhalera s rezultatom 9 pravilno, 20 nepravilno

Overall number of prescribed inhalers in this sample group was 20 (1.4 inhaler per patient). Maximum number of different inhalers per patient was 3. “Do I have asthma?” questionnaire was filled by 10 patients, all with positive test result. In 3 cases other respiratory disease diagnosis were reported, while 7 cases were without any diagnosis. Asthma control test was filled by 11 patients with the following results: excellent -1, in line with expectations – 4, does not satisfy - 2, incomplete data - 4. Out of 12 PEF measurements, 8 were in green, 3 in yellow and 1 in red zone. 20 1 7 SA M P L E R E V I E W

In 2017, 23 patients participated in our campaign. 21 of them had chronic respiratory disease diagnosis (J44, J45), 14 with asthma diagnosis, 4 with COPD diagnosis, 3 with both asthma and COPD diagnosis, and 2 with acute respiratory disease diagnosis (J20). Overall number of prescribed inhalers in this group was 37 (1.6 inhaler per patient). Maximum number of different inhalers per patient was 3. Inhalation technique was examined on

od čega je zabilježeno 10 ozbiljnih nepravilnosti, 8 srednje ozbiljnih nepravilnosti, 1 blaga nepravilnost te 1 nepravilnost bez procjene ozbiljnosti. Ukupno je ispunjeno 14 Upitnika o kontroli astme s rezultatom: odlično - 1, u skladu s očekivanjima - 8, ne zadovoljava - 4, nepotpuni podaci - 1.

29 inhalers resulting in 9 correct and 20 incorrect uses. 10 with serious mistakes, 8 with moderate serious mistakes, 1 slight mistake, and 1 not evaluated. Asthma control test was filled by 14 patients with the result: excellent -1, in line with expectations - 8, does not satisfy - 4, incomplete data - 1.



Prema podacima iz GINA smjernica 70-80% pacijenata nije u mogućnosti primijeniti svoj inhalacijski lijek pravilno (4). Prema prikupljenim podacima iz našeg uzorka čak 68,9% pacijenata ima nepravilnu inhalacijsku tehniku, od čega 50% ima ozbiljne nepravilnosti, a 40% srednje ozbiljne. Iz ovakvih podataka vrlo je jasno da je nužno potrebno aktivno uključivanje ljekarnika u provjeru inhalacijske tehnike koja treba biti sustavna i kontinuirana.


1. Upitnik: Imam li astmu? i Upitnik o kontroli astme. Dostupno na: http://www.plivazdravlje.hr/ astma. Datum pristupa: 03.05.2016. 2. Astma centar. Dostupno na: http://www.astma. hr/izracunPEF.aspx. Datum pristupa: 03.05.2016. 3. Morisky DE, Green LW, Levine DM. Concurrent and predictive validity of a self-reported measure of medication adherence. Med Care. 1986 Jan;24(1):67-74. 4. Global Initiative for Asthma. Global strategy for asthma management and prevention. Updated 2017. Dostupno na: http://www.ginaasthma.org. Datum pristupa: 15.06.2017.

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According to GINA guidelines, 70-80% of patients use their inhaler incorrectly (4). In our study, 68.9% of patients were detected with the incorrect inhalation technique. Serious mistakes occurred in 50% of cases, while moderate serious mistake was observed in 40% of cases. This data supports the need of continuous and systemic examination of patients’ inhalation techniques, and emphasises the importance of pharmacist’s role in the treatment of asthma.


1. Questionnaires: Do I have asthma? and Asthma control test. Available at: http://www.plivazdravlje. hr/astma. [Accessed 03 May 2016] 2. Asthma center. PEF calculator. Available at: http://www.astma.hr/izracunPEF.aspx. [Accessed 03 May 2016] 3. Morisky DE, Green LW, Levine DM. Concurrent and predictive validity of a self-reported measure of medication adherence. Med Care. 1986 Jan;24(1):67-74. 4. Global Initiative for Asthma. Global strategy for asthma management and prevention. Updated 2017. Available at: http://www.ginaasthma.org. [Accessed 15 June 2017]

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Marija Gudelj Plazanić, mag. pharm. Sanja Mihanović, mag. pharm. ZU Ljekarna Pablo, Zagreb


Metabolički sindrom predstavlja skup visokorizičnih čimbenika koji vode razvoju kardiovaskularnih bolesti i dijabetes tipa 2: visceralna pretilost, povišene vrijednosti krvnog tlaka, glukoze i kolesterola. Iako sam mehanizam nastanka metaboličkog sindroma nije potpuno razjašnjen, znamo da suvremeni način života, nedovoljna tjelesna aktivnost, prekomjerni i nakupljeni stres, neadekvatna i neuravnotežena prehrana pridonose njegovoj pojavnosti.


Budući da sve veća učestalost metaboličkog sindroma predstavlja velik javnozdravstveni problem, Zdravstvena ustanova Ljekarne Pablo je kroz javnozdravstvenu akciju građanima pokušala približiti rizike, uzroke nastanka, ali i mjere prevencije metaboličkog sindroma. Mijenjajući životne na-

The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of high-risk factors leading to the development of cardio-vascular diseases and type 2 diabetes: visceral obesity, elevated blood pressure, cholesterol and fasting blood sugar. Although the development mechanisms of this condition have not been clarified, it is known that contemporary, sedentary lifestyle, high levels of stress and inadequate nutrition greatly contribute to its development.


Since the increasing rates of the metabolic syndrome are becoming a public health issue, the Pablo Pharmacy Health Institute organized a public health event trying to familiarize the citizens with the risks and causes of the metabolic syndrome, but also with ways to prevent the development of the condition. By making lifestyle changes, eating a balanced diet, exercising, reducing stress levels,

vike, usvajanjem uravnotežene prehrane, navike kretanja i tjelovježbe, smanjenjem stresa, prestankom pušenja možemo utjecati na promjenjive faktore metaboličkog sindroma te tako spriječiti pojavu kardiovaskularnih oboljenja i dijabetesa tipa 2.


Vrijeme provođenja akcije bilo je od 8. svibnja do 8. lipnja 2017. Kroz akciju su pacijenti educirani o prehrani kod dijabetesa, kardiovaskularnih bolesti te je za ovu akciju nutricionist izradio 3 vrste jelovnika. Educirani su o soljenju, o skrivenim izvorima soli u hrani, te kako sol utječe na povišenje krvnog tlaka. Pacijenti su u ljekarnama mogli napraviti probirna mjerenja te tako provjeriti vrijednost glukoze u krvi, kolesterola, triglicerida, izmjeriti krvni tlak, opseg struka, težinu te odrediti indeks tjelesne mase (BMI). Cijelu javnozdravstvenu akciju je pratio besplatan program vježbanja svakim radnim danom uz diplomiranog kineziologa, s vježbama prilagođenim svim dobnim skupinama. Svaki trening je bio drugačiji i postepeno se doziralo opterećenje.

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and quitting smoking, we can influence the varied factors of the metabolic syndrome and prevent the development of cardio-vascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.


The event took place between May 8 and June 8, 2017. The patients were educated on nutrition for diabetics and persons suffering from cardiovascular diseases, and for this purpose, 3 types of menus were developed by a nutritionist. The patients were also educated on salting food, hidden salt in foods, and how salt influences hypertension. They could also have their blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels tested, as well as check their weight, waist measurements and body mass index (BMI.) In addition, the patients could exercise each working day, with a program modified for all age groups and under the guidance of a certified trainer. Each training was different and the programme was progressive.


Several hundred patients (500-800), were included in the project. Patients who

venom sustavu jer promjenom životnih navika preveniramo pojavnost najčešćih kroničnih oboljenja suvremenog čovjeka.



Nekoliko stotina pacijenata (500 – 800) je bilo uključeno u projekt. Pacijenti koji su već razvili neke čimbenike metaboličkog sindroma ovom su akcijom educirani o važnosti i načinima njihovog smanjenja (smanjenje tjelesne težine, glukoze, kolesterola u krvi). Probirna mjerenja u ljekarni su kod nekih pacijenata otkrila visoke vrijednosti krvnog tlaka, glukoze, lipida te su im savjetovane nefarmakološke mjere i odgovarajući OTC preparati. Neki od tih pacijenata su zbog svojih visokih vrijednosti odmah upućeni liječniku. Edukacija pacijenata kroz ovu javnozdravstvenu akciju predstavlja uštedu zdravst-

had already developed some factors of the metabolic syndrome were educated on the ways and importance of their reduction (reducing their weight, blood sugar and cholesterol levels). The tests at the pharmacy revealed elevated blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. They were advised to make lifestyle changes prior to taking drugs and were given adequate non-prescription drugs. Others were advised to consult a physician immediately. Educating patients in this way results in cost reductions for the health system because lifestyle changes prevent the development of the most common chronical diseases of today.

Ova javnozdravstvena akcija je podigla svijest naših pacijenata da se pravilnom prehranom, redovitom tjelovježbom, prestankom pušenja, upotrebom određenih dodataka prehrani mogu ublažiti rizici za nastanak metaboličkog sindroma te tako prevenirati ili odgoditi farmakološka terapija kroničnih oboljenja. Jednostavna probirna mjerenja izvršena u ljekarni našim pacijentima su dala informaciju o njihovu zdravstvenom stanju, te ovisno o rezultatima predložena su im daljnja savjetovanja i praćenja u ljekarni ili su upućeni liječniku. Ova javnozdravstvena akcija je iznimno dobro organizirana i izvedena jer je povezala rad ljekarnika u ljekarni, nutricionista, kineziologa i liječnika koji je bio na raspolaganju pacijentima koji su svakodnevno vježbali. Akcija je imala dobar odjek kod naših pacijenata te ovako organizirane akcije mogu biti dobar primjer suradnje naše struke i ostalih zdravstvenih djelatnika u svrhu unaprjeđenja zdravlja građana.

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This event raised our patients’ awareness that dietary changes, regular exercise, quitting smoking, and using certain supplements can help reduce risks of developing the metabolic syndrome and thus prevent, or delay taking drugs to treat chronical illnesses. The tests conducted at our pharmacy gave our patients the necessary information regarding their health and they were advised to monitor their conditions or were told to consult a physician. This public health event was extremely well organized and managed, because it connects the work of a pharmacist, nutritionist, trainer, and physician, who were at the disposal of the patients who were exercising daily. Our patients reacted positively to the event, which could serve as a good example of cooperation between our profession (pharmacists) and other healthcare professionals, with the aim of improving citizens’ health.



Jasminka Vugec Mihok, mag. pharm. Gradska ljekarna Zagreb, Zagreb Elizabeta Kiršek, studentica Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu


Kronične nezarazne bolesti godišnje u svijetu uzrokuju 40 milijuna smrti. Čak tri četvrtine odnosi se na zemlje s niskim i srednje niskim osobnim prihodom. Kardiovaskularne bolesti godišnje uzrokuju oko 17,5 milijuna smrti i predstavljaju jedan od najvećih javnozdravstvenih izazova današnjice. Rast i starenje globalne populacije doprinoseći su čimbenici porastu pojavnosti kroničnih bolesti, međutim bitno je istaknuti da teret kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti ne pogađa sve zemlje ravnomjerno. Stope značajno variraju ovisno o demografiji i ekonomskim pokazateljima pojedine zemlje. U zemljama s visokim osobnim prihodom vidljiv je pad dobnospecifičnih stopa smrtnosti od kardiovaskularnih bolesti, dok je u zemljama s niskim i srednje niskim prihodom i dalje vidljiv uzlazni trend. U Europi smrtnost uslijed kardio-

Annually, chronic non-communicable diseases cause about forty million deaths worldwide. Approximately three-quarters of those deaths happen in low-income and lower middle-income countries. One of today’s greatest public health challenges, cardiovascular diseases, causes about 17.5 million deaths per year . Growth of the global population and aging are contributing factors to prevalence of chronic diseases. However, it is important to point out that the burden of chronic, non-infective conditions does not affect all countries equally. Mortality rates vary depending on economic and demographic indicators of each country. In high-income countries, there is a visible trend of decrease in age-specific cardiovascular mortality rates, whereas in low-income and lower middle-income economies a mortality growth trend can still be seen. Cardiovascular mortality rates are dropping in Europe, but only in western and central

vaskularnih bolesti pada, no samo u njenim središnjim i zapadnim regijama. U Hrvatskoj su kardiovaskularne bolesti glavni razlog umiranja. Prema zadnjim obrađenim podacima iz 2015. godine bile su uzrok smrti u 47,4% slučajeva. Umrlo je ukupno 25 694 osoba, 14 687 žena i 11 007 muškaraca. Još je više zabrinjavajući podatak da su u skupini osoba mlađih od 65 godina kardiovaskularne smrti na drugom mjestu, odmah iza malignih bolesti. U toj dobnoj skupini umrla je 2 631 osoba – 2 020 muškaraca i 611 žena. Navedeni podaci jasno upućuju na potrebu za značajnijom prevencijom kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti, njihovim ranim prepoznavanjem i pravodobnim liječenjem. Čimbenici rizika koji doprinose smrtnosti, ali i invaliditetu uslijed srčanog ili moždanog udara te kronične bubrežne bolesti su pušenje, povišen arterijski tlak, povišene vrijednosti kolesterola, povišene vrijednosti glukoze u krvi i povećan indeks tjelesne mase. Na sve navedene čimbenike moguće je utjecati promjenom životnih navika, edukacijom i potporom oboljelih te članova njihovih obitelji.

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regions . Furthermore, in Croatia, cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of mortality in general population. According to the latest data from 2015, 47.4% of total deaths were associated to cardiovascular illness. Total number of cardiovascular deaths in 2015 was 25 694; 14 687 were women and 11 007 were men. Alarmingly, in the demographic group younger than 65 years, cardiovascular deaths are the second most common cause of mortality, right after malignant diseases. In the demographic younger than 65 years, total number of cardiovascular-related deaths were 2 631; 2020 of the total number were men, and 611 were women. The presented data clearly indicates the need for better prevention, early diagnosis and vigilance in the treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases. The risk factors that contribute to mortality and disability caused by myocardial event, cerebral insult and chronic renal disease are smoking, increased arterial blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, increased blood glucose levels, and elevated body mass index. All of these factors are susceptible to lifestyle chang-

Gradska ljekarna Zagreb u sklopu višegodišnjeg projekta “Ljekarnik izvan ljekarne“ provodi brojne javnozdravstvene aktivnosti s ciljem doprinosa u ranom i pravovremenom otkrivanju osoba oboljelih od kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti; šećerne bolesti, hipertenzije, kroničnih bolesti dišnog sustava, povećanja adherencije prema propisanoj terapiji, prevencije bolesti, promocije racionalnog samoliječenja i samoskrbi. Projekt se provodi tijekom značajnih događaja u gradu Zagrebu koje posjećuje velik broj naših sugrađana.

es; therefore education and support for the individuals affected by those conditions, and members of their family, could change the outcome. Non-communicable disease management interventions are essential for achieving the global target, set by the World Health Organization, of a 25% relative reduction in the risk of premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by 2025. In order to achieve this goal, the full participation and collaboration of overall health workforce, interdisciplinary approach, defining common goals, quality communication, measureable outcomes and processes in all interventions are required. It is clear that pharmacists are getting a more prominent role in health systems and in the local communities. The health institution “Gradska ljekarna Zagreb” (City pharmacy of Zagreb) has, therefore, taken initiative and undertaken additional efforts to emphasize the importance of pharmaceutical care, ensuring that the concept is more familiar to the public. As a part of a project named “Pharmacist outside of the pharmacy”, City pharmacy of S E C O N D F O R U M O F E X C E L L E N C E I N P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C A R E / 59

N A S TA V A K N A S T R A N I C I 6 0 / C O N T I N U I N G O N P A G E 6 0

Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija je kao jedan od svojih ciljeva do 2025. godine postavila 25%-tno smanjenje preuranjene smrtnosti zbog kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti. Kako bi se cilj ostvario, potrebno je sudjelovanje svih zdravstvenih radnika, interdisciplinarni pristup, zajednički ciljevi, jasna komunikacija i mjerljivi procesi te ishodi svih intervencija. Jasno je, stoga, da i ljekarnici u zdravstvenom sustavu, ali i lokalnoj zajednici, preuzimaju sve značajniju ulogu. Zdravstvena ustanova Gradska ljekarna Zagreb stoga je poduzela dodatne napore i preuzela inicijativu kako bi se prepoznao značaj ljekarničke skrbi i ista dodatno približila našim sugrađanima.


Jasminka Vugec Mihok, mag. pharm. Gradska ljekarna Zagreb, Zagreb Elizabeta Kiršek, studentica Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

N A S TA V A K S A S T R A N I C E 5 9 / C O N T I N U E D F R O M P A G E 5 9

Probir, edukacija, savjetovanje oboljelih i potpora obiteljima oboljelih osnovne su odrednice javnozdravstvenih aktivnosti Ustanove koje pridonose očuvanju kvalitete osobnoga i obiteljskog života oboljelih, a dodatno, ekonomski gledano, predstavljaju i značajni prilog za čitavo društvo.


Cilj projekta je doprinos u ranom i pravovremenom otkrivanju osoba oboljelih od kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti; šećerne bolesti, hipertenzije i kroničnih bolesti dišnog sustava, povećanje adherencije prema propisanoj terapiji, edukacija o prevenciji bolesti, promocija racionalnog samoliječenja i samoskrbi. Sekundarni cilj je osvješćivanje naših sugrađana i cjelokupne javnosti da ljekarnici mogu i čine više od samog izdavanja lijekova, da naša struka može prepoznati društvene potrebe i potrebe za proširenjem ljekarničkog angažmana u lokalnoj zajednici te je voljna i sposobna pridonijeti naporima

Zagreb is conducting multiple public health-related activities with the goal of contributing to early detection and diagnosis of chronic non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and chronic pulmonary diseases. Moreover, the goal of the project includes contributing to prevention and increasing adherence to prescribed therapy, prevention of illness and promotion of rational self-medication and self-care. These activities take place during notable events in the city of Zagreb, which are attended by a significant number of our fellow citizens. Screening, education, providing information for patients and support for the families of those affected by chronic, non-communicable conditions are the basic guidelines of public health-related activities of the Institution. This helps maintain the quality of personal and family life for the patients, and additionally, from an economic perspective, brings benefits to the whole society.


The aim of the project is early and on time detection of chronic non-communica-

za očuvanjem zdravlja i unaprjeđenjem zdravstvene zaštite naših sugrađana.


U sklopu manifestacije Floraart 2017. Gradska ljekarna Zagreb je mnogobrojnim posjetiteljima omogućila besplatno mjerenje glukoze u plazmi, mjerenje krvnog tlaka, indeksa tjelesne mase, savjetovanje i probir na kronične bolesti dišnog sustava te edukaciju o biljnim i kozmetičkim pripravcima koji se izrađuju u ljekarnama.


Tijekom provedbe probira na šećernu bolest, provedeno je 1200 mjerenja glukoze u krvi. U približno 120 sudionika (koji nisu oboljeli od šećerne bolesti) izmjerene su povišene vrijednosti glukoze u krvi. Prilikom mjerenja vrijednosti krvnog tlaka u više od 35% ispitanika zabilježene su povišene vrijednosti krvnog tlaka. Također je uočeno da ispitanici često imaju propisanu farmakoterapiju za kroničnu bolest, međutim istu ne uzimaju, stoga je provedeno savjetovanje o značaju adherencije prema propisanoj terapiji.

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ble diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and chronic pulmonary diseases. Furthermore, the project includes increasing adherence to prescribed therapy, illness prevention, education in self-treatment, and self-management promotion. Secondary goal of the project is raising awareness about the importance of pharmaceutical care, beyond medicine dispensing. Pharmaceutical professionals can recognize the needs of society and expand the engagement of pharmacists in local community.


As a part of the Floraart 2017 event, participants were offered a free measuring of blood glucose and blood pressure levels, and calculation of body mass index. In addition, education about herbal and cosmetic products made in pharmacies was made available to the event participants by City pharmacy of Zagreb.


During the diabetes screening, blood glucose levels were measured in 1200 event participants. Elevated blood glucose levels were detected in about 120 participants (unaffected by diabetes or undiagnosed with diabetes). During the blood pressure measuring, more than 35% of the participants

had elevated blood pressure values. Furthermore, it was noted that the participants often had prescribed therapy for their chronic illness, however, they often did not adhere to the prescribed therapy. Therefore, education about the importance of adherence to the prescribed therapy was conducted.


Iako se uloga ljekarnika prvenstveno prepoznaje kroz izdavanje lijekova, ljekarnička uloga svakodnevno evoluira i sve je značajnija u segmentu savjetovanja o liječenju, samoliječenju, samoskrbi i prevenciji bolesti. Rastući teret kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti u zdravstvenim sustavima diljem svijeta, pa tako i hrvatskom, pred ljekarnika stavlja golem izazov i izvrsnu priliku za aktivnije uključivanje u interdisciplinarnoj zdravstvenoj skrbi. WHO, GBD 2015 Risk Factors Collaborators. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet, 2016; 388(10053):1659-1724 2 European heart network, European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2017. Dostupno na http://www.ehnheart.org/cvd-statistics.html. Datum pristupanja 07.08.2017. 3 HZJZ, Hrvatski zdravstveno-statistički ljetopis za 2015. godinu, dostupno na https://www.hzjz. hr/periodicne-publikacije/hrvatski-zdravstveno-statisticki-ljetopis-za-2015. Datum pristupanja 07.08.2017. 1

Although pharmacists are primarily perceived as medicine distributors, the role of the pharmacist is certainly evolving and is getting more notable in the segment of providing information about treatment, self-medication, self-care and disease prevention. The increasing burden of non-communicable chronic diseases presents a great challenge for the health systems worldwide, including the Croatian. However, it also creates an excellent opportunity for a more proactive stance of a pharmacist in an interdisciplinary health care system. WHO, GBD 2015 Risk Factors Collaborators. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet, 2016; 388(10053):1659-1724 2 European heart network, European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2017. Dostupno na http://www.ehnheart.org/cvd-statistics.html. Datum pristupanja 07.08.2017. 3 HZJZ, Hrvatski zdravstveno-statistički ljetopis za 2015. godinu, dostupno na https://www.hzjz. hr/periodicne-publikacije/hrvatski-zdravstveno-statisticki-ljetopis-za-2015. Datum pristupanja 07.08.2017. 1

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Darija Kajtar, mag. pharm., univ. spec. nutr. Betilija Fadi Sekošan, mag. pharm., univ. spec. nutr. ZU Ljekarne Tripolski, Osijek


Upotreba dodataka prehrani je sve učestalija. Najčešće se koriste vitamini i minerali, ali je u porastu zanimanje i za omega-3 masne kiseline, antioksidanse, prehrambena vlakna i prirodne produkte. Ispitivanja pokazuju povezanost između zdravih životnih navika i uzimanja dodataka prehrani [1]. Iako nutricionisti preporučuju prvenstveno pravilnu prehranu, dodaci prehrani su priznati i preporučivani za podršku zdravlju i dobrobiti [2]. Kako bi se proučile navike uzimanja dodataka prehrani u istočnoj Slavoniji, u ljekarnama Tripolski proveden je anonimni upitnik koji je sadržavao pitanja o vrsti korištenog dodatka prehrani, korištenim dozama te razlozima i motivaciji uzimanja dodatka prehrani. S obzirom da zdravstveni djelatnici imaju važnu ulogu u podizanju svijesti o zdravim navikama, u drugom anonimnom upitniku ispitane su njihove prehrambene i druge navike te svjesnost o sastavu i kalorijskoj vrijednosti namirnica.


Cilj ispitivanja o navikama uzimanja dodataka prehrani bio je utvrditi uzimaju li se

Dietary supplementation becomes more and more frequent. Most widespread is the use of vitamin and mineral supplements, but there is also an increasing interest in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fibers and natural products. Population surveys indicate correlation between healthy life choices and dietary supplementation [1]. Although ˝food first˝ approach is advocated among nutritionists, dietary supplements are also recognized and recommended to support health and wellness [2]. An anonymus survey was conducted to gain insight into supplementation habits among population od eastern Slavonia. The questionnaire contained questions about the type of used supplement, dosage, and reasons and motivation for supplementation. Given that health care professionals have an important role in raising awareness of healthy eating and other habits, they were asked about their eating and other health related habits, as well as their awareness of the composition and calorific value of foods in another anonymous survey.


The aim of the survey about supplementation habits was to

dodaci prehrani pretežno za prevenciju ili terapiju, koji su to najčešće korišteni dodaci prehrani te jesu li uzimani uz preporuku stručne osobe i u odgovarajućoj dozi. Nakon što je utvrđeno ispitivanjem da zdravstveni djelatnici imaju važnu ulogu u savjetovanju o dodacima prehrani, provedeno je istraživanje među liječnicima, ljekarnicima i drugim zdravstvenim djelatnicima s ciljem saznanja kakve su njihove prehrambene navike te jesu li svojim navikama uzor pacijentima.


Ispitivanje o navikama uzimanja dodataka prehrani provedeno je na 466 odraslih ispitanika putem jednokratnog anonimnog upitnika u ljekarnama Tripolski. Ispitivanje o prehrambenim navikama zdravstvenih djelatnika provedeno je također jednokratnim anonimnim upitnikom na 304 osobe zaposlene u zdravstvu, od kojih 96 ispitanika ima visoku stručnu spremu (magistri farmacije, liječnici, magistri medicinske biokemije, doktori stomatologije), 60 ispitanika višu stručnu spremu (prvostupnici raznih područja zdravstva) i 148 ispitanika sred-

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determine whether the supplements are used for prevention or therapy, which supplements are used most commonly and are they taken based on the recommendation of a health professional and in adequate doses. After confirming the major impact of health workers in patient consulting, an other survey was conducted among doctors, pharmacists and other health workers to find out about their nutritional and other habits, to see are they good role models to their patients.


The study about supplementation habits was conducted among 466 adult participants by an anonymous survey in Tripolski pharmacies. The study about nutritional habits of health workers was conducted by an anonimous survey among 304 respondents employed in the health care sector. 96 respondents have an university degree (pharmacists, doctors, masters of medical biochemistry, dentists), 60 respondents have a college degree (bachelors in various areas of health care) and 148 respondents have secondary education (pharmaceutical technicians, nurses and technicians, laboratory tehnicians, physiotherapists).


Most commonly used supplements are magnesium,

nju stručnu spremu (farmaceutski tehničari, medicinske sestre i tehničari, laboratorijski tehničari, fizioterapeuti).


Najčešće korišteni dodaci prehrani su magnezij, multivitamini, vitamini B-kompleksa, kalcij, omega-3 masne kiseline i probiotici. Koriste se za liječenje bolesti (46%), prevenciju (35%) te kompenzaciju kod neadekvatne prehrane i povećanih potreba. 71% ispitanika je dodatak prehrani uzelo na preporuku stručne osobe, a njih 86% se pridržava dobivenih uputa o doziranju. 76% ispitanika uzima samo 1 dodatak prehrani. Dodatke prehrani redovito najčešće uzimaju pretili ispitanici i ispitanici stariji od 70 godina. Što se zdravstvenih djelatnika tiče, imaju dobre navike doručka (59% doručkuje svaki dan) i

multivitamins, B-complex vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics. They are used for treatment (46%), prevention (35%) and compensation of inadequate diet or increase in need. 71% of study participiants selected the supplement based on a recommendation of a health care professional and 86% of study participiants reported use in line with given recommendation. 76% of participiants reported use of only one dietary supplement. Regular supplementation is most frequent among obese respondents and respondents older than 70 years. Health workers have good breakfast eating (59% eat breakfast every day) and fish consuming (78% eat blue or fatty fish at least once or twice a week) habits and read the declarations on food products (23% always and 55% occasionaly), but high percentage of them eat only one meal a day (32%), eat even after they feel full (39%) and do not pay

uzimanja plave ribe (78% jede bar 1-2 obroka plave ribe tjedno) te često čitaju deklaracije na prehrambenim proizvodima (23% uvijek i 55% ponekad), ali u velikom postotku jedu samo jedan obrok dnevno (32%), jedu i nakon što osjete sitost (39%) i ne obraćaju pozornost na kalorijsku vrijednost hrane (52%). Među ispitanim zdravstvenim djelatnicima 35% su pušači. Nisu se pokazale značajne razlike u navikama u odnosu na stručnu spremu, zanimanje, dob, spol ili prebivalište.


attention to calorific value of food (52%). 35% of respondents are smokers. Health workers didn’t show significant differences in habits in relation to education, occupation, age, gender or place of residence.


Populacija istočne Slavonije većinom dodatke prehrani uzima na preporuku stručne osobe i pridržava se dobivenih preporuka doziranja. Stručne osobe koje su zaposlene u zdravstvu u istočnoj Hrvatskoj su većinom svjesne kakve bi zdrave navike trebale biti i dobre su u odabiru namirnica, ali često nemaju dobro raspoređene obroke. Obzirom da su svojim ponašanjem često uzor ostatku populacije, treba poticati navike za očuvanje zdravlja kod zdravstvenih stručnjaka, kako bi iste što bolje prenijeli na ostatak populacije.

The population of eastern Slavonia mostly take dietary supplements based on the recommendation of a health care professional and in line with the recommendation. Health care professionals in eastern Slavonia are aware of healthy habits and are good in selecting the right types of food, but they often do not have well-spaced meals. Given that they often serve as role models to the rest of population, good eating habits should be encouraged among health workers due to implementation of those habits more succesfully in the population.

[1] Dickinson A, MacKay D. Health habits and other characteristics of dietary supplement users: a review. Nutr J 2014; 13:14. [2] Dickinson A, Bonci L, Boyon N, Franco JC. Dietitians use and recommend dietary supplements: report of a survey. Nutr J 2012; 11:14.

[1] Dickinson A, MacKay D. Health habits and other characteristics of dietary supplement users: a review. Nutr J 2014; 13:14. [2] Dickinson A, Bonci L, Boyon N, Franco JC. Dietitians use and recommend dietary supplements: report of a survey. Nutr J 2012; 11:14.

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Maja Osenički, mag. pharm., univ. mag. razvoja lijekova mr. sc. Igor Kalčić, mag. pharm., spec. Sekcija za analitiku lijekova Hrvatskog farmaceutskog društva, Zagreb

U današnje doba kada svi žure, kada se traže instant rješenja i ništa nije vječno, lako je zaboraviti koliko promišljanja i istraživanja ulazi u liječenje bolesti. Lako je previdjeti da razvoj lijeka traje godinama i da nije jednostavna stvar provjeriti kakvoću lijeka, bio on gotovi, registrirani lijek ili magistralni lijek propisan po točno određenoj recepturi za točno određenog pacijenta. Kroz povijest su ljekarnici oduvijek bili okosnica društva – iscjelitelji, izumitelji, kemičari, prehrambeni tehnolozi i uvijek pravi inovatori. Ljekarnici su oduvijek koristili najsuvremenije tehnologije, unaprijeđivali zdravlje i svakodnevicu života svojih pacijenata. No kako danas definirati ljekarnika? Ljekarnik nije kemičar, mada njome suvereno vlada; nije liječnik, mada poznaje fiziologiju i patofiziologiju ljudskog tijela – on je jedini koji ima objedinjeno i detaljno znanje o mehanizmima djelovanja, interakcijama, nuspojavama lijekova koji se danas naizgled propisuju šakom i kapom. On je savjetodavac koji

In a present time of instant solutions and temporary usage, it is easy to forget how much thought and research goes into any therapeutical approach. It is easy to overlook the fact that drug development is measured in years and that drug quality is not easily verified, whether it be a registered drug formulation or a formulation proscribed for a specific patient on an individualised basis. Throughout history pharmacists, apothecaries, have always been a pillar of society – healers, chemists, nutritional inovators and genuine inventors. They have always utilised the most modern technologies at their disposal, improving health and everyday lives of their patients. But how do we define a pharmacist today? A pharmacist is not a chemist, although he is knowledgable in the matter; he is not a doctor, although his has a working knowledge of physiology and patophysiology of the human body – he is the only healthcare professional with an encompasing and detailed knowledge of drug mechanisms, drug interactions, side effects of the drugs

će pacijenta podučiti pravilnom načinu uzimanja terapije, poučit će ga o važnostima liječenja, ali i nadzirati njegovo pridržavanje terapije kako bi se točno ocijenila njena učinkovitost. Stoga ljekarnik je u srži – analitičar! U najširem smislu govorimo o procjeni - procjeni pacijenta (odgovara li mu taj vid terapije, je li psihofizički sposoban razumijeti upute povezane s terapijom i slično), procjeni terapije (provjera doze, provjera mogućih interakcija i sumnja na nuspojave), procjeni informacija koje dobiva. U najužem smislu, govorimo o analitičaru koji procjenjuje pojedine parametre lijeka spram internih ili općeprihvaćenih standarda (primjerice farmakopejskih) koji opisuju zahtjeve sigurnosti, učinkovitosti i neškodljivosti. Napredak tehnologije sa sobom je donio mnoge benefite po pitanju analitičkih procesa u farmaceutskoj industriji. Stoga ne čudi da gotovi lijekovi prolaze kroz složen postupak internih procesnih i završnih kontrola, praćenja

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that seem to be prescribed in excess. He is the advisor who will educate a patient on proper drug administration, explain the relevance of a treatment, but also monitor the patient’s adherence in order to fully evaluate the efficiency of his course of treatment. Therefore, in essence, a pharmacist is - an analyst! In a general sense it could be interpreted as an assesment – an assesment of the patient (is the treatment efficient, is the patient fully informed), an assesment of the prescribed course of treatment (dosage evaluation, possible interactions or side effects) and so on. Literally speaking, a pharmacist is an analyst who deliberates on specific drug parameters and compares them to general standards (pharmacopoeia) or one’s own, in order to determine the drug’s safety and effectiveness. Technological advancement is responsible for many benefits regarding analytical processes in the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore it comes as no surprise that registered drugs go through a very complex and

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Maja Osenički, mag. pharm., univ. mag. razvoja lijekova mr. sc. Igor Kalčić, mag. pharm., spec. Sekcija za analitiku lijekova Hrvatskog farmaceutskog društva, Zagreb

stabilnosti, predkliničkih i kliničkih ispitivanja učinkovitosti. Navedena ispitivanja stalno se iznova preispituju, usavršavaju i nadopunjunju se zahtjevi raznih regulatornih i zdravstvenih tijela kako bi se pacijentu omogućila najviša kvaliteta zdravstvene zaštite u pogledu lijekova koje uzimaju. Analitika u ljekarništvu tehnološki je nešto manje zahtjevna, ali i dalje od neizmjerne važnosti – u ljekarništvu igra ključnu ulogu. Kemijske reakcije i instrumentalne metode kojima se potvrđuje identitet tvari će se koristiti u izradama početni je i osnovni korak prema ljekarničkim izradama lijekova. Mogućnost zamjene i patvorina doveli bi u opasnost pacijentov život, ili u najmanju ruku ne bismo mogli postići učinkovitu terapiju. Odabir posuđa, otapala, redoslijed miješanja i dodavanja sastavnica ovisan je upravo o analitičkim ispitivanjima – topljivost, stabilnost, mješivost...

rigorous procedure involving internal process controls, final controls, stability monitoring, preclinical and clinical trials. Every process is constantly re-evaluated and improved, and regulatory and health organisations are constantly imposing more rigorous demands in order to enable the patient to get the highest possible quality of treatment. Analytical processes in a pharmacy are less technologically demanding, but still of the utmost importance – they play a key role. Methods used in identity verification for substances intended for a drug formulation make up the first and fundamental step in a pharmacist’s drug preparation. Any possibilty of using the wrong substance puts the patient’s life in jeopardy or at least constitutes an ineffective treatment. The apparatus, solutions, mixing order, all depend on analytical testing – solubility, stability, quality.

Premda se čini kao da je industrija preuzela kako izradu, tako i provjeru lijekova, ne smijemo zanemariti galenske i magistralne pripravke. Odluke industrije o dostupnosti lijeka pod utjecajem su tržišta i ekonomskih proračuna, te se povremeno mogu “ugasiti“ određeni lijekovi zbog nedovoljne isplativosti. Izrada galenskih pripravaka upravo u takvim slučajevima može biti od pomoći, a tada je kontrola ključna. Osim početne provjere ljekovitih tvari, ljekarnik provjerava i kakvoću pripravka koji je izradio kako bi osigurao zaštitu pacijenta. Trend prilagođenih terapija je u porastu, a ljekarnikova kontrola i poznavanje analitičkih postupaka tada postaju ključni.

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Although it appears as if the pharmaceutical industry has completely taken over the drug manufacturing as well drug testing, we must not forget galenic preparations. Industry’s decisions on drug availability are under the influence of commercial benefits, and a drug can become unavailable due to inadequate cost-effectiveness. In such cases, individual drug formulations or small batches made within a pharmacy can be of use with proper testing and control. Appart from supstance identification and testing, a pharmacist will check the quality of the batch in order to ensure the patient’s safety. There is an increase in individualised treatments, and

Učinkovitost terapije i analitika lijekova međusobno su isprepleteni. Ukoliko smo analitičkim postupcima ustanovili kako će se ponašati formulacija, možemo uputiti pacijenta na pravilan način čuvanja kako ne bi došlo do gubitka koncentracije djelatne tvari ili nastanka neželjenih raspadnih produkata. Možemo skrenuti pozornost na potencijalne događaje koji bi mogli smanjiti pacijentovo pridržavanje terapije (gorak okus, bojanje kože...) i tako osigurati bolje pridržavanje. Ljekarnik uvijek brine o sigurnosti i ispravnosti svih lijekova koje izdaje pacijentu. Bilo da je nadgledanje temperature prostorija i hladnjaka u kojima se čuvaju lijekovi, bilo da je izrada lijeka ili provjera ispravnosti pakiranja i nekrivotvorenja gotovih lijekova. Tisuće, ponekad nesvjesnih analitičkih postupaka koji se odvijaju u ljekarni imaju samo jedan cilj - osiguranje najprikladnije, najsigurnije, najučinkovitije terapije za poboljšanje kvalitete života pacijenta. A sve sa namjerom da se doda život godinama, a ne godine životu.

a pharmacist’s knowledge of analytical processes is of the utmost importance. Therapy effectiveness and drug testing are interlinked. In cases where it was determined through different analytical processes how a specific drug formulation will act, it is possible to brief the patient on proper storage in order to prevent a decrease in concentration of active substances or unwanted drug degradation. It is also possible to adress situations that may inhibit a patient’s adherence (bitter taste, skin discoloration…) before they emerge. A pharmacist always ensures the safety and integrity of every dispensed drug. Thousands of, on occasion automatic and subconscious actions take place in a pharmacy – from temperature control to drug production and pack verification. All with a single objective – to ensure the most effective, the safest, the most valid therapy in order to improve the quality of a patient’s life. All with the sole purpose of adding life to the years ahead, instead of years in a lifetime. S E C O N D F O R U M O F E X C E L L E N C E I N P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C A R E / 67



Doc. dr. sc. Ivan Pepić, mag. pharm. Sekcija za farmaceutsku tehnologiju Hrvatskog farmaceutskog društva Zavod za farmaceutsku tehnologiju Farmaceutsko-biokemijskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Temeljem kurikuluma i stručnog usavršavanja, ljekarnici posjeduju opsežna znanja o klasičnim i suvremenim farmaceutskim oblicima lijekova duboko razumijevajući utjecaj farmaceutskog oblika i načina primjene lijeka na ishode liječenja. Njihova stručnost omogućuje im savjetovanje pacijenata o pravilnom i sigurnom načinu primjene lijeka. Iako se više od 90% lijekova proizvodi u industrijskom mjerilu, izrada magistralnih i galenskih pripravaka je i dalje bitna komponenta svakodnevne ljekarničke prakse i važna ljekarnička usluga. Ova specifična vještina ljekarnika osigurava mogućnost pružanja širokog raspona usluga s ciljem zadovoljavanja specifičnih potreba pacijenta te je kao takva sastavni dio suvremenog sustava zdravstvene zaštite. Temeljem takve ljekarničke usluge ljekarnik, koristeći znanja i vještine izrade te osiguranja kvalitete, izrađuje oblik lijeka prilagođen pojedinom

Based on the curriculum and professional development, the pharmacists posses the complex knowledge on both conventional and modern dosage forms deeply understanding the influence of dosage form and route of administration on therapeutic outcomes. Their expertise enables them to advise patients on the appropriate and safe modality of medicinal product administration. Although more than 90% of medicinal products are generally produced in large industrial scale, the pharmacy compounding is still a key component of pharmacy practice and a relevant pharmacy service. This pharmacist’s particular skill provides a wide range of possibilities for meeting the actual needs of patients thus being an integral part of the modern health care system. Through this service, the pharmacist, using compounding techniques, produces a pharmaceutical formulation customized for patient’s particular condition. For instance, relatively small 68 / D R U G I F O R U M I Z V R S N O S T I U L J E K A R N I Č K O J S K R B I

pacijentu i njegovom stanju. Primjerice, relativno mali broj lijekova koji su potrebni za pedijatrijske pacijente je komercijalno dostupan u oblicima/dozama prikladnim za primjenu u ovoj populaciji; stoga je njihova izrada u ljekarnama vrlo važna. U budućnosti je moguće očekivati da će izrada magistralnih pripravaka kod kojih je lijek individualno doziran za pojedinog pacijenta, kao i izrada pripravaka bioloških lijekova postati standardna praksa s ciljem udovoljavanja zahtjevima personalizirane terapije 21. stoljeća.

number of medicinal products necessary for pediatric patients is commercially available in dosage forms appropriate for use in this population; thus their production in the pharmacies is very important. In the future, it is reasonable to expect that the magistral production of individually tailored biopharmaceuticals can meet the demands of twenty-first century individualized patient care.



Lopez, F.L., Ernest, T.B., Tuleu, C., Gul, M.O., 2015. Formulation approaches to pediatric oral drug delivery: benefits and limitations of current platforms. Expert Opin Drug Deliv 12, 1727-1740. Minghetti, P., Pantano, D., Gennari, C.G., Casiraghi, A., 2014. Regulatory framework of pharmaceutical compounding and actual developments of legislation in Europe. Health Policy 117, 328-333. Schellekens, H., Aldosari, M., Talsma, H., Mastrobattista, E., 2017. Making individualized drugs a reality. Nat Biotechnol 35, 507-513.

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Lopez, F.L., Ernest, T.B., Tuleu, C., Gul, M.O., 2015. Formulation approaches to pediatric oral drug delivery: benefits and limitations of current platforms. Expert Opin Drug Deliv 12, 1727-1740. Minghetti, P., Pantano, D., Gennari, C.G., Casiraghi, A., 2014. Regulatory framework of pharmaceutical compounding and actual developments of legislation in Europe. Health Policy 117, 328-333. Schellekens, H., Aldosari, M., Talsma, H., Mastrobattista, E., 2017. Making individualized drugs a reality. Nat Biotechnol 35, 507-513.



Doc. dr. sc. Miranda Sertić, mag. pharm., univ. mag. pharm. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet, Zagreb Predsjednica Sekcije farmaceuta juniora Hrvatskog farmaceutskog društva Predsjednica FIP Young Pharmacists Group

Na mladima svijet ostaje. A možda se i gradi. Međunarodna farmaceutska federacija (International Pharmaceutical Federation, FIP) je 2001. godine ustanovila grupu mladih farmaceuta (Young Pharmacists Group, YPG). Iako su mladi farmaceuti već godinama bili vrlo aktivni unutar FIP-a, cilj novoosnovane grupe bio je ohrabriti mlade farmaceute da se aktivno uključe u međunarodnu farmaciju te im pružiti okvir za osmišljavanje i provedbu projekata te uključivanje u rad drugih sekcija FIP-a. Ovim forumom Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo obilježava Svjetski dan ljekarnika koji je FIP utemeljio 2009. godine na Svjetskom kongresu farmacije i farmaceutskih znanosti u Istambulu. Tema ovogodišnjeg Svjetskog dana farmaceuta je Od istraživanja do zdravstvene skrbi – vaš ljekarnik vam je na usluzi (From research to health care: Your pharmacists is at your service). Prema riječima dr. Carmen Peña, predsjednice

Young people inherit the world. Or perhaps they build it. The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) in 2001 established the Young Pharmacists Group (YPG). Even though young pharmacists have been a part of FIP for many years, the aim of YPG was to encourage young pharmacists to get actively involved in international pharmacy and to give them support to work within the different FIP Sections. Croatian Pharmaceutical Society celebrates World Pharmacists Day (WPD) by organizing this Forum of Excellence. WPD was established in 2009 at the FIP World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Istanbul. The theme of this year’s WPD is From research to health care: Your pharmacists is at your service. According to Dr. Carmen Peña, the President of FIP, this theme was chosen to reflect the numerous contributions the pharmacy profession makes to health. From research and development of medicines, to educating future pharmacists

FIP-a, temom ovogodišnjeg dana ljekarnika htjelo se naglasiti koje brojne doprinose farmaceutska struka ima za zdravlje. Od otkrića i razvoja lijekova, do edukacije budućih ljekarnika i farmaceutskih znanstvenika te pružanjem izravne skrbi, sve je stavljeno u službu pacijentima i zajednici. Farmaceuti su temelj brojnih segmenata zdravstvene skrbi, i njihov doprinos nije vidljiv samo u javnim i bolničkim ljekarnama već počinje prepoznavanjem zdravstvenih problema u populaciji, a zatim razvojem novih lijekova, kreiranjem potrebne zdravstvene politike te edukacijom svih dionika kako bi se na te probleme i izazove odgovorilo. Farmacija je u svojoj definiciji interdisciplinarna struka. Edukacija farmaceuta obuhvaća prirodne, društvene i biomedicinske znanosti, s pacijentom u središtu interesa. Mladi farmaceuti nakon završenog fakulteta uglavnom odabiru karijeru u ljekarništvu ili farmaceutskoj znanosti i industriji. Većina naših kolega zapošljava se u javnoj ili bolničkoj ljekarni.

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and pharmaceutical scientists, and providing direct care, all is put in the service of patients and communities. Pharmacists are the core of many different settings of health care, and their contribution is not visible only through their work in community and hospital pharmacies but begins with recognising the health issues of populations and developing medicines, policies and education of all involved in the process in order to answer those problems and challenges. Pharmacy is a multidisciplinary in its very nature. Pharmacy education includes natural, social and biomedical sciences, with the patient at focus. Young pharmacists after finishing their university education mostly choose a career working in a pharmacy or pharmaceutical sciences and/industry. Majority of them do end up working in a community or a hospital pharmacy. However it should not come as a surprise increasing interest among young pharmacists for a career in pharmaceutical sciences. And just as pharmacy educa-

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Doc. dr. sc. Miranda Sertić, mag. pharm., univ. mag. pharm. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet, Zagreb Predsjednica Sekcije farmaceuta juniora Hrvatskog farmaceutskog društva Predsjednica FIP Young Pharmacists Group

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No ne treba čuditi sve veći interes mladih farmaceuta za karijerom u farmaceutskim znanostima. I kao što je edukacija farmaceuta vrlo široka, područje farmaceutskih znanosti pruža bezbroj mogućnosti, s naglaskom na otkriće i razvoj novih lijekova i terapija, osiguravajući pri tome njihovu sigurnost, učinkovitost i kvalitetu. Važno je naglasiti da karijeru u farmaceutskoj znanosti grade i kolege koji nisu po svojoj struci farmaceuti, već primjerice kemičari, tehnolozi i inženjeri. FIP je prepoznao važnost i njihovog uključivanja u svoju zajednicu pa se ove godine osniva nova grupa za mlade farmaceutske znanstvenike, koja će predstavljati pravi multidisciplinarni tim stručnjaka, farmaceuta i drugih profesija. Grupa mladih farmaceuta FIP-a nastoji gledati u budućnost, raditi aktivno na kreiranju novih trendova, postavljanju ciljeva i stvaranju modela za njihovo ostvarivanje. Istovremeno nastoji odgovoriti na potrebe mladih farmaceuta koji s jedne strane ulaze na tržište rada, bi-

tion is very broad, pharmaceutical analysis offers endless possibilities, with an emphasis on discovery and development of new drugs and treatments, while ensuring their safety, efficacy and quality. It is very important to emphasise that a career in pharmaceutical sciences is also pursued by non-pharmacists, e.g. chemists, technologists, engineers. FIP recognised the importance of their involvement and is planning to establish a new for young pharmaceutical scientists that will be a multidisciplinary team of experts, pharmacists and other professions. Young Pharmacists Group of FIP is always looking into the future, working actively on making new trends, formulating goals and creating models for their achievement. At the same time it is trying to answer the needs of young pharmacists who are entering labor market, choosing their career path, developing and learning, acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies. Furthermore

raju smjer svoje karijere, razvijaju se i uče, usvajaju potrebna znanja, vještine i kompetencije. Također ih nastoji uključiti u projekte kojima se s jedne strane vodi računa o potrebama pacijenta i zajednice, a s druge strane postavljaju novi trendovi u farmaciji. Mladi farmaceuti FIP-a u svojim aktivnostima nastoje uključiti što više mladih kolega iz cijeloga svijeta, pa ne iznenađuje podatak da članovi dolaze iz više od 80 zemalja svijeta. Kako bi im se olakšalo uključivanje u internacionalnu farmaciju i aktivnosti FIP-a, za sve koji prvi put sudjeluju na FIP-ovom Svjetskom kongresu organizira se poseban susret (First Timers Meeting) na koji dolaze predstavnici svih sekcija FIP-a, bilo onih orijentiranih na praksu bilo na pojedine aspekte farmaceutskih znanosti. Tijekom sastanka predstavlja se FIP kao organizacija, sve sekcije, svi projekti koje FIP provodi, zašto je poželjno i nužno da se mladi farmaceuti uključe u njegov rad, koje su prednosti individualnog članstva. Na FIP-ovom Svjetskom kongresu farmacije i farmaceutskih znanosti organizira se

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they are being encouraged to get involved into project that focus on the needs of patients and the community, but are also representing new trends in pharmacy. Young Pharmacists Group of FIP is trying to include as many young colleagues from all over the world, hence it should not come as a surprise that the members are coming from more than 80 countries worldwide. In order to make their involvement in the international pharmacy and FIP’s activities as easy and smooth as possible, for all newcomers to the FIP congress a First Timers Meeting (FTM) is organized. At the FTM representative of all different FIP’s Sections are present, both practise and science oriented. During the meeting the FIP as an organization and all its Sections are introduced, FIP projects are presented, why it is both necessary and important for young pharmacists to get involved in its work, and what are the member’s benefits. At the FIP World congress of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences a buddy-Buddy program is also introduced. Its aim is to help all those who are attending, perhaps their

Za mlade farmaceute koji su već postali članovi FIP-a tu je i program mentoriranja (Mentorship program). Cilj programa je mentoriranje mladih farmaceuta i farmaceutskih znanstvenika koji razvijaju svoju karijeru. Mentori su tu da svojim savjetima pomognu mladom farmaceutu i farmaceutskom znanstveniku u donošenju odluka za smjer i razvoj svoje karijere. U predavanju će biti kratko prikazano iskustvo mladog farmaceuta i njegovog mentora koji su sudjelovali u ovom programu. Kako bi se mladim snagama pomoglo da se razvijaju u svo-

In order to further support young pharmacists in their professional development a publication is being created with guidelines on how to write a catchy and an adapted resume, how to prepare and S E C O N D F O R U M O F E X C E L L E N C E I N P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C A R E / 73

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i buddy-Buddy program kojim se dodatno nastoji olakšati dolazak na, mnogima prvi, veliki svjetski kongres. Iskusni član FIP-a tu je da im pomogne da se snađu, ne samo u sudjelovanju na kongresu, već i u internacionalnoj farmaceutskoj areni, da započnu umrežavanje s kolegama s kojima dijele slične interese, razmijene iskustva, uključe se u rad FIP-a i njegove projekte, a sve s ciljem promicanja farmaceutske struke te na dobrobit pacijenata i cjelokupne zajednice.

first ever big world congress. An experienced member of FIP is there to help them, answer their questions, nor only regarding the congress but the whole international pharmacy arena, to facilitate beginning of their networking with colleagues with whom they share mutual interests, to encourage them to exchange experiences, get involved with FIP work and its projects, all the time having in mind the promotion of the pharmacy profession, having the community and patient wellbeing in focus. For young FIP members there is also a Mentorship program. The aim of the mentorship program is to provide mentorship for young pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists who are developing their career. Mentors are intended to provide general advice to the young pharmacist and pharmaceutical scientist about career development. During this talk an experienced from a young pharmacists and his mentor will be briefly shared.


Doc. dr. sc. Miranda Sertić, mag. pharm., univ. mag. pharm. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet, Zagreb Predsjednica Sekcije farmaceuta juniora Hrvatskog farmaceutskog društva Predsjednica FIP Young Pharmacists Group

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joj karijeri u izradi je dokument koji će im dati smjernice kako napisati zanimljiv i pojedinoj prigodi prilagođen životopis, kako se priprema i izrađuje posterska prezentacija, kako kvalitetno pripremiti i uspješno održati predavanje. Izvršni odbor mladih farmaceuta FIP-a prepoznaje važnost razvoja novih lidera u farmaceutskoj struci. Dok ostavljamo drugima na raspravu da li se lideri rađaju ili stvaraju, ranije ove godine je objavljen dokument dostupan isključivo mladim farmaceutima, članovima FIP-a Leading with emotional intelligence. Publikacijom se zapravo opisuje što to znači voditi uz primjenu emocionalne inteligencije, koje su to osobne i socijalne vještine koje su potrebne, kako se one mogu steći i izvježbati. Uspješni lideri se definiraju kroz emocije drugih, emocije onih koji s njima rade i koje oni vode. Uspješni lideri moraju inspirirati, motivirati i na taj način izvući maksimalan

create a poster presentation, and how to give a quality successful talk. Steering Committee of FIP’s Young Pharmacists Group recognizes the importance of creating new leaders in the pharmacy profession. And while leaving it up to others to debate weather leaders are born or created, as FIP members only benefit a publication was published entitled Leading with emotional intelligence. It describes what it means to lead people with emotional intelligence, what personal and social skills are necessary and how to develop them. Successful leaders are defined through other people’s emotions, people they work with and whom they lead. Successful leaders need to inspire, motivate and bring out the maximum potential in others. Emotional intelligence is not the same as the cognitive intelligence. And unlike IQ measurements it does not receive the same attention,

potencijal kod drugih. No emocionalna inteligencija nije isto što i kognitivna. I za razliku od IQ mjerenja ne pridodaje joj se tolika pozornost, niti imamo standardizirane testove pri svakom zapošljavanju kojima mjere našu emocionalnu inteligenciju. Emocionalna inteligencija je definirana kao tip socijalne inteligencije koja se sastoji od nekoliko socijalnih kompetencija, a uključuje brojne komponente, poput samosvijesti, osobnog donošenja odluka, upravljanja osjećajima, prevladavanju stresa, empatiji, komunikaciju, samootkrivanju, i dr. Za smjer kojim zdravstvena skrb ide, i interdisciplinarni tim kojim težimo, emocionalna inteligencija može odigrati ključnu ulogu za ponašanja kolega, učinkovitost i radnu atmosferu. Grupa mladih farmaceuta FIP-a prepoznala je nedostatak učenja vještinama emocionalne inteligencije u većini kurikuluma, pa je za svoje članove pripremila ovu publikaciju kako bi mladim farmaceutima omogućila da

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nor do we have standardized tests at every job interview that measure our emotional intelligence. It is defined as a type of social intelligence consisting of several personal and social competencies, including self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. Considering the path health care is developing in, and the interdisciplinary team we are aiming for, emotional intelligence can play a crucial role for our behaviour, efficiency and work atmosphere. Young Pharmacists Group of FIP recognized the lack of acquiring the skills of emotional intelligence within the majority of pharmacy curriculums, and prepared this document for its members in order to assist young pharmacists learn, adopt, practise and apply their personal emotional intelligence set of skills. Young pharmacists group of FIP has launched a project on m-health. Even though there is no standardized definition,

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Doc. dr. sc. Miranda Sertić, mag. pharm., univ. mag. pharm. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet, Zagreb Predsjednica Sekcije farmaceuta juniora Hrvatskog farmaceutskog društva Predsjednica FIP Young Pharmacists Group

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nauče, usvoje, izvježbaju i primjenjuju svoje vlastite vještine emocionalne inteligencije. Grupa mladih farmaceuta FIP-a počela je raditi na projektu m-health. Iako ne postoji standardizirana definicija, prema Svjetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji (WHO) m-health ili mobile-health je dio e-healtha kojim su putem mobilnih uređaja pruža potpora provođenju zdravstvene usluge i promicanju javnog zdravstva. Svakako da ono predstavlja trend koji nosi veliki potencijal za povećanje dostupnosti zdravstvene skrbi, dostupnosti informacijama, brzom i učinkovitom dijeljenju informacija o pacijentu, poboljšanu dostupnost zdravstvenih usluga i individualiziranu skrb. Kako bi približili ovaj brzorazvijajući trend svim kolegama farmaceutima, Grupa mladih farmaceuta provodi istraživanje sa ciljem prikupljanja informacija o primjeni različitih mobilnih aplikacija u svakodnevnom

according to World Health Organization (WHO) m-health or mobile-health is part of e-health, a medical and public health practise supported by mobile devices. It represents a trend with a great potential for enhancing accessibility to health care, information access, quick and efficient data sharing, individualized patient care etc. In order to bring this fast developing trend closer to all fellow pharmacists, the Young Pharmacists Group is conducting a research in order to gather the data on applying different mobile apps in pharmacists’ daily work, the advantages they offer, and challenges they carry. The future lies ahead, and we have to prepare for it. Therefore FIP is preparing the development of a new strategic plan. Over the next two years the new vision and the mission of FIP will be determined, strategic goals set and ways to achieve them defined. It is

radu farmaceuta, koje prednosti one pružaju, ali isto tako i koje izazove one nose. Budućnost je pred nama, i na njoj se treba raditi. Stoga je FIP ove godine pokrenuo razvoj novog strateškog plana. Kroz iduće dvije godine radit će se na donošenju nove vizije i misije FIP-a, strateških ciljeva i načina kako ih ostvariti. Važno je istaknuti da je i sam FIP prepoznao da je tijekom planiranja budućnosti i smjera kojim će naša međunarodna strukovna organizacija ići važno uključiti i pogled mladih u budućnost farmacije. Stoga je u radnu skupinu za strateški plan pozvan predstavnik Međunarodne federacije studenata farmacije (International Pharmaceutical

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important to emphasize that FIP has recognised the importance of including the young generation and their views on the future of pharmacy during planning of the future and the direction in which our international professional organization is taking. Hence in the working group for strategic planning a representative of the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation and the representative of the FIP’s Young Pharmacist Group were invited. During the 77th World Congress on pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences 2017 ideas and attitudes of all congress participants, including young pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists will be surveyed. During this lecture and overview of young pharmacists’ thoughts

Students’ Federation, IPSF) te predstavnik mladih farmaceuta FIP-a, autorica ovog teksta. Tijekom 77. Svjetskog kongresa farmacije i farmaceutskih znanosti FIP-a 2017 bit će ispitani stavovi i ideje svih sudionika kongresa, pa tako i mladih farmaceuta znanstvenika i praktičara, o novoj strategiji FIP-a. Tijekom predavanja bit će stoga dana analiza pogleda mladih farmaceuta na budućnost farmaceutske struke, njihova vizija FIP-a, ideje kamo naša međunarodna strukovna organizacija treba ići, koje ciljeve treba postaviti i kako ih dostići.

on the future of our pharmacy profession, their vision of FIP, ideas on the direction of our international professional organization, and the strategic goals will be given.

Važnost aktivnog uključivanja mladih farmaceuta u nove ideje i vizije farmaceutske struke, vidljive su i u pozivu FIP-a da upravo mladi farmaceuti daju prijedloge za temu idućeg Svjetskog dana ljekarnika 2018.

The importance of active involvement of young pharmacists in developing new ideas and the vision for the pharmacy profession is shown in FIP’s invitation to young pharmacists to come up with ideas for the next year’s World Pharmacists Day 2018. Let’s see what the future holds for us.



1. FIP YPG annual report 2017 2. www.fip.org 3. FIP Board of Pharmaceutical Practice futur trends report 2017 4. http://www.who.int/en/ 5. FIP YPG Leading with emotional intelligence, YPG professional development skills, 2017 6. WHO mHealth: New horizons for health through mobile, Global Observatory for eHealth series – Volume 3

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1. FIP YPG annual report 2017 2. www.fip.org 3. FIP Board of Pharmaceutical Practice futur trends report 2017 4. http://www.who.int/en/ 5. FIP YPG Leading with emotional intelligence, YPG professional development skills, 2017 6. WHO mHealth: New horizons for health through mobile, Global Observatory for eHealth series – Volume 3



Anita Galić, mag. pharm., univ. mag. admin. sanit. Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo, Zagreb

Svaki dan 46 milijuna Europljana posjećuje ljekarnu u svojoj lokalnoj zajednici (podaci Farmaceutske grupacije Europske unije - PGEU), a pretpostavka je da u hrvatske ljekarne godišnje zakorači više od 60 milijuna pacijenata koji traže savjet ljekarnika ili odgovarajući “lijek” za svoje tegobe ... U današnje vrijeme se često može pročitati ili čuti kako je proizvod “farmaceutske kvalitete” ili kako se može kupiti u “odabranim ili boljim ljekarnama”... Jesmo li se ikada zapitali što farmacija i farmaceut znače u današnjem društvu, koliko pacijenti imaju povjerenje u ljekarnika i ljekarnu, te koliko se epitet “farmaceutskog” smatra dodanom vrijednošću za proizvode namijenjene održavanju zdravlja ili samoliječenju? S druge strane, jesmo li ikada provjeravali vjerodostojnost korištenja naziva “farmaceut”, “farmaceutski” ili “ljekarnički”, jer danas smo nažalost svjed-

Every day, 46 million Europeans visit the pharmacies in their local community (data by Pharmaceutical Group of European Union - PGEU), and approximately 60 million patients in Croatia is seeking professional pharmacists advice or appropriate “remedy” for their problems ... Nowadays, it’s often possible to read or hear about the “pharmaceutical quality” of the product or that the product can be purchased in “selected or better pharmacies” ... Have we ever wondered what pharmacy and pharmacist mean for today’s society and local community? How many trust does patients have in pharmacy and pharmacists and how much does the label “pharmaceutical” brings added value for the products intended for maintaining health or self-medication? On the other hand, have we ever checked the credibility of using the term “pharmacist”, “pharmaceutical” or “pharmacy” because today we are unfortunately witnessing to counterfeiting of pharmaceu-

oci lažnom predstavljanju, iskorištavanju povjerenja u bijele kute, te zlorabi ovih pojmova koji su vrijednosno, bioetično i moralno neprocjenjivi...? Znamo li prepoznati i nagraditi vrijednost, ekspertizu i “ljepotu” farmacije, te koliko cijenimo vlastite institucije i bogato višestoljetno naslijeđe profesije? Sve su ovo pitanja na koja ćemo pokušati zajednički odgovoriti i ukazati na važnost prepoznavanja farmaceutske izvrsnosti unutar vlastite struke, kako bismo pacijentu uz stručni savjet i kvalitetan proizvod ponudili i najbolju promidžbu ljekarništva, sebe kao ljekarnika te farmacije općenito... Otkad je ljudske zajednice i civilizacije, zdravlje je imalo najveću vrijednost, kao i svi oni koji su mogli doprinijeti poboljšanju zdravlja i izlječenju bolesti. Liječnik i ljekarnik uvijek su bili stupovi malih lokalnih zajednica i brinuli se o njihovom zdravlju, a danas u Hrvatskoj biomedicinske studije završavaju najbolji hrvatski maturanti, koji jako

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ticals, false representation as a pharmacists, exploitation of patients trust in “white uniforms”, and the abuse of “pharmacy” label that is valuably, bioethical and morally priceless. ..? Can we recognize and reward the value, expertise, innovation, tradition and “beauty” of pharmacy, and how much do we appreciate our professional pharmaceutical institutions and the rich decades-long heritage of the pharmacy profession? These are all questions that we will try to answer together and underline the importance of recognizing the pharmaceutical excellence within our own profession, so we could offer to patient not only our professional advice and product with recognizable quality, but also demonstrate to them the best promotion, importance and values of pharmacy and pharmacists ... Since the beginning of human communities and civilizations, health has always had the greatest value, as also all of those who could contribute to improving health and curing diseases. Doctor and the pharmacist always represented the pillars of health and wellbeing

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Anita Galić, mag. pharm., univ. mag. admin. sanit. Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo, Zagreb

dobro znaju što značiti težiti “izvrsnom! Za farmaceuta su kvaliteta i izvrsnost “uvjet bez kojeg se ne može”, jer i najmanja pogreška u pripravi ili izdavanju lijekova može značiti prijetnju zdravlju, stoga je neprocjenjiva vrijednost onih koji rade u skladu s kriterijima farmaceutske ekspertize i izvrsnosti! Farmacija, kao jedna od najstarijih biomedicinskih znanosti, značajno doprinosi poboljšanju zdravlja, prevenciji bolesti i unaprjeđenju kvalitete života i sigurnosti naših pacijenata diljem svijeta! Tijekom fakultetskog obrazovanja i cjeloživotne izobrazbe, ljekarnik je specifično educiran da unutar zdravstvenog sustava pruža stručne savjete o mogućnostima odgovornog samoliječenja koji postaje sve veći trend u osnaživanju veće odgovornosti i uloge pacijenta (samoskrb). Ljekarnici sudjeluju u globalnim javnozdravstvenim kampanjama za promicanje zdravlja, pružaju stručne savjete o očuvanju

in small local communities, and today the best high school graduates continue their education on biomedical studies, knowing very well what they “excellence” means! The quality and excellence are for a pharmacists a “condition sine qua non” because even the slightest mistake in the compounding or dispensing of medicines can threaten health therefore the value of those who work in accordance with the criteria of pharmaceutical expertise and excellence is priceless! Pharmacy, as one of the oldest biomedical sciences, significantly contributes to improving health, preventing illness and improving the quality of life and safety of our patients worldwide! During faculty and lifelong learning, the pharmacist has been specifically educated within the health system to provide expert and professional advice on the possibilities of responsible self-care and self-medication, which is becoming a growing trend in empowering patient’s role and responsibility for his health. Pharmacists partici-

zdravlja, pomažu u promjeni loših životnih navika, te su svakako „vratari zdravstvenog sustava“ od iznimne vrijednosti, kada je samoliječenje blažih tegoba prikladno. Pri tome moraju imati apsolutno povjerenje u kakvoću, djelovanje i sigurnost proizvoda koje preporučuju pacijentima, te ukazati pacijentima da je “lijek” postaje “lijekom” tek kada se uz proizvod dobije stručni savjet ljekarnika! U vremenima pred nama, ljekarnička struka treba, u okviru ljekarničke djelatnosti, spremno i argumentirano preuzeti svoju pripadajuću ulogu, no istovremeno treba cijeniti i promicati vrijednost farmacije i farmaceutsku izvrsnost te razviti kritičnost prema svemu što može u bilo kojem obliku narušiti povjerenje u bijelu kutu, stručni savjet i namjere ljekarnika, te razviti stalešku samosvijest i svijest o važnosti prepoznavanja izvrsnosti u farmaceutskoj djelatnosti!

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pate in global public health campaigns to promote healthy lifestyles and change of bad lifestyle habits, and are certainly the “gatekeeper of the healthcare system” with exceptional value to timely help when self-medication of milder health issues is appropriate. In doing so, pharmacists must have absolute confidence in the quality, efficacy and safety of the products they are recommending to patients. Also, they need to point out to patients a fact that the “medicine” is becoming a “medicine” only when the product is combined with a professional pharmacist’s advice and it is given to right patient, at a right time, in a right dose, on a right way. In the times ahead, the pharmacy profession needs to readily and reasonably take over and strengthen its position and role in a healthcare system and community, but at the same time it needs to appreciate and promote the values of pharmaceutical excellence and develop a critical attitude towards anything that can in any way distort the confidence in the “white uniform”, professional advice and

Upravo s ciljem promicanja farmacije na praktičnoj i akademskoj razini, podržavanja izvrsnosti u farmaceutskoj praksi, poticanja inovacija u farmaciji, poboljšanja zdravstvene zaštite u zajednici, zapošljavanja magistara farmacije, pokretanja proaktivnih javnozdravstvenih inicijativa farmaceuta, doprinosa razvoju hrvatskog gospodarstva i sljedivosti svih strogih normi u farmaceutskoj djelatnosti, Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo je pokrenulo projekt „PHARMA HFD - Partner FARMACEUTSKE IZVRSNOSTI HFD-a“. Kroz predavanje će se predstaviti svi kriteriji koje

intentions of the pharmacist to help. We need to develop and empower professional self-awareness and awareness on the importance of recognizing excellence in pharmaceutical care and profession! It is precisely for the purpose of promoting pharmacy at the practical and academic level, supporting excellence in pharmaceutical care and profession, encouraging innovations in pharmacy, improving health care in the community, increasing the employment of pharmacists, initiating proactive public health initiatives by pharmacists, contributing

ljekarnik, vrednujući postulate farmaceutske izvrsnosti, treba prepoznati kao važan doprinos kvaliteti i sigurnosti ljekarničke skrbi te savjetovanja najprikladnijeg pripravka u radu s pacijentima. Konačan ishod sljedivosti ovakvih zahtjevnih kriterija treba biti zdravi pacijent koji se bez dvojbi i s punim povjerenjem prema farmaceutskoj stručnosti, iskustvu i bioetičnosti kontinuirano vraća u svoju ljekarnu tražeći “farmaceutski izvrstan” savjet i proizvod!

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of pharmacist to the development of the Croatian economy and entrepreneurship within healthcare industry, and the traceability of strong regulations in the pharmaceutical industry , The Croatian Pharmaceutical Society (Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo, HFD) launched the project “PHARMA HFD - Partner of Pharmaceutical Excellence”. There are many criteria that the partner of this project, in a respect for postulates of pharmacy profession and pharmaceutical excellence, should follow and meet, as an important contribution to the quality and safety of pharmaceutical care and counseling of the choice of most appropriate medication for the patient. The ultimate outcome of the traceability of such demanding criteria should be a healthy patient who is undoubtedly and trustfully returning to his/ her pharmacist and pharmacy looking for “pharmaceutically excellent” advice and product!

NAKLADNIK / PUBLISHER Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo / Croatian Pharmaceutical Society Masarykova 2, Zagreb, Hrvatska / Croatia www.farmaceut.org | info@farmaceut.org Rujan 2017. / September 2017 ZA NAKLADNIKA / FOR THE PUBLISHER Maja Jakševac Mikša, MA Pharm, PhD Izvršna direktorica Hrvatskog farmaceutskog društva Executive Director, Croatian Pharmaceutical Society PROGRAMSKI ODBOR / PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Sanja Antolović Gavrić, Marina Carević, Margita Držaić, Anita Galić, Ana Galić Skoko, Maja Jakševac Mikša, Milena Jadrijević Mladar Takač, Igor Kalčić, Mateja Klarić, Ingrid Kummer, Arijana Meštrović, Božena Obradović, Maja Osenički, Ivan Pepić, Miranda Sertić, Martina Šepetavc, Mislav Škribulja, Darko Takač.

NAPOMENA IZDAVAČA Uz dužno poštovanje prema svojim partnerima i u nastojanju da se realizira što kvalitetnije izdanje, izdavač i organizator ne prihvaćaju ikakvu odgovornost za točnost, sadržaj i vjerodostojnost objavljenih tekstova autora, te ne snosi materijalne i financijske posljedice za eventualne greške i propuste. Za sadržaj i vjerodostojnost svakog stručnog članka na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku, objavljenim unutar izdanja, odgovorna osoba je isključivo autor teksta. Sva prava na izdavanje i umnožavanje zadržava isključivo Izdavač. Zabranjeno je bilo kakvo narušavanje izdavačkih prava u vidu djelomičnog reproduciranja, pohrane u sustavu za reproduciranje, fotokopiranja ili prenošenja u bilo kojem obliku i na bilo koji način, bez prethodnog pismenog odobrenja Izdavača. Izdavač ne preuzima odgovornost za bilo kakav oblik narušavanja, gubitka ili oštećenja proizašlih iz tvrdnji i navoda unutar izdanja (uključujući tvrdnje vezane uz lijekove i druge pripravke i/ili usluge navedene u radovima). Za obavijesti o indikacijama, mjerama opreza i nuspojavama uvijek upitajte svog liječnika ili ljekarnika.



25. RUJNA 2017. SEPTEMBER 25TH 2017


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