Farmers member survey feb 2015 final (5)

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The Farmers Club Member Survey February 2015

Copyright 2014

Air Marketing

Survey Summary A survey was sent to 3600 Members (all those that the Club holds email addresses for) on 23 January 2015 and was live for 3 weeks. The survey closed on 13 February 2015. The survey addressed the range of Club amenities among other areas. Response Club Age 1232 Members completed the survey, reflecting 34% of Answer Options Profile Percent those who received the survey (representing 23% of Club 4.5% 6.0% 30 or under Membership overall). In 2013 we carried out a similar 4.4% 5.0% exercise and 1318 Members replied which reflected 25% of 31-39 10.6% 12.0% Members at the time. 40-49 In terms of the cohort, it reflects fairly accurate the Club age profile (see table). 79% of respondents were country Members, (87% in 2013). 81% were aged over 50 (78% in 2013).

50-59 60-69 70-79 80 or over









The analysis on the following slides was performed by an independent company, Air Marketing, at the request of the Secretary.

Survey overview Overall, the survey reflects positively on the changes that have made to the Club within the last two years. Members took the opportunity to share their commendations as well as suggestions. Whilst keen to continue with the improvements, they are anxious not to lose the Club’s identity and purpose as it strives to become more financially solvent. The overall feel of responses is that the Club is successful, there are no great issues arising and Members are happy and proud of their Club. The Club scored 4.3 (5 – most likely) when Members were asked if they were likely to recommend membership. This high score is a great endorsement by Members. Dress code remains an area for consideration albeit the majority of members are happy with the current rules. When quizzed further, if there was an option to change rules, business casual was the preferred route i.e. no tie. The pressure on accommodation continues to be the biggest issue although Members do recognise the physical constraints for further development. Improvements to the Restaurant have been well received. A request for an extension in service and opening hours for the Bar and Lounge was highlighted. Copyright 2014

Air Marketing

SWOT Analysis Strengths • • •

Refurb and changes been well received Accommodation is well utilised Club ethos and identity respected

Weaknesses •

Opportunities • • •

Copyright 2014

Continued improvements Additional dining services More informal meeting spaces or relaxation of rules for showing of papers

Physical restriction to increasing accommodation capacity Lack of ability to have informal meetings in public area

Threats • • •

Air Marketing

Ensuring Club appeals to younger audience Competition from other Clubs and hotels Ability to adapt and evolve with changing expectations

Qu 1: How important are the following aspects of the Club for you? Accommodation and location are the most important aspects. Priority rankings for 2013 survey: 87% Accommodation Social 50%, Dining and Location 36%. Warmth and friendliness of club was the main aspect featured in the ‘Other’ category (30 responses).

Answered: 1,213 Skipped: 19

1 is 'not important' and 5 is 'very important’

Qu 2: What is your view on the current dress code during the week? In 2013, 73% felt the current dress code was appropriate. This is a similar reflection to the view in 2015. Answered: 1,209 Skipped: 23

Qu.2 View on dress code by age profile

When the results from Qu.2 are examined by age profile, it is the 40-49 year group that presents the greatest split in opinion, with 43% saying current rules are too formal. Q2: View on current dress code, by age group (%) No age given 80 or over

40-49 31-39 30 or under 0%



10% 20%


Don't know




Too Casual








Too Formal




















Qu.3 Analysis of respondents attitude to different options of dress code Current Dress Code

Possible Variations deemed ‘Appropriate’


Business smart (e.g. suit, collared shirt, tie)

Current Formal jackets and ties in the bar, lounge and restaurant.

Too Casual: 2%

Appropriate: 72%


Too Formal: 25%

Business casual (e.g. jacket, collared shirt, smart trousers, tie optional) Smart casual (e.g. collared top, smart jeans, tie optional)

Qu. 4 & 5. Dress code options Are smart jeans acceptable wear for men and women during the week?

Answered: 1,201 Skipped: 31

Would a relaxation in the dress code be a deterrent to you using the Club more often? In 2013 69% said a relaxation would not be a deterrent.

Answered: 1,208 Skipped: 24

Summary of dress code questions

The findings of the survey demonstrate that overall Members are happy with the current dress code rules and any change to the rules would not deter them from using the Club. For those that would prefer a more casual approach, it is the 40-49 year old age group that most strongly advocate this route. For all groups surveyed, if there was to be any change at all it would be to business casual i.e. no tie. The majority of Members would prefer not to see a relaxation to jeans being allowed to be worn.

Qu 6: How would you rate the current accommodation facilities? Accommodation is well received at the Club and with hardly any variance in response from 2013. In-room facilities was the one area that had improved from 3 to 4.3. Answered: 1,189 Skipped: 43

1 is ’poor' and 5 is ’excellent’

Qu 7: If availability is an issue when trying to book a room, which alternative accommodation options do you usually pursue? For those Members that highlighted their other options for accommodation, 74 mentioned hotels and 65 other clubs. There were no over-riding establishments in either group mentioned.

Answered: 1,129 Skipped: 103

Qu 8: We understand that issues with availability of accommodation can be a problem for some Members. Please tell us how much this affects your use of the Club in general: The impact of capacity issues for accommodation is noted here, with 59% of Members stating that their usage of the Club is compromised by not being able to have accommodation when they need Answered: 1,173 Skipped: 59

Qu 9: What improvements would you make to the accommodation? Only 283 Members responded to this question with 949 skipping it. It suggests either that previous questions have covered their issues or they had no need to be more expressive in their comments.



No issues

178 were happy with all the changes and had no further comment


100 requested TV’s in the rooms. 4 requested no TV’s.


94 requested more availability. Whilst many recognized the physical constraints on space for rooms, they requested perhaps additional reciprocal agreements with other clubs and hotels when occupancy was high.


104 highlighted a wide range of specific requests around amenities within the rooms. Areas of particular note were the quality of bed, mattresses and duvets requested over eiderdowns. Lighting was also an issue for some.

Room spec

69 mentioned issues around the room specification, predominantly requested more double rooms and ensuites. Better sound proofing was highlighted.


16 requested improved Wi-Fi and mobile connectivity in the rooms

Reservation system

56 raised issues with the current booking system, implying some malpractice by Members of block booking and late notice cancellations. Improvements in the system and policies was requested.

Answered: 283 Skipped: 949

Qu 10: When did you last dine at the club? 69% of Members have dined in the Club within the last six months, with 24% having dined within the last month. Answered: 1,156 Skipped: 76

Qu 11: How often do you eat the following meals at the Club?

The majority of Members are dining at the Club a few times a year with the main meal taken being breakfast (correlates with accommodation usage) followed by evening drinks. Answered: 1,156 Skipped: 76

Qu 12: When dining at the Club, where do you normally take your meals? Whilst the majority of dinners are taken in the restaurant, the lounge and bar are used highly for lunch and also afternoon tea.

Answered: 1,165 Skipped: 67

Qu 13: How would you rate the current food offering in the RESTAURANT? The Restaurant scores highly in all categories with service being the highest. Answered: 1,139 Skipped: 93

1 is ’poor' and 5 is ’excellent’

Qu 14: How would you rate the current food offering in the LOUNGE AND BAR? Whilst strong scores, the Lounge and Bar did not score as high as the Restaurant. Answered: 1,118 Skipped: 114

1 is ’poor' and 5 is ’excellent’

Qu 16: How would you rate the facilities in the public areas?

Answered: 1,160 Skipped: 72

1 is ’poor' and 5 is ’ excellent’

Q17: Please tell us your preferred priorities for improvements to the meeting and function facilities: The request for more smaller meeting rooms is the most desired improvement and corroborates with the desire for more informal meeting spaces in public areas. Answered: 734 Skipped: 498

Rank your preferences

Q19: We are launching afternoon teas on Saturdays from 7th March. If the Club extended its weekend services further, please tell us how frequently you would use the following: The greatest desire for weekend services after accommodation revolves around more informal dining services and the bar area. Answered: 1,131 Skipped: 101

Qu. 18 What other improvements would you make to the public and function areas? Answered: 273 Skipped: 959 Topic


No comment

101 people had nothing to add but all stated that they were happy with progress so far. 15 requested that the refurbishment continued.

Business meetings

11 requested improved ability to have informal complimentary meetings, use of iPads and showing of papers in public. Poor Wi-Fi was highlighted as well as the business suite being in need of modernization and refurbishment. The whole area can get very congested.


21 highlighted a need to update some furniture which is tired and uncomfortable.


14 mentioned that the Reception area needs updating and reconfiguring due to congestion. Also the luggage area needs to be bigger.


14 highlighted that the cloakrooms, especially the men's suffer from poor ventilation and in need of refurbishing.

Q20: How frequently do you think you would use the Club accommodation on a SUNDAY EVENING if we offered the following services?

Answered: 1,127 Skipped: 105

Q21: If the Club extended some services to include some BANK HOLIDAYS AND EASTER, please tell us how frequently you would use the following: Members stated that accommodation and the bar would see the greatest uptake in usage if the Club extended its services over Bank Holidays and Easter. Answered: 1,123 Skipped: 109

Q22: Accommodation is available throughout AUGUST, when we also offer a bistro menu and bar service. Could we offer anything else to attract you to use the accommodation in August?

It would appear most Members would not increase their use of the Club during August. 36 Members wanted the club to feel ‘truly open’ with better opening hours for the bar and restaurant. 11 Members mentioned that they would seek deals and discounts to encourage August use. This particularly related to the 9 people that mentioned making the club more family friendly during this time, through facilities and pricing. Answered: 1,113 Skipped: 119

Qu. 23: Please tell us what other facilities or services, if any, you would be interested in the Club endeavoring to provide: The high number of members who skipped this question again are likely to have felt their Answered: 283 views have already been reflected or had no further comment. Skipped: 949



No comment

84 said they were very happy with all the work the Club has undertaken and had no further comment.


80 mentioned a variety of additional services. These included a library, TV rooms, better Wi-Fi, use of laptops and better catering.


27 mentioned more events. They want more Club events both inside the Club and outside (London and also regionally).


18 mentioned improved ability to get rooms which includes the booking system as well as availability.


16 mentioned improved bar facilities. This included opening hours but also products and service.

Recip Clubs

15 mentioned improved reciprocal club arrangements not just to benefit accommodation capacity issues but as a benefit within UK and globally.


10 mentioned club parking or improved taxi access.

Meeting space

9 mentioned improving ability to undertake business. It includes more rooms for meeting and also improved ability for informal meetings within Club

Members Survey 2015: Conclusion Farmers Club Members have reacted positively and with warmth to this survey. Their high level of engagement is encouraging and demonstrates support and commitment to the Club. The biggest issue highlighted within the survey is how to increase capacity of accommodation as this is one of the biggest drivers for Membership and usage of the Club. Members want more informal meeting spaces. The ability to such meetings within the Club is restricted due to current limitations on space as well as rules for showing of papers (which included electronic devices as more members use tablets). Dress code rules, despite the perception they cause a significant issue to Members, have actually been shown to be less of an issue than expected with 72% of Members stating they are happy with current rules. If there was to be a relaxation in rules, the over-riding request would be to lose the requirement to wear ties.

Appendix 1 Qu.3 Analysis of respondents attitude to different options of dress In Qu. 2, 72% of respondents felt the current dress code for men was appropriate. When this cohort were asked Qu.3, their preference was for business casual, followed closely by business smart. Answer Options

Too formal


Too casual

Don't know





Business casual (e.g. jacket, collared shirt, smart trousers, tie optional)





Smart casual (e.g. collared top, smart jeans, tie optional)





Business smart (e.g. suit, collared shirt, tie)

In Qu. 2, 25% felt the current dress code was too formal. When this cohort were asked Qu.3, their preference was for business casual, followed by smart casual. Answer Options

Too formal


Too casual

Don't know

Business smart (e.g. suit, collared shirt, tie)





Business casual (e.g. jacket, collared shirt, smart trousers, tie optional)





Smart casual (e.g. collared top, smart jeans, tie optional)





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