1 minute read
Wide weed spectrum poses challenge to wheat this spring
Coming into spring, the overall picture is positive with well-established crops and very few elds swamped by weeds. But weed control remains a priority to keep seed return down and yields up.
“There have generally been good results from residuals. Seedbeds were in good condition and timing was correct because the autumn weather was much better weather was much better than the previous than the previous two years,” says two years,” says David Felce (pictured), Agrii regional technical adviser and farmer at Midloe farmer at Midloe Grange.
Mr Felce points Mr Felce points out that very few crops are weedfree, but he hasn’t seen many dense patches and thin crops like previous seasons. “I think some of the worstlooking elds were ones drilled early, before the big ush of black-grass had been controlled,” he comments.
Looking ahead to spring, wild oats, brome and bur chervil are all weeds that may need further control. “Wild oats and tame oats as volunteers are becoming more problematic; fops, dens and dims still generally do a good job, but attention to detail on product and application is important,” he says.
“Bur chervil is a creeping problem
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The KellyTillage System is the ultimate tool for weed control. Using powerful Kelly Disc Chains, the Kelly uproots existing weeds!Whilst shallow soil disturbance brings weed seeds to the surface and encourages early germination.