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Forage and energy maize markets set to welcome promising new maize variety
more favourable sites RGT Bluefoxx will give you outstanding yields at a very competitive price point. It produces a big cob with lots of starch and a decent amount of ME, which is exactly what most dairy farmers want.
“In the AD sector, there is an increasing trend towards higher yielding FAO 180-190 material, which Bluefoxx ts perfectly. Chasing big yields can mean harvesting a crop that’s not fully mature. That’s no good for anyone – you cannot produce methane from water, so you need maturity to produce good starch and energy yields.”

New maize variety RGT Bluefoxx looks set to be an excellent t for both the AD and forage sectors thanks to its strong agronomic package, timely maturity and high yields.
That’s the opinion of Nigel Walley, seed manager at Agrovista, who has added the variety to the company portfolio this season.
“I’ve been looking at RGT Bluefoxx closely for three years and I’m very con dent with it,” he says. “The variety has good early vigour and produces a really nice, strong looking plant, which has good disease resistance, is relatively stay-green and consistently produces very well- nished cobs. It is everything we want in a mainstream forage and early AD variety. In the forage sector on
ever-increasing quest for cell wall digestibility can be at the expense of lignin levels. There is a very fine line between digestibility and stem integrity – the variety may look untouchable on paper but if it suffers serious lodging issues any benefits associated with increased cell wall digestibility have been totally lost.
RGT Bluefoxx is the rst maize variety from RAGT Seeds that Agrovista has included in its portfolio; a move that adds valuable genetic diversity to the company’s maize o er, says Mr Walley.
“All breeders have good varieties but they also have their weaknesses. Some are having serious issues with fusarium which can lead to lodging issues, particularly from early infections that can cause significant stem degradation.

“Other breeders are chasing the ultimate feed value, but this