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New grant funding makes precision application tech more a ordable

A new round of grant funding has made precision farming technologies such as auto-steering systems, GPS guidance light bars, variable rate application controllers, slurry ow monitors and slurry analysis sensors more a ordable in England.

The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) published details of the latest round of Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) grants on 9th February 2023. The new scheme o ers grant funding for speci c items of equipment and technology for farming and is divided into two main categories: Productivity and slurry items (Annex 3), and animal health and welfare items (Annex 4).
A selection of Topcon Agriculture’s precision farming products are eligible within Annex 3 of the new round of funding, including: Topcon SI-21 Lightbar steering guidance system (£306 grant contribution); Topcon AES-35 Electric Steering system for older, non-steer-ready tractors (£1,051 funding); Topcon Apollo CM-40 variable rate sprayer ECU, Topcon ASC-10 variable-rate fertiliser application controller, Topcon Artemis variable rate seed drill controller and Topcon Athene SM-1 spreading controller (£1,850 funding).
Topcon Agriculture’s range of slurry ow rate monitors (£2,134 funding) and inline slurry nutrient analyser (£10,803 funding) are also eligible under the new scheme.

“With input prices remaining elevated – albeit it at a slightly reduced level compared to last year’s highs – there remains a signi cant need for arable and livestock farmers to maximise the production e ciencies of their respective systems,” explains Richard Reed, managing director of LH Agro, Topcon’s preferred distributor and installer in the UK.
“One way to improve e ciencies and achieve meaningful cost savings is to apply inputs as accurately and time-e ciently as possible, either by using variable rate applications, or simply by ensuring tractors, sprayers and implements are being steered and operated accurately.

“The nancial assistance available through this new round of FEFT funding makes these technologies much more accessible to a wider proportion of the country’s farm businesses and enables farmers and farm managers to ensure costly inputs are applied at the right rate, the right time and in the right place.
“We’re therefore pleased to see that the government continues to recognise the value and bene t these technologies can deliver, and we look forward to working with farmers to enable them to take advantage of this latest round of funding.”

For more information about the Topcon equipment mentioned, please visit www.lh-agro.co.uk or call LH Agro directly. FG

Getting ready for the big push at harvest
Following on from another successful grain pusher season last year, Ceres Machinery says it is anticipating even greater numbers this year. But time is running out – to avoid disappointment, the company advises placing your order for the Barn-Stormer Grain Pusher now, to be sure you get yours in time for harvest 2023.
The Ceres Barn-Stormer Grain Pusher offers you an efficient and reliable method for controlling your cereal storage, the manufacturer says. The 2.5m wide blade is shaped to propel your materials effortlessly; its smooth design without grain traps provides clean operation to avoid the risk of cross-contamination, both inside and outside your buildings. The blade is fitted with a long-lasting, hard-wearing rubbernylon replaceable wear strip which glides efficiently over wooden, vented and polished or tamped concrete floors with ease.

The large, centrally-mounted tube is not only light and robust, it also increases visibility and manoeuvrability round doorways, ducts, vents and beams. Sufficiently braced from the blade and the headstock, this gives the BarnStormer the best strength-to-weight ratio in its class, Ceres continues.

The Barn-Stormer has a variety of applications beyond cereals; for example, it has been used to move coal, wood chips, biomass, animal feeds, salt, silage, animal waste and even aggregates.
The Barn-Stormer is available in a large variety of lengths, from 3.5m up to 16m. It ’s built to order to suit your telehandler or loading shovel, whatever bracket configuration you may have. All models of the Barn-Stormer are also available as an expandable version (the X range), which allows the length of the implement to be extended by the addition of extra sections of tube, thus increasing the versatility and longevity.
The Ceres team can advise on the optimum length of grain pusher for you, to increase the speed and efficiency of this task, so that with practice, large trailer loads can be elevated in two or three pushes, with less shunting backwards and forwards, and booming in and out, saving time during the busiest season.
This also increases the lifespan and fuel economy of your telehandler/loading shovel, and preserves the grain store floor, reduces tyre wear and increases traction through better weight distribution of your machine, Ceres concludes. FG

Dealer expands territory into Su olk
G&J Peck Limited has been announced as JCB’s agricultural dealer for Suffolk. The company has been a JCB agricultural dealer for over 37 years, selling the full range of JCB agricultural machines across Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire and Norfolk. The dealer has now secured premises in Framlingham and is currently awaiting planning consent for change of use from an automotive dealership to an agricultural dealership.
G&J Peck Ltd director and JCB brand manager, Jon Wareing is delighted by the response from new and existing customers in the area. “Although we haven’t been able to move into the new depot yet, we are already providing a full sales and support service for customers. Our sales team members are working from a temporary office close to where the new depot will be located and are fully equipped to deal with product enquiries and provide demonstrations. We have already taken many orders for Fastracs, Loadalls and a wheeled loader, and our sales team has enjoyed a busy start to the year. The news that we have expanded our trading area has been very well received.

“We have a service manager and service team also based locally, and they have been busy looking after machines sold by us as well as others supplied previously by other dealers. It's been clear that customers are keen to take advantage of the first class support that a dealer of our size can provide.”
Jon expects the new Pecks depot, which will house the sales, parts and service teams, to open shortly. FG
Cost e ective tyres that last

Ascenso has become a popular choice since arriving in the UK agricultural scene in early 2021, o ering cost-e ective, high-performance tyres, the manufacturer says.

The farm radial tyres all come with 65k speed ratings and the latest mud breaker technology which ensures better selfcleaning properties and maximum traction for optimal performance in and out of the eld.
The tyre range includes well over 400 sizes for various purposes, including key agricultural fitments such as the 560/60R22.5 floatation tyre, 460/70R24 loader tyre and many more. Ascenso also offers a seven-year warranty on farm radial tyres and five years on bias.
The brand has Original Equipment (OE) status on manufacturers’ products, including Fliegl, Househam Sprayers and Larrington Trailers, with more manufacturers currently testing the tyres.

Tom Bush, director at BA Bush & Son Ltd said: “We have seen a great response to the products, and with the arrival of Ascenso’s range of VF technology in the coming months, we feel the brand will soon cater for all aspects of the agricultural tyre market, making it the go-to brand for farm owners and contractors.”

Ascenso is looking to introduce an additional 300 new sizes in 2023, taking the full product range to nearly 800.

BA Bush is in talks with many OE manufacturers to test the VF line up, Mr Bush concluded.
Ask your local tyre dealer about Ascenso tyres, or visit: www.ascensotyresuk.co.uk FG