1 minute read
A natural alternative to spring fertilisers

EASy BioN is a consortium of eight di erent natural soil-borne bacterium; bacteria that cycle ‘locked in’ phosphates and potassium within the soil, converting it to plant available macro and micro-nutrients.

Arti cial fertilisers have been in use in the last 80–100 years and have greatly increased production – but at a nancial and environmental cost, resulting in higher input and maintenance expenses for farming equipment and the land. These higher input costs do not necessarily re ect on the farmer’s monetary returns.

Dave Edwards, fth generation farmer and senior director of Edwards Agricultural Supplies, advocates for land management methods that re ect the principles our great grandparents and their ancestors used to treat the land, whilst incorporating modern sustainable natural inputs.

The relationship between soil, microbiome and plant is paramount when creating healthier soils. All life requires a food source, yet many overlook the needs of the microbiome when determining their soil management plan. Bacteria populate the root zone, enabling the conversion of non-soluble minerals into plant available forms, absorbing nitrogen from the atmosphere for storage in root nodules for the plant to use as and when it needs it. They assist with the transportation of nutrients and water to the plant, whilst feeding o the plant exudes. This symbiosis is fundamental to healthy natural crop management.
To assist in replenishing lost soil bacteria, Edwards Agricultural Supplies has worked with Biolevel, the UK’s foremost agricultural microbial product specialist, to develop EASy BioN. This is a consortium of eight di erent natural soil-borne bacterium; bacteria that cycle ‘locked in’ phosphates and potassium within the soil, converting it to plant available macro and micro-nutrients. BioN also contains nitrogen xing bacteria that absorbs atmospheric nitrogen and transports it for storage in nodules on the roots, giving the plant access to nitrogen as and when it’s needed. The atmosphere contains 78% free nitrogen. By using nitrogen xing bacteria your plant can harness up to nine months of nitrogen.
Working in synergy with EASy BioN, Edwards Agricultural Supplies has developed a proprietary blend of seaweed and humate to feed both plant and bacteria. Seaweed extract has long been known to encourage root growth, however, its mode of action is highly intricate; it has a complex biochemical composition, feeding your plant more than just chemical units. Humic substances are decomposed plant and microbial material. They are large complex molecules purported to stimulate plant root growth and development, having an almost hormone-like activity. Humic substances have an alkaline pH, which provides favourable conditions for biological activity and chemical reactions, improving the physical structure of the soil by ‘opening up’, adding oxygen and enabling the soil bacteria to further multiply and provide the plant with more nutrients.
To nd out more visit www.soiladvisory.co.uk or contact the company directly. FG