1 minute read


And Make The Most Of The Rumen Buffer That Gets The Job Done

Maximise milk yield without the risk of SARA with OmyaFeed C MgO, a palatable rumen buffer made from nely ground natural minerals. It can be used as a preventative or curative solution for SARA in high-yielding dairy cows fed a high starch, low bre diet.

Just 130g of OmyaFeed C MgO per cow per day is required for effective rumen health, compared with more than double the amount of sodium bicarbonate/calcium carbonate mix. This saves money and creates space in the ration for further feed materials. OmyaFeed C MgO is very cost effective at just 7p/cow/day.

To nd out how you can milk the advantages of OmyaFeed C MgO, contact:

David Bonsall on 07773 180664 or email david.bonsall@omya.com.

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