1 minute read
The impact of heat stress on fertility
Fertility is one of the major factors a ecting the e ciency of any dairy herd and good fertility allows for a nancial and sustainable herd. Heat stress interferes with several reproductive processes causing a noticeable depression of conception, Galebreaker writes.
The impaired reproduction is caused by an increase in body temperature when cows are exposed to heat stress conditions. Heat stress occurs when the cow is generating more heat than it can lose through its environment. Improvements to dairy production are resulting in higher yielding cows, which produce higher levels of metabolic heat. While high yielding cows create a more e cient and sustainable business, it also means that cows can experience heat stress at lower external temperature and humidity levels.
What are the e ects of heat stress on fertility? Heat stress can impair the function of hormones, resulting in larger follicles and delayed ovulation. To cover the science brie y,