1 minute read
Microwave systems can be as accurate but have a signi cant limitation in that they must be calibrated to crop type and density. I ask the question, therefore: When the operator is in the eld, what do you calibrate against to know you have accurate data?

Zero calibration
The twin star wheel system requires zero calibration and is accurate in all
Precision Moisture, Wet Bale Management and Applicator Systems for all balers
• World leading accuracy on moisture sensors with a +/ 1% accuracy

• The twin star wheel system has been copied but still only provides 3% accuracy so buying from PFC provides confidence in the knowledge you have the best product and support.
• Adding to the moisture sensor is the wet bale marking system. the operator sets the moisture limit and any flake on a square bale or the average bale moisture for rounds will be highlighted for separation during the stacking process preventing possible bale spoilage via moisture migration in the stack.

• Application equipment can be in the form of a digital manual system or the fully automatic system depending on your requirements. Front linkage to baler mounted with a large stock of baler specific installation options.
• Adding in the strongest hay preservative per litre on the market allows for addition baler productivity for your hay baling enterprise or straw when the weather is catching up with the combine.