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• Available in 12ft, 14ft and 16ft wide variants
• 12ft with Industrial and Q-fit pick up
• Industrial pick up for 14ft and 16ft wide models
• Hydraulically operated side extensions
• Exceptional visibility through the fork
• Integrated hose storage to protect couplings and hoses
• Heavy duty 65mm pivot pins and bushes to ensure durability
• Smooth tine wear faces to prevent material build-up
Specialist in small bale machinery
Bale Baron o ers a range of products to suit your baling needs, including:

• Marcrest Bale Baron: A small bale packer designed to make small bales easy to handle. It packs 21 bales into a tight pack, quickly picked up and moved like you’d move a big bale. It takes just one man and a machine to load and stack bales in Bale Baron packs. The tight packs can be quickly loaded onto lorries for delivery. The Bale Baron can make 21 and 18 bale packs and a nine-bale pack for wrapping as haylage. Bale Barons can be run directly behind a baler or as a separate pickup model, with a capacity of up to 1,200+ bales an hour, depending on the model and tractor’s oil ow, increasing your productivity and the value of your forage. Bale Baron UK has new and used Bale Barons in stock
• Inagra Vewi: Small bale wrapper designed to wrap 110 bales an hour. It requires no manual labour and incorporates a threebale accumulator. Bale Baron has new Inagra Vewis available for the upcoming season
• McHale: Front and rear mowers, rakes and tedders in stock PDI’d and serviced by McHale trained technicians
• Düvelsdorf: German-engineered harrows, rollers and overseeders, both new and used in stock
• FJDynamics: A ordable, retro t autosteer with RTK (2.5cm) accuracy. Easy to use with plenty of useful features.
The company also carries a full complement of spares and has comprehensive workshop facilities. FG