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Balers & Bale Handling
Discount o ered on full range of balers
All new machines, including the FB, VB, FBP, VBP, SB and i-BIO models will be available with £500 o the net price. Three new Kuhn Baler Centres were added in 2023 including Rea Valley Tractors, R S M Beares and Malpas Tractors, bringing the total to 14 including:

• Guy Machinery, Lancashire
• Johnston Tractors, Rosehill Industrial Estate, Cumbria
Kuhn Farm Machinery is o ering a £500 discount on the full range of Kuhn balers. The o er will be available from a network of dealers throughout the UK including nine specialist baler centres.
Kuhn Baler Centres were set up in 2020 to provide sales and servicing coverage across Great Britain, with dealership sta receiving enhanced training and businesses constantly stocked to supply essential parts.
The o er is valid from now until 31st July 2023, as part of the continued ‘Go Further With Your Forage’ initiative, and will include all xed, variable, round and square balers.

Kuhn Baler Centres o er dedicated demonstration events and comprehensive online support through the MyKuhn customer portal.
• Johnston Tractors, Myers Lane, Penrith, Cumbria
• Johnston Tractors, Dumfries and Galloway
• Hardwick Agricultural Engineering, North Yorkshire
• Robert Davies Machinery, Shropshire
• Collings Brothers of Abbotsley, Cambridgeshire
• Rea Valley Tractors, Ashbourne
• Malpas Tractors Lathom, Lathom
• Malpas Tractors Holmes Chapel, Cheshire
• Oliver Landpower Stratford, Warwickshire
• Oliver Landpower Colchester, Essex
• RSM Beares Stoke Cannon, Devon
• RSM Beares Coads Green, Cornwall. FG
“Productive and safe” bale handling solutions
Whatever your bale handling requirements, Albutt Ltd says it has the solution. With over 60 years’ experience in the manufacturimg of attachments, the company claims to have developed a range of “market-leading” bale handlers – from the single round bale F100 spike right up to the mighty F650HX Bale King.
and F410 are available for round bale requirements.
For unwrapped bales, Albutt o ers a range of bale spikes, at grabs and upright grabs with each range having options for multiples of bales. At the top of this range is the F650HX Bale King. Capable of securely grabbing and carrying four 120x90 bales, the company says this is the tool for loading large numbers of bales safely and e ciently.
Customer feedback influences development
Tanco manufactures a comprehensive range of bale wrappers at its factory in Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow, Ireland factory, and distributes to over 40 countries worldwide.
the arms working individually
For wrapped bales, Albutt reckons it o ers a solution for every bale to be picked up however you wish. In the square bale range, the F450 and F470 Contractor pick up bales from the ends, selecting the area of the bale with the most wrap, giving the capacity to carry two bales at a time and with the arms working individually so the bales aren’t dragged, which would damage the wrap.
For productive and safe bale handling solutions, speak to the team at Albutt directly. FG

Its range of wrappers consists of both conventional turntable and satellite type machines. Tanco says its products continue to set new benchmarks in the industry, commenting that it is commitment and obsession with innovation that drives the business towards the next great idea.
Tanco says customer and operator feedback was a strong driver in the development of the Q-Series. This led to signi cant changes being introduced, such as longer bale rollers, proportional oil ow, indexed bale rotation, gear driven satellites and adjustable width of the bale rollers. Load sensing is also available on the Q-Series.
2.45m. The F352 picks up the the bales to be placed tight
The F450 opens up to 2.05m and the F470 opens to 2.45m. The F352 picks up the bale over the top, allowing the bales to be placed tight up against each other and the oating arm design allows the bales to be pushed in tight. The F301

A strong relationship with customers has been built based on trust and reliability, with shared values and priorities.
In 2020, Tanco introduced the Q-Series square and round bale wrapper which replaces the 1540EH; and just like the 1540-EH, the Q-Series can be either used on tractor front or rear linkage, or on a telehandler/loading shovel.

The company explains that feedback from Q-Series owners and operators after the 2020 season was very positive, as these signi cant changes have given them higher output, more versatility, value for money and better operator comfort. In the development stages, customer feedback was as much an in uence in the development of many of the new unique features on the current range of Tanco bale wrappers as it was on features to retain within the machines. FG