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highly versatile stubble cultivator
The Güttler Supermaxx claims to be the most versatile stubble cultivator available on the market. Its modular, ‘customisable’ design allows con guration of this machine to suit any operator, any condition, and any application.
Simple, reliable, and e cient machinery has never been more important. Protecting and maintaining the soil structure, tackling blackgrass and weed control, and battling increased fuel and labour costs are only some of the challenges of modern agriculture. With a simple, straightforward concept, the Güttler Supermaxx could be exactly what you need, reckons UK importer Wox Agri Services.
Standard tine arrangement across the board
Standard to the whole range of Güttler Supermaxx models is the tine arrangement. The 45 x 12 x 660mm sprung tines are all tted with reinforced helpers. They are tough and durable but, most importantly, allow a high frequency vibration which produces an even tilth, will bring loosened weeds to the surface and incorporate stubble, chopped straw and any other crop residue. Tines can be set to work in very shallow conditions and increase incrementally by 1cm with a simple pin arrangement. Tine depth is maintained with front mounted gauge wheels if there is no rear roller, or by a rear mounted Güttler Roll x Roller.

Whilst the tine spacing between the tines is set to an optimum 12.5cm, the tines of the Supermaxx machine are set over ve or seven rows and it is this spacing between the rows that spaces the tines to allow trash and stubble to pass seamlessly through, explains Wox.
Optional features set machine apart
Rollers: The Güttler lightweight synthetic ultra roller for soil consolidation is well known throughout the market. The unique hard wearing but lightweight option of the synthetic ultra Güttler roller
Options for a complete range of widths, mounted or trailed versions: can be tted to all of the ve-row versions of the Supermaxx machine. Depth control of the tines will be controlled by the roller – if no roller is tted the depth of tines is accurately controlled by gauge wheels and the rear levelling tines.

Levelling options: Levelling boards and additional harrows. Whilst standard machines are supplied with a single levelling harrow of 12mm sprung tines mounted behind the tines, options are available to t an additional harrow or parallel levelling board behind the tines in any con guration to suit. This may be directly behind the existing harrow giving a ‘double row’ e ect, between the tines and roller or directly behind the roller.
Hydraulic ripper boards and paddles: Hydraulically operated paddle boards are tted in front of the tines on the trailed 9m, 10m and 12m versions of the Supermaxx as standard. These can be modi ed and tted with 12mm ripper board plates if desired, and hydraulically operated ripper boards can be tted to mounted machines.
Tine options: A wide range of tine points are available for the tines:
• 8mm thick reversible points are tted as standard
• Hard wearing, reinforced tungsten tipped points –approximately 5–6 times the longevity of standard points
• 200mm wide stubble point with double bolt attachment
• New hard wearing GF200 forged stubble point with double bolt attachment now available.
Patented lock washer: Patented Wox ‘lockwashers’ are available for the tment of tungsten tipped points to ensure secure tment of the point to prevent loss during cultivation operations as tine vibrations can easily loosen standard bolt and washer tments.
Seeder options: Fitment of seeders. Convert this machine to a tine seed machine by tting a Güttler hydraulic seeder unit. The 410-litre seeder as supplied on the Greenmaster system is ideally suited to the Supermaxx system, Wox says. Simple tment of seeder and access platform will result in a system perfect for establishing cereal and cover crops, the company adds.
New patented direct seed coulter boots are now available to deliver seed directly into the tine slot.
Compatibility with Güttler range
The Güttler range of consolidation rollers are a perfect complement to the Supermaxx range, according to Wox. In particular the trailed Master and Magnum range tted with 45/50cm cast iron rings in unique ground contouring frames giving complete soil coverage, leaving an ideal loose crumbly nish with rm consolidation beneath. FG
Compact disc harrow finds favour in UK for straw incorporation

The Lemken Rubin 10 has been well received by UK customers for primary cultivation work, especially where intensive straw incorporation has been required on a range of soil types.

The discs are arranged to produce symmetrical forces on both implement sides. The three central discs on the Rubin 10 have been o set along the longitudinal axis to ensure that they are able to work collision-free across the full width at a line distance of 12.5cm.