8 minute read
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FRIDAY 21st APRIL 2023

ON FARM DISPERSAL OF MODERN ARABLE & GRASSLAND MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT Due to Restructuring of Farming Business On behalf of AB & MJ Motley
Blenheim House Farm, Covenham St Mary
Wednesday 12th April 2023 10am
Viewing Tuesday 11th April 2023 10am - 3pm
Tractors and Machines: New Holland T7.185 Range Command (12), McCormick X70.50 (13), Zetor Forterra HSX140 (67) Massey Ferguson Beta 7370 24ft
Combine (14), Bobcat 43.8HF Teleporter (68). Equipment: Knight 24m trailer sprayer (13), Vaderstad Carrier 5m, Vaderstad Rapid A400s drill, Malone Procut 800 Mower, Rolland-20-29 15t grain trailer, Dowdeswell 4+1 Plough, Opico VF920HD rolls, Farm force 4m front press, Agri sweep pallet tine brush, Claas 375 RC Rollant Baler, Strimech 8ft grain bucket, Ifor Williams 12ft livestock trailer, Rozmital Haybob, Murska 350S2 roller mill, Carre Prairial grass rejuvenator, Malone 6ft topper, Quantity of other arable and grass equipment.
Quantity of livestock equipment.
Additional entries: Simba SL400, Lely Polymat 4m Combi drill, 1000L diesel bowser, 2015, ISUZU D Max Yukon, Flat 8 bale grab. Plus additional items. For more information contact Oliver on 07395 570303 or oliver@masonsandpartners.co.uk
Annual Darley Moor Collective Sale
Friday 28th April 10am start
Over 2000 Lots
Tractors, Vehicles, Grassland and Arable Machinery, Livestock Equipment, Farming Antiquities, Sundries and E ects
Farm Dispersal Sale
Moor Farm, Trowell, Nottingham NG9 3PQ
Friday 5th May 2023 at 10.30am
Massey Ferguson 6485 4WD Dyna 6 (08)
Massey Ferguson 5475 4WD Dyna 4 (12)
Massey Ferguson 390 2WD
JCB 526S Telehandler (09) and Attachments
10 Trailers, Arable and Grassland Equipment
Opico 395 Quiet-Nine Ton Mobile Grain Dryer Sundries and E ects
Catalogues are available to download at www.bagshaws.com Or call 01889 562811/ Email: deb.scholes@bagshaws.com
Online bidding via 01889
Catalogue and full details louthmarket.co.uk
CASE 430 Big Baler knotters. £300 each. A Graves Tel 01524 701284 (Lancashire)
NEW Holland 376 baler, in working order. J Adams Tel 07812367009 (Worcestershire)
Papworth Vehicle Air Conditioning
We stock: R134A..................................POA
Air conditioning service equipment

•leak detectors
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•recovery machines
We accept all major credit cards charliepapworth@gmail.com
Tel: 01954 267215
HONDA Gator SMS 700, registered
1/7/21, 4 months guarantee left, tracker fitted, 47hrs, as new. P Mount Tel 0116 269 2526/07530 676354 (Leicestershire)
CASE 430 Big Baler needles. £100 each. A Graves Tel 01524 701284 (Lancashire)
KAWASAKI Mule diesel, four seater, electric tip, heater.
£5,500+VAT. R Hopkinson Tel 07976 424263 (Lincolnshire)
Gator 855D, 2013, 1650hrs, road legal & registered, power steering, full cab & glazed doors, diff lock, manual tip, tow bar, detachable front & rear, alloy wheels, new tyres, beacon, LED w/lights, excellent condition. £10,150 no VAT. R Lintott Tel 01566 471493/07799 473374 (Cornwall)

BROADWATER square bale nippers on JCB brackets.
£950+VAT. R Stimpson Tel 07798 786158 (Norfolk)
JOHN Deere 459 conventional baler, 2011, wide pickup hyd drawbar, hyd bale tension, immaculate condition.
£10,900+VAT. J Mount Tel 07879 695096 (Leicestershire)
POLARIS Ranger, petrol, 6x6 ATV, tipper, tow ball. £3,500+VAT. R Hopkinson Tel 07976 424263 (Lincolnshire)
G Howell 07903 089 391 & 01728 723 683.
07798 786158 (Norfolk)
Ferguson 1840 inline conv baler, 2018, well loved & no expense spared, beefed up to pull a Baron/sledge with ease, chamber treated with Lanoguard, always barn stored & regularly serviced, washed, run up before use. £17,500+VAT ono. C Ferguson Tel 07765 858086 (Essex)
WELGER AP530 conventional baler in excellent condition, light use from purchase, barn stored throughout. £4,700+VAT ono; also available Browns flat 8 accumulator. J Rawlings Tel 07747 635980 (Essex)

FLAT 8 grabs, choice of 3. £250 each ono. N Atkins Tel 07956 167510 (Leicestershire)
JOHN Deere 582 round baler, 19,000 bales, good baler, goes well. £4,800+VAT. G Blandford Tel 07973 424473 (Herefordshire)
MEIJER Flat 8 bale grab. £200. D Pickering Tel 07979 757884 (Norfolk)
HESSTON bale pusher, home made to fit a Fastrac with no linkage, very strong, could be made to fit 3 point linkage. £400+VAT. A Clarke Tel 07708 205708 (Norfolk)

CASE RB454 round baler, same as a NH BR7060, 2009, 30,000 bales, rotor feeder, tidy paintwork & belts, good condition all round. £7,950+VAT. R Maundrell Tel 07785 568800 (Warwickshire)
JOHN Deere 459 conventional baler, 2011, wide pickup, hyd drawbar, hyd bale tension, immaculate condition. £10,900+VAT. J Mount Tel 07879 695096 (Leicestershire)
STANHAY Webb Rowcleaner R60, 9 row sugar beet hoe, front mounted, some spares available, very good condition. Offers. M Lister Tel 07761 322027 (Norfolk)

TWELVE discs on stalks for FMA tractor hoe. £55. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk)
SPREAD-A-BALE Midi, 2019, belt in good condition, barn stored, Manitou brackets. £9,800. W Varnam Tel 07971 432440 (Warwickshire)
MONOSEM drill cell wheels (5) with five 5mm holes, also 5 more with 5.3mm holes, one with 8 x 5mm holes, all unused in original packaging. £55. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk)

STANHAY 870 6 row precision drill, c/w sugar beet belts. £350. P Beasley Tel 07836 652963 (Cambridgeshire)

Cleaner Loaders

FLEXIGRIP 160 Euro round bale, made by Alo in Sweden, 2017, in superb condition having been little used. £1,200+VAT ono. M Durie Tel 07810 293266 (Suffolk)
COOKS flat 8 automatic sledge in good working order. £750. A Beecroft Tel 07765 258286 (Suffolk)

For Cleaner Loaders & Surfers
Contact: Nigel Mountain Mob: 07785 972510 or Email: nigelm@ctmrcs.co.uk

JOYSTICKS for Big Bale Chasers, suitable for Superchaser & Superchaser Extra. £750 the pair or £450 each. G Barnes Tel 07860 601379 (Norfolk)
NEW Holland 378 conventional baler, all complete, not used for some time, for spares or repair, phone for more details. £800. D Ivens Tel 07969 877834 (Northants)
Beet Equipment
Beet Harvesters
2014 ROPA Panther 1 variable lifting unit with all round topper, 5600ha 6400 eng hrs, vgc
For all ROPA Machinery details
Contact: Simon Peacock Mob: 07717 416178 or Email: simonp@ctmrcs.co.uk
LELY small bale chopper. £100 G Shepherd Tel 01283 732275 (Derbyshire)
COOKS Flat 8 bale sledge. £150. R Ferrett Tel 01689 253757 (Kent)
KLEINE Unicorn 12 row 3 synchro drive sugar beet drill, c/w hydraulic folding markers & 6 pre-emergence markers, set at 45cm rows, but can go to 50cm, on farm from new, 1999, only done 4151ha, good working order. I Gilbert Tel 07770 364416 (Cambridgeshire)

KONGSKILDE 6 row hoe, in working order. £600. A Masters Tel 07771 521796 (Norfolk) hyd coulter pressure, 2000l hopper, hyd fan drive
Case Puma CVX 240, 2022, 4 elec rear remotes, 540mm dyn front fenders, 2 x 110mm rear lift rams, front linkage, deluxe comfort pack, 540/65R30 adj & 650/65R42 fixed tyres
Case 35' header, ex demo, c/w 4wd trailer, complete with crop lifters and vertical side knives
JCB Fastrac 4220 Stage V, 2020, 600/70R30 tyres, front linkage & PTO, Trimble Autopilot with 2050 screen to RTK
Ex demo, 5 r/remotes, 3 m/m valves, 223L/min CCLS hyd pump, Power Beyond, on 600/70R30 & 710/710R42
Michelins, f/linkage & PTO, Accuguide complete, 20 spline PTO, trailer brake & steering axle, external air line, r/fender controls 41029437
STAGE V 2021, c/w Field Pro, front linkage, rear PTO, Power Beyond, 600x70R30 BKT tyres
Amazone Cayros XS 5 + 1 plough, ex demo, 950 c/w 260HP headstock, catt 888 integrated lower link balls, hyd swivel frame system 21027975
520/70R38 tyres, cab susp, f/wt carrier, 50kph Activedrive, pneu trailer brake, auto PTO, Grammar fabric seat, bar h/d Class 4 susp 4wd axle, storage box
Larrington Harvester 16T trailer, 4 sides, hyd tailgate over sheet, ladder, grain chute
Larrington 32' flat deck trailer, underslung suspension, twin line air brakes & LSV, front & rear ladder rack, 435/50 R19.5 tyres twin line a brakes, w/ load sensing, valve/hyd brakes, side ladder, r/o sheet, wind up grain chute, safety light kit, 560/60x22.5 MRL Xpower
Case Vestrum 130, 2 mech r/remote valves, cab susp, Accuguide, 4.5Ll FPT Stage V, 2 elec m/m valves, 1 pr f/couplers, Power Beyond, external fender controls, f/ linkage op from elec m/m valve 31030705
Teagle TBM 250 mower, 2022, 250cm cut, r/mount tractor mtd mulcher with 6 spline 1000rpm PTO (rev pulleys for 540rpm), Cat II linkage, hammer flails, r/roller, skids, hyd s/shift, adj r/hood 41030209
JCB 3.56 cu/m bucket, 8' with bolt on edge & Q-fit
Teagle Park 160 flail mower, brand new. easy to operate, built for straightforward maintenance for a long and trouble-free service lif e 41030824
Case Puma CVX 240, ex demo, 4 e/r/remotes, 2e/m/m valves, 2x110mm r/lift rams, 170L/min CCLS pump, lighting, Michelins, Power Beyond, f/linkage & PTO, Accuguide, active leather comfort pack 41030699
JCB 1 cu/m bucket, 2023 , Q-fit
JCB 403 loading shovel, 2021, 19kw Smart Power, BKT narrow agri tyres, fldg canopy, loader end std 1655mm, 20kph open diff axles, euro hitch, LED w/ lights, grease gun, extra counterweight 21030896
STANHAY Rowcleaner 60 6 row inter row beet weed cleaner, used for sugar beet but can be adjusted for other crops, very clean equipment, selling as retiring. £1,800 ono. G Adams Tel 07885 964461 (Cambridgeshire)
KVERNELAND Monopill SE, 2009, 12 row, tramlines kit, 2 pre-ems, 2 bout markers, individual seed spacing units from 12.5–25cm, 3 unit shut off, Isobus Intelligence with Monopill e-drive 11 control box, ready to go, excellent condition. £4,250+VAT. R Grindling Tel 07771 901861 (Suffolk)
COUSINS 4m front Dutch harrow. £1,500+VAT. H Kisby Tel 07768 903046 (Cambridgeshire)

WOOD pellets for pellet boiler, 35 x 15kg bags, no longer required (moved house). £6.50/bag or £200 for the lot.
P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk)
FALCON Continental Induction 1092 cooker, c/w multifunction oven, fan oven, catalytic easyclean oven liners, closed-door grilling & full width storage drawer, also inc stainless steel splash-back & matching Falcon cooker hood, good cond. £1,250.

L McVeigh Tel 07825 957989 (Suffolk)
All types of steel available new and secondhand
Posts for grain walling and silage clamps
Galvanised roofing sheets, box profile and corrugated
Delivery service
01359 269378
LIVESTOCK Polytunnel 30' x 130', overall height 16', height to bottom of brace bars 11', height to gutters 7', 12' doorway each end, Galebreaker roller blinds included, from Northern Polytunnels, erected December 2020, near Needham Market. D Gilbert Tel 07974 094338 (Suffolk)
STOUT electric poles, 10–12" diameter, 11–17' long, taken from dismantled building. J Hinchliffe Tel 07980 577858 (East Yorkshire) APPROX 135 x 4'6" long concrete posts with 3 holes for wire fencing. £120 the lot. L Baker Tel 07879
DOG kennel, 123 x 286 x 134cm. £85 ono. A Glover Tel 07767 768697/01354 638064 (Norfolk)

Hardy Roofing

01622 832666 07939 114023
BAILEY bridge, 40’, rated at 80T, in very good condition, phone for more information. £25,000+VAT ono. S Wisson-Burton Tel 07776 184394 (Cambridgeshire)