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Muck &Slurry
Vogelsang GmbH & Co. KG has expanded its capacity for production of liquid manure spreading systems at its headquarters in Essen (Oldenburg), Germany. The 3,850 squaremeter hall has new assembly stations, offices and break rooms. “By extending our production capacity, we are meeting the high demand for legally compliant spreading technologies. The BlackBird trailing shoe system with a working width of 24 meters will be assembled in the new hall, amongst other things,” says Hugo Vogelsang, Managing Director of Vogelsang. He adds: “We have also created more space for our employees to chat or relax with the additional break rooms.”
More capacity for the BlackBird trailing shoe system and other linkages
Natural light and solar energy for sustainable production
The mechanical engineering firm invested around four million euros in the hall, which was planned and built with a focus on good working conditions and sustainability. Strip

lighting ensure that there is plenty of natural light and comfortable ambient conditions all while saving energy. Additional lighting in the hall is controlled based on the level of natural light as well as whether or not any employees are present. Furthermore, it is planned to equip the roof of the hall with a 400 kilowatt peak (kWp) photovoltaic system. This will allow the system to generate up to 400,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) annually. The solar energy that is produced will be fed into Vogelsang’s power grid via the new technological building and will cover a part of the company’s annual energy requirements. The assembly hall is set for commissioning in the third quarter of this year. For more information, visit: vogelsang.info

British manufacturer of highquality agricultural muck spreaders and trailers, Ktwo, are pleased to announce that R W Crawford will offer the full Ktwo range across all their South England Depots from 1st June 2021. R W Crawford Agricultural Machinery was founded by Bob Crawford in October 1980 and now specialise in providing Agricultural Sales, Servicing and Parts across Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire. Crawfords family roots and strong focus on providing customers with high quality machinery and excellent service make them a great partnership for Ktwo. “Ktwo is a respected quality brand offering trailer ranges and models to suit all types and sizes of agricultural enterprise. Ktwo is a welcome addition to the premium brands we currently represent. There is great excitement throughout our sales team at the opportunities this gives us to cater for the needs of new and existing customers across the South East.” Comments Wes Crawford, Crawfords’ Managing Director. ‘’Our Ktwo range will compliment Crawfords machinery portfolio well.’’ Explains Robbie Polson, Ktwo Managing Director. ‘’They support our focus on providing quality machinery to give maximum efficiency and outputs available to the customer, whilst always providing a good service and back up support.’’ Crawfords will have new Ktwo stock arriving very soon, get in touch with them to arrange a Ktwo demonstration for this season.
To find out more about Crawfords please visit: www.rwcrawford.co.uk
To find out more about Ktwo please visit: www.ktwo.co.uk

New GSM slur r y pump r emote launched T ramspread has launched a new remote control for engine driven pumps that operates using Global connectivity is sufficient to send commands that System for Mobile will control Communications (GSM). The one, or Teletram 2020 GSM remote does not multiple, pump rely on radio connectivity and instead units more can connect a mobile device, using safely and its 2G to 5G data connection, to one reliably, and or multiple engine driven pumps. the operator can use any The remote control features a seven- mobile device inch colour screen and industrial that can grade instrumentation that can be access a 2G to operated using Apple or Android 5G network,” mobile devices. Communication is he says. This not compromised by distance and helps to multiple pump units can be controlled address by the same device. “This means concerns that that an operator pumping over an traditional eight-kilometre distance with four radiopump units will only need one device controlled to monitor and operate all of the remotes can pump units,” explains Tramspread be interrupted managing director, Terry Baker. by others in the area using the The Teletram has been designed in collaboration with automation specialists CTRL. “As little as 2G same frequency, or that a signal

may be lost when pumping long distances. The remote has sensors for inlet pressure, outlet pressure and can monitor the slurry store level. It also has an air compressor control with an air pressure sensor. “Operators will be able to start, stop, increase and decrease the throttle, and divert from mix to field, whilst also being able to monitor the engine for low oil pressure, high coolant temperature, and low coolant level. This will help to avoid costly downtime and it also gives the operator more data and control,” says Mr Baker. The Teletram remote is controlled using one mobile device such as a smart phone or tablet. Multiple pumps can be monitored and adjusted from the tractor cab or can be handheld at the slurry source. “Our contracting division has been testing four controls since we started development three years ago and we recently sold the first commercial units to operators in Scotland and France,” explains Mr Baker.