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Gray leaf spot
Round, concave depression with dark concentric rings on the center of the spot
• Avoid overhead irrigation • Rotation with non-host plants • Use pathogen-free planting stock • Avoid field operation when the foliage is wet • Remove diseased plants/ crop residues • Apply preventive fungicides with azoxytrobin + difenoconazole as soon as the first fruit is formed
5. Gray leaf spot
(Stemphyllum spp.) It is fungus that induces spots on leaf and stems. The fungus spread quickly by rains or through irrigation. Warm and wet condition favours spores development. A foliar symptom is mostly prevalent during seedling stage.
Symptoms and damage
• Leaves: several red to brown spots with angular shape. • The spots later expand to lesions with white to gray centers and red to brown margins • Under severe infestation, the leaves turn yellow and can fall off. • Stem: elongated lesions can appear on young stems