1 minute read
Phytophthora blight
• Remove weeds and plant residues from the previous crop • Avoid planting young pepper plants nearby old diseased pepper plants • Avoid excessive rate of nitrogenous fertilizer • Avoid over-crowding of plants; encourage good plant spacing • Apply preventive fungicides with sulphur or azoxystrobin+difenoconazole on the underside of the leaves. • Rotate with fungicides with different mode of action
NOTE: avoid spraying sulphur fungicides during warm sunny conditions to prevent phytotoxicity.
3.Phytophthora blight (phytophthora capsici)
phytophthora capsici is water borne fungus found in waterlogged fields. The fungus affects all parts of the plant leading to syndrome of leaf blight, root rot and fruit rot. Spores development under warm and humid condition.
Discolouration of the stem beginning at the fork of branches, water soaked dull, wrinkled fruit tissue Shrivel and darkened fruits
Symptoms and damage
Crown/Root rot • Diseased plants often wilt and die quickly without yellowing of the leaves • Damping off of seedling at seedling stage