Islam for the west

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B. Pharmacy (Punjab) M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Technology (Univ. of London)


2 All Copyrights Reserved First Edition Second Edition

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February, 2002 April, 2004


Muhammad Saleem Lahore - Pakistan. 0322 8421268





CONTENTS PART ONE EARLY MOVEMENT OF ISLAM ............................... 5-45 Preface ............................................................................................. 04 Early Movement of Islam ............................................................... 05 Advent of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) ........................................ 21 Christianity, Western Civilization at Crossroad .......................... 28 Islam or Christianity ..................................................................... 33 Requirements to be a Muslim ........................................................ 45 PART TWO ..................................... 54 MISCONCEPTIONS & ERRORS No. 1 Who was Immanuel? .......................................................... 54 No. 2 Turn thy other cheek — When! ......................................... 56 No. 3 Denial of Messiah ............................................................... 58 No. 4 Mystery of the Cross .......................................................... 61 No. 5 All Forbidden Food are Unclean ...................................... 64 No. 6 Marriages of the Christ ..................................................... 67 No. 7 Islamic Revolution — Political? ....................................... 74 No. 8 A Case for Hagar ................................................................ 77 No. 9 Sword of Islam.................................................................... 80 No. 10 World Needs Islam or Christianity? ................................. 83 PART 3.......................................... 89 DECEPTIONS & FORGERIES FINDING OF GOSPEL OF BARNABAS........................ 89 No. 1 Finding of Gospel of Barnabas .......................................... 89 No. 2 Impious Attempt ................................................................ 92 No 3 The Saviour — Who? ......................................................... 93 No. 4 Suppression of the Truth .................................................. 96 No. 5 Mystery of Lost Ten Tribes of Bani Israel ........................ 98 No. 6 Waiting for Jesus ............................................................. 101 No. 7 Heathenism Under the Cover of Christianity ............... 102 No. 8 Promised warrior Messiah has come ............................. 103 No. 9 Irrefutable Prophecy ........................................................ 105 No. 10 Fulfillment of God’s Promise ............................................ 106 No. 11 True Face of Hypocrites Exposed .................................... 108 Bibliography ..................................................................... 116 Index ................................................................................. 118


PREFACE The propaganda of lawless heathens under the cover of so-called Christianity has increased to an alarming extent. This book has been written to dispel the malicious propaganda against Islam. In Part I, it has been made clear that the desire and the prayer of the Jews, the Christian and all the people of the world for the World Saviour to come and establish the Kingdom (i.e. Law) of God on earth has been already fulfilled by the advent of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) who has established Allah’s Law on the earth. No more Saviour, Christ or Messiah is coming in the future. Islam is the culmination of that religion which every prophet of the past prophesied, Jesus (A.S.) being an outstanding among them. In part 2, all those beliefs of the Jews and the Christiana which are in fact misconceptions and error have been clarified. In part 3, I have exposed that anti-Islam propagandists actually know the truth but they do not fear God and knowingly deceive the people and even made forgeries to prove that their message is true. It may be worthwhile to mention that it is lawful among some Christian sects to speak lies (commonly known as pious lies) if such lies can further their cause. I hope that my book will serve as an eye opener for many and will attract them to the faith of Islam — The Only True Religion of Allah. With prayers.

Muhammad Farooque Kemal


PART 1 EARLY MOVEMENT OF ISLAM The movement of Islam is that movement which started with Adam (Alai-his-Salaam) and reached its culmination at the hands of the last Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) 1; and thereafter, the Prophet’s followers undertook the mission and are holding the banner of Islam with their full strength. Even today, the Muslims are sacrificing their wealth and lives for the cause of Islam. In earlier days, the purpose of the movement was to make people believe in One God, to shun idolatry, to cultivate piety and to announce the good news of the coming Kingdom of God through the great saviour of the humanity i.e. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), to put faith in him in anticipation and to vow to help and fight for him when he would appear in future. Noah (A.S.)2 admonished his nation for many centuries for their idolatry, but success was limited. At last, God destroyed that nation by sending Great Deluge. Abraham (A.S.) started the Holy War against the idolaters in Ur, the city of Iraq, but king Nimrood and his nation rejected the message. They tried to kill him by throwing into the fire. At last he migrated to Palestine and based his movement in Palestine and the valley of Paran. His son Isaac (A.S.) continued the mission around Palestine while Ismael (A.S.) was based in Makkah, a city in Paran valley but his sons spread all around the area and occupied Arabia and adjacent provinces. Then Allah sent Moses (A.S.) to Rhamses II to deliver message of Allah to put faith in One God, but he refused outright. Then Moses (A.S.) asked him to release his nation from his bondage. After he was refused, he took his nation out of Egypt while Pharaoh II and his army drowned in the sea miraculously. During stay in Egypt, Moses’ (A.S.) nation was greatly influenced by the beliefs of the Egyptians like calf worship, idolatry, magic practices, the belief in the spirits etc. After a great 1 2

(S.A.W.) is the abbreviation of Ho Alaihe Wa Aaalahee Wassallam. (A.S) is the abbreviation of (Alai-his-Salaam).

6 effort which extended to a period of 50 years or so, Moses (A.S.) was able to bring them back to Islam. Moses (A.S.) gave them good news of the coming of the Saviour, a Prophet from their brothers (Deut. 18:19). At the time of death, he called his vicegerent Joshua bin Nun and asked him to write down the prophecy that the Christ i.e. the Saviour of the world will appear exactly 1750 years after his death (Assumption of Moses (A.S.) in Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament by R. H. Charles) Moses (A.S.) died in year 1180 BC, so the Prophet was expected to be born in AD 570. This prophecy was fulfilled in 570 A.D. with the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). After Joshua Bin Nun’s holy wars against the idolaters, then came the period of Judges from 1100 BC to 700 BC. During this era, different prophets tried their utmost efforts to bring the nation of Bani Israel to the worship of only One God and shun the idolatry, spirit worship and the customs of the heathens but success was only partial as they repeatedly fell prey to idolatry. After the Judges, Allah appointed Saul as the king of Bani Israel and the Jews. After him, David became the king of Israel in about 600 BC and he established a powerful kingdom. Allah revealed His Holy Book Psalms in which are hymns for Allah and His Christ i.e. the last Saviour of the whole world. David (A.S.) used many names for the Saviour like Thy Glory, El Jah which when translated into Arabic are Muhammad and Ahmed. Prophet King David announced that the coming Lord i.e. the Universal Saviour will defeat all his opponents who will fall upon his feet, chained and humiliated. After David (A.S.), Solomon (A.S.) became one of the greatest kings on earth and many traditions suggest that his dominion extended even upto Persia, Afghanistan and around. All his life, Solomon sang songs in the praise of the last prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). He called him as his beloved, most handsome, a leader of ten thousand men. The prophecy is similar to Moses’ in Deuteronomy about the Prophet coming with ten thousand men. After the death of Prophet Solomon (A.S.) tribes of Bani Israel were disunited and created two states. Ten tribes created a

7 state in the north as Samaria while rest of the two tribes created a state around Jerusalem. Samaritans soon became idolaters and evildoers, while other tribes at first kept the banner of Islam upright but then soon fell victim to the heathens customs. King of Persia, Nebuchednezzar destroyed State of Samaria and the ten tribes were enslaved and then after a long period of captivity, about 70 years, were released to escape into neighbouring unpopulated hills where they were free from foreign attacks. These ten tribes settled partially in North West Frontier Province, others moved to Afghanistan and neighbouring provinces and few tribes settled themselves in Kashmir. The other state with capital Jerusalem i.e. State of Israel was destroyed by King of Assyria who made them captive for many years and then dispersed them. Afterwards, Bani Israel never enjoyed rule in any country and their days of excellence, blessedness and favour from Allah were gone forever. In about 500 BC some celebrated personalities like Zoroastra, Gautama Buddha and, probably, Krishna appeared at the same time. These celebrated men worked for Islamic mission in their provinces. Zoroastra established his religion in Persia and around and declared that Astaveterata Saoshyant (Muhammad The Merciful) was coming after one thousand years after his death to revolutionize the world and bring about long desired peace. In the Western part of India Gautama Buddha upheld the banner of Islam and declared that he was the second last prophet (Buddha) and last prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) (also Ahmed S.A.W.), Metteya, Amida, Meitrya, all meaning the praised one i.e. Muhammad (S.A.W.) would be coming after one thousand years with power and hundred thousand of men, and would establish the peace on the earth i.e. Religion of Islam, by defeating all corrupt, tyrant nations. Buddha Sakyamuni declared all men equal and abolished the caste system and enjoined upon his followers the highest form of piety and worship of One God. Before Buddha, Sri Krishna appeared in the Southern part of India and declared that Kalki Avatar will appear in around 570 AD in Shilmil desh (Arabia) in the house of Somati

8 and Vishnuyasa. This last Avatar will appear with a sword glittering like a comet, sitting on an horse and kill all the evildoers and then age of peace and light i.e. Krta will dawn upon the world. At about this time, great prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah gave the Good News of the coming of the last Prophet who would subdue all his enemies and would not cease to fight till he established the kingdom of Allah on earth. Isaiah 42-1 Then for about half millennium, the standard of Islam was upheld by the prophets like Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, Amos, Micah, Habakkuk, Haggai, Malachi peace on them etc. Every prophet gave the Good News of the coming of the Prophet with the great power to subdue the heathens and men given to profanity and tyranny. The promised prophet i.e. the Universal Christ was supposed to be a great warrior and a man with many beautiful obedient wives (Psalm 45-1). His outstanding virtues were the establishment of justice and the great wars against the ungodly. Here we narrate the original texts depicting the above mentioned character which undoubtedly fit onto the Prophet Muhammad (S.A. W.) only. In the Enoch 1:9 we have, “And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of His holy ones, to execute judgment upon all; and to destroy all the ungodly.” In the Psalm 68:2 we have, “The war chariots of God are in tens of thousands, thousands over and over again. Jehovah himself has come from Sinai into the holy place.” In the Psalms 45:1 1-14, we have, My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. 2. Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into by lips: therefore God hath blessed thee forever. 3. Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, 0 most mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty. 4. And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness: and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things.

9 5. Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the king’s enemies; whereby the people fall under thee. 6. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre. 7. Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. 8. All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of the ivory palaces, whereby they have made thee glad. 9. Kings’ daughters were among thy honourable women: upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir. 10. Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father’s house: 11. So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him. 12. And the daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift; even the rich among the people shall intreat thy favour. 13. The king’s daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. 14. She shall be brought \into the king in raiment of needlework: the virgins her companions that follow her shall be brought unto thee. The following inference can be made about the Universal Christ: (a) He will the most handsome. (b) He will be a humble mighty warrior, a conqueror. (c) He will have many beautiful wives from the noblest families, whom he will love exceedingly. The above is a true picture of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and has nothing to do with Jesus (A.S.). In the Song of Solomon we have, 5:10 “My dear one is dazzling and ruddy, the most conspicuous of ten thousand: (In other versions the translation is “My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand”).

10 In the Daniel 7:10: “There were thousand thousands that kept ministering to him, and then thousand times ten thousands that kept standing right before him” In the Habakkuk 3:3 we have, “God himself proceeded to come from Teman, even a Holy One from Mount Paran, Selah. His dignity (i.e. glory) covered the heaven, and with his praise the earth became filled. As for his brightness, it got to be just like the light. He had two rays issuing out of his hand, and there the hiding of his strength was. Before him pestilence kept going and burning fever would be forth at his feet. He stood still, that he might shake up the earth, he saw, and caused the nations to leap. And the eternal mountains got to be smashed; the indefinitely lasting hills bowed down. The walking of long ago are his (i.e. his ways are everlasting)”. Teman (dwelling place of Tema son of Ismael, I Chronicle 1:30 i.e. Edom and Teman are old names of Medina) and Paran are in Arabia where ancestors of Muhammad (S.A.W.), lived, and also the Prophet grew up there; thus the prophecy applies to the Arabian Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) exactly, Jesus (A.S.) has nothing to do with it. The Isaiah 21:14 also mentions of Tema and Kedar, tribes of Arabia, whom the Prophet encountered in the battles. Only Muhammad (S.A.W.), is glorified from morning to evening all over the world by the Muslims. In the Malachi 3:2 (Fire of a refiner) the Isaiah 9:6, 40:10 {Mighty God, Strong One) the Micah 4:4 (Strong Shepherd), are different epithets for the Saviour which all point to a mighty man. Then for a long time the coming of the prophets from Allah ceased. Then in about 29 BC or so Prophet John (A.S.) and Jesus (A.S.) appeared at a time when the Jews in Jerusalem and around were subjects of the Roman Empire. The Jews had their own governor who ruled with tyranny to subdue the Jewish community to behave as a faithful citizen of the Roman Empire. At this time, the Jews degraded themselves to the lowest morals

11 and were mostly hypocrite and idolators. They had lost their national pride and religious spirit. Prophet John (A.S.) and Prophet Jesus (A.S.) preached his nation to repent and get prepared to receive the coming Kingdom of Allah. Prophet John (A.S.) was beheaded by the Jewish governor Herod to please a prostitute. Then whole responsibility to carry the banner of Islam fell upon God’s Word and His Spirit, prophet Jesus (A.S.) Jesus declared that he was sent by Allah for the Jews and the lost tribes only, and to give them the Good News that the kingdom of Allah was soon to come to save them from their adversity and to give them the peace and the rulership. Jesus was born without the agency of human father. Jesus (A.S.) was a living miracle of Allah, a man with outstanding miraculous powers. He could read the thoughts of the people, raise the dead, heal all the ailments including leprosy, blindness, and all infirmities. He could make a clay bird and then order to fly. Allah gave all these miracles to be His Signs so that people could put faith in everything which he taught. When Jesus (A.S.) was 12 years old, he travelled to the countries where dispersed tribes of Bani Israel got settled. As legends tell, he arrived in India and conversed with Brahmins who traced their ancestry to Abraham (A.S.). Then he went to Kashmir, present Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and then finally to Egypt. He met all the lost tribes, asked them to worship only One God, to shun idolatry and to get prepared to receive the last Prophet when he would appear soon to establish the Kingdom of Allah. After eighteen years of long and hard journey, he finally came back to his home town Nazareth. Jesus (A.S.) Christ started his last part of the mission at the age of 30 years declaring that the sole purpose of his advent was to announce the coming Kingdom of God and that he was sent only for the Jews and Bani Israel; non-Jews were not included in his mission. He selected and prepared for his mission twelve disciples and sent them to the lost sheep of Israel. He declared that God’s Kingdom will be snatched from the Jews and be given to the Gentiles (Marks 9-12, Luke 16-20) and that the

12 Saviour of the World, also known as the Coming One or the Prophet or the Christ of the world would appear among their brethren among the Ismaelities i.e. the Arabs (as prophesied in Deut.) and not from the line of David (A.S.). This declaration outraged all the elders of the Jews and the masses themselves. The prejudiced Jews were so outraged that they forgot all his outstanding good works and declared that it was the Devil which worked through him. The masses were so furious due to his declaration that they even threw stones at him, asked him to leave their towns and even uttered calumny against mother Mary (A.S.) that she got child from some Ismaelite. Jesus (A.S.) preached: God is our Father and we are all sons of God. Some mischievous people interpreted the words wrongly and blamed that Jesus (A.S.) claimed himself as real son of God; Jesus (A.S,) strongly denied these allegations. John 33-10 But idolatrous nation later did start calling him as the very son of God i.e. God in human form. In Deuteronomy 13-6 it is declared that 6 “In case your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or your cherished wife or your companion who is like your own soul, should try to allure you in secrecy, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ whom you have not known, neither you nor your forefathers, 7 some of the gods of the peoples who are all around you, the ones near you or those far away from you, from one end of the land to the other end of the land, 8 you must not accede to his wish or listen to him, nor should your eye feel sorry for him, nor must you feel compassion, nor cover him [protectively]; 9 but you should kill him without fail. Your hand first of all should come upon him to put him to death, and the hand of all the people afterward. 10 And you must stone him with stones, and he must die, because he has sought to turn you away from Jehovah your God, who has brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slaves. The exclusive worship of One God with the utmost devotions is actually the teachings of all the religions of the world. But incidentally, only Muslims are the only community which is keeping up this commandment with utmost devotion and in the true spirit. While the European nations under the powerful influence of their idolatrous churches believe that prophet Jesus (A.S.) was himself God in the human form.

13 Jesus said to disciples “You have believed that I came as Father’s representative and that the Father has sent me forth”. John 17-8 So a representative and the represented one are two logically; one is God and another is His prophet. Islam denies this false and abominable belief very strongly, and this is what is the purpose of writing this treaty. When the Jews feared that the popularity of Jesus (A.S.) and his mission would increase to an uncontrollable strength they decided to kill him at once. Jesus (A.S.) knew the designs of the Jews that they had become his deadly enemies due to hatred and prejudice against Bani Ismael, while Jesus (A.S.) wanted to correct the hardhearted Jews on this all important point. In the Gospel of Barnabas the following verses appear (p 46a) Verily I say unto you, that every prophet when have, come hath borne to one nation only the mark of the mercy of God. And so their words were not extended save to that people to which they were sent. But the messenger of God, when he shall come, God shall give to him as it were the seal of his hand insomuch that he shall carry salvation and mercy to all the nations of the world that shall receive his doctrine. He shall come with power upon the ungodly, and shall destroy idolatry insomuch that he shall make Satan confounded; for so promised God to Abraham, saying: “Behold, in thy seed I will bless all the tribes of the earth; and as thou hast broken in pieces the idol, O Abraham, even so shall thy seed do.” James answered; ‘0 master, tell us in whom this promise was made; for the Jews say “in Isaac,” and the Ishmaelites say “in Ishmael”. Jesus answered: ‘David, whose son was he, and of what lineage’. James answered: ‘Of Isaac; for Isaac was father of Jacob, and Jacob was father of Judah, of whose lineage is David.’

14 Then said Jesus: ‘And the messenger of God when he shall come, of what lineage will he be: The disciples answered: ‘Of David.’ Whereupon Jesus said: ‘Ye deceive yourselves; for David in spirit calleth him lord, saying thus: “God said to my lord, sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. God shall send forth thy rod which shall have lordship in the midst of thine enemies,” If the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah were son of David, how should David call him lord! Believe me, for verily I say to you, that the promises was made in Ishmael, not in Isaac. Gospel of Barnabas, Page 46 In spite of all his powerful arguments and the Signs which he showed in the support of his truth, the Jews remained unmoved. Jesus (A.S.) categorically denied the coming of the world Christ from Bani Israel but among Bani Ismael; this compelled the Jews even to say that Jesus (A.S.) must be son of some Ishmaelite (216a) Jesus said ‘the son of Abraham was Ismael from whom must be descended the Messiah promised to Abraham, that in him should all the tribes of the earth be blessed.’ Then was the high priest wroth, hearing this, and cried out, ‘Let us stone this impious fellow, for he is an Ismaelite, and has spoken blasphemy against Moses and against the law of God.’ Gospel of Barnabas, Page 216 But Jesus paid no attention to the opposition of the Jews due to his immense love and respect for the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), about whom he said that Allah created the world for his sake. He even ordered his followers to get prepared with the swords to fight for the establishment of Kingdom of God. He said that one should even sell his garment to buy a sword. Luke 22-36 Jesus said ‘Let the one having no sword sell his outer garment and buy one’. When Jesus (A.S.) realised that his end by crucifixion was imminent, he prayed to Allah such: “Father, if you wish, remove this cup from me (i.e. ignominious death by the crucifixion). Luke 24-42 “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me, yet, not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26-39

15 “Abba, Father all things are possible to you; remove this cup from me, Yet not what I want but what you want.” Mark 14-36 Allah heard the prayer of His prophet and revealed him that someone else will be crucified in his place. Then Jesus asked his disciples that who could sacrifice his life in his place? Judas Iscariot, who used to steal from the money-box, accepted the challenge to wash his sins. A day before his Ascension, Jesus (A.S.) took evening meals with his disciples which is known as ‘LORD’S SUPPER’. Its account in the Gospel of Matthew is as under: And as they continued eating, he took a loaf, said a blessing, broke it and gave it to them, and said: “Take it, this means my body.” And taking a cup, he offered thanks and gave it to them, and they all drank out of it. And he said to them: “This means my blood of the covenant, which is to be poured out in behalf of man. Truly I say to you 1 shall by no means drink any more of the product of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” Finally, after singing praises, they went out to the Mount of Olives. This custom of celebrating Supper was not an invention of Jesus Christ but an age old custom of the Jews which Jewish priests performed it from old time. Roman priests after accepting Christianity in accordance with the orders of King Constantine, gave it a new colour. They punctuated their old Mithraist religion in which the priest of heathens gave pieces of bread and wine to their followers saying that god had entered into their body and blood and they had become divine. If we really believe that Jesus (A.S.) came to the world only to be crucified for the sin of the world i.e., Adam’s original sin inherited by each of his offspring as inherent sinful nature, then why he wept and prayed to Allah to remove this terrible death from him. This explodes the concocted theory framed about the belief in the Cross. As a Muslim, we believe that this was actually a vow, a covenant to declare that the believers would not deter to shed their blood and the body for the sake of Allah to help the Christ of the world to establish Allah’s Rule upon the earth. This is a vow to leave an evil life and perform acts according to Allah’s law and acquire piety. This custom and vow was being practised by the

16 priests of the Jews and Bani Israel since an immemorial time, Even as, there were some groups who were actually actively preparing for and learning the art of the war (i.e. Zealots) with the greatest enthusiasm. The accounts of these groups who existed before the birth of Jesus Christ were found in detail in the new find in this century known as ‘Dead Sea Scrolls”. CRUCIFIXION IN THE LIGHT OF EARLIER CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS AND THE HOLY QURAN When the Jews came to arrest Jesus (A.S.), Judas Iscariot was at the head of them to lead them to Jesus’ hiding place and help his recognition in the dark night. As per plans, ‘when Judas Iscariot entered first in the hide out in Mount Olives, he was transformed into the person of Jesus (A.S.) while Gabriel raised Jesus (A.S.) bodily to the heaven. Judas Iscariot in the perfect resemblance of Jesus (A.S.) was arrested. Jesus’ disciples by then had already fled in terror. Matt. 26-56, Mark 14-50 Our research into the old traditions shows that the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate and his wife Claudia were secret Christian converts and were stout Muslims. Jesus (A.S.) had met him earlier and ordered him to put the man in his likeness to the Cross. So when Judas Iscariot in the likeness of Jesus (A.S.) was brought before him, he took him away into solitude and confirmed the miracle. He was a friend of Herod and wanted to share the miracle with him. He sent Jesus-like man to Herod to convict him. Herod also confirmed the miracle and sent the man back to be put to the Cross. Then Pontius Pilate ordered the crucifixion in the presence of the rowdy Jewish masses, all shouting to crucify Jesus Christ (A.S.). It may be worthwhile to note that Judas Iscariot was never found by anyone thereafter; also Pontius Pilate and Claudia were regarded as saints; their day being 22nd June as remembrance. This celebration continued even upto the 7th century among non-Catholic Gnostic Christians who later accepted Islam in the time of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and his caliphs. Just imagine, if Pontius Pilate were tyrant ruler and a killer, then how could a section of the Christians could celebrate his day every year with reverence? This belief and similar were common among Basilides, Manichaens, Nestorians, Jecobites, Copts Valentinians, Apelles, Marinus, Bardisanes, Marcionites and many more. Our readers can judge how weak is the Roman Catholic belief. In the Holy Quran, Allah has revealed the truth

17 and that is a final word and an authority for the Muslims. All like-minded Christians believed in the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and are presently Muslims. We invite the astray Roman Christians to follow the footsteps of their elders and accept the religion of the Truth, Al Islam. As far as the Jews of that time were concerned, they assumably crucified Jesus (A.S.) in their presence. Even hundreds of Miracles couldn’t melt their prejudiced hardened hearts. Jesus (A.S.) cursed them and they were all slaughtered later and the temple was demolished such that not a stone was left over a stone; this is what Jesus (A.S.) prophesied during his curse. Then how come Jesus (A.S.) is a Saviour of the world, he can’t be properly called Saviour of the Jews even, rather their cursor and destroyer? Our readers must ponder into this point! This is how mission of Jesus Christ about Islam was suppressed, but Allah gave power to Jesus’ disciples and the followers who continued to uphold the banner of Islam till Mr. Saul appeared on the scene. After much of fight with the true disciples, he separated and declared that he was appointed by Jesus (A.S.) as a prophet for the Gentiles i.e. the Romans etc. He changed his name as Paul. His many commandments were opposed to the original teachings of Jesus (A.S.) and the Bible. He stopped circumcision, cursed those who put faith in the Law of Torah, permitted the flesh of swine and the use of liquors. For the rebellious nations, his teachings were very attractive, and finally it was this religion which was established with tyrannical use of sword by Emperor Constantine in the Europe. Four gospels were accepted; apart from them, all were ordered destruction. Non compliance meant death penalty. Old Hellenistic and Mithraist customs of worship of saints, worship of the Cross and the Crucified Saviour, transmigration, transubstantiation were adopted with minor changes. The churches became extremely powerful and used their authority relentlessly destroying all the oppositions. It was then that Dark Ages of the Europe dawned, and especially in the continent of Europe, humanity experienced a debased period of lawlessness, persecution, rape and murders. But outside the Europe, Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) army quickly conquered the world and established the peace, Al-Islam, in which full freedom was given to the Christians, the Jews, the Zoroastrians if they paid taxes. They were free to use their own laws, to follow their own customs and to perform religious duties

18 in whatever manner they liked. Islam had already declared, “There is no compulsion in the matter of religion. The right is manifest from falsehood”; so everyone should follow what his conscious allowed. True belief is imparted by none but Allah only, so all should live like one community in peace. This is the real beauty of Islam. Jesus (A.S.) strictly preached Oneness of Allah. Jesus answered to the questions of the priests who enquired about his faith. “The first is, Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength”. Mark 12-29 Jesus used to eat and drink, (Mark 11-12) felt tired too (John 3-6) was not master of his own fate or fate of any. Luke 22-42 Allah is the sole object of worship while Jesus was a devout worshipper. Matt 26-36 own.

Allah is All-Powerful while Jesus could do nothing of his John 5-30

Allah is the Mighty King, while Jesus was a subject of the Roman Empire and paid taxes and conformed to their laws. Matt 5-17 Allah, is Lord of the whole world while Jesus (A.S.) was prophet for the Jews only. Matt. 10-5 Let us quote Jesus’s own words as present in Gospel of Barnabas, page 100b: “Jesus said distinctly, so that everyone might hear; “It is written in the testament and covenant of the living God that our God hath had no beginning neither shall He ever have an end’. The priest answered. “Even so as it written therein’, Jesus said: It is written there that our God by His word alone hath created all things’ ‘Even so it is’, said the priest.’ Jesus said; ‘It is written that God is invisible and hidden from the mind of man, seeing He is incorporeal and uncomposed without variableness’

19 ‘So is it, truly’, said the priest. Jesus said, ‘It is written there that the heaven of heavens cannot contain him, seeing that our God is infinite’. ‘So said Solomon the Prophet’, said the priest, ‘0 Jesus’. Said Jesus, ‘It is written there that God hath no need, for as much as he eateth not, sleepeth not, and suffereth not from any deficiency.’ ‘So it is’ said the priest. Said Jesus, ‘It is written there that our God is everywhere and that there is not other god but He, who striketh down and maketh whole, and doeth all that pleaseth him’, ‘So it is written’, replied the priest. Then Jesus, having lifted up his hands, said: ‘Lord our God, this is my faith wherewith I shall come to thy judgment in testimony against everyone that shall believe the contrary. And turning himself towards the people he said, ‘Repent, for from all that of which the priest have said that is written in the book of Moses, the covenant of God forever, Ye may perceive your sin, for that I am a visible man and a morsel of clay that walketh upon the earth, mortal as are other men. And I have had a beginning and shall have an end, and (am) such that I cannot create a fly over again.’ On page 56a, we have, the following statement of Jesus (A.S.) which shows that he had foreknowledge that idolatrous people will call him as God’s son’ we have ‘Jesus said “Cursed be everyone who shall insert into my saying that I am the son of God”. In the light of the above evidences it is an abominable sin to say that Jesus (A.S.) was God (Allah), our readers will surely share our belief and shun heathenism. Jesus (A.S.) was nothing but a messenger who was revealed a book of wisdom, the Gospel and was Allah’s Word and His Spirit, but in no way Allah Himself or an object of worship. Only Allah is worshipful. This is the True Faith. According to Gospel of Barnabas, page 72a, b Peter called Jesus (A.S.) as the last Christ, the promised Messiah. On hearing this Jesus (A.S.) was so much infuriated that he turned out Peter

20 out of his discipleship. But other eleven disciples sought forgiveness for him, then Jesus (A.S.) accepted Peter back with promise not to utter abominable utterance again. All three synoptic gospels record this incidence but partially with interpolations to mislead the readers. Jesus prophesied: “When they persecute you in one city, flee to another; for truly I say to you, you will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the son of man (i.e the Christ) arrives. Matt. 10-23 When Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) was 25 years old, we have a statement from Pope Gregory I which he uttered in 594 A.D. to throw a light upon the depraved condition of the world. Only 15 years afterwards, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) announced his prophetic mission to establish peace on earth and enforce ‘the Rule of Allah’ to bring justice to all mankind. Hereunder is the statement: “What is there now, I ask of delight in this world? Everywhere we observe strife; everywhere we hear groans. Cities are destroyed, fortresses are turned over, fields are depopulated, the land has returned to solitude..... And yet the blows of Divine justice have no end, because among the blows those guilty of evil acts are not corrected........ See what has befallen Rome, once mistress of the world. She is worn down by great sorrows, by the disappearance of her citizens, by the attacks of her enemies, by numerous ruins. Thus we see brought to fulfilment what the prophet (Ezekiel) long ago pronounced on the city of Samaria”. Pope Gregory I, AD 594 This continued till advent of the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) in the 7th century who saved the Christians from persecution and murders. Later, all became Muslims after recognising that the Prophet truly, fulfilled all the Signs mentioned by Jesus (A.S.), Moses (A.S.) and the prophets.

21 ADVENT OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) was born in 569 BC in Makkah, a city in the mountainous region of Paran. He was an orphan by birth and was brought up by his uncles. At the age of 40, he was ordered by Allah to start a mission, awaited by the whole world, longing for peace and justice. At the start, this mission looked as ‘a Mission Impossible’ to unite all the hostile tribes of Arabia with different beliefs, mutual factions and hatred inherited for centuries. Moreover the mission included conquering the whole world to eliminate the idolatry and the corruption. Can anyone even imagine the courage, the dauntlessness, the determination and the strength of faith in Allah, of the greatest man of all times, before whom all the revolutionaries look like a dwarf and insignificant? He started his mission among his closest relatives and said that if the people would follow him, he would certainly establish Islam to prevail over all the religions of the world and conquer the Roman and the Persian Empire. His audience thought he was joking or crazy; but these words came to be fulfilled. Civilization was at the brink of complete disaster. The Roman and the Persian empires were on the rampage to kill and loot the weak nations, while the Hindus had overpowered the Buddhist to bring about their complete extinction by killing millions of the Buddhists and destroying thousands of Pagodas. The civilization was under turmoil, not worthy to be called civilization at all but rather devilization. At that time, one man appeared and changed the whole world. The revolution was perfectly complete and established on firm footing so much so that for the next one thousand years, Islam was the supreme religion. That is why billions of the Muslims salute the Prophet everyday since fourteen centuries, and actually all human beings should do so if they have any humanity and sense of justice at all. Remember the manifest, irrefutable prophecies; “A prophet I shall raise of for them from the midst of their brothers like you (i.e. Moses)”. Deut. 18-18 23 “He beamed forth from the Mount Paran: And with him were ten thousands of (warrior) saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for them. Deut. 33-2

22 Moses said to Joshua Bin Nun, “He will come after 1750 years after my death (in 1180 BC). When he started mission in about 610 AD, there were more than 360 idols inside the Holy Ka’aba. He spoke openly against idolatry and invited the people to the worship of One Allah. This infuriated those who were running the affairs of the pilgrims because they saw the end of their vested interests, their century old beliefs and end of their supremacy. At first they tried to convince the Prophet with persuasion and words, then by threats, then by social boycott, by persecution, by torturing and sending the believers into exile to Ethiopia and by killing. The Prophet was tortured and wounded for our sake, to save the world from sinning. Our Christ of the world endangered his own life but was never deterred by the strong ruthless opposition. After thirteen years of preaching in and around Makkah, the affairs became unbearable and he was ordered by Allah to migrate to Medina. There he was confronted by the Jewish, the Christians and the idolatrous Tribes. First of all, the Prophet enacted a treaty of mutual friendship, peace and justice which included all the tribes of Medina and around. He went to the Jewish tribes and the Christian tribes and reminded them their covenant with Allah to put faith in him. But unfortunately, most of the tribes refused to put faith in him, but said: you are indeed a Prophet for the Arabs only. After many discussions, the Prophet declared that the Jews and the Christian recognized him with the same certainty as their own sons, but out of their social and religious pride and prejudice, they did not acknowledge it. He also declared that Allah would not let him taste death unless He gave him total victory over all his enemies and till Islam prevailed over all the religions of the world. He further said that all the previous prophets were sent to their own nations only, but he was sent to all the mankind whether White or Black and that it was binding upon the Christian and the Jews to put faith in him. ‘Even if Moses (A.S.) were alive even he was required to put faith in him’ he said. Incidentally, many great religious personalities among the Jews and the Christian embraced his faith, but the masses who blindly followed their political leaders refrained from accepting Islam. Abdullah bin Salaam, a Rabbi of tribe of Joseph was an outstanding religious leader who accepted Islam.

23 Saad Bin Moaz was another great scholar of his time, Mukhreeq was the richest Rabbi who accepted Islam during the Battle of Ohad; he gave his all wealth to the Prophet and then fought for him till martyred. Zaid Bin Saaya was one of the leading chief Rabbi and the wealthiest among the Jews. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) borrowed some dates for two months, meaning 60 days, but incidentally the two months expired in 59 days. In order to test his person, Zaid came to the Prophet, caught him from the collar and pushed him many times almost throwing to the ground, saying, ‘You Qureshites are liars who do not fulfil their promise within time’. Before any follower could come forward to kill Zaid, the Prophet stopped them strongly and then apologized to Zaid for his lapse. Then ordered furious Omer Farooq to go to certain man to return the debt. As the two were going, Zaid confessed that he was just testing the forbearance of the Prophet. He said that he found all the marks mentioned in the old prophecies but he wanted to establish whether he was really outstandingly forbearing as per signs mentioned in the Holy Books. Now he had tested to be so, he made Omer Farooq as witness that all of his wealth was now dedicated to Muhammad (S.A.W.) and that he gave witness that “Allah is One and Muhammad (S.A.W.) is His last Messenger”. He became a devoted Muslim thereafter. The Christian Pope settled in Jerusalem and the Pope of the Eastern Christianity settled in Najran, Abdul Masih (servant of the Christ), both accepted Islam. The Makkan heathens attacked Muslims in 1 AH at Badr, then in 3 AH at Ohad; then all the tribes of Arabia, including the Christians and the Jews, joined the Makkans in 5 AH to attack Medina. After failure each time, they made peace treaty with the Muslims at Hudaibia, but they soon broke it. The Prophet prepared an army of 10,000 men secretly, and attacked Makkah like a lightening. Makkah was captured without a fight and all his bloodthirsty enemies were brought before him to be beheaded, but the Prophet said “I forgive you all like Joseph forgave his brothers”. That was the height of his broadmindedness, forgiveness and love for human life. The Prophet destroyed more than 360 idols and images and icons present in the Holy Ka’aba. Then he sent missions to destroy all the idols and the images within Makkah and

24 anywhere in Arabia. Thus the centre of idolatry i.e. Arabia was cleansed from idols forever and the worship of One God was established, The Prophet sent letters to the rulers of all the nations of the world. The response was very positive and soon delegates from all parts of the world came to visit him to converse with him. Most of them accepted Islam after discussion. As some traditions tell, Raja Bhoj of Indian province and Raja Rasalu of Northern Punjab accepted Islam too. Also some other kings of India are also mentioned in the history. Pathans of NWFP and Afghans of Afghanistan, the lost tribes of the Jews accepted Islam and became more fervent believers than any. All the prophecies of Moses (A.S.), Isaiah (A.S.), the prophets (A.S.), Jesus Christ (A.S.) and others were fulfilled by now and idolatry soon became extinct from Arabia and the neighbouring countries. Within 10 years afterwards, there was no idol in Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, no fire worshipper in Persia and the religion became solely Allah’s. Long awaited desire and prayers of the people came to be heard and an era of peace and justice dawned upon the earth. People of all nations accepted Islam without compulsion and then joined the Muslim army to sacrifice their lives and wealth for its propagation. The Prophet issued orders that the bad treatment given to the Jews by the Christians and vice versa should come to an end, the order was enforced immediately. Persecution of the religious sects came to an end in the territories which came under Islamic rule. Islam is not a revolution of the Arabs but it is a universal revolution in which everyone was equally free to take part. When the non-Muslim masses observed beauty and sincerity of Islamic system, they embraced Islam with great fervour and religious conviction, ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of the One about whom they got the true awareness for the first time. But alas! The Europeans remained entangled into the strong clutches of their churches and experienced the age of iniquity, tyranny, immorality and every conceivable evil for more than two millennium, including what is known as Dark Ages. As Islam was prospering in the Eastern part of the world, uncivilized, illiterate, prejudiced Christian fathers started to incite their followers against the Muslims declaring Islam to be

25 Anti-Christ. In 1095 AD, they succeeded to gather a large army who defeated the Muslims in their first crusade capturing Jerusalem. The Christians turned butchers and killed the Muslims men and women in thousands, mercilessly as a religious duty. In 1187 AD, Salah-ud-Din Ayubi defeated the European marauds and captured Jerusalem back. Then the Christians made repeated attempts in 1202 AD, 1212 AD 1227 AD, 1249 AD and 1270 AD but were defeated in all these Crusades. Illinformed prejudiced Christians fought all these wars against those i.e. the Muslims, who strongly believed in Jesus Christ and revered him with the greatest esteem. But prejudiced Christian fathers were always successful to arouse unfounded hatred and prejudice against Islam, its followers and the founder. The truth is that the Christianity always flourished upon the ignorance and the prejudice of the masses. There is another truth that all religions except Islam were unable to make desired changes in their followers regarding their character, imparting equality, humility, broad-mindedness, tolerance, spirit of piety, spirit of sacrifice and above all true humanity. All religions have survived under the mercy of the clergy who were interested only in the performance of certain rituals and collect truth and donations from the people. Real taste of humanism was experienced by the people only when true Islam entered into their heart. In 1288 AD Othoman Empire was established which remained in power upto 1924 AD. A great part of Europe came under the Muslim rules. It was then that some wise men of Europe decided to learn lessors from the Muslims and decided to educate their masses. Thereafter, many universities like Oxford, Cambridge were established throughout the Europe in the same pattern as in the Muslim neighbourhood. Their courses of studies were the same as in Islamic universities. As the Europeans acquired learning, the Muslims lost the vigour of the past and ultimately the Europeans excelled not only in education but also in the art of warfare. In the eighteenth century and afterwards, almost all Muslim countries of the world came under the rule of the Europeans, one by one. Clever and deceitful Europeans soon became the rulers in the most Islamic countries. It was then that they played havoc with the Muslims and they tried with their full power to make Muslims weak, poor, uneducated and irreligious.

26 The Europeans captured Australia and killed millions of local population including the Muslims. The Africans were abducted and forcibly deported to America in millions. Earlier Red Indians of America met a terrible fate whence many many millions were butchered like animals and this brought about their near extinction. This was the fruit of the European civilization while the Muslims learned a hard lesson that the weakness of a nation is an unpardonable crime. The Europeans took full advantage of their rule and power and amassed great wealth by looting all the nations of the world by their imperialist designs. Even in the 20th century, the, mankind saw killing of many millions in Cambodia, Vietnam, Korea. Weak unwary masses were killed with napalm bombs, chemicals sprays, biological sprays etc. which killed, maimed and deformed people to be a witness that weakness of Islam became instrumental for the crimes against humanity. In those countries, millions and millions were raped; lakhs of children were thus born while many times more were born dead by abortion. The so-called Christians became an object of great hatred among the countries. When the Muslims were powerful, they never gave chance to devilish nations to do what they did later. In Philippines, the Muslim majority was reduced to a minority and the country where there were not even thousand Christians became the first Christian country in Asia, all converted by force and use of wealth. In the present time, the so-called Christian nations are using their full power to malign Islam and spread their religion among those who are uneducated, uncivilized and do not understand the designs of the imperialist states who visualise that the best way to enjoy political influence in a country is to Evangelize the people. That is why, now all the Churches and the European governments have joined their hands to spread the Christianity. In the meantime, these nations use their full power to destablize the Muslim countries politically, socially, economically and religiously by the use of their agents. Moreover these imperialist countries are actively engaged to control their natural wealth too. The struggle for amassing wealth for a section of humanity who is White so as to live better life at the expense of non-Whites who are mostly non-Christian, is a character manifested only by those who call themselves as the Christians, though most of them are nonbelievers in their doctrine or loosely attached to the faith or even faithless or atheist; wealth and

27 worldly joy being their only object of life. This terrible character has developed due to lack of their access to Islamic teachings. Islam cultivates a good, brotherly feeling for all other human being, and also humility, charitable character, tolerance, large-heartedness and most of all, unworldliness. Islam abolished caste system as well as regionalism. A Muslim always live a life for the reward and reckoning of the Hereafter by Allah Who has declared all the human beings as His children. All men are one community, one family. As Allah loves all His children, rather all living beings, so should a Muslim do. These are the teachings of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) who was sent as the mercy for all the worlds. It is now the duty of all the Muslim scholars related to the propagation of Islam to come forward to deliver, the message of Islam to the Westerns and combat the evil forces and religious mafias indulged in defacing Islam by malicious unfounded propaganda. The people with wealth too have the great responsibility to take part in this Holy Jehad with all their resources; Allah’s wealth should be spent in His way only. We are sure that the intelligent people of the West will immediately embrace Islam when veil of ignorance is removed; the veil which made them blind in view of continuous systematic fallacious propaganda. The Muslim world must perform their duty entrusted to them by Allah in the Holy Quran.

28 CHRISTIANITY, WESTERN CIVILIZATION AT CROSSROAD In the last few centuries, the Western world, identified as adherent to Christianity, was on the rise with respect to the worldly wealth. But in the 20th century, their progress and supremacy became phenomenal. In the field of science, economics and social aspects, their successes, are praiseworthy. But as they progressed in the worldly fields, many evils also flourished too. Gambling Mafias: In the Western countries, the gambling has flourished upto an unimaginable extent. There is hardly a sport or an event in which the people do not gamble. May be it is Football, Cricket, Boxing, Horse Races, Beauty contest or anything, people invest billions on gambling. This has destroyed social structure; men sit for long time in gambling casinos and before television sets, while their wives and children wait for them, neglected and frustrated. Drugs & Liquor Mafias: This is perhaps the most powerful mafia. There is hardly a large street in the West where pubs are not present. Men and women spend hours intoxicating themselves. This has destroyed their home lives. Drugs of different kinds are available freely to give even more pleasure. People prefer to be in dream-life, than to face the realty of life because the real life has lost it’s peace. Why! even wealth cannot bring them peace as majority, if not all, have become unfaithful and crafty. Prostitution, Child Abusing, Sodomy With the acquirement of wealth, the West cultivated in itself evils like prostitution, child abusing, and sodomy to an alarming extent. All wealthy men openly admit going to prostitutes, an evil which is accepted by the society since time immemorial; many openly keep mistresses. Many men of high political positions are known sodomy and admit it openly with pride. Some organisations are actively working to give sodomy and homosexuality a legal sanction. This is a great curse of Allah. Due to these evils, innocent young girls are forced to live with their boy friends without marriage to fulfil their natural need, as their partners are not willing to take the responsibility of marriage and stick to one girl only. A large number of children born in the West are born outside marriage; the governments

29 bear their expenses while they are deprived of the love and the supervision of their parents. Most children are single parent, whose father or mother work whole day and see them at night, tired and exhausted, feeling no great love for the child of an unfaithful spouse. Prostitution mafias organize many beauty contests and fashion shows. The contestants and the winners are well publicized and some become models, others actresses, mistresses, secretaries, receptionists, prostitutes, call-girls, or just temporary girl friends. Such mafias are awfully powerful throughout the world. Their highly paid agents allure the best beauties of the world to join their organisations. Sometimes, black-mailing, abduction and drugging is used for hesitant preys. The people who once start enjoying the company of beautiful women can never make a good husband, a good father; nor they ever enjoy peaceful home life, but they become obsessed sex-seekers. ARMS AND AMMUNITION MAFIAS This is perhaps the most powerful clandestine mafias in which respective governments are fully involved. In the most countries of the West, the arms are freely available. This has resulted in very alarming crime rate in some countries especially in U.S.A’s big cities. Sometimes mafias fight their own battles among themselves. Some groups are engaged in supplying arms and ammunition at exorbitant price to the countries where political groups, religious groups or the tribes have rivalries. Sometimes they supply to the both rivals. In the most African countries, the war among the rival nations is continually going on, thanks to the Western mafias. Peaceful people in such countries are incited to fight for their freedom, while they supply to them arms as the friends of freedom-lovers. The most important reason, why poverty, disease, corruption, famine is experienced in the poor countries is the handiwork of the West’s civilized men. Who is responsible for the menace of terrorism of the present day? Who has vested interest? We leave the answer to our readers who are mesmerized by the

30 achievements of the West, but do not look at the other side of their faces! Political Mafias: Almost all the political parties who come to power or sit in opposition are greatly influenced by the men of vested interests. All powerful God-fathers of the mafias try to push their agents or like-minded politicians to power who then become pawn in their hands. Ruling politicians pose to be free leaders in their countries but actually they are puppets of those who brought them into the power and are able to topple their governments too. Mafias keep enough evidences of their weaknesses, political, social or sexual to force the rulers to bow down before their unfair demands even. Mostly, the mafias’ pressure groups work for a single goal that is amassing of wealth at the expense of poor countries especially the Islamic. If we look at the wars in the 20th century only, we find that in each case, millions were killed mercilessly for no purpose other than greed. It were the rich nations who were aggressors, whose treasures were already full, but blinding lust for ‘more’ compelled them to commit every heinous crime which is conceivable, be it mass killing, spread of prostitution, spread of immorality and destruction of religious ties — all had come under their attack. This all happened because they never received the message of Islam who has miraculous power to change the hearts of even the most hardhearted nations; example of the Tartars and the African countries is before us. Even in Europe and U.S.A., those criminals who embrace Islam suddenly become very tolerant, humble and religious. Only the Islam has the miraculous power to change the hearts and the characters of its adherents. Because they have a living example in prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) before them, whose personality is continuously under malicious attack unfairly by the men of bastardly origin. Loss of Religious Devotion: Upto Sixteenth century, all the Holy Books were in the possession of the Christian Fathers who recited selected verses on Sundays and performed religious rites. Then the Bible was translated into common language and then people had the access to their Holy Books in which Oneness of God was strictly stressed while the worship of images was forbidden. Masses soon realized that the belief of the churches did not conform to the divine teachings who unsuccessfully tried to explain the Trinity and at j

31 the same time ‘stubbornly claiming the Oneness of God. Intelligent and thoughtful people found it hard to digest the explanations put forward by their churches. Moreover many Western scholars as well as Hindu scholars like Pandit Kanshi Ram (1940) pointed out that the stories of the Bible were either unbelievable or unworthy to be narrated. Deceit of Jacob (A.S.) against his twin brother Esau; conspiracy of Jacob’s sons to kill their brother Joseph; merciless killing of infidels by Moses (A.S.) and Joshua (A.S.); Judah’s visit to a prostitute later found to be has own daughter-in-law; David enticed Uriah’s wife Bathsheba and then manipulated to kill Uriah etc, etc. raised many questions in the minds of serious Western readers. They found that Jesus (A.S.) who categorically denied to be a Christ i.e. Messiah of the world but was sent by God for the Jews only, was made God Almighty’s very person whom Jesus (A.S.) and his twelve disciples worshipped many times a day. Incidentally Jesus (A.S.) whom the churches made Saviour saved none of the Jews who were being cruelly treated, killed, and persecuted by the Roman rulers. As the thoughtful, educated masses could not receive a suitable answer to all their questions, they became alienated from the churches. Even churches didn’t pay any serious attention to them as long as they proclaimed themselves as the Christians and kept themselves away from Islam. The true Christianity is a very beautiful, spiritually rich religion but unfortunately their religious Fathers lacked the spirit of Jehad to convince and impart the true Christian morals in the masses. Moreover, the Christianity did not fulfil the need of modern age nor it was universal religion at all. Rather it was not Christianity of Jesus (A.S.) and his disciples at all. Then we observe that the White nations predominantly the Christians cultivated a spirit of racial superiority, resulting in the great bloodshed of the coloured people all over the world. Wealthy Whites became lover of worldly enjoyments, like music, dancing with women; drinking, gambling etc. etc. A Western average man finds joy in music, women, sodomy and drugs but has no idea that such joys are transitory while permanent peace is the remembrance of the One who created him, and living a life in the style of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). This is the curse which the Western nation suffers as a result of denying Islam. Their churches are the main culprits while the Muslims themselves are to be equally blamed for not fulfilling the trust

32 and the covenant of God. Souls of spiritually sick men of Europe yearned for the Messiah who could heal their wounded spirits, but the Muslims failed to give the balm to them, thanks to the iron clutches of their churches and the rulers who resisted the entry of Islam into their regions of influence. Though the Christian nations especially U.S.A. call themselves as super-power, but inside they are as hollow and depraved as could be. Their masses as well as their leaders are unable to control the mafias running the business of drugs, women trafficking and promotion of prostitution and gambling, and above all, none can now control their own women. Now the most powerful are the most weak too. Even politically, those claiming to be super-powers are nothing but puppets whose strings are in the hands of the Jews and Israel and the mafias.

33 ISLAM OR CHRISTIANITY A Christian scholar or a propagandist may ask a Muslim to accept Christian. A Muslim can always reply back that he believes in the prophethood of Jesus Christ (A.S.), calls him a Word and a Spirit from Allah, believes in all his miracles, calls his mother Mary (A.S.) as one of the most blessed among all the women of the world, then what more he is expected to believe? Shall he believe in him as God, a creator in human form? It is a most abhorrent belief to accept. Then the Christian propagandist may say ‘put faith in the Cross; your all sins will be forgiven as Jesus (A.S.) has given his life as a ransom on behalf of the sins of the world. A Muslim shall immediately reply that every man is responsible for his own sins and nobody else can be a ransom for his sins. Jesus (A.S.) always asked his followers that if they are to be called as ‘sons of God’ they must do Father’s Will too, only then they are true believers otherwise they are hypocrites. All the more, we believe that Jesus (A.S.) was too holy and dear to God to suffer death by crucifixion. This is our fundamental faith and we do not put faith in concocted stories of the Church Doctors. A Muslim can in return, offer a Christian to embrace Islam. By doing so his sins will be forgiven and replaced by good merits as stipulated in the Holy Quran. If a man is sinful and then seeks repentance of Allah, Allah will surely forgive the sins of the sincere seeker and replace all his sins with the same number of good merits. So by the acceptance of Islam, the greatest nonbelievers can be the greatest virtuous man in the eyes of Allah. A Muslim can have all his sins forgiven, just by the repentance. Then which is more proper proposition? The Christian propagandist may still allure a Muslim by saying that by the performance of the Holy Mass and eating of bread and wine, God will enter into his every part of the flesh and the blood by phenomenon called ‘trans-substantiation’. A Muslim should respectfully thank for his good suggestion and say that this is perhaps one of the many alluring stories to attract

34 illiterate people. When Jesus (A.S.) Christ, celebrated the last ‘Lord Super’ we notice that it made no change in the disciples. It was after this ‘Super’ that Judas Iscariot turned traitor. When Jesus (A.S.) was praying to Allah to save his life; he asked the disciples to keep wake for his sake and pray for him but none complied, then of what goodness is this Mass for? Thereafter when the Jewish mob arrived to arrest Jesus Christ (A.S.), all the disciples fled in terrible haste and did not turn back, except Peter who denied any acquaintance with Jesus (A.S.) with impolite words. So a Muslim should refuse to accept the Christianity but tell that actually Islam is the true Christianity, the true faith of Allah, the faith of all the prophets including Jesus (A.S.) and his disciples. And the true Christ of the world is prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). So the propagandists have nothing to offer but are misleading the people to their concocted faith. Christianity has its own limitations. It invites to a God claiming to be One, but in fact, as the Holy Quran tells us, to the three (i.e. Trinity); a belief which Allah abhors. Moreover, in spite of the good moral teachings written in the Gospels, it has failed to make an impact upon the character of masses. In contrast Islam has a profound capacity to change the character of a man, both inner change of heart and outwardly character, we hereby bring to witness the observation of some eminent unbiased scholars who wrote the truth about Islam. We have given a short account of their opinions which covers almost all aspects of Islam which have been claimed in this treatise. 1.


“It is one of the glories of Islam that temples are not made with hands and that its ceremonies can be performed anywhere upon God’s earth or under His heaven.” (Our Indian Mussulmans; Hunter) “It may be boldly asserted that no people in this world give the impression of being so religious-minded as do Moslems. All of life is saturated with the consciousness of God.” (What is this Moslem World? London, 1937, pp. 38-39 Charles R Watson) “Most pleasing also is the dignity which the Muslim develops through his attitude is one of noble religious pride which is never transformed into vanity.”

35 (Die Welt des Islam, p. 133 Friedrich Delitzsch) “The nobility and broad tolerance of this creed, which accepts as God-inspired all the real religions of the world, will always be a glorious heritage for mankind. On it could indeed be built a perfect world religion.” [(The Gospel of Islam Adyar 1948, p. 27 Duncan Greenlees, M. A. (Oxon.)] “Two features in the Creed of Islam have always specially attracted me. One is the God’s conception, the other is its unquestionable sincerity, a tremendous asset in human affairs, the religious aspect of them especially. After all, sincerity is almost divine and like love, covers a multitude of sins. (Islam — Her Moral and Spiritual Value, London 1927. Major Arthur Glyn Leonard) “Images or pictures, either of Allah or Muhammad (S.A.W.), are strictly forbidden, and the mosques with their domes and courtyards though — beautiful are bare. One misses the forests of flowers standing before the images of Buddha, the carvings and images of Hindu temples, the priests in their vestments in the churches of Rome, the hymns in a Protestant church. For Moslems these things are looked on as distractions from worship and prayer, and images are held to lead to idolatry.” “Perhaps it was this simplicity of Islam which led to its amazingly rapid spread in its early years.” (Men Seeking God, London, 1955, p. 16 Christopher Mayhew). 2.


“The Muhammadan Law which is binding on all, from the crowned head to the meanest subject, is a law interwoven with a system of the wisest, the most learned and the most enlightened jurisprudence that ever existed in the world” (Edmund Burke, “Impeachment of Warren Hastings”) “And this right of the wife to seek divorce was recognised for the first time in the history of mankind by Islam”. (M. Letourneau, Evolution of Marriage)

36 “In like manner he (Muhammad (S.A.W.) improved the position of women..... He allowed women to come to the mosque, but believed that their homes are better, yet when they came to his services he treated them kindly even if they brought sucking babies; if, says an amiable tradition, he heard a child cry he would shorten his sermon lest the mother be inconvenienced. He put an end to the Arab practice of (feminine) infanticide (xii, 31).

He placed women on the same footing with man in legal processes and in financial independence; she might follow any legitimate profession, keep her earning, inherit property, and dispose off her belongings at will (iv, 32). He abolished the Arab custom of transmitting women as property from father to son. Women were to inherit half as much as the male heirs, and were not to be disposed off against their will...... a tradition quotes the prophet as saying to women, ‘It is permitted to you to go out for your needs’........ we find Moslem women moving about freely and unveiled in the Islam of his time, and a century thereafter. The Age of Faith, pp. 181, 182, 183 Will Durant.)



“The Crusades, the Turkish wars, and the great expansion of Europe widened the gulf between Christianity and Islam, while as the East was gradually brought under ecclesiastical influence the contrast grew deeper. The theory, however, that the Muhammadans conquerors and their successors were inspired by a fanatical hatred of Christianity is a fiction invented by Christians”. (C. M. Becker, Christianity and Islam, London 1909) “Incidentally these well established facts dispose of the idea so widely fostered in Christian writings that the Muslims, wherever they went, forced people to accept Islam at the point of the sword”. Lawrence W. Brownie, The Prospect of Islam, London 1944)

“Once the war was terminated, the Muslims always displayed a great tolerance towards the conquered people having them their legislation and religious beliefs”. (O. Houdes, La Grande Encyclopaedia 1894)

37 “No other religion in history spread so rapidly as Islam-...- The West has widely believed that this surge of religion was made possible by the sword. But no modern scholar accepts that idea........ But testimony is over-whelming that “followers of the Book” were usually given decent treatment, sanctuary and freedom to worship as they wished.” (James A. Michener, Islam, The Misunderstood Religion) “Many Westerners, accustomed by their history books to believe that Muslims were barbarians infidels find it difficult to comprehend how profoundly our intellectual life has been influenced by Muslim scholars in the field of science, medicine, mathematics, geography and philosophy”. (James A. Michener “Islam — The Misunderstood Religion”, in the Reader’s Digest, May 1955. “History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have over repeated. (De Lacy O’Leary, Islam at the Crossroads, London 1923) “In their wars or conquest, however, the Muslims exhibited a degree of toleration which puts many Christian

nations to shame.”

(E Alexander Powell; The Struggle for Power in Muslims Asia, New York 1923)

“Under Christian there was certainly more cruelty than under early Islam” (J. M. Robertson, A Short History of Christianity). “The picture of the Muslim soldiers advancing with a sword in one hand and Koran in the other is quite false.” (A. S. Triton, Islam, Condon 1954) “The day of Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) greatest triumph over his enemies was also the day of his greatest victory over himself. He freely forgave the Koraysh all the years of sorrow and cruel scorn in which they had afflicted him and gave an amnesty to the whole population of Makkah....... It was thus Muhammad (S.A.W.) entered again his native city. Through all the annals of conquest there is no triumphant entry comparable to this one.”

38 (The speeches and Table Talk of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), London 1882 by Stanley Lane-Poole) “His military triumphs awakened no pride nor vain glory, as they would have done had they been effected for selfish purposes.” (Washington Irving, Mahomet and his Successor, London 1909). 4.


“To seek knowledge is duty of every Muslim man and woman. Seek knowledge even though it be in China. The savants are the heirs of the Prophets. These profound words of the great reformer are an indisputable contradiction to those who seek and exert themselves in putting the responsibility of the intellectual degradation of Muslims upon the spirit of the Quran — they will read that the Prophet incessantly called the attention and the meditation of his people to the splendid marvels, to the mysterious phenomenon of creation” (Dr. A. Bertherand, Contribution des Arabies and Progress de Sciences Medicales, Paris 1883). “It is to Mussulman science, to Mussulman art and to Mussulman literature that Europe has been in a great measure indebted for its extrication from the darkness of the Middle Ages” (Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, Speeches delivered in India, London 1890) “We must not be surprised to find the Quran the fountainhead of the sciences. Every subject connected with

heaven or earth, human life, commerce and various trades occasionally touched upon.” (Hartwig Hirschfeld, Ph. D. M. R. A. S. New Researches into the Composition and Exegesis of the Quran, London 1902) “The ancient cultures of Greece, Rome and Persia were revitalized by the Arab genius and the Islamic spirit. (M. A. Lothrop Stoddard. The New World of Islam. London 1932) “If the Greek was the father, then the Arab was the foster-father of the scientific method of dealing with reality.”

39 (H. G. Wells, The Outline of History, London 1920) “It (Quran) has created an all but new phase of human thought and a fresh type of character”. (Rev. J. M. Rodwell, The Outline of History, London 1920). “The Koran did not contain a single statement that was assailable from a modern scientific point of view”. (Dr. Maurice Bucaille, The Bible, The Koran and Science). “Europe was darkened at sunset, Cordova shone with public lamps; Europe was covered with vermin, Cordova changed its undergarments daily; Europe lay in mud, Cordova’s streets were paved, Europe’s palaces had smoke-holes in the ceiling, Cordova’s arabesques were exquisite; Europe’s nobility could not sign its name, Cardova’s children went to school; Europe’s monks could not read the baptismal service, Cordova’s teacher created a library of Alexandrian dimensions”. 5.


“The extinction of race consciousness as between Muslims is one of the outstanding achievements of Islam”. (A. J. Toynbee, Civilization on Trial, New York 1948) “The brotherhood of Mohammedanism is no mere word. All believers are equal and their own high-priest, Zeid, the exslave, led Muhammad’s troop..... The Ghazanavide dynasty was founded by the slave.... The cruet treatment of slaves has been

the reproach of Europeans rather than of Eastern nations”. (Dr. Leither, Muhammadanism 1893). 6.


Islam had the power of peacefully conquering souls by the simplicity of its theology, the clearness of its dogma and principles. (Jean L’heureax, Etude Sur L’lslamism). Two features in the creed of Islam have always specially attracted me. One is the God conception, the other is its unquestionable sincerity. (Major Arthur Glyn Leonard, Islam - Her Moral and Spiritual Value, London 1927).

40 Sense of justice is one of the most wonderful ideals of Islam, because as I read in the Qur’an I find those dynamic principles of life, not mystic but practical ethics for the daily conduct of life suited to the whole world. (Sirojini Naidu, Madras 1918) The rise of Islam is perhaps the most amazing event in human history springing from a land and a people alike previously negligible, Islam spread within a century over half the earth shattering great empires, overthrowing long established religions, remodeling the souls of races, and building up a whole new world — of Islam. The closer we examine this development the more extraordinary does it appear, — Forgetting the chronic rivalries and blood feuds which had consumed their energies in internecine strife, and welded into a glowing unity by the fire of their new-found faith, the Arabs poured forth from their deserts to conquer the earth for Allah, the one true God — For the first

three centuries of its existence (circ, AD 650-1000) the realm of Islam was the most civilized and progressive portion of the world. (A. M. Lothrop Stoddard. Ph. D. The World of Islam, London 1932). There can be no question but that, with its pure monotheism and a code founded in the main on justice and humanity, Islam succeeds in raising to a higher level races sunk in idolatry and fetishism, like those of Central Africa, and that in some respect, notably in that of temperance, it materially improves the morality of such people. (Sir William Muir, Mohamet and Islam, London 1895).

“On the whole we find in it (Quran) a collection of wisdom which can be adopted by the most intelligent of men, the greatest of philosophers and the most skilful of politicians. “(Laura Veccia Gaglieri, “Apologie de I” Islamisme). “It is not the propagation but the permanency of his religion that deserves our wonder, the same pure and perfect impression which he engraved at Makkah and Medina is preserved after the revolutions of twelve centuries by the Indian, the African and the Turkish proselytes of the Koran”. (Edward Gibbon and Simon Ockley, History of the Saracen Empire, London 1870).

41 “His creed is equally suited to the despotism of Russia and to the democracy of the United States”. (Joseph J. Nunan, Islam and European Civilization, Demerara 1912). “It is hardly too bold an assertion that to Muhammad (S.A.W.), we owe the facts that Christianity has not joined the

ranks of vanished creeds”.

(W. M. Thompson, Democratic Readings). “Islam is a religion that is essentially rationalistic in the widest sense of this terms considered etymologically and historically. A creed so precise, so stripped of all theological complexities and consequently so accessible to the ordinary understanding might be expected to possess and does indeed possess a marvellous power of winning its way into the consciences of men”. (T. W. Arnold “The Preaching of Islam, London 1913). “As a religion the Mohammedan religion, it must confessed, is more suited to Africa than is the Christian religion indeed. I would even say that it is more suited..... the world as a whole. (Lancelot Lawton, The Sphere, London 1922). “I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a Uniform regime based on the principles of the Qur’an which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness. (Napoleon Bonaparte in Bonaparte et. L. Islam, Paris by Cherfils). “More pure than the system of Zoroaster, more liberal than the law of Moses, the religion of Mohamet might seem less inconsistent with reason than the creed of mystery and superstition which, in the seventh century disgraced the simplicity of the gospels.” (Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,-London 1938) “The totally erroneous statements made about Islam in the West are sometimes the result of ignorance and sometimes of systematic degeneration —. It is disturbing to read blatant

42 untruths in eminently respectable works written by authors a priori are highly qualified.” (Dr. Maurice Bucaille “The Bible, The Koran and Science”). “To the Arab nation it (Islam) was a birth from darkness into light; Arabia first became alive by means of it — within one century afterwards, Arabia is at Granada on this hand, at Delhi on that; glancing in valour and splendour and the light of genius, Arabia is shine through languages over a great section of the world. (Thomas Carlyle, Heroes and Hero-Worship). “Classical Islam, at its highest, was a religion admirably conceived to give courage, dignity, and serenity to man facing a life of adversity, and to give him charity towards his fellowmen”. (Wilfred Cantwell Smith - Modern Islam in India). “Islam emerged into the civilized outer world, not as the crude superstition of marauding hordes, but as a moral force that commanded respect and a coherent doctrine that could challenge on their ground the Christianity of East Rome and the Zoroastrianism of Persia”. (Prof. H. A. R. GIBB, Mohammedanism). “Further where Islam is in competition with Christian missions run by Europeans, even when the rulers are Christians, it still spreads because it offers more understandable religious, social and economic values than Western Christianity, which only allows its adherents religious but no social equality.”. (Spencer Trimingham, Islam in the Sudan). “The Qur’an spoke so powerfully and convincingly to the hearts of his hearers as to weld hitherto centrifugal and antagonistic elements into one compact and well-organized body, animated by the ideas far beyond that which had until then ruled the Arabian mind.” (Von Kraemer, Culturgeschichte de Orients). “The Qu’ran condemns cruelty, pride, arrogance, extravagance, calumny, games of chances, the use of intoxicants and other vices which debase man and destroy social life. It recommends faith in God and resignation to His will. This was

43 meant, as will appear in the sequel, as subversive neither of human activity nor of moral freedom. (Dr. Weil, Ges Chichteder Islamics Chen Volker). 7.


“The totally erroneous statements made about Islam in the West are sometimes the result of ignorance and sometimes of systematic degeneration.” (Maurice Bucaillee, ‘The Bible, the Qur’an and Science”) “I have studied him, the wonderful man, and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the saviour of Humanity.” (George Barnard Shaw, ‘A collection of Writings of some of the Eminent Scholars’. 1935) “To suppose Muhammad (S.A.W.) an imposter poses more problems than it solves. Moreover, non of the great figures of history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Muhammad (S.A.W.)”. (W. Montgomery Watt, ‘Mohammad at Makkah,’ Oxford 1953) As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?” (Lamartine, ‘Histore de la Turquie’, Paris 1854) “Mohamet himself after all that can be said about him, was not a sensual man,” (Thomas Carlyle, ‘On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History;, London 1888). “Can a man who has no good qualities hold a friend? Because those who knew Mohammed best believed in him...... All again risked his (Abu Bakr) life for the Prophet in his darkest days Muhammad was no imposter, at any rate. (H. G. Wells, ‘The Outline of History’, London 1920) “One of the most deplorable things in history is the systematic way in which European writers have contrived to put out of sight the scientific obligations of the Arabs”.

44 (H. G. Farmer, ‘Historical Facts in the Arabian Musical Influence;’) “The theory, however, that the Mohammedan conquerors and their successors were inspired by a fanatical hatred of Christianity is a fiction invented by the Christians”. (C. M. Becker, ‘Christianity and Islam’, London 1509. Above references should open the heart and the eyes of those who are allergic to Islam, thanks to the propaganda of the ungodly men with vested interests. It is Allah who opens the heart and the eyes, He leads the men to His faith, He misleads the hardhearted people, so nonbelievers should search their hearts and then pray to Allah to give them the courage to embrace Islam.

45 REQUIREMENTS TO BE A MUSLIM The goal of Islam is to change people with idolatrous past to be only slave of Allah. All non-Muslims have somewhat subhuman nature and a beastly character while their thirsty spirits are yearning for peace. Only Islam is the answer. Hereunder, we give a short account of the Principles of Islam which every human being ought to believe. 1.


Allah is One, neither He has father nor son, He is Absolutely the One, exacting devotion, prayer and worship for none but Him. There is no other god but He, apart from Him, all are His creation who ought to feel pride to be His slaves. Allah will forgive every sin except calling anyone a god. He is the King, the Knower, the Holy, the Peace, the Lord, the Mighty, the Authoritative, the Compeller, the Proud, the Originator, the Destroyer, the Creator out of nothing, the Fashioner, the Wise, the Loving, the Beneficent, the Friend, the Caretaker the Protector, the Helper, the Sole Judge, the Inflictor, the Vengeful, the Forgiving, the Self-Sufficient, the Incomprehensible, the Unique. Allah has hundreds of beautiful blessed names; whoso invokes the name, Allah bless him exceedingly. None of His creation has its semblance, He is different from all things, formless, above comprehension, all powers issue from Him. He is All-Powerful. Allah has created everything with a measure, with a capacity and the Fate. Allah has given free-will to man. It is incumbent upon him to strive and struggle for the good. If a man strives and prays to God, He changes fate for whom He wishes. Key to fate is with Him. 2.


A Muslim believes the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) as His last Prophet, a man, a slave of Allah, His Messenger for the whole world including men of all races, colours. He is the Prophet of Mercy, REHMATUL LILALEMIN. He is Prophet and a lord of all angels and genii under commandment of Allah. The Prophet’s

46 commandments are absolute, irrevocable, inviolable, binding upon all the Muslims under authority from Allah. Allah has created him free from all sins and his every action and word is from Allah. Muhammad (S.A.W.) ordered to put faith in, and respect and send blessings upon all the prophets unconditionally. He made it encumbent to believe in Jesus Christ (A.S.) as a messenger, a slave of Allah, His Word and His Spirit, but he was neither God nor His son nor an object of worship. Belief in Trinity is an abominable sin. Jesus (A.S.) was not crucified but Allah raised him unto Himself to save His beloved Prophet from the terrible sufferings. A Muslim ought to believe that Jesus (A.S.) was not God or a person of Him as Son, but only a man born of the Most Pious virgin mother Mary who was the most blessed and exalted woman in the worlds, who loved to be called herself as slave-girl. (Luke 1:48) A Muslim must disbelieve in the Godhood of Jesus (A.S.) because he was born like a human being. He ate and drank, felt thirst and hunger, he felt tiredness and slept, he worshipped God, he met failure to convince the Jews and was dismayed, he wept for his terrible end, he obeyed the Roman laws. All these marks are unfit for the Almighty Allah who is free from any need or weakness. Allah is Sustainer of the whole world, while Jesus’ (A.S.) own disciples kept money box to gather charity and, on one occasion, stole from the fields to fill their stomach. Allah is Lord of the Worlds, Jesus (A.S.) was a messenger only and only for the Jews — none else. No doubt that Jesus (A.S.) raised the dead. One Lazarus is mentioned in the gospels but Allah gives life to billions and kills billions and will raise again on the Day of Resurrection. Also Allah heals billion of men. Thus Jesus’ (A.S.) Signs were a proof for men on behalf of Allah; not that, for one or many other Signs, he should be declared as God instead of His agent; he performed miracles to make those people to believe in God who denied resurrection and the Hereafter. Allah sent many prophets with Signs to compel people to put faith in Him and acknowledged the prophets as His Messengers, not that people should start their worship and forsake that commandment of Allah which is the most important commandments above all that “Allah is the Only One worthy of worship”. This is what every prophet repeated

47 again and again with the greatest emphasis. But alas! some men are very prone to idolatry; instead of putting faith in Unseen, Invisible God, they always search for a visible God. This is the most abominable, unpardonable sin. We have forwarded arguments for non-Muslims to appeal their conscious, a Muslim is clear on this point and puts faith in the worship of One Allah, to Whom everyone ought to pray to seek His help and His forgiveness and that Muhammad (S.A.W is the last Prophet of Allah and that all the Prophets and all the Books of the past are true and are praiseworthy. Muhammad (S.A.W.) is the prophet prophesied by Jesus (A.S.) to come after him to establish the kingdom of God and whose name would be Paraclete (i.e. Manhamna in Hebrew, Muhammad (S.A.W.) and Ahmed (S.A.W.) in Arabic, falsely translated by the Christian scribes as Advocate, Helper, and many false and irrelevant names to obscure the truth. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said: “Allah sent me to mankind as a teacher”. I am raised to perfect the morals of the people. I will be the leader of all the mankind including all the prophets and will be seated on the right hand of Allah on the Day of Judgment.” 3.


A Muslim must perform prayer five times a day after washing himself; preferably in the mosque with congregation. All the earth is pure now. A man can say his prayer anywhere. Brushing of teeth before each prayer is strongly recommended and desired by the Prophet. A prayer must be said with devotion, humbling before Allah. Before finishing the prayer, a Muslim ought to bless the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and his family, and Ummah and all the prophets. Praying five ‘times a day washes all the sins from a man. He is likened to a man who takes bath five times a day to remove dirt from his body. Such a person is pure from all sins. After prayer, remembrance of Allah, invoking His Attributes and blessing the Prophet is ordered repeatedly in the Holy Quran Late night prayer, Tahajjud is the sign of the Lovers, very dear to Allah. Allah showers His blessings when a Muslim is saying the prayer.

48 The Prophet once said that praying is very good action but the one who is busy in helping a man in need is more dear to Allah. A person who helps a needy is better than a worshipper. The difference between a believer and a nonbeliever is in the performance of the prayer. A Muslim is ordained by Allah to keep fast during the month of Ramadhan, and a well-to-do Muslim should perform Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah), once in a lifetime. The Prayer, the Fasting, the Hajj and Zakat are the foundations of Islam. 4.


A Muslim must speak the truth, the whole truth always, fulfil his commitments, never use foul tongue, nor be angry or get enraged and fight with fellowmen. He should not backbite nor indulge in time wasting pastime, but spend his time with a purpose and self-assessment. A Muslim should be tolerant, free from prejudice, enmity, be broadminded and large-hearted, magnanimous, generous. In addition to the above qualities which the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) ordered the Muslims to cultivate, others are to show moderation in all the affairs of life, in spending, in eating, even in worship and treatment to the fellowmen. If someone hurts you, forgive him as it is better, but if you retaliate, then do not exceed the limits and commit no excessiveness. But for himself, the Prophet said that I have been ordered by Allah to send gifts to those who deprived we and hurted me. He proved this unbelievable quality of character when he conquered Makkah; all his deadly enemies came to him as prisoners to meet their doom. The Prophet said, ‘Today! I forgive you all as Joseph forgave his brothers’. Then he awarded 100 camels each to a dozen of their outstanding chiefs. That is the character which a Muslim is expected to emulate. The Prophet exhorted his followers in his discourses to show no pride as pride destroys all good actions; show forbearance, forgiveness, and a toleration to people of different religions, tribes, languages and colours. Pride is the right of Allah only. Allah is loving for all his children so should a Muslim develop the colour of Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) emphasized his followers that they should always keep before them their ends i.e.

49 death, and work for the Hereafter. While indulging in the worldly affairs, do not be too busy to forget the duties towards your Lord (The Father; the Rabb) and keep before the eyes the interest of the true everlasting life of the Hereafter as ultimate goal. This is ‘the essence of the Prophet’s teachings which is encumbent upon every Muslim. All deeds should be exclusively for Allah’s pleasure. Good treatment given to all human beings including the Christians, the Jews and even animals like dogs, cats, has great reward with Allah. Allah loves all His creation so shall a Muslim, because mankind is one community and all animals are communities like men. 5.


Payment of Zakat is a pillar of a Muslim’s faith. Zakat is to be given from the wealth while charity is optional. Zakat and charity is to be given to help the poor, the men busy in the propagation of Islam, to purchase the freedom of the slaves and the prisoners, to help the new Muslim converts, to help the sick, the blind, the deformed, and men in dire need i.e. payment of a debt etc. etc. The Prophet said that the best charitable actions are those which are lasting. Such are: building of a house for the orphans and the destitute; digging of a well or a canal; writing a book; to _ teach people; to propagate Islam; to plant trees; to build a mosque (school too), to leave behind children who pray for him. In short, all good acts of continuous social benefits are those actions whose reward is continuous till the effect of that good action lasts. “Allah does not accept charity from things earned by unfair means, nor He accepts the prayer of him who is wearing dress bought with unlawful money”, the Prophet said. 6.


(a) Parents: A Muslim must show obedience to his parents till the old age; care for their needs; never becoming rude or impolite but should always speak with respect. “Parents are your Paradise and Gehenna; Paradise is under the feet of your mother”, the Prophet said. Remember mother’s sacrifices and hardships at the time of your birth and childhood, the Holy Quran reminded.

50 (b) Wife and Children: Give best education to your children, teach manners and enforce your authority to maintain discipline. Give preference to daughters over the sons in matter of love and gifts. A wife should not be threatened with divorce unless she is unfaithful or exceedingly foulmouthed. Divorce shakes throne of Allah. The money spent well is that spent on your wife. The best among you is he who gives best treatment to his wife. “I am the best among you in this respect” the Prophet said. Show honour to all women. Death penalty is for the one who violates woman’s honour.

(c) Kins and Neighbours: The Prophet said that a nonMuslim neighbour has one right while a Muslim neighbour has two rights; a Muslim neighbour who is your relative too has three right. The rights of a neighbour are as: If he is in need, help him. If he asks for a loan, give him, If he is poor, fulfil his needs. If he is sick, visit and console him, If he is dead, accompany the burial procession. If he is celebrating, join him and congratulate him. If he has infliction, share his sorrow with consolation. Do not raise you wall to obstruct ventilation. If you bring some edible, send him. The smoke of your kitchen should not be troublesome, or send him what you cooked. When you cook, add some water and send to him. If he does not have clothes, send him some, If you eat your full but your neighbour is hungry, then you are not a Muslim. Send gifts to your neighbour; do not despise if his gift is cheap. Do not throw a stone upon his dog.

51 Remember that you cannot win hearts with money but with nice behaviour; moreover, your wealth cannot reach everyone but your good behaviour can, the Prophet said: Be well—wisher and speak well of your neighbour.

(d) Society: A Muslim should wage Holy War for the betterment of the society. He should help people in education, teaching them Islamic morals and advise them to shun evil deeds. There is no caste system in Islam. All men are equal. A Muslim must respect the personal rights, the property, the honour of his fellow men. While dealing with the people, a Muslim should be fair in business, show leniency in payment, fulfil his commitments. “A good businessmen will be resurrected among the prophets and the martyrs” the Prophet said. Do not cheat even a nonbeliever even if he cheated you. Always do justice even if you or you kins are losers. A Muslim should not indulge in evil deeds like drinking, gambling, obscene music and dancing; rather stop his sons and the acquainted ones. A Muslim should never use unfair means to earn nor should deprive anyone with fraud or offer bribe to the officers for unlawful gains. Do not give false witness, it is blasphemy, it is blasphemy, the Prophet admonished. Muslims are strictly admonished by the Prophet to disunite among themselves. All Muslims are brother’s like a wall where each brick strengthens another; they are like too hands, who wash each other; they are one body in which pain in one part is experienced by the whole body. All Muslim are One Ummah; an army of Allah, while all non-Muslims are in fact one Ummah, an army of the Devil. (e) Relationship with Non-Muslims: All Muslims can intermix with the people of the Book, eat with them, can marry their chaste women, should respect their places of worship, their customs and days of celebrations and honour their women as their own. One must respect their laws, and respect all their prophets and discuss their religions in the best manners without

52 making untoward or inciting remarks. The lives, the property and the honour of a non-Muslim are sacred and inviolable. It must be realised that all religions including Islam share the same universal truths, only that non-Muslims are in darkness under the spell of the Devil. It is a Muslim’s duty to manifest the truth in a noble manner which should appeal to the hearts of the nonbelievers. 7.


The Holy War or Jehad is performed with words, by the use of wealth, with writing, by the use of force but waging a holy war with arms is the last option. A Muslim who speaks to the people to shun the evils and bid the good is a Holy Warrior. A Muslim who speaks the truth before a tyrant ruler is the greatest Holy Warrior. A Muslim who spends money for the propagation of Islam is a Holy Warrior. A Muslim who writes against social evils or invites mankind to Islam is a Holy Warrior. A Muslim or a group of Muslims who use force against those who commit excesses and are cruel and lawless, are the Holy Warriors. All the members of the Muslims army who fight against those infidels who break the peace treaty or prepare to destroy the Muslims nation, are the Holy Warriors. Allah has promised the highest ranks to those who fight in Allah’s way and get martyred. But on the Day of Judgment, the martyrs will look at the ranks of some men like people look at stars; such ranks are for those who dedicated their lives for the spread of Islam for the sake of Allah’s pleasure only and endeavoured exceeding with utmost selflessness and sincerity. We have given only an outline of the basic Islamic principles. Now we appeal to non-Muslims to search their hearts, conscious and souls and tell which religion is the Truth? Surely, they will say


‫آَل اِ ٰلہآ آ اِ اَّل للاہ ہم آح ام ٌد ار ہ‬ ِ‫س ْو ہل للا‬



PART 2 MISCONCEPTION & ERRORS At the present time, the so-called Christian missionaries i.e. The Evangelists, are busy in the propagation of their religion and are doing very aggressive and malicious propaganda against Islam and its Founder. Mostly the propaganda is based upon the intentional lies and dishonest attitude, but on occasions, it is due to their ignorance, misconception or false information. In the next pages, we have discussed upon those misconceptions which are very common; we want this treatise to be an eye-opener to combat the evil designs of anti-Islam forces.

MISCONCEPTION & ERROR No. 1 WHO WAS IMMANUEL! The Christian Fathers claim that Jesus (A.S.) was born to Maryam (A.S.) without the agency of human father and that this prophecy is present in the Old Testament as such “Look the maiden herself will actually become pregnant and she is giving birth to a son, and she will certainly call his name Immanuel”. Isaiah 7:14 This prophecy is truly about the birth of the Christ of the whole world. Jesus (A.S.) was not the Christ of the whole world but only for the Jews. On many occasions Jesus (A.S.) said: I was sent forth to none but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Matt 15:24 So the Universal Christ was only Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) who claimed so at the start of his mission. In the above prophecy, the word ‘maiden’ do not stand for a perpetual virgin which Mary (A.S.) was, but for a chaste young girl. Unfortunately, the early Christian fathers translated the verses in such a way so as to give impression that the name ‘Immanuel’ is the name of the Christ. But this is absolutely false because name of the new born, for whom the prophecy is being claimed, was Jesus (A.S.) from the very start, never Immanuel; neither it was the name of his mother who was always called Mary. Then whose name is it? Just ponder and we find that this

55 is the name of the mother of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) that is ‘AMINA’ which means the ‘One under the protection of God’; this is the exact translation of the Hebrew word Immanuel too. As far as the Muslims’ belief is concerned, Jesus (A.S.) was born in the house of virgin Mary by the commandment of Allah; he is called God’s Spirit and God’s Word in the Holy Quran because he was a manifestation and a Sign for the two powers of Allah i.e. the Spirit and the Word, Jesus (A.S.) demonstrated these powers to men to be a proof in behalf of Allah. But as far as the above mentioned prophecy is concerned, this pertains to none but prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). As a Muslim, we all admit the purity, chastity and virtuosity of Mother Mary, (A.S.), and believe in the innocence and the truth of Jesus Christ, one of Allah’s greatest Signs. So the Christians and the other non-Muslims should acknowledge that how much the Muslims revere and love Jesus Christ and his mother in contrast to other communities and how close they are to the truth.

56 MISCONCEPTION & ERROR No. 2 TURN THY CHEEK — WHEN! Jesus (A.S.) was a man of outstanding ‘Peace’. He never hurt anybody, nor abused but said: If someone slaps upon your right cheek, offer him your left cheek. The Muslims know that Jesus (A.S.) truly uttered the above words, but the fact is that the inference made by the Christian propagandists is utterly fallacious. This utterance may be true in some personal cases, but not, at all the time as Jesus (A.S.) himself demonstrated. It will be worthwhile to mention at this point that the sayings of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) are even better. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said: I have been ordered by Allah to send gifts to those who deprive me or hurt me. After conquering Makkah, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) really gave hundred camels each to those who were his deadliest enemies for the last twenty years; those who persecuted him and his followers and sent them into exile and then made repeated armed attacks. This is the character befitting for the time Saviour of the World which only our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) demonstrated. Now we come to Jesus (A.S.) to ascertain his true teachings. In Mark 11-15 and John 2-13 we have: “Now they came to Jerusalem, there Jesus (A.S.) entered into the temple and started to throw out those selling and buying in the temple and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the benches of those selling doves”. Also Jesus (A.S.) got the possession of a whip and with its help, he started to drive out those who were selling the animals. Then how come that the Christian propagandists claim that Jesus (A.S.) forbade the use of force on all occasions. The truth is that Jesus (A.S.) himself used the force when a matter of religious honour and Allah’s right came under attack. For the sake of the truth, even Jesus (A.S.) did not keep quiet. In the Gospels we have such utterances of Jesus as “Woe to you scribes and pharisees, you hypocrites; you blind guide’s; you serpents, offspring of vipers: Matt. 23:15-33 56

57 It is true that on one occasion, Jesus (A,S.) asked his audience not to utter a single provoking word like ‘0 fool’ even, but the truth is that when the urgency so arose, he did use the provocative words under commandment from God. Thus the character which is usually ascribed for Jesus (A.S.) and then to malign Islam is unwarranted. Even in Islam, the use of force is absolutely prohibited but only against those who oppress and plunder weak people, be it a non-Muslim or Muslim. This is actually the true commandment of Allah, ‘use force against the oppressors only to protect weak people, commit no excesses, do not kill, plunder or loot even the nonbelievers after the war is over.’ Islam has brought about the much publicized The coming of Kingdom of God’ which Allah promised to establish by giving power to the meek ones through His Christ and to subdue all the evildoers, the hard-hearted men, arrogant tyrants, and to imprison them with chains and to ‘put the enemies beneath the feet’ as the Psalms 45:1 and Mark 12:35 prophesy so clearly. To suppose that the Christ of the world was supposed to bring about the great revolution by peaceful means is erroneous. The Bible do not claim so nor Jesus ever believed so. The revolution which the Prophet brought about, came with a minimum use of force, that too against the enemies of Allah and the mankind. In Islam, the force is never used against masses because Islamic revolution is not for the sake of supremacy of any one nation nor to benefit a section of people but it is for all the nations of the world for their unification into one brotherhood. So if atrocities were committed against the masses, the result will be that a counter-revolution will occur. The Muslims are supposed to win the hearts of the masses with love and justice to absorb them into their fold. It is this character of the Muslims that wherever they went to rule, then all the population accepted Islam with their true heart and soul and then themselves became the flag bearers of the revolution of the Kingdom of Allah to further its noble cause. The Prophet said that whosoever commits Jehad for any material gain, his all efforts are vanity. True Jehad is only for the sake of Allah, solely and sincerely for Him, otherwise it is like any unholy war of the devils.

58 MISCONCEPTION & ERROR No. 3 DENIAL OF MESSIAH: The Evangelists claim, “Jesus (A.S.) was the promised Saviour i.e. the Christ of the world.” Jesus Christ proclaimed again and again in the Gospels that he was sent by Allah only for the Jews and the lost tribes of Bani Israel, and in turn, he ordered his disciples not to go to the non-Jews nor to the Samaritan Jews but only to go to the lost sheep of Israel. Matthew 10:5 Evenmore, the purpose of sending the disciples into different cities was not to establish the Kingdom of God but only the announcement of it. The coming of the true Christ of the .world was prophesied by Jesus (A.S.) to be in the near future. Logically, when a king comes, his servants make announcement about his coming. King himself is not supposed to announce that he is coming. So Jesus (A.S.) was making announcement, not about his own coming but coming of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Moreover, Jesus (A.S.) earned the enmity of the Jewish nation by declaring that the Christ of the world would not be a son of David as per their common belief but from among the sons of Ismael. We hereby cite the verses: ‘Verily I say unto you, that every prophet when he is come hath borne to one nation only the mark of the mercy of God. And so their words were not extended save to that people to which they were sent. But the messenger of God, when he shall come, God shall give to him as it were the seal of his hand, insomuch that he shall carry salvation and mercy to all the nations of the world that shall receive his doctrine. He shall come with power upon the ungodly, and shall destroy idolatry, insomuch that he shall make Satan confounded: for so promised God to Abraham, saying: “Behold, in thy seed I will bless all the tribes of the earth; and as thou hast broken in pieces the idols, O Abraham, even so shall thy seed do.” James answered: ‘O master, tell us in whom this promise was made; for the Jews say “in Isaac,” and the Ishmaelites say “in Ishmael”.

59 Jesus answered: ‘David, whose son was he, and of what lineage?’ James answered: ‘Of Isaac; for Isaac was father of Jacob, and Jacob was father of Judah, of whose lineage is David.’ Then said Jesus: ‘And the messenger of God when he shall come, of what lineage will he be?’

The disciples answered: ‘Of David.’ Whereupon Jesus said: ‘Ye deceive yourselves; for David in spirit calleth him lord, saying thus: “God said to my lord, sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy foot-stool. God shall send forth thy rod which shall have lordship in the midst of thine enemies.” If the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah were son of David, how should David call him lord? Believe me, for verily I say to you, ‘that the promise was made in shmael, not in Isaac,’ Thereupon said the disciples: ‘0 master, it is thus written in the book of Moses, that in Isaac was the promise made.’ Jesus answered, with a groan: ‘It is so written, but Moses wrote it not, nor Joshua, but rather our rabbins, who fear not God. Gospel of Barnabas, Page 45 In the Gospel of Mark 8-29 it is written, Jesus (A.S.) said, “You, though, who do you say I am?” In answer Peter said to him: You are the Christ”. At this he strictly charged them not to tell anyone about him.” This incidence is also present in Luke 9:20 and Matthew 16:13. One fails to understand what sort of Saviour is he who himself did not claim but asked his disciples to solve his riddle, and then did not allow his disciples to tell anybody. Moreover he himself denied himself to be the Christ; but said; “The Christ’s name is Muhammad (S.A.W.) and I am not worthy to unloose the ties of the hozen, the lackets of the shoes of the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah.” Gospel of Barnabas P. 43

60 Just imagine how Jesus (A.S.) can be the Saviour sent for the Jews even, when we find him cursing his own nation again and again as “Truly I say to you that the tax collectors and harlots are going ahead of you into the kingdom of God.” Matt. 21:31 Woe to you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites. “Woe to you, blind guides. Serpents, offspring of vipers Matt. 23:15-33 “Departing now, Jesus as on his way from the temple, but his disciples approached to show him the buildings of the temple. In response he said to them: Do you not behold all these things? Truly I say to you, by no means will a stone be left here upon a stone and not be thrown down. Matt. 24:1 Luke 21:5 Mark 13:1 When Jesus (A.S.) was asked to heal a non-Jewish girl, he said, ‘It is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to little dogs.” Matt. 15:26 Again Jesus (A.S.) said, “Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls before swine”. Matt 7:6 Read above statements again and again and then tell how Jesus (A.S.) was Saviour for the whole world when he called all non-Jews as dogs and swine. How Evangelists call him the Messiah, the Christ when Jesus imprecates the Jews and prophesy their mass murder, and total destruction of the holy temple even. How shameless and cursed are those who propagate a wrong doctrine and then unite to stop the message of Islam, the True Faith of Allah. _________

61 MISCONCEPTION & ERROR No. 4 MYSTERY OF THE CROSS: The Evangelists claim that ‘Jesus was sent by Allah as His son, out of His love for the world, to be crucified to take away their sins; his death being an atonement for the sins of all who put faith in him. The Christian Evangelists have created a story that Adam committed a sin against God, this sin is inherited by all men as their nature. But Jesus (A.S.) Christ paid ransom by offering his own life on the Cross, so now on, it has become easy for the believers to do the Will of God. This is the most alluring propaganda which is publicized among the poor illiterate nations. As the most people are not intelligent enough to smell the hypocrisy hidden in this claim, they sometimes get attracted; they feel no harm in professing the claim that all their sins will be forgiven and in future they will receive God’s grace; and do good deeds according to His Will. In human history, perhaps never such a bogus claim was ever made about any dogma. We observe that the Christians nations never followed the words of God but instead they were always and are the most evildoers among all the nations of the world, They, as a nation, never ceased to refrain from sinning. All the religions of the world, even the Jews believe that every man is responsible for his own sin, no one else can be a penitence for another. Everyone who commits a sin will be answerable to God; only his own penitence will ensure forgiveness of sins. When Jesus (A.S.) started his mission, his first words were ‘0 people, repent for you sins’. He taught Lord’s prayer in which every Christian seeks forgiveness of his sins. Then what is this concocted propaganda for? Is it to make people rebellious of God and to do the evil deeds without a fear and a guilt? If not, then of what purpose is the claim about the Cross, Now hear the another side of the story. Few hours before his final arrest, Jesus (A.S.) worshipped whole night praying as mentioned in the three gospels as under: “Then he said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved, even to death. Stay here and keep on the watch with me. And going a little forward, he fell upon his face, praying and saying: My

62 Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away (i.e. the painful death by Crucifixion) from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:38 Luke 22-42 has this addition; ‘Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. But getting into agony, he continued praying more earnestly, and his sweat became as drops of blood.” Is this an exemplary way to the preparation of sacrificing life before God? Is this account of weeping is becoming of the only son of God who was sent for no purpose but to give his life for the sake of the world? The very son is praying and weeping before God to save him from the Cross! Have’nt the Evangelists made themselves a laughing stock before the whole world? Jesus (A.S.) was never sent by God to go to the Cross, but was sent for only one purpose that is; “Also to other cities I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God because for this I was sent for”. Luke 4:43 The coming of a king is announced by his messengers, not that king himself goes out and says ‘I am coming’. So Jesus (A.S.) was a messenger who announced the coming of the king. That means, in other words, Jesus (A.S.) came to announce the coming of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) to establish God’s Rule on the earth. Jesus (A.S.) performed his mission with full vigour till prejudiced and evil Jews decided finally to kill him. It was at that time that Jesus made the above prayers. Allah heard the prayers of His beloved prophet, His Word and ascended him to Himself while another man (most probably Judas Iscariot) in his semblance was caught. Then all the incidences recorded variously in the Gospels are those which happened to Judas Iscariot. Our readers should know that Allah has promised through Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) that he will be an intercessor for every great sinner and Allah will certainly forgive them except those who associate other gods with Allah. In the Holy Quran, Allah has promised that every Muslim believer will receive a Holy Spirit which will guide him to right deeds. That is the reason that the true Muslims are

63 comparatively very religions in contrast to the rest of the nations. Now people should examine the character of the Christians all around the world especially the White nations. Most of them are evildoers, obsessed with sex, drinking, gambling, dancing, and are music lovers. Most people eat flesh of swine (prohibited by Allah in the Bible) the result being that they have become more shameless than the swine even, having no respect for the honour of their daughters, sisters, wives; none is under their control. Most of them are openly corrupt sexually with no sense of shame nor any hindrance or resistance from anyone, not even from brother, father or husband even. Even the custom of circumcision has been abolished among them. God has cursed the uncircumcised. As everyone notices, the Christian White nations have become open rebels of Allah, then for what purpose the Evangelists propagate their concocted religion? Is this just for worldly gains or for political influence? In fact, the enemies of Islam have lost their self-respect, honour and sense of good judgment otherwise they wouldn’t have ventured against Islam which is now the only hope to save the civilization full of corruption, sins, and obsessed with sex. The present day Christianity has surrendered as a religion; now the only goal before the Evangelists is to make conversions among the poor illiterate nations by alluring them with their wealth, glibly talk and taking full advantage of their ignorance and innocence. Along with this, they do not desist from speaking against Islam which is an ignominious sin. It is now the duty of the Muslim scholars and wealthy people to wage the Jehad against their evil designs and carry it to their own countries. Islam is the true religion; also the Christianity is true but not this Roman brand, rather the Western Brand Christianity which is nothing but an astray religion, helpless in the clutches of very crafty, bigot materialist people with idolatrous soul, impudent, betrayer of faith and devoid of rightful conscious. _________

64 MISCONCEPTION & ERROR No. 5 ALL FORBIDDEN FOOD ARE UNCLEAN: The Evangelists of the past declared that Jesus made lawful all unclean things as clean. The claim is perhaps the greatest example of impudence and betrayal of religion which religious doctors of any religion have ever made. In the Gospel of Mark 7:18 we have an utterance of Jesus (A.S.) as: “So Jesus (A.S.) said to them: “Are you also without perception like them? Are you not aware that nothing from outside that passes into a man can defile him, since it passes not into heart but into intestine and it passes out into the sewer?” Thus he declared all foods clean”. Notice that the last sentence is not the utterance of Jesus (A.S.) but handiwork of the scribe who wrote the Gospel. At this he said: “Are YOU also yet without understanding? Are YOU not aware that everything entering into the mouth passes along into the intestines and is discharged into the sewer? However, the things proceeding out of the mouth come out of the heart, and those things defile a man. For example, out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, fornications, thieveries, false testimonies, blasphemies. These are the things defiling a man; but to take a meal with unwashed hands does not defile a man.” Matthew 15:15-20 ‘Verily I say unto you, that to eat bread with unclean hands defileth not a man, because that which entereth into the man defileth not the man, but that which cometh out of the man defileth the man.’ Thereupon, said one of the scribes. If I shall eat pork, or other unclean meats, will they not defile my conscience?’ Jesus answered: ‘Disobedience will not enter into the man, but will come out of the man, from his heart; and therefore will he be defiled when he shall eat forbidden food.” Gospel of Barnabas, Page 33 The above references clearly depict that it is not unwashed hands which defile a man but the act of defiance and

65 disobedience of word of God which emanates from heart what defiles a man. See how reprobates annulled the word of God without any feeling of guilt! Are they misled or are hypocrites? Earlier in his ministry, Jesus (A.S.) had made it clear that he brought no new law nor he came to break any, but to act upon the law upto the minutest details, even a dot. Then how come that the Evangelists came to the conclusion that swine and liquors are now lawful when Allah strongly prohibited in the Old Testament. Leviticus 10:9, 11:7, Deut. 14:8 & Isaiah 65:4 All the Jews, in spite of their hypocrisy and bigotry never ate pig nor drank liquor. This act of eating unlawful things was characteristic of heathens whom Jesus (A.S.) and the twelve disciples despised and refused to have any connection with them. Even after the Ascension of Jesus (A.S.), the disciples never ate pig and drank liquor. Unfortunately, when King Constantine issued regal orders to his subjects to shun old faiths and to believe only in the Christianity, then the priest complied the orders but kept some of the old practices which were deep rooted among the masses. The old Hellenism, Mithraism and Nimrodism did allow eating of pig, drinking of wine, worship of the Cross and ritual of transubstantiation; the doctors of the new faith i.e. Roman brand Christianity of King Constantine, made lawful all those things which their followers were so eager to accept. Thus the new Christianity spread with great ease, partly with persuasion and partly by sword. Then the greatest bloodshed occurred thereafter to establish the peaceful religion of Jesus (A.S.). We have conveyed the truth to our readers. Jesus (A.S.) never thought to break the commandments of Allah. After Jesus (A.S.), the twelve disciples never used the liquor nor ate the pig. Early sects like Manichaens, Nestorians, Basilides and others spent their lives like other devout Jews refraining from these evils and waited anxiously for the coming of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) to save them from the persecution and the tortures from the followers of Paul and the Roman Catholics, When Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) announced his advent in about 610 A.D., most of the true Christians started embracing Islam till majority of them accepted the Truth, fulfilled

66 their covenant with Allah and Jesus (A.S.) and became the most valiant warriors in the army of God. But alas! the White Europeans were then experiencing an Era of ‘Dark Ages’. These nations who were illiterate, immoral and superstititious, remained entangled in the iron clutches of their idolatrous clergymen who worked systematically to keep them away from the message of Islam. Some people do ask: What is harm there if one eats the pig and drink the wine. The answer is self evident. We find the Europeans sitting in pubs till late hours neglecting their homes, wives, children. The flesh of the pig has made them as shameless sexually as the pig is if not more. What more proof our disputants ask for? _________

67 MISCONCEPTION & ERROR No. 6 MARRIAGES OF THE CHRIST: The Christian Propagandists vehemently declare that Jesus Christ was very pious, free from any sexual indulgence, that is why he didn’t even get married. In contrast, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) married thirteen women; so his love for women was unbecoming of a prophet. Jesus Christ never stayed in one place nor he made any home, but he was continuously travelling to announce the coming kingdom of Allah and the coming of the Universal Christ. That was his only duty and purpose to come to the world. At the age of 33 years or so, he was raised to the heaven by Allah. He acted as Allah, his Father and Father of all, ordered him to do. All the Muslims show him the greatest respect; do not call his name without uttering ‘peace be upon him’. He was manifestation of ‘Word of Allah1 and a ‘Spirit from Allah’ These titles are extremely exalted, unique and a sign of his Highness. If he had married, it would have done him no harm regarding his Highness and piety. He did not marry because he was too busy in announcing the coming of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), and also because Allah did not permit him to do so. Jesus Christ’s act of not marrying is actually a proof and a clear sign that he was not the Universal Christ, but a Christ for the Jews only. In the Holy Bible, we have “Kings daughters are among your honourable women; upon your right hand stand the queen in gold of Ophir. Pslams 45:9 All the Jews of the past always believed that their Christ will be a warrior, a married man, a supreme ruler and a law-giver of a new law. Jesus Christ do not fulfil any of the above marks of the Saviour. While the above prophecy explicitly tells that the last Saviour will have many beautiful princesses as his wives. All the prophets of the past got married. Israel (A.S.) had four wives; Prophet David had hundred wives. The great king Prophet Solomon had many hundred wives. Many Israeli kings had innumerable wives.

68 Actually, unlimited polygamy was sanctioned by Allah to meet the condition and circumstances of the world at that time. But in the time of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), Allah made a restriction and restricted to a maximum of four wives. Multiple marriages was a sign of status symbol and physical prowess in the past. So the kings, the Rajas and the army chiefs always married many wives, like the rich and influential men of Europe who even today keep secret mistresses, and men for sodomy. So the act of polygamy should be seen in the light of circumstances prevailing in the past, ethnic needs and social needs. Even today, limited polygamy is not unlawful if there is a clear social need for it, provided the limits and rights as enforced by Islam are observed strictly. Marriage should not be done for lust only, nor woman should be divorced for sexual variety’s sake. Such men are cursed and will enter the Fire, All wives must be treated equally, given equal rights; women and their children be properly cared for their rest of life. Polygamy is an outstanding sign of the Universal Christ. In the past as well as in time of the Prophet’s advent, women were in most deplorable conditions. Even religious authorities among the Hindus, the Jews, the Christians called them ‘soulless’ wicked, a source of all satanic acts. Men even preferred men for unnatural sex while women were thought to be for the men of low sexual power. In the old ages as well as today, the priests had created a dangerous myth among the masses that to refrain from women was a godly act. They pretended to remain celibate to do God’s work, but in fact many had secret relations and were masturbatcrs. Many noble people, impressed by such false teachings, even left their homes, their wives and children to live in deserts, jungles or hermits away from the world, while neglecting personal hygiene and acquiring shabby bearded appearance. The act of polygamy by the Prophet destroyed this concocted myth forever. The Prophet used strong words against the celibates but ordered people to look after their families which is greater than all worships; a Jehad. The Prophet’s acts also destroyed sodomy. He declared that God created woman for man’s natural love, not man for unnatural acts. For Sodom men, he enforced death penalty. For extra-sexed men, he allowed multimarriages if they could maintain equity, otherwise he asked them to keep fast and control their lust. Outside marriage, he forbade

69 all sort of sex. This is in reality, a great blessing for humanity. No religion of the past had forbidden unlimited polygamy; only Islam enforced limitations. Europe’s practice of monogamy was actually a practice enforced by the rulers for their vested interests. Rich people could now get as many mistresses as they wished and also the priests of pre-Christian era could get a great number of women dedicated to God and the temple to serve them; our educated readers are well informed about the stories of their orgies and corruption. The Prophet’s acts destroyed it all with one stroke, so sexual corruption has never taken root in an Islamic society. While in Europe, as well as in the Hindu society, whores and prostitutes flourished; also other evils originated from these to destroy the peace of the societies. In early Islam, poverty was wide spread. There was great shortage of man-power to defend their freedom. Deaths of young men were common due to diseases and wars; so restriction on polygamy could amount to a national suicide and extinction. Moreover poor women of the old times never bothered for the presence of second wife but were lucky as long as they were given equal treatment, had a protection of home, and their basic needs were fulfilled. Thus among the Muslims, sanction of polygamy stemmed the evils of those nations who commit all sorts of sexual orgies in the cover of single marriage system. The marriages of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) had entirely different meanings, unique, and exemplary. When he was 25, he married Hazrat Khadeeja who was about 40. He never had any relation with women, nor with concubines, or whores which was very common among the men of that time. It was impossible to keep oneself chaste till the age of 25 in those time, but Muhammad (S.A.W.) was a different man destined to perform a different role. When he was 40, he started his prophetic mission by saying ‘whether anyone ever found any sin in him’. Everybody exclaimed: you are the most noble, the truthful, the trustworthy. The Prophet lived with Hazrat Khadeeja for 25 years who never complained regarding his sexual integrity, but she nearly worshipped him with an utmost love and devotion. After Hazrat Khadeeja died at the age of 65, the Prophet migrated to Medina; he was 53. In Medina, he was ordered by Allah to perform a different role. In Medina he was a ruler, a legislator, a reformer, an army chief, a revolutionary to overcome social injustice of the world. Allah gave him the goal to enforce Islam and give it a

70 victory over all the religions of the world. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) married twelve women under the commandment of Allah to serve a very special purpose. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) as a rule, slept at night with only one of his wives and then never slept again unless he visited all of them. Thus he is an exemplar for those who have more than one wife. Here we enumerate the reasons which his marriages served for the whole humanity. 1.

Economic Need: The Prophet married Hazrat Umme Salma and Hazrat ‘Sauda who were poor widows with children. Thus he provided a shelter for destitutes. 2.

Moral Need: The Prophet married few women whose husbands died while fighting war against the infidels under his command. Those women embraced Islam when the Makkans were oppressing and killing the Muslims. Some of them even migrated to Ethiopia; sufferings increased when the husbands died. There were others who suffered a lot during the exile and after, but remained true to their faith in spite of untenable hardships. Umme (Umme means a mother of) Habeeba, daughter of the Makkan chief Abu Safyan, Umme Salma, Zainab bint Khozeema were those whom the Prophet married to acknowledge their faithfulness to Allah. 3. Social Need: Arabia was a tribal society. Different tribes were disunited and even fought among themselves. They had different religions and idolatrous customs. It was the purpose of the Prophet to unite them together to create a single nation and cultivate lasting brotherhood. The Prophet enacted some marriages to overcome their tribal prejudice and enmity; and bring them closer to himself. Thus Prophet married Hazrat Maimoona, Hazrat Aisha and Hazrat Hafsa to strengthen the friendship. In the most societies of that time, even today, a divorcee or a widow was greatly hated and was treated worser than animals and their status became like untouchables and whores. They were thought to be ‘an Omen of misfortune and wretchedness’. The Prophet married Hazrat Zainab bint Hajash and others to dispel the above stated centuries old beliefs and practice. 4.

Political Need:

71 Some marriages, had great political significance The Prophet married Maria, the Copt from Egypt to acknowledge the friendship with the Egyptian king. The Prophet married princess Juwairya, princess Safia to win the hearts of the Jewish and Bani Israeli tribes. Marriages with princess Rehana and Maria brought the Christian tribes closer to him and opened the way to the spread of Islam. 5.

Religious Need: Allah gave the Prophet “a mission impossible” to establish Islam upon strong footings such that it becomes world conqueror and strong enough to be incorruptible, unlike what was the case of all religions of the past. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) declared his wives as ‘The Mother of the Believers’. Thus he himself took personal interest to educate his wives, taught them the principles of Islam and molded their character to acquire the true spirit of Islam. Some women of entirely different nature and different background were transformed into perfect saintesses. Thus the Prophet prepared a group of women who possessed the highest moral character, were exemplary chaste and knowledgeable. Some even remembered the whole Holy Quran by heart. Thus our twelve holy mothers became beacon houses and a pillars of strength for Islam who guided the whole Muslim world; each one lived for an average of 40 years till Islam conquered the whole world. Their selflessness and austerity, their love for their beloved Prophet and their devotion to the cause of Allah’s religion was outstanding and exemplary strong. The world never saw such a miracle before. When Islam was conquering different idolatrous civilizations and assimilating them into one civilization of Islam, among others, our holy mothers played pivoting role and saved Islam from deviating from their central goal. They were like twelve moons who guided the nations to their destination. Now consider another fact. It is an age old proverb that nobody is a hero in his own house. But see the greatest miracle of all times that twelve women worshipped their husband i.e. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) like an idol. None can keep even one wife pleased and obedient while the Prophet molded twelve wives — this is the greatest miracle of all times. Whenever the Muslims from all over the world came to visit their holy mothers, they asked usually to tell something about the Prophet, the mothers replied with the greatest regard, with tears in their eyes saying, ‘the Prophet had all the best

72 qualities of the world, how could we mention one outstanding quality. His every act was praiseworthy’. All wives lived ascetic lives, wearing simple dresses and praying and fasting continuously. They lived in small huts and ate dates, dry bread, milk and simple food like their husband. We ask our readers to question themselves: Has the world ever seen a man as great as Muhammad (S.A.W.). How wicked are those who speak against the Prophet regarding polygamy. In fact, the use of liquor and swine-eating has turned their hearts blind and they are unable to discern what is right and what is wrong. Some are even swiner than the swine themselves. Our educated modern ladies should ponder into the problem that existed in those societies where women were solely dependant upon men for their livelihood; and men were dying in wars while the number of women increased, good match for young girls and for the widows were few and scarce; women couldn’t find any job to earn; then think of the plight of such destitutes who were in excessive numbers. The only way open to them was to prostitute or become mistresses or use immoral means to fulfil their and their children’s stomach. During the First and Second world wars, the men died in large numbers leaving young women in majority. Then what became of morals in Europe in spite of so much resources and wealth. This incidence is enough to teach a lesson that a limited polygamy is most desirable and is not against the highest standards of piety and morality. It is a sanction of Allah which should not be misused but the sanction should be followed in its true spirit. Think, why a young girl of Europe goes out with his boyfriend knowing that he already has many other girl friends. In fact, the allowance of more than one marriage is only suggestive but not compulsory, and this sanction should be used for the interest of women, not to harm their peaceful life. If a Muslim who is happy with one wife and wife is living and faithful, then he takes up a second wife which destroys his previous marriage and hurts the first wife, such a man is manifestly an idiot, a fool who destroyed his sweet home by acting lustfully.

73 We leave it to our readers to decide, which religion is better. Is Islam better which allows restricted polygamy or other religions who put complete ban on second marriage and then tolerate prostitution, sodomy and adultery? _________

74 MISCONCEPTION & ERROR No. 7 ISLAMIC REVOLUTION — POLITICAL? The Evangelists make a continuous propaganda that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) made a false claim to prophethood so as to gain political power. The Western society, which is otherwise well-educated, is totally ignorant about the history of Islam. The greatest weapon of enemies of Islam is to exploit their ignorance such that a Muslim becomes astounded to learn their unwarranted propaganda. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) was 40 when he started his mission saying: ‘He was the Messenger of Allah destined to give victory over all the religions of the world and that, if the Arabs would follow him, he would even defeat Roman superpower and Persian superpower too, and Islam would reach all parts of the world. This was an astounding claim which the Makkan men were unable to believe. They knew that if only 10 armed men were sent by any one of these superpowers, none of the Arab tribes had the courage to stop the arrest of their most popular chief. So they immediately started thinking that Muhammad (S.A.W.) had gone crazy. But other message which the Prophet delivered to the heathens was that all their idols, images, icons and stones of worship, and other objects like trees, stars, moon, sun were not worthy to be worshipped at all, but all are vanity. Their worship was unpardonable sin; so they should not be shown reverence which is only Allah’s due. He also said that some of the images of heroes of the past were those who were themselves servants of Allah and worshipped Allah to achieve salvation; they did not have any authority to help, to intercess or to harm anyone, nor anyone’ of them even claimed that they should be worshipped. When the Prophet declared his teachings and his goal, some right thinking men accepted the message that only Allah was supreme and all were really His creation. But the priests and religious leaders envisaged the fall of their empire, their influence and the respect which they hitherto enjoyed from those who came to the Holy Ka’aba from all over the world. Most of the earnings of the local population depended upon the trade with the tourists and pilgrims and their donations. So majority of the Makkans resisted the Prophet’s message but in heart of hearts, they accepted the truth. Then local chiefs along with their

75 mindless followers started persecuting the converts to Islam who were beaten, socially boycotted and even killed, so much so that, the Prophet asked them to go into exile to Ethiopia. The Prophet himself was stoned to bleed, beaten physically, strangled and abused. At last, all the tribes joined together to kill him to avoid blood-revenge from the Prophet’s tribe. This period was spread over 13 years. Some leaders even offered Muhammad (S.A.W.) to accept the worship of idols, after then they would acclaim him as their undisputed King and would give most beautiful women for marriage. The Prophet replied that if you put sun on my one hand and the moon on another, even then he would not be deterred and would sacrifice his life for Allah even if he were to work alone. Do our readers have unprejudiced free conscious to judge if that was a mission for political supremacy or the acts befitting for a great Prophet. Alas! we cannot make dead people to listen! After hard work of 13 years in Makkah, the Prophet; migrated to Medina, where he went from tribe to tribe to deliver the message of Allah. Especially he went to the Jewish tribes to remind them their covenant as written in the Bible and the revealed Books to put faith in the Gentile Prophet from the brothers of Israel and that if they would put faith in him, they would achieve their promised blessedness and would possess their promised land. But the Jews were too hardhearted and prejudiced, and followed only their religious and political leaders. Such leaders enjoyed great influence due to their wealth earned by unfair means; by usury, by prostitution and by selling weapons to the warring tribes. Some were making their livelihood by looting the caravans. Some had monopoly over the liquor trade. The Prophet abolished all those evils and made peace treaty with them; which is known as Treaty of Medina. (Meesaq-e-Medina) In this treaty, all the Jewish tribes were given equal rights and to observe their own laws. Even this caused resentment as some Jewish tribes thought themselves to be superior to others. This treaty was broken one by one and the Prophet attacked and got finally the full control of the area around Medina. Then he attacked Makkah when the Makkans broke their treaty. He conquered the city without resistance. This was really a bloodless revolution. During 23 years of his ministry, only about a total of 1000 men were killed on both sides. Now the Arabia had become, a power to reckon with, and became a rising challenge to the Romans and the Persian Empires. Muhammad’s army conquered both the evil empires within 12 years after his death.

76 When Muhammad (S.A.W.) died; he lived in a mud hut 10’  10’  8’ made with straw; there was no door, no carpet, no furniture, not a second dress to wear. His total property was one cup to drink, one hard palm-mat to sleep, a pair of shoes, one sword, one bow and one shield. These were his total assets in the world, His wives tell that most of the times, the Prophet was fasting and doing remembrance of Allah and advising people. ‘We never ate our meals for continuous 3 days’ the wives said. Till his death, the huts of the Prophet did not see fire burning in their heath for months. Someone asked: Then how you survived? The reply was that we ate dates, and drank a glass of goats’ milk, and on occasions some neighbour sent something to eat. This is the picture of the greatest king of all times, the Holy One of Allah, who distributed all his wealth among the poor the same day when he received as a head of state. The world has never seen a selfless, sincere, loving personality like him on earth. He was model of courage, bravery and mercy i.e. Rehmatul-Lil-Aala.meen i.e. Love and Mercy for all the worlds. His acquirement of power was not for his ownself but for Allah’s mission and for the benefit of all mankind to establish that permanent peace and Allah’s law which each Christian and the Jew pray every day ‘O Lord! Thou Kingdom shall dawn upon earth as, it is in the heaven.’ The pretenders and hypocrites of these utterances much learn that our Holy Prophet has already brought the law of Allah upon the earth, but Alas! after Satan, none is more enemy of His laws than that of the Christians and the Jews, whose all power is spent to deface Islam and publicize malicious propaganda. Our readers should themselves judge if the mission of the Prophet was for political ends?’ Nay, he was a saintly king, the most humble, free from traces of pride; showed no grandeur in his appearance nor his lifestyle. He had no palace, no bodyguard, no grand chariots to ride on. He was only THE PROPHET’. Cursed be those who even think against him. They blaspheme — men of Hell Fire.

77 MISCONCEPTION & ERROR No. 8 A CASE FOR HAGAR: Hazrat Hajira, concubine of Hazrat Ibraheem was a slave girl and that the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) descended from Ismael son of Hazrat Hajira. So the Jews always thought that their ancestry was more honourable than the sons of Ismael. In the present Jewish literature as well as Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Ismael is called “illegal’ son while Isaac son of Sara a legal son. This claim is picked up by the Christians to lower the status of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and then they insist that a true prophet cannot have low ancestry. This can be termed as the worst and the most bogus statement on the behalf of the Jewish claim of supremacy over all the mankind. Allah has created all men, whether white or black, whether sons of Isaac or son of Ismael or of any ancestry at all — all are equal in the sight of Allah, we all are sons of Adam. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said, “You are equal as one kilo is equal to a kilo. All are sons of Adam and Adam was from dust. The most noble is he who is most God-fearing”. In the Holy Bible, Hazrat Hajira is always mentioned as the wife of Ibraheem. In the old Jewish religious traditions, Hazrat Hajira is declared to be the daughter of Pharaoh I. The Pharaoh told his princess daughter that it is better to work as a servant in the house of Abraham than to live in his palace. Hazrat Hajira obeyed the father with happiness and then Abraham gave her to Sarah to be her servant. Jewish Encyclopaedia records as under: Rabbinic views on Hagar differ sharply. She is extolled for her fidelity and piety, and described an Egyptian princess who after witnessing the miracles wrought for Sara concluded that it was better to be a slave in Sara’s house then a mistress in her own. The Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia (volume 5, page 154).

78 When Sarah passed child-bearing age, it was then that she asked Abraham to take her as his wife. About Ismael, God said; “But as regards Ismael I have heard you. Look! I will bless him and make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget and I will make him a great nation.� We infer the following from the above prophecy; 1. Ismael is a blessed person. 2. Ismael is a king who will beget twelve princes. 3. Arabs are a great nation in the sight of God. In the light of above facts, how can a person, unless obsessed with prejudice and superiority complexes, can dare to malign the ancestry of the Arabs. Is not it an act hateful to God? As far as sons of Ismael are concerned, they were never made slaves, but instead enjoyed great respect among all the nations of the world due to their respected position as servants of the Holy Kaaba. Now we look at the Jewish claim. Out of 12 sons of Jacob, four were sons of confirmed concubines namely Dan, Nephthal, Haad and Asher. Are not all Israelis respectable then? Those who attempted murder and then sold their brother Joseph and spoke lies for more than a decade to their father; are they not honourable? Then Pharaoh Rhamses made all sons of Israel as his slaves; are they not respectable now? Then Nebuchednazzar and king of Assyria enslaved them all and then they were kept in captivity for 70 years; does this slavery and then diaspora snatch from them their title of blessedness? All Muslims call all sons of Abraham as blessed people and so should all non-Muslims too whose hearts have been filled with malicious, prejudiced propaganda which serves no good but only cultivate hatred among the nations. After the Jews, the Evangelists have picked up this point and use it to corrupt the minds of innocent followers.

79 It was this deep rooted prejudice that led Jesus Christ to curse the Jews forever and he prophesied the total destruction of the Temple and the Jewish nations. _________

80 MISCONCEPTION & ERROR No, 9 SWORD OF ISLAM: Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) used sword to spread Islam. He would put sword over the throat of a non-Muslim and say “accept Islam or get beheaded’. The enemies of Islam had unleashed the above cited propaganda for centuries, and had terrorized their ill-informed followers to create an inherent hatred among the masses against the Muslims. They claimed that while Christianity was spread by peaceful means, by offering other cheek if hit on the one, Islam used force to convert non-Muslims to Islam. Islam means peace and uprightness. Islam is actually a war against the oppressors to save humanity from exploitation and destruction at the hand of tyrant, extortionist rulers. Islam is not only a saviour for Muslims but non-Muslims too provided they .join and make peace treaty with them. In the past, all religions were local and communal and none was ordered to fight in the way of Allah to propagate His religion and convert other nations. In this respect, Islam is really the first and the last religion who was given the duty to unite the weak and poor nations to join to wage a just war against the cruel rulers and the imperialist states who obeyed no law of God during their ware, the law which was actually never revealed to them. In the first thirteen years of his ministry, the Prophet went door to door and tribe to tribe to convey the message of Islam. His only message at that time was to put faith in One God and shun idolatry. He stressed upon the mankind to give food and be kind to the poor, to the prisoners, the hungry and the slaves but his message met with the greatest resistance from the heathens. Many Muslims were killed brutally, some were persecuted and sent to Ethiopia into exile. Even the Makkans followed upto Ethiopia and requested the king to hand over to them so that they could kill the fugitives. All sorts of terrorism was used by the Makkans to suppress for no reason at all but only because Islam proclaimed Oneness of God and denounced idolatry. All the Muslims were socially boycotted for nearly 3 years; many; died due to hunger and diseases. What for? Was it justified for the enemies of God to commit all sorts of terrorist

81 acts? Had the Muslims no right to defend themselves? What is justice then!? Then the Prophet migrated to Medina after an assassination attempt and established a peaceful coalition of people comprising the idolaters, the Christians, the Jews and the Muslims and established a peaceful state. But within one year the Makkans attacked the Muslims to exterminate them at Badr, but suffered a heavy defeat. Seventy idolaters were imprisoned. Everyone suggested the Prophet to destroy them by beheading them but the Prophet decided the other way. He asked ransom for some, while some poor ones were set free after making promise not to fight again, others were set free after they taught the Muslims to read and write. Can there be a more peaceful solution to war prisoners than this? Next year, the Makkans attacked the Muslims at Ohad in which Muslims received heavy casualties but were not defeated. The Makkans mutilated all the Martyrs to quench their thirst for revenge. Then in 5 A.H., the Makkan heathens, the infidels, the Christian, the Jews made a joint march upon Medina to eliminate the Muslims once for all, but they were miraculously repulsed with only a dozen casualties or so. Now these are all the wars which the Prophet was imposed upon! Now tell us at what time the Prophet used the sword to spread Islam? Now it was the Prophet’s turn to use the sword. The Makkans broke a treaty and then the Prophet suddenly attacked first time ever, like a lightening in 9 A.H. with Ten Thousand Holy Warriors, mentioned in almost all the Holy Books of the world, and conquered the city of Makkah. All the Makkans were brought before him to be beheaded; this was in reality the true recompense for the enemies of Allah. Read the law of Moses Deut 20:10, Joshua 10:40 and bring to mind the destructive acts of Jashua against the idolaters. But this time, our Prophet, Rehma-tul-Lil-Aalameen, the love and mercy for all the worlds was in the judgement seat. He said: I forgive you all like Joseph forgave his brothers. Then he said that all the properties of the exiled Muslims which were forcibly confiscated by the local chiefs were to remain unclaimed, because the Muslims left that for a reward from Allah. So reclaim was not made lest they lose the heavenly reward. This is actually

82 the story of Muhammad (S.A.W.) and a picture of the character which he cultivated among the Muslims. Enemies of Islam knew it all the times that Islam waged a peaceful war which is unprecedented in the history of mankind, but the inherent prejudice, persistent untruth and vested interest in the hearts of enemies of Islam, has blinded their eyes and the hearts. Not a single person was converted to Islam under threat from sword. Rather every Muslim was converted in spite of threats from savage infidels to remain away from Islam or face destruction. The history is the truest witness to this fact. Our unworthy opponents still propagate against Islamic armies’ atrocities concocted to cultivate hatred and justify their own devilish acts. We have shown the true picture of Islam, if someone still finds a fault in it then how can one make to listen the one whose conscious is dead! We have enumerated all the important wars during the lifetime of the Prophet, what blame is there now? Can anyone cite a single exemplar like this from any of the war which ever happened upon earth? This is truly ‘the Just War of Allah’ ‘the True Jehad’ to save and give life to the humanity by sacrificing their lives and wealth? No strong words are strong enough against those who accuse Islam about uncommitted atrocities or the acts which are not truly the representative of Islamic faith. As Islam was spreading in the whole world, some isolated or concocted incidences are cited or lies are over repeated to incite the hatred against the Muslims thus to prepare a blood thirsty army to shed the blood of the innocent Muslims. What shall we name such men of lies — Devils, or the enemies of the Almighty Allah! _________

83 MISCONCEPTION & ERROR No. 10 WORLD NEEDS ISLAM OR CHRISTIANITY? Islam is not fit for the salvation of the world at the present time, only Christianity is the answer! This is perhaps the most nonsensical propaganda which the Evangelists are publicizing. To them the criteria of supremacy, the religious truth, the need of time is amassing of wealth and power. One fails to imagine that how can a propaganda which is so bogus and against the truth can find any appeal to the masses. The answer is yes! If the audiences are idiots and blockheads who look at the worldly side of the problem but do not look at the root of the problem. Every Christian prays everyday to Allah “Thou Kingdom i.e. Rule should be established upon earth.” The Jews too make this prayer that the Holy King. i.e. the Christ may advent to establish laws of Allah upon Earth. The Hindus, with great devotion, pray for the coming of the Kalki Avatar or Jaggannath to appear to establish a just rule with power. The Buddhists, many times a day, pray for the coming of Metteya, Meiterta, Amida, to conquer the devil and bring peace and justice upon the earth. According to our faith, Allah sent His Prophet to establish His long promised rule upon the earth. The Muslims are Allah’s army to work for Allah’s cause with all their wealth, vigour and life; our sole leader is the promised prophet, Muhammad (S.A.W.) whom Allah sent to the humanity to be a perfect and unblemished model for all the people of the world, Now the ill-fated Evangelists, some due to ignorance and some due to their craftiness have ventured to work against Allah’s Kingdom — working against Allah’s law while proclaiming Allah’s law. This is the hypocrisy at its best and masses at large are allured and impressed by their resources, appearance, wealth and the help they provide to destitute. Thus they buy poor peoples’ soul with allurement into their fold — to join an army of Allah’s rebel-No we explain what is Islam’s motto and goal, that is; 1.


84 The Prophet made it incumbent upon every Muslim man and woman to seek knowledge from the birth to death-bed; also to impart it to others. The knowledge covers not only how to earn wealth but to learn the facts of life, nature, celestial objects personal behaviour in family, social behaviour, national behaviour as well as universal behaviour. Islam is the first religion who forced upon their followers to treat well the nonMuslims, even animals and declared that the justice is the right of every soul. That is why, along with Muslim communities, other religions flourished better side by side. In the Christian and the Jewish literature, it is written that ‘pearl shall not be given to swine i.e. they should neither give teachings nor give money to the non-Jews. But Islam is for all the humanity. The light of Faith of Islam spread all over the world when it dawned in early 7th century. But in contrast, in the Christian and the Jewish world, The Dark Ages’ started as soon the Christianity took root in Europe, not because, the Christianity was evil — nay, but that men behind its establishment were those hypocrites who worked against the spirit of Christianity and even adopted idolatrous customs and practices and became awfully intolerant and prejudiced — habitual liars. 2.


The Holy Quran was the first to declare that all celestial objects are floating in their predestined orbits and are objects at men’s service — not an object to be worshipped. Time and again, the Holy Quran exhorts the men of learning and understanding to look into the scientific facts, the rains, the change of seasons, the different forms of earth’s structure, different sorts of living creatures, and above all, to look into our ownself — and then worship Allah with more devotion and sincerity after realising His powers. That is true Islam; ignorance and Islam are repugnant to each other, though our enemies use their full power to prove Islam to be the root cause of uncivilization — that is the damned lie ever uttered by even the most prejudiced man. 3.


Islam gave all the communities the best human rights which can ever come to human mind. Today slogans of so-called human right are actually the hypocritical utterances to blame the poor countries, most of them being the Islamic.

85 Islam invites all men to universal brotherhood, each nation obeying their revealed Books are equal in the sight of Allah; but outlaws have no place in Islam or the earth. Allah’s law must be followed in its true spirit though the Holy Books are different. A Muslim can make marriages among non-Muslim girls provided they are chaste i.e. following their own law of God about piety. Women can inherit property from their fathers, husbands etc, have the right to choose their husbands and can even divorce if husbands’ behaviour is not proper. All Muslim women can work to earn, can keep their income separate and do business. These are eternal sanction of Almighty Allah; what the Christians have anything to offer? It is only recently that some rights were given to the women when their civilization had reached to a destructive stage. Western women actually snatched their rights from the men who were unjust to them. 4.


The idea of women’s freedom in Islam and the Western women’s freedom are different. Islam allows every freedom to men as well as women but under no circumstances allows their free mixing and meeting with strange men without prescribed head-covering. Such freedom is rather destruction of Islam. Women is the most important entity in the making of a home, a family and she can serve well only when her innocence is intact. By free mixing of the opposite sexes, so powerful and violent sexual passions arise which can’t be contained within the desired limits. This unhindered mixing results in what? Women’s fashion, revealing dresses, fashion and beauty shows to what end? That is truly for the fulfillment of not a human cause but for the lustful ends of debauchee men. If prostitution is a woman’s cause then truly it is a cause — Devil’s most potent trap. Women’s freedom to mix freely with men is actually enslaving of innocent and inexperienced beings. 5.


In the modern age, the use of liquor and drugs is so common and is established on strong footings by their respective mafias that the West can’t now come out of it — they do not have even desire to do so. Islam is deadly against these evils and

86 Muslims are expected to wage every means of the Holy War if the Western Evildoers try to implant their filth in the Muslim society. 6.


Western women and men are free to meet, free to drink, together, then dance and listen to vulgar songs, this is surely the best instrument to stimulate their already hi-lust. Islam has no room for any non-sense like that. Religious songs, national songs, matrimonial songs, war songs are permissible with reservation but those, inciting sexual passions, i.e. vulgar songs, have no place in Islam. An average young boy or girl do have enough sexual knowledge to spend matrimonial life successfully. There is no necessity to meet regularly before marriage to learn good behaviour, with the help of instruments and songs — these are the devices of the Devil to excite men to exceed limits. 7.


In many Western countries, licences are issued to give it a legal sanction — Islam curses all of them and allow the use of all types of forces, moral educational, verbal and political to curb the growth of bastards, human like swine at the root level — this is an undignification of Humanity. 8.


This trade has recently flourished upto an enormous level. Even some Muslim countries are swayed by its pleasure. In the Western countries, young men as well as old men, sit late at night in casinos for gambling, drinking etc. while neglecting their duties towards children, wives and homes. Many many homes have been destroyed by this evil pastime. Many people do not have any money to spend upon their spouse, children or home but have enough money to put on betting. This is a great curse of modern age. Islamic society crushes the spread of such evils. Now our readers should decide, if Islam is the only way to Salvation in the modern time or not!! _________

87 WOMEN’S ROLE IN MODERN SOCIETY A woman at home is responsible for the security of her home, its maintenance, looking after children’s well-being, their education, health and everything for which nature has created her — for love and respect. So it is the duty of men to provide them light jobs; in the field, in women’s social work offices, educational institutions, health centres and medical institutions. There are many other openings too where women can work much better than men. Women and children constitute about 65% of total population and it is the great demand of the time that they should play an active role in national life. Islam gives full liberty in this respect, but her primary role shall never suffer. If a section of women love extra curricular activities in the field of games sports, health, they are most welcome. But Islam does not allow men to look at women while they are playing, running or swimming etc. The sanction of woman’s liberty has its own limit in Islam. A Muslim woman must guard her chastity, modesty and her innocence which is her real beauty and wealth; this is all which West is so anxious to destroy after destruction of its own culture, and civilization. Westerns expect from Muslim nations to allow their women to walk in the footsteps of their women, who have everything but womanhood. Their innocence, faithfulness, respect for men had been long shattered as Western men are unfaithful, non-caring, disrespectful and even abusive towards the most beautiful creation of Allah, who in the role of a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter is in reality the ultimate blessing of Allah. Our Western counterparts have long lost the true way to human peace and are following a destructive track — Islam is like a rock against these evils. So Islam stands as beaconhouse for those who want to follow the will of Allah. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) is the ultimate exemplar, the true Saviour whose every commandment is inviolable, while no other saviour is expected to come in the future. The purpose of this book is to arouse the realization of this fundamental truth. Those groups who are active for the freedom of women, other than what Islam has already given, are nothing but a tool and agents of women’s trafficking, corruption and whoredom, though they will never admit it. In Islam and all the religions, sexual intercourse before marriage is a deadly sin, but look at the Western societies where majority of the children are born to the unwed couples — this is

88 the real destruction of the civilization, if this filth can be called civilization at all. This is a state of affair below the level of even animalism. Emancipation for the women-folks in the style of Islam is the only answer to the evils of the present day. Westerns are too proud and arrogant due to their superiority of wealth, health and power over other nations, but from inside they are as hollow as anyone can be. Now it is a challenge before all Muslim missionaries and men with resources to use educational way of Jehad to stem the design of the Devil. The West never needed as much help and guidance as they need now from the Muslims. The Muslim organizations must always use constructive means to propagate Islam — not at all by ‘Terrorism’. We leave the verdict to our readers whether they opt for Islam or Christianity European Style: Nay — Islam is actually the true Christianity. _________


PART 3 DECEPTION & FORGERIES DECEPTION No. 1 FINDING OF GOSPEL OF BARNABAS Dead Sea is in Palestine which, in the Pre-Christian era was unpopulated. The area remained under the domain of different superpowers of that time. Every time when a new conqueror took possession of that country, the heathen conquerors always made the Jews their target for destruction — destruction of their lives as well as the destruction of their religious books and the literature. At that time, a section of the Jewish nation was the only upholders of flag of Oneness of God. They were true children of God who even warred for Allah’s cause. But a great majority of the Jewish nation followed heathen customs and ancestor worship; and even heathen idols. It was at that time that some priests and scribes risked their lives; wrote and copied their old divine Books and then concealed them in the caves around the Dead Sea, an area which was secluded and had no commercial value. It was in 1947, that a certain man entered an old cave to search for his lost sheep. He found some jars containing fragments of old Scriptures. After its discovery, then the news spread and after a short time, many teams started excavating and searching the prized documents. Now a lot of religious literature has been found, but mostly is in the possession of the Jews and the Christians. But due to some very scandalous reasons, only a small part of it has come before the world while for the rest of the literature, there is hush-up. Speculation is that the newly found documents do not conform to the beliefs of the present churches and the Jewish beliefs. Some rumours say that the coming of the Christ i.e., the Universal Saviour, Muhammad (S.A.W.) is so clearly written that if such things are published, it will bring about total collapse of the Christianity as well the Judaism. Now we reproduce a hymn written hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus (A.S.) which actually depicts the fundamental belief of the Jews.

90 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God; And the Word was God, this which was in the beginning with God, Everything came into existence through it, And apart from it nothing came into existence. What came into existence in it was life, And the life was the light of men, The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not grasp it. It was the true light, which illuminates every man; It was coming into the world; It was in the world and the world came into existence through it. The above mentioned hymn is now found word by word in the Gospel of John with the following additions. Verse 6. There arose a man that was sent forth as a representative of God, his name was John. Verse 7. This (man) came for a witness, in order to bear witness about the light, that people of all sorts might believe through him. Verse 8. He was not that light, but he was meant to bear witness about that light. The Christians always cited this prologue to be the evidence of Jesus’s Highness. Now fraud has been detected. This hymn is for the Universal Saviour and was not revealed to St. John at all. In the Gospel of Barnabas, all the above claims are confirmed for Prophet with clear words. Even Jesus denied his claim as the Saviour but said that only Muhammad (S.A.W.) conforms the prophecy. How was this fraud detected? When some of the literature found in the Dead Sea Scrolls was translated, a book was written namely, ‘Gnosticism and Early Christianity’ (page 165) which brought this forgery to light. Christianity’ (page 165), which

91 One may ask, are the gospels written under the influence from old traditions without mentioning the source. Shall one call such books as 100% word of Allah. Nay! Gospels are truly word of. Allah revealed to Jesus but the present books are an abridged edition and are influenced by beliefs prevalent at that time.

92 DECEPTION No. 2 IMPIOUS ATTEMPT In the Isaiah we have, Look! My servant, on whom I keep fast hold! My chosen one whom my soul has approved. I have put my spirit in him. Isaiah 42:1 In this verse, after My Servant, there was name Mohammadin which is also translated in English as My Beloved or My Glory. This word ‘My Beloved* has now been eliminated from the present texts of the Old Testament. Is not it a grave religious crime to obliterate the revealed words of God only because it doesn’t suit some priests. Now read the Songs of Solomon which is as below: This is my beloved and this is my friend In the original Hebrew it is as HIKKO MAMITTTO DIM VIKULLO MUHAMMADIM ZEHODI VEZEM. Song of Solomon 5:15 In the above, notice that ‘My Beloved is translated as Muhammadin. How unfortunate is it that the name Muhammad (S.A.W.) was blotted out from Isaiah 42:1. But how this impious attempt was caught? When Jesus started preaching about the coming of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) he recited the above verses of Isaiah in which the deleted word ‘My Beloved’ i.e. Muhammadim was present. Look! My servant whom I chose; My beloved, whom my soul approved! I will put my spirit upon him. Matt. 12:18 That is how Allah saved the Truth for the world and now the wicked design of some very impious people of the past is fully exposed. This shows that how deep some men can fall into corruption not even fearing God, just to achieve their vested ends. _________

93 DECEPTION No. 3 THE SAVIOUR —WHO! In the Gospel of John 1:29 we have; The next day he beheld Jesus coming toward him, and he said: “See, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. This is the one about whom I said, Behind me there comes a man who has advanced in front of me, because he existed before me, A surprising situation arises afterwards when we read these verses: But John, having heard in Jail about the works of the Christ, sent by means of his own disciples and said to him: “Are you the Coming One (i.e. the Christ) or are we to expect a different one.” Matthew 11:2 How come that when John the Baptist recognised Christ Jesus, who was his first cousin why he then wavered latter in his belief. Was he expecting his release through Jesus and became dejected when no help came? The fact is that, Gospel of Barnabas exposes all these frauds. It was actually the handiwork of heathen Holy Fathers of the early so-called Christianity who were bent upon to prove Jesus as Christ, a claim which Jesus never uttered in his lifetime, nor is mentioned in the present Synoptic Gospels. But the Holy Pious Liars left enough evidences to reach to the Truth. In the Gospel of Barnabas we have: Chiefs of the priests took counsel among themselves to catch him in his talk. Wherefore they sent the Levites and some of the scribes to question him’ saying: ‘Who art thou’? Jesus confessed and said the truth: ‘I am not the Messiah.’ They said: ‘Art thou Elijah or Jeremiah or any of the ancient prophets?’ Jesus answered: ‘No’. Then said that: ‘Who art thou? Say in order that we may give testimony to those who sent us.’

94 Then said Jesus, ‘I am a voice that crieth through all Judaea, and crieth: “Prepare ye the way for the messenger of the Lord.” even as it is written in Esaias”. They said: ‘If thou be not the Messiah nor Elijah, or any prophet, wherefore dost thou preach new doctrine, and make thyself of more account than the Messiah?. Jesus answered: ‘The miracles which God worketh by my hands show that I speak that which God willeth; nor indeed do I make myself to be accounted as him of whom ye speak. For I am not worthy to unloose the ties of the hosen or the latchets of the shoes of the messenger of God whom ye call “Messiah,” who was made before me, and shall come after me; and shall bring the words of truth, so that his faith shall have no end. Gospel of Barnabas, Page 43 The following facts can be ascertained from the above. 1. Those who came to enquire were Jewish Priests, not the followers of John the Baptist. 2. The person from whom the enquiry was made was Jesus himself, not John, the Baptist who was actually in the prison of Herod waiting for to be beheaded. 3. In the present gospels, the coming One is depicted to be Jesus while in the actual text it is prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) Just imagine the hardheartedness of criminal-minded heathen Christians — those who dissociated from the true Christianity i.e. the religion of Jesus and his disciples, and then attempted to make changes such that everything which was written for the sake of Muhammad’s Highness and Greatness was changed to make it applicable to Jesus who during his lifetime wept many times before Allah to vindicate him as a party to this ignominious crime,  and showed humbleness before Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Jesus (A.S.) clearly declared his restricted to the twelve Jewish tribes, saying:



“You who have followed me will also yourselves sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Matt. 19:28 What proof is needed more! Why the Evangelists try to make a Jewish Messiah as the Messiah of the whole world? Why a Jew is called God?

95 As such forgeries were made very early in the Christian Era, today the present day followers perhaps, doesn’t have any idea that how big forgers their Elders were? They didn’t spare even the word of Allah! Can there be any act more loathsome than this? _________

96 DECEPTION No. 4 SUPPRESSION OF THE TRUTH Jesus Christ ordered all his disciples to promulgate his gospel i.e. the Good News of coming of the Law of Allah upon earth through His Saviour throughout the world, only among the Jews who were experiencing diaspora all around the world. ‘Repent and be prepared to receive the Christ’, Jesus uttered again and again; even acceptance of this statement was enough for Salvation. Of the disciples, disciple Saint Barnabas was especially appointed by Jesus to write down his Gospel in detail. In the early 4th century A.D., the gospel of Barnabas was accepted to be the truest and canonical in the church of Alexandria, the centre of Christianity at that time. Then came King Constantine’s verdict to kill everyone who possessed a gospel other than the present four versions and ordered destruction of all the rest of the gospels declaring it to be spurious. Those gospels which were destroyed were listed and exceeded above 100. Among those which were destroyed was gospel of Barnabas too. The Pope of that time hid a copy of it as souvenir in his library. This gospel was found many centuries afterward and went through many people till it reached in the library ‘HOFBIBLIOTHEK of VIENNA, and is still present there. Mr. and Mrs. Raggs who were devout Christians translated the gospel and published it through Clarendon Press, Oxford and was marketed in 1907. This enflamed and infuriated the Christian Fundamentalists and then the church Mafia immediately confiscated or bought all the copies till it became unavailable. But Allah kept two copies intact, one in the British Museum and another in the renowned Congress Library, Washington. At present, gospel of Barnabas is available in many languages. How cursed are people who kept their followers away from the Truth and when it came to manifest itself, they again conspired to conceal it. How long the humanity will suffer and remain a victim of conspiracy of little ‘devils’. If Allah wishes, the Truth will be supreme. In the Gospel of Barnabas, it is written with full clarity that the True Saviour is

97 Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) from among the Arabs, the brethren of the Jews; he is the last Prophet; he is the Beloved of Allah and is an answer to the prayers of all the nations of the world. Some people have even claimed that the Gospel of Barnabas was written by a Christian, converted to Islam in the days of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) on his insistence. We say, O men of loathsome trade! Now stop deceiving any more. If it were written as per claim, then every Muslim would have loved to keep its copy as a precious treasure. But Muslims are unaware about the presence of Gospel of Barnabas. Not a single Muslim writer of the past mentioned it as reference even. Now the truth is out, so please keep quiet now. Don’t be a laughing stock in the eyes of Devil. There should be an end to pious lies, the lies which are permissible in Christian (Paul’s religion) faith; and shun nonsense unholy propaganda now!! _________

98 DECEPTION No. 5 MYSTERY OF LOST TEN TRIBES OF BANI ISRAEL Allah had promised Bani Israel to give them a land to live in peace. Moses (A.S.) was the first to announce this Good News to his followers that Allah will raise a Prophet from their brethren to save them from everlasting afflictions at the hand of the tyrant heathen rulers. All nations would be united under the Prophet’s banner and then the world will experience long-denied peace for thousand years. Ten tribes along with the new converts i.e. proselytes were dispersed into different surrounding regions after the massacre of Assyrian king. Remaining two tribes who lived in Jerusalem and around numbering four thousand and six hundred were made prisoners by Persian king Nebuchadnezzar and suffered great torture and humiliation for nearly 70 years in captivity. It was here that the book of the Bible ‘Lamentations’ was written. After these tribes were released in the time of Prophet Daniel, they did not dare to go back to Jerusalem, but moved to safer hilly areas like present day N.W.F.P. and Afghanistan and Kashmir. They practised their Jewish customs, kept a copy of the Old Testament and used many Hebrew words in their speech, though they mixed up with adjacent nations. Some of them acquired idolatrous customs too while keeping their original character of Bani Israel nation. At the present time, the Israeli nation consists of the two tribes and the proselytes. Few centuries back, the Jews as a nation, decided to mix up with other nations instead of behaving as a self-agrandized separate nation. So the Jewish women married Christian men while the Jewish men, some of them denounced their national identity, even started calling themselves as the Christians and then married among the Christian women. This assimilation is known as ‘Age of Emancipation’! So many Jews of the present time are offsprings of this new arrangement and have become a ‘beloved’ of the Europeans. Now in Israel, they have created a most modern Israeli state while orthodox Jews still pray for the coming of the Holy King who would unite them with other lost 10 tribes of Israel and then establish for them a great kingdom — kingdom of God on earth as mentioned in the Old Testament and the Gospels.

99 As a Muslim, we strongly invite them to accept the fact that the promised Holy King has already come in the form of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), and that the 10 (ten) tribes have already accepted Islam and have achieved the glories and blessedness promised by Allah. These tribes are very very strong believers in Islam and have laid down their lives in million for its sake. Here is a brief account of the converted tribes. Israeli tribes namely Gad, Dan Asher, Levi settled in Kashmir, all have accepted Islam except a few Kashmiri circumcised (a mark of ancestry from Abraham) Brahmins who preferred to remain heathen priests of idol-worshipping Indians. Even today, a great number of words and customs among Kashmiri Muslims are that of old Israeli origin. Above all, they themselves trace their ancestry to Abraham. The word Brahmin (from Abraham) and Sheikh are very common even today. The Pathans and Pashtoons settled in N.W.F.P. province of Pakistan and around, and those settled in Afghanistan very proudly call themselves ‘Bani Israel’ but never never let call themselves as the Jews. Afghans claim their ancestry upto prophet Joseph though his son Afghana; other tribes of this area trace their ancestry .to Asher, now called Asheri; to Dan, now called Dani; to Gad now called Gadi or Gagi; to Ruban, now called Rubhani; to Levi, now called Levani; to Naphthali now called Daphthani or Nephthani; to Shimon, now called Shimvari or Shinwari; to Ephrahim now called Ephra’eedi; to Joseph now called Josephzai or Yosephzai. These converted Israeli very proudly claim that when an ambassador from the Prophet reached them to ask them to accept Islam, their elders sent a mission headed by Qais. These men lived in Medina for few days, conversed with the Prophet and after they were convinced, accepted him as their Saviour, the Holy King promised to advent from the Arabs. Prophet Muhammad named Qais as Abdul Rasheed or slave of Rasheed. Rasheed when translated means the one who accepted the Good News to become righteous. An outstanding hero of Islam, Khalid Bin Walid, gave his cousin for marriage to Abdul Rasheed. When the mission returned back, Islam spread with the greatest speed and in few years, majority of the population became Muslim.

100 As a Muslim, these converted Israelis are extremely religious, very devout and strong believers, stronger than any other nation. They name their sons upon Israeli prophets, follow some Jewish customs and use Hebrew words in their language, Pushto. They do not normally give their daughters to nonPathans, have preserved their identity in physical features. They are well built and more handsome, fair coloured, more beautiful than the Indians around. Many have ‘crooked nose’ which was a salient feature of the Jews in the past. These converted Muslims are very robust fighters, always carry a weapon, and are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of Islam. Russians and American killed these people in millions to change their religion, but they are not ready to accept a single unIslamic change especially fee-mixing of females which is so strongly desired by the Westerns in the name of woman’s freedom. Now we appeal to all the Christian and the Jews to stop waiting for ‘the King’; the King has already come and they are the ones — the biggest enemy. Now all sound minded people must accept Islam as per their religious covenant and change their personal lives to decency and become civilized in the light of words of Allah, the Holy Quran. _________

101 DECEPTION No. 6 WAITING FOR JESUS! For two thousand years, the Evangelists have promulgated the idea of coming Kingdom of God. They claim that Jesus is coming again to establish the New Fiery Law with power. With the help of above message, they have misguided and led astray billions of innocent souls, unwary of their systematic deception. At the present time, their victims are the Philippines, the Indonesians, the Nigerians, the Sudanese, the Indians and Palestinian, and many African countries. Innocent people do not even realise what objects the Evangelists have in mind. These wolves in the sheep skin use all sorts of means to mislead people who had Hellenistic past and were spirit or ancestor worshippers. The grandeur, the loving approach of the White Evangelists attract ignorant person very much. The spread of so-called Christianity is actually the defeat of Islam. It is now the duty of the Muslim Ummah to come forward to meet the challenge and dispel all those suspicions and hatred created by the so-called Christian missionaries. The object of the Christian missionaries is not to prove the superiority of Christianity but defacing of Islam to achieve their goal. One may ask that ‘Jesus came two thousand years ago, he strictly followed the Jewish laws. He denounced even looking at a women, or using a strong word against an enemy, and offer other cheek if somebody slapped on one’. Then why the Christians nations at least enforce those laws which Jesus followed and do not fight against corruption ‘in their society; control their obsession to kill the poor and loot their wealth; control the sale of ammunition; stop running of prostitution and sodomy dens; curb the spread of the evil of use of intoxicants; put ban upon dancing halls; close down gambling and betting halls etc. etc., if they really are the Christian. Didn’t Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible gave strict instruction to mankind regarding these evils. Isn’t it their duty to fight against evils? Why they are after Islam who is the only religion who can combat and come to match these modern evils. Does not it ever occur to the Evangelists’ mind that they are in fact doing Devil’s work. How unfortunate is it to work against Allah’s will and promote iniquity, and poverty among the nations for the sake of gain of few Mafias! Whom they are deceiving? Allah! or Jesus! or human conscious!

102 DECEPTION No. 7 HEATHENISM UNDER COVER OF CHRISTIANITY! The Christian Evangelists profess their religion be better than Islam and then innocent and ignorant men are converted to their fold. In the Holy Bible, it is clearly written that Allah is One and only He should be worshipped; no image or idol be ever made; nor worshipped; if someone does so — kill him. The Christian called Jesus as ‘God’ Before Protestant revolution, all Catholic churches had idols of Jesus, Mother Mary along with Mary’s husband, Joseph the Carpenter. In addition there were icons and images of the Saints. Isn’t it an open rebelliousness against the word of God? To claim that we believe in One God and at the same time say that Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one. Isn’t it a rape of right thinking? Can a worshipper (Jesus) and the worshipped (the Father whom all sons worship) be the same? What a great deception is it? These heathens under the cover of Christianity, are trying to convert people to a belief of three gods but robustly professing to be the One. In the gospels, Jesus is called as representative of God, a Prophet of Allah, son of man, sent-one of God. Jesus worshipped God alongwith his disciples till ‘ the last moment of life. Even mother of Jesus Mary called herself: a servant of Allah. Jesus never asked anyone to worship him, then why promulgating an anti-god religion? Islam is that divine religion which has smashed ungodly ideas and worship of the Cross. It is a religion for every nation and every era. Islam has great inherent flexibility and provide guidance in all the affairs of life, but it never sacrifices its basic principles. By observing the basic tenets of Islam, the society can promulgate as many new laws as in beneficial for human beings. Whatever is for the good of the masses, it is Law of Shareeha (i.e. Law of Islam).

103 DECEPTION No. 8 PROMISED WARRIOR MESSIAH HAS COME We site on. extract from the Catholic Bible, Deuterronomy 33:2. And Moses said, the Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir into them; he shined forth from Mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of Saints; from his right hand went a fiery law for them. But the Protestant Bible has obliterated the words; “from his right hand went a fiery law” is replaced by these self-styled gods as ‘on his right hand warriors belonging to them’ Notice that one Bible obliterated the words ‘warriors* while second one obliterated ‘a fiery law’ It is a matter of great shame to notice the guardians of the Holy Book to change the words according to their desire. Every Muslim and the Western writer know that Prophet Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) birth place is in Mount Paran, and when he conquered the centre of idolatry, Makkah, he was accompanied by exactly ten thousand Holy Warriors: The Prophet bought very hard laws to crush iniquity debaucheiy and social evils. As the Christian doctors could never digest the hard laws of Islam, they always spoke against them and tried to change, mistranslate or obliterate those verses from their Holy Book which advocated the Holy War against the criminal and evildoers. We can’t imagine if religious doctors of any religion in the history of mankind ever did such shameful acts to deceive men and God. Devil has carried them to the lowest ebb of degradation and lowliness so much so that even the devil must be ashamed of the handiwork of his companions for their continuous struggle against religion of the Holy One of Allah i.e. Al-Islam. Why people so much advanced in science and technology are so blockhead in the matter of religion? Why they are followings the way designed by enemies of Allah? In fact, religious Mafia has sunk down to such a depth that it seems if they are atheist and use all their powers to defeat religion of Allah i.e. AlIslam.

104 To whom they really want to deceive — men or God?

105 DECEPTION No. 9 IRREFUTABLE PROPHECY Read the prophecy of Prophet Moses (A.S.) which he dictated to Joshua Bin Nun; ‘And do thou, Joshua the son of Nun, keep these words and this book, for from my death until His advent there shall be CCL times.” CCL times is 250 years-weeks or 1750 (Assumption of Moses 10:11) As Moses (A.S.) died in 1180 BC, so the birth of the Prophet comes out to be year A.D. 570. This is exactly the date of birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A. W.). We can rightly claim that this is very obvious, outstanding prophecy of Moses (A.S,) which the devil-minded disputants can’t deny or explain otherwise. The Jews and the Christian are left with no choice but to put faith in Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and embrace Islam. Will they still now deceive the people; to whom — men or Allah? What, stops them to accept the Truth? Alas! the blind doctors of the Christianity and the Jews are joined together to defeat Allah’s religion. _________

106 DECEPTION No. 10 FULFILLMENT OF GOD’S PROMISE In Isaiah 42 — 3, 4 we have, “He shall bring forth judgement to the Gentiles. He will not grow dim nor be crushed uptil, he (the Saviour) sets justice in the earth itself; and for his law the islands themselves will keep waiting.” Our readers should judge, how this prophecy can be applied to Jesus who neither bought any law, nor he ever had the slightest intention to even go to the Gentiles, rather stopped his disciples too; the Romans and the Jews never allowed Jesus and his disciples to raise their head. Instead of establishing justice upon the earth, he was himself victim of most unjust treatment. Our readers are perhaps unaware that whenever the Evangelists recite the above verses of Isaiah, also repeated in gospel of Matthew, they make it sure to miss the above verses. One fails to understand, whom they truly intend to deceive? Men or Allah? What stops them to put faith in the Prophet who is acknowledged as the greatest man upon the earth ever born, who subdued the outlaws and made them to lick the feet of weak people and shun their life of evildoing and tyranny; made idolatry extinct; abolished usury, prostitution; stopped decoity, drinking of liquor, gambling. As it is prophesied repeatedly in the Bible, it was only Muhammad (S.A.W.) who opened the chains of the innocent prisoners and made to bow down the proud, highhanded goondas who were ruling the earth. Just think of ‘one man who changed the course of history, who saved the civilization from total destruction. The One who changed the Dark Ages into the Most Enlightened era of human history, must now be acknowledged as the promised Saviour, the Universal Christ of the world. The right-minded people of the world must now join their heads together to defeat the designs of those soul-Mafias who have now amassed nearly undefeatable power to deceive the humanity in the very name of God. Free men of the world, especially the Western Whites must break the iron shackles of their religious leaders, who have enslaved their mind, soul and spirit. This is the worst form of slavery, in which the peace of their soul is a ransom in the hands of their priests, their Fathers, their Reverend Sirs who are nothing but a puppet in the hand of Satan.

107 After all, when they will awake from their sleep?

108 DECEPTION No. 11 TRUE FACE OF HYPOCRITES EXPOSED When Evangelists approach a religiously illiterate person a spirit-magic worshipper or an atheist, they tell him that if he wants all his sins forgiven then he should put faith in the Cross and Jesus Christ whom Allah sent to the world to be crucified so that their sins were forgiven. Then they give a free gift of the Holy Bible to study and invite to embrace Christianity. Majority of people can’t even read it, or read selected parts depicting the miracles of Jesus Christ and his sermons, which are very appealing. When a person is impressed and show some inclination he is immediately caught by the Evangelists into their clutches and indoctrinated into Christianity. He is taught about the concocted evils of Islam; and by malicious propaganda, he becomes a very prejudice and bigot Christian. When a Muslim approaches a non-Muslim, he gives lectures on Oneness of God, danger of Trinity and the worship of the Cross, belief in all the prophets including Jesus Christ. One is told that only Islam is the right religion and is able to guide the whole world at the present time and the time to come. Only the Holy Quran is the only unchanged word of Allah while all other religions which were meant for some communities only, have the corrupted Holy Books. In spite of changes, the coming of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) is still present in all the Books. When a literate or a scholar read the Holy Bible, he becomes astounded that along with inviolable words of God, there are too many other incidences which are not worthy to be included in a holy book like the Bible. When the Britishers conquered India, some Evangelists approached a Hindu scholar pandit Kanshi Ram in the city of Multan. He was also given a free gift of the Holy Bible which he read very attentively. When the Christian Fathers approached him again to invite to embrace Christianity and denounce Hinduism, he wrote his objections in writing and got the book published from Multan City in 1940, namely BIBLE KHOODA KA KALAAM NAHEEN’ i.e. The Bible is not the word of God. He claimed that Hinduism is much better then Christianity. In the next pages, we will re-quote the counter argument of Kanshi Ram only; the Muslims have also written many books

109 on the same subject like ‘Bible Say Quran. Tak’ )‫تک‬in Urdu by Maulana Rehmat Ullah Kairanvi .

‫(بائبل سے قرآن‬

1. Hazrat Sarah, wife of Abraham, compelled his husband to send his second wife Hagira, with a small child, into the desert. Genesis 21:14 Tell, is it fair to send a woman with a child into a desert where there was neither water nor protection against wild animals? What lesson it gives! 2. Hazrat Jacob (Yaqoob, also known as Israel) deceived his father Isaac, conniving with his mother to receive his blessings, which he actually wanted to give to Esau, Jacob’s twin brother. Genesis 27:18 Let us known what lesson we learn from it about the father of Israeli Nation? 3. Two daughters of Lot, (A.S.), intoxicated their father and then intercoursed with him, and got pregnant. Genesis 19:37 Is this incidence worthy to be recorded in a holy Book? 4. Ten sons of Jacob i.e. Israel conspired together to kill their handsome brother Joseph, but later sold him to a passing caravan. Then for next twenty years or so, they persistently spoke lies to their father that Joseph was eaten up by a wolf. Genesis 37:20 What impression it leaves upon a reader about the elders of Israeli nations? 5. Pharaoh of Egypt made all sons of Israel as slaves and tortured them heavily. Moses (A.S.) approached the Pharaoh to release his nation which he refused. Then all the Israelis borrowed gold ornaments from Egyptian neighbours and then suddenly decamped away with them across the sea into the desert. Genesis 12:3 Tell us what need is there to record this act of theft in a holy Book to be recited? What impression it leaves about the elders of Israel!

110 6. Reuben forcibly intercoursed with his mother, the wife of Israel. Genesis 49:4 What is the lesson? 7. After conquering Midianites, all men were killed. Women were undressed and their vaginas were checked. If seal of virginity was intact, she was made concubine; if not, she was put to sword. Number 31:17 Will anyone like this act to be repeated after a war in the modern time? 8. King David saw a woman named Bathsheba taking bath, he fell in love and called her into his palace and intercoursed. When her husband Uriah came back from a war, he was immediately sent under strict order from. King David to go to another mission which was apparently suicidal. Uriah was killed and then Bathsheba became wedded wife of King David. 2 Samuel 11:2 Sir, this gives very unpleasant impression about King David! Note: King David is one of the most respected prophets of Islam to whom PSALMS were revealed. As a Muslim, we do not believe in this incidence. 9. Jephthah made a vow that, in case of victory in a war, he would kill the first person of his house who would come to greet him. Unfortunately his beloved innocent daughter came running to his father to greet. Jophthah killed her to fulfil his vow. Sir, this incidence is too loathsome to find place in a holy Book! What lesson shall a reader infer? Judges 11:30 to 40 10. King David’s son Amnon committed incest with his sister Tamar. Samuel 13:13 11. Absolam, son of Prophet David, overthrew his father after a mutiny and then intentionally, to humiliate his father,

111 committed adultery with the concubines of his father who were like mothers. Samuel 16:22 Sir, this incidence is too obnoxious to read! A group o people encircled a house where a handsome man had arrived as a guest. They all wanted to commit sodomy with him. After much persuasion, the householder gave them a beautiful concubine. They all quenched their lust one by one, till she died. Judges 19:22 For God’s sake, remove such passages from the Holy Book! It is too loathsome to read. 13. Mother Mary, along with step-brothers of Jesus came to see Jesus (A.S.) after much journey and search for him. Then we have, “So someone said to him “Look! your mother and brothers are standing seeking to speak to you.” As an answer, he said to the one telling him; “Who is my mother and who are my brothers?” And extending his hand toward his disciples, he said: “Look! My mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father who is in the heaven, the same is my brother and sister and mother. Pandit Kanshi Ram said that in Hindu Dharma, extreme respect for a mother is ordered. This sort of reception and words for the mother are not worthy of an ordinary Hindu, not to speak of a prophet like Jesus! A son must show special respect to his mother, more than friends, and give her something to eat and drink and offer her a seat to rest. 14. Jesus Christ instructed his disciples to go to the Jewish nations only and to have no connection with the Romans, the Samaritan Jews or other nations. Jesus even refused to heal non-Jewish sick people. Matthew 15:24 Is this prejudiced and biased attitude acceptable in the modern age? 15. Jesus Christ was sitting with his disciples when a prostitute came and rubbed perfumed oil upon the body of Jesus. Luke 7:37

Matthew 12:47

112 Even Hindus do not allow a prostitute to massage their bodies, as strict orders exist against the profession of prostitutes in Hindu Holy Books. 16. Son of Israel, Judah was going on a journey when he saw a beautiful girl waiting on roadside. Judah approached her, settled the money, and then intercoursed with her thinking her, to be a prostitute. She was actually Tamar, his widow daughterin-law, who got pregnant from Judah. Genesis 38:16 In Hinduism, it is forbidden to go to harlots. Will you like your daughter to earn livelihood by the profession of prostitution in the modern age? No Hindu father would allow his daughter to do such a loathsome act. Then what lesson shall we infer from such incidences?? 17. Jesus said, “Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth. I came to put, not peace, but a sword. For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a young wife against her mother-in-law. Matthew 10:34 And everyone that has left houses, or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many times more and will inherit everlasting life. Matthew 19:29 Then another of the disciples said to him: “Lord permit me first to leave and bury my father.” Jesus said to him: “Keep following me, and let the dead bury their dead.” Matthew 8:21 Jesus said: “For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh? Matthew 19:5 Jesus said: “Do not resist him that is wicked; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him.” Matthew 5:39 Kanshi Ram in his book page 132 to 135 writes that Hindu Dharam is much superior over Christianity. It is not lawful to put division in a house or to leave the house. It is incumbent upon a Hindu to join the death ceremonies of his father with great respect. It is also binding not to show cowardice

113 but face a wicked man with courage. All Vedas, Shastras and Smriti agree upon it. 18. Sons of Israel had sworn, not to give their daughters as wife to Banjaminites. So they advised the Benjamites to hide in a vineyard and when daughters of city come out to dance in an annual festival, they should attack and abduct them and make them as their wives. Judges 21:19 Would anybody in the modern age like his daughter to be abducted. What lesson this incidence gives to humanity!! 19. In Matthew 1:17 we have genealogy of Jesus, Christ. We have; All the generations, then from Abraham until David were fourteen generations, and from David until the deportation to Babylon fourteen generations, and from the deportation to Babylon until the Christ fourteen generations. But in genealogy of Luke 3:24, generations from David to deportation were 21 generations and then from deportation until the Christ were 21 generations. There is hardly a name in the two generations which reconcile. Let us know which one is infallible word of God? 20. In Matthew 1:16 we have: Matthew became father to Jacob; Jacob became father to Joseph, the husband to Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ. In Luke 3:23 we have; “Furthermore, Jesus himself, when he commenced his work was about thirty years old, being the son, as the opinion was of Joseph son of Heli son of Matthat Let us know whether Jesus was born without agency of a man in the house of Virgin Mary, by the Word of God; or was he a son of Joseph? If not, then how these genealogies are of Jesus Christ, the only one in human history who had no genealogy at all. Moreover, how can Joseph have two fathers, Jacob as in genealogy of Matthew, and Heli as in genealogy of Luke? Why don’t the Evangelists admit that along with true exact words revealed by God, also is present handiwork of the scribes who wrote the history of Bani Israel as they deemed it to

114 be true according to their information. So one must admit that every part of the Bible is not Word of God. After a befitting reply as above (the original book actually deals many other aspects too like creation of the earth, misstatements, discrepancies etc. etc.) the Evangelists never approached Pandit Kanshi Ram again and they were defeated forever. When the Evangelists are defeated by the Hindus, then how they can match with the Muslims. Islam has a complete code for a man’s relationship with God, his beliefs towards other religions, relationship with parents, wife, brother, sisters, daughters, relatives, neighbours, the society as a whole including brotherly treatment and tolerance towards non-Muslims. Islam shuns idolatry, prostitution, extra marital relationship, homosexuality, lying, theft, murder and gives guidance about everything which a man ever come across in a lifetime. So if a holy Father or an Evangelist offers you a Bible, then say: You deceive; your words do not conform to your actions, nor your deeds conform to your belief; the Bible forbids liquor and flesh of swine but you consume it without guilt; adultery is forbidden but you are adulterous nation who even issue licence to prostitutes and homosexuals; murder is forbidden but you kill in millions without repentance. Show him the above passages and say ‘thank you very much, our innocent sons and daughters will get corrupted after reading all these incidences as men follow the acts of their elders. It is why educated masses of Europe are irreligious and hate to go to their churches. Educated men of Europe have refused to read the Bible, and also they are deprived by their clergy to read the Holy Quran, so they are unable to get benefits from the Holy Quran and life history and mission of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Only because the powerful churches have put together all their forces to malign Islam, which in fact carries real peace of heart in it and is powerful enough to cleanse the evils of the self and the society. Now it is the duty of the Muslim organizations to save the humanity from total destruction and match to the evil designs of the enemies of God who are wolves in the sheep skin. Muslim Ummah should carry out Jehad as made incumbent by Allah, as vigorously as is its due. This Jehad is by speech, actions, writings and money — not by terrorism at all.

115 Islam is religion of peace, love, tolerance, and respect for human values. In the present time nothing is more needed than Islam. _________




Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Ismail Ai-Bokhari



Imam. Abul Hasan Muslim Bin AI-Hajjaj AI-Qushari



Imam Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Yazid Bin Maja Al-Oazwini



Imam Abu Dawood Suleman Bin Al Ashus As-Sajistani



Imam Abu Isa Muhammad Bin Isa At-Tirmzi.



Imam Abu Abur-Rahman Ahmed Bin Shoaib An-Nisai.


The History of the Saracen Empire (1870) by Edward Gibbon and Simon Ockley.


The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon.


Histoire de la Turquie by Lamartine.


Mohammad at Makkah by W. Montgomery Watt.


Mohammad and Muhammadanism byR Bosworth Smith.


The Life and Teachings of Muhammad by Annie Besant.


Islam at the Crossroads (19223) De Lacy Q’Leary,


The Prospects of Islam (1944) by Lawrence E, Browne.


The Gospel of Islam by Duncan Greenlees, M.A.


Men Seeking God (.1955} by Christopher Mayhew.


Mahomet and Islam (1895) Sir Witlium Muir.


The New World of Islam (1932) A. M. Lothrop Stoddard, Ph. D.


Islam in the Modern World (1946) by Wilfred Cantwell Smith.


Civilization on Trial (1948) A. J. Toynbee.


The Bible; The Koran and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille.


The Case for Polygamy (1934) J. £. Clare McFarlane.


Mohammed in Ancient Scriptures by U. A//.


Mohammed in World Scriptures by Vidhyarthi.


The Injil (Gospel) Barnabas by Lonsdale and Laura Ragg (1907).


The Encyclopaedia of Islam edited G. B. Lewis, V. L. Menage, Ch. Pellat and J. Schacht.


Encyclopaedia of Seerah of Muhammad by The Muslim Schools Trust, London.


The Holy Bible, The University Press, Oxford.


A Christian’s Response to Islam by William M. Miller.


Islam and Christian Theology by J. Windrow Sweetman, D. D.


The Christian Approach to Islam by James L. Barton.


The Mohammedan Controversy by Sir Willium Muir K.C.S. I,LL.D., Ph. D.,


The Christian Message in non-Christian World by H. Kraemer.


The Origin of Islam in its Christian Environment by Richard Bell, M.A., B.D. (1925)

117 35.

Our Bible and The Ancient Manuscripts by Sir Frederick Kenyan (1958).


The Bible and Modern Research by A. Rendle Short, M.D., F.R.C.S.


The Bible is not a word of God in (Urdu) by Kanshi Ram (1940).


The Sources of Christianity by Khawaja Kamal-ud-Din.


A Comparative Study of Islam and other Religions by Syed Muzattar-ud-Din Nadvi, 1977.


The Ethics of Buddhism by S. Tachibana, London, 1926.


New Testament Apocrypha by Edgar Hennecke.


Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha of The Old Testament by R.H.Charles, D.Litt., D.D.


The Apocrypha (1895} Oxford University Press.


The Causes of The Corruption of The Traditional Text of The Holy Gospels by John William Burgon, B. D., Dean of Chichester, Edward Miller, MA.,


The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels Vindicated and Established by John William Burgon B.D., Dean of Chichester.


Yashts by 7. R. Sethna.


Messianic Idea in Judaism by Scholen, Gershom.


An Apology for Mohammed and the Koran by John Davenport (1869).


The Preaching of Islam by T.W. Arnold.


Islam — Her Moral and Spiritual Value by Major Arthur Gtyn Leonard.


Yahudiyat and Masihiyat (Judaism and Christianity) by Dr. Ihsan-al-Haq Rana.


Ijaz-e-Eesawi by Maulana Rehmat Ullah Kairanwi.


Al Mallal Wan Nahl by Imam Abu Muhammad Ali bin Ahmed bin Khurram Andulasi.


Islam and Mazahi b-e-Alam (Islam and the Religions of the World) by Israr-urRehman Bokhari.


Mazahib-e-Alam ka Taqabli Mataleya (The Comparitive Study of the Religions of the World) by Ghulam Rasul, M.A.


Seerat-un-Nabi by Allama Shibli Nomani.


Uswa Rasul-e-Karim (The Acts of The Prophet) by Dr. Abdul Hayee.


Seerat Aan Hazral Bible Ki Roshni Main (The Prophet in the Bible) by Qazi Habib-ur-Rehman.


Islam ka Ikhlaqi Nazam (A Reply to the Christians about attacks on Islamic Morality) by Maulana Muhammad Tayyab Dayobandi.


Islam — The First and Final Religion published by Begum Aisha Bhawany Waqf.


Ahkam-e-lslam (Islamic Doctrine) by Islami Nazarayati Council, Islamabad.


Wives of the Prophet by Fida Hussain Maiik.


Ummat Muslama Ki Maain )‫((امت مسلمان کی مائیں‬The Holy Mothers of the Muslim Ummah) by Maulana Muhammad Aashiq Ilahi; Balandshehri. _________


INDEX A Abrahams, 13,57 Adultery 71, 104 Amida 7. Anger, Angry 48. Arrogartt43, 85. Astavetereta 7. Atonement 60

B Backbite 48. Barnabas 13,58. Blasphemy 14, 51. Bribe 51. Brotherhood 39, 82 Business 51. Businessman 51.

C Caste 7, 51 Celerate, Celibacy 67. Charity, Charitable 27, 49 Commitment 48, 51. Congregation 47. Console 50. Courage 42, 44. Coward, Cowardice 106. Crucifixion 14, 16,33. Crusades 25, 36. Cruel, Cruelty 39, 43.

D Dance, Dancing 51, 83 Dark Ages 17, 81, 101 Dead Sea Scrolls 86, 87. Deceit 31. Destitutes 69 Divorce, Divorcee 36, 50. Drinking 51

E Education 49, 51, 81, 84

119 Extravagant, Extravagance 43.

F Faith 19. Fast 48. Fasting 48Fate 45. Forbearance 48. Forgive, Forgiveness 48. Foulmouthed 50.

G Gambling 28, 32, 51, 83. Greed 30.

H Hagar, Hagira75,103 Herod 16. Holy War 52. Home 28, 66, 82, 184. Homosexual 83, 108. Homosexuality 83, 108 Humble 47 Humility 27 Husband 82 Hypocrite, 81, 102.

I Idolatry 6, 22, 24, 108 Idolatrous 22. Images, 24, 30, 35. Intolerant, Intolerance 81. intoxicants28, 43, 103 Inviolable 46, 51. Ismael 13, 14,57

J Jeremiah 8, 90. Jehad 27, 52. Justice 40, 51.

K Kalki 7, 80. Kill, Killing 26, 30 73.

L Liquor 28. Lost tribes 24.

120 Love 36 Lust 30, 67.

M Malicious 4, 74: Marriage 67 Martyr 52. Makkah 22, 55, 73, 99 Meekly, Meekness 9. Manahamna 47. Merciful 2, Mercy 45, 57. Metteya 7. Middle Ages 38 Mithraism 64. Moderation 48 Moses 5. Music 31, 51 Murder 63, 108

N Neighbour 50, 103, 108 Nimrodism 64

O Oppress, Oppressors 56, 77 Orphan, orphans 21, 49 Original Sin 15

P Paraclete 47 Paran 5, 10, 21, 99 Parent 49 Peace 28,84 Penitence Pharaoh 5, 75 Pilgrimage 48 Polygamy 67, 71 Pontius Pilate 16 Pope, Gregory 20, 23. Prayer 35, 47. Pride 38, 48, 43. Prostitution 28, 32, 71, 103. Jurisprudence 35


121 Quiet 55

R Rabbi 23 Rabbin 58 Remembrance 47, 74 Resurrection 46 Revenge 78 Revolutionary 68 Rhamses 5 Rome 20, Salute 21 Salvation 57, 80, 83 Saoshyant 7 Sarah, Sarai 75, 103 Sodomy 28 Swine 64, 81,83 Sword 14,37, 77 Terrorism 85, 108 Teman 10, Testimony 19 Tolerant, Tolerance 108, 37 Transubstantiation 17, 64 Trinity 10, Truth, Truthfulness 84




Universal 86, 87, 101 Usury 73,

V Violent, Violence 82 Virtuous, Virtue 33


War 5, 8 Warrior 22 Wealth 5, 23, 62 Widow 69 Wives 8, 22, 49, 66 Wife 106 Wine 15, 33 Wise 41 Witness 51, Women 29, 63, 84

Z Zakat 49 _________

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