Vindication of the crescent

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B. Pharmacy (Punjab) M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Technology (Univ. of London)



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First Edition Second Edition Third Edition

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April, 1991 January, 1998 October 2004

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Sultani Composing Centre, Ahata Shahdarian, Urdu Bazar, Lahore - Pakistan.

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Izhar Printers, Rattigan Road, Lahore - Pakistan.


Dedicated to


(peace be upon him)

the Beloved of Allah




Chapter 1


Muhammad – The True Saviour 9 Purpose of this book. 9 Islam, the religion of peace, equality, tolerance. 10 Muhammad (PBUH) is a model man. 10 Muhammad (PBUH) is the greatest reformer conqueror.10 Muhammad (PBUH) — the last prophet i.e. the Christ, Messiah, Kalki, Amida, Saoshyant. 12 Muhammad (PBUH) brings people to real One God. 12 Muhammad (PBUH) — prophesied in all scriptures. 13 Non-Muslim priests are prejudice against Islam. 14 3.

Chapter 2.

MUSLIM’S BELIEF ABOUT JESUS (PBUH) Jesus (PBUH) was neither God nor the Last Christ Jesus (PBUH) was the prophesied fore-runner of Muhammad (PBUH). Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) The prophesied paraclete and pericleote

16 16 17 18

Muhammad (PBUH) not Jesus was the first light. 21 Jesus (PBUH) was Messiah of the Jews only, not the last Messiah of the world. 24 4.

Chapter 3

PROPHECIES ABOUT MUHAMMAD (PBUH) IN OLD SCRIPTURES 26 The Holy Bible. 26 More prophecies in the New Testament. 29 The Hindu Scriptures. 30 The Parsi Scriptures. 31 The Buddhist Scriptures. 32 5.


Chapter 4

ISLAM AND TRINITY ‘TRINITY’ is against Jesus’ (PBUH) teachings. Jesus (PBUH) taught belief in One God. Jesus (PBUH) was not God. God versus Jesus. Meaning of ‘Son of God’

33 33 34 37 37 41



Chapter 5





Jesus (PBUH) predicted non-Jewish Messiah. Meaning of ‘Rule of God’ or ‘Kingdom of God’ Belief in One God. Establishment of Justice. Equality of mankind. Personal rights. Marriage law commandments. Moral laws. Religious laws. Cleanliness laws. Social laws. Laws of war. Testimony of eminent Christian scholars. Laws of politics. Laws of business. Literary commandments. Commandments of Universal Love and Brotherhood. Testimony of eminent Christian scholars. Commandments about animals.

45 47 48 49 50 51 53 55 56 57 57 58 58 61 61 61 63 65 66

ISLAM AND SWORD All false accusations refuted Sword was not used to force people embrace Islam Testimony of an eminent Christian scholar.

67 67 67 67

SANCTION OF POLYGAMY Islam and Polygamy Reason for Muhammad’s (PBUH) marriages. Evidences from the Holy Bible. Views of eminent scholars.

75 75 76

ISLAM AND CRIMINAL LAWS Facts about the Criminal Laws.

90 90

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8



Chapter 9 ISLAM AND THE HEREAFTER Belief of the Jews. Belief of the Christians. Belief of the Zoroastrians Belief of the Buddhists and the Hindus.



Chapter 10

ISLAM AND ZION 97 Establishment of New Jerusalem or Zion in Holy Kaaba.97 12.

Chapter 11

ISLAM AND THE CROSS 102 Was Muhammad (PBUH) enemy of the Cross; New Facts about Crucifixion Dogma. 102 13.

Chapter 12

MUHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON HIM) — HIS MIRACLES AND PROPHECIES Islam is not a Political Ambition of the Prophet Miracles and Hundred Prophecies of the Prophet. The Prophet’s Superhuman Knowledge, about Hundred Prophecies concerning future events. 14.

Chapter 13


Chapter 14

114 114 115

139 WAY TO SALVATION! ISLAM OR CHRISTIANITY? Islam, not Christianity, is way to Salvation; Insufficiency and Corruption of Gospels. 139 MUHAMMAD’S (PBUH) CHARACTER. 166 Brief Account of Muhammad’s (PBUH). amicable character. 166 Muhammad (PBUH) is the one awaited by all the people of the world. 169 Non-Muslim scholar’s tribute to the Prophet. 171


Chapter 15

ISLAM IN MODERN AGE. 176 What reforms world of today needs in the light of Islamic Principles. 176 Non-Muslim scholars’ tributes to Islam. 179


PREFACE This book is written by a man of science and business, belonging to a religious Qazi family in order to dispel the suspicious raised by anti-Islam propagandists among the Muslims as well as non-Muslim masses. Most of the accusations against Islam and the Prophet are product of ignorance, apprehensions, political motivations; and enmity inherited for centuries particularly after the Crusades. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, was sent by Allah as the Prophet for the whole mankind. All previous religions were regional. At the time of his advent, the humanity had sunken to its lowest ebb. Every nation was at war with other nation. Ill treatment towards women and slaves was common. Society had become immoral and corrupt. People forgot the worship of one God and instead worshipped icons and idols etc. Lawlessness prevailed everywhere. All the people of the world were praying for the coming of the Christ of the world who was prophesied by all the prophets and all the old Scriptures. Jesus, peace be upon him, was the foremost champion to declare the good News to the Jews that prophet Mohammad peace be upon him is soon to come from their brethren i.e. Ismaelites and they ought to put faith in him. The High priests of the Jews and their followers got furiated and decided to kill Jesus, peace be upon him. Jesus, peace be upon him, started a great movement to greet Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him. Most of Jesus’ followers accepted Islam, but the followers of Paul’s Christianity (who for centuries persecuted the true followers of Jesus) didn’t accept Islam as they were settled in Europe fully under the influence and clutches of awesomely powerful Church. Nowadays, the same powerful Church has regained their power and influence and is fully active to tarnish the beautiful face of Islam. Islam puts a check to the bloody wars, adultery, drinking, use of drugs, gambling, usury, worship of images and low morality, but now these evils are fully flourishing in the countries where the Christian Churches are in power. Most shameful part is that instead of joining hands, they are fully active to defeat and weaken Islam who stands upright to combat ungodliness. Al-Islam Book One and Two are written to combat their anti-Islam propaganda. I have replied to most of their major and fundamental charges in a moderate detail, but a more comprehensive reply is


left for my book Al-Islam, Book two ‘The Crescent Versus the


I have done my humble effort as a Muslim to fulfil my parts of duty as ordained by Allah; the cry of the present time exhorts Muslims to come forward with missionary zeal with their lives and riches to repulse Multi Trillion Dollars propaganda against our beloved Prophet and The Holy Quran. The purpose of the book is to bring about change of hearts among the nations of the world, a change towards love, tolerance and service; with my heart’s desire that our non-Muslim friends may be ‘saved’. The book is dedicated to the cause of Islam and full permission is given to all Muslim organisations to reproduce or translate it in full or parts without any prior permission, obligation or notification. MUHAMMAD FAROOQUE KEMAL


Chapter 1

MUHAMMAD ď‚ž THE TRUE SAVIOUR PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK This book is especially written for those who have recently embraced Islam and for those non-Muslims who are interested in knowing what Islam really is what Muslims believe and what is their attitude about other religions of the world? Islam is a complete and perfect religion, comprehensive enough to meet all the needs of men in every age and all circumstances. For the spiritually sick society of ours it is a blessing. This is a book in which the message of Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is explained in the context of Christian propaganda which even a layman can understand and would surely love to embrace Islam, to join Muslim brotherhood for peace. Every person will admit that he is the expected one, Ahmad (Paraclete) the last Prophet of salvation, the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed One of the whole world, the last prophet of future Kalki Avatar, Amida (Amita, Amitabah) Maitreya (Metteya) awaited by all the people of the world, the Jews, the Christians, the Hindus, the Buddhists and the Zoroastrians. Islam respects all religions of the world unconditionally but reiterates that they were religions only for a specific time, and that with the passage of time they have all been forgotten so much so that now it is impossible to separate the truth from falsehood. Thus Islam is the essence of all the religions and consists of commandments to perfect human knowledge about God, this life and the Hereafter. Islam is present in the heart of every man, it is just natural, flawless. Unfortunately people with vested interests have tried to give poor picture of Islam by falsely interpreting the true meanings of the divine commandments to the ignorant masses, or they themselves have misunderstood or have been led astray by false stories. Islam is the most modern of all the religions, it is a guide for those who want to live an ascetic life and also for those who want to live and


enjoy this life, there are limits of course and the true path has clearly been distinguished from the wrong path. ISLAM, THE RELIGION OF PEACE, EQUALITY, TOLERANCE Islam has given the world a law which brings equality to all human beings irrespective of race, language, colour, sex or religion. Islam has given women, as mothers and daughters, privileged rights and more respect than men; women enjoy the right to inherit, to earn, to make decisions; woman is no more regarded without soul, despised, responsible for original sin, root of all evils: she is not to be burnt alive or treated like animals if the husband dies; rather woman is the most beautiful and charming being in the world, honourable and lovable. Islam has taught laws of war based on justice; no war is to be started but against tyrants and oppressors, those who exploit the masses by injustice, extortion and complacency. Muhammad (peace be upon him) has spoken on all the aspects of morality and this is a blessing and mercy for the permissive society of our time; there is no room for false interpretations in Islam, all commandments are firm and clear. A person who embraces Islam enjoys a divine peace hitherto unknown to him. MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) A MODEL MAN, THE GREATEST REFORMER. CONQUEROR Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the greatest law giver which the world knows, he is the greatest revolutionary ever born, a dauntless general, the greatest conqueror, a gifted orator, unexcelled statesman, the best teacher, a man of amicable personality; all the best qualities of a human being were perfected in one man, Muhammad (peace be upon him). And why shouldn’t these be? The great man who brought himself forward as a model for the mankind for all times to come must possess all these qualities with perfection and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is really the one to be praised, loved and the most sought after, king of this world and the Hereafter, for whose sake and from whose divine light this world was created and all the prophets and divine men are but a reflection of him. All the praises and blessings be upon him; except through him, none will be saved. As a husband, a father, a friend, a leader, a teacher, a preacher, a worshipper, there is nobody to compare with him; he was extremely compassionate, forbearing, forgiving, largehearted humble and the most generous; he is a legend in all aspects. He


was nicknamed by his fellowmen as “Sadiq” the most truthful, and “Amin” the most honest, trustworthy. He was alone when he started his mission against idolatry and the vices of the society, and was furiously opposed by the pagans, the Christians, the Jews, the Persian empire and the Roman Empire. He ultimately defeated all of his well organised opposers and overcame the opponents with a superhuman courage, unprecedented in the history of mankind; and no doubt he changed the map of the world and the morals of the world single handedly. If there is any goodness left in any religion, that is due to the followers of Muhammad (peace be upon him) whose excellent examples have kept other religions alive too: so it is no surprise that the world recognises him as the greatest man who ever lived. Never has a man created such an impact on the history of mankind as Muhammad (peace be upon him) did; all other great religions owe their existence to the kings who embraced the religion many centuries after the death of their prophets (i.e. Emperor Constantine and Emperor Ashoka) while the real prophets had left the religions on weak footings. In case of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him) left Islam in a very strong position; so much so that by the time his son-in-law Hazrat Ali and brother-in-law Hazrat Amir Muawiya died, Islam had reached all parts of the then known world. It is really a baffling achievement of Muhammad (peace he upon him) that he completely changed the way of life of his people, the people who would spend days and nights in drinking, gambling, storytelling and had many vices like worshipping images, lust for women, killing of infants especially girls, committing robberies and fighting among themselves due to tribal prejudice. In just a few years, all the vices were completely eradicated by the Prophet of salvation, the Saviour for whom the oppressed mankind awaited anxiously. Muhammad (peace be upon him) built a new nation free of racial pride, worshipper of one God, peaceable with missionary zeal, anxious to lay their lives and wealth for the cause of Islam to eliminate all the oppressors and extortionists who had made life miserable in the name of religion or empire. A sick society, a stigma on the history of mankind was transformed into a Godfearing society in which there were no monks, Brahmins, priests, kings, rajas, lords and thakurs; none could snatch forcibly the property or women of those who were weak; nor religious prostitution was tolerated; nor any religious sect could impose its self-styled doctrine upon others under the threat of death. Yes!


Muhammad (peace he upon him) destroyed all of them, weakened the enemies of the mankind and brought justice and peace everywhere. In Muslim rule, alien residents have much more privileges than a common Muslim in addition to religious freedom. MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) THE LAST PROPHET I.E. CHRIST, MESSIAH, KALKI, AMIDA, SAOSHYANT Thus Muhammad (peace be upon him) revolutionised the world forever as was expected of the last prophet, the Messiah Christ of the Jews, Kalki Avatar of Hindus, Amida (Maitreya) of the Buddhists, Mithra, Saoshyant, Astavat Ereta of the Zoroastrians. Muhammad (peace be upon him) was hero of heroes: even anyone second to him would look like a dwarf before him. No person has enjoyed so much influence and reverence as he did during his earthly life and after, in the history of mankind. He changed the world completely the way he wanted, in God’s way of course. MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) BRINGS PEOPLE TO REAL ONE GOD Muhammad (peace be upon him) made the people believe in One God and assign Him no partner, son, daughter or intercessor. Thus he achieved what thousands of prophets, avatars, Buddhas, rishis couldn’t do in thousands of years. Hindus originally believed only in one God but later believed in Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva as gods, then they had more gods like Indra, Agni, Surya, Mitra, Varuna, Rita, Rudra, Vayu, then there are Maha Dev, Parbati, Rama, Krishna, Kali Devi, Durga Devi, Hanuman, Ganesh and so on. There are thousands gods that are worshipped in addition to One God. The Buddhists also originally worshipped One God but later Buddha Sakyamuni and thousands of other Buddhas were started being worshipped instead of or along with One God. Some scholars even claim that the Buddhists are actually atheists. The Zoroastrians also believe in One God, but they believe in Ahura Mazda, Mithra, Ahriman too, and do fireworship. The Christians believe in One God but they say that One God is Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy spirit; all three are One God; some believe Mary as mother of God. The Greeks believed in One God but also believed Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, Athene and innumerable other gods too. So it happened throughout the history of all the religions that their followers added other gods in addition to One God on one pretext or the other. God is believed by many having appeared on earth as


a man; thus Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus all are supposed to be the reincarnation of God. Thus not only the true belief in One God was disguised but also the true teachings were utterly lost with time, sometimes more important commandments of religion were superseded by sectarian beliefs. All religions invariably preached and enjoined upon men to believe in One God, to say prayers, to keep fast, to spend in the way of God; and other commandments of equality, brotherhood, justice among themselves. But with the passage of time, all the true teaching were lost or were not acted upon. Although these are still present in their books, people have no guidance of how to perform them. It is a great miracle of Muhammad (peace be upon him) that he standardised and perfected it all and preserved it for the mankind for all times to come. He did not just dictate the commandments but himself acted upon them and set his own examples for the followers to know perfectly what they meant. Whatever example he set for others, he was himself perfect in that. How unfortunate are those who have misunderstood the teachings of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and try to find faults in him, just for the sake of short-lived worldly gains. They are much enchanted by their self-styled doctrines and have misled so many people that they have made themselves blind to the truth and find no way to admit mistake; deep down in the darkness of ignorance they have decided to dwell. There is no one in the heaven and earth as unfortunate as one disbelieving in Muhammad (peace be upon him). MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H.) PROPHESIED IN ALL THE SCRIPTURES The Puranas preached people to believe in the last prophet Kalki. Buddha Sakyamuni preached people to believe in the last prophet Amida. All the prophets of the Bible till Jesus preached the people to believe in the last prophet. Jesus (peace be upon him) even went on to say; “On this account I say to you, every sort of sin will be

forgiven men, but the blasphemy (of denying) against the holy spirit will not be forgiven…….. no, not in this system of things nor in that to come”. (Matthew 12:31). Jesus (peace be upon him) was the greatest champion to declare the advent of Muhammad (peace be upon him): he asked his disciples to go throughout the world to preach the coming of kingdom of God, of course through the last prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). Most Christians embraced Islam, also most


Zoroastrians, Hindus and Buddhists did too, but unfortunately Islam could not establish itself in Europe effectively, so the unfortunate masses were kept ignorant by the priests by false propaganda, by stopping the common man from reading the scriptures. The penalty for reading or translating or selling the Holy Bible was painful death. But now recent enlightment in Europe and America has aroused new interest in other religions as a solution for their decayed spiritual life; but unfortunately what they read about Islam and the Muslims is only a very organised scientifically prepared propaganda to disguise the true face of Islam and the Prophet. NON-MUSLIM PRIESTS ARE PREJUDICED AGAINST ISLAM Many great authorities in Europe have prophesied that in the coming years the only religion acceptable to the Europeans will be Islam, but unfortunately Islam is the very religion against which forces of oppression are united like a rock to stop its spread by all means. They allow all sorts of vices to flourish in their society like drinking, gambling pornography, permissiveness etc., and would become dumb spectators to it because it does not harm their interest nor it endangers their kingdom of God; rather people’s ignorance and departure from the religion gives them a strength. But when Islam, the most perfect religion, the Divine’s grace, tries to introduce itself to the non-Muslims, they all join together against it as if some calamity were going to befall. They publish billions of pamphlets, books, articles to distort the face of Islam; rather their whole strength is piled together to keep people prejudiced against having the desire to know about Islam. This book offers every one a first hand knowledge about Islam. Every commandment of Muhammad (peace be upon him) is like a gem, wonderfully exhaustive, comprehensive with deep-rooted meaning, having flexibility to meet all human needs, befitting for the last prophet designated to revolutionise the whole world forever as prophesied by the Bible, Hindu and Buddhist scriptures, Parsi scriptures. Muhammad (peace be upon him) claimed himself to be the last prophet, Ahmad (pericleote prophesied by Jesus in Avengeel Barnabas means Ahmad) also Maitreya or Amida prophesied by Buddha Sakyamuni not only means Ahmad but sounds nearly the same). He too claimed as the prophet of Gentile (Prophesied by Moses and Isaiah) the Prophet of sword (Prophesied by Isaiah, Hindu’s scripture Kalki puran); no doubt he literally qualifies every prophecy. Muhammad (peace be upon him) narrated many parables of New Testament and claimed that Jesus


(peace be upon him) uttered these to prophesy about his coming to establish the Kingdom of God on earth.


Chapter 2

MUSLIMS’BELIEF ABOUT JESUS (peace be upon him) JESUS (P.B.U.H.) WAS NEITHER GOD NOR THE LAST CHRIST I.E. MESSIAH Jesus (peace be upon him) himself never claimed to be the last Saviour the Messiah, the Christ (meaning Anointed One, the prophet of Salvation), rather he rubuked those who called him Christ. In Mark 8:29 we have ‘In answer Peter said to him: “You are the Christ”. At that he (Jesus) strictly charged them (the twelve disciples) not to tell any one about him. Also see Luke 9:20. Jesus persistently lectured the Jews to make them realise that the last Saviour will be non-Jewish. In Mark 12:35 we have

“How is that the scribes say that the Christ is David’s son? by the holy spirit, David himself said ‘Jehovah said to my Lord “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies beneath your feet”. David himself calls him ‘Lord’ but how does it come that he is his son ?’

In the Gospel of Barnabas, Page 46a, exactly the same verses appear with this addition of Jesus’ remark “Believe me, for verily I say to you that the promise was made in Ishmael, not in Isaac”. Jesus further asked his followers to wait for the last Saviour and said that the coming of the last Saviour Christ will be great enough to manifest itself to the whole world. In Matthew 24:27 we have “For just as the lightning comes out of eastern parts

and shines over to western parts, so the presence of the Son of man (the Christ, the beloved of mankind) will be”. This prophecy is surely for the last prophet who was to advent in the future.


JESUS (P.B.U.H.) WAS THE PROPHESIED FORERUNNER OF MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H.) Jesus, the foremost champion to prophesy the world about the coming of the last prophet to establish the coming Kingdom of God, has used many names for the last prophet, namely Son of man which means the beloved of all men for whom the world awaited anxiously, or a chosen one among mankind or a man upon whom mankind should be proud; but this can also literally mean a humble man. Muhammad (peace be upon him) was son of Abdullah. Abdullah means nothing but a man, a slave of Allah. Thus title ‘son of man’ or son of Abdullah are Muhammad’s epithet. In Arabic ‘son of man’ is ‘Ibn Abdullah’ the prophet’s epithet. This word has aroused great confusion because Jesus used this word for a future personality to come, meaning the last prophet; while on a few occasions, he used this word for himself too to describe himself as a humble man, not a god. The use of word ‘Son of man’ for Jesus himself looks ridiculous because son of man means a human being. It is unimaginable that a person has to tell the people that he is a human being, there shouldn’t have been any body to doubt this! Jesus couldn’t have used this word in the sense of great man because it would amount to self praise. So it seems that this title was later inserted for Jesus by the people with the vested interest, to befool the people and confuse the coming of the last prophet; but this concocted insertion doesn’t jeopardise the prophecy of the coming of the last prophet. Jesus has said on innumerable occasions that “when the son of man will come” and it conclusively proves that ‘son of man’ was a title for the last prophet to appear in future; and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used this title throughout his life. Muslims also pronounce him ‘Son of Man’ in their daily prayers, dozens of times (its equivalent in Arabic is ‘abd). In Matthew 10:23 we have “When they persecute you in one city, flee to another, for truly I say to you, you will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives”. In this particular verse he prophesied the arrival of the prophet in future when Christians will be under persecution everywhere. If Jesus was ‘Son of man’ then why didn’t he save the Jews in his own time when they were in extremely deplorable condition and why was the job left for the Son of man’ or his supposed second coming.


In Luke 9:26 we have “For whoever becomes ashamed of me and of my words, the Son of man will be ashamed of this one when he arrives in his glory and that of the Father and of the holy angels”, this statement conclusively proves that the title ‘Son of man’ was for the last prophet; it will be interesting to mention that Muhammad (peace be upon him) refused the acceptance of Islam from those Jews who said that they were ashamed to call Jesus a prophet and that if Muhammad (peace be upon him) were to declare Jesus a false prophet then they would all embrace Islam; Muhammad (peace be upon him) categorically refused their pre-condition; thus Muhammad (peace be upon him) has fulfilled all the prophecies concerning ‘Son of man’ in the New Testament literally. MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H.) THE PROPHESIED PARACLETE AND PERICLEOTE Other titles which Jesus used for the last prophet are the Spirit of Truth, Holy Spirit, the Paraclete (translated in the Gospel of John as Helper, Comforter, Advocate). Jesus said in John 16:8 “And when that one (i.e. Paraclete) arrives, he will give the world convincing evidence concerning sin, righteousness and concerning judgment, in the first place, concerning sin because they are not exercising faith in me, then concerning righteousness because I am going to Father and you will behold me no more, then concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged”. This clearly shows that the Helper, Paraclete was destined to be a law giver like Moses for the whole world which Muhammad (peace be upon him) was, he was to advent as a great teacher and a judge too: the Paraclete was supposed to come to the people who will be non-Christians having no faith in Jesus. The Christian scholars unsuccessfully try to explain that the Paraclete is a holy spirit which appeared to the Apostle, on the day of Pentecost. In Acts 2:1 we have “Now while the day of the

Pentecost was in progress, they were all together at the same place, and suddenly there occurred from heaven a noise just like that of a rushing stiff breeze, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting. And tongues as if of fire became visible to them and were distributed about, and one sat upon each one of them, and they all became filled with holy spirit and started to speak with different tongues, just as the spirit was granting them to make utterance.” This explanation is extremely weak and


invalid, because it was just a spiritual experience of the apostles and has nothing to do with the prophecy of Jesus. Firstly, the Helper, the paraclete was supposed to judge and bring justice upon the earth, the holy spirit of pentecost did not do any such thing. Secondly the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit was supposed to establish righteousness and peace among people, the holy spirit of Pentecost did not do it. Thirdly the Paraclete, the spirit of truth, was expected to teach new divine law about morality which only a human being can do, not a spirit. Fourthly, the Paraclete was supposed to teach those who had forgotten the teachings of Jesus, but the apostles to whom the holy spirit of Pentecost appeared were the only people who had faith in Jesus. Fifthly Jesus declared that the Paraclete is the ruler of the world. In John 14:30 we have Jesus saying about the Paraclete “I shall not speak much with you anymore, for the ruler of the world is coming”. This clearly shows that Jesus believed the Paraclete to be greater than himself. Sixthly the Paraclete, the spirit of truth was supposed to impart new divine teachings to the world and also to prophesy about the coming events. None has done so except prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who brought entirely new doctrine to suit all the people for all times till eternity and he prophesied the coming events; rather none except him has ever prophesied like him about his world as well as the Hereafter. This prophecy of Jesus is in John 16:12. “I have many things yet to say to you but you are not able to hear them at present. However when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he will guide you into all the truth”. In John 16;13 we have “For he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak and he will declare to you the things coming”. So it is conclusively proved without doubt that the Paraclete, the spirit of truth was a great future prophet, the One destined to establish rule of God or kingdom of God forever as per prophecy of Moses, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Malachi, and John the Baptist (peace be upon them). Now who has established the rule of God on earth except prophet Muhammad


(peace be upon him)? And the laws are still in promulgation in all the Islamic countries, while outside it, no country has enforced the rule of God according to the Bible; rather they feel horrified with the very mention of it. All early Christians expected the Paraclete to be a holy man, that is why many false prophets after Jesus unsuccessfully claimed to be the Paraclete prophesied by him, but they went into extinction without making an impact. But the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) the real Paraclete shone like lightning and manifested himself the way as was stated by Jesus in Matthew 24:27.

“For Just as the lightning comes out of eastern parts and shines over the western parts, so the presence of son of man will be”. In order to impress upon his followers the importance of believing in the last prophet, Jesus said “Whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit has no forgiveness forever but is guilty of everlasting sin”. See Mark 3:29. Then in Matthew 12:31 the warning is further elaborated by Jesus “On this account I say to you, every sort of sin will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven. For example whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it will be forgiven him, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, no, not in this system of things nor in that to come”. So Jesus used the most stern words to warn the people who disbelieved in the holy spirit. Jesus was certainly speaking for the one for whom the Bible is full of prophecies and praises. No doubt the word Holy Spirit has appeared for Archangel Gabriel too who brought revelations of God to the prophets on a number of occasions. Also he appeared to Mary, (peace be upon her) mother of Jesus too. Holy Spirit means someone outstandingly holy, an anointed one of God, thus Jesus used this word for the future prophet too. Thus the Christ, the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth, the Paraclete, the Son (i.e. Beloved) of God, the Son of man all titles stand for one person, the last future prophet of salvation. Muhammad (peace be upon him) has categorically claimed to be the last prophet of salvation throughout his life and declared that none will be saved unless one believes in him. So it is a great warning for all those who have the slightest grudge against the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) NOT JESUS (P.B.U.H.) WAS THE FIRST LIGHT


Also in John 1:1. “In the beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god. This one was in the beginning with God. All things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence’’. The Christian scholars claim this for Jesus. The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) claimed that the divine light through whom the world came into being was he himself. Jesus never made such claim but it was John, the compiler of the Gospel of John, who thought it to be so; because it was a belief throughout the history of the religions that the Christ, the last Saviour is the one through whom all things came into existence, and John believed that probably Jesus was that Christ. We have proved this statement as fraudulent insertion in our book “The Crescent Versus The Cross”. But when we read Gospel of Barnabas, the Gospel which the people with vested interests hid from the followers of Jesus and named it apocryphal, possessor of which was held guilty of a crime deserving death, we find (page 103b) the following statement of Jesus, Jesus answered; “The name of the Messiah is ‘Admirable’, for God Himself gave him the name when He had created his soul, and placed it in a celestial splendour. God said, “Wait Muhammad (peace be upon him) for thy sake I will create paradise, the world, and a great multitude of creatures, whereof I make thee a present, in so much that whoso shall bless thee be blessed and whoso shall curse thee shall be cursed”; thus Jesus clearly informed the world that the Messiah and the one for whom this universe was created is Muhammad (peace be upon him); so the scripture which contained the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him) was hid by the people with vested interests and it was only much later that it came to light, but even thereafter it has been suppressed very effectively from the unfortunate masses lest they believe in Muhammad (peace be upon him); and thus their share of religious taxes and the luxury and comfort might suffer. But had they embraced Islam, their comfort might have increased rather than decreased but they preferred wrath of God instead of His bounties. Recently another gospel, the Gospel of Thomas has also come to light. This states: “The disciples said to Jesus, We know

that thou wilt go away from us. Who is it who shall be great over us ? Jesus said to them, “Wherever you have come, you will go to the righteous (spirit of righteousness) for whose sake heaven and earth came into being” (chap. 82, line 24-30). There are another apocryphal gospels too which also depict the same doctrine, so it is


conclusively proved that Jesus is not the Christ or the last Messiah for whom the world came into being but Muhammad (peace be upon him). How the title Christ was assigned to Jesus is unknown but no doubt he was the one who spent his whole life to prepare for the coming kingdom of God and advised his followers particularly to believe in the last prophet. In John 15:26 we have

“When the Helper, the Paraclete arrives that I will send you from the Father, the spirit of the truth which proceeds from the Father, that one will bear witness about me and you in turn are to bear witness because you have been with me from when I began”, These verses show emphatically how much Jesus desired his followers to believe in the Paraclete, the last prophet. It will be worthwhile to mention that the Hebrew equivalent of Paraclete is ‘Menahem, in Arabic it is Ahmed, name of Muhammad (peace be upon him). Paraclete is an epithet very well known among the Jews even today and they frequently name their sons ‘Menahem’. All this mischief has been exposed by the discovery of Gospel of Barnabas, so the interpolators have been exposed fully for their past mischiefs. John the Baptist, also believed that the last prophet, the Christ is to appear in future. In John 3:27-28 we have’.

In answer John said “A man cannot receive a single thing unless it has been given him from heaven. You yourself bear me witness that I said I am not the Christ, but, I have been sent forth in advance of that one”. John also said “I, for my part, baptize you with water, but the one stronger than I am is coming, the lace of whose sandals I am not fit to untie. He will baptize you people with holy spirit and fire”. (Luke 3:16). There is no doubt that John never certified that Jesus was ‘that one’ whom he prophesied otherwise he would not have baptized Jesus but Jesus would have baptized John, being himself greater. Furthermore in order not to make the issue confused, Jesus made it a point not to baptize people himself but only his disciples did it. Only the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) baptized people by holding hand of the one to be baptized and imparting fiery commandments too, promising the followers the help of the holy spirit, as we have in the Quran,


“These are they in whose hearts Allah has inscribed true faith and whom He has strengthened with a holy spirit from Himself. And He will make them enter Paradise through which streams flow, they will abide therein for-ever”, (Al Mujadilah


Thus God has fulfilled His promise to strengthen Muslims with a holy spirit; it is the holy spirit which has kept Muslims to remain true to their faith even today; so God’s grace saved Muslims to become fornicators, killers, oppressors, drinkers, gamblers like other nations. Muslims have remained peaceful, friendly, just, tolerant throughout their history in contrast to the followers of other religions. Moreover all other religions worship the images of God or gods while only Muslims worship God with their spirit. If Jesus were the Christ, then John, the foremost advocate of the Christ couldn’t have shown any doubt about Jesus but John the Baptist, while in prison, sent his disciples to enquire about the mission of Jesus whether he was the Christ or not (Luke 7:19). GOSPELS WERE CORRUPTED It is an established fact among the Christian scholars that many manipulations occurred in the scripture to suit beliefs of a certain group and nowadays it is extremely difficult for the poor unfortunate masses to know unless they probe intently into the scripture and find truth themselves. It is interesting to mention that Gospel of Barnabas (Page 43b-44a) says that it was Jesus, not John who made this statement ‘I am not the Messiah. I am a voice that crieth through all Judaea, and crieth: “Prepare ye the way for the messenger of the Lord”, even as it is written in Isaiah. The miracles which God worketh by my hands show that. I speak that which God willeth; nor indeed do I make myself to be accounted as him of whom ye speak. For I am not worthy to unloose the ties of the hosen or the lachets of the shoes of the messenger of God whom ye call “Messiah” who was made before me, and shall come after me, and shall bring the word of truth, so that his faith shall have no end”. So hardheartedness of the people with vested interests is fully exposed with no need of further proof. Also in Matthew 11:1 Jesus said about the followers of the last prophet, definitely not about his own followers, thus


“Truly I say to you people, among those born of women there has not been raised up a greater than John the Baptist; but a person that is lesser one in the Kingdom of the heavens is greater than he is”. Now who is establisher of this kingdom of heavens; Jesus never claimed so; it is unmistakably Muhammad (peace be upon him) who has claimed to be that, and he actually converted the barbarian infidels of Arabia into believers, worshipping, fasting and fighting in the name of God; he deservedly qualify the prophecy. A further interesting thing to note is that the Jews and the Christians believe that Elijah (meaning the Praised One of God) would appear, near the end of the world to restore complete peace in the world. It was a custom among the Jews and the Christians that when they would translate a name for another one, the translated name would have the same numerical value. Now Elijah and Ahmad have the same numerical value of 52. Thus Elijah is also another name of Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the Bible. The prophet Elijah is an important prophet of the Bible, but the same or a like of Elijah was long expected to come to the world for restoration of law of God; (Matthew 17:10.11) the prophet Elijah did appear in the time of Jesus alongwith Moses (Matthew 17:3) and a like of Elijah was Muhammad, (peace be upon him) who restored long forgotten laws of God with firmness. Thus all the prophecies of coming of Elijah are fulfilled in Muhammad, peace be upon him. JESUS (P.B.U.H.) WAS MESSIAH, ‘ANOINTED ONE’ OF THF JEWS BUT NOT THE LAST MESSIAH OF THE WORLD It will be worthwhile to mention, especially for those Muslims who call Jesus a ‘Messiah’ according to the Quran, that the word ‘Messiah’ and ‘Christ’ have the same meaning. It should not be a surprise, if in this book, the word ‘Messiah’ or ‘Christ’ is used for Jesus as well as Muhammad (peace be upon him). The difference between the two great prophets is this that Jesus was the Messiah of Israel while Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the Messiah of the world. This conclusion is definitely proved by the recent findings which have come to light.


NEW EVIDENCES The first evidence has come from ‘The Dead Sea Scrolls’ which throw light on the belief of Qumran Sect existing before Jesus. The sect expected two Messiahs, a Messiah of Aaron and Israel and a high priestly Messiah, the two constituting a partnership similar to Moses-Aaron, Joshua-Zerubbabel partnership. The sect also expected the coming of another warrior Messiah, a Moses like Prophet of Deut. 18:18. Thus according to this belief Jesus and John appeared together, while the prophecy of warrior Messiah was fulfilled in Muhammad (peace be upon him) who is also mentioned in the scrolls as ‘Mighty one’ ‘Taeb’, ‘King of glory Wondrous Counsellor’ ‘Sword of God’, all of which truly fit upon none but Muhammad (peace be upon him). The second evidence has come from the discovery of Gospel of Barnabas. We find Jesus speaking (page 85b) “I am indeed sent to the house of Israel as a prophet of salvation; but after me shall come the Messiah, sent of God to all the world; for whom God hath made the world”. These evidences should remove all the doubts from the mind of the readers who are confused by the mention of two Messiahs in gospels and other religious literatures and fail to make out any sense. Thus Jesus was Anointed One, Holy one, prophet of salvation for his time for the Jews only, and he gave good news to the Jews and the world about ‘another Paraclete’ (Comforter, Helper) another Messiah pride of the world to rule the world forever. But some sacrilegious people are making use of the blessed name of Jesus to build an empire out of him and are ready to go to any extent when their interest is in jeopardy. _________


Chapter 3

PROPHECIES ABOUT MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H.) IN THE OLD SCRIPTURES THE HOLY BIBLE There are hundreds of prophecies about the coming one in all the old scriptures of the world which literally fit Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) even to the minutest detail without false interpretation. In Genesis 49:10 we have “The scepter will not turn aside from Judah, neither the commander’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes and to him the obedience of the people belong. Tying his full grown ass to a vine and the descendents of his own She-ass to a choice vine, he will certainly wash his clothings in wine and his garments in the blood of grapes. Dark red are his eyes from wine, and the whiteness of his teeth is from milk”. In these verses, Jacob (Israel) (peace be upon him) has clearly prophesied that Jewish supremacy will come to an end by the coming of Shiloh, who would be a non-Jewish messiah and would forbid the use of wine. Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the Prophet who strongly forbade wine and all intoxicating liquors to his followers. Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) eyes were red like wine from birth and many Jews came to see this sign and embraced Islam. Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) teeth were legendary white and there are many stories too to depict whiteness and shine of his teeth. If Shiloh were a Jewish Prophet, then he would have established the scepter of Judah instead of what is prophesied. Shiloh means ‘the Prophet’ a common appellation for the world saviour or the Christ among the Jews. In Deuteronomy 18:15 we have “The Lord thy God will raise unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren


(Ishmaelites) like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken.” (Also see Deuteronomy 18:18). This clearly indicates an Arab Prophet, descendent of Ismael who was brother of Isaaq (peace be upon him). Muhammad (peace be upon him) was from the tribe of Ismael, brethren of Israelis, and he brought a fiery law like Moses did. In Deuteronomy 33.2 we have. And he (Moses) said “The lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran and he came with ten thousands of saints; from his right hand went a fiery law for them”. In this verse it is undoubtly established the coming of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) because he was law  giver and lived and preached most of the time in Paran. Paran is a wilderness of Arabia where Prophet Ismael and his descendents dwelt (see Genesis 21:20). Every student of history knows that Muhammad (peace be upon him) led an army of exactly ten thousand people, all saints, when he conquered Mecca. In the prophecies of Habakkuk 3:3 we have “God came from Teman and the holy One from mount Paran Selah. His glory covered the heaven, and the earth was full of his praise”. Teman is a name derived from Tema, son of Ismael (see I chronicles 1:30), forefather of Muhammad (peace be upon him). Thus Teman is the place where tribe of Teman, Qureishite and Hashmite lived; and the fact that Muhammad (peace be upon him) belonged to these tribes is commonly known. All the Muslims throughout the world praise Muhammad (peace be upon him) many times a day; also God has revealed in the Quran that He alongwith His angels praise Muhammad (peace be upon him). (AL QURAN). In the song of Solomon 5:10 we have “My beloved is dazzling and ruddy, the most conspicuous among ten thousand”. Again the same figure ten thousand appears to pin point the prophecy to whom it belonged. Further in verse 5:16 we have “His mouth is most sweet, he is Muhammad (peace be upon him) (translated as lovely). This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem”. In this verse even the name Muhammad (peace be upon him) has appeared; ‘im’ stands for showing reverence as in ELOHIM. In this verse, the last line is read in original language as HIKKO MAMITTA DIM VIKULLO MUHAMMADIM ZEHUDI VEZEM RAAT BENUTE YARUSHALAM’. In Malachi 3:2 we find the Prophet Malachi prophesying about the future Prophet “But who will be putting up with the day


of his (the messenger of covenant) coming, and who will be the one standing, when he appears ? For he will be like the fire of a refiner and like the lye of laundryman”. This is a prophecy about the last Prophet who will be a legendary strongman and will defeat all his enemies and purify them. Esteemed readers can themselves judge as who was the ‘Strongest Man’ ever lived? Yes, he was Muhammad (peace be upon him). In Isaiah, we have prophecies about the last Prophet; we have “And his name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty

God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace” (9:6).

“Look! My servant, on whom I keep fast hold! My chosen one (whom) my soul has approved! I have put my spirit in him. Justice to the Gentiles is what he will bring forth. He will not cry out or raise his voice, and in the street he will not let his voice be heard. No crushed reed will he break and for a dim flaxen wick, he will not extinguish it. In trueness he will bring forth justice. He will not growdim nor be crushed until he sets justice in the earth itself; and for his law the islands themselves will keep waiting”(42:1-4). These are the most remarkable prophecies of Isaiah which fit none but Muhammad (peace be upon him) the Prophet of Gentiles, who successfully established permanent just rule among all the nations of the world; it was only after his advent that the Jews, the Christian nations and all the religions found peace and equal treatment before the law; and weak people became free from the yoke of the oppressors and tyrant conquerors. In Isaiah 52; 13-15 we have “Look! My servant will act with insight. He will be in high station and will certainly be elevated and exalted very much. To the extent that many have stared at him in amazement so much was the disfigurement as respects his appearance more than that of any other man and as respects his stately form more than of the sons of mankind  he will likewise startle many nations. At him Kings will shut their mouth, because what had not been recounted to them they will actually see, and to what they had not heard they must turn their consideration”. This is a very convincing prophecy about Muhammad (peace be upon him) whose deeds have amazed everyone; he was extremely handsome and stately; he was a great conqueror and


enjoyed respect from all the kings of the world in his time. Other prophecies of Isaiah also indicate that the last Prophet will be a world conqueror and will arise from Arabia among the tribes of Tema and Kedar, both Ishmaelites. (Isaiah 21:14; also I Chronicles 1:29). MORE PROPHECIES IN THE TESTAMENT Early Christians certainly believed in the coming of the last Prophet and also believed that only he will perfect the morals of the people. In the Corinthians 13:9 we have

“For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially; but when ‘that’ which is complete arrives, that which is partial will be done away with”. This is a clear proof that early Christians believed that the teachings of the Prophets of the Bible were wanting and that the last Prophet, the Perfect One, will impart the complete teachings. It is astonishing to note that even today, most Christians believe that the warrior Messiah prophesied in the Bible is still to come and have yet not appeared; but they stubbornly maintain that the last Messiah will be Jesus himself in his second coming. There is another outstanding prophecy in the ‘Revelation’ for events to come with such clarity that no doubt is left about the coming of Muhammad (peace be upon him). In Revelation 19 : 11 we have “And I saw the heaven opened and look! a white horse. And the one seated upon it is called ‘Faithful’ and ‘True’, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness. His eyes are a fiery flame (Reddish), and upon his head are many diadems”. In this prophecy events of the future have been revealed to Apostle John about the coming one by none but Jesus himself who ordered his apostle to tell the world about his revelation which depicted the coming events in this world (not in the Hereafter as explained by some scholars). It is well known that Muhammad (peace be upon him) used a white horse in wars. His nick names Sadiq and Amin (Faithful and True) are well known to every Muslim; and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the greatest lawgiver and judge as well as the greatest warrior, that ever lived, are the facts of history. As already mentioned, his eyes were somewhat reddish in colour. Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the King of an everlasting kingdom, diadems signify this fact. It is absurd to expect that Jesus will come in future upon a white


horse to do war or that there will be war in the Hereafter to bring righteousness. In addition to the Bible, there are other scriptures among the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Parsis (Zoroastrians) which are full of prophecies about Muhammad (peace be upon him) even in greater detail than what is prophesied in the Bible. THE HINDUS SCRIPTURES 1.

Prophecy in ATHARVA VEDA, KANDA 20, SUKTA 127, MANTRA 1-3.

O People, listen this emphatically! Muhammad (praised one) will be raised among the people. We take the emigrant in our shelter from sixty thousand and ninety enemies whose conveyances are twenty camels and she camels, whose loftiness of position touches the heaven and lower it. 2.


A foreigner (malechha) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Muhammad (peace be upon him). Raja after giving this Maha Dev (of angelic disposition) a hath in the Panchgarya, and the Ganges water offered him the presents of his sincere devotion and showing him all reverence said,’ I make obeisance to thee, O Ye! the pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from the malechha opponents, ‘O Ye! the image of the Most Pious God, the biggest Lord, I am slave to thee, take me as one lying on Thy feet”.  (This prophecy clearly depicts an Arabian Prophet and a warrior). 3.


As the present age of the world (kali age) goes on, iniquity will more and more prevail. Wealth and piety will decrease day by day until the world will be utterly depraved. The people will seek refuge among the valleys of the mountains by the fear of their Kings who would impose heavy burdens upon them, and will be forced to eat wild honey, herbs, roots, fruits, flowers and leaves. They will wear ragged garments made of leaves and the bark of trees, and they will have too many children, and they will be forced to bear cold, wind, sun and rain. A man’s age span will not exceed twenty three years. Then the last Prophet of salvation (KALKI AVATAR) inspired by God (VISHNU) will appear in the


form of a warrior, mounted on a white horse brandishing a flaming sword shining like a comet in his right hand. Associating thousands of holymen (Brahmins) with himself, he will utterly destroy all scorners, all neglecters of religions and all the enemies of virtuous people; all the foreign elements (Malechchas) thieves and all those people whose minds are accustomed to evil acts and thoughts. He will declare himself King of Kings and perform the horse sacrifice expected of an emperor. From the fact of the horse playing an important role in his life; he will be known as ASVAVATARA i.e. horse loving Prophet. And so the age of righteousness, SATYA YOGA or krta age, will return; the minds of the people will become pure as flawless crystal and they will be as if awakened at the conclusion of a night. All these men, the residue of mankind, will thus be transformed. Inspired by the Prophet (avatar’s) personality, men will imitate him. His father’s name will be VISHNUYASAS i.e. Abdullah (peace be upon him) in Arabic, name of father of Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him) and mother’s name will be SOMATI i.e. Amina (peace be upon her) in Arabic literally name of mother of Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him). The above prophecy, well known to both the Hindus and the Christian scholars, literally fits the Prophet Muhammad, (peace be upon him). There are many such other prophecies too. So there is not a shadow of doubt left about the truth of claim of Muhammad, (peace be upon him) that he was prophesied in all the scriptures of the world. Even in the Buddhist scriptures, his parents name is mentioned. 4.

THE PARSI SCRIPTURES Prophecy in the Parsi scripture Dasatir No. 44.

When the Persian should sink so low in morality, a man will be born in Arabia whose followers will upset their throne, religion and everything. The mighty stiff-necked ones of Persia will be overpowered. The house which was built (Holy Kaaba) and in which many idols have been placed will be purged of idols, and people will say their prayers facing towards it. His followers will capture the towns of Persia and Taus and Balka and other big place round about. People will embroil with one another. The wise men of Persia and others will join his followers. 5.



Ananda asked the Blessed One, “When you are gone who will then teach us”. The Blessed One (Buddha Sakyamuni) replied:” I am not the first Prophet (Buddha) who has come upon the earth nor am the last one; another Prophet (the last Buddha) will come at the appointed time, he will be the most Blessed, the most knowledgeable, the most Enlightened One, wise in actions, the most Exalted, a leader of men par excellence having all the knowledge of the universe (including the Hereafter), a master of angels, genii and men; he will reveal to you the same everlasting truth which I have been teaching; he will propagate his religion, a religion which is great and praise-worthy in essence, with splendid highly commendable ideals: he will proclaim a way of life which would be complete and pure like the one which I preach; his followers will number hundreds of thousands while my followers are in hundreds”. Ananda asked,”How will we recognise him”. The Blessed One replied “He will be called MAITREYA (i.e. Metteya in Pali, Amida or Amitabha; meaning Loving One or Beloved One or Blessed One which is literally Ahmad and Muhammad (peace be upon him), in Arabic). His father’s name will be SUBRAHMA literally Abdullah (peace be upon him) in Arabic, name of father of Muhammad, peace be upon him, (Brahma is Allah in Arabic) and mother’s name will be Brahmavati (Protected woman of Brahma) or Amina (peace be upon her) in Arabic, the name of the mother of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This prophecy is only one of many hundreds which are mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures. See our book ‘The Crescent Versus The Cross’ for further information on this subject. _________


Chapter 4

ISLAM AND TRINITY TRINITY' IS AGAINST JESUS' (P.B.U.H.) TEACHINGS Christians not only believe Jesus as the Christ, the last Saviour Messiah but God Jehovah in flesh and blood, a person of God, a member of Holy Trinity consisting Father, Son and Holy spirit (in some sects Mary, P.B.U.H., is a part of Holy Trinity instead of the Holy Spirit), but in reality not meaning a separate being but very God, the Creator the One. The word ‘Son’ is only to designate the human form or an incarnation of God on earth. Trinity has been described as the greatest mystery of all times hitherto unexplained. How many really believe in this blasphemous doctrine? Hardly any except wavering priests under the threat of blasphemy if they utter anything otherwise, no thoughtful person or scientist believes it but just follows it out of social fear and because there is no alternate creed in their knowledge strong enough to be followed. For our readers it will be disgusting to learn that millions and millions were burnt alive or tortured to death in the name of heresy (deviating from the belief of the Church). It will be worthwhile to explore what Jesus himself believed about God and the Christ. Interestingly, the extracts have been taken from the gospels which have escaped complete distortion of the facts. God Almighty has still saved the truth good enough for the believing people who ponder to know the reality. In Matthew 23:8 we have

“But you, do not you be called Rabbis, for one is YOUR teacher, whereas all you are brothers. Moreover do not call anyone YOUR father on earth, for one is YOUR Father, the heavenly One. Neither be called leaders’ for YOUR leader is one, the Christ”. In these verses Jesus clearly call himself a teacher while he is strictly preaching to believe in One God (Father and God are synonyms in the Bible); while he is strictly teaching people to


believe in the Christ, the one destined to establish the kingdom of God on earth, he never said ‘believe in me, the Christ’. Muslims believe that after Jesus declared the law of Moses null and void (already explained) and declared that from hence on every body should wait for the kingdom of God (Matt 11:12), it was just a belief in the expected Christ, the Saviour, Muhammad (peace be upon him) which was enough for the salvation of a man. This creed is remarkably similar to Hindus’ belief that believing in the last Prophet Kalki Avatar, the last Prophet of the future, and the Buddhists’ belief that belief in the last Prophet (Buddha) Maitreya, Amida is enough for the salvation of man. Jesus further taught people to be careful about the Christ which he prophesied to come in future; in Matthew 24:4 we have

“Look out that nobody misleads you; for many will come (false Christs) on the basis of my name (saying that Jesus prophesied about them) saying I am the Christ and will mislead many”. In these verses Jesus had ordered to believe only in the true Christ. History shows that many false Prophets and Christs did appear after Jesus but all failed to make any impact, while Muhammad (peace be upon him) claimed to be the Saviour (or the Christ or the Messiah in Christian language); he showed great respect to all the Prophets unconditionally and did establish an everlasting kingdom of God. His laws are still in promulgation. In Matthew 24:27 Jesus told a clear sign of the real Christ

“For just as the lightning comes out of eastern parts and shines over to western parts, so the presence of the son of man (the Christ) will be”. Here Jesus is enjoining upon to believe in the Christ who will appear suddenly and will make a great impact on history. Similar belief was also held by the Jews that the exact place of coming of the-Christ is unknown, (John 7:27) he will rise just suddenly and make himself manifest. Now everyone knows that there is none in the history of mankind, past or present, who rose as a single man and shone like lightning all over the world; yes, undoubtedly, he is the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). JESUS (P.B.U.H.) TAUGHT BELIEF IN ONE GOD In reply to a question by a scribe, Jesus said; (Mark 12:29)


“The first is (foremost commandment to believe) Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart, and with your whole soul and with your whole mind, and with your whole strength”. The scribe said to him “Teacher, you well said in line with truth He is One, and there is no other than He”. (Mark 12:32; also see Luke 10:27). In these verses Jesus had very clearly preached the basic truth of the religion, he never said ‘Do not call me teacher because I am the One, Jehovah your God so worship me’. Could he ever utter such a thing? Jews even did not like his calling himself ‘Son of God’ (if ever he did call himself so) for which Jesus explained clearly that he did not mean himself to be a son in the real sense but allegorically which the Jews themselves believed that they are ‘sons of God’. This is main disputed point between the Christians and the Muslims; Muslims believe that it is the very Jesus whose true teachings are being violated and trespassed by the present Christians; Muslims love and respect Jesus greatly but call him an outstandingly great Prophet, perhaps the greatest among the people of Israel. Jesus never said ‘worship me along with the Father because we are one and also do not forget the Holy Spirit because he is also one of us and we three are individually One God’. So according to Muslims, the present Christian creed is just a philosophical adventure based on erroneous interpretations and is blasphemous, and Muslims wish very much that their Christian brothers should realise the truth and save themselves from the everlasting damnation of God. Further Jesus, while preaching the people to put their full trust in God, said,

“Moreover I say to you, my friends, Do not fear those who kill the body and after this are not able to do anything more. But I will indicate to you whom to fear; Fear Him Who after killing has authority to throw into Gehenna. Yes I tell you; fear This One” (Luke 12:4). While impressing upon people to believe in One God, Jesus said, “No house servant can be a slave to two masters; for, either

he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick to the one and despise the other. You cannot be slave to God and riches”. (Luke 16:13).

In John 20:18 we have, Jesus said to her (Mary Magdalene a follower of Jesus) “Stop clinging to me. For I have not yet


ascended to the Father. But be on your way to my brothers and say to them I am ascending to my Father and YOUR Father, and to my God, and YOUR God!”. In these verses Jesus had emphatically taught people in the most clear way that God is One exacting exclusive devotion and that his God and people’s God is the same and that he himself is not God. None could preach the oneness of God in a more clearer way; there remains no doubt that Jesus preached the same doctrine as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Gospel of Barnabas (page 56b) dispels all sorts of doubts, we have ‘Jesus said “Cursed be everyone who shall insert into my saying that I am the son of God”. This depict that Jesus had the foreknowledge that his scripture will be completely changed and corrupted by the people with vested interests. In order to further clear the point once and for all, we refer to a most beautiful discourse of Jesus with a priest before a multitude of people, we have in Gospel of Barnabas page 100b “Jesus said distinctly, so

that everyone might hear: “It is written in the testament and covenant of the living God that our God hath had no beginning, neither shall He ever have an end’. The priest answered. ‘Even so is it written therein Jesus said: It is written there that our God by His word alone hath created all things’. ‘Even so it is’, said the priest. Jesus said: ‘It is written that God is invisible and hidden from the mind of man, seeing He is incorporeal and uncomposed without variableness’. ‘So is it, truly’, said the priest. Jesus said, ‘It is written there that the heaven of heavens cannot contain him, seeing that our God is infinite’. ‘So said Solomon the Prophet’, said the priest, ‘O Jesus’. Said Jesus, ‘It is written there that God hath no need, for as much as he eateth not, sleepeth not, and suffereth not from any deficiency’. ‘So it is said the priest. Said Jesus, ‘It is written there that our God is everywhere and that there is no other god but He, who striketh down and maketh whole, and doeth all that pleaseth him’.


‘So it is written’, replied the priest. Then Jesus, having lifted up his hands, said: ‘Lord our God, This is my faith wherewith I shall come to thy judgment in testimony against everyone that shall believe the contrary. And turning himself towards the people he said, ‘Repent, for from all that of which the priest have said that is written in the book of Moses, the covenant of God forever, Ye may perceive your sin, for that I am a visible man and a morsel of clay that walketh upon the earth, mortal as are other men. And I have had a beginning and shall have an end, and (am) such that I cannot create a fly over again.’ JESUS (P.B.U.H.) WAS NOT GOD Jesus had the above discourse in order to clarify his position and shun the prevailing belief which occurred among some people that Jesus was God incarnated, but Jesus emphatically refused to be so. In Matthew 4:3 we have

Also, the Tempter came and said to him “If you are a son of God, (i.e. Beloved or holy one of God) tell these stones to become loaves of bread”. But in reply he (Jesus) said, “It is written, ‘Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jehovah’s mouth’. In this verse Jesus clearly admitted himself to be a human being, not Jehovah. Jesus had spoken with clarity in different ways to impress upon people to believe in One God and believe in him as a human being. Jesus never claimed himself to be a God nor he wanted people to believe that he was a deity. There were some people influenced by paganist belief that God could appear on earth as a man. Such people got hold of power within the church which was otherwise pure in belief, and thus made people believe in their creed under the threat of painful death. The faith depicted in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament do not corroborate with the present popular belief. GOD VERSUS JESUS (P.B.U.H.) God does not need any food, but Jesus felt hunger and thirst (Mark 11:12 and John 4:7). God does not sleep or feel tiredness but Jesus felt tiredness and slept too (John 3:6).


God is the one whom heavens and earth cannot contain, but Jesus had a body, so if Jesus is believed to be a person of God then God is contained by the body and this is contradictory to the basic belief of the Bible. God gives food to all the living things while Jesus and his disciples were dependent on others for their needs (John 12:6). God has created fate and is subject to no fate but Jesus was himself subject to fate. (Luke 22:42) “Father, if you wish, remove this cup (of terrible death) from me”. Also see Mark 14:30. God is the One whom everything worships and He worships none, but Jesus throughout his life worshipped God and kept fast and preached others to do so. God has no weakness or infirmity whatsoever, but about Jesus it is said “True indeed he was impaled owing to weakness, but he is alive owing to God’s power.” (Corinthians 13:14). God is everlasting while Jesus was mortal. God is the One who has all the powers while Jesus disclaimed any such powers but said “I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative”. (John 5:30, John 8:28). God is the One to be praised and prayed by all while Jesus refused to be called even good. Jesus said “Why do you call me good? Nobody is good except One God”. (John 10:18). In John 5:41 we have “I do not accept glory from men”. Also see John 8:50, Luke 9:21. God is the One who is the greatest of all while Jesus disclaimed such a position. Jesus said “Father is greater than I am” (John 14:28). God is the most powerful, fears none, while Jesus had to hide many times from the people fearing danger; he and his parents had to leave their country due to the fear of Herod. God is the creator of all deeds and knows the past and the future, and is never despaired; but Jesus was extremely upset at the time of his supposed arrest. He said “My soul is deeply grieved, even to death”. (Mark 14:34). God is the Supreme, Law Giver and is subject to no law, but Jesus brought no law but himself came to act upon the law. In Matthew 5:17 we have “Do not think I came to destroy the law or


the Prophets. I came not to destroy but to fulfil”. Jesus obeyed Roman laws and paid taxes too. God has the authority to forgive the sins but Jesus did not have such an authority but from God. In Matthew 6:14 we have

“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you”. Jesus never said that he is the forgiver of the sins; rather he said “Not everyone saying to me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter into kingdom of heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will” (Matthew 7:21). Thus Jesus taught that God is the One to be worshipped, and his commandments must be obeyed for salvation; just belief in him (Jesus) is not enough. God is the one in whom everyone shall believe and show obedience; did Jesus enjoy such a position? Jesus said, Many will say to me in that day “Lord, Lord, did we not

prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name”? And yet then (Jesus) will confess to them: “I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness”. Jesus had thus taught that a claim of belief in him and performance of miracles were not a sign for salvation or true faith, but a person must act according to the pure doctrine of God.

God is the Caretaker (Father) and the Sustainer of all the creations and all are equal before Him; but did Jesus show that equality to all mankind? Certainly not, but his mission was strictly limited to the Israelites; in Matthew 10:5 we have

“Bo not go off into the roads of the nations and do not enter into a Samaritan city but instead go continually to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”. How the Saviour of the world, if Jesus were so, could make such an utterance. Can God be a racialist? God has no relatives, nor any one can call himself brother or sister or mother of God; but Jesus declared “For Whoever does

the will of my Father who is in the heavens, the same is my brother and sister and mother”. (Matthew 12:50).

God is the most Gracious and Merciful to all his creation irrespective of race, language, religion, but Jesus confined his mercy only for the house of Israel. In answer to a request from a non Jewish woman, he refused to heal her daughter and said;


“I was not sent forth to any but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”. This statement is surely not worthy for a world saviour or a God if he were so. God the One to whom everyone shall pray but Jesus never asked people to pray to him for their needs; rather he asked people to pray none but to God (Matthew 5:9). God is the Greatest Supreme and God of Prophets too, so it is not befitting for Him to call himself a Prophet; but Jesus always called himself a Prophet and representative of God. In Matthew 21:11 we have,

The crowd kept telling: “This is the Prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee!”, also in Matthew 13:56 we have But Jesus said to them: “A Prophet is not unhonoured except in his home territory and in his own house’’. See also John 3:19 and John 7:28. God is the One, who is All-Powerful and nothing can fail or despair him: but Jesus never made such a claim; rather he admitted failure of his mission at the hand of the people and was very much depressed when he said;

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the Prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her, how often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings! But you people did not want it”. On occasions he refused to perform any miracle in Nazareth and Jerusalem when so demanded, due to their hardheartedness and faithlessness. So it can be inferred that Jesus’ mission was particularly and solely for Israelites and even in that his success was partial. God is the Best of All, High about all, the Holiest, but Jesus admitted that ‘the Coming One was better than him. He said;

“Nevertheless I am telling you the truth. It is for YOUR benefit I am going-away. For if I do not go away, the Paraclete will by no means come to you.” In old Arabic translations of the gospel of John, the original word in Hebrew manuscript was MANHAMANA, meaning Ahmed; Menahem is still a common name among the Jews of today (see John 16:7).


God is Omnipresent, Watcher of all deeds; but Jesus disclaimed such an authority. He said while praying to God,

“Holy Father, watch over them on account of your own name which you have given me, in order that they may be one, just as we are. When I was with them I used to watch over them on account of your own name which you have given me”. (John 17:11). This verse also tells us that anyone who is the most obedient of God can achieve oneness with God, but this does not mean real oneness but allegorical and does not make a holyman claiming unity with God a deity. MEANING OF SON OF GOD In fact, the ‘son of God’, means a Beloved of God and was in common use among the Jews and the Romans. Even executioner of Jesus (Muslims believe that a like of Jesus was crucified to save Jesus from disgrace) a Roman Army Officer called him ‘Son of God’ when he saw some miracles at the time of crucifixion. In Mark 15:30 we have (Army Officer) said, “Certainly this man was God’s Son”. Prophet Solomon (peace be upon him) was also called by God ‘Son of God’ Jesus called God as Father to tell people that He is not fearsome and wrathful, but a very loving, compassionate, Merciful God, just like an earthly father and people should love, obey and pray to him like ‘sons’. Once he was condemned by the Jewish priests for uttering blasphemy when he called himself and his followers ‘son of God’. Jesus replied clearly that he did not mean it in the real sense. In John 10:33 we have;

“The Jews answered him, ‘We are stoning you, not for a fine work but for blasphemy, even because you, although being a man, make yourself a god,” (by calling yourself ‘Son of God’) Jesus answered them: “Is it not written in your law, I said ‘You are gods’. If he called gods those against whom the word of God came, and yet the scripture cannot be nullified, do you say to me whom the Father sanctified and dispatched into the world, you blaspheme, because I said, I am God’s Son?” This statement of Jesus should remove all doubts from the heart of our Christian brothers. ‘Son of God’ does not mean ‘God’ or a ‘person of God’ and so Muslims’ point of view is very correct that the irresponsible blasphemous priests have forcibly made Jesus ‘Son of God’ in real sense. This is utter blasphemy, and punishment for blasphemy is everlasting Gehenna. Even those


people who saw Jesus performing great miracles had the sense good enough to declare him just a great holyman. In Matthew 9:8 we have

“At the sight of this (miracle) crowds were struck with fear, and they glorified God, who gave such authority to men; Some called him Prophet on seeing the miracles (See Luke 7:16, Matthew 21:11). Jesus performed many miracles like raising the deads, healing the sick and leprous, casting out the demons, showing his command over the forces of nature. So a group of people thought that these miracles were only worthy of God or a God man, though many great Prophets of the past like Moses, Solomon, David, Daniel, Joshua (who stopped the sun) Elijah and Elisha (both raised dead people and also increased food) all performed similar miracles and even greater than these. So people made Jesus their saviour, the Christ, and a person of God, ‘Son of God’ of their own account against his teachings. Due to the tendencies, occurring among the people of that time to call everyone having supernatural powers as a god, Jesus was made ‘God’, the very one Whom Jesus worshipped, fasted, prayed and asked people to do the same. Muhammad (peace be upon him) was truly ‘the son of David’ because it was David who spent his whole life lauding the last Messiah and wrote many psalms; thus the last Prophet is Son of man or Son of all men because he is beloved of all. All people, generation after generation, awaited him and always lauded him in their prayers and sermons. The Prophet’s father name Abdullah meant a man or servant of Allah, thus Son of man may be interpreted as Son of Abdullah. By looking at the above arguments, it becomes clear like daylight that the Muslims point of view is sensible and correct that Jesus was neither God nor the Christ of the World, the last Saviour, but a Prophet and a messenger of God, a saviour for the house of Israel only. So what was ascribed to Jesus was ‘out of unsound love’ for Jesus and the Christians were swayed by uncontrolled passions-for him having no authority from the scripture but followed their own conjectures, hardly fearing the commandments of God against blasphemy. As proved earlier, Jesus never made such a claim of being a deity. Whatever statement, if present in the gospels to prove otherwise, is either misguided translations or interpolations by different sects to prove


their own point of view, (see our book The Crescent versus The Cross). We should not be surprised to see Jesus being called ‘God’ because when people saw Apostle Barnabas (writer of Gospel of Barnabas) and Apostle Paul, people started calling them gods. In Acts 14:11 we have;

‘And the crowd, seeing what Paul had done, raised their voices, saying in the Lycaonian tongue: “The gods have become like humans and have come down to us!” And they went calling Barnabas Zeus, but Paul Hermes, since he was the one taking the lead in speaking.’ So it was the habit of idolater masses of that time to call the performer of supernatural acts as a deity. Even John the Baptist was called by some people the ‘Christ’ on seeing great miracles performed by him. So it is a matter of no surprise that the Jews having been called in the Bible as idolatrous nations started to worship the very one who performed miracles even if they preached God as One exacting exclusive devotion. So early Christian apostles too called Jesus as the Christ (but not a deity or God) out of love for him, and surely he was a saviour, a Prophet of salvation, or a Christ, a messiah exclusively for the people of Israel but not certainly the Christ of the whole world. The apostles were compelled to say it especially when they had seen the miracles of Jesus, his ascension to the heavens among the angels, his body shining when Moses and Elijah appeared to him, (Matt. 17:3) so it should not surprise us if they called Jesus their Saviour or Christ, but later this Saviour or Christ was made the universal Christ or the last Saviour of the world, against the teachings of Jesus, who was to appear in future to establish the kingdom of God on earth and save all the mankind especially the Jews from oppression and tyranny. This is where the Christians are mistaken. Only Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) claimed that title and then proved it literally with his great miraculous works. Muslims believe Jesus to be a great prophet, performer of more miracles than what the gospels depict, but not as a God or a deity, it is a blasphemy, an act of profanity, an unpardonable sin, an act which must be hurting to Jesus. Other prophets of the past also performed equally great miracles and many Muslim holymen have performed great signs, but none is a god or deity’. All of them came to make people believe firmly in One God. But unfortunately there were always some people to undo what they all preached, in the name of the very ones, becoming their self-styled vicegerents for material gains. Such people are rightly called by Jesus as


hypocrites, serpents. Now the time has come for Christians to repent and find courage for the great confession. Blood of millions who were killed in the name of heresy should bring its fruit now. Again in Act 4:29 we find that all apostles along with congregation prayed to God, Sovereign Lord thus:

“Now Jehovah, give attention to their threats, and grant your slaves to keep speaking your word with all boldness, while you (Jehovah) stretch out your hand for healing and while signs and portent occur through the name of your holy servant Jesus”. Thus even the Apostles and the true followers never thought Jesus a person of Trinity but called him a servant of God. So Muslims’ point of view is proved right without any shadow of doubt that Trinity was not preached by Jesus nor by his disciples but later each group of priests with the passage of time went on raising the status of Jesus till he became God. So according to present belief, Jesus is Father, Son, Holy Spirit everything. But fortunately Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) preached oneness of God with such a clarity that Muslims have never made a blasphemous utterance ever since. See our book ‘The Crescent Versus The Cross’ for further information on this subject. _________


Chapter 5

ISLAM AND KINGDOM OF GOD JESUS (P.B.U.H.) NEVER CLAIMED TO BE THE CHRIST It will be interesting to know that many Christian scholars admit that Jesus never made a claim openly that he was the Christ. So Muslims rightly believe that Jesus was made the saviour, Messiah, the Christ of the world forcibly when he was only a spiritual saviour for his time exclusively for Jews and even in this respect he asked his audience to believe and follow in what the Jewish Rabbis and Pharisees said in their sermons (Mt 23:3). So Jesus only wanted to bring the spiritual renaissance in his own time. JESUS (P.B.UH.) PREDICTED NON-JEWISH MESSIAH In Matthew 21:43 we have;

“This is why I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits”. Thus Jesus himself had declared that the kingdom of God will be established by a non Israeli nation and thus he was only a forerunner to give the good news of that kingdom. Even to his disciples, he did not ask to preach Christianity but only asked them to go around the world giving good news of the coming kingdom of God. Also he declared that the old law of Moses had come to an end. He said,

“The law and the Prophets were until John” (see Luke 16:16). Thus Jesus announced the advent of the last Prophet to give a new law to mankind, the one prophesied by Moses too. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the only one in the history of mankind who brought that new law, perfect in all respects, based on equality and justice, bringing man near to God.


This is an established fact that all the Prophets before Jesus prophesied the coming of rule of God (kingdom of God) on earth to be established by the Christ. John the Baptist also said,

“Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near” (Matthew 3:2). If Jesus were the Christ expected by the Jews then he would have said, “I have come to establish the kingdom of heavens”, but instead he said,

“Repent, you people, for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near” (Matthew 4:17). But Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that he had come to establish the everlasting rule of God forever. So there is not a shadow of doubt left that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the true last Saviour, the last Prophet, or the Christ or the Messiah of the world, and Jesus was the most outstanding advocate to announce the coming of the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and sole purpose of Jesus’ mission was to prepare the people to receive him. In Luke 4:43 we have; ‘But he said to them: “Also to other cities I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God because for this I was sent forth.” It was only after Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) coming that the world experienced peace for the first time in the history of mankind. Muslims relieved the world from Caesar, Khusro, Kings Rajas and masses found religious freedom, justice and lessening of burden of heavy taxes and respect for the honour of everyone, weak or strong. Thus a new civilisation came into being free of social vices, killing, theft, adultery, gambling, drinking, social injustice, colonial exploitations and discrimination due to race, religion, language, country, sex, colour or caste. This was really a great miracle of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). So what was prophesied in all the religious books came about to be a reality through him. Before his advent it was not even comprehensible that such a thing could ever occur. The great Saviour, the Prophet of Salvation did it single handedly and even after passage of 1400 years, no body among his followers even dares to make an utterance against the laws proscribed by the Holy Quran. All the laws and commandments are based on such just principles that there is hardly a room left for opposition and amendments; rigid and flexible as they are to meet all the needs of


mankind for all the time to come. It is the greatness of Islam that almost all the Christians, the Jews, the Zoroastrians accepted Islam immediately as they were already expecting its advent; and they all found very esteemed positions among the Muslims, even became their leaders. For example, the Jews settled in Afghanistan, Moghuls ruled India and other countries for more than thousand years. Muhammad (peace be upon him) called all the Prophets of the past as his brothers, and in reality he was from among their brethrens Ismaelites, so all the nations particularity the Jews and the Christians and also the Buddhists, the Hindus and the Zoroastrians should rather feel pride in him and should put faith in their Prophet of Salvation, and they should not be swayed by false propaganda and baseless accusations which are always misunderstood due to the manipulation of the people with vested interests, who cleverly disguise the true teachings and play with the sentiments of the people by citing those commandments of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which are meant to be observed with many preconditions for the betterment of the society, to meet certain problems arising in the society at certain times i.e. the commandments about war and marriage. MEANING OF ‘RULE OF GOD’ OR KINGDOM OF GOD Now let us come to the most important question of what the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heavens really means for which the whole world, the Jews, the Christians, the Zoroastrians, the Buddhists and the Hindus, all were waiting so anxiously and all the religious books were full of prophecies about it! Kingdom of God means the rule over earth, according to the commandments of God, in which all the people of the world were to find everlasting peace, justice and equality. Though commandments of the Bible, Zoroastrian scriptures, Hindu and Buddhist scriptures were also true, but they were good for a certain period for a particular society. None were good enough to initiate universal love and brotherhood. Each religious nation was subdivided into sects who became antagonist to each others after a passage of time when the true teachings were forgotten, or were replaced by men-made laws based. on injustice. The old teachings were incomplete and were not meant to become universal, while in the kingdom of God, rule was to be established for all the mankind, a rule which should be comprehensive, flexible and could meet all the human requirements for all times to come. So in the next pages, all the commandments of the kingdom of God, established, reformed and


modernised by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for the cause of humanity, will be briefly discussed. 1.


Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) clearly established what belief in One God meant. The Holy Quran gives the best exposition of God’s attributes. People of different religions used to worship the Prophets, Avatars, Buddhas, angels, genii, holy men, great men, powers of God, and assigned daughters, sons, mother to God and even worshipped celestial objects, fire, trees, stones to mention a few, as deities. There were millions of deities in some religions. All the religions originally condemned image-worship, but after the passage of time, all started imageworship under one pretext or another. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stopped the worship of all deities and told people to pray to only One God and denied that God can be incarnated as a human being and appear on the earth in the way the Christians, the Hindus and the Buddhists believed. God is All powerful, Omnipresent, Sustainer of All and all are subservient to Him. Performance of miracles by a Prophet or a holy man is due to powers bestowed by God, and all are nothing but servants of God. Thus performance of miracles does not make a person a deity. The Holy Quran is the most powerful in this respect and successfully explains what belief in one God means. Here are some remarks by eminent Christian scholars: 1. “It is one of the glories of Islam that temples are not made with hands and that its ceremonies can be performed anywhere upon God’s earth or under His heaven.” (Our Indian Musulmans Hunter) 2. “It may be boldly asserted that no people in this world give the impression of being so religious-minded as do Moslems. All of life is saturated with the consciousness of God.” (What is this Moslem World ? London, 1937, pp.38-39 Charles R Watson). 3. “Most pleasing also is the dignity which the Muslim develops through his attitude is one of noble religious pride which is never transformed into vanity.” (Die Welt des Islam, p.133 Friedrich Delitzsch). 4. “The nobility and broad tolerance of this creed, which accepts as God-inspired all the real religions of the world,


will always be a glorious heritage for mankind. On it could indeed be built a perfect world religion,” (The Gospel of Islam Adyar 1948, p. 27 Duncan Greenlees, MA. (Oxon.) 5. “Two features in the Creed of Islam have always specially attracted me. One is the God’s conception, the other is its unquestionable sincerity a tremendous asset in human affairs, the religious aspect of them especially. After all, sincerity is almost divine and like love covers a multitude of sins. (Islam-Her Moral and Spiritual Value, London 1927. Major Arthur Glyn Leonard). 6. “Images or pictures, either of Allah or Muhammad, are strictly forbidden, and the mosques with their domes and courtyards, though often beautiful, are bare. One misses the forests of flowers standing before the images of Buddha, the carvings and images of Hindu temples, the priests in their vestments in the churches of Rome, the hymns in a Protestant church. For Moslems these things are looked on as distractions from worship and prayer, and images are held to lead to idolatry.” “Perhaps it was this simplicity of Islam which led to its amazingly rapid spread in its early years.” (Men Seeking God, London, 1955, p. 16 Christopher Mayhew). 2.


Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave the world new law of justice, complete and perfect, both for Muslims and non-Muslims. He maintained that aliens be dealt with their own laws; that is why Muslims asked other religious sects to establish their own courts and judge the people according to their own laws. He showed how a trial is to be done, what witnesses are trustworthy, how judgment is to be passed. He established dignity of witnesses. He strictly forbade and condemned bribery or an act of favour due to personal relations or religion. He taught everything with his personal examples; so he is rightly called the Greatest Law Giver of all times. Here is one of the many statements from an eminent Christian Scholar to prove that even non-Muslims accept the greatness of the Prophet’s law;


“The Muhammadan Law which is binding on all from the crowned head to the meanest subject is a law interwoven with a system of the wisest, the most learned and the most enlightened jurisprudence that ever existed in the world’. (Edmund Burke, “Impeachment of Warren Hastings”). 3.


Before the advent of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), throughout the history of mankind, lawlessness was at its extreme. No life was safe and hardly a person would die natural death. The Jews suffered humiliation and destruction too many times at the hands of their enemies. There was hardly a nation which could live peacefully, rather every nation was finding an opportunity to attack and conquer other nations and make them their slaves. In India and some other parts of the world, caste system and racial superiority was deep-rooted and had made life hell for many. Kings and rulers treated their subjects worse than slaves, killed many painfully, extorted money by forcible means, abducted their women under the threats of death; thus a tyrant rule prevailed all over the world. Religious sects, which were powerful, killed and tortured their opponents, sometimes burning alive in the name of heresy. More than one and half million Christians were killed in the 4th century because they believed in One God differently from the Roman Church’s version of TRINITY. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stopped all this with an iron hand and every student of history knows that no Jewish or Christian massacre ever occurred when Muslims conquered a country: After the fighting was finished and the oppressors were subdued, Muslims showed extreme kindness to all the subjects. No mass killing or looting occurred, no property was confiscated and this was what caused the spread of Islam the most. Alien residents accepted Islam while others joined the Islamic armies in the good cause of peace and equality. NonMuslims were required to pay less taxes than Muslims and were not forced to join the armies. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) declared that all men were equal irrespective of race, colour, religion and were like one family of God. There was no compulsion in the matter of belief, all were equal before the law including slaves, free men, Muslims or aliens. Muhammad (peace be upon him) abolished the cruel customs of slavery once and for all by declaring the slaves as brothers and ordered to give them same food, clothes, and a place to sleep as given to real brothers or children and further ordered not to make them work too hard, and


even help them in their hard work. That is why Muslims freed slaves immediately because they couldn’t provide their slaves the standard of living enjoined by the Prophet. Among Muslims, it is the most virtuous act to buy a slave and then set it free as it surely leads to Paradise. It is due to the Prophet’s teachings that slaves ruled over India and Egypt for a long time and masses accepted them willfully as their rulers. A ruler is supposed to rule his subjects as his own children with no partiality due to race or religion. God has rightly declared in the Quran “I have sent you, O Muhammad (peace be upon him), for no purpose but as a blessing for all the worlds”. 4.


Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave rights of inheritance to all i.e. sons, daughters and wives too. It was a great breakthrough in the human history. In earlier religions, law of inheritance was not based on equality and justice but served only the purpose of its own time and was not necessarily of divine origin but was sometimes an act of the people with vested, interests. So Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) promulgated the just law which was to stay forever. Women were given the same rights as men, they were given the rights to inherit, earn their livelihood, spend their wealth independently and the right to make their own decisions about all matters including marriage and divorce. Slaves were given exactly the same rights as free men and were declared just like brothers. It was due to this commandment that many Muslims set their slaves free because they could not do justice to this commandment and also because the setting free of a slave was declared the most virtuous action which a man could do. Thus Muhammad (peace be upon him) eradicated the evil of slavery from most parts of the world and whatever slaves were left, found more peace as a slave than to get freedom in contrast to what happened among the Romans, the Persian and the Christian world of the old. Muhammad (peace be upon him) adopted his freed slave boy Hazrat Zaid as his own son and married him to his beautiful relative. Zainab (PBUH). He would call Umme Aiman, his freed old female negro slave as ‘Mother’ and respected her more than one would respect real mother. All men and women are held sinless by birth free of any ‘original sin’ and are equal by birth irrespective of caste and religion. A virtuous woman is held better than thousand


unvirtuous men in the sight of God. All peoples are enjoined upon to respect honour property and life of others. Islam allows no discrimination and racialism at any cost. The slightest shadow of pride is an unpardonable sin. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is thus the greatest Champion of the Human Rights who ever lived. That the Prophet was the greatest beneficiary for the womenfolk is even admitted by non-Muslims. We have: 1. “And this right of the wife to seek divorce was recognised for the first time in the history of mankind by Islam”. (M. Letourneau, Evolution of Marriage) 2. “In like manner he. (Muhammad P.B.U.H.) improved the position of woman....... He allowed women to come to the mosque, but believed that their homes are better; yet when they came to his services he treated them kindly even if they brought sucking babies; if, says an amiable tradition, he heard a child cry, he would shorten his sermon lest the mother be inconvenienced. He put an end to the Arab practice of (feminine) infanticide (xii, 31). He

placed woman on the same footing with man in legal processes and in financial independence; she might follow any legitimate profession, keep her earning, inherit property, and dispose off her belongings at will (iv, 4, 32). He abolished the Arab custom of transmitting women as property from father to son Women were to inherit half as much as the male heirs, and were not to be disposed off against their will..... a tradition quotes the Prophet as saying to women, ‘It is permitted to you to go out for your needs’ ..... we find Moslem women moving about freely and unveiled in the Islam of his time, and a century thereafter. (The Age of Faith, pp. 181, 182, 183 Will Durant.) Note: Marriage in Islam is a legal contract subject to the laws of Shariat. Each party is entirely free to impose mutually acceptable conditions including, if desired, the condition from the bride that her husband will not take another woman as his second wife or that she will have the right of divorce. 3. ........ Under Islamic Law the capacities of women were in general much more extended than they are today according to the conception of law. (La Vie Juridique des Peuples, Vol. VII, edited Paris, 1939, p. 154 by Levy Uliman and Mirkine-Guetzeviteh).




Men are declared to be protectors over women, not their masters, and are held responsible for all their needs, food clothes, lodgings and are also responsible for needs of their children. If a woman ever spends from her own pocket upon a husband or his house, then it is an act of charity and a noble act on her part. A wife is held as the queen of house. Any insolent behaviour, whatsoever, by a husband towards his wife is strictly forbidden. Old humiliating laws for women during menstruation were declared null and void. In case of mistreatment or injustice or personal disliking, a woman was allowed to seek divorce. Unlimited marriages allowed in the Bible and among pagans were restricted to four with strict preconditions only to meet social problems and not for lust: unwarranted use of this is surely condemnable; rather second marriage is forbidden if the first marriage suffers. By stopping his own son-in-law, Hazrat Ali to marry another girl, he gave the right to the parents of a wife to interfere when their daughter’s interest was in jeopardy; it is due to these strict commandments that most Muslims (about 98%) marry only once. That marriage laws of Islam are based on wisdom is proved further by the admissions of non-Muslim eminent scholars. Here are few extracts from various books. 1. “You can find others stating that the religion (Islam) is evil because it sanctions a limited polygamy. But you do not hear as a rule the criticism which I spoke out one day in London hall where I knew that the audience was entirely uninstructed. I pointed out to them that monogamy with a blended mass of prostitution was hypocrisy and more degrading than a limited polygamy ...... Those things are forgotten while people are hypnotised by the words monogamy and polygamy and do not look at what lies behind it in the West the frightful degradation of women who are thrown into the streets when their first protectors, weary of them, no longer give them any assistance ...... I often think that Woman is more free in Islam than in Christianity. Woman is more protected by Islam than by the faith which preaches monogamy. In Al-Quran the law about women is more just and liberal. It is only in the last twenty years that Christian England has recognised the right of woman to property, while Islam has allowed this right from all times ...... It is a slander to say that Islam preaches that women have no souls�.


(Dr. Annie Besant, The life and Teaching of Muhammad, Madras June 1932). 2. “Whether the question is considered socially, ethically or religiously, it can be demonstrated that polygamy is not contrary to the highest standards of civilisation. The suggestion offers a practical remedy for the problem of the destitute and unwanted female, the alternative is continued and increased prostitution, concubinage and distressing spinsterhood”. (J.S. Clare McFarlane, The case for Polygamy, London 1934). 3. “It is undeniable that polygamy, or to speak more accurately, the principle underlying it is not confined to Moslem peoples. To put the matter plainly, who can honestly say that the sexual morality of the West is superior to that of the East?” (Lancelot Lawton, “The Sphere”, London, for 12th May, 1928). 4. “Man lives in a state of polygamy in the civilised countries in spite of the monogamy enforced by law; out of a hundred thousand men there would barely be one who could swear upon his death-bed that he had never known but one single woman during his whole life”. (Nordan Max, Conventional Lies of Our Civilisation) 5. Other eminent scholars and sexologists who have supported the justification of polygamy in special circumstances are Dr. Westermarck Dr. Rom Landan, Professor H. Licht, Dr. Ira G.While, Professor N.W. Ingells, M. Letourneau, Dr. Le Bon, Havelock Ellis, G.R. Scott. Islam did not forbid polygamy because there was no justification for this ban. Polygamy was common among the Jews, the Christians, the Hindus, among the Chinese and the Africans, so why bring a law against the prevalent custom when it serves no good purpose at all and may harm the interest of women instead of helping? Any such law would have left millions of divorcees and widows at the mercy of lustful men and would have been even instrumental in promoting fornication among the destitutes. Moreover, there do arise many circumstance when second marriage is the only choice as in the case of Hazrat Abraham (P.B.U.H.) and Hazrat Jacob (P.B.U.H.) (i.e. Yaqub, Israel) Marrying more than once had been the tradition of the Prophets of the past. Monogamy is practicable only among those nations


where their laws do not award death penalty for relations outside marriage, prostitution is legal and also where they prefer to enjoy sexual pleasures with numerous girl friends as their society encourages this. We can only agree to our accusers on one point that ‘cursed be the one who marry more for the sake of nothing but lust’. Marriage is a most serious affair and requires a very passionate response from a husband; so to marry more than once certainly destroys the peace of the home and thus men must avoid it except circumstances so compel and the first wife is satisfied and her rights are given to her as before. It is due to these strict commandments that polygamy never became a problem in a Muslim society but always played a healthy role. 6.


Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the first man in the history of mankind to forbid effectively the use of intoxicating drinks and drugs. The use of a substance or a liquor which affects the mind is banned even in the minutest quantity. He stopped gambling, all forms of prostitution and immodest acts, obscene songs and dances, fortune telling, belief in superstitions most effectively from the world, a miraculous deed which hundred thousands of Prophets could not perform. He stressed upon special regards for the parents, wives, servants and children. Parents, especially fathers, are held responsible for imparting good education and good manners to their children. He strictly forbade any act of adultery and all that leads to it and appealed to the people of resources to look after destitute girls in the society including widows and divorcees; and if possible, without harming the interest of the first wife, take them as wives, so that potential prostitutes and whores are taken care of. He cursed homosexuality and permissiveness. Muhammad (peace be upon him) strictly denounced haughtiness, avariciousness, backbiting, suspicions, impatience, anger, use of foul tongue, lying, dishonesty, defrauding, forsaking the commitments, hypocrisy etc. He was thoughtful, meek and lowly, simple-living, friendly, charitable, of pleasant personality and good disposition, noninterfering and uncritical, helpful, ready to join those who work for the betterment of the society, and fight against social vices and injustice. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) not only taught but actually changed the minds of the people by giving his own personal example. Thus he was not just a noble lecturing philosopher or a sooth sayer but a great implementer and a man of


action with a personality which is a perfect model for all the people of the world; lucky are those who have the honour of following him. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) changed the whole world in a way which was only his ability. Even today a good man is one, whether a Muslim or not, whose character is modelled according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Thus Islam is a religion from which all the other religions take guidance and many movements started within them taking the good examples of Islam which served as a beacon of light for all. God has thus rightly declared him in the Quran, as ‘the perfect model’ for all the people of the world. 7.


Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) made fundamental changes in the matter of man’s relation with God. He declared that when a person embraces Islam, he is assisted by a holy spirit from God throughout his life and he can worship and pray to God directly without the intercession of pharisees, Rabbis, priests, monks or pandits; but he did say that a prayer in a congregation is much superior than praying alone. The leader of congregational prayer should be anyone who has the most knowledge of the Holy Quran, irrespective of age, caste, colour. There is no intercessor in worship between a man and God, nor anyone can demand money, sacrificial animals, food to intercess for acceptance of prayers and forgiveness of sins. Thus Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) destroyed the authorities of the Rabbis, the priests, the Pandits, the Monks with a single blow and this is what pinches the self-styled intercessors the most. That is why these people with vested interests spend day and night finding faults in Islam and misguide the people by falsehood and cooked-up stories. He abolished the Sabbath. Now all days are sacred days and all the act of life in accordance with the Holy Quran are a form of worship. God should be remembered all the time, not particularly on the Sabbath, so all the days of the life are the day of Sabbath and all the acts of life are acts of worship to God if performed in accordance with the traditions of the Prophet. For every bounty which a man receives he should thank God. If a man eats or drinks, he should thank God with every morsel and each draught. If a good act is performed he should thank God for giving him power to do so, otherwise the act is not acceptable to God. Every man should observe the miracles of God spread out on the land, on the mountains, in the sea, in the sky; and in all the beautiful creation of God, for example, the living creatures,


beautiful gardens, beauty of nature, celestial objects and so on, and then remember and admire God all the time for His wonderous work. Although the prayers and fastings were enjoined by God upon the people of all the religions, but with the passage of time, its true nature and spirit was lost or completely forgotten or became an act of few virtuous ones only. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) revived that in the most clear manner and enjoined upon all the people of the world. The Prophet taught prayers and other acts of worship in a way that it induces in a man an indescribable peace of mind, a serenity and a confidence for which all mankind is striving for. 8.


The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ordered that people should remain clean all the time, wear clean clothes and look well-groomed; and one should wash face, mouth, nose, hands and feet before the five prayers and if possible teeth be brushed every time too. He asked people to keep their houses and the surroundings clean. His city Madina was formerly called ‘a city of diseases’ but after Prophet’s migration, came to be called ‘the city of the Prophet a place where no disease was left. If the Prophet’s commandments are observed as commanded, there will be hardly a person who would ever fall ill seriously or have any ailment regarding ear, nose, throat, teeth, eyes and skin. ‘Cleanliness is half of the religion’ he used to say. Surely the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Father of modern hygiene. 9.


Muhammad (peace be upon him) held everyone responsible for the social well-being of his fellowmen irrespective of religion, race, colour, language. He instructed people to educate others and teach them good morals. If anyone observes a wrongful act being committed, it should be stopped with full force fearing none. He enjoined upon the people to look-after the needy, the widows, the orphans, the homeless people, the captives, the slaves, the old people, the incapacitated people, and asked people to come to each others help in social works when situation so demanded. He strictly forbade usury and declared it more grievous act than adultery. Muhammad (peace be upon him) is undoubtedly ‘the greatest social reformer of all times. Muhammad (peace be upon him) declared that a mother is three times more respectable than


a father, and a daughter should be more loved and cared for than a son, thus women enjoy more respect and privileges than a man. After God and the Prophet, a mother is the most honourable being. He strictly forbade men to use women for lust and declared it as a mortal sin. He strongly condemned all exploitations of women and banned prostitution, eradicating it completely, and thus raised the status of women from a commodity, a subhuman status, to a very respectable one. 10.


One of the greatest blessings which Muhammad (peace be upon him) brought for the mankind, weary of senseless bloody unending wars, was his laws of war. He strictly forbade to kill or torture an unarmed or wounded person, a child, a woman, an old person, a worker, a priest and those who throw away their arms. Once a war is over, no massacre of the innocent population is allowed for destruction, nor looting of the property is permissible, nor the masses are held as slaves. Islam does not accept the rule of oppressors and tyrants, and enjoins upon the Muslims to fight against such people where ever they exist, and snatch from them by force the basic rights of human freedom which they deny. If a Muslim is intentionally hurt by someone, then he has the right to pay back in the same coins but should not exceed the limit, but if he forgives inspite of power, then it is better and meritorious. Islam has spread in the world due to beauty of its message and not by sword. Sword was only used against tyrant rulers and oppressors indeed, and thus Islam was a saviour of mankind. So it was the message, not the sword which was the reason for the spread of Islam deep into the hearts of the people; and many civilisations based on immorality and injustice became extinct before the just message of Islam. That is why, even when there is no threat of any kind, people pray, fast and act upon the commandments of the Prophet with true heart and are doing so since 1400 years. A religion propagated by sword and compulsion could never get such popularity, thus it is an unfounded propaganda of the enemies of Islam who are and were themselves the most wicked and tyrants. Use of force against criminals who do not observe any law is a most ethical act, and this is exactly what was prophesied in the Bible about the last warrior Prophet; and in the Hindu Puranas too about the last Prophet of sword, and in the Buddhist scriptures about Amida, the last Prophet of sword; and in the Avesta of the Zoroastrians about the last Prophet of the sword. If all the religions of the world expected the last Prophet to


be a great warrior who would subdue enemies of God and mankind with sword, then why there should be any hypocritical hue and cry? Surely confirmed criminals and tyrants do not understand any language but the language of power. Preaching is for the masses but for tyrants and the criminals it is the sword, because the people should be taught in the language which they understand. Unbiased studies by many non-Muslim eminent scholars too prove that Muslim’s wars were ‘Wars of Mercy’ and not as told by people with vested interests. Here are few extracts from the books: 1. “The Crusades, the Turkish wars, and the great expansion of Europe widened the gulf between Christianity and Islam, while as the East was gradually brought under ecclesiastical influence the contrast grew deeper. The theory, however, that the Muhammadans conquerors and their successors were inspired by a fanatical hatred of Christianity is a fiction invented by Christians”. (C. M, Becker, Christianity and Islam, London 1909). 2. “Incidentally these well established facts dispose of the idea so widely fostered in Christian writings that the Muslims, wherever they went, forced people to accept Islam at the point of the sword”. (Lawrence W. Brownie, The prospect of Islam, London 1944).

“Once the war was terminated, the Muslims always displayed a great tolerance towards the conquered people leaving them their legislation and religious beliefs”. (O. Houdes, La Grade 3.

Encyclopaedia 1894). 4. “No other religion in history spread so rapidly as Islam ............ The West has widely believed that this surge of religion was made possible by the sword. But no modern scholar accepts that idea.................. But testimony is over-whelming that “followers of the Book” were usually given decent treatment, sanctuary and freedom to worship as they wished”. (James A. Michener, Islam, The Misunderstood Religion) 5. “Many Westerners, accustomed by their history books to believe that Muslims were barbarians infidels find it difficult to comprehend how profoundly our intellectual life has been


influenced by Muslim scholars in the field of science, medicine, mathematics, geography and philosophy”. (James A. Michener, “Islam — The Misunderstood Religion”, in the Reader’s Digest, May 1955. 6. “History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have over repeated”. De Lacy O’Leary, Islam at the Crossroads, London 1923). 7. “In their wars of conquest, however, the Muslims exhibited a degree of toleration which puts many Christian nations to shame’’. (E Alexander Powell, The Struggle for Power in Muslim Asia, New York 1923).

“Under Christianity there was certainly more cruelty than under early Islam” 8.

(J.M. ROBERTSON, A Short History of Christianity). 9. “The picture of the Muslim soldiers advancing with a sword in one hand and Koran in the other is quite false.” (A.S. TRITON, Islam, London 1954). 10. “The day of Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) greatest triumph over his enemies was also the day of his greatest victory over himself. He freely forgave the Koraysh all the years of sorrow and cruel scorn in which they had afflicted him and gave an amnesty to the whole population of Makkah........ It was thus Muhammad (peace be upon him) entered again his native city. Through all the annals of conquest there is no triumphant entry comparable to this one”. (The speeches and Table Talk of the Prophet Muhammad, London 1882 by Stanley Lane-Poole). 11. “His military triumphs awakened no pride nor vain glory, as they would have done had they been effected for selfish purposes.” (Washington Irving, Mahomet and his Successor, London 1909). 11.


Muhammad (peace be upon him) asked people to choose God-fearing people as their leaders who should treat them like a father. All the matters pertaining the people shall be decided by


the mutual counsel of the virtuous people. A ruler shall rule strictly according to the commandments of God and the traditions of the Prophet; if he does’nt, people can dismiss him. A ruler shall not oppress people but show extreme equality to all. All the pacts between nations should be honoured. A ruler is responsible for the protection of life, honour and properties of other people like his own, and he shall himself be ‘a model’ for his subjects because masses follow their leaders. Islam gives power to the people to change their rulers if they do not rule according to Sharia. A ruler is the greatest servant of the people, the Prophet said. 12.


Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) strictly ordered the people to write down their business deals and transactions with full detail and have witnesses over it. He asked the people to be truthful and honest, fulfil their promises and commitments without fail, and pay back their debts and the dues. He cursed the hoarders and condemned the acceleration of prices by conspiracy. He denounced adulteration, cheating, false promises, and swearing while selling. He established the dignity of labour by kissing the dirty hands of a labourer, and declared a labourer’s livelihood as the most commendable. He enjoined the people to pay the wages of a labourer before his sweat dries up, and declared that society should take care of labourers when they grow old. Thus Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a pioneer for ‘Social Security’ of old people. Being himself a very successful businessman, most honest, truthful, trustworthy, he stressed upon the people to indulge in business because it is the best profession. He impressed upon the people to do ‘farming’ with full capacity to overcome food shortage; surely Muhammad (peace be upon him) is perfect model of labourers as well as businessmen. He felt great pride in performing all his jobs and jobs of other people with his own hands, and never asked a person to do a job for him, not even a servant. 13.


Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the most outstanding man who stressed upon the education of the society. He ordained everyone, man or woman, young or old, to seek knowledge and also learn some professional art or trade, from cradle to grave. He praised and declared the scholars as vicegerent of the Prophets who impart education to the uneducated ones. He would always say that no one, educated or not, should feel shy from asking


questions and learn from the one who knows something. He would say that the men of learning, the scholars, are the mainstay of the world, and the death of a scholar is a bigger loss than death of a nation. He asked people not only to learn about faith and morality but also observe and study the wonders of living bodies, trees, vegetation, movement of wind, formation and changes in day and night, geographical differences on the earth, wonders of celestial objects and their movements in the respective orbits. Thus the Prophet was too much of a scholar for his time and drew attention of the people to all fields of science; he can be rightly called “The Father of Modern Science and Education”. Even eminent non-Muslim scholars have admitted the blessings which Islam brought for the world respecting education of the mankind. Here are few extracts from the books: 1. “To seek knowledge is duty of every Muslim man and woman. Seek knowledge even though it be in China. The savants are the heirs of the Prophets. These profound words of the great reformer are an indisputable contradiction to those who seek and exert themselves in putting the responsibility of the intellectual degradation of Muslims upon the spirit of the Quran ----- they will read that the Prophet incessantly called the attention and the meditation, of his people to the splendid marvels, to the mysterious phenomenon of creation” (Dr. A. Bertherand, Contribution des Arables and Progress de Sciences Medicales, Paris 1883). 2. “It is to Mussulman science, to Mussulman art and to Mussulman literature that Europe has been in a great measure indebted for its extrication from the darkness of the Middle Ages” (Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, Speeches delivered in India, London 1890). 3. “We must not be surprised to find the Quran the fountain head of the sciences. Every subject connected with heaven or earth, human life, commerce and various trades are occasionally touched upon.” (Hartwig Hirschfeld, Ph. D.M.R.A.S. New Researches into the Composition and Exegesis of the Quran, London 1902). 4. “One of the most deplorable things in history is the systematic way in which European writers have contrived to put out of sight the scientific obligations of the Arabs”.


(H. G. Farmer, Historical Facts in the Arabian Musical Influence). 5. “The ancient cultures of Greece, Rome and Persia were revitalized by the Arab genius and the Islamic spirit.” (A. M. Lothrop Stoddard, The New World of Islam, London 1932). 6. “If the Creek was the father, then the Arab was the fosterfather of the scientific method of dealing with reality.” (H. G. Wells, The Outline of History, London 1920). 7. “It (Quran) has created an all but new phase of human thought and a fresh type of character”. (Rev. J. M. Rodwell, The Outline of History, London 1920). 8. “The Koran did not contain a single statement that was assailable from a modern scientific point of view”. (Dr. Maurice Bucaille, The Bible, The Koran and Science). 9. “Europe was darkened at sunset, Cordova shone with public lamps; Europe was covered with vermin, Cordova changed its undergarments daily; Europe lay in mud, Cordova’s streets were paved, Europe’s palaces had smoke-holes in the ceiling, Cordova’s arabesques were exquisite; Europe’s nobility could not sign its name, Cordova’s children went to school; Europe’s monks could not read The baptismal service, Cordova’s teacher created a library of Alexandrian dimensions”. (Victor Robinson, The Story of Medicine). 10. About teachings of Islam Rev. B. Margoliouth, Dr. Loney Stubbe, E. Dension Ross, have also spoken very highly. 14.






The foremost purpose of the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) advent was to establish peace and justice upon the earth and unify the whole world in one brotherhood. He declared that all people were children of God and the best among the people was he who benefitted His children the most, irrespective of race, religion, caste or language. He enjoined upon all to show extreme love for others, and even allowed Muslims to marry the Jewish or the Christian girls provided they were chaste and not blasphemous; and to eat, drink and be friendly with them, to visit them in the case of a problem or sickness and be helpful to them. He out-rooted racial hatred and caste system. It was due to these


commandments that the Jews, the Christians, the Zoroastrians, and the Hindus came into contact with the Muslims and accepted the faith of Islam with true heart. He said that all men were born equal innocent and were upon the same religion of truth; so if someone was lacking in faith and morals, or was a disbeliever, it was the duty of the Muslims society to educate them and attract them towards Islam by explaining the commandments and remove their misconceptions and apprehensions. If some sections of people or rulers were oppressors and cruel to the weak people, then Muslims should not become dumb spectators but come forward for their help and defeat oppression. It was this duty of the followers of Muhammad (peace be upon him) that led Muslims to the remotest parts of the world to release people from the yoke of their tyrant rulers. Islam teaches complete tolerance to all the religions of the world and forbids Muslims to hate anyone due to religious difference otherwise they (non-Muslims) won’t be attracted towards Islam; rather Muslims should be a ‘model’ for others, and teach and advise others without compulsion, thus to create love among the hearts of non-Muslims who will automatically be attracted to Islam, a religion of conscious, a natural religion with flexible and comprehensive teachings covering all the aspects of life. Islam is an essence of all the religions of the world. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) very strictly enjoined upon the people to say prayers in congregations in the mosques so that people of all races may come into contact with each other and develop mutual love and know the problems of each other. Islam does not like a segregated society but a united society. Muhammad (peace be upon him) enjoined upon his followers to pay Zakat from their wealth for the help of needy people and also give charity to the poor irrespective of their religions. Muhammad (peace be upon him) is thus the first and the last champion of a ‘United World’. He even invited the Jews and the Christians, inspite of religious differences, to join hands for the cause of God provided they believed in the common commandment: ‘There is no god but Allah’. Even non-Muslim eminent scholars have admitted that Muslims were never racialist and they showed extreme equality to everyone. Here are few extracts from the books:


1. “Take away that black man! I can have no discussion with him”, exclaimed the Christian Archbishop Cyrus when the Arab conquerors had sent a deputation of their ablest men to discuss terms of surrender of the capital of Egypt, headed by Negro Ubaidah as the ablest of them all. “To the sacred Archbishop’s astonishment, he was told that this man was commissioned by General Amr: that the Moslems held negroes and white men in equal colour........ Islam knows no ‘colour line”. (S.S. Leeder, Veiled Mysteries of Egypt, London, 1912). 2. “The Islamic brotherhood which they proclaimed was a real thing, and a new thing among Eastern nations. It is doubtful whether Christian Syrians ever felt the same sense of brotherhood with Christian Persians as Muslim Syrians did with Muslim Persians”. (Lawrence E.Browne, The Prospect of Islam, London 1944). 3. “If ever the opposition of the great societies of the East West is to be replaced by cooperation, the Mediation of Islam is an indispensable condition”. (H.A.R.Gibb, ‘Whither Islam’, London, 1932). 4. “It was the first religion that preached and practised democracy”. (Serojmi Naidu, Lecture on ‘The Ideals of Islam” vide speeches and writings of Sirojini Naidu, Madras 1918). 5. “The extinction of race consciousness as between Muslims is one of the outstanding achievements of Islam”. (A, J. Toynbee, Civilization on Trial, New York 1948). 6. “The nobility and broad tolerance of this creed, which accepts as God-inspired all the real religions of the world, will always be a glorious heritage for mankind. On it could indeed be built a perfect world religion.” (Duncan Greenlees, M. A. (Oxen), The Gospel of Islam, Adyar 1948). 7. “The brotherhood of Mohammedanism is no mere word. All believers are equal and their own high-priest, Zeid, the ex-slave, led Muhammad’s troop ...... The Ghaznavide dynasty was founded by the slave ..... The cruel treatment of slaves has been the


reproach of Europeans rather than of Eastern nations”. “(Dr. Leither, Muhammadanism 1893). 15.


Muhammad (peace be upon him) was probably the first person in the history of mankind who preached mercy and kindness towards animals with great stress, and told that any good deed towards them will be surely rewarded by God while cruelty towards them may lead a person to hell. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is thus rightly called ‘A blessing for all the worlds’. The Prophet instructed his followers to treat animals well; to them food and water; to give them rest when they are tired, not to hit on their face; not to cut fat from a living animal; not to draw blood from them to use as food; not to inflict injury to them or beat mercilessly. The Holy Quran says that these animals are communities like you. All way show regards to them and give them their rights; never kill any living thing unnecessarily. Thus Muhammad (peace be upon him) brought fundamental changes and established the rule of God with his personal examples and gave it a firm footing. There are neither words nor praises which are befitting for him, Muhammad (peace be upon him) is too great, above such needs, a man whom one can only wonder at and admire. He is the. true ‘Saviour of the world’, the Christ or Messiah, the last Buddha, Amida (Amitabha), the Maitreya (the loved and praised one i.e. Ahmad), the last Prophet of future Kalki Avatar. He is a perfect creation and masterpiece of God for whom the world was created, a perfect divine teacher whose unexcelled teachings and personal examples uprooted idolatory, blasphemy and permissiveness from the world. _________


Chapter 6

ISLAM AND SWORD ALL FALSE ACCUSATIONS REFUTED: In the following pages we shall reply to the fundamental accusations which are put by non-Muslims due to their ignorance to malice Islam, and by this, a large part of the mankind is led astray. SWORD WAS NOT USED TO FORCE PEOPLE TO EMBRACE ISLAM The first accusation is that Islam was spread by sword. In Christian doctrine even a foreign rule by an oppressor is accommodated and Prophet Jesus himself paid taxes to the Romans and asked his followers too to do so. Also he taught that if a person hits a Christian, he should not take revenge or resist. Prophet Jesus asked the people to wait for the last Prophet who would establish rule of God on earth, so Jesus disallowed people to fight back because victory was destined to come by fighting under the banner of the universal Christ. Jesus said, “The law and the Prophets were until John”, (Luke 16:16) and also said’ Also to other cities I must declare the good news of ‘the Kingdom of God’ because for this I was sent forth”. (Luke 4:43). Thus Jesus spent his whole life preparing people for the advent of the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This fact is further proved by the behaviour of Jesus who refused to act upon the Sabbath and many other traditions popular in his time among the Jews. Moreover, Jesus’ controversial sayings, opposite to his character probably were the advices for the future Christians to believe and assist the last Prophet when he said that


“He has not come to give peace to the world but start troubles”, (Luke 12:49) and also he said that”, Sell your belongings to buy swords” (Luke 22:36). In these sayings he probably meant that the coming kingdom of God will initially be full of trials so they must wait for it and be prepared with weapons. This is exactly what happened in the start of the mission of the Prophet and many Christians and Jews did fight for him in fulfillment of these prophecies. Also throughout in the Book of Isaiah, we find prophecies about a military Messiah, a Prophet of sword. In Hindu Puranas we find prophecy about the last Prophet, Kalki Avatar who, would come riding upon a white horse and a sword shining like a comet in his hand to kill reprobates. In the Buddhist scriptures we too find the last Prophet, Amida (Amitabha) or Maitreya to be a warrior with a sword in one hand and a book in the other, accompanied by thousands of holymen to assist him in killing of the reprobates. Zoroastrian scriptures also speak about the last Prophet Saoshyant as having the same character. So incidentally all the scriptures agree on the same point, the advent of a military Messiah, a man of sword, so how is it that when Muhammad (peace be upon him) used sword against the reprobates and cleared the world of lawlessness, fingers are raised against him? Is it wrong to remove bad rulers with power? Even many Christian scholars advocate the use of power if it is used with justice. Then to say that use of sword by Islam was unethical is a malicious propaganda by those who themselves were the greatest killers and oppressors in the past and now they sing the song of peace to distort the facts and put the blame of religious atrocities upon the Muslims to distract the attention of the oppressed masses from their crimes. In fact Muslims were the ones who relieved the world from the atrocities of religious god-fathers all over the world. Islam weakened their clutches once for all except a part of Europe where unfortunately Islam could not enter deep, so the people of Europe are under the rule of ungodly churches for thousand of years. When Islam started in the 7th century, the period before that is remembered in the history as ‘Dark Ages’ when unimaginable tyranny and cruelty was the law of the world. The crimes which were being committed by one nation over another are too horrible to relate. Just think of the cruelty done by Herod at the time of birth of Jesus when a large number of infants were


killed just for nothing; and also Prophet John the Baptist and his father Zachariah were beheaded for no crime. These are good examples to imagine what was going on. Conquerors would enjoy the killing of the captives by the beasts. Sometimes they were killed by torturing slowly. Many Museums in Europe still show those torture chambers and devices and all are shameful part of the history. Then suddenly a lightning revolution began in Arabia, a country where never a prophet was born, nor it was ever a united country. There lived different tribes of all religions, all disunited, and having long history of enmity against each other. Then the greatest miracle of all times happened, a superman Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born, an orphan by birth with little means, and he fought against all odds, experienced the fiercest resistance possible and succeeded in uniting the tribes in one nation ultimately, and then this nation of no importance was built into a super-nation which defeated the Great Roman and the Great Persian empires with a single stroke and in a few years a large part of the world was under the flag of Islam. The strength of Muslim armies was the very people whom they conquered, who, once relieved from the yoke of the tyrant rulers, themselves joined the peaceful noble cause of Islam. Muslims neither did any mass killing nor looted the properties nor made the people their slaves. Their rule was not colonial but a rule of mercy. Muslims never gathered riches of the conquered people nor extorted money like other nations to grow rich at their expenses but all people received justice and were equal share holders in the wealth of the country. It is against the spirit of Islam to show any discrimination on the basis of religion language, colour or origin. Muslims never tortured or threatened anyone to procure conversion to Islam but offered themselves as models to which the subjugated people got attracted and then embraced Islam with true heart. Muslims never bribed or enticed anyone for conversion, a method which is the mainstay of some other religions. Conversions were all voluntary because it is only a voluntary conversion which makes a deep impact upon the character of a person. A forced doctrine cannot survive even a generation. This is really a miracle of Islam and this is exactly what was predicted about “the kingdom of God 7. Could a few thousand Arabs force millions and millions of people spread all over the earth to change their religions and say regular prayers, to keep regular fasts and to spend in the name of God by compulsion? Or was it due to the fact that Islam is so true, simple and close to


the conscience of man that people felt pride to embrace Islam, and thus rejected their old rotten religions. As the readers will themselves read the commandments of Muhammad (peace be upon him) about morality and war in our book The Message of the Crescent’ they would themselves find that Islam enjoins to fight holy war against oppressors and tyrant rulers only. Conqueror Muslims preserved the holy places of other religions and all the people of other religions enjoyed full peace and justice first time in the history of mankind. Under the Muslim rule Jews, Christians and Hindus enjoyed very high status, political powers, and their religious thoughts even prospered under their rule. The golden age of the Jewish religion was in Spain under the Muslim rule which is an outstanding example. Never a religious sect was persecuted, exiled or killed. Thus for more than thousand years, the world found real peace for the first time in the history, befitting of ‘the kingdom of God’ while in India China, Europe, the political situation was in complete contrast to the rest of the Muslim world. In India and a part of China and Europe, relief only came when Muslims conquered these parts of the world. Thus to say that Muslims were barbarians and ruled with oppression is only malicious propaganda of the reprobates who wish to hold their positions and wealth and are not ready to part with it by accepting the truth of Islam, rather they try their best not to let even people know the truth. Even today, crime rate and permissiveness in Islamic countries is just negligible as compared to other parts of the world. It will be interesting to mention that all the great Prophets like Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon (peace be upon all) waged war against infidels, so why is that if Muhammad (peace be upon him) did the same according to the prophecies of the Prophets he is condemned? Certainly the malicious propaganda is done by the people with vested interests to save themselves from the wrath of the people lest they see their true faces. Muhammad (peace be upon him) was surely the greatest general, the greatest revolutionary leader ever born. Even the greatest conquerors and revolutionaries look like a dwarf before him. Why not? Is this not what was prophesied by Moses, David Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jesus and by Puranas and the Buddha Sakyamuni? Thus Muslims are proud of their history because they are the holy saviours who used the sword for a peaceful cause and not to gain any material benefit at all. The whole mankind should be proud of them and shun those who make exaggerated baseless propaganda of


Muslim’s atrocities. Atrocities are repugnant to Islam; those who fight for worldly gains are none but men of fire. But those who fight for just ‘rule of Allah’ are ones to be proud of, and are heroes of mankind. As already seen, on previous pages most eminent nonMuslim scholars have admitted this accusation to be untrue and have cursed those who make baseless propaganda. Here are some more views: “Now, even admitting this to have been the case to a certain extent, and granting that numbers of idolators perished for refusing to acknowledge the existence of the one and only true God, it may be replied, that what God has once commanded can never be unjust at any time, and since Christians are bound to believe that God did command the Israelites to exterminate and extirpate the Canaanites for their idolatry, and that Jehovah even worked a miracle in the execution of that command, by causing the sun and moon to stand still, in order to afford the light necessary for enabling Joshua to complete the slaughter of the enemy, they must, if consistent, admit that Muhammad was justified in propagating his doctrines by the same means, for, if they do not, it would be tantamount to affirming that idolatry was more hateful to God then than now; that it was less idious to him in the time of Muhammad than in that of Moses, or in that of the kings of Israel, whose nation, together with themselves, was destroyed for this sin alone. Muhammad received generously and with open arms all who would submit to his law. He, indeed, put the obstinate to death, but he ever spared the innocent blood of women, maidens and infants. In short, he strictly commanded his followers never to molest, but to treat as brethren, all who would accept and obey the Koran. Moses, on the contrary, slaughtered whole nations, without offering or accepting any on the conditions of mercy, an example never followed by Muhammad although in many instances by Christian Powers, and more especially by the Spaniards in their conquest of Peru and Mexico.1 Nowhere throughout the Koran can 1

That the Spaniards thought themselves justified by the Bible, appears by the book which Sepulveda wrote for the express purpose of vindicating them in the murder of twelve millions of Indians, by the example of the Israelites towards the people of Canaan. Las Cases says in his ‘Brevissima relacion de la destruccion de las India’, “I have seen in the islands of St. Domingo and Jamaica, gibbets erected all over the country


be found attributed to the Deity commands wholly opposed to all human ideas of justice, and mercy, in fact, as the following among many other. “And Moses said, ‘Thus saith the Lord, put, every man, his sword by his side, and go in and out throughout the camp, and

slay, every man, his brother, and, every man, his companion, and every man, his neighbour. “(Exodus xxxi. 27.)

“Joshua smote all the country and all their kings, he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the Lord God of Israel had commanded.” (Joshua x. 40,) “Now go (said Samuel to Saul) and smite Amalek and

utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not, but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep camel and ass”. (Samuel xv. 3). “But of the cities of those people which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing

that breatheth.

“But thou shalt utterly destroy them, namely, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Cannanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee”. Deuteronomy xx. 17. “We must,” says M. Jurieu, “freely declare the truth. The kings of France planted Christendom in the country of the Frissons and the Saxons, by Mahometan ways, and the like force was made use of to plant it in the North. The same means were employed against the sects of the Waldenses and the Albigenses who had dared to condemn the Popes, and were also used in the New World. From all which, it plainly appears that we can no longer reproach Muhammad for having propagated his religion by force, that is by denying toleration to any other; for he might argue thus, ad hominem, if force be wrong in its own nature, it can never be lawfully made use of; but you have made use of it from the fourth century up to the present time, and yet you pretend you have done nothing in all this, but what is very commendable. You must, therefore, confess that this way or means is not wrong in its own nature; and, consequently, I might lawfully make use of it in the first years of my vocation. For, it would be absurd to pretend to hang thirteen Indians at a time in honour of the thirteen opostles. I have seen”, continues he, “young children thrown to the dogs to be devoured alive”.


that a thing which was very criminal in the first century should become just in the fourth, or that a thing which was just in the fourth century should not be so in the first one. This might be pretended if God had made new laws. in the fourth century. The Muhametans, according to the principles of their faith, are required to employ violence to destroy other religions, and yet they tolerate them now, and have done so for many ages. The Christians have no order but to preach and instruct, and yet, time out of mind, they destroy with fire and sword those who are not of their religion.� The tolerant spirit of Muhammedanism, as contrasted with the bigotry and fanaticism of Christianity, is thus admirably shown by the celebrated historian, Gibbon: “The wars of the Muhammadans were sanctified by the Prophet but among the various precepts and examples of his life, the Caliph selected the lessons of toleration that might tend to disarm the resistance of the unbelieving, Arabia was the temple and patrimony of the God of Muhammad; but he beheld with less jealousy and affection the other nations of the earth. The polytheists and idolaters who were ignorant of his name might be lawfully extirpated, but a wise policy supplied the obligations of justice, and after some acts of intolerant zeal, the Muhammadan conquerors of Hindoostan have spared the pagodas of that devout and populous country. The disciples of Abraham, of Moses and of Jesus were solemnly invited to accept the more perfect revelation of Muhammad; but, if they

preferred the payment of a moderate tribute, they were entitled to the freedom of conscience and religious worship. In a field of battle, the forfeit lives of the prisoners were redeemed by the profession of Islamism; the females were bound to embrace the religion of their masters, and a race of sincere proselytes was gradually multiplied by the education of the infant captives. But the millions of African and Asiatic converts who swelled the native bands of the faithful Arabs, must have been allured rather than constrained to declare their belief in one God and the Apostle of God. By the repetition of a sentence and the loss of a foreskin, the subject or the slave, the captive or the criminal, arose, in a moment, the free and equal companion of the victorious Moslem. Every sin was expiated, every engagement was dissolved; the vow of celibacy was superseded by the indulgence� of nature, the native spirits who slept in the cloister were awakened by the trumpet of the Saracens, and in the convulsions of the world, every member of


a new society ascended to the natural level of his capacity and courage.” “It is greatly to his (Muhammad’s) praise that on this occasion (conquest of Mecca), when his resentment for ill-usage in the past might naturally have incited him to revenge, he restrained his army from all shedding of blood, and showed every sign of humility and thanksgiving to Allah for His goodness..... Ten or twelve men who had on a former occasion shown a barbarous spirit were proscribed, and of them four were put to death, but this must be considered exceedingly humane, in comparison with the acts of other conquerors; in comparison, for example, with the cruelty of the Crusaders, who, in 1099, put seventy thousand Muslim, men, women and helpless children, to death when Jerusalem fell into their hands; or with that of the English army, also fighting under the Cross, which in the year of grace 1874 burnt an African capital, in its war on the Gold Coast, Muhammad’s victory was in very truth one of religion and not of politics; he rejected every token of personal homage, and declined all regal authority; and when the haughty chief of the Koreishites appeared before him he asked: “What can you expect at my hands ?” ‘Mercy, O generous brother!” ‘Be it so; you are free!’ he exclaimed.’ (The Saracens, London 1887, pp. 184. Arthur Oilman). (Quoted from John Devenpoit in ‘An Apology for Muhammad and the Koran, 1869). See our book The Crescent Versus The Cross’ for further information on this subject. _________


Chapter 7

SANCTION OF POLYGAMY ISLAM AND POLYGAMY The second accusation which non-Muslims utter with juicy words against Islam is its sanction of polygamy; and also that the Prophet was lustful person because he had twelve wives. For Muslims, this accusation is extremely heart burning and annoying because they believe that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the least lustful man who ever lived, having absolute control over his passions and absolutely free from carnal desires and all that is spoken against him is due to misunderstanding and is a malicious propaganda. Rather his married life was a model, a matter of his greatness and pride if the whole affair is analysed sensibly, free of grudge. Muhammad (peace be upon him) married, at the age of 25, a widow Hazrat Khadija aged 40 years and then spent about 25 years with the aging lady without knowing another woman, so he spent his full youth with one woman in a society where it was very common to get woman outside marriage. And when Muhammad (peace be upon him) started his mission at the age of 40, he asked his nation whether they ever found any weakness in his character, and all the people gave witness that they knew him as a very honest, virtuous man with spotless character. After some time, in order to stop him from his mission, he was offered a large sum of money and the most beautiful women of his time but he refused categorically saying, ‘If you put the sun in one of my hands and the moon in the other, even then I cannot forsake my mission’. If he were not a man free of all vices who would have cared to listen to him, especially when he spoke against adultery, prostitution, drinking and other sensual acts? This is only possible if the preacher is himself clear of all these defects. When Muhammad (peace be upon him) was young, he spent his 15 years, after the age of 25, by going to a cave Hira over a mountain and spent his youth in praying, fasting and meditating to God continually till he


was ordered by God to start his mission. Will a sensual man behave thus during his prime? Certainly not, and God has rightly cursed in the Quran all those who oppose and blame Muhammad (peace be upon him). When his wife Hazrat Khadija died after 25 years of married life, it was then that he took a second wife, Hazrat Sauda, an aged woman to look after his children from the first wife. Then he married Hazrat Aisha a young lady, on the insistence of her father, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq, his most faithful friend and the first Caliph of the Muslims. Then Muhammad (peace be upon him) took at short intervals, women of all ages, all widows. Few were those whose husbands died while assisting him in his cause,; also there were those whose husband died while fighting against Muhammad (peace be upon him) but then accepted Islam and agreed to marry him. One of his wife was a divorcee too; and another was a Christian woman sent as a present by a king, she accepted Islam and then Muhammad (peace be upon him) married her. He married Hazrat Safia who was a widow princess of a Jewish tribe. All these marriages were done among different tribes and religions, mostly opposed to Muhammad (peace be upon him) but proved to be of great political significance and paved the way of friendship. Most of them turned Muslims and joined Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) forces. None of the marriages was done due to the beauty of a woman, nor due to her youth; rather women of all religions, different characters and ages were married. Why? To prove that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was such a great man that he could not be charmed by women and could mould the characters of women too and could keep all wives happy, without any money, food or good lodgings, but just by the strength of his personality. Now we shall examine, the private life of Muhammad (peace be upon him) to know what sort of life he lived inside the house. In reply to a question, Hazrat Aisha told the people that ‘Muhammad (peace be upon him) was not at all sensual like other men. He would talk to his wives very intimately and affectionately like other people, but the moment he would hear the call for the prayer, he would suddenly become a different person as if he never knew us and then prepared for his prayer’. Hazrat Aisha further told that the character of Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a true copy of the Holy Quran. He was the same inwards as he appeared outwards and he was a man of his words. Once Muhammad (peace be upon him) told his most beloved wife Aisha that if she wanted to meet him early in the next life, then her


needs and belongings should be as few as that of a traveller; she should not become intimate with rich people lest she despised other bounties of Allah bestowed upon her; and asked her not to throw away old dress unless it was well-patched and eat meals once a day only. Hazrat Aisha was very young when she was married to Muhammad (peace be upon him) and her husband had all the means to give her the most expensive dresses, ornaments, a palace to live in to gain her favours which any sensual person would have done. But what did the Prophet do? We find the Prophet of the Prophets, the king of both the worlds advising his wife to become a saint and surprisingly she did accept it willingly. Just compare the character of the followers of other prophets who would argue, disobey and even abandon their prophets in the time of a trial. Hazrat Aisha obeyed the Pride of mankind literally. After Muhammad’s death, she told the Muslims that it never happened that the family of Muhammad (peace be upon him) ever took their meals twice a day, rather after two or three days they would taste bread, and usually for months, they did not lit the fire to cook anything; they took nothing but dates and water, sometimes milk too. After the death of Muhammad (peace be upon him), Hazrat Aisha spent her widowhood (she was widow at the age of about 20) praying, fasting and preaching. Once a huge sum of money came to her as gift from a follower at about midday. The generous lady, a perfect model of the Prophet’s teachings started its distribution and finished everything by evening. Then at sunset, her maid told the fasting lady that there was nothing in the house to break the fast and asked why she did not keep some money just enough to break the fast? Our Holy Mother replied innocently, “I just forgot, why did not you remind me earlier?” Can any sane person, free of grudge even imagine that a person could ever mould his wives to such all extent of abstention if he himself were a sensual person? On another occasion Hazrat Aisha received a large quantity of dresses, very costly and beautiful, but she immediately distributed them all among the poor. Her maid said to her ‘why didn’t you keep one shawl when your own shawl is all patched and torn?’ To her utter bewilderment, the Holy Mother replied, “I know my shawl can last another week, I hope God will give me another one in the meantime”. This is the height of piety and saintliness; all wives were like that, not particularly mother Aisha. Isn’t it the greatest miracle of all times to mould human character in such a way? No doubt only Muhammad (peace be upon him) could do it; all praises and blessings be upon him whom nothing in the world could distract from Allah.


The first wife Hazrat Khadija, a widow fifteen years senior, was a rich lady accustomed to a comfortable life, but after marriage, she put all her wealth at the feet of the Prophet Muhammad (peace he upon him), which he distributed among the poor and she spent a saintly life obeying him as a devout disciple, praying and fasting all the time and supporting her husband in all the difficult circumstance. Such was her legendary piousness and virtue that she was nicknamed Tahira (the pious). Would it be possible if Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself was lacking in character? Second wife Hazrat Sauda was an old lady at the time of her marriage. Earlier she had left Arabia with her first husband to go to Ethiopia fearing persecution by the Makkan infidels. The couple was among the first converts. On returning to Makkah, her husband died and at that time Muhammad (peace be upon him) was without a wife. He chose an old wife to look after his young children. Under the influence of Muhammad (peace be upon him), she became a changed character, spent her days and nights in praying and fasting. Once Caliph Umer Farooq sent her a bag full of dirhams as gift, but she distributed it among the needy in spite of her own needs and kept nothing. She was extremely saintly and loved Muhammad (peace be upon him) like an idol. She took promise from Muhammad (peace be upon him) not to divorce her on account of her old age as she wanted to be raised in the Hereafter as wife of the Prophet. Such was the respect and love of the wives of the Prophet. Could it ever happen if Muhammad (peace be upon him) was not a perfect man? Third wife was Hazrat Aisha, who became the greatest scholar of all times. She was a great saintess, a beacon of light for all women as already discussed Fourth wife Hazrat Hafsa, a widow, was extremely short tempered and people refused to marry her knowing her uncontrolled tongue. She was the daughter of strongman Hazrat Umer Farooq, a great friend of Muhammad (peace be upon him). Her husband was martyred while fighting for Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the battle of Ohad. Muhammad (peace be upon him) offered to marry her after everybody refused her. The father was most happy for this act of benevolence. Under the influence of her husband Muhammad (peace be upon him), she became a changed woman, spent her days and nights in prayers and fastings. After death of her noble husband, she fasted throughout


her life without a break. Her father, Hazrat Umer Farooq the second Caliph, would occasionally ask her daughter, ‘Tell me about the home life of Muhammad (peace be upon him)’. Hazrat Hafsa would describe the simplicity of Muhammad (peace be upon him), his abstinence, prayers and fasts and his behaviour with wives in such a manner that even one of the strongest man who ever lived, Umer Farooq, would start weeping and tears would come upon his cheeks. Muhammad (peace be upon him) once asked Hazrat Hafsa, What bed you made for me last night’. She replied ‘I put two sheets instead of one because the floor was too hard’. The Beloved of God said, ‘Don’t do it again because its

softness hindered me from getting up in the middle of night to say prayer’. Now the sacrilegious propagandists can themselves know

what Muhammad (peace be upon him) would do in the middle of night! What can be a better evidence than a wife’s. All wives tell similar stories, all of which cannot be narrated in this book. Muhammad took many wives of different languages and customs to prepare them as caretakers and teachers of his followers after him. Sixth wife Umme Salma (real name Atika) was a widow. She and her husband were among the first converts and suffered greatly at the hands of Makkan infidels and were forced to migrate to Ethiopia. Her husband died while fighting for Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muhammad (peace be upon him) took her under his protection. She was generous by nature and changed completely under the influence of her great husband. She loved Muhammad (peace be’upon him) deeply and took pride in serving him and obeyed him with devotion. Once she was wearing a necklace of gold, on Muhammad’s objection, she immediately broke it and gave it as charity. Once asked about Muhammad (peace be upon him), she replied that Muhammad’s character was exactly the same as he appeared outwardly. She was extremely charitable. She kept the hair of the Prophet as a souvenir and for blessing, and used to show them to the people with pride. Can a lustful man enjoy such an influence over his wives? Surely God is justified to throw all the malicious propagandists and their followers in everlasting Gehenna who blaspheme against His Holy Spirit, His first begotten creation. Seventh wife Hazrat Zainab, daughter of Jahsh was a cousin of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and she was married to his adopted son Zaid on his insistence, but the marriage could not last as she was proud and Hazrat Zaid was an ex-slave. After


divorce, Muhammad (peace be upon him) took her as his wife as an act of consolation and thus abrogated the prevailing customs of days of ignorance. She was extremely proud and loose-tongued but after marrying Muhammad (peace be upon him) she became a most obedient wife, an entirely changed character. About her, Hazrat Aisha said, “I have not seen anyone like her who is so religious, pious, truthful, generous, and always trying to seek the pleasure of God”. She was legendary generous and supported a large number of poor families. Hazrat Umer, then second Caliph, would send her a gift of many thousand dirhams, but she would spend it immediately without keeping even one dirham, to seek the pleasure of God and meet the Prophet early in the Hereafter. She was the most generous of all his wives. She would work herself to earn money and then spend it in the way of God; she was nicknamed ‘Gaurdian of the poor’. If the Prophet were a sensual man, what would be his wives like? A chaste charitable widows or what? Eighth wife, Hazrat Juwayriah was a Jewish princess of Banu Mustaliq. She was a widow and a prisoner of war. Muhammad (peace be upon him) offered to marry her which she accepted with the greatest pleasure. This resulted in the freedom of all the prisoners of war and bitter enmity turned into strong friendship with the tribe. She was quite charming and accustomed to regal life, but after marriage to her long awaited Messiah, the Christ as she believed him to be, she became a changed character, forsook her royal life and chose an ascetic life and became a great devotee of her beloved, ‘the Prophet’. She used to offer prayers most devoutedly and fasted constantly. Her father, a Jew, came to the Prophet with a huge sum of money and said “I am the chief of my tribe and a king among the Arabs, so it is very disgraceful for me that my daughter is your captive. Please set her free and ask whatever sum you want for her release”. Muhammad (peace be upon him) replied, “Is not it better that the matter should be left to the desire of Juwayriah”. The pleased father, Haris, went to Hazrat Juwayriah and said/.’Muhammad (peace be upon him) has put the option upon you to decide your fate, please do not let me down”. Hazrat Juwayriah replied to the bewilderment of her father, “O father, I prefer Allah and His Prophet”. Look! How a princess voted for an ascetic life! Could anyone expect such an answer from a woman who was only one of many wives if her husband were a sensual man? Does it not prove that Muhammad (peace be upon him) had a most powerful Prophet-like character


and was a true Prophet with whom even a princess chose to live an ascetic life and to have the honour of being called Muhammad’s wife? Such was the greatness of Muhammad (peace be upon him), the one who changed the history of mankind, and was also a hero in his own house. Thus Muhammad (peace be upon him) proved that the impossible was possible with him. Ninth wife Ume Habiba was a princess. She too was among the first converts and migrated to Ethiopia with her first husband fearing persecution by Makkan infidels. Her husband died in exile, and Muhammad (peace be upon him) realising her plight sent her message of marriage which she accepted with such a joy that she gave all of her most precious things to the maid who brought her the news. She was a very strong believer and used to say supererogatory prayers too. Once her father Abu Safyan a chief who was a great enemy of the Prophet (but later embraced Islam), paid her a visit in the house of Muhammad (peace be upon him). He wanted to sit on a bed but Hazrat Umme Habiba shouted and took away the bed to the great surprise of her father and asked him to sit on a mat and said, “This is the bed of Muhammad (peace be upon him), and you are. an unclean infidel”. Such was the faith of wives of Muhammad (Peace be upon him), who believed him to be the true Prophet. Could they have believed so if the Prophet were what the sacrilegious people publicise about him? Note: The above incidence fulfils the prophecy in the Gospel that sons and daughters will leave their parents for his sake’. (Luke 12:49.) Tenth wife Hazrat Safia, daughter of Hayee, was a princess of Banu Nadeer, a Jewish tribe, from the line of Prophet Aaroon. Her husband, brother and father were all killed while fighting against Muhammad’s army. She became captive, embraced Islam and chose herself to marry Muhammad (peace be upon him). Her love for Muhammad (peace be upon him) later became legendary. She started living an ascetic life and became a devoted worshipper of God and very charitable. She used to say, “I have never seen a person with such high morals as the Prophet”. When Muhammad (peace be upon him) was at death bed experiencing pain, she said, “O Prophet of Allah, I swear I truly wish I were in your place to suffer the pain”. What changed a princess to live a life of abstinence and saintliness, to live in a simple mud hut and to love the very one who was the cause of


death of her dear ones? Yes, only superman, the greatest hero of all times could bring about such a change in character, certainly not by lustful means! Eleventh wife Hazrat Maymoonah was a widow of 51 at the time of marriage. The marriage proved to be of great political significances and was instrumental in winning the most powerful citizens of Makkah. Thus a close relationship and a great mutual regard developed in their hearts and paved the way to shun grudge and embrace Islam. Thus fierce and powerful enemies of Muhammad (peace be upon him) soon became a great asset of the Prophet’s army. Hazrat Maymoonah became a God-fearing lady and a great worshipper. Hazrat Aisha remarked about her, “Maymoonah is the most God fearing, and the most friendly and charitable among us”. Twelth wife Hazrat Maryam (Maria) was a Copt maiden. She was sent to the Prophet by Muqiwquis, the governor of Syria,. along with the horses and camels and pet animals as gifts. She was a Christian but embraced Islam and became wife of the Prophet. She was a great devotee and a worshipper and lived a simple life in contrast to what she was accustomed to. Now the readers can themselves judge the true character of the Prophet. He solely married to give protection to the widows, divorcees, to set an example for others to be mindful of the plight of widows. The Prophet thus gave great honour to the widows and also to women as a whole, who were earlier maltreated in an undignified manner, worser than animals. Just think what becomes of a Hindu widow! All the wives of the Prophet, the holy mothers of the Muslims, lived as unmarried chaste widows after his death. Few of them lived more than forty years as widows. They all lived an extremely simple life, lived in mud huts, worshipping and fasting all their lives as exemplars for Umma. Muslims would approach them for guidance on many matters and they thus became beacons of light and many became outstanding scholars and imparted their knowledge to others. Never a blame or untoward incidence was heard about them and their character was unblemished and a model for all the women who ever existed. This is a great miracle of Muhammad (peace be upon him). All the wives addressed him as ‘O messenger of Allah’ and would sit down around him to seek knowledge. They were women of all ages and temperaments with different customs and it was only Muhammad (peace be upon him) who could keep them happy, peaceful and


devoted. One can well imagine the personality of the Greatest man who ever lived and one should not be surprised how he changed the men who later became the rulers of the world, the pioneer and carrier of the greatest revolution of all times, the tools to establish the kingdom of God. That is why Allah and His angels bless Muhammad (peace be upon him) and He has enjoined upon all mankind to do the same with reverence. He was the one for whose sake men and women forsook their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, children and even homes; this is exactly what Jesus predicted to occur when kingdom of God was to establish. We briefly enumerate the reasons why the Holy Prophet married so many wives after his first wife, 15 years older than him, died after the most devoted companionship of 25 years. 1. The Prophet Married the daughters (Hazrat Aisha, Hazrat Hafsa) of his most beloved friends as a token of love for his friends on their instances and thus strengthened the friendship. 2. He married Hazrat Juwayriah and Hazrat Safia, both princesses from the most powerful Jewish tribes, as a token of friendship for the tribes and also this resulted in freeing of many Jew captives and then paved the way to friendship. This attracted many Jews to Islam. 3. He married Hazrat Maryam (Maria) and Hazrat Rehana (a princess, not mentioned earlier), both Christian ladies, to strengthen his friendship with Christian nations and win their hearts. 4. He married Hazrat Zainab d/o Khazeema, Hazrat Umme Salma and Hazrat Umme Habiba who were destitute after sudden deaths of their husbands, outstandingly devoted Muslims, to acknowledge their love, and also to give support to the widows. 5. He married Hazrat Zainab d/o Jahsh who was originally married to the Prophet’s adopted son Zaid, his ex-slave boy. By this marriage, the Prophet set a great example for the world. He abrogated centuries old custom of the Arabs not to marry the wife of adopted son. Hazrat Zainab was incidently the only divorcee married to the Prophet, thus he paved the way for the marriage of divorcees by his own example. By marrying her to Zaid in the first place, the Prophet gave an ex-slave a status equal to himself as Hazrat Zainab was a near relative of the Prophet, thus destroying social prejudice and caste system.


6. He married Hazrat Maymoonah and Hazrat Umme Habiba to strengthen ties between the two most powerful tribes who were his enemies at that time, and the marriages paved the way for friendship and then conversion to Islam. These conversions gave few great legendary generals of all times, like Khalid bin Waleed, who led Muslim armies to defeat powerful Roman and Persian empires and relieved the world from their notorious tyrant rules. 7. He married Hazrat Sauda, an aged and unattractive widow after the death of his first wife Hazrat Khadija so that she could look after his children, thus setting an example that marriage can be had for the sake of having a woman around to look after the children and not for personal pleasure only. 8. In the past, Arabs and other nations despised women. Arabs even killed female children or treated them like cattles. Among the Hindus, a widow was either supposed to commit suicide or was head-shaven and lived in reserved derogatory apartments in humiliation. She was supposed to live in solitude as untouchable sudras and eat sub-human food so that she could die early. Among the Christian and the Jews, things were ever worse; they couldn’t inherit property; they were supposed to be untouchable during menses; they were held responsible for ‘the original sin’ and were ‘evil’. The Christian priests and others had created a taboo against sex, still true even today; they thought even marriage as an unworthy act thus directly condemning the Prophets of the past who married. The Prophet destroyed this taboo against sex once and for all and even said “of worldly things I love women”, i.e., wife, daughter, mother etc., thus the concocted doctrine of hatred against womenfolk was destroyed once for all. In fact in Islam, sexual act committed lawfully has a very great reward with Allah. He demonstrated that marriage did not hinder religious affairs of a person at all. The Prophet could worship Allah the whole night in spite of so many wives; none of the wives refrained him from worship nor could allure into carnality but he lived just like a normal man without indulgence. Thus the Prophet put himself into harder test of women-allurement but he came out of the test unblemished; none but the Prophet could do it. Thus number of wives does prove his sensuality but his self-control to perfection. 9. The Prophet had an extremely great responsibility to educate the world, he spent his most of life among men while


propagating Islam, so it was inevitable that he should himself educate women of all ages and diverse customs, according to his doctrine and this is exactly what happened. The Prophet named them as Mothers of the Believers, they were supposed not to get married after him but serve as beacon of light. They were all well-trained in the intimate problems of women. They learned and then communicated Muslim women those commandments which only a woman can talk to another woman. His wives were his vicegerents after him for Muslim women; scholars would come from far off places to their divine mothers to learn and get guidance about their diverse problems. While living most chaste lives, they set before the world an unparalleled example, which was a great miracle of Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) dynamic personality. Most prophets of the past could not find even ten sincere disciples, but the Prophet even made women to worship him even after his death. Thus surely he was real He-man, a man worthy to be idolized by all men. 10. The Prophet’s marriages were strictly in accordance with the prophecies of the Holy Bible. The Christian scholars have concealed these prophecies, from the masses for two thousand years and refuse to give any explanation at all. The first prophecy is in Psalms 45:9. “The daughters of Kings are among your honourable women. The queenly consort has taken her stand at your right hand in gold of O’phir”. In this verse which was written to laud the last Christ, it is clearly mentioned that the last Prophet will be a married man, having many princesses as wives and the Prophet was the only man in the human history to have four princesses as his wives. The second prophecy is in Isaiah 4: 1. ‘And seven women will actually grab hold of one man in that day, saying: “We shall eat our own bread and wear our own mantles; only may we be called by your name to take away our reproach’. This is interesting prophecy about the last Prophet who was supposed to have seven wives, who will live with him not for worldly gains but will feel honoured to be his wives and expect forgiveness of their sins by it. This is exactly what happened to the Prophet when he threatened his wives numbering seven to divorce


if they would demand comforts of life and money. The wives gave reply exactly what is mentioned in the prophecy. The incidence is mentioned in the Holy Quran even. Thus it is briefly stressed that marriages of the Prophet were not sensually motivated but had great political, social, educational and doctrinal meanings. It is interesting to note that most of the great Prophets of the past married four or more wives like Moses (peace be upon him) and Abraham (peace be upon him), David (peace be upon him) married ten in addition to innumerable concubines, while Solomen (peace be upon him) married about 1000 girls. The Prophet who was truly Son of David being his beloved, was also in his likeness, like a son is to father. Thus he married as many wives as David did to fulfil the prophecies of the Holy Bible. Here are some comments, from eminent scholars, in addition to those mentioned on earlier pages. “In fact most Muhammadans in all ages have had only one wife.� (Philosophy of Religions, New York 1935, p. 508 William Kelly Wright.) “Polygamy was a custom throughout the East, long back as the days of the Patriarch Abraham, and which, it is certain, from innumerable passages in Scripture, some of which we shall quote, could not in those purer ages of mankind, have been regarded as sinful. Polygamy was permitted among the ancient Greeks, as in the case of the detachment of young men from the army, mentioned by Plutarch. It was also defended by Euripides and Plato. The ancient Romans were more severe in their morals, and never practised it, although it was not forbidden among them; and Marc Antony is mentioned as the first who took the liberty of having two wives. From that time it became pretty frequent in the empire till the reigns of Theddosius, Honorius and Arcadius, who first prohibited it by an express law in A.D. 393. After this the Emperor Valentine permitted, by an edict, all the subjects of the empire to marry several wives if they pleased nor does it appear from the ecclesiastical history of those times that the bishops made any objection to its introduction. Valentinianus Constantius, son of Constantine the Great, had many wives. Clotarie, King of France, and Heribartus and Hypericus his sons, had a plurality also. Add to these Pepin and Charlemagne, of whom St.


Urspergensus witnesses that they had several wives, Lothaire and his son, as likewise Arnolphus VTL, Emperor of Germany (A.D. 888), and a descendant of Charalemagne, Frederic Barbarossa and Philip Theodatus King of France, Among the first race of the Kings of the Franks, Gontran, Caribert, Sigebert and Chilperic had several wives, at one time. Gontran had within his palace Veneranda and Mercatrude and Ostregilde, acknowledged as his legitimate wives; Caribert had Merflida, Marconesa and Theodogilda. Father Daniel confesses the polygamy of the French Kings. He denies not the three wives of Dagobert L, expressly asserting that Theodobert espoused Dentary, although she had a husband, and himself, another wife, named Visigelde. He adds, that in this he imitated his uncle Clotaire, who espoused the widow of Creodomir, although he had already three wives. With respect to the physiological reasons for polygamy, it has been observed by the celebrated Montesquieu that women in hot climates are marriageable at eight, nine or ten years of age; thus, in those countries, infancy and marriage always go together. They are old at twenty. Thus the law which permits only one wife is physically conformable to the climate of Europe, and not to that of Asia. This is the reason why Muhammadanism was established with such facility in Asia, and extended with so much difficulty in Europe; Why Christianity is maintained in Europe, and has been destroyed in Asia, and why the Muhammadans have made such progress in China and the Christians so little?” Many works have been published in defence of polygamy even by writers professing Christianity. Bernardo Ochinus, General of the Order of Capuchins, published in about the middle of the sixteenth century, dialogues in favour of the practice, and about the same time appeared a treatise on behalf of a plurality of wives; the author’s real name was Lysarus, having assumed the pseudonym of Theophilus Aleuthes. Selden proves, in the Uxor Hebraica, that polygamy was allowed not only among the Jews, but likewise among all other nations. But the most distinguished defender of polygamy was celebrated John Milton, who, in the ‘Treatise on Christian Doctrine, after quoting various passages from the Bible in defence


of the practice, says, “Moreover, God, in an allegorical fiction (Ezekiel, xxiii.), represents Himself as having espoused two wives, Aholah and Aholiah, — a mode of speaking which Jehovah would by no means have employed, especially at such length even in parable, nor indeed, have taken upon himself such a character at all, if the practice which it implied had been intrinsically dishonourable or shameful,” “On what grounds, then, can a practice be considered as so dishonourable or shameful which is prohibited to no one even under the Gospel; for that dispensation annuls none of the merely civil regulations which existed previously to its introduction. It is

only enjoined that eldest and deacons should be chosen from such as were husbands of one wife (1 Tim., iii.t V. 2, and Tim., i., 6). This impels, not that to be the husband of more than one wife would be a sin, for, in that case, the restriction would have been equally imposed on all, but that in proportion as they were less entangled in domestic affairs, they would be more at leisure for the business of the Church. Since, therefore, polygamy is interdicted in this passage to the ministers of the Church alone, and that, not on account of any sinfulness in the practice, and since none of the other members are precluded from it, either here or elsewhere, it follows that it was permitted as aforesaid, to all remaining members of the Church, and that it was adopted by many without offence.”

Muhammad, therefore, did but legalize a practice not only honoured but even blessed by God himself, under the old dispensation, and declared to be lawful and honourable under the new tje; and, consequently, he must be exonerated from the charge of having sanctioned licentiousness.





The celebrated traveller Niebuhr is of the same opinion. “Europeans”, he observes, “are mistaken in thinking that the state of marriage is so different amongst the Muhammadans from what it is with Christian nations. I could not discern any such difference in Arabia. The women of that country seem to be as free and happy as those of Europe can possibly be. Polygamy is permitted, indeed, amongst Muhammadans, and the delicacy of our ladies is shocked at this idea; but the Arabians rarely avail themselves of the privileges of marrying four lawful wives, and entertaining, at the same time, any number of female slaves. None but rich voluptuaries marry so many wives, and their conduct is blamed by


all sober men. Men of sense, indeed, think the privilege rather troublesome than convenient. A husband is, by law, obliged to treat his wives suitably to their condition, and to dispense his favours amongst them with perfect equality! But these are duties not a little disagreeable to most Mussulmans, and such modes of luxury are too expensive to the Arabians, who are seldom in easy circumstances.� As to polygamy being an extinguisher of love, this is a notion springing from the some source of absurd prejudices as that which suggests Old England to be the only land of liberty and happiness. If polygamy deserved all the hard things said of it, if it was the source of so many evils and the spring of so few enjoyments, we should scarcely see it in vogue throughout so large a portion of the world, where refinement has made so little progress. See our book The Crescent versus The Cross’ for further information on this subject. _________


Chapter 8

ISLAM AND CRIMINAL LAWS Facts about the Criminal Laws. Third accusation which is put against Islam is that the laws of criminal penalty are too cruel, barbarous and inhuman. It should be remembered that the law for murder, theft and adultery are the same as that of the Bible. In the case of murder, Islam even allows the concerned parties to reconcile by the payment of compensation to the bereaved family. An adulterer is punishable only when there are four eye witnesses; in other words, the punishment is awarded only when the act is committed openly or forcibly after abduction or as by prostitutes. Punishment of theft is to cut hand; but if the stolen amount is too small or the thief is struck with hunger or poverty, then there is no punishment. Even for theft cases, the people who catch the thief can themselves forgive if they think it proper, but once the case is before the Judge, then he has no option but to judge according to law. Actually the punishment is for those who are professional thieves; Islam does not show any leniency towards them “but a punishment is given which is deterrent for other potential thieves. The same law must apply to a poor or a rich person and the Judge shall not be influenced in his judgement by influential intercessors, threats or bribery. This is the basic principle of Islamic law not to allow crimes and permissiveness take hold in the society because its bad effects are manifold. A crime must be crushed with iron hand according to the law so that it does not take root in the society. It is always good for the society if it is free from the evildoers and criminals; it brings peace of mind and sense of security to all. It must be remembered that to show mercy upon a confirmed criminal is doing injustice to the affected person. Unless law is enforced strictly to nip the evil in the bud, it will be impossible to control the same after it takes root firmly. Even today, the least crime rates in the world are where the Islamic laws are strictly enforced and criminals are punished with a deterrent punishment Even in U.S.A., the death penalty for murders was abolished for sometime in some states but was again promulgated. _________


Chapter 9

ISLAM AND THE HEREAFTER FACTS ABOUT PARADISE AND HELL AND WHAT OTHER RELIGIONS BELIEVE. The Fourth accusation against Islam is that the Prophet had given a sensual and alluring account of the Hereafter in Paradise and too horrid account of Gehenna; thus Muslims are attracted to Islam by sensual desires and are slaves of their future carnal hopes. It must be understood that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the master of heaven and hell, and was the only prophet who was given a complete, detailed knowledge of the Hereafter: he was shown everything during his ascension to Allah. All the descriptions are allegorical for the understanding of human mind. No doubt Paradise is extremely attractive and Hell is too horrible, but this is what the reality is. All the details are in material from while the next life will be spiritual; all people will have a spiritual body and a soul with all the human feelings and all the senses but in a renewed form. Like Muslims, the Zoroastrians and the Buddhists also believe in heaven and hell exactly similar to what Muhammad (peace be upon him) described. The Zoroastrian and the Buddhist paradise also have gardens, rivers, palaces similar to Islam’s. Jesus also explained the Hereafter in the same material way as Muhammad (peace be upon him) did. Jesus said that if your eye or hand do a sin, then the same will be burnt in Gehenna. Jesus talked of thrones in the Hereafter, feasts in heaven and the gates of Gehenna too, all are allegorical way of speaking. Here are some evidences to conclusively prove that Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) elaborated and exhaustive account of paradise was in line with old religious of the world. As the Prophet was given more divine knowledge than the total knowledge of all the prophets, that is why his account is precise and complete because whatever he said, he had seen it all, and


was the ruler of them, because everything was given as a present to him by Allah, Here is Jewish account from the Holy Bible and Talmud and from Christian’s gospels. But for the world to come, no eye hath seen, what God, and nobody but thee, will work for him that waiteth for Him. Moses said about the World to Come, “I do not know what I can tell you. Happy are ye for what is prepared for you.” Not like this is the World to Come. In the World to Come there is neither eating nor drinking, nor procreation of children or business for transactions; no envy or hatred or rivalry; but the righteous sit enthroned; their crowns on their heads and enjoy the luster of Shechinah (Ber 17 a). Better is one hour of blissfulness of spirit in the World to Come than the whole life of this world. (Aboth IV, 22) Souls of the wicked will descend below to Gehinnom (Eccles. R to iii, 21). Gehinnom is divided into seven storeys, and the more wicked the person the lower is his place of accommodation. Each of the seven class in Gan Eden (Paradise) has a dwelling for itself, and correspondingly there are seven storeys for the wicked in Gehinnom, their names being Sheol, Abaddon, Shadow of death, Nether world, Land of Forgetfulness, Gehinnom and Silence. The torment of the sinful is fire, but a fire of abnormal intensity. Ordinary fire is a sixtieth of the fire of Gehinnom. The fire of Gehinnom will never be extinguished (Toshifta ber VI, 7). Gehinnom is half fire and half hail (ExocL R.LI, 7). Gehinnom is narrow on top and wide below (Sifre Deut) so that its smoke may be retained therein (Men. 99B). Gehinnom is a land of thick darkness, as darkness itself (Tanchuma N Oach). In the Hereafter the Holy One, blessed be He, will prepare a banquet for the righteous in Gan Eden and there will be no need, to provide balsam or perfumes, because a north wind and a south wind will sweep through and sprinkle all the aromatic plants of Gan Eden so that they yield therein fragrance —— people will


behold God, He will say “I am come into My garden, My sister, My bride”. (Cant. IV, 16;RXIII,2). In the Hereafter, the Holy One blessed be He, will arrange a dance for the righteous in Gan Eden (Taan 31a). People will say, “If it be Thy will, Let my beloved come into His garden and eat His precious fruits (Cant. IV, 16). Gan Eden has two gates of ruby by which stand sixty myriads of ministering angels. The lustre of the face of each of them glistens like the splendour of the firmament. When a righteous person arrives, they divest him in eight robes of the clouds of glory, set two crowns upon his head, one made of gem and pearls, and the other of gold from Parvaim, place eight myrtles in his hand  They take him into a place where are brooks of water surrounded by eight hundred varieties of roses and myrtles. Each person has a chamber allotted to him by himself according to the honour due to him. From it issue four streams, one of milk, one of wine, one of balsam, and one of honey; and above every chamber there is a golden wine studded with thirty pearls, each of them glistering like the brilliance of the planet Venus. In every chamber there is a table of gems and pearls and sixty angels attending upon each righteous man  the ugliest of the inhabitant of Gan Eden will be like Joseph and R. Jochanan . In every corner of Gan Eden there are eighty myriads species of trees, the most inferior of them being finer than all the aromatic plants of this world; and in each corner are sixty myriads of ministering angels, singing in pleasant tones. In the centre is the Tree of life, its branches covering the whole of Gan Eden containing five hundred thousand varieties of fruits all differing in appearance and taste (Talmud, collection of religious writings by Rabbi R. Joshua b. Levi, a third century scholar). In Matthew 5:30 we have “Also, if your right hand is making you stumble, cut it off and throw it away from you. For it is more beneficial for one of your member to be lost to you than for your whole body to land in Gehenna”. Again in Matthew 19:28 Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you, in the recreation, when the Son of man sits down upon his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also yourselves sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” In Luke 16:24 we have Jesus narrating an incidence of Hereafter about a rich man who said, “Father Abraham, have


mercy on me and send Lazarus (a beggar who was ulcerated in the worldly life) to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue because I am in anguish in this blazing fire”. In Luke 22:29, we find Jesus saying, “And I make a covenant with you, just as my Father has made a covenant with me, for a kingdom, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel”. In John 14:2 we find Jesus saying, “In the house of my Father there are many abodes.” In Zoroastrian scriptures (Parsi religion) we have this account of the Hereafter. “The name for Heaven is GARODEMANA OR GAROTMAN, (in Persian house of hymns because angels are believed to sing hymns there). GARODEMANA is the residence of Ahura Mazda and the most blessed men. Another name for Heaven is AHV VAHISHTA, ‘The best life, shortened VAHISHTA only, in modern Persian is called ‘BAHISHT’ Paradise.” Hell is called DRUJO DEMAINA ‘house of destruction’, it is chiefly the residence of the poets and priests of the Deva religions, the rishis of the Brahmans. The later name is DUZHANHA which in modern Persian is ‘Duzakh”, hell. Between Heaven and Hell is CHINVAT PERETU (CHINVAD PUL or Bridge of Judgment). Before reaching the gates of Heaven the soul has to cross Chinvato Pereto which widens, if the man’s action in the world were good, to enable him to pass it with ease, if his actions in the world were bad, it becomes narrower and narrower depending on his deeds, to the extent that it becomes as sharp as a sword’s edge if his actions were very bad. The evildoer is, therefore, not able to cross the bridge and he falls down into the valley where hell is. If his actions were good or partly good and bad, he is able to cross the bridge and at the gate of heaven, he is met by two angels MAHER and RASHNE. They weigh his actions. Angel Sarosha who is the guardian spirit accompanying the dead person pleads for him. After weighing his bad actions against good actions, the man’s soul is admitted to appropriate grade of heaven. Then he is met by a beautiful girl, the beauty of whose depends upon the goodness of his actions. (The account is exactly according to Muslims’ view).


In the Buddhist Scriptures we find Buddha Sakyamuni speaking thus: And that world system Sukhavati (Paradise), Ananda, emits many fragrant odours; it is rich in a great variety of flowers and fruits, adorned with jewel trees, which are frequented by flocks of various birds with sweet voices, which the Thathagata’s (coming One, the Last Prophet Amida) miraculous power has conjured up. And these jewel trees, Ananda, have various colours. They are variously composed of seven precious things, gold, silver, beryl, crystal, coral, red pearl or emerald  And there are many kinds of rivers flow along in this world system Sukhavati  And, Ananda, both the banks of these great rivers are lined with variously scented jewel trees, and from them bunches of flowers, leaves, and branches of all kinds hang down  in those delightful places, surrounded and honoured by seven times seven thousand celestial nymphs, they dwell, play, enjoy and disport themselves  and further again, Ananda, in the ten directions, in each single direction, in Buddha fields countless like the sand of the Ganges, Buddhas and Lords Countless like the sands of the river Ganges glorify the name of the Lord Amitabha, the Thatagata (‘Amita’ or ‘Amida’ is the name of the last Prophet, ‘bha’ a Prophet, ‘Thatagata’ means the Coming One or thus Come One) praise him, proclaim his fame extol his virtue and why? Because all beings are incapable of falling away from the supreme enlightment if they hear the name of the Lord Amitabha, and, on hearing it, with one single thought only raise their hearts to him and resolve connected with serene faith. (The account tallies exactly as Muslims’). The above readings prove conclusively that Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) description agrees with the Jewish, the Christian’s, the Parsi’s and the Hindu’s belief (i.e. the Buddhism is an off shoot of Hinduism). The most astonishing fact is that the Buddhists revere the coming Buddha Amida whose pronunciation and meaning is exactly Ahmed, which is the name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him); also Muslims praise and bless Muhammad or Ahmad to fulfil Buddha Sakyamuni’s prophecy, also do the Buddhists in India, China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Burma, Vietnam and elsewhere, and utter ‘NEMBUTSU’ which means ‘exalted be the name of Buddha Amida. Here are comments from an eminent Christian scholar:


Upon this point, moreover, it many be fairly asked why Muhammad should be denied the benefit of metaphor and allegory, to which most of the Christian theologians are fain to have recourse in order to solve many things in their own system, and escape from that absurdity which otherwise they would be under; as in the story of the prophet who represents the God of truth as consulting with a lying Spirit in order to deceive Ahab. (1 Kings, chap. xxii. 20,21, 22.) Is not the whole of Solomon’s song maintained to be an allegory of Christ’s love for his Church? Thus again, with respect to the New Testament, the same excuse must be pleaded when Christ says he is a vine, a way, a door, as well as when he says that the Bread and Wine are his Body and Blood, since from rejecting the metaphor in this case has sprung up a most notorious piece of idolatry (transubstantiation) among Christians belonging to the Church of Rome, so that it really seems but an equitable request that Muhammadans should be allowed to make use of the same advantage of the allegory and metaphor to solve the difficulties and seeming absurdities which, otherwise their system might be charged with, none of which are so great or nearly so dangerous as that which establishes the doctrine whereby it is taught that a piece of bread or a wafer can be changed by certain words pronounced by a priest, though never so stupid, ignorant or wicked, into the God that created the universe. (John Davenport in “An Apology for Muhammad and the Koran” 1869). _________


Chapter 10




The fifth accusation is that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) changed the status of Jerusalem and instead Holy Makkah was declared the centre to which all the mankind was enjoined to face while saying their prayers. In the Quran Chap. 2:145 we have “So, Turn thy face towards the sacred Mosque (of Makkah); and wherever you be, turn your faces towards it. And they to whom the Book has been given know that this is the truth from their Lord; and Allah is not unmindful of what they do”. This is very true. The people of the Book really know it very well because Holy Book is full of prophecies about a new Jerusalem, a Zion, an exalted place (exact Arabic translation is Arafat where Holy Kaaba is built). Holy Kaaba was the first centre of worship in the world, traditionally built by Prophet Adam, and then rebuilt by Prophet Abraham and Prophet Ismael together. Jerusalem was built much later by Solomon and since then it was the centre of worship for all the Jews. But the Prophets of the Holy Bible repeatedly prophesied that this Jerusalem will be replaced by a new Jerusalem in Zion and interestingly they prophesied that the grace of God which was upon the Jews will be taken away and given to another nation bearing its fruit. In Isaiah 16:1 we have;

“Send a ram you men, to the ruler of the land, from Sela towards the wilderness, to the mountain of the daughter of Zion”. In Isaiah 35:8 we have “and there will certainly come to be a high way there, even a way, and the way of Holiness it will be called. The unclean one will not pass over it”.


Now Sela is a well known place near Madina, and Makkah or Bacca is the only place in the world where on the day of Pilgrimage, Haj, rams come for sacrifice from all parts of the world and interestingly no unclean person (non-Muslim) has ever passed through it. How truly this prophecy has been fulfilled in Muhammad (peace be upon him), the establisher of new Jerusalem, Holy Kaaba, in Makkah situated in Arafat (Zion, the exalted place). In Isaiah 46:13 we have “I have brought near my righteousness. It is not far away and my own salvation will not be late. And I will give in Zion salvation, to Israel my beauty”. It is clearly prophesied that a religion which will arise in Zion is the one in which Jews must put their faith; thus the ten tribes of the Jews who embraced Islam have already achieved the promised salvation and glory. In Isaiah 49:14 we have, “But (Zion) kept saying “Jehovah has left me, and Jehovah himself has forgotten me”. This verse clearly proves that Zion was a place where One God was being worshipped but then One God was forgotten and was replaced by idols and images. This is exactly what happened in Holy Kaaba and Muhammad (peace be upon him) restored its sanctity by destroying all the idols, images. The Jews and the Christians falsely claim that Zion will come into existence in the future. In Isaiah 61:10 we find a lamentation by Isaiah before God

“Your own holy cities have become a wilderness, Zion itself has become a sheer wilderness, Jerusalem waste”. To this God replied, “I have said/ Here I am! here I am!’ to a nation that was not calling upon my name”. This verse proves that Zion and Jerusalem were two wellknown sacred places to worship, and glory to these places was to come from a nation who did not know God. Arabia is the only place where at that time there was no worshipper of God, neither they received any divine message from a prophet nor expected anyone. Very interestingly, all Muslims while circling Holy Kaaba utter the words” O Allah Here I am!”. In Isaiah 3:1 we have “For look! the Lord, Jehovah of armies is removing from Jerusalem and from Judah support and stay, the whole support of bread and the whole support of water”. In this verse it is prophesied that Jerusalem will no more enjoy the same favour of God as enjoyed in the past, then in Jeremiah


6:6”For this is what Jehovah of armies has said” “Cut down wood and throw up against Jerusalem a siege rampant. She is the city with which an accounting must beheld. She is nothing but oppression in the midst of her”. In Jeremiah 50:5 we have. “To Zion then will keep asking the way, with their faces in that direction”.

In Joel 3:20 we have “But as for Judah, to time indefinite it will be inhabited, and Jerusalem to generation after generation. And I will consider innocent their blood that I had not considered innocent; and Jehovah will be residing in Zion”. In Amos 2:5 we have “And I will send a fire into Judah and it must devour the dwelling towers of Jerusalem”. In Micah 4:7 we have, “And I shall certainly make her that was limping, remnant, and her that was removed far off a mighty nation; and Jehovah will actually rule as King over them in Mount Zion, from now on and into time indefinite”. In Haggai 2:9 we have, “Greater will the glory of this later house (Zion) become then that of the former (Jerusalem)”. In Zechariah 2:10 we have, “Cry out ‘loudly and rejoice, 0 daughter of Zion, for here I am coming, and I will reside in the midst of you”. In all the above verses from the Holy Bible it is conclusively established that Jerusalem; lost the favour of God, so instead of Jerusalem, a new place more glorified near mountain Zion was to become the new Jerusalem towards which all the people of the world were to face while praying. Certainly that city or place which was to be glorified was the one which already existed and was once a place of worship but later became the dwelling place of the profaners, was no doubt Holy Kaaba in Makkah. In Holy Kaaba, it is till now, from time immemorial, a great sin to kill any living thing at all within its premises but when Muhammad (peace be upon him) conquered Holy Kaaba, he allowed the killing for few hours thus fulfilling the prophecy literally “And I will consider innocent their blood that I had not considered innocent” (Joel 3:20). Thus literally every prophecy has come to be true even to the minutest detail and once he reestablished the sanctity of the Holy Kaaba fourteen centuries ago, it still enjoys reverence from a large part of the mankind. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also re-established the sanctity of


Jerusalem and for Muslims it is still the most respected place after Holy Kaaba as per prophecies of the Bible. It is to be remembered that Zion means ‘the most exalted place’ and incidentally the place near which the Holy Kaaba is built is called Arafat meaning also ‘the most exalted place’. Also name of the city where Holy Kaaba is situated is Makkah, in the Holy Bible this city has been mentioned as “Bacca” (Psalm 84:6) and in Quran too ‘Baca’ is mentioned (Al Imran 96). In Zachariah 6: 13 we have, “As he himself will build the temple of Jehovah, and he, for his part, will carry dignity; and he must sit down and rule on his throne, and he must become a priest upon his throne, and the very counsel of peace will prove to be between both of them”. It is known that Muhammad (peace be upon him) took part in the building of Holy Kaaba, and when he was a King, he was a priest too; thus the prophecy is literally fulfilled in the Prophet. In the New Testament too we have prophecies depicting the similar view. In John 4:21 Jesus said,

“Believe me, woman, the hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you people worship the Father”. In the First of Peter 2:6 we have, “For it contained in scripture, ‘Look! I am laying in Zion a stone, a precious; and no one exercising faith in it will by any means come to disappointment”. Now everyone knows that in the holy Kaaba there is a stone ‘Hajr-e-Aswad; the Black Stone, in the corner of the building whom every Muslim, kisses according to the words of God. How literally and unmistakably this prophecy fits to the Holy Kaaba. In Revelation 21:2 we have. “I saw also the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of the heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband”. So all the above cited verses depicts the same truth that a new place was to become centre of worship for the whole mankind instead of Jerusalem, and it is only out of jealousy and ignorance that the Jews and the Christians do not believe in it, but conceal the truth by ridiculous explanations. The Jews still expect a Messiah to build the new Jerusalem while the Christians believe


that the Messiah Jesus has already come, but where is the new Jerusalem? Surprisingly Jesus has himself predicted the new Jerusalem in future. But by the grace of God the real Messiah Muhammad (peace be upon him) has already established the new Jerusalem exactly according to the prophecies of the Holy Bible and no reprobate can snatch from him the honour. In Revelation 14:1 we have, “And I saw, and look! The lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads”. This is a marvellous prophecy which was fulfilled in Muhammad (peace be upon him); when the Prophet addressed his last Sermon on Mount Arafat (Mount Zion) there were about one Hundred and forty four thousand Muslims who listened to him; no other Prophet of the world ever had addressed such a gathering in the past, nor we expect in the future; because in case a prophet were to appear in future, millions would throng to listen to him, not few thousands. It may be interesting to mention that out of twelve tribes, ten tribes settled in Iran, India, Kashmir, Afghanistan, all accepted Islam immediately and were absorbed in the new religion the ten tribes maintain their identity even today; many prominent Jews and their Rabbis also embraced Islam. They were neither anxious nor felt pride in keeping their former identity but took pride in embracing Islam, the religion of their long expected Messiah, the Christ, and then they became extremely powerful and ruled whole of India and Afghanistan for thousands of years, and received all the bounties, favours and honours which God promised them in the Holy Bible and Holy Quran. Many among them became great scholars and advocates of Islam. So the residual Jews and Christians have no right to grudge the Prophet, when he changed the status of Jerusalem and declared Holy Kaaba as the new centre of worship; it was all according to the Holy Bible. So Allah has rightly declared in the Quran that this truth is too obvious and both the Jews and the Christians know it to be true unmistakably. Don’t they recognise it now even? _________


Chapter 11

ISLAM AND THE CROSS WAS MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H,) ENEMY OF THE CROSS? NEW FACTS ABOUT CRUCIFIXION DOGMA Sixth accusation against Muhammad (peace be upon him) is that he was an enemy of the Cross, and he declared that Jesus was not taken to the Cross and put to death there. Christians eagerly believe that Jesus died at the Cross willingly to take away the sins of all the world particularly those (or all) who believe in him and his sacrifice; thus the Cross is a symbol in remembrance of this great sacrifice. Muslims, though remember Jesus with the greatest respect, show reverence to him, always call ‘peace of God be upon him’ after calling his name, believe in all his teachings, call him a great messenger of God, believe firmly in more miracles than what New Testament depicts; but we outrightly deny that Jesus was ever taken to the Cross and suffered the terrible death; neither we believe that anyone can take away the sins of another person; nor we believe in the ‘original sin’ nor we believe that just a belief without virtuous actions can save a man. Let us find out whether Jesus himself preached such a doctrine in the same sense as the Christians assume. In the Sermon upon the mountain, Jesus preached the people to act strictly upon the commandments of God sent to the people of Israel, asked them to be conscious of their spiritual needs, to be mild-tempered, merciful, pure in heart, peaceful, humble and thankful. He emphasised the people to stick to righteousness, and in the cause of God should not fear to suffer hunger, thirst, reproach, persecution. Christians should be a good guide and a ‘model’ for others. No person shall be wrathful with his brother nor shall speak insolently, rather he should be friendly and reconciling. He asked the people to give back the rights to the


rightful otherwise, in the next life, they will certainly not come out from Gehenna until they have paid over the last coin of very little value. Jesus condemned adultery and forbade even looking at a woman with passion. He asked people to be extremely truthful, not to avenge, love everyone including neighbours, even enemies too. He enjoined upon every one to pray One God persistently in secrecy, not openly and hypocritically; also asked people to fast with true heart and spend in the way of God and thus store treasures in heaven. He preached to put complete reliance on God for every thing including livelihood. He advised people not to be critical of others, forgive each other, to live a poorly life and spend all in the way of God, to do to others what they want others to do to them. Jesus emphatically clarified that just a faith in him is not enough but good actions along with faith are necessary. “Never, never stumble any of the commandment, even one of these little ones, and do not sin at all”, he would repeatedly say. He told people to practice virtue as matter of duty to God and never be proud over their good deeds. He preached not to murder. “Do not love this world but work for the Hereafter”; steal, furnish false witness. “Do not love this world but work for hereafter”; he used to say. He asked people to honour everyone and give a special honour to parents. Jesus preached many other good things in addition to above and said,

“But if anyone hears my sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him” (John 12:14). Again he said “Most truly I say to you, he that exercised faith in me, that one also will do the works that I do” (John 14:12). “For I say unless your righteousness, does not abound more than that of the Scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heavens” (Matthew 5:20). In the above passages, it is shown that Jesus asked people to act upon the commandments of God the way he preached and to show no relaxation; so Jesus is the final word; whatever is preached contrary to this doctrine is just null and void. Muslims believe that some ruthless, self-styled vicars of Christianity are just hypocrite vicegerent of Jesus using the good name of him for their selfish ends, and have no regard for God nor words of Jesus but themselves have achieved the status of God. They have intermixed a number of doctrines with the pure Christianity (e.g. Hellenistic and Paganistic) to create a new religion to make it acceptable to all types of people. They do not stress upon people to act strictly upon the words of God but are helplessly dumb spectators to all sorts of permissiveness, Godlessness and crimes.


They do not enjoy authority to start a holy war against the social evils but have restricted themselves to weekly sermons and evening social gatherings in the church, with dance parties and are happy as long as people profess faith in Jesus and the Cross or in other words as long as masses are not a threat to their authority. According to Islam it is a crime to let crime and immorality flourish in the society; to be a spectator to it is like being a partner to it, rather a promoter. Thus Muslims believe that the true Christianity is only in the Holy Book, that too, scattered and dismembered or with the Muslims, and has nothing to do with the present Christianity. In the past, the powerful priests kept the masses ignorant from the Scripture by not letting people read or translate it; after it was translated, and the lies and contradictions were exposed, people chose to become irreligious and antagonist to religion. Now all the churches have directed their full force towards making new converts among those who are too poor and ignorant by alluring them with better life, by helping financially and in other matters too. As a religion, the present Christianity has no force in it but depends upon propaganda, money and resourcefulness. So according to Muslims, the worship of the Cross is an act which was created later by the Christian priests on their own, long time after the departure of Jesus. For salvation, a man must work according to the commandments of God, and he must ask forgiveness of sins directly to God or do good actions for the penitence of sins, nothing else can forgive sins; faith is thus the first step for becoming eligible to grace of God. Muslims also believe that Jesus throughout his life predicted the coming of the last prophet to establish the kingdom of God and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is that prophet who has already established that kingdom. Now a true Christian is the one who believes this commandment of Jesus and believes in Muhammad (peace be upon him) so there is no salvation ever without believing in Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muslims believe that Jesus was neither put to the Cross nor suffered a terrible death at the hands of the Jews and the Romans. He was too holy to undergo such a disgraceful end. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has not spoken in detail how this all happened, but he just verified that the true nature of Jesus departure from the world is that he was raised to God before all those sufferings. So Muslims have a more honourable end for a holy prophet like Jesus. Christians believe in the Cross for


penitence of their sins while Muslims believe that if Jesus were ever taken to the Cross, then instead of sins as well as ‘original sin’ being forgiven, a much grievous sin would befall upon all the mankind. Muslims see no logic in the belief that a sacrifice of a human life or a god-man can be of any help to anyone, this custom of pagans and Hindus to shed human blood for pleasing a deity is just unethical and against the teachings of the Holy Bible. For Muslims it is utterly unbelievable that God, who is Almighty, All powerful should need to invent such a bizarre excuse to forgive the sins of mankind which is unethical too. Moreover, for forgiveness of sin, a person must profess his mistakes before God, or in case he sacrifices an animal, he parts away with his hard earned money for the pleasure of God, but in the sacrifice of Jesus what credit goes to men? Did men kill Jesus intending for forgiveness of their sins? If they had done so, then it was a great crime rather than a good action. If it were a good action, then Caiaphas and Pontius Pilate should be the great heroes, are they so? By all means, a belief in the Cross makes no sense at all to the Muslims, rather it gives Christians an incentive to become sinful, that is why we find Christians throughout the world trying their best to excel in permissiveness with full protection of the local laws; and the Churches are too weak and helpless to challenge such laws; neither they have a moral courage nor the hold to speak against the vices of the society because they well know that they do not enjoy any respect from the people for such action; because their own past history is too uncherished to justify such actions; they are dumb spectators or even associates. All the four gospels invariably proclaim that Jesus was put to death by the Cross but there are considerable differences among them on more than a dozen occasions that show that all were either written by hearsay evidences or it was a version which suited the Romans the best. It is not the purpose of this book to go into great detail; but our Christian brothers and scholars will find considerable differences in the gospels if they only study how Jesus was arrested, what was the attitude of his apostles at that time, what happened to Jesus during trial before high priest Caiaphas, what happened during trial before Pontius Pilate, how Jesus was taken to the Cross, what happened during crucifixion, what happened after Jesus’ body was laid to rest in a cave, and what happened when Jesus reappeared to his followers. There are lot of differences in detail of the circumstances. Many scholars suggest that the gospels were not written with the required


responsibility or later they were completely manipulated by some people with vested interests to win the support of Roman rulers and also to bring Christianity in harmony with the paganist Roman religion whose gods, born of virgins, were also said to be similarly crucified and then were raised from dead. Most scholars believe that true Christianity was completely changed and formed into a new religion by introducing the traditions, customs and myths of Greeks, Mithraism, Buddhism, Hindus and thus a new mixture was created to attract and accommodate all the religions for political ends. Let us examine some documentary proofs and other evidences to understand what actually happened and why people were confused that Jesus was put to death by the Cross. Unfortunately, the church dislikes the very mention of such evidences and have kept their followers in darkness. Here are some extracts from the gospel of Barnabas which throws light upon the events which happened before Jesus was raised to heaven and after. “(After seeing a great miracle in Nain), The citizens took council to set up Jesus as their king knowing which he fled from them. Where from the disciples strove fifteen days to find him. Jesus was found by him who writeth (i.e. Barnabas) and by James with John and they, weeping said: ‘O Master, wherefore didst thou flee from us? We have sought thee mourning; yea all the disciples seek thee weeping?’ Jesus answered that, ‘I fled because I knew that a host of devils is preparing for me that which in a short time ye shall see. For, there shall rise against me the chief priests with the elders of the people and shall wrest authority to kill me from the Roman governor, because they shall fear that I wish to usurp kingship over Israel. Moreover I shall be sold and betrayed by one of my disciples, as Joseph was sold into Egypt. But the just God shall make him fall, as saith the prophet David; “He shall make him fall into the pit who spreadeth a snare for his neighbour”. For God shall save me from their hands, and shall take me out of the world, (page 152 of Italian manuscript).” “Judas, the traitor, when he saw that Jesus was fled (from kingship), lost the hope of becoming powerful in the world for he carried Jesus’ purse, wherein was kept all that was given him for love of God. He hoped that Jesus would become king of Israel, and so he himself would be a powerful man (page 155).” “Whereupon, having made his resolution he (Judas) gave notice to the scribes and Pharisees how the matter has passed in


Nain (that people wanted to make Jesus their king). And they took counsel with the high priest, saying; ‘What shall we do if this man becomes king? Of a surety we shall fare badly; because he is fain to reform worship of God after the ancient custom, for he cannot away with our tradition. Now how shall we fare under the sovereignty of such a man? Surely we shall all perish with our children for being cast out of our office we shall have to beg our bread. We now, praised be God, have a king and a governor that are alien to our law, who care not for our law, even though we sin, our God is so merciful that He is appeased with the sacrifice and fasting. But if this man becomes king he will net be appeased unless he shall see the worship of God according as Moses wrote; and what is worse, he saith that the Messiah shall not come of the seed of David (as one of his chief disciples hath told us) but saith that he shall come of the seed of Ismael, and that the promise was made in Ismael and not in Isaac; (page 156).” “Then the governor (Pontius Pilate) feared the senate and made friends with Herod (For before this they had hated one another unto death), and they joined together for the death of Jesus and said to the high priest, “Whenever thou shalt know where the malefactor is, send to us, for we will give thee soldiers”. This was done to fulfil the prophecy of David who had foretold of Jesus, Prophet of Israel, saying; “The princes and kings of the earth are united against the holy one of Israel, because he announceth the salvation of the world”, (page 218).” “When the soldiers with Judas drew near to the place where Jesus was, Jesus heard the approach of many people wherefore, he withdrew into the house. And the eleven were sleeping. Then God, seeing the danger of his servant, commanded Gabriel, Michael, Rafael and Uriel, his ministers, to take Jesus out of the world. The holy angels came and took Jesus out by the window that looketh towards the South. Then bore him and placed him in the third heaven in the company of angels blessing God for ever more. Judas entered impetuously before all into the chamber whence Jesus had been taken up. And the disciples were sleeping. Whereupon the wonderful God acted wonderfully, in so much that


Judas was so changed in speech and in face to be like Jesus that we, believed him to be Jesus (page 222). The soldiers took Judas and bound him, not without derision. For he truthfully denied that he was Jesus, and the soldiers mocking him, said: “Sir, fear not, for we are come to make thee king of Israel, and we have bound thee because we know that thou dost refuse the kingdom.” (page 222). When it was morning there assembled the great council of scribes and elders of the people; and the high priest with the Pharisees sought false witness against Judas, believing him to be Jesus, and they found not that which they sought. And why say that the chief priests believed Judas to be Jesus? Nay, all the disciples, with him who writeth believed Judas to be Jesus? Nay, all the disciples, with him who writeth believed it; and more, the poor virgin mother of Jesus, with her kinsfolk and friends, believed it, in-so-much that the sorrow of everyone was incredible. As God liveth he who writeth forgot all that Jesus had said: how that he should be taken up from the world, and that he should suffer in a third person, and that he should not die until near the end of the world (page 222).” Gospel of Barnabas, then gives detail of trial of Judas before council of priests, then before Pontius Pilate, then before Herod, and then crucifixion. All the time people took Judas for Jesus; all the account is remarkably similar to that of four Gospels of New Testament with only a slight variation. After crucifixion of Judas (in the like of Jesus), Jesus appeared to his friends. The account given in the gospel of Barnabas is as under: “Jesus came surrounded with splendour, to the room where abode Mary the Virgin with her two sisters, and Martha and Mary Magdalene, and Lazarus, and him who writeth, and John and James and Peter. Whereupon, through fear they fell as dead. And Jesus lifted up his mother and the others from the ground, saying: “Fear not for I am Jesus, and weep not, for I am alive and not dead”, (page 228). Then the four angels narrated the Virgin how God had sent for Jesus, and had transformed Judas, that he might suffer the punishment to which’ he had sold another. Then said he who writeth: “O Master, is it law for me to question thee now, as it was law for me when thou dwellest with us? Jesus answered: “Ask what thou pleasest, Barnabas, and I will answer thee”.


Then said he who writeth: “O Master, seeing that God is merciful, wherefore hath He so tormented us, making us to believe that thou wert dead? and thou mother hath so wept for thee that she hath been nigh to death, and thou, who art an holy one of God, on thee hath God suffered to fall the calumny that thou wert slain amongst robbers on the Mount Calvary?” Jesus answered: “Believe me, Barnabas, that every sin, however small it be, God punisheth with great punishment, seeing that God is offended at sin. Wherefore, since my mother and my faithful disciples that were with me loved me a little with earthly love, the righteous God both willed to punish this love with the present grief, in order that it may not be punished in the flames of hell. And though I have been innocent in the world, since men have called me God and Son of God, in order that I be not mocked of the demons on the day of judgement, both willed that I be mocked of men in this world by the death of Judas, making all men to believe that I died upon the Cross. And this mocking shall continue until the advent of Muhammad (peace-be upon him), the messenger of God, who, when he shall come, shall reveal this deception to those who believe in God’s law, (page 230).” “Then before their eyes the four angels carried him up into heaven. After Jesus had departed, the disciples scattered through the different parts of Israel and of the world, and the truth hated of Satan, was persecuted, as it always is, by falsehood. For certain evil men, pretending to be disciples, preached that Jesus died and rose not again. Others preached, and yet preach, that Jesus is the Son of God, among whom is Paul deceived. But we, as much as I have written, that preach we to those who fear God, that may be saved in the last day of God’s judgement. Amen (page 231).” Though Muslim believed in Jesus ascension the same way as told by Barnabas, because Muhammad (peace be upon him) said so; many Christians and Jews also accepted Islam and believed so, but this recent discovery of Gospel of Barnabas is unknown to Muslim world but a copy or two were present among the Christians, one in Pope’s private library, miraculously saved by God from the destruction by the enemies of Jesus which affirms Muslims’ belief. It will be worthwhile to mention that out of many gospels numbering about a hundred, all but four were destroyed by the verdict of council of Nicea in AD-325 and possession of any other gospel was penalised with painful death. God has saved this


gospel of Barnabas for those who want to know the truth. So it is high time that the Christians should realise their terrible mistake and accept the truth of Islam and thus become entitled for sure salvation. Moreover recent discoveries of gospel of Apostle Peter in Syria, gospel of Barnabas, gospel of apostle Andrew, gospel of apostle Thomas, gospel of apostle John, acts of twelve apostles, all suggest that Jesus (peace be upon him) never suffered the humiliation as depicted by four gospels; thus all the true apostolic churches believed in docetism which means Jesus (peace be upon him) suffered seemingly; this is exactly what Muslims believe. Majority of the Christians in the first century believed that Jesus was raised to heaven before he was arrested. Among them were Basilides, the follower of St. Basil. They believed that Jesus was raised to heaven before crucifixion and Simon of Gyrene who took the Cross from the weak and exhausted Jesus, was impalled in his place. There were other sects (Manichaens, Nestorians) who believed that the leader of the party who came to arrest Jesus, Judas Iscariot was changed into the figure of Jesus as a miracle from God and was later impalled, that is why the impalled person shouted in grief “God why you have forsaken me� a statement not befitting of Jesus. So there was a great confusion about what really happened to Jesus, then Roman king Constantine in the 4th century, was forced to order the destruction of more than 100 gospels and ordered, under the pain of death, all sects to believe in Trinity and the four gospels. Afterwards there started a series of murders, crucifixion, stoning to death, burning alive which is the worst part of human history. So a doctrine around Jesus developed to suit political and social problems of the time. Serious Christian scholars have boldly admitted that the present Christianity has nothing to do with the religion of Jesus, and also the founder of the religion is not Jesus but Paul, onetime arch enemy of the Christians. Paul admitted that his teachings differed from the teachings of Jesus, because new commandments had come from above for gentiles. Critical study shows that present Christianity does not represent the faith of Paul even. Modern scholars have proved that the present Christianity has nothing to do with the doctrine of Jesus but is a mixture of Judaism, Mithraism, Buddhism and Hellenistic customs; only blessed name of Jesus is used to deceive people; rather the prevailing doctrine is opposite in many respects to what Jesus preached.


Thus Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) removed all the doubts about Jesus and glorified his name and taught that all character assassination of Jesus in the four gospels is false. Whatever is written in the present gospels is what suited Jews the most. Those were Jews who planned the killing of Jesus but failed, then they planted their men within the true believers of Jesus and after great conspiracy changed the scriptures while destroying hundreds of other scriptures to make Jesus a crucified Messiah. Muhammad (peace be upon him) rehabilitated the exalted position of Jesus, a position which is more honourable and praiseworthy. All Muslims bless Jesus many times a day and never call his name without saying “salaam upon him�. _________


APPENDIX If our Christian brothers would take pain to find the Truth, they can search on their ‘Internet’ which has made it easy to seek the knowledge, they can search about ‘Biography of Pontius Pilate’ in different encyclopaedias e.g. Cassel’s encyclopaedia. They would be bewildered and shocked to know that the most hated Pontius Pilate and his wife Claudia were regarded as ‘Saints’ by early Eastern Churches for more than three centuries; their day for commemoration was 22 nd June. Both were Romans and were secretly converted to the faith of Jesus. A day before Jesus’ supposed crucifixion, Jesus went to Pontius Pilate and gave him strict instructions to obey his orders Jesus told him that tomorrow the Jewish Elders with masses will bring him for trial and demand his crucifixion, he must fulfil their demand. Pontius Pilate was shocked and disturbed and said, ‘how could I dare to do it?’ Jesus told that the arrested man will be his disciple Judas Iscariot who had opted to die on his behalf as penitence for his sins as he continually committed thievery from the purse in which money was kept donated by the people as charity. At last, Pontius Pilate agreed to carry out the order. Then Judas’ approach to the chief priests of the Jews and take money to facilitate arrest of Jesus Christ was in fact a drama. Next day, when a Jewish crowd with their elders came shouting, and prayed to crucify the arrested Jesus, Pontius Pilate was taken aback as the arrested man looked like exactly Jesus Christ. After open questioning, Pontius Pilate took the accused person in the likeness of Jesus inside his chamber to ascertain the truth (Note that it was against common practice for a judge to do such a secret meeting with a ‘criminal’. When Pontius Pilate was satisfied that the man in the person of Jesus was not the real Jesus he decided to show this miracle to his friend Governor Herod, he sent Jesus to him with a secret message to see the miracle himself. Governor Herod also ascertained the miracle and sent Jesus back after declaring him non-guilty, but even then ordering lashes to the accused. Then in order to show the world, characterlessness and hardheartedness of the Jews, Pontius Pilate even offered them a choice between a robber Barabbas and Jesus o release whom he had declared absolutely innocent but all shouted to release the robber Barabbas but impale Jesus. But impale Jesus. At last, Pontius Pilate ordered the crucifixion of Jesus who actually was Judas Iscariot.


The Author found this truth after studying many apocryphal writings which were believed true by the most Christians in the first three centuries, but all such sects were either massacred or persecuted by Roman kings and catholic Christian churches. The Gospel of Peter, The Gospel of Barnabas, Acts of Thomas, Acts of Andrew, Gospel of John, the Second Treatise of the Great Seth are recently found books from ‘Dead See Scroll’s and ‘Nag Hammadi’ which disclose the Truth and expose the greatest manipulations and fraud even committed in history of mankind. All the above three gospels as well as Gospel of Matthew or Gospel of ten Apostles found in Ethiopians Churches, all of them tell that it was not Jesus but another person i.e. Judas Iscariot was crucified in the likeness of Jesus Christ. Jesus with all his apostles, saw the whole drama while sitting on a high place and watched that somebody else wore the crown of thorn and bore the Cross and being crucified after his hands and feet were fixed with nails. I hope that my research will solve many problems of our learned Christian readers, and story and dogma of crucifixion will become clear to them. All the Muslims always believed in the Truth, now it is turn of non-Muslims to accept the word of God i.e. The Holy Quran. _________


Chapter 12

MUHAMMAD ď‚ž HIS MIRACLES AND PROPHECIES ISLAM IS NOT A POLITICAL AMBITION OF THE PROPHET: Seventh accusation against Muhammad (peace be upon him) is that he was only an ambitious man who started a political cum religious movement at a time when the time was ripe for it, and by his determination he succeeded in creating a new nation and a new religion, and that he was not a divinely inspired man because he did not possess the power to perform miracles nor had the power to prophesy. Those who are aware of the religious, political and history of the world of that time, will find the accusation to be the most absurd and unfounded. It is just the miracle of a propaganda by sacrilegious men to safeguard their vested interests that they have been able to make believe in falsehood a large part of the mankind. Lawlessness, permissiveness, crimes and oppression had been the rule of the world since time immemorial and the Arabs were not an exception to it. Arabs were worshippers of images and idols, barbarous, divided into tribes opposed to each other. Arabia was never a country worth any mention at all. When Muhammad (peace be upon him) started his mission it was all against the prevailing way of life in which adultery, low morality, drinking, gambling, usury, child killing and the worst of all, idolatry were common. He faced fierce opposition from the Arab pagans; and during the first 13 years of ministry, only few hundred people were converted and they suffered great tortures and many had to face the boycott from the society while the rest were compelled to leave the country. Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself had to go into exile and thus reached Madina, where for the next ten years he faced even more opposition and had to face the attacks of the pagans, the Jews and the Christians. Muhammad (peace be upon him) overcame all oppositions against all odds and


ultimately became the most powerful man, a priestly king of a united Arab, an inconceivable miracle, and thus established the kingdom of God on sound footings, and in the next few years, Islam spread to all parts of the world defeating great empires of Rome and Persia. Muhammad (peace be upon him) faced more opposition than anyone in the history of mankind and was thus the most successful man ever born; only a divinely inspired man, a true Messiah or Christ could do that and surprisingly when he conquered his chief enemies, the Makkans, he forgave them all. As already stated, even eminent Christian Scholars have declared that accusation against Muslims to use sword for the propagation of Islam is a baseless lie created by those who are biggest hurdle for the peace of the world themselves. Some sacrilegious people have persistently made a false propaganda that Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not perform any miracle at all, and instead have coined some jokes about him. Let it be known that Muhammad (peace be upon him) performed nearly three thousand miracles about 1000 of them are recorded with full evidences and detail in well-known books by Jalal-ud-Din Sayyuti, Abu Naeem and many others. Even the most well-known books among Muslims the Quran and Sihah-i-Sitta (six Sacred books of Acts of the Prophet) contain hundreds of miracles in full detail, the authenticity and reliability of them is much more than that of Old and New Testament where there is not a single eye witness account Some enemies of the religion have made to believe their followers that Muhammad (peace be upon him) outrightly admitted that he could not perform a miracle and that he refused to perform any sign when so demanded. But in fact, what Muhammad (peace be upon him) said was that he did not have in his own power, but due to Allah, to perform miracle. This saying was similar to the saying of Jesus when he said “I cannot do anything of my own initiative�, and on many occasions Jesus refused to show miracle when so demanded. MIRACLES OF THE PROPHET AND PREDICTIONS If miracles and predictions of Muhammad (peace be upon him) are written briefly, even then it would make a book double the size of this one, so only few miracles of various types are narrated: 1. Just before war with Makkan infidels at Badr, he predicted a victory for Muslims through revelation in the Quran (8:7).


2. In the battle of Badr, he marked out a number of places where leaders of the Makkan Army were to fall; this prophecy came to be exactly true. 3. In 620 AD he predicted that the Romans, who were defeated by the Persians, will be victorious within 10 years time; this prophecy is mentioned in the Quran (30:3). It is a historical fact that the prophecy came to be true. 4. He prophesied that body of Pharaoh Rhamses who followed people of Israel led by Prophet Moses, (peace be upon him) will be found in a future time. This prophecy is mentioned in the Quran. The prophecy was fulfilled in 1881 AD when the body of the Pharaoh was found and is now present in a Museum in Cairo. 5. In the battle of Hunain, he was surrounded by the enemies and the Muslims were at the verge of defeat; Muhammad (peace be upon him) lifted some dust from the ground, said a prayer and threw it towards his enemies. His enemies felt as if a great storm had come, they were defeated soon after. This event is mentioned in the Quran. 6. Muhammad (peace be upon him) touched the fractured leg of Abu Rafiah, he was healed immediately as if he was never hurt. 8. During a battle, Hazrat Qitada Bin Alnoman was hurt in the eye and his eye ball came out. Muhammad (peace be upon him) pushed it in position with his hand with a prayer. It healed immediately. 9. A poisonous snake bit Abu Bakr, Muhammad (peace be upon him) rubbed his saliva over the bitten part, the wound and the effect of the poison was gone immediately. In the battle of Badr, hand of Maooz Bin Urfaa was cut completely. Muhammad (peace be upon him) fixed it back with his hands. It became more stronger than before. SIGHT RESTORED A blind man came to Muhammad (peace be upon him), he told him to say a prayer and pray to God through him; he did so and was seeing there and then.


Father of Habib Bin Abu Fadiq was turned blind due to some disease, Muhammad (peace be upon him) prayed over his eyes, he immediately got his sight back. HEALING OF DUMB 10. A woman brought her dumb child to Muhammad (peace be upon him). He gave the mother some water left from his glass and asked her to sprinkle that over the child and give the rest to drink. She did so and the child was speaking after that 11. Once the Prophet asked a dumb man to tell people who he was’. Surprisingly he started speaking saying “Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah”. 12. Muhammad (peace be upon him) asked an infant to speak and tell who he was’; the infant spoke immediately, “Muhammad is the messenger of God”. 13. Muhammad Bin Hatib was seriously burnt during childhood. Muhammad (peace be upon him) put his saliva over the burnt parts. All parts were healed soon after. HEALING OF MADNESS 14. A man was seriously ill and had recurring fits of madness. The Prophet prayed for him, he became normal the very moment. HEALING OF BALDNESS 15. A child who was bald, was brought to the Prophet; he put his hand over the head of the child. The child later grew hair. INCREASING OF FOOD 16. Once Hazrat Jabir invited the Prophet to come to his house for dinner with few friends (expecting about 10 or so); but the Prophet took along one thousand people to the house of Hazrat Jabir and asked him to cover the food and then the Prophet put his saliva in it and then ordered to serve people as such in groups. All the people ate to their fill; then afterwards Hazrat Jabir noticed that his food was the same in quantity as before serving. This sort of miracles of enhancing the quantity of food, were performed on more than dozen of occasions. Once there was extreme shortage of water, there was left only a goat skin full of water for an army of people and animals. The Prophet put his hand over the outlet of the goat skin and


asked the people to take water. Many hundred people quenched their thirst and those of animals, and filled their utensils to store water. People noticed that water was bubbling out of the fingers of Muhammad (peace be upon him). On another occasion, when no water was left for people during a journey, they came across a dry well, the Prophet put in his saliva and threw his bow in it. The well became full of water immediately; the whole army took as much water as they wanted. Similar incidents occurred on more than dozen of occasions. MIRACLE OF RAIN Once famine occurred due to continuous dry weather, and the people complained to the Prophet He started his prayer and raised hands before God for rain. It started raining while he was still praying. Such incidences occurred on innumerable occasions. Once people from a far-off place came and asked him to pray for rain, the Prophet prayed; when the people returned to their city they were informed that rain fall had occurred; they calculated the time to be when the Prophet was praying for them. SEEING OF DISTANT PLACES AND EVENTS 17. Once Muhammad (peace be upon him) claimed that during one night he visited Jerusalem and all the prophets of the past said prayer after him, and then was raised to God for a meeting. The infidels mocked him and started asking the minutest details about Jerusalem. God enhanced the vision of Muhammad (peace be upon him) such that he could see Jerusalem as if before him, and answered all their questions. The people who had visited the city marvelled at his detailed description. Once the Prophet told his uncle Abbas what he talked in secrecy to his wife hundreds of miles away. During the battle of Mota which was being fought many hundred miles away, Muhammad (peace be upon him) told his companions the events which were passing there. MIND READING 18. Once the Prophet told Fazala bin Omer what he was thinking at that moment. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) exhibited his power of mind reading and giving the details of events occurring at a far-off distances on hundreds of occasions. MOVING THINGS WITHOUT TOUCHING


19. On one occasion, he ordered a stone to travel over water and come back which it obeyed. On another occasion, he asked a far-off tree to move to him and then go back; the tree obeyed his orders. Such incidences occurred on hundreds of occasions. 20. When he conquered Makkah, he went into Holy Kaaba and pointed each idol one by one; they all fell to pieces the moment he pointed at them. PRAYER FOR BLESSING 21. There were some extremely poor people namely Hazrat Abdul Rehman bin Of, Hazrat Miqdad, Hazrat Gharwa, Hazrat Abdullah bin Jaffer, Hazrat Ans; they asked (on different occasions) the Prophet to pray for their well-being which he did. They all became extremely rich people. Some of them later said that due to the Prophet’s’ prayer, they would expect that if they would lift a stone or a handful of dust, they would profit by it. 22. Many people gave testimony that whenever Muhammad (peace be upon him) would touch stone or food or fruits, they heard a voice out of them as if they were doing a remembrance of God; and this surprised none because it was too common. Moreover many people heard voices glorifying Muhammad (peace be upon him) coming out of stones and trees when he passed by them. Such incidence have been reported hundreds of times. SPLITTING OF MOON 23. Once the opponents of Muhammad (peace be upon him) surrounded him and forced him to perform a sign in the heaven. It was just after dark. Muhammad (peace be upon him) succumbed to their demand and pointed his finger to the moon and ordered it to split into two parts. The moon was divided into two halves and each part moved to the other side of the mountain there; then both parts united afterwards. The leaders of his opposers said that they had been under the spell of magic, if the division was true, then the people outside the city ought to have seen it. Next day, some caravan arrived, and confirmed the incidence. The incidence is mentioned in the Quran too. Recent exploration of moon has confirmed the splitting of the moon, and a ridge in the centre of it is still present. No scientific explanation has come forward to-date to explain it.


STOPPING THE SUN 24. During the battle of Khaiber, Muhammad (peace be upon him) ordered the sun to move back and stay there till his companions could finish their Asr (evening) prayer. The sun obeyed him as ordered and later moved its due course. RAISING OF THE DEAD 25. Two sons of Hazrat Jabar died accidently, Muhammad (peace be upon him) prayed over their corpses, they both came to life immediately. Son of a blind woman, who had just accepted Islam, died suddenly leaving the helpless mother bitterly weeping. Muhammad (peace be upon him) came there and prayed over his corpse, the boy came to life immediately and served her mother for many years. A non-believer offered to Muhammad (peace be upon him) that he would embrace Islam only if he could bring to life his beloved daughter in the grave. Muhammad (peace be upon him) prayed over the grave, the daughter came to life, confirmed prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) but opted to stay in the grave. The father embraced Islam immediately after seeing this miracle. 26. During his last Sermon in Arafat (Zion) Muhammad (peace be upon him) addressed a multitude of about one hundred and twenty four thousand people. God enhanced the hearing capacity of all the people; all the people present there, and all the women present at home could hear his words distinctly clear. OTHER MIRACLES. 27. Muhammad (peace be upon him) had many legends, all true of course because for his sake this world and the world hereafter was created, so he was bestowed upon with the greatest qualities from God. All the earlier prophets and the saints who have come after him are just a shadow of him, and have derived their powers from God through him. So his great supernatural powers should not surprise anyone. Almost all the miracles which he performed, had already been performed by the prophets of the past; signs in heavens were performed by Joshua, (JOS 10:12) taming of animals and raising of dead by Elijah (1 King 17:22) and Elisha (2 King 4:35), powers over forces of nature, and healing of the sick were all performed by Jesus and John the Baptist too.


There is no reason to become sceptical about the miracles of the Prophet who was the greatest of the Prophets and for whom the whole world awaited for centuries. All the miracles which Muhammad (peace be upon him) performed were already prophesied in the holy books of other religions. Many hundreds of the followers of Muhammad (peace be upon him), who derived their powers through him also have performed thousands and thousands of miracles like walking over water, raising the dead, flying in the air, moving to distant place in few seconds, mind reading, healing, exorcising of demons, future telling, talking to people at distant places, seeing events from distant places, even changing the fate by praying to God, appearing bodily to the disciples after death; there are too many to mention here. Muhammad (peace be upon him) has himself appeared to many of his devout followers bodily on hundreds of occasions. It may be remembered that many supernatural powers can be achieved by certain occult practices as we find among the Hindus and the Buddhist Saints. Acquiring of such supernatural powers are no sure criteria of truth of a person or religion, that is why Muslims do not give much importance to these but believe that following the true faith as proscribed by the Quran and the Prophet is the greatest achievement. A belief based on miracles have no firm footing. Performance of signs does but make a person either holy or a deity but it is the virtues of a man which matters in the sight of God, and a belief in the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Other supernatural acts associated with Muhammad (peace be upon him), all true, are briefly enumerated. He could see from his back as clearly as things before him; he could see in day and night alike, his perspiration was naturally perfumed, sometimes his body did not have a shadow; he had the protection of a cloud for shade during the heat of sun; a fly would not sit upon him; his enemies observed heavenly figures protecting him when they wanted to hurt him; voices came out of idols proclaiming the advent of Muhammad (peace be upon him); animals sometimes talked to him; angels were seen talking and protecting him; sometimes light was seen glowing out of his body and teeth; some people would use his used clothes for healing; he sowed trees which gave fruits the same year; animals obeyed him and showed respect; he was extremely powerful and defeated the strongest men of his time by wrestling in few seconds. There are hundreds of legends about Muhammad (peace be upon him). Each


day, people would bring their sick relatives for healing, Muhammad (peace be upon him) healed them by giving a medicine (he is reported to have used hundreds of drug plants and their combinations) and by praying; each day the Prophet would ask people to narrate their dreams and then would prophesy accordingly which would invariably come to be true. If all such supernatural qualities are counted it will come to many thousands. Then how come our accusers could not find any miracle performed by Muhammad (peace be upon him)? Just because they wanted some gains in the world or they were possessed by their self-made dogmas or out of fear of losing their high positions? It is really very sad and unfortunate that the greatest man of all times, the Beloved of God should be rejected only because his doctrine does not coincide with their concocted doctrine over which hardly two scholars agree completely. Unfortunate are those who live by false propaganda and play with the souls of the ignorant people and mislead them with money, alluring with jobs and joyous lifestyle; while the true religion teaches to work for the joys of the Hereafter only, and in this life, a simple and serious life-style free from uncontrolled worldliness. Many people who are well-versed in science and technology may find it difficult to admit the facts of miracles, but if they study the matter coolly and recognize the powers of God, they will surely affirm their truth. Many dead people are being raised in our hospital everyday, and miraculous healings are being done by timely medical aid, by artificial respiration, by blood transfusions, and other techniques. Many blind people receive their sight back, deaf persons regain their hearing powers due to advances in medical sciences. The inventions of radio and cassetteplayer prove that sound can come out of non-living things; the invention of telephone proves that people can talk from a very long distance. Men can fly in the air and move on water at will too. With television, far-off events can be easily visualized; with loudspeaker, people can hear clearly from a distance. Things can be made to move with remote controls; increase in crops is now possible scientifically. By proper instruments, waves arising out of human brains due to thinking can be understood; thus mind reading has been made possible. Many animals is are reported to possess the power to know the future events e.g. earth-quakes etc. Some people have evolved a science to talk with animals and some make them obey their orders as in animal circus; there are many instances to prove that some dreams do indicate the events coming


in future, even some books have been written indicating premonition by dreams; future-telling had been a great advanced science among the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Kahins and great prophets. So almost all the miracles performed by Muhammad (peace be upon him) can be simulated by men of today by scientific techniques. Thus God who is the most Powerful and Knowledgeable can always give powers to his prophets to perform even greater miracles. A mystery of today may be a scientific fact tomorrow. Rather miracles of Muhammad (peace be upon him), the prophets and other holy men were indication to let the people know their hidden capacities and glories of the future. An event which was sometimes a miracle is now a common place thing but still greatness of the Prophets cannot be undermined because they had the powers from God and their achievements were by spiritual means. Truly God can do everything He wishes and through whom He wishes and by any mechanism He wishes because He is the Greatest Creator, Scientist and Engineer, who can originate things from nothing while modern science can only marvel at Him and explore His laws and use it for the benefits of humanity but can’t originate a new law for nature. THE PROPHET’S SUPERHUMAN KNOWLEDGE, ABOUT HUNDRED PROPHECIES CONCERNING FUTURE EVENTS Muhammad (peace be upon him) prophesied about the coming events on innumberable occasions numbering many thousands. It is not the purpose of this book to enumerate them all but only those prophecies, which came true after the death of the Prophet and even in the modern times, are being mentioned in the coming pages.’ The companions of the Prophet say that once the Prophet stood to speak and informed us about everything since the creation of the universe till the entry of the blessed ones into Paradise and the condemned ones into Gehenna; he did not leave a single event unmentioned till the doomsday; he enumerated more than three hundred trouble-shooters and even told their names, father’s names, tribe’s name; he told us everything which was going to happen till the end of the world; surely the Prophet left us such that he did not even left the mention of a single bird which flies on its wings in the heaven. The Prophet said, “Before the coming of the great hour (the doomsdays), you will surely come to see such a great events which you have never seen, nor you have ever thought about them. Surely before the coming of the great moment you will see such things which will be extremely great in your eyes and you will question each other ‘Did our Prophet speak


about these. When you come to see my prophecies being fulfilled then pray Allah and be sure that this is the start of the coming of the doomsday”. So surely, the Prophet had the knowledge of the past and the present as bestowed upon by Allah; and as prophesied by Jesus that the paraclete will tell events to come and also similar prophecies about Muhammad (peace be upon him) were made by other prophets of the world too. In the following pages, a very short account with some comments is being given; this account should surely dispel all doubts about the prophethood and uniqueness of Muhammad (peace be upon him): 1. The Prophet prophesied that Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique, Hazrat Umer Farooque, Hazrat Usman and Hazrat Ali will be his successors in the same orders. 2. The Prophet prophesied the martyrdom of Hazrat Umer, Hazrat Usman, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Zubair, Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain (and many other too). 3. The Prophet prophesied that the Muslims will conquer Jerusalem, Yemen, Sham (Syria), Iraq, Egypt, Iran, India, Constantinapolis. 4. The Prophet prophesied that, “After me will never be a Caeser nor a Chosroe, and their treasures will be spent for the benefit of the people”. Thus the two most wicked kingdoms of all times came to an end with the coming of the Prophet of Mercy. 5. At a time when there was great lawlessness, the Prophet prophesied that in the near future, there will surely be such peace that a woman will travel alone from Heera and will circle Holy Kaaba and she will be fearing none but Allah. 6. The Prophet said, “The doomsday will not come unless there will appear a fire in Hijaz which will put light upon the camels in Busra. (it was fulfilled in 644 AH). 7. The Prophet prophesied that ‘After me Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Egypt will become a united kingdom, then again they will all be disunited and Arabia will be left alone’. 8. The Prophet prophesied that ‘Allah will bring about agreement and peace between two great Muslim factions due to Imam Hasan’. 9. The Prophet prophesied that people will again become irreligious and ignorant to a great extent.


10. The Prophet prophesied that new mineral fields and oil fields will come to appear in future. He pin-pointed Iraq, Iran and Arabia especially. He said, “There will appears a mountain of gold (black Gold) from the river Farat (Euphrates in Iraq). The earth will bring out its hidden treasures in the from of columns of Gold and Silver. New treasures from earth will appear and the wicked one among the people will be their guardians. New treasures from the earth will come to manifest, one being near Hijaz (Arabia). Woe for Talqan (Iran), Allah has put treasures in it which are of neither Gold nor Silver”. 11. The Prophet said, “Surely people will hold the trust as booty”. 12. The Prophet said, “Zakat (Poor Tax) will be held as liability”. 13. The Prophet said, “The people will then seek knowledge for a purpose other than for the sake of religion. The students will be great in numbers but the scholars will be few”. 14. The Prophet said, “A true believer will surely be held as the most lowly. A person who will try to stick to the religion among people will feel as if he is holding a live coal in his hand”. 15. The Prophet said, “People will grab hold of the money without learning whether it is lawful for him or not”. 16. The Prophet said, “The people will stop saying their prayers. The people will say prayer at improper times”. 17. The Prophet said, “The people will follow their selfish desires. They will like lying (as politician do). Sins will become an ordinary affair”. 18. The Prophet said, “Wrongdoers will become religious leaders. The people will use religion for the worldly gains”. 19. The Prophet said, “It will not be possible to differentiate the truth from the falsehood”. 20. The Prophet said, “Your mosques will be decorated from outside, and surely you too will decorate your mosques like the Jews and the Christians. People will converse loudly in the mosques. Surely a time will come upon my people that their worldly talks would be in their mosques”.


21. The Prophet said, “The people will surely use intoxicating liquors (and drugs too) excessively”. 22. The Prophet said, “My followers will surely drink (liquors) but will name it something else and there will be music playing over their heads”. 23. The Prophet said, “People (men) will surely wear silk (or beautiful clothes). Western shawls will come into use. Men will do make-up like a wife does for her husband and the way a woman adorns herself. 24. The Prophet said, “You will surely put curtains in your houses as you put on Holy Kaaba”. 25. The Prophet said, “A man will obey his wife but will disobey his mother, he will surely entertain his friend but send his father away. People will maltreat their neighbours and forget their responsibilities towards their relatives”. 26. The Prophet said, “Children will become rude; they will disobey their parents”. 27. The Prophet said, “Men will consult women”. 28. The Prophet said, “Before the doomsday, there will be such abundance of wealth that a wealthy man will face a great difficulty in finding a poor man. Business will become so common that even a woman will help her husband. A man’s respect will be due to his wealth”. 29. The Prophet said, “And then the markets will become nearer” (Surely super-markets and far-away markets with telephone and other means of communication have made the markets nearer). 30. The Prophet said, “Usury will become very common, there will be none without taking usury; the one who will not take it will at least receive its smell”. (This remarkable prophecy has been fulfilled by modern banking system). 31. The Prophet said, “There will be lot of bloodshed upon the earth, human life will have no value. Surely the doomsday will not arrive unless there comes a day when a murderer will not know why he killed, and a murdered man will not know why he was killed”.


32. The Prophet said, “Rich people will perform pilgrimage for fun; ordinary persons will perform pilgrimage for business while the poor will perform pilgrimage for begging”. 34. The Prophet said, “The land of Arabia will surely become well-cultivated and well-irrigated with canals”. 35. The Prophet said, “The most mean and base person will surely become the head of a tribe; and a good-for-nothing fellow will become the leader of a nation, and a person will be respected due to fear of his mischief. A lowly mean fellow will become a spokesman for the people; young men will run the affairs of a country. A most base person, son of most base man, will be the most well-to-do, and respected”. 36. The Prophet said, “There will surely be born such people who will be holding lashes like the tails of oxes, and with it they will beat people”. 37. The Prophet said, “Surely my followers whether men or women, will wear beautiful shoes of leather and shine it with polish”. 38. The Prophet said, “Your women will cross all limits of indecency. There will surely be born such women who will be nude even in their dresses and they will attract men towards themselves and will get attracted to men too, and their heads will be like hump of a camel”, (i.e. they will wear wigs and hats). 39. The Prophet said, “There will be more intercourse but less children” (Modern contraceptives have surely made it possible). 40. The Prophet said ‘Adultery will become too common; men and women will turn homosexual. Men will marry men and women will marry women. Illegal child-birth will become excessive”. 41. The Prophet said, “Divorce rate will increase greatly”. 42. The Prophet said, “Women will imitate men in appearance”. 43. The Prophet said, “People will walk in the market such that their thighs will be visible” (Modern short dresses and mini skirts have fulfilled the prophecy literally).


44. The Prophet said, “Then men will become clean shaved”. (Modern razors have now made this possible for everyone). 45. The Prophet said, “People will cheat by weighing less”. 46. The Prophet said, “Head of a state will commit theft (i.e. embezzle public funds). 47. The Prophet said, “The world will become closer”. Modern transport and communication system have surely brought the world closer. 48. The Prophet said, “A man will surely bring up a puppy; he will prefer it over upbringing his own son”. In modern times, this prophecy has been fulfilled; especially among the Europeans. 49. The Prophet said, “Subordinates will not care for their masters and they will overpower them”. In modern time, trade unionism has made it possible. 50. The Prophet said, “People will become nice to strangers but discard their own kins”. 51. The Prophet said, “There will be adornments (paintings, engravings) upon arches but the heart of the people will be lonely”. (In modern times, this is unfortunately very true). 52. The Prophet said, “Lonely places will become inhabited and inhabited places will become lonely”. In modern times, people occasionally go out of the cities to lonely picnic spots, fulfilling the prophecy. This prophecy could also mean the establishment of new cities and migration of people from small villages to new industrialised cities. 53. The Prophet said, “There shall surely appear new musical instruments”. (In modern times, a lot of new such instruments have appeared in fulfillment of the prophecy). 54. The Prophet said, “Singing and dancing girls will surely become great in numbers”. Night clubs and theaters in modern times have made the fulfillment of the prophecy possible. Television has introduced singers in every house. 55. The Prophet said, “The acts of Sultan (head of a state or a political leader) and the Book of Allah (Quran) will become separate but you shall never leave the Book of Allah”. In modern times, politicians have surely chosen a way different from religion,


especially in the Western countries where religion and politics are separated. 56. The Prophet said, “If some Sultan will give somebody something, then surely he will take away his faith”. This happens too often now-a-days when a head of a state desires his subordinates to perform acts against their conscience and the law. 57. The Prophet said, “Surely you will not find helpers in the way of Allah. There, will be scarcity of true friends and lawful earnings”. This is common because people are too absorbed in their worldly affairs forsaking the religion and God. 58. The Prophet said, “There will arise thirty (or more) false prophets among my followers; each one of them will think that he is prophet of God though I am the last of the prophets and there will be no prophet after me”. 59. The Prophet said, “Allah will send a man at the start of each century who will revive my religion”. 60. The Prophet said, “This religion of mine will live forever”. 61. The Prophet said, “People will never worship idols in Arabia”. 62. The Prophet said, “And then, the people will make themselves flabby”. 63. The Prophet said, “And surely people will die by sudden deaths; and paralysis will become common”. In modern times, heart attacks (and road accidents too) have become too common, thus fulfilling the prophecy. 64. The Prophet said, “People will talk more but act less”. 65. The Prophet said, “The population of women will become excessive”. Modern warfares and the world wars have made this prophecy come true. 66. The Prophet said, “People will greet only their acquainted ones”. 67. The Prophet said, “The value of the horses and women will become high; then it will become low and remain so till the doomsday. Use of camels will become obsolete”. Modern mode of transportation and women’s permissiveness have degraded their value.


68. The Prophet said, “At the end, among my followers there will surely be people who will travel in vehicles similar to camel’s saddle (sedan chair like) and in that they will come to the doors of the mosques”. (This has come true after the invention of cars which are exactly similar to sedan chair or camel’s saddle mentioned in the prophecy). 69. The Prophet said, “People will give false witnesses and hide the truth”. 70. The Prophet said, “You will surely think unlawful acts as lawful and lawful as unlawful”. 71. The Prophet said, “Before the coming of the doomsday, there will appear people who will eat with their tongues as cows do”. This prophecy has become true in modern times by the inventions of cone ice-creams and bubble-gums. 72. The Prophet said, “In that day you will envy a person for his characterlessness as you envy a person for his riches now-adays. No trustful man will be left”. 73. The Prophet said, “In those days, it will be said about a person having no faith at all that he is strong-willed, he is very intelligent and a man of understanding, he is very right-thinking, broad-minded”. 74. The Prophet said, “Due to some people (anti-religious scholars) there will be lot of questions so much so that people will say ‘Allah has created His creation, then who has created Allah?” 75. The Prophet said, “The doomsday will not arrive unless some nations among my followers will side with idolaters and also some nations will worship the images of idolaters”. 76. The Prophet said, “In the last days, there will appear a nation who will colour their hair with a hair-dye having the appearance of colourful faeces of birds; such people will not smell the perfume of Paradise”. (This remarkable prophecy has been fulfilled by the invention of hair-colouring creams packed in tubes). 77. The Prophet said, “Before the coming of the doomsday, there will appear a fire which will gather the people of the East towards the West”. This great fire has surely appeared in the form of Atomic Bomb. Or it may mean electricity too as in electric furnaces.


78. The Prophet said, “Before the coming of the doomsday, the time will be shortened, a year will equal a month, a month will equal a week, a week will equal a day, and a day will equal an hour”. Modern inventions of machinery and transport system have made possible to performed the jobs at a great speed as per prophecy. 79. The Prophet said, “Surely there will appear a smoke before the coming of the doomsday”. The smoke prophesied may appear in future, or the present smoke problem due to industrialisation and transport may be a fulfillment of the prophecy. 80. The Prophet said, “By Allah in whose possession is Muhammad’s soul, the doomsday will not arrive unless animals will talk to men; (as in zoos-and circus; may be fulfilled in future as the attempts in this direction are underway) and tassel of rope of a man’s stick and shoe-lace (the description remarkably, rather exactly, resembles the mouth-piece of recording instruments and telephone) will talk to men; and a man’s thigh will tell what his household had done in his absence”. Modern recording instruments have literally fulfilled the prophecy. 81. The Prophet said, “The hypocrite will quarrel and quote The Quran”. 82. The Prophet said, “The people will not distribute hereditary estate”. 83. The Prophet said, “A sign of the doomsday is that people will see the first of the moon very clearly and will say that it is second day’s moon”. Modern inventions of binoculars and telescopes have now made this utterance possible. 84. The Prophet said, “The doomsday will not arrive unless men will intercourse with women on the road like donkeys do”. This remarkable prophecy is fulfilled in the most European and Scandinavian countries and America. In America some theaters show scenes of intercourse openly. 85. The Prophet said, “Winter season will become like summer”. This has now become possible by central heating systems. 86. The Prophet said, “Rains will fall out of seasons”. In recent years, this has become a common happening. Modern


technology has made it possible to induce rain by spraying chemicals. 87. The Prophet said, “The people of some cities will move to other cities”. The present day industrialisation has made this prophecy a common happening. Urban people move to industrial cities; also the people of a poor country move to other countries for better prospects. 88. The Prophet said, “The people who say prayer will drink from the utensils of Gold and Silver like infidels do”, 89. The Prophet said, “Wicked people will become great in numbers while noble people will become less”. 90. The Prophet said, “Surely it will happen that a young will be rude to an elder and a wicked man will be insolent to a noble man”. 91. The Prophet said, “The doomsday will not arrive until the mountains will move their place”. In the present time, it has become common to blast the mountain with explosives and move it away. 92. The earthquakes”.







93. The Prophet said, “The fighting with sword will become obsolete”. The inventions of modern warfares have truly fulfilled the prophecy.’ 94. The Prophet said, “The heads of some people will be crushed by the stars (i.e. stones) falling from the heavens because people will make homosexuality lawful”. In some European countries, it has already become lawful. 95. The Prophet said, “The doomsday will not come until you will again turn to agriculture”. The prophecy has been fulfilled because this has became very profitable profession in recent times. 96. The Prophet said, “A new writing technique will be invented”. Invention of pen, typewriters and printing machines have fulfilled the prophecy. 97. The Prophet said, “Among the living things locusts will be the first to become extinct, then the other living things will disappear one after one”.


98. The Prophet said, “In the last days, people will marry rich base women and will overlook their poor cousins”. 99. The Prophet said, “And surely then the achievements of the people will be to fill their stomach and their possession will be wickedness and their Holy Kaaba will be women, and their religion will be accumulation of wealth; such are the worst of all creations and they have no reward with God”. 100. The Prophet said, “In the days there will come to manifest a nation whose faces will be like human beings but their hearts will be like Satan’s, the men will become wolves; the one who will refuse to become wolf, the wolves will eat him. They will stop at no evil; if you will follow them then they will backbite you; and if you will talk to them they will refute you; if you will put them to trust then they will become distrustful; their sons will be playboys and dirty, their young ones will be crooks; and their old ones will not advise to bid good and forbid evil; a mild person will be called stupid by them; a person advising to bid good will be called troubleshooter; a believer will be called a petty, a disgraced fellow; and an evildoer or debauchee will be a respected person, rightful acts would be held wrongful and evil acts will he held good”. This remarkable prophecy fits well upon some racialist nations indulged in killing of weak people throughout the world and amassing the wealth of the world by selling of arms and ammunitions and are always active to shoot political troubles and instability all over the world. 101. The Prophet said, “Before the coming of the doomsday, there will surely appear a creature of the earth (Dabatul-Ard) it will talk to the people, it’s legs will be like that of a camel’s, it’s hands will be like that of a monkey’s, it’s neck will be that of horse’s, it’s back will be like a deer’s, it’s horns will be like a stag’s, it will hold in one hand ‘the stick of Moses’ and in the other hand, it will have ‘the ring of Solomon”. This prophesied the inventions of something performing extremely wonderful things, the recent inventions of ‘Robot’ and Television’ exactly fulfil the prophecy. 102. The Prophet said, “Before the coming of the doomsday, a time will certainly come when the Christians will colonialise many countries. There will arise a nation from the West who will overpower weak nations among my followers. A


time is certain to come when the infidels will call each other to subjugate Muslim countries like you call each other for a feast. Christian nations will come forward, holding eighty flags to establish peace on earth, but actually they will betray the world and will bring disaster upon the whole mankind”. This prophecy needs no explanation. The establishment of League of Nations, establishment of state of Israel, all are in accordance with the prophecy. Some so-called civilised countries have already brought disaster upon a large part of mankind by trickstery; they create fear, unrest, lawlessness, wars and then sell their ammunitions at inflated prices. By giving politically oriented aids using religion as a political tool, they are heading to make the whole world their slaves. 103. The Prophet said, “All the prophets have warned their followers about the tribulation of Anti-Christ (Dajjal). There is no greater tribulation than the coming of Antichrist since the birth of Adam to the coming of the doomsday. He (or they) will fail to convince the people of the world of his false doctrine and entangle them into his deceit and fraud, and will be unsuccessful to bring all the world under his authority. There will be no place in the world where he won’t have the upper hand except Makkah and Medina. The Antichrist (Dajjal) will be white; a Jew (or a Jew in disguise of a Christian), his right eye (spiritual eye) will have no sight but the left eye (worldly eye) will be like a bright star. He will possess music and songs (musical instruments) never heard before, whoever will listen to his music, whether young or old, will certainly follow him like bees who follow their queen. He will be accompanied by the Jews and different kinds of extremely beautiful women and men and the last of his followers will be women and illegitimate children. At that time women will imitate men and men will imitate women in appearance. All the treasures of the world will follow him; he will order the earth to bring out its treasures; it will obey him with pleasure. He will travel around the world like a cloud travels in the space. He will ride on a white ass (i.e. a conveyance depicting modern aeroplanes) whose length of one ear will be thirty yards (see how the description simulates the wings of the aeroplane) and its one step will be a journey of whole day; it will just jump between the heaven and the earth, it will circle around the whole world. The depth of a sea will be upto his ankle (i.e. he will have great control in the sea water). He will order the heaven and it will rain (in recent year this has become possible), he will order the earth and it will bring forth grains and


vegetation (i.e. there will be great advancement in agriculture); when the animals of these people will return in the evening after grazing, their humps will be high and their hips will be broad and fat, and a lot of milk will come out of their udder, (i.e. there will be great advancement in dairy-farming), he will even heal the blind and the leprous (i.e. there will be great advancement in medical and chemical science). Their population will be innumerable, and the death rate among them will be low compared to the rest of the world (i.e. there will be great advancement in science of hygiene and physiology). No one will have the power to fight them (i.e. there will be great advancement in the warfare technology). Allah will give such a strength to the Antichrist that he will be carrying the heaven and the hell upon his shoulder (i.e., he will be powerful enough to help greatly his friends and inflict his enemies). His voice will be so loud that when he will speak then the whole world will listen (i.e. there will be great advancement in communication technology). After they eat up everything (i.e. they will be in possession of all the wealth of the world) even then, they will not be satisfied, and they will run towards the heaven (i.e. there will be great advancement in space technology) and will send arrow (i.e. identified with present missiles) into the heaven to conquer God, God will fulfil their wishes and will order angels to send back the arrows with stains of blood (i.e. God will give them success). They will say, ‘we have killed God’ (i.e. they will become extremely haughty atheist) now we should try to dominate the moon and the heaven. (Thus Muhammad (peace be upon him) predicted the conquer of moon by men). “A large majority of people of my God will follow the Antichrist; whoso hears about him, he should certainly keep himself away from him. By Allah, he will certainly come to everyone (i.e. modern audiovision and telecommunication technology has made this possible). A person (a Muslim) will think that he (Antichrist) believes in God, but he (a Muslims) will follow him because he will produce doubt in his heart. Some people will follow the Antichrist and say ‘we are with him though we know that he is an atheist but we are on his side so as to eat from his wealth.’ “The Antichrist will not appear until people will forget about him completely. He will not come until the religious leaders will stop his mention in their sermons”.


There are thousands of miracles and prophecies known to all the Muslims, but for devout Muslims it is only the person of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his words which are of importance while supernatural acts are of secondary importance, so they do not give much weight to them; while in other religions, it is only miracles and legends which attract their followers most, but they have neither a perfect personality as a model nor a perfect divine message for the people to follow, so all other religions have become spiritless, not fit to guide the mankind and fulfil the needs of the modern soul. When modern men find their religions comprising complicated, incomprehensible dogmas with a history of murders, injustice, intolerance, suppression of science and knowledge, they are utterly disgusted. For them, Islam is the only way where they can find complete peace of their mind and soul; but due to unfortunate propaganda against Islam and lack of application of mind, people are led astray. But surely now, the most of their doubts are satisfactorily answered in this book and they will surely embrace Islam while still believing in their beloved prophets and their good teachings, forsaking only too obvious ungodly practice. Muslims love Muhammad (peace be upon him), more than anything in the world, not only because he taught the Quran but also because of his amicable supreme personal character. His personality is extremely dynamic, magical, heart-throbbing, which has mesmerised and fascinated billions and billions of his followers for fourteen centuries without any decrease; more one reads about Muhammad (peace be upon him), more he loves him. He is undoubtedly, a perfect model man fit to be idolized by all the mankind. Here are John Davenport’s comments: Is it possible to conceive, we may ask, that the man (i.e. Muhammad peace be upon him) who effected such great and lasting reforms in his own country by substituting the worship of the one only true God for the gross and debasing idolatry in which his countrymen had been plunged for ages; who abolished infanticide, prohibited the use of spirituous liquors and games of chance (those sources of moral depravity), who restricted within comparatively narrow limits the unrestrained polygamy which he found in existence and practice, can we, we repeat, conceive so great and zealous a reformer to have been a mere impostor, or that his whole career was one of sheer hypocrisy? Can we imagine that


his divine mission was a mere invention of his own of whose falsehood he was conscious throughout? No, surely, nothing but a consciousness of really righteous intentions could have carried Muhammad so steadily and constantly without ever flinching or wavering, without ever betraying himself to his most intimate connections and companions, from his first revelation to Khadijah to his last agony in the arms of Ayesha. In acquiring and using power, Muhammad did but follow the example of Moses, who could not have effected the deliverance of the children of Israel out of Egypt, had he not assumed the authority of a leader and a head  the maker or dispenser of the laws; and surely no man ever yet upbraided him with making ambition the end and design of that achievement, since without that power he could not have accomplished the mission upon which he has been sent by Jehovah. And thus it was in the case of Arabia, which, being divided into many tribes, frequently at war with one another, Muhammad had no other way of uniting them into one body, and of establishing his religion among them, than by making himself their head or leader, a circumstance which fully exonerates him from the charge of personal ambition. As to the term impost meaning falsehood or forgery, which has been so unsparingly bestowed upon Muhammad’s doctrine, the fact that his first principle was the Unity of the Godhead—a principle preached by Jesus Christ himself—sufficiently shows it injustice. The word—imposture, however, may be meant to apply to his pretension of being a prophet. Now, it is certain that the abolishing of idolatry and the setting up of the worship of the one true God, among a people lost in the first, and ignorant of the latter, was an errand worthy of a mission from heaven. It is also certain that Muhammad did establish the worship of one God in Arabia, and so effectually abolished idolatry in that country that it has never reappeared there, in any shape, for above one thousand years, whereas idolatry no sooner got footing again among the Christians, than that section of them that had gained the ascendancy condemned the Iconoclasts as heretics, solely for demolishing the idols that had been set up by them.2


Thus the celebrated Irene, Empress of the East, and wife of Leo IV., surnamed the “Iconoclase,” having been declared by her husband, before his death, regent of the Empire for their son, Constantine, cause the letter’s eyes to be put out; then ascended the Imperial throne, and



convoked the Council of Nicea in which the worship of image reestablished.


Chapter 13

WAY TO SALVATION! ISLAM OR CHRISTIANITY? ISLAM, NOT CHRISTIANITY, IS WAY TO SALVATION; INSUFFICIENCY AND CORRUPTION OF GOSPELS; The eighth accusation is that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a false prophet and so is the Quran; only Jesus and the Holy Bible are true, a person can get salvation only by following them. Muslims believe that Jesus and the advent of the Bible were a true guide only for the people of the past, before the Prophet; the Bible had been corrupted so extensively that, though it contains good teachings too, it gives a horrible picture of many prophets and heroes of the past which instead of guiding people aright, even lead the people to become corrupt; so the Holy Bible is no more holy enough to act upon as a guide for the people of the world nor many prophets mentioned therein are depicted so holy. Many outstanding Christians like British philosopher Bertrand Russel, and other agnostics have pointed out repeatedly such weaknesses, so we hereby quote them only because Muslims detest even the mention of such incidences; even such utterances amount to sin and blasphemy. 1. Abraham, (peace be upon him) allowed his wife Sarah to stay with Pharaoh of Egypt knowing that he intends to commit adultery with her, while he himself, because of fear of death, chose to pray to God (Genesis 12:14). Again in (Genesis 20: 1-6) we find Abraham (peace be upon him) giving Sarah to King Abimelech for similar purpose. 2. Two daughters of Prophet Lot (peace be upon him) intoxicated their father and had intercourse with him and bore children. (Genesis 19:33)


3. Prophet Joshua (peace be upon him) killed mercilessly, all men and women, young men as well as old men, also bull, sheep, and donkeys. Moses (peace be upon him), after victory over Midians in which every man, even old, were killed, ordered the killing of all male children and all captive women except those ‘who had not known the act of lying with a male’. (Numbers 31:1) 4. Prophet Israel i.e. Jacob (peace be upon him) from which all Israelis spring, took prophethood from his brother Esau by deceiving his father Isaac (peace be upon him). (Genesis 27:1) him).

5. Reuben raped his mother, wife of Jacob (peace be upon (Genesis 49:4)

6. Prophet David (peace be upon him) raped Bathsheba the wife of Uriah who became pregnant while the husband was still alive, then conspired to kill Uriah to get his wife permanently; and this wife later gave birth to Hazrat Solomen (peace be upon him), one of the most revered prophet by the Muslims. (2 Samual 11:2-2) 7. Saul sought to kill Prophet David again and again without any reason inspite of the fact that Prophet David saved the throne and the life of Prophet Saul (peace be upon him) many times. (1 Samuel 26:1) 8. Jephthah killed his young, only daughter as sacrifice to God to fulfil his vow. He had earlier vowed that he would sacrifice the first one coming out of his house to meet him if God would grant him victory over his enemies; the unfortunate daughter was the first one to greet him. (Judges 11:30-40) 9. Prophet Solomen (peace be upon him) married numerous heathen wives and was himself turned idol worshipper. (1 King 11:1-4) 10. Amnon son of Prophet David raped his real sister Tamer and was later killed by his brother Absalom. (2 Samuel 13:1-3) 11. Absalom son of Prophet David dethroned his father and then sough to kill his father (2 Samuel 13:14). Then Absalom raped concubines of his father openly before people to win favour of his father’s enemies. (2 Samuel 16:22)


(Joshua 6:21)

There are such innumerable stories of deceit, murders, rape, temple prostitution which leave a very bad impression upon a reader. 12. In Gibean, Benjamites surrounded a house where a guest was staying, they demanded him to come out so that they could have unnatural intercourse with him. The host offered his daughter and the concubine of the guest for intercourse instead of the guest. Later the people agreed to rape the concubine. After the crowd finished gang rape, the concubine died of exhaustion and maltreatment. (Judges 19:22-28) 13. Prophet Lot (peace be upon him) offered his virgin daughters and his concubine to people and requested them to rape them. (Judges 19:24) 14. Jesus (peace be upon him) showed disrespect to his mother when she came to see him after a long journey; he said, “Who is my mother and who are my brothers?” And extending his hand towards his disciples, he said “Look! My mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my father who is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” This is not a statement becoming of a model man. Were not Jesus’ mother and brothers doing the will of God too. Couldn’t he say the same thing after showing great respect to his mother? Jesus (peace be upon him) refused to accept the request of a Phoenician woman to heal her daughter, and said, “I was not sent forth to any but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24) These remarks are certainly unbecoming of a saviour of the world. Jesus (peace be upon him) allowed a prostitute to anoint himself. (Luke 7:37) Jesus (peace be upon him) used bad language against the respected personalities of the Jews (at least in their eyes) without discrimination; he said, “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, blind guides, fools and blind ones, serpents, offsprings of vipers (Matthew 23: 13-39). No doubt there must be some scribes and Pharisees who were bad but such an outburst without discrimination is surprising; surely a later irresponsible interpolation.


Jesus (peace be upon him) was extremely impatient with hunger and even cursed the fig tree. (Matthew 21:19) Jesus (peace be upon him), who could fast continuously for forty days cannot be expected to have done such a thing; this and others are surely interpolations and character assassination of Jesus by the people with vested interests. Above are only a few objections among many which have been raised by disgusted Christian scholars. Muslims maintain that the above mentioned ‘divine revelations’ are untrue and are either interpolations or irresponsible writings of some enemies of religions. These all give a lowly picture of many revered personalities and doesn’t leave a good impression upon a reader who wants to get guidance from the Holy Book. When a reader finds so many of his ancestors involved in acts of low morality, then how would he mould his own character and become pious, and peace-loving? Perhaps, this sort of writings, which have been mentioned only briefly and are only few in numbers as compared to what lies in the Holy Bible, have in fact led the people to become immoral rather than to become good, that is why we find the followers of the Holy Bible mostly very much lecherous, oppressors, usurers, hypocrites, troubleshooters and killers. If this world wants peace on earth, then the people have no choice but to embrace Islam and follow the Holy Quran and the Sunnah i.e. Commandments of Muhammad, (peace be upon him), otherwise peace will never return to this earth. In the present form, the holy Bible is certainly not wholly divine revelation. A divine book should be free from any misstatement and be infallible. Hundreds of Christian scholars have themselves pointed out these discrepancies, most outstanding are hereby mentioned. 1.

David was seventh son of Jesse (1 Chronicles 2:15). David was eighth son of Jesse. (1. Samuel 16:10 and 1 Samuel 17:12)


Abigail, sister of Prophet David, was daughter of Jesse (1 Chronicles 2-16). Abigail was daughter of Nahash. (2 Samuel 17:25)


Amasa, an army general, was son of Ithra the Israelite (2 Samuel 17:25). Amasa was son of Jether the Ishmaelite Chronicles 2:17).



David bought the threshing floor from Araunan and the cattle for fifty silver shekels and built an altar (2 Samuel 24:25). David bought the threshing floor from Ornan for gold shekels to the weight of six hundred and built an altar (1 Chronicles 21:25). Note the differences in the names and the price paid.


David killed Goliath (1 Samuel 17:51). Elhanan son of Jaareoregim killed Goliath. (2 Samuel 21:19)


God said to David that there will be Seven years of famine in his land (2 Samuel 24:13). God said to David that there will be Three years of famine in his land (1 Chronicles 21:12)


Saul’s daughter Michal came to have no child down to the day of her death. (2 Samuel 6:23). Saul’s daughter Michal had five sons. (2 Samuel 21:8).


Ahaziah became king over Judah in the eleventh year of Jehoram the son of Ahab (2 King 9:29) Ahaziah became king over Judah in the twelfth year of Jehoram the son of Ahab (2 King 8:25).


Jehoram started reigning at the age of 32 and ruled for 8 years and died at the age of 40 (2 Chronicles 21:20). After Jehoram, his youngest son Ahaziah started reigning at the age of 42 (2 Chronicles 22:2). Note that youngest son has age two years more than his father. It is heartening to say that in the latest editions of the Holy Bible, this mistake has been corrected; 42 is changed into 22. Incidentally in 2 Chronicles 20:17 the name of the youngest son of Jehoram is Jehoahaz, not Ahaziah.


Saul’s grand father was Abiel (1 Samuel 9:1). Saul’s grandfather was Ner. (1 Chronicles 9:39).


When Jesus (peace be upon him) was born, his parents took him to Egypt under the order of God and he lived there till the death of Herod. (Matthew 2:13-15). When Jesus’ parents, after his birth, had carried out all the things according to the law of Jehovah, they went back into Galilee to their own city Nazareth (not to Egypt as in Matthew). (Luke 2:39).



In the country of Gadarenes, there met Jesus two demon possessed men coming out from among the memorial tombs (Matthew 8:28). In the country of Gerasenes one demon possessed man met Jesus coming out from among the memorial tombs. (Note the differences in the number of persons and the name of the country). (Mark 5:1-2).


Jesus (peace be upon him) saw Matthew seated at the tax office (Matthew 9:9). Jesus saw Levi, the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax office (Mark 2:14).


In Jericho, two blind men asked Jesus for mercy (Matthew 20:29-30). In Jericho, one blind man asked Jesus for mercy (Luke 18:35-38).


Mother of sons of Zebedee approached Jesus for a promise (Matthew 20:20). James and John, sons of Zebedee approached Jesus for a promise. (Mark 10:35)


After Jesus’ prayer, fig tree withered instantly (Matthew 21:19). After Jesus’ prayer, fig tree was found withered next morning. (Mark 11:14,20)


House-holder dispatched three slaves to the cultivators to get his fruits (Matthew 21:34). House holder dispatched his one slave to the cultivators to get his fruits. (Mark 12:2)


They killed the son outside the vineyard (Matthew 21:39). They killed the son inside the vineyard. (Mark 12:8)

Jesus is claimed by the Christians as the last saviour, a perfect guide to lead people. No doubt Jesus (peace be upon him) was a perfect man, a holy Prophet, but not a man destined to act as a ‘guide’ for all the people of the world. All the more, whatever is written in the gospels is not becoming of the Christ of the world as discussed earlier. We don’t find incidences from his own life to act as a guide for a good father, a good husband, a good judge, a good leader, a good commander, an inspiring spiritual guide who could turn the hearts of his people to God, a good neighbour, a good businessman, a good politician; in all these respects, a person do not find much in the life of Jesus (peace be upon him) to take him as model. But the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was perfect in all the spheres of life and is a model for mankind even today. Jesus refusal to teach Samaritans, to heal Samaritans, his insolent behaviour to his mother, his failure to win the respect of the masses and the priests and even his disciples who


abandoned him at the time of danger, his own admittance of failure of his mission, his refusal to be known among the masses as the Christ, his instructions to the people to follow the preachings of Pharisees (but not their acts) (Matthew 23:2), his refusal to be called god, his claim that the Christ will not appear from the line of David (peace be upon him); all these goes to prove that Jesus (peace be upon him) was essentially a reformer, a prophet for the Jews only and even in this respect his reformation met with disappointedly little success. Thus all attributions to him are concoctions and inventions of the priests with vested interests. Most unfortunately, all those attributes which were supposed to be in the last Saviour Christ were wrongly claimed for Jesus after he was forcibly throned as the last Christ which was truly, Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Christians claim that the gospels are divine revelations and a guide for the people but as we try to read it we find so many confusions and disgusting facts that an average reader is utterly confused. Here are mentioned a few of them. 1.

Jesus (peace be upon him) said “you are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its strength, how will its saltness be restored.” (Matthew 5:13). This statement is hitherto unexplained that how could salt lose its strength.


Jesus (peace be upon him) refused to permit a man to bury his dead father (Matthew 8:21). By all standards of ethics, this is unexplainable; Jesus should have even joined the burial procession.


Jesus (peace be upon him) instructed his disciples not to preach the gentiles and the Samaritans (Matthew 10:5). Why, if he were the Christ of the world?


Jesus (peace be upon him) throughout his life preached his disciples to be peace-loving but then said, “Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth”. (Matthew 10:34). How this conflicting teaching can be explained?


John the Baptist is claimed to be a fore-runner of the Christ and is reported to have baptized and declared Jesus as the Christ but in Matthew 11:2, we find him enquiring from Jesus if he was the Christ.


Jesus said, “Elijah, indeed, is coming and will restore all things. However, I say to you that Elijah has already come


and they did not recognise him but did with him the things they wanted.” (Matthew 17:11) Gospel says that he was speaking about John the Baptist. How is it that Jesus first says Elijah will come and then says he had already come and died. Did John the Baptist restored all the things? In reality this is a clear prophecy about the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and some people have vainly tried to interpolate it. (NB Elijah literally means Ahmed, another name of Muhammad (peace be upon him). 7.

Jesus (peace be upon him) said to his twelve apostles, “You who have followed me will also yourselves sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel’ (Matthew 19:28). How Judas Iscariat, the betrayer will sit upon a throne and judge the tribes of Israel? Very confusing problem indeed!


Jesus (peace be upon him) is claimed as the Christ from David’s line (peace be upon him) but he clearly refuted that claim (Matthew 22:41-46). It is very surprising how this passage could survive in the gospels which completely shatters Jesus’ claim as the Christ, and no scholar has so far been able to give any explanation whatsoever.


In Mark 1:16 we find that Jesus (peace be upon him) invited Simon and Andrew, who were fishing, to follow him; while in John 1:40 we read that Andrew followed Jesus (peace be upon him) after hearing from John the Baptist about Jesus’ Messiahship, and led his brother Simon to Jesus (peace be upon him). Surely such discrepancies can’t occur in word of God’ if gospels were so.


In Mark 11:15 we find that Jesus started to throw out those who were selling and buying in the temple and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. Such an outburst is not in line with the peaceful character of Jesus and confuses a reader.


In Luke 19:47 we read that ‘Chief priest and the scribes and the principal ones of the people were seeking to destroy Jesus (peace be upon him), and yet they did not find the effective thing for them to do, for the people one and all kept hanging onto him to hear him’. One fails to


understand where were these ‘one and all’ people when Jesus (peace be upon him) was put to trial openly; we find none to speak for Jesus (peace be upon him). 12.

In Luke 22:38, we find (peace be upon him) asking his disciples to acquire swords. On knowing that two swords are available, he said “It is enough”. It is baffling why these swords were being demanded when no resistance was to be offered to his enemies. This is a most astonishing and confusing account


In Matthew (12:1-16) we find that Jesus was ‘son of Joseph son of Jacob while in Luke (3:23-38) we read that Joseph was son of Heli; also in Matthew, Jesus was from the line of Soloman son of David while Luke says he was from the line of Nathan son of David; like this there are dozens of discrepancies; even names of the twelve apostles in Matthew, Mark and Luke differ considerably; the most baffling of all is that Jesus (peace be upon him) was not son of Joseph at all; Jesus (peace be upon him) was born when. Joseph was engaged to Mary, not yet married, and she was already pregnant before coming to the house of Joseph. An extremely baffling point is which no scholar has ever pointed out, that is ‘how a fiancé can live with her husband-t-be before marriage.’ How people would believe that Jesus was born to a virgin to fulfil the Biblical prophecy. Of course, no such prophecy ever existed in the Bible.


In Matthew 2:1-16 we read that Herod ordered the killing of innocent children in Bethlehem because a king of the Jews was born, according to astrologers, who was a future danger to him. Joseph, Mary and Jesus left for Egypt to escape the massacre. It is illogical that such an incidence could have occurred at all because later on, Jesus never claimed himself as the king of the Jews, nor he was ever danger to the authorities, nor Herod lived long enough to have danger from Jesus; all the more, the astrologers from eastern parts came after two years to do obeisance to Jesus (peace be upon him). Why it took so much time to reach Bethlehem; most surprising is that according to Luke 2:17, Joseph and Many lived in Nazareth and’came to Bethlehem only for few days to comply a decree from Caesar Augustus for registration, so Jesus (peace be upon


him) was not present in Bethlehem when the astrologers came. How could he kill the Jewish children when he was himself a Jew, with no resistance from the Jewish population and that too, 4a king of the Jews’ which he himself along,with millions of the Jews was waiting for. How astonishing that Herod feared no reckoning from the Roman Caesar who appointed him a governor over the Jews to keep peace! All these confusing facts leave a reader baffled. 15.

In Matthew 4:9 we find Satan saying to Jesus (peace be upon him) “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.” If Jesus (peace be upon him) were God as per Christians’ belief then how could Satan make such an offer to God knowing that God is the king of everything? Reply of Jesus (peace be upon him),’It is Jehovah your God you must worship and it is to him above you must render sacred service,’ conclusively proves that Jesus (peace be upon him) never called himself God nor asked anyone to worship him but Jehovah God, then how could the Christians believe Jesus as God is utterly confusing (this point has been discussed earlier too).


The Christians believe Jesus as the greatest Saviour, We find in the gospels Jesus (peace be upon him) declaring the generation of his time as utterly wicked with no future hope, we have in Matthew 12:45 “......... and the final circumstances of that man become worse than the first. That is how it will be also with this wicked generation”. In Matthew 12:41 we have “Men of Ninevah will rise up in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it,.......” In Matthew 12:42 we have “The queen of the South will be raised up in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it,........”. Then on occasions Jesus (peace be upon him) showed disgust at the belief of his disciples, his kins, his city Nazareth, Jerusalem and almost all the cities wherever he preached, he was forcibly expelled from some cities too. Then what sort of saviour Jesus (peace be upon him) was when he neither saved his people from foreign yokes nor he saved people from spiritual darkness? This is very baffling indeed for a reader to make out the purpose of Jesus’ true mission from the gospels. In fact Jesus’ true mission was nothing but to declare the tidings that the rule of God i.e., Kingdom of God was soon to come to the


earth through a gentile Prophet and a gentile nation. This is what led the Jewish priests, who expected a Jewish Messiah, to hate Jesus (peace be upon him) and made him unpopular among the Jewish masses too (see ‘Gospel of Barnabas’). 17.

In Matthew 12:40 we find Jesus saying, “For just as Jonah was in the belly of the huge fish three days and three nights, so the son of man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.” This statement of Jesus (peace be upon him) is used by the Christian priests to prove that Jesus predicted his death and then resurrection after three days and three nights. The most puzzling to read in the four gospels is that Jesus (peace be upon him) supposedly stayed less than two days and two nights in the grave as dead. Doesn’t it prove that this most important prophecy and the other stories were written by incompetent people, probably influenced by mythologies of Hellenism and Mithraism popular at that time? Thus the whole affair of corruption of Holy Scriptures can be said to be the greatest politically oriented intervention in the religion, and innovation of inventive European minds and a manifestation of their utter hardheartedness; even God could not escape the evil designs of some corrupt people for the sake of worldly benefits, (For more detail see our book “The Crescent Versus The Cross”).

Holy Bible can’t guide the people of the world. Had it been the desire of God to act as a guide, then He would have certainly preserved its message perfectly which is not the case, and even all Christians too admit it. But the Quran, the last guidance is preserved perfectly. Here are some extracts from the Christian sources to show that even the Christian scholars admit the handicap. “Only by the exercise of a charitable leniency that few country justices would be ready to extend to a poacher, or a London stipendiary to a pickpocket, is it possible to accept the description of David  the king who sent his valiant captain to his death in order that he might take to wife the woman he had already seduced and was with child by him  as a man after God’s own heart. And David was not exceptional. There is hardly an Old Testament character who judged by even our standards, is not woefully deficient. Abraham (peace be upon him) the Friend of


God who allowed his wife to be taken into Pharaoh’s harem, and said nothing for fear of his own safety;’ Jacob (peace be upon him), who tricked his father into giving him the elder son’s birth-right; Joshua, the first of many Jewish conquerors who, at Jehovah’s behest, slaughtered the Canaanites with a thoroughness that is expressed in an obscenity that tires and disgusts with repetition, Jael, who drove a nail into the temples of the sleeping Sisera, who had trusted to her generosity; Jephthah, who sacrificed his daughter to Jehovah in accordance with his foolish vow, and Samuel, who killed Agag in cold blood, and Solomon, who put to death his father’s ministers; Elisha, who cursed the children who had gibed at his baldness, so that bears came out of the wood to devour them, these are just a few of the Hebrew characters who in Jewish synagogues and, strangely enough, in Christian Sunday Schools, are counted among the heroes of history. (Ethics of the Great Religions P.159) “Our use of the phrase ‘The Dark Ages’ to cover the period from 600 to 1000 marks our undue concentration on Western Europe — From India to Spain, the civilization of Islam flourished. What was lost to Christendom at this time was not lost to civilization, but quite the contrary ........... To us it seems that West European civilization is civilization, but this is a narrow view.” (Bertrand Russel, History of Western Philosophy P. 419) Bertrand Russel in his book (Why I Am Not A Christian’ has completely exposed that Christian morals, as described in the gospels, are not worth following. Muslims’ point of view is that the gospels do not represent Jesus (peace be upon him) at all but his teachings are not in true shape as preached by Jesus, a Jewish Messiah, a word from God, who can’t be expected to utter one thing which anyone could point out as unworthy and unbecoming of a prophet. Christian missionaries have many messages for Muslims which are briefly discussed by Muslims’ point of view. “They say that ‘man was created in God’s image to be not a slave but a son to God’. But Adam by his act of disobedience “fell”, and was radically changed. He became a slave of sin, and his descendants inherited his sinful nature. Adam (peace be upon him) and his descendents were unable to do what God required, and their need was not so much for instruction as for new heart. They had become enemies of God and needed to be reconciled.


They needed the lamb of God, who would die for them and make expiation for their sins. Also if Jesus Christ is not truly one with God, and if he did not die, there is no adequate sacrifice for the sin of the world, and sinners have no saviour. Thus Muslims have no assurance of forgiveness, or of eternal life with God. Muslims do not know the vastness of Jesus’ love, for they refuse to believe that he loved sinners so much that he voluntarily died on the Cross to save them. Muslims do not know the wonderful truth that God loves them even though they are sinners, and did all that Almighty God could do to save them from sin and eternal death, by giving his only son to be the sacrifice for this sin of the world”. Muslims believe that Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) did repent after he realised his fault and was forgiven by Merciful God, so there is no original sin. Even the Holy Bible says that “Fathers should not be put to death on account of children, and children should not be put to death on account of fathers. Each one should be put to death for his own sin.” (Deuteronomy 24:16). So it is a fundamental of all religions and all laws that only the doer of a sin is responsible for that sin. Thus it is a concocted fabrication to say that there ever existed an unforgiven ‘original sin’. It is interesting to note that the Holy Bible also says that due to this ‘original sin’ God said to the woman (Hazrat Eve) “I shall greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy; in birth pangs you will bring forth children” and to Adam (peace be upon him) God said “In pain you will eat its (earths’) produce all the days of your life. And thorns and thistle it will grow for you, and you must eat the vegetation of the field.” (Genesis 3:16-18). Now, as Christians claim that original sin is forgiven, we still find all Christian women in pain during childbirth and men still labour for their bread, thus there is no proof of forgiveness of the original sin which never existed. Muslims believe that all children are born pure and innocent; thus some early believers of the Holy Bible created idea of this original sin to make the masses feel guilty and asked people to give them money and sacrificial animals so that they could pray for them for their salvation. During Reformation we find that the Christian priests were selling penitence for sins like murder, adultery, theft for a paltry amount ranging from six pence to few shillings. Muslims believe that nobody can suffer as penitence for the sin of other. Jesus (peace be upon him) was never crucified, even if he was, it would not have helped even a single person; even his death would have amounted to a more grievous


sin upon humanity than the original sin of Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him). Let us examine the account of Jesus’ death and find out how reliable this account is. It is written in Matthew 26:6-16 2 that a woman rubbed oil on the head of Jesus (peace be upon him) in the house of Simon the leper, seeing which all disciples became indignant, and then Judas Iscariot went to Chief Priest and received thirty silver pieces to betray Jesus (peace be upon him). Jesus described this event as preparation for his burial. In Mark 14:3-11, the same event has been described with a difference that Judas Iscariot was only promised money for betrayal. In Luke 7:36-50, we find that the event took place in the house of a Pharisee and not a leper; also the woman was none but a well known prostitute and she greased the feet of Jesus, not his head as in gospel of Matthew and Mark, and we find none of the undignified apostles or Judas Iscariot’s betrayal mentioned here, instead Jesus gave a long illustration to the Pharisee to explain this wonderful act; this illustration is missing in all other gospels. To the utter bewilderment of a reader, we find that in John 12:1-8, the whole incident happens in the house of Mary Magdalene, and the woman who greased the feet was not a prostitute but the most revered Mary Magdalene, a full time companion of Jesus (peace be upon him) and the apostles. Most surprising is this that the unknown women or Mary Magdalene knew it all the time that Jesus (peace be upon him) was soon going to die, as Jesus (peace be upon him) called this event as preparation for his burial (but not so in Luke), but his disciples had no such idea at all but even felt indignant and called this act a wasteful one. The second important incident is the last supper of Jesus (peace be upon him). Account of this supper in Luke 22:7-30 is that Jesus took loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them (Apostles) saying, “This means my body which is to be given in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” Also, Jesus (peace be upon him) gave them a cup saying, “This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf.” Then Jesus (peace be upon him) declared that one of the twelve apostles was his betrayer and there arose heated discussion among them to find which of them was the traitor. In Matthew 26:17-30, Jesus (peace be upon him) declared about the betrayer in no secret fashion by saying, “He that dips his hand


with me in the bowl is the one that will betray me.” Thus there was no heated discussion at all. While offering them loaf after blessing, he uttered different words than what is in Luke saying, “Take, eat, this means my body”, then he gave drink saying, “Drink out of it, all of you, for this means my ‘blood of the covenant, which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.” Thus sayings are remarkably different in “words and meanings. In Mark 14:12-26 dialogues of Jesus are entirely different and lengthy. The most interesting thing is that in each account, Jesus (peace be upon him) claimed that he is going to die the way ‘it is written concerning him’, while there is absolutely no prophecy in the Holy Bible regarding this. To utter disappointment of readers, Jesus (peace be upon him) cursed his betrayer. About him and other disciples, he earlier said, “you will sit on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel’, it is really surprising how Judas Iscariot who was among the twelve, will sit on throne. To make the account even more confusing, in John 13:117:26, there is no mention of Jesus’ giving loaf and cup to his apostles and symbolising them with his body and blood; rather we find Jesus (peace be upon him) washing the feet of his apostles, an event absent in the three gospels. Moreover, Judas Iscariot is said to think of betrayal after this last supper while in synoptic gospels, he had already taken money or was promised money before this event Account of John surprises most in this respect that after this pass over meal, Jesus (peace be upon him) was all the time and again emphasising his disciple to believe in the Paraclete, Prince of the world, Holy spirit, spirit of righteousness and Truth, without a believe in him there was no salvation ever. As already discussed, Muslims believe that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was that Paraclete. Thus all the above arguments prove that some sort of misunderstanding occurred in the sacred gospels among those who were not competent writers. That is why they left so much proof to know of manipulations; thus in the present form, gospels are not at all Word of God. The most annoying fact is that Christian priests claim that by eating sacramental meal during Mass in remembrance of Lord’s Supper, the bread changes into Christ’s body and thus the eater becomes one with him’. This is quite unscientific and illogical. Does a man become fish and can swim if he eats meat of fish? European Christians have been eating ham for centuries, have they all become swines? Will a man become brave by eating the flesh of a lion? Never! Certainly such was a


belief among the cannibals who would eat the flesh of their brave enemies to acquire their qualities; thus whole theory is utterly bogus. All the more, after eating this sacramental meal from none but Jesus (peace be upon him) himself, we find that Judas Iscariot turned into a traitor, other eleven apostles abandoned their most beloved Jesus (peace be upon him) in the time of trial. Peter even denied and cursed him, then for what good is that meal? And what spiritual benefits does it give? It is surprising that how priests become blind for the sake of lust for money and worldly gains and so create such a bogus dogmas and then make people believe that for such a long time. Even the imagination of eating the flesh and blood of a dear one is very disgusting, Romans and Greeks did believe in dogmas very similar to the Christian’s. If a person reads myths of Attis, Adonis of Tammuz, Dionysius or Bacchus, Osiris, he will find himself as if reading life history of Jesus (peace be upon him); moreover myths of Bel of Babylon, Krishna (Hindu’s Avatar) are astonishingly similar to the life history of Jesus (peace be upon him) described in New Testament. They were all born of virgin mothers, they were saviours who died for the sake of the people, rose from dead and were commemorated by Eucharistic meals, all born in December and rose from dead in spring like Jesus (peace be upon him). Thus when Christianity was taken over by the Europeans in the 4th century, such popular dogmas conveniently became the part of the new religion. It will be worthwhile to mention that all other gospels, numbering more than one hundred were destroyed so that no evidence could remain to ascertain the truth. Christian church, backed by the notorious Roman Empire became the most fearinspiring, blood-thirsty organisation, spearheaded by money  mongering assassins, pitiless, most uncompromising people making mockery of Jesus’ teaching of love. Gospel of Barnabas, the only true surviving gospel found recently, fully exposes the shameful forgeries done in the name of God and Jesus (peace be upon him). How criminal of them! Below are being given some painful facts of the history so as to prove that eating of Sacramental Meal to celebrate the Lord’s last Supper do not result in any spiritual change which Muslims miss, nor Christ enters into the body as per Christians’ claim. According to writings of none but Christian scholars, in the 10th century and during Luther’s Reformation or Renaissance, not to speak of the common clergy men, even the morality among


the most pious had sunk very low. This is true for the most part of the history of the Christian churches. Here are extracts from none but Christian historians: 1.

“The next two centuries saw great increase in the wealth of the Church. Through gift made in return for prayer and Mass after death, the Church by 800 AD was the greatest single land owner in Europe. At that time it was said that the Church owned one-third of France and similar huge holdings in other countries. The year 800 AD marked a further step in increased power of the Pope...... The darkest period of papal history began just at the end of the ninth century and lasted for sixty seven years. Twenty Popes succeeded each other in what became generally known as the “Rule of the Harlots”. The Lateran Palace became a resort of orgies and degradation. The mistresses of the “Celibate” Popes made their sons successors to the papacy. Murder, assassination, fighting, prostitution, and bribery were the order of the day. And end to this immorality, debauchery, and infamy came in 962-963 when Otto the German cleared out the remnants of this papal line, set up a new Pope, and took for himself and his successors the right of papal nomination” (History of Papacy in Religions of the world page 83)


....... but to return, the early tenth century was perhaps the lowest in all Church history with reference to the papacy. It is called the pornographic period because the popes were the appointees of prostitutes. (The Medieval Church, p-32)


This century was the worst in the whole chequered history of the Church, it was a time of murders, riots, robberies, and the rule of Harlots’ ...... The Pope might be a boy of twelve, a layman, an assassin, a debauchee  even, in the well-known myth, a woman. (The church of the West in A history of Religions, P-282)


Luther had seen Rome, and had been thunderstruck by its corruption. There is in Rome a so-called Vicar of Christ who bears no resemblance to our Lord; he wears a triple crown, and requires, to keep up his state a larger revenue than an emperor; he is surrounded with princes called Cardinals who must appropriate to themselves convents


and benefices to maintain their position ...... Anyone can purchase impunity for crime by bribing the Papacy. (The Divided Church, A short history of Religions P-303) 5.

Other discrepancies in the account of crucifixion of Jesus (peace be upon him) are that Jesus (peace be upon him) is posed as a god born to give life in behalf of sin of the world. This is known as Atonement, but we find him in the gospels, weeping bitterly, falling down, praying to God time and again to remove this fate. Moreover when Judas Iscariof came to Jesus (peace be upon him) with the Army, he had given them sign, saying ‘“Whoever it is I kiss this is he. (Jesus peace be upon him)” Matthew 26:48, and later Judas did accordingly; also similar, though slightly different version is in gospels of Mark and Luke. But in John 18:4, we find that Judas didn’t have any agreed sign nor he kissed Jesus, (peace be upon him) rather Jesus (peace be upon him) himself asked, Whom are you looking for?” Even on telling that he was Jesus (peace be upon him) none arrested him but all fell on the ground. This is remarkably a different version. Again after Jesus’ supposed arrest (actually Judas in the likeness of Jesus (peace be upon him) got arrested), he was taken to Caiaphas as described in the synoptic gospels, but John’s gospel says that he was first taken to Annas. Then all the questions and answers before the Jewish court are altogether different in different gospels. Then Jesus (peace be upon him) was taken to governor Pontius Pilate.

In Matthew 27:11, Pilate asked Jesus (peace be upon him), “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus (peace be upon him) denied it. Then Pilate said, “Do you not hear how many things they are testifying against you?” To this Jesus (peace be upon him) did not answer him, not a word. A similar account is present in Mark, but in Luke, the account is altogether different. We read in Luke 23:6 that after declaring Jesus (peace be upon him) innocent as in Matthew and Mark, Pilate sent Jesus (peace be upon him) to Herod for a trial. This important trial is missing in Matthew and Mark in which Herod too found Jesus (peace be upon him) innocent regarding the charge that Jesus (peace be’ upon him) was inciting people against Caesar. In John 18:33-38, we find Jesus (peace be upon him) talking a lot and trying to prove himself innocent, while in synoptic gospels he is shown embarrasingly quiet. A reader is puzzled to understand why Jews brought Jesus


(peace be upon him) to Pilate at all when they could try and kill him themselves as they had such powers; Stephen was killed by Paul and others without consulting Pilate or Herod. How is it that during the trial before Jewish assembly, charge against Jesus (peace be upon him) was that he called himself son of God and was condemned to death; but before Pilate, no such charge was levelled but suddenly Jesus (peace be upon him) was charged with conspiring against Caesar, a baseless charge which the Jews could not have expected to prove? And even Pilate did not accept that charge. Had there been any truth in this charge, Pilate would have known long ago as Roman governors were quite well-informed and powerful rulers; then how could he be expected to be forced to order the death of Jesus (peace be upon him)? Also he sent Jesus (peace be upon him) for a trial before Herod as Jesus (peace be upon him) belonged to Herod’s territory, Galilee. Afterwards, Herod cleared Jesus (peace be upon him) of all charges and declared him innocent, then how Pilate could undo the verdict of Herod? Knowing that Pilate and Herod were enemies, Pilate’s act of sending Jesus (peace be upon him) to him for trial as goodwill had just brought about immediate friendship (Luke 23:12) between the two, then how could Pilate order the death of a man whom even his new friend had released, knowing himself that Jesus (peace be upon him) was innocent and enjoyed great popularity in Jerusalem and outside the whole country? Didn’t he fear revolt even worst for killing an innocent man? Why he didn’t fear reckoning from Caesar for killing a popular man who was judged, by two most popular governors, as innocent? Were the Jews that powerful? Even one rebuke from Pilate them could have fainted all the priests and their followers. These governors were ruthless and cruel; they could kill innocent children of Jews; they could capture and imprison a most popular prophet like John the Baptist and kill him. But before a shouting crowd the same governors are portrayed as helpless. This sort of nonsense and forgery can only impress illiterates or people having low intelligence level but not Muslims whose eyes are fully opened by the grace of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). In the gospels regarding crucifixion, there are hundreds of misstatements, unbelievable events to prove that the whole account is just unauthetic and illogical. It is utterly unbelievable that Jesus (peace be upon him) who emphatically instructed his disciples to obey Romans, love enemies, work freely even if asked by an oppressor., could be charged with inciting the people; the Roman rulers could not have found a better friend than him, they


should have given him award to say that. And also, even Jesus (peace be upon him) asked his disciples to act according to the teachings of the Priests, then how such a naive person could be held guilty of any charge at all? It will be worthwhile to mention that recent discoveries of gospel of Barnabas, acts of apostle Andrew, acts of apostle Thomas, acts of apostle John, gospel of Peter, acts of Apostles, they all prove that none of the apostles believed in crucifixion, and all the early churches believed in docetism e.g. Cerinthians, Basilides, Nestorians, followers of Peter and Barnabas, that Jesus (peace be upon him) suffered seemingly in the person of another man (Judas Iscariot). This is exactly what Muslims believe. Even Jesus’ brother James believed in docetism. This belief i.e. denial of crucifixion as told by historians was the most popular in the first three centuries, but was suppressed by enemies of Jesus (peace be upon him) disguising as his lovers and followers. In Matthew 27:5 we are told that, Judas hanged himself. But in Acts 1:18 it is written that, “Judas fell pitching head foremost and noisily burst in his midst and all his intestines were poured out”. These controversial statements prove that no one knew the end of Judas with certainty: Gospel of Mark, Luke, John are silent on this subject. This confirms the truth of Gospel of Barnabas as discussed earlier that Judas was crucified in place of Jesus. Apostle John had claimed that he was with Jesus (peace be upon him) on the Mount of Olives when Judas was being crucified in Jesus’ person. Thus it is clearly proved that there was no reason why Jesus could be put to death except that he preached the advent of the last Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him) from a non Jewish line. Some Christian scholars try to befool masses by giving the impression that Jesus (peace be upon him) was killed because he called himself son of God, it is an utter lie, because not only Jesus (peace be upon him) denied it clearly as discussed earlier, but we notice that till last day of Jesus in the world, priests as well as rulers were time and again trying to catch him in speech; but Jesus (peace be upon him) very clearly denied such claim. The truth is that the priests were having grudge against him because he preached against the popular belief about the last Messiah or Christ so they tried to arrest him for interrogation, Judas was caught in the likeness of Jesus (peace be upon him), then Judas behaved so foolishly and cowardly that he lost all popularity and respect from the people and those present declared him malefactor and crucified him.


Thus Gospel of Jesus, which was originally words of God from the mouth of Jesus (peace be upon him), was later subjected to the greatest forgery of all time, the most abominable sin to change the word of God, a crime which no words can describe rightly, a wickedness unexcelled by any other evil act; this crime was not committed unintentionally, but is known to all Christian scholars; interestingly each sect accuses other sect for all that forgery in the scriptures. If a reader notices the events and dialogues at the time of supposed crucifixion of Jesus (peace be upon him) and after, and compare the account of different gospels as we have just compared partly, he will be puzzled to find dozens of misstatement, hardly the accounts agree upon a single thing, so it can be safely said that gospels are work of men; most accounts are unreliable, and illogical as already discussed so it can’t guide the mankind. Thus there occurred no crucifixion of Jesus (peace be upon him) and no resurrection; he didn’t die for the sin of the world which never existed; he didn’t offer loaf and drink as his body and blood for trans-substantiation as sacramental meal, all are false dogmas, so Muslims have nothing to lose or repent, nor they miss any undeserved kindness of God nor they wish to become free from the curse of law, but feel extremely proud to be called slave of God and the followers of His Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him) and believe in all the prophets of God, (peace be upon all of them). Thus Muslims are true believers of the Holy Bible. According to the teachings of Muhammad (peace be upon him) if the greatest sinner on earth, even once asks forgiveness from his loving God with true heart of course, then all his sins are definitely forgiven, if that person sins again ignorantly and asks for forgiveness, he is forgiven again, and so on, even if he sins thousands of times. So God does love His men very much and He needs no sacrifice but a repenting soul, a God-fearing conscious soul, a soul which with all its powers tries to win the love of his God. Muslims know loving kindness of God very well as they utter hundreds of times a day before starting any work, “With the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate”. Also Muslims believe that God manifests His love in every atom of His creation provided a man looks at His creation with an open mind and seeing eyes. Christians have messages such as: Believe in the Lord Jesus (peace be upon him), and you will be saved (Acts 16:31). For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your


own doing, it is the gift of God. (Eph. 2:8). Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law. (Gal. 3:31). Jesus (peace be upon him) commissioned his Church to preach the gospel to everybody in the world (Mark 16:15) and to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). Muslims too believe in Jesus (peace be upon him), but as a prophet, not as a deity or son of God but surely as beloved of God; thus to them son is synonym of beloved, nothing more. But we also believe that a belief in Jesus (peace be upon him) means also to obey all commandments too which also includes a belief in the holy spirit Paraclete, a belief in Muhammad (P.B.U.H). If a person doesn’t do what Jesus (peace be upon him) preached (This was discussed in the early part of this book) then he is a hypocrite, a liar; Thus the law of God is not a curse as stated by Christians but a great honour for men to obey it, this is exactly what Jesus (peace be upon him) preached throughout his life. No doubt, nobody can be saved only by his actions as actions are not worthy enough to earn the great reward of God, Paradise, which is too precious, this is what our Prophet told us, but a man must do his best to comply the law, seek God’s forgiveness for his failings and leave the result to God. Our Prophet has given assurance that whoever follows his ‘Sunna’ with true heart will surely go to Paradise but whosoever doesn’t believe in him (The Prophet), no good action will be of help and such a person will taste everlasting life in Gehenna. All those who do not follow the law and make a mockery of it will surely go to Gehenna. None can redeem us from the law, yes, not even Jesus (peace be upon him) because it is against his own teachings (Matthew 5:17). He ordered a very strict observance of the law, more strictly than what even priests observed. Jesus (peace be upon him) did ask his apostles to go into the world and preach his gospel, but his order was in accordance with his earlier statements in which he strictly ordered his disciples to preach none but lost sheep of Israel. Jesus (peace be upon him) asked the apostles to give good news that Rule of God on earth is soon to come; he didn’t ask them to preach that the Messiah or a God had come on the earth. Those lost sheep were scattered throughout the world in Arabia, Egypt, Iran, India, Afghanistan, so obeying the order of Jesus (peace be upon him), the apostles did go to all parts of the world to the lost tribes of Israel as we find from the life history of the apostles. But for what good news (gospel or Injeel means good news)? The good news was the same what Jesus (peace be upon him) gave, and that


was that kingdom of heaven i.e. rule of God on earth is soon coming. In other words, he gave good news of coming of the last prophet i.e. Muhammad (peace be upon him) who would establish long-awaited justice, law and order, piety, throughout the earth for which all nations especially oppressed and captive Jews in their ghettos longed for, and this is exactly what Muhammad (peace be upon him) did by destroying the tyrant superpowers of the Romans, the Persians, the Egyptians, and other. So in the twentieth century, preaching of good news of rule of God coming soon on earth by Christians is a mockery of Jesus (peace be upon him) and in fact, self-styled Christians are the only one who are the greatest enemies of justice, who sell arms to poor nations at inflated prices, who create political disturbances and murders (as admitted by even heads of C.I.A) in poor countries, who have the right to veto the rights of poor countries in United Nations even if majority is in favour of it, this all goes to expose the true face of the self-styled Christian nations who preach democracy, peace and justice throughout the world. But in their own countries, permissiveness, gambling, and drunkenness is way of life and have full legal sanctions, rather people are supported financially for all that. From the Muslims’ point of view Christian priests are not representative of Jesus (peace be upon him) but of their own desires; they don’t lead to salvation rather astray people. Muslims too have a message for the people of the world especially the Christians. Let people of the world unite in brotherhood under the standard of Islam, no one should hate other on account of colour race, language, country; none should war on other but all should join to eliminate all sorts of killings throughout the world; let us have one law of Allah throughout the world and do justice to all with equity; let us all start a holy war against misery, sickness, illiteracy, blasphemy, prostitution, homosexuality, permissiveness, gambling, intoxicants and join together to raise the living and moral standard of all the people of the world; let us all benefit equally from the modern scientific knowledge and none should use that knowledge to suppress others; let us not use religion as a tool to strengthen white people’s supremacy over the coloured people, nor as a weapon to gain political influence in the third world; let us not exploit the poor countries by establishing industries there which manufacture consumer goods only but we should endeavor for technical and educational advancements at low cost; let a poor man of the third


world become as well-off as a common man in the most affluent country. So let us share the wealth of the world with justice; let us love human beings more than animals, and first feed the hungry people of the world and then spend on pets. Let us believe on One True God and one true last saviour of the world as per the teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him), that is Hazrat Muhammad, peace be upon him. Let us read New Testament carefully, and also Gospels of Barnabas, Thomas, Peter found recently, also acts of apostle, and other scriptures i.e. Vedas, Puranas, Avesta, Old Testament, Buddhist scriptures and then find out that Mohammed (peace be upon him), was the last prophet of the world. Jesus (peace be upon him) throughout his life did nothing but proclaimed the coming of the last prophet to establish the long awaited rule of the world, he didn’t prophesy about himself but about the coming Son of man, a Son of God (son means the most beloved discussed earlier), Paraclete (i.e. Manahamna, Muhammad) This is what Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) claimed for himself and also all the glories and the powers associated with Beloved of God and men. Whatever is written to prove that Jesus (peace be upon him) spoke about himself is either interpolations or wrong interpretations, and one of the many forgeries discussed earlier. It was the prediction of Christ coming outside David’s line, a Gentile Prophet, which really earned the enemity of the Jewish priests, (See Gospel of Barnabas). The present, gospels were probably written by collecting the words and the acts of Jesus from hearsay and unknown documents. Probability is that gospel of Barnabas was largely used to create the gospels appealing to the gentiles; and as most researchers agree, the gospels were arranged by the associates of Paul who never saw Jesus. As Paul, Luke and Mark were all proselytes Romans, so in it were added well-known Hellenistic dogmas (i.e. Sacramental meal and resurrection of a deity) which the Romans and other Europeans were believing already for thousands of years, thus there came into existence a new version of religion of Jesus (peace be upon him) (which was in reality nothing but Reformed Judaism) a white man’s religion, very appealing to suit the society of that time, full of dogmas, pagan ceremonies, image worship; in which, drinking was not forbidden even for priests (unlike in Judaism); adultery was not that hateful an act (as was in Judaism, its punishment was stoning), There was no sanction against gambling; a man could marry only once but could keep


innumerable concubines and girl friends, thus the new Christianity was a paradise for common man as well as priests. Thus new Christianity is a white man’s religion who though is materialistically strong but is spiritually very weak. Islam stops all that nonsense and priest craft. There is absolutely no priest in Islam who could demand or expect money from the people, this was exactly what had kept the Christian church away from Islam. This is unfortunately true even today, but those who seriously want peace of mind and want salvation will surely believe in the truth of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the Quran. A reader of this book must also read our book “The Message of The Crescent” and “The Crescent versus The Cross” with particular reference to the chapters about the Hereafter, and the message of God for non-Muslims which will definitely clear all the doubts which a man can have. And for strengthening a true belief in God and Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Quran is a living miracle in this respect and no one can escape its impact for his whole life even if he reads it only once. This is a high time that Christians, especially white people should realise their terrible mistake and accept the truth of Islam which will transform them into godly people and impart to them a peace of mind and spiritual richness which they lack and are striving for it earnestly. Surely people will find themselves enlightened, happy, changed into entirely new personality, feeling as one with the rest of the world, peace-loving and truth-loving. A man can’t have spiritual happiness unless he shuns pride due to race and colour and thinks himself to be equal to all mankind, superior over none, even becomes humble before all and then loves everyone, this is one of the fundamentals of all religions and this is what lacking among white people especially Europeans and others, and is the greatest hurdle to create a universal brotherhood. False racial prejudice and sense of supremacy have kept them aloof from the rest of the world. Only Islam can bring about this most needed revolution. The need of the present time is that all the peace-loving people among the white community as well as people of the third world should unite together effectively under the standard of Islam and should endeavor to their best to bring about peace and equity among all the nations of the world, and remove or defeat from their society all those who don’t believe in universal brotherhood and are promoters of permissiveness, crimes, wars, racialism. No ideology, Christians’ or Hindus’ or else can bring about this much needed change, only Islam has proved that it has


an effective message to bring about the change of hearts. So it is the duty of all peace-loving people i.e. Muslims to communicate and publicize the true message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which is a must for the salvation of mankind. No book was ever written to give full message of the Prophet, so the purpose of our book ‘The Message of The Crescent’ is to enable the readers to know maximum about Islam, not partly but fully, so that the message of the Prophet could make the desired impact upon a reader who wants his full satisfaction about the religion which he may wish to embrace. Non-Muslims who find Islam interesting should never make enquiries about Islam and the Prophet from a non-Muslim preacher, but from a learned Muslim scholar. Asking a non-Muslim to explain Islam is just like asking Satan to interpret the Holy Bible. Surely non-Muslim preachers are trained very well to falsely tarnish the face of Islam with many concocted juicy tales; surely their biased minds are full of poison and are blind with hatred against Islam, a hatred inherited generation after generation so much so that they can never be expected to see and understand the divine light of Islam except by Allah’s will. So all people should use their own conscious and brain that Islam is the easiest and the most spiritually rich religion of all; it contains in itself all the good teachings of all the religions of the world and is the most near to human nature; there is absolutely no hardship in Islam in any of its principles. All principles can stand to all types of logical discussions and there is not a single commandment which was not already present in the old true religions of the world but unfortunately those true commandments lost its true spirit and the followers stopped following them as the commandments were not well established and standardized by the acts of their prophets; thus the old religions have become lost religions or dead religions; Islam is the only living religion today and will live forever due to the miracle of the Quran and the Sunnah. All religions were for only one community; there arose class-system. Islam is for all the people of the world. All men are equal, sons of one father, Adam, none is superior than other. Piety is criteria for superiority. _________


Chapter 14

MUHAMMAD’S (P.B.U.H.) CHARACTER BRIEF ACCOUNT OF MUHAMMAD’S (PEACE BE UPON HIM) AMICABLE CHARACTER Description about him is given briefly for readers to get some glimpses of his personality as his companions wrote about him. He was very quiet and would not talk unnecessarily. He would talk in a soft voice, slowly, clearly but never too long. He would listen to others patiently without interrupting. He was extremely shy, more shy than a shy maiden, anything immodest would make him go red in the face. He would walk last among his companions and would sit among them at an unimportant place, never in the middle. He was the most intelligent, knowledgeable and wise, most respectable, just, kind, considerate; most pious, always anxious to come forward to help others to a maximum. He was most forbearing and had a cool temperament. His personality was a mixture of majesty and humbleness. He was legendary brave with outstanding courage; during a battle the most courageous among men was regarded the one who could stand behind him the nearest; he defeated the strongest men of his time in wrestling in just few seconds. He was very broad-minded, forgiving and humble. He would accept invitations from slaves to eat with them; any old woman could stop him and ask him to do her job. He would always lift luggage himself and loved to do all his jobs, never asked even a servant to do anything for him; he would help his wives even in their household jobs and cleaning; he would put fodder to his animals himself. He used to say “There are many calamities, but the gravest is to spend time in idleness’. He always had an amicable smile on his face and had a good sense of humour; his laughter was only a cute pleasant smile. He would always greet people first, would shake hand with warmth and


wouldn’t leave hand unless other person so wanted. He would ask about health and affairs of the people and their families. He would meet and treat everyone such that every person would think that Muhammad (peace be upon him) loved him the most. He never condemned anyone, nor put anyone to shame, nor would try to find faults and weaknesses with others; would accept an apology from others immediately without a fuss. All his deeds had a moderation, and planning. Every morning he would ask well-being of his neighbours and friends, if someone was reported sick, he would personally visit him and console him in the best words with a prayer, if some one needed him for an odd job, he would do it with pleasure. He loved the guests and would insist them to dine with him and then would request them to eat something more. He kept himself extremely clean and smart; there is a legend that dust would not fall upon Muhammad (peace be upon him). He never had more than one set of clothes during his whole life; he always wore coarse cloth and wouldn’t discard it unless wellpatched, sometimes they were patched at ten places even though he was the sole master and the king of a vast kingdom. He lived a simple life like king David and was a true inheritor of the throne of prophet David. He loved children very much and was very popular with them, he played, kissed and laughed with children who would always rush to him on seeing him and would make themselves conveniently seated on his shoulder and laugh. Muhammad (peace be upon him) would say to the people “Not only appreciate the horse but see the rider too”. Muhammad (peace be upon him) had extremely nice habits; there is a legend that a very pleasant smell would come out of Muhammad (peace be upon him) naturally; whenever he would shake hand with a person, nice smell would come out of the hand for the whole day long; whenever he would pass through a way, people could know by the perfume that Muhammad (peace be upon him) had passed that way and could search him; people could know which child had met Muhammad (peace be upon him) by the nice smell coming out of the child. He was exceedingly handsome, more than legendary prophet Joseph, his cheeks were as if sun was shining there; his face was more beautiful than full moon. He was legendary generous. He never said ‘no’ to a needy person, if he couldn’t find anything with him, he would even borrow from others. He never kept money with himself, though he received money worth millions of dinars, but would distribute it


within a day or two. His most beloved wife Hazrat Aish’a said, “Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his family never ate even bread of barley on two consecutive days. For months, fire was not lit in our homes to cook anything; we would eat dates with some milk. Muhammad (peace be upon him) never ate meals to his stomach full neither complained about it to any one because he loved fastings more than eating; sometimes Muhammad (peace be upon him) was restless due to hunger the whole night but even this would not keep him away to fast the next day, he would start the next fast without having food; surely if Muhammad (peace be upon him) had wished, he could get all the treasures and bounties of the world from Allah but he preferred saintliness and hunger over abundance. I would start weeping due to affection for him on seeing him in such a condition and would rub my hand over his stomach and say, ‘My soul be a sacrifice for you, I wish you could only take from the world a minimum to suffice you and give strength to you’. On hearing this Muhammad (peace be upon him) replied (4 weeks before death), ‘O Aisha, what I have to do with the world; before me were there many of my brothers, anointed prophets, who suffered even more hardships than me, but they showed patience, and in this state they met their Lord, and with Him they received high places and countless bounties; I fear that if I get abundance in this world, then bounties of the Hereafter may be lessened; there is nothing more dear to me than to meet my friends and brother over there in this state”. There are hundreds of such incidences to show unworldliness of the Prophet; this should quieten the sacrilegious people who malice Muhammad (peace be upon him). Hazrat Aisha said, “Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to talk and laugh with us (wives) with such an intimacy that we would forget that he is a great anointed one of God, but when there was a religious matter or prayer call, then he would suddenly look a different man”. His wives gave testimony, “Each night, Muhammad (peace be upon him) would sleep for sometime, then get up for supererogatory (Tahajja’d) prayer, then sleep again; he would sleep and get up likewise a number of times”. Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) bed was just an old rag, he would refuse to sleep on a softer bed because it hindered to get up for the midnight prayers. He would eat the simplest possible food, mostly milk, dates, honey, sometime meat and bread too, but


never ate two foods together; he used to say “Everything which a man takes in addition to a glass of water and dry bread is what he shall have to give an account to God”. His lifestyle was extremely simple inspite of having means to build palaces and wear the costliest dresses; even the most strong-hearted man like Hazrat Omer started weeping when he visited Muhammad (peace be upon him); he found that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was lying on a palm-mat on the floor of his mud house, there were absolutely no utensil, no curtain, no bed, no furniture, no decoration at all, Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) body was full of marks of the palm-mat; it took sobbing Omer a long time to recompose himself and ask Muhammad (peace be upon him), ‘How are you’. Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to say, ‘Piety is my pride’. Muslims bless Muhammad (peace be upon him) many times a day blessing him with reverence. We must shun the malicious propagandas by the unfortunate who being unable to propagate their own dead and defeated religions, try to malice Islam to stop its propagation too surely world will never forgive their devilish designs. Muhammad (peace be upon him) spent extremely nonsensual life. Though he had ten wives during last years of his life, all gave testimony that, he spent whole night saying prayers and slept only for a short while; many times his feet were swollen by standing during prayer and he was not sensual at all like other men’ (what evidence can be better than that of wives!). When Muhammad (peace be upon him) died, he left behind absolutely no money, no grain, no clothes, no furniture; he left a will that all his property belonged to the state, so neither any wife, nor his daughter inherited a dirham or a yard of land or a mud house even, otherwise the reprobates could well say, ‘Muhammad (peace be upon him) lived for hoarding wealth and left a vast treasure for his heirs!’ A reader may read our book ‘The Crescent, versus The Cross’ to understand more aspects of ‘Islamic Morality’. MOHAMMED (P.B.U.H.) IS THE ONE AWAITED BY ALL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD Thus he proved that he was the most selfless man, with unblemished character, a perfect model for the whole world, a character only worthy of the last prophet of salvation for whom the Jews, the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Zoroastrians awaited for centuries. He was a model friend, family man, leader, teacher,


judge, statesmen, a general, business man, spiritual guide, thus all the traits of life were present with perfection in this one man, the greatest of all times, a hero of heroes and a legend in himself with no equal. Such was the establisher of kingdom of God on earth to last forever on earth, God’s perfect representative and His beloved. There are neither words nor praises befitting him. Allah has very rightly declared that He and all His angels bless Muhammad (peace be upon him), and enjoined upon all the people of the world to bless him with reverence too. It is a great irony that all religions praise the last Saviour. Hindus praise Kalki avatar, Jagganath; Buddhists praise day and night Amida or Meitreya by uttering ‘Nembutsu’, Christians praise the Christ, Jews praise the last Messiah, Zoroastrians praise the Saoshyant or Astvat-Ereta; the praised personality is none but the last prophet of salvation who was to bring peace upon the whole world, a great conqueror, a new lawgiver; so the whole non-Muslim world indirectly praises the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) without realising the truth out of racial and religious prejudice; partly due to the propaganda of their wicked priests who conceal the truth from them and partly due to their own follies, and weaknesses that they do not read scriptures themselves and find the truth, but unfortunately seek explanations of the scriptures from those who themselves are not united on any point and have vested interests in their own doctrines, fearing the loss of their exalted positions by the acceptance of the truth; God has rightly spoken about them that” they are filling their bellies with fire and have chosen darkness instead of light out of prejudice and are heading for everlasting Gehenna with their sins and sins of those whom they have led to astray” (al-Quran). Moses, Isaiah, Jesus, Zorastra, Buddha Sakyamuni, Krishna, the Puranas, all spoke emphatically to believe in the last prophet, but out of sheer ignorance and prejudice, many people have chosen to remain in the darkness. How unfortunate are the people who spend day and night to disguise the truth knowingly; they have made the religion, a business multi-millions worth and argue about it with falsehood as if their own prestige is at stake. Surprisingly, there is hardly a point which goes against Islam, all commandments are according to the older religions; the laws of war, the laws of marriage, the laws of prayer, the laws of morality, all are according to the Bible and the Vedas, and these laws are far more compassionate, complete and universal, suitable for both common man and devout priest.


In the modern times, when all the revealed books have been translated and are within the access of every man, the time has come for the people of the world to accept the truth of Islam. This is only possible when a person uses his own head, consults his own conscience and saves himself from the wicked priests who have complicated and disguised the truth by their own philosophies, mostly contradictory to each other and against the fundamental religious truths. NON-MUSLIM SCHOLARS PAY TRIBUTE TO THE PROPHET Most eminent non-Muslim scholars have admitted the greatness of the Prophet; here are extracts from their books to remove even the last shadow of doubt about him and also it will be proved that the sacrilegious people with vested interests, enemies of God disguised as saviours and friends, have knowingly tried to conceal the true Mohammed (peace be upon him) from the world, this is a crime of traitors of God which human race shall never forgive. 1. “I have studied him, the wonderful man, and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the saviour of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him (Muhammad peace be can upon him) were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness. If any

religion has the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe, within the next hundred years it can be Islam”. (George Barnard Shaw in A Collection of Writings of Some of the Eminent (Christian) Scholars, 1935).

2. “Muhammad peace be upon him, established his religious system in a manner not only suitable to the sentiments of his compatriots, to their understanding and to the dominating customs of their country but beyond this, so proported to the common ideas of mankind, that he converted more than one half of all human beings to his opinions and all this in less than forty years”. “Four years after the death of Justinian, AD 569 was born at Makkah, in Arabia, the man who of all men, has exercised the greatest influence upon the human race”. (Le Comte de Boulalnvilliers, La Vie de Muhammad, Amsterdam 1731).


3. “To be the religious head of many empires, to guide daily life of one third of the human race, may perhaps justify the title of Messenger of God”. (John William Draper. M.D.I.I. A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, London 1875). 4. “To suppose Muhammad (peace be upon him) an imposter poses more problems than it solves. Moreover, none of the great figures of history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Muhammad (peace be upon him). Thus, not merely must we credit Muhammad (peace be upon him) with essential honesty and integrity of purpose, if we are to understand him at all, if we are to

correct the errors, we have inherited from the past, we must in every particular case hold firmly to the belief in his sincerity until the opposite is conclusively proved”. (W. Montgomery Watt, Muhammad at Makkah Oxford 1953).

5. “It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle”. (M.K. Gandhi, Young India). 6. “He was the most faithful protector of those he protected, the sweetest and most agreeable in conversation. Those who saw him were suddenly filled with reverence; those who came near him loved him; they who described him would say, I have never seen his like either before or after”. (Stanley Lane-Poole, The Speeches and Table Talk of the Prophet Muhammad, London 1882). 7. “To thoroughly comprehend the spirit of Muhammad, peace he upon him, or the soul of Islam, the student himself.... must at the outset recognize that Muhammad peace be upon him, was no mere spiritual pedlar, no vulgar time-serving vagrant, but one of the most profoundly sincere and earnest spirit of any age or epoch. A man not only great, but one of the greatest (i.e. truest) men that humanity has ever produced” (Major A. Glyn Leonard. Islam-Her Moral and Spiritual Value, London 1927). 8. “Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad, As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he”?


(Lamartine, Histories de la Turquie, Paris 1854). 10.

“Mohammed himself, after all that can be said about him,

was not a sensual man. We shall err widely if we consider this man as a common voluptuary, intent mainly on base enjoyments, nay, no enjoyments of any kind — No emperor with his tiaras was obeyed as this man in a cloak of his own clouting”. (Thomas Carlyle, On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History, London 1888). 11. “It is strongly corroborative of Muhammad’s sincerity that the earliest converts to Islam were his bosom friends and the people of his household, who, all intimately acquainted with his private life, could not fail to have detected those discrepancies which more or less invariably exist between the pretension of the hypocritical deceiver and his action at home”. (John Davenport, Apology for Muhammad and the Koran, London). 12. “Serious or trivial, his daily behaviour has instituted a cannon which millions observe at this day with conscious memory. No one regarded by any section of the human race as Perfect Man has been imitated so minutely”. (D.G. Hogarth, A History of Arabia, Oxford 1922). “Later he became head of the state, and the testimony even of his enemies is that he administered wisely. The wisdom he 13.

displayed in judging intricate cases became the basic for the religious law that governs Islam today. — He lifted women from the bondage in which desert custom held them and preached general social justice -— Western writers have based their charges of voluptuousness mainly on the question of women. Before Muhammad, however men were encouraged to take innumerable wives; he limited them to four only, and the Koran is explicit that husbands who are unable to maintain strict equality between two or more wives must confine themselves to one”; (James A. Michener, Islam: The Misunderstood Religion). 14. “Head of the State as well as of the Church, he was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without Pope’s pretension Caesar without the legions of Caesar. Without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed revenue, if

ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by the right divine, it was Muhammad, peace be upon him, for he had all the power without its instruments and without its supports”. (Bosworth Smith, Muhammad and Mohammedanism).


15. “In little more than a year he was actually the spiritual, nominal and temporal ruler of Medina, with his hand on the lever that was to shake the world”. (John Austin, Muhammad the Prophet of Allah 1927). 16. “It seemed then the great civilization which it had taken four thousand years to construct was on the verge of disintegration, and that mankind was likely to return to that condition of barbarism where every tribe and sect was against the next, and law and order was unknown ——— It was among these people that the man (Muhammad) was born who was to unite the whole known world of the East and South”. (J. H. Denison, Emotion as Basis of Civilization, London 1928). 17. “Can a man who has no good qualities hold a friend? Because those who knew Muhammad best believed in him most — All again risked his (Abu Bakr) life for the Prophet in his darkest days. Muhammad was no imposter, at any rate”. (H. G. Wells, The Outline of History, London 1920). 18. “Muhammad was the greatest revolutionary leader known to us. He has left an imprint on the whole course of human history which no man after him has been able to effiace. Indeed he appeared to at the cross-roads of human history and changed the course of human history. I hope it will now be realized that the Holy Prophet provided practical guidance for balanced living at all levels including physical, mental, emotional and meta-physical. (Professor Bon on Critical Study of Message of God). 19. “Muhammad was a prophet, not a theologian, a fact so evident that one is loath to state it. The men who surrounded him and constituted the influential elite of the primitive Muslim community, contended themselves with obeying the law that he had proclaimed in the name of Allah and with following his teaching and example. They had a simple robust faith that was satisfied with a small number of formulas and a few rites”. (Demombynes, Muslim Institution, London 1950, p.-20. Maurice Gaudefroy). Other eminent scholars who have spoken very highly of the Prophet are Rev. R. MacGregor, R. Boswarth Smith, RVC Bodley.


Now the time has arrived that the people of the world recognize the greatness, comprehensiveness of its principles, the need of it is the present world the truth of Islam which is a beautiful balance between materialism and extreme abstinence. By following the commandments of Islam, a man can perform all the acts of life, and thus while living nicely with parents, wife, children and fellow human beings, can achieve a higher spiritual goal than a devout saint. Thus Muhammad (peace be upon him) has outrightly remodelled the concept of old religions and has given a flexible, spiritually rich, practical, easy doctrine suitable for all the mankind, for all the time. In modern times its need is even greater. It has an appeal for an intelligent modern man as well as an average man. In the modern world, if Islam were to gain power, then the following changes ought to take place: _________


Chapter 15



All people of the world should be educated, more emphasis should be given to morality, people would be taught their responsibilities towards parents, wives, children and society and their responsibilities about sex which is the mainstay of a happy married life. People would be taught to shun hatred due to race, colour, religion and all men should feel like one body, free of any superiority feelings. People should learn that this life and the world is not an outcome of some unplanned chemical actions and explosions but behind each and every chemical action or movement there is a wondrous planning and a great brain without which this marvelous world can not exist for a moment; so men should shun a materialistic attitude toward life and realise their spiritual needs too and work for the Hereafter. Men should try their best to make achievements in all the scientific fields, but this should not make them so proud as to forget God, but rather one would observe mysteries and wonders of God’s work in each scientific achievement. 2.


All those programmes on television, radio, theatres, which depict pornography, permissiveness, immoral scenes, crimes should be banned. All newspaper, magazines and the books corrupting the morals, of people should be banned. All sensuous singing and dancing should stop. All books and articles arousing hatred between different races and religions should be banned. All these medias should be emphatically used for propagation of good morals and education.




All the people would enjoy religious freedom in every part of the world; killing of the people due to religious differences or their exodus from their homes should come to a stop; people would discuss their religions among themselves in good atmosphere and would listen to each others arguments. It is truly hoped that such discussions will lead to ultimate conversion of all to Islam. 4.


Women should not be used and depicted as a symbol of sex and lust only but they should be given a real honour and respect. They shall not be forced to work to earn their own livelihood but men will provide them their needs while they look after the house and the children. Law should be made to safeguard their interest, save them from injustice and maltreatment. Women should be checked for uncontrolled immodesty in the name of women’s rights and liberation; rather their true rights and its limits should be taught from childhood. Also men who run prostitution and traffick in women should be eliminated. Free and uncontrolled mixing of both sexes should be stopped but equal opportunities should be available for each sex to seek education and work without becoming victim of each others selfish desires and thus losing a respect for the opposite sex. Hindu customs of burning wife alive along with the dead husband, treating widows in the most humiliating way as untouchables and marrying of one woman to many men should be abolished; also the Christian customs of allowing a man to keep a woman as unwedded wife, as prevalent among Western people, should be abolished and the couple would be compelled by law to marry instead of living in sin. 5.


All alcoholic drinks and narcotics should be banned; people should be educated to leave such vices. All people associated with such business or smuggling should be strongly checked and their wealth be confiscated. 6.


All the betting and gambling casinos, along with horse racing should be banned and people’s energy should be diverted to a more productive direction, for the cause of better world, peaceful and free from disparity.




There should be collective efforts to eliminate hatred between white and coloured races and all should become like a unified group, a family of brothers, No community should think themselves superior over others and should not assume themselves as rulers over others and try to make others poorer, like we see the Western nations whose mainstay for leadership and richness is in usurping disunity, communal conflicts, and war among poor nation and then sell arms and ammunition in the name of peace, of which they are the main enemy and have created horrible problems for a large section of mankind by their political intrigues. This injustice, discrimination and loss of good judgement can be cured only by Islamic principles. Nations should be taught to share all scientific knowledge equally and all achievements would be regarded as achievement of the mankind as a whole and should be equally shared. Rather advanced nations should take active steps to impart their knowledge to less advanced brotherly nations and should not use these achievements to gain further disparity by making business out of it. 8. All wars and persecutions should be stopped; also the manufacture� of arms and ammunition for business purpose. The people who have amassed treasures by such corruption should be checked and their wealth should be distributed among the people of the world, 9.


All the land not under any use should he distributed among the poor. A collective effort should be made with sincerity to eradicate poverty, injustice, crimes and evils from the world with a true missionary spirit, not hypocritically with vested interests. A strong hand should be used to exterminate the professional criminals whenever necessary, and when possible, education should be imparted to educate the criminals and make them a good member of the society. 10.


Religion should not be used for political ends and worldly gains but should become an active principle of life. Religious differences would be discussed and settled amicably; one should not thrust his own opinion over the others, rather true faith should emerge from the heart without any compulsion or


ignorance. People should be taught that it is more dear to God to work for the society, for parents, for the family; and a person can attain the highest spiritual goal by it than to sit in solitude and worship all the time. 11.


A political system should be evolved in which only the people with a true spirit to serve the mankind, irrespective of race and religion, should come forward; and all people who indulge in crimes, liquors, gambling, prostitution, black marketing, arms and ammunition manufacturing, and other vices should be curbed and should have no chance of holding public offices or to support any candidate for such offices. People’s affairs should be decided by people themselves by mutual approval and counsel. No politician should be tolerated who utters slogans against the ethics of Islam. 12.


All out efforts should be done to impress upon people to believe in one God the way Muslims believe, and all images, idols would be destroyed as ordered in the Bible and the Holy Quran and other Scriptures too. So God will be worshipped directly with exclusive devotion and only He shall be asked for forgiveness of sin without any intercession of priests or payment of money to a priest. The corrupt paganistic belief that God can Himself appear on earth as. incarnated being should be replaced by the belief that the incarnated beings of the past, supposedly God, were only Godgifted Holy ones, inspired ones or dear ones of God deriving their supernatural powers from God and were not themselves God or a god, there is no god but One God is the basic principle of Islam and all the other true religions of the world but unfortunately, except Muslims, no follower of other religions do justice to it. Muhammad, peace be upon him, would be preached as the last prophet, the Christ, Kalki avatar, Amida or Meitreya Buddha, Astavatereta, but none should be forced to change his religion. NON-MUSLIMS’ TRIBUTE FOR ISLAM: Here are extracts from the books of eminent non-Muslim scholars to prove the truth and the greatness of Islam. 1. Islam had the power of peacefully conquering souls by the simplicity of its theology, the clearness of its dogma and principles. (Jean L’heureax, Etude Sur L’lslamism).


2. Two features in the creed of Islam have always specially attracted me. One is the God conception, the other is its unquestionable sincerity (Major Arthur Glyn Leonard, Islam  Her Moral and Spiritual Value, London 1927). 3. Sense of justice is one of the most wonderful ideals of Islam, because as I read in the Quran I find those dynamic principles of life, not mystic but practical ethics for the daily conduct of life suited to the whole world. (Sirojini Naidu, Madras 1918) 4. The rise of Islam is perhaps the most amazing event in human history springing from a land and a people alike previously negligible, Islam spread within a century over half the earth shattering great empires, overthrowing long established religions, remodeling the souls of races, and building up a whole new world  the world of Islam. The closer we examine this development the more extraordinary does it appear. ----- Forgetting the chronic rivalries and blood feuds which had consumed their energies in internecine strife, and welded into a glowing unity by the fire of their new-found faith, the Arabs poured forth from their deserts to conquer the earth for Allah, the one true God ----- For the first

three centuries of its existence (circ. AD 650-1000) the realm of Islam was the most civilised and progressive portion of the world (A.M. Lothrop Stoddard, Ph. D. The World of Islam, London 1932). 5. There can be no question but that, with its pure monotheism, and a code founded in the main on justice and humanity, Islam succeeds in raising to a higher level races sunk in idolatry and fetishism, like those of Central Africa, and that in some respect, notably in that of temperance, it materially improves the morality of such people. (Sir William Muir, Mohamet and Islam, London 1895). 6. “It may be boldly asserted that no people in the world give the impression of being so religious-minded as do Moslems. All of life is saturated with the consciousness of God”. (Charles R. Watson, What is this Moslem World? London 1937).

“On the whole we find in it (Quran) a collection of wisdom which can be adopted by the most intelligent of men, the greatest of philosophers and the most skilful of politicians”. 7.

(Laura Veccia Vaglieri, “Apologie de I” Islamisme) 8. “It is not the propagation but the permanency of his religion that deserves our wonder, the same pure and perfect impression which he engraved at Makkah and Medina is


preserved after the revolutions of twelve centuries by the Indian, the African and the Turkish proselytes of the Koran”. (Edward Gibbon and Simon Ockley, History of the Saracen Empire, London 1870).

“His creed is equally suited to the despotism of Russia and to the democracy of the United States”. (Joseph J. Nunan, Islam 9.

and European Civilization, Demerara 1912). 10. “It is hardly too bold an assertion that to Muhammad, peace be upon him, we owe the facts that Christianity has not

joined the ranks of vanished creeds”.

(W.M. Thompson, Democratic Readings) 11. “Islam is a religion that is essentially rationalistic in the widest sense of this terms considered etymologically and historically. A creed so precise, so stripped of all theological complexities and consequently so accessible to the ordinary understanding might be expected to possess and does indeed possess a marvellous power of winning its way into the consciences of men”. (T.W. Arnold “The Preaching of Islam, London 1913) 12. “Perhaps it was this simplicity of Islam which led to its amazingly rapid spread in its early years”. (Christopher Mayhew, Men Seeking God, London 1955). 13. “As a religion the Mohammedan religion, it must be confessed, is more suited to Africa than is the Christian religion, indeed, I would even say that it is more suited to the world as a whole”. (Lancelot Lawton, The Sphere, London 1928) 14. “I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of the Quran which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness”. (Napoleon Banaparte in Bonaparte et I, Islam, Paris by Cherfils). 15. “More pure than the system of Zoroaster, more liberal than the law of Moses, the religion of Mohamet might seem less inconsistent with reason than the creed of mystery and superstition which, in the seventh century disgraced the simplicity of the gospels”. (Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, London 1938).


16. “The totally erroneous statements made about Islam in the West are sometimes the result of ignorance and sometimes of systematic degeneration — It is disturbing to read balatant

untruths in eminently respectable works written by authors a priori are highly qualified”. (Dr. Maurice Bucaillee, The Bible, The Koran and Science)

17. “The Koran is remarkably down-to-earth in its discussion of the good life”. (James A Michener, Islam • The Misunderstood Religion). 18. “To the Arab nation, it (Islam) was a birth from darkness into light, Arabia first became alive by means of it — within one century afterwards, Arabia is at Granada on this hand, at Delhi on that; glancing in valour and splendour and the light of genious, Arabia is shine through languages over a great section of the world”. (Thomas Carlyle, Heroes and Hero-Worship). 19. “Classical Islam, at its highest, was a religion admirably conceived to give courage, dignity, and serenity to man facing a life of adversity, and to give him charity towards his fellowmen”. (Wilfred Cantwell Smith  Modern Islam in India). 20. “Islam emerged into the civilized outer world, not as the crude superstition of marauding hordes, but as a moral force that commanded respect and a coherent doctrine that could challenge on their ground the Christianity of East Rome and the Zoroastrianism of Persia”. (Prof. H.A.R. GIBB, Mohammedanism). 21. “Further, where Islam is in competition with Christian missions run by Europeans, even when the rulers are Christians, it still spreads because it offers more understandable religious, social and economic values than Western Christianity, which only allows its adherents religious but no social equality”. (Spencer Trimingham, Islam in the Sudan) 22. “The Quran spoke so powerfully and convincingly to the hearts of his hearers as to weld hitherto centrifugal and antagonistic elements into one compact and well-organised body, animated by the ideas far beyond that which had until then ruled the Arabian mind”. (Von Kremer, Culturgeschichte de Orients). 23. “The Quran condemns cruelty, pride, arrogance, extravagance, calumny, games of chance, the use of intoxicants and other vices which debase man and destroy social life. It recommends faith in God and resignation to His will. This was


meant, as will appear in the sequel, as subversive neither of human activity nor of moral freedom. (Dr, Weil, Ges Chichteder Islamics Chen Volker). 24. “Has not the example of the Polish Tartars furnished us with a proof that this is possible (creation of non racialist society) and that Muslim religion is perfectly compatible with the assimilation of European culture�? (Bohdanowics, The Muslim in Poland, their origin, History and Cultural Life). _________


































The Speeches and Table  Talk of the Prophet Muhammad (1882) by Stanley Lane - Poole.


A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe (1875) by John William Draper.


On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History (1888) by Thomas Carlyte.


The History 9! the Saracen Empire (1870) by Edward Gibbon and Simon Ockley,


The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon.


Histoire de la Turquie by Lamartine.


Muhammadanism (1893) G. W. Leither, L.L.D., Ph.d.,


Mohammad at Makkah by W. Montgomery Watt.


Mohammad and Muhammadanism by R. Annie Besant.


The Life and Teachings of Muhammad by Annie Besant


Islam at the Crossroads (19223) De Lacy Q’Leary.


The Prospects of Islam (1944) by Lawrence E. Browne,


The Gospel Islam by Duncan Greenlees, M.A.


Men Seeking God (1955) by Christopher Mayhew.


Mahomet and Islam (1895) Sir Wiilium Muir.


The New World of Islam (1932) A. M. Lothrop Stoddard, Ph. D.


What is this Muslim World? (1937) Charles R. Watson.


The Bible; The Koran and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucaille.


Christianity and Islam (1909) by C. H. Becker.




ISMAIL ALA.H. 194-256

A.H. 214-303

A.H. 476-544



The Case for Poygamy (1934) J. E. Clare Me Farlane.


Muhammad in The Bible by Abdul ahad Dawud (FormerBishop of Uramiah).


Mohammed in Ancient Scriptures by U. Aii.


Mohammed in World Scriptures by Vidhyarthi.


The Prophecy about Ahmed in Urdu ‘Basharat-e-Ahmedi, Maulvi Abdul Aziz.


The Good News in Urdu ‘Bushra’ by Maulana Inayat Rasul Abbasi Chiriakoti (1938).


The Injil (Gospel) Barnabas by Lonsdale and Laura Ragg (1907),


Akhbar-ul-Tanzil (The Revealed Prophecies) by Maulana Muhammad Ismael Sambhli.


Basharaat (The Prophecies about the advent of Muhammed, Ahmed) by Faqir Mohammed Afzaf Sharif.


The Holy Bible, The University Press, Oxford.


Harmony of the Gospels by Benjamin Davies.


The Synoptic Gospels by D. B. J. Campbell Dip. Theol.


Kingdom Come by Ernest Simmons.


A Christian’s Response to Islam by William M. Miller.


Islam and Christian Theology by J. Windrow Sweetman, D. D.


An Outline of The Religion of Islam by The Rev, H, U. Weitbrecht Stanton, Ph.D; D.D.


Rise and Progress of Moharnetanism by Dr. Henry Stubbe.


The Christian Approach to Islam by James L. Barton.


The Mohammedan Controversy by Sir Willium Muir K.C.S. I, L.L.D., Ph. D.,


The Christian Message in non-Christian World by H. Kraemer.


Our Bible and The Ancient Manuscripts by Sir Frederick Kenyon (1958).


The Bible and Modern Research by A Rendle Short, M.D., F.R.C.S.


The Bible is not a word of God in (Urdu) by Kanshi Ram (1940).


The Sources of Christianity by Khawaja Kamal-ud-Din.


The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels (1979).


The Dead Sea Scrolls in English by G. Vermes.


The Scrolls and Christian Origin by Matthew Black.


The Dead Sea Scrolls by J. M. Allegro.


New Testament Apocrypha by Edgar Hennecke.


Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha of The Old Testament by R.H.Charles, D.Litt., D.D.


The Apocrypha (1895) Oxford University Press.


Zarathushtra by T.R. Sethna.


Khordeh Avesta by T.R. Sethna.


Yashts by T.R. Sethna.


Messianic Idea in Judaism by Scholen, Gershom.


An Apology for Mohammed and the Koran by John Davenport (1869).



The Preaching of Islam by T. W. Arnold.


Islam - Her Moral and Spiritual Value by Major Arthur Giyn Leonard.


Yahudiyat and Masihiyat (Judaism and Christianity) by Dr. Ihsan-al-Haq Rana.


On To Muhammad by Professor A. A. Bhatti Islamic Mission, Lahore.


Ijaz-e-Eesawl by Maulana Rehmat Ullah Kairanwi.


Al Mallal Wan Nahl by Iman Abu Muhammad Ali bin Ahmed bin Khurram Andulasi.


Ilm Khair al Anam (The Knowledge of the Best of Creation), by Maulana Abul Basit Muhammed Abdus Salaam Rizvi.


Sayings of Muhammed by Mirza Abu’1 Fadal, Dawah Academy.


Khutbat Nabvi (The Sermons of The Prophet) byAbdul Qayyum Nadvi.


Seerat-un-Nabi by Allama Shibii Nomani.


Seerat Aan Hazrat Bible Ki Roshni Main (The Prophet in the Bible) by Qazf Habib-ur-Rehman.


Islam ka Ikhlaqi Nazam (A Reply to the Christians about attacks on Islamic Morality) by Maulana Muhammad Tayyab Dayobandi.


Islam Aur Tgmeer-e-Shakhsiyat (Islam and the Development of Personality) by Mian Abdur Rasheed.


Jesus, A Prophet of Islam by Muhammad Ata-ur-Rahim, Begum Aisha Bawany Waqf.


Islam  The First and Final Religion published by Begum Aisha Bhawany Waqf.


Islam versus the West by Maryam Jameelah.


Islam Aur Dunya Kay Mazahib (Islam and the Religion of the World) by G. N. Amjad MA.


Meet the Master by Prof, Faza! Ahmed.


Wives of the Prophet by Fida Hussain Malik.


Ummat Muslama Ki Maain (The Holy Mothers of the Muslim Ummah) by Maulana Muhammad Aashiq Ilahi Balandshehri.


Marriage and Morals by Bertrand Russell.


Sex and Religion by Marie Carmichael Stopes.





INDEX A ABRAHAM .... 54, 70, 73, 86, 136 ABSTINENCE ............ 79, 81, 173 ADULTERY. ............ 48,112,.;125 AMIDA. .................. 9, 32, 95, 165 ANT-CHRIST ................. 132, 167 ASTAVETERETA. ........... 12, 166 AVARICIOUS .......................... 55 AVATAR ............................. 9, 11

B BAACHUS. ............................ 151 BACKBITE.55 ........................ 130 BARNABAS ................................. GOSPEL OF. . 15, 16, 23, 36, 155 BRAHMIN ................................ 11 BROTHERHOOD ............... 63;65

C CAESOR ................................ 54 CELIBATE ............................ 152 CHARITY ................................. 53 CHASTE .................................. 85 CLEANLINESS ........................ 57 COMFORTER.......................... 25 CONCUBINE ................... 85, 158 CROSS, THE 20, 102 to 110, 148 CRUCIFIXION ...................... 120 CRUSADES ............................. 59

D DANCING .............................. 126 DAJJAL .......................... 131,132 DARKAGES ............................. 68 DEAD’SEASCROLLS .............. 25 DEVIL ...................................... 30 DIONYSIUS ........................... 151 DIVORCE ........................ 52, 125 DOOMSDAY ............... 128 to 130 DRINKING. ............................ 112



E EDUCATION ...................... 61.62 EQUALITY ......................... 10, 50 ELOHIM ................................... 27 ELIJAH .................................... 43

F FORGIVEN, FORGIVENESS ......................................... 20, 174

G GAMBLING. ............. 46, 158, 172 GEHENNA, GEHENNOM ................................ 35,91,92,157 GENEROUS .................... 1 1,163


I IDOLATRY ............... 49, 66, 1 12 IMAGES ................... 49, 159, 174 IMMORALITY ................ 152, 171 INCARNATION ...................... 174 INTOXICANTS............... 158, 177 ISMAELITE .............................. 27

J JEREMIAH .............................. 20 JERUSALEM ................... 97, 122 JIHAD, HOLY WAR ................. 69 JUSTICE ...................... 10, 28, 49

K KALKI ...................... 9, 12,30,165 KEDAR .................................... 29 KINDNESS .............................. 65 KNOWLEDGE ......................... 65 KRISHNA ............................... 166

L LIQUOR ........................ 123, 174 LITERACY ............................... 61 LITERATURE .......................... 62 LOVE ....................... 63, 156, 172 LOWLY .................................... 55


189 LUST ....................................... 75

M MANAHAMANA ............... 40, 159 MARRIAGE .............. 51, 52, 130 MARY ........................ 33, 35, 144 MAKKAH ............. 60, 73, 99, 100 MENAHEM .............................. 22 METTEYA, MAITRYA ................................. 9, 32, 34, 68 MIRACLE .................... 112 to 133 MODERATION ...................... 163 MUSIC ............................. 62, 126

N NARCOTICS ........................ 172

O ORPHAN ................................. 69 ORIGINAL SIN .................. 51, 84

P PARACLETE9, 8, 19,20, 121, 150 PARAN .................................... 27 PARENTS ................................ 55 PEACE ................................... 10 PERMISSIVENESS ................. 14 PILGRIMAGE ........................ 124 POLYGAMY ................ 53, 54, 75 PROSTITUTION ............ 158, 174

Q QUEENLY .............................. 85 QUIET.................................... 162

R RABBIS ............................ 33, 56 RACIAL, RACIALISM .. 50, 51, 63 RAMA ...................................... 13 REINCARNATE ....................... 13 REVOLUTIONARY ...................... RHAMSES ............................. 114 RIGHTEOUSNESS, SPIRIT OF .......................................... 22,150



S SALVATION ......... 11, 25, 39, 98 SAOSHYANT .................. 12, 166 SARACENS ............................. 74 SEIR ........................................ 27 SENSUAL ............................... 75 SLAVE ..................................... 50 SWORD ......... 15, 59, 67, 68, 144

T TEMAN .................................... 27 TESTIMONY ............................ 59 TOLERANT, TOLERANCE ....................................... 10,48,60 TRINITY ................... 33 to 44, 50 TYRANT .................... 50, 58, 158

U USURY .................................. 124

V VARUNA .................................. 12 VAYU ....................................... 12

W WAR ......................... 58, 59, 127 WIDOW .................................. 57 WIFE ................................. 53, 75 WINE ....................................... 96 WITNESS ............................. 127 WOMEN ...................... 51, 52, 75

Y YARUSHALAM ....................... 28

Z ZAKAT ................................... 123 ZION .................... 97, to 101, 118



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