Why islam

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Truth of Islam, its message, its excellence and beauty, its goodness for the mankind explained in the light of Old Scriptures of all the faiths

By Muhammad Farooque Kemal B. Pharmacy (Punjab) M.Sc. Pharmaceutical Technology (University of London) 1969




Book 12

First Edition:...........................November 2012 Price:........................................................350.00

Composing at: Muhammad Saleem Sultani Composing Centre, 0322 8421268

Printed at: Sahara Punjab Printers, Ratigon Road, Lahore.






MUHAMMAD (S.A.A.W.) The Final Prophet of all Religions and all Nations of the World His Family & His Ummah




.......................................................................................................... 5


OF ALLAH.................................................................................7


OF THE PROPHETS................................................................15


GLORIFICATION OF THE PROPHETS...................................18


OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD ι........................................19


MIRACLES AND THE PROPHECIES BY PROPHET MUHAMMAD ι.........................................................................21


THE BIBLICAL PROPHECIES................................................28


PROPHECIES IN THE VEDAS................................................37


JESUS  A PROPHET BUT NOT GOD OR WORLD’S CHRIST....................................................................................46


BEWARE! WAKEUP O CHRISTIANS!....................................53




THE PROPHET’S MARRIAGES..............................................72


CHOSEN NATION  WHO?..................................................78


THE WORLD SAVIOUR  WHO?.........................................83


UNITY OF ALL MANKIND AND FAITHS................................87


NEW LAWS.............................................................................88


OF TRINITY AND THE CROSS...............................................93




DUTIES OF GOVERNMENT....................................................96


OF PURIFICATION..................................................................97


OF GREETINGS......................................................................99


OF THE ORPHANS.................................................................99


OF THE PARENTS................................................................100


WOMEN’S RIGHTS...............................................................101


OF HEAD COVERING...........................................................102


THE PRAYER........................................................................103


THE FASTING........................................................................105


OF REPENTANCE.................................................................106





OF INTOXICANTS.................................................................109


OF JUSTICE..........................................................................110




COMMANDMENTS ABOUT REVENGE................................114




OF THE ANIMALS.................................................................117


LYING FOR GOD...................................................................117


COMMANDMENTS AGAINST IDOLATRY............................118


SCIENCE AND THE HOLY QUR’AN.....................................120




MUTILATION OF THE GOSPELS.........................................128


HUMAN RIGHTS....................................................................132


HOURIS IN AFTER LIFE.......................................................152


ISLAM  A RELIGION OF ALLAH, NOT OF SATAN.........157 BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................................158 INDEX....................................................................................159 



PROLOGUE This book is written to strengthen the faith of about 20% population of the world who call themselves ‘Muslims’, and it is an invitation to the rest of 80% of the people who are nonMuslims and are a victim of anti-Islam satanic propaganda. Our readers will come to conclusion after reading this book that Islam is now the only religion of Allah which is the most superior and is worth following and is free from the dogmas of the idolators. 1. The Holy Quran leads to true belief in the oneness of God and to shun all men-made deities like Jesus, Krishna, Buddha etc. who were only men with extra-ordinary powers from Allah, a worship of these infuriates Allah exceedingly and also it is against the teachings of these very ones who are being worshipped against their will. 2.

Prophet Muhammad  is undoubtedly the true promised savior, the Messiah, the Christ, the Buddha, the Avatar whose coming is mentioned in all the Holy Scriptures of the world.

3. Islam is not a religion of any one nation but it is for the whole mankind, to bring about universal brotherhood and to shun prejudice and discrimination and persecution of the people on account of difference in religion, race, colour and language. 4. Islam’s laws are very hard for the criminals to eliminate crime completely and bring about peace for all, especially the weak ones. 5. The teachings of Islam are complete, comprehensive and covers all affairs of life and safeguard human rights of all the mankind. 6. Islam puts stress upon external purity, as well as internal purity of men so much so that the life of people is saturated with continuous consciousness of Allah. 7. The Holy Quran declares that all the religions are one, these have one fountainhead; Islam embraces all into its fold; it brings back lost honor and respect of the prophets. Islam is continuation and summation of all the religions. Unfortunately, all religions got corrupted with time.


7 Islam’s advent is to rehabilitate all that truth which was lost. 8.

In the modern times, the majority of people are becoming worldly and atheist; they believe that it is a right of every man to seek pleasure by all means. Islam strongly checks this ideology. Men can have sexual pleasure only after marrying with honor, not by making paramours or by going to prostitutes. Every man can enjoy food and drinks with pleasure but all drinks and drugs are forbidden which intoxicates even in a small quantity, these are limits of our Creator. One can wear all sorts of beautiful clothes, but not those which are too short, revealing and seductive like those of prostitutes’ or arouse opposite sex’s lust, these are Allah’s limit. One can very well seek pleasure and enjoy life while living within the limits of Allah. In fact, there is more pleasure by following limits of Allah than violating it; violation of limits actually brings more disaster to one’s life than following it. Drugs, liquors, free sex destroys home life’s pleasure as well as mental balance  a depressive mood prevails, mutual love among the family members vanishes. Islam surely has the best guiding principles for living a life of pleasure, happiness and peace.

9. The most astounding commandments of the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad SAW are regarding wellbeing of the parents, the wives, the children, the relatives, the neighbors and the people at large. No other Holy Scripture has such a wonderful commandments. 10. We have repeatedly cited the works of some most intelligent, unbiased Western writers who have studied Islam with unprejudiced mind that Islam is really supreme and a perfect religion which has the power to save the world from a destructive end. It has a powerful quality to bring about a true brotherhood in all the people of the world and can bring about peace and shun prejudice and hatred among the nations of the world. With love and prayer. Muhammad Farooque Kemal

Chapter 1



OF ALLAH HIS NAMES, ATTRIBUTES, POWERS In the Holy Qur’an, Allah has been mentioned in hundred of ways from which one can deduce more than hundred attributes. These names throw a comprehensive light upon Allah’s nature, His power, His work and all aspects of His being; this gives a complete understanding of Allah which is missing in the Holy Bible as well as in all other Scriptures. Hereunder are some quotations from the Holy Qur’an to prove our claim. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. 1. Say: He is Allah, the One! 2. Allah, the eternally Besought of all! 3. He begetteth not nor was begotten. 4. And there is none comparable unto Him. Al-Ikhlaas 112:1 11. Say (O Muhammad): Lo! I am commanded to worship Allah, making religion pure for Him (only). 12. And I am commanded to be the first of those who surrender (Muslims). 13. Say: Lo! if I should disobey my Lord, I fear the doom of a tremendous Day. 14. Say: Allah I worship, making my religion pure for Him (only). Az-Zumar 39:9 22. He is Allah, than Whom there is no other God, the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible. He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. 23. He is Allah, than Whom there is no other God, the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One, Peace, the Keeper of Faith, the Guardian, the Mighty, the Compeller, the Superb, Glorified be Allah from all that they ascribe as partner (unto Him). 24. He is Allah, the Creator, the Shaper out of naught, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifieth Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise. Al-Hashr59:22 Allah! There is no god save Him, the Alive, the Self-subsisting. Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedeth with Him save by His leave? He knoweth that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne includeth the heavens and the earth and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Most, High, the Great. Al-Baqarah 2:25 95. Lo! Allah (it is) Who splitteth the gain of corn and the date-stone (for sprouting) He bringeth forth the living from the dead, and is the bringer-forth of the dead from the living. Such is Allah. How then are ye perverted? 96. He is the Cleaver of the Daybreak, and He hath appointed the night for rest, and the sun and the moon for reckoning. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Wise. 97. And He it is Who hath set for you the stars that ye may guide your course by them amid the darkness of the land and the sea. We have entailed Our revelations for a People who have knowledge. 98. And He it is Who hath produced you from a single being and (hath given you) a habitation and a repository. We have detailed Our revelations for a people who have understanding. 99. He it is Who sendeth down water from the sky, and therewith We bring forth buds of every kind: We bring forth the green blade from which We bring forth the


9 thick clustered grain and from the date-palm, from the pollen thereof, spring pendant bunches and (We bring forth) gardens of grapes, and the olive and the pomegranate similar and dissimilar. Look upon the fruit thereof, when they bear fruit, and upon its ripening. Lo! herein verily are Signs for a people who believe. 100. Yet they ascribe as partners unto Him the jinn although He did create them; and impute falsely, without knowledge, sons and daughter unto Him. Holy be He and High Exalted above (all) that they ascribe (unto Him). 101. The Originator of the heavens and the earth! How can He have a child, when there is for Him no consort when He created all things and is Aware of all things? 102. Such is Allah, your Lord. There is no God save Him, the Creator of all things so worship Him. And He taketh care of all things. 103. Vision comprehendeth Him not, but He comprehendeth (all) vision. He is the Subtile, the Aware. Al-Anaam 6:95 2. Allah it is Who raised up the heavens without visible supports, then mounted the Throne, and compelled the sun and the moon to be of service, each runneth unto an appointed term; He regulates all affairs; He detaileth the revelations, that haply ye may be certain of the meeting with your Lord. 3. And He it is Who spread out the earth and placed therein firm hills and flowing streams, and of all fruits He placed therein two sexes (male and female). He covereth the night with the day. Lo! herein verily are Signs for people who reflect. 4. And in the Earth are neighbouring tracts, vineyards and ploughed lands and date palms, growing out of single root or otherwise, which are watered with the same water, And We have made some of them to excel others in fruit. Lo! herein verily are Signs for people who understand. 5. And if thou wonderest, then wondrous is their saying: When we are dust, are we then forsooth (to be raised) in a new creation? Such are they who disbelieve in their Lord; such have shackles round their necks: such are rightful owners of the Fire, they will abide therein. Ar-Ra.ad, 13:3 And He it is Who hath given independence to the two seas (though they meet); one palatable, sweet and the other saltish, bitter; and hath set a bar and an impassable partition. Furqan 25:53 27 Hast thou not seen that Allah causeth water to fall from the sky, and We produce there with fruit of divers hues; and among the hills are streaks white and red, of rivers hues, and (other) raven-black: 28. And of men and beasts and cattle, in like manner, divers hues? The scholarly among His servants fear Allah alone. Lo! Allah is Mighty, Forgiving. 29. Lo! those who read the Scripture of Allah, and establish Prayer and spend of that which We have bestowed on them secretly and openly, they look forward to imperishable gain. Fatir 35:27 36. Glory be to Him Who created all the sexual pairs, of that which the earth growth, and of themselves, and of that which they know not! 37. A token unto them is night. We strip it of the day and Lo! they are in darkness. 38. And the sun runneth on the course prescribed. That is the decree of the Mighty, the Knowing. 39. And for the moon We have appointed mansions till she return like an old shrivelled palm-leaf.


10 40. It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor doth the night outstrip the day. They float each in an orbit. Ya.seen 36:36 of space.

We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vastness Az-Zaa.ree.aat 51:47 And all things We have created by pairs, that haply ye may reflect. Az-Zaa.ree.aat 51:49

5. He it is Who appointed the sun a splendour and the moon a light, and measured for her stages, that ye might know the number of the years, and the reckoning. Allah created not (all) that save in truth. He detaileth the revelations for people who have knowledge. 6. Lo! in the difference of day and night and all that Allah hath created in the heavens and the earth are Signs verily, for folk who are God-fearing. Younas 10:5 43. Holy is He, and High Exalted for above what they say! 44. The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein praise Him, and there is not a thing but hymneth His praise; but ye understand not their praise. Lo! He is ever Clement, Forgiving. Bani Israel 17:43 Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them, and We made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe? Al-Ambia.a 21:30 Allah hath created every animal of water. Of them is (a kind) that goeth upon its belly and (a kind) that goeth upon two legs and (a kind) that goeth upon four. Allah createch what He will. Lo! Allah is Able to do all things. An-Noor 24:45 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. 1.

Haa. Meem.

2. The revelation of the Scripture is from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise. 3. Lo! in the heavens and the earth are Signs for believers. 4. And in your creation, and all the beasts that He scattereth in the earth, are Signs for a folk whose faith is firm. 5. And the difference of night and day and the provision that Allah sendeth down from the sky and thereby quickeneth the earth after her death, and the ordering of the winds, are Signs for a people with wisdom. Al-Jaseeah 45:1 And surely in the cattle there is something to ponder for you. I give you to drink of what is in their bellies, from betwixt the refuse and the blood, pure milk pleasant to the drinkers And of the fruits of the date-palm and grapes, you obtain from them intoxicating and goodly provisions, most surely there is proof (of powers of Allah) in this for intelligent people Al-Nahl-67 Say, ‘If the ocean were ink for writing the acts of my Lord, the ocean would indeed be used up before the acts of my Lord are fully recorded, even though the like of that ocean were brought to add thereto.’ Al-Kahf 18-110 And whoever associates others with Allah, it is as though he had fallen from the heaven and the birds had snatched him away or the wind had blown him to a far distant place. AI-Hajj 22-32 Then through water (of rain) I cause to grow gardens of date-palms and grapes for you; there are abundance of fruits and you eat from them; and a tree which grows out of Mount Sinai, it produces oil and a sauce for the eaters. And in the cattle also, most surely there is something to ponder for you. I give you a drink from their bellies, and you have many benefits in them and also you eat them; and on them and on the ships you travel. Al-Muminun 23-20


11 And your God is only One God, there is no god but He, the Beneficent and the Merciful. Verily, there are miracles for the people who are intelligent, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of the night and the day, and the ships that sail in the sea with that which are useful for men; and in the rain that Allah sends down from the sky, then gives life to the earth with it after its death, and scatters herein all kind of animals, and in the change of the winds and the clouds made subservient between the heaven and the earth. And there are some among the people who take for themselves such deities besides Allah whom they love as they should love Allah; but those who believe are very strong in love for Allah; and only if these profaners could now visualize what they are going to know when they shall see the chastisement, that all the power is wholly Allah’s and that Allah is severe in chastising. And at that moment, all those who were followed will disown their followers and then they will see the chastisement and all their ties will be cut asunder. AIBaqarah, 2-164 It is Allah indeed Who causes the grain and the date-stone to sprout, He brings forth the living from the dead (as plants from seeds, and birds from eggs) and the dead from the living. Such is Allah. How are you then misled? He is the cleaver of day break, and He has made the night for your rest, and the sun and the moon for reckoning time. This is the decree of the Mighty, the Knower. And He it is Who has created for you the stars so that you may guide your course with their help in the darkness of the land and the sea. See 1 have explained My Signs for people of knowledge. Al-Anam-96 Is it not He Who created the heavens and the earth and sent down water from the heaven for you, wherewith I cause to grow beautiful gardens whose trees were not in your power to grow? Al-Naml 27-61 And one of His miracles is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and In that are indeed proofs for scholars. Al-Rum 30-23 Have you ever thought about the life-germ? Is it you that create it or are We the Creator? Al-Waqiah 56-64 Have you ever thought about the seeds you sow? Is it you who grow them or are We the Grower? Al-Waqiah 56-64 Have you thoughtfully seen the water which you drink? Is it you who send it down from the clouds or are We the Sender? If We had so pleased, We could make it bitter. Al-Waqiah 56-72 He is the First and the Last, and the Manifest and the Hidden and He is Knower of all things. Al-Hadid 57-4 No woman conceives nor does she brings forth a child but it is with His consent; no one lives a long life or a short life but it is already written in a Book (of predestination), and for Allah that surely is extremely easy. Al-Fatir 35-12 Do they not look at the earth, how much of every fruitful kind I have caused to grow in it? There are indeed proofs (of a creator) in that but most of the people are not convinced. Al-Shuaraa 26-8 Surely there are hidden miracles for such people who take heed, in the things which He has created for you in the earth, varying in colours. And He is the One Who has made the sea subservient to you so that you may eat fresh meat therefrom and bring forth from it ornaments which you wear. AI-Nahl 16-14 He knows the treachery of the eyes and that which the breasts hide. Al-Mumin 40-20 Verily, there are Signs for men of understanding in the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of the night and the day. Al-Imran 191 And Allah has brought you forth from the wombs of mothers that you did not know anything, and He gave ears and eyes and hearts that you might be grateful. Do these people not watch the birds obedient in the space? None withhold them but


12 Allah; most surely, there are proofs of existence of Allah) in it for a people who believe. Al-Nahl-79 In the Holy Bible, it is written that God created the universe in 6 days and on seventh day He rested. (Genesis 2:2). But in the Holy Qur’an it is made clear that Allah do not tire by His works nor He needs any rest, He is above any weakness at all. In the Holy Bible, GENESIS 6:6, it is written that God repented that He had made man on the earth. But the Holy Qur’an disagrees on this matter as Allah never repents as He is Knower of everything to come till eternity, so He does not need repentance. Whatever He does, He is fully aware of its consequences. Allah created both the good people and the evil people, everyone acts according to what one is created for, Allah loves His creation and He is proud of His creation, so why should He repent? Hereunder are enumerated the most popular attributes of Allah: (1)


The Sovereign.



The Holy One.



The Source of Peace.



The Bestower of Security.



The Protector.



The Mighty.



The Subduer.



The Exalted.



The Creator



The Maker.



The Fashioner.



The Great Forgiver



The Most Supreme



The Bestower.



The Great Sustainer



The Opener (of the doors of success for mankind); The Judge



The All-Knowing.



The Controller, He Who keeps all things within limits; The Seizer.



The Enlarger; He Who enlarges the means of subsistence.



The Depresser, He Who brings low the proud



The Exalter



The Bestower of Honour



The Abaser; He Who abases the haughty



The All-Hearing.



The All-Seeing.



The Wise Judge.



The Just.


13 (28)


The Incomprehensible; The subtleties; The Benignant.






The All-Aware.



The Forbearing.



The Great.



The Most Forgiving.



The Most Appreciating.



The High.



The Incomparably Great.



The Guardian.



The Preserver; He Who preserves the faculties of all created things; The Powerful.



The Reckoner.


Al Jaleel

The Lord of Majesty.


Al- Kareem

The Noble,



The Watchful.



The Answerer of prayers.



The Bountiful; The All-Embracing.



The Wise.



The Loving.



The Lord of Honour.



The Raiser (of the dead).



The Witness; The Observer.



The True.



The Disposer of affairs; The Keeper.



The Powerful.



The Strong.



The Friend.



The Praiseworthy.



The Recorder.



The Author (of life); The Beginner.



The Repeater of life).



The Life-Giver.



The Controller of the causes of death; The Destroyer.



The Living.



The Self-Subsisting and All-Sustaining.



The Discoverer; The Finder.



The Glorious.



The Possessor of power and authority.


14 (65)


The Omnipotent.



The Provider (of the means of progress and advancement).



The Degrader; The Postponer



The First.



The Last.



The Manifest; He to Whose existence every created thing clearly points.



The Hidden; He through Whom the hidden reality of everything is revealed.



The Ruler.



The Most High; The Possessor of excellent attributes.



The Beneficent.



The Oft-Returning with compassion; The Acceptor of repentance.



The Bestower of favours.



The Awarder of appropriate punishment; The Avenger.



The Effacer of sins.



The Compassionate.


Maalik al-Mulk

The Lord of Sovereignty.



The Equitable.



The Gatherer; The Assembler.



The Self-Sufficient. The Rich



The Provider of the means of sufficiency, The Enricher.



The Withholder; The Prohibitor.



The Inflictor of punishment.



The Benefactor.



The Light.



The Guide.



The Originator.



The Survivor.



The Inheritor.



The Director to the right way.



The Patient.


Zoo’l ‘Arsh

The Lord of the Throne.


Zoo’l Waqar

The Possessor of staidness and gravity, He Who does everything with reason and to fulfil a certain purpose.



The Speaker; He Who speaks to His servants.


15 (98)


The Healer.



The Sufficient.



The Unique; The Lord of Unity



The One.



The Besought of all, The Independent.


Zoo’l Jalaal wal Ikraam

The Lord of Majesty and Bounty

Our readers would realize that the Holy Qur’an mentions about Allah in a way which is highly commendable and brings to mind Allah’s picture which is the most clear and exhaustive and knowledgeable. It is a beauty of Islamic teachings that its adherents are deeply religious and God-fearing. After reading soul touching verses of the Holy Quran, we invite our readers to read the Holy Bible, the Avestas, the Vedas, the Puranas the Ramayan, the MahaBharat and the Buddhist Sutras and find if any of these books describe Allah the Creator so beautifully, comprehensively and convincingly. No doubt that the Holy Quran is the most excellent of all. Hereunder is an observation by an outstanding Western writer. “It may be boldly asserted that no people in the world give the impression of being so religious-minded as do Moslems. All of life is saturated with the consciousness of God.” (Charles R. Watson, “What is this Moslem World?” London 1937).



Chapter 2 OF THE PROPHETS The Holy Qur’an enjoins upon the Muslims to show respect to all the prophets which came to all the nations of the world, and to send blessings upon all, unconditionally. All the prophets had the same mission, all prophesied about prophet Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) advent. Every prophet was sent for only one nation, while prophet Muhammad was sent for the whole world. The Holy Bible does not mention about the prophets of other nations of the world. Hereunder are verses from the Holy Qur’an which throw light upon the universality of Islam. 157. Those who follow the Messenger, the Gentile Prophet whom they will find described in the Torah and the Gospel (which are) with them. He will enjoin on them that which is right and forbid them that which is wrong. He will make lawful for them all good things and prohibit for them only the foul; and he will relieve them of their burden and the fetters that they used to wear. Then those who believe in him, and honour him, and help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him; they are those who will have salvation. 158. Say (O Muhammad): O mankind! Lo! I am the Messenger of Allah to you all (the Messenger of) Him unto Whom belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. There is no God save Him. He quickeneth and He giveth death, so believe in Allah and His Messenger, the Prophet of the Gentiles who believeth in Allah and in His Words, and follow him that haply ye may be led aright. Al-Aa.raaf 7:157 79. It is not (possible) for any human being unto whom Allah had given the Scripture and wisdom and the Prophethood that he should afterwards have said unto mankind: Be slaves of me instead of Allah; but (what he said was): Be ye faithful servants of the Lord by virtue of your constant teaching of the Scripture and your constant study thereof. 80. And he commanded you not that ye should take the angels and the prophets for lords. Would he command you to disbelieve after ye had surrendered (to Allah). 81. When Allah made (His) covenant with the prophets (He said): Behold that which have been given you of the Scripture and knowledge. And afterward there will come unto you a Messenger, confirming that which ye possess. Ye shall believe in him and ye shall help him. He said: Do ye agree, and will ye take up My burden (which I lay upon you in this matter) They answered: We agree. He said: Then bear ye witness. I will be a witness with you. 82. Then whosoever after this shall turn away, they will be evildoer. 83. Seek they other than the religion of Allah, when unto Him submitteth whosoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and unto Him they will be returned. 84. Say (O Muhammad) We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham and Ismael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and that which was vouchsafed unto Moses and Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered. 85. And whoso seeketh as religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and he will be a loser in the Hereafter. Al-Imran 3:79 And verily We have raised in every nation a messenger, (proclaiming) Serve Allah and shun false gods. Then some of them (there were) whom Allah guided, and


17 some of them (there were) upon whom error had just hold. Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for the deniers! An-Nah’l 16:36 And for every nation there is a messenger. And when their messenger cometh (on the Day of Judgment) it will be judged between them fairly, and they will not be wronged. Younas 10:47 135. And they say: Be Jews or Christians, then ye will be rightly guided. Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Nay, but (we follow) the religion of Abraham, the upright, and he was not of the idolaters. 136. Say (O Muslims) We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ismael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered. Al-Baqarah 2:135 163. Lo! We inspire thee as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him, as We inspired Abraham and Ismael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and Jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon, and as We imparted unto David the Psalms: An-Nisaa 4:16 Peace be upon him (John the Baptist, i.e. Yahya) the day he was born and the day he died and the day he shall be raised alive. Maryam : 15 Peace on me the day I (Jesus Christ, Eesaa) was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive. Maryam : 31 And make mention in the Scripture of Moses (Moosaa). Indeed he was chosen, and he was a messenger, a prophet. And We called him from the right side of the Mount and made him draw near to Us in communion. And We bestowed upon him of Our Mercy his brother Aaron, a prophet. And make mention in the Scripture of Ismael. Indeed he was strict in fulfillment of commitment. And he was a messenger, a prophet. He enjoined prayer and almsgiving on his people and was well-pleasing in the sight of his Lord. And make mention in the Scripture of Idris. Indeed he was a truthful man, a prophet. And We exalted him to a lofty station. These are they whom Allah blessed from among the prophets of the seed of Adam and of those whom We carried with Noah (in the ship), and of the seed of Abraham and Israel, and from among those whom We guided and chose. When the revelations of the Beneficent were recited unto them, they fell down, prostrating and weeping. Maryam : 52 to 57 Say: All praise belongs to Allah and salaam be upon those of His servants whom He chose! Is Allah better or those whom they associate (as partner with him)? Al Naml : 59 Salaam (peace, blessings) be upon Noah among the peoples (of all the worlds). As Saffat : 79 Salaam be upon Abraham.

As Saffat : 109

And We gave him tidings of the birth of Isaac, a prophet, and one of the righteous. As Saffat 112 Salaam be upon Moses and Aaron.

As Saffat 130

And indeed Jonah (Yunus) was one of the messengers.

As Saffat 139

And indeed Lot was one of the messengers.

As Saffat 133


18 Our readers will realise that the Holy Qur’an shows great respect to all the prophets and exhorts the Muslims to send blessings upon them. The Muslims are forbidden to make any distinction between the prophets. The Holy Bible has no such instruction comparable to this; the Israelis even killed many prophets of God. Hereunder are the remarks of some eminent Western scholars about the beauty of Islamic faith. “It is one of the glories of Islam that temples are not made with hands and that its ceremonies can be performed anywhere upon God’s earth or under His heaven.” (Our Indian Mussulmans; Hunter) “It may be boldly asserted that no people in this world give the impression of being so religious-minded as do Moslems. All of life is saturated with the consciousness of God.” (What is this Moslem World? London, 1937, pp. 38-39 Charles R Watson) “Most pleasing also is the dignity which the Muslim develops through his attitude is one of noble religious pride which is never transformed into vanity.” (Die Welt des Islam, p. 133 Friedrich Delitzsch) “The nobility and broad tolerance of this creed, which accepts as God-inspired all the real religions of the world, will always be a glorious heritage for mankind. On it could indeed be built a perfect world religion.” [(The Gospel of Islam Adyar 1948, p. 27 Duncan Greenlees, M. A. (Oxon.) “Two features in the Creed of Islam have always specially attracted me. One is the God’s conception, the other is its unquestionable sincerity, a tremendous asset in human affairs, the religious aspect of them especially. After all, sincerity is almost divine and like love, covers a multitude of sins. (Islam  Her Moral and Spiritual Value, London 1927. Major Arthur Glyn Leonard) “Images or pictures, either of Allah or Muhammad (S.A.W.), are strictly forbidden, and the mosques with their domes and courtyards though — beautiful are bare. One misses the forests of flowers standing before the images of Buddha, the carvings and images of Hindu temples, the priests in their vestments in the churches of Rome, the hymns in a Protestant church. For Moslems these things are looked on as distractions from worship and prayer, and images are held to lead to idolatry.” “Perhaps it was this simplicity of Islam which led to its amazingly rapid spread in its early years.” (Men Seeking God, London, 1955, p. 16 Christopher



Chapter 3 GLORIFICATION OF THE PROPHETS As our readers would read below they will be surprised to find that the Holy Qur’an shows much more reverence to all the Prophets as compared to the Holy Bible. 1. The Holy Qur’an is silent about the intoxication of Prophet Lot by his daughters and then intercourse with him. They got pregnant and then gave birth to children. A common Muslim do not have even the faintest idea about this incidence, many would even refuse to believe it and curse those who fabricated such a story. 2. In the Holy Qur’an, King David is very highly praised. It is written that when he would sing psalms, even birds and the mountains joined with him to sing hymn. Al Anbiya 21:79 Metals became soft in the hands of David and he made coats of mail with it which gave protection during the wars. Al Anbiya 21:81 There is no mention of David’s adultery with his commander Uriah’s wife and then conspiring to get him killed in an expedition. Nor there is any mention of dethroning of David by his son Absalom; Absalom intercoursed with his father’s concubine wives publicly to humiliate him. 3. In the Holy Qur’an it is stated that Solomon was taught to talk with birds and even could hear conversation of ants from a great distance (17:18), and that, to Solomon, were subdued winds and the jinn. (34:12). Among Solomon’s servants, there was one who brought throne of queen of Sheba in few seconds. (17:40) The Holy Qur’an reiterates that Solomon never committed idolatry. There is no mention in the Holy Qur’an that Solomon married many hundred idolatrous wives who allured him to worship other foreign gods. 4. The Holy Qur’an shows much greater reverence to Jesus and brings to remembrance long-forgotten facts that Jesus spoke when he was only one day old, to advocate on the behalf of his mother Mary whom the Jews accused as fornicator. Also Jesus would make birds from the clay; and then by his command, they flew like real birds. The Holy Qur’an mentions all the miracles by Jesus Christ mentioned in the Gospels and also mentions that Jesus could tell what people did in their houses secretly; Allah gave him the power to see and listen to those who lived far-off. The Holy Qur’an vindicates Jesus from the charges that he was sometimes harsh towards his mother Mary. Thus it is a beauty of the Holy Qur’an that it omits mention of those incidences about the great prophets which lower their respect and provide no guidance for the followers, rather lead them to misbehave and to practice immorality with an excuse that if their role-models i.e. the prophets had weaknesses, why then they are to be blamed? The Holy Qur’an mentions about all the prophets with the highest esteem and respect and never mentions anything which may belittle their exaltedness. In Islam, it is a great sin to mention about any prophet with disrespect; if name of any prophet is uttered, it must be followed by the words ‘upon him be salam (peace)’. Thus the Holy Qur’an is a protector of the honour of all the prophets unconditionally. This is an Islamic culture! Read all the Scriptures of the world i.e the Bible, the Vedas, the Avestas, the Puranas the Ramayana, the Maha-Bharata and the Sutras’s and see if anyone of them even mention the prophets of other nations at all? The Holy Quran is unique in this respect and glorify them unconditionally.



Chapter 4 OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD ι Allah sent Prophet Muhammad ι to re-establish His religion on true footings, to re-establish the throne of David, to recapture the promised land which He promised to children of Abraham namely Ishmail and Isaac and their descendants. Prophet Muhammad ι conquered the promised land for the Arabs, the Jews, the Israelis and the followers of Abraham who put faith in the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran. Thus Prophet Muhammad ι fulfilled the prophecies of the Bible by re-establishing the honor of Jerusalem, Zion and by establishing the new Temples in Makkah and Madina. In the Holy Quran 33: 22, we have, “Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who looks to Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much.” The real pleasure of faith is enjoyed by one who loves God and His Prophet Muhammad, ι more than anything in the world and loves others only for the sake of God; one who, after entering into the light of Islam, hates the darkness of faithlessness as much as going into fire; one who refrains from quarrelling when he realises that other person is right; one who does not tell a lie even if he is in danger and is being compelled to do so; one who believes with true heart that what has befallen him could not have been averted. Maja, Ahmed, Dawood Whoso believes with true heart that save Allah there is no other god and Muhammad is the Prophet of God, God will save him from the fire of Gehenna and such a person will (ultimately) enter the kingdom of God, Paradise, even if he is an adulterer or a thief. Bokhari, Muslim No person can be a perfect believer unless he loves me more than his own life, his parents, wife and children and all other people. Bokhari. Muslim Whoso, whether a Jew or a Christian, hears about me and does not believe in the message of God which has been revealed to me, he will, without any doubt, enter the fire of Gehenna. (Muslim) Allah and His angels send their blessings upon the Prophet. O believers! You too send blessings on him and salute him with due reverence. Al-Ahzab 33-57 And surely you (Mohammed ) do possess the most excellent morals. Al-Qalam 68:5 The Prophet said, “I have come to perfect the good morals. Ahmed. Mota Imam Malik Prophet Muhammad ι said: "I am the lord of mankind and the most respected in the eyes of Allah, I do not say it out of pride; on the Day of Judgment holiness and all the keys will be in my possession, I do not say it out of pride; I will be holding the banner of Praise. Adam and all the prophets will stand under my banner, I do not say it out of pride; on the Day of Judgment I will be the first to rise from the grave, I do not say it out of pride; on the Day of Judgment, I will be the first to intercede before Allah, I do not say it out of pride; I will be the first to open the door of Paradise, I do not say it out of pride; I am the last of the prophets, I do not say it out of pride; and on the Day of Judgment I will be the leader and the speaker of all the Prophets and will make petition on their behalf, I do not say it out of pride, and I will give good tidings at a time when the mankind will be in despair; I take no pride in the Kingship but my pride is in the One Who has bestowed on me the Kingship," These sayings are present in Bokhari, Muslim, Ahmad, Mishkat, Ibn Maja, Nisai, Ibn Dawood, Darmi and almost in all the standard and the most authentic


21 collections of the words of the Prophet. This exaltedness and the majesty of the Prophet is mentioned in the Holy Quran too in the following verses. And how will it be when We shall bring a witness from every ummah and shall bring you as a witness over all of them. Al-Maidah 5:42 Your companion (i.e. the Prophet) do not err, nor is deceived; nor does he speak out of his own desire, but is nothing save revelation revealed; taught by the One of Mighty powers. Al-Najm 53:3 Allah has revealed to you the Book and Wisdom, and has taught what you knew not, and Allah's grace upon you has been infinite. AI-Maeedah 5:114 Verily, the time that follows .will be better for you than that which precedes; and surely your Lord will give you so much that you will be well pleased. Al-Duha 93:5 And We exalted thy name. Al-Inshirah 94:5 Surely We have given thee abundance.

Al-Kauthar 108:2

He it is Who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth that He may cause it to prevail over all other religions even if those who worship partners with Allah hate it. Al-Saff 61-10 Say, ‘ O mankind! I am a Messenger of Allah for all of you, to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. Al-Araf-159



Chapter 5 MIRACLES AND THE PROPHECIES BY PROPHET MUHAMMAD ι The Prophet performed innumerable miracles and prophesied about the future, but anti-Islam Christian propagandists repeatedly publicize that Prophet Muhammad ι never performed any miracle nor prophesied as he himself denied it. They take advantage from the following verses of the Holy Quran which says. “Say: I do not say to you ‘I possess the treasures of Allah, nor that I have the knowledge of the unseen’; nor do I say to you, ‘I am an angel’. I obey only that which is revealed to me. Ask: Are the blind man and the one who sees equal? Will you not then pay a thought1? Al-Anam 6:51 The Holy Quran clearly tells the Muslims that all the prophets performed miracles by Allah’s power and none had any power of his own to perform the miracles. Also Prophet Muhammad ι too performed miracle only after Allah gave him the power and permission to do so. Enemies of Islam forgot to read the following verses: “Soon We shall show them Our Miracles in the universe and within themselves until it becomes manifest to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient that your Lord is witness over all things?” Ha Mim Sajdah 41:54 Prophet Muhammad ι performed so many great miracles that the Makkans called him a magician. In the following pages we narrate only few of his miracles. There are many prophecies in the Holy Quran while we have cited only a few of them to advance our argument. But now we will narrate four more verses to quieten our opponents once for all and open their hearts. But verily, opening of hearts is in Allah’s Hand. 1. In the Holy Quran 10:93 we have prediction about Rhamses II, the pharaoh during the time of Moses,  “So this day We will save you in your body so as to be a Sign to those after you. And surely most of the people are heedless of Our Miracles.” Yunus 10:93 The body of the pharaoh Rhamses was found in the early part of the 20th century and is still present in a museum in Egypt, When it was discovered, the Christian leaders tried to persuade and bribe the scientist who found it but to no avail, because it manifestly proved the truth of the Holy Quran. 2. In the Holy Quran we have, “When the promise concerning them comes to be fulfilled, We shall bring out for them a thing out of the earth which shall speak to them because the people had not faith in Our Miracles.” Al-Naml 27:83 This is one of the greatest prophecy ever made. When this verse appeared, the Muslims put many questions to Prophet Muhammad ι regarding it. To various questions, the Prophet said, “It will have its legs like that of a camel. It will speak in a clear tongue. It’s back will be similar to that of a deer’s. Its horn will be similar to antlers of a deer. Its tail will be similar to cow’s.” This great prophecy has been fulfilled in the 20th century by the modern inventions. The invention of television has the closest resemblance to the fulfilment of the prophecy of Allah. A television may have four thin legs; a back similar to a deer a rounded one; it speaks in a clear tongue; its antenna for the reception of the waves is similar to that of antlers of a deer; whereas electric connection is like a cow’s tail. Most


23 wonderful about it is its recording system and its replay. Allah’s claim that He records the acts of the people and will show it on the Day of Judgment is proved; no doubt is left now. Also in robots, there is another astonishing fulfillment of this prediction. Will people heed the words of Allah. Now? 3. In the Holy Quran 4:2 we have, “The Time (or hour) has drawn near, and the moon is split into two. And when they see a miracle, they turn away and say: It is a shortlived illusion (or magic). And they denied and followed their own self. But every command shall certainly come to pass. And surely there has come to them the great news wherein is admonishment; consummate wisdom but the warnings profit not.” Al-Qamar 54:2 A great miracle of the Prophet is recorded in the Holy Quran. Once the people of Makkah surrounded Prophet Muhammad ι and asked him to perform a sign in the heaven if he were a true prophet. It was a full moon on that evening. The Prophet raised his finger and the moon divided into two part, one part stood over the mount Abi Qabees while the second was over Qaiqaan. The Prophet said, ”Now give witness about me.” The moon remained such for about two hours. The idolaters of Makkah said that they had been under a spell. So they enquired from the people of the caravans who came that night. Everybody confirmed the miracle. This incidence is mentioned in Bokhari and Muslim, Beheeqi, Abu Naeem through separate narrators like Hazrat Ans, Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas, Hazrat Ibn Omer, Hazrat Jubair bin Mataam and many others. Some historians write that a king of India also saw this and accepted Islam on finding the reason. Some reports from China are also mentioned in the history. But the most recent confirmation comes through the scientists who have taken close up pictures of the moon in the recent years and find a ridge around the entire centre of the moon confirming its splitting. 4. In the Holy Quran we have, “The Romans have been overpowered; in the land nearby, they, after their defeat, will overpower again, in a few years — Allah’s is the, command in the former case and in the latter — and on that believers will be pleased.” Al-Rum 30:3 This is an astounding prophecy and was a challenge for the world. In 615 AD. the Romans received a crushing defeat at the hands of the Persians; the rout was so complete that it was thought to be the end of the Roman power in the area across the Atlantic. The Makkans were happy for this victory of the idolaters over people of the Book, a class to which the Muslims belonged. Hazrat Abu Bakar made a bet with the Quraishite Chiefs to pay 100 camels if the prophecy was not fulfilled. In few years’ time, the prophecy was fulfilled and Hazrat Abu Bakar received camels for winning the bet. Now we narrate only briefly some of his miracles. A mother brought her child who had occurrence of fits which he cured by touching him. The Prophet healed another mad man too. He put back and cured the eye ball of Qitada bin AInoman which had come out during a battle. The Prophet prayed for a blind man and he started seeing immediately. He cured the hand of Moaz bin Urfa which was completely cut in the battle of Badr. He gave his used water to a born dumb child; he started speaking. Again he ordered a dumb man to speak and give witness of his prophethood which he immediately gave in a loud voice.


24 Hazrat Jabir prepared food for a dozen people; by the prayer of the Prophet, one thousand ate from it, while the remaining food was as much as in the start. (Many miracles of this type were performed by the Prophet). During the expedition of Tabuk, he made to drink water to thirty thousand men and twenty four thousand animals while the quantity of water was sufficient for only few dozens. (Many miracles of this type were performed) He prayed for rain, the clouds appeared immediately and it rained (Many miracles of this type were performed). He answered many questions about Jerusalem, which was brought before his eyes. He told his uncle Abbas about the secret talk which he had with his wife hundreds of miles away. He narrated his companions, the full detail of battle of Mota many hundred miles away. He could read the thought of people; he told Fazala bin Omer what he was thinking. He made a stone to swim over water. He made trees and even bushes to move on ground by his command. He brought to life dead son of a blind woman. He brought to life dead daughter of an infidel who later accepted Islam. Many people gave witness that they could smell a most beautiful perfume from his body. His wife Umme Salma even collected his perspiration for use as a perfume. He could see from behind just like he saw in front of him. On occasions light came out of his body. Animals and even stones and trees talked to him. His enemies saw some heavenly figures protecting him. His wife used his clothes, after his death, to heal people. He defeated the strongest men of Arabia in wrestling. Every day he would give forecast about the dreams of people; forecast was always fulfilled. He healed and prayed for sick people every day; the sick people were invariably healed. In the battle of Hunain, the Prophet threw some dust and stones towards the enemies; all were badly hurt and got defeated. This miracle is narrated in the Holy Quran. to him.

His companions saw many angels; Hazrat Khider, prophet Jesus φ appeared Genii appeared to him and embraced Islam. Many people were witness to it.

Total recorded miracles and prophecies of Prophet Muhammad ι exceed one thousand. We have mentioned just a few of them while in “Khisais Kubra” by Jalal-udDin Sayuti and Abu Naeem, these are mentioned in detail. Thus the Prophet prophesied about the past.


25 Let us enumerate the miracles ascribed to the last Prophet, the Christ and Messiah of the World in the Holy Books of old religions and then compare it with the acts and the miracles of the prophets and find out who fulfilled it literally. In Isaiah 35:4 to 10 we find the following marks of him. 1.

He will be a mighty man who will help the afflicted ones (also Isaiah 9:6).


He will cure blind men.


He will cure dumb men.


He will cure lame men.


He will perform miracles such that waters will burst out in the wilderness and torrents in the desert plain.


Peace will come to the inhabited lands of jackals.


A highway will be built to the House of Allah full of peace.


No foolish person or unclean person polytheist will visit the house of Allah .


There will be great peace all over the earth. (32:1). We have more prophecies in this regard too.


A just rule will be established.


There will be a mark of princely rule upon his shoulder.


By his mouth and prayer he will destroy his enemies.


Musical instruments will be broken.


The use of wine will come to an end.


Gifts will be sent by all nations of the world.


Idolatry will come to an end.


Tribes of Tema and Kedar will be defeated,


Great miracles even fear inspiring, will he show with his right hand. Psalms 45:4


Christ will conquer Babylon and the Jews will be freed from prisons. Isaiah 43:74

Also Isaiah 9:7 Isaiah 9:6 Isaiah 11:4 Isaiah 14:11 (Isaiah 16:10 also 24:7,63:3 Isaiah 18:7 Isaiah 19:1 21:9 Isaiah 21:14,14

Out of 19 marks mentioned above, Jesus  performed only three miracles (No. 2, 3, 4,) while Prophet Muhammad, ι, performed and fulfilled all the signs literally. Jesus  never abolished musical instruments but they are an important part of church’s prayers. Wine is also an important part of the Christians’ religious ceremonies. Jesus  never brought peace upon the earth but himself was a victim of wickedness. He said, ‘Do not think I have come to bring peace.’ He never abolished idolatry, or even fought Tribes of Tema or Kedar but Muhammad, peace be upon him, did. Jesus was not sent gift by other nations but to Muhammad, ι, such gifts were presented. Only Muhammad, ι, performed fear inspiring miracles with his right hand. During the battles of Badr and Hunain, the Prophet threw dust towards his opponents. The enemies were badly hurt, they saw many heavenly figures too, and got defeated.


26 With his right hand, the Prophet split the moon, moved the trees and stones at will. Thus he truly fulfilled all the prophecies. In the Holy Quran, there is mention of wonders of his right hand too. In 8:18 we have, “So you killed them not but Allah killed them. And you threw not (the dust) when you did throw, but Allah threw.” Al-Anfal 8:18 Thus Allah identifies Himself with Prophet Muhammad, pbuh metaphysically speaking, as we find in the Old Testament such identification with His Messiah, the last Prophet in many verses. (Isaiah 42:6) Once the Prophet stood up and said, “How is it that some people doubt about my knowledge. Ask from me about anything from this day to the Doomsday and certainly I will inform you. Allah has brought the whole world before me, and I can see whatever is in it and whatever will ever happen till the Doomsday like I am seeing my palm.” Hereunder are some of those prophecies, which the Prophet Muhammad ι prophesized about the future. How true are these for the present generation too. There will be no Caesar and Chosroes after me. Soon there will be such peace that a woman will travel alone from Heera (Jerusalem) to Holy Kaaba fearing none but Allah. Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Egypt will become a united kingdom, but again they will disunite and Arabia will be left alone. Your mosques will have decoration from outside, verily you will too decorate your mosques like the Jews and the Christians do. The people will start using liquor, there will be widespread lawlessness homosexuality, cold blooded murders, adultery. New musical instruments will appear. Men will obey their wives and neglect their parents; children will become rude, men of low character will become people’s leader. Women will help men in their business. People will make huge buildings. Divorce will become common. Women will imitate men in their appearance. Even the head of a country will commit theft. The world will become closer, markets will become nearer. Men will love puppies more than their own sons. Subordinates will overpower their masters.

(Trade Unions)

Lonely places will become inhabited and inhabited ones lonely. (Tourism, Excursions) Singing and dancing girls will be in great numbers; politics (ways of the king) will separate itself from religion. Thirty false prophets will appear after me. People will die by sudden death, and paralysis will be common. People will eat with their tongues as cows do (i.e. cone ice creams). People will colour their hair with hair dye having the appearance of colourful faeces i.e. droppings of birds. The time will be shortened (i.e. by aeroplanes and automation etc).


27 There will appear smoke (i.e. pollution). Animals will talk to men (i.e. Zoo, Circus animals). The people of some cities will move to other cities (i.e. due to industrialization). Mountains will move (i.e. by explosive devices etc.). drop.

Intercourse (i.e. adultery) will become excessive while birth rate will Invention of Contraceptives

A faithless man will be called strong willed. The tassel of rope of a man’s stick and shoe lace will talk to men; (i.e. modern recording system and loud speaker’s mouth piece, Telephones) a man’s thigh will tell what his family has done in his absence (i.e. Modern recording and Audio-Video instruments). Use of sword will became obsolete (i.e. due to invention of modern warfares). A new writing technique i.e. pen will appear (i.e. printing press, type writers etc). The achievements of the people will be to fill their stomach; and their sole possession will be their wickedness and their Holy Kaaba will be women, and their religion will be accumulation of wealth; these are the worst of all creations and have no reward with Allah. There will appear a nation whose faces will be like human beings but their hearts will be like of Satan. The men will become wolves, the one who will refuse to become wolf, other wolves will eat him up; they will stop at no evil, if you follow them then they will backbite you, and if you will talk to them they will refute you, if you put them to trust then they will be distrustful; their sons will be jolly and dirty, their young ones will be crooks; and their old ones will not advise to bid good and forbid evil; a mild fellow will be called trouble shooter, a believer will be called petty and disgraced fellow; an evildoer or debauchee will be respected; rightful acts would be called wrongful and evil acts will be called good ones. In the last days, a time will certainly come when the Christians will colonialize many countries. There will arise a nation from the West who will overpower weak nations among my followers. A time will certainly come when the infidels will call each other to subjugate the Muslim countries like the way you call each other for a feast. The Christian nations will come forward, holding eighty flags to establish peace on earth, but actually they will betray the world and will bring disaster upon whole mankind (it reminds us League of Nations, thus fulfilled in the 20th century like many others). Other signs of the Hour are: Young men will become chiefs; women will be called for consultation; desolated places will be inhabited, and populated places will become desolate. New musical instruments will come to be invented, intoxicants will be drunk; bastards will be in majority. Tibrani The Hour will not come till obscenity will become prevalent, and also miserliness. A trustee will embezzle, and a dishonest will be trusted. Noble people will become extinct and subordinates will be rude to their masters. The Hour will not come till children will become rude; rain will be abundant; base men will be powerful while noble people will be of low prestige; and younger ones will insult elderly ones; vile men will insult honourable ones. Tibrani


28 Weights and balances will measure less. A man will feed his dog in preference to feed his son. And also elder ones will not be respected nor smaller ones will be shown love; and there will be great number of children born by adultery. Tibrani − Haakim When the Hour will be near, rain will be abundant but crops will be short; there will be abundance of readers but few will be men of understanding; rich people will be large in number but trustworthy ones will be scarce. Tibrani When the Hour will be near, wicked people will become highly placed while noble people will be deemed lowly; talking will be excessive but actions will be little. Tibrani canals.

The Hour will not come until land of Arabia turns into a land of meadows and Ahmed

Time will come when the Muslims will hate their scholars; they will raise buildings high in their markets; they will get married to increase their wealth. Last of my followers will be men who will travel in camel’s saddle (i.e. cars) and come to mosques’ doors; and their women will wear revealing dresses and their heads’ hair will be like a weak camel’s humps. Haakim A time will fall upon mankind that men will become wolves; and whoso will not become wolf, other wolves will eat him up. When booty will be deemed as a private property, trust as a booty, Zakat as a burden, learning will be acquired for other purpose than religion. A man shall obey his wife and disobey his mother and he shall draw his friend near and keep his father away. Voices’ shall become loud in the mosques, the leader of a tribe shall be the most evil among them; the chief of a nation shall be the vilest of them. Muslim Men will fulfil their sexual needs from men and women from women, boys will be envied as are envied virgin girls. World will not come to an end unless women will be seen wearing hump like wigs; singing girls will become abundant; false witnesses will be given; devout Muslims will drink in gold and silver utensils of idolaters; men will get satisfaction (sexual) from men, and women will get satisfaction (sexual) from women, (i.e. Homosexuality will prevail) Haakim The Hour will not come till people will intercourse on roads as asses do. Tibrani − Bazaaz Singing girls and musical instruments shall come to manifest, intoxicants will be drunk, and the later generations of this Ummah will curse their former ones. Tirmzi



Chapter 6 THE BIBLICAL PROPHECIES Islam is in fact the continuation of the same religion which Abraham and Moses brought, the religions which were earlier brought by the Vedas, the Avestas and by Krishna in the Puranas and by the Buddha Sakhyamuni. We hereunder mention those prophecies which gave the good news of coming of Islam through Prophet Muhammad ι. In Genesis 49:10-12 we have the prophecy of Jacob i.e. Israel, peace be upon him, as under: “The scepter will not turn aside from Judah, neither the commander’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to him the obedience of the people will belong. Tying his full-grown ass to a vine and the descendant of his own she-ass to a choicest vine, he will certainly wash his clothing in wine and his garment in the blood of grapes. Dark red are his eyes from wine, and the whiteness of his teeth is from milk. Shiloh or Sheliakh means ‘The Prophet’, the coming of whom is mentioned in Deuteronomy. Prophet Muhammad ι had redness of eyes by birth; he had teeth which were exceptionally white; he never drank wine; he claimed to be the Prophet of the gentiles and the non-gentiles. In Deuteronomy 18:18 we have words of Allah through Moses peace be upon him, as, “A prophet I shall raise up for them from the midst of their brothers, like you; and I shall indeed put my words in his mouth, and he will certainly speak to them all that I shall command him. And it must occur that the man who will not listen to my words that he will speak in my name, I shall myself require an account from him. “However, the Prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. And in case you should say in your heart, “How shall we know the word that Jehovah has spoken?” When the Prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the Prophet spoke it. You must not get frightened at him.” The above prophecy confirms that only one prophet will appear from the brethren of Israel; God will kill any such prophet who makes a false claim. Prophet Muhammad ι brought the word of God in the form of the Holy Quran; his prophesies were always fulfilled. In Deuteronomy 33.2 we have. And he (Moses) said “The lord came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran and he came with ten thousands of saints; from his right hand went a fiery law for them”. In this verse it is undoubtedly established the coming of Prophet Muhammad ι because he was a law giver and lived and preached most of the time in Paran. Paran is a wilderness of Arabia where Prophet Ismael and his descendents dwelt (see Genesis 21:20). Ismael took up dwelling in the wilderness of Paran.

Genesis 21:21

Every student of history knows that Muhammad ι led an army of exactly ten thousand people, all saints, when he conquered Makkah. end.

Within a year, according to the year of an hireling, all the glory of Kedar, shall Isaiah 21:16


30 In the prophecies of Habakkuk 3:3 we. have ‘‘God came from Teman and the holy One from mount Paran Selah. His glory covered the heaven, and the earth was full of his praise”. Teman is a name derived from Tema, son of Ismael (see I chronicles 1:30), forefather of Muhammad ι. Sons of Ishmael are Kedar, Tema (and others). I Chronicles 1:29. Thus Teman is the place where tribe of Teman, Qureishite and Hashmite lived; and that fact Muhammad ι belonged to these tribes is commonly known. In the Enoch 1:9 we have, “And behold He cometh with ten thousands of His holy one’s, to execute judgment upon all; and to destroy all the ungodly.” In the Song of Solomon we have, 5:10 “My dear one is dazzling and ruddy, the most conspicuous of ten thousand: (In other versions the translation is “My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand”). In the Daniel 7:10 “There were thousand thousands that kept ministering to him, and ten thousand times ten thousand that kept standing right before him.” In the Psalm 68:2 “The war chariots of God are in tens of thousands, thousands over and over again. Jehovah himself has come from Sinai into the holy place.” In all the above prophecies, a warrior prophet with ten thousand warriors is mentioned again and again as his mark, only Prophet Muhammad ι fulfilled it when he conquered Makkah, the stronghold of the idolaters, and cleansed it from the manmade gods and threw them as debris outside Makkah. He is the only prophet who brought a new law, a mercy for the weak ones and ‘fiery’ for the criminals. He was born in the valley of Paran among the brethren of Israel i.e. the Ishmaelites; tribe of Teman is a branch of Ishmaelites. “Look! My servant, on whom I keep fast hold! My chosen one whom my soul has approved! I have put my spirit in him. Justice to the Gentile is what he will bring forth. In trueness he will bring forth justice. He will not grow dim nor be crushed until he sets justice in the earth itself. (Verse 6). And give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles (non-Jews) (Verse 11). Let the wilderness (i.e. Arabia) and its cities raise (their voice); the settlements that Kedar inhabits. Let the inhabitants of rock (crag) sing. Isaiah 42:1 The first verse of above prophecy actually reads as: “Look! My servant, Muhammad (My beloved, My praised one) on whom I keep fast hold!” The removal of word Muhammad ι is the most daring and shameful expungency to deceive the world. This unethical change has come to light when we read Mattew 12:18 Jesus Christ recited the true original verses which read as “Look! My servant, My Beloved, (MUHAMMADIM) on whom I keep fast hold! Thus God saved the truth to frustrate the designs of evil men. Prophet Muhammad ι accomplished his mission to its fullness and established peace and justice. Kedar is a tribe of Arabia. Only Prophet Muhammad ι claimed that he is the Messenger for all the people of the world. In the Malachi 3:2 (Fire of a refiner) the Isaiah 9:6, 40:10 (Mighty God, Strong One) the Micah 4:4 (Strong Shepherd) are different epithets for the Saviour which all point to a mighty man. Thus we find the mention of a legendary strong man, of extraordinary physical and spiritual power. Thus the Jews were rightly expecting a


31 warrior militant Messiah to which Jesus, peace be upon him, did not comply; and the Church created their own theory that his kingdom was not of this world. Wrong, utterly wrong, the kingdom of God was to be established on this very earth by a gifted powerful man for whom, not only the Jews, but all the nations of the earth awaited for, and we find mention of him in all non-Jewish Holy Books too because he was ‘man of the world*, not of a particular nation. Muhammad, peace be upon him, fulfilled all the expectations. In the Isaiah 13:1, 17:1, 18:1, 19:1, 19:20, 21:9, 21:11, is clearly written that Babylon, Damascus, Ethiopia, Egypt, Dumah, Tyre will all be conquered by the great Prophet; so it was done by Prophet Muhammad, ι In the Ezekiel 33:11:13, 22, 26 and 36:1 we have mention of a Saviour who will save the Jews from oppression. In the Daniel 2:44 the Haggai 2:7, the Zechariah 8:23, 9:10, the Malachi 3:1, 3:2-5, there is too a mention of a world conqueror, world reformer, a world ruler whose laws will be everlasting; there will stand no law before his law. This is a theme running down throughout the whole Bible; and only Muhammad, ι has fulfilled all the prophecies. He is that World Saviour about whom the Psalms are full praises. Gird your sword upon your thigh, O might one.


And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more. PSALMS 37:10 A father of fatherless boys and a judge of widows. Is God in his holy dwelling. God is causing the solitary ones to dwell in a house. He is bringing forth prisoners into full prosperity. PSALMS 67:5 And who can stand before you because of the strength of your anger. PSALMS 76:7 Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a stool for your feet. PSALMS 110:1 Look! The Lord Jehovah himself will come even as a strong one. ISAIAH 40:10 All the nations are as something non-existent in front of him. ISAIAH 40:17 And I shall safeguard you and give you as a covenant of the people, as a light of the Gentiles. ISAIAH 42:6 For as fire, Jehovah himself will for a fact take up the controversy, yes, with his sword, against all flesh. ISAIAH 66:16 Aha, the sword of Jehovah! How long will it be ere thou be quiet? JEREMIAH 47:6 Look! Someone will come up just like a lion from the proud thickets along the Jordan to the durable abiding place, but in a moment I shall make them run away from her. JEREMIAH 50:44 Above are prophecies about an extremely powerful warrior Messiah, the Savior who will defeat his opponents crushingly, which Prophet Muhammad ι did. All his enemies sat before him under his feet; he was a fearless lion of Allah, who gave peace and honor to the orphans and the prisoners even. Now we have another irrefutable prophecy from Moses, peace be upon him.


32 “And do thou, Joshua the son of Nun, keep these words and this book; for from my death until His advent there shall be CCL times.” Assumption of Moses 110:11”. CCL times is 250 years-weeks or 1750 years. Moses, φ died in the year 1180 A.D. according to latest research and Muhammad, peace be upon him, was born in 570. This is a most astonishing prophecy by Moses; it is undoubtedly the last word and an authority; it can’t be denied as it is conclusive and leaves no option for our readers but to accept the truth of Prophet Muhammad ι and his religion ‘Islam’. Jesus said: For whoever becomes ashamed of me and of my words, the son of man will be ashamed of this one when he arrives in his glory, and that of the Father and of the holy angels.” In this verse Jesus didn’t say, the Son of man, that is me, will be ashamed of this one when I arrive in my glory, if he were speaking about himself. Jesus, peace be upon him, is incidentally the only person in the human history who is not son of any man, but son of a woman (peace be upon her). Thus Jesus, peace be upon him, always spoke of another exalted person to come after him, and we believe that Muhammad, peace be upon him, has fulfilled all the marks expected of the Christ. The coming of Muhammad, peace be upon him, was explicitly stated in the following verses too. “And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, to be with you for ever, even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him; you know him, for he dwells with you, and will be in you”. John 14.16-17. Jesus prayed for another Comforter or Paraclete; the first Comforter or Mediator (it is correct translation of Paraclete) was Moses who mediated between men and God, second Paraclete is Prophet Muhammad ι who is a mediator like Moses. In John 14:25, “While remaining with you, I have spoken these things to you. But the helper (i.e. Paraclete), the holy spirit which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you.” In John 15:26 — 16:2 When the helper (i.e. Paraclete) arrive that I will send you from the Father, the spirit of the truth, which proceeds from the Father that one will bear witness about me; and you in turn are to bear witness, because you have been with me from when I began. I have spoken these things to you that you may not be stumbled. Men will expel you from the synagogue. In fact, the hour is coming when everyone that kills you will imagine he has rendered a sacred service to God.” Note: Just notice that Jesus, peace be upon him, foretold his follower’s expulsion from ‘Synagogues’ as he was not sent to start a new religion but to teach the Jews only. Thus the Christian churches are inventions of people with vested interest and have no authority from the Gospels to invent a new religion and build churches. Also note that Jesus used the epithet Holy Spirit for the coming one who is undoubtedly Prophet Muhammad ι. In John 16: 7-14 “Nevertheless, I am telling you the truth. It is for your benefit I am going away. For if I do not go away, the helper (Paraclete) will by no means come to you. And when that one arrives he will give the world convincing evidence concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment: in the first place concerning sin, because they are not exercising faith in me, then concerning


33 righteousness, because I am going to the Father, and you will behold me no longer; then concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged. For the last prophet, Jesus used words like the Holy Spirit, the son of man, the paraclete (i.e. its correct translation is Mediator) the helper, the ruler of the world. Jesus strongly ordered his followers to put faith in the last prophet without whom there will be no salvation; we hereunder mention meanings of all his parables regarding coming Kingdom (Rule or Law is the correct translation) of God. Matt. 13:3. Only those believers who receive the divine message of the Christ will have salvation. John 3:16 has similar message. Matt 13:31. Kingdom of God’s mission will slowly develop into a strong movement. Luke 13:30 also have a similar message. Matt. 4:30. This parable has the same message as of Matt 13:3. Matt. 13:24. The enemies and the imposters will be defeated during the great movement. Matt. 13:44 Jesus, peace be upon him, instructs his followers to sacrifice everything for the establishment of kingdom of God. Matt. 13:47. Only good people will enter the kingdom while evildoers will be thrown out. Matt. 20:1. Those who will enter the kingdom of God will have a greater reward. Matt. 21:33. During great revolution of the establishment of the kingdom, the killers of the prophets and evildoers will be destroyed and another nation will be given the honour to accomplish establishment of the kingdom of God. Mark 12:1 also have the same message. Matt. 21:44 Allah will take away glory from the Jews and give it to the Gentiles. Luke 20:16 and Mark 12:9 also have the same message. Matt. 22:4. Mark 12:35 and Luke 20:41 has a clear message that the Christ will not be from the line of David; thus a non-Jewish Messiah. -, Matt. 24:37. Whosoever will disbelieve the message of the Christ will have no salvation. Luke 17:24 also have the same message. Matt. 24:44 and 25:1. Be prepared to join the great revolution. Matt. 25:14. Those who will endeavour for the great revolution will be successful and have salvation. Mark 4:26. Those who will enter the kingdom of God and embrace the message will have great reward with God. Mark 13:34. The appearance of the last prophet will be sudden. Luke 7:28. An ordinary believer of the last prophet will be more dear to Allah than prophet John. Luke 13:29. Kingdom of God will be established by a weak nation and then people of the East and the West will join it. Luke 14:16. Disbelievers of the last message will be great losers and the gentiles will be the first to accept it Matt. 22:1 has similar message. Luke 19:12. Power will be used for the establishment of Kingdom of God. Luke 21:11. There will be great lawlessness, iniquity and earthquakes before the coming of kingdom of God.


34 Read our extract and the referred verses from the Gospels again and again and find who has accomplished the prophesied marks. Certainly Prophet Muhammad, ι, has accomplished all and has brought before us the promised kingdom in the real form; it is high time that the Christian Churches and their followers accept the truth and give up the hope of a Christ who is not going to come in future but has already come fourteen centuries ago. The prophecies of Moses, and the Prophets, peace be upon them all, and finally Jesus, peace be upon him, all confirm it. Now we give prophecies from a book little known to the Christian world, Gospel of Barnabas, a book which horrifies the Church so much that they even refrain from mentioning its name by way of refutation, or calling it apocryphal. ‘And having beckoned with the hand of silence, he (Jesus) opened his mouth, saying: Blessed be the holy name of God who of his goodness and mercy willed to create his creatures that they might glorify him. Blessed be the holy name of God who created the splendour of all the saints and prophets before all things to send him for the salvation of the world.’ (page 10b). ‘But after me shall come the Splendour of all the prophets and holy ones and shall shed light upon the darkness of all that the prophets have said, because he is the messenger of God’, (page 16b). ‘Now that all the prophets are come except the messenger of God who shall come after me, because so God willeth, and that I may prepare his way.’ (page 37b). “Wherefore they sent the Levites and some of the scribes to question him, saying, “who art thou?’ Jesus confessed and said the truth: I am not the Messiah. They said, ‘Art thou Elijah or Jeremiah, or any of the ancient prophets?’ Jesus answered. ‘No.’ Then said they: Who art thou? Say, in order that we may give testimony to those who sent us. Then said Jesus: I am a voice that crieth through all Judaea, and crieth: ‘Prepare ye the way for the messenger of the Lord, even as it is written in Esaias.. They said: If thou be not the Messiah nor Elijah, or any prophet, therefore dost thou preach new doctrine, and make thyself of more account than the Messiah? Jesus answered: The miracles which God worketh by my hands show that I speak that which God willeth, nor indeed do I make myself to be accounted as him of whom ye speak. For I am not worthy to unloose the ties of the hosen or the latchets of the shoes of the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah, who was made before me, and shall come after me, and shall bring the words of truth, so that his faith shall have no end.” (page 44a). ‘I therefore say unto you that the messenger of God is a splendour that shall give gladness to nearly all that God hath made, for he is adorned with the spirit of understanding and of counsel, the spirit of wisdom and might, the spirit of fear and love, the spirit of prudence and temperance, he is adorned with the spirit of charity and mercy, the spirit of justice and piety, the spirit of gentleness and patience, which he hath received from God three times more than he hath given to all his creatures. O blessed time, when he shall come to the world! Believe me that I have seen him and have done him reverence, even as every prophet hath seen him: Seeing that of his spirit God giveth to them prophesy. And when I saw him my soul was filled with consolation, saying: “O Muhammad! God be with Thee, and may he make me worthy to untie thy shoe latchet, for obtaining this I shall be a great prophet and holy one of God”.’ (page 46b).


35 “Jesus answered: As God liveth, in whose presence my soul standeth, I am not the Messiah whom all the tribes of the earth expect even as God promised to our father Abraham, saying, ‘In thy seed will I bless all the tribes of the earth’. But when God shall take me away from the world, Satan will raise again this accursed sedition, by making the impious believe that I am God and Son of God, whence my words and my doctrine shall be contaminated, insomuch that scarcely shall there remain thirty faithful ones whereupon God will have mercy upon the world, and will send his messenger for whom he hath made all things; who shall come from the south with power, and shall destroy the idols with the idolaters; who shall take away the dominion from Satan which he hath over men. He shall bring with him the mercy of God for salvation of them that shall believe in him, and blessed is he who shall believe his words. Unworthy though I am to untie his hozen, I have received grace and mercy from God to see him.” (page 102a). “Jesus answered: ‘The name of the Messiah is admirable (i.e., Muhammad in Arabic) for God himself gave him the name when he had created his soul, and placed it in celestial splendour. God said: Wait Muhammad; for thy sake I will create paradise, the world, and a great multitude of creatures, whereof I make thee a present insomuch that whoso shall bless thee shall be blessed, and whoso shall curse thee shall be accursed. When I shall send thee into the world, I shall send thee as my messenger of salvation, and thy word shall be true, insomuch that heaven and earth shall fail, but thy faith shall never fail. Muhammad is his blessed name.’ Then the crowd lifted up their voices, saying: O God, send us Thy messenger; O Muhammad! Come quickly for the salvation of the world’.” (103b). “The disciples answered: ‘O Master, who shall that man be whom thou speakest, who shall come into the world?’ Jesus answered with joy of heart: ‘He is Muhammad, messenger of God, and when he cometh into the world, even as the rain maketh the earth to bear fruit when for a long time it hath not rained, even so shall he be occasion of good works among men, through the abundant mercy which he shall bring. For he is a white cloud full of mercy of God, which mercy God shall sprinkle upon the faithful like rain’.” (180b). “Jesus answered: Thus hath God said to me, O Barnabas, ‘The world wherein ye men that are sinners dwell hath the sun and the moon and the stars that adorn it, for your benefit and your gladness; for this have I created. “Think ye, then, that the house where my faithful dwell shall not be better? Assuredly, ye err, so thinking: for I, Your God, am the sun of paradise, and My messenger is the moon who from me receiveth all; and the stars are my prophets which have preached to you my will. Wherefore my faithful, even as they received my word from my prophets here shall in like manner obtain delight and gladness through them in the paradise of my delights.” (page 190a). In the preceding prophecies, it is emphatically said by Jesus that he is not that Saviour who is mentioned in the Old Testament, also he clearly named that Saviour to be Muhammad ι. Prophet Muhammad ι is that Saviour who struggled and suffered for humanity’s sake; Jesus is wrongly depicted to be so. SUFFERING PROPHET In the Bible one of the signs of last Prophet is that his opponents will torture and persecute him. In the Bible, we have: 4.

Truly our sicknesses were what he himself carried; and as for our pains, he bore them. But we ourselves accounted him as plagued, stricken by God and afflicted.


But he was being pierced for our transgression; he was being crushed for our errors. The chastisement meant for our peace was


36 upon him, and because of his wounds there has been a healing for us. Prophet Muhammad ι was brought up as despised orphan, as of no account, un-esteemed. During his mission, he was wounded, strangled, stoned, beaten. His tooth was broken. His family was socially boycotted for years. His daughter was divorced; his daughter and son-in-law Oosman were forced to go into exile to Ethiopia. He himself was forced to leave Makkah and flee to Medina. The Prophet claimed that he received more hardships, challenges and sufferings during his mission than any other prophet, so that he could save his nation from sin; for this cause he accepted suffering for 23 years. The Holy Qur’an declares that the followers of the Holy Bible recognize the prophet as they recognize their sons, even more Jesus Christ confirmed the name of the Saviour as Ahmad. Also the Holy Qur’an confirms that prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, will establish His religion in the whole world which is the only religion acceptable to Allah and is culmination and summation of all the past religions of the world, Allah has perfected it and therefore no amendment is possible even in the future, as prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the last of prophets. In the Holy Qur’an, we have a number of revelations to confirm the above claims. “Today, I have perfected your religion for you and I have accomplished My favours upon you and I have given My consent and approval for Islam.” “He it is Who has sent His Messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth that He may cause it to prevail over all other religions even if those who worship partners with Allah hate it.” As-Saff 61-10 Whoso desires a faith different from Islam, shall not be accepted and he will be one of the losers in the Hereafter. Al-Imran 3:85 In the Holy Qur’an, we further have, Say, (O Prophet) O mankind, indeed I am a Messenger to you all from Allah to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no god but He, He gives life and causes death. So put faith in Allah and His Messenger, the Prophet of the Gentile who believes in Allah and His words; follow him so that you may be rightly guided. Al Aa.raaf 159 O ye people of the Book! Believe in what We have revealed, fulfilling that which is with you. An Nisaa 48 Those to whom We have given the Book recognize him (Prophet Muhammad, S.A.W.) as they recognize their sons, but surely some of them hide the truth knowingly. Al Baqarah 146 Those who follow the Messenger, the Gentile prophet whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel with them. Al Aaraf 158 But he (the prophet) is a messenger of Allah and the last of the prophets. Al Ahzaab 41 And remember when Jesus, son of Mary, said, ‘O children of Israel, surely I am a messenger of Allah unto you, fulfilling that which is before me of the Torah, and giving good news of a Messenger who will come after me, whose name will be Ahmad. As Saff 7 When prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, started his mission, then some leading rabbis and a small number of the Jews put faith in him, but the ten lost


37 tribes of sons of Israel, settled in Afghanistan, Kashmir, India and those in N.W.F.P, now Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa (Pakistan) accepted Islam in a short time. So the Holy Qur’an proclaims that all the prophecies of the Holy Bible are unmistakably about prophet Muhammad, (S.A.W.) who is the prophet and saviour of the whole world. Jesus denied that he is that awaited Christ, the World Saviour, Jesus was only the Christ for children of Israel. Jesus was born for no mission but to give good news of coming of kingdom of God through a Gentile, non-Jewish prophet, from among their brethren, the Ismaelites (Ref. Gospel of Barnabas). Both Moses and Jesus clearly confirmed Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, as the last Messenger of Allah i.e. the Christ the World Saviour. It may confuse some of our readers that epithet Christ is being used for both Jesus and Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Christ is a general word, meaning anointed one or a saviour from Allah; king Saul, king David, king Solomon are too Christs as they were great saviours for their nation and all were anointed by the chief priests at the time of becoming kings. Thus both the Holy Books, the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Bible, agree that one last Saviour i.e. the Christ of the world was expected. The believers in the Holy Bible i.e. the Jews and the Christians, deny that Prophet Muhammad ι was that prophet while the Muslims, who consist of converts from among the Jews and the Christians and idolaters and other religious groups, put firm faith in the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. These all converts recognized that the prophet was from the brethren of Israelites, i.e. the Ishmaelites, and was a warrior who accomplished his mission with success; he was the one who conquered the Makkah with ten thousand Holy warriors and demolished idolatry from the world forever. He was a Gentile prophet and never hit anyone in his lifetime, not even during the battles as was prophesied in Isaiah 42:1. He was born in 570 A.D. according to the prophecy of prophet Moses, as well as the prophecies of Buddha, Krishna, Zoroastra too. All prophesied his coming at the same time. These prophesies are still present in all the Holy Scriptures of the world which can be easily verify readers who are interested in it. That is why Jesus said that ‘the denying of this supreme Holy Spirit will not be forgiven ever; he is perfect being of Allah, on whom no one can put blame except by very hardhearted people.



Chapter 7 PROPHECIES IN THE VEDAS RIG VEDAS O praised one (Stakereto – Muhammad in Arabic) Indra who is mighty in battles, we present offerings of food for wealth! 1 O Muhammad (Stakereto)! Psalms of Sama Vedas mention your praise; mantras of Rig Vedas mention your praise; We too wish to praise you. 2 O Muhammad! Reciters of Sama Veda praise you; reciters of Rig Vedas praise you who is truly praiseworthy; and Brahmans exalt you greatly. 3 In the Holy Qur’an, Allah has ordained the Muslims to praise the Prophet reverently as ‘Allah and His angels praise him’ too; this is actually the highest form of prayers. You go from one battle to another, conquering fortress after fortress with your strength.4 In 630 A.D., 7 A.H., the Prophet attacked the Jewish settlements of Khyber and conquered eight strong fortresses in less than two months. It is this event which is mentioned in the Vedas as his great sign. No other prophet, rishi or king has performed such a feat of bravery. Other Signs about last Saviour in Rig Veda are: 1.

He is first creation of God who has no equal.5


He is the king of all.6


Extremely handsome, with perfect high morals.7


Brave fighter, conqueror.8


Originator of a new faith to dispel darkness of the world.”9


He is a mediator for people’s prayer.10


He is Asta Kartu and a Saviour.11


Extremely Intelligent.12


Extremely Generous.13


Rig Stnhita, Astek-1, Adhya-1, Anwaka -2, Sakt-1.


Rig Veda Sinhlta, Astek-1, Adhya-1, Anwaka-2, Sakt-2.


Rig Veda Sinhlta, Astek-1, Adhya-1, Anwaka-3, Sakt-3.


Rig Veda 1, 53, 7.


Astak-1, Adhya-1, Anwaka-7, Sakt-1, Line 1, 2.


Astak Adhya-3.


Astak-1, Adhva-1, Anwaka-1, Sakt-3, Line-2. and Anwaka-3, Sakt-2, LineA3.


Astak-1, Adhya-1, Anwaka-2, Sakt-2, Line 8, 9.


Astak-1, Adha-1, Sakt-2, Line 8.


Astak-1. Adya-1, Anwaka-6, Sakt-4, Line 11.


Astak-1, Adya-1, Anwaka’6, Sakt-7, Line 6.


Astak-1, Adya-1, Anwaka-4, Sakt-1, Line 7.


Astak-1, Adya-3, Anwaka-10, Sakt-4, Line 8.


39 The above signs are same which were mentioned by Buddha Sakyamuni about thousand years later. Each of above signs are mentioned repeatedly in Rig Veda and other Vedas; all signs are about God’s first perfect creation who is a great conqueror, exceedingly wise, generous with all the good qualities. Muslims find all these signs in Muhammad ι and put faith in him without doubt. All the prophecies of the Old Scriptures lead to confirm Muslims’ faith. SAMA VEDA’S PROPHECY: Ahmad received religion from his Lord; I shine like sun by it.14 All the Muslims believe that whether it be a Sama Veda’s Rishi or any of the prophets, all received spiritual blessings and instructions from the Last Prophet. ATHARVA VEDA’S PROPHECIES: Mr. Bloomfield has translated this mantra as follows: “Listen ye folks, to this (a song) in praise of a hero shall be sung! Six thousand and ninety (cows) did we get, when We were with Kaurama among the Rushamas”. In Prof. Griffith’s translation we find: “Listen to this, ye men a laud of glorious bounty shall be sung, Thousands sixty and ninety, we, O Kaurama, among the Rushamas have received.” The English version of Pandit Raja Ram’s translation (in Urdu) is as follows: — “Listen to this O people! a praiseworthy’ shall be praised. O Kaurama we have received among the Rushamas sixty thousand and ninety.” Pandit Khem Karan of Allahabad gives another translation: “O people! Listen to this respectfully! The praiseworthy man among the people will be praised. O ease-loving king, we find sixty thousand and ninety brave men uprooting their enemies.” Our Version O people! Muhammad (Narashansah astvishyate) shall be praised. O Kaurama! We find sixty thousand and ninety enemies being uprooted.15 In the above two prophecies, the event of Makkah’s conquer is mentioned. In 10 A.H. (c 632 A.D) the Prophet made a surprise attack upon the Makkans numbering about six thousand people with an army of ten thousand warriors. The Prophet’s great victory with ten thousand men is mentioned in every Holy Book of the world; this victory wiped out idolatry from world’s strongest and central place, the Holy Ka’aba. After this, the Muslims wiped out and abolished idolatry from almost the whole world and, thereafter, One God Allah’s name came to be worshipped and became supreme. “The wagon-possessor, the truthful and truth-loving, extremely wise, powerful and generous. Mamah (Muhammad) has favoured me with his words. The son of the All-powerful, possessing all good attributes, the mercy for the worlds has become famous with ten thousand (companions)”.16 3. “Thou goest on from fight to fight intrepidly destroying castle after castle here with strength. Thou Indra, with thy friend who makes the foes bow down slewest from far away the guileful Namuchi”. − (Griffith) “You go from one battle to another with bravery destroying fortress after fortress here with your bravery and strength. You, O Indra, with your friend who prays to God, have slain from far away the cunning and treacherous Namuchi”.17 14

Sama Veda, Parpathak-2, Dashii-6, Mantra-8.


Atharva Veda.


Atharva Veda.


40 The mention of destroying fortress after fortress is also mentioned in Rig Veda as a sign of the saviour. It is also a true fact of the history that Muhammad ι alone subdued the Satanic (Nemuchi’s) rule which prevailed all over the world. PROPHECY IN VYASA UPANISHAD O Vyasa! From Puranas and Samhita what have you devised for soul’s salvation? Vyasa: Whence this world is created, the present era and till it ends, Muhammad is its goal! A man who forsakes sins and everything and then do remembrance of Dharam Guru (Religious Leader) Muhammad then this remembrance cleanses his soul’s sins, he will not be reborn, nor will drink again mother’s milk. 18 Dharam Guru or Jagat Guru is a very common name among the Hindus, popularly known as Jaggan Nath i.e., the Saviour of the world. Vyas Ji in his Upanishad says: Alif (A) stands for Akhandsoo (the life) Hay (H) stands for Hannamati (the Lord of Judgement) Meem (M) stands for Maya (the world) Dal (D) stands for Dademtasa (the Giver) Vyas has explained alphabets of the word “Ahmad” in the most wonderful way.19 Ahmad is another name of Prophet Muhammad ι. PROPHECIES IN PURANAS A foreigner teacher then comes who is called Muhammad, along with his comrades.20 Maharishi Vyasa writes in Pothak Puran “In the coming age, Mahmet will be born. His signs will be a cloud will give shade over him; his body will have no shadow; he will not work for the worldly things, but his struggle will be for his religion. Whatever he will earn, he will distribute in God’s way. During his life, he will eat less. Chief of Arab nation’s will be his enemy, but he will be Beloved of God’. Almighty God will reveal thirty books to him.21 He will not fear any created being. He will be extremely brave and wise. His name will be Mahamet.22 Without Mahamet, boat will not cross the river (i.e. you will not be saved).23 Different books of Hinduism mention name of the Last Universal Saviour as under; Rig Veda Yajur Veda Atharva Veda Samriti

Ahmad Mahmed, Maham Mad Maham Mat Ahmat


Atharva Veda (XX):21.7.


Vyasa Upanishad.


Vyasa Upanishad.


Bhavishia Puran, Parti Sarg Pard-3, Khand-3, Adhya-3, Shalok-5.


Recording of Rishi Pohand about Vyasa.


Tulsi Das’s recording about Maha Deva in Dharam Otar Akhand..




41 Brah Puran Bhagwat Puran Shank Samriti Nya-e-Bash Kalki Puran Vishnu Puran Khel Bar Karan Dharam Otar Akhand

Mah Mat Maha Mat Maha Mat Maha Mat Maha Mat Maha Mat Maha Mat

“A malechha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mohammad. Raja (Bhoj) after giving this Maha Dev Arab (of angelic disposition) a bath in the Panchgavya and the Ganges water, (i.e., purging him of all sins) offered him the presents of his sincere devotion and showing him all reverence said, ‘I make obeisance to thee.’ ‘O Ye! the pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, Ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from the malechha opponents.’ ‘O Ye! the image of the Most Pious God the biggest Lord, I am a slave to thee, make me as one lying on thy feet. (Prati Sarg Parv III: 3, 3, 5-8) In this prophecy about the Holy Prophet, Maharishi Vyasa Ji mentioned the following signs: 1.

The name of the Prophet is Mohammad.


He belongs to Arabia. The Sanskrit word marusthal used in the prophecy means a sandy tract of land or a desert.


The Raja of India will put faith in him.


God will protect him from enemies. In the Holy Qur’an, verses appear to this account.


He will kill Devil, root out idol-worship.


He will be an image of God.

In continuation of the same quotation from Bhavishya Puran that we have given above, we find another prophecy to strengthen our claim in Shalokas 10-27. “The Malechhas have spoiled the well-known land of the Arabs. Arya Dharma is not to be found in that country. Before also there appeared a misguided friend whom I had killed; he has now again appeared being sent by a powerful enemy. To show these enemies the right path and to give them guidance the well-known Mahamad (Muhammad), who has been given by me the epithet of Brahma, is busy in bringing the ‘Pishachas’ to the right path. O Raja! You need not go to the land of the foolish Pishachas, you will be purified through my kindness even where you are. At night, he of the angelic disposition, the shrewd man, in the guise of a Pishacha said to Raja Bhoj, “O Rajah! Your Arya Dharma has been made to prevail over all religions, but according to the commandments of Ishwar Parmatma, I shall enforce the strong creed of the meat-eaters. My follower will be a man circumcised, without a tail (on his head), keeping beard, creating a revolution, announcing Aazan (call for prayer) and will be eating all lawful things. He will eat all sorts of animals except swine. They will not seek purification from the holy shrubs, but will be purified through warfare. On account of their fighting the irreligious nations, they will be known as Mussalmans. I shall be the originator of this religion of the meat eating nation.24 This prophecy was prophesied by Vyasa Ji in about 6th century B.C. and came to be fulfilled in 7th century A.D. when Raja Bhoja of Punjab and his successor Raja Rasalu accepted Islam, probably both were contemporary of the Prophet as 24

Bhavishya Puran by Vyasa Ji.


42 mentions Veronica Ions in his book ‘Myths and Legends of India1 1970, Publisher Hamlyn, London; Hindus claim them as Hindus while Muslims’ traditions claim them to be stout Muslims. Tomb of Raja Rasalu is in Sialkot, Punjab. SRI KRISHNA’S PROPHECY IN KALKI PURAN As the present age of the world (kali age) goes on, iniquity will more and more prevail. Wealth and piety will decrease day by day until the world will be utterly depraved. The people will seek refuge among the valleys of the mountains by the fear of their Kings who would impose heavy burdens upon them, and will be forced to eat wild honey, herbs, roots, fruits, flowers and leaves. They will wear ragged garments made of leaves and the bark of trees, and they will have too many children, and they will be forced to bear cold, wind, sun and rain. A man’s age span will not exceed twenty three years. Then the prophet of the whole world (KALKI AVATAR) inspired by God (VISHNU) will appear in the form of a warrior, mounted on a white horse brandishing a flaming sword shining like a comet in his right hand. Associating thousands of Holy men (Brahmins) with himself, he will utterly destroy all scorners, all neglecters of religions and all the enemies of virtuous people; all the foreign elements (Malechhas) thieves and all those people whose minds are accustomed to evil acts and thoughts. He will declare himself King of Kings and perform the horse sacrifice expected of an emperor. From the fact of the horse playing an important role in his life; he will be known as ASVAVATARA. And so the age of righteousness, SATYA YOGA or krta age, will return; the minds of the people will become pure as flawless crystal and they will be as if awakened at the conclusion of a night. All these men, the residue of mankind, will thus be transformed. Inspired by the prophet’s (Avatar’s) personality, men will imitate him. His father’s name will be VISHNUYASAS (i.e. Abdullah (peace be upon him in Arabic, name of father of Prophet Mohammad ι) and mother’s name will be SOMATI (i.e. Amina ‘peace be upon her’ in Arabic literally, name of mother of Prophet Muhammad, ι All the Holy Books of the past, whether be it the Old Testament, the Gospels, the Avestas, Dasatirs, the Vedas, the Puranas, the Books of Buddhism and Jainism all agree upon the coming of the Last Warrior Saviour with the Divine Power to subdue the Satanic wicked regimes of the world. Salutation be upon Muhammad ι who singlehandedly brought about much sought after desire and prayers of the world, the Divine Revolution, which defeated the wicked mafias of strong people by giving power to the weak ones, and changed the world of Darkness into the world of Enlightenment and peace, Krta age. Astonishing Prophecy of Krishna: The son of Mahanandin will be born of a Sudra woman his name will be Nando, (Mahapadma). He will bring the whole earth under one umbrella. He and his eight sons will rule for 100 years. (422 B.C. to 322 B.C.) Brahman Kautilya will root out Nandas and will place Chandragupta Maurya on the throne. Then 10 Mauryas will rule for 137 years. (322 B.C. to 185 B.C.) Pushpamitra, army chief, will put his master, Maurya prince to death and ascend the throne. Thus dynasty of Sungas will start. Ten Sungas will rule for 112 years. (185B.C. to73B.C.) Vasudeva the Kanwa, minister will kill last immoral Sunga king and will become the king. Then four Kanwas will rule for 45 years. (73 B.C. to 28 B.C.) A servant Sipraka of Andhra Tribe will kill last Kanwa king Susarman and will sit on the throne. Then Thirty Andhrabhritya kings will rule for four hundred and fifty six years. (According to author’s calculation, they ruled from 28 B. C. to 225 A.D., 253 years)


43 Then different races will reign like Abiras. Gardabhilas, Sakas, Yavanas, Tusharas, Mundas, will be sovereign of the earth contemporarily. (320A.D. to 472A.D., 152 years) (Now we quote Krishna from different Puranas) Then there will be no king in India, but it will be divided into small states. Chandra (moon) Bansi and Suraj (sun) Bansi will fight among themselves. Then king of Shak Deep i.e. Iran and Khurasan will destroy Suraj Bansi. (Historically 563 A.D. to 567 A.D. when Nosherwan, the Iranian Monarch conquered a part of India). At this time there will be a rule of immorality, killing and looting everywhere, at that time Kalki Avatar will be born. (Prophet Muhammad ι was born in 570 A.D.). There are many versions of Kalki Puran which have recorded other signs of ‘Mahamad’ Kalki Avatar.

only 5.


His father will die before his birth; then his mother will die.


Kalki Avatar will worship in a cave.


An angel ’Parsram’ will teach him in a mountain’s cave.


He will leave his motherland to migrate to another place.


He will honour all virtuous people.


He will publicize and propagate his religion with sword.


He will be born in Sambhala Desh. 8. He will be born on 12th Baisakh just after sunrise (Kalki Puran mentions positions of stars in detail)

Muhammad’s ι father died before his birth while his mother died when he was

He used to go to Mount Hira for worship of Allah when the Arch angel Gabriel (Parsrams in the Puranas) appeared and communicated Allah’s revelation. The Prophet mentioned all the great prophets of the world by names and instructed the Muslims to respect and praise them; and also praise those who were not mentioned and were sent to every city on the earth. This is a great beauty of Islam to give respect to all the prophets unconditionally.

THE BUDDHIST SCRIPTURES The next Buddha, would be born at Benares in a family of Brahmin caste. With his advent a reign of perfect righteousness will commence. There will no longer be any killing, stealing, adultery, drunkenness, filth or mud huts. The cities will ail be lighted; parks and gardens will abound. Then, man will enjoy heaven on earth. 25 In the above prophecy, Benares means Ben i.e. wilderness, desert, in Arabic ‘Arabia. Brahmin is a man dedicated to Allah i.e. Brahma, Rahman, Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) family was custodian of the Holy Ka’aba, and the family was dedicated to the Holy services. “Ananda asked the Blessed One ‘when you are gone who will then teach us.” 25

World Religions Vol. I Young Don Kim Golden, Gate Publishing Co, New York 1976.


44 The Blessed One Buddha Sakyamuni) replied. “I am not the first prophet (Buddha) who has come upon the earth nor am the last one; another prophet (the last Buddha) will come at the appointed time, he will be the most Blessed, the most knowledgeable, the most Enlightened One, wise in actions, the most Exalted, a leader of men par excellence having all the knowledge of the universe (including after life) a master of angels, genii and men; he will reveal to you the same everlasting truth which I have been teaching; he will propagate his religion, a religion which is great and praiseworthy in essence, with splendid highly commendable ideals: he will proclaim a way of life which would be complete and pure like the one which I preach; his followers will number hundred of thousands while my followers are in hundreds.” Ananda asked “How will we recognise him.” The Blessed One replied “He will be called MAITREYA (i.e. Metteya in Pali, Amida or Amitabha; meaning Loving One or Beloved One or Blessed One which is literally Ahmad and Muhammad ι, in Arabic). His father’s name will be SUBRAHMA (Literally Abdullah ‘peace be upon him’ in Arabic, name of father of Mohammad, ι, Brahma is Allah in Arabic) and mother’s name will be Brahmavati or Amina (peace be upon her) in Arabic, the name of the mother of the Prophet Mohammad ι. This prophecy is only one of many hundreds which are mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures.26 ‘Manjusri (an Epithet of last Buddha) carries a sword in his right hand and a sutra in his left. This may remind us of the Prophet Muhammad, but the sacred sword of Manjusri is not to kill any sentient beings, but our own greed, anger and folly’.27 The above remarks of D.T. Suzuki are stupid as in all other religions, last Saviour’s sword was a ‘real one’ to subdue the reprobates. H. T. Princep in his book ‘Tibet, Tartary and Mongolia’ wrote that coming of the Last Buddha is mentioned in Atha-Katha and Pittakattayan and many other books. He saw that the Buddhist monks were using some sacred water, and praying continuously for the coming of the last Buddha who was appear after one thousand years after Gautama Buddha Sakyamuni. Gautama had prophesied that he is twentyfourth Buddha while twenty-fifth Buddha, Bhagwa Metteya is to come (after 1000 years) after him.28 In 613 A.D. (after exactly 1000 years) two different monks claimed to be the expected Milo Fo; (last Buddha’s name) one of them even set himself up as the legitimate emperor for the new age of prosperity and peace. Both of them, however, were promptly arrested and beheaded. The above incidences prove that all the Buddhists did expect as per prophecies in their Scriptures, the coming of the last Buddha in 613 A.D. This is exactly the time when Prophet Muhammad ι declared himself to be the last Prophet of the whole world. He started his ministry in 610 A.D. or so. What more proof the mankind want!! PROPHECY IN JAINISM SCRIPTURES According to the teachings of Virdhaman Mahavira, twenty three thrithankar i.e. Great Prophet came before him, he is twenty-fourth. In the time to come evil deeds, killing and rapine, and immodesty will spread all over the world, then twenty 26 27 28

In all Buddhist Scriptures. Zen and Japanese Culture, line 3-6 Page 90 By Daisetz T. Suzuki Bollingen Foundation Inc. New York, 1960. H. T. Princep in his book Tibet, Tartary and Mongolia.


45 fifth thrithankar ‘Padma Natha’ (the World Saviour) will be born who will bring prosperity, peace and justice for the world.29 A saviour named Padmanatha (“Lord Lotus”, 25th Thrithankara, the Last One) will be born to announce again the religion of the Jains; the stature of mankind will approach again the superlative and the beauty of man will surpass the splendor of the sun. At last, the earth will sweeten and the waters turn to wine, the wish-fulfilling trees will yield their bounty of delights to a blissful population of perfectly wedded twins; and the happiness of this community again will be doubled.30 ZOROASTRIAN SCRIPTURES Sons will no longer love their fathers. In seven out of ten cases the corn fields will yield a diminished crop. Children will be born stunted. Those from the lower classes will marry the daughters of the nobility. Affection for one’s country will disappear. Deceit, rapacity and misgovernment will devastate all of Persia, Political mismanagement, social decay and natural disorder will be accompanied by religious decline. Out of five possible sins, priests and their disciples will commit three. Only one in a hundred, in a thousand, in a myriad will continue to believe in the Good Religion. The fire temples, which once had a thousand attendants, will be reduced to a solitary caretaker. Among the believers, sectarianism and false opinions will flourish. Further, Iran will be conquered by little foreigners with dishevelled hair. But perhaps the worst of all, throughout the world men will be washing, clothing and burying the dead, thereby disregarding the rules laid down by Zarathustra. Only when the world is in such complete disorder will a super naturally conceived son of Zarathustra, Hushedar (Astavetereta Saoshyant in Avesta), be born. According to the Parsi ‘millenial time-table, this event should have occurred between 593 and 635 A.D., 1000 years since the time of Vishtaspa. The end of the Sassanian monarchy came at about that time. The millennium of Zoroaster was believed to be under the guidance of Capricorn. His savior son Hushedar would follow in Aquarius. The trouble with this Zoroastrian eschatological time-table is that so far as one can discover Hushedar did not make his advent.31 Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) advent exactly corresponds to the time mentioned. Thus the prophet’s advent corresponds to time mentioned in the Bible, the Puranas, the Buddhist Scripture, and even the Persian Scriptures. It is surprising that when advent of a Saviour is so explicitly prophesied in 593 to 635 A.D., why the world fails to recognize in Muhammad ι who claimed his prophethood in 610 A.D. As our readers would notice, this time of advent is mentioned in the Buddhist and Hindus scriptures too. “When the Persians should sink so low in morality, a man will be born in Arabia whose followers will upset their throne, religion and everything. The mighty stiff-necked ones of Persia will be overpowered. The house which was built (referring to Abraham building the Ka’aba) and in which many idols have been placed will be purged of idols, and people will say their prayers facing towards it. His followers will capture the towns of the Parsis and Taus and Balkh and other big places round about.

29 30 31

World Religions Vol.-I Young Don Kim Golden, Gate Publishing Co, New York 1976, The Masks of God; Oriental Mythology by Joseph Campbell, Penguin Books Ltd., 1982, page 223. World Religions, page 148, vol. I, Writer Young Don Kim, 1976. Golden Gate Publishing Co., New York.


46 People will embroil with one other. The wise men of Persia and others will join his followers.”32 Within a decade after the Prophet’s death, the Muslims conquered Persia in the time of second Caliph Omer; thereafter almost all the Parsees embraced Islam as they immediately recognised in Islam the religion prophesied in their scriptures. So they embraced Islam and forsook Fire worship, worship of images and Stars, and started worshipping one God, Allah. Before that the Parsis believed in two gods i.e. God of Goodness and God of Evil. It will be worthwhile to note that all prophecies confirm Prophet Muhammad ι coming in the 6th century as a warrior Saviour at a time when the humanity was at the crossroad of utter destruction. At the time of advent of Prophet Muhammad ι, Pope Gregory 1, was crying in AD 597, but he didn’t know that his cries has been heeded by Allah and the Prophet which was being waited for was already 24 years old. The Pope said. “What is there now, I ask of delight in this world? Everywhere we observe strife; everywhere we hear groans. Cities are destroyed, fortresses are turned over, fields are depopulated, the land has returned to solitude.... And yet the blows of Divine justice have no end, because among the blows those guilty of evil acts are not corrected........ See what has befallen Rome, once mistress of the world. She is worn down by great sorrows, by the disappearance of her citizens, by the attacks of her enemies, by numerous ruins. Thus we see brought to fulfilment what the prophet (Ezekiel) long ago pronounced on the city of Samaria.” Pope Gregory I, AD 594. All the Western writes admit that the dawn of Islam was a great mercy of Allah at a time when Europe was experiencing an era of ‘Dark Ages’ which continued for about 1000 years or so.


Dasatir No. 14.



Chapter 8 JESUS  A PROPHET BUT NOT GOD OR WORLD’S CHRIST In the following pages, we will prove that Jesus was a great prophet but not God Almighty at all, it is a belief of Roman pagans to believe that Jesus was God who came to earth in the form of a human being; this human form is ‘son of God’ sent by the father to die on the Cross and to take away the sins of the world. How then he could weep bitterly and pray to God to take away the painful death on the Cross. Moreover, the greatest argument by the Christian churches for Jesus’ godhood is that he was born without a father, so God was his father. Allah (Jehovah) has all the power to give birth to Adam without a father as well as a mother, nothing is beyond His power, He created the whole universe with one word, ‘Be’ and it ‘Became’. In John 20:18 we have, Jesus said to her (Mary Magdalene a follower of Jesus) “Stop clinging to me. For I have not yet ascended to the Father. But be on your way to my brothers and say to them ‘I am ascending to my Father and YOUR Father, and to my God, and YOUR God!”. In these verses Jesus emphatically taught people in the most clear way that God is One exacting exclusive devotion and that his God and people’s God is the same and that he himself is not God. None could preach the oneness of God in a more clearer way; there remains no doubt that Jesus preached the same doctrine as the Prophet Muhammad ι did. Gospel of Barnabas (page 56b) dispels all sorts of doubts, we have ‘Jesus said “Cursed be everyone who shall insert into my saying that I am the son of God”. This depicts that Jesus had the foreknowledge that his scripture will be completely changed and corrupted by the people with vested interests. In order to further clear the point once and for all, we refer to a most beautiful discourse of Jesus with a priest before multitude of people, we have in Gospel of Barnabas page 100b. “Jesus said distinctly, so that everyone might hear: “It is written in the testament and covenant of the living God that our God hath had no beginning, neither shall He ever have an end’. The priest answered: ‘Even so is it written therein’, Jesus said: It is written there that our God by His word alone hath created all things’. ‘Even so it is’, said the priest. Jesus said: ‘It is written that God is invisible and hidden from the mind of man, seeing He is incorporeal and uncomposed without variableness’. ‘So is it, truly’ said the priest Jesus said, ‘It is written there that the heaven of heavens cannot contain him, seeing that our God is infinite’. ‘So said Solomon the Prophet’, said the priest, ‘O Jesus’. Said Jesus, ‘It is written there that God hath no need, for as much as he eateth not, sleepeth not, and suffereth not from any deficiency’. ‘So it ‘is’ said the priest. Said Jesus, ‘It is written there that our God is everywhere and that there is not other god but He, who striketh down and maketh whole, and doeth all that pleaseth him’. ‘So it is written’, replied the priest.


48 Then Jesus, having lifted up his hands, said: ‘Lord our God, this is my faith wherewith I shall come to thy judgment in testimony against everyone that shall believe the contrary. And turning himself towards the people he said, ‘Repent, for from all that of which the priest have said that is written in the book of Moses, the covenant of God forever, Ye may perceive your sin, for that I am a visible man and a morsel of clay that walketh upon the earth, mortal as are other men. And I have had a beginning and shall have an end, and (am) such that I cannot create a fly over again.’ Jesus was neither God nor the Christ of the world, but the Christ of the Jews only, none else. The World Christ was expected to bring a new fiery law, a new religion for the Bani Israel as well as the Gentiles, and was prophesized to accomplish his mission by conquering all his opponents. Jesus clearly denied this role, he said, “Do not think I came to destroy the law or the Prophets, I came not to destroy, but to fulfill; for truly I say to you that sooner would heaven and earth pass away than for one smallest letter or one part of a letter to pass away from the law by any means and not all take place. Whoever, therefore, breaks one of these commandments and teaches mankind to that effect, he will be called ‘least’ in relation to the kingdom of the heavens. As for anyone, who does them and teaches them, this one will be called ‘great’ in relation to the kingdom of the heavens. For I say to you that if your righteous does not abound more than that of the Scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens.” Matthew 5:17-19 Jesus brought no new law. Hereunder are some points to ponder: God does not need any food, but Jesus felt hunger and thirst (Mark 1-1:12 and John 4:7). God does not sleep or feel tiredness but Jesus felt tiredness and slept too (John 3:6). God is the one whom heavens and earth cannot contain, but Jesus had a body, so if Jesus is believed to be a person of God then God is contained by the body and this is contradictory to the basic belief of the Bible. God gives food to all the living things while Jesus and his disciples were dependent on others for their needs (John 12:6). God has created fate and is subject to no fate but Jesus was himself subject to fate. (Luke 22:42) ‘‘Father, if you wish, remove this cup (of terrible death) from me”. Also see Mark 14:30. God is the One whom everything worships and He worships none, but Jesus throughout his life worshipped God and kept fast and preached others to do so. God has no weakness or infirmity whatsoever, but about Jesus it is said “True indeed he was impaled owing to weakness, but he is alive owing to God’s power.” (Corinthians 13:14). God is everlasting while Jesus was mortal. God is the One who has all the powers while Jesus disclaimed any such powers but said “ I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative”. (John 5:30, John 8:28). God is the One to be praised and prayed by all while Jesus refused to be called even good. Jesus said “Why do you call me good? Nobody is good except One God”. (John 10:18). In John 5:41 we have ‘ I do not accept glory from men”. Also see John 8:50, Luke 9:21. God is the One who is the greatest of all while Jesus disclaimed such a position. Jesus said “Father is greater than I am” (John 14:28).


49 God is the most powerful, fears none, while Jesus had to hide many times from the people fearing danger; he and his parents had to leave their country due to the fear of Herod. God is the creator of all deeds and knows the past and the future, and is never despaired; but Jesus was extremely upset at the time of his supposed arrest. He said “My soul is deeply grieved, even to death”. (Mark 14:34). God is the Supreme, Law Giver and is subject to no law, but Jesus brought no law but himself came to act upon the law. In Matthew 5:17 we have “Do not think I came to destroy the law or the Prophets. I came not to destroy but to fulfil”. Jesus obeyed Roman laws and paid taxes too. God has the authority to forgive the sins but Jesus did not have such an authority but from God. In Matthew 6:14 we have “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you”. Jesus never said that he is the forgiver of the sins; rather he said “Not everyone saying to me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter into kingdom of heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will” (Matthew 7:21).. Thus Jesus taught that God is the One to be worshipped, and His commandments must be obeyed for salvation; just belief in him (Jesus) is not enough. God is the one in whom everyone shall believe and show obedience; did Jesus enjoy such a position? Jesus said, Many will say to me in that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name”? And yet then (Jesus) will confess to them: “I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness”. Jesus had thus taught that a claim of belief in him and performance of miracles were not a sign for salvation or true faith, but a person must act according to the pure doctrine of God. God is the Caretaker (Father) and the Sustainer of all the creations and all are equal before Him; but did Jesus show that equality to all mankind? Certainly not, but his mission was strictly limited to the Israelites; in Matthew 10:5 we have “Do not go off into the roads of the nations and do not enter into a Samaritan city but instead go continually to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”. How the Saviour of the world, if Jesus were so, could make such an utterance. Can God be a racialist? God has no relatives, nor any one can call himself brother or sister or mother of God; but Jesus declared “For Whoever does the will of my Father who is in the heavens, the same is my brother and sister and mother”. (Matthew 12:50). God is the most Gracious and Merciful to all His creation irrespective of race, language, religion, but Jesus confined his mercy only for the house of Israel. In answer to a request from a non Jewish woman, he refused to heal her daughter and said,’ “I was not sent forth to any but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”. This statement is surely not worthy for a world saviour or a God the One to whom everyone shall pray but Jesus never asked people to pray to him for their needs; rather he asked people to pray none but to God (Matthew 5:9). God is the Greatest Supreme and God of Prophets too, so it is not befitting for Him to call himself a Prophet; but Jesus always called himself a Prophet and a representative of God. In Matthew 21:11 we have, The crowd kept telling: “This is the Prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee!”, also in Matthew 13:56 we have But Jesus said to them: “A Prophet is not unhonoured except in his home territory and in his own house”. See also John 3:19 and John 7:28.


50 God is the One, Who is All-Powerful and nothing can fail or despair him: but Jesus never made such a claim; rather he admitted failure of his mission at the hand of the people and was very much depressed when he said; “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the Prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her, how often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings! But you people did not want it”. In reply to a question by a scribe, Jesus said “The first is (foremost commandment to believe) Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart, and with your whole soul and with your whole mind, and with your whole strength”. The scribe said to him “Teacher, you well said in line with truth ‘He is One, and there is no other than He (Mark 12:32; also see Luke 10:27) God loves all His creation and looks after all the mankind without discrimination. Jesus was not a God nor the promised world Saviour. The promised Saviour was supposed to bring peace to the world. The Jesus said, ‘Do not think I came to put peace upon the earth. I came to put, not peace, but a sword. For I came to cause division, with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a young wife against her mother-in-law. Matthew 10:34 Just imagine how Jesus φ can be the Saviour sent for the Jews even, when we find him cursing his own nation again and again as “Truly I say to you that the tax collectors and harlots are going ahead of you into the kingdom of God.” Woe to you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites. “Woe to you, blind guides.” Serpents, offspring of vipers

Matt. 23:15-33

“Departing now, Jesus as on his way from the temple, but his disciples approached to show him the buildings of the temple. In response he said to them: Do you not behold all these things? Truly I say to you, by no means will a stone be left here upon a stone and not be thrown down. Matt. 24:1 Luke 21:5 Mark 13:1 When Jesus φ was asked to heal a non-Jewish girl, he said, ‘It is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to little dogs.” Matt. 15:26 Again Jesus (φ) said, “Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls before swine”. Matt 7:6 Read above statements again and again and then tell how Jesus (φ) was Saviour for the whole world when he called all non-Jews as dogs and swine. Would anyone call such a man as God? Isn’t it blasphemy of the highest order. O Christians! Repent, repent, repent and ask His forgiveness. REFUTATION OF MISGUIDING ARGUMENTS Christians churches including the Roman Catholics and the Protestants tell their followers that Jesus was God because a.

He was born without a human father, so God is his father. Thus Jesus is God’s son and in fact God himself.


Jesus raised the dead


Jesus healed the lepers


Jesus gave sight to blind men.


51 e.

Jesus healed the lame as well as people with infirmities and diseases.

In reply to above claims, we have to say that 1.

Moses performed innumerable miracles. (EXODUS)


Joshua made the sun and the moon to stop. (JOSHUA 10:13)


Elijah increased food. He raised a woman’s dead son. 1KINGS 17:23


Elijah divided water of river Jordan. 2 KINGS 2:8


Elisha divided waters of Jordan. 2 KINGS 2:22


Elisha turned unhealthy water into drinkable healthy water 2 Kings 2:22


Elisha increased small quantity of oil into a very large quantity. 2 Kings 4:7


Elisha, by his prayer, gave a son to a woman.


Elisha raised a dead child alive. 2 Kings 4:37

10. Elisha healed a leper. 2 Kings 5:14 11. Elisha defeated army of Syrian king Benhadad by his prayer. 2 Kings 7:18 12. Neluchednezzar put Shadrach and two other men in the fire; even after many hours, they walked in the fire unhurt. DANIEL 3:19 13. Nebuchednezzar put Daniel in the lions pit; Lions did not hurt Daniel at all. Daniel 6:16 14. John the Baptist healed many sick people and performed many miracles, so much so that people thought that he was the Christ. (LUKE 3:15) In the gospel of Barnabas, page 100, we find Jesus himself putting forward almost the same argument as we have given, denying his godhood and emphasizing that the miracles are from Allah given to the prophets, to which he is no exception; just read it: “For if ye read the testament and covenant of our God ye would see that Moses φ with a rod made the water turn into blood, the dust into fleas, the dew into tempest, and the light into darkness. He made the frogs and mice to come into Egypt, which covered the ground, he slew the first born, and opened the sea, wherein he drowned Pharaoh. Of these things I have wrought none. And of Moses, every one confesseth that he is a dead man at this present. Joshua made the sun to stand still, and opened the Jordan, which I have not yet done. And of Joshua every one confesseth that he is a dead man at this present. Elijah made fire to come visibly down from heaven’, and rain, which I have not done. And of Elijah every one confesseth that he is a man. And [in like manner] very many other prophets, holy men, friends of God, who in the power of God have wrought things which cannot be grasped by the minds of those who know not our God, almighty and merciful, who is blessed for evermore.” So we have enough evidence to prove that miracles are given by God to his prophets to convince people about His presence and power and strengthen their faith. Jesus did not perform any new miracle. God has neither a father nor a mother nor a son. If Jesus was without a father, this does not make him God because he had a mother which God do not have. God created Jesus by His word; His command was brought by an angel who appeared before mother Mary and said, “Have no fear, Mary, for you have found favour with


52 God; and look’ you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you are to call his name Jesus. Luke 1:30. (Angel further said) Holy spirit will come upon you and power of the Most High will overshadow you. For that reason also what is born will be called holy, God’s son. Luke 1:35 Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father. Luke 1:32 Note that Jesus will be given throne of David, not the throne of God; Jehovah is ‘giver’ while Jesus is a ‘receiver’. It should be made clear to our readers that when God calls someone as His son, it does not make him a real son but it means someone very dear to Him. In Exodus 3:15, Jehovah said, ‘Israel is my son, my first-born.” Now it came to be the day when the sons of the God entered to take their station before Jehovah. JOB 1:6 That sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and they took them wives of all which they chose. GENESIS 6:2 It shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them, ye are not my people, there shall said unto them Ye are the sons of the living God. HOSEA 1:10 Our readers must be convinced now that Jesus was called son of God out of love as well as the son of David by Jehovah (Luke 1:32). All men are sons of God and god is father of all His creation. To call Jesus as real son of God is to associate a human being as His associate, this is a most abominable sin which Allah will never pardon. The Holy Quran says, “It does not befits Allah to take unto Himself a son, Holy is He. When He decides a thing, He just says ‘Be’ and it ‘Becomes’. The Muslims believe Jesus as a prophet who was born without a father and performed great miracles His advent was meant to announce the coming of Prophet Muhammad ι. Jesus was a word from Allah, a spirit from Him which Allah sent through His angel which resulted in conception of Holy Mary, the most blessed lady of the world. When the Jews denied the message of Jesus, he was furiated and cursed them as under. The Jews had a great grudge and hatred against the sons of Ismael. When Jesus proclaimed that the Christ or the Messiah will be born among their brethren, the Ishmaelite, they lost their temper; it was then that they decided to eliminate Jesus, otherwise Jesus made no such claim which could annoy the Jews. All the stories which were created to justify his crucifixion are baseless, too weak and unconvincing. 22 Consequently I say to YOU, It will be more endurable for Tyre and Si’don on Judgment Day than for YOU. 23 And you, Ca.per’na.um, will you perhaps be exalted to heaven? Down to Ha’des you will come; because if the powerful works that took place in you had taken place in Sod’om, it would have remained until this very day. 24 Consequently I say to YOU people, it will be more endurable for the land of Sod’om on Judgment Day than for you.” Matt 11:22 43 “When an unclean spirit, comes out of a man, it passes through parched places in search of a resting place, and finds none. 44 Then it says, ‘I will go back to my house out of which I moved’; and on arriving it finds it unoccupied but swept clean and adorned. 45 Then it goes its way and takes along with it seven different spirits more wicked than itself, and, after getting inside, they dwell there; and the final circumstances of that man become worse than the first. That is how it will be also with this wicked generation.” Matt 12:43 We have certainly proved that Jesus was not Got but a great prophet of Allah, so were other men of renown like Rama, Krishna, Mahavira, Buddha, Shiva, Kali Devi,


53 all were only human beings with gifted supernatural powers. All those who appeared in human form were Allah’s created being but not God themselves. Allah forgives all sins but not a sin of calling anyone His equal or a god; Allah alone is worthy of worship, not His creation; this is a fundamental, the most important message of Islam.



Chapter 9 BEWARE! WAKE UP O CHRISTIANS! Hardly the Christians realize that both the Catholics and Protestant churches are cheating them and leading them astray; these are centuries old organizations, well-funded and well-organized to mislead the world. Almost all the Christians think that they are following the religion and the teachings of Jesus, but actual fact is that they are following a religion created by Paul and then adopted by Roman priests of Mithraism and Nimrodism in the time of Emperor Constantine in 325 AD. The story of creation of New Christianity and its dissociation from Jesus’ and his disciples’ Christianity is as under; WHAT IS NIMRODISM? King Nimrod was a rebel against God as Genesis 10.9, and the Holy Quran tell us. We now write those of beliefs and religious practices of Nimrod which continued among the European pagans and others all over the world for about 2500 years after him, and the Biblical religion of God combated it unsuccessfully; God had kept the final victory over ungodly people for the Messiah, the Christ, which we believe to be Muhammad, peace be upon him. Here under we enumerate those principles and beliefs of Nimrod’s paganism or Nimrodism which exactly resembles with that of Catholic Christianity and confirms its origin from paganism unmistakably. 1. Nimrod was the first man in the world who claimed divinity for himself. He claimed himself as ‘son of God’ born of a holy virgin mother. He declared that he was incarnation of God. He taught that the Sun god Shamash, and the Moon god Sin and Virgin mother goddess (Ishtar, Semiramis) composed one Great God. This phenomenon is known as Trinity in unity and formed the basis of Nimrodisrn. Nimrod himself claimed to be the Moon God Sin in this Trinity. This idea of Trinity was widespread in the world. Even people of Mexico believed in it. Almost all the pagans believed in it including the Hindus whose God Siva has three faces on head on one single body, commonly known as Trimurti’. Though names were different for each person of godhead, but belief was the same, unity in Trinity; this is the main belief which Islam came to destroy but Christianity stands to defend it. 2. Nimrod claimed himself as a. The only begotten son h. The shepherd c. The redeemer d. The healer e. The deliverer f. The only mediator between God and men. 3. Nimrod claimed himself as the Saviour come to save the world of sinners by the sacrifice of his life. This is incidentally the basic Christian belief about Jesus, pbuh. 4. Nimrod claimed that whoever believed in him was given power to become 'son of God' (see Romans 8:14, Galatians 3:26 for comparison). 5. Among the followers of Nimrodism, an upright cross became a sacred magical symbol to ward off evil. The cross was venerated, kissed, loved and worn as a


55 locket for good luck by sun-worshippers all over the world, from Mexico, South America to Asia, Europe, Mediterranean countries. 6. Nimrod started the week from Sunday or Sun-God's day. Emperor Constantine also forced the Christians to start the week from Sunday as he and his nation were doing since time immemorial; Sabbath was thus discontinued forever which was Jesus' practice. 7. Nimrod encouraged monasticism as a revolt against God's natural law. This was instrumental for widespread immorality and thus came to be known 'Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth', This practice of monasticism was adopted by the Christian church many centuries after Jesus, φ and have no authority from the Jewish religion. This Pagan Law of King Nimrod has not brought any dignity, honour, perfection or reverence for the 'Celibate Priests' all over the world, but instead has brought disgrace dishonour and imperfection. Often young attractive virgins going alone for confession into the secluded confines of the Church have realised too late that they are coming out of a brothel and not a place of worship of God, with their chastity lost to the one they were looking upon as their guide in religious and spiritual matter. The following quotation is from page 220 of “The Two Babylons” by the Rev. Alexander Hislop: “The effects of its (monastic celibacy) introduction (by Nimrodism from Babylon) were most disastrous. The records of all nations where priestly celibacy has been introduced have proved that, instead of ministering to the purity of those condemned to it, it has only plunged them in the deepest pollution. The history of Tibet, and China, and Japan, where the Babylonian institution of priestly celibacy has prevailed from time immemorial, bears testimony to the abominations that have flowed from it. In fact this unnatural and Pagan law is solely responsible for priests, bishops and cardinals taking mistresses. Alexander VI fathered at least four illegitimate children before becoming the Pope in 1492 A.D. Historian Henri Daniel Rops estimated that in the 15th century in Burgundy, half of the children born, were out of prostitution indulged in by Priests, Bishops and Cardinals. In 1836: “The Rev. M.H Seymour shows that the total number of births in Rome in one year was 4373 of which no fewer than 3160 were born out of illicit relationship with the priests” (Moral Results of Romanish System page XLIX in Evening with Romanists). “When Pope Paul V mediated the suppression of licensed brothels in the “Holy City”, the Roman Senate petitioned against his carrying his design into effect, on the ground that the existence of such places was the ONLY means of HINDERING THE PRIESTS FROM SEDUCING THEIR WIVES AND DAUGHTERS. When the worship of Cybele, the Babylonian goddess, was introduced into Pagan Rome, it was introduced in its primitive form, with its celibate clergy”. The excesses committed by the celibate priests of Bacchus in Pagan Rome in their secret Mysteries, were such that the senate felt called upon to expel them from the bounds of the Roman Republic. In papal Rome the same abominations have flowed from priestly celibacy, in connection with the corrupt incorrupting systems of the confessional, insomuch that all men who have examined the subject have been compelled to admire the amazing significance of the same divinely bestowed on it,


56 both in a literal and figurative sense, ‘Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth’. “These celibate priests have all a certain mark set upon them at their ordination; and that the clerical tonsure”. Monasteries have been in existence amongst the Sun-worshippers all over the world from times unknown. As seen above, these had their origin in BABYLON. These included virgins in service of Female deities and male ascetics. They never married and thus did not attach themselves to worldly ties. Hence they lived contrary to the rules of natural laws. Numerous books of reference can be quoted here, the most popular and well known being “Our Sun God” by Tertullian, page 179. The distinction for a Sun-worshipper ascetic was that he would shave his hair from the scalp of his head in a circular disc to denote that he was carrying the regard and respect of the Sun on top of this head, the highest and most reverential place in the human body. This practice was followed in Babylon, Arabia, Egypt, Pagan Rome, Persia, India, China and wherever Sun-worsip was practised. A quotation from Herodotus lib.Ill chap 8, p. 115C is as follows: “The Arabians acknowledge no other gods than Bacchus and Urania (i.e. Semiramis or Astarte or Ishtar, the Queen of Heaven), and they say that their hair was cut in the same manner as Bacchus’ is cut, now they cut it in a circular form, saving it round the temples”. In the “Two Babylons” by the Rev. Hislop on page 221-224 we find the following passages: “Overall the world, where the traces of the Chaldean system are found this tonsure or shaving of the head is always found along with it. The priests of Osiris, the Egyptian Bacchus, were always distinguished by the shaving of their heads. In Pagan Rome, in India and even in China, the distinguishing mark of the Babylonian priesthood was the shaven head”. “In the religion of the Babylonian Messiah this institution was in vogue from the earliest times. In that system there were monks and nuns in abundance. In Tibet and Japan, where the Chaldean system was early introduced, monasteries are still to be found, and with the same disastrous results to morals as in Papal Europe.” 8. King Nimrod had propagated that if one partook of the Holy Sacramental bread and wine, one would become transformed automatically into the pure sinless only begotten son of Sun-God; nothing more was required for the forgiveness of one’s sins. Salvation lay in feasting and drinking which killed the qualms of one’s conscience for the sins committed. Thus Nimrodism is not based on reaching heaven ‘by doing good deeds or by living according to God’s laws, but by enjoying ritualistic feasting and drinking’. It does not matter what sin one commits as long as one believes in the ‘Holy begotten son of Sun-god come to save sinners’, such one shall be saved by his grace. This ‘Eucharistic Ceremony’ taught by Nimrod is still observed by all the Christians and also Arians of ancient India practiced this doctrine of transubstantiation or magical conversion of bread into flesh. Even pagans of Mexico were found by Spaniards observing this ceremony. 9. Followers of King Nimrod celebrated festival of Easter, a name derived from Ishtar or Semiramis, the holy virgin mother. Anglo-saxon call her Ostera. This festival was celebrated on the first Sunday after the Full moon about the Spring Equinox for many thousands of years before Jesus. Hot-Cross buns and painted eggs were distributed and eaten in all Middle East countries, including Egypt as also in the British Isles and Ireland. The practice continues even today in Christendom at the time of Easter.


57 Celebration of X-Mas or Christmas celebrating the birth of Messiah was a pagan customs for centuries before the dawn of Christianity. In the 4th century the date was finally fixed to be 25th of December. Before this, nobody had the faintest idea that Jesus was born on this day, though this particular date was associated with a number of other messiahs of different pagan nations; also Nimrod was supposed to be born on this day. 10. Nimrod enjoined his followers to eat swine’s flesh. This was against the order of God who forbade the flesh of swine. 11. Nimrod ordered killing of animals or birds in one stroke. Thus he used to eat meat with blood; this is against the commandment of God given to the Jews in the Bible. Even in the Holy Quran, such eating of blood is forbidden. 12. Nimrodism taught that praying before idols was prayer to the deity. All the pagans practice it, also the Roman Christians. 13. Nimrod forbade to marry a relative, but that marriage should be contracted with some one amongst different family. He preached that marriage in the same family meant the same blood and was detrimental to the health of their children. This teaching is against the commandment of the Bible and the Holy Quran., Galatians 3:10, we have as under: 10. For all those who depend upon works of law are under a curse; for it is written: “Cursed is every one that does not continue in all the things written in the scroll of the law in order to do them.” 11. Moreover, that by law no one is declared righteous with God is evident, because “the righteous one will live by reason of faith.” 12. Now the Law does not adhere to faith, but “he that does them shall live by means of them.” 13. Christ by purchase released us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse instead of us, because it is written: “Accursed is every man hanged upon a stake.” 14. The purpose was that the blessing of Abraham might come to be by means of Jesus Christ for the nations, that we might receive the promised spirit through our faith. Compare the above with the following precepts of Nimrodism: No man can live such a good life as can justify himself before God by having followed the laws of God. Therefore pagan believers live by the faith that Nimrod sitting on the right hand of God on the Day of Judgment would save them. Thus they disregard the necessity of doing any good deeds. That the law of God to do good deeds is not Faith. Anybody following the laws of God shall be required to live by them or be punished if one fails in his attempt. The Saviour Nimrod has redeemed his believers from the curse of the laws of God for doing only good deeds. Thus the laws of God have been made a bane for his believers. Accordingly, it had been proposed by Nimrod that accursed is every one who tries to follow the laws of God and thus hangs himself by said Laws as if from a tree. 17. Dedication of virgins to holy places and idols was/is a widespread practice among the pagans. In Scandinavia, the priestesses of Freya, who were generally kings’ daughters, whose duty it was to watch the sacred fire, and who were bound to perpetual virginity, were just an order of nuns. In Athens there were virgins maintained at the public expense, who were strictly bound to single life. In Pagan Rome, the Vestal Virgins, who had the same duty to perform as the priestesses of Freya, occupy a similar position. Even in Peru, during the reign of the Incas, the same system prevailed and showed so remarkable an analogy, as to indicate that the Vestals of Rome, the nuns of the papacy, and Holy Virgins of Peru, must have sprung from a common origin. Thus does Prescott refer to the Peruvian nunneries: Another singular


58 analogy with Roman Catholic institutions is presented by the Virgins of the sun, the elect, as they are called? These were young maidens dedicated to the service of the deity, who at a tender age were taken from their homes, and introduced into convents, where they were placed under the care of certain elderly matrons, mamaconas, who had grown grey within their walls. It was their duty to watch over the sacred fire obtained at the Festival of Raymi. From the moment they entered the establishment they were cut off from all communication with the world, even with their own family and friends...Woe to the unhappy maiden who was detected in an intrigue: by the stern law of the Incas she was to be buried alive. This was precisely the fate of the Roman Vestal who was proved to have violated her vow. Neither in Peru, however, not in Pagan Rome was the obligation to virginity so stringent as the papacy. It was not perpetual, and therefore nor so exceedingly demoralizing. After time, the nuns might be delivered from their confinement, and many: from all hopes of which they are absolutely cut off in the Church of Rome. Principles on which these institutions were founded were originally the same. The fact that the present Christianity is an exact reproduction of Nimrodism/ paganism is fully known to the Christians. Many Christians did ask, with doubts and dismay, the reason behind this. To this, the reply from the Church was “The Devil, whose business is to prevent the truth, mimicks the exact circumstances of the Divine Sacraments in the Mysteries of Idols. He himself baptizes some, that is to say, his believers and followers; he promises forgiveness of sins from the sacred fount and thereby initiates them into the religion of Mithra. Thus he marks the forehead of his own soldiers, thus he celebrates the oblation of bread, he brings in the symbol of resurrection and wins the Crown with the sword”. TertuIIian in “Our Sun-God”. We ask, can any learned person believe in such bizarre explanation? Why not to admit with boldness that the true Christianity was intermixed with paganism, and thus present day Christianity came into being? We cannot believe in the doctrine which only originated in the paganistic Greek environments, Attis son of virgin Nana, the Only Begotten Son and Saviour, was put to death; he rose from the dead which was an atonement celebrated by his followers. Adonis of Tanmuz, virgin born Saviour of Syria, gave his life for redemption of mankind; he rose from dead too, and was the desire of all nations, a belief similar to the Christians. Dionysius or Baachus, the only Begotten Son of a virgin Demeter, born on December 25, was a Saviour who laid his life for the cause of Redemption and Liberation of mankind. After his voluntary death, he descended into hell and then got resurrected. Our Christian friends can well understand the influence of these Greek myths upon the Christian beliefs. Orisis was another virgin born Saviour, a god-man of Egyptians, a Christ Mithra was the Persian virginborn Saviour, Christ born on 25th December, was founder of an international Church in which Christmas and Easter were two most important festivals. According to Monier William, Hindu god, Krishna was born of Devaki in a cave whose birth was indicated in the heavens by a star, and on the morning of his birth, the angels of heaven sang and danced. Cowherds recognised and adored him and was presented with gifts of sandalwood and perfumes; a holy Indian rishi Nared declared him to be a Saviour. When Krishna was slain, the sun was darkened at noon day, and the spirits were on all sides. After death, Krishna descended into hell and then ascended bodily into heaven and will come again on earth in the latter days. A reflecting person will easily find, how the old legends of Greek. Egypt, Persia and India influenced the birth of the present Christianity the influence seems too much even up to minutest detail. Surely Jesus, peace be upon him, was a virgin-born too, but we believe him to be a man endowed with the power of prophecy and the power to perform wonderful miracles by Allah. BIRTH OF A NEW CHRISTIANITY: After Jesus’ Ascension, Saul was an arch enemy of the Christians. He was a Roman and grew in a pagan surroundings, but was a proselyte Jew. He organised a


59 gang who would search for the Christians and kill them. He even followed them to the neighbouring provinces to exterminate the followers of Jesus. Then probably, he thought of an ingenious idea and planned to destroy the Christianity from within and then himself assume a role of prophet and head of a new religious order. He declared that he saw Jesus, φ, in vision, accepted the Christianity and started its preaching. He told his audience his spiritual experience as thus: ‘But Saul, still breathing threat and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest 2 and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, in order that he might bring bound to Jerusalem any whom he found who belonged to The Way, both men and women. 3. Now as he was traveling he approached Damascus, when suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. 4. And he fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him: “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” 5. He said: “Who are you” Lord?” He said: “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. 6. Nevertheless, rise and enter into the city, and what you must do will be told you.” 7. Now the men that were journeying with him were standing speechless, hearing indeed, the sound of a voice, but not beholding any man. 8. But Saul got up from the group, and though his eyes were opened he was seeing nothing. So they led him by the hand and conducted him into Damascus. 9. And for three days he did not see anything, and he neither ate nor drank. 10. There was in Damascus a certain disciple named An.a.ni’as, and the Lord said to him in a vision: “An.a.ni’as; He said: “Here I am, Lord.” 11. The Lord said to him: “Rise, go to the street called Straight, and at the house of Judas look for a man named Saul, from Tarsus. For, look! he is praying, 12. And in a vision he has seen a man named An.a.ni’as come in and lay his hands upon him that he might recover sight.” 13. But An. Ani’as answered: “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how many injurious things he did to you holy ones in Jerusalem. 14. And here he has authority from the chief priests to put in bonds all those calling upon your name.” 15. But the Lord said to him “Be on you way, because this man is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations as well us to kings and the sons of Israel. 16. For I shall show him plainly how many things he must suffer for my name.’ Acts 9:1-16. Then he approached the true apostles of Jesus, φ, and entered into their circle. This incidence is mentioned in the New Testament as: 26. On arriving in Jerusalem he made efforts to join himself to the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, because they did not believe he was a disciple. 27, So Bar’na.bas came to his aid and led him to the apostles, and he told them in detail how on the road he had seen the Lord and that he had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had spoken boldly in the name of Jesus. 28. And he continued with them, walking in and out at Jerusalem, speaking boldly in the name of the Lord. Acts 9:26. Then from Paul, (i.e. Saul) we have the following confession: 20. And so to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain Jews: to those under law I became as under law, though I myself am not under law, that I might gain those under law. 21. To those without law I became as without law, although I am not without law toward God but under law toward Christ, that I might gain those without law. 22 To the weak I became weak, that I might gain the weak. I have become all things to people of all soils, that I might by all means save some. 1 Corinthians 9:20. The apostles decided to send Apostle Barnabas, the writer of the Gospel of Barnabas, and Saul who changed his name to Paul to preach. A fight broke out between the two This is narrated in the New Testament as under:


60 36. Now after some days Paul said to Barna-bas: “Above all things let us return and visit the brothers in every one of the cities in which we published the word of Jehovah to see how they are.” 37. For his part, Bar’na.bas was determined to take along also John, who was called. Mark. 38. But Paul did not think it proper to be taking this one along with them, seeing that he had departed from them from Pamphyl’i.a and had not gone with them to the work. 39. At this there occurred a sharp burst of anger, so that they separated from each other; and Bar’na.bas took Mark along and sailed away to Cyprus. 40. Paul selected Silas and went off after he had been entrusted by the brothers to the underserved kindness of Jehovah; 41 But he went through Syria and Ci.li’cia strengthening the congregations. Acts 15:36-41. Then Paul joined apostle Peter to preach, but again both parted away. Here is that incident as under: 11. However, when Ce’phas (Peter) came to Antioch, I resisted him face to face, because he stood condemned. 12. For before the arrival of certain men from James, he used to eat with people of the nations; but when they arrived, he went withdrawing and separating himself, in fear of those of the circumcised class. 13. The rest of the Jews also joined him in putting on this pretense, so that even Bar’na.bas was led along with them in their pretense. 14. But when I saw they were not walking straight according to the truth of the good news, I said to Ce’phas before them all: “If you, though you are a Jew, live as the nations do, and you are compelling people of the nations to live according to Jewish practice?” Galatians 2:11. It was declared by Paul that he was chosen as the prophet for gentiles while apostles’ mission was for the Jews. This declaration is as under: But, on the contrary, when they saw that I had entrusted to me the good news for those who are uncircumcised, just as Peter (had it) for those who are circumcised8 for He who gave Peter powers necessary for an apostleship to those who are circumcised gave powers also to me for those who are of the nations; 9 yes, when they came to know the undeserved kindness that was given me, James and Ce’phas and John the ones who seemed to be pillars, gave me and Bar’na.bas the right hand of sharing together, that we should go to the nations, but they to those who are circumcised. Galatians 2:7. This is the unique incidence of the religious history that two religious sects wide apart in their doctrine claimed their allegiance to the same prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, while they had altogether different precepts and beliefs – incredible! We ask, how it is possible that Jesus, φ, who was ready to lay his life for a certain cause i.e. promulgation and obedience of the Law of God, should raise another prophet Paul to preach against his mission when his first preaching was not yet accepted by the masses. During his lifetime, Jesus, φ, refused to preach to the Gentiles, then how could he order to preach to the Gentiles after he left the world? How could Jesus, φ, chose his arch enemy i.e. Paul to preach on his behalf, who received no instruction from him during his lifetime? For the Jews, Jesus, φ, chose twelve guides, but for a larger groups of Gentiles, he chose only one! One may ask, if Paul was to preach a different religion as per order from God, then why he joined the apostles? Why did not he tell this news in the very beginning? Why did he accept to join the apostles for preaching knowing that his mission was altogether different? Why did he quarrel with the apostles when he could politely tell them that his mission was different from theirs? Why Paul objected the true apostles for their hypocritical behaviour before the Jews and different behaviour before the gentiles when he himself was practicing the same as per I Corinthians 9:20? After Paul parted away from the twelve apostles, he started his own preaching. He was called liar by his audience, was beaten up, was lashed. The Jews


61 even sought to kill him, but he escaped. Before Governor Felix, Paul declared that ‘I believe in all the things set forth in the Law and written in the Law and written in the prophets’. Acts 24:14. Thus in order to save his life, he showed himself to be a believer in the law; but later he cursed the Law and told his hearers that only a faith in Jesus was enough. We ask, is faith without good actions according to the Law, any good? How can a person have a faith in a person i.e. Jesus, φ, but not in his teaching? How can you love Jesus, φ but not imitate his actions? What a hypocrisy! — incredible! He admitted that once he was the greatest criminal, cruel and hardhearted person. We have, ‘Although formerly I was a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insolent man. Nevertheless, I was shown mercy, because I was ignorant and acted with a lack of faith....’ 1 Timothy 1:13 We ask, shall we believe in a person with such a disrepute past that Jesus, φ, revealed him to preach about unlawful things as lawful, such as eating of flesh of swine, drinking of wine, uncircumcision; and lawful things as unlawful such as obedience of God’s law of Torah and Injil? When Paul’s lies were proved, then he resorted to saying: Yet if by reason of my lie the truth to God has been made more prominent to his glory, why am I also yet being judged as a sinner? And why) not (say) just as it is falsely charged to us and just as some men state that we say: “Let us do the bad things that the good things may come”? The judgment against those (men) is in harmony with justice. Romans 3:7 — Incredible! It is the height of nonsense that anyone should openly admit himself to be lying, that too about God and still make a claim to be a truthful man and a prophet. Sometime later, he again told his audience how he received revelation from Jesus which changed his belief and forced him to accept Christianity. But alas! by this time he had forgotten what he claimed earlier. “But as I was journeying and drawing close to Damascus, about midday, suddenly out of heaven a great light flashed all around me, and I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? I answered, Who are you, Lord? And he said to me, ‘I am Jesus the Nazarene’ whom you are persecuting, Now the men that were with me beheld, indeed, the light but did not hear the voice of the one speaking to me. At that I said what shall I do, Lord. The Lord said to me, “Rise, go you way into Damascus, and there you will be told about everything it is appointed for you to do. But as I could not see anything for the glory of that light, I arrived in Damascus, being led by the hand of those who were with me.” “Now Ananias, a certain man reverent according to the Law, well reported on by all the Jews dwelling there came to me and standing by me, he said to me, “Saul, brother, have your sight again; and I looked up at him that very hour. He said, “The God of your forefathers has chosen you to come to know his will and to see the righteous One and to hear the voice of his mouth. Because you are to be a witness for him to all men of things you have seen and heard. And now why are you delaying? Rise, get baptized and wash your sins away by your calling upon his name.’... Acts 22:6-16. In his first statement (Acts 9:1-16) Paul claimed that his companions could hear the voice of Jesus, but in his second statement, he claimed that people around him could not hear the voice of Jesus. Doesn’t it prove that Paul fabricated this whole drama? How could he forget such an important event so soon? But height of absurdity is obvious in his third statement about this incident. We have,


62 “Why is it judged unbelievable among you men that God raises up the dead? I, for one, really though within myself I ought to commit many acts of opposition against the name of Jesus the Nazarene; which, in fact, I did in Jerusalem, and many of the holy ones I locked up in prisons, as I had received authority from the chief priests; and when they were to be executed, I cast my vote against them. And by punishing them many times in all the synagogues I tried to force them to make a recantation; and since I was extremely mad against them. I went so far as to persecuting them even in outsides cities. “Amid these efforts as I was journeying to Damascus with authority and a commission from the chief priests, I saw at midday on the road, O king, a light beyond the brilliance of the sun flash from heaven about me and about those journeying with me. And when we had all fallen to the ground I heard a voice say to me in the Hebrew language, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? To keep kicking against the goads makes it hard for you. But I said, Who are you, Lord? And the Lord said ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Nevertheless, rise and stand on your feet. For to this end I have made myself visible to you, in order to choose you as an attendant and a witness both of things you have seen and things I shall make you see respecting me; While I deliver you from this people and from the nations, to whom I am sending you, to open their eyes to turn them from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God, in order for them to receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those sanctified by ((their) faith in me.’ Acts 26:8-16. In his third statement during his trial for lying about God before King Agrippa, Paul narrated altogether a new story. He forgot about his blindness and subsequent healing. He even made a new claim that at that moment, he was assigned the job of an apostle; earlier he didn’t make such a claim. Should some people still believe in him? Will you still believe in such a blatant liar and seek guidance from his teaching and venerate him? If still yes, then it is − incredible! We ask, when Paul declared that the apostles could preach their religion to the Jews and he would preach to non-Jews, then why his followers repeatedly persecuted the followers of the apostles and sought to kill them knowing that the difference of beliefs between them was divinely ordained? Our esteemed readers would read this in amazement and surely say -incredible! We ask, when Paul fought Barnabas on account of St. Mark being unworthy person for their fellowship, then why Paul’s followers believe Mark’s gospel as canonical? After Barnabas, Paul fought abused and departed from St. Peter, then how St. Peter is a pillar of the church? Isn’t it — incredible! In the time of Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D. those were the followers of Paul who were declared to be the followers of true religion. Now the apostolic Christianity came under fire and they were completely exterminated along with their holy Gospels. Though both the rival churches existed side by side for three centuries, but after Constantine’s intervention only one church was declared fit for survival. The persecution which started thereafter is the worst part of the human history. Everyone was forced upon the doctrine of the Trinitarians; whosoever differed was immediately killed. Now the most amazing part of the history of the Christian church started. The Christianity of Paul which had parted away from the apostolic Christianity was in the hand of the Roman Emperor, who was a pagan. Those who were at the helm of the affairs of the Church interwove Paul’s Christianity with Mithraism-Nimrodism and made it easy for their pagan followers; they kept all the old customs of the days of Nimrod while pagan god, were replaced by the names of Jesus the Son, the Father, the Holy Ghost. Also Mary, peace be upon her, was titled as the Holy Mother Goddess, the Mother of God, the Queen of Heavens.


63 After the amalgamation of the two religions i.e. Nimrodism-Paul’s Christianity, its churches became the most powerful reigning group. Its priestly group enjoyed such a powerful hold over the illiterate masses, backed by the Emperor of Rome, that their shackles could not be broken for next thousand years or more. They persecuted the same Christians whom we call the true Christians i.e. the Nazarenes or the Nasara in Arabic, who believed Jesus, φ, as a great prophet of God, believed in One Absolute God and the coming of Paraclete i.e. Ahmed, Muhammad ι.



Chapter 10 THE PROPHET AS A MODEL MAN, HIS TEACHINGS The Holy Qur’an ordained the Muslims to make Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, as their role model to follow; thus the prophet is a perfect model man. No other Holy Book including the Holy Bible declares any man or a prophet as a model. We have in the Holy Quran, And surely you do possess the most excellent character.

Al-Qalam 68:5

Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent model. Al-Ahzaab 33:22 Prophet Muhammad (ι) is a model for all the people of the world, as a religious leader, as an army commander-in-chief, as a friend, as a husband, as a father, as a neighbour etc. he is surely a model in all the faculties of life. Indeed, the world has no equivalent of the Prophet. He died after declaring that he has accomplished Allah’s mission, and that Allah has perfected His religion, al-Islam, as the final religion; except Islam, Allah accepts no other religion at all. Mankind were followers of one belief (one Ummah) so, Allah sent His prophets who gave good news (of kingdom of ‘ God, Paradise, for the righteous acts) and warnings (of Gehenna for the wrong acts) and also the Book containing the truth. AI-Baqarah 2-2 14 It is from Allah to work attentively and it is from Satan to make haste. To wait, and to pay attention, and to think is always good except for an act for the Hereafter; so do not wait to perform a good act. Mishkat Good behaviour, right thinking and moderation are twenty Fifth part of the prophethood. Mishkat There is no wisdom equal to good planning.


Allah loves two qualities, the first is toleration, and the second is to perform an act after thoughtful attention, (or after thorough investigation) Mishkat A believer cannot be bitten twice from the same hole.


Do your work after planning well; if you find the end good then do it, if not, leave it. Anger spoils faith like aloe spoils honey. Anger is from Satan and Satan is from fire. Dawood, Baihaqi One who controls his anger, God will save him from the Fire on the Day of Judgment. Baihaqi A person who shows patience and calmness at the time of anger, God fills his heart with the divine light of faith. Baihaqi Do not get angry; a strong man (wrestler) is not he who defeats his opponents, but strong is the one who controls his anger. Bokhari, Muslim Modesty is a part of faith and a man with faith will go into Paradise; immodesty is an evil and an evildoer will go into Gehenna. Ahmed, Tirmzi sinful.

He who is immodest, and the one who publicises immodesty are equally Al-Adab Al-Mafrad

Any person, who makes a deal with me that he will control his tongue and carnal desires, I give him a guarantee for entry into Paradise. Make it your habit to


65 speak the truth because truth leads to the right path and the right path leads to Paradise. Mishkat sinful.

He who is immodest, and the one who publicizes immodesty are equally Al-Adab Al-Mafrad

Two hungry wolves in the herd of goats cannot do as much damage as the greed of man for his worldly honours and riches does to his religion. A person, who is greedy for the worldly riches is never satisfied with it. Tirmzi, Darmi God has given this message through Holy Spirit Gabriel: Do not be covetous for what Allah has given superiority to one over another. Al-Nisa 4-33 Eat and drink but do not become extravagant, verily God does not love extravagant persons. Al-Araf-32 A generous man is near to the blessings of God and the hearts of people; while an avaricious man is away from the blessings of God and the hearts of people, but near to the Fire of Gehenna. Tirmzi In the sight of God, an uneducated but a generous person is better than an avaricious worshipper. Mishkat The most intelligent is the one who is most hospitable to the people. Nehjal Fasahat A house where guests do not come, is not visited by the angels and such a house is damned. Ghazali, Nehjal Fasahat There is charity of everything. Charity of the house is to invite a guest and treat him cordially. Hajveri Three things are a part of good character, both in this world and the Hereafter: to forgive him who does wrong to you; to patch up with him who breaks ties with you; to behave with tolerance to him who behaves foolishly to you. Nehjal Fasahat is blind.

Blind is not he whose eyes cannot see but blind is he whose insight (or heart) Nisai Backbiting is more grievous than adultery.


Three are deadly acts and three acts lead to deliverance. The deadly acts are to follow miserliness; to obey low desires; to be vainglorious in himself. Three acts which bring deliverance are to be humble before Allah in hidden or open; to practise moderation in affluency as well as in poverty; and to stick to do justice whether angry or pleased. Ahmed little.

The most pleasing acts before Allah are those done with perseverance, be it Bokhari The best among all men is he who is the most helpful for the people. Mishkat

Allah sent revelation to me: Show humbleness such that no one shows pride over other; and no one violates other’s right. Muslim If one of you has a desire, and then gets that desirable thing but then withdraws himself to sacrifice it for other one, this becomes salvation for him. Kashaful Mahjoob Whoso is blessed with kindness, he has as if, been granted all the goodness of the world and the Hereafter.


66 Whoso is deprived of kindness, he is, as if, deprived of all the goodness of the world and the Hereafter. Muslim Accept the truth even if it comes from a little one or a big one, or an enemy far from you; and reject the untruth even if it comes from a little one or big one or from a friend near to you. Nehjal Fasahat Whoso accompanies a cruel person so as to strengthen him, knowing that he is a wrongdoer, he is out of Islam. Beware! The fear and horror of people shall not desist a man from telling the truth which he knows. Tirmzi God is not merciful to a person who is not merciful.

Bokhari, Muslim

You must help your brother whether a wrongdoer or the wronged one; help the wrongdoer by stopping him from doing the wrong. Bokhari, Muslim Help each other in good and virtuous deeds but do not help in sinful deeds and committing excesses on others. Mishkat Shall I tell you an act which is better in reward than fasting, praying and almsgiving, that is to re-establish relations between different persons. Mishkat A breach between the hearts is a sign of calamity and ruin.


The most virtuous of all the acts, after embracing the faith of Islam is to love all the human beings, to re-establish the friendship between two Muslims. Tirmzi, Dawood The best among you is that person from whom the people have good expectations. Tirmzi, Baihaqi Whoso fulfils the need of someone among my followers in order to please him, has actually pleased me, and he who pleases me, pleases God. Mishkat None among you is a perfect believer unless he likes for others what he likes for himself and he loves other people for the pleasure of God. Bokhari, Muslim All creatures are children of God. Whoso benefits His children the most, God will love him the most. Baihaqi Every Muslim is a friend of God. God has given distinction and dignity to the Holy Kaaba, but if somebody destroys it and demolishes every stone of it, and burns it, the crime of doing so is less grievous than to look at a friend of God with indignation. Ghazali One who afflicts a Muslim, in fact dares to declare war with God.


You should preach people to do right and shun wrong, otherwise the wrath of Allah will come upon you, and then you will pray to Allah but your prayers will not be listened. Tirmzi In a nation, when people are committing evils and the number of such people is not great, and the nation having power to eradicate evil does not do it, the whole nation will face the vengeance of Allah (in this world). Dawood A person who. endeavours to help a widow or a poor man is like a fighter in the Holy War in the sight of God, he is ranked equal to those who always keep fast during day and pray whole night. Bokhari, Muslim Remember! You cannot create a place in the hearts of people by use of force; but with humbleness and virtuous deed, you can win their hearts. Moderation is half luxury while good morals are half of the religion.



67 Moderation in spending is half of the livelihood. And friendship with the people is half of the wisdom. To question nicely is half of the knowledge. Baihaqi There is no wisdom like planning; there is no abstinence like piety; and there is no nobility than good behaviour. Baihaqi Allah has commanded me about nine: to fear Allah secretly and openly, to speak just words in anger and pleasure; to show moderation in poverty and richness; to maintain ties with him who breaks away; to give to him who deprives me; to forgive him who does wrong to me; and my quietness be meditation, my words be His remembrance; and my sight shall learn lesson; and that I shall do good and speak what is good. Your wealth cannot benefit all, so try to benefit people with your good deeds. Nehjal Fasahat In every deed, the best way lies between the two extremes. Moderation is the best habit. If a negro slave is kind to you, be humble to him; and if somebody does injustice to you, you must ask for justice from him even if he is a free Qureshi (i.e. a man of status). Nehjal Fasahat On the Day of Resurrection, the weightiest thing in ‘the Balance’ would be good morals. Tirmzi A man with low morals, ill-temperament and hard-heartedness will not enter Paradise. Dawood, Baihaqi A believer can acquire the rank of those people who worship whole night and keep regular fasts, by his high morality. Dawood Do you know what usually leads a man into Paradise; that is the fear of God and good moral character. Tirmzi, Baihaqi I have been sent by God to all the people of the world to perfect their morals, and I am the model and the last word on it. Ahmed, Baihaqi A Muslim has a religious duly to ask whereabouts of his relative’s, neighbours and friends; they should be entertained and sent gifts too. He is not a believer whose stomach is full while his neighbour next to him is hungry. Send gifts because gifts increase love and decrease hatred. Adultery is forbidden; Allah and His Prophet have forbidden it, but it is ten times more grievous a sin to intercourse with the wife of your neighbour than with some other woman. Mishkat He is not one of us who kills due to prejudice (racialism); he is not one of us who kills due to prejudice; he is not one of us who dies as a prejudiced.’ Abu Dawood − Baihaqi Never one of you shall be alone with a woman because then Satan is the third among them. Ahmed Cursed be he who is dressed in woman’s dress; and also that woman who is dressed in man’s dress. Ahmed, Abu Dawood Do not visit women whose husbands are out; because Satan runs in everyone like blood. Tirmzi ‘You must stop people from doing evils; if you do not stop, then evil will become out of control and become a problem for all the community’. The Prophet further said that it was a duty of every Muslim as well as a collective duty too; a group of people should spare themselves and work for peoples’ moral uplift and stop them from illegal acts.


68 Illegal acts are, use of drugs, gambling, acts of obscenity, prostitution, sodomy, social crimes, hooliganism* theft, illegal business dealings like adulteration, hoarding, cheating, use of foul languages, any act of injustice etc. Intoxicating liquor is mother of all vices and the greatest of deadly sins; whoso indulges in it, he looses senses to differentiate between his mother and his aunts. Intoxicating liquor is the sum of all sins. Whoso does not love our children and does not respect our elders; and does not instruct to bid well and to shun evil is not one of us. The Prophet strictly ordered the people to show tolerance and kindness to others and not to show superiority or pride over others or to be show-off; all members of a society should be like brothers and show parity. The Prophet said: All old men are like a father; an elderly woman is like your mother and aunt; a young woman is your sister; a small girl is like your daughter; a Muslim must show great respect to other’s family members. The Prophet said that if you will corrupt other’s women, your own wives and daughters will be corrupted by others too. An outstanding revolutionary commandment which the Prophet gave was to do lasting social works; such acts are to educate children, to teach others, to build a house for destitutes, to allocate a well so that public can relinquish their thirst; to grow trees from which people can take shelter against heat, men and birds can eat out of it; such lasting good acts carries a reward even after the death of such persons. If a person is poor and unable to perform such acts involving money, then he can do other good acts like saying ‘salaam’ to others, to guide people to some destination, to help a blind man, to help to lift luggage or by giving a helping hand to a person to ride, to put water in others bucket, to remove some obstacle fallen on a high way. All good actions are a charity; do not belittle any of good actions, be it meeting your brother with a smiling face. It is a charity to do justice between two* people and also to help a man in riding over his animal or lift for him his luggage. Good words are also charity. All the steps which one undertakes to say the Prayer are charity. To remove some harmful obstacle from a road is a charity. If any Muslim man grows a tree or cultivates crop, and from if eat men, birds and animals, it is a charity from him. Hereunder we enlist major commandments of the Prophet for social uplift: 1.

To write or leave book or books for the education of the society.


To build mosques.


To lend helping hands to a person in need.

4. If a person is in some problem, one should help him or should take him and introduce him to the one who can help him. 5.

To give education and build schools, and teach some professional

art. 6. To help orphans, widows, destitutes, slaves to get married or help financially. 7. To help in freedom of captives and slaves. 8. To feed the hungry and give cloth to the poor. 9. To send gifts to friends and neighbours. 10. To enquire about the health of a patient. 11. To entertain the guests.


69 12. To save life of a person. 13. To save honour of a person. 14. To meet a friend or relative with salutation and smiling face. 15. To give suggestion or assistance in a good work. 16. To stop a man from committing excesses or cruelty. 17. To be soft in business or social dealings. 18. To lend money to a needy without interest or otherwise help financially. The Prophet said that the best act which a person can ever do, even better than those who achieve martyrdom, is to bid the people to do good and forbid evil; thus a preacher, a social reformer, a holy teacher is the holiest person in the sight of Allah and will be near the Prophet Muhammad, ι, and Allah on the Day of Judgment. We invite attention of our readers to the fact that none of the great prophets of the past like Moses, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha brought such comprehensive teachings which are worth following by all the nations of the world; these bring harmony and peace in the society, in the homes, in the country and above all, in all the world. These teachings change men into perfect beings, and eliminates mutual hatred and prejudice; these then create mutual love and brotherhood. We hereunder cite opinions of eminent Western writers about Prophet Muhammad ι and his religion. “I have studied him, the wonderful man, and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the saviour of Humanity”. (George Barnard Shaw, ‘A Collection of Writings of some of the Eminent Scholars’ 1935). “To suppose Muhammad ι an imposter poses more problems that it solves. Moreover, none of the great figures of history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Muhammad ι. (W. Montgomery Watt. ‘Muhammad at Makkah,’ Oxford 1953). As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?” (Lamartine, ‘Histore de la Turquie’, Paris 1854). “Muhammad himself after all that can be said about him, was not a sensual man. “ (Thomas Carlyle, *On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History; London 1888). “Can a man who has no good qualities hold a friend? Because those who knew Muhammad ι best believed in him. All again risked his (Abu Bakr) life for the Prophet in his darkest days Muhammad ι was no imposter, at any rate. (H. G. Wells, “The Outline of History’, London 1920). “My choice of Mohammad ι to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels. Of humble origins, Mohammad ι founded and promulgated one of the world’s great religions, and became an immensely effective political leader. Today thirteen centuries after his death, his influence is still powerful and pervasive. The 100: A ranking of the most influential persons in history. (Michael Hart)


70 7. “On the whole we find in it (Quran) a collection of wisdom which can be adopted by the most intelligent of men, the greatest of philosophers and the most skilful of politicians.” (Laura Veccia Vaglieri, “Apologie de I Islamisme”. 8. “It is not the propagation but the permanency of his religion that deserves our wonder, the same pure and perfect impression which he engraved at Makkah and Medina is preserved after the revolutions of twelve centuries by the Indian, the African and the Turkish proselytes of the Koran.” (Edward Gibbon and Simon Ockley, “History of the Saracen Empire.” London 1870). 9. “His creed is equally suited to the despotism of Russia and to the democracy of the United States.” (Joseph J. Nunan, “Islam and European Civilization”. Demerara 1912). 10. “It is hardly too bold an assertion that to Muhammad, ι, we owe the facts that Christianity has not joined the ranks of vanished creeds.” (W.M. Thompson, “Democratic Readings”). 11. “Islam is a religion that is essentially rationalistic in the widest sense of this term considered etymologically and historically. A creed so precise, so stripped of all theological complexities might be expected to possess and does indeed possess a marvellous power of winning its way into the consciences of Men.” (T. W. Arnold Preaching of Islam”, London 1913). 13. “As a religion the Mohammedan religion, it must be confessed, is more suited to Africa than is the Christian religion, indeed, I would even say that it is more suited to the world as a whole.” (Lancelot Lawton, “The Sphere”, London 1928). 14. “I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of the Quran which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness.” (Napoleon Bonaparte in “Bonaparte et I, Islam.” Paris by Cherfils), 17. “The Koran is remarkably down-to-earth in its discussion of the good life.” (James A Michener, “Islam — The Misunderstood Religion”). 18. “To the Arab nation it (Islam) was a birth from darkness into light, Arabia first became alive by means of it..... within one century afterwards Arabia is at Granada on this hand, at Delhi on that, glancing in valour and splendour and the light of genious, Arabia is shine through languages over a great section of the world.” (Thomas Carlyle, “Heroes and Hero-Worship”). 19. “Classical Islam, at its highest, was a religion admirably conceived to give courage, dignity, and serenity to man facing a life of adversity, and to give him charity towards his fellowmen.” (Wilfred Cantwell Smith — “Modern Islam in India”). 20. “Islam emerged into the civilized outer world, not as the crude superstition of marauding hordes, but as a moral force that commanded respect and a coherent doctrine that could challenge on their ground the Christianity of East Rome and the Zoroastrianism of Persia.” (Prof. H. A. R. Gibb, “Mohammadanism”). 21. “Further, where Islam is in competition with Christian missions run by Europeans, even when the rulers are Christians, it still spreads because it offers more understandable religious, social and economic values than Western Christianity, which only allows its adherents religious but no social equality.” (Spencer Trimingham, “Islam in the Sudan”). 22. “The Quran spoke so powerfully and convincingly to the hearts of his hearers as to weld hitherto centrifugal and antagonistic elements into one compact and well-organised body, animated by the ideas far beyond that which had until then ruled the Arabian mind.” (Von Kremer, “Culturgeschichte de Orients”).


71 23. “The Quran condemns cruelty, pride, arrogance, extravagance, calumny, games of chance, the use of intoxicants and other vices which debase man and destroy social life. It recommends faith in God and resignation to His will. This was meant, as will appear in the sequel, as subversive neither of human activity nor of moral freedom.” (Dr. Weil, “Ges Chichteder Islamis Chen Volker”). 24. “The Crusades, the Turkish wars, and the great expansion of Europe widened the gulf between Christianity and Islam, while as the East was gradually brought under ecclesiastical influence the contrast grew deeper. The theory, however, that the Muhammadans conquerors and their successors were inspired by a fanatical hatred of Christianity is a fiction invented by Christians.” (C. M. Becker, “Christianity and Islam,”London 1909). 25. “Incidentally these well-established facts dispose of the idea so widely fostered in Christian writings that the Muslims, wherever they went, forced people to accept Islam at the point of the sword.” (Lawrence W. Browne, “The Prospect of Islam London 1944). 26. “Once the war was terminated the Muslims always displayed a great tolerance towards the conquered people leaving them their legislation and religious beliefs.” (O Houdes, “La Grade Encyclopaedia” 1894). Many Westerners, accustomed by their history books to believe that Muslims were barbarous infidels find it difficult to comprehend how profoundly our intellectual life has been influenced by Muslim scholars in the field of science, medicine, mathematics, geography and philosopy,” (James A. Michener, ‘Islam.... The Misunderstood Religion” in the Reader’s Digest May,1955, 28. “History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have over repeated.” (De Lacy O’Leary, “Islam at the Crossroad”. London 1923), 29. “Under Christianity there was certainly more cruelty than under early Islam.” J. M. Robertson, “A Short History of Christianity”. 30. “In their wars of conquest, however, the Muslims exhibited a degree of tolerance which puts many Christian nations to shame.” (E. Alexander Powerll, “The Struggle for Power in Muslim Asia”., 31. “The picture of the Muslim soldiers advancing with a sword in one hand a Koran in the other is quite false.” (A.S. Tritton, “Islam”, London 1954). 32. “The day of Mohammad’s ι greatest triumph over his enemies was also the day of his grandest victory over himself, he freely forgave the Koryash all the years of sorrow and cruel scorn in which they had afflicted him and gave an amnesty to the whole population of Mekka...... It was thus Muhammad, peace be upon him, entered again his native city. Through all the annals of conquest there is no triumphant entry comparable to this one.” (“The speeches and Table Talk of the Prophet Mohammad”, London 1882 by Stanley Lane-Pool). 33. “Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire that is Mohammed. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?” (Lamartine, “Histore de la Turquie, “Paris 1854). 34. “Muhammad was the greatest revolutionary leader known to us. He has left as imprint on the whole course of human history which no man after him has been able to efface. Indeed he appeared at the crossroads of human history and changed the course of human history.”


72 “I hope it will now be realized that the Holy Prophet provided practical guidance for balanced living at all levels including physical, mental, emotional and metaphysical.” (Professor Bon on “Critical Study of Message of God”). 35. “Muhammad was a prophet, not a theologian, a fact so evident that one is loath to state it. The men who surrounded him and constituted the influential elite of the primitive Muslim community, contended themselves with obeying the law that he had proclaimed in the name of Allah and with following his teaching and example. They had a simple, robust faith that was satisfied with a small number of formulas and a few rites.” (Demombynes, “Muslim Institutions” London 1950, p.20. Maurice Gaudefroy). 36. “If genius implies a keen psychological insight into the nature and inner consciousness of life’s issues, added to inexhaustible energy, capacity for work and patience, then Mohammed was a genius. Certainly, if we accept Buffon’s definition of genius, as, “but a greater aptitude for perseverance,” he was without doubt a genius of the highest degree. The founder of a faith—one of the greatest the world has produced—spiritual commander of the faithful, his genius was essentially moral and religious. Major Arthur Glyn Leonard “Islam  Her Moral and Spiritual Value.”



Chapter 11 THE PROPHET’S MARRIAGES In the age prior to the advent of Prophet Muhammad ι, it was an honour and a status symbol to marry many girls; unlimited polygamy was permitted. Men with large land holdings always had many wives to bear them many children who would become a source of power for them to control their property and save them from powerful enemies. In the olden age, power was the law, and only those could survive and enjoy peace who had enough manpower to save them from mutiny and external attacks. All the prophets like Abraham, Israel, (Jacob) David, Solomon and many Israeli kings had many wives. Even in the Hindus’ Scriptures, we find Krishna, Rama and others practising polygamy. Prophet Muhammad ι was the first prophet to curtail number of wives to a maximum of four, but he said that one wife is the best if justice is not maintainable. In the Holy Qur’an, sanction of more than one wife is permitted to take up destitutes who would otherwise resort to immoral acts or prostitution, — a gravely humiliating way of life. In truth, a small percentage of men are extra-sexed or lover of opposite sex obsessively. Many rich men seek pleasure in sex and are ready to spend large amount on beautiful women —- their most enjoyous sport. Thus a restriction of one wife can serve no purpose but opens gateway to the rebellion of God’s law and creation of institution of prostitution. Thus Islam gives a moderate law, practicable and fair; but polygamy must be used with great thought, as in the most cases, it brings about disaster. As it is commonly observed that only poor women who marry rich men accept idea of polygamy with pleasure — educated and women of good status detest bitterly. So Islam does not give free licence to polygamy without restriction. The Holy Quran stops men to marry for the sake of transitory pleasure, even with non-Muslim women. Cursed are those men and women who marry and divorce for the fulfilment of carnal desire, the Prophet said. The Prophet’s eleven marriages were strictly in accordance with the prophecies of the Holy Bible. These prophecies, the Christian scholars have concealed from the masses for two thousand years and refuse to give any explanation at all. The first prophecy is in Psalms 45:9. “The daughters of Kings are among your honourable women. The queenly consort has taken her stand, at your right hand in gold of O’phir”. In this verse which was written to laud the last Christ, it is clearly mentioned that the last prophet will be a married man, having many princesses as wives, the Prophet was the only man in the human history to have four princesses as his wives. The second prophecy is in Isaiah 4:1 “And seven women will actually grab hold of one man in that day, saying. “We shall eat our own bread and wear our own mantles; only may we be called by your name to take away our reproach”, This is an interesting prophecy about the last prophet who was supposed to have seven wives, who will live with him not for worldly gains but will feel honoured to be his wives and expected forgiveness of their sins by it. This is exactly what happened to the Prophet when he threatened his wives numbering seven to divorce if they would demand comforts of life and money. The wives gave reply exactly what is mentioned in the prophecy. The incidence is mentioned in the Holy Quran even. The marriages of Prophet Muhammad ι had entirely different meanings, unique, and exemplary. When he was 25, he married Hazrat Khadeeja χ who was


74 about 40. He never had any relation with women or with concubines, or whores which was very common among the men of that time. It was impossible to keep oneself chaste till the age of 25 in those times, but Muhammad ι was a different man destined to perform a different role. When he was 40, he started his prophetic mission by saying whether anyone ever found any sin in him. Everybody exclaimed: You are the most noble, the truthful, the trustworthy. The Prophet lived with Hazrat Khadeeja χ for 25 years who never complained regarding his sexual integrity, but she nearly worshipped him with an utmost love and devotion. After Hazrat Khadeeja χ died at the age of 65, the Prophet migrated to Madina; he was 53. In Medina, he was ordered by Allah to perform a different role. In Medina he was a ruler, a legislator, a reformer, an army chief, a revolutionary to overcome social injustice of the world. Allah gave him the goal to enforce Islam and to prevail it over all the religions of the world. Prophet Muhammad ι married eleven women under the commandment of Allah to serve a very special purpose. Prophet Muhammad ι as a rule, slept at night with only one of his wives and then never slept again unless he visited all of them. Thus he is an exemplar for those who have more than one wife. All wives loved him more than their own lives and he was a hero and honoured in his own home. Prophet Muhammad ι had eleven wives; all of them are the most honoured and the luckiest among all the women of the world, to be his wives. For devout Muslims, even lives of eleven million men is not worth dust on the Prophet’s feet. If he had married eleven hundred women, then he were a prophet like Soloman who had 1000 wives. So those who malice the prophet on account of his marriages do not comprehend his exaltedness. ABOLITION OF CELIBACY, HERMIT-LIFE In all religions prior to Islam, the idea was deep-rooted that keeping away from women and to live a celibate life was a saintly act and such a lifestyle was regarded dear to God. Only few men could do justice to vow of celibacy, while most of them lived sexually immoral lives — temples became places of prostitution and sodomy. Prophet Muhammad ι by his own example, crushed that old practice once for all and declared that to live nicely with wives and children and to work to earn for their living is a holy war and to benefit people with wealth and to relieve them of their hunger, pain and worries is the most rewarding act before God. Marriage with Hazrat Aaisha, δ his marriage is much scandalized in the West by people with vested interest. Prophet Muhammad ι was about 50 years of age when his first wife Khadeeja, peace be upon her, died after twenty-five years companionship. Then Prophet Muhammad ι married Hazrat Sauda and also sent a proposal for marriage to Hazrat Aaisha who was nearly seven years old; her parents immediately accepted the proposal. After three years Prophet Muhammad ι was forced to migrate from Makkah to Medina. After few months, the parents of Hazrat Aaisha reported that their daughter had achieved puberty, then after three months she got married to Prophet when she was about ten or eleven years old. This age is still common for marriage in India and Pakistan. In olden days, the Hindus arranged marriages of their daughters at the earliest age. Prophet Muhammad ι didn’t do anything abnormal. But expert anti-Islam propagandists speak lies after lies and make most shameful accusation that the Prophet was a child molester as he married a six years girl. We can only curse the professional liars; who are just serpents, off springs of vipers, blind guides. Before the advent of Islam, the women were highly despised and looked down upon as lowly creature. In Arabia and some other countries, after the death of father, women were distributed among the sons like cattle.


75 In many countries, it was an occasion of great shame and humiliation for a father, if a girl was born. Many fathers were so cruel that they would bury them alive. In India and in many other countries, if a mother comes to know by an ultrasound report that her foetus is of a girl, she gets aborted, many million girls are thus killed before they are born, this is happening even in modern times. In the past, the conquerors would chain the captive women and carry them through the streets proudly, half nude barefooted; and distribute them among the soldiers or sell them to the people for prostitution or as concubines free for all for their sexual pleasure, no law existed for their well being. Even in recent times, in Vietnam and Korea, the occupying soldiers raped millions of local girls and then killed them or kept them to serve as ‘comfort women’. In the past and even today, in many Temples, Mandars, women dedicated to the gods did dancing and sold sex; the priests offered them to their esteemed visitors. Even among the Christians’ churches, prostitution prevailed for centuries. We hereunder cite only some of many thousand incidences to ascertain our point. ‘Then there are the devadasis, who are so prominent a feature of Hinduism in South India. These “brides of the gods” as they are sometimes called, since they are united to the idols by wedding rites, are in effect temple prostitutes. They are divided into grades or classes, including the girl who sells herself for her own benefits; the girl who does so to enrich or otherwise benefit her family; the girl who joins a temple out of devotion (since the sacrifice of chastity is the greatest thing she can offer to the god); and the girl who is hired by the temple authorities for the convenience of their clients. Ethics of The Great Religions by E. Royston Pike page 79, line 9 to 30). In the History of European Morals vol two p.350 written by W. E. H. Lecky, we have, ‘It was not surprising that, having once broken their vows and begun to live what they deemed a life of habitual sin, the clergy should soon have sunk far below the level of the laity. We may not lay much stress on such isolated instances of depravity as that of Pope John XXIII, who was condemned for incest, among many other crimes, and for adultery, or the abbot-elect of St-Augustine, at Canterbury, who in 1711 was found, on investigation, to have seventeen illegitimate children in a single village; or an abbot of St Pelayo , in Spain, who in 1130 was proved to have kept not less than seventy concubines; or Henry (III), Bishop of Liege, who was deposed in 1274 for having sixty-five illegitimate children. The writers of the Middle Ages are full of accounts” of nunneries that were like brothels, of the vast multitude of infanticides within their walls, and of that inveterate prevalence of incest among the clergy, which rendered it necessary again and again to incur the most stingent enactments that priests should not be permitted to live with their mothers or sisters.’ ‘But to return, the early tenth century was perhaps the lowest in all Church, history with reference to the papacy. It is called the pornographic period because the popes were the appointees of prostitutes.’ “Medieval Church” by Roland H. Bai” Some churches declared the women as soulless creature; cause of ‘original sin’ of Adam, and a being to be ashamed of. Many churches did not approve remarriage of a divorcee. It amounted to adultery, according to the Holy Bible. The hermits thought it to be a great sin to even look at a woman. In some religions, especially in India, a widow, even in her teens, was declared as cursed and damned; she was forced to live in a separate room outside her home, head-shaven, undecorated with cheap garments. Nobody even thought of to marry widows; they were given poor food, thrown to them as to animals, so that they die early; it was much preferable for them to die by burning with their husband’s corpse. They could not meet with other people lest their shadow may transfer ill-fate to


76 others. Women, who could not bear children were similarly treated being ill-starred, cursed. Among the Roman Catholic Christian priests, celibacy is highly aggrandized; sex with women is highly undesirable. In Persia, just before the advent of Prophet Muhammad ι, the Mazdekites treated women as common property, even incest was lawful among them. Prophet Muhammad ι had many missions to accomplish, one of them was to abolish and abrogate all laws, customs and practices which prevailed in the world and were deep-rooted. By his own example, by marrying many women, he abolished all of them; he married many widows, divorcees, women of all religions, nations, tribes; he showed no discriminations but showed great parity and justice among them and loved them all deeply. He said, ‘I love women very much but my real pleasure of heart is in the prayer. His wife Hazrat Aisha δ said that the Prophet loved women very much. The prophet had an unlimited sexual power like prophet David and prophet Solomon and many Jewish and Israeli kings, who had many dozen, even hundred, and one thousand wives. That is why the Muslims do not have any taboo against sex, but misuse of sex is highly condemned. Allah hates such men and women who get married and then divorce for the sake of pleasure and lust; such people who move like a bee, from one flower to another, are cursed by Allah. The Prophet put an end to unlimited marriages to up to four, provided no wife feels hurt and is being mistreated; second marriage by hurting the first one is highly undesirable, mutual approval is a must and there must be some dire need; as we have enumerated as, 1. In case of wars, young men may die in large numbers, thus decreasing eligible husbands for young girls and widows who may out number men. 2. Migration of young men from rural areas to industrialised cities for jobs, thus producing acute shortage of marriageable men in certain areas. 3. Population of women may outgrow that of men in certain areas. 4. In poor countries, many men are unable to marry at all due to financial difficulties, so women become in excessive numbers. 5. A woman may become widow at a young age. It is very difficult for her to find a bachelor again. Her plight is aggravated if she has a child or more. The only remedy is that such women be taken as wives by men of means to save them from utter destruction and immoral lives. 6. Sometimes a wife may become incapacitated due to accident or illness. 7. Sometimes a wife may become seriously ill, and is unable to look after her home, 8. In some hot countries, women may become old at 40 or so, while husband is fully young. 9. Sometimes, a man may marry a woman much older than himself at young age. But later, when the man is still young, woman may be too old. 10. Some men have large estates and wish to have many sons for its protection; one wife may not be able to fulfil the demand. 11. Sometimes, there may be acute shortage of manpower in a country. Some countries have very low population. This can create non-availability of labour for the development of a country, and also for the defence purpose.


77 12. In the early Islamic period, Muslims were in short numbers while they had the challenge from the Byzantines and the Persians. Practice of Polygamy was inevitable in those circumstances. 13. In large families, one wife may find it difficult to cope with her duties. 14. Some men in power may have to marry more for political reasons, and to strengthen ties between different nations. 15. Among some nations it had been/is status symbol to marry more. 16. First wife may not be educated, or intelligent or skilful, so need for a second wife may arise. 17. Some women behave insolently towards their husbands being shorttempered, foulmouthed or ill-mannered, thus losing favour in the eyes of their husbands or families. 18. Some women may refuse to perform her duty as a wife and may even leave house for a long time. 19. Some wives may be unfaithful to their husbands thus, losing favour in the eyes of their husbands, husbands may not, divorce them for the sake of children or other family reasons. 20. Some women do jobs and are not ready to bear children against the wishes of their husbands. 21. Some women with children usually become uninterested in sex in later age while husbands are still young. 22. When relations between husband and wife become permanently estranged. 23. Different nations all over the world have different sexual needs due to development of their harmonal system, weather conditions, dietary habits etc. 24. Where people are taking high protein diet with lot of fats containing vitamin E, or taking stimulants, then they become overactive sexually. That is one of the reasons why flesh of swine, alcoholic drinks are banned in Islam. 25. Some men are abnormally strong sexually and find one wife not enough for them. 26. Some men have to live away from their homes for a long time due to their professional duties or other reasons. 27. Some married men may fall in deep love for another women. 28. Some women may develop aversion for their husbands due to their behaviour, status difference, educational difference, religious difference, psychological reasons, financial reasons or personal reasons. Thus husbands have no choice but to look for another wife. There are some medical grounds when one wife is unable to satisfy her husband sexually, so a need for second wife may arise, for example, 29. Prolonged menstrual disorders. 30. Acute or chronic menorrhagia. 31. Sterility 32. Frigidity 33. Pregnancy phobia 34. Death phobia or other phobias


78 35. Aversion for sex. During pregnancy and child bearing period and after. 36. When doctor advises against pregnancy. 37. Psychologically unfit, mental disorder etc. 38. When blood group of the couple does not match and results in abortion/ miscarriage. 39. A woman may be barren or unable to bear children due to physiological disorder. In all the time in the history, one wife even is not easy to handle; second wife is an invitation to hell life. A person who marries a second woman and then destroys his peaceful home life is perhaps the greatest damn fool. Polygamy is not something to be cherished; it should be practiced only in some emergency. No doubt, women who love money throng towards millionaires and do not mind other wives if money is right. A Muslim woman should put a pre-condition at the time of writing marriage contract to safeguard her future as a wife. Islam gives full rights to men as well as to women to safeguard their marriage lives, and they should discuss the matter with justice if some new situation arises. No body has a right to take a unilateral decision and harm his or her spouse’s interest. Society has a duty to make laws to safeguard marriages and ensure peace in homes lest children suffer by estranged parents. In some countries, women’s population is more than men’s, also in some communities, large number of men migrate to other places for jobs; in some communities, too many men are jobless; all these factors necessitates polygamy, even more many poor women themselves prefer to marry married rich men to come out of their life of poverty and toiling in preference to marry poor men and live a life of sub-human level where children have no future but live in hunger, uneducated, in huts without any amenities  a torturous life. Much can be said for and against polygamy, but the truth is that a total ban on polygamy is unwarranted, unwise and can be suicidal for the society. No doubt that polygamy sanction can be misused too; rich and educated women never accept it, this is also a tragic part of it. So the final word is that polygamy be practised wisely after assessing all the consequences; whenever possible it should be avoided except when it is unavoidable. In Islam, marriage is half the religion, incumbent upon every young man. Sex before marriage is un-thoughtful and a deadly sin. Refraining from marriage is disastrous for a society, note the plight of women in the West, where men refuse to marry, so children are growing in a single parent homes as rude, angry and psychic.



Chapter 12 CHOSEN NATION  WHO? In the Holy Qur’an, Allah says, “O Children of Israel! Remember My favour which I conferred upon you, and that I chose you among the peoples of the world.” Al Baqarah 2:48 “Remember! We made a covenant with the Children of Israel ‘You shall worship none but only Allah.’” Al Baqarah 2:17 Thus the Holy Qur’an confirms that the Children of Israel were a chosen nation of God in the past. Also the children of Israel were informed by God in the Holy Bible that He will settle them in Palestine which was their ‘Promised Land’. That promise was made by Allah to Prophet Abraham that the land of Palestine will be inherited by his children. The promise clearly was for all the children of Abraham including Prophet Ismael and his sons and their future off-springs. Also the children of Abraham included all those followers of him too who put faith in his religion and also those who embraced Abraham’s message propagated by Isaac, Ismael and all those Prophets who appeared from his progeny and upholded Abraham’s religion. The title ‘chosen nation’ does not mean that the nation is superior by birth, but it means that Allah separated those chosen people to carry out the duty from Him to promote His message that He is One God, and the only One to be worshipped and obeyed. Thus sons of Israel were ‘chosen’ to be flag bearers of Jehovah’s commandments. But for the most of time in their history they failed miserably to follow Jehovah’s words. After the death of King Solomon, the sons of Israel were divided into two groups and established their independent states i.e. the state of Judah and the State of Israel. The State of Israel in Samaria soon became a state of idolatrous nation and never returned to the worship of One God; this state was constituted by the ten tribes. The state of Judah, constituted by sons of Judah and Benjamin, practised worship of One God in the start but then reverted to idolatry; this worship of One God and then reverting to idolatry, and then again reverting to worship of One God continued for a long time till a very strong worded curse and admonishment came from Jehovah. It is perhaps the most abusive and threatening revelation of Jehovah which was ever sent by Allah. This is what Jehovah had earlier warned in Deuteronomy 28:1 to 29:1; as the sons of Israel and the Jews proved themselves worthless and rebellious, so the following disgusting revelation came to declare the end of the Jewish and the Israelis’ supremacy. The following passages are from Ezekiel 23:1 to 23: And the word of Jehovah proceeded to come to me, saying: 2 “Son of man, two women, the daughters of one mother, there happened to be. 3 And they began to prostitute themselves in Egypt. In their youth they committed prostitution. There their breasts were squeezed, and there they pressed the bosoms of their virginity. 4 And their names were O.ho’lah the older one and O.hol’i-bah her sister, and they came to be mine and began to give birth to sons and daughters. And as for their names, O.ho’lah is Sa.mar’i.a, and O.hol’i.bah is Jerusalem. 5 “And O.ho’lah began to prostitute herself, while subject to me, and kept lusting after those passionately loving her, after the As.syr’i.ans, who were near, 6 governors clothed with blue material, and their deputy rulers—desirable young men all of them, cavalrymen riding horses. 7 And she continued giving forth her prostitutions upon them, the choicest sons of As.syr’.i.a all of them; and with all those after whom she lusted—with their dungy idols—she denied herself. 8 And her prostitutions


80 [carried] from Egypt she did not leave, for with her they had lain down in her youth, and they were the ones that pressed the bosoms of her virginity and they kept pouring out their immoral intercourse upon her. 9 Therefore I gave her into the hand of those passionately loving her, into the hand of the sons of As.syr’i.a, toward whom she had lusted. 10 They were the ones that uncovered her nakedness. Her sons and her daughters they took, and her they killed even with sword. And she came to be infamy to women, and acts of judgment were what they executed upon her. 11 “When her sister O.hol’i.bah got to see [it], then she exercised her sensual desire more ruinously than she, and her prostitution more than the fornication of her sister. 12 For the sons of As.syr’.i.a she lusted, governors and deputy rulers who were near, clothed with perfect taste, cavalrymen riding horses—desirable young men all of them. 13 And I got to see that, because she had denied herself, both of them had one way. 14 And she kept adding to her acts of prostitution when she got to see the men in carvings upon the wall, images of Chal,de’ans carved in vermilion, 15 girded with belts on their hips, with pendant turbans on their heads, having the appearance of warriors, all of them, the likeness of the sons of Babylon, Chal.de’ans as respects the land of their birth. 16 And she began to lust after them at the sight of her eyes and proceeded to send messengers to them in Chal.de’a. 17 And the sons of Babylon kept coming in to her, to the bed of expressions of love, and defiling her with their immoral intercourse; and she continued getting defiled by them, and her soul began to turn away disgusted from them. 18 “And she went on uncovering her acts of prostitution and uncovering her nakedness, so that my soul turned away disgusted from company with her, just as my soul had turned away disgusted from company with her sister. 19 And she kept multiplying her acts of prostitution to the point of calling to mind the days of her youth, when she prostituted herself in the land of Egypt. 20 And she kept lusting in the style of concubines belonging to those whose fleshly member is as the fleshly member of male asses and whose genital organ is as the genital organ of male horses. 21 And you continued calling attention to the loose conduct of your youth by the pressing of your bosoms from Egypt onward, for the sake of the breasts of your youth. 22 “Therefore, O O.hol’i.bah, this is what the Lord Jehovah has said, ‘Here I am rousing up your passionate lovers against you, those from whom your soul has turned away in disgust, and I will bring them in against you on all sides, 23 the sons of Babylon and all the Chal.de’ans, Fe’kod and Sho’a and Ko’a, all the sons of As.syr’i.a with them, desirable young men, governors and deputy rulers all of them, warriors and summoned ones, riding on horses, all of them. Thus fate of the ‘chosen nation’ was doomed; finally Jesus Christ uttered his famous prophecy: “This is why I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits: Matthew 21:43 Mark 12:9 Luke 20:16 It was after Jesus’ claim that ‘Allah will give the duty of establishment of kingdom of God to the sons of Ishmael and Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, to lead that revolution and fulfil it’, that the Jews finally decided to kill Jesus, forgetting all his miracles and good works, and declared him to be an agent of Devil. They even called the most pious Mary, mother of Jesus as a whore who got her son from some Ishmaelite; the Holy Qur’an curses the Jews for uttering calumny. Al Nisa 4:157 In the Holy Qur’an, we read the following verses to clear our point that now the Muslims are the ‘chosen nation’ of Allah to do His works. Remember that the Muslims are not the sons of Ishmael but are peoples from all the nations of the world.


81 “And strive for the cause of Allah, a striving which is befitting for Him. He has chosen you and has laid no hardship in religion; the nation of your father Abraham, He has named you Muslims of old time and also now”. Al Hajj 22:79 Thus the Holy Qur’an confirms that the Muslims are ‘chosen’ to continue that mission of Abraham which was given in the past to a ‘chosen’ nation, the sons of Israel; unfortunately they failed miserably and suffered the wrath of Allah again and again but to no avail. But the Israelis always thought themselves to be a superior nation in spite of the fact that Jehovah rejected them and dispersed them among all the nations of world. This superiority complex, hatred bigotry and prejudice continued till the coming of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, who after their hostilities, bloody battles finally subdued, them and then forgave them all and declared unconditional friendship and allowed the Muslims to enact marriages with their chaste women and to eat with them. Al Maeedah 5:5 Those were only the Muslims who took them into their arms and provided security while, in among the European nations, they suffered humiliation all the time. The golden era of the Israelis was during the Muslim rule in Spain. Everywhere in the Muslim world, the Jews were highly respected because the Holy Qur’an has ordered to befriend them and enact marriages with their women. But unfortunately, those were the very Jews who killed and sent into exile the Palestinians who were a firm believer in Abraham and the religion of Moses; many were sons of Abraham through his son Ishmael, for whom too the promise of the land of Palestine was made by Allah. We hereunder quote the original promise which was retold by Prophet Moses to prove our point that the Israelis got supremacy when acted within Jehovah’s limits, thereafter they lost that favour and suffered heavily as God had told earlier.

28 “And it must occur that if you will without fail listen to the voice of Jehovah your God by being careful to do all his commandments that I am commanding you today, Jehovah your God also will certainly put you high above all other nations of the earth. 2 And all these blessings must come upon you and overtake you, because you keep listening to the voice of Jehovah your God: 3 “Blessed will you be in the city and blessed will you be in the field. 4 “Blessed will be the fruit of your belly and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your domestic beast, the young of your cattle and the progeny of your flock. 5 “Blessed will be your basket and your kneading trough. 6 “Blessed will you be when you come in, and blessed will you be when you go out. 7 “Jehovah will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you. By one way they will come out against you, but by seven ways they will flee before you. 8 Jehovah will decree for you the blessing on your stores of supply and every undertaking of yours, and he will certainly bless you in the land that Jehovah your God is giving you. 9 Jehovah will establish you as a holy people to himself, just as he swore to you, because you continue to keep the commandments of Jehovah your God, and you have walked in his ways. 10 And all the peoples of the earth will have to see that Jehovah’s name has been called upon you, and they will indeed be afraid of you. 11 “Jehovah will also make you overflow indeed with prosperity in the fruit of your belly and the fruit of your domestic animals and the fruitage of your ground, on the ground that Jehovah swore to your forefathers to give you. 12 Jehovah will open up to you his good storehouse, the heavens, to give the rain on your land in its season and to bless every deed of your hand; and you will certainly lend to many nations, while you yourself will not borrow. 13 And Jehovah will indeed put you at the head and not it the tail; and you must come to be only on top, and you will not come to be on the


82 bottom, Because you keep obeying the commandments of Jehovah your God, which I am commanding you today to observe and to do. 14 And you must not turn aside from all the words that I am commanding YOU today, to the right or to the left. to walk after other gods to serve them. 15 “And it must occur that if you will not listen to the voice of Jehovah your God by taking care to do all his commandments and his statutes that I am commanding you today, all these maledictions must, also come upon you and overtake you: 16 “Cursed will you be in the city, and cursed will you be in the field. 17 “Cursed will be your basket and your kneading trough. 18 “Cursed will be the fruit of your belly and the fruitage of your ground, the young of your cattle and the progeny of your flock. 19 “Cursed will you be when you come in, and cursed will you be when you go out. 20 “Jehovah will send upon you the curse, confusion and rebuke in every undertaking of yours that you try to carry out, until you have been annihilated and have perished in a hurry, because of the badness of your practices in that you have forsaken me. 21 Jehovah will cause the pestilence to cling to you until he has exterminated you from off the ground to which you are going to take possession of it. 22 Jehovah will strike you with tuberculosis and burning fever and inflammation and feverish heat and the sword and scorching and mildew, and they will certainly pursue you until you have perished. 23 Your skies that are over your head must also become copper, and earth that is beneath you iron. 24 Jehovah will give powder and dust as the rain of your land. From the heavens it will come down upon you until you have been annihilated. 25 Jehovah will cause you to be defeated before your enemies. By one way you will go out against them, but by seven ways you will flee before them; and you must become a frightful object to all the earth’s kingdoms, 26 And your dead body must become food for every flying creature of the heavens and to the beast of the field, with no one to make [them] tremble. 27 “Jehovah will strike you with the boil of Egypt and piles and eczema and skin eruption, from which you will not be able to be healed. 28 Jehovah will strike you with madness and loss of sight and bewilderment of heart. 29 And you will indeed become one who gropes about at midday, just as a blind man gropes about in the gloom, and you will not make your ways successful; and you must become only one who is always defrauded and robbed, with no one to save you. 30 You will become engaged to a woman, but another man will rape her. You will build a house, but you will not dwell in it. You will plant a vineyard, but you will not begin to use it. 31 Your bull slaughtered there before your eyes—but you will not eat any of it. Your ass taken in robbery from before your face—but it will not return to you. Your sheep given to your enemies—but you will have no savior. 32 Your sons and your daughters given to another people and your eyes looking on and yearning for them always—but your hands will be without power. 33 The fruitage of your ground and all your production a people will eat whom you have not known; and you must become, one who is only defrauded and crushed always. 34 And you will certainly become maddened at the sight of your eyes that you will see.


83 35 “Jehovah will strike you with a malignant boil upon both knees and both legs, from which you will because of the tightness and stress with which your enemy will hem you in within your gates. 58 “If you will not take care to carry out all the words of this law that are written in this book so as to fear this glorious and fear-inspiring name, even Jehovah, your God, 59 Jehovah also will certainly make your plagues and the plagues of your offspring especially severe, great and long-lasting plagues, and malignant and longlasting sicknesses. 60 And he will indeed bring back upon you all the diseases of Egypt before which you got scared, and they will certainly hang onto you. 61 Also, any sickness and any plague that is not written in the book of this law, Jehovah will bring them upon you until you have been annihilated. 62 And YOU will indeed be left with very few in number, although YOU have become like the stars of the heavens for multitude, because you did not listen to the voice of Jehovah your God. 63 “And it must occur that just as Jehovah exulted over YOU to do YOU good and to multiply YOU, so Jehovah will exult over YOU to destroy YOU and to annihilate YOU; and YOU will simply be torn away from off the soil to which you are going to take possession of it. 64 “And Jehovah will certainly scatter you among all the peoples from the one end of the earth to the other end of the earth, and there you will have to serve other gods whom you have not known, neither you nor your forefathers, wood and stone. 65 And among those nations you will have no ease, nor will there prove to be any rest ing place for the sole of your foot; and Jehovah will indeed give you there a trembling heart and a failing of the eyes and despair of soul. 66 And you will certainly be in the greatest peril for your life and be in dread night and day, and you will not be sure of your life. 67 In the morning you will say, ‘If it only were evening!’ and in the evening you will say, ‘If it only were morning!’ because of the dread of your heart with which you will be in dread and because of the sight of your eyes that you will see. 68 And Jehovah will certainly bring you back to Egypt by ships by the way about which I have said to you, ‘You will never see it again,’ and YOU will have to sell yourselves there to your enemies as slave men and maidservants, but there will be no buyer.”

29 These are the words of the covenant that Jehovah commanded Moses to conclude with the sons of Israel in the land of Mo’ab aside from the covenant that he had concluded with them in Ho’reb. Deuteronomy 28:1 to 29:1 The prophesy of Prophet Moses has been fulfilled, now the promised land i.e. Palestine belongs to all the children of Abraham including all the believers who put faith in Abraham, Moses, all the Prophets, and in the Bible and the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Qur’an is the Book which enjoins upon the Muslims to bless Abraham and his children and put faith in the Holy Bible. In the Holy Bible, it is clearly ordained that all aliens be treated as their equal. And in case an alien resident resides with you as an alien in YOUR land, YOU must not mistreat him. 34 The alien resident who resides as an alien with YOU should become to YOU like a native of YOURS; and you must love him as yourself, for YOU became alien residents in the land of Egypt. I am Jehovah YOUR God. Laviticus 19:33 The above commandment was for those aliens who were not even Israelis and disbelieved in the God of Israel i.e. Jehovah. But all the Muslims believe in the Holy Bible as well as in Moses and bless him. The Muslims are more hard in their faith than proselyte non-Israelis who accepted the faith of Israelis. The Muslims in fact are brothers of the Jews and the Israelis and are their co-religionists. Then why they were massacred and sent into exile from the present state of Israel when they are equally entitled to live in Palestine? Is Jewish government of Israel implementing the laws of the Bible in Leviticus and Deuteronomy.



Chapter 13

THE WORLD SAVIOUR  WHO? The Holy Qur’an claims that Jesus was a Prophet for the sons of Israel alone and that he prophesied the coming of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. About Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, it is emphatically said that he was the promised last Prophet and that he was sent for all the mankind, and that his coming is clearly and conclusively mentioned in all the Holy Scriptures of the world. In the Gospel of Matthew 15:24 we have ‘In answer He (Jesus) said: I was not sent forth to any but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” After reading the above statement, it becomes clear that Jesus came only for the sons of Israel and not for the whole world. Also in the Gospel of Luke 4:43 we have, “Also to other cities I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God because for this I was sent for.” Jesus was thus just an announcer to give the good news of coming of the kingdom of God, which was to come through Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Jesus also said in Matthew 10.5 we have, “Do not go off into the roads of the Gentiles and do not enter into a Samaritan city but instead go continually to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”. Even to his followers, Jesus ordered not to got to non-Israelis. About the coming of the last Prophet, the Christ or son of man, Jesus said, “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here is the Christ’. Or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false Prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. Look! I have forewarned you. Therefore, if people say to you, ‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out’ ‘Look! He is in the inner chambers.’ Do not believe it. For just as the lightening comes out of eastern parts, so the presence of the Son of man will be. MATTHEW 24:23 Also Jesus declared that the Christ will not be from among the Jews, he said In Mark 12:35 we have “How is that the scribes say that the Christ is David’s son? by the holy spirit David himself said ‘Jehovah said to my Lord “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies beneath your feet”. David himself calls him ‘Lord’ but how does it come that he is his son?’ The following quotation from the Gospel of Barnabas confirms the above statement. ‘Verily I say unto you, that every Prophet when he is come hath borne to one nation only the mark of the mercy of God. And so their words were not extended save to that people to which they were sent. But the messenger of God, when he shall come, God shall give to him as it were the seal of his hand, insomuch that he shall carry salvation and mercy to all the nations of the world that shall receive his doctrine. He shall come with power upon the ungodly, and shall destroy idolatry, insomuch that he shall make Satan confounded: for so promised God to Abraham, saying: “Behold, in thy seed I will bless all the tribes of the earth; and as thou hast broken in pieces the idols, O Abraham, even so shall thy seed do.” James answered: ‘O master, tell us in whom this promise was made; for the Jews say “in Isaac,” and the Ishmaelites say “in Ishmael”. Jesus answered: ‘David, whose son was he, and of what lineage?’


85 James answered: ‘Of Isaac: for Isaac was father of Jacob, Jacob was father of Judah, of whose lineage is David.’ Then said Jesus: ‘And the messenger of God when he shall come, of what lineage will he be?’ The disciples answered: ‘Of David.’ Whereupon Jesus said: ‘Ye deceive yourselves; for David in spirit calleth him lord, saying thus: “God said to my lord, sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy foot-stool. God shall send forth thy rod which shall have lordship in the midst of thine enemies.” If the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah were son of David, how should David call him lord? Believe me, for verily I say to you, that the promise was made in Ishmael, not in Isaac,’ Thereupon said the disciples: ‘O master, it is thus written in the book of Moses, that in Isaac was the promise made.’ Jesus answered, with a groan: ‘It is so written, but Moses wrote it not, nor Joshua, but rather our rabbins, who fear not God. Gospel of Barnabas, Page 45 In the Gospel of Mark 8-29 it is written, Jesus (A.S.) said, “You, though, who do you say I am?” In answer Peter said to him: You are the Christ”. At this he strictly charged them not to tell anyone about him.” This incidence is also present in Luke 9:20 and Matthew 16:13. One fails to understand what sort of Saviour is he who himself did not claim but asked his disciples to solve his riddle, and then did not allow his disciples to tell anybody. Moreover he himself denied himself to be the Christ; but said; “The Christ’s name is Muhammad (S.A.W.) and I am not worthy to unloose the ties of the hozen, the lackets of the shoes of the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah.” Gospel of Barnabas P. 43 Jesus said, “This is why I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits.” Jesus Christ also prophesied that before the coming of the true universal Christ, there will be great persecution of his true believers. In Mattew 10:23 we have “When they persecute you in one city, flee to another, for truly I say to you, you will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives”. In the 4th century, King Constantine started persecution of all those Christians who differed from his approved Christianity. It was Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, who came to their rescue and saved them from persecution and deaths. The fact that it was not Jesus but Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, who was the last true Christ. Read the following two prophecies: The first is the prophecy of Prophet Moses (A.S.) which he dictated to Joshua Bin Nun; ‘And do thou, Joshua the son of Nun, keep these words and this book, for from my death until His advent there shall be CCL times.” CCL times is 250 years-weeks or 1750 (Assumption of Moses 10:11) As Moses (A.S.) died in 1180 BC, so the birth of the Prophet comes out to be year A.D. 570. This is exactly the date of birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.).


86 The second prophecy is by Prophet Isaiah, who confirmed that the last Christ would successfully accomplish his mission and that non-Jewish and non-Israeli nations will also put faith in him. Hereunder is the prophecy. “Look! My servant, on whom I keep fast hold! My chosen one (whom) my soul has approved! I have put my spirit in him. Justice to the Gentiles is what he will bring forth. He will not cry out or raise his voice, and in the street he will not let his voice be heard. No crushed reed will he break and for a dim flaxen wick, he will not extinguish it. In trueness he will bring forth justice. He will not grow dim nor be crushed until he sets justice in the earth itself; and for his law the islands themselves will keep waiting.” (42:1-4). Jesus neither accomplished any mission nor converted the non-Israelis. He never had any mission at all except announcement of the coming of a Gentile Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, which he fulfilled. The Prophet is the only one who established justice in the world. He never got crushed, but Jesus was crushed by the Jews. We think that we have conclusively proved that the Holy Qur’an’s claim is true; Jesus was only the Christ of the Jews while Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was the Christ, the Saviour of the whole world. The Holy Qur’an says: “And We have not sent thee but as a bearer of good news and as a warner to all mankind but most men know not. Al Sab.aa 34:29 Say” (O Muhammad, ι) O mankind! truly I am a Messenger to you all from Allah to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. Al Araaf 7:159 In the light of above arguments, which are not even ten percent of all the argument which can be furthered to prove our point, the following verses are very true: Those unto whom We gave the Scripture recognise the Prophet as they recognise their sons. But Lo! A party of them knowingly conceal the truth. Al-Baqarah 2:146 There are some verses which are put forward by the Christians and the Jews to prove that the Prophet was in fact their enemy and not their saviour. The questionable verses are as follows: “O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. And whoso among you takes them for friends is indeed one of them. Verily, Allah guides not wrong-doing ones. Al Maeedah 5:52 Note that the Jews and the Christians, who are historically bitter enemy, had made alliance against the Muslims. O ye who believe! Take not disbelievers for friends, in preference to believers. Do you mean to give Allah a manifest proof against yourselves? Al Nisa 4:145 O ye who believe! Take not for intimate friends others than your own people; they will not fail to ruin you; they love to see you in trouble. Hatred is revealed in their utterances, but that hatred which their breasts hide is even greater. We have made clear to you the revelations, only if you will understand. Al Imran 3:119 O ye who believe! Take not for friends such of those who received the Book before you, and of the disbelievers, who make a jest and sport of your religion. And fear Allah if you actually are believers. Al Maeedah 5:58 O ye who believe! Take not your fathers and your brothers for friends; if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso among you befriends them, such are wrongdoers. Al Tauba 10:23


87 O ye who believe! Take not My enemy and your enemy for friends, offering them love when they disbelieve in that truth which has come to you, driving out the Messenger and you because you believe in Allah, your Lord? Al Mumtahanah 60:1 From the above verses, it becomes clear that Allah stopped the Muslims to befriend the Jews, the Christians, the idolators, and even their fathers and brothers who were hostile to the faith of Islam. These opponents were actually spying, uttering degrading remarks about the new religion, were trying to create fears among the Muslims and forcing them to forsake their faith. But when the Prophet overcame all the opponents and defeated them in battles which they initiated, he forgave them all. After conquering Makkah, he said; I forgive you all like Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) who forgave all his brothers. That is the greatest example of tolerance and large heartedness, which the Prophet manifested after about twenty years of painful and torturous experience at the hands of his enemies. After Allah fulfilled the words which David spoke that ‘Allah will put all your enemies as footstool before you’, then verses were revealed in the Holy Qur’an to befriend and enact loving relationship with the Jews and the Christians. “This day all good things have been made lawful for you. And the food of the People of the Book is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. And so are virtuous women of the believers and the virtuous women of those who were given the Book before you when you give them their dowries and live with them with honour, not in fornication, nor taking secret paramours. Al Maeedah 5:6



Chapter 14 UNITY OF ALL MANKIND AND FAITHS The Holy Qur’an declares that all men have one origin, also their religions are in fact one and the same. All religions proclaim one Creator, and also all religions prophesy the coming of one universal prophet without the slightest ambiguity. My research has conclusively proved that the promised prophet was Prophet Muhammad, (S.A.W.). Though the Holy Bible mentions about Oneness of God i.e. Jehovah but there is neither mention of oneness of all the religions of the world, nor equality of all human beings. 13. O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! The noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware. Al-Hujuraat 49:9 There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower. Al-Baqarah 2:256 Say: O People of the Scripture! Come an agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partner unto Him, and that none of us shall take others for lords beside Allah. And if they turn away, then say: Bear witness that we are they who have accepted Islam. Al-Imran 3:64 This day are (all) good things made lawful for you. The food of those who have received the Scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. And so are the virtuous women of the believers and the virtuous women of those who received the Scripture before you (lawful for you) when ye give them their marriage portions and live with them in honour, not in fornication, nor taking them as secret paramours. Whoso denieth the faith, his work is vain and he will be among the losers in the Hereafter. Al-Maeedah 5:5 Verily We have honoured the children of Adam, We carry them on the land and sea, and give them provisions of pure things, and have blessed them with a marked preferment more than many what We have created. Bani Israel 17:70 Indeed We have created man with the best measurement. At Teen 95:4 In fact, Islam is the only religion which was sent for all the nations of the world; all previous religions were meant for one nation only. Thus Islam is the only religion of the world; except Islam, Allah do not accept any religion at all because it is final and complete. In the Holy Qur’an, the most of revelations are directed to all the mankind to unify. Read the Holy Bible, the Vedas, the Avestas, the Ramayana, the MahaBharata, the Puranas, the Sutras again and again, one will find that there is no commandment which invites all men to unify into one brotherhood; all other religions are in fact regional, only for one particular nation. We hereby quote views of some great Western scholars: 1. “Take away that black man! I can have no discussion with him”, exclaimed the Christian Archbishop Cyrus when the Arab conquerors had sent a deputation of their ablest men to discuss terms of surrender of the capital of Egypt, headed by Negro Ubaidah as the ablest of them all. “To the sacred archbishop’s astonishment, he was told that this man was commissioned by General Amr: that the Moslems held Negroes and white men in equal colour, ......... Islam knows no ‘colour line.’ (S.S. Leeder “Veiled Mysteries of Egypt”, London, 1912). 2. “The Islamic brotherhood which they proclaimed was a real thing, and a new thing among Eastern nations. It is doubtful whether Christian Syrians ever felt the same sense of brotherhood with Christian Persians as Muslim Syrians did with Muslim Persian.”



Chapter 15 NEW LAWS The Holy Qur’an confirms almost all the old Biblical Laws, but as it is a modern and the last religion, so new laws were made to meet the changing conditions of the world for all times to come. The Holy Qur’an made the following changes: 1.

Education for Everyone

In the past, the followers of the Holy Bible were not permitted to read or keep the Bible; only men were allowed to go to synagogues. But Islam not only allows all men to read, write the Holy Qur’an but allows everyone to lead the prayers too while among the sons of Israel, only the Levite were responsible to lead the prayers. Islam allows both men and women to learn the Holy Qur’an as well as to learn all the faculties of knowledge. 2.

Laws of Inheritance:

In the Holy Bible, there is no share for the women, also the eldest son has more share than the others. In the Holy Qur’an, all women are given share, in the property left by their parents, husbands and children etc; also all the brothers have equal share too; even fathers, mothers, have a share in the properties left by the children. Islamic inheritance law is very elaborate and complete, based upon great wisdom, justice and human needs and rights. 3.

Laws of Conversion:

The Holy Bible do not put any duty upon its followers to publicize and convert other nations into their fold. But the Holy Qur’an has given an important duty to the Muslims to propagate their religion and convert them into their fold. All new converts have equal rights. 4.

Laws for Rulers:

In Islam, as per instructions of the Holy Qur’an, everyman has a right to take part in the politics; a ruler is enjoined to run his office after consultation with the people, and to rule strictly according to the principles laid down by the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Quran commands, Those who if We give them power in the land, establish Prayer and pay the Zakat and enjoin kindness and forbid iniquity. And Allah’s is the end of affairs. Al-Hajj 22:42 And whose affairs are decided by mutual consultation.

Al-Shura 42:39

The Holy Bible has no commandment in this regard; the tribe of the Jews always claimed themselves as superior and born to rule others. 5.

Law about Racial Prejudice: In the Holy Bible, the sons of Israel are mentioned as ‘Chosen people’. But the Holy Qur’an has abrogated this, and has declared that in future, all the Muslims are ‘chosen people’ to do Allah’s work; there is no superiority of anyone on the basis of race, colour, language but one is superior by virtuous actions; all men are honourable and are brothers and are one community. There is no room for racial prejudice in Islam. 6.

Law about Marriage: In the Holy Bible, the sons of Israel are forbidden to marry women from other nations nor they can give their daughters to non-Israelis. But the Holy Qur’an has


90 allowed the Muslim men to marry among the people of the Book i.e. the Jewish and the Christian women, but it forbids the Muslim women to marry non-Muslims at all. In the Christianity, cousin marriage is forbidden, but Islam abolished this custom. Also, in Islam, it is incumbent upon every Muslim to get married, and it strictly stops the practice of celibacy. And all married woman are forbidden to you except those whom your hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you. Lawful unto you are those beyond those mentioned, such that you seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery. Al-Nisa 4:23 O ye who believe! It is not lawful for you to inherit women forcibly. Al-Nisa 4:20 And whoso of you cannot afford to marry free believing women, let them marry from the believing maids whom your right hands possess. And Allah knows your faith best; you are all one from another; so marry them by permission of their folk, and give them their dowries fairly, wedding honestly; neither fornicating nor having secret relations. Al-Nisa 4:26 Arrange marriages for the single, poor ones among you (including widows) and your slaves and slave-girls who are virtuous. If they be poor, Allah will enrich them of His bounty; and Allah is Bountiful, All-Knowing. Al-Noor 24:33 This day all good things have been made lawful for you. The food of those who have received the Book is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them. And so are the virtuous women of the believers and the virtuous women of those who received the Book provided you give them their dowries and live with them in honest wedlock, not in fornication nor taking secret paramours. Al-Maaeedah 5:6 And if a woman fears ill-treatment or indifference on the part of her husband, it shall be no sin on them that they be reconciled peacefully; and peace is better. Al-Nisa 4:129 In the Holy Bible, Deuteronomy 24:1, we have, “In case a man takes a woman and does make her his possession as a wife, it must also occur that if she should find no favour in his eyes because he has found something indecent on her part, he must also write out a certificate of divorce for her and put it in her hand and dismiss her from his house.” In Mathew 19:7, Jesus replied to a question, ‘Why then did Moses prescribe giving a certificate of dismissal and divorcing her’, Jesus said to them: “Moses, out of regard for your hardheartedness, made the concession to you of divorcing your wives, but such has not been the case from the beginning I say to you that whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of fornication, and marries another commits adultery.” The Holy Bible do not give right to women to divorce. Our readers will notice that the laws of marriage and divorce are more suitable for the modern times as compared to the laws of the Holy Bible which were only for a section of humanity i.e. the sons of Israel. In Islam, women have full authority, both the free women and the slave-girls, to marry at will after consultation with their families and also are entitled to receive dowries. And if you fear a break between the couple, then appoint a wise arbiter from the husband’s family and a wise arbiter from the wife’s family. If they desire reconciliation, Allah will bring about an agreement between them. Al-Nisa 4:36


91 So in Islam, a couple can get divorce only after arbitration. And the divorced women shall wait concerning themselves for three monthly courses. Al-Baqarah 2:229 O prophet! When you men divorce women, put them away for their (legal) period and seek on the period (for three months courses), and keep your duty to Allah, you Lord. Do not expel them from their homes nor should they themselves leave, unless they commit immorality openly. Al-Talaq 65:2 O ye who believe! It is not lawful for you to inherit the women forcibly nor you should put constraint upon them so as to take back a part of that which ye have given them unless they commit obscene acts openly, and consort with them in kindness; and if you dislike them, it may be that you dislike a thing where in Allah has placed much good. Al-Nisa 4:20 According to the Holy Qur’an (Al-Baqarah 229-231) a husband can divorce his wife and has a right to remarry if the wife so wishes. He has a divine limit to divorce and then remarry thrice; after that she is not lawful for him unless she marries another husband. If the second husband too divorces her, then she is eligible to marry the first husband. This commandment is to save the woman from continuous and repeated humiliation from her husband, and to put a check to the evil of divorce and to stop her husband from being unrestricted harsh, unreasonable. Women have a right to divorce. In case a woman is divorced, she can stay for three months in the house of her husband, and both have right to reconcile; wise arbiters from both the families can intervene to bring about patch-up between the couple. In Islam, the Muslim men can marry non-Muslim chaste women of the people of the Book. Islam makes it incumbent upon the Muslim men that marriages should be openly declared; marriages for lust or secret marriages are unlawful; sexual exploitation of women is repugnant to Islam. In Islam, divorce is one of the deadliest sin and should be avoided whenever possible as it shakes Allah’s throne and destroys peace of a home and the future of children therein. The Prophet advised his followers to show restraint to a wife’s outburst and forgive her small mistakes and look at her good points, as all women have some weaknesses and their psychological conditions are ever changing; so always be kind to them. The Prophet also said to women that if it were lawful to prostrate to anyone besides Allah, I would have ordered the women to prostrate before their husbands; under no circumstances disobey them, never. There is a great wisdom hidden in the Prophet’s advice. The Prophet strictly forbade his followers to divorce their wives thrice at one time as it is against his teachings. A Muslim who divorces his wife three times at a time make a fun of Allah’s law and such an act is repugnant to Islam. In Islam, marriage is also a sort of worship; a man who marries accomplishes his half the religion; marriage keep a man chaste and saves from immorality; to work for wife, for children, for the member of the family is one of the greatest worship and the greatest jehad. A person who works hard for his family and for helping others is in fact busy in the greatest form of worship which pleases Allah. Thus Allah has changed the concept of worship in Islam which is absent in all past religions which were all regional. Moreover women can’t be married without their permission, their assent is a must; the Holy Bible has no such commandments. (See also chapter 17)


92 7.

Laws for Slaves’ Freedom:

In the Holy Qur’an, there are strict orders for the Muslims to treat the slaves as their brothers and set them free when feasible. Even government is ordered to pay for the freedom of the slaves. We have no equivalent of such law in the Holy Bible. A person who sets a slave free is surely saved from the Fire. After this commandment, the Muslims started spending money to pay for the freedom of the slaves; soon slaves became nearly extinct in the Muslim countries, and even became the rulers. 8.

Laws for Family:

The Holy Qur’an puts a duty upon all Muslim men to meet all the cost of their homes; while wives are responsible to run their homes faithfully. The Holy Bible has no such commandment. Men are more steadfast than women due to Allah’s grace upon some more than others and because men spend their wealth. So virtuous women ought to be obedient, guarding (chastity) even secretly with Allah’s guardianship. Al-Nisa 4:35 9.

Laws for Social Responsibility:

The Holy Qur’an puts responsibility upon the government as well as upon individuals to maintain peace in the country, to promote religious activities i.e. the prayer, and to work for the poor ones, especially for those in debts and for those who are homeless and are hungry. In the Holy Bible, we do not find any commandment equivalent to it. The Muslims are exhorted to do works for public utility, like building of homes for the poor and old people, to build mosques, schools hospitals etc. and to dig wells, canals and like. Such acts have everlasting reward from Allah even after death. 10.

Laws for Religious Freedom:

The Holy Qur’an gives religious freedom to all the religions of the world who follow their divine laws; but there is no freedom for the worshippers of man-made gods and following no law at all, also the Holy Bible too denies this right. The Holy Qur’an reiterates that all religions are in fact one religion, schism occurred later due to greediness, bigotry and lack of understanding of the religious leaders who adopted wrong paths and then followed their low-desires, and asked others to follow their footsteps. A Muslim is supposed to respect all the prophets of other nations and their revealed scriptures too; their food and their chaste women are lawful; this is missing in all the religions prior to the advent of Islam. 11.

The Laws of War:

As our readers noticed, the Holy Bible ordered the Israelis to destroy their enemies completely, to kill all men, women and children, all animals; and also to burn the houses too. The Holy Qur’an, through Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, changed the old law and transformed into most modern laws. We enumerate the new laws as under: 1. Do not attack an unwary nation and always offer a treaty for peace. It is forbidden and unethical to attack and kill sleeping enemies.


93 2. After the war, wounded person or the one who throws away his arms, old men, women, children, labourers, hermits, and all non-combatants are not to be killed. The prisoners must be treated humanely with respect and be given food and clothes. 3. War can’t be waged for the sake of any worldly benefit, or to gain territory or to capture women for lust, or for fame. 4. During a war, masses can’t be killed for terrorism or to make other nations weak. 5. Islamic wars can be waged only to establish peace in those countries where tyrant rulers practise tyranny, and to carry Allah’s message to all other nations. After victory, it is strongly forbidden to make conversion with force, but let the masses accept the truth, after the shackles put on by their priests and the rulers are removed, and people are free to make their decisions and accept the truth after thoughtful investigation. 6. Destruction of properties is not allowed. Islam dawned upon the world to free it from wars, lawlessness and iniquity; to bring freedom to the people of the world and to bring peace, justice to them as was prophesied in all the divine Scriptures of the world; and and this is what all the people of the world eagerly waited for. Our readers will notice that the Holy Qur’an promulgated excellent new laws as compared to the laws of the Holy Bible which are now obsolete and abrogated; Allah changes His laws according to the need of time and His plans. We have before us, law of the Holy Bible, the laws of Manu, the laws of Puranas and the Buddhist laws, none of them are as comprehensive as the Holy Quran. In the Holy Quran, for the first time all men are deemed equal, even women are given the right to get education, the right to property, the right to decide their matters regarding marriage and business; both men and women have equal rights, but men are a grade better because they are made responsible to give protection to the women and also pay for their living costs. (see also chapter on Human Rights)



Chapter 16 OF TRINITY AND THE CROSS The Holy Qur’an strongly repudiates the Christians’ belief in ‘trinity’, and it declares that it is against the belief in One God, and that it is an utterly wrong dogma. Hereunder are the relevant verses: Verily, they commit blasphemy who say, “Allah is the third person of the three;” in spite of the fact that save the One God there is no god. If these people desist not from what they say, a painful chastisement will fall on those of them who disbelieve; will they not ask pardon from Allah and seek forgiveness of him? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Messiah son of Mariam was no other than a messenger, many messengers had indeed passed away before him too. His mother was the most truthful woman, they both used to eat food. See, how I explain My revelation clear for them and see how they are going astray from the truth! O Prophet! Tell these people, “Why do you worship besides Allah who possess no power of his own to harm you or do good to you, and Allah is He, All-Hearing and All-Knowing.” Say to them, “O people of the Book! Do not exaggerate your religion contrary to the truth and do not follow the vain desires of the people who went astray before and led many astray and lost the right path.” Al-Maidah 5-73 Thus the Holy Qur’an is on head-on collision with concocted dogma of ‘trinity’. By following the belief in ‘trinity’ large section of humanity has been led away from the belief and worship of One God. Belief in ‘Trinity’ means to say: Father is the One God; son is the One God; Holy Spirit is the One God; all the three are the One God. The One God is Father, son and Holy Spirit. This is undoubtedly blasphemy and associating other gods with Allah or Jehovah. Both the Torah i.e. the Holy Bible, and the Holy Qur’an strongly condemn it and suggest death sentence for its believers. The Roman priests imposed this dogma upon their Christian followers, after getting assent of king Constantine, in the 4th century, to enforce it with all Roman Military power, followed by a great massacre of the Unitarians. The Holy Qur’an denies Jesus’ death on the cross. The four gospels in the Holy Bible clearly mention that Jesus died on the cross. Even after the supposed crucifixion, many Christian sects believed in the same version as the Muslims believe. The sects which believed that Jesus was not crucified were the Basilides the Manichaens the Nestorians and the Copts. Also the disciples of Jesus like Peter, John, Barnabas and eight others believed that Jesus was not taken to cross. Hereunder are some proofs: Peter and John were both the disciples of Jesus, peace be upon him, like Barnabas and had seen the incident themselves. Others who agree to this statement are ‘Acts of Thomas’, ‘Acts of Andrew’, both were written by the disciples of Jesus whom Jesus met and explained after ascension. Even ‘Acts of Eleven’ disciples say what the Muslims believe. In Cassel’s Modern Encyclopaedia, Cassel and Co. Ltd. London, Toronto, Melborne, Sydney we have this statement. “The Copts declare that Pontius Pilate died a Christian martyr, the Ethiopic Church regards him as a saint, his day being June 25”. We have evidence from two other Gospels, written by two apostles of Jesus, peace be upon him, which confirm our belief. 1.......I saw him apparently being seized by them. And I said, “What am I seeing, O Lord? Is it really you whom they take? And are you holding on to me? And are they hammering the feet and hands of another? Who is this one above the cross,


95 who is glad and laughing?” The Savior said to me, “He whom you saw being glad and laughing above the cross is the Living Jesus. But he into whose hands and feet they are driving the nails is his fleshly part, which is the substitute. They put to shame that which remained in his likeness. And look at him, and [look at] me!” The Gospel of Peter 2. (a) Another of the Nag Hammadi texts, the Second Treatise of the Great Seth, relates Christ’s teaching that “it was another. who drank the gall and the vinegar; it was not I. They struck me with the reed; it was another, Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder. It was another upon whom they placed the crown of throns. But I was rejoicing in the height over.... their error..... And I was laughing at their ignorance.” (b) At that moment John, sitting in a cave in Gethsemane, suddenly saw a vision of Jesus, who said, “John, for the people below..... I am being crucified and pierced with lances.... and given vinegar and gall to drink. But to you I am speaking, and listen to what I speak.” The Gospel of John So the Muslims’ belief is not without foundation; surely the Holy Qur’an is infallible and true. All those Christians who believed similarly to the Muslims’ faith, immediately embraced Islam; they realized that true revelations from Allah have been revealed. Earlier, such sects were being persecuted by the followers of Romans’ sponsored version of the Christianity; Islam came to their rescue. As we have already stated that Jesus was born for the mission of announcement of the kingdom of God on earth soon; this was the sole mission of Jesus and the gospels are full of teachings about the kingdom of God; gospels are full of parables about it. The claim of the Catholic and Protestant churches that Jesus came to the world to get crucified to take away the sins of the world; this dogmatic belief has mermerised the Christians for over two thousand years, but for the Muslims it is a blasphemous belief; it is against common sense, why? How it is possible that God holded the mankind as sinners, and then decided, to punish an innocent being i.e. Jesus? In the light of Jesus’ claim (Luke 4:43) that the purpose of his coming was only to announce the coming kingdom of God, it is utterly illogical to believe that he came to be a sacrifice for the sin of the world; it is undoubtedly the greatest hoax ever created by anyone in the history of mankind. Then why Jesus said that he has come only for the sons of Israel and none else’? Then how he could claim that ‘he was sent to take the sins of the world; this dogma is an obey forgery. Why then Jesus wept bitterly and prayed to God again and again to take back this plan? Isn’t it very shameful to put faith in such dogmas? It makes one to laugh at the story that a judge should judge and convict a group of criminals and then out of love should order that he would himself be crucified and the criminals should go free. Why Allah should suffer himself or punish his representative when He has all the authority to forgive anyone or all? Allah can never be unjust or can make bizarre decisions. According to Islam, all men are born sinless; if they sin, He will forgive them if they repent only once. Both John the Baptist and Jesus started their missions saying “Repent O people; the kingdom of God is coming soon.” Surely Allah forgives all repentents. The dogma of ‘original sin inherited by all children of Adam’ is a fabricated story created by blasphemous corrupt people  greedy idolaters devoid of sound intellect, characterless bigot.



Chapter 17 LESSONS FROM THE PAST REBEL NATIONS In the Holy Qur’an there are many reminders for the Muslims to learn lessons from the terrible end of the rebellious nations of the past; the Holy Bible or any other Holy scripture has no such reminders. Hereunder are some quotations from the Holy Qur’an. 45. How many a township have We destroyed while it was sinful, so that it ruins (to this day) in ruins, and (how many) a deserted well and lofty tower! 46. Have they not travelled in the land, and have they hearts wherewith to feel and ears wherewith to hear? For indeed it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts, which are within the bosoms, that grow blind. Al-Hajj 22:45 58. And how many a community have We destroyed that was thankless for its means of livelihood! And yonder are their dwellings, which have not been inhabited after them save a little. And We, even We, were the inheritors. 59. And never did thy Lord destroy the townships, till He had raised up in their mother-town a messenger reciting unto them Our revelations. And never did We destroy the townships unless the folk thereof were evildoers. Al-Qasas 28:58 And (the tribes) And the Thamud! (their fate) is manifest unto you from their (ruined) dwellings. Satan made their deeds seem fair unto them and so debarred them from the (right) path, though they were keen observers. And Korah, Pharaoh and Haman! Moses came unto them with clear Signs (from Allah), but they were proud in the land. And they were not winners. So We took each one in his sin; of them were those whom We sent a violent sand storm, and of them were those whom a roaring blast overtook, and of them were those We caused earth to sallow, and of them were those whom We drowned. It was not for Allah to wrong them, but they wronged themselves. Al Ankaboot : 38 to 40 Surely, Allah changes not the condition of a nation until they change themselves that which is in their hearts. And when Allah wills misfortune for a nation there is none that can repel it, nor have they any helper beside Him. Ar Raad : 11



Chapter 18 DUTIES OF GOVERNMENT According to the Holy Qur’an, the religion of Islam is fully involved in the politics. The Holy Qur’an enjoins upon its followers to follow democracy; all the peoples are fully qualified to speak in the affairs of the country; choose their leaders, and in case they do not act according to their expectations, can remove them and elect and appoint better ones. The rulers have divine duty to look after the religious activities of their subjects. Also the rulers are religiously bound to use the taxes for the well-being of the poor, the needy, the homeless people, for freedom of the slaves, the captives, the prisoners, to pay the debt of debtors, and for new converts and invest in all projects for the benefit of the people and their security and peace. Those who if We give them power in the land, establish the Prayer and pay the Zakat and enjoin kindness and forbid iniquity. And Allah’s is the end of affairs. Al-Hajj 22:41 And those who answer the call of their Lord and observe Prayer, and whose affairs are performed after mutual consultation and who spend out of what We have provided for them. Al-Shoora 38 The Holy Bible does not have any such revelation which is its equivalent. The Prophet said: All the non-Muslims have full liberty to follow their religious customs and ceremonize their festivals. In the courts, they will be tried and given justice according to their own religious laws, their honour, their lives, their properties are inviolable as the Muslims’; all the communities are equal before the law without any discrimination. Incidentally, all the Holy Books have nearly the same laws with very minor difference. The Prophet ι said that if a Muslims injured an alien subject, I will give the same punishment, a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. A Muslim government is duty bound to look after the poor, the orphans, the destitute and the needy ones, whether a Muslim or a non-Muslim; even a good act done to an animal has a great reward with Allah. Allah saved a prostitute who took pity upon a thirsty dog, the Prophet ι said, When your rulers are good ones, your rich are generous; and your affairs are governed by mutual consultation then the earth will bring out all its goodness from within itself. When your rulers are wicked ones’ your rich are miserly; and your affairs are settled by your women, then better for you is earth’s inside than its outside. Nisai A ruler who is just, generous and polite; will enter Paradise.

Abu Dawood



Chapter 19 OF PURIFICATION The Holy Qur’an enjoins upon the Muslims to purify themselves; it gives guidance and procedure. By performance of this ablution, one feels high sense of purity because it is divine obligation and fulfills Allah’s requirement. The Holy Bible is absent from such commandment, though very strict purification rules do exist in it otherwise. The Holy Quran ordains: 6. O ye who believe! When ye rise up for the Prayer, wash your faces, and your hands up to the elbows, and lightly rub your heads and your feet up to the ankles. And if ye are unclean, purify yourselves. And if ye are sick or on a journey, or one of you cometh from the closet or ye have had contact with women, and ye find not water, then go to clean, high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it. Allah would not place a burden on you, but He would purify you and would perfect His grace upon you that ye may give thanks. 7. Remember Allah’s grace upon you and His covenant by which He bound you when ye said: We hear and we obey: and keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah knoweth what is in the breasts of men. Al-Maeedah 5:6 Leviticus 11:19, a menstruating woman is unclean for seven days; anyone touching her or her clothes or her bed or articles will become unclean till evening. Even after intercourse, husband and wife are unclean till evening even after taking bath. The Holy Qur’an abrogated the above law; new commandments are as follows: During menstruation, a woman is absolutely clean by all means except that married women can’t have intercourse; they are exempted from saying the prayer or to keep the Fast. She can cook food, can sit anywhere she likes, can be kissed by her husband etc. In normal days, after intercourse, both husband and wife become clean after taking bath and can say their Prayers, contrary to the Biblical laws. Prophet Muhammad ι said: I (Muhammad, ι) am just like a father for you people.

Maja, Darmi

Allah is clean and likes clean ones; He is kind and loves kind people. He is generous and loves generous persons; so keep your houses and verandas scrupulously clean. Zaadulmaad, Bazaz O Muslims! Keep your body clean. Always be clean, then your Guardian will keep you healthy. Hajveri Always remain scrupulously clean so that you may have a longer life; wash your body and hair well, because there is dirt at the root of every hair. Gilani Allah has based Islam upon purity and cleanliness. Only those will enter Paradise, who are clean and pure. Mishkat In the sight of Allah, the best virtues of a believer are to wear clean dress and be content with minimum provisions. Madaraj an-Nabawwat O people! Keep your dresses scrupulously clean, manage your hair with comb, keep your teeth clean with brush and be smart; the people of Israel did not observe this commandment so their women became adulteresses. Nehjal Fasahat Cleanliness is half of the religion.



99 It is right of Allah upon every Muslim to take bath once a week (at least) and wash his hair and the body. Abu Dawood A Prayer said after brushing the teeth excels by seventy degrees from the Prayer without brushing. Baihaqi Five things are acts of the prophets: To practise modesty, to show patience, to cut hair, to brush teeth and to be perfumed. Ten things are from nature; to cut moustache; to grow beard; to brush the teeth; to clean nose; to cut nails; to wash roots of finger; to cut hair of armpit; to cut hair below navel; to use little water after call of nature. Muslim Wash your clothes; arrange your hair; brush your teeth and be neat and clean because sons of Israel did not do these things so their women became adulteresses. Abu Dawood Verily, Islam is pure, so be purified because none will enter the Paradise except the pure ones. Nisai Verily Allah is Graceful and loves grace, He is Generous and loves generosity, He is clean and loves cleanliness. Nisai Brushing purifies the mouth and is dear to Allah.


Had I not thought it a hardship for my followers, I would have commanded them to brush before every Prayer. Tirmzi Change the old age (by hair colour to look smart) and do not be like the Jews. Nisai Whoso has hair, he should keep them with respect, (i.e. well-arranged) The best thing to change oldness is henna and indigo leaves.

Tirmzi, Nisai



Chapter 20 OF GREETINGS In the Holy Qur’an, we have the following verses which give instructions to the Muslims to greet and bless each other; this increases mutual love and affection. But when ye enter houses, salute one another with a greeting from Allah, blessed and sweet. Thus Allah maketh clear His revelations for you, that haply ye may understand. An-Noor 24:61 86. When ye are greeted with a greeting, greet ye with better than it or return it. Lo! Allah taketh count of all things. Al-Nisaa 4:86 27. O ye who believe! Enter not houses other than your own without first announcing your presence and invoking peace upon the folk thereof. That is better for you, that ye may be heedful. An Noor 24:27 The Holy Bible does mention to say salaam (Shalom) at the time of meeting, but the Holy Qur’an is more precise and elaborating and an advancement. The Holy Qur’an also enjoins that if a Muslim meets a non-Muslim, then after greetings, he must talk with the well-worded speech and show patience while talking about religious matters, a Muslim must ensure not to say hurting words or to ridicule and not to injure sentiments of the non-Muslims. In the Holy Bible, such commandments are almost absent.

Chapter 21 OF THE ORPHANS The Holy Qur’an gives comprehensive orders for the well-being of the orphans; the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, spoke extensively for good treatment to them; Allah has the highest reward for those who show loving kindness to the orphans. The Holy Bible do not speak about the orphans as comprehensively as the Holy Qur’an does. The commandments of the Holy Qur’an generated a great movement among the Muslims to work for the goodness of the orphans. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, was himself an orphan, and an orphan in fact is his representative. And they question thee concerning orphans. Say: To improve their lot is best. And if ye mingle your affairs with theirs, then (they are) your brothers. Allah knoweth him who spoileth from him who improveth. Had Allah willed He could have overburdened you. Allah is Mighty, Wise. Al-Baqarah 2:220 Prove orphans till they reach the marriageable age then, if ye find them of sound judgment, deliver over unto them their fortune; and devour it not by squandering and in haste lest they should grow up. Whoso (of the guardians) is rich, let him abstain generously (from taking of the property of orphans); and whoso is poor let him take thereof in reason (for his guardianship). And when ye deliver up their fortune unto orphans, have (the transaction) witnessed in their presence Allah sufficeth as a Reckoner. An Nisaa 4:6 The prophet said: The best homes are the one in which the orphans are treated well. If a person puts his hand upon the head of an orphan, then his sins will be forgiven equal to the number of the hair which his hand touched.



Chapter 22 OF THE PARENTS In the Holy Qur’an, there are very strict instructions for the Muslims to obey, and serve their parents, and show great respect to them even at their old age. The prophet Muhammad (ι) said: Parents are your Paradise and the Fire. Paradise is under the feet of your mother. Lord’s pleasure is in father’s pleasure and Lord’s anger is in father’s anger. The best money spent by one is that spent upon the parents and the family. In the Holy Qur’an, we have, And We have enjoined upon man concerning his parents. His mother beareth him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Give thanks unto Me and unto thy parents. Unto Me is the journeying. Luqman 31:14 And We have commended unto man kindness toward parents. His mother beareth him with reluctance, and bringeth him forth with reluctance, and the bearing of him is thirty months till, when he attaineth full strength and reacheth forty years, he saith: My Lord! Arouse me that I may give thanks for the favour wherewith Thou hast favoured me and my parents, and that I may do right acceptable unto Thee. And be gracious unto me in the matter of my seed. Lo! I have turned unto Thee repentant, and lo! I am one of the Muslims (unto thee). Al-Ahqaaf 46:15 Your God has strictly ordained that you shall not worship anyone save He, and always treat your parents nicely, and if any one or both of them reach old age, never say to them a word expressive of disgust nor reproach them, and always talk to them respectfully and bow before them, showing humility and great kindness ; and pray for them, “O God! Show Your kindness to them just as they brought me up with affection and kindness in my childhood.” Bani Israel 17-24 In the Holy Bible, there are strict orders to obey and serve the parents. But unfortunately there are very unfortunate and ugly incidences in the Bible regarding parents. We find sons of Jacob speaking lies to their father after they sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites. Also Jacob’s son Reuben raped his mother, wife of Jacob. Both the incidences greatly hurted Jacob i.e. Israel. Genesis 49:3 David’s son Absalom not only forced his father to flee to save his life after mutiny but also raped his mothers (concubines) publicly. Jesus Christ ordered a man to not to go to attend the funeral of his father. Lot’s daughters intoxicated their father and then intercoursed with him. GENESIS 19:33 The Holy Qur’an is free from mentioning of such incidences which leave a very bad opinion in the minds of the readers.



Chapter 23 WOMEN’S RIGHTS In the Holy Qur’an, the women are given right to work and earn and keep their wealth in their control; they have full rights to decide about their marriages after consultation with their elders and friends, and put preconditions to safeguard their rights, and if they are not satisfied with their lives with the husbands, they can even dissolve their marriage contracts. Women’s have full rights to perform their religious obligations like prayers etc. and can acquire religious as well as worldly knowledge. They can educate the uneducated ones. In the Holy Quran, we have, For men is a share of that which parents and near relatives leave; and for women is a share of that which parents and near relatives leave, whether it be little or much  share is binding legally. Al-Nisa 4:8 Men have right to what they earn.

Al Nisa 4:33

And women have rights likewise men have rights over them in equity; men are a degree superior to women; Allah is the Authoritative, the Wise. Al-Baqarah 2:218 In the Holy Bible, we do not find any such permissions, nor women have any inheritance in the property left by their relatives; they cannot divorce nor it is mentioned in the Bible that it is the divine duty of the husbands to meet all the expenses of their wives and that they are responsible to give protection to them and to secure them from bad persons by accompanying them. In Islam, the maintenance and the protection of women is the prime duty of husbands. Women have a right in inheritance as a daughter, as a mother, as a sister and as a wife.



Chapter 24 OF HEAD COVERING In Islam as well as in Judaism, head-covering by women is practised but the revelations of the Holy Qur’an are more clear while the Holy Bible has not much to say in this matter. Surely, head-covering of women is a sign of honour and nobility and is instrumental for virtuosity. 31. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their beauty only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their beauty save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands’ fathers, or their sons or their husbands’ sons, or their brothers or their brothers’ sons or sisters’ sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigour, or children who know naught of women’s nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their beauty. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that ye may be redeemed. Al Ahzaab 33:31 58. O ye who believe! Let your slaves, and those of you who have not come to puberty, : ask leave of you at three times (before they come into your presence): Before the Prayer of Dawn, and when ye lay aside your raiment for the heat of noon, and after the Prayer of night. Three times of privacy for you. It is no sin for them or • for you at other times, when some of you go round attendant upon others (if they come into your presence without leave). Thus Allah maketh clear the revelations for you. Allah is Knower, Wise. 59. And when the children among you come to puberty then let them ask leave even as those before them used to ask it. Thus Allah maketh clear His revelations for you. Allah is Knower, Wise. 60. As for women past child-bearing who have no hope of marriage, it is no sin for them if they discard their (outer) clothing in such a way as not to show beauty. But to refrain is better for them. Allah is Hearer, Knower. An-Noor 24:58 O wives of the prophet! You are not like any other women if you are Godfearing. Be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease should aspire; and speak decent words. And stay in your houses, and do not dress up seductively like the seductive dressing up of the former days of ignorance, and observe prayer, and pay the Zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. Al Ahzaab 33 Head-covering is meant for young women only because they are sexually very attractive at that age and can attract men of evil minds. So the commandment is meant for the safeguard of the society and to check the spread of immorality. In no manner, it harms the interest of women, nor it is a burden or unfair restriction; rather it is in fact honouring of women. This is a distinctive feature between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim woman. Women dedicated to churches always cover themselves like Muslim women because it is a virtue, an honour.



Chapter 25 THE PRAYER According to the Holy Bible, the prayer to God is led by a Levite rabbi in a specific place i.e. synagogue. Its timings and procedure are absent in the Holy Bible. But in the Holy Qur’an, prayers have been ordained to be performed five times a day at fixed hours, in a manner which the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) taught in the fullest detail. Prayer can be performed in a mosque as well as on any clean place or ground in the world; all places are pure for the prayer. The prayer is the greatest gift of Allah for the humanity which imparts an unimaginable peace, serenity and confidence. For performing the prayer, no leader or priest is necessary, it can be performed alone or in gathering, any Muslim can lead the prayer. This is perhaps the most revolutionary commandment ever. Unfortunately, all other religions are absent from this commandment. 45. Recite that which hath been inspired in thee of the Scripture, and establish the Prayer Lo! the Prayer preserve from lewdness and iniquity, but verily remembrance of Allah is more important. And Allah knoweth what ye do. 46. And argue not with the People of the Scripture unless it be in (a way) that is better, save with such of them as do wrong; and say: We believe in that which hath been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our God and you God is One, and unto Him we surrender. Al-Ankaboot 29:45 130. Therefore (O Muhammad S.A.W.), bear with what they say, and celebrate the praises of thy Lord ere the rising of the sun and ere the going down thereof. And glorify Him some hours of the night and at the two ends of the day, that thou mayst find acceptance. Ta Haa 20:130 Say your enjoined prayers constantly and the middle prayers (i.e. mid-night prayer, Tahajjud and remembrance of Allah in heart, and supererogatory prayers) and stand before Allah obediently. But if you are in danger, say prayer while standing or riding but when you have peace, do the remembrance of Allah the way you have been taught (by prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him), what you did not know. Al-Baqarah 2-239 Verily prayer is enjoined on the believers to be performed at fixed hours. An Nisaa 104 In addition to compulsory five prayers; the Muslims can perform them in the time of distress, adversary or a famine (for rain). When a Muslim dies, the Muslims perform a collective prayer for the deceased and pray for his forgiveness to Allah. Prayers are performed to fulfill a vow. Thanksgiving prayers are performed after a person is bestowed with some goodness. After the prayer, a Muslim experiences a great felling of satisfaction and fellowship with Allah and absence of spiritual vacuum. The Most religions of the world do not have such an elaborate system of prayers. During prayer, a Muslim reminds himself that he will be questioned and repayed for his deeds; also he commits and self-suggests to follow the righteous path of the prophets and the virtuous people and seeks Allah’s help for His guidance and power. This is undoubtedly, the most effective way to acquire good character, and to save himself from following the life of obscenity and immorality. Show humility and meekness so much so that none of you shall show pride nor commit transgression. Mishkat


105 The true path is between the two extremes, that is moderation which is the best of all. Nehjai Fasahat Allah loves a person who keeps in mind the consequence of his deeds at the time of his low desires, and selects the right path from the doubtful one. Nehjai Fasahat A wicked man is he who follows his self and then hopes from Allah. Allah has said, “O son of Adam! Make your heart peaceful and free and then come to worship Me, then I will fill your heart with contentment, serenity and peace; but if you will not do so, then I will fill your hands with occupation.” Ahmed, Maja Men who do Allah’s remembrance as compared to the negligent ones are like a lamp in a dark house. Mastadrik Say the Prayer five times; keep the Fast (of Ramadhan) for one month; pay the Zakat from your wealth; obey what you are commanded then enter the Paradise of your Lord. Ahmed − Tirmzi When you stand for your Prayer, then ask the Prayer forsaking everything (except Allah); and do not utter for which you ought to apologize tomorrow. Ahmed Verily, an angel from Allah calls at the time of every prayer; O sons of Adam! Rise up to extinguish that Fire which you lit for yourselves (by your sins) by saying the prayer. Whoso says the prayer, knocks at the door of the King; when door is knocked repeatedly, it will be surely opened for you. Nehjal Fasahat Tell me, if there is a canal near to your door and you take bath in it five times a day, will there be any dirt upon you? The people said: Nothing from the dirt will be left. This is exactly the simile of praying for five times, Allah cleanses away the sins due to Prayers. Bokhari, Muslim The difference between a believer and a nonbeliever is forsaking the Prayer. Muslim − Tirmzi − Maja − Nisai − Ahmed Religion is an easy way. Never a person becomes hard (excessively) in religion, but he is burdened by it. So be moderate, act according to your strength, be happy and seek help (from Allah) in morning and evening and in a part of night. Bokhari Say prayer as though you are looking at Allah and if you cannot do it, then imagine that as if Allah is looking at you and be fully attentive towards Him and do not look hither and thither. Miskhat When you are praying, you are talking to Allah, and when a person looks here and there, Allah says, “Where do you look? Is there someone better than Me in your sight? look towards Me;” Allah says it a second time too; but on the third occasion Allah turns way from him. Gilani Remember Allah the way you remember your fathers, even more than that, Al-Baqarah 2:201 O you who believe! Let not your wealth nor your children divert you from Allah’s remembrance; and whoever does so these are the losers. Al-Munafiqun 63:10) today.

Say prayers with such enthusiasm as if you are dying and leaving the world Ahmed, Mishkat On the Day of Judgement, the first questioning will be regarding the Prayers. Mishkat


106 Praising and eulogy are the best hours of believers. Prayer has a healing power too.

Madaraj-un-Nabawat Maja

Do not say your prayers all the night but say a prayer at night and then sleep too; so keep a fast and remain without fast too, because your body has a right over you, your eyes have a right, your guests have a right, your wife has a right too. Mishkat A person who does remembrance of Allah as compared to the one who does not do remembrance is like a living man and a dead man, or a green tree among dry grass or a fighter among the deserters. Ghazali Allah says: When a man does remembrance of Me, I am with him; when he does remembrance in his heart, I do his remembrance in My heart. Bokhari

Chapter 26 THE FASTING As it will be seen hereunder, the Holy Qur’an gives a clear order regarding fasting. In the Holy Bible, though word fasting do appear, but any revelation about the fasting, its time, its procedure and other details are missing, the most Jews and the Christians keep fast according to different traditions; it seems that original divine commandment is lost. The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, (let him fast the same) number of other days. Allah desireth for you ease; He desireth not hardship for you; and (He desireth) that ye should complete the period, and that ye should magnify Allah for having guided you, and that ye may be thankful. Al-Baqarah 2:185 And eat and drink until the whiteness of the day becomes distinct from the darkness of the night at dawn, then keep the fast till night (sunset). Al-Baqarah 2:188 In addition to fasting during Ramadhan, Prophet Muhammad ď „, would fast on other days too, nearly for 150 days in a year. Fast is intended to achieve piety and self-control and also to develop feelings for those poor ones who are hungry and deserve immediate attention. Also it is an annual exercise for the Muslims to rejuvenate their faith. During fast, a Muslim is forbidden to indulge in any sexual activity, and shun all sins, open or secret, small or big, and control his tongue and low desires.



Chapter 27 OF REPENTANCE Although, repentance is ordained in the Holy Bible, but in the Holy Qur’an, it is much more elaborate and stressed in a more effective way. Hereunder are some verses from the Holy Qur’an: 53. Say: O My slaves who have been prodigal to their own hurt! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, Who forgiveth all sins. Lo! He is the Forgiving the Merciful. Az-Zoomar 29:53 O ye who believe! Turn unto Allah in sincere repentance! It may be that your Lord will remit from you your evil deeds and bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, on the day when Allah will not abase the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their light will run before them and on their right hands; they will say: Our Lord! Perfect our light for us, and forgive us! Lo! Thou art Able to do all things. At-Tahreem : 66 17. Forgiveness is only incumbent on Allah toward those who do evil in ignorance (and) then turn quickly (in repentance) to Allah. These are they toward whom Allah relenteth. Allah is ever Knower, Wise. 18. The forgiveness is not for those who do ill-deed until, when death attendeth upon one of them, he saith Lo! I repent now; nor yet for those who die while they are disbelievers. For such We have prepared a painful doom. An-Nisaa 4:17 Every man has weakness and commits mistakes; Allah will take an account of all sins on the Day of Judgment. Allah loves to forgive all sins when a man asks forgiveness of sins. But penitence is not for those sins which are committed by a man against fellow men and women or against society. Allah forgives all sins which are committed against Him, but not those which are against Human Rights. For excesses committed against men, one must compensate the one against whom wrong was done and get forgiveness from him or her. When a man says, “I ask pardon from the Holy Lord save Whom there is no god worthy of worship, and is Ever-living and Self-Sufficient and I bow to Him, and asks for pardon three times, then all the sins are forgiven even if it be as much as froth over a sea. Gilani Allah has said, “O Son of Adam! If you come to Me for pardon with as many sins as fill the earth, even then I will forgive you.” Tirmzi, Mishkat A person commits a sin and then says, “O Allah! I have committed a sin, please forgive me,” then Allah says, “So My devotee knows that he has a Lord Who forgives sins and has a power to reckon him for sins! I forgive My devotee.” Bokhari, Muslim Allah says, “You people are sinners except the ones whom I save from sins, only they can be safe from sins; ask from Me forgiveness, I will forgive you; whoso asks forgiveness from Me having faith that only I have the power to forgive, then I surely forgive. O My devotees! You are astray, except those whom I guide, so ask guidance from Me, then I will guide.” Bokhari, Muslim, Ahmed, Tirmzi, Maja Allah is more loving to a man than a mother is to her child.

Bokhari, Muslim

When a man asks for forgiveness, Allah is happy like a person who finds his animal, with food, water and other provisions in a wilderness disappeared on awakening, and after a hectic search he lies down under a tree without hope, waiting for death and falls asleeps while aggrieved, but on getting up, he finds that his faithful animal is standing near the tree, what do you think how happy he will be? So likewise Allah is happy with that man who asks forgiveness. Bokhari, Muslim



Chapter 28 ZAKAT, ALMS AND CHARITABLE SPENDINGS The Holy Qur’an is very elaborate regarding charitable deeds while the Holy Bible does not give comprehensive orders regarding charity. No doubt, charity is practised in all the religions of the world, but in Islam, it is distinctively wonderful and modern. 10. And spend of that wherewith We have provided you, before death cometh unto one of you and he saith: My Lord! If only thou wouldst reprieve me for a little while, then I would give alms and be among the righteous. 11. But Allah reprieveth no soul when its term cometh, and Allah is Informed of what ye do. Al-Moonafe.qoon, 63:10 262. Those who spend their wealth for the cause of Allah and afterward make not reproach and injury to follow that which they have spent; their reward is with their Lord, and there shall no fear come upon them, neither shall they grieve. 263. A kind word with forgiveness is better than alms-giving followed by injury. Allah is Self-Sufficient. 264. O ye who believe! Render not vain your almsgiving by reproach and injury, like him who spendeth his wealth only to be seen of men and believeth not in Allah and the Last Day. His likeness is as the likeness of a rock whereon is dust of earth; a rainstorm smiteth it, leaving it smooth and bare. They have no control of aught of that which they have gained. Allah guideth not the disbelieving folk. 265. And the likeness of those who spend their wealth in search of Allah’s pleasure, and for the strengthening of their souls is as the likeness of a garden on a height. The rainstorm smiteth it and it bringeth forth its fruit twofold. And if the rainstonm smite it not, then the shower. Allah is Seer of what ye do. Al-Baqarah 2:262 270. Whatever alms ye spend or vow ye vow, lo! Allah knoweth it. Wrongdoers have no helpers. 271. If ye publish your alms giving, it is well, but if ye hide it and give it to the poor, it will be better for you, and will atone for some of your ill deeds. Allah is Informed to what ye do. Al-Baqarah 2:270 92. Ye will not attain unto piety until ye spend of that which ye love. And whatsoever ye spend, Allah is Aware thereof. Al-Imran 3:92 22. And let not those who possess dignity and ease among you swear not to give to the near of kin and to the needy, and to fugitives for the cause of Allah! Let them forgive and show indulgence. Yearn ye not that Allah may forgive you? Allah is Forgiving. Merciful. 23. Lo! as for those who slander chaste innocent believing women, cursed are they in the world and the Hereafter. Theirs will be an awful doom. An-Noor 24:22 38. So give to the kinsman his due, and to the needy, and to the homeless. That is best for those who seek Allah’s Countenance. And such are they who will have salvation. Al-Room 30:38 The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those officiating to collect, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled, and to free the captives (i.e. slaves), and for those in debt, and for Allah’s cause and for a homeless (wayfarer) person, it is an imposed duty from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, Wise. At Tauba 60


109 Charitable spending in Islam may shortly be enumerated as under: 1. The foremost right is of the parents if they are needy, then all the family members i.e. wife, children, servants and all dependents have the greatest right. 2. Then the greatest right is of sisters, brothers, near relatives, neighbours. 3. Then the poor and needy persons, the homeless ones, the orphans, the widows have the right. 4. Then the captives, the slaves, those in debts or those who suffered sudden loss have rights. 5. Then those busy in religious or social activities and are needy have the right. 6. For new Muslim converts, special care with money must be taken. There are spendings which have everlasting reward from Allah, even after death. 1. To dig a well or a stream for general public use. 2. To build shelter house for the needy ones, passengers, homeless ones. 3. To plant trees for the benefit of the people. 4. To write book, to give education and to build schools. 5. To build a mosque or any institution e.g. hospitals, schools, old age homes etc. which are beneficial for the public. Allah, in the Holy Qur’an, demands from the Muslims to give the best things to the needy ones as the poor man’s hand is in fact Allah’s hand; a poor man is Allah’s representative which He sends to the rich ones to test their regard and love for Him.



Chapter 29 OF INTOXICANTS The Holy Qur’an puts a complete ban upon the use of intoxicants, but the Holy Bible stops its use only at the time of prayer; Levities are especially forbidden to use it as they perform religious services. Ban on the use of intoxicants is a very worthy commandment of the Holy Qur’an, as its use leads to may social as well as health problems and thus its use is greatly undesirable. 90. O ye who believe! Liquor and gambling and idols and divining arrows are only an infamy of Satan’s handiwork. Refrain from it that you have salvation. 91. Satan seeketh only to cast among you enmity and hatred by means of intoxicants and gambling and to turn you from remembrance of Allah and from (His) Prayer. Will ye not then refrain. Al-Maeedah: 5:90 Gambling is forbidden in the Holy Bible as well as in the Holy Qur’an; gambling is perhaps one of the grievest evils of the present age; men spend trillions of dollars on it each year. Gambling has destroyed home lives of millions and it is on the increase with the passage of time, in all over the world. Money spent upon intoxicants and gambling were if used for the poor people, then no one will be homeless and sleep hungry or be without education. Prophet Muhammad ι said: Drinking is the key of all wickednesses.

Maja, Mishkat

Drinking is a sum of all the sins and the root of all the evils. Beware of drinking; it is precursor of a large number of sins; just as trees grow from another tree, likewise, evils grow from the evil of drinking. The simile of drinking is that evils are locked in a house and drinking is the key of it. Maja, Nehjai Fasahat Anything which intoxicates in larger quantity, its smallest quantity is also forbidden. Ahmed. Tirmzi, Dawood A person who drinks, Allah does not accept his prayers for forty days. If he asks for pardon He accepts it, but on the fourth occasion, even the pardon is not granted. Mishkat, Tirmzi, Maja, Nisai, Darmi



Chapter 30 OF JUSTICE In both the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Bible, practice of justice is stressed. But in the Holy Qur’an, the stress is put exhaustively, maintaining that justice be shown to non-Muslims as well without prejudice. All the Muslims and the non-Muslims are equal before the law. Hereunder are the verses from the Holy Qur’an: 8. O ye who believe! Be steadfast witnesses for Allah in equity, and let not hatred of any people seduce you that ye deal not justly. Deal justly, that is nearer to piety. Fear Allah. Lo! Allah is Informed of what ye do. 9. Allah hath promised those who believe and do good works. Theirs will be forgiveness and immense reward. 10. And they who disbelieve and deny Our revelations, such are rightful owners of hell. Al-Maeedah 5:8 135. O ye who believe! Be ye staunch in justice, witnesses for Allah, even though it be against yourselves or (your) parents or (your) kindred, whether (the case be of) a rich man or a poor man, for Allah is nearer unto both (than ye are). So follow not passion lest ye lapse (from truth) and if ye lapse or fall away, then lo! Allah is ever Informed of what ye do. 136. O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Scripture which He hath revealed unto His Messenger, and the Scripture which He revealed aforetime. Whoso disbelieveth in Allah and His angels and His Scriptures and His Messengers and the Last Day, he verily hath wandered far astray. An-Nisaa 4:135 It is a fundamental right of all men to get justice with equity; a community without justice cannot survive and dooms for destruction. That is why the Holy Qur’an puts so much stress for maintaining of justice. Hereunder are observations of some prominent people: “I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of the Qur’an which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness.” (Napoleon Bonaparte in “Bonaparte et I, Islam.” Paris by Cherfils). “Sense of justice is one of the most wonderful ideals of Islam, because as I read in the Qur’an I find those dynamic principles of life, not mystic but practical ethics for the daily conduct of life suited to the whole world. (Sirojini Naidu, Lecture on “The ideals of Islam” vide Speeches and Writings of Sirojini Naidu, Madras 1918).



Chapter 31 INSTRUCTIONS FOR KNOWLEDGE AND PONDERING In the Holy Qur’an, we find many verses which invite men to ponder into the nature and to observe the works of the Creator, Allah, so that the believers may strengthen their beliefs, we have no equivalent of such verses in the Holy Bible. Hereunder are some of such verses: And surety in the cattle there is a lesson for you. From what is within their bellies, between the excretion and the blood, We produce pure milk for you which is pleasant for the drinker. Al-Nahl 16:67 And of the fruits of the date-palms and the grapes, from which you make intoxicating drink and get good food. Verily, in that there is a Sign for those people who make use of their intelligence. Al-Nahl 16:68 And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colours. Surely, in that are Signs for the men of knowledge. Al-Room 30:23 And among His Signs is that He shows you the lightning for a fear and for a hope, and He sends down rain from the sky and with it gives life to the earth after its death. Surely, in that are Signs for intelligent people. Al-Room 30:25 See you not that Allah sends down rain from the sky? Therewith We then bring out fruits of different colours. And in the mountains are streaks white and red, of various shades of colour and others roven black. And also amongst men and beasts and cattle are various colours likewise. Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants who are scholarly. Verily, Allah is Mighty, Forgiving. Al-Faatir 35:29 This is a Book which We have revealed to you, full of blessings, that they may ponder over its verses, and that those gifted with insight may take advice. Then exalted be Allah, the True King! And be not impatient for the Qur’an (i.e. revelation) before its revelation is completed unto thee, and pray: O my Lord, increase my knowledge. Ta Ha 20-115 O people! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection, remember that I created you (in the beginning) from the dust, then from a small sperm-drop, then a clot, then a lump of flesh which is partly formed and partly formless, so I remind you (of your origin); and for whom I wish, I keep him in the womb till an appointed time and then I bring him forth as a baby and thereafter he becomes a mature person; some die early and others reach abject age which is the worst part of life when he knows and then he does not know (man loses sense of good thinking at a very old age and becomes forgetful). Also you see a piece of land lifeless, then wherever I pour rain, it stirs and swells and puts forth every lovely kind of herbage. This is because Allah is the Truth and He is the One Who gives life to dead and He has full power over everything. All the more, surely without doubt, the Hour will come, and because Allah will resurrect all those who are in the graves. Al-Hajj 22-6 And your God is only One God, there is no god but He, the Beneficent and the Merciful. Verily, there are miracles for the people who are intelligent, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of the night and the day, and the ships that sail in the sea with that which are useful for men; and in the rain that Allah sends down from the sky, then gives life to the earth with it after its death, and scatters herein all kind of animals, and in the change of the winds and the clouds made subservient between the heaven and the earth. Al-Baqarah 2:164


113 Verily, there are Signs for men of understanding in the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of the night and the day. They are regardful of Allah all the time, standing and sitting and lying on their sides, and ponder over the creation of the heavens and the earth, (and pray) “O our Lord! You have not created this in vain; glory be to You! Save us then from the chastisement of the Fire. Al-Imran 3:191 It is Allah indeed Who causes the grain and the date-stone to sprout, He brings forth the living from the dead (as plants from seeds, and birds from eggs) and the dead from the living. Such is Allah. How are you then misled? He is the cleaver of day break, and He has made the night for your rest, and the sun and the moon for reckoning time. This is the decree of the Mighty, the Knower. And He it is Who has created for you the stars so that you may guide your course with their help in the darkness of the land and the sea. See! I have explained My Signs for people of knowledge. And He it is Who has brought you into existence through a single soul and then there is a home and a repository. See! I have explained My Signs for people of understanding. And He it is Who pours down rain from the heaven, and then brings forth through this water, vegetation of every kind, also I create through it, green foliage (trees) wherefrom I bring forth the thick-clustered grain, and from the date-palm, out of its pollen, spring pendant bunches hanging low, and gardens of grapes and olives and pomegranates, alike and unlike (in shape and taste). Look at the fruit when they bear it and observe its spectacular stages of ripening, indeed there are Signs in it for the people who believe. Al-Anaam 6:96 He it is Who made the sun emit a brilliant light and the moon a light and decreed stages for it that you might know the number of years and the reckoning. Allah did not create it but with purpose, He makes His miracles manifest for the men of knowledge. Indeed, in the variation of the night and day and what Allah has created in the heavens and the earth, there are proofs (of a creator, Allah) for God-fearing people. Yunus 10:6 Say, ‘Who gives you sustenance from the heaven and the earth? Or who controls the hearing and the sight? And who brings forth the living from the dead and creates the dead from the living? And who is schemer of all affairs?’ They will admit, ‘Allah’. Then say, ‘Will you not then fear Him?’ Yunus 10:32 Allah is He who raised the heavens without any visible pillars and then He took His Seat of power, and He made the sun and the moon subservient to you; each one pursues its course until an appointed term. He plans it all, He clearly manifests to you His miraculous power that you may have a firm belief in the meeting with your Lord. And He it is Who spread out the earth and made in it mountains and rivers; and He created two sexes in all the fruits; He causes the night to cover the day, most surely there are many miracles in this for men of philosophy. And in the earth, there are tracts side by side and gardens of grapes and corn-fields and date-palms having one root and sometime having more than one root, they are watered with same water, yet I make some of them excel others in fruit, no doubt, there are proofs (of God) in this for people who are intelligent. Ar-Ra.ad 13:3) Surely there are hidden miracles for such people who take heed, in the things which He has created for you in the earth, varying in colours. And He is the One Who has made the sea subservient to you so that you may eat fresh meat therefrom and bring forth from it ornaments which you wear. Al-Nahl 16:14 And surely in the cattle, there is something to ponder for you. I give you to drink of what is in their bellies, from betwixt the refuse and the blood, pure milk pleasant to the drinkers. And of the fruits of the date-palm and grapes, you obtain from them intoxicating and goodly provisions, most surely there is proof (of powers of Allah) in this for intelligent people. And your Lord inspired the bee, saying, “Make hives in the mountains and in the trees and in the trellises which they build. Then eat


114 of all the fruits and follow the way of your Lord submissively.” There comes forth a beverage of many colours from their bellies, in which there is healing for mankind, most surely there are miracles in it for thoughtful people. Al-Nahl 16:67 Do you not see that Allah is He Whom all who are in the heavens and the earth glorify and the birds with their wings expanded? Each one knows its own way of worship and glorification, and Allah is fully aware of their deeds. The kingdom of the heaven and the earth belongs to Allah, and to Allah shall everything return. Do you not observe that Allah drives along the clouds, then gathers them, then piles them up, so that you see the rain coming forth from their midst? He sends down from the heaven mountains (i.e. clouds) wherein is hail and He smites therewith whom He desires and protects from it whom He desires; the flash of His lightning almost takes away the sight. Allah alternates the night and the day, most surely there is a lesson in this for the people with insight. Allah has created every living creature from water; there are some of them that move on their bellies, and there are some which walk upon two feet, and there are some which walk upon four; Allah creates what He desires; most surely Allah has power over all things. Indeed, I have manifested clear miracles, and Allah guides whom He desires to the straight path. An-Noor24-42 And He is the One Who has made the two seas to flow, one palatable and sweet, and the other saltish and bitter; and between the two He has formed a barrier and an inviolable partition. Al-Furqan 25:54 Is it not He Who created the heavens and the earth and sent down water from the heaven for you, wherewith I cause to grow beautiful gardens whose trees were not in your power to grow? Al-Naml 27:61 Do you not observe that Allah has made subservient to you everything in the heavens and the earth, and has accomplished to you His favours open and hidden? Luqman 31:21 Does not a man observe that I created him from a mere life-germ? And lo! he disputes openly and coins parables about Me and forgets his own origin; and says, ‘Who will give life to the bones when they are rotten?’ Say to them that they will be given life by the same One Who created them the first time and He is Knower of all the processes of creation; He Who creates fire for you from the green trees with which you kindle from it. Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create again the like of them? Why not! when He is the Supreme Creator and the AllKnowing. When He decides to do anything He just says, ‘Be!’ and that happens instantly. Therefore Glory be to Him in Whose hand is the kingdom of all things and to Him shall all return. Yasin 36:78 Hereunder are remarks of some eminent Western scholars: “If the Greek was the father, then the Arab was the foster-father of the scientific method of dealing with reality.” (H. G. Wells, The Outline of History, London 1920) “It (Qur’an) has created an all but new phase of human thought and a fresh type of character”. (Rev. J. M. Rodwell, The Outline of History, London 1920) “The Koran did not contain a single statement that was assailable from a modern scientific point of view”. (Dr. Maurice Bucaille, The Bible, The Koran and Science).



Chapter 32 COMMANDMENTS ABOUT REVENGE In the Holy Bible, it is commanded to take revenge equal to the harm done to the one, but Jesus Christ asked his followers not to take revenge and if someone slapped on one cheek, offer the other one. But the Holy Qur’an commanded its followers that though one has a right to take revenge equal to the hurt, but forgiveness is more dear to Allah and that if one tries to reform the wrongdoer, then it is an excellent deed. The following verses throw a good light upon the above claim: And those who, when a great wrong is done to them, defend themselves. And the recompense of an injury is an injury the like thereof. But whoso forgives and acts to reform (the wrongdoer), his reward is with Allah. Surely, He loves not wrong-doers. Al-Shooraa 42:39, 40 If you want to take revenge, then punish with the like of that wherewith you were inflicted. But if you show patience, surely it is better for the patient ones. Al-Nahl 16:126 The good deed and the evil deed are not alike. Repel the evil deed with one which is good, then lo! Between whom and thee was enmity will become as though he was a warm friend. Haa Meem Sajdah 31:34 But Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, told that Allah commanded him to send gifts to those who hurted him, indeed the prophet had the best moral character which is not easy to emulate. The Prophet Muhammad (ι) always advised his followers to forgive the offences of their fellow men whenever possible. But once the culprit is brought before the judge for justice, then he has no choice but to decide according to the law. Many people commit crimes because they never received good education or were deprived of their basic needs or committed the offence under the effect of sudden emotional behaviour; such criminals need sympathetic treatment and should be given such punishment so as to reform them, as the Holy Qur’an suggests. But the Holy Qur’an says, and also the science of criminology tells that some men are born rogues and devils; they get enough time and opportunities to reform but to no avail; such people need exemplary punishments to be a lesson for other prospective compulsive law-breakers too for a peaceful civil society, quick enforcement of law is a must. It is a responsibility of a society to reform and educate their prospective evildoers, the Prophet said time and again. But also the people committing crimes against humanity, individually or by organized means, are infact at war with Allah and His Prophet and they must be given the hardest punishment openly according to the Holy Qur’an so that the people can sleep with peace and comfort knowing that they have a strong fiery law to protect them and give them justice. The Prophet Muhammad (ι) hanged the outstanding decoits and killers openly, and cut the hands of renowned thieves to bring a permanent piece in the society successfully. Thus the enforcement of law with love and strong hand is a successful way to achieve peace. Let no hardened criminal go unpunished.



Chapter 33 OF STRIVING AND FIGHT FOR ALLAH, ALJEHAD The Holy Qur’an is unique in this respect that it contains revelations regarding jehad, which are absent in all the Old scriptures; we hereunder cite few of such revelations: You are the best nation raised up for mankind; you enjoin good and forbid evil and believe in Allah. Al-Imran 3:111 And from among you, let there be some association of people who invite to goodness and enjoin the right and forbid the wrong. And it is they who will have salvation.” Al-Imran 3:105 And strive for Allah with the endeavour which is His right. He hath chosen you and hath not laid upon you in religion any hardship; the faith of your father Abraham (is yours). He hath named you Muslims of old time and in this (Scripture), that the Messenger may be a witness against you, and that ye may be witnesses against mankind. So establish the Prayer, pay the Zakat and hold fast to Allah. He is your Protecting Friend. A blessed Friend and a blessed Helper! Al-Hajj 22:78 Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay (frighten) the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others beside them whom ye know not. Allah knoweth them. Whatsoever ye spend in the way of Allah it will be repaid to you in full, and ye will not be wronged. Al-Anfal 8:60 74. Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward. 75. How should ye not fight for the cause of Allah and of the feeble among men and of the women and the children who are crying: Our Lord!. Bring us forth from out this town of which the people are oppressors! Oh, give us from Thy presence some protecting friend! Oh, give us from Thy presence some defender! 76. Those who believe do battle for the cause of Allah; and those who disbelieve do battle for the cause of idols. So fight the minions of the devil. Lo! the devil’s strategy is ever weak. An-Nisaa 4:74 190. Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loveth not aggressors. 191. And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out, of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worser than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Sacred Mosque until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. 192. But if they desist, then lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 193. And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrongdoers. Al-Baqarah 2:190 125. Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and reason with them in the better way. Lo! thy Lord is Best Aware of him who strayeth from His way, and He is Best Aware of those who go aright. Al Nahl 16:125 In the Gospels, we find Prophet John the Baptist and Jesus Christ giving good news to the Jews that the Kindgom of God i.e. Allah’s law, rule, is soon coming on the earth. Consequently, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him was born to


117 accomplish that goal as per prophecy. In the Gospel of Barnabas, Jesus Christ told that the saviour of the world (the Universal Christ) will be born in the family of Ismael i.e. the Arabs, and that he will not be from among the Jews, this furiated the Jews which resulted in the conspiracy to crucify Jesus Christ. Prophet Muhammad, (S.A.W.), declared that he was that promised one and was the prophet for all the nations of the world, and that the Holy Qur’an is that unique book of law for all the world for which the mankind waited for, and that his religion will prevail over all the religions of the world, and that its laws will bring peace, prosperity and happiness to the humanity. Among all the commandments mentioned in the Holy Qur’an which are an advancement as compared to all the old laws; it is a complete code of life, a most outstanding commandment is the commandment to wage jehad. Jehad is to struggle and to strive to establish the just rule of Allah, an ultimate goal of all the religions, and the desire of all the nations of the world. Jehad is to bring about that happiness and prosperity which all the prophets of the past so eagerly prophesied to their hard pressed followers who had suffered at the hands of tyrant kings and crafty, greedy priests, whom both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ condemned with the strongest harsh words. The Holy Qur’an enjoins upon all the Muslims, individually as well as collectively, to wage Holy War against lawlessness, injustice, corruption, iniquity and human suffrage. Allah’s commandments regarding Holy War i.e. jehad demand from the Muslims to use all the powers in their possession, that are, wealth, speech, knowledge and physical power, and finally by armed struggle. Jehad with wealth is to help the poor ones financially and to do all the good works with the wealth as mentioned in the chapter about Zakat for individuals as well as for collective social well-being, and to bring about mutual equality and uniformity lest poverty, which is the root cause of the most social evils destroy the social structure. Jehad with physical force is to hold the hand of the one who commits highhandedness to some weak one and save him from injury. Jehad with arms is to join the army to combat with aggressors and come to help for the weak ones and save them from perishing at the hands of lawless tyrant rulers. To struggle for justice, peace, security are the prime duty of the Muslims; it is this commandment which distinguishes Islam from all the religions of the world. Muslims are enjoined to propagate their religion to other nations and bring about their conversion by peaceful means; followers of no other religion of the past were commanded by Allah to bring about conversion into their religion as all the religions were regional, for a certain community only, Islam’s advent was to bring about unification of all the nations of the world. As our readers would have noticed that the sons of Israel were ordained to capture the promised land by force after killing all the living beings (men, women, children) and burning their properties. But in Islam, killing of non-combatants is forbidden, also the killing of old people, women, children, labourers, priests, injured persons and those combatants who throw away their arms, is too forbidden. In Islam, it is strongly forbidden to wage war for the sake of territorial expansion, or to seek wealth or for women. Allah will reward only those who fight for the supremacy of Allah’s law, all those who fight for fame or for money, or for territory, or for women, or any other cause are the men of Fire, and have nothing to do with Islam.



Chapter 34 OF THE ANIMALS In the Holy Qur’an, some unique verses were revealed regarding the animals to enjoin upon the Muslims to be mindful about treatment towards them. Hereunder is revelation cited from the Holy Qur’an: There is not an animal in the earth, nor a flying creature flying on two wings, but they are communities like unto you. We have neglected nothing in the Book (of Our decrees). Then unto their Lord they will be gathered. Al-Anaam 6:38 Prophet Muhammad, (ι), ordered his followers to give good treatments to the animals as Allah will take an account of this and will give rewards for good treatment and will punish those who maltreat them and neglect their rights. He said that animals should not be beaten, nor injured; they should be given proper food and a place to rest. Animals should not be overworked and be given rest. Animals are communities like human beings and have feelings too. They should not be overburdened; after they return from work, their shackles be immediately removed. Do not kill little animals and birds uselessly. To hit on face of the animal is prohibited.

Chapter 35 LYING FOR GOD In the letter ‘to the Romans’, written by Paul (originally Saul) as present in the Christian’s Holy Bible, we have: “Yet if by reason of my lie the truth of God has been made more prominent to his glory, why am I also yet being judged as a sinner?” ROMANS 3:7 The Holy Qur’an does not accept any lying of this sort to promote a religion; lying about God is a blasphemy even if it is spoken with a good intent.



Chapter 36 COMMANDMENTS AGAINST IDOLATRY Idolatry is strictly forbidden in the Holy Bible as well as in the Holy Qur’an. The followers of the Holy Bible i.e. the sons of Israel, repeatedly resorted to idolatry and enacted marriages with the women of idolatrous nations in spite of God’s stern orders against it; they were punished and enslaved many times, more than eight times, as punishment from God Jehovah. In the Holy Qur’an, the verses against idolatry are very explicit and effective and it stopped the Muslims to resort to idolatry, the like of such verses are missing in the Holy Bible. Hereunder are only some of examples for our readers to understand and observe the beauty of the Holy Qur’an which made Prophet Muhammad’s mission impossible as possible: Unto Him is the real prayer. All those whom they call besides Him, give no reply to their prayers; parable of their prayer is like a man who requests for water with his two hands stretched forth, that it may reach his mouth, water will never reach it, so the prayer of these disbelievers is but a wasted thing. And before Allah, everything in the heavens and in the earth makes obeisance, willingly or unwillingly, and their shadows too in the morning and the evening. Ask them (O Prophet), “Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?” (they will) Say, “Allah,” then ask again (O Prophet), “Then why you have created for Him helpers (false gods) who have no power even to do good or do harm to themselves?” (O Prophet) Ask, “Are the blind and the seeing equal? Or can the light and the darkness be equal? If not, then do they assign to Allah such associates who have created creation like His creation, so that the two creations appear alike to them?” Say, “Allah alone is the Creator of everything and He is the One, the Wrathful.” Ar-Raad 13:15 O Prophet tell them, “Just call those, whom you assert are your gods besides Him, they cannot remove any misfortune from you nor avert it.” Those whom these people call upon are themselves seeking the means of nearness to their Lord, even the nearest ones, and they hope for His mercy and fear His chastisement. Indeed the chastisement of your Lord is a thing to be feared. Bani Israel 17:57 Ask them, “Shall we call and pray those besides Allah which do not have any authority to do us any good or harm?” Al-An.aam 6:72 And He it is Who pours down rain from the heaven and then I bring forth through this water vegetation of every kind and also I create through it green foliage (trees) wherefrom I bring forth thick clustered grain, and from the date-palm, out of its pollen spring pendant bunches hanging low, and gardens of grapes and olives and pomegranates alike and unlike (in shape and taste). Watch the fruit when they bear it and observe its spectacular stages of ripening, indeed there are signs in it for the people who believe. And they call the Jinn the associate with Allah, while He created them and they falsely attributed to Him sons and daughters without knowledge. Glory be to Him and High Exalted is He above what they attribute to Him; what a wonderful Originator of the heavens and the earth! How could He have a son when he has no wife, and He created everything and He has knowledge of all things. Such is Allah your Lord, there is no god but He, the Creator of all things, therefore pray only to Him and He is Supervisor (Caretaker, Guardian) over all things. Vision cannot comprehend Him but He comprehends all visions, and He is Incomprehensible and Well-informed. See, the divine knowledge has arrived from your Lord, whoso understands it, is for his own good and whoso becomes blind, is to his own loss and I am not a keeper over you. Al-An.aam 6:96) O Prophet tell them, “My Lord has surely shown me the straight path, a right religion, the faith of Abraham, the upright one and he (Abraham) was not of the


120 polytheists.” Say (O Prophet), “Indeed my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are only for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. He has no associate, and this is what I have been ordered to believe and I am the first of those who submit.” Further say to them, “What! Shall I seek some other Lord besides Allah, while He is the Lord (Rab, Holy Father) of everything? And no soul acts but is responsible for it, no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another. All will return to your Lord and then He will inform you the truth of that wherein you differed.” Al-An.aam 6:162 Surely, those whom you call for your help besides Allah are just servants like you, just pray to them for something, and if you are true, see if they can fulfil your prayer. Do they have such feet with which they walk, or do they have such hands with which they hold any thing, or do they have such eyes with which they see, or do they have such ears with which they hear? (O Muhammad peace be upon him, challenge them) Say, “Call your associates with God, then struggle you all to harm me and give me no respite. Verily, Allah is my friend, Who has revealed this Book (the Qur’an) and He befriends the righteous. And they whom you pray besides Him have no power to help you nor can they help themselves. And if you invite them to guidance they do not hear even; and you see them looking towards you but actually they see nothing.” Al-A.araf 7:195 These people worship those, instead of Allah, who can neither harm them nor do good to them and they say, “They are our intercessors with Allah,” O Prophet tell them, “Are you telling Allah of something He does not know in the heavens and the earth?” He is Holy, Supremely Exalted above all that what they associate. Yunus 10:19 O Prophet ask them, “Who gives you sustenance from the heaven and the earth? And who has power over hearing and sight? And who creates the living from the dead and creates the dead from the living? And who is schemer of all the deeds?” They will admit ‘Allah’. Then say, “Will you not then fear Him?” This then is Allah, your real Lord. And what is there after discarding the truth but error! Then how are you being turned away? Thus the word of your Lord is proved true against the sacrilegious people that they shall believe not. Yunus 10:29 Ask them O Prophet, “Is there anyone of your associates (of Allah) who can originate the creation and then repeat it again?” Say to them, “Allah alone is responsible for the creation in the first instance and then He will recreate it again, where are you then turned away?” Ask them, “Is there any of your associates (gods) who can lead to the truth?” Say, “Allah is He Who leads to the truth.” Then who is more worthy to be obeyed, He Who guides to the truth or he who cannot find the way unless he is guided? What has happened to you? How do you make conclusions? And most of the people obey nothing except conjectures, and conjectures will surely avail nothing against the reality and indeed Allah has full knowledge of what they do. And this Qur’an is not such a book which could have been created by forgery, by someone other than Allah, but it is a verification of that which was before it, and a clear exposition of the Book and there is no doubt whatsoever that it is revealed from the Lord of the worlds. Yunus 10:35 Our readers can study the Bible, the Gospels, the Avastas, the Vedas, the Puranas, the Ramayana, the Maha-Bharata, the Buddhist Sutras and will find that none of these condemn idolatry so strongly, and so convincingly as the Holy Quran does. But unfortunately, Jesus, Krishna, Rama, Mahavira, Buddha Sakymuni all are being worshipped all over the world. None of them ever claimed to be God, the Creator for the world, none was ever worshipped during their life time; their deification came into being after their deaths  a very hateful act indeed.



Chapter 37 SCIENCE AND THE HOLY QUR’AN The Holy Qur’an is not a book of science but it does invites attention of its readers to many scientific facts in the nature, as well as in Allah’s other created things. Allah calls to men time and again to ponder into His created things and try to find out the beauty and extanct of His powers and then put faith in Him. In the Holy Bible, any such invitation to men to ponder is missing. We hereunder cite some of the examples from the Holy Qur’an to prove our point. 1. In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and the day, there are indeed signs for the men of understanding. Al Baqarah 2:164 Later the men of understanding i.e. scientists found out that it was a ‘BIG BANG’ in a big ball which resulted in the formation of this inverse. The Holy Qur’an has the same or a similar view that there was a commandment from Allah ‘Be’, thereafter the universe came into being; everything was united into one mass and then it transformed into the form of a smoke like mass which separated into the present form in stages. Also the scientists found out that it is the rotation of the earth which causes days and nights; the axis of earth is tilted and also that the earth moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit which causes weather change. 2. And He it is Who spread out the earth and set thereon mountains and rivers; and fruits of every kind He made therein in two sexes. He draws the night as veil or the day. Verily, in these are Signs for the people who reflect. Ar Ra’d 13:4 It is only recently found that fruit-tree have two sexes whose union result in the formation of the fruits and the seeds therein. 3. Allah has mentioned about milk as his bounty; of course the milk is the best drink for human beings, it has good protein, sugar, fat, all the necessary salts and vitamins which are necessary for the growth of human body. Furthermore, Allah asks mothers to feed their children their own milk for thirty months. The latest scientific findings has established that children fed by breast-feeding are more healthy, more intelligent and more immune from diseases. Also mothers have much less chances of breast cancer. Surely, milk is a complete food and has no equal. Al Nahl 16:67 4. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah mentions about Olive. Recent researches have confirmed that no other oil is as good for heart as olive oil is; it is free from bad lipids; it doesn’t increase cholesterol, if used daily carefully, also triglycerides are kept under control by its use. At Teen 2 5. Dates, grapes and figs are mentioned and praised in the Holy Qur’an; all of these are an instant source of energy and have an extraordinary good effect on the health of its users. Al Nahl 16:68 6. In the Holy Qur’an, honey is mentioned with great praise. Honey has different qualities, because bees use different sources of flowers. But all types of honeys have extraordinary wonderful chemicals and sugars sucked by the bees from millions of different flowers; all these constituents have wonderful effects on the health as it provides raw material for processing by the human body to convert into vitamins, hormones, enzymes and energy; it is perhaps nature’s best gift for the human beings. Al Nahl 16:69 7. Allah invites men’s attention to ponder that how trees grow out of seeds, and to observe its different stages of development as well as stages of fruit formation.


122 Now Botany is a great science, and every student of it would realize that there is an extremely intelligent hidden force which controls all the processes of plants life, and that is what Allah’s power is  incomprehensible! Al An.aam 6:99 8. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah invites men’s attention towards animals of diverse forms and colours. Now Zoology is a very developed science. When a student of zoology observes different stages of body formation through a sperm; and after birth, the wonderful changes occur in the body, some transform into different colours and having wonderful patterns of their bodies; birds acquiring beautifully coloured and artistically arranged feathers and shapes etc. etc; one becomes spell-bound and is compelled to exclaim ‘how wonderful are You, O Allah, what a great Fashioner, a Creator, All-Powerful, All-Knowledgeable You are’. Thus a belief of a believer is strengthened by all such observations. Faatir 28, 29 9. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah invites men to investigate, why some fruits and vegetables have different tastes in different regions, their sizes and colours are also different, why? The scientists now tell us that among many other factors, chemical nature of soil and different weather conditions affect it, even if seeds may be the same. Thus Allah manifests His Signs. Al An.aam 99 10. The Holy Qur’an invites men’s attention to ponder how winds move, how clouds move, how windstorms come into being. Now scientists have investigated that it is due to temperature-differential; cold wind is heavier and travels towards that area where temperature is higher and atmospheric pressure is low, when this difference of temperature is excessive, then windstorms may occur. Clouds also move due to this principle. Al Jathiyah 6 11. Men’s attention is invited by the Holy Qur’an to ponder why lightening occurs followed by rain. Now men of science know that clouds have a electric charge; as they came closer, a great spark occur and it may turn into lightening with the release of a great heat. This release of heat results in cooling within the clouds; cooling transforms cloud into rain-drops which fall upon the land. Thus it is a beauty of the Holy Qur’an to invite and exhort its readers to indulge in scientific investigations. Then the Holy Qur’an invites attention to that how rain on a barren land causes the growth of much vegetation. Now we know by investigation that apparently looking barren land has in fact many seeds and inactive roots due to non-availability of water and due to adverse weather. Rain water bring back to life all the dormant lives. Ar-Room 30:23 Al-Jathiyah 6 12. The Holy Qur’an is perhaps the first Book which claims that the earth and the sun and the moon moves in their assigned orbits with precise accuracy. Before Islam, it was thought that earth is flat and stationary while the sun moves around it. Al Baqarah 189 Bani Israel 13 13. The Holy Qur’an has made an astonishing statement that all lives have originated through water. This is now scientifically confirmed that all the chemical actions needed for a life to start can occur only in the aqueous media only. Al Noor 45 14. The Holy Qur’an has mentioned the complete water cycle phenomenon. As water vapours arise from land, rivers and sea, it forms into clouds which travel to the land and the mountains and causes rain. From the mountains, streams and rivers issue and run to the lower portion of the land till these reach the sea. Some water is absorbed in the earth, while other part causes growth of all sorts of vegetation.


123 Absorbed water acts as a reservoir in the earth and can be used by digging wells or taken out by the use of tube-wells. 15. The Holy Qur’an says that mountains are like nails and act to safeguard the earth. It is now known by the scientists that in the past when volcanoes erupted, then lava solidified as mountains over the lava’s escape route. The mountains now acts like a stopper of a bottle, and save the earth from destructibility of the volcanoes. Al Anbiya 32 Al Naba 8 The Holy Qur’an repeatedly exhorts its readers to look into Allah’s creation scientifically. The Holy Qur’an says: Say: O my Lord, increase my knowledge.

Taa Haa 20:115

He grants wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever is granted wisdom has truly been granted abundant goodness; and none would take advice except those endowed with insight. Al Baqarah 2:270 This is a beauty of the Holy Qur’an that it mentions about Allah’s works and His Signs and then invites the people to make a research and ponder into His creation. In the Holy Bible we do not find a single such revelation in which Jehovah’s works are mentioned and then there is invitation to ponder into it. In fact, such beautiful revelation were kept by Allah for His beloved, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, the last Saviour Messenger of Allah. Hereunder are the remarks of some most eminent Western scholars: “To seek knowledge is duty of every Muslim man and woman. Seek knowledge even though it be in China. The savants are the heirs of the Prophets. These profound words of the great reformer are an indisputable contradiction to those who seek and exert themselves in putting the responsibility of the intellectual degradation of Muslims upon the spirit of the Qur’an... they will read that the Prophet incessantly called the attention and the meditation of his people to the splendid marvels, to the mysterious phenomenon of creation.” (Dr. A. Bertherand, “Contribution des Arables an Progress de Sciences Medicates”, Paris 1883). “It is to Mussulman science, to Mussulman art and to Mussulman literature that Europe has been in a great measure indebted for its extrication from the darkness of the Middle Ages.” (Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, “Speeches delivered in India”, London 1890). “We must not be surprised to find the Qur’an the fountainhead of the sciences. Every subject connected with heaven or earth, human life, commerce and various trades are occasionally touched upon. (Hartwig Hirschfeld, Ph. D.M.R.A.S. “New Researches into the Composition and Exegesis of the Qur’an,” London 1902). “One of the most deplorable things in history is the systematic way in which European writers have contrived to put out of sight the scientific obligations of the Arabs.” (H. G. Farmer, “Historical Facts in the Arabian Musical Influence”). “The ancient culture of Greece, Rome and Persia were revitalized by the Arab genius and the Islamic spirit “(A. M. Lothrop Stoddard, “The New World of Islam,” London 1932). “If the Greek was the father, then the Arab was the foster-father of the scientific method of dealing with reality.” (H. G. Wells, “The Outline of History,” London 1920). “It (The Qur’an) has created an all but new phase of human thought and a fresh type of character.” (Rev. J. M. Rodwell, “The Koran,” London 1918).


124 “The Koran did not contain a single statement that was assailable from a modern scientific point of view.” (Dr. Maurice Bucaille. “The Bible, The Koran and Science”). “Europe was darkened at sunset, Cordova shone with public lamps; Europe was covered with vermin, Cordova changed its undergarments daily; Europe lay in mud, Cordova’s streets were paved, Europe’s palaces had smoke-holes in the ceiling, Cordova’s arabesques were exquisite; Europe’s nobility could not sign its name, Cardova’s children went to school; Europe’s monks could not read ‘The baptismal service’, Cordova’s teacher created a library of Alexandrian dimensions.” (Victor Robinson, “The Story of Medicine”). “Many Westerners, accustomed by their history books to believe that Muslims were barbarians infidels find it difficult to comprehend how profoundly our intellectual life has been influenced by Muslim scholars in the field of science, medicine, mathematics, geography and philosophy”. (James A. Michener “Islam The Misunderstood Religion”, in the Reader’s Digest, May 1955.



Chapter 38 UNPLEASANT INCIDENCES ABOUT THE PROPHETS The Holy Qur’an is absolutely free from mentioning of such unpleasant incidences regarding the prophets whose mention leaves a bad opinion and in some cases even degrades their respect. The Muslims are completely unaware of these incidences but the Jews and the Christians are very well aware of these and insist upon its truth. Many Western scholars have made objections to the mention of these incidences as these are liable to affect the character of its readers negatively. Some scholars wished that if such incidences were absent and were expunged by the scribes, it would have been better, as these are only historical facts and are not revelations and are not worthy to become the part of a Holy Book meant for the recitation and guidance of its followers. Hereunder we mention such incidences to explain our point: 1. Jacob played a trick; he put upon the skins of the kids of the goats to look like elder brother Esau, and took a tasty dish to his father Isaac who was blind, to deceive him and receive blessings from him which he intended for his elder brother Esau. GENESIS 26:1 to 29 Jacob, then ran away from the house fearing Esau; Jacob returned after more than fourteen years. 2. Once Esau was extremely thirsty and asked Jacob to give him a drink. Jacob refused to give drink unless Esau forfeited his birthright. Esau succumbed to Jacob’s demand, thereafter he was given the drink. This incidence is certainly not a good example of brotherly treatment. 3. Jacob’s daughter Dinah was abducted and raped by a prince Shechem who later asked Jacob to give her for marriage. The Israelis put a precondition that all nation be circumcised which they accepted. When the whole nation was in great pain, the Israelis attacked and killed everyone as revenge and then migrated to Bethel. GENESIS 34:1 to 35:1 For a crime of one person, the killing of hundreds of innocent men is not understandable. 4. First-born Reuhen forcibly raped his mother Bilhah wife of Jacob. GENESIS 35:22 5. Daughters of Lot intoxicated their father and inter-coursed with him and got pregnant. GENESIS 19:33 6. Judah, forefather of the Jews hired a prostitute and intercoursed with her, she became pregnant and bore twins, Perez and Zerah. Judah later came to know that the harlot was actually his daughter-in-law Tamar who played a trick. GENESIS 38:16 The above three incidences are not worthy of record in a Holy Book for recitation; reputed elders are not presented as good role-models for the followers. An Israeli brought a Midianite woman; Phinehas the grandson of Aaron the priest took a lance and pierced both of them through, the man of Israel and the woman through her genital parts. Numbers 25:6 A man who was collecting pieces of wood on the Sabbath day, the whole assembly pelted him with stones so that he died, just as Jehovah had commanded Moses. Numbers 15:35


126 Jephthah made a vow to Jehovah that if he got victory over the Ammonites, then he will offer for burnt offering that one who comes out of the doors of his house. Incidentally his daughter came out to receive him with tambourine playing and dancing. Jephthah fulfilled his vow. (An extremely sad incidence, for detail see Judges 11-30 to 40) Admitted that above three incidences are historically true, but how are these revelations of God? Are those incidences worthy to find inclusion in a Holy Book? The Holy Qur’an is free from the mention of any such incidence. 7. Samson was a very strong man, a saviour of the sons of Israel, visited prostitutes; fell in love with Delilah, a Philistinian girl who betrayed Samson, cut his hair. Powerless Samson was captured by the Philistinians who pulled out his eyes. Finally Samson died along with large number of the Philistinians. JUDGES 16:30 It looks as if going to prostitutes is not forbidden in the Holy Bible, it is unbelievable. 8. A Levites passed through Gibean during a journey along with his concubine wife. The residents, the Banjaminites, first sought the Levite for sodomy but then agreed to rape the concubine. The concubine died by this mass rape. The Levite told the matter to the sons of Israel who attacked and massacred almost all the Benjaminites. JUDGES 19:22 to 28 9. After massacring of the Benjaminites, the sons of Israel took oath not to give their daughters to them. In order to save the tribe of Benjaminites, the Israelis suggested them to abduct the daughters of Shiloh who had gathered to dance on yearly festival. The Benjaminites made a successful raid and abducted all the girls to make them their wives so that they could ensure their survival as a tribe. JUDGES 20:23 Though the trick was successful, but in no way it is a decent legal way; no one will appreciate it! 10. Prophet David was one of the greatest saviours of the Israelis, but king Saul made numerous attempts to kill David. 1 SAMUEL 19:17 It is an astonishing behaviour of a most thankless person. 11. David saw the wife of his commander of army, Uriah, taking bath in her home, while David was at the top of his palace. He summoned the beautiful Bathsheba and intercoursed with her. When Uriah returned back from his mission, he was immediately sent to an extremely dangerous mission where he was killed. David’s trick was successful, he then married Bathsheba. 2 SAMUEL 11:2 to 27 Sorry to say, this incidence is unbecoming of a most respected prophet. 12. David’s son Amnon tricked his sister Tamar who was a sister of his brother Absalom from other mother, and raped her forcibly. In revenge, Absalom killed his brother Amnon. 2 SAMUEL 13:28 How such a most shameful incidence became a part of such an enlightened revealed book of Allah? 13. Absalom conspired against King David; David went into hiding as the mutiny was successful; Absalom became the new king of Israelis. 2 SAMUEL 16:15 14. After successful mutiny of Absalom against King David, he collected all his mother concubines and intercoursed with them in the public. 2 SAMUEL 16:22 It may be a fact of history, but how it became part of the Holy Bible?


127 15. King Solomon killed his brother Adonijah because he desired to marry Abishag a nurse of King David. 1 KINGS 2:25 One fails to understand legality of this act. 16. It is mentioned that King Solomon started worshipping other gods, being influenced by his wives, many of them were from idolatrous nations. 2 KING 11:4 The Holy Qur’an rejects it outrightly. 17. After Solomon, Jeroboam became the king of the sons of Israel, but the ten tribes of Israel dissociated themselves from Jeroboam, who was the son of Judah. Thus the sons of Israel separated themselves permanently; two states came into existence, a state of Judah and a state of Israel. State of Judah was around Jerusalem, while the state of Israel was in Samaria. Both the residents of these states continually fought among themselves bitterly, and both started the worship of other gods. Due to the practice of idolatry, at last, wrath of Jehovah came and all were enslaved by the king of Assyria; and the King of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar who carried them into the prisons of Babylon. Thus the occupation by the children of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob came to an end after about one thousand years. Moses had clearly told the sons of Israel that when they will follow Jehovah’s laws, they will reside in Palestine, and when they will worship other gods, then they will lose their promised land and will be severely punished and will be dispersed among the nations of the world. 18. During the period of Judges, just after occupying their promised land, the sons of Israel were made slaves for seven times; every time they got freedom after the saviours were born among them. Then came King David and King Solomon; thereafter their decline started till they were enslaved by King Nebuchadnezzar and the Assyrian king. 19. In the Gospels we have, Now his mother and his brothers came, and, as they were standing on the outside, they sent in to him to call him. As it was, a crowd was sitting around him, so they said to him: “Look! Your mother and your brothers outside are seeking you.” But in reply Jesus said to them: “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And having looked about upon those sitting around him in a circle, he said: “See, my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God, this one is my brother and sister and mother. MARK 3:31 When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him: “They have no wine.” But Jesus said to her: “What have I to do with you woman? My hour has not yet come.” JOHN 2:3 Note: The above incidences are not well-worded and give a poor picture of Jesus’ behaviour towards his mother. In contrast, in the Holy Qur’an we have, He i.e. Jesus said: I am a slave of Allah. He has given me the Book and made me a prophet. And He has made me blessed wherever I may be, and He has enjoined upon me Prayer and almsgiving so long as I live. And he has made me dutiful (i.e. kind and obedient) towards my mother, and He has not made me insolent (i.e. arrogant) callous.” MARYAM 19:31 Thus the Holy Qur’an confirms that Jesus was a very obedient son, and was never harsh to his mother. In the Gospels we have,


128 Then another of the disciples said to him: “Lord, permit me first to leave and bury my father.” Jesus said to him: “Keep following me, and let the dead burry their dead.” MATTHEW 8:21 Do our readers think that it is a good social ethics? 21. In Mark 11:15 we find that Jesus started to throw out those who were selling and buying in the temple and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. Such an outburst is not in line with the peaceful character of Jesus and confuses a reader. 22. A Phoenician woman cried “Have mercy on me, Lord, son of David. My daughter is badly demonized.” (Verse 22). In answer he said: “I was not sent forth to any but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Verse 24). Also Jesus said to her: “It is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to little dogs.” This sort of speech is surprising, it shows prejudice and discrimination, which is not acceptable in the modern age. Was Jesus really the same Christ for whom the whole world, generation after generation, waited for? We leave it to our readers to judge? 23. And the Lord said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from the Lord. So he went and took Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim (a prostitute, a whore); which conceived, and bare him a son. HOSEA 1:2,3 24. The Lord ordered prophet Isaiah to take off his clothes and shoes; after that Isaiah walked naked and bare-footed for three years. ISAIAH 20: 2,3 25. Jehovah ordered prophet Ezekiel to bake cake of barley upon dung cakes of human excrement before the people openly. When Ezekiel showed reluctance to eat such an unclean food, Jehovah allowed to cook upon cow’s dung. EZEKIEL 4:12 to 15 Regarding the above three incidences, only God knows the secret behind these. But outwardly, the mention of these is not worthy of inclusion in a divine book, but could have been recorded in the sacred history book separately, as these incidences are not worthy to become a role-model for the people and provide no guidance at all. Actually, these incidences point towards the most rebellious nature and extreme hardheartedness of the sons of Israel whom Allah showed His favours time and again but they were always unthankful. These incidences prove that Jehovah was extremely disgusted with the sons of Israel.



Chapter 39 MUTILATION OF THE GOSPELS In this chapter, we will expose three most daring mutilation of the gospels done by the Christians’ early fathers, only recent findings have brought to light such great frauds which neither the Christians nor the church elders knew. All these mutilation and fraud were done to prove that Jesus was the promised last Prophet of God and that his message was for the whole world. All these corruptions were ingeniously committed but Allah kept the evidences for the truth which our research has made evident in this book. First fraud is inserting of a hymn about the world’s saviour into the gospel of John which was popular among the Jews and the Israelis many centuries before the birth of Jesus. Second fraud is the claim of Jesus that he was a son of God. Jesus categorically denied it. Third fraud is that Jesus admitted himself to be the Saviour Christ of the world just few days before his supposed crucifixion. Gospel of Barnabas expose this fraud, Jesus didn’t approve Peter’s statement, rather he strongly admonished him. FIRST MUTILATION In the recent times the Dead Sea scrolls were found which are the sacred writings before the time of Jesus, peace be upon him. Let us quote from a book “Gnosticism and Early Christianity”, on page 165 line we have, It is almost certainly correct to say that the Dead Sea Scrolls cast significant light on the origin of the Fourth Gospel. It is almost certainly incorrect to claim that they, and they alone, are responsible for the form ‘or “Shape” of Johannine thought. Scholars not obsessed by novelty can still recognise the relevance of the various elements in the mosaic of Johannine Theology — for example, the influence (page 166 line 1) of something like the thought of Philo, the influence of rabbinic Judaism, and even the forms of expression, at least, to be found in the Hermetica and in Gnosticism. The difference between John and the Qumran sectarians can perhaps be seen in the prologue which the Gospel begins. The key to the Gospel of John, at any rate in the form in which we possess, it, is provided by its poetic hymnodic prologue (1:1-18). Most scholars agree that in order to link the prologue with what he is about to say of John the Baptist, the evangelist has inserted remarks about the Baptist into the prologue (1:6-8,15). The rest of the prologue is a hymn of creation and salvation. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God; And the Word was God, this which was in the beginning with God, Everything came into existence through It, And apart from It nothing came into existence, What came into existence in It was life, And the life was the light of men, The light, shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not grasp It, It was the true light, which illuminates every man; It was coming into the world. It was in the world, and the world came into existence through It, And the world did not know It. It came to Its own, and Its own did not receive It.


130 But those who did receive It, To them It gave the power to become children of God. Those who believe in His Name, Those who were begotten, not from human nature (Or from the will of the flesh or from the will of a man) But from God And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, And we beheld Its glory, glory as of an Only-begotten from the Father (Full of grace and truth) For from His Fulness have we all received grace after grace No one has ever seen God; The Only — begotten who is in the Father’s bossom, It made Him known.” In this prologue, John inserted the following, Verse 6. There arose a man that was sent forth as a representative of God: his name was John. Verse 7. This (man) came for a witness, in order to bear witness about the light, that people of all sorts might believe through him. Verse 8. He was not that light, but he was meant to bear witness about that light. Verse 15. (John bore witness about him, yes, he actually cried out — this was the one who said (it) saying: “The one coming behind me has advanced in front of me, because he existed before me”). In addition to verses 6, 7, 8, 15 about John the Baptist, peace be upon him, other insertions we find in the prologue are, Verse 17. Because the Law was given through Moses, the undeserved kindness, and the truth came to be through Jesus Christ. Just imagine what a great fraud had been committed and there was nobody to check them. An old popular hymn was adopted to serve their vested interest. See the absurdity that the prologue admits of John the Baptist bearing witness about ‘that light’ to be Jesus, original rhym never claimed so! “And I have seen [it] and I have borne witness that this one is the ‘Son of God’“ but in Matthew 11:2 (Also Luke 7:18) we have, ‘But John having heard in jail about the works of the Christ, sent by means of his own disciples and said to him “Are you the Coming one, or are we to expect a different one?” Thus in one gospel there is complete recognisation of Jesus, peace be upon him, while in the two other Gospels, John is still in doubt. At least the writers of the gospels should have consulted each other before writing such a fraudulent statement so that they couldn’t have been detected even by a careful examination of the documents. But a fraudulent document always leaves some weaknesses to be detected and this is what Almighty Allah has kept a manifest evidence of corruption in the Gospels for a seeker of the truth. SECOND MUTILATION 13 Now when he had come into the parts of Caes.a.re’a Phi.lip’pi, Jesus went asking his disciples: ‘Who are men saying the Son of man is?” 14 They said: “Some say John the Baptist, others E.li.jah still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15 He said to them: “You, though, who do YOU say I am?” 16 In answer Simon Peter said:


131 “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17 In response Jesus said to him: “Happy you are, Simon son of Jo’nah, because flesh and blood did not reveal [it] to you, but my Father who is in the heavens did. 18 Also, say to you, You are Peter, and on this rock-mass I will build my congregation, and the gates of Ha’des will not overpower it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you may bind on earth will be the thing bound in the heavens, and whatever you may loose on earth will be the thing loosed in the heavens.” 20 Then he sternly charged to disciples not to say to anybody that he was the Christ. Matt 16:13 The above incident is correctly mentioned in the Gospel of Barnabas thus: Jesus departed from Jerusalem after the Passover, and entered into the borders of Caesarea Philippi’. Whereupon, the angel Gabriel having told him of the sedition which was beginning among the common people, he asked his disciples, saying: ‘What do men say of me I” They said: ‘Some say that thou art Elijah, others Jeremiah, and others one of the old prophets.’ Jesus answered: ‘And ye; what say ye that I am!’’ Peter answered; ‘Thou art Christ, son of God.’ Then was Jesus angry, and with anger rebuked him, saying: ‘Begone and depart from me’, because thou art the devil and seekest to cause me offence!’ And he threatened the eleven, saying; ‘Woe to you if ye believe this, for I have won from God a great curse’ against those who believe this.’ And he was fain to cast away Peter; whereupon the eleven besought Jesus for him, who cast him not away, but again rebuked him, saying: ‘Beware that never again thou say such words, because God would reprobate thee!’ Peter wept, and said: ‘Lord, I have spoken foolishly; beseech God that he pardon me.’ GOSPEL OF BARNABAS PAGE 72 THIRD MUTILATION Notice that present gospels say that Jesus approved Peter’s remarks while Gospel of Barnabas exposed that Jesus was extremely angry. 15 Now as the people were in expectation and all were reasoning in their hearts about John: “May he perhaps be the Christ?” 16 John gave the answer, saying to all: “I, for my part, baptize you with water; but the one stronger than I am is coming, the lace of whose sandals I am not fit to untie. He will baptize you people with holy spirit and fire. Luke 3:15 6 Now John was clothed with camel’s hair and with a leather girdle around his loins, and was eating insect locusts and wild honey. 7 And he would preach, saying: “After me someone stronger than I am is coming; I am not fit to stoop and untie the laces of his sandals. 8 I baptized YOU with water, but he will baptize YOU with holy spirit.” MK 1:6. 19 Now this is the witness of John when the Jews sent forth priests and Levites from Jerusalem to him to ask him: “Who are you?” 20 And he confessed and did not deny, but confessed: “I am not the Christ.” 21 And they asked him: “What, then? Are you E.li’jah?” And he said: “I am not.” “Are you The Prophet?” And he answered: “No!” 22 Therefore they said to him: “Who are you? that we may give an answer to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?” 23 He said: “I am a voice of someone crying out in the wilderness, ‘MAKE the way of Jehovah straight,’ just as Isaiah the prophet said.” 24 Now those sent forth were from the Pharisees. 25 So they questioned him and said to him: “Why, then, do you baptize if you yourself are not the Christ or E.li’jah or The Prophet?” 26 John answered them, saying: “I baptize in water. In the midst of YOU one is standing whom YOU do not know, 27 the one


132 coming behind me, but the lace of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie.” 28 These things took place in Beth’.a.ny across the Jordan, where John was baptizing. John 1:19 Wherefore they sent the Levites and some of the scribes to question him, saying: ‘Who art thou?’ Jesus confessed, and said the truth: ‘I am not the Messiah.’ They said: ‘Art thou Elijah or Jeremiah, or any of the ancient prophets?’ Jesus answered: ‘No.’ Then said they: ‘Who art thou? Say, in order that we may give testimony to those who sent us.’ Then said Jesus: ‘I am a voice that crieth through all Judaea, and crieth: “Prepare ye the way for the messenger of the Lord,” even as it is written in Esaias.’ They said: ‘If thou be not the Messiah nor Elijah, or any prophet, wherefore dost thou preach new doctrine, and make thyself of more account than the Messiah f’ Jesus answered: ‘The miracles which God worketh by my hands show that I speak that which God willeth; nor indeed do I make myself to be accounted as him of whom ye speak. For I am not worthy to unloose the ties of the hosen or the latcliets of the shoes of the messenger of God 8 whom ye call‘ “Messiah,” who was made before me, and shall come after me, and shall bring the words of truth, so that his faith shall have no end’. Gospel OF BARNABAS PAGE 44 Present Gospels says that John the Baptist declared Jesus to be the coming one whose shoe lachets he could not untie, but Gospel of Barnabas exposed that it was Jesus who said that coming one is Muhammad ι whose shoe lachets he could not untie. Notice great frauds, mutilations and manipulations.



Chapter 40

HUMAN RIGHTS The Holy Qur’an is the only divine book which has given all aspects of human rights; Prophet Muhammad’s , actions and words are expounder of the teachings of Holy Qur’an. In the next pages, we will quote verses from the Holy Qur’an as well as instructions of the Prophet regarding human rights. We hereunder mention only such aspects which are either absent in the Holy Bible or are not very explicit. ONENESS AND EQUALITY OF ALL THE MANKIND In Islam, all men are equally honourable and dignified, and the difference of colour and race is only for distinction to recognize each other, without any inherent different or superiority. Indeed We have created man with the best measurement.

At-Teen 95:4

Verily We have honoured the children of Adam, We carry them on the land and the sea, and give them provisions of pure things, and have blessed them with a marked preferment more than many what We have created. Bani Israel 17:70 O mankind! We created from one male and one female and have made you nations and tribes that you may recognize one another. Surely, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most virtuous: Verily Allah is Knower, Aware. Al-Hujuraat 49:13 The Prophet  said: O mankind! Your Lord is One, your father is one, all are from Adam and Adam was from dust. Verily, the noblest among you before Allah is he who is the most virtuous. No excellence an Arab has over non-Arab but by his virtues. THE RIGHT TO LIFE In 631 AD Prophet Muhammad  said in his last Sermon: Now O people! Listen to me attentively, I want to tell you everything very clearly, I perceive that may be after this year, you may not meet me again at this place (Makkah). O people! Do you know which month is this? The people replied: This is the sacred month. The Prophet: Verily! Allah has made sacred for you, your blood and your properties till you meet your Lord as is sacred this month for you. O people! Do you know which city is this? The people answered: This is the sacred city (of Makkah). The Prophet: Verily Allah has made sacred for you, your blood and your properties till you meet your Lord as is sacred this city of your. O people! Do you know which day is this? The people answered: This is great day of Hajj. The Prophet: Verily, Allah has made sacred for you, your blood and your properties till you meet your Lord as is sacred this day of yours. The Prophet said: If all the inhabitants of heaven and earth join together to kill a believer, Allah will throw them all into the Hell. The Holy Quran says that ‘the killing of one man is as sinful as killing of all the mankind’.


134 Every man has a right to live in peace with honour. RIGHT TO EDUCATION: The Holy Qur’an says: “And pray: O my Lord, increase my knowledge.”

Ta Ha 20:115

Thus the Holy Qur’an exhorts all men to strive to seek knowledge. Prophet Muhammad ι, too said: It is incumbent upon every Muslim man and woman to seek knowledge. Maja, Darmi The Prophet exhorted his followers to teach those who are illiterate; also illiterate persons should strive to acquire knowledge from others. The Prophet assigned duty to the father to teach his child to learn how to read and write. The Prophet said: Education must start at an early age; help others in education, do not conceal knowledge from each other, as concealment of knowledge is a greater sin than dishonesty in money-dealing. Teach an illiterate one, who in turn should teach another illiterate one, and so on. It is incumbent upon every Muslim man and woman to seek knowledge. Maja, Darmi Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.


Whoso labours for the sake of knowledge, Allah makes his way to Paradise easy. Muslim A scholar excels over a worshipper like a full moon excels the stars. Ahmed, Tirmizi, Abu Dawood, Ibn Maja, Darmi A person who travels for the sake of acquiring knowledge is like a holy warrior till he returns. Tirmzi, Darmi Acquiring of knowledge is penitence for all previous sins.

Tirmzi, Darmi

Striving for more knowledge is better than worshipping more. Baihaqi Do not conceal knowledge from each other, because dishonesty in knowledge is greater sin than dishonesty in wealth. Ahmed, Tirmzi, Ibn Maja, Darmi, An illiterate person should not be content with his ignorance while a man of science should not stop from increasing his knowledge. Mishkat Allah is the Most Generous of all, then I am the most generous among the sons of Adam, after me is the one who acquires knowledge and then publicizes it. Such a man will appear majestically like a king of a nation on the Day of Judgment. Baihaqi The best charitable act is to educate a Muslim brother, and then he too in turn educates another Muslim brother. Mishkat If a man conceals a fact of knowledge which he knows, then on the Day of Judgment he will have a rein of Fire. Mishkat The best of good acts in to get education and then give education to a Muslim brother. Misc. Coll Seek education, in order to get education, cultivate patience and respect in yourself and be humble before the teacher who teaches you. Misc. Coll Do help others in education, do not conceal knowledge from each other; concealment of knowledge is a greater sin than dishonesty in money-dealing. Misc. Coll


135 Be humble before your teacher and also be humble before your students, do not behave like arrogant teachers. Misc. Coll Sit with your elders; put questions to your teachers, and mix up with wise men. Misc. Coll A well-formulated question is half the knowledge.

Misc. Coll

Education in childhood is like a mark on stone while educating an old man is like writing on water. Misc. Coll Among my followers, the best ones are teachers; among the teachers the best ones are kindhearted. A kindhearted teacher will come; on the Day of Judgement, such that his light will glitter everything between east and west like a shining star. Misc. Coll Everything in the world is cursed except Allah’s remembrance, the teachers and the students. Misc. Coll A teacher whose knowledge is beneficial is better than thousand worshippers. Misc. Coll Teachers, scholars are like a lamp on the earth; they are Prophets’ vicegerents and inheritors of me and all the Prophets. Misc. Coll Whoso loves the teachers, he loves me, whoso pays respect to the teachers, he shows respect to me. (i.e. the Prophet) Misc. Coll The teachers and the students constitute mankind, all else are like insects. Misc. Coll This is greatness of Islam that, at a time, when mankind was drowned in the darkness of ignorance, superstitions prevailed and different forces and objects of nature i.e. trees, mountains, sun, moon, stars, wind, lightning, animals etc. were being worshipped as deities, the Holy Qur’an called all these things inferior and subservient to men. The greatest stress was drawn upon science, knowledge and observation of the manifestations of Allah’s powers. This opened for the first time, human mind towards learning and insight. There arose among the Muslims, great interest for art, science and religion. Islam produced great men of learning in about all the fields of science and arts; the main influencing factor being the Holy Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet himself. In the field of Geography, Mr. Yaqut’s Mujam al-Buldan (1179-1229 AD) contains whole geographical knowledge of the age, history, ethnography and natural science. Al Khwarizmi wrote Surat al Ard (Image of the Earth) which is a great book, and served as basis for further geographical researches. Abu Mashar, Al-Farghani and others wrote books on astronomical matters and discussed causation of tides, preparation of calendars, star tables and horoscopes. Al-Zarqali and Abu Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Yahiya (1087 AD) wrote great books about astronomy which were later translated in Latin. Al-Beruni, as we know is counted as one of the greatest men in the field of geography and as a historian. Ibn Batuta (1304-1378 AD) was a great Arab traveller, scholar and historian known to the Westerners too well. In Caliph Mamun’s time, famous astronomers made systematic observations of the celestial objects. They wrote about obliquity of the ecliptic. The precession of the equinoxes, the length of the solar year, measurement of circumference of the earth and its size. This was done at a time when in Europe, according to the churches, the earth was still flat and stationary while the sun circled around the earth. Other scholars determined the exact visibility of the new moon, theory of the earth’s rotation on its axis and determination of longitudes and latitudes; such determinations were blasphemy and heresy among the Christian world. The Muslims also produced great men of astrology like Ali ibn Abi’l Rajal, Abd al Rahman al-Sufi and Ibn Al-Haytham (Alhazen in Latin).


136 In Mathematics, Muslims made great achievements. Al-Khawarizmi was a great mathematician whose works were translated, into Latin, which dealt with Arithmetics, Algebra, Astronomy, through his works the Europeans received decimal notations. He wrote theory of equations of the second degree. Ibn Qurra made great advances in the sciences of trignometry. Al-Khazini developed the idea of equilibrium, of gravity and specific gravities. Al-Battani wrote trignometrical functions and introduced tangents. Abu’l Wafa studied the quadrature of the paraboloid. Habash invented tables of contangents in parts of the gnomon. Al-Kindi discovered the laws of governing a falling body. Al-Farabi developed logarithmic laws while working on music. Umar Khayyam is well-known for his work on Algebra. Nasir alDin wrote a book on spherical trignometry. Thabit bin Qurra worked over integral calculus. Abu’l Abbas Ibn Banna al-Marrakushi (13th century) wrote ‘Summary of Arithmetics Operations’. Ibn Hamzah al-Maghribi (16th century) laid foundation for the invention of the logarithm through the study of numerical series. In addition, Muslims have produced thousands of great mathematicians which are well-known even to the Western world. Their books were a part of the syllabus in the European Universities. Muhammad Ibn Zakariyya al-Razi (Rhazes in Latin) Al-Beruni and Abul Barkat al-Baghdadi were the greatest physicist of their time. Al-Baghdadi studied the acceleration of falling bodies and believed in accelerated motion in contrast to Aristotelian theory. Ibn al-Haytham used balance to measure specific weights of the substances. He fully understood the principles of gravitation and recognised gravity as a force. He knew the relation between the velocities, spaces, and times of falling bodies, and had very distinct knowledge of capillary attraction. The Muslim scholars made great contribution to the question of force and motion and provided the roots for many idea* of Galileo and Newton. In big Pisan Dialogue, Galileo makes use of the impetus theory which owes back originally to John Philophonos and which owes its development to several Muslim figures e.g. Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra, Ibn Haytham developed the important concept of momentum. Ibn Majjah conceived of gravitation as an inner force which moved bodies from within in the same way that the intelligence moved the heavens, his arguments again found their echoes in Galileo. Thabit Ibn Qurrah (9th century) wrote his famous work on the lever. Al-Jazari wrote ‘the Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices’ with beautiful illustrations. Others like Safawid and Ottoman scientists wrote on automata and the working of the machines. In the field of optics, Ibn Haytham (965-1038 AD) is outstanding. He was among the first physicists to investigate the magnifying power of lenses. He demonstrated that the rays of light come from external objects to the eye, and do not issue forth from the eye and impinge on external things as believed by the Greeks. He determined retina as the seat of vision and proved that the impressions made upon it were conveyed along the optic nerve to the brain. He too developed the second law of reflection that the incident ray, the normal and the reflected rays are in the same plane. He made original contributions in the law of refraction such as that a ray of light takes the easier and quicker path. He was the first to demonstrate experimentally that light travels in a straight line. Qutab ad Din al-Shirazi explained phenomenon of rainbow by applying the optics of Ibn Haytham. Al-Qazwini and Bhaskara had studied the phenomenon of the surface tension. The Muslims greatly developed the science of warfare, which brought them great victories in Europe.


137 The Muslim Physicians made a great contribution in the field of medicine. AlRazi (Rhazes in Latin d. 930 AD) was the greatest of his time. He wrote about hundred books on the subject of medical sciences. He was the first to write with authority about smallpox and measles. His work was translated and printed in Latin, English and other European languages about forty times between 1498 AD to 1866 AD. Abu Ali al-Husain Ibn Sina (980-1037 AD) (Avicenna in the West) wrote ‘Canon of Medicine’. It was translated in Latin and was the guide of medical study in European Universities until 1650 AD, The treatise of Ali Ibn Isa of Baghdad and of Ammar of Mosul, were the best text books on the eye diseases until the first half of the eighteenth century. Ibn Khatima (d 1369 AD) wrote about plague which was the last book in the centuries to come. The practice of medicine was regulated in the Muslim world from the 10th century onwards, pharmacists were regulated and the Arabs produced the first pharmacopoeia drug store. Barber shops were even subject to inspection. Mobile hospitals were present in the 11th century. The great hospital of alManaur, founded in Damascus around 1284 AD had different wards for different diseases and a separate ward for surgical cases. There were lecture rooms and a dispensary and kitchens too. Early Muslim doctors had advanced knowledge of blood circulation in the human body. The work of Abul Qasim al-Zahrawi in Kitab al Tasrif, on surgery was translated into Latin. Kitab al-Maliki of Al Mujusi (d 982 AD) showed that the Muslim physicians had an elementary conception of the capillary system. Early Muslims have maintained botanical gardens to cultivate and study rare drug plants. Ibn al-Baytar wrote “the collection of simple Drugs” which is regarded as the greatest Arabic book on botany of the age. He described 1400 medicinal drugs comparing them with the records of over 150 writers before him. Al-Idrisi, the great geographer of the Islamic world, described 360 samples of plants and drug along with a detailed botanical introduction. Abul Qasim Khalaf bin Abbas Al-Zahrawi (Abucasis in Latin) (1013 AD) was the greatest surgeon of his time and his book on surgery was the manual of surgery in many universities of Europe till eighteenth century. Avicenna’s Qanun and the Arjuza became the foundation of all medical knowledge. The Muslims developed both Anatomy and Pharmacy into great sciences. Ibn Khatima composed his theory of contagion regarding plague and other contagious diseases. Ibn Zuhr was one of the great clinician who wrote ‘the Book of Diets’ which is among the best of its kind. Ali Ibn Isa wrote ‘Treasury for Ophthalmologists’. He was also the first person to propose the use of anaesthesia for surgery. Ibn al-Quf’f wrote ‘The Basic Work Concerning the Art of Surgery’. Ibn Rushd’s book on medicine, the ‘Kitab al-Kulliyyat’ (The Book of General Principles, Colliget in Latin) became famous in the West. In the field of Chemistry, Jabir Ibn Hayyan’s (Geber in Latin) name is the most famous about 776 AD). He developed process of evaporation, filtration, sublimation, melting, distillation, crystallization. He produced acids, alkalis, alums, mercury oxides, lead acetate, Aqua regia, salt petre, vitriols etc. Uthman Ibn Suwaid wrote Turba Philosophorum which remained the most popular book in Europe during the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. Al Razi (925 AD) was one of the greatest chemist and a founder of chemistry. He gave description of chemical processes, such as distillation, calcination, filtration and the like. Ibn Sina’s Shifa is well-known even in the West in which he described chemical apparatus even. In the field of philosophy and Theology, the Muslims have produced men like Ibn Rushd (Averroes) and Ibn Sina (Avicenna) who are famous for their treatise about Aristotle’s philosophy. Al-Farabi (950 AD) wrote treatise on ‘the Soul and the. Faculties of the Soul’. Ibn Hazm of Cardova (994-1064 AD) was a great figure of his time and made systematic treatment of the subject of comparative religion. Al-Shahristani (10861153 A.D.) wrote famous ‘The Book of Religion and Philosophical sects’. Fakhar ud


138 Din al-Razi (1149-1209 A.D) was the most outstanding humanist of his time in the centuries to come. Al-Ghazzali (1059-1111 A.D.) was Socrates of the Muslims and wrote treatise on the place of reason as applied to revelation and theological theories. Averroes’ work was taught in the University of Paris for centuries. In the field of Natural History, the Muslims did pioneer works. Ibn Qutaibah’s ‘Uyunal-Akhbar’ (The Most Essential Information) is very well-known while AlQazwini, Al-Dimashqi, Al-Masudi, Al-Jahiz wrote very important books pertaining to the natural history. In the field of Geology, the Muslims paid special attention and fully understood, the gradual character of geological change over a long period of time which had changed the sculpture of the surface of earth. Al-Beruni writes, ‘We have to rely upon the records of rocks and vestiges of the past to infer that all these changes should have taken place over a long period of time and under unknown conditions of cold and heat. (Beruni’s picture of the world in Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India by Z. Validi Togan). Muslim students were also fully aware of the origin of fossils. *The Epistles of the Brethren of Purity’, written in the 10th century A.D. had already described fossils as remains of sea animals which had become petrified in a place which is now land, but which had been a sea in bygone ages. Similarly the Muslim scientists were fully aware of many major geological phenomenon such as weathering, the difference in the degree of resistance of various mountain formations, to the weathering process, the accumulation of sand created by wind and water in their endless action upon rocks, and finally the coming into being of sedimentary rocks through this process. (“Les idees d’Avicenne sur la geologic” Millenair d’Avicenne, Congres de Baghdad 1952, by N. Sate-al-Hosri). Perhaps the most remarkable geological observation ever made by a Muslim scientist, however is Al-Beruni’s identification of the Ganges Plain in India as a sedimentary deposit. You can scarcely help thinking that India was once a sea, which by degrees had been filled up by alluvium of the streams. (Alberuni’s India translated by E. G. Sachan London 1910). In the field of Mineralogy, the Muslim scientists worked outstandingly. AlKindi (ninth century) wrote ‘Treatise on various Types of precious stones and other kinds of stones’ and also ‘Treatise on various Types of stones and jewels’. He also wrote on Metallurgy and the art of making swords, this being the first book of its kind in Arabic. Ibn Sina in his Shifa and Qanun (Canon) wrote about precious stones. AIBcruni combines the philological, medical and even philosophical approaches in his book ‘The Book of the Multitude Knowledge of precious stones’. Works on mineralogy and stones were also written later centuries by many students such as Abul Abbas al-Tifastri, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi. Abu’l Qasim Al-Qasani, Al-Qazwini, Al-Razi, AlJahiz, Al-Dinawari. The book Kitab al-Murshid by Mohammed Ibn Ahmed alTamimi is a major work on minerals, stones and metals and is quoted by later authors. Other prominent figures are Ibn al-Athir, Ibn al-Jauzi and Daud al-Antaki. In the field of Botany, among the earliest scientists is Jabir ibn Hayyan who wrote Ilm al-Hayat (The knowledge of Botany) and Ilm al-Filahah (The knowledge of Agriculture). Ibn Wahshiyyah wrote ‘Nabataean’ (Agriculture). His work also included ancient agricultural practices of the Near East and occult sciences. This work exercised an immense influence upon later Muslim authors and Western scientists too. In the 8th century Abu Nadr ibn Shumail and Abu Zaid al-Ansari of Basra and Ibn al-Sikkit of Kufa collected information about plants. Abu Said AI-Asmari wrote a book called ‘Kitab al-Nabat wa’l Shj’ar’ (The Book of Plants and Trees). In the 9th century Ali ibn Rabban al-Tabari wrote comprehensive book about plants. Hunain ibn Ishaq also wrote about plants and trees but Abu Hanifah al-Dinawari’s ‘Kitab al


139 Nabat’ (The Book of plants) is very outstanding, Ibn Sina in his ‘Shifa’ (Book of Healing) wrote about plants from scientific, pharmacological and philosophical point of view. AI-Beruni in his book at-Saydanah dealt the plants with scientific and pharmacological point of view. Ibn Bajjah wrote two books i.e. ‘The Book of the Two Experiences’ dealt with medicinal properties of the plants while ‘The Book on plants’ dealt, with physiology of plants. Ibn Rushd also wrote ‘the De Plantis’ on this subject. A systematic botanical knowledge was compiled by Ibn al-Awwam, al-Ghafiqi, Ibn Al-Baytar (from medicinal point of view). The 14th century saw encyclopaediacal works on all the sciences, including botany. The encyclopaedias of Al-Qazwini, Shams al-Din al-Nuwairi, Hamdallah Mustawfi, the Tuhfat al-Ajaib (The Gift of Wonders) Al-Juzuli, Umar ibn al-Wardi wrote extensively about plants. These works were translated into Latin and other European languages. In the field of Zoology, Al Jahiz wrote ‘Kitab al Ilayawan’ (The Book of Animals) in which he classified into four categories about 350 different animals. AlKindi, AI-Farabi and Ibn Qutaiba wrote about Zoology extensively. Ibn Sina in ‘Shifa’ wrote about animals describing psychology and physiology. This work was translated by Michael Scott for the West. Ibn Bajjah and Ibn Rushd were other great authors of Zoology. Al Qazwini, Al-Dimashqi, Al Nuwayri, Al-Jildaki, Hamdallah Mustawfi, Al-Umari, Al-Juzuli, Al-Qalqashandi all wrote notable treatise to the study of animals. In the 14th century, Kamal-ud-Din Al-Damiri wrote, ‘The Great Book on the Life of Animals’ which systematized all previous works. Many Muslim scholars and scientists composed works on both veterinary medicines and the use of animals in the treatment of man. Such works were done by Al-Asmai, Abd Al-Mumin Al-Dimyati, Al-Jawaliqi, Ibn Al-Mundhir. In the field of Architecture, the excellence of Muslim architects is beyond question and influenced Christian architecture of the Medieval period. The mosques of Cordova, Cairo, Isfahan, Alhamra of Granada, Taj Mahal of Agra, Great ‘•* Mosque at Samarra, are few well-known examples of excellence of Muslim architects and had profoundly influenced all the European buildings built after 9th century. In the Minor Arts, the Muslim craftsmen excelled in all the fields and were world leaders. The Muslim artisans manufactured pottery, textile products; glazed decorative tiles, metal works, jewellery, cutlery, sword blades, astrolabes, earthen wares, wooden carved furniture, ivory items and others, and perfected themselves in their art and led the world for many centuries and were the inspirer for the Western world when they were just cave dweller barbarians. In the field of History, Ibn Khaldun was the inventor of a new science of History and he completely out-distanced all the historians of the Middle Ages. Other great Muslim historians are Ibn Ishaq, (d 768 A.D.) Ibn Hisham, Al-Baladhuri, AlWaqidi, Yaqubi, Ibn Abi Tahir, Al-Tabari, Ibn Qutaybah, Al-Masudi, Khatib AlBaghdadi, Ibn Al-Athir, Miskawayh, Ibn Khallikan, AI-Maqrizi, Al-Suyuti, AlAndalusi, Ibn Al-Qutiyah, Ibn Hayyan, Ibn AI-Faradi, Ibn Bashkuwal, Ibn AlAbbar, Ibn AI-Khatib. Commenting on the contribution of Muslims to historical and other works Sarton says, “The main task of mankind was accomplished by the Muslims.” In Literature, the Muslims too excelled all the nations of the world. In the words of R. L. Gulick, “It was the Islamic literature of Spain that exercised the most profound influence on European literary development.” Muslims have produced great poets, fable writers, books, touching love and human sentiments. Since early Islam, due to great emphasis which Prophet. Muhammad ι and the Holy Qur’an put upon education and learning, Muslim parents started giving attention towards the education of their children upto the age of six. Children were taught at home; then they were sent to elementary schools attached to the mosques. The greatest stress was upon learning the Qur’an and the Hadith and to learn how to


140 write. For higher education, the students went to private schools established by the scholars. The first important institution for higher education was Bait al-Hakmah ithe House of Wisdom) established by AI-Mamun in Baghdad in 830 AD. There was an academy, a public library and an observatory attached to it. For still higher education, Nizamiyah was established in 1067 AD. It provided all the physic und intellectual needs of the students and, in fact, became a model for later institutions of higher education in the West as well as in the East, All European universities for higher learning were based on the model of the Nizamiyah. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge in England were established on the same pattern (Reuben Levy, A Baghdad Chronicle, Cambridge 1929). Nizamiyah type institutions of higher learning were established in all cities of the Muslim World, including Spain. The basis of the curriculum in all these institutions was the science of Hadith and the Qur’an, but other scientific subjects were also taught. According to Hitti in the History of Arabs, “Though mainly a private concern, education was nevertheless so widely spread that a high percentage of Spanish Muslims could read and write — a situation unknown in Europe at that time — higher education was based on the Qur’anic exegesis and theology, philosophy, Arabic grammar, poetry and lexicography, history and geography. ‘Several, of the principal towns possessed what might be called universities, chief among which were those of Cordova, Seville, Malaga and Grenada. The university of Cordova included among its departments astronomy, mathematics and medicine, in addition to theology and law. Thousands enrolled and its certificate opened the way to the most lucrative posts in the realm. The University of Grenada (1354 A.D) had many foreign students, as did that of the University of Cordova. Its curriculum composed theology, jurisprudence, medicine chemistry, philosophy and astronomy. Libraries were opened in almost all cities of the Muslim lands. Kings, dignitaries and rich people took pride in establishing libraries through gifts and bequests. All educational institutions had their own libraries and “mosques” also functioned as repositories for books. One library, Khizanat al-Kutub, was founded by Adud ad-Dawlah (977-982 A.D.) in Shiraz where “books wore arranged in cases and listed in catalogues and it was (Administered by a regular staff”. A library in Basrah was established in the same century and its founder granted scholarships to scholars working in it. During the same period, there was a library, Home of Books, in al-Rayy, where over four hundred camel-loads of manuscripts were listed in a ten volume catalogue. In Spain too libraries flourished side by side with Universities. The Royal Library of Cordova became the largest and the best after the addition of al-Hakam II’s own collection. Likewise, libraries were established in other centres of learning, including Grenada, Seville, Toledo and Malaga. There were also many private collections belonging to scholars and dignitaries in big towns and these were used by scholars and men of learning freely. These libraries were also used for lectures and scientific discussions and debates. Scholars and researchers from all over the country flowed to them and used them as store houses of knowledge. Eminent non-Muslim scholars have admitted the blessings which Islam brought for the world respecting education of mankind. Here are few extracts from the books: 1.

“To seek knowledge is duty of every Muslim man and woman. Seek knowledge even though it be in China. The savants are the heirs of the Prophets. These profound words of the great reformer are an indisputable contradiction to those who seek and exert themselves in putting the responsibility of the intellectual degradation of Muslims upon


141 the spirit of the Qur’an... they will read that the Prophet incessantly called the attention and the meditation of his people to the splendid marvels, to the mysterious phenomenon of creation.” (Dr. A Bertherand, “Contribution des Arabies an Progress de Sciences Medicales”, Paris 1883). 2.

“It is to Mussulman science, to Mussulman art and to Mussulman literature that Europe has been in a great measure indebted for its extrication from the darkness of the Middle Ages.” (Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, “Speeches delivered in India”, London 1890J.


“We must not be surprised to find the Qur’an the fountainhead of the sciences. Every subject connected with heaven or earth, human life, commerce and various trades are occasionally touched upon. (Hartwig Hirschfeld, Ph. D.M.H.A.S. “New Researches into the Composition and Exegesis of the Qur’an, London 1902)


“One of the most deplorable things in history is the systematic way in which European writers have contrived to put out of sight the scientific obligations of the Arabs.” (H. G. Farmer, “Historical Facts in the Arabian Musical Influence”).


“The ancient culture of Greece, Rome and Persia were revitalized by the Arab genius and the Islamic spirit “(A.M. Lothrop Stoddard, “The New World of Islam,” London 1932).


“If the Greek was the father, then the Arab was the foster father of the scientific methods of dealing with reality.” (H. G. Wells, “The Outline of History,” London 1920).


“It (The Qur’an) has created an all but new phase of human thought and a fresh type of character.” (Rev. J. M. Rodwell “The Koran,” London 1918).


“The Koran did not contain a single statement that was available from a modern scientific point of view.” (Dr. Maurice Bucaille, “The Bible. The Koran and Science”),


“Europe was darkened at sunset, Cordova shone with public lamps; Europe was covered with vermin, Cordova changed its undergarments daily; Europe lay in mud, Cordova’s streets were paved, Europe’s palaces had smoke-holes in the ceiling, Cordova’s arabesques were exquisite; Europe’s nobility could not sign its name, Cardova’s children went to school; Europe’s monks could not read The baptismal service’, Cordova’s teacher created a library of Alexandrian dimensions.” (Victor Robinson, “The Story of Medicine”).

10. About teachings of Islam and its influence on learning, morality and history Rev. B. Margoliouth, Rev J. M. Rodwell, Dr. Lancy Stubbe E. Denison Ross, have also spoken very highly.

RIGHT OF SECRECY, PRIVACY Do not spy others, nor backbite one another.

Al Hujuraat 49:13

The Prophet said: When two friends meet, they are under Allah’s trust; it is not lawful for any one of them to leak out that secrets whose publicity is not liked by other. He also said that it is a great sin to peep into the house of others to disturb their privacy; women should not discuss their intimate private affairs with other women; do not enter into other’s house without getting permission.


142 The Prophet said that backbiting is a sin which Allah does not forgive; it is like eating dead brother’s flesh.

RIGHT TO SMALL FAVOURS The Prophet asked his followers not to refuse small favours to each other, like asking for water, or borrowing a knife or bucket, or fire or little amount of grass etc. One should never refuse other man for small favours. The Holy Qur’an mentions about a man contemptuously, as under, “And they refuse small kindnesses.”

Al Maoon 107:7

RIGHT TO PROPERTY AND TO WORK In the Holy Qur’an, we have, “Unto the men belong a share of that which parents and near relatives leave; and for women belong a share of that which parents and near relatives leave, whether it be little or much  a settled share.” Al Nisa 4:8 In Islam, the Muslim women have share in property; they can spend their share according to their own will. Also the women have full rights to run their independent business. In the time of the Prophet, many women were selling milk, vegetables and processed skins and embroidered clothes; men and women alike can carry out their business jointly or individually. O believers! Do not devour your riches among yourselves unjustly except it be through trade by your mutual consent. And do not kill your own selves (by deceiving). An-Nisa 4:29 The Prophet strictly stopped his followers to earn by fraudulent means or by offering bribery to officials to deprive rightful owners, but he greatly exhorted his followers to do trading and business as 90% economy depends upon it. After (Allah’s) compulsory duties, next duty is to work to earn lawfully. Baihaqi Never a flesh nourished by unlawful food will enter the Paradise; all the flesh nourished by unclean food are the most deserving for the Fire. Ahmed The Prophet prohibited earning with illegal means, as black money is a great curse for a nation’s economy. The purest of occupation is the occupation of those businessmen who when they speak, do not speak a lie; when they are trusted, are not dishonest; when they make a promise, do not go back; when there is debt, they do not delay; when they owe then they are not hard; and when they sell, do not exaggerate, and when they purchase, do not condemn. Baihaqi Thus the Prophet Muhammad ι enjoined upon businessmen to show absolute honesty in their dealings, dishonesty brings decline in business in the end. The Prophet said: Be honest in dealing with a non-Muslim even if he was dishonest with you in the past. The best profession is trading; and best action for a person is to work with his hand. A trader is bestowed with wealth while a hoarder is cursed. The Prophet said that a worker is friend of Allah, Allah will be his solicitor on the Day of Judgement. Give full measure and full weight, in justice. So wealth may not circulate among rich among you.

Al-Anaam 6:152 Al Hashr 59:7


143 RIGHT TO RELIGION The Holy Qur’an allows all men, whether the Muslims or the non-Muslims to practise their religions; we have “For you your religion, and for me my religion.”

Al Kafiroon 109:7

This religion of yours in actually the same religion (which earlier Prophets preached), I am your God, fear me only. Al Anbiyaa 21:93 In the Holy Qur’an, we have verses which invites non-Muslims to join with the Muslims. Say: O People of the Scripture! Come on agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partner unto Him, and that none of us shall take others for lords beside Allah. And if they turn away, then say: Bear witness that we are they who have accepted Islam. Al Imran 3:85 There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break, Allah is Hearer, Knower. Al Baqarah 2:256 And whoso seeketh as religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and he will be a loser in the Hereafter. Al Imran 3:79 Thus Islam is a very liberal religion; it accepts right of every man to follow the religion of his choice.

RIGHT OF HOME Islam accepts the right of every man to have a home where he can live with his family in security, and can maintain his privacy. The Holy Qur’an has strictly ordered the people to use their wealth for providing shelter to those who are homeless; we have “(The alms are) only for a homeless (way-farer) person, it is an imposed duty from Allah.” At Tauba 9:60 The Prophet said that it is a fundamental right of every man to have a place to live; the Muslims are exhorted to fight against those who persecute weak people and force them to leave their homes. The Prophet taught that ‘a home is one’s sanctified place, none has a right to violate its sanctity by peeping into it or to enter into it without permission or to do an act to create inconvenience for its residents. Every Muslim has a right to fight for his home, and his wealth and his family; if he kills the intruder, there is no blame upon him; if he dies while fighting, then he is a martyr. The Prophet Muhammad ι said: The best among you is the man who gives best treatment to his family. Trimzi, Maja, Darmi The best spending which a man spends is that which is spent on his family. Muslim When a Muslim spends on his family with an intention of reward from God, it is just like almsgiving. Bokhari, Muslim Do spend on your family according to your resources.


When you get money, start spending first on your own family.


A wife has a right over her husband, that when he eats he should give food to his wife too, when he wears, he should give clothes to his wife too. Under no


144 circumstances a man shall hit his wife on her face, nor be abusive to her; if you have some dispute, keep it within your home. Ahmed, Maya, Dawood O people! Obey my commandments regarding wives for their welfare; they are like captives in your possession. You have no right to do anything forcibly to them unless they commit fornication. Women are the trust of God with you and they have been made lawful to you due to the words of God. Maja, Mishkat The best of my followers is the one who treats his wife best; and also the best woman among my followers is the one who treats her husband best; such a woman is rewarded, each day and night, by a reward equal to a patient, faithful martyr- such women have superiority over the heavenly women in Paradise as I have excellence over any one among you Among my followers, the best woman is the one who works for the will of her husband with great pleasure, except in the matter of sin. Among my followers, the best man is the one who is kind to his family, just as a mother is kind to her child; he is rewarded each day, a reward equal to that for a patient, faithful martyr. Tirmzi, Mishkat A wife who picks up things to clean house or to decorate her home will have reward for each act, her sin is pardoned and her grade (in Paradise) is raised. Gilani When a husband holds the hand of his wife while he walks, he has one reward, if he puts his hands around her neck then ten rewards. Gilani In the pleasure of husband is the pleasure of God. If a woman prays as devotedly as Miriam, the daughter of Imran but her husband is angry, God will not accept her prayer. Mishkat A virtuous woman is better than thousand unvirtuous men. Anees al Waazeen A woman who dies in a state that her husband is happy with her, will indeed enter Paradise. A woman who says her prayers five times a day, keeps fasts in Ramadan, keeps herself chaste, obeys her husband, then such a woman will have full authority to enter Paradise from any door she desires. If I were to allow any person to prostrate another person, then I would have ordered a wife to prostrate before her husband. Ahmed, Tirmzi, Dawood If a husband orders a wife to lift a stone from a yellow mountain and then from black mountain to yellow mountain, then she ought to obey it. Ahmed The prayers of a woman whose husband is angry with her are not accepted. Baihaqi The best woman is the one who pleases her husband (with a smile and kind looks) whenever he looks at her; complies with his wishes and does not do anything displeasing to him in her behaviour and with his money. Dawood, Nisai, Baihaqi If a husband calls his wife to bed, she must comply even if she is cooking, if she refuses without a sound reason, then angels curses her. Mishkat The best of all the worldly riches is a virtuous wife who helps her husband to bid good for the Hereafter. Ahmed, Tirmzi, Maja A person who does not have a wife is a poor man even if he has great wealth; a woman without a husband is a poor woman even if she has great wealth, yes, still she is poor. Gilani Remember! A gentleman is the one who shows respect to women; and a base person is the one who shows disrespect to them. Nehjal Fasahat


145 Whoso shows great care for his wife and his daughters is the best among you; and the one who annoys his family is the worst of all. Bokhari, Muslim Whoso among you have means to get married, he must get married because marriage protects your eyes and saves from immodesty. Bokhari, Muslim) A man who does not have resources to marry, he should keep fast (which will weaken his sexual desire). AI-Qur’an A woman is selected for marriage for four reasons; money, family, beauty and faith; whoso marries for the sake of faith follows the true path. (Muslim) Marriage shall be an open affair; difference between rightful marriage and a wrong one is open proclamation and drum beating. Ahmed, Tirmzi. Maja, Nisai Women who marry without witnesses are like prostitutes.


A girl marrying without the consent of the guardian or parents is a wretched person; her marriage is wrongful, it is wrongful, it is wrongful. Tirmzi A father shall ask the permission of his virgin daughter for her marriage, while a widow has more right over herself than her guardian. Muslim Whoso gets married, he fulfils half of the faith; now for the other half, he shall fear God and save himself from wrongful deeds. Baihaqi I have married women, so whoso turns away from my way is not from me. Get married, do not divorce except when the wife commits flagrant actions. (Nehjal Fasahat Marrying many times for the sake of lust is forbidden.

Hujjatullah AI-Baligha

God hates such a man who marries a number of women and also such a woman who marries many men. Nehjal Fasahat Curse of God be upon all such men or women who are desirous of carnality and so divorce their partners. Hujjatullah AI-Baligha Divorce shakes the pillars of the throne of God, Arsh.

Nehjal Fasahat

If there arises great differences between a husband and a wife, then the husband and the wife shall appoint two persons among their relatives as their representatives who are just and unbiased. These representatives should discuss the whole affair and decide whether marriage can survive or must dissolve, whatever they decide is binding upon the couple. Gilani A man who shows patience over the foul tongue, bad temperament of his wife will have a reward equal to prophet Ayub who persevered with patience the trouble which fell upon him. A woman who bears with patience bad temperament of her husband, will have a reward equal to Aasia wife of Pharaoh. Ghazali Satan loves that of his accomplices most, who bring about a divorce between a couple; this is a calamity of the highest order. Mishkat God does not like such men who follow different women like a bee who moves from one flower to another flower. Nehjal Fasahat A man who marries a woman for the sake of her wealth and beauty, neither enjoys her wealth nor her beauty; but whoso marries for the sake of her high morals and piety, God gives him both her wealth and beauty. It is more rewarding to bring about the union of two hearts than fasting, almsgiving and prayers; because break up of two hearts is a cause of great ruin. Darmi, Mishkat


146 A woman who asks divorce from her husband without any sound reason will not smell the perfume of Paradise and she is cursed by God, the angels and all the human beings. Ahmed, Tirmzi, Maja, Dawood The most hateful of all lawful things in the world, in the sight of God, is divorce. There is nothing more dangerous for men than the lust for women. A wife is never the same at all times, so if you desire to live a comfortable life with your wife, then leave her to herself, otherwise if you try to impose yourself upon her, then you will break her, that means a divorce. Muslim Remember! A gentleman is the one who shows respect to women; and a base person is the one who shows disrespect to them. Nehjal Fasahat Whoso shows great care for his wife and his daughters is the best among you; and the one who annoys his family is the worst of all. Bokhari, Muslim The Holy Qur’an asks the Muslims to pray: And who say: Our Lord! Grant us coolness of eyes in our wives and our offspring, and make us model for (all) the righteous. Al-Furqan 25:74 So in order to achieve coolness of heart and eyes, the prime responsibility is upon the father, then the mother. Children are mirror of their parents. When a father brings some new fruit from the market, it is like charity. He should start distributing it first from the daughter and then to the son, because whoso pleases his daughter is like a man who weeps before God for his sins and for such a person, fire of Gehenna is forbidden. Fear Allah; show equal love to all your children, just as you expect equal good behaviour from them all. A son is a representative of the secrets of his father.

(Nehjal Fasahat)

Teach your children self-respect, good manners, good behaviour. Nehjal Fasahat Anyone who does not want his son to be disobedient, should educate him to be good from his childhood. Nehjal Fasahat Good women love their children very much in their childhood; take good care of the valuables of their husbands; and do not give things (money) to others secretly. Bokhari, Muslim It is one of the two riches to have a small family and it is one of the two poverties to have a large family. Gilani The best gift which a father gives to his children is good education and good manners and this is like charity of the highest order. Tirmzi. Baihaqi You should give equal treatment to all you children and never differentiate between them, (Tibrani) so much so that even show equality in kissing them. Nehjal Fasahat Bid your children to say their prayer when they are seven years old; when they are ten, be strict to them; after this age they shall sleep on separate beds. Al-Tarheeb wal Targheeb When a child is born, father should give him a nice name, give him good education and teach him good manners; when he is an adult, get him (or her) married; if he does not do it and they (son or daughter) commit a sin, the blame will be upon the father. Mishkat Well-behaved children and a good wife are a sign of good luck. Nehjal Fasahat


147 RIGHT TO JUSTICE Everybody has a right to seek justice; there are very strong instructions regarding it. The Holy Qur’an clearly says: O ye who believe! Be steadfast witnesses for Allah in equity, and let not hatred of any people seduce you that ye deal not justly. Deal justly, that is nearer to piety. Fear Allah. Lo! Allah is Informed of what ye do. Al Maa’eedah 5:8 Justice is to be given without prejudice. The Prophet said: Curse of Allah be upon the one who accepts bribe, and the one who offers bribe, and the one who arranges the deal. Ahmed Tirmzi, Maja, Dawood, Baihaqi The Holy Qur’an reiterates, And eat not up your property among yourselves by false means nor seek by bribing it to gain the hearing of the judges that ye may knowingly devour a portion of the property of others wrongfully. Al-Baqarah 2:188

RIGHT TO LIBERTY Islam is undoubtedly the first religion of the world which spoke for the liberty of the slaves and prisoners and those whose liberty was seized by powerful persecutors. The Muslims are exhorted by the Holy Qur’an to come forward for the rescue of the suffering ones. The Holy Qur’an exhorts thus, ‘And what reason you have not to fight in the way of Allah, for the sake of those helpless men, women and children, who are praying, “O Lord! Take us out from this town whose people are oppressors and send for us some friend from Thyself and send for us from Thyself some helper?” Al-Nisa 4-75 The Holy Qur’an invited peoples’ attention towards those whose liberty is denied to them due to some reason, it says, “The alms are only for the poor and the needy, and those officiating as collector, and those whose hearts need to be reconciled, and to free the captives i.e. prisoners and slaves, and for those in debt, and for those busy for Allah’s cause and for homeless ones, it is an imposed duty from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, Wise.” At Tauba 9:60 The Prophet said: The best of all deeds is to pay for the freedom of a slave.

RIGHT TO FORM ASSOCIATION The Holy Qur’an incites the Muslims to make association and work collectively for the betterment of the people. We quote the Holy Qur’an: And there may spring from you a group who invite to goodness and enjoin right conduct and forbid bad conduct. Such are they who will get salvation. Al Imran 105 In Islam, all sorts of associations are commendable, provided they are busy in doing good for the humanity; such associations are highly pleasing to Allah.

RIGHT TO POLITICAL RIGHTS Islam is the first religion of the world who defeated the most tyrant regimes of the world and brought democracy to the world. The Prophet always took important decisions after consulting with the people, and he listened to every one’s opinion, big or small, and thereafter he made final decision.


148 The Holy Qur’an says, And (O Prophet) consult them in all the affairs; when you are fully determined then put trust in Allah; indeed Allah loves those who put their trust in Him. Al Imran 3:160 And those who answer the call of their Lord and observe prayer, and whose affairs are performed after mutual consultation and who spend out of what We have provided for them. Ash Shoora 38 The Prophet said: The greatest of Holy Wars is to speak the truth before a tyrant ruler. It is a duty of every Muslim to give good advice to the ruler. When rulers are virtuous, rich people are generous, and all affairs are performed by mutual consultation, then the earth will bring out of it all the goodness. Every Muslim is entitled to advise his rulers.

RIGHTS TO CULTURE The Holy Qur’an recognises cultural differences and rites of all the nations of the world, which in fact is according to Allah’s plan, we quote the following verses: For all people We have appointed rites which they perform ceremoniously; so let them not dispute with you in this matter; and invite them to your Lord. Surely you follow the right guidance. Al-Hajj 22:68 And for every people We appointed rituals that they might mention the name of Allah over the four-legged cattle that He has provided for them. Al-Hajj 22:35 So according to Islam, all nations were given different ways of worship and rituals for sacrifice; all are from God if such acts are intended solely for God’s sake. And all other ceremonies which are performed at the time of harvesting or change of weather or to observe memorial days, or certain historical days, such ceremonies are non-religious cultural practices which play a great part in giving permanency to a society’s existence. Once the Prophet asked his wife Aisha that where was that bride to be which you brought up. Aisha (peace on her) said: I sent her to bridegroom’s house. The Prophet said: Did you send someone with her who could sing (to please her). Aisha (peace on her) said: No. The Prophet said: Don’t you know that the Ansaris (the Muslims of Medina) have the culture to sing at the occasion of marriage. Thus the Prophet taught the Muslims to follow the culture of other people, provided there is no obscenity in it.

ECONOMIC RIGHTS Islam permits every person, whether a Muslim or not, to carry out his business. The Prophet instructed the fathers to teach some art or profession to their children to enable them to earn their livelihood. The Prophet ordered that ‘when you hire a labourer, tell him his wages, and then pay him before his sweat dries’. The Holy Qur’an strictly orders to write down all business dealings with the signatures of witnesses. The Holy Qur’an strictly warns that your wealth should not circulate among wealthy ones only. So wealth may not circulate among rich among you.

Al Hashr 59:7

O believers! Do not devour your riches among yourselves unjustly except it be through trade by your mutual consent. And do not kill your own selves (by deceiving). An Nisa 4:29


149 Thus the Prophet Muhammad (ι) enjoined upon businessmen to show absolute honesty in their dealings, dishonesty brings decline in business in the end. The Prophet said: Be honest in dealing with a non-Muslim even if he was dishonest with you in the past. The best profession is trading; and best action for a person is to work with his hand. The Prophet strictly ordered to fulfill all business commitment pay, back all debts in time, not to hoard, not to adulterate or to sell defective goods. Whoso hoards food for forty days for price escalation, then he is absolved of Allah and Allah is absolved of his responsibility. Whoso hoards foodstuff for 40 days, and then gives it in charity, it will not be his sin’s expiation. Whoso sells a defective thing without disclosing it, he continues to be in the wrath of Allah, and angels continue to curse him.’ Ibn Maja A truthful and honest businessman will be raised among the prophets and the most truthful believers and the martyrs. Tirmzi Darmi-Darqatni If a person acquires one dirham as usury then its sin before Allah is more grievous than committing adultery thirty six times. Ibn Abi Dunya Debt is an anxiety during the night and a disgrace during the day. (Misc. Coll.) The Prophet Muhammad (ι) greatly denounced usury and loans. In the present age, this is perhaps the greatest curse for under -developed countries. Why then has Allah sent me? Verily Allah does not honour a nation amongst whom the weak are not given their rights. Baihaqi When you hire a labourer, tell him his wages. Pay a labourer his right before his sweat dries.

Ibn Maja

A Muslim who pays debt of his brother, Allah will set him free on the Day of Judgement. Mishkat A debt is ought to be settled; and a guarantor is obliged to fulfil his guarantee. Tirmzi, Abu Dawood

RACIALISM Racial prejudice is repugnant to Islam; one who is a racialist and dies as such will certainly enter in Gehenna. Following are the golden words of Prophet Muhammad, (ι): “That one doesn’t belong to us who speaks prejudicially; that one doesn’t belong to us who fights out of prejudice; that one doesn’t belong to us who dies as a prejudiced man. A person asked: O Prophet of Allah, is it prejudice if a person loves his nation? The Prophet replied; Not at all; but prejudice is when a person helps his nation in injustice.’’ Allah says: O mankind! Lo We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! The noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware. Al-Hujuraat 49:13


150 O people! Verily, your Lord is one and your father is one. Remember! An Arab has no excellence over a foreigner, nor any foreigner has over an Arab, nor a black has over a white, nor a white has over a black but by virtuosity. Have 1 clearly conveyed? You are all Adam’s children and Adam was from dust. Verily, all Muslims are brothers of other Muslims and surely all Muslims are brothers.” Hereunder are some of the views to strengthen our claims. “The extinction of race consciousness as between Muslims is one of the outstanding achievements of Islam”. (A. J. Toynbee, Civilization on Trial, New York 1948) “The brotherhood of Mohammedanism is no mere word. All believers are equal’ and their own high-priest, Zeid, the exslave, led Muhammad’s troop.....The Ghazanavide dynasty was founded by the slave.... The cruel treatment of slaves has been the reproach of Europeans rather than of Eastern nations”. (Dr. Leither, Muhammadanism 1893) “The nobility and broad tolerance of this creed which accepts as God-inspired all the real religions of the world, will always be a glorious heritage for mankind. On it could indeed be built a perfect world religion.” (The Gospel of Islam, p. 27 Duncan Greenlees M.A. (Oxon.)

RIGHTS OF DISPLACED PERSONS In a Muslim society, if the problem of displaced persons occurs, then it is a divine duty of all the Muslims to come forward to help them with all their strength and with all their wealth. The displaced persons are to be provided shelter and food immediately as any delay can result in the deaths of many. In the time of the Prophet, the Muslims of Makkah were ousted and sent into exile; they came to Medina, the Prophet asked the Muslims of Medina to come forward for help; they took each one into their homes as a brother and offered their homes as a brother and offered their half wealth, half business and gave share in their lands for cultivation. Thus the great calamity got settled in an amicable way. Later the displaced Muslims developed their own business and built their own homes and thus became self-sufficient.

PUBLICIZING OF OBSCENITY The Holy Qur’an reminds the people that as performance of obscene acts are forbidden, also its publicizing is even more injurious. We have in the Holy Qur’an, Those who love that immorality, obscenity should spread among the believers, for them is a painful chastisement in this world and the Hereafter. Al-Noor 24:20 And whoever follows the footsteps of Satan must know that he commands obscenity and evil deeds. Al-Noor 24:22 Though every sin is offensive to God, but its publicizing is extremely dangerous as it attracts others to perform it. Publicizing an obscene act incites others and it spreads like epidemic among those who were innocent; people do like to follow others if the sin is pleasing, even if it is immodest to do it; this is a human psychology.

RIGHT TO WAGE WAR The Holy Qur’an permits to the Muslims to wage war against those people who attack their country; or those people who break their agreements of truce; and against those who are outlaws, disbelievers in God; and against those who are


151 oppressors and persecute innocent people. It is a basic human right to fight against those who endanger their peaceful life. In the Holy Qur’an, we have Wage a Holy War against those people of the Book who do not believe in Allah, and the Hereafter and do not treat that unlawful what Allah and His Prophet have forbidden, and do not believe in this religion of the truth, until they pay the tax with their hands, being brought low. At Tauba 9-29 And what reason you have not to fight in the way of Allah, for the sake of those helpless men, women and children, who are praying, “O Lord! Take us out from this town whose people are oppressors and send for us some friend from Thyself and send for us from Thyself some helper? Al Nisaa 4:75 And fight them until mischievousness (persecution) is no more, and religion is for Allah, but if they desist then no hostility is allowed except against the oppressors. Al-Baqarah 2-194 Will you not fight a people who broke their solemn pledges and plotted to drive out the Messenger and did attack you first? AT Tauba 9:13

DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN In Islam, a discrimination against women is just impossible. The Prophet told that ‘the Paradise is under the feet of your mothers. When one brings home something, start to distribute it from the daughters, and then give to sons. When a daughter is born, angels transcend and congratulate the parents. If one finds a woman coming, if she is old; then show her your regard and respect like your mother; if she is of your age, then show her respect as if she is your sister; if she is small, then she is like your daughter. Islam enjoins upon its followers to give their women equal rights; women should be given education, she has a right in inheritance, she can be married only after her consent and can divorce her husband if he has a bad character; a woman can manage her wealth and business. Women can do all such jobs, for which they are fit. Allah has created women as extremely attractive for men, so in order to protect their honour, reputation and chastity; young women are enjoined to cover their heads and bossoms; whenever possible they should arrange some relatives to accompany them during a journey to frustrate designs of evil men. Head covering is not a discrimination against women; rather it is for their honouring and for their safety. The Holy Qur’an says, “Men shall have a share of that for which they have worked for, and women have a share of that for which they have worked (or earned).” Al Nisaa 4:33 The Holy Qur’an stopped the killing of new born girls. The Prophet said: Whoso brings up two girls, and never shows disrespect to them, nor shows preference to his sons over them, he will enter into the paradise. A person asked the Prophet: Who has the most right upon me to show respect? The Prophet said: Your mother! The man against asked: Then who after her? The Prophet said: You mother! The man asked third time: Then who after her?


152 The Prophet replied third time: Your mother! The man said: Sir, then who after my mother? The Prophet said: Then you father, then your sisters and your brothers, then your near relatives, and then those whom you know better. Thus a woman in Islam is highly respected and any discrimination against her due to gender difference is repugnant to Islam. All women are to be respected; they should be shown a special preferential regards; men are responsible for their care and safety and protection. In an Islamic society, a mother is more honourable than the father; a sister is more lovable than a brother; the women should be given preferential respect than the men. The Holy Qur’an says that as men have rights over women, likewise women have rights over men. (2:228)



Chapter 41 HOURIS IN AFTER LIFE Anti-Islam propagandists tell their followers that the spread of Islam was mainly due to alluring description of afterlife where the Muslims will get beautiful women i.e. houris and other joys. It must be clarified that all the past religions of the world had similar description of the Paradise and the Hell. Islam, which is continuation and summation of all the religions, give exactly the same description but in more detail, as its complete knowledge was given only to Prophet Muhammad ι. It must be understood that it is an allegorical description while infact the next life will be spiritual, where there will be no pain, hunger, thirst, disease, infirmity; all persons who go into Paradise will get all desires and wishes fulfilled. There will be no hatred or desire for sex or any desire at all, but still Allah will fulfill all the desires which ones spiritual body will ask for. There will be angels, angelic boys and angelic women i.e. Nymphs, Apsaras, Houris to carry out the orders of the people of Paradise, men and women. In the next pages, we have given a short accounts of Paradise and Hell which all are nearly similar. In the Biblical religions we have, Gehinnom is divided into seven storey and the more wicked the person is, the lower is his place of accommodation. “Each of the seven class in Gan Eden (i.e. Paradise) has a dwelling for itself, and correspondingly there are seven storeys for the wicked in Gehinnom, their names being Sheol, Abaddon, Shadow of death; Nether world, Land of Forgetfulness, Gehinnom and Silence. The torment of the sinful is Fire, but a fire of abnormal intensity. Ordinary fire is sixtieth of the Fire of Geninnom. The Fire of Gehinnom will never be extinguished. Gehinnom is half fire and half hail. Gehinnom is narrow on top and wide below. So that its smoke may be retained therein. Gehinnom is a land of thick darkness, as darkness itself.

Exod R.L. 1, 7 Sifre Deut Men 99 B Tanchum N Oacb

In the Hereafter the Holy One, blessed be He, will prepare a banquet for the righteous in Gan Eden and there will be no need to provide balsam or perfumes, because a north wind and a south wind will sweep through and sprinkle all the aromatic plants of Gan Eden so that they yield therein fragrance.......people will behold God. He will say “I am come into My garden, My sister, My bride. Cant. In the Hereafter, the Holy One blessed be He, will arrange a dance for the righteous in Gan Eden. Taan 31 People will say, “If it be Thy will, let my Beloved come into His garden, and eat His precious fruits. Cant IV, 16 Gan Eden has two gates of ruby by which stand sixty myriads of ministering angels. The lustre of the face of each of them glistens like the splendour of the splendour of the firmament. When a righteous arrives, they divest him in eight robes of the cloud of glory, set two crowns upon his head, one made of gem and pearls, and the other of gold from Parvaim, place eight myrtles. Each person has a chamber allotted to him by himself according to the honour due to him. From it issue four


154 streams one of milk, one of wine, one of balsam and one of honey; and above every chamber there is a golden vine studded with thirty pearls, each of them glistering like the brilliance of the planet Venus. In every chamber there is a table of gems and pearls and sixty Angels attending upon each righteous man.......the ugliest of the inhabitant of Gan Eden will be like Joseph and R. Jochanan...... In every corner of Gan Eden there are eighty myriads species of trees, the most inferior of them being finer than all the aromatic plants of this world; and in each corner are sixty myriads of ministering angels, singing in pleasant tones. In the centre is the Tree of life, its branches covering the whole of Gan Eden containing four hundred thousand varieties of fruits all differing in appearance and taste. Talmud, Collection of Religious writings by Rabbi R. Joshua b. Levi a Third Century Scholar. Not like this is the world to come. In the world to come, there is neither eating nor drinking, nor procreation of children or business for transactions, no envy or hatred or rivalry; but the righteous sit enthroned; their crowns on their heads and enjoy the luster of Shechinah. Bert 17a In Hiduism (previously Hinduism and Buddhism were one religion; the Buddhist do not believe in caste system) there are many hells and paradises. Hell sis called Patala, which has classification. In Naga-Loka, poisonous snakes will bite. In Nara-Loka, sinners will be thrown into very hot Fire. In Tiryag-Loka, sinners will become stones and trees. In Raurava Hell, false witnesses will be tormented. In Rodha Hell, murderers and decoits will be tormented. In Taptakumbha Hell, cruel rulers, killers of Brahmin and those committing adultery with mother-in-law will be chastised. In Maha-Jwala Hell, miserly ones, sellers of their children, those committing adultery with sister and daughter-in-law will be tormented. In Savala Hell, disobedient of the teachers, criticizer of the Vedas and the Puranas; the ones intercoursing with animals; proud and haughty people will be tormented. In Krimisa Hell, fraudulent ones, hater of men, God and father will be punished. In Lalabhaksha Hell, those who do not treat well their parents will be chastised. In Adhomukha, the Brahmins who sell meat and butter will be tormented. In Rudhirandha, those who keep pets like birds, cats, cocks, swines will be tormented. In Rudhira Hell, those who dance in public places. In Vahni-Jawala Hell, hunters will be tormented. In Svarg-Loka i.e. Paradise there will be innumerable joys, food, drinks and angels, nymphs, asparas, beautiful trees, palaces. “Thera Mahamaudgalyayana who had been roaming about in the hells came to Jetavana and described the horrible scenes he had witnessed at the eight nirayas or hells. He saw beings without number suffering in hell. In the Sanjiva hell he noticed some with their feet turned upwards and with heads hanging downwards, some being hewn and split with axes, other being torn by sharp instruments of iron (ayasonakha) and cut up by swords. In the Kalasutra hell too, he noticed beings subjected to similar


155 punishments. In the Sanghata hell he noticed beings tortured or crushed by mountains piled up upon them. In the Raurava hell he found thousands of being subjected to countless varieties of punishments. In the Maharaurava hell he found some beings thrown into the blazing fire and crying at the top of their voice. Their shrieks seamed to reach the ears of the people of Yambudvipa, Pubba-Videha, Aparagodaniya and Uttarakuru. He found many being suffering in the Tapana hell where thousands of flames of fire blazing forth in their fury from the east spread up to the walls of the west, and again flames rising in the west stretching their fiery tongues up to the east. These and thousand other varieties of punishments and sufferings were inflicted upon beings in the innumerable hells, and there Mahamaudgalyayana described in the presence of the people assembled. The description of hell was finished and everybody was struck with awe and amazement. But the great sage proceeded to give further details of these hells. Hewent on, “Acts productive of the knowledge of Truth ought to be performed. Sinful deeds of every kind should be avoided. The eight hells are Sanjiva, Kalasutra, Sanghata, Raurava, Maharaurava, Mahaavici, Tapana, and Pratapana. Horrible scenes of every conceivable and inconceivable kind are seen in those terrible abodes of punishment. Persons who stir up enmity with others with regard to land, or any other thing, go to the Sanjiva hell. The arms of persons who entertain a desire to kill domestic animals are pierced with nails made of iron. Persons who order the cutting off the trunks and legs of fettered elephants go to the Kalasutra. In Hells some people’s bodies will be cut with axes and daggers; with swords and saws; some will be thrown into the Fire; their bodies will be crushed with big stones like mountains; theirs will be even more painful treatments. “Then again, reviewing the condition of the Trayastimsa devas, Mahamaudgalyayana found that they were long lived, strong and happy. They roamed in the heavenly regions and drank nectar living in jewel-bedecked and beautiful palaces and playing in eight gardens, viz., Vaijayanta, Nandapuskarini paripatra, Kovidara, Mahavana, Parusyaka, Citraratha, Nandana and Misrakavan. Sakra, the lord of gods, played in the Vaijayanta palace surrounded by eighty thousand nymphs (Apsaras). Thera Mahamaudgalyayana saw the splendid and prosperous city of the gods (Sudarsanam deve nagaram) and the heavenly council (Sudharmam devasabham or the Motehall of the gods), extending over thousand yojanas and gave an account of the sort of heavenly bliss. Mahamaudgalyayana next went to the other heavenly abodes, viz those of the Yama, Tusita, Nirmanarati, Paranirmitavasavartti, and Brahmakayika gods up to the region of the Suddhavasa devas. He found that they were long lived, virtuous, full of happiness, they moved in the sky, spoke sweet words, and that they were free from affections or passions, etc.” A Study of the Mahavastu “And that world-system Sukhavati (Paradise), Ananda, emits, many fragrant odours: it is rich in a great variety of flowers and fruits, adorned with jewel trees, which are frequented by flocks of various birds with sweet voices, which the Thathagata’s (Coming One, the Last Prophet Amida) miraculous power has conjured up. And these jewel trees Ananda, have various colours. They are variously composed of seven precious things, gold, silver, beryl, crystal, coral, red pearl or emerald  And there are many kinds of rivers flow along in this world system Sukhavati  And both the banks of those great rivers are lined with variously scented jewel trees, and from them bunches of flowers, leaves, and branches of all kinds hang down  In the same way, whatever they may wish for comes to them, be it musical instruments, banners, flags or cloaks of different colours, or ornaments of various kinds  In those delightful palaces, surrounded and honoured by seven times seven thousand celestial nymphs, they dwell, play, enjoy and disport themselves--------And further again, Ananda, in the ten directions, in each single direction, in Buddha fields countless like the sand of the


156 Ganges, Buddhas and Lords countless like the sands of the river Ganges glorify the name of Lord Amitabha, the Thatagata (Amita or Amida is the name of the last Prophet Muhammad or Ahmad bha means Budha, a prophet, Thatagata means the Coming One or thus Come One) praise him, proclaim his fame, extol his virtue. And why? Because all beings are incapable of falling away from the supreme enlightenment if they hear the name of the Lord Amitabha, and, on hearing it, with one single thought only raise their hearts to him and resolve connected with serene faith. Buddha Sakyamuni — Buddhism In Zoroastrian scriptures (Parsi religion) we have this account of after life: The name for Heaven is Garodemana or Garotman, in Persian “house of hymns” because angels are believed to sing hymns there. Garodemana is the residence of Ahura Ma da and the most blessed men. Another name of Heaven is Ahu Vahishta, “best life” shortened Vahishta only, in modern Persian is called “Bahisht” “Paradise”. Hell is called Drujo Demaina “house of destruction”. It is chiefly the residence of the poets and priests of Deva religious, the Rishis of the Brahmans. The later name is Duzhanha which in modern Persian is ‘Duzukh Hell. Then spoke Ahura Mazdah: “After a man has passed away, after a man has come to his end, after the “ wicked evil-minded Demons cut the thread, on the third night, the dawn begins to brighten, the morning light begins to shine forth, Mithra, the well-armed, ascends the mountains that possess felicity through Asha; the sun is rising. The Demon Vizaresha by name, O Spitama Zarathushtra, leads away in bonds the soul of the wicked, the lost-life of the Demon-worshipping men (when) he comes to the Paths made by Zrvan, that for the wicked and that for the righteous— to the Chinvat Bridge created by Mazdah (and) they (i.e. the Judges) of worldly goods given in the material world. She (namely, the Maiden), beautifully formed, strong, fair-faced, comes (to the Chinvat Bridge) with the dogs at her side, wearing a bodice and a crown, dextrous and skilful. He (namely Vizaresha) drags down (nizarsaite) the sinful souls of the wicked to Darkness. She (namely the Maiden) leads (asnaoiti) the souls of the Righteous across the lofty Hara, she supports them across the Chinvat Bridge on that span to the spiritual Yazatas (angels). Later Avesta Whenever some fruit therefrom is given them, they will say: “This is what we ate before, and it is given to them in resemblance. There for them are pure mates, and therein they will abide forever. Al-Quran, Al-Baqarah 26 Those who disbelieve in Our revelations, We shall soon expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are burnt up We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the chastisement. Surely, Allah is Mighty, Wise. Al-Quran, Al-Nisa 57 And for those who are disbelievers, for them will he a drink of boiling water, and a painful chastisement; because they disbelieved. Al-Quran, Yunus 5 And they (disbelievers) shall look as if their faces had been covered with a cloak of darkest night. Al-Quran, Yunus 28 Before him is hell; and he shall be made to drink a festering water which he shall sip but can hardly swallow, and death shall come unto him from every corner, yet he shall not die, and a severe doom shall he confront Al-Quran, Ibrahim 17 And you shall see the guilty on that day bound together in chains. Their garments shall be of pitch, and the Fire covering their faces. Al-Quran, Ibrahim 50 And on the Day of Resurrection, We shall assemble them (i.e. the disbelievers) together on their faces, blind, dumb and deaf. Their abode will be Hell; whenever it abates, We shall increase the flame for them. Al-Quran 17:98 And verily, Hell is the promised place for them all, it has seven gates; and each gate has a portion of them allotted to it. Al-Quran, AI-Hijr 44


157 The treasures will be brought and heated in the fire of Gehenna, and then their foreheads and the sides will be burnt with it, and then these hot treasures (in a form of slabs) will be placed over their backs, and these will pierce through their backs, and pass to the other sides through their stomachs. Their bodies will become enlarged, so that they have more capacity to suffer the chastisement. Prophet Muhammad----Jilani Molten brass will be put on the heads of the damned people such that the flames of fire will be coming out it. Prophet Muhammad — Jilani The angels will carry them to the river of Gehenna as such and throw them into the river of fire. Prophet Muhammad —Jilani people.

In Gehenna are dragons and wasps and scorpions which will bite the damned Prophet Muhammad —Jilani

“As for these, their will be Gardens of Eden, wherein streams flow beneath them; therein they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and will wear green robes of finest silk and gold embroidery, reclining upon thrones therein. How blessed the reward and how excellent the resting-place.” Al-Quran, Al-Kahf 32 “But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them, and boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads melting that which is in their bellies, and their skins too; and for them are hooked rods of iron.” Al-Quran, Al-Hajj 20 “For them there is a known provision, fruits; and they will be honoured in the Gardens of Delight, seated on thrones facing one another. They will be served with a cup from a gushing spring, white delicious to the drinkers, wherein there is not intoxication nor are they made mad thereby. And with them are those of modest gaze and large beautiful eyes as though they were sheltered eggs. Al-Quran, Al-Saffat 37:42 There are seven bridges over Gehenna. The breadth of bridge is like the edge of a sword. Prophet Muhammad — Jilani In Paradise, palaces are built of white soft stones like silver, its dust is musk, its embankments are of saffron, and its walls are of pearls, ruby, silver and gold, the walls are so luminous and transparent that inside can be seen from outside, and outside can be seen from inside; all the palaces of Paradise are like that. Prophet Muhammad — Jilani There will be palaces and the gardens with four canals of sweet water, milk, honey and the divine drink. Prophet Muhammad — Jilani The birds of Paradise will have seventy thousand wings, and each wing will have different colour. Prophet Muhammad — Jilani In Paradise melody-voiced birds will sing the songs with such a melodiousness that it will be more pleasing than all the music of the. world. The hourie will gather and sing for the blessed people and their voices will be so fascinating and charming that none has ever heard any of its like. Prophet Muhammad — Jilani In Paradise, there are such a wonderful things that no one has the power to express and explain its wonders and bounties completely, nor people can even perceive and imagine their likeness in their hearts, nor any ear has ever heard of it; there are such things that none has ever seen a like of them. Bokhari – Muslim



Chapter 42 ISLAM  A RELIGION OF ALLAH, NOT OF SATAN The Christian church elders tell their followers to beware of Islam as it is a religion from Satan to mislead them. We hereunder give quotations from the Holy Quran that Stan is mentioned as an enemy of religion and is damned. Every Muslim says his prayers five times a day starting with words ‘I seek Allah’s protection against Satan the damned one’. 1. And do not follow the footsteps of Satan; surely, he is an open enemy for you. He directs you to evil and obscenity and that you should say of Allah that which you have no knowledge. Al-Baqarah 2:169, 170 2. “Satan frightens you with poverty and directs you to obscenity whereas Allah promises you forgiveness from Himself and bounty. And Allah is Ail-Embracing, All-Knowing. Al-Baqarah 2-269 3. “O Ye who believe! follow not the footsteps of Satan, And whoso follows the footsteps of Satan, let them know that he commands obscenity and iniquity (abomination).” Al-Noor 24:22 4. “Recite that which has been revealed to you of the Book, and say Prayer. Surely, Prayer restrains from obscenity and iniquity. But verily remembrance of Allah is even greater. And Allah knows what you do.” Al-Ankbut 29:46 5. ‘Say: My Lord has forbidden only obscenity, whether open or secret (hidden) and sin and wrongful oppression, and that you associate with Allah that for which no authority has been revealed, and that you say of Allah that which you have no knowledge,” Al-Anfal 8:34 6. He (Allah) said, ‘go away! Whoso will follow thee (Satan) from among them, hell shall surely be the recompense of you all-an ample recompense. Bani Israeel 17:64 7. “Recite that which has been revealed to you of the Book, and say Prayer. Surely, Prayer restrains from obscenity and iniquity. But verily remembrance of Allah is even greater. And Allah knows what you do.” Al-Ankbut 29:46 8. “And you draw not near to obscenity, whether open or hidden.” Al-Anam 6-152 9. “Verily, Allah commands justice and kindness, and giving to kinsfolk, and forbids obscenity and iniquity (abomination) and oppressive acts. He exhorts you that you may learn.” Al-Nahl 16:91 Reading the above verses, how anyone can accuse that the Muslims follow the religion of Satan’s working?; we bring the following argument of Jesus Christ which he put forward before the Jews when they called him an agent of Satan. We have. 22 Then they brought him a demon-possessed man, blind and dumb; and he cured him, so that the dumb man spoke and saw. 23 Well, all the crowds were simply carried away and began to say: “May this not perhaps be the Son of David?” 24 At hearing this, the Pharisees said: “This fellow does not expel the demons except by means of Be.el’ze.bub, the ruler of the demons.” 25 Knowing their thoughts, he said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself comes to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26 In the same way, if Satan expels Satan, he has become divided against himself; how, then, will his kingdom stand? 27 Moreover, if I expel the demons by means of Be.el’ze.bub, by means of whom do YOUR sons expel them? This is why they will be judges of you. Matt 12:22 How the Muslims follow Satan when they curse him in every Prayer and vow to follow only Allah and all His Prophets.






1. 2. 3.


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.



14. NEHJAL FASAHAT 15. Civilization on Trial (1948) A. J. Toynbee. 16. The Bible: The Koran and Science by Dr. Maurice Bucalille. 17. The Injil (Gospel) Barnabas by Lonsdale and Laura Ragg (1907). 18. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics by James Hastings. 19. The Holy Bible, The University Press, Oxford. 20. The Bible and Modern Research by A. Rendle Short, M.D., F.R.C.S. 21. The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pageis (1979) 22. Everyman’s Talmud. 23. Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha of The Old Testament by R.H. Charies, D.Litt. D.D. 24 The Causes of The Corruption of The Traditional Text of The Holy Gospels by John William Burgon, B.D., Dean of Chichester, Edward Miller, M.A., 25. Vishnu Purana 26. The Bodhisativa Doctrine in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature by Har Dayal, M.A., Ph.D. 27. Khordeh Avesta by T.R. Sethna. __________



INDEX (A) Aaron 16

Charity 64 Comforter 21

Abraham 16

Cleanliness 97

Adam 19, 87

Contraceptive 26

Adultery 25, 64

Creator 7

Anger 66

Cross, the 93

Antler 21,

Cruel 65

Atharva Veda 38

Crusades 70

Avesta 18, 87 (B)


Babylon 24

Damascus 58, 60

Bacchus 55

Daughter 67

Backbite 26, 140

David 18, 83

Backbiting 64

Discrimination, women 15

Beelzebub 157

Divorce 25, 90

Beruni Al 134

Dragons 156

Blind 24, 64

Drugs 6, 67

Buddha 5, 119

Duties, government 96

(C) (E)

Caesor 25 Camel 21

Easter 55

Celibacy 54, 73

Eden, garden 156

Character 64

Educate 67. 133


162 Education 88

Hereafter 64

Elijah 33

Hermit 73

Eucharist 55

Hoarding 671

Extravagant 64.

Holy spirit 31, 36


Homosexuality 25, 27

Faith 5, 87

Hooliganism 67

Family 91

Hospitable 64

Fashioner 7

Houris 152

Feed 67

Humble 64, 103, 133

Female 55

Humbleness 64, 103

Forgive 64

Hungry 67.


Foul-mouthed 76 Freedom 67, 91


Ideas, conqueror of 70 Images 70

Generous 64, 96, 133

Immorality 103

Genious 71

Inheritance 88

Gentile 15, 29

Intoxicants 109

Geography 70, 123.

Intoxicating 9, 67

Geology 137

Isaac 84

Gift 67

Ismael 84


Greetings 99 Guest 64, 67

Jackal 24


Jainism 44

Hardheartedness 66

Jehad 115


163 Jerusalem 25, 58

Messiah 29, 32, 34

Jonah 16

Moderation 64, 65

Jordan, river 50

Monasticism 54

Justice 11, 146, 157

Morals 65, 74


Mother 67

Kalki puran 41

Mount Sinai 9

Kedar 29

Miracle 21

Kindness 64, 65, 67, 96, 157 Kingship 19 Knowledge 133 Krishna 5

(L) Labourer 91 Lame 24 Legislator 70 Liberty 96, 146 Loot 16 Love 76

(M) Maha Bharata 18, 87 Marriage 72, 88, 144 Martyrdom 68 Mary 35, 46 Messenger 35



8 Mithraism 53

Patience 133

Moon 22

Perseverance 64, 71


Person 67,

Nag Hammadi 94

Politician 69, 146

Nara-Loka 153

Poor 67, 96

Nails 98

Prayer 67, 88, 96, 103, 104

Nations, past 95

Prejudice 88

Nazarenes 62

Prophets, false 83

Nimrodism 53, 56, 62

Prostitution 67

Noah 16

Purana 18, 39, 87

Nose 98

Purification 97


(O) Obscene 90

Qaadir 13

Obscenity 67, 103, 149, 157

Qabiz 11

Ocean 9

Qawiyy 11

Oholah 78

Qayyum 11


Qura’an the Holy (many pages)

Oldness 98

Short tempered 76

Orator 70

Quddus 11

Orphans 96, 99

Queen 18

(P) Paraclete 31, 62 Paran 28 Parents 100,

Quietness 66 Qureshi 66 Qutab ad Din al-Shirazi 135


9 Racial 88, 148

Theft 67

Romayana 18, 87

Tolerance 64, 67, 70

Repentance 106

Torah 35

Revenge 22

Trinity 93

Roman 22

Truth 65

Rome 17

Tuberculosis 81


Ruler, laws 88, 96


Ummah 2

Sama Veda 38

Unity 87

Saviour 83

Unpleasant incidences 124

Serenity 104

Unwary, nation 91

Sex 6

Upanished 39

Sexual 8, 27

Uriah 125


Scholars 134 Scorpions 156

Vain 87

Scripture 7

Vedas 37, 87

Sinai 9

Verandas 97

Singing girl 27

Virgin 54

Sodomy 67

Virtue 97

Star 9

Vishnu Puran 40

Sword 26

Vow 74


Vyasa Upanishad 39


Television 21 Teman 29

Wahhab 11

10 Waajid 11

Zoroastrian 44

Waali 13 War 91 Warith 12 Wasps 156 Wealth 66 Widow 74 Wife 66, 90, 101, 143 Wisdom 66 Wolves 64 Woman 25, 91, 96, 101, 143

(X) X-Mas 56

(Y) Yajur Veda 40

(Z) Zaahir 13 Zakat 88, 107 Zakariyya al-Razi (Rhazes) 135 Zarqali, Al 134 Zen 93 Zool Arsh 13 Zool Waqar 140 Zoroastra 36

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