farrago edition three 2015
pigeons / hip-hop / libraries
/ farrago
2 / Farrago 2015 / edition one
farrago /
contents 12
30 38
campus /
science /
") @ >+H0-.+( #) @ Q072),-)*(,0G $) @ M-,S0(2,8V)F002)*+88H0Y)M-,S0(2,8,02 @ M-,S0(2,8V)F002)*+88H0Y)M-,&-2 B) @ >+?1'2)X,<0&@ M-,&-)[&-0V)+-.)/080-8,&-)>0-8(02 OC) @ I4+.0?&H&<VY)E-80(-+8,&-+H)38'.0-82 @ /0+.)J=,80)[0OO @ U(+.'+80)>&'(202)R-H,-0 @ U0&(<0)X+8&-)U+HH0(VY)I)W,07 OD @ X+(ZS,HH0)X,<0&-)50+(-2)8&)97008 ON @ 9=0)I(8)&G)X+(?+ OA @ *0=,-.)8=0)*&&Z2=0HG O" @ UMSU Office Bearer Reports
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cover artwork by Nina Cheles
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society / NC NO ND NN NA N" N# N$ AC AO AD A! "N
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creative /
farrago 2015 / edition three / 1
/ farrago
editorial _
.,8,&-)9=(00)&G)!"##"$% is kind of like a pigeon: you can find it at foot level around campus, it’s full of 2=,??0(,-<)1,-Z)8&-02)+-.),8^HH)?+Z0)4&&,-<)2&'-.2)7=0-)V&')8(V)+-.)2=&S0),8),-)V&'()G(,0-.^2)G+40`)J0).&-^8) (04&??0-.)8=0)H+880()+2)+)8+48,4)7=0-)8(V,-<)8&)<08)?&(0)10&1H0)8&)(0+.)!"##"$% – believe us, it took weeks of beta testing to come to this conclusion. At this point, we can only hope the good name of pigeons everywhere =+2-^8)600-)(',-0.`) EG)V&')=+S0)?+-+<0.)8&)1,4Z)'1)+)4&1V)&G)&'()?+<+\,-0):&()7&-),8)+G80()+)8=(00P=&'()7(028H,-<)?+84=)7,8=) a particularly tough and determined friend), thank you and welcome. First up, we have a tribute to famed One Direction-leaver Zayn Malik, lovingly written by Alice Thompson and memorialised in collage, tears and glitter by Sarah McDonald. If you’re moved by the image, you’ll be delighted to hear that Sarah has made a small shrine based on the artwork, which can easily be printed and constructed in your home (just email us and we’ll send V&')8=0)6H'01(,-82;`)J0)=0(0)+8)!"##"$%)=+S0)a'+(+-8,-0.)5V-H0V^2)?+Z02=,G8)2=(,-0)8&)=0()&7-).02Z)+-.)(0G'20) to acknowledge the additional pebbles and wish stones she’s hoarded around his face. And while on the topic, she wants everyone to know that their last album, !%&#, was in fact a portent (that there’d only be four members of 1D in the near future) and not just called that because it was their fourth album. Maddy, Martin and Simon (0G'20)8&)4&??0-8)&-)8=0)?+880(` After you finish crying about Zayn and stalking @ParkvillePigeon on Twitter, in the following pages you’ll find Joseph Moore questioning the nostalgia for the world before the Great War, Monica Sestito disconnecting from social media with unexpected results and Indigenous Office Bearer/UMSU’s resident jester Tyson HollowayClarke leading a journey through the wonderful world of hip-hop. You’ll also notice our creative section is bursting at the seams – it is just as magical as Christina Olszewski’s and Emily Keppel’s enchanted title pages. All this, plus horoscopes, parma reviews and the recipe for one seriously potent cocktail. Finally, in honour of Nina Cheles’ incredible front cover, have some facts about pigeons: O` The common/feral pigeon, or ‘rock dove’ ('%(&)*"+(,-,") was first domesticated for food and message 4+((V,-<)6V)8=0)+-4,0-8)_<V18,+-2)+-.)3'?0(,+-2`) D` Pigeons have a 340-degree field of vision and process visual information three times faster than humans. !` X,<0&-2)+(0)2'10()?&-&<+?&'2)+-.)7,.&70.)6,(.2)+(0)(0H'48+-8)8&)+44018)-07)1+(8-0(2`) N` X,<0&-)?,HZ),2)+)8=,-<`) A` Pigeons navigate using a combination of odour trails, the position of the sun, the Earth’s magnetic field and visual landmarks, perhaps even infrasound. We hope you enjoy our third edition of this feather-ruffling magazine. Eternally yours, Catch you later, With love (and rage), Maddy, Martin, Lynley and Simon
2 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
photography by kevin hawkins
farrago /
farrago 2015 / edition three / 3
/ farrago
2)+)H&-<):H&H;)8,?0)(0+.0()+-.)G+-):-&8) like the wind fan silly) of your magazine, E)=+S0)604&?0).,2=0+(80-0.)7,8=)V&'() publications (I do still have a heart though, &8=0(7,20)E)&6S,&'2HV)7&'H.-^8)60)7(,8,-<`;`) E)G&'-.)V&'()(0G0(0-402)8&)1&284&H&-,+H) Slavic migrants and disney’s recent hit film ‘Freezer’ to be blatantly and abhor entry ,-4&((048)&-)+)?&H04'H+()+-.)21,(,8'+H)H0S0Hb) such aggreejous journalistic malpractice cannot go unanswered and infulfilled’ As such, I will be taking my readership 8&)8=0)?'4=)?&(0)0+2,HV)+44022,6H0)Q0+(+<&` IHH)8=+8),8)8+Z02)G&()0S,H)8&)8(,'?1=),2)G&() U&&.?+-)8&)-&8=,-<` Regards,
=+S0)+)H&S0P=+80)(0H+8,&-2=,1)7,8=)!"##"$%`) I48'+HHV),8^2)?&(0)H,Z0)+)4='(-,-<)4+'H.(&-) &G)0?&8,&-2)(+-<,-<)G(&?)+.?,(+8,&-) to disgust to jealousy. On one hand, the magazine is filled to the brim with talented writers and editors and artists, who seem 8&)0GG&(8H022HV)4(+-Z)&'8)-'+-40.)4(0+8,&-2) ,-21,(0.)6V)2'68H0)+-.)0.'4+80.),.0+2`) On the other hand, most of those proud, 0H0S+80.)4(0+8,&-2)+(0)'1)8&)8=0,()0+(2),-)8=0) same wretched, self-important wank that V&'),-0S,8+6HV)27,?),-)+8)8=,2)'-,S0(2,8V)c) 8=0)Z,-.)&G)28'GG)8=+8)H&'.P?&'8=0.)28'.0-8) 1&H,8,4,+-2)1'8),-)8=0,()1,102)+-.)2?&Z0`
On the other other hand, and I do have three hands, I simply cannot take my eyes and ink-stained fingers off of this 2,?'H8+-0&'2HV)0-4=+-8,-<)+-.)S&?,8&'2) ?+22)&G)(,<=80&'2)&1,-,&-`)I-.)+8)8=0),(&-,4) end of it all, guess who wants their letter to 8=0)0.,8&()8&)60)1'6H,2=0.)6V)8=0)S0(V)2+?0) ?+<+\,-0])9=,2)=V1&4(,80`)%&')=+S0)?V) (0<+(.2`))
G&'-.)_H0-+)5+(Z,-^2)+(8,4H0)&-)8(+S0HH,-<) in India ‘The Shot the Doctor Doesn’t Offer’ +8)6028)1+8(&-,2,-<)+-.)+8)7&(28)(+4,28`)E)G0H8) ,8)7+2)1H+<'0.)6V)6(&+.)<0-0(+H,2+8,&-2)+-.) 280(0&8V102)&G)E-.,+-)10&1H0)+-.)20S0(0HV) lacked any tone of journalistic balance. It portrays India as a backward, diseased 1H+40.)7=,4=)&10-HV)4&-.&-02)(+10)+-.) 20d,2?`)E-.,+)=+2)=+.)70HHP1'6H,4,20.) 1(&6H0?2)7,8=)(+1,282` However, I felt that the article painted all &G)E-.,+^2)O`DD)6,HH,&-)10&1H0)7,8=)8=0)2+?0) brush, in a simplistic and uncritical matter. Having travelled in India I saw first hand 8=+8),8),2)S0(V)4&??&-)G&()H&4+H2)8&)+11(&+4=) tourists asking for photos, from both men +-.)7&?0-` 9&),-2,-'+80)8=+8)8=0)1=&8&2)+(0)8+Z0-) ?0(0HV)G&()8=0)1'(1&20)&G)4=+'S,-,28,4) 6&+28,-<),2)+)=0+S,HV)6,+20.)<0-0(+H,2+8,&-) 7=,4=)H+4Z2)0S,.0-40`)E)7+2)S0(V) .,2+11&,-80.)8&)200)8=,2)+(8,4H0)1'6H,2=0.),-) !"##"$%`
social media g>&'-8)=&7)?+-V)F2)8=0(0)+(0)8&)7,-) +)G(00)!"##"$%)2'624(,18,&-h
“@FarragoMagazine really, no mention &G)+20d'+H2)7=0-)8+HZ,-<)+6&'8)1(,.0),-) ‘Beyond the Binary’? Disappointing, but -&8)2'(1(,2,-<h
g/0+()0S0(V6&.V)1H0+20)(0+.)8=0) 2?+2=,-<)1,040)*0V&-.)8=0)*,-+(V),-)0.D) @FarragoMagazine before all else. Draws -,40)1+(+HH0H2)8&).(+<)8&&`
IN RESPONSE TO OUR APRIL FOoLíS ARTICLE (Successful HJC Incredibly Top: Takes Out National Award For Service, Decor): g%&')6+28+(.2)<&8)?0)<&&.h
ñ NELLIE MONTAGUE ON FACEBOOK “Officially the best thing !"##"$%)=+2) 0S0()1'6H,2=0.h
EDITORS Maddy Cleeve Gerkens, Martin Ditmann, Lynley Eavis, Simon Farley.
SUB≠ED ITORS Danielle Bagnato, Melanie Basta, Emma Breheny, Jim Burgemeestre, Alex Capper, Bren Carruthers, Kitty Chrystal, Jess Comer, Ellen Cregan, Sebastian A. Dodds, Harvey Duckett, Laura Foo, Morgan Kain-Bryan, Stephanie Kilpatrick, Elena Larkin, Sheri Lohardjo, Sarah Martin, Helena Melton, Ryan Mitchell, Rachael Morris, Francesca Ohlert, Yuzuha Oka, Baya Ou Yang, Putu Dea K. Putra, Bracha Rafael, Mireille Ryan-Nicholls, Claudia Schroeder, Monica Sestito, Sasha Sheko, Gajan Thiyagarajah, Hannah Tricker, Jakob von der Lippe, Will J=,80-`
Alyona, Alistair Baldwin, Melanie Basta, Bhargavi Battala, Rachel Brien, Nina Cheles, Leannza Chia, Kitty Chrystal, Amy Clements, Gareth Cox-Martin, Kate Cranney, Samuel Dariol, Ruth de Jager, Lynley Eavis, Camilla Eustance, Georgia Evert, Gabriel Filippa, Nathan Fioritti, Dexter Gillman, Kevin Hawkins, Anwyn Hocking, Tyson Holloway-Clarke, Claudia Hooper, Lucy Hunter, Jasmin Isobe, J-Dart, Markus Janáček, Emily Keppel, Jack Kilbride, Hill Kuttner,
4 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
Nicholas Langford, Travis Larcombe, Sarah Layton, Kim Hoang Le, Bonnie Leigh-Dodds, Rebecca Liew, Tori Lill, Alice Mathieu, Joseph Moore, Kat Muscat, Jeremy Nadel, Mary Ntalianis, Sarah McDonald, Jaccob McKay, Yu Nong, Christina Olszewski, Baya Ou Yang, Ashleigh Penhall, Adriana Psaltis, Sam Riegl, Jacob Rodrigo, Hannah Samuel, Monica Sestito, Alexander Sheko, Ella Shi, Ellen Y.G. Son, Alice Thompson, Caleb Triscari, Isabella Vadiveloo, Georgia Waite-Gertner, Sean Watson, Clare Weber, Emily Weir, Faye White, Will Whiten, Duncan Willis, Jason Wong, Adrian Yeung
!"##"$%),2)8=0)28'.0-8)?+<+\,-0)&G)8=0)M-,S0(2,8V)&G)[0H6&'(-0) Student Union (UMSU), produced by the Media Department. !"##"$%) is published by the General Secretary of UMSU, Hana Dalton. The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of UMSU, 1(,-80(2)&()0.,8&(2`)!"##"$% is printed by Printgraphics, care of 8=0)0S0(P1+8,0-8)Q,<0H)e',(Z`)IHH)7(,8,-<)+-.)+(87&(Z)(0?+,-2)8=0) 1(&10(8V)&G)8=0)4(0+8&(2`)9=,2)4&HH048,&-),2)f)!"##"$%)+-.+!"##"$%) (020(S02)8=0)(,<=8)8&)(01'6H,2=)?+80(,+H),-)+-V)G&(?+8`
illustration (opposite page) by jasmin isobe
campus /
campus / farrago 2015 / edition three / 5
/ campus
calendar / MAY week NINE
TUESDAY 5 B+?Y)_-S,(&)c)*,Z0)>&P&1 OC+?Y)>H'62)c)>&HH048,S0 OD1?Y)I48,S,8,02)c)**e ODYNA1?Y)M[3M)IU[ O1?Y)J&?i-)&G)>&H&'()>&HH048,S0 AY!C1?Y)J0HG+(0)c)F(00)%&<+
WEDNESDAY 6 OD1?Y)J&?i-^2)c)>&HH048,S0 OD1?Y)_-S,(&)c)>&HH048,S0 O1?Y)T&7.V)5+'<=80( !1?Y)J&?i-^2)c)F0??0) IG80(-&&-2 A1?Y)/,2+6,H,8,02)c)."#/+"01+."2+ 34(00-,-<
THURSDAY 7 $Y!C+?Y)J0HG+(0)c)F(00)*(0+ZG+28 OD1?Y)/,2+6,H,8,02)c)>&HH048,S0 O1?Y)J&?i-^2)c)e'00()j) e'028,&-,-<)e92 NY!C1?Y)e'00()c)>&?,-<)R'8) U(&'1 AY!C1?Y)J0HG+(0)c)F(00)k'?6+ $YCC1?Y)e'00()c)X(,.0)*+HH
Friday 8 $+?Y)J0HG+(0)c)F(00)%&<+ D1?Y)J0HG+(0)c)>&HH048,S0
MONDAY 4 OD1?Y)I48,S,8,02)c)**e O1?Y)/,2+6,H,8,02)c)I-d,08V) 3'11&(8)U(&'1 AY!C1?Y)_-S,(&)c)XH+V)7,8=)V&'() G&&.
week TEN
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OD1?Y)I48,S,8,02)c)**e O1?Y)/,2+6,H,8,02)c)I-d,08V) 3'11&(8)U(&'1 AY!C1?Y)_-S,(&)c)XH+V)7,8=)V&'() G&&.
OD1?Y)I48,S,8,02)c)**e O1?Y)/,2+6,H,8,02)c)I-d,08V) 3'11&(8)U(&'1 AY!C1?Y)_-S,(&)c)XH+V)7,8=)V&'() G&&. "1?Y)E-.,<0-&'2)c)F,H?)Q,<=8
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B+?Y)_-S,(&)c)*,Z0)>&P&1 OC+?Y)>H'62)c)>&HH048,S0 OD1?Y)I48,S,8,02)c)**e O1?Y)J&?i-)&G)>&H&'()>&HH048,S0 AY!C1?Y)J0HG+(0)c)F(00)%&<+
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Friday 15
Friday 29
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$+?Y)J0HG+(0)c)F(00)%&<+ D1?Y)J0HG+(0)c)>&HH048,S0
the full STRESS LESS WEEK program will be AT umsu.unimelb.edu.au/need≠ help/welfare
6 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
artwork by emily keppel
campus /
NEWS IN BRIEF UMSU AGM 9=0)M[3M)I--'+H)U0-0(+H) [008,-<)7,HH)60)=0H.)&-) 9'02.+V)A)[+V)+8)ODYNA1?) in North Court, just prior to the Tuesday BBQ, which will feature Sammy J & Randy. The 2014 financial (01&(8)7,HH)60)4&-2,.0(0.`
RAP DEBATE 9=0)M-,S0(2,8V)(040-8HV) (0H0+20.),82)204&-.) T04&-4,H,+8,&-)I48,&-) Plan. Now, some students +-.)28+GG)=+S0)0d1(0220.) 20(,&'2)4&-40(-2)+6&'8),8) +-.)8=0)+11(&+4=)8&)8=0) ['(('1)*+(+Z)>0-8(0`
OBPD!)I1(,H),2)T+.)30d)+-.) Consent Week, designed 8&)g<,S0)V&')8=0)20dP0.)V&') -0S0()=+.h`)T'-)6V)S+(,&'2) +'8&-&?&'2).01+(8?0-82) of UMSU, the week is a high-profile Unimelb event.
Q&?,-+8,&-2)G&()8=0) U(+.'+80)38'.0-82^) I22&4,+8,&-)0H048,&-2)=+S0) closed, with 15 GSA council +-.)O)M-,S0(2,8V)>&'-4,H) 21&8)'1)G&()<(+62`)9=0) 0H048,&-2)7,HH)60)&-H,-0) NPOA)[+V`
The Uni is doing a major fundraising drive. Now, it =+2)H+'-4=0.)+)-07)6,<P budget donors club, the J,H2&-)3&4,08V`)9=&20)7=&) donate $500,000 and those 7=&).&-+80)&S0()lO)?,HH,&-) <08)+)?0.+H`)
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X(0H,?,-+(V)28'.0-8) -'?60(2)=+S0)600-) (0H0+20.`)9=0)M-,)=+2) 38,226 EFTSL (equivalent full time students) – 5,090 G070()8=+-)8=0,()DCOA) target, though they expect 8&)0S0-8'+HHV)(0+4=),8`
gJ0^HH)=+S0)7&(Z2=&12) &-)0S0(V8=,-<)G(&?)=&7) sex works, contraception and STI prevention, to */3[)+-.)+-+H)7&(Z2=&12`) 9=0(0^2)0S0-)&-0)G&() 10&1H0)7=&)7+-8)8&)60) ?&(0)4&?G&(8+6H0)2+V,-<) no to sex,” said UMSU Queer Officer Andrea U+S(+-`
L'?+-)T,<=82) >&??,22,&-0()U,HH,+-) 9(,<<2)=+2)(04,0S0.)+)H0880() G(&?)8=0)M-,^2)I4+.0?,4) *&+(.)+-.)&S0()NCC)&G),82) +4+.0?,42)2'11&(8,-<)=0() G&HH&7,-<)4&-8(&S0(2V)&S0() +).080-8,&-)40-8(0)(01&(8`)
OOPOA)[+V),2)38(022)5022) Week (SLW), organised 6V)M[3M^2)J0HG+(0) /01+(8?0-8`)E8^2)+)700Z)&G) 0S0-82)+-.)7&(Z2=&12)=0H.)) ,-)8=0)H0+.'1)8&)0d+?2) +,?,-<)8&),?1(&S0)28'.0-8) 70HH60,-<`
9=0)M-,S0(2,8V),2)H&&Z,-<) +8)8,<=80-,-<)+-.) G&(?+H,2,-<)(0<'H+8,&-2) +(&'-.)(020+(4=).0<(00) 2'10(S,2,&-`)9=0),22'0) 4+'202)2&?0).06+80)&S0() 8=0)6+H+-40)608700-) regulation and flexibility.
9=0)I4+.0?,4)*&+(.^2) I4+.0?,4)X(&<(+??02) >&??,8800),2)&11&2,-<) +)1(&1&2+H)7=,4=)7&'H.) ,-8(&.'40)+)4&?1'H2&(V) _-<H,2=)4&??'-,4+8,&-) skills subject for students 7=&)-00.),8`
CLUBS COMMITTEE 9=0)>H'62)>&??,8800)=+2) disaffiliated several clubs +-.)1'8)2&?0)&8=0(2)&-) probation, in many cases +2)+)(02'H8)&G)+48,S,8V) (01&(8,-<)+-.)0S0-8) G(0a'0-4V)(0a',(0?0-82`) 9=0)9'(Z,2=)I22&4,+8,&-) appealed disaffiliation to Students’ Council, but lost 8=0)S&80)6V)+)H+(<0)?+(<,-`) M[3M)-&7)28+-.2)8&)H&20) ,82)4H+,?)&G)=+S,-<)&S0() 200 affiliated clubs. At the same time, the usual (&'-.)&G)?+-V)-07)4H'62) have applied for affiliation, 7,8=)2&?0)=+S,-<)600-) 1(&S,2,&-+HHV)+11(&S0.`
g9=&'2+-.2)&G)28'.0-82) suffer stress, anxiety and related issues, particulalrly at this point of semester,” said UMSU Welfare Officer James Bashford.
9=0)M-,S0(2,8V),2)H&&Z,-<) +8)+)7,.0P(+-<,-<)(0S,07) &G),82)H0<,2H+8,S0)1(&402202`) 9=0)4&?1H0d)(0S,07)4&'H.) have a major impact on <&S0(-+-40)7,8=,-)8=0)'-,`
9=0)'-,S0(2,8V),2)(0S,07,-<) its online systems, ,-4H'.,-<)4&-2,.0(,-<)8=0) 1&22,6,H,8V)&G)=+S,-<)&-H,-0) 0d+?,-+8,&-2`)I)7&(Z,-<) <(&'1)=+2)600-)208)'1)8&) 0d+?,-0)+-.)(0S,07)8=0) ,22'02)+(&'-.),8`
9=0)M-,S0(2,8V),2)<&,-<) +=0+.)7,8=),82)H&-<P ('--,-<)1H+-)8&).0?&H,2=) M-,&-)L&'20)+-.)(01H+40) ,8)7,8=)28'.0-8)=&'2,-<`) 38'.0-82)7,HH)210+Z)&-)8=0) ?+880()+8)+-)M[3MP('-) 1'6H,4)G&('?`)
X+28)'-,S0(2,8V)1&H,4,02) G&()28'.0-82)=+S0) 1H+40.)?+80(-,8V)H0+S0) (028(,48,&-2`)I4+.0?,4) *&+(.)X(02,.0-8)T+4=0H) J06280()=+2)?+.0)?+Z,-<) ?+80(-,8V)H0+S0)?&(0) +44022,6H0)+)1(,&(,8V`
I4+.0?,42)=+S0)(+,20.) 4&-40(-2)&S0()8=0) (0.'48,&-)&G)2104,+H,20.) staffing at the East Asia >&HH048,&-`)9=0)M-,S0(2,8V) 2+V2),8),2)(021&-.,-<) +-.),2)1(&?,2,-<)g7,.0) 4&-2'H8+8,&-h`
DCOA^2)35J)7,HH)0d1+-.)&-) previous years’, with clubs +-.)2&4,08,02)+H2&)=&H.,-<) 0S0-82`
farrago 2015 / edition three / 7
/ campus
Australia’s ‘Group of 8’ (Go8) consortium of universities has announced that it is opposed to any ‘watering down’ of the Higher _.'4+8,&-)+-.)T020+(4=)T0G&(?)*,HH)DCON)8&)+HH&7),8)8&)60)1+220.) ,-8&)H+7` 9=0)H0<,2H+8,&-)c)7=,4=)7&'H.)+HH&7)'-,S0(2,8,02)8&)208)8=0,()&7-) 4&'(20)8',8,&-)G002)7,8=&'8)4+12):+2)10()8=0)M-,80.)38+802^)'20(P pays system, but with HECS and government subsidies remaining) c)=+2)600-)S&80.).&7-)87,40),-)8=0)G0.0(+H)20-+80)2,-40),8)7+2) ,-8(&.'40.)H+28)V0+(` E-)+)1(022)(0H0+20)8=0)U&$)28+80.Y)g9=0)U&$),2)4&-40(-0.)8=+8)+) number of other proposals being floated as solutions do not tackle 8=0)4&(0),22'0)&G)H&-<P80(?)G'-.,-<)2+8,2G+48&(,HV`h For the past three years, the Go8 has consistently stated that the 4'((0-8)G'-.,-<)?&.0H)G&()I'28(+H,+-)M-,S0(2,8,02),2)g6(&Z0-h` “It is for this reason that we have just as consistently supported 8=0)1(&1&2+H)G&()8=0).0(0<'H+8,&-)&G)=,<=0()0.'4+8,&-)G002)+2)8=0)&-HV) H&-<)80(?)2'28+,-+6H0)2&H'8,&-)&-)&GG0(`h However, the Go8 appears reluctant to further amend the existing legislation, instead proposing an alternative ‘de-politicised’ 1(&4022)G&()(0S,07,-<)4'((0-8)G'-.,-<)+((+-<0?0-82` Under the current model, research is cross-subsidised by tuition G002)G(&?)4&'(207&(Z)28'.0-82` 3'11&(8)G(&?)'-,S0(2,8,02)=+2)600-)4('4,+H)8&)8=0)G0.0(+H) <&S0(-?0-8^2)0GG&(82)8&)<08)8=0)H0<,2H+8,&-)1+220.)8=(&'<=)
1+(H,+?0-8` Labor and the Greens, along with key senate crossbenchers, are &11&20.)8&)8=0)1(&1&2+H)8&).0P(0<'H+80)8=0)2048&(` UMSU Education Public Affairs officer Conor Serong agrees that the tertiary education system needs funding reform, but argues that .0P(0<'H+8,&-),2)8=0)7(&-<)+11(&+4=` “There is undoubtedly a funding crisis for universities, and this ,2)2&?08=,-<)70),?1H&(0)8=0)<&S0(-?0-8)8&)+..(022)7,8=&'8)8=0) ,?1H0?0-8+8,&-)&G)+).0(0<'H+80.)'-,S0(2,8V)2V280?`h gM[3M)=+S0)600-)S&4+H)+.S&4+802)G&()<(0+80()6+20)G'-.,-<) 8&)'-,S0(2,8,02)G(&?)8=0)U&S0(-?0-8)G&()2&?0)8,?0)o),8),2)8=0) role of government to prioritise this funding, as education is overwhelmingly a public good, and the financial and broader social benefits of education are many and varied.” The Group of 8 represents Australia’s eight ‘elite’ universities, including the University of Melbourne, Australian National University, and other sandstone universities around Australia. M-,S0(2,8,02)I'28(+H,+)c)+)4&-2&(8,'?)&G)+HH)I'28(+H,+-) universities, has also previously supported de-regulation. However, Conor Serong argues that any benefits of de-regulation are likely to be unequally distributed, with less prestigious universities competing on uneven terms with Go8 institutions, and 7&?0-)+-.)28'.0-82)G(&?)H&70(P2&4,&P04&-&?,4)6+4Z<(&'-.2)?&28) H,Z0HV)8&)60).,2+.S+-8+<0.)6V)G00),-4(0+202`
.'4+8,&-)'-,&-2)+(0)'(<,-<)0.'4+8,&-)?,-,280()>=(,28&1=0()XV-0) to reconsider further pursuing university fee deregulation, with 2&?0)4+HH,-<)=,?)8&)g<08)&GG)=,2),.0&H&<,4+H)=,<=P=&(20h`) On March 17, the Senate rejected proposed higher education changes, including the deregulation of university fees, for the second 8,?0),-)8=(00)?&-8=2`) However, Mr Pyne has vowed on multiple occasions to continue fighting for fee deregulation even if the Senate voted down on the 6,HH`) E-)+-)3$4 report on March 18, Mr Pyne was quoted as saying “You couldn’t kill me with an axe”, referring to his stance on the 1&H,4V`) M-,S0(2,8V)&G)[0H6&'(-0)38'.0-8)M-,&-):M[3M;)_.'4+8,&-) (Public) Officer Conor Serong expressed concern about threats from XV-0)+-.)<&S0(-?0-8)[X2)+6&'8)8=0)1&H,4V^2)4&?06+4Z`) gm9=020)8=(0+82n)2=&7)8=+8)8=0)>&+H,8,&-)<&S0(-?0-8)=+2-^8)600-) listening to students, that they’re trying to pursue an ideological agenda without any concern for who that impacts,” said Mr Serong. When asked what he would possibly say to Mr Pyne, Mr Serong believed he had a few “choice phrases”, but ultimately called the ?,-,280()&'8)&-)=,2),.0&H&<,4+H)28+-40`)) “I’d tell Chris to get off his ideological high-horse,” said Mr Serong, “to recognise that his reforms aren’t positive and re-evaluate =,2)1&2,8,&-)&-)8=0)G(&-8)60-4=`h Q+8,&-+H)90(8,+(V)_.'4+8,&-)M-,&-):Q9_M;)M-,S0(2,8V)&G) [0H6&'(-0)6(+-4=)1(02,.0-8)380S0)I.+?2)=+2)+H2&)4+HH0.)&-)[()XV-0) 8&)=+S0)+)g4&?1H080)(08=,-Zh)+6&'8)=,2)28+-40)&-)G00).0(0<'H+8,&-`
8 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
[()I.+?2)-&80.)8=+8)7=,H0)8=0)0.'4+8,&-)?,-,280()8(,0.)8&) centre the debate on higher education’s benefits towards students’ careers, Mr Pyne ignored reviewing the societal value education had. g>=(,28&1=0()XV-0)=+2)8(,0.)8&)?+Z0),8)+6&'8)8=0)S+H'0)8&)8=0) student, and put the onus on them in a user-pay system,” said Mr I.+?2`) “But we need these people to be doctors, lawyers, and more. If 0S0(V&-0)2=,(Z0.)8=0,()(021&-2,6,H,8V)604+'20)8=0)4&28)&G)1+V,-<)G&() university is too high, where would we [society] be?” J=,H0)[()I.+?2)+4Z-&7H0.<0.)8=+8)8=0(0)-00.0.)8&)60)+)(0S,07) on how universities are funded, he did not believe deregulating '-,S0(2,8V)G002)7+2)8=0)(,<=8)4=&,40`) “I agree that universities are underfunded, but to deregulate university fees is not the way to go,” said Mr Adams. “It is unfair, and society thinks so too, which is why it didn’t pass.” I'28(+H,+-)5,60(+H)38'.0-82^)F0.0(+8,&-):I53F;)204(08+(V) Matthew Lesh agreed that higher education reform was vital, but 60H,0S0.)8=0)28+8'2)a'&)7+2)'-2'28+,-+6H0` “Rejecting necessary reform means dooming our vital higher education system,” said Mr Lesh. “It means our universities will be less dynamic, worse funded, and ultimately less able to compete.” [()502=)+H2&)a'028,&-0.)7=08=0()8=0)1&&()?'28)2'62,.,20)=,<=0() 0.'4+8,&-)G&()<(+.'+802)7=&)7&'H.)4&?0)&'8)8&)0+(-)g&-)+S0(+<0)lO) ?,HH,&-)0d8(+h)8=(&'<=&'8)8=0,()H,G08,?02`) The reform bill, which would allow universities to set their own undergraduate fees, was defeated by 34 votes to 30, with the <&S0(-?0-8)8=(00)S&802)2=&(8)&G)2,d)4(&2260-4=)S&802)-00.0.`))
campus /
Campus PIGEON by CLaudia hooper
Don’t know what to do, E^?)-&8)4&&H)H,Z0)+)J&?1&&i` Here I am, high flying above north court, 380+H,-<)8=0)4('?62)G(&?)8=0)2+-.7,4=)V&')6&'<=8` It was gluten free, L&7)'-G&(8'-+80)G&()?0p Q&7).&-^8)G&(<08 I stood up for you, *V)<&,-<)8&)8=0)H&& R-)8=0)8,4Z08),-21048&(^2)S028` You know, the one you all detest? So next time you see me, /&-^8)8(V)8&)Z-00)?0` I’m just a little pidge, 5&&Z,-<)G&()+)-,40()2+-.7,4=` iL,1280()4&H&'(G'H)-+8,S0)1,<0&-
ate last year, the National Tertiary Education Union’s (NTEU) University of Melbourne Branch joined several other branches in successfully pressuring their superannuation fun, UniSuper, to withdraw investments from Transfield. Transfield is a publically H,280.)4&?1+-V)8=+8)=+2)600-)?+-+<,-<)I'28(+H,+^2).080-8,&-)40-8(02) &-)[+-'2)+-.)Q+'(')2,-40)0-80(,-<)+)lO`DD)6,HH,&-)4&-8(+48),-) January 2014. NTEU members’ ethical concerns towards UniSuper’s financial partnership with Transfield were heightened by events 8=+8)4+28).&'68)&-)8=0)8=0,()+6,H,8V)8&)1(&8048)+2VH'?)200Z0(2^) safety-particularly the February 2014 Manus Island riots, in which H&4+H)X+1'+)Q07)U',-0+-2)+-.)204'(,8V)<'+(.2)+88+4Z0.)1(&8028,-<) detainees, leading to the death of an Iranian asylum seeker-Reza *+(+8,`) >+HH2)G(&?)Q9_M)?0?60(2)G&()M-,3'10()8&)7,8=.(+7)2=+(02),-) corporations profiting from the government’s’ offshore processing 2V280?)60<'-),-)[+(4=)DCON)7,8=)8=0)M-,S0(2,8V)&G)3V.-0V)*(+-4=) motioning for “UniSuper not to invest in firms that collaborate with 8=0)I'28(+H,+-)U&S0(-?0-8),-)8=0)?+-.+8&(V).080-8,&-)(0<,?0`h) 9=,2)7+2)G&HH&70.)6V)+)21+80)&G)&8=0()Q9_M)4&'-4,H2)+4(&22)I'28(+H,+) 1+22,-<)2,?,H+()?&8,&-2` Requests for UniSuper to divest from Transfield initially fell on deaf ears, with UniSuper releasing a statement to its members alleging that Transfield “demonstrates a strong commitment to 4&(1&(+80)2&4,+H)(021&-2,6,H,8Vh)+-.)4H+,?,-<)8=+8)g8=0)4&?1+-V) '-.0(8&&Z)+)G'HH)(,2Z)+22022?0-8)1(,&()8&)80-.0(,-<)G&()8=0)[+-'2)
Illustration by Nina CHeles
E2H+-.)4&-8(+48`h However, as the campaign for UniSuper to divest from Transfield gained broader support throughout the union’s membership, 8=0).0?+-.2)604+?0)=+(.0()G&()8=0)6&+(.)8&)6('2=)&GG`)I2)Q9_M) M-,S0(2,8V)&G)[0H6&'(-0)/,S,2,&-)304(08+(V)>&H,-)5&-<)=+2)0d1H+,-0.) g+HH)&'()6(+-4=02)S&80.)8&)2'11&(8)+)?&8,&-)1'8)6V)8=0)/0+Z,-) *(+-4=)8&)&'()Q+8,&-+H)>&'-4,H)?008,-<),-)R48&60()H+28)V0+(```)3'10() F'-.2)4+-)2&?08,?02)60)a',80)(021&-2,S0)8&)?0?60(2^)1(&80282`h) 9=0)4+?1+,<-)G&()3'10(+--'+8,&-)G'-.2^)8&)+48)&-)?0?60(2^) &11&2,8,&-)8&)8=0,()1+(8,4,1+8,&-),-)8=0).080-8,&-)&G)+2VH'?)200Z0(2) is not confined to the NTEU. A number of unions across Australia =+S0)600-)4+HH,-<)&-)8=0,()2'10(G'-.2)8&)7,8=.(+7),-S028?0-82) from the major profiteers of the Manus and Nauru facilities, such +2)8=0)I'28(+H,+-)30(S,402)M-,&-)7=,4=)=+S0)+H2&)4+HH0.)&-)8=0,() Superannuation fund Hesta to divest from Transfield. Reflecting on the extent to which superannuation funds divesting G(&?)4&?1+-,02)?+-+<,-<).080-8,&-)40-8(02)+48'+HHV)1&202)+)8=(0+8) to the nation’s immigration policies, Colin Long remarks “whether 8=0)&62022,S0)4('0H8V)+-.)(+4,2?)&G)8=0)F0.0(+H)U&S0(-?0-8)4+-) be challenged by such an action is unclear.” Nonetheless, she still 28(02202)8=+8)g.,S028?0-8),2)+-),?1&(8+-8)7+V)8&)1&,-8)&'8)8=+8) companies like Transfield profit from this misery and should be 4&-.0?-0.`h
farrago 2015 / edition three / 9
/ campus
+-V),-80(-+8,&-+H)28'.0-82)7=&)28'.V),-)1&28<(+.'+80)4&'(202) are struggling with their studies in the first month of semester, asserting it is largely a result of unexpected language difficulties. 30S0(+H)&G)8=020)28'.0-82)4&?0)G(&?)I2,+-)4&'-8(,02`)38'.0-82)2'4=) as Hannah Huang, who studies engineering, feel anxious about final academic results. “Although there are still eight weeks left, it is still 1&22,6H0)G&()?0)8&)G+,H),-)8=0)0-.ph The majority of students owe the difficulty to their language H0S0H`)gE)<&8)"`A)&-)H,280-,-<)+-.)210+Z,-<)G(&?)8=0)E_593) (International English Language Testing System) test, but it is still hard for me to understand the lecture, neither I cannot express my opinion clearly [in] seminar[s]. So I still need more English practice,” 2+,.)L'+-<` )IHH),-80(-+8,&-+H)1&28<(+.'+80)28'.0-82)=+S0)?08)8=0)?,-,?'?) H+-<'+<0)(0a',(0?0-8)&G)+8)H0+28)"`A)&S0(+HH)7,8=)-&)6+-.)H&70()8=+-) "`C)60G&(0)8=0V)(040,S0)8=0)G'HH)&GG0()8&)28'.V)+8)8=0)M-,S0(2,8V)&G) [0H6&'(-0` g9=0)24&(0)7&'H.)=+S0)600-)6+20.)&-)(020+(4=).&-0)+8)8=0)8,?0) +-.)0-.&(20.)6V)8=0)M-,S0(2,8V)30H048,&-)X(&40.'(02)>&??,8800) before being approved by the Academic Board,” said Doug Aplin, the Portfolio Manager at the university Office of Admission. “I cannot say G&()2'(0)7=V)8=+8)1+(8,4'H+()24&(0):"`A;)7+2)2088H0.)&-`h) 9=0)I4+.0?,4)*&+(.)=+S0)-&8)(01H,0.)8&)4&??0-8)&-)8=0)E_593` Most of the interviewed first year international postgraduate 28'.0-82).&)-&8)8=,-Z)8=0)E_593),2)0-&'<=)G&()8=0?)8&)8+4ZH0) academic challenges. “The content of IELTS is much more simple, general than what we learn in the courses,” said Candy Tang, a 6'2,-022)<(+.'+80)28'.0-8` The difficulty of understanding or catching up with what the 80+4=0(2)8+HZ)+6&'8),-)4H+22),2)8=0)H+(<028)4=+HH0-<0` g9=0(0)+(0)8&&)?+-V)1(&G022,&-+H)80(?2)&()+4+.0?,4)8=0&(,02)
that are heard. It confuses me most of the time,” said Huang, who +H7+V2)8(,02)8&)'-.0(28+-.)8=0)4&-80-8)S,+)X&70(1&,-8`)g*'8)7=+8) the Powerpoint shows is just something summarised. The specific things which are taught by lecturers and tutors still baffle me,” she 2+,.` )9=0)H+-<'+<0),22'0)+H2&)H0+.2)8&)+-&8=0()1(&6H0?`)[+-V) ,-80(-+8,&-+H)1&28<(+.'+80)28'.0-82)=+S0)2+,.)8=0V)1(0G0()8&)7&(Z) 7,8=)10&1H0)G(&?)8=0)2+?0)4&'-8(V)7=0-)=+S,-<)+).,24'22,&-)&() doing a group assignment. Language barriers challenge Julie Cao, +)>=,-020),-80(-+8,&-+H)28'.0-8)28'.V,-<)+)[+280(2)&G)>=0?,4+H) _-<,-00(,-<`)gJ=0-)E)+2Z)H&4+H)28'.0-82)&()28'.0-82)G(&?)&8=0() countries questions, even though they explain patiently, I still feel confused. It is embarrassing to ask for repetition frequently, so I just guess the meaning. Finally, I have to ask another Chinese student +<+,-`h Nevertheless, students aim to get through these difficulties after reviewing subject content. “You need to log onto the LMS to find the (04&(.,-<)+G80()H048'(02`)I-.)V&')-00.)8&)H,280-)8&),8)4+(0G'HHV)7=,H0) combining it with lecture slides. After that, things will be much more clear,” said Cao. )FH&(+)k=+-<)=+2)28'.,0.)+8)8=0)M-,S0(2,8V)&G)[0H6&'(-0)G&() one year, and has shared her way of minimising difficulties in class .,24'22,&-2`)gI-),-80(028,-<),.0+)4+-)0-<+<0)V&'),-8&).,24'22,&-)7,8=) native and other international students, so it is necessary for you to read the required reading in advance. The more you read, the more ,.0+2)V&')4+-)4(0+80`h) I1H,-)=+2)2'<<0280.)8=+8)'2,-<)8=0)I4+.0?,4)3Z,HH2)20(S,40)&G) '-,S0(2,8V)4+-)60)'20G'H)8&)28'.0-82` )g%&')4+-)6&&Z)8=0)I4+.0?,4)3Z,HH2)+.S,20()&-)8=0)'-,S0(2,8V) website, and they can give you direction in different aspects of studying,” explained Aplin.
dead white men
=0)M[3M)8=0+8(0).01+(8?0-8^2)+11(&+4=)8&)1(&<(+??,-<) 8=0+8(0),2)<(0+8`)M-,&-)L&'20)9=0+8(0)7&(Z2)8,(0H022HV)8&) (0+H,20)7&(Z2)0-8,(0HV),-,8,+80.)6V)28'.0-82`)E8),2)&-0)&G)8=0)&-HV) &(<+-,2+8,&-2),-)28'.0-8)8=0+8(0)-+8,&-7,.0)8&).&)8=,2`)J0)+(0) really, really lucky. But this semester, one of the biggest pitfalls of this system has 604&?0)0S,.0-8`)I-.),8^2)+)1,8G+HH)70)2=&'H.)-&8)60).0+H,-<)7,8=)c),8^2) easy to avoid. This semester, all 10 student-initiated productions in 8=0)20+2&-)70(0)7(,880-)6V)?0-`)IHH)OC`)9=,2),2)-&8)&Z+V`)J0)-00.)8&) be doing better than this, and we can. 38'.0-8)8=0+8(0),2)G'HH)&G)1&H,8,4+HHV)+7+(0)G0?,-,282)&G)6&8=) <0-.0(2`)E8),2)G'HH)&G)10&1H0)7=&)'-.0(28+-.)8=0),?1&(8+-40)&G) 1(&?&8,-<)+-.)G&(7+(.,-<)1&H,8,4+HHV)+7+(0)+-.),-80(028,-<)8=0+8(0`) E)Z-&7)8=,2)604+'20)?&28)&G)8=0?)+(0)?V)G(,0-.2`)I-.)E)Z-&7) 8=+8)?V)100(2).&-^8)60H,0S0),-)2=+1,-<)+)4&??'-,8V)7=0(0)70)&-HV) =0+()?+H0)S&,402)&-)28+<0`)9=0V)Z-&7)60880()8=+-)8&)1'8)&-)+)?'2,4+H) that glorifies domestic and sexual abuse, as 564+7,(1+8"#9/).,.`)9=0V) Z-&7)60880()8=+-)8&)2'11&(8)8=0)H0<+4V)+-.)028+80)&G)+)1H+V7(,<=8) that actively discriminates against and disempowers women, as the 1(&.'48,&-)&G)7",9,0$+:%#+;%1%9).,.`)9=0V)c)70)c)Z-&7)60880(` And this is important as we go out into the wider world, because it’s not just our community that is struggling. A report from the Australia Council for the Arts found that between 2001 and 2011, only 21% of the theatrical work produced by major creative arts 4&?1+-,02)7+2)7(,880-)6V)7&?0-`)R-HV)!"q)1(&.'48,&-2)=+.)+) 7&?+-),-)+)Z0V)4(0+8,S0)H0+.0(2=,1)(&H0`
10 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
9=,2),2)H+(<0HV)604+'20)8=0)J0280(-)8=0+8(,4+H)4+-&-),2)7(,880-) almost exclusively by men. So the fairly simple solution, as far as I’m concerned, is to stop performing and re-performing and re10(G&(?,-<)8=+8)4+-&-)2,?1HV)604+'20)70)H,Z0),8`)J0)-00.)8&)1'2=) ourselves, and hold each other more stridently to account. Stop 10(G&(?,-<)8=0)1H+V2)70^S0)200-)+)?,HH,&-)8,?02)60G&(0`)9=0)1H+V2) 7(,880-)6V)/0+.)J=,80)[0-`)I-.)28+(8)1(&.'4,-<)7&(Z)8=+8)S+H'02) 8=0)7(,8,-<)&G)7&?0-` Find, or even write, the plays not in the canon. And for heaven’s 2+Z0)?+Z0)2&?0)&G)8=&20)1H+V2)7(,880-)6V)7&?0-` 38'.0-8)8=0+8(0),2)+)1H+40)G&()(+.,4+H)+-.)1&H,8,4+HHV)0-<+<0.) 7&(Z`)E8^2)7=0(0)70)4+-)H&&Z)+8)8=0)I'28(+H,+)>&'-4,H^2)28+8,28,42)+-.) +48,S0HV)1'2=)6+4Z`)E8^2)7=0(0)70)G&(?)=+6,82)8=+8)70)7,HH)8+Z0)7,8=) '2),-8&)8=0)1(&G022,&-+H)7&(H.`)3&)H08^2)28+(8)7,8=)8=0)=+6,8)&G)<0-.0() 0a'+H,8V`)I.&18)8=0)=+6,8)&G)2+V,-<)2&?08=,-<)V&')60H,0S0)8=(&'<=) your work. Then add the habit of critically engaging, of pushing form +-.).,(048HV)+..(022,-<)7=+8^2)7(&-<)7,8=)8=0)I'28(+H,+-)8=0+8(0) 4&??'-,8V)+8)H+(<0` E)8=,-Z)8=0)8=0+8(0)10(G&(?0.)+8)9=0)M-,S0(2,8V)&G)[0H6&'(-0) ,2)2&?0)&G)8=0)6028)E^S0)200-`)E8^2)4=+-<0.)?0)G'-.+?0-8+HHV)+2)+) 10(2&-`)E^S0)H,S0.)+-.)6(0+8=0.)8=,2)7&(H.)G&()8=0)H+28)G&'()V0+(2)+8) the cost of my studies, relationships and health because I fucking H&S0),8`)E)=+S0)-0S0()G0H8)?&(0)+8)=&?0`)I-.),8),2)G&()8=,2)(0+2&-)E)-00.) to call out what’s happened this semester. Not to humiliate anyone, not to squash creative freedoms, but because I know that together 70)4+-)(048,GV)8=,2)2?+HH)6'8),??0-20HV).+?+<,-<)&S0(2,<=8`
campus /
Spencer Lai, “Unit Display”, G-Star Raw interlocking window display units (on loan from Rowan Oliver), decorative twine balls, baroque pearl (gifted by Campbell Ronnie), 2015.
he University has taken the first steps towards “establishing the capacity to develop, deliver and maintain a suite of high quality, online, graduate-level courses”. 9=0)U(+.'+80)R-H,-0)c)[0H6&'(-0)E-,8,+8,S0),2)4'((0-8HV)G&4'2,-<) on offering online degrees in two fields of study, evaluation and ageing. The online courses range from specialist certificates to ?+280(2).0<(002` gE8^2)+)(0+HHV)0d4,8,-<)8,?0)G&()'2)604+'20),8)0-+6H02)'2)8&)6',H.) on the strengths of our graduate schools, bringing the opportunity of our graduate programs to a much wider audience, both here and around the world,” said Provost Margaret Sheil. R-H,-0)4&'(202)=+S0)600-)+)6,<)8&1,4)&G).06+80)G&()20S0(+H)V0+(2` Several other Australian universities, such as Curtin and RMIT, =+S0)60<'-)&GG0(,-<)4&'(202),-)+)(+-<0)&G)2104,+H,8,02)4&?1H080HV) &-H,-0`)R10-).,28+-40)0.'4+8,&-)=+2)1(&S,.0.)28'.0-82)G(&?)('(+H) areas the opportunity to gain an education without the financial 6'(.0-)&G)H&-<P.,28+-40)4&??'802)&(),--0()4,8V)+44&??&.+8,&-`) [+-V)1(,S+80)0.'4+8,&-)+-.)8(+,-,-<),-28,8'8,&-2)+H2&)&GG0() qualifications ranging from vocational certificates to advanced .,1H&?+2)&-H,-0` Whilst it may look promising on the surface, UMSU Education (Academic) officer Shanley Price expresses concern at the M-,S0(2,8V^2)(0H,+-40)&-)80+4=,-<)4&'(202)4&?1H080HV)&-H,-0` g38'.0-82).&-^8)7+-8)+HH)&G)8=0,()H0+(-,-<)8&)60)4&-.'480.)&-H,-0b) G+40P8&PG+40)H0+(-,-<),2)+)4('4,+H)+-.)S+H'+6H0)0H0?0-8)&G)&68+,-,-<) a degree,” she said. “This shouldn’t be indicative of the way the university is moving for all courses, and if it is, we hold strong 4&-40(-2`h 9=0)E-,8,+8,S0)(0?+,-2),-).0S0H&1?0-8+H)28+<02`)X&2,8,&-2)7,8=,-) the staff framework are still vacant, and opportunities remain open G&()G'-.,-<`) According to a University webpage, funding will “provide support for academic teams to develop high quality, wholly online <(+.'+80)4&'(202),-)4&HH+6&(+8,&-)7,8=)+-),-80(-+H)80+?)&G)050+(-,-<) 2104,+H,282`h E8),2)'-Z-&7-)7=08=0()8=0)M-,S0(2,8V)7,HH)0d1+-.),-)8=0)G'8'(0)8&) offer degrees of other levels or specialties, such as bachelor degrees. The courses in evaluation, run by the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, were set to launch on the 13th of April.
photography by alice Mathieu
n 2015, the George Paton Gallery is brimming with exhibitions +-.)0S0-82)2=&74+2,-<)+)7,.0)S+(,08V)&G)8+H0-80.)28'.0-82)+4(&22) G+4,H,8,02)+-.)4+?1'202`) 9=,2)20?0280()8=0)<+HH0(V),2)1'HH,-<)6+4Z)&-),82),-80(P .01+(8?0-8+H)0d=,6,8,&-2)1(&<(+?)8&)G&4'2)&-)28'.0-8)0d=,6,8,&-2`) W>I)X(&'.)X(,\0)7,--0()310-40()5+,)7,HH)60)0d=,6,8,-<)+G80()_+280() 7,8=)=,2)1,040)<%&96=+>%#0+"9+>#&0'6+?:#%)+"+7,@6A` Lai’s exhibition will be followed by ‘Slap Pals get sacked – an art improvement program’, a non-student artist’s response to the *EX):6'2,-022),?1(&S0?0-8)1(&<(+?;)8=+8)&44'((0.),-)DCON)+-.) resulted in a lot of staff members losing their jobs. It plays on the irrationalisation of the university work force, '2,-<)+4(&-V?2)8&)1H+V)&-)7=+8)=+110-0.)+8)8=0)M-,S0(2,8V)&G) [0H6&'(-0)+-.)?+-V)&8=0(),-28,8'8,&-2` 9=0)0d=,6,8,&-)2+8,(,202)8=0)<(&7,-<)=V1&4(,8,4+H)-+8'(0)&G) corporate language in workplaces, and each work is a renegotiation of the idea of ‘reduction’ as efficiency. 9=0,()BCD+8%9"9%+8%#9#",9@),-)1+(8,4'H+(),HH'28(+802)=&7)0S0-)8=0) most unique are rendered generic to human resources that fixate on efficiency. ‘Slap Pals get sacked – an art improvement program’ took place from 18th March to 2nd April, and any who saw it would have +11(04,+80.),82)='?&'()+-.)4&-4018` R8=0()=,<=H,<=82)&G)8=0)<+HH0(V^2)4+H0-.+(),-4H'.0)8=0)20?0280(HV) departmental exhibition, which will be hosting the sculptural and spatial department’s ‘Casting Situations’ and Mudfest, the university’s biennial arts festival, taking place from the 20th to the 29th of August and influencing the second semester program. In a first, the George Paton gallery will be trialling a longer period of three weeks for each exhibition period, a clear show of 2'11&(8)G&()0d=,6,8,-<)28'.0-82` Sandra Bridie, coordinator of the arts program at the University of Melbourne, commented that the gallery’s role is to support students, as it’s usually their first exhibition experience. She loves that the gallery is ‘trial and error, as a result making the art quite risky’, and ‘there can always be interesting failures or 8=,-<2)8=+8)G+HH)+1+(8),-)+)(0+HHV),-80(028,-<)7+V^`)3=0)60H,0S02)8=+8)8=0) 0d=,6,8,&-).&02-^8)=+S0)8&)60)+)2'44022b)(+8=0(),8)1(,&(,8,202)H0+(-,-<) as much about exhibiting, in an artist’s time there. The gallery is ?&(0),-80(0280.),-)10&1H0)4=+HH0-<,-<)8=0?20HS02)+-.)8+Z,-<)(,2Z2`
farrago 2015 / edition three / 11
/ campus
parkville pigeon learns to tweet by emily weir
12 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
campus /
artwork by nina cheles
farrago 2015 / edition three / 13
/ campus
The Art of Parma
Your Guide to Unimelbís Best Parma by amy clements
=0)M-,S0(2,8V)&G)[0H6&'(-0)=+2)?+-V)1(028,<,&'2)(+-Z,-<2) and titles, but perhaps none more so than the well-deserved 8,8H0)&G)8=0)X(&?,20.)5+-.)G&()X+(?+)5&S0(2`)Q&8=,-<)a',80)60+82) +)=0+(8V)1+(?+)+8)&-0)&G)8=0)H&4+H)1'62)+G80()+)=+(.).+V^2)7&(Z)+8) '-,`)9=,-Z,-<)+6&'8)8=+8)4=002V)+-.)80-.0()1+(?+)8=+8)?+Z02)V&'() ?&'8=)7+80(`)9=0)8=&'<=8)&G)7=,4=)?,<=8)60)8=0)2+S,-<)<(+40)G&() getting through that last five o’clock tute. But what is the perfect ratio of chicken, to cheese, to ham, to tomato, to chips? Forget the golden ratio. It’s time to find out the ‘parma ratio’. Judging the various parmas found at and around Melbourne Uni, this is your ultimate guide to finding the perfect parma. Using very strict criteria, each parma was evaluated according to size, quality and price. Just like life’s too short to read a bad book, it’s even shorter to eat +)6+.)1+(?+` !"#$%&'()*"&+',-.&)'' ' '''''''''''''''/012 .%01"/+E+8%9+"01+8"#)"+FGD+?1#,0H+0%9+,0'(&141A Whilst this parma seems to be a winner for price, don’t let the 6,<)2,<-)&'82,.0)&G)XI2)&-)+)[&-.+V).040,S0)V&'`)9=0)lOC)1+(?+),2) &-HV)+S+,H+6H0),G)V&')6'V)+).(,-Z)&-)8&1)&G)V&'()1'(4=+20`)3&)?+Z0) sure you read the fine print, as it’s otherwise $19. But if you’re 7,HH,-<)8&)&S0(H&&Z)8=,2)200?,-<HV)G+H20)+.S0(8,2,-<)8=0-)8=0)XI^2) parma was incredibly satisfying. On top of its beautiful presentation, the tomato topping was very rich in flavour. However, the sauce had +-)&S0(1&70(,-<)8+280)7=0-)1+,(0.)7,8=)8=0)4=0020)+-.)=+?`)9=0) 4=0020)7+2)+H2&)2H,<=8HV)4('280.)+-.)=+.)+)6(&7-)8,-<0)c)+H?&28)+2),G) 8=0)1+(?+)=+.)600-)24&(4=0.)7,8=)+)6H&7)8&(4=`) 34&'5-"678$'9"#:4'!;<'' ' ''''''''''''12012 I0,+J9&1409@+3(K"/@+8"/+FGB+:%#+8%9+"01+8"#)"+ >&(Z?+-^2)1+(?+)7+2)8&1P-&84=)+-.)H0G8)&-0^2)+1108,80) completely sated. Due to the sheer size of many parmas these days, +)4&??&-)1(&6H0?)+?&-<28)'2)1+(?+P<&0(2),2)8=+8)70)Z001)0+8,-<) 0S0-)7=0-)70)+(0)G'HH`)>&(Z?+-2)&GG0(2)+)(0+H,28,4)?0+H)2,\0`)9=0) 8=,4Z0()4=,12)8=+8)4+?0)7,8=)8=,2)1+(?+)4&S0(0.)8=0)1H+80)+-.)=+.) the perfect level of saltiness. Rather surprisingly, no salad came on
14 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
the side so for veggie lovers, this may not be ideal. However, when you order a parma, is a salad really what you’re after? Perhaps >&(Z?+-2),2)6(0+Z,-<)&'8)&G)+-)&'8.+80.)2V280?`)/021,80)-&)<(00-2) on the side, the parma was made with a lot of love and everyone’s 1H+802)70(0)H,4Z0.)4H0+-`
,=5'>8"'' ' ' ' ''''''''''''''?012 ?L&0'6+M0(/A+8%9+"01+8"#)"+FGG+ To put it nicely, let’s just say that HJCs doesn’t specialise in 1+(?+2`)J0)70(0)20(S0.)+)4=,4Z0-)6(0+28)7,8=)2H,<=8HV)6'(-8)0.<02) 7,8=)?,-,?+H)8&?+8&)8&11,-<)+-.)+)1H&-Z)&G)'-8,HP(040-8HV)G(&\0-) cheese in the middle. It felt like eating just a normal bland chicken schnitzel. Additionally, the salad consisted of two mere lettuce leaves. Perhaps the one redeeming quality of the HJC parma was the 4('-4=V)G(0-4=)G(,02`)
>&@'A'B#%6C:'3;"*'5);<')) ) )))))))))))))))D012 5&4@1"/+E+8%9+"01+8"#)"+FGN A very flavoursome parma, featuring a perfect amount of crust +-.)+)4('?6HV)&'80()4&+8,-<`)9=,2)1+(?+)=+.)600-)H+V0(0.)8&) perfection – with a rich, creamy tomato sauce covered in cheese that ?+.0)&'()?&'8=2)7+80(`)9=0)&-0).(+76+4Z)7+2)8=+8)8=0)1+(?+)7+2) placed on top of the chips, causing them to become a little soggy. Yet, 8=0)a'+H,8V)&G)8=,2)8+28V)1+(?+)7+2)&'828+-.,-<)+-.)0+8,-<),8)7+2)+) very enjoyable experience. 34&'E;&&$:<&""F',-.&)'' ' ''''''''''''12012 56&#@1"/+E+8%9+"01+8"#)"+FGD A winner for price, this bad boy parma has everything you could ever want. The classic pub parma included ham in its topping, an +..,8,&-)-0<H0480.)6V)2&?0)1'62)+8)8=0)0d10-20)&G)-&8)+4=,0S,-<) the complete mix of flavours of a top quality parma. Don’t expect your chips to say warm while eating this parma though, as its size is truly staggering. Conveniently, the salad came in a separate bowl, 2&)V&').&-^8)=+S0)8&)7&((V)+6&'8)+-V)<(00-2)<088,-<),-)8=0)7+V)&G) V&'().0H,4,&'2)1+(?+`))
illustration by ruth de jager
campus /
behind the bookshelf by duncan willis
n the 13th century the Mongol hordes, under Hulagu Khan, lay 2,0<0)8&)8=0)?0.,0S+H)?08(&1&H,2)&G)*+<=.+.`)9=0)4,8V^2)G+?&'2) library was destroyed, with so many books thrown into the rivers that the waterways were said to run black with ink. To this day, it (0?+,-2)8=0)2,-<H0)H+(<028).028('48,&-)&G)Z-&7H0.<0),-)=,28&(V`)F&() years, our own heart of knowledge at the University of Melbourne lay within the Baillieu library. However, this is swiftly changing – due ,-)-&)2?+HH)1+(8)8&).,<,8+H,2+8,&-`) The Baillieu’s basement floor is an odd and contradictory place. Like the library’s other levels, it plays host to scores of students 2?+2=,-<)0-0(<V).(,-Z2)+-.).&'6H0).(&11,-<)Q&P/&\)8&)=+??0()&'8) their essays, as well as decidedly quieter shelves of books. However, the basement contains a unique area: the journal section, the heart &G)Z-&7H0.<0)+8)8=0)M-,S0(2,8V` 9=0(0),2)+)1=0-&?0-+H)+?&'-8)&G),-80HH,<0-40)+(4=,S0.),-) 8=,2)2048,&-`)E8)?+V)4&?0)+2)+)2'(1(,20)8&)V&')8=+8)?&28)&G)8=0) journals you can find on Discovery, as well as many that you cannot, are available here in hard copy: even some that date from O#DOp)Q0721+10(2)G(&?)+HH)+(&'-.)8=0)7&(H.)+(0)+H2&)+S+,H+6H0)&-) microfilm; all the newspapers published in the Soviet Union are in record, as are all editions of the Age published on microfilm. You can 0S0-)(0+.)8=(&'<=)0,<=8V)V0+(2)&G)!"##"$% – although, really, why would you? You could just as easily ask Martin. I’ve been down to this section of the Baillieu many times, +-.)0+4=)8,?0)E)-0S0()G+,H)8&)60)+?+\0.)6V)8=0)2=00()+?&'-8)&G) information contained there. For anyone who enjoys learning, it is an exhilarating experience to stand before a shelf, jam-packed with articles that span every topic imaginable, and knowing that you could just grab one journal at random and read through it. African I?0(,4+-)38'.,02])>=04Z`)9=0)3V.-0V)1+10(2])>=04Z`)9=0)T&V+H) French Academy of Science? Yep, that’s there too. While this magnificent section of the library is by no means neglected, it is most certainly forgotten. As I found when I was
photography by lynley eavis
researching for this article, it is rare to find students browsing 8=0(0`)9=,2)?+V)60).'0),-)1+(8)8&)8=0).04H,-,-<)1(&?,-0-40)&G)2'4=) resources in the digital age. Many journals published their last hardcopies in the mid-2000s, and microfilms are near-obsolete c).,<,8+H).+8+6+202)H,Z0)9(&S0)=+S0)(0-.0(0.)8=0?)0GG048,S0HV) '20H022`)564+3$4 still makes microfilms, although 564+O4#"(1+J&0) 7&'-.)'1),-)DCO!` This digitalisation revolution has brought with it both benefits and drawbacks, something that simply leafing through the journals ,-)8=0)*+,HH,0')6+20?0-8)2=&72`)/,<,8+H,2+8,&-)6(,-<2)7,8=),8)?+-V) +.S+-8+<02Y)V&')-00.)&-HV)+)4&?1'80()8&)<+,-)+44022)8&)8=0)2+?0) 6(0+.8=)&G)Z-&7H0.<0)8=+8)8=020)4&'-8H022)2=0HS02)&G)80d82)&GG0(`) It makes gaining specified knowledge infinitely easier – heaven help you if you need to find a specific page in a specific article in a specific journal without the use of an e-copy that you can do a Z0V7&(.)20+(4=)&-` At the same time, digital documents have a far shorter lifespan 8=+-)=+(.4&1,02`)3&?08=,-<)1(,-80.)&-)S0HH'?)4+-)H+28)OCCC)V0+(2b) your Grade 3 assignment you saved onto floppy disc is lost forever. When the University ceases to subscribe to an eJournal, you’ll lose access to every article in every volume of that journal – past, present, +-.)G'8'(0`)J=0-)8=0)M-,S0(2,8V)40+202)2'624(,6,-<)8&)8=0)=+(.4&1V) journals, in contrast, you only miss out on the new publications. Personally, I think that one of the biggest drawbacks in the .04H,-0)&G)=+(.4&1,02),2)8=0)H&22)&G)8=+8).,28,-48)20-20)&G)+70)V&') feel when standing before a shelf filled to the brim with books. Browsing through an alphabetised list of the countless e-journals M-,?0H6)28'.0-82)=+S0)+44022)8&)4+-)-0S0()0S&Z0)8=,2)2+?0)G00H,-<`) In the digitalised age, we may no longer be able to tangibly see and '-.0(28+-.)=&7)H,88H0)70)Z-&7)&G)8=0)7&(H.`)/,<,8+H,2+8,&-)?+Z02) finding the answer to a question far easier, but it makes looking for a question all the more difficult.
farrago 2015 / edition three / 15
/ campus
email: President@union. unimelb.edu.au instagram: @umsu_president
&10G'HHV)V&')<&8)8=0)0?+,H)G(&?)8=0)X(&S&28)+-.) E)H+28)?&-8=p 9=0(0^2)+H7+V2)='-.(0.2)&G)8=,-<2)<&,-<)&-)'1)&-)50S0H) 1 (not to mention in my head), but here’s just a few that ?,<=8),-80(028)V&'` E)?08)7,8=)8=0)M-,S0(2,8V)+6&'8)8=0,()+,?)8&' #$%"&8:&':.;+&$.'8%%-77-+8.#-$):+-.)?+V60)&GG0()+-) accommodation guarantee to international, interstate and regional students, as some other universities are). We spoke about the current project of turning the old Salvation Army 9(+,-,-<)>&HH0<0)&-)T&V+H)X+(+.0),-8&)+44&??&.+8,&-` E^S0)600-)1H+--,-<)&'()'14&?,-<)G.;+&$.'H-";7'-$'
general secretary
hana dalton
email: secretary@union. unimelb.edu.au
ith the semester now in full swing, March proved to 60)+)6'2V)?&-8=)G&()M[3M`)J,8=)8=0)0-.&(20?0-8)&G) Students’ Council, I established a Constitutional Working Group, which will be a forum in which students can discuss 8=0)M[3M)>&-28,8'8,&-)+-.)+-V),.0+2)8=0V)=+S0)G&()1&22,6H0) changes. The group will meet fortnightly, and meeting .08+,H2)4+-)60)G&'-.)&-)8=0)304(08+(,+8)1+<0)&G)8=0)M[3M) 7062,80`)_S0(V&-0),2)70H4&?0)8&)4&?0)+H&-<)+-.)4&-8(,6'80p
EDUCATION (academic) nellie montague & shanley price email: educationacademic @union.unimelb.edu.au facebook: www.facebook.com /umsueducation
0-2'2).+80)=+2)4&?0)+-.)<&-0)+-.)70^(0)-&7)+HH) locked into our subjects for the rest of the Semester. 9=0)M-,S0(2,8V),2)'-.0(<&,-<)+)*'2,-022)E?1(&S0?0-8) Plan which involves, amongst other things, centralisation of our Student Centres and ultimately job cuts. We have =0+(.)?+-V)4&?1H+,-82)+-.)+(0)7&(Z,-<)7,8=)M-,S0(2,8V) U&S0(-+-40)8&)+.S&4+80)G&()V&'()1(&6H0?2`)J0)=+S0)+)G&(?)
16 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
.4&'*;.;"&'-*'I$#-$',-;:&):21&,H0(Y),8^2)<&,-<)8&)60)Z+1'8) 2&&-0()&()H+80(;`)J0^(0)<&,-<)8&)60)?&S,-<),-8&)+)-07)21+40) somewhere on campus, and I want to make sure that a) students understand what is happening, b) feel consulted +-.)4;)8=+8)E)+?)6028P1H+40.)8&)(01(020-8)28'.0-82),-)8=0) Student Precinct Steering Group I sit on. The first stage of this will be an evening info sesh in Week 7, outlining where this process is at, and allowing plenty of time for F-;'.-'8:6' J;&:.#-$:)c)-&)?+880()=&7)6,<)&()2?+HH`) 9=0)M-,S0(2,8V)4'8)8=0))#<"8"F'4-;":'8.'-;"'>;"$)&F' %87K;:, and I helped Burnley students lobby the Uni 8&)(028&(0)8=020)c)+-.)8=0V)H,280-0.p)J0HH).&-0)8&)0S0(V) 28'.0-8)7=&)?+.0)8=0,().,220-8)Z-&7-` If you want to know more of what I do week to week, V&')4+-)4=04Z)&'8)?V)<)-L on the UMSU website (4 pics, ')4+-)G&HH&7)?V)E-28+<(+?;`)[+Z0)2'(0)V&')4&?0)8&)8=0) G.;+&$.'H-";7'MI$#-$'34&8."&N'OK7'P&+$&:+8F'(K"#)' QQ$+R)+-.)c)+2)+H7+V2)c)M[3M)7062,80)4+H0-.+(),2)V&'() 6028)G(,0-.)7=0-),8)4&?02)8&)Z-&7,-<)8=0)6&'-.H022) 0S0-82)<&,-<)&-p
E)=+S0)4&-8,-'0.)8&)7&(Z)7,8=)M[3M)E-8H)8&)&(<+-,20)8=0) ‘Melbourne Mingle’ event, to be held on the 23rd of April. /08+,H2)7,HH)60)+S+,H+6H0)&-)8=0)M[3M)7062,80)+-.)&-)8=0) M[3M)+-.)M[3M)E-8H)F+406&&Z)1+<02` T+4=0H)+-.)E)=+S0)600-),-S&HS0.),-).,24'22,&-2)7,8=) 8=0)M-,S0(2,8V)+6&'8)8=0)-07)28'.0-8)1(04,-48)+-.)8=0) M-,S0(2,8V^2)1H+-2)8&)6',H.)?&(0)28'.0-8)=&'2,-<`)9=0(0) are a number of significant changes being proposed. Of particular concern to us is the relocation of UMSU, and the ,?1+48)8=,2)?+V)=+S0)&-)8=0)20(S,402)70)4'((0-8HV)&GG0().'0) 8&)+)1&80-8,+HHV)(0.'40.)+?&'-8)&G)21+40`)J0)7,HH)4&-8,-'0) to work towards a fair outcome, but in the meantime we 0-4&'(+<0)+HH)28'.0-82)8&)+880-.)&'()8&7-)=+HH)?008,-<) ,-)700Z)#` The UMSU AGM will take place on Tuesday May 5th, at 12:45pm in North Court, just prior to the Tuesday band and **e`)L&10)8&)200)V&')8=0(0p
for you to complete on our website, if you’ve had difficulties with your student centre this year, we’d like to know! J0^(0)7&(Z,-<)7,8=)M-,S0(2,8V)U&S0(-+-40)8&)4(0+80)+) list of acceptable reaons to ‘opt-out’ from lecture recording, to be enforced by December 31, 2015. Here’s to a 2016 &G)(0S,2,-<)>+H4)O)+-.)0+(-,-<)?&-0V),-280+.)&G)+)OP=&'() E-80(-+8,&-+H)U0-.0()X&H,8,42)H048'(0p 38'.0-8)T01(020-8+8,S02)=+S0)600-)+11&,-80.)8&) University boards and most have had their first meeting. Thank you to everyone who applied, we had so many more +11H,4+-82)8=+8)1&2,8,&-2)6'8)8=0)4+H,6(0)7+2),?1(022,S0HV) high. Congratulations to all those appointed, and we will be '1.+8,-<)8=0)7,.0()28'.0-8)6&.V)&-),?1&(8+-8)&'84&?02) G(&?)8=0)6&+(.2)+2)8=0V)0S&HS0` J0^(0)28,HH)8+Z,-<)2'6?,22,&-2)G&()>&'-80(4&'(20) handbook, all of your entries are up to date and available &-)8=0)>&'-80(P>&'(20)7062,80`)3'6?,8)+-V8=,-<)V&'^(0) 28'.V,-<)8=,2)20?0280()8&)8=0)7062,80)G&()V&'()4=+-40)8&)7,-) lAC)+8)8=0)>&PR1`
photography by bonnie leigh≠ dodds
campus /
EDUCATION (public)
conor serong
email: Educationpublic @union.unimelb.edu.au facebook: www.facebook.com /umsueducation
0V)+<+,-p)E8^2)600-)+)?+22,S0)?&-8=)G&()0.'4+8,&-`) /021,80)G00).0(0<'H+8,&-)60,-<).0G0+80.),-)8=0)30-+80) for a second time, Education Minister Christopher Pyne S&70.)8=+8),8)7&'H.)(08'(-`)9=,2)2+7)4(&7.2)&G)28'.0-82) (+HHV)+(&'-.)8=0)4&'-8(V)+2)1+(8)&G)&'()DA)[+(4=)Q+8,&-+H) Day of Action, to tell the Government that students don’t 7+-8)8&)60)2+..H0.)7,8=)&'8(+<0&'2)H0S0H2)&G).068)&-40)8=0V) graduate, as a result of an unfair policy that hurts women
welfare james bashford
email: welfare @union.unimelb.edu.au facebook: www.facebook.com /UMSUwelfare
-)8=0)1+28)G07)700Z^2)E^S0)4&-8,-'0.)7,8=)&'()2'44022G'H) (0<'H+()0S0-82`)J+(?)6+4&-)+-.)0<<2)+8)&'()G(00) 6(0+ZG+282)=+S0)600-)1+(8,4'H+(HV)+11(04,+80.)+2)7,-80(),2) certainly coming while the fitness classes were particularly <&&.)G&()+-V&-0)7=&)&S0(,-.'H<0.)&S0()_+280(` Now, however, it’s time for the most exciting period of 8=0)20?0280()c)G."&::'S&::'P&&6p 38(022)5022)J00Z)7,HH)60)=0H.).'(,-<)700Z)OC)G(&?)8=0)
+-.)H&70(P,-4&?0)28'.0-82)8=0)?&28`) In the lead up to the rally, we held an Education stall outside Union House, where we gave away delicious (free!!) cupcakes and our (free!!) snazzy Education maze pens, and 4=+880.)8&)28'.0-82)+6&'8),22'02)+GG048,-<)8=0,()0.'4+8,&-`) On the day, we also held a free BBQ, and volunteers from our >&HH048,S0)21&(80.)8=0,()28VH,2=)-07)M[3M)_.'4+8,&-)8002` We’ve got campus-specific issues in our sights next, so Z001)+-)0V0)&-)&'()F+406&&Z)1+<0):777`G+406&&Z`4&?@ '?2'0.'4+8,&-;)+-.)2,<-)'1)8&)&'()_.'4+8,&-)>&HH048,S0):S,+) the link on Facebook or shoot us an email at education@ union.unimelb.edu.au) to keep up to date on our activities, and learn how you can get involved. Or, as always, you can come up to our offices on Level One of Union House and 4=+8)8&)'2),-)10(2&-`) Until next time, stay educated! …or Educated. &(o)2&?08=,-<`
OO8=)8&)8=0)OA8=)&G)[+V`)9=0)1'(1&20)&G)38(022)5022)J00Z) ,2)8&)(+,20)+7+(0-022)&G)8=0),?1&(8+-40)&G)H&&Z,-<)+G80() &'(20HS02)+-.)&'()?0-8+H)=0+H8=)+-.)<0-0(+H)70HH60,-<),-) 8=0)H0+.)'1)8&)0d+?2`)J0^(0)6'2V)1(01+(,-<)+-)+?+\,-<) program of workshops, fun and entertainment on top of all our ordinary weekly events, and if you or a club you’re ,-S&HS0.)7,8=)7&'H.)H,Z0)8&)('-)+-)0S0-8)1H0+20)<08),-)8&'4=p) E^.)H&S0)8&)=+S0)V&')&-)6&+(.p 9=0)700Z)7,HH),-4H'.0)87&)1+(8,4'H+(HV)2104,+H)0S0-82)8&) ?+Z0)2'(0)V&')=+S0),-)V&'().,+(VY >&8$'>8L'5#$&78T Tuesday 12/5 6.00 PM, Grand Buffet Hall, FREE. We’ll be showing The Lion Kingppp 58"$#@8)T Thursday 14/5 12.00-2.00 PM, South Lawn, FREE. Come along and relax with inflatable soccer and +)1088,-<)\&&ppp
Our first women’s networking night was a success, with panellists Pam McLeod, Katherine-Anne Waldron and Julia Lai Kwon sharing some fantastic insights with our allison ballantyne +880-.002`)R'()204&-.)-087&(Z,-<)-,<=8)&44'((0.),-)700Z) & lucy curtis 6, and our final networking night for the semester will be on email: womyns 9'02.+V)[+V)OD):700Z)OC;` @union.unimelb.edu.au J0)70(0)S0(V)1H0+20.)8&)70H4&?0)G0?,-,28)+48,S,282) facebook: www.facebook.com Karen Pickering, Eugenia Flynn and Sara Brocklesby to /umsuwomyns 210+Z)+6&'8)G0?,-,2?),-)I'28(+H,+),-)DCOA)+8)&'()J=+8)8=0) =,2)700Z),2)T+.)30d)+-.)>&-20-8)J00Zp)U08)+H&-<)8&)2&?0) F0?,-,2?p])1+-0H),-)700Z)A`)J0)1H+-)8&)=+S0)2&?0)?&(0) of the fantastic workshops we’ll be running in conjunction film screenings/special events in the next couple of weeks, 2&)Z001)+-)0V0)&'8p) with the Queer, Disabilities and Welfare departments from As always, hope to see you in the Wom*n’s Room! [&-.+V)8&)9='(2.+V`)J,8=)7&(Z2=&12)&-)8&1,42)G(&?)6+2,4) sex education, to BSDM 101, to Sexy Sign Language, there’s 2&?08=,-<)G&()0S0(V&-0p) J0^S0)=&280.)2&?0)<(0+8)0S0-82)&S0()8=0)H+28)G07)700Z2`)
farrago 2015 / edition three / 17
/ campus
creative arts Bonnie leigh≠d odds & isabella vadiveloo email: arts @union.unimelb.edu.au facebook: www.facebook.com /umsuartsdepartment
5)c)&??,8800)?008,-<2 U)c)01HV,-<)8&)0?+,H2 V)c)+8,-<)_+280()4=&4&H+80)G(&?)0S0(V7=0(0 ()c)11HV,-<)G&()<(+-82 3)c)0HH,-<)10&1H0)8=0V)4+-)=+S0)&'()<(+-82p 9)c)-80(028,-<)7&(Z2=&12)&-)2'28+,-+6,H,8V)+-.)+44022 W)c)&H'-800()+11H,4+8,&-2)&10-)G&()?'.G028 V'c)S0(V8=,-<)G&()['.G028 ()c)(8,28)+11H,4+8,&-2)G&()['.G028 U)c)+4&&-2p 3)c)(V)8&)60)Z,-.)8&)8&)V&'(20HG G'c)&)?+-V)8+H0-80.)+(8,282p)
18 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
Activities Hayden michaelides & James Baker email: Activities@union. unimelb.edu.au facebook: www.facebook.com /umsuactivities
=0)_+280()6(0+Z)2+7)8=0)0-.)&G)+-),-4(0.,6HV)6'2V) 6 weeks for the Activities department, and the first 8,?0)8&)8+Z0)+)H&&Z)6+4Z)+8)7=+8)=+2)=+110-0.)2&)G+()8=,2) semester, and start planning for the events for the rest of this semester, and for next semester. In the past month, we have had the cocktail party in week 4, and our first, bigger than usual, trivia in the Grand Buffet Hall in week 5, both of which were spectacular, and everyone who attended =+.)+)H&8)&G)G'-`)J0)+H2&)7(+110.)'1)8=0)[&-.+V)**e2)G&() this semester in week 5 with a poetry slam competition, although these will return in semester 2, while the Tuesday **e2)7,HH)4&-8,-'0)8&)('-)8=(&'<=&'8)8=0)20?0280(`)I1+(8) from these, we have only 2 more events for the rest of the semester, the Comedy Competition in Members’ Lounge on the 22nd of April, and our second trivia, on the of May, +H2&),-)[0?60(2^)5&'-<0`)J0)7,HH)+H2&)28+(8)8&)H&&Z)+8)8=0) planning of next semester’s events, and we hope to make 8=0?)6,<<0()+-.)60880()8=+-)0S0(`
campus /
andrea gavran & lloyd rouse email: Queer@union. unimelb.edu.au
8+'G&Z'['5-$:&$.'P&&6T'Your Queer Officers have 600-)7&(Z,-<)=+(.)7,8=)+)S+(,08V)&G)&8=0()M[3M) .01+(8?0-82)8&).0H,S0()+-)+702&?0)700Z)&G)20d)+-.) (0H+8,&-2=,1)0.'4+8,&-`)J,8=)+)28(&-<)H,-0'1)&G)210+Z0(2)+-.) educators covering both the basics and intricacies of sex, plus an awesome after party, RSCW 2015 will be one of the 6028),-)M[3M)=,28&(Vp)
Clubs & Societies
claire pollock & stephen smith
email: clubs @union.unimelb.edu.au facebook: www.facebook.com /UMSUClubs
8)>H'62)70^S0)600-)0d8(+)6'2V)+11(&S,-<)+HH)8=0)&700Z) and welcome back grant applications, plus reviewing +-.)<(+-8,-<),-,8,+H)+11(&S+H)8&)-07)4H'62)c),8^2)600-)+-) 0d4,8,-<)G07)700Z2)2,-40)&'()H+28)(01&(8`) 5);<:'58"$#@8): Just in case you missed it, we ran 8=0)>H'62)>+(-,S+H),-)J00Z)N`)E8)7+2)<(0+8)8&)200)&S0() NC)4H'62),-S&HS0.)2=&7,-<)&GG)8=0,()8+H0-82`)_S0(V&-0) involved did such a great job – it’s hard to single out a few examples. That being said, Fiona seemed particularly
tyson holloway≠cla rke
email: Indigenous@union. unimelb.edu.au phone: 0488506881
=,-<2)+(0)?&S,-<)G&(7+(.)+8)+)G+-8+28,4)(+80`)*V)-&7)8=0) M-,S0(2,8V)&G)[0H6&'(-0^2)E-.,<0-&'2)U+?02)80+?)7,HH) have started training for the competition in June/July with &S0()NC)10&1H0),-)8=0)2a'+.`)J,8=)+)80+?)8=,2)H+(<0)70)+(0),-) 8=0)('--,-<)8&)8+Z0)8=0)H+(<028)80+?),-)6&8=)8=0)U+?02)+-.) M-,S0(2,8,02)=,28&(V`) In the coming weeks the first all-Indigenous University &G)[0H6&'(-0)28'.0-8)1'6H,4+8,&-)7,HH)60)H+'-4=0.)7,8=) assistance from the UMSU Media Officers and the wider !"##"$%)80+?`)9=0)1'6H,4+8,&-)7,HH)G0+8'(0)+)S+(,08V)&G)
!"#+&'>8)): Coming around on the 7th of May, Pride Ball 7,HH)60)+-)0S0-8)-&8)8&)60)?,220.`)X(01+(+8,&-2)+-.)1H+--,-<) +(0)4&?,-<)8&)+)4H&20)7,8=)8,4Z08)2+H02)60,-<)1'2=0.)=0+S,HV) 8&)0-2'(0)70)=+S0)8=0)6,<<028)+-.)6028)0S0-8)1&22,6H0`) [+Z0)2'(0)8&)1'(4=+20)+)8,4Z08)2&)V&').&-^8)?,22)&'8)&-) 8=,2)+?+\,-<)-,<=8`) E;&&"'5-))8<-"8.#-$:Y)e>),2)4&?,-<)'1),-)8=0)20?0280() 6(0+Z`)[+Z0)2'(0)8&)H&&Z)&'8)G&()8=0)0d1(022,&-2)&G),-80(028) G&(?),-)+880-.,-<)8=,2)+?+\,-<HV)0.'4+8,&-+H)+-.)G'-) 4&-G0(0-40`)e>),2)60,-<)=&280.),-)>+-60((+)8=,2)V0+(`) U&L;)8"'V@&$.:Y)I2)+H7+V2)70)=+S0)&'()(0<'H+() J0.-02.+V)G(00)H'-4=02)+8)O1?),-)8=0)e'00()31+40)&-)50S0H) !)&G)M-,&-)=&'20`)J0)+H2&)=+S0)&'()e'00()9='(2.+V2)2&4,+H) 0S0-8)+8)N1?)&-)9='(2.+V2`
,?1(0220.)7,8=)8=0)2=,(8H022)6+(80-.,-<)G(&?)[&(0)*00(p) and Gunter enjoyed the science experiments from QuEST! >H'62)>+(-,S+H)WD)7,HH)60)<&,-<)+=0+.),-)30?0280()D)c) 7+84=)8=,2)21+40p) X&Y'5);<:T'As mentioned above, we have been 7&(Z,-<)&'8)7+V)8=(&'<=)8=0)-07)4H'6)+11H,4+8,&-2Y) 8=0(0)70(0)DA)+11H,4+8,&-2)c)70)+(0)1H0+20.)8&)+--&'-40) 70)=+S0)<(+-80.),-,8,+H)+11(&S+H)8&)OO)&G)8=0?p)RS0()8=0) 4&?,-<)700Z2)70)7,HH)60)7&(Z,-<)7,8=)8=020)<(&'12) to draft their constitutions (get excited, Steve’s excited #juststephenthings) and then preparing to hold IGMs (Inaugural General Meetings). Keep an eye the UMSU Clubs j)3&4,08,02)F+406&&Z)1+<0)G&()?&(0),-G&(?+8,&-)&-)8=020) 0d4,8,-<)-07)4H'62pp) 5);<'-*'.4&'P&&6T'R'()r4H'6&G8=0700Z)1(&?&8,&-),2) 4&-8,-',-<)8&)('-)c)2&)(0?0?60()8&)20-.)V&'()1=&8&2)+-.)+) short description to cluboftheweek@gmail.com to share you awesome events with our 4,000+ clubsters!! ['4=)10-<',-)H&S0)>H+,(0)j)380S0p)
academic, creative and opinion pieces written by our 28'.0-82)80HH,-<)&'()28&(,02`)E)+?)2&)0d4,80.)8&)2=+(0)8=,2) with you in the coming weeks, keep an eye out for our launch party and the first edition on stands soon. E-)8=0)?0+-8,?0)8=0)6+88H0)+<+,-28)8=0)4H&2'(0)&G) J0280(-)I'28(+H,+-)4&??'-,8,02)4&-8,-'02`)E8),2)8=0)2+.) (0+H,8V)8=+8)+)-'?60()&G)&'()6(&8=0(2)+-.)2,280(2)=0(0),-) [0H6&'(-0)+-.)+8)8=0)M-,S0(2,8V)7,HH)(08'(-)=&?0),-)8=0) 7,-80()6(0+Z)+-.)8=0,()4&??'-,8,02)7,HH)=+S0)0,8=0()600-) 2='8).&7-)&()G'HH)&G)8=0,()-0,<=6&'(2)200Z,-<)(0G'<0`)E8) -00.2)8&)60)'-.0(28&&.)8=+8)8=020)4H&2'(02)7,HH)=+S0)+) 1(&G&'-.HV)-0<+8,S0),?1+48)&-)-&8)&-HV)8=0)10&1H0)H,S,-<) in those communities at the present, but the communities surrounding them. I implore you to reject the idea that 8=020)4&??'-,8,02)+(0)8&&)G+()+7+V)8&)4+(0)+6&'8`)9=020) are the homes of some of the peoples you share a tutorial, a lunch date and your lives with. If anything fight for their (,<=8)8&)=+S0)+)=&?0`
farrago 2015 / edition three / 19
/ campus
disabilities sasha cheryllyn chong & susannah gordon
email: disabilities @union.unimelb.edu.au facebook: www.facebook.com /umsu.disabilities
hat a first half of semester the Disabilities Department has had! In the week before the break, we ran a 7&(Z2=&1)7,8=)_+8,-<)/,2&(.0(2)W,48&(,+)+-.)70)24(00-0.) the film Mary and Max. Both events ran smoothly and were G'-)+-.@&(),-80(028,-<)G&()+HH),-S&HS0.`)J0^.)H,Z0)8&)8=+-Z) 8=0)7&-.0(G'H)T+4=0HH0)IHH0-)G&()=0()<(0+8)7&(Z)1(020-8,-<) 8=0)_/W)7&(Z2=&1`)
For the upcoming six weeks, it’s mostly business as usual. Our regular Anxiety Support Group, Collective will 4&-8,-'0)('--,-<)700ZHV)+-.)+(0)&10-)8&)+-V&-0)7=&) is interested (although Collective is autonomous), and Q0'(&.,S0(2,8V)4&HH048,S0)('--,-<)G&(8-,<=8HV)c)4=04Z) calendar for specific times and locations. We are also in the 1(&4022)&G)028+6H,2=,-<)+)2'11&(8)<(&'1)G&()+-V&-0).0+H,-<) with substance abuse, and details about when/where this 7,HH)&44'()7,HH)60)+S+,H+6H0)&-)&'()G+406&&Z)1+<0)2&&-`) Last but certainly not least, we are thrilled to be 1+(8,4,1+8,-<),-)T+.)30d)+-.)>&-20-8)J00Z),-)700Z)20S0-`) J0^HH)60)=0H1,-<)&'8)7,8=)7&(Z2=&12)&-).,2+6,H,8V)+-.) sexuality and navigating mental illness and relationships, as 70HH)+2)('--,-<)+)20dV)2,<-)H+-<'+<0)4H+22p)J0^(0)2'(0),8^2)+HH) going to be fantastic, and we hope to see you there.
farrago / welcome to farrago, your student magazine! want to get involved? like farrago on facebook for submission details. We want your writing, art and photography. In 2015, weí ve brought back the science section and weí d love for it to explode with content! you may notice this editioní s science section is a tad on the short side ñ help us out by sending an email with your pitch.
20 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
/ farragomagazine.com / www.facebook.com/farragomag / @farragomagazine / @farragomag / farragomagazine2015@gmail.com
photography on opposite page by j≠ dart
culture /
culture / farrago 2015 / edition three / 21
/ culture
THE TROPICAL LIVER≠ FUCKER by gareth cox≠m artin
y first encounter with the cocktail known as the zombie, or the skull-puncher as it’s sometimes called, was at an empty Tiki bar on a Tuesday night. A friend and I were trying to find a place 8&)<08)+)a',08)600()+-.),-280+.)=+.)28'?6H0.)'1&-)+-)&11&(8'-,8V) to get roaring drunk, en route to a splitting headache the following morning. For a third of the way down the menu, at the modest price of twenty-five dollars, was the zombie, promising four shots of liquor ,-)8=0)&-0)4'1)c)+-.)7=+8)+)4'1p)E8)7+2)+)40(+?,4)?'<)8=+8)7+2) sculpted into a snarling head, and looked like something that should =+S0)600-)60=,-.)+)<H+22)4+20),-)+)?'20'?)&()H'(Z,-<),-)2&?0) =&((,6H0)-,<=8?+(0`)IH8=&'<=)&'()G&<<V)?0?&(,02)&G)8=+8)-,<=8)+(0)&G) a wild, swingin’, glamorous event, in all likelihood the poor bar staff just ended up having to keep the place open an extra hour to watch 8=0,()&-HV)87&)1+8(&-2)<08)G(&?)2&60()8&)28,-Z,-<).('-Z)G+280()8=+-) the speed of a projectile vomit. The only problem with drinking zombies all night – yes, the only problem – is the exorbitant price tag. Although, on occasion, there is also the issue of those pesky bartenders, who think that an afternoon 210-8)+4a',(,-<)+-)T3I)<,S02)8=0?)H,40-40)8&)8'(-)+7+V)<&&.)?&-0V) G(&?)+)?+-)7=&),2)S0(V)(0+2&-+6HV)+2Z,-<)G&()8=0?)8&)2,?1HV)(0+4=) behind for the goddamned rum and put his seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth standard drink of the night into the stupid G'4Z,-<)?'<)+-.)60).&-0)7,8=),8`)I22=&H02`) Luckily I have the solution, in a recipe for a drink that you can ?+Z0)+8)=&?0)+-.)8=+8),2)2&)=+(.4&(0),8)7,HH)Z-&4Z)8=0)4&4Z)(,<=8)&'8) &G)8=0)\&?6,0^2)?&'8=`)E)4+HH),8Y)964)5#%P,'"(+L,-4#Q!&'H4#`)E),-S0-80.) it after wanting to go back to the Tiki bar for more punishment, but finding my bank balance being prohibitive of such a jaunt. So I researched, then improvised, then doubled the quantities of everything. Whether you’ve come home from a hard day’s work, or are about to head out for a big night’s partying, or just need something to fuel your jet, this drink is perfect! The recipe is as G&HH&72`
Ingredients:) • • • • •
2 shots white rum 2 shots dark rum 2 shots Malibu 1 shot Cointreau Orange juice or pineapple juice
Method: In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, pour in the spirits, and then top up with the juice of your choice. Shake vigorously. Then, pour 8=0)4&-80-82)&G)8=0)2=+Z0()&S0(),40),-8&)+)H+(<0)8+-Z+(.`)L+-.)V&'() 4+()Z0V2)8&)2&?0&-0)(021&-2,6H0)+-.).(,-Z)'1p)[+Z0)2'(0)V&')=+S0) 0-&'<=)?&-0V),-)V&'()6+-Z)+44&'-8)8&)1&28)6+,H),-)4+20)V&'()-,<=8) gets crazy – which, if you mix the drink right, it inevitably will! L+11V).(,-Z,-<p)
22 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
artwork by emily keppel
culture /
Felix Ching Ching Ho artist profile by nathan fioritti
0H,d),2)+-),-.010-.0-8)8=0+8(0P?+Z0()+-.)10(G&(?0()G(&?)L&-<) Kong. Now an Australian citizen, Felix is perfecting her craft by '-.0(8+Z,-<)8=0)[+280(2)&G)/,(048,-<)G&()X0(G&(?+-40)1(&<(+?)+8) 8=0)W,48&(,+-)>&HH0<0)&G)8=0)I(82` She has been director, assistant director, and a performer for the Arts Centre Melbourne, Melbourne Fringe, Melbourne Theatre Company (MTC) and National Theatre of China, among many others. In 2013, she initiated ‘TRANS COLLECTIVE’, a series of two ?'H8,H,-<'+H)10(G&(?+-402Y)&-0)G&()9=0)M-,S0(2,8V)&G)[0H6&'(-0^2) Mudfest Arts Festival and another for the Hong Kong People’s F(,-<0)F028,S+H` L0()?&(0)(040-8)7&(Z),-4H'.02).RSTDG, her first site-specific 10(G&(?+-40)7,8=)4&?1&20()I--,0)L',PL2,-)L2,0=)+2)1+(8)&G)8=0) 6th Melaka Art and Performance Festival last year, and .STDN, a 4&HH+6&(+8,&-)7,8=)[0H6&'(-0P6+20.)4&?1&20()I2=H00)>H+11)G&() [+11,-<)[0H6&'(-0` 30H0480.)+2)&-0)&G)8=0).,(048&(2),-)[9>^2)J&?0-)/,(048&(2^) Program this year, Felix is currently working as a dramaturge on U%+<%&+JP4"H+R6,04@4V+with dancers Victoria Chiu and Kristina Chan. She is also currently developing a project called C"09%04@4+ MP4#"+5#,(%$/W+TDG+!%%9@'#"/)+2)1+(8)&G)8=0)*,<)J028)F028,S+H)8+Z,-<) 1H+40),-)Q&S0?60(` Felix has been living in Melbourne for the last ten years, and 2+V2)2=0),2)gS0(V)G&(8'-+80)8&)60)+6H0)8&)4+HH)87&)1H+402)=&?0h`) 3=0)0d1H&(02)6&8=)1H+402),-)=0()4(0+8,S0)7&(Z`)gE)4+-)-0S0()8('HV) understand what’s happening in Australia without reflecting on similar issues in Hong Kong and China, and vice versa,” she says. Felix first became involved with theatre when she signed up
artwork by camilla eustance
G&()+)7&(Z2=&1),-)8=0),-,8,+H)G07).+V2)&G)=0()'-.0(<(+.'+80).0<(00) ,-)DCC"`)gE)28+(80.)&GG)+2)+)2&'-.).02,<-0(),-)&-0)&G)8=0)28'.0-8) 1(&.'48,&-2)G&()8=0)[M)>=,-020)9=0+8(0)U(&'1`)9=+8)7+2)+)[+-.+(,-) +.+18+8,&-)&G)I<+8=+)>=(,28,0^2).%&@49#"P. Then in 2007, a few G(,0-.2)+-.)E)1'8)&-)7,(1+M#'6,1@, an original play about gender ,.0-8,8V)&G)I2,+-)7&?0-)'-.0()[,.-,<=8)X(&.'48,&-2)+2)1+(8)&G) ['.G028`)E)8(,0.)8&)<08)+2)?'4=)=+-.2P&-)0d10(,0-40)G(&?).,GG0(0-8) theatre gigs in and out school as I could until I directed my first play,” she shares. 564+X)P%#9"0'4+%:+>4,0$+Y&($"#, a Cantonese play written by Hong Kong playwright and director Edward Lam, was the first 1H+V)2=0).,(0480.)G&()8=0)[M)>=,-020)9=0+8(0)U(&'1),-)DCCB`)g9=,2) production won the best production of the year, which was pretty epic for an overseas students group. Tom Gutteridge, the artistic director of the Union House Theatre at the time, came to me to tell ?0)8=+8)E)4&'H.)60)+).,(048&(p)9=,2)?+.0)?0)(0+HHV)28+(8)8=,-Z,-<) +6&'8)8=0+8(0)+2)+)4+(00(`g In her classes so far, Felix has been enthusiastic about being ,-8(&.'40.)8&).,GG0(0-8).,(048&(,+H)+-.)(020+(4=)?08=&.&H&<,02`) gE8^2)(0+HHV)=0H1G'H)8&)<08)+)7,.0()24&10)&G)8=0)4(+G8)7,8=&'8)60,-<) discouraged to investigate our own interests. I also find classes 7=,4=)(0a',(0)'2)8&)8=,-Z)+-.)7&(Z)4&HH+6&(+8,S0HV)7,8=)28'.0-82) from Masters of Writing, Dramaturgy, Design and Choreography are valuable,” she says. “Juggling between a full-time course and work is a big challenge G&()?0`)3&?08,?02)E)=+S0)8&)2+V)-&)8&)<,<2)8=+8)E)(0+HHV)7+-8`)E)+?) still working on finding a way to balance the two. I guess getting on a 6,Z0)+-.).&,-<)V&<+)?,<=8)=0H1]h
farrago 2015 / edition three / 23
/ culture
the book
sean watson talks GIRL IN A BAND
t’s a meaningless statement, but who cares: Sonic %&'8=)+(0)8=0)4&&H028)(&4Z)6+-.)0S0(`)[+V60)8=0) current resurgence in ‘90s music and fashion is warping my perspective a little, but it’s undeniable 8=+8)8=0)6+-.)8=+8)(0S,8+H,20.)<',8+()?'2,4),-)8=0) late ‘80s have left an indelible mark on the genre. I mean look at them: the woolly fringes, the Fender Jazzmasters, the torn strings, the ironic t-shirts, the gender parity. Collectively, these pretty much form the master signifier of super cool ‘90s nihilism. But while the band is clearly more than the sum of its parts, without the involvement of Kim Gordon it’s easy to imagine them descending into being just another pedestrian ‘90s dude-rock band. Bass player, vocalist, guitarist, artist, writer, producer, and now memoirist, Kim Gordon is the iconic renaissance woman of the 1&28P1'-Z)240-0` U&(.&-^2);,#(+X0+3+>"01),2)+)8(+.,8,&-+H)(&4Z) +'8&6,&<(+1=V),-2&G+()+2),8)8(+402)8=0)0S&H'8,&-)&G)=0() music, but it deviates from that formula significantly. 9=0)6&&Z)&10-2)7,8=)+)(0?0?6(+-40)&G)3&-,4)%&'8=^2) final gig, a 2011 festival show in stormy Portugal that -&6&.V)(0+HHV)7+-80.)8&)1H+V`)*V)8=,2)1&,-8),-)8=0,() 30-year career, tensions within the band were high, 02104,+HHV)608700-)U&(.&-)+-.)H0+.)<',8+(,28@S&4+H,28) 9='(28&-)[&&(0)7=&)70(0)2&&-)8&)+--&'-40)8=0,() .,S&(40)+G80()+)=,<=HV)1'6H,4,20.)DAPV0+()?+((,+<0`) U&(.&-)2=&72)-&),-=,6,8,&-),-)(0S0+H,-<)8=0)+H,0-+8,&-) she experienced that night, having to walk onstage
ì ...youír e never left with the illusion that you truly know her.î
24 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
+-.)0?6&.V)=0()(&4Z)10(2&-+)7,8=)8=0)?'80.)1+,-)&G) 201+(+8,&-)<+8=0(,-<)7,8=,-)=0(` 9=,2)208)1,040),2)+)Z,-.)&G)8=0?+8,4)8+6H0P20880() G&()8=0)(028)&G)8=0)6&&Z`);,#(+X0+3+>"01).,24'2202) 3&-,4)%&'8=)+-.)U&(.&-^2),?1(022,&-)&G)7=+8)8=0) band meant to her, but what’s really compelling is U&(.&-^2),-S028,<+8,&-2),-8&)=0()>+H,G&(-,+)4=,H.=&&.) +-.)=&7),8)?+V)=+S0)4&-8(,6'80.)8&)8=0)20-20)&G) ,2&H+8,&-)2=0)0d10(,0-40.)+G80()?&S,-<)8&)Q07) %&(Z`)J=,H0)8=,2),2)1(&6+6HV)2+,.)&G)+-V)7&(Z)8=+8) addresses female loneliness in L.A., much of ;,#(+X0+ 3+>"01 recalls the work of Joan Didion. In both style +-.)20-2,6,H,8V)/,.,&-^2)1(020-40),2)'-?,28+Z+6H0) here, from the descriptions of the sun-bleached 6&'H0S+(.2)8&)8=0)'-6(,.<0+6H0).,28+-40)608700-) people, particularly family members. Especially in the 0+(HV)2048,&-2)U&(.&-)28'.,02)=0()G&(?+8,S0)V0+(2)+2) Didion might through a windowpane, examining the 4=,H.)2=0)&-40)7+2)+-.)=&7)2=0).0S0H&10.),-8&)8=0) 10(2&-)2=0),2)8&.+V` *'8)U&(.&-^2)28VH0),2)(0+HHV)=0()&7-`)J=0(0)8=0) 7(,8,-<)604&?02)'-0S0-)2=0)?+Z02)'1)G&(),8)7,8=) 28(,Z,-<)+-04.&802)+6&'8).,24&S0(,-<)=0()H&S0)&G) 10(G&(?,-<)+2)2=0)28('<<H0.)8&)?+Z0)(0-8)7&(Z,-<) menial jobs in New York. Never having had any formal training, Gordon speaks of music being a wholly visceral experience for her. “I was always confident in ?V)+6,H,8V)8&)4&-8(,6'80)2&?08=,-<)<&&.)8&)&'()2&'-.) at least in an unconventional or minimalist way,” she writes, “a musicality, a sense of rhythm.” Listening to 8=0)<(,-.,-<HV)4&?1H0d)(=V8=?2)+-.)8'-,-<2)&G)8=0) bands ‘90s material, it’s almost hard to accept this. *'8),8^2)+)(0?,-.0()8=+8)8=0)4&HH+6&(+8,S0)0H0?0-82)&G) ?'2,4)4+-)60)+)S0=,4H0)G&()&(<+-,4)20HGP.,24&S0(V` And for a figure that can often seem opaque, that 20HGP.,24&S0(V),2)(0-.0(0.)1&70(G'HHV)+-.),-8,?+80HV) ,-);,#(+X0+3+>"01. Not every side of Kim Gordon is on display here; after finishing the book, that enigmatic aura remains, and you’re never left with the illusion 8=+8)V&')8('HV)H0%K)=0(`)*'8)V&').&)+8)H0+28)Z-&7)?&(0) about how she views the world, and how that world =+2)2=+10.)=0(`
culture /
melanie basta and the book of azkaban young adult fiction with melanie basta
hen, in a higgledy piggledy fashion, with interruptings, rememberings, dead accurate sound effects, impersonations and slight 0d+<<0(+8,&-)70)8&H.)&'()0d8(+&(.,-+(V)28&(V)8&)8=0) .,260H,0S,-<)1+(0-82`h I first read CB+Z+C[+J94(("+J9#449+"01+\-4#/96,0$+ 96"9+O"PP4041+7=0-)E)7+2)0H0S0-)+-.),8),2)28,HH)8&)8=,2) .+V)&-0)&G)8=0)?&28).,28,-48,S0)1&(8(+V+H2)&G)?&.0(-) 2'6'(6+-)I'28(+H,+)E^S0)0-4&'-80(0.`)J(,880-)+-.) illustrated by Elizabeth Honey, it is an endearing book aimed at kids between the ages of nine and thirteen, 2&)E)+1&H&<,20)G&()S0-8'(,-<)2H,<=8HV)&'8)&G)8=0)%&'-<) Adult zone and into the terrain of snot-nosed ‘juvenile fiction’. Blergh. Juvenile it may be, but there’s pure fun ,-)(0G0((,-<)8&)+)-07)[0(40.02P*0-\)+2)+)g<(0V)2H'<h`) E?+<,-0)8=+8)<H,.,-<).&7-)8=0)28(008` 970HS0PV0+(P&H.)L0--,)R48&-)-+((+802)8=0)6&&Z),-) a series of chapters resembling diary entries, which (0S&HS0)H+(<0HV)+(&'-.)8=0)-07)-0,<=6&'(2Y)[()+-.) [(2)X=&-,0`)9=0)X=&-,02)+(0)&GG28+-.,2=)2-&62)7=&) are obsessed with luxe living and cash money, so when they want nothing to do with the rest of Stella Street, L0--,)+-.)=0()G(,0-.2)20-20)8=+8)2&?08=,-<),2)7(&-<`) Zev, Danielle and Frank join Henni on a hunt to figure out what the Phonies are hiding, and through a series of letters, clues and stakeouts, they discover that the X=&-,02)=+S0)600-)H+'-.0(,-<)?&-0V`
illustration by ellen y.g. son
But just because you’re reading a kids book, don’t 8=,-Z)V&'^HH)?,22)&'8)&-)+-V)-0+().0+8=)0d10(,0-402`) Towards the end, Danielle is held at gunpoint by Mr Phonie, but only because the four kids had casually 8(,0.)8&)2&HS0)+)4(,?0)+-.)4=+20.)8=0)X=&-,02)+HH)8=0) 7+V)8&)+-.)8=(&'<=)8=0)+,(1&(8`) _S0-)8=&'<=)CB+Z+C[+J94(("+J9#449)(0S&HS0.)H+(<0HV) around the Phonies, I had completely forgotten about this drama, and realised that it was probably because, to me, it was just a small part of the story. In my mind, CB+Z+C[+J94(("+J9#449)=+.)?&'H.0.) itself into a mix of potted plants, neighbours sitting on verandas, cicadas crawling up trees, kids sipping on chocolate milkshakes from the milkbar, and a little dog .,<<,-<)8=(&'<=)('66,2=`) I remembered Henni, the writer; Zev, the boy with electric hair; Danielle, the bold one; and Frank, the 4=00ZV)H,88H0)&-0`)9V1,4+HHV)I'28(+H,+-)7&(.2)+-.) phrases such as “higgledy piggledy”, “yonks” and g6H&&.V)(+86+<2h)70(0)8=(&7-),-)+-.)+..0.) +'8=0-8,4,8V`)E)(0?0?60(0.)8=020)8=,-<2)+-.)-&8)8=0) .(+?+)604+'20)L&-0V^2)1&(8(+V+H)&G)2'6'(6+-) Australia was so accurate, in both setting and language. And so, in higgledy piggledy fashion, with interruptings and rememberings, may you, dear reader, also find a Stella Street to call home.
farrago 2015 / edition three / 25
/ culture
stellaaaaaaaaa by melanie basta
=0)380HH+)X(,\0),2),?1&(8+-8),-)(04&<-,2,-<)+-.)1(&?&8,-<)8=0) hard work of Australian female writers of fiction. This greater H,80(+(V)+11(04,+8,&-)7,HH),.0+HHV)8(,4ZH0).&7-),-8&)(0a',(0.)(0+.,-<) H,282)G&()=,<=)24=&&H2)-+8,&-P7,.0` 9=0)380HH+)X(,\0)7+2)H+'-4=0.),-)DCO!)8&)40H06(+80)+-.) appreciate Australian women’s writing in fiction and non-fiction. Carrie Tiffany was awarded $50,000 in 2013 for+."94@6,P+K,96+>,#1@, +2)7+2)>H+(0)J(,<=8),-)DCON)G&()564+!%#$%9940+]4*4(@+%:+\&#4H"` Over the past two years, the Stella Prize and Books+Publishing =+S0)8&<08=0()(+,20.)+7+(0-022)+-.)+11(04,+8,&-)G&()8=0)=+(.)7&(Z) of female writers in Australia, who are often overshadowed by male writers in book sales, reviews and literary criticism. Through the Stella Count, statistics are annually compiled to show how many 6&&Z2)6V)?0-)+-.)7&?0-)+(0)(0S,070.)+-.)1'6H,2=0.),-)I'28(+H,+-) newspapers and literary publications. In 2013, the largest gender .,21+(,8,02)70(0)G&'-.),-)8=0)3&@9#"(,"0+!,0"0',"(+]4-,4K, where $A)10()40-8)&G)6&&Z)(0S,072)70(0)&G)6&&Z2)6V)?+H0)7(,80(2`)[&28) publications sat well over 50 per cent, while Books+Publishing G0+8'(0.)8=0)2?+HH028)-'?60()&G)?+H0)7(,80(2)+8)!B)10()40-8` Sophie Cunningham, Deputy Chair at the Stella Prize, voiced her concern about the need to level the playing field of literature. “Women are not taken as seriously as they should be,” she states, 0S0-)8=&'<=)8=0(0)+H(0+.V)0d,282)g+)=0+H8=V)S,6(+-8)240-0h`) >'--,-<=+?)60H,0S02)8=+8)7&?0-)+(0).&,-<)<(0+8)7&(Z),-)H,80(+8'(0`) g9=0)+,?)m&G)8=0)380HH+)X(,\0n),2)8&),-4(0+20)S,2,6,H,8V)&G)7&?0-^2) writing, and our experience is, libraries are asking for longlists and 7(,80(2)+(0)60,-<)(04&<-,20.)+-.)(07+(.0.`h) Last year, the Stella Prize launched the Stella Prize Schools
26 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
Program, a new education initiative to encourage girls and boys +H,Z0)8&)(0+.)?&(0)6&&Z2)7(,880-)6V)7&?0-`)9=0)1(&<(+?),-4H'.02) school visits by well renowned Australian writers and publishers, 7(,8,-<)7&(Z2=&12)+-.)(02&'(402),-4H'.,-<)80+4=,-<)-&802)&-)380HH+) X(,\0)2=&(8H,280.)6&&Z2` E8^2),-80(028,-<)604+'20)+)H&8)&G)10&1H0)1,<0&-=&H0)8=0)380HH+) Prize as just another ‘women’s interest’ issue, leaving such people (0H'48+-8)8&)0-<+<0)7,8=),8` A young woman might get nods of approval for being ‘well-read’ if she spoke about admiring books by Tim Winton, Richard Flanagan &()>=(,28&2)92,&HZ+2`)*'8),G)+)V&'-<)?+-)70(0)8&)8+HZ)+6&'8)=,2) admiration for Helen Garner, Anna Funder or Alice Pung, he would H,Z0HV)60)4+HH0.)&'8`)M6+K%K=+1%+/%&+#4"1+"0/96,0$+%964#+96"0+@9&::+ K#,9940+*/+'6,'H@V %&')4+-)60)m,-20(8)<0-.0(),.0-8,8V)=0(0n)+-.)28,HH)H&S0)(0+.,-<) [insert books here]. It’s as simple as that, because your reading 1(0G0(0-402).&)-&8)'-.0(?,-0)V&'()<0-.0()+-.)S,40)S0(2+`)9=0),.0+) 8=+8)H,80(+8'(0)2=&'H.)60)4&-4018'+H,20.)+2)<,(H)28'GG)&()6&V)28'GG),2) (,.,4'H&'2)+-.)(0.'-.+-8`)T0+.,-<)+-.)+11(04,+8,-<)<(0+8)H,80(+8'(0) ,2)+)?+880()&G)='?+-,8Vb)60,-<)+)10(2&-)'H8,?+80HV)4&?02)60G&(0) &'()<0-.0(),.0-8,8V` In Victoria, secondary schools select texts for English and Literature students from a collated list, which is organised by 8=0)W,48&(,+-)>'((,4'H'?)+-.)I22022?0-8)I'8=&(,8V):W>II;`)I2) seen on the VCE/EAL English and Literature text lists for 2015, ,8),2)&6S,&'2)8=+8)<(0+80()4+(0)=+2)600-)8+Z0-)8&)60880()(04&<-,20) women and writers from diverse cultural backgrounds, compared 8&)1(0S,&'2)V0+(2`)
artwork by sarah mcdonald
culture /
the booklist The Stella Prize longlist for 2015 !%#4,$0+J%,()6V)[+d,-0)*0-06+)>H+(Z0i 564+J9#"/@)6V)_?,HV)*,88&i) M0(/+964+30,)"(@)6V)>0(,.70-)/&S0V) 56,@+O%&@4+%:+;#,4:)6V)L0H0-)U+(-0( ;%(140+>%/@)6V)3&-V+)L+(8-088 564+X0-,@,*(4+O,@9%#/+%:+964+O&)"0+]"'4 by Christine Kenneally* 564+\/4+%:+964+J644P by Sofie Laguna* 564+;%(140+3$4+by Joan London* L"&#,01")6V)IH,40)X'-< a4@9)6V)E-<+)3,?12&O4"9+"01+L,$69)6V)_HH0-)S+-)Q00(S0-i X0+./+.%964#^@+O"01@)6V)*,GG)J+(. i)E-.,4+802)2=&(8H,280.)-&S0H2`)9=0)1(,\0)7,HH)60)+7+(.0.)&-) 9'02.+V)DO)I1(,H`
VCE English Text List 2015 (Novels) (Schools generally select one novel from this list, amongst other texts including plays, short stories, poetry and/or film. The “A” 602,.0)20H0480.)80d82)2=&72)I'28(+H,+-)80d82`; Adiga, Aravind, 564+76,94+5,$4# Atwood, Margaret, R"9^@+\/4 Brontë, Emily, 7&964#,0$+O4,$69@ Kent, Hannah, >&#,"(+],94@):I; Matar, Hisham, X0+564+R%&09#/+%:+.40 Tóibín, Colm, >#%%H(/0 Winton, Tim, R(%&1@9#449):I; Witting, Amy, X+:%#+X@%*4(+
[V)W>_)0d10(,0-40)7,8=)_-<H,2=)+-.)5,80(+8'(0)28'.,02)7+2) quite homogenised. In Years 11 and 12, we were required to read >&(?+4)[4>+(8=V^2)564+]%"1, Steven Amsterdam’s 56,0$@+74+ U,10^9+J44+R%),0$)+-.)/+S,.)[+H&'G^2)]"0@%), along with ."'*496) +-.)O")(49. These were all brilliant texts in their own right, but they were all predominantly about white, male struggles. They &S0(2=+.&70.)[+(V)3=0HH0V^2)!#"0H40@94,0, Jane Austen’s 8#,14+"01+ 8#4_&1,'4)+-.)I.(,0--0)T,4=^2)564+!"'9+%:+"+U%%#:#")4)c)0+4=)80d8) 0a'+HHV).020(S,-<)&G)G+()<(0+80()+11(04,+8,&-)8=+-)8=0V)(040,S0.) 6V)80+4=0(2)+-.)28'.0-82`)[V)5,80(+8'(0)4H+2202),-)%0+(2)OC)8&)OD) were always full of girls, with far fewer boys. These were also the classes where I encountered most texts written by women. However, 0S0-)8=020)7(,80(2)70(0)+HH)7=,80)7&?0-)G(&?)0,8=0()8=0)M-,80.) 38+802)&()_-<H+-.` 5&&Z,-<)+8)8=0)DCOA)80d8)H,282)<,S02)?0)=&10`)9=0)G+48)8=+8) 28'.0-82)+(0)<,S0-)8=0)&11&(8'-,8V)8&)4(,8,4+HHV)0-<+<0)7,8=)2'4=) (0-&7-0.)80d82),2)6(,HH,+-8b),-)80(?2)&G).,S0(2,8V)8=0)4'((0-8)80d8)H,282) +(0)+)<(0+8),?1(&S0?0-8),-)4&?1+(,2&-)&-)8=&20)&G)1(0S,&'2)V0+(2` IH8=&'<=)8=0)80d8)H,282)+(0)?'4=)?&(0)4'H8'(+HHV)(01(020-8+8,S0)8=+-) they used to be, they could still be improved with greater (01(020-8+8,&-)&G)7&?0-)+-.)7(,80(2)G(&?)S+(,&'2)4'H8'(+H)+-.) 08=-,4)6+4Z<(&'-.2`) 9=,2),2)7=V),-,8,+8,S02)H,Z0)8=0)380HH+)X(,\0)+(0),?1&(8+-8`) J,8=)8=0,()0GG&(82),8),2)4H0+()8=+8)-&8)&-HV)7,HH)8=0)H,80(+(V)240-0) gain a greater appreciation for female Australian writers, but this +11(04,+8,&-)+-.)(04&<-,8,&-)7,HH)8(,4ZH0).&7-),-8&)8=0)?,-.208)&G) teachers, and to students, who will, I hope, begin to read books for 8=0)1&70()&G)8=0,()28&(,02)(+8=0()8=+-)8=0)-+?0)&-)8=0)4&S0(`)
VCE Literature Text List 2015 (Novels) (Schools generally select two novels from each list, amongst other texts including poetry, plays and short stories). S#:.'( Crane, Stephen, 564+]41+>"1$4+%:+R%&#"$4 Desai, Kiran, 564+X064#,9"0'4+%:+L%@@ Dick, Philip K, U%+301#%,1@+U#4")+%:+\(4'9#,'+J644PV+ Dunmore, Helen, 564+>49#"/"( Flanagan, Richard, 7"09,0$):I; James, Henry, 564+5&#0+%:+964+J'#4K Malouf, David, O"#("01^@+O"(:+3'#4):I; Park, Ruth, JK%#1@+"01+R#%K0@+"01+],0$@+:I; Parrett, F, 8"@9+964+J6"((%K@):I; Temple, Peter, 564+>#%H40+J6%#4) S#:.'> Austen, Jane, 84#@&"@,%0 Brontë, Charlotte, `"04+\/#4 Fowles, John, 564+!#40'6+L,4&940"09^@+7%)"0 Franklin, Miles, ./+>#,((,"09+R"#44#+:I; Márquez, Gabriel García, L%-4+,0+964+5,)4+%:+R6%(4#" McCarthy, Cormac, 3((+964+8#499/+O%#@4@ Ondaatje, Michael, 564+R"9^@+5"*(4 Scott, Kim, 56"9+U4"1)"0+U"0'4+:I; Woolf, Virginia, .#@+U"((%K"/+
farrago 2015 / edition three / 27
/ culture
lost in
translation 3
etymology with adriana psaltis
ocrates, Plato and Aristotle all had a few things in common back ,-)8=0,().+VY O;)9=0V)70(0)+HH)1=,H&2&1=0(2) D;)9=0V)70(0)+HH)+)H,88H0)20d,28 !;)9=0V)70(0)+HH)U(00Z) E8)200?2)8=+8)8=0)U(00Z2)+-.)8=0,()H+-<'+<0)=+S0)?+.0) (0?+(Z+6H0)4&-8(,6'8,&-2)8&)8&.+V^2)7&(H.),-4H'.,-<)8=&20)8&) mathematics, the sciences and the sociocultural nightmare that is 2&(&(,8V)+-.)G(+80(-,8V)=&'2,-<`)9=0V)=0H10.)&'8)3,<?'-.)F(0'.) :8=0)12V4=&+-+HV28)7=&)2'<<0280.)8=+8)+8)!)V0+(2)&H.)70)=+S0)20d'+H) feelings about our parents) by defining the word εγώ):?0+-,-<)X, thus, 964+4$%;)+-.)4&-4&48,-<)2&?0)(0+H)G'4Z0.P'1)?V8=2`)*0,-<)=+HG) Greek myself, I chuckle at the innocent mispronunciations made by ?V)8'8&(2)7=&)+(0)G&(40.)8&)80+4=)?+8=0?+8,42),-)+).,GG0(0-8)8&-<'0) 2,?1HV)604+'20)8=0)U(00Z2).,.),8)60880(` Yet, when it comes to surnames, the Greeks don’t have a leg to stand on. Indeed, the population of bilingual Greek-and-Englishspeaking people share some secret jests about them. L0(0)+(0)+)G07)&G)?V)G+S&'(,802Y) Katerina 8"P%&9@"H,):Κατερίνα Παπουτσάκη;),2)+)U(00Z)+48(022) 7=&20)-+?0)8(+-2H+802),-)_-<H,2=)8&)>+8=0(,-0)5,88H0P3=&02`)8"P%&9@,) means shoe and the suffix "H,),-.,4+802)4'80-022)+-.)2?+HH-022`) X+'H)JP,#"H,@):Αποστολή Σπιρακις), a scientist and author of Harvard University, is otherwise known as Paul Pimple. [,4=+0H)b"H%/,"00,@):Μιχάλη Κακογιάννις), writer, producer and .,(048&()&G)c%#*"+964+;#44H, has a last name that directly translates to ‘badly behaved John’ ...I’ll leave that one up to you to interpret. I11(&+4=)V&'()U(00Z)G(,0-.2)+-.)+2Z)8=0?)7=+8)8=0,()H+28) names mean in English. You won’t regret it. Fortunately for myself, my last name has a rather boring meaning, but I’ll leave that for you to find out.
the month of may Music Previews with Jack Kilbride
Oh me, oh my, oh May. The month of dreading winter and savouring every last drop of summer’s sweet elixir. Musically, May usually offers an entrée-sized garden salad in comparison to the succulent mixed grill of the warmer months. With the irresistible Courtney Barnett selling out the Forum twice already, this year might be a fizzer for music fans in Melbourne. Still, don’t give up hope, as these two fantastic bands may mend your May.
ALT≠J (∆) Supported by ¡ sgeir
tanding alongside vinyl records, man buns, typewriters and the soy chai latte, Alt-J is truly a hipster’s wet dream. I mean come on, their name is the computer shortcut for a triangle, the unofficial 0?6H0?)&G)L,1280(.&?`) Alt-J’s unique blend of lyrical oddity, distinctive vocals and (+?6H,-<)4&?1&2,8,&-)=+2)1(&10HH0.)8=0)6+-.)&-8&)8=0)7&(H.) stage. The quality of their debut work, 30+3K4@%)4+7"-4, is '-a'028,&-+6H0`)9=0)6+-.)7+2)(07+(.0.)G&()8=0,()7&(Z)7,8=)8=0) 1(028,<,&'2)[0(4'(V)X(,\0)+-.)4&?1+(,2&-2)8&)8=0)0d10(,?0-8+H) <0-,'2)&G)T+.,&=0+.`)9=0)500.2)H+.^2)H,S0)2=&72)+(0)+H2&)&G)8=0) highest order, enchanting crowds with a dazzling mystique. After their second festival run in Australia, headlining Falls Festival over the new year, Alt-J bring their intimate sophomore +H6'?)56,@+X@+3((+<%&#@)8&)T&.)5+S0()I(0-+),-)[+V`)EG)8=,2)<,<)7+2-^8) already good enough, supporting the band is one of 2014’s breakout acts, Ásgeir. The young Icelandic singer’s angelic vocals saw him become a favourite among Triple J audiences, taking 10th place in the 2014 Hottest 100 with his stunning ‘King and Cross’. So be sure to trim your beards, iron your funkiest shirt and shine your Doc Martens, because if you are there, you don’t want to be looking like an effing square.
Jack Ladder and The Dreamlanders
he first time I saw Jack Ladder, lone on stage, curled over a guitar to support The Horrors at The Forum, I thought the same as ?&28)10&1H0)c).+?-)8=,2)<'V)2&'-.2)H,Z0)Q,4Z)>+S0`) While Ladder prefers to be as ‘indie’ as he can, his deep baritone, H+-ZV)H,?62)+-.)27001,-<)=+,().&-^8)=0H1)8&)+S0(8)+)4&?1+(+8,S0) gaze. Although the vocal similarities are uncanny, Jack Ladder’s discography is an eclectic beast, with a mix of lazy psychedelic guitars and timeless ‘80s synths taking turns to lead the Sydney crooner’s sound from piece to piece. While his musical styles morph, 5+..0(^2)HV(,42)&G)H&S0)+-.).0+8=)=+S0)28+V0.)4&-28+-8`) Ladder and his band, The Dreamlanders, are touring for their new LP, 8("/)"94@, which also features talented American songwriter Sharon Van Etten, and production work by Kim Moyes &G)8=0)9=0)X(02082`)XH+V,-<)+8)7=+8),2)028+6H,2=,-<),820HG)+2)+)H0+.,-<) music venue in the northern suburbs, Jack Ladder at Howler won’t H08)V&').&7-` ) B8F'D.4'8.',-Y)&"\'3#%6&.:']QD\
28 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
illustration by ella shi
culture /
agony agatha Alistair baldwin solves your relationship woes with the help of the mistress of mystery herself (L-$F'(L8.48N'9C@&'*8))&$'#$')-@&'Y#.4'7F'<&:.'*"#&$+\'34&'-$)F'K"-<)&7'#:'.48.' :4&C:':."8#L4.^'Y48.':4-;)+'9'+-_
was wondering when I would get this question – Or perhaps, more accurately, 1#4"1,0$ when I would. Without meaning to dismiss your problem as trite, the '-(0a',80.P28(+,<=8PG(,0-.PH&S0)4&-'-.('?),2)8=0)6(0+.)+-.)6'880()&G)+.S,40)4&H'?-2`) E8)7+2)&-HV)+)?+880()&G)8,?0`) But why was I dreading it? Because in this instance, the words of Agatha Christie are, at face value at least, the last thing you need to hear right now. Throughout Christie’s work, there are approximately fifty-four lesbians. Of course, they were never explicitly referred to as such. From the beginnings of her mystery-writing career in the early ‘20s, all the way through to the early ‘70s, Christie 7+2)'-.0()4&-28+-8)1(022'(0)8&)0.,8)&'8)?0-8,&-2)&G)+-V8=,-<)&8=0()8=+-)<&&.) old ‘wholesome’ heterosexuality. g>H&20)G0?+H0)G(,0-.2=,12h)8='2)604+?0)+)2=&(8=+-.)G&()2+?0P20d)(0H+8,&-2=,12`) Every other novel Christie wrote had a middle-aged, unmarried woman living in close quarters with her ‘companion’. In 3+.&#14#+X@+300%&0'41, for instance, there are in fact two of these ‘friendships’. One is between potential shooting target Letitia Blacklock +-.)/&(+)*'--0()c)+GG048,&-+80HV)4+HH0.)g*'--Vh)6V)508,8,+)c)+-.)+-&8=0()608700-) farmer Miss Hinchcliffe and her ‘live-in’ companion Miss Murgatroyd. So obvious is this a'00()4&.,-<)8=+8)?+-V)2'620a'0-8)+.+18+8,&-2)&180.)8&)?+Z0)8=0)(&?+-8,4)-+8'(0)&G) 8=0)(0H+8,&-2=,12)0d1H,4,8`) J=0(0).&02)8=+8)H0+S0)V&'])EG)V&')(0+.)+2)?+-V)>=(,28,0)6&&Z2)+2)E).,.).'(,-<) adolescence, you might delude yourself into thinking that your relationships, like literature, have subtext attached. You might start to believe that any close friendship V&')=+S0))&@9 be something more. Throughout history, same-sex friendships have +H7+V2)600-)+)-04022+(V)1(0+?6H0),-8&)8+Z,-<)8=,-<2)G'(8=0(`) However, 99% of the time they remain unrequited. Trust me. And what I’ve since H0+(-8)8&)8+Z0)G(&?)>=(,28,0^2)7&(Z2),@0^9)8=+8)+HH)4H&20)(0H+8,&-2=,12)+(0)'-.0(1,--0.) 6V)(&?+-40`)E8^2)8=+8)1H+8&-,4)(0H+8,&-2=,12)+(0)S+H'+6H0),-)+-.)&G)8=0?20HS02`)9&) conservative readers, the grief Miss Hinchcliffe feels after Miss Murgatroyd is strangled 8&).0+8=),2-^8)+-V)H022)?0+-,-<G'H)G&()60,-<)1H+8&-,4`) T&?+-8,4)+-.)1H+8&-,4)(0H+8,&-2=,12)+(0).,GG0(0-8)c).021,80)=&7)?'4=)>=(,28,0^2) works may see them overlap, the former isn’t simply an evolution of the latter. As tough as it may be, the best advice I can give you is this: don’t squander the joy of what you =+S0)-&7)6V)G&4'2,-<)&-)7=+8)?,<=8)-0S0()60`)
artwork by sarah layton farrago 2015 / edition three / 29
/ culture
neighbourhood watch / werribee by Ashleigh Penhall
+-^8)7+,8)'-8,H)?,.)V0+()6(0+Z])[0)-0,8=0(`)%&')7+-8)8&)8(+S0H]) Great idea! But wait, my dear !"##"$% reader, wherever will you go? Europe? No. Asia? Sorry, those locations are too full of cultural 0d10(,0-402)+-.)+.S0-8'(02)8=+8)V&')4+-)-0<H048),-)0d4=+-<0)G&()+) 2=&(8)8(,1).&7-)8&)?V)=&?08&7-)&G)J0((,600`)E)Z-&7)7=+8)V&'^(0) thinking: Why would I go to Werribee, do I want drugs? Do I want to get stabbed? Well, here are what I like to call the Seven Wonders of Werribee to demonstrate why your thinking just might be right.
1\'P&""#<&&'3"8#$'G.8.#-$. While in Werribee, why not take a ride &-)2&?0)<H&(,&'2)1'6H,4)8(+-21&(8])9=0)28+8,&-)G0+8'(02)!)1H+8G&(?2) 8=+8)?+V)&()?+V)-&8)=+S0)+)4(001V)?+-).(,-Z,-<)600()+-.)7+,8,-<)8&) 4+84=)8=0)8(+,-)7,8=)V&'p)9=0)J0((,600)8(+,-)28+8,&-)G0+8'(02)S+(,&'2) 6'2)80(?,-+H2)8=+8)&-HV)('-)0S0(V)NC)?,-'802p)U&&.)8=,-<2)4&?0)8&) 8=&20)7=&)7+,8`) Q\'P&:.&"$'3"&8.7&$.'!)8$.\'J=,4=)1(&402202)+6&'8)=+HG)&G) [0H6&'(-0^2)2070(+<0`)*08)V&').,.-^8)Z-&7)8=+8p `\'BF$.'X#L4.%);<`)J=0(0)H&4+H2)<08)H&&20`
?\'587K<&)):'5-@&'X;+&'>&8%4\'Go European and enjoy the g4H&8=,-<)&18,&-+Hh)G(00.&?)8=,2)60+4=)1(&S,.02`)IH8=&'<=)H&4+80.+ ,0+Werribee South, it is VERY different to the Werribee South Beach 8=+8)G0+8'(02)+)4=,H.(0-^2)1H+V<(&'-.`)9=0)JV-.=+?)>&'-4,H)7,HH)60) reviewing the current nude status of Campbells Cove so enjoy this 1(,S,H0<0)7=,H0)V&')4+-p O\'5&$."&)#$6\'9=0)1(,?0)40-8(0),2)H&4+80.),-)J0((,600)>*/`
a\'PF$+487'U&*;:&'b#:K-:8)'G&"@#%&`)[&(0)4&??&-HV)(0G0((0.)8&) +2)8=0)T'66,2=)9,1` c\'B8%%8:'58"'!8"6\'You know what goes down here, c’mon, think +6&'8),8`
30 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
Yet, despite these features and the negative stereotypes of the area, Werribee is also home to actual tourist attractions, though it ?+V)60)=+(.)8&)60H,0S0` First up, there’s the Werribee Park Mansion. Built by brothers Thomas and Andrew Chirnside between 1874 and 1877, the ?+-2,&-)G0+8'(02)+-)E8+H,+-+80)+(4=,8048'(+H)28VH0)7=,H0)?&28)&G) 8=0)(&&?2).,21H+V)8=0)>=,(-2,.0^2)&(,<,-+H)G'(-,8'(0`)38'.0-8)0-8(V) 8&)8=0)?+-2,&-),2)lB`!C)7=,H0)<',.0.)8&'(2)+(0)lO$`"C`)9=0)38+80) Rose Garden, which is located across six acres on the Werribee Park estate, contains over 5,000 roses – it’s an Instagram goldmine! I-.)7=V)-&8)<08)+7+V)G(&?)V&'()+22022?0-82)G&()+)<H+22)&()87&)+8) Shadowfax Winery, open seven days from 11am with the option &G)7,-0)8+28,-<` If you’re into animals, there is, of course, the Werribee Open Range Zoo. From giraffes to gorillas, koalas to the eastern barred bandicoot, you can find all the furry friends you want at a concession .,24&'-8)&G)lD!`"C`)9=0)J0((,600)X+(Z)Q+8,&-+H)_a'028(,+-)>0-8(0) ,2)+H2&)+-),-80(-+8,&-+H)28+-.+(.)21&(8,-<)G+4,H,8V)=&28,-<)G(0a'0-8) 0S0-82),-4H'.,-<)8=0)J&(H.)X&H&)>=+?1,&-2=,12`) 9=0(0)+(0)0S0-)+)4&'1H0)&G)1(&?,2,-<)+88(+48,&-2)208)8&)&10-) ,-)8=0)4&?,-<)V0+(`)J0((,600)J+80(2H,.0)X+(Z)6&+282)&G)6',H.,-<) the largest waterslide in Victoria, while Pacific Werribee Shopping Complex, though currently looking like the set of a dystopian film, plans to put the Emporium to shame once construction is complete with two Gold Class cinemas, 120 new stores and a twoH0S0H)[V0()28&(0`) So despite the bad reputation my hometown has, there are many aspects to recommend it. Werribee is one massive contradiction, both beautiful and ugly, appealing and revolting; but if you criticise it, I will stab you. Just kidding.
artwork by nina cheles
culture /
what direction now? by alice thompson
040-8)-072)&G)k+V-)[+H,Z^2).01+(8'(0)G(&?)*(,8,2=)6&V6+-.) One Direction has spurned high-octane emotional responses, (+-<,-<)G(&?)'880().021+,()+-.)?+22)=V280(,+)8&)2'(1(,2,-<HV) vitriolic derision, with a good measure of middle-aged ambivalence 2&?07=0(0),-)608700-`)F&HH&7,-<)[+H,Z^2)+--&'-40?0-8)&-)8=0) 870-8VP2,d8=)&G)[+(4=),-)7=,4=)=0)4,80.)28(022)+-.)10(2&-+H)(0+2&-2) as his impetus to go, the question: “where were you when you found &'8)k+V-)H0G8)R-0)/,(048,&-]h)4,(4'H+80.)7,.0HV)&-)2&4,+H)?0.,+`i) 9=0)20-8,?0-8)&G)8=0)a'028,&-),2)28(+-<0HV)(0?,-,240-8)&G)&8=0() seemingly more serious, important events, like the shooting of JFK, the Apollo 13 moon landing and John Lennon’s death. It’s not +11(&1(,+80)8&)0a'+80)k+V-^2)H0+S,-<)=,2)6&V6+-.)4&?1+8(,&82)7,8=)+) death, but for many (teen girls and otherwise) the news does form a significant loss of some kind. One Direction were, and will continue to be, explicitly and 6H+8+-8HV).02,<-0.)8&)60)0d8(0?0HV)H,Z0+6H0`)9=0,()2'44022),2),-)1+(8) attributable to their malleability, their ability to represent whatever G+-2)7,2=)8=0?)8&):+-.)G&()8=0,()+6,H,8V)8&)H&&Z)(0+HHV)-,40),-)10+) 4&+82)+-.)8'(8H0-04Z2;`)_+4=)?0?60(),-=+6,82)+)8V10)8=+8)=+2)600-) carefully moulded, yet simultaneously retains an air of authenticity, suggesting that underneath it all they’re young and having fun, and most importantly, they’re just like you and me. For the uninitiated, k+V-),2)8=0).+(Z)=+,(0.)?V280(,&'2)&-0)7,8=)8=0)6(&&.,-<)0V02) +-.)8=0)S&,40)&G)+-)+-<0H`)L+((V),2)8=0)204&-.)?&28)=+-.2&?0)+-.) despite seeming attempting to emulate Keith Richards, remains ,-0GG+6HV)4=+(?,-<`)5,+?),2)8=0)20-2,6H0)&-0)+-.)+2)+)(02'H8),2)?&28HV) boring in a fatherly way, while Niall sits on the other end of the spectrum with his blonde hair, boyish grin, and a few too many tank 8&12),-)=,2)7+(.(&60`)5&',2):+(<'+6HV)8=0)?&28),?1(&S0.)&S0()8=0) five years) is a lovable ratboy.** They are undeniably polarising due 8&)8=0,()+110+H)8&)8=0)8(+.,8,&-+HHV).0(,.0.).0?&<(+1=,4)&G)800-+<0) girls, as well as their often saccharine pop music. However they have 600-)&-0)&G)8=0)?&28)4'H8'(+HHV)10(S+2,S0)1=0-&?0-+)&G)8=0)1+28) five years, since their Simon Cowell-manufactured inception on the *(,8,2=)g+!"'9%#`)
artwork by sarah mcdonald
k+V-^2).01+(8'(0)?+(Z2)8=0)0-.)&G)R-0)/,(048,&-)+2)70)+HH) knew it, but is also one of the important cultural landmarks of our generation. It’s important because for many young people, it is their first experience of an uncontrollable loss. A loss of something they instilled an incredible amount of emotion, time, and energy, into. As *(+.)Q0H2&-)7(&80),-)+);&"#1,"0)+(8,4H0)&-)8=0)D#8=)&G)[+(4=):O)Ik) :IG80()k+V-;;Y)7,8=&'8)k+V-)R-0)/,(048,&-),2)2,?1HV)(0.'40.)8&)gG&'() <&&GV)7=,80)<'V2)2=&'8,-<h):2&((V)L+((V;`)IH80(-+8,S0HVY)7,8=&'8) Zayn, One Direction becomes Harry Styles and the Expendables. On a sentimental level, Zayn was the best looking (with the dreamiest 0V02)+-.)8=0)27&&1,028)=+,(;)+-.)+(<'+6HV)8=0)6028)2,-<0():2&((V) Harry). On a more serious level, the power of his success as an ,-.,S,.'+H)7,8=)+)['2H,?)6+4Z<(&'-.),2)+2)'-,a'0)+2),8),2),?1(022,S0) ,-)8=0)7&(H.)&G)6&V)6+-.2` ['H8,1H0)10&1H0)0d1(0220.)8=0,()4&-40(-)8=+8)8=0),-80-2,8V)&G) 0?&8,&-)=+.)?+.0)8=0?)8=,-Z)8=+8)k+V-)=+.).,0.`)J=,H0)8=0)0-8,(0) saga is alarmingly melodramatic, the underlying emotion is not to 60).,2?,220.`)F&()?+-V)8=,2)?+(Z2)+-)0-.,-<)&G)+)1+(8)&G)V&'8=)+-.) also just a part of something that they liked (a lot). Something which was once dependable and real has been altered irrevocably, and ,G)10&1H0)+(0-^8)+HH&70.)8&)<08)S+<'0HV)=V280(,4+H)+6&'8)6&V6+-.2) then I propose a non-hysteria ban upon AFL, ."@94#'64:)+-.)9=&?) %&(Z0)8&&`)9=0)-+,S080)&G)8=0)R-0)/,(048,&-)<0-0(+8,&-)=+2)600-) tainted, and we have all been reminded of the transience of the music industry and life itself. So Godspeed, Zayn, we wish you and your amazing eyes and that beautiful lock of hair, all the power of a thousand Justins and Beyonces in your future eventual solo 0-.0+S&'(2`
iE)7+2)'1)0+(HV)G&()7&(Z)+-.)0-.0.)'1)HV,-<)?0H+-4=&HV)&-)8=0)4&'4=) in my robe watching the ‘Night Changes’ film clip on repeat. iiIHH)R-0)/,(048,&-)&1,-,&-2)+(0)8=0)+'8=&(^2)&7-)6'8)7,8=&'8) argument the order is: Zayn, Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam.
farrago 2015 / edition three / 31
/ culture
gangstaí s paradise
cultural competence through the magic of hip≠ hop by tyson holloway≠cla rke
ove it or hate it, hip-hop is here to stay. While it may constantly twist and morph, its cultural influence is undeniable, and hip-hop artists wield a power that should not be underestimated. That power, the power of storytelling, can introduce listeners to the nonsensical and fantastical, as well as a dark and morbid conception of reality we would otherwise hope never finds us. While varied, the stories these artists weave are important not only because they entertain us and provide an escape from the banality of everyday life, but also because they (04&(.)+)Z,-.)&G)4'H8'(+H)=,28&(V)&G)8=0)?'2,4,+-2)+-.)8=0)4&??'-,8,02),-)7=,4=)8=0V)+(0)0?60..0.`) Artists are the historians of the present, and in this case hip-hop is to Kendrick Lamar what the canvas was 8&)X,4+22&`);%%1+b,1=+.S3S3SU+R,9/),2)=,2);&4#0,'". Neither of these two divergent pieces of art, one musical and one visual, is particularly renowned for its adherence to fact – but factuality is by no means a necessary condition &G)+(8`)*&8=);&4#0,'")+-.);%%1+b,1=+.S3S3SU+R,9/)2'6S0(8)0H0?0-82)&G)(0+H,8V)+2)+)?0+-2)G&()1&H,8,4+H)+-.)2&4,+H) criticism. And it is no coincidence that these, like many of the most compelling stories told in art and hip-hop, are 28&(,02)&G)S,&H0-40)+-.)4&??'-,8V`) Let me take you on a journey through three hip-hop songs and together we will delve deeper into the artistry &G)=,1P=&1)+-.)8=0)4'H8'(+H)4&-40182)8=+8)<,S0)?0+-,-<)8&)8=020)28&(,02`)
ë Straight Outta Comptoní ñ N.W.A
The title track to their debut album, J9#",$69+M&99"+R%)P9%0)H082)0S0(V&-0)Z-&7)G(&?)8=0)<08P<&)8=+8)Q`J`I) :Q,<<+\)J,8)I88,8'.02;),2-^8)=0(0)8&)G'4Z)+(&'-.`)*'8)7=+8^2)60-0+8=)8=0)6(+S+.&)+-.)8=0)2&'-.)&G)8=0)20?,P automatic? This track is two parts threat, one part instruction on how to survive in the streets. In the words of /(`)/(0Y <%&+"#4+"*%&9+9%+K,904@@+964+@9#40$96+%:+@9#449+H0%K(41$4
In other words, Dre is telling you to sit down and take notes. ‘We are the ones on top, and this is what it takes to be us’. Ignoring the extent to which it exaggerates or glorifies, the track details the situation in the city of >&?18&-)+2)70HH)+2)7=+8),8)8+Z02)8&)8=(,S0),-)8=,2),-G+?&'2)4&??'-,8V`)E8)<&02)&-)8&)0d1&'-.)'1&-)8=0)2+.)(0+H,8V) that violence is not only a part of life but a code to live by in Compton, a code fully embraced by the community and, seemingly, the artists themselves. )
ë Gangstaís Paradiseí by Coolio ft. LV
The first verse of ‘Gangsta’s Paradise’ might just be my favourite verse in all hip-hop. In twelve expertly engineered lines Coolio shares with us a story detailing the effect that violence has had not only on his own life, 6'8)+H2&)&-)8=0)H,S02)&G)=,2)100(2)+-.)8=0)4=,H.(0-)&G)=,2)4&??'-,8V`)) ) 3@+X+K"(H+96#%&$6+964+-"((4/+%:+964+@6"1%K+%:+14"96 X+9"H4+"+(%%H+"9+)/+(,:4+"01+#4"(,h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
32 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
Artwork by lucy hunter
culture /
Coolio sees himself in a way not unlike the guys in N.W.A, the only difference being that Coolio has actually 8'(-0.)+(&'-.)+-.)200-)8=0).028('48,&-)H0G8),-)=,2)7+Z0`)9=0)?&28)4&-G(&-8,-<)1+(8),2)-&8)8=0)H,S02)=0)=+2)8+Z0-) or the alienation he has suffered from his family, but the role he has played in perpetuating the violence that grips his community. The artist describes the anarchy he sees in the streets – the brother-on-brother violence, +-.)=&7)+)4V4H0)&G)S,&H0-8)(&H0)?&.0H2)6(00.)G'8'(0)<0-0(+8,&-2)&G)S,&H0-8)V&'-<)?0-` This specific narrative, termed lateral violence, is inflicted by perpetrators upon their peers and community, people who are not their enemies. Lateral violence stems from a variety of catalysing factors, but is most commonly associated with poor living standards, low levels of education, bad relations with the authorities, and destitution. This type of violence can manifest itself in the form of gang violence, as is common in Compton, or domestic violence which we see in Indigenous communities around North America and Australia. ‘The Blacker the Berry’ by Kendrick Lamar also discusses the consequences of lateral violence, so I would highly recommend V&')(0G0()+H2&)8&)8=+8)8(+4Z` Finally, the two hooks sung by LV tie the story together. Taking what we have learnt about Coolio and his community, LV croons: ) 54((+)4+K6/+"#4+K4 J%+*(,01+9%+@44 564+%04@+K4+6&#9 3#4+/%&+"01+)4 ) These lyrics capture exactly what violence, be it lateral or otherwise, does to not only communities in America, but also to Indigenous communities around Australia, and other oppressed groups of people. The sad 1H+40)8=+8)>&&H,&).024(,602),2)7=+8)=0)4+HH2)+)g<+-<28+^2)1+(+.,20h)604+'20)8=0)1+,-)+-.)8(+'?+)4+'20.)8=0(0)<&) on to feed further organised crime – a self-fulfilling prophecy. Heart-wrenchingly, the reality of this song arrives when Coolio understands the part he has played in perpetuating this cycle of violence, and realises that it is too H+80)G&()=,?)8&)2+S0)8=&20)=0)=+2)='(8` )
ë The Art of Peer Pressureí by Kendrick Lamar
Full disclosure: I think Kendrick Lamar is a genius. I fully believe To Pimp A Butterfly),2)8=0)?&28)4'H8'(+HHV) important record to come out in a very, very long time. Kendrick’s aforementioned first commercially distributed record, ;%%1+b,1=+.S3S3SU+R,9/),2)+)<&H.?,-0)G&()8=0)Z,-.)&G)28&(,02)70)+(0)8+HZ,-<)+6&'8)c)28&(,02)&G)8=0)V&'8=)+-.) their suction into violence. However if you want a deeper, more visceral look into a broader range of cultural and personal histories, To Pimp A Butterfly is a masterclass in storytelling more brutal than Kendrick’s previous work. While it does include similar stories of violence and community, they do not feature as prominently on 5%+8,)P+3+ Butterfly)+2)8=0V).&)&-);%%1+b,1=+.S3S3SU+R,9/`) 9=0)6(&+.0()4&-4018)&G);%%1+b,1=+.S3S3SU+R,9/),2)+6&'8)=&7)0S0-)+)=,<=)24=&&H)=&-&'(2)28'.0-8)4+-)60) sucked into the violence and tragedy of the streets of Compton, before finding redemption in music and religion. A deeply personal record, ;%%1+b,1=+.S3S3SU+R,9/ – and the song ‘The Art of Peer Pressure’ more specifically – demonstrates to us as listeners how men like the N.W.A. are created, not born, and what lies in store for the little homies paddling in the wake of Coolio. It goes to show that while there might ways out of poverty, they often require a painful catalyst. Rather than dissecting the song here I encourage you to pick up the album, have the lyrics on a screen before you, and reflect upon it yourself. These three songs just go to show that not all hip-hop is about weed and bitches; it can also be about trauma +-.)4&??'-,8V`)9+Z0)8=0)8,?0)8&)H,280-)8&)2&?0)&G)8=020)+(8,282)+-.)=0+()8=0,()28&(,02`)9=0V)&GG0()'2)+)H&&Z),-)8=0,() lives, a sight some of us rarely see.
farrago 2015 / edition three / 33
/ science
terrifying omens coming your way, and how to avoid them by baya ou yang ("#&: Aries: the Ram – more like the Ram-ifications of your actions. >=04Z)V&'(20HG)60G&(0)V&')7(04Z)V&'(20HG)c)V&'()4&?108,8,S0)-+8'(0) usually works in your favour, but this month the Moon has turned your luck. Anything you try before May will result in doom, so lock yourself in a basement with some tin cans, because you are a diabolical hazard to everyone, especially yourself. 38;";: On May 5, a full moon in Venus will trigger your spirit animal to viciously attack. We know you haven’t been yourself lately, and with the Sun near Scorpio, your Bull is about to call bullshit. Avoid wearing red and eliminate all stomping moves from the d-floor, lest V&').02,(0)V&'(),--0()[+8+.&()8&)60)[+8+P<&(0.`))))
d&7#$# Watch your back, Gemini! As the Sun nears Venus, the number of Geminis in the world is about to double. Before May 2, your reflection will take on a life of its own and, spoiler alert, ReflectionYou is crazy. If you see subtle delays in your reflected movements, or =0+()2&G8)Z-&4Z,-<)4&?,-<)G(&?)7,8=,-)V&'()?,((&()c)('-`)38+V)+7+V) from all reflective surfaces; this is the one month where breaking ?,((&(2)4&'H.)2+S0)V&'()H,G0`) 58$%&" Sweet Cancer, your sensitive spirit is usually a gift. But this month, beware of hyper-emotional doom. Perhaps you are sad because the newest iOS update erased your Candy Crush progress, or maybe it’s because everyone will be in Europe for your birthday, but because the Moon is in your house of emotions, this month you (,2Z)H,80(+HHV).(&7-,-<),-)V&'()&7-)80+(2`)EG)8=0(0)7+2)0S0()+)6+.) time to cry, it is now. S&-
50&)8=0)<H&(,&'2)5,&-)c)7=&20)1H+-08),2)8=0)3'-)+-.)0H0?0-8) is Fire. We get it, you are Mufasa. But be warned, with an unusual eclipse scheduled for June 2, your light will be shadowed by a darkness. What darkness, we cannot be sure. But stay away from men with scars, and lions named Scar. W#"LVirgo, you little shit! With caring, gentle characteristics too good to be true, and a birthstone that sounds just a little too much like ‘sardonic’, we don’t trust you – especially not when your Moon nears Jupiter! This month, you will be your own unravelling. The horror, I fear, is you. The only escape is to go down to the courthouse and 4=+-<0)V&'()6,(8=).+80`)J0)(04&??0-.)Q&S0?60()ON`))))
34 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
S#<"8 The Sun is visiting Venus, which will leave you feeling unbalanced this month. Literally, prepare to fall. A lot. To balance out your inner Scale, consider wearing Power Balance bracelets on your left arm – the more the better. But don’t worry, with the full moon illuminating your house of style, it’ll become a trend in no time! G%-"K#This month, horror comes to Scorpio in the form of a Scorpion sting. Just kidding – if only it were that easy! No, it will actually come ,-)8=0)G&(?)&G)V&'()>=,-020)L&(&24&10)4&'-80(1+(8Y)8=0)X,<`)/&-^8) 60)G&&H0.)6V),82)<0-8H0).0?0+-&'()c)8=0)X,<)7,HH)-&8)=02,8+80)8&)4'8)+) 6,84=`)9=0(0^2)+)(0+2&-)2&)?+-V)10&1H0).&-^8)0+8)X&(ZY),8^2)-&8)+6&'8) religion, it’s about karma. Watch your back and skip the bacon. G8L#..8"#;: Woah there, Sagittarius! Take a step back this month – we know how much you love change, but this month it will become your undoing. As the Sun closes in on Gemini, stay away from changing rooms, change.org, people asking for spare change, “change a lightbulb” jokes and ‘Changes’ by David Bowie. 58K"#%-"$ %&'^(0)20(,&'2)+-.)1(&G022,&-+H)+-.)V&'()G+S&'(+6H0)4&H&'(),2) ‘brown’ – you are so Yuppie it’s Capri-corny. We really don’t want a sequel to American Psycho this month, but with the Sun near Cancer, 70)+(0)+G(+,.)V&'(),--0()4(+\V),2)<088,-<)X+8(,4Z)*+80?+-02a'0`)J0) =,<=HV)(04&??0-.)8+Z,-<)8=,2)?&-8=)&GG)7&(Z)c)V&'^(0)70H4&?0`)))))) (J;8"#;: We hate to be the Water Bearer of bad news, but Uranus is in your first house of finance, and as the old saying goes: With M(+-'2)4&?02)4(,11H,-<).068`)E-)&(.0()8&)024+10)+)H,G08,?0)&G) living off Ramen, try asking your generous Sagittarius friends for 2&?0)21+(0)4=+-<0`)))
!#:%&: If Pisces is rubber, then Virgo is your glue. This month, as Jupiter nears Neptune’s moon, you might just find yourself being catfished by a Virgo near you. Take special care to examine the birth dates of your Tinder matches. In fact, if you are currently speaking to someone so cute it’s a little suspicious, chances are you’ve +H(0+.V)600-)F,2=0.`))
illustration by lynley eavis
culture /
science / artwork by anwyn hocking
farrago 2015 / edition three / 35
/ science
your brain and depression with ruth de jager
epression not only affects your mood, but lowers your cognitive ability, possibly even after you’ve recovered. /01(022,&-)=+2)600-)+)='<0)8&1,4)&G)4&-S0(2+8,&-)2&4,08+HHV) in recent years, which is fantastic in helping to break down the stigma of mental illness, however, it is still a widely misunderstood dis-order. Depression, described beautifully by Mike Martin, author and YouTube personality, is not the opposite of happiness. It is 8=0)&11&2,80)&G)S,8+H,8V`)E8),2)+)-'?6-022)8=+8)='(82)+-.)?+Z02) .&,-<)+-V8=,-<)=+(.`) Causes of depression remain elusive to the scientific community, however some possibilities have been identified, possibly the most 70HH)Z-&7-)60,-<)+-),?6+H+-40),-)6(+,-)4=0?,28(V`)J=,H0)8=,2) could be a contributor to depression, like anything to do with the brain, things are not always so simple. Traumas in our environment seem to contribute, and interestingly, there seems to be a strong indication that depression has a genetic basis, with depression often ('--,-<),-)G+?,H,02` Symptoms of depression can include fatigue, loss of interest in life, negative or distorted thinking and low mood. However, these are not the only difficulties depression sufferers face. Researchers have found that they also have to contend with severe cognitive deficits. These can include low-ered reaction times, difficulty concentrating, 60,-<)0+2,HV).,28(+48,6H0)+-.)S,2'+H)H0+(-,-<)+-.)?0?&(V)G+'H82`) These are the mental capabilities people need to complete any task,
ranging from going grocery shopping to finishing that project that’s due tomorrow. For many people who suffer from depression, it’s difficult to get up, let alone organise their day. That’s not all, though. Recent findings suggest that patients do not properly recover from these cognitive deficits even after they enter into remission. In fact, findings suggest that the more severe the episode of depression, the more severe the cognitive deficits that (0?+,-`)I)28'.V)4&-.'480.)6V)/&'<H+2)*(0?-0()+-.)4&HH0+<'02)=+.) 0S0-)G&'-.)8=+8)1+8,0-82),-)(0?,22,&-)=+.)+)OBq)2?+HH0()S&H'?0)&G) the left hippocampus, a brain area involved in learning and memory, when compared to healthy controls. In other words, depression could literally be atrophying people’s brains, with each successive episode increasing the damage, and yet the stigma surrounding ?0-8+H),HH-022)1(0S0-82)10&1H0)G(&?)200Z,-<)&'8)8(0+8?0-8`) These findings make it imperative that people understand that depression is not just long term sadness, it is an illness that needs to be caught early. So please look out for yourself, and do not be afraid to seek out help. And importantly, look out for your loved ones who ?,<=8)60)G+HH,-<),-8&)8=&20).+(Z)1H+402)+-.)0-4&'(+<0)8=0?)8&)200Z) 8(0+8?0-8`) !%#+,0:%#)"9,%0+"01+#4@%&#'4@=+P(4"@4+-,@,9+699PWiiKKKS*4/%01*(&4S %#$S"&i
science lab /
strawberries and dna with hill kuttner
All youíll need is:
QI),2)4&&H)28'GGY),8)<,S02)V&'()40HH2)8=0),-28('48,&-2)8&)?+Z0) you, well…you. Yet with only a two per cent difference in its 4&?1&2,8,&-)V&')7&'H.)60)+)4=,?1+-\00`)E8^2)+?+\,-<)8&)8=,-Z)8=+8) V&'()0-8,(0)60,-<),2)1(088V)?'4=)<&S0(-0.)6V)8,-V)28(+-.2)&G)8=0) junk. But alas, we never really get to see it or appreciate how much /QI)70)+48'+HHV)=+S0)0S0-)8=&'<=)0+4=)&G)&'()40HH2)=+2)(&'<=HV) 8=(00)?08(02)7&(8=)&G),8),-)8=0?`)9=+8^2)(,<=8Y)8=(00)?08(02` Thankfully, with the power of science (and delicious 28(+760((,02;)V&')4+-).&)+)4&&H)H,88H0)0d10(,?0-8)&-)V&'()Z,84=0-) 60-4=)8=+8)7,HH)H08)V&')200)/QI)7,8=)V&'()6+(0)0V02)c)+-.)8&'4=),8) 8&&p)
G.&K'1\'[+Z0)'1)V&'()0d8(+48,&-)2&H'8,&-)c)8=,2)=0H12)6(0+Z).&7-) cell membranes so the DNA can float freely. All you need to do is +..)8=0).,2=)2&+1@2=+?1&&)+-.)2+H8)8&)8=0)BC?H)&G)7+80(`)38,()'-8,H) 0S0(V8=,-<),2).,22&HS0.` G.&K'Q\)9+Z0)V&'()'-0+80-)28(+760((V)+-.)1H+40),8),-)8=0)\,1)H&4Z) 6+<`)9(V)8&)1'2=)&'8)?&28)&G)8=0)+,()+-.)4H&20)8=0)6+<)8,<=8`
G.&K'`\'X(&400.)8&)2a',2=)8=0)0S0(PH,S,-<)4(+1)&'8)&G)8=0)28(+760((V) until it becomes a fine pulp. G.&K'?\'I..)+HH)&G)8=0)0d8(+48,&-)2&H'8,&-)8&)8=0)\,1)H&4Z)6+<)+-.)<,S0) ,8)+-&8=0()-,40)?+2=)+(&'-.` G.&K'O\'Pour the contents of the bag into a cup through your filter ?+80(,+H` G.&K'a\'I..)!C?H)&G)V&'()4&H.)?08=VH+80.)21,(,82)8&)8=0)?,d8'(0`
36 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
Once you add the methylated spirits, you should notice some cloudy <&&0VPH&&Z,-<)28'GG)G&(?`)9=,2),2)8=0)/QI)G(&?)8=0)28(+760((Vp)%&') 7&-^8)60)+6H0)8&)200)+-V).,28,-48)28(+-.2)2,-40)8=0)/QI),820HG),2)S0(V) thin, but it’s still pretty darn swanky.
Illustration by rebecca liew
science /
drawn to science
ate Cranney mixes one part science (a profile of a researcher) with one part art (a drawing of their study subject). In 96,@+41,9,%0+K4+)449+O"00"6+84"#@%0=+"+86U+'"01,1"94+K6%+"@H@=+j76"9+,@+"+K%%1("01+*,#1V^
The Researcher “Small, brown and not very interesting.” That’s how Hannah Pearson describes the bird life of Switzerland, where she lived as a girl. Hannah and her family later moved to Melbourne, where she was 28('4Z)6V)8=0)+?+\,-<)4&H&'(2)&G)I'28(+H,+-)6,(.2`) L+--+=)70-8)&-)8&)28'.V)6&8=)=0()'-.0(<(+.'+80)+-.)[+280(2) degrees at the University of Melbourne. During this time, she worked 7,8=)+-),?1(022,S0)S+(,08V)&G)+-,?+H2)+-.)1H+-82`) Before that, when Hannah was just 18 years old, she travelled to Argentina by herself to volunteer on a wildcat project. Hannah worked with the Geoffroy’s cat, which she describes as resembling a tiny leopard, and being “both adorable and aggressive”. While in Argentina, Hannah had a landlord who kept a pet puma. At night he let the puma out in the yard, its collar tied to a wire that circled their quarters. Hannah recalls, “You couldn’t leave at night because you might get savaged by the puma”. She pauses, and then goes on, “The landlord will get eaten one day. You can’t have a puma +2)+)108`)9=0(0)+(0)(0+2&-2)G&()8=+8h` Hannah says her earlier feline fieldwork was a breeze compared 8&)2'(S0V,-<)1H+8V1'202)+(&'-.)[0H6&'(-0`)gJ0)=+.)8&)<08)'1)0S0(V) =&'()8=(&'<=&'8)8=0)-,<=8)8&)4=04Z)8=0)8(+12)70)208),-)8=0)(,S0(2`) E8)7+2)8&'<=`h Today, Hannah is midway through her PhD on woodland birds.
Researchers may announce, ‘Woodland birds are declining!’ But L+--+=)=+2)G&'-.)8=+8)10&1H0)=+S0).,GG0(0-8),.0+2)&-)7=,4=)2104,02) should be called a woodland bird. Importantly, her research has shown that a researcher’s final results depend strongly on which species they include in their list of ‘woodland birds’. So when you’re deciding how to preserve this type of species, the conflicting classifications make it difficult to combine information from ?'H8,1H0)2&'(402` Hannah is now working on a list of species that ‘should’ be considered woodland birds. She claims that her PhD is, “not particularly sexy”, but when I ask what she loves about her research she answers with resolve, “The best way I can help ecology is to ,?1(&S0)8=0)7+V)70).&)(020+(4=`)E)7+-8)8&)6&&28)&8=0()(020+(4=0(^2) 7&(Z)7,8=)(0+HHV),?1&(8+-8).+8+)c)8=+8^2)7=+8)?&8,S+802)?0h`)E8^2)+) generous statement, and shows that Hannah is not just out to feather =0()&7-)-028`)
L+--+=)H&S02)8=0)8,-V)3'10(6)F+,(VP7(0-)G&(),82)6(,HH,+-8)4&H&'(2) +-.)2&-<`)E8)7+2)S&80.)I'28(+H,+^2)G+S&'(,80)6,(.),-)DCO!`)9=020) 7(0-2)+(0)4&&10(+8,S0)6(00.0(2)+-.)+(0)g(+?1+-8HV)1(&?,24'&'2h)c) H+60HH0.)8=0)H0+28)G+,8=G'H)6,(.2),-)8=0)7&(H.`)38'.,02)=+S0)(04&(.0.) O!).,GG0(0-8)?+H02)4&'(8,-<)&-0)G0?+H0)7,8=,-)+)=+HGP=&'()10(,&.p) Hannah once helped with research to find the type of flower petals 8=+8)8=0)?+H0)3'10(6)F+,(VP7(0-)'202)8&)7&&)8=0)G0?+H0)6,(.`) Next up is the White-winged Choughs who build mud nests, live ,-)2&4,+H)4H+-2)+-.)+(0)0?6(&,H0.),-)+)2?+HHP24+H0)2H+S0)8(+.0`)9=020) 6,(.2)&44+2,&-+HHV)Z,.-+1)V&'-<)G(&?)-0,<=6&'(,-<)<(&'12)+-.) raise them as helpers. Hannah says when Choughs find something exciting, “Their eyes go red and bulge out of their heads”. Hannah’s family favours the King Parrot. “If we see one at the G+?,HV)60+4=)=&'20)70)4+HH)0S0(V&-0)0H20)8&)4&?0)=+S0)+)H&&Z`) Anyone who misses out feels jealous.”
Illustration by kate cranney
And whether you love them or loathe them, the Australian [+<1,0)=+2)+)7+(6H,-<)2&-<)8=+8),2)6&'-.)8&)8'<)+8)+-V)=&?02,4Z) =0+(828(,-<2`)L+--+=^2)2+V2)=0().+.)&44+2,&-+HHV)G0.)8=0,() local magpies, “They would perch on our front porch and sing G&()8=0,()8(0+82h`) Last of all, Hannah has a love-hate relationship with the threatened Grey-crowned Babbler. During her Masters, Hannah 28'.,0.)8=,2)6,(.^2)(021&-20)8&)8=0)(0S0<08+8,&-)&G),82)7&&.H+-.) =+6,8+8)6'8)=0()?&.0H)0d1H+,-0.)+H?&28)-&8=,-<`)X+(8)&G)8=0) 4&?1H,4+8,&-)2=0)0d10(,0-40.)280??0.)G(&?)8=0)G+48)8=+8)2&?0) 24,0-8,282)4&-2,.0(0.)*+66H0(2)+)7&&.H+-.)6,(.)+-.)&8=0(2).,.-^8`) So Hannah finished her Masters research with a burning question, “Why can’t I find a list that tells me what a woodland bird ,2]h)508^2)=&10)=0()X=/)1(&S,.02)+-)+-270(`
farrago 2015 / edition three / 37
/ science
tur(n)ing on the computer by kim hoang le
omputers. Laptops. Smartphones. Tablets. It’s difficult to imagine +).+V),-)?&.0(-)H,G0)7,8=&'8)+-V)&G)8=020).0S,402`)%08)-&-0)&G) them would exist without Alan Turing, the British mathematician widely regarded as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence. If his name rings a bell, it’s probably via 564+X),9"9,%0+ ;")4)c)8=0)(040-8)6,&1,4)28+((,-<)*0-0.,48)>'?60(6+84=)8=+8) G&4'202)&-)9'(,-<^2)4&.0P6(0+Z,-<)0GG&(82).'(,-<)JJEE` 3&)7=&)7+2)=0])9&)<,S0)+)28+(8,-<),?+<0Y)8=0(0^2)+)2Z084=)&G) Turing as a kid that, hilariously enough, shows him examining daisies while he’s supposed to playing hockey in the field with the other children. At 16, Turing closely befriended another boy named Christopher Morcum. They bonded over math and science, sat next to each other in every class, passed notes, studied together. At some point, Turing fell in unrequited love. So, as you can imagine, [&(4'?^2).0+8=)6V)8'60(4'H&2,2)87&)V0+(2)H+80()=+.)+)1(&G&'-.) 0GG048)&-)9'(,-<`)9=0)<(,0G)+-.)4&-G'2,&-)4+'20.)6V)8=0)0S0-8) dismantled his religious faith, replacing it with a secular worldview. The following year, Turing headed to Cambridge to study mathematics. Here he first conceived of the Universal Turing [+4=,-0)c)+)=V1&8=08,4+H)(01(020-8+8,&-)&G)+)4&?1'80()8=+8)4&'H.) 2&HS0)+-V)4&?1'8+6H0)1(&6H0?`)E8)4&?1(,20.)&G)8=(00)1+(82Y)+-) infinitely long tape, something that read and wrote ones and zeroes on the tape, and instructions about which parts to write &S0()&()0(+20`)9=020)0H0?0-82)?+.0)'1)?0?&(V)28&(+<0):8=0) tape) and a modifiable, internal program (the instructions). This was a groundbreaking leap. Prior to this, the best computer was Babbage’s Analytical Engine, which stored programs externally as 1'-4=P=&H0)4+(.2)8&)60),-80(1(080.)6V)?04=+-,4+H)4&?1&-0-82`) 38&(,-<)1(&<(+?2),-)8=0)2+?0)G&(?)+2)8=0).+8+)7+2)'-=0+(.)&G`) Turing’s theoretical conceptualisations, perfected by 1945, laid the G&'-.+8,&-2)G&()8=0)?&.0(-).,<,8+H)4&?1'80(` 9'(,-<)7+2)+H2&)G+24,-+80.)6V)8=0)1=,H&2&1=,4+H),?1H,4+8,&-2) of all this. Until the 1940s, the term “computer” meant a person 7=&)4+((,0.)&'8)4+H4'H+8,&-2`)Q&7)=0(0)7+2)8=0),-ZH,-<)&G)+)H&<,4+H) machine, trying to imitate the human mind. Turing believed that, in time, computers would be capable of intelligent thought, ,-.,28,-<',2=+6H0)G(&?)='?+-2^`)L0)0S0-)G0H8)0?1+8=V)7,8=) machines, imagining them as victims of prejudice in the future. It’s saddening, then, that homophobic prejudice led to Turing’s own persecution. In the 1950s, homosexual relations were illegal
38 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
in Britain. Turing was never ashamed of being gay, and the fact was well-known among his friends and colleagues. But in 1952, after (01&(8,-<)+)6'(<H+(V)8&)8=0)1&H,40)+-.),-+.S0(80-8HV)(0S0+H,-<)=,2) sexual history in the process, Turing was arrested and charged with g+482)&G)<(&22),-.040-4Vh` L0)7+2)20-80-40.)8&)+)4=&,40)608700-),?1(,2&-?0-8)+-.) chemical castration. In order to continue his work, Turing chose the latter. The oestrogen injections he was administered caused him to become impotent, and grow breasts – a brutally humiliating experience that Turing handled with as much defiance as he could. However, his publicised homosexuality was regarded as a national security issue, and Turing feared it would undermine his credibility. In a distressed letter to a friend, he wrote, “I’m afraid 8=+8)8=0)G&HH&7,-<)2VHH&<,2?)?+V)60)'20.)6V)2&?0),-)8=0)G'8'(0Y) 9'(,-<)60H,0S02)?+4=,-02)8=,-Z)@)9'(,-<)H,02)7,8=)?0-)@)9=0(0G&(0) ?+4=,-02).&)-&8)8=,-Z`h The pressure took its toll. Two years after his conviction, Turing 4&??,880.)2',4,.0`)L0)H0G8)-&)-&80)c)&-HV)+)=+HGP0+80-)+11H0)&-)=,2) bedside table. Exactly how he died is unclear. It’s been speculated, but never proven, that Turing laced the apple with cyanide as a grim homage to his favourite film J0%K+76,94+"01+964+J4-40+UK"#-4@`)EG) so, it’s incredibly bittersweet to think that Apple’s logo is a tribute to Turing, that every last Apple device is bearing a ghost of its ancestor. J=,H0)8=,2),2-^8)28(,48HV)8('0):,8^2)?0+-8)8&)60)+)g6V80h)G(&?)8=0)+11H0) of knowledge), Steve Jobs did once say that he wished it had been a 9'(,-<)(0G0(0-40`)E-80(1(08)+8)7,HH` Corporate branding aside, it’s hard to understate the farreaching scope of Turing’s legacy, as computation has triggered paradigm shifts in almost any field you care to name. “We can only see a short distance ahead,” Turing once wrote, “but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.” Of course, he was referring to his research. But given his suffering at the hands of an unjust system, Turing’s words are also a poignant reminder of the necessity &G)4&-28+-8)2&4,&P1&H,8,4+H)1(&<(022)+H&-<2,.0)&'()804=-&H&<,4+H) +.S+-402` X:+/%&=+%#+@%)4%04+/%&+H0%K=+0441@+64(P+/%&+'"0+'"((+L,:4(,04+%0+Gk+GG+ GC+?KKKS(,:4(,04S%#$S"&A=+J&,',14+R"((+>"'H+J4#-,'4+%0+GkDD+lBm+Cl[+ ?KKKS@&,',14'"((*"'H@4#-,'4S%#$S"&A=+%#+*4/%01*(&4+%0+GkDD+NN+Clkl+ ?KKKS*4/%01*(&4S%#$S"&AS
artwork by sarah layton
science /
society /
artwork by emily keppel
farrago 2015 / edition three / 39
/ Society
switched≠on by monica sestito
n 15 March 2015, I quit social media. The effects were immediate +-.)'-1(040.0-80.` E)G&'-.),--0()10+40`)E)60<+-)8&)H&S0)?V20HG)?&(0`)5,G0)H,80(+HHV) 604+?0)?&(0)#4"( – until I realised that this ‘reality’ was as unpalatable as illusion, and I was most definitely not a better person G&(),8`)E)7+2)?0(0HV)?&(0)20HGP(,<=80&'2`)I-.)2&)&-)[+(4=)O")E)2=('-Z) back to my pocket of digital oblivion, feeling filthy. Every status, 87008)+-.),?+<0)4&=0(0.)+2)+)1+-&(+?+)&G).06+'4=0(V),-)?V)?,-.`) It was like a Hieronymus Bosch painting, my damnation writ large. 9=0(0),2)+-)&S0(7=0H?,-<)20-20)8=+8)70)%&'-<)Q+(4,22,282) 2=&'H.)G00H)<',H8V)+6&'8)&'()'20)&G)2&4,+H)?0.,+`)E8)=+2)604&?0) +-&8=0()+62&H'80)_S,H)c)+H&-<2,.0)>(&42)+-.)<H'80-P(,4=)1(&.'482`) No doubt, there are some legitimate motivations for wanting to commit virtual suicide. We’ve literally seen it all: the brunches, the bodies, the boozing. Thank you to the feisty girl on my train the other day who, in summoning all the moral fortitude she could muster, deftly captured the sentiment as follows: “I mean, I love me too, but you don’t see me shoving me in your face, do you?” 9=+8^2)-&8)0S0-)?0-8,&-,-<)8=0)1=V2,4+H)0GG0482)&G)0d4022,S0) social media use. Chiropractors, physiotherapists – hell, @%)4%04)c) ?'28)60),-)H0+<'0)7,8=)I11H0)&()I-.(&,.).0S0H&10(2`)R'()-04Z2)+(0) truly butchered, our backs permanently bent. Everybody clutching 8=0,()2?+(8)1=&-02),-)2,H0-8)=&?+<0`)_S0(V6&.V)+-4=&(0.)8&)+)8,-V) '6,a',8&'2).021&8Y)8=0)24(00-`) Q&7Y)60=&H.)8=0).0S&'8)H+-<'+<0)8=+8)10(?0+802)&'().06+802)&-) 2&4,+H)?0.,+)'20`)%&'()G(,0-.),2)&-)+).,<,8+H)149%2`)%&'()4&'2,-^2)&-) +)4V60()'(4"0@4`)X0(=+12)V&')+(0)&-)+)2&4,+H)?0.,+)@"**"9,'"(`)J=+8) we are witnessing is an imperative towards asceticism, a flourish of G'-.+?0-8+H,2?)8=+8),-S&Z02)8=0)1=,H&2&1=,02)&G)6&(-P+<+,-)X+H0&) +.S&4+80)X080)_S+-2`)I-.)8=0)?022+<0),2)4H0+(Y)(010-8)&()60).+?-0.p) 9=,2)8=,-Z,-<)280?2)G(&?)+).02,(0)8&),-80(S0-0),-)&'()?+8(,d)
40 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
of digital communication – a laudable desire, for sure. However, by harking back to a notion of authentic ‘realness’, this strategy of digital ‘detoxing’ resembles a romantic delusion. Debates around 2&4,+H)?0.,+)4+-)60)4&-80d8'+H,20.)7,8=,-)6(&+.0().,24&'(202) surrounding technology and communication. And in this case, 8=0),22'0),2)-&8)2&)?'4=)&-0)&G)?0.,+8,&-)6'8),094$#"9,%0`)L&7) can ‘switching off’ Facebook or Twitter be revolutionary if, like Andy Warhol, we “don’t know where the artificial stops and 8=0)(0+H)28+(82h]) J0)(+(0HV)7+84=)ejI)7,8=&'8)1+(8,4,1+8,-<),-),8)c)&G80-)6V)7+V) &G)97,880()8+'-82)+6&'8)8=0)4&-8&(8,&-2)&G)>=(,28&1=0()XV-0^2)G+40`) We rarely meet people without having first given them a little stalk :4+-)2Z'HH)600(2)8=(&'<=)+)2-&(Z0H0(b)&7-2)+-),?1(022,S0)(+-<0) &G)6,Z,-,2b)2,-<H0;`)J0)(+(0HV)1H+V)8=0)20.'48,&-)<+?0)7,8=&'8)8=0) accompanying text warfare. In any case, it’s clear that the digital is -&8)2&?0)Z,-.)G+-8+28,4+H)(0+H?)=+110-,-<)&S0()964#4. It’s right here, right now. Conversations proceed in staccato, but not because social ?0.,+),-80(('182`)E8)1'-48'+802`) Of course, many people are ‘off’ Facebook or Twitter or E-28+<(+?)c)+-.)=+11,HV)2&`)Q&7)8=0V).&-^8)=+S0)8=0)1H0+2'(0)&G) 7,8-022,-<)=&7)?'4=)G'-)0S0(V&-0),2)=+S,-<)0S0(V7=0(0)+8)0S0(V) moment. However, when the digital and the material have so completely collapsed into one another, we are kidding ourselves if we believe that such a withdrawal represents a return to ‘reality’. 3&)E)a',8)2&4,+H)?0.,+)G&()+).+V`)9=0)(02'H8])E)=+.)4&-2,.0(+6HV) ?&(0)8,?0)8&).&)8=0)G&HH&7,-<Y)4=04Z)+-.)(021&-.)8&)0?+,H2b)28+HZ) 8=0)5[3):604+'20)E)=+S0)+)H,G0;b)U&&<H0)+)-07HV).,24&S0(0.)7&(.) :200)1(0S,&'2)4&??0-8;b)8(+-2G0()?&-0V)8&)+)G(,0-.b)4=04Z)?V)[VZ,) balance; rummage for jobs on Gumtree (in that order). I was switched-off, but somehow still so switched-on.
illustration by alyona
society /
The Art of Unicorning sex and gender with kat muscat
t is 10.30pm on Easter Sunday, and we’re sitting on 8=0)6+H4&-V)&G)+).&'6H0P28&(0V)80((+40Y)27,<<,-<) awful cider and trading stories, planning to party. She is dark-haired, dry-witted and chain-smoking. He occasionally bums drags from both of us, in between .,S'H<,-<).08+,H2)&G)0d8(0?0).06+'4=0(V`)J0^(0) winding each other up, doling out playful dressingdowns, weighing the situation in our minds. The idea &G)S0-8'(,-<),-8&)8=0)4,8V),2)+6+-.&-0.`)J0^(0)+HH) <&,-<))8&)G'4Z`) There are a lot of myths flying haphazardly +(&'-.)4&-40(-,-<)8=(002&?02`)I-.)7(+110.)'1),-) the fabric of these folktales is the idea of a unicorn, or (a generally female) ‘hot bi babe’ who is not only insatiable in the bedroom, but also immediately +88(+480.)8&)6&8=)10&1H0),-)+)=080(&20d'+H)4&'1H0`)*'8) c),-)+)20-80-40)E)H&S0)60,-<)+6H0)8&)7(,80)+2)+-)+.'H8) c)E)+?)=0(0)8&)80HH)V&'Y)'-,4&(-2)0d,28`)[+V60)V&')+(0) &-0)&G)8=0?`) Like the majority of our sexual education, most people’s first exposure to threesomes comes from teen movies. In these fraught fictions, a trio of tangled limbs ,2)&G80-)+)1&(80-8)&G).&&?)G&()8=0)0d,28,-<)(0H+8,&-2=,1`) F00H,-<2)<08)?022V)+-.)8=0V)<08)='(8`)E)(04Z&-)8=,2) comes back to boundaries. Generally, couples are 1&(8(+V0.)+2)'2,-<)8=0)8=,(.)+2)+)?0+-2)8&)+-)0-.)c)+) facilitator of experience, instead of a fully-fledged ,-.,S,.'+H`)J=,4=),2)6+.)-072`)F&()8=0)'-,4&(-)8=,2) ?0+-2)V&')?'28)60)1(01+(0.)8&)60)?&(0)+220(8,S0)8=+-) is necessarily comfortable for your first few rodeos G0+8'(,-<)8=0)60+28)7,8=)8=(00)6+4Z2`)T0?0?60()8=+8) -&)&-0)0S0()6"@)8&)G'4Z)+-V&-0)0H20`)/&),8)604+'20)V&') 7+-8)8&):+-.)(0?0?60()8=+8)7+-8,-<)8&).&02-^8)?+Z0) you a nasty sex fanatic – unless that’s your jam – but, more accurately, someone who enjoys things that are fun). For monogamous couples, a certain amount of soul-searching is definitely required beforehand. It’s -&8)0-&'<=)8&)60)+6H0)8&)8&H0(+80)V&'()1+(8-0()G'4Z,-<) 2&?0&-0)0H20)60G&(0)V&'()0V02`)%&')7+--+)<08)&GG)&-),8) +-.)<08),-S&HS0.`) E)+?)+H2&)7+(V)&G)+-V&-0)7=&)7+-82)8&)28(,Z0) 0?&8,&-)&'8)&G)8=0)2,8'+8,&-`)E8)200Z2)8&)1(04H'.0)8=0) possibility of a shared intimacy, which is so fun, but
Artwork by emily keppel
+H2&Y)+G80(<H&7),2)+)8=,-<`)J=0-)+HH),2)2+,.)+-.).&-0) and you’re lying there breathless-but-elated, there’s +)40(8+,-)+?&'-8)&G)S'H-0(+6,H,8V)+8)1H+V`)>'..H,-<) is recommended for all involved. On a lighter note, ,.0+HHV)8=0(0),2)+H2&)2=+(0.)H+'<=80(`)30d),2),-=0(0-8HV) ridiculous, and sex with three or more people is <&,-<)8&)=+S0)2&?0)+7Z7+(.)?&?0-82)8=+8^(0)6028) <,<<H0.)&GG`)) Like that lustful Easter Sunday, in my experience, 8=(002&?02)7&(Z)6028)7=0-)2&?07=+8)21&-8+-0&'2`) When everyone is happy, the relationships are welldefined, and the dynamic is organically sexy. If you’re new to more than two, though, it’s worth treading ?&(0)4+(0G'HHV`)9=0)28'GG)8=+8)4+--&8)<&)'-2+,.Y)10&1H0) 7,8=)8=0)6028)2+G0()20d)1(+48,402)+(0)&6S,&'2HV)8=0) ?&28)6+6028`)EG)V&'^(0)'-40(8+,-)7=+8)0S0(V&-0^2) approach is, discuss expectations first. There’s nothing 7(&-<)7,8=)=,88,-<)1+'20)?,.P7+V)8&)?+Z0)2'(0) 0S0(V8=,-<),2)+6&S0)6&+(.)c)6'8),8^2)60880()8&)2&(8) 8=+8)2=,8)&'8)2&&-0(`)L+S0)?&(0)4&-.&?2)8=+-)V&') 8=,-Z)V&'^HH)-00.)8&)+S&,.)&S0(H+1):&()('--,-<)&'8p;`) Preferably, everyone is a responsible adult who gets an 0+2VP6(00\VP60+'8,G'H)20d'+H)=0+H8=)4=04Z)&-40)0S0(V) 8=(00)&()2&)?&-8=2`)9=0V^(0)G(00)+8)V&'()UX` _?&8,&-+H)+G80(4+(0),2)+H2&)+)8=,-<`)9=,2)2&(8)&G) situation is always a little bit loaded, and no one wins 0d8(+)1&,-82)6V)1(080-.,-<)8=+8^2)-&8)8=0)4+20`)3&)8+Z0) some time afterwards to enjoy each other’s company ,-)8=0)H,<=8)&G)8=0)G&HH&7,-<).+V`)U(+6)+)4&GG00)+-.) 8+HZ)+6&'8)7=+8)20dV)4=+?1,&-2)V&')+HH)+(0`)EG)V&'^(0) feeling a bit insecure about how things went down, ,8^2)6028)8&)S&,40)8=,2)c)0S0-),G),8)G00H2)H,Z0)8=0)&11&2,80) of what a Cool, Threesome Person would do – so you 4+-)<08),??0.,+80)2'11&(8),-280+.)&G).0+H,-<)7,8=)8=+8) 2=,8)&-)V&'()&7-`)EG)+-V&-0),-S&HS0.),2-^8),-80(0280.),-) hearin’ how you’re feelin’, that is unfortunate and you 1(&6+6HV)2=&'H.-^8)G'4Z)8=0?)+<+,-)'-8,H),8^2)(02&HS0.` Keeping all that in mind, the whole thing isn’t +2)24+(V)+-.)20(,&'2)+2)8=0)1'(,8+-2)7&'H.)=+S0)'2) believe. As with all other sexytimes, it’s important to take care of yourself, but beyond that, unicorns just 7+--+):+-.).&;)=+S0)G'-`)
farrago 2015 / edition three / 41
/ Society
a name to a statistic by faye white
elcome to Melbourne, where the local time is 11:40pm. XH0+20)(0?+,-),-)V&'()20+8)7,8=)V&'()20+860H8)G+280-0.) '-8,H)70)=+S0)4&?0)8&)+)4&?1H080)28&1`)J0)=&10)8=+8)V&')=+S0)+-) enjoyable trip here in Melbourne and if you’re fortunate enough to live in this beautiful city, may we be the first to welcome you home.” As the cabin lights were illuminated, I sat slumped in my seat as tears rolled down my cheeks. I finally felt safe, although I realised 8=0-)8=+8)8=,2)7+2)-&8)8=0)0-.`) [V),-80-8,&-2)70(0)8=0)2+?0)+2)8=&20)&G)+-V)0d4=+-<0)28'.0-8) in Melbourne, with hopes of travelling the east coast. I booked a 21&-8+-0&'2)8(,1)&-0)700Z)60G&(0)?V).01+(8'(0).+80`)E).04,.0.)8&) travel alone, in order to challenge myself. The extent of my worries was whether or not I’d be confident enough to make friends, and although activities such as skydiving were on the agenda, I didn’t G0+()G&()?V)2+G08V`) “I’m most excited about the island tour,” I remember telling the 8(+S0H)+<0-8)+2)E)=+-.0.)=,?)?V)4(0.,8)4+(.`)9=,2)=+.)600-)&-)?V) 6'4Z08)H,28)G&()+)H&-<)8,?0`) _d+48HV)+)700Z)H+80()E)7+2)8=0(0`)IG80()7+84=,-<)+)4&?1'H2&(V) /W/).0?&-28(+8,-<)8=0)1&22,6H0).+-<0(2)70)4&'H.)0-4&'-80()&-) the island, we were split into the groups we would spend the next 8=(00).+V2)7,8=`) “Are you all ready to die?” our group leader joked. We laughed +2)70)<&8),-8&)&'()5+-.)>(',20()+-.)208)&GG)8&7+(.2)8=0),2H+-.),-) convoy. After we had cooked dinner on the final evening, the camp 7+2).080(?,-0.)8&)1+(8V)=+(.0()8=+-)70)=+.)8=0)-,<=8)60G&(0`) In true Australian backpacker style, the goon was flowing in +6'-.+-40`)E)?'28)=+S0).('-Z)?&(0)8=+-)E)(0+H,20.)+2)E)(0?0?60() .+-4,-<)&-)8=0)8+6H0)7,8=)8=0)7=&H0)<(&'1)G&HH&70.)6V)60,-<) S,&H0-8HV)2,4Z),-)8=0)6+8=(&&?`) Due to the alcohol, my memories from the night are not consolidated, but I then remember being on the beach with about 8=,(8V)&8=0()10&1H0),-4H'.,-<)+)G07)?0?60(2)&G)?V)<(&'1`)E8)7+2) pitch black and difficult to distinguish people’s faces, but I remember 8=+8)&'()<(&'1)H0+.0()7+2)+H2&)&-)8=0)60+4=).(,-Z,-<)7,8=)'2`)I8)
42 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
this moment I must have realised that I had lost my shoes, and my group leader offered to help me find them. I don’t remember what preceded this, but as we walked back up the beach together 70)28&110.)+-.)Z,220.`)I)G07)?,-'802)H+80()=0)8&H.)?0)8=+8)=0) 7+2)?+((,0.)+-.)=+.)G&'()4=,H.(0-`)E)7+2).,2<'280.)8=+8)=0)=+.-^8) mentioned this until after he had kissed me, which triggered him to 604&?0)S0(6+HHV)+<<(022,S0` E)(0?0?60()<088,-<),-8&)=,2)60.)+-.)<&,-<)8&)2H001)2=&(8HV) +G80(`)E)=+S0)-&)0d1H+-+8,&-)+2)8&)7=V)E)4=&20)8&)28+V`)J0)=+.-^8) =+.)+-V)1=V2,4+H)4&-8+48)2,-40)70)Z,220.)&-)8=0)60+4=)+-.)E)7+2) 2&),-8&d,4+80.)6V)8=,2)1&,-8)+-.)=+.)S&?,80.)2&)?+-V)8,?02)E)4&'H.) barely stay awake. Unsure of how much time had passed, something jerked me awake. All I could see was blackness; I was lying on my 28&?+4=)7,8=)?V)G+40)8&)8=0)1,HH&7`)E)4&'H.)G00H)?&S0?0-8)+8)8=0) back of my thighs, but, still sedated by sleep and alcohol, I didn’t register what it might have been. As I began to regain consciousness, 8=0)?&S0?0-8)604+?0)?&(0),-80-20)+-.)E).0S0H&10.)+-)+7+(0-022) &G)7=+8)7+2)=+110-,-<`) E)4&'H.-^8)?&S0`)E^?)'-2'(0)&G)7=08=0()E)7+2)G(,<=80-0.)&(),G) I was in shock, but I didn’t do anything. I must have given some indication that I was awake, as shortly after I realised what was happening, he stopped and lay back down beside me. I rolled over onto my side; the light coming through the thin, makeshift curtain ,HH'?,-+80.)=,2)G+40`)L,2)0V02)70(0)4H&20.`) “Are you awake or asleep?” I asked him, although I already Z-07)8=0)+-270(`) “Shhh, I drank too much last night”, he whispered as he rolled away from me, his face was engulfed by the blackness and we didn’t speak again. Still trying to process what had just happened, I moved ?V)=+-.).&7-`)[V)6,Z,-,)6&88&?2)=+.)600-)(0?&S0.)7=,H28)E)7+2) still asleep. Exhausted, I placed my head back on the pillow and went to sleep. The next morning when I woke up, hungover and shook up, he was gone. I found my way back to the campsite to tell my group what had happened. At first a few of them laughed as 8=0V)?,2'-.0(28&&.)8=0)H+4Z)&G)4&-20-8)8=+8)4&'H.)60)<,S0-),-)8=+8)
photography by tori lill
society /
?&?0-8`)9=0V)8=&'<=8)E)7+-80.)8&)2H001)7,8=)=,?`)E8)7+2)8=0-)8=+8)E) realised if I spoke out, I wasn’t always going to be believed. The trip ended that day, but the memory of what happened .,.-^8)28+V)&-)8=0),2H+-.`)E8)7+2)+HH)E)4&'H.)8=,-Z)+6&'8`)E).,.-^8)7+-8) to use the ‘R’ word to describe what had happened to me: I thought that rape was always violent. I tried to justify his actions in my head +2)E)=+.)4&-20-2'+HHV)Z,220.)=,?)&-)8=0)60+4=)+-.)=0)2+,.)=0)7+2) drunk. In retrospect I realise how ignorant I was about the definition &G)(+10`)E)7+2)+H2&)4&?1H080HV)'-0.'4+80.)+6&'8)7=+8)8&).&)+G80() 604&?,-<)+)S,48,?)&G)(+10`)E).,.-^8)G00H)2+G0)<&,-<)8&)8=0)1&H,40),-) Rainbow Beach in case I were to see him again, so I waited eagerly +8)8=0)6'2)28+8,&-)G&()+)(,.0)8&)2+G08V`)E)G0H8)+2),G)E)70(0)8=0)&-0)&-)8=0) ('-)0S0-)8=&'<=)+)4(,?0)=+.)600-)4&??,880.)+<+,-28)?0`) On returning to Melbourne, I confided in a close friend who took ?0)8&)8=0)1&H,40)28+8,&-)+(&'-.)+)700Z)H+80(`)E8)7+2)8&&)H+80)8&).&) G&(0-2,4)80282)&-)?V20HG)+-.)?V)4H&8=,-<`)E)7+2)8&H.)8=+8),G)E)70(0)8&) 1'(2'0)8=0)4+20)8=(&'<=)8=0)4&'(82),8^.)60)'-H,Z0HV)8=+8)8=0(0)7&'H.) 60)+)4&-S,48,&-b)&-)8=+8)+.S,40)E).04,.0.)-&8)8&)8+Z0)G'(8=0()H0<+H) +48,&-`)E)7+2)+-<(V`)[V)H,G0)=+.)600-)4=+-<0.)G&(0S0()+<+,-28)?V) will and he was going to get away with it, potentially going on to do it again. This man had committed a crime, yet he was unlikely to be 4&-S,480.`)E8).,.-^8)200?)G+,(b)E)7+-80.)8&).&)0S0(V8=,-<)7,8=,-)?V) power to gain some kind of justice. E)2&'<=8)H0<+H)+.S,40)G(&?)8=0)4&?1H,?0-8+(V)M[3M)50<+H) 30(S,40):6+20.),-)M-,&-)L&'20;`)9=0V)+<(00.)7,8=)8=0)1&H,40),-) regards to conviction, but urged me to go to my group leader’s company. When I opened up to the manager of the company, his response was merely to say, “I hope that whoever is the victim in this situation is seen as the victim, and whoever is the criminal is 200-)+2)2'4=`h)E)7+2-^8)60,-<)60H,0S0.`)E)4&'H.-^8)'-.0(28+-.)=&7) =0)4&'H.)8=,-Z)E)7+2)HV,-<`)E).,.-^8)Z-&7)8=0)?+-)10(2&-+HHV)+-.)E) 7+2-^8)+2Z,-<)G&()?&-0V)c)+HH)E)7+2)+2Z,-<)G&()7+2)8&)60)60H,0S0.`) After five weeks of very little progress, I agreed to write a statement for the company. My attacker was finally let go from his job. This <+S0)?0)+)20-20)&G)10+40Y)E)Z-07)8=+8)E)=+.)1(0S0-80.)8=0)2+?0)8=,-<)
=+110-,-<)8&)2&?0&-0)0H20`) )E)28+(80.)8&)G00H)0d8(0?0HV)H&7),-)8=0)700Z2)8=+8)G&HH&70.)8=0) ,-4,.0-8`)E)=+.)8(,0.)8&)60)+2)1(&+48,S0)+2)E)4&'H.)60)+6&'8)6(,-<,-<) the situation to light, so I thought my recovery would follow, but '-G&(8'-+80HV),8)7+2-^8)8=+8)2,?1H0`) The decision for me to waive my anonymity was difficult, but I want to put a name to a statistic. I was a backpacker, enjoying a .(,-Z)+2)6+4Z1+4Z0(2)8V1,4+HHV).&)+-.)8=,2)=+110-0.)8&)?0`)I(&'-.) $Cq)&G)(+102)<&)'-(01&(80.)+-.)8=0(0^2)H,88H0)0.'4+8,&-)+6&'8)8=0) 2'11&(8)8=+8),2)+S+,H+6H0)8&)S,48,?2`)EG)V&')&()2&?0&-0)V&')Z-&7) becomes a victim of rape, 94((+@%)4%04, preferably the police. Although a conviction may not be made on your evidence alone, if a 2,?,H+()0S0-8),2)(01&(80.)H+80()&-)V&')?+V)60)+2Z0.)8&)<,S0)0S,.0-40) ,-)4&'(8`)E)G&'-.)8=0)H0<+H)+.S,2&(V)20(S,40),-)M-,&-)L&'20)8&)60)2&) helpful to me during this time, but the most supportive service I was (04&??0-.0.)7+2)8=0)>0-8(0)I<+,-28)30d'+H)I22+'H8)+8)8=0)W,48&(,+) Women’s Centre, which is a free counselling service offered to all S,48,?2)&G)20d'+H)+22+'H8)+-.)(+10`)E)7+2)24018,4+H)+6&'8)200Z,-<)=0H1) from a counselling service, but I genuinely believe I wouldn’t have 600-)+6H0)8&)60<,-)8&)<08)8=(&'<=)8=,2)7,8=&'8),8`)T04&S0(V),2)+)H&-<) road, but if this has happened to you, it’s paramount to remember 8=+8),8)7+2-^8)V&'()G+'H8`) 3,-40)8=0),-4,.0-8)E)=+S0)600-)&-)+)2&H&)8(+S0HH,-<)8(,1)8&)Q07) k0+H+-.)G&()80-).+V2)+-.)E)=+.)8=0)8,?0)&G)?V)H,G0`)E)=&10)8=+8)?V) 0d10(,0-40)4+-)2=&7)10&1H0)8=+8),8),2)1&22,6H0)8&)(04&S0()+-.)8&) 4&-8,-'0)1'(2',-<)7=+8)V&')H&S0`)38+V)2+G0)+-.).&-^8)H08)8=0)6+28+(.2) <(,-.)V&').&7-` 5%+'%09"'9+"0/+R3J3+?R409#4+3$",0@9+J42&"(+3@@"&(9A+,0+Y,'9%#,"+"01+ 964+":94#+6%&#@+J42&"(+3@@"&(9+R#,@,@+L,04+?J3RLA+@,)P(/+'"((+GnDD+nDl+ NmN+%#+4)",(+J3RL+"9+"6'"@"e964K%)40@S%#$S"& I.JI+L4$"(+J4#-,'4W+L4-4(+56#44+I0,%0+O%&@4=+?DkA+nkCC+lBCl
farrago 2015 / edition three / 43
/ Society
over the corporate rainbow by Samuel Dariol
s the glitter finally begins to wash out of our hair and the rainbow flags around the country are taken down, we are (0?,-.0.)8=+8)[+(.,)U(+2)=+2)4&?0)+-.)<&-0)G&()V08)+-&8=0()V0+(`) The annual event, which includes an arts festival, Fair Day, themed parties and of course the big Parade, celebrated its 37th birthday this year. The event has become world famous, attracting around 300,000 people every year, with many Sydney businesses benefiting G(&?)8=0)(+,-6&7)4&-2'?0(2)8=+8)1(+-40)8=0,()7+V)+4(&22)8=0)4,8V`) 9=0)0S0-8)=+2)604&?0)8=0)204&-.PH+(<028)+--'+H)0S0-8)G&()8=0)28+80) of NSW in terms of economic impact, generating some $30 million for the economy. Not surprisingly then, the government of New South Wales has been financially supporting the event since 2008, primarily as a commitment to the recognition of LGBTIQ identities, but also for the massive economic benefits. Whilst there is nothing wrong with appreciating this stimulus to the local economy, in recent V0+(2)?+-V)?0?60(2)&G)8=0)a'00()4&??'-,8V)=+S0)4(,8,4,20.)8=0) 0S0-8)G&()604&?,-<)8&&)4&??0(4,+H,20.)+-.)0d4H'2,S0`) This phenomenon is not unique to Sydney – Mardi Gras, Pride +-.)>3/)0S0-82)+(&'-.)8=0)7&(H.)=+S0)600-)2H+??0.)G&()8=0,()H0S0H2) of corporate sponsorship, depoliticisation and exclusion of different groups. Since the 1970s, when most of these events began, massive 4=+-<02)=+S0)&44'((0.)G&()?+-V)5U*9EeP,.0-8,GV,-<)10&1H0`)9=,2) =+2)4(0+80.)+)Z,-.)&G),.0-8,8V)4(,2,2)G&()0S0-82)H,Z0)8=0)3V.-0V)U+V)j) 5026,+-)[+(.,)U(+2`)9=0)1'(1&20)&G)8=0)0S0-8),2)60,-<)a'028,&-0.) – is it to merely celebrate queer culture, or also to make a political stand, or to break down social barriers faced by those in LGBTIQ communities? The answer is, probably, all of the above. However, when your major sponsors are a conservative NSW government and the corporate giant ANZ, things get complicated. Both sponsors are =+11V)8&)=+S0)6'GG0.P'1)?0-)7+HZ,-<)+(&'-.)8&1H022)+-.)/VZ02) on Bikes making their way down Oxford St, but groups like ‘Sydney e'00(2)G&()I-,?+H)T,<=82^)+-.)a'00()1&HV+?&(V)4&HH048,S02)+(0) -&8)0a'+HHV)70H4&?0.`) The justification given by organisers to these groups has been that they are simply ‘not gay enough’ or that they don’t fit into one of the Mardi Gras ‘categories’. In response, activists have challenged
44 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
whether ANZ and Qantas themselves are ‘gay’ enough for the event, +-.)7=08=0()8=0V)2=&'H.)60)+6H0)8&)6'V)8=0,()7+V),-8&)[+(.,)U(+2`) R(<+-,20(2)&G)8=0)0S0-8)+(<'0)8=+8)4&(1&(+80)+-.)<&S0(-?0-8) 21&-2&(2)0-2'(0)8=0)H&-<P80(?)S,+6,H,8V)&G)[+(.,)U(+2`)3&)4+-^8)70)+HH) just accept that corporate sponsorship is here to stay and just forget +6&'8)8=0)+-,?+HPH&S,-<)1&HV+?&(,282)7=&)=+S0)8&)28+V)+8)=&?0]) X0(=+12`)%08)7=08=0()&()-&8)V&')H&S0)?0+8)&()2'624(,60)8&) polyamory, the exclusion of these groups represents something much greater that needs to be dissected. After all, what gives someone the power to determine who and what fits within the very 6H'((V)6&'-.+(,02)&G)8=0)5U*9Ee)+H1=+608)2&'1])[&28)&G)'2)4&'H.) +<(00)8=+8),8)2'(0)+2)=0HH)2=&'H.-^8)60).04,.0.)6V)=&7)?'4=)?&-0V) you hand over. Like much art and culture in our society, Mardi Gras has become ‘valued’ in terms that economists and politicians (04&<-,20)c).&HH+(2`)E2)[+(.,)U(+2)8=0-),?1&(8+-8)G&()3V.-0V)604+'20) ,8)1(&S,.02)+-)&11&(8'-,8V)G&()8=0)'-40-2&(0.)0d1(022,&-)&G)a'00() identity, or merely because it adds $30 million to the NSW economy? In the US, queer activists have fought the commercialisation of their events with slogans such as “It’s a Movement, Not a Market”. Do we need a similar action here, for us to reclaim Mardi Gras as a political expression of our queerness, and show our solidarity for all those 10&1H0)&11(0220.)G&()8=0,()<0-.0()&()20d'+H),.0-8,8V]) There are no easy answers to these questions, only opinions. Yet 10(=+12)8=,2),2)8=0)1&,-8`)[+(.,)U(+2)(01(020-82)2&?08=,-<).,GG0(0-8) G&().,GG0(0-8),-.,S,.'+H2)+-.)<(&'12`)E8).&02-^8)=+S0)8&)60),-=0(0-8HV) political, nor does it need to be merely a boost to the economy. The issue with excluding groups who want to participate, like ‘Sydney Queers for Animal Rights’, is that we start to draw distinctions where 8=0(0)2=&'H.)60)-&-0`)e'00(),.0-8,8V),2)2&)+702&?0)604+'20),8),2) accessible and defined only by what it’s not – ‘normative’. Mardi U(+2)+2)8=0)1(0?,0()a'00()0S0-8),-)8=0)4&'-8(V)2=&'H.)(021048)8=,2) and allow groups of all philosophies and ways of life to participate, (0<+(.H022)&G)7=&),2)1+V,-<)8=0)6,HH2`) ‘Polyamorous Queers of Melbourne for Animal Rights’ (PQOMAR)’ …2016, anyone?
illustration by clare weber
society /
A Guyde to Victorian politics by Adrian Yeung
=0)-+?0)&G)8=0)28+80)&11&2,8,&-)H0+.0(),2)2&?08=,-<)8=+8)10&1H0) &G80-).&-^8)H0+(-)'-8,H)8=0V^S0)2'4400.0.),-)604&?,-<)8=0) premier, and sometimes not even then, if you have the misfortune of having two first names (poor Andrew Daniels). However, one U'V),2).,GG0(0-8`)L0(0),2)+)U'V)7=&)7+2),-S&HS0.),-)+)6,\+((0)28&'2=) &S0()(0+H)028+80)7,8=)[,H0V)>V('2`)L0),2)+)U'V)7=&)7,HH)1(&6+6HV)-&8) +11(04,+80)8=0)5,60(+H)+?&'-8)&G)1'-2)8=+8)E)+?)I66&88)8&)?+Z0) in this article, but I Jeff Kennett help myself. I’m talking, of course, about... Hang on, let me Google his name again. The great irony for the Liberals in Victoria is that, if Labor had miraculously somehow won the 2013 federal election, the former W,48&(,+-)<&S0(-?0-8)H0.)6V)5,60(+H)/0-,2)Q+18=,-0)?+V)=+S0)G+(0.) 60880()8=+-),8)'H8,?+80HV).,.),-)8=0)0H048,&-)H+28)V0+(`)IH&-<2,.0) =+S,-<)8&).0+H)7,8=)+)1(,?0)?,-,280()7=&)200?2).080(?,-0.)8&)60) a one-man opposition party against his own party, the Victorian Liberals suffered when $3 billion in funding Kevin Rudd had promised to Napthine to finance the metro rail tunnel was scrapped by Tony Abbott, leaving funding only for road projects like the ,-G+?&'2)_+28PJ028)H,-Z`)9=0)1(0S,&'2)>&+H,8,&-)<&S0(-?0-8)7+2) 0H0480.),-)DCOC)+G80()W,48&(,+-2)<(07)8,(0.)&G)+).04+.0)&G)5+6&() rule, but the only thing they really did while in power was randomly 4=+-<0)H0+.0(P2=,1)?,.P4V4H0`)3?+HH)7&-.0()8=0-)8=+8)8=0V)H&28)8=0) state election; Napthine subsequently resigned, and the new Guy +240-.0.)8&)8=0)H0+.0(2=,1)&G)8=0)W,48&(,+-)5,60(+H2` So who is this Guy? Known unaffectionately as ‘Mr Skyscraper’ because of a number of controversial high-rise developments, ,-4H'.,-<)8=0)4&-28('48,&-)&G)7=+8)7&'H.)=+S0)600-)8=0)8+HH028) tower in the southern hemisphere in Melbourne, Matthew Guy was 8=0)[,-,280()G&()XH+--,-<),-)8=0)Q+18=,-0)U&S0(-?0-8`)9=,2)U'V) first crossed my radar when he upset a lot of the locals living in my -+8,S0)X=,HH,1)E2H+-.),-)DCOO)6V)+--&'-4,-<)8=0)(0P\&-,-<)&G)+-)+(0+) of picturesque, coastal farmland for residential development. This prompted outcry in the local community, especially because he had overruled the local council in the decision. A number of high profile people got involved in the campaign op-posing the development, including Miley Cyrus, who was dating former local Liam Hems-
artwork by sam riegl
worth at the time. She tweeted that Phillip Island was a ‘magical’ place that was a real life ‘FernGully’ (which perplexes me because, aside from some fairy penguins, it’s really quite ordinary). Guy +6+-.&-0.)=,2).04,2,&-)8=0)S0(V)-0d8).+V` /&02)U'V)=+S0)+)4=+-40)+8)8=0)-0d8)28+80)0H048,&-])L0^2)70HH) loved inside the party; his youth signals a generational change, he seems energetic and, most importantly, he has lots of factional 2'11&(8`)3&'-.,-<)H,Z0)+)<0-0(,4).024(,18,&-])9=+8^2)604+'20)&'() so-called ‘leaders’ are now increasingly seeming like clones of each other; people like bland Dan Andrews, Anna ‘GST?’ Palaszczuk, and the Abbottcalypse are sidling into office without scrutiny &-HV)604+'20)&G)8=0)1(0.04022&(^2),-4&?1080-40)+-.)-&8)604+'20) they provide any inspiration or vision. Since losing the election, the Liberals have largely vanished into thin air, and Guy has not 4&??,880.)8&)+-V)2&H,.)1&H,4Vb)8=+8)200?2)8&)60)8=0)7+V)8&)7,-)+-) 0H048,&-),-)8=0)1&H,8,42)&G)&'()4'((0-8)0(+` 9=&'<=)W,48&(,+)7+2)&-40)8=0)6+28,&-)&G)8=0)5,60(+H2).'(,-<) their golden era of Menzies, their support in Victoria has steadily .,?,-,2=0.)+2)=+(.H,-0)4&-20(S+8,2?)+-.)-0&H,60(+H,2?)=+2)604&?0) ,-4(0+2,-<HV).&?,-+-8),-)8=0)1+(8V)(&&?`)I2)8=0)?&28)1(&<(022,S0HVP minded state in Australia, rapid change in cultural demographics =+2),-4(0+2,-<HV)H0.)8&)W,48&(,+-2)2=V,-<)+7+V)G(&?)>&+H,8,&-) <&S0(-?0-82b)8=0)6(,0G),-80(('18,&-)6V)8=0)*+,HH,0'@Q+18=,-0) (0<,?0)4+-)60)200-)+2)W,48&(,+-2)8+Z,-<)+)6(0+8=0()G(&?)5+6&() following a decade of Labor government, and after the maelstrom of incompetence that ensued following their ascension, the Liberals are 1(&6+6HV).&&?0.)8&)+-&8=0().04+.0),-)8=0)7,H.0(-022`)F&()+)1+(8V) that supposedly believes in small government, they certainly didn’t act like it. In its death throes, the Liberals seemed to literally be throwing money at everything they could, at a time when Abbott and L&4Z0V)70(0)8+HZ,-<)+6&'8)8=0)-00.)8&)(0.'40)<&S0(-?0-8)210-.,-<) +-.)(01+V)8=0).068`)_H048,&-2)-&)H&-<0()200?)+).06+80)&S0()8=0)(&H0) and size of government, but merely a battle between both sides to outspend each other. To succeed, the Liberal party must return to its more ‘liberal’ roots; promoting small government while being 2&4,+HHV)1(&<(022,S0`
farrago 2015 / edition three / 45
/ Society
cyclord / is cycling for me? with Alexander sheko
here’s something about that word ‘cyclist’. It’s almost as if it’s a way of life, an identity, rather than a means of getting around, a sport or a way to unwind on the weekend. To some extent it is, or can be. But maybe it’s just the way things are here. In many European cities, cycling is considered a normal part of everyday life, a logical means of getting around, rather than an 0d10-2,S0)21&(8)&()=,1280()=&66V`)EG)V&')H&&Z)+8)1=&8&2)&G)4V4H,282) from those cities, you see a diverse bunch of people, generally on fairly inexpensive bikes, cycling at a fairly reasonable pace, 2&?08,?02)7,8=)+)Z,.)&-)8=0)6+4Z):&()(,.,-<)+H&-<2,.0)8=0?;` E8^2)-&8)7=+8)?+-V)10&1H0)1,48'(0),-)I'28(+H,+-)+-.)I?0(,4+-) 4,8,02Y)8=0)87,-)280(0&8V102)&G)8=0)5V4(+)208):&()[I[E52Y)[,..H0) I<0.)[0-)E-)5V4(+;)\&&?,-<).&7-)*0+4=)T&+.)1&2,-<).+-<0() to life and limb, and the inner city dweller out for a single origin latte on their fixie. 3&),G)V&').&-^8)4V4H0)V&'^(0)1(&6+6HV)1'8)&GG)6V)8=0)1(,40)8+<)&G) what you imagine a decent bicycle and all the accoutrements cost, 8=0)G+48)8=+8)V&')'%&(10^9+P%@@,*(/ be fit enough to get around without arriving to work/uni/your Tinder date drenched in sweat, and/or the thought of mixing it with cars on the road, which is about as safe as playing Russian Roulette with a member of ISIS. After all, normal 10&1H0).&-^8).&)8=&20)8=,-<2)c))&-HV)'/'(,@9@).&` Well, I guess we’re not Copenhagen, Amsterdam or Münster (that may be an understatement). And, yes, if you live in suburban Melbourne, commuting by bike may be quite a long journey, or take you along some frankly frightening roads. But on the other hand, you may find it fun to take it up as a leisure activity, a way to pop down 8&)8=0)2=&12)&()<08)8&)8=0)8(+,-)28+8,&-)7,8=&'8)-00.,-<)8&)7+Z0)'1) +8)!+?)8&)24&(0)+)1+(Z,-<)21&8`)I-.),G)V&')H,S0),-)8=0),--0()2'6'(62) there’s really no excuse (well, there might be a few). %&')40(8+,-HV).&-^8)-00.)8&)21H+2=)&'8)=0+12)&-)+)-07)6,Z0`)I) second hand one will do fine to start, although you might want to 6(,-<)+-)0d10(,0-40.)G(,0-.)+H&-<)8&)4=04Z)8=+8),8)7&-^8)-00.)8&&) ?'4=)4&28HV)?+,-80-+-40)'1G(&-8`)E)6&'<=8)?,-0)G(&?)+)4&7&(Z0()+) G07)V0+(2)+<&)G&()8=0)1(,-40HV)2'?)&G)lOCC)+-.),8^2)20(S0.)?0)70HH)
46 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
ever since. Plus, if you start using it for getting around, you’ll find any costs much cheaper than fuel, parking and topping up your myki. You also don’t need to worry about fitness or speed. Who cares if people (especially those in Lycra) overtake you. It’s not a race. Plus, if you go nice and slow, there’s no need to shower. Worried about being flattened by four-wheel drives? Start off riding on an offroad trail :200)?V)4&H'?-),-)_.,8,&-)97&)G&()2&?0)(04&??0-.+8,&-2p;)&()28,4Z) to the back streets; it might take you a bit longer, but you’ll probably =+S0)+)60880()8,?0)+-.)<08)8&)0d1H&(0)+(0+2)V&')&8=0(7,20)7&'H.-^8` 3&)7=&),2)+)4V4H,28])E8).&02-^8)=+S0)8&)60)+)[I[E5)&()+)=,1280()&() a Danish person. It’s just anybody on a bike. Hey, that could be you.
illustration by lynley eavis
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PLAYING THE FIELD / ICC Cricket World Cup Final WITH dexter gillman
n terms of viewership, the ICC Cricket World Cup is the third most popular global sporting event, behind only the Olympics and the all-conquering FIFA World Cup. The 2015 tournament, jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand, had an official attendance &G)&S0()O)?,HH,&-)10&1H0`)I)8&8+H)&G)ON)4&'-8(,02)4&?1080.),-)NB) matches across 44 days. The final, contested between the two host nations, broke the record for all-time viewership of a cricket match in Australia, peaking at 4.218 million. The boss of Cricket Australia, James Sutherland, dubbed it the biggest sporting event in this country since the 2000 Olympics. And on the opening day, the 8&'(-+?0-8)7+2)0S0-)40H06(+80.)7,8=)+)U&&<H0)/&&.H0`)9=0(0G&(0) it should come as no surprise that the finale of the biggest global 21&(8,-<)0S0-8)&-)&'()2=&(02),-)OA)V0+(2)7+2)=0H.),-)[0H6&'(-0)+8) 8=0)[0H6&'(-0)>(,4Z08)U(&'-.`) 9=0)[>U),2)+8)8=0)=0+(8)&G)[0H6&'(-0^2)4H+,?)8&)60,-<)8=0)21&(8) capital of the country, and probably the reason why Melbourne 1(0S+,H0.),-),82)+(?P7(028H0)7,8=)3V.-0V)G&()8=0)(,<=8)8&)=&28)8=0) final. It is one of the most famous cricket grounds, possibly the most famous after Lord’s in London. That said, the MCG’s official capacity of 100,024 may give it the edge over Lord’s 28,000; this also qualifies it as the world’s largest cricket ground. Whilst 135 million 10&1H0),-)E-.,+)7+84=0.)8=0,()4&'-8(V)60+8)3(,)5+-Z+),-)['?6+,),-) the 2011 Cricket World Cup Final, only 42,000 spectators were able to attend. In contrast, the official attendance of the 2015 final was 93,013. The MCG is unmistakably an iconic cultural pillar of the city, and can now add Australia’s fifth Cricket World Cup victory to its H&-<)+-.)28&(,0.)=,28&(V` The tournament itself went smoothly, with the ICC Chairman Q+(+V+-+27+?,)3(,-,S+2+-)1(&4H+,?,-<)8=,2)J&(H.)>'1)g8=0)?&28) popular in history”. To clarify, that’s the International Cricket Council, not the International Criminal Court, who did not respond to emails about a potential war criminal cricket tournament, +H8=&'<=)E)8=,-Z)/&-+H.)T'?2G0H.)+-.)/,4Z)>=0-0V)4&'H.)&-0).+V) make a formidable batting partnership, especially if they ever 8&'()8=0)[,..H0)_+28`)31048+8&(2)+11+(0-8HV)?+Z0)'1)8=0)6'HZ)&G) 8=0)E>>^2)(0S0-'0)c).021,80)+)9W)(,<=82).0+H)G&()O$)4&?108,8,&-2)
artwork by clare weber
608700-)DCOA)+-.)DCD!)60H,0S0.)8&)60)7&(8=)M3lD`A)6,HH,&-`)X(,&() to the tournament, organisers refused to speculate on how much they expected the event to make, however press reports suggested 2&?07=0(0)608700-)IM/)lDACPD"C)?,HH,&-),-)(0S0-'0`)R8=0() 1&1'H+()028,?+802)2+V)8=0)>(,4Z08)J&(H.)>'1)<0-0(+802)+6&'8)AC) per cent of the FIFA World Cup’s revenue, but ten times as much as 8=0)T'<6V)J&(H.)>'1`)9=+-Z2)8&)8=0)E>>^2)(0-&7-0.),-28,8'8,&-+H) transparency and above-board conduct, figures indicating the cost of hosting the event were typically difficult to find. 9=0)DCOA)>(,4Z08)J&(H.)>'1)4+-)+H2&)6&+28)7=+8)=+2)600-) (0G0((0.)8&)+2)8=0)?&28)7+84=0.)4(,4Z08)?+84=),-)=,28&(V`)J=0-) India played Pakistan in the early stages, it was widely claimed 8=+8)&S0()O)6,HH,&-)10&1H0)7+84=0.)8=0)H+8028)4H+2=)&G)&-0)&G)21&(8^2) fiercest rivalries. To put that into context, the 2015 Super Bowl was the most watched show in American television history, at a 4&?1+(+8,S0HV)'-.0(7=0H?,-<)OON`A)?,HH,&-)M3)S,070(2`)%08)7=+8) ,2)?&(0)28+<<0(,-<HV),-4&?1(0=0-2,6H0),2)8=+8)8=0)?+84=)7+2)=0H.) ,-)I.0H+,.0`)9,4Z082)2&H.)&'8),-)+)?+880()&G)?,-'802b)&S0()$Cq)&G)8=0) ?+84=)+880-.002)=+,H0.)G(&?)&'82,.0)&G)3&'8=)I'28(+H,+` In many ways, a face-off between Australia and everyone’s 204&-.PG+S&'(,80)80+?)Q07)k0+H+-.)7+2)8&&)<&&.)8&)60)8('0`)I2)&-0) friend said to me at the beginning of the tournament, “New Zealand have to win this time, this is the best team they’ve ever had and 0S0()7,HH)=+S0)c),8^2)8=0)&-HV)8,?0)8=0V)4+-)7,-),8h`)E-)8=0)6',H.P'1)8&) 8=0)6,<)?+84=)8,4Z082)70(0)60,-<)24+H10.)&-)U'?8(00)G&()+-V7=0(0) between $180 and $1000, which is illegal under state government law. Air New Zealand scheduled extra flights mid-week at twice the normal price per seat, which sold out within an hour. Robert Doyle 7+2)0S0-)4&?10HH0.)8&)(0?,-.)8=0)4,8V)=0),2)28,HH)5&(.)[+V&()7=0-) he remarked that the match was confirmation of the city’s status +2)8=0)-+8,&-^2)21&(8,-<)4+1,8+H)60G&(0)1(&?18HV).,2+110+(,-<)6+4Z) into oblivion. In the end, Michael Clarke retired, Shane Warne made an idiot out of himself on national television, and Australia won the ICC Cricket Cup for a record fifth time, compared to the rest of the 7&(H.^2)2,d)+-.)_-<H+-.^2)\0(&`
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/ Society
never such innocence by Joseph Moore
n my first year of university, my history lecture spoke of the mass murder of Iraqi-Kurdish rebels and civilians in one of the earliest extensive bombing campaigns, as the British attempted 8&)0-G&(40)8=0,()?+-.+80)&S0()[02&1&8+?,+),-)8=0)7+Z0)&G)8=0) 9(0+8V)&G)W0(2+,HH02` E)7+2)4&-G'20.`)[V)H048'(0(^2)(04&'-8)&G)0S0-82)2&'-.0.) strangely familiar, yet the way he was putting it made it sound like a war crime, redolent of the gulf wars of recent history. My greatgrandfather, John Parkinson, was one of the pilots responsible G&()8=,2)0+(HV)+-.).0S+28+8,-<)'20)&G)+,(1H+-0)6&?60(2`)L0)=+.) 1(0S,&'2HV)20(S0.)+2)+)2&H.,0()+-.)8=0-)+)1,H&8)&-)8=0)70280(-) front: a grim campaign, but in my mind (as it was recounted to me by my grandmother and great-grandmother), Mesopotamia 7+2)H,Z0)8=0)=&H,.+V)+8)8=0)0-.)&G)8=0)=0HH)&G)FH+-.0(2`)L0)6(&'<=8) 6+4Z)Z,824=)&(,0-8+H,28)1&284+(.2)&G)3=0,Z=2)+-.)0d&8,4)*+<=.+.) prostitutes, fragments from ruined Sumerian temples, and most memorably for me, a photo of himself in safari gear, complete with 1,8=)=0H?08`)E8).01,480.)=,?)7,8=)+)<(&'1)&G)E(+a,)2&H.,0(2)&'82,.0) the Ishtar gate of the ancient city of Babylon, looking rugged and &6H,S,&'2HV)20HGP),?1&(8+-8` John Parkinson had enlisted in 1917 when he was only 16 years &H.`)L,2)G+8=0()+-.)&H.0()6(&8=0(2)=+.)+H(0+.V)600-)4'8).&7-),-) Flanders, and the recruiting officer turned a blind eye to his age. 3&)7,8=)8=0)6H022,-<)&G)8=0)G+?,HV)&G)H&4+H)5+-4+2=,(0)<0-8(V)+-.) brimming with adolescent hatred for the Hun, off he went to the muddy fields that have so indelibly stamped themselves on modern memory. A large and daring man by all accounts, John was able to get a position in the emerging air force, which was being used to little effect dropping petty explosives that would, more often than not, explode before ever reaching their targets. After Versailles came the Mesopotamian jaunt that I later learnt was an early round of the ?&.0(-)?+22+4(02)8=+8)7&'H.)4&?0),-)8=0)7+(^2)7+Z0`)IG80()60,-<) discharged, John made his way to Australia like so many pommies, 8=&'<=)7&'H.)H,Z0HV)=+S0)28+V0.),-)8=0)-&(8=)&G)_-<H+-.),G)-&8)G&()8=0)
48 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
U(0+8)J+(`)5,Z0)2&)?+-V)4&'-8H022)&8=0(2)&G)8=0)870-8,08=)40-8'(V) who owe the circumstances of their birth to the incidence of war, my existence is a product of its unprecedented conflicts. 9=0)2+?0)4&'H.)60)2+,.)G&()?V)<(0+8P<(+-.G+8=0()&-)8=0)&8=0() side. Angus Moore, then a recently qualified Scottish engineer, boarded a ship at Glasgow in early 1914 to join friends and family 7=&)=+.)+H(0+.V),??,<(+80.)8&)8=0)3&'8=)E2H+-.)&G)Q07)k0+H+-.`)*V) the time he disembarked in Christchurch, the dominoes had fallen +-.)8=0)_?1,(0)=+.)20-8)&'8)8=0)4+HH)+4(&22)8=0)7&(H.)G&()=0()2&-2)8&) honour the crimson blood of kinship. Seemingly without question, I-<'2)0-H,280.),-)8=0)-07HV)G&(?0.)IQkI>2)+-.)208)2+,H)7,8=)8=0) rest from Western Australia, bound for Gallipoli. Of his experience 8=0(0)E)Z-&7)-&8=,-<b)=0)7(&80)-&8=,-<)&G),8)+-.)8&H.)?V)<(+-.G+8=0() H,88H0)?&(0)8=+-)8=+8`)E^S0)0S0(V)(0+2&-)8&)60H,0S0)=,2)0d10(,0-40) was a typical, if fortunate, one. After being wounded and sent to a hospital in Sydney, he met my great grandmother, a nurse, and they were soon engaged. Before they could marry and start a life together, =0)(0P0-H,280.)+-.)7+2)20-8)8&)8=0)J0280(-)F(&-8)7=0(0)=0)7&'H.) fight at Ypres, Fromelle, and the Somme. After Versailles, he was .,24=+(<0.)+-.)<,S0-)H+-.)6V)8=0)L'<=02)<&S0(-?0-8)-0+()8=0)-07) soldier settlement of Griffith in the NSW Riverine. Despite my familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s history, I have never been one for ANZAC Day, very rarely waking up for the televised parade, let alone for the dawn service. It was not so much any ardently anti-jingoist and anti?,H,8+(,28)20-8,?0-8)8=+8)(01'H20.)?0`)E)2,?1HV)G&'-.)8=0)=,28&(,4+H) episode of Gallipoli somewhat boring, its representation so reified and historicised that by the twenty-first century, the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ANZAC legendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 40+20.)8&)60+()+-V)?0+-,-<G'H)(0H+8,&-2=,1)8&)8=0)0S0-82)&G)8=0)7+(`) It is often barely situated in any historical context at all, but instead, simply alluded to. It has become a vague event in our early history, a rallying point for culture wars and history wars, a totem signifying -&)S+H'02)8=+8)60+()+-V)(0H+8,&-)8&)8=&20)70)=&H.)8&.+V` In fact, it is this that fascinates me the most about the Great War, as it was known: the difficulty in making the conflict in any sense
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meaningful or relevant to the modern human, in making the ANZAC 28&(V),-)+-V)7+V)+)(01(020-8+8,&-)&G)&'()S+H'02`)J=0-)E)8=,-Z)&G) my great-grandparents, whose lives would have been so shaped by the war they almost unthinkingly signed up to, I do not feel any sense of pride. The dominant sensation is bafflement – that they regarded enlistment, when one was the age of a year eleven and +-&8=0()=+.)+H(0+.V)8(+S0HH0.)=+HG7+V)+4(&22)8=0)7&(H.)8&)28+(8)+) prosperous colonial life, as a worthy enough cause to throw these 1H+-2)&'8)&G)Z,H80(` For me, there has always been a naiveté, even an innocence, +6&'8)8=0)<0-0(+8,&-)8=+8)2&)=00.H022HV)2,<-0.)'1)8&)8=0)=&((&(2)&G) the first modern war, about which I cannot help but feel nostalgic. gQ0S0()2'4=),--&40-40@Q0S0()+<+,-h)7(&80)8=0)1&08)X=,HH,1)5+(Z,-) in the 1960s, speaking of the ‘flower of English youth’ and the oblivious, moustachioed officers lining up to meet their deaths like so many boy scouts. The sense of a paradise lost – misplaced, of course, but with grains of truth – lingers about the collective memory of those years before Sarajevo. Whether in U%K09%0+3**4/, 5,9"0,', or 564+7,01+,0+964+7,((%K@, novelists and filmmakers have 7+d0.)-&28+H<,4)+6&'8)8=0)7&(H.)&G)<+(.0-)1+(8,02)+-.)1'6H,4)24=&&H) regattas, of the city of lights in its >4((4+oP%p&4, of gentleman’s clubs and grouse shooting weekends, and in Australia, of a confident and 1(&210(&'2)V&'-<)-+8,&-)&'8)8&)604&?0)8=0)2&4,+H)H+6&(+8&(V)&G)8=0) 7&(H.`)9=0V)1+,-8)+)1,48'(0)&G)+-)&(-+?0-8+H)+-.)(&?+-8,4)7&(H.) that would burn in the fires unleashed by the First World War; a 7&(H.)1&220220.)&G)+-),--&40-40)8=+8)7&'H.)H0+.)+)V&'-<)?+-)8&) follow the drums of Rule Britannia to hell and back, to propose to a 7&?+-)&-HV)8&)H0+S0)=0()+-.)8=+8)1(&?,20)&G)+)(&2V)G'8'(0)60=,-.) 8&)G+40)1(&6+6H0).0+8=),-)8=0)8(0-4=02`)I-),--&40-40)8=+8)7&'H.)60) lost forever. These men did not doubt that the sacrifice they made would be not only appreciated, but valued and regarded as just and purposeful for generations to come, nor did they doubt that the 4+'20)&G)-+sS0)-+8,&-+H,2?)G&()7=,4=)8=0V).,0.)7&'H.)<&)&-)60,-<) 40H06(+80.`)9=0)(04(',8?0-8)1&280(2).01,48,-<)8=0)V&'-<)<,(H)+2Z,-<)
Artwork by Georgia Waite≠ Gertner
her father, “What did you do in the war, daddy?” did not doubt that the war would be seen to be as just and purposeful as it was in 1914, that the values of the Edwardians, the moral universe of the nineteenth century, would endure and remain the lens through 7=,4=)8=0)S+H'0)&G)+)?+-)7+2)8&)60).04,.0.` Needless to say, it did not, and we still struggle to see why the world they had – optimistic, prosperous and confident, for +HH),82),-28,8'8,&-+H,20.)1+8(,+(4=V)+-.)(+4,2?)c)7+2)2&)=00.H022HV) 8=(&7-)+7+V)&-)+44&'-8)&G)2=,16',H.,-<)(+402)+-.)8=0)+44,.0-8+H) assassination of an Austrian archduke. Of the loss of confidence that _'(&10+-)4'H8'(0)0-.'(0.)+G80()8=0)7+()E)-00.)2+V)-&8=,-<)=0(0`) There was artistic profundity amidst the cynicism, and the world of the twenty-first century is obviously a fairer and more just society than that of 1914. But when the world of Rudyard Kipling, Henry James, the French Impressionists, the Kaiser with his withered arm and poor, deluded Tsar Nicholas gave way to that of F. Scott Fitzgerald, 564+7"@94("01, ;&4#0,'", Josef Stalin and Adolf Hitler, ,8),2)=+(.)-&8)8&)200)8=0)10(108'+H)1(0P7+()<+(.0-)1+(8V)8=(&'<=) (&20P)8,-80.)H0-202` It is for that reason that the Great War, for all its tragic, wasteful absurdity, still lies so heavy upon our historical consciousness. Its shadow is the great divide, separating that old age of empires from &-0)8=+8),2)(04&<-,2+6HV)?&.0(-),-),82)+028=08,42)+-.),82)20-2,6,H,8,02`) When I think of those great-grandfathers of mine, it is the ,((04&S0(+6H0)-+8'(0)&G)8=0)20-8,?0-82)8=+8)H0.)8=0?)&GG)8&)7+()+-.) 8=0)-+8'(0)&G)8=0)7&(H.)8=+8)4(0+80.)8=0?)8=+8)28(,Z02)?0)?&28)&G) +HH`)I)7&(H.)8=+8)7&'H.)(0<+(.)+)?'(.0(&'2)+-.)<0-&4,.+H)6&?6,-<) 4+?1+,<-)+2)+)6&V2P&7-P+.S0-8'(0),2)&-0)8=+8)70)2=&'H.)60)<H+.) to have grown out of. However, we can perhaps mourn for it all the same, and for the children of that Edwardian summer who stumbled 8=(&'<=)+)7+()8=0V)=+.)-&8).(0+?0.)&G)+-.),-8&)+)?&.0(-,8V)8=0V) 4&'H.)-&8),?+<,-0`
farrago 2015 / edition three / 49
/ Society
uber problematic by Jason Wong
he ridesharing craze is sweeping the world. Now, 8=0(0),2)+-)0d,280-8,+H)8=(0+8)8&)8+d,).(,S0(2)+2)70) Z-&7)8=0?`)E8^2)8,?0)8&)200)7=+8)?+Z02)M60()8,4Z`) Ridesharing is sweeping the world, fast becoming a solid alternative to traditional taxis. For the first time, +-)+11)&-)V&'()2?+(81=&-0)4+-)=+,H)+)1(,40Pa'&80.) ride to anywhere in your city straight to your doorstep, +-.)H08)V&')4'28&?,20)V&'()S0=,4H0)+-.)?+Z0)1+V?0-8) 60G&(0)V&')0S0-)=&1),-`)904=-&H&<V)=+2)+HH&70.)8=0) (,.02=+(,-<),-.'28(V)8&)4&-.0-20)4&-S&H'80.)8+d,) .,21+84=)40-8(02),-8&)+)20(,02)&G).,<,8+H)+H<&(,8=?2)V&') 4+-)+44022)G(&?)V&'()1&4Z08`)I8)8=0)8&1)&G)8=,2)<+?0) (,<=8)-&7),2)M60(` On the surface, Uber looks like the taxi app we’ve always wanted. It makes trip bookings cashless, fast +-.)80HH2)V&')0d+48HV)7=0(0)V&'()(,.0),2)7=,H0)V&')7+,8`) %&')<08)1(,40)a'&802p)%&')4+-)4=&&20)=&7)4H+22V)8=0) 4+(),2p)E8^2)8=0)G'8'(0p) 9=0)1(&6H0?),2)8=0)4&?1+-V)60=,-.),8`)3,-40) its founding in 2009, Uber has spread to over 200 4,8,02)<H&6+HHV`)J=0(0),8)=+2)('-),-8&)1(&6H0?2) with regulators, the $40 billion company has faced +HH0<+8,&-2)&G)0d1H&,8,-<)80-'&'2)H&&1=&H02)+-.) 1+?10(0.)H&4+H2),-)+-)+880?18)8&)4&-S,-40)+'8=&(,8,02) 8&)4&?1(&?,20`)E8^2)600-)6+--0.),-)20S0(+H)4&'-8(,02) G&(),82)6H+8+-8).,2(0<+(.)G&()8=0)4&-4018)&G)8=0) ‘licensed cab driver’. In October 2012, Uber flagrantly defied New York’s 9+d,)+-.)5,?&'2,-0)>&??,22,&-):95>;)6V)H+'-4=,-<) its service before the legal difficulties surrounding (,.02=+(,-<)+112)4&'H.)60)2&(80.)&'8`)9&)4,(4'?S0-8) the local payment regulations, and perhaps also for good PR, Uber gave out rides for free. The TLC threatened to fine Uber’s drivers in response. Despite positive reviews, the New York service (+-)G&()+)?&-8=)60G&(0)2='88,-<).&7-`)/(,S0(2)70(0) recalled to HQ to receive a “cash bonus,” only to have their company-issued iPhones taken back, and asked to stop picking up for Uber. CEO Travis Kalanick 1+22,S0P+<<(022,S0HV)2'<<0280.)8=+8)Q07)%&(Z)G+-2)g8(V) M60()9+d,),-)?&(0),--&S+8,&-PG(,0-.HV)4,8,02`h Legally, an Uber driver is actually an independent 4&-8(+48&(`)9=,2)+HH&72)M60()8&)&'82&'(40)4&282)8&) the driver, reduce taxes and easily absolve itself of responsibility for accidents or fines (“we’re just a platform”). To Uber, cabbies are disposable, even more 2&)8=+-)7,8=)(0<'H+()8+d,)4&?1+-,02`)I-.)8=0V)=+S0-^8) 0S0-)28+(80.)'2,-<)20HGP.(,S,-<)4+(2)V08` Over the last 2 years, Uber has been incessantly targeted by organised labour, representing both 4&-S0-8,&-+H)4+66,02)+-.),82)&7-).(,S0(2`)/'(,-<) the 2013 Uber strikes in the US, Uber drivers =,<=H,<=80.)2'4=)1(+48,402)+2)?+-,1'H+8,&-)&G) driver numbers to boost profits from surge pricing, G&(4,-<)3MW).(,S0(2)8&)+44018)20.+-)(+802b)+(6,8(+(,HV) .04H+(,-<)40(8+,-)4+()?&.0H2)g8&&)&H.hb)+-.)+-) '-(0+2&-+6H0)2'210-2,&-)1&H,4V`
50 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
Then there’s the question of privacy. Just last November, Uber executive Emil Michael suggested 28+HZ,-<)(01&(80(2)4(,8,4+H)&G)8=0)4&?1+-V`)9=,2) 4+1+6,H,8V)7+2),-+.S0(80-8HV).0?&-28(+80.)+)700Z) H+80()7=0-)M60(^2)Q07)%&(Z)<0-0(+H)?+-+<0()2=&70.) H&<2)8&)+)(01&(80()7=,4=)8(+4Z0.)8=0)H&4+8,&-)&G) =0()4+6)+2)2=0)7+2)0-)(&'80)8&),-80(S,07)=,?`)M60() ,??0.,+80HV)4H+,?0.)8=+8)2'4=)+)4+1+6,H,8V)7+2),-) 6(0+4=)&G),82)1(,S+4V)1&H,4V` M60(^2).,2('18,&-)21(00)G(0a'0-8HV)(0+4=02)4&?,4+H) proportions. One ad campaign in Lyon, France offered 8&)1+,()4'28&?0(2)7,8=)g=&8)4=,4Zh).(,S0(2`)9=0-)8=0(0) were the ‘ridesharing wars,’ in which Uber and rival 5VG8)8(,0.)8&)280+H)0+4=)&8=0(^2)1+220-<0(2)6V)&(.0(,-<) +-.)4+-40HH,-<)(,.02)0-)?+220` Finally, there’s CEO Kalanick, who on bad days claims to “look at our revenue graph,” and calls 8=0)4&?1+-V)g*&&60(h)604+'20)=0^2)+11+(0-8HV)+) 4=,4ZP?+<-08)-&7`)[&28)&G)8=0)7&(H.)0d1H+,-2)+7+V) Kalanick’s quirkiness as a tormented expression of genius, but more likely, Kalanick is an edge case for a cult of disruption endemic to Silicon Valley. Absolute, unregulated freedom to disrupt and an innovate-first+1&H&<,20PH+80()?0-8+H,8V)+(0)4&(0)8&)3,H,4&-)W+HH0V^2) (040-8)+.S+-402)&-)(0+HP7&(H.),-.'28(,02)H,Z0)(0+H) estate (Airbnb), part-time labour (Airtasker) and <0-08,4)8028,-<):D!+-.?0;` The Uber juggernaut has only recently set up shop in Australia, but already there are cracks in the facade. Last May, the Victorian Taxi Services Commission began fining unlicensed Uber cab drivers, some of 7=,4=).,.)-&8)(040,S0)8=0)H0<+H)2'11&(8)8=+8)M60()=+.) 1(&?,20.)8=0?`)R-)8=0).+V)8=0).(,S0(2)70(0)208)8&) appear in court, Uber launched its kitten promotion, &GG0(,-<)OA)?,-'802)7,8=)+)Z,880-)&-)8=0,()(,.02`)/'(,-<) the Sydney shootings, Uber’s surge pricing algorithms quadrupled the price of rides out of the city, and were reconfigured only after a social media backlash. 9=0)M60()28&(V),2)+-),-.,48?0-8)&-)1(,S+8,2+8,&-) ,-)&'()8(+-21&(8)2V280?2`)M60()=+2)4H0S0(HV)2=+10.) 8=0).06+80)2'((&'-.,-<),82)+<<(022,S0)0d1+-2,&-)+2)+) David-and-Goliath struggle, but the fact remains that 8=0)?+(Z08)=+2)G+,H0.)8&).0H,S0()+-)&18,&-)8=+8)2,?1HV) +HH&72)8+d,).(,S0(2)8&).(,S0)10&1H0)+(&'-.)7,8=&'8) busting their wallets to a Silicon Valley objectivist or a dug-in taxi mafia. J=V).&)70)4&-2,.0(),8)28(+-<0)G&()+)4+66,0)8&) earn a guaranteed wage off their job without being 60=&H.0-)8&)2&?0)!(.)1+(8V)8=+8)7&-^8)0S0-)8(+,-) them? And why, in every city, did the taxi regulators 4=&&20)8&)<&)+G80().(,S0(2),-280+.)&G)M60(])M60(),2) G&-.)&G)4+HH,-<),820HG)8=0)2&H'8,&-`)*'8)G&()4+66,02) and us customers, it’s really nothing more than an '-G&(8'-+80)2V?18&?`
artwork by Jaccob Mckay
society /
carnegie lemon by Adrian Yeung
8^2),-80(028,-<)8&)200)7=0(0)1H+40)-+?02)4&?0)G(&?`)9+Z0)?V) hometown of San Remo, just across from Phillip Island. There’s a popular brand of pasta that you can find at most Australian supermarkets called San Remo. When I first saw it, I asked my dad if ,8)7+2)?+.0)H&4+HHV`)L0)2+,.)V02`)J=0-)E)1(0220.)=,?)G&()8=0)H&4+8,&-) of the factory where they made it, he only ever gave me evasive responses. For most of my childhood, I searched my (otherwise uninteresting) town for this mythical pasta factory, but I suspiciously -0S0()G&'-.),8`)[+V60)?V).+.)H,0.)8&)?0`)[+V60),8),2)2,8'+80.),-) Adelaide after all, as their packaging and website suggests. W,48&(,+),2)=&?0)8&)?+-V)28(+-<0HV)4=(,280-0.)H&4+H02`)9=0,() names are a conglomeration of our indigenous heritage, British colonialism, and moronic city planning. There’s the in-famous Prahran, which was originally named Pur-ra-ran, an Aboriginal phrase meaning “land partially surrounded by water”. However, +G80().02,<-,-<)8=0),-4(0.,6HV)G'-48,&-+H)<(,.)2=+10)&G)[0H6&'(-0^2) CBD, Robert Hoddle, our most esteemed surveyor, decided he’d =+S0)+)6,8)&G)+)H+GG)+-.)4+'20)?+22)4&-G'2,&-)6V),-20(8,-<)+)6'-4=)&G) superfluous Rs and Hs into the suburb’s name. Then there’s Carnegie, one of the many forgettable suburbs that inhabit the area between Caulfield and Oakleigh. I’d previously 7&-.0(0.),G)8=0)-+?0)&G)8=0)2'6'(6)=+.)+-V)(0H+8,&-)7,8=)I?0(,4+^2) revered Andrew Carnegie, and upon doing some research, it turns out that it did. Originally named Rosstown, after local developer William Murray Ross, it was developed at a time when Caulfield was considered one of Melbourne’s outermost suburbs (today it is firmly located in the inner city). At the time, it was decided that we couldn’t +GG&(.)8&)6',H.)+)-07)H,6(+(V),-)T&228&7-)c)10(=+12)G'-.2)70(0) being saved for an airport railway, or an East West link. In 1909,
illustration by ella shi
2&?0)6(,<=8)21+(Z):7=&)7+2)1(&6+6HV)[&-+2=)0.'4+80.o)0S0-) 8=&'<=)[&-+2=)M-,S0(2,8V)7+2-^8)&10-0.)8=0-o)?0+-,-<)8=0V)70(0) 1(&6+6HV)'-0.'4+80.o)?0+-,-<)8=0V)70-8)8&)[&-+2=;)8=&'<=8)8=+8) if they named the place after Carnegie, he would be flattered and fund the construction of the library. This turned out to be unfounded, 604+'20)=0)-0S0().,.`)9=&20)?,20(HV)34&82p So there you go. For absolutely no reason, there’s a whole suburb ,-)[0H6&'(-0)-+?0.)+G80()8=0)204&-.)70+H8=,028)?+-),-)I?0(,4+-) history. A big believer in public libraries, Carnegie devoted most of his wealth to building libraries across America, Canada, the UK, Fiji, and even one in Mildura, of all places. This is a man who personally offered the Philippines, which is a significantly larger place than Carnegie, $20 million to buy their independence from the United States, yet couldn’t spare a fraction of that amount for a few books +-.)8+6H02`) Fortunately, there is indeed now a library in Carnegie (although 70)28,HH).&-^8)=+S0)+)(+,H7+V)8&)8=0)[0H6&'(-0)I,(1&(8;`)9=0)+(0+),2) a',08HV)604&?,-<)&-0)&G)8=0)?+-V)<+28(&-&?,4)=&821&82)6H&22&?,-<) in hitherto unremarkable suburbs across Melbourne, such as Footscray, Glen Waverley, and Malvern. It is a very multicultural suburb and home to a large Korean community. Along the central Koornang Road, one can find an abundance of cafés, Japanese & Korean (028+'(+-82)+-.)+)28&(0)20HH,-<)T'22,+-)8,.6,82o)4+HH0.)T'22,+-) Tidbits. Most importantly, it has a Grill’d, which is the hallmark of +-V)20HGP(021048,-<)2'6'(6` L+S0)V&')0S0()<,S0-)?'4=)8=&'<=8)8&)8=0)-+?0)&G)V&'()2'6'(6]) You really should – who knows what you’ll find? I mean, I never gave much thought to the etymology of West Melbourne, until I heard +6&'8)8=0)H&4+H)%00\'2)5,6(+(Vo
farrago 2015 / edition three / 51
/ Society
butter chai
In response to Elena Larkinís ë The shot the doctor doesnít offerí, Bhargavi Battala reflects on her time in the Indian valley of spiti
efore I moved to Melbourne, I wanted to go on a crazy backpacking trip to some exotic, remote place in my own home country of India. After unending consultations with friends, travel blogs, and Lonely Planet I zeroed in on Spiti, a valley on the Indian side of the Himalayan Ranges. As a city-bred girl, villages in India 70(0)+2)G&(0,<-)8&)?0)+2)8=0V)?,<=8)60)8&)+)28(+-<0()G(&?)+).,GG0(0-8) 4&'-8(V`)IHH)?V)H,G0)E)=+.)8+Z0-)U&&<H0)E?+<0)20+(4=02)G&()G+40)S+H'0) and decided that rural India needed major reforms. Outside of the cities was a barren, patriarchal wasteland, and I pitied the women 7=&)H,S0.)8=0(0`) When I actually went to Spiti for a holiday, however, I was not prepared for what hit me. Other than the sheer magnificence of the valley, the women! Strong isn’t quite the word, but confident comes 4H&20`)9=0)7&?0-),-)31,8,)W+HH0V)+(0)-&8=,-<)H,Z0)E),?+<,-0.)8=0?) to be. They are fit, efficient, and do perform many of the jobs, such as pulling rickshaws and carrying heavy loads, which are typically 4&-2,.0(0.)8&)60)G&()?0-)&-HV` R-0).+V)+)S0(V)G(,0-.HV)7&?+-)7&(Z,-<),-)&'()=&280H)8&&Z)'2) on a tour of the secret beauty spots of Spiti, which only the locals know of, and the next day invited us to her home for lunch. I woke up early the morning of our appointment and, deciding to get a gift for my host, walked to the market nearby. Flowers were a safe and easy bet, I thought, but when I walked into the florist’s I found that very 7&?+-)G(&?)8=0)=&280H)2,88,-<)+8)8=0)4&'-80(p) “Whoa! You manage two jobs?” I asked her, selecting a bunch of flowers. “No, I can’t manage two jobs with a newborn” she said, looking +8)8=0)6+6V)2H001,-<)10+40G'HHV),-)8=0)4(+.H0)602,.0)=0(`)g9=,2),2)?V) ='26+-.^2)2=&1b)E^?)?+-+<,-<),8)G&()=,?)8=,2)?&(-,-<`h “Oh my god! You have a baby? And you’re filling in for your ='26+-.)-&7])J&-^8),8)60)8&&)?'4=)7&(Z)G&()V&')8&)=+S0)'2)&S0()G&() H'-4=])I-.)=&7)4&?0)E^S0)-0S0()200-)V&'()6+6V),-)8=0)=&280H])J=&) H&&Z2)+G80()=,?)8=0-]h
52 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
gL+P=+p)E^?)=0(0)604+'20)70^(0)=+S,-<)V&')&S0()G&()H'-4=b)?V) ='26+-.),2)+8)=&?0)4&&Z,-<)G&()V&')<'V2`)L0),2)+)?'4=)60880()4=0G) 8=+-)E)+?)+-.)?+Z02)2&?0)+?+\,-<).'?1H,-<2)+-.)2&'1oV&'^(0),-) for a treat! When I’m at the hostel, he gets the baby along with him 8&)8=0)2=&1)604+'20)70)=+S0)=0H1)=0(0)+-.)8=0(0^2)2&?0&-0)8&)Z001) +-)0V0)&-)8=0)6+6V)4&-28+-8HV`)E8^2)-&8)8=0)2+?0)4+20),-)8=0)=&280H)c) V&'^S0)200-)=&7)6'2V),8)<082`g 9=0)6+6V)60<+-)8&)28,()+-.)2=0)0d4'20.)=0(20HG)8&)<&)G00.)=,?`)E) stood there, trying to process all that she had told me, and that this was actually happening in a remote village, practically cut-off from the rest of the world, with education that stops the moment you learn how to count and no access to Internet. I paid for the flowers +-.)7+HZ0.)&'8)7,8=)+)=0+.)G'HH)&G)8=&'<=82`)E^.)(0+.)+)H&8)&G)6H&<2) +-.)+(8,4H02)6V)8(+S0HH0(2)+6&'8)8=0)+?&'-8)&G)20d,2?),-)E-.,+)6'8) 8=,2).,.-^8)4&=0(0)7,8=)8=&20)+8)+HH`) J=0-)70)+((,S0.)+8)8=0,()=&?0)&'()=&28)70H4&?0.)'2)7+(?HVb) the lady had a good laugh at the flowers she recognised in my hand 7=,H0)E)28&&.)8=0(0)H&&Z,-<)2=001,2=;)+-.)=0()='26+-.)20(S0.) some amazing ‘butter chai’, the taste of which I haven’t forgotten to date. As we sat around a stone table the pair served us food, and 4&?1080.)7,8=)0+4=)&8=0(),-)80HH,-<)'2)8=0)?&28)+?+\,-<)28&(,02)&G) 8=0)S+HH0V`)9=0)='26+-.)7+2)S0(V)=+11V)8&)2=+(0)=,2)(04,102)7,8=) us, and when we asked him where he learnt to cook so well he answered, “From my mum. I was always interested in cooking. We had a vegetable patch in our backyard, and my favourite pastime was to try out new flavour combinations with a different vegetable each 700Z`)9=+-ZG'HHV)?V)7,G0),2)4&&10(+8,S0)8&&`)3=0).&02)7=+8)2=0)H,Z02) to do and I do what I like to do, and that’s how we are happy”. Two years later I am sitting in a tram in Melbourne, reading the H+8028)0.,8,&-)&G)!"##"$%, when I come across an article about the 20d,2?)8=+8)+)8(+S0HH0()G(&?)I'28(+H,+)0-4&'-80(0.),-)E-.,+`)E).04,.0) 8&)<&)=&?0)+-.)?+Z0)?V20HG)+)4'1)&G)6'880()4=+,`
illustration by kitty chrystal
society /
the traveller / Ideological Parking in Albania words and photography by will whiten
ehind an unassuming building in central Tirana, the Albanian capital, there’s a car park where you can find some apt symbols of the nation’s past and present. The first and most conspicuous &G)8=020)+(0)8=0)4&??'-,28)28+8'02)&d,.,2,-<)&-)8=0)10(,?080() of the property. Two colossal figures of the ideology – Lenin and Stalin – are there, sculpted in twice life-size proportions. Lenin is cast mid-oration, but his now-severed arms and the banal setting -'HH,GV)7=+8)?,<=8)=+S0)&-40)600-)+)1&70(G'H)H,Z0-022`)38+H,-)H&&Z2) as stern as ever, unmoved (literally) by his downgrade from the <(0+8)2a'+(02)&G)_+280(-)_'(&10)8&)+)8,-V)*+HZ+-)4+()1+(Z`)I?&-<) European capitals, Tirana was one of the last strongholds for statues of Stalin. The city’s main tribute to the ‘Man of Steel’ (a description apt in both a figurative and literal sense) was only toppled in 1990, +-.)2'620a'0-8HV)4+(80.)+7+V)G(&?),82)1(&'.)1&2,8,&-)-0+()8=0)G(&-8) of the National Gallery of Art. Unlike the majority of communist era statues, however, the two historical curios tucked away in the car 1+(Z)70(0)21+(0.)8=0)2?0H8,-<)G'(-+40`)9=0V)=+S0)600-)+88(+48,-<) S,2,8&(2):+-.)2'(1(,2,-<)?&8&(,282;)0S0()2,-40`)) EG)8=0)28+8'02)+(0)(01(020-8+8,S0)&G)4&??'-,2?),-),82)6(&+.028) sense, a small bunker in the corner of the property is representative of communism’s rather unique Albanian manifestation, implemented by hardline dictator Enver Hoxha. The concrete dome is just one of 750,000 built by Hoxha, who ruled Albania for more than four .04+.02):G(&?)OBNN)8,HH)=,2).0+8=),-)OB$A;`)L0)4H&20HV)?&.0HH0.) his personality and political strategy on Stalin’s, including the widespread use of secret police, purges and capital punishment. Hoxha’s close ties with his comrades to the North cooled significantly following Stalin’s death, and his relationship with communist China would later follow a similar trajectory. Albania became increasingly ,2&H+80.)G(&?)8=0)(028)&G)8=0)7&(H.)+-.)L&d=+)604+?0),-4(0+2,-<HV) paranoid. In 1967, fearing attack from both former allies and longterm foes, Hoxha began his program of ‘bunkerisation’, eventually 6',H.,-<)&-0)G&()0S0(V)G&'()IH6+-,+-)4,8,\0-2`) A big fan of accountability for all but himself, Hoxha apparently ordered the first of the bunkers to be put to the test with the chief engineer, Josif Zagali, inside. Both man and bunker survived the subsequent bombardment, so the story goes, and wholesale 4&-28('48,&-)7+2)+11(&S0.`)9=0)6'-Z0(2)70(0)6',H8)8=0)H0-<8=)+-.) breadth of the country, averaging 24 per square kilometre, with even 8=0)2?+HH0()?&.0H2)4&28,-<)+2)?'4=)+2)+)87&P60.(&&?)+1+(8?0-8`)I8)
a time of economic hardship and chronic housing shortages, Albania 4&'H.)24+(40HV)+GG&(.)8=,2)'-'2'+H)?,H,8+(V)0d4022` F+28PG&(7+(.)20S0(+H).04+.02)8&)+-)IH6+-,+)7=,4=),2)S+28HV) .,GG0(0-8)6'8)28,HH)=&?0)8&)8=0)S,(8'+HHV),-.028('48,6H0)(0H,42`)9=0) 0-0?V)-0S0()4+?0)+-.)8=0)6'-Z0(2)70(0)-0S0()'20.```)+8)H0+28)-&8) for their intended purpose. Today, some of the bunkers have been repurposed as houses, cafes or storage units, and losing one’s S,(<,-,8V)0-4+20.),-)87&PG&&8)8=,4Z)1(&8048,&-):'H8(+P2+G0)20d;),2)+) rite of passage for many Albanians. Fortified fornication aside, the bunkers are largely considered an annoyance, a waste of resources +-.)+-)'-7+-80.)(0?,-.0()&G)+)G&(?0()H0+.0(` The car park, however, is more than just a memorial to 4&??'-,2?```),8^2)+H2&)+)4+()1+(Z`)I-.),G)8=0(0^2)&-0)S0=,4H0)2'(0)8&) grace a piece of lined tarmac in Albania, it’s the Mercedes-Benz. The last of the Eastern dominoes to fall, Albania broke its communist 2=+4ZH02),-)OBBD)+-.)4+1,8+H,2?)+((,S0.)c)?&28)4&-21,4'&'2HV) on four wheels. Throughout his rule, Hoxha had maintained a ban on the private ownership of cars, but had favoured the U0(?+-)?+-'G+48'(0()G&()=,2)10(2&-+H)4&HH048,&-`)9=0)H&-<P8,?0) G&(6,..0-)G(',8)a',4ZHV)604+?0)8=0)4&??&.,8V)&G)4=&,40),-)8=0) post-communist era – a symbol of both new-found freedom, and of defiance of the former regime. Today, some two-thirds of the vehicles ,-)IH6+-,+)60+()8=0)*0-\)0?6H0?)&-)8=0,()=&&.2)c)+)(+8=0()'-'2'+H) symbol of peace. So ubiquitous is the Mercedes-Benz, in fact, that you can no longer use the letter ‘M’ as an I Spy clue (the same applies to ‘B’ for bunker). The car park, then, is like a historical and cultural bridge that H,-Z2)+)8'?'H8'&'2)4&??'-,28)1+28)7,8=)8=0)4+1,8+H,28)1(020-8`) Albania is moving on rapidly from the Hoxha years, but the former H0+.0()+-.)=,2)=0(&02)28,HH)H&&?)H+(<0),-)8=0)H+-.24+10)+-.)8=0) national psyche. Lonely Planet aren’t likely to publish a ‘Car Parks of the World’ edition anytime soon, but if they were to do so, this car park in Tirana would be my pick for inclusion. There are, after all, G07)1H+402)7=0(0)V&')4+-)1'HH)'1),-)+)[0(40.02)+-.)'20)+)8&70(,-<) likeness of Lenin to judge your distance from the curb. And if you’re not enamoured with the history and the ideological juxtaposition embodied by the car park, you can always have sex in the bunker instead. Just try not to meet Stalin’s disapproving gaze through the S,071&(8`
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artwork by Christina Olszewski 54 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
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In the Form of a Bullet to the Left Arm By Hannah Samuel
?08,4'H&'2HV)1H+--0.).+V)4&?02)8&)+)24(004=,-<)=+H8)7=0-)I--+).04,.02)8&)2=&&8)=0()6&VG(,0-.)_\(+),-) 8=0)H0G8)+(?` He lies, sprawled on the pavement, his terribly cut almond hair sticking to his pale, sweaty brow. Why he’s sweating, Anna can’t understand. He has a bullet lodged in his left arm, an action that required no physical 0d0(8,&-)&-)=,2)60=+HG`) He wails as red escapes, slipping into little cracks along the pavement. Anna is barefoot; it’s a warm day. She notes how the warmth of the sun has been sucked into the skin of the pavement. It warms her cold feet, like the H,88H0).(&1H082)&G)6H&&.)8=+8)=+S0),-+.S0(80-8HV)21H+880(0.)=0()H0<2` Perhaps she should have worn trousers, or shoes at least. She realises: it’s too late to go home and put on shoes, as the pavement has become uncomfortably warm under her bare feet. It’s not that home is far away. She lives on the corner of Murray St, the big house where her parents Mr and Mrs Drewby run a coffee shop. Mr /(076V)2=&&82)1=0+2+-8)&-)8=0)700Z0-.`)L+.)=0)Z-&7-)&G)I--+^2),-80-8,&-)=0)?,<=8)=+S0)8=&'<=8)87,40)60G&(0) H0+S,-<)=,2)2=&8<'-),-)+-)'-H&4Z0.).(+70(` Ezra wails again. Right arm clutches at his left and he stares at Anna, face contorted like a tea towel after it’s 4&?0)&'8)&G)8=0)7+2=,-<)?+4=,-0`)3=&'H.)E)<&)=&?0])J&-.0(2)I--+`)J=+8),2)8=0)1(&8&4&H)7,8=)H0+S,-<)+)6H00.,-<) boyfriend on the pavement? Ex-boyfriend would be more apt. He just dumped you, didn’t he? 9=0)8=,-<)&G)8=0)?+880(),2)8=,2Y)I--+)=+.).04,.0.)+8)24=&&H)8=0)&8=0().+V)8=+8)2=0)a',80)H&S0.)_\(+)+-.) 10(=+12)8=0V)4&'H.)<08)?+((,0.)&-0).+V)+-.)?+Z0)60+'8,G'H)6+6,02`)3&)2=0)8&H.)FH&(+)7=&)8&H.)[0<=+-)7=&)8&H.)
56 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
artwork by rebecca liew
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someone else. It then came back to Anna from an unknown source that Ezra had been shagging Kathleen, known to her close friends (not Anna) as Kat. 9=,2)G+48)a',80)'1208)I--+)604+'20)H+28)9='(2.+V)+G80()24=&&H)2=0)=+.).04,.0.)2=0)7+2)(0+.V)8&)=+S0)20d'+H) intercourse with Ezra. It was a messy affair that she didn’t think much of, nor felt an inclination to revisit, but she (0+.),-)+)?+<+\,-0)8=+8)8=,2)-&7)?+.0)=0()+)7&?+-)+-.)7+2),-)G+48)a',80)<&&.)0d0(4,20`) Which brings her back to thinking about why Ezra was sweating so, after having done nothing but lie there, wailing. Eleanor Fox, the old dame with the whiskers on her chin, appears. She doesn’t look pleased. “What on the Good Lord’s earth – ” and then she’s off, wailing quite like Ezra. What a pair, Anna thinks. X0(=+12)=0^.)H,Z0)8&)2=+<)=0()8&&` 9=0)4+4&1=&-V)+88(+482)?&(0)&-H&&Z0(2)+-.)2&&-)_\(+),2)100H0.)G(&?)8=0)1+S0?0-8)+-.)I--+),2)2,88,-<)+8)8=0) 6+4Z)&G)8=0)1&H,40)4+(`)3=0)-&802)8=+8)8=0)1+S0?0-8),2),-)a',80)+)6H&&.V)?022`)I--+)7&-.0(2)7=08=0()8=0V^HH)4H0+-) it up or just leave it. She considers asking them to stop so she can mop it up herself. It seems quite rude to leave 8=0)28(008),-)2'4=)+)28+80` Ezra’s going to be just fine, they assure her. However she’s not that worried for his welfare, considering she 7+2)8=0)&-0)8=+8)2+7)8&)8=0)6'HH08)0-80(,-<)=,2)H0G8)+(?`)I)H+7V0()+.S,202)=0()-&8)8&)2=+(0)8=020)&620(S+8,&-2) she’s been having, even better, don’t talk at all. “You’re a strange kid,” he says, and he shakes his head, wondering if law was the career for him and perhaps =0)2=&'H.)=+S0)<&-0)+<+,-28)=,2)?&8=0(^2)7,2=02)+-.)8(,0.)=,2)=+-.)+8)+48,-<`)_S0(V&-0)Z-&72)+HH)8=0)6028)+48&(2) 70(0)H+7V0(2)+8)2&?0)28+<0`)[+V60)=0^HH)8+Z0)=,2)H0+S0)&G)8=0)6+()+-.)8(V)=,2)=+-.)+8)+48,-<`)[+V60)=0^HH)8+Z0)=,2) H0+S0)&G)=,2)7,G0)+-.)G&'()Z,.2)7=,H0)=0^2)+8),8` Anna doesn’t quite understand why any of the above was important, in fact, it all seemed quite irrelevant. Like these court proceedings. Now Ezra is standing up in front of a crowded room, filled with people that surely =+S0)?'4=)60880()8=,-<2)8&).&)8=+-)8&)2,8)8=0(0)<+7Z,-<)H,Z0).0?0-80.)20+<'HH2` Ezra caresses his bandaged left arm and speaks quietly, tears threatening to break free from his beadybuttoned eyes. Those eyes flicker to Anna, and for a moment they are smug. Smug and cruel, he’s enjoying the attention. Anna curses herself, bother! Why left arm? He doesn’t even write with his left arm. Effectively she’d 2=&8)=,?),-)8=0)?&28),-&GG0-2,S0)1H+40)1&22,6H0`)EG)2=0^.)=+.)=0()7,82)+6&'8)=0()2=0)4&'H.)=+S0)8+Z0-)&GG)=,2)H0G8) testicle, thus affecting his ability to procreate. Shame. At the insistence of the courts and their parents, along with community service and 100 hours of anger management, Anna is now meeting Ezra for coffee. Ironically, this coffee is taking place at the corner café run by her parents, Mr and Mrs Drewby. Also ironic is that this is where their first date took place. Ezra notes this irony with a wry smile, sipping from his flat white. “You’re a flat white.” Anna says. But not out loud. The statement doesn’t really make sense, and that lawyer .,.)2+V)8&)Z001)=0()8=&'<=82)8&)=0(20HG`) “They say it’ll make a full recovery.” Ezra lisps, through a mouth of foamy white milk. He caresses his 6+-.+<0.)+(?`)%08)+<+,-)2&?0&-0)8=,-Z2)I--+)7&'H.)60)4&-40(-0.)7,8=)8=0)(04&S0(V)1(&4022)&G)_\(+^2)H0G8)+(?`) Again, she put the bullet there. Perhaps it’s because she had to swear before the demented seagulls that she was .001HV)(0?&(20G'H)G&()=0(),?1+22,&-0.)+48,&-2` “I hope you don’t mind,” Ezra smacks his lips together as he speaks, milk resting on his bottom lip, about to slide down the precipice and onto his chin. “That Kat and I are now dating.” Anna’s anger management classes have told her to redirect her feelings to another source: Pottery, sewing, non-contact sport. Anna thinks carefully, and redirects the swell of emotion in her belly to the painting on the wall: an inoffensive Pre-Raphaelite painting of a girl on a swing. That girl is ridiculous, Anna muses. She’s not even real. Life may be poor and unkind at times but at least I’m real, unlike you, little girl in the painting. You exist only in the second dimension and whilst the demented seagulls can gawk and squawk at you, you can do nothing back. You’re perfectly pointless and what’s more, you’re a $2 reproduction someone brought back from +)3'-.+V)?+(Z08`) There, all better. Ezra’s coffee is finished and he stands up, ready to leave. “This has been nice Anna.” He says, his beady-button eyes sneer at her, drinking in the moment to be coughed '1)H+80()G&()=,2)G(,0-.2`)gT0+H)-,40`)E)7+-8)V&')8&)Z-&7)8=+8)E).&)G&(<,S0)V&'`)Q&)<('.<02)=0(0`h Suddenly the girl leaps out of the painting and uses her garters to strangle Ezra. He falls to the ground, trying to wail like the last time, but voice impeded by the strangulation taking place. Anna looks up from the painting and Ezra is gone. She sticks her head out the door and sees Katherine (Kat to =0()G(,0-.2c-&8)I--+;)7+,8,-<)&-)8=0)4&(-0(`)3=0^2)4'8)=0()=+,()2=&(8)+-.).V0.),8)+)2=+.0)&G)(0.)-&8).,22,?,H+()8&) I--+^2)&7-` Anna decides that redirecting anger is pointless, as is violence. She decides, instead, to focus her attention on education, or something equally useless. %0+(2)H+80()I--+)7,HH)H&&Z)6+4Z)+8)8=,2)4=+180()&G)=0()H,G0`)I8).,--0()1+(8,02)2?+HHP8+HZ,-<)<'0282)7,HH)H+60H)8=0) experience as ‘formative.’ They will enquire after Ezra and the health of his arm. Again, Anna will wonder why anyone thinks she should care.
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the wolf stars ^
by markus Jan· Cek
9=0V)2+V)[V(..,-)2+-<)8=0)28&-02)G(&?)J+H02 Or that Giants heaped them, transfigured into menhirs from the early sun. 9=0)1H+,-),2)?,-,?+HHV)6+((0-Y M-,?1&(8+-8)4H'?12)&G)8(00H,-0)+(0)G'(8=0()(0.'40.
9&)2&((0H)1+84=02 And the strict definition of weed: herbaceous, a grass, E-.,4,.'&'2)8(00)&()G'-<'2 9=+8)<(&72)&-),82)&7-)80(?2)c),((021048,S0)&G),-80-8)c) J=+80S0()1(020-8)4+H4,GV,-<
Into Sarsen, Trilithon or bluestone – old I2)8=0)(,<=8)8&)=&21,8+H,8V)c)&( Stars, to whom these curiously arranged rocks are not Even new, have not even happened yet. 9=0)3H+'<=80()38&-0)?+(Z2)8=0)1(&4022,&J=0(0)-07P+<0(2)+-.)0d1+82)H+8=0()8=0)7&+.)c)70+( Cut pillows, unaware They were the ones who first built them – that Salisbury Means “Recurrence” or – more literally – “to recur”, 9=0)J&HG)38+(2)7+84=,-<`)
58 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
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by markus Jan· Cek 9=0)'-.0(7&(H.)7+2)H&4+80.),-)+)4+S0 somewhere in the jungle, the feet that led to it 6'(,0.),-)G+HH,-<)<(00-)H0+S02)+-.)1(04,1,8+8,&-Y a Tantalus-esque trench, a grove of people 8(+-2G&(?0.),-8&)8(002`)
The word now – the museum exhibit – evokes, rather than insinuates, a serpent plumed headdress, tattoos that go deeper than skin, blood on the pyramid of Chicén-Itzá, a priest with a red dagger and a flaming sword. Later, Xibalba was identified: +)(,G8),-)21+40)c)+)1+(204)8=0)H0-<8=)&G)+)S,(8'&'2)2&'H and its journey to Hun-Came’s ante room – Cygnus +-.)3+<,88+(,'2)8=0)1,HH+(2)+-.).&&(2)c +)2,H0-8)(,S0(`) E?1&(8+-8)c)8=0-)c)8=+8)8=0)2ZV)7&'H.)H,80(+HHV)28&1` 9=0)<&.2)H,S0.),-)'2b)8=0)4=&,40)8&)28&1) 8+-8+?&'-8)8&)T+<-+(&Z)c)8=0)31+-,2=)=+(.HV '-.0(28&&.)8=0)?0+-,-<)7=0-)8=0V)G&'-. &'()6&.,02`)
artwork by camilla eustance
farrago 2015 / edition three / 59
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An indolent high by Gabriel filippa
V)6(&8=0(^2)G(,0-.)>+(H&2)(0G0(2)8&)*+(40H&-+)+2)+)g<,+-8)&(<V)8=+8)-&)&-0),2),-S,80.)8&`h) He’s staring at me with those yellow eyes, waiting for a response. I smile, nod, and lean over to take a H&&Z)+8)8=0)4,8V`)J0^(0)&-)+)80((+40)7,8=)+)1+-&(+?,4)S,07` My brother’s place is a bit of a shack that spills out to where we sit. He lives a frugal life. The first night I was =0(0)8=0)7+2=,-<)?+4=,-0)6(&Z0)+-.)8=0)4+6,-08),-)8=0)6+8=(&&?)0H048(&4'80.)?0`)) He’s an entrepreneur with limited economic means. One week he’ll be buying and selling Moroccan sandals, 8=0)-0d8)=0^HH)60)8(V,-<)8&)1&+4=)8&'(,282)G(&?)028+6H,2=0.)7,-0)8&'(2)8&)8+Z0)8=0?)&-)=,2)&7-`)L0)210-.2)+)H&8) of time rearranging, moving objects from one side of the terrace to the other. Things accumulate. He’ll bring +-V8=,-<)'1)G(&?)8=0)28(008`)I)6,Z0)G(+?0`)I)6(&Z0-)(04H,-0(`)E8^2)+)4&-28+-8)+11(&1(,+8,&-)&G)2&?0&-0)0H20^2)1+28`) I tend to agree with Carlos’ opinion of Barcelona. A playground for voyeurs, where their lecherous gaze is 2=('<<0.)&GG)6(&7-)2=&'H.0(2`) Yesterday, I sat on the beach watching this old guy watch a young girl with her top off. He stood next to me, eyes straining in the heat, toes burrowed in the sand. He spoke incessantly to his wife, who was also sprawled out next to me. He stood there for a long time, rotating 45 degrees every 15 minutes, methodically adjusting his little blue bathers with a flick of his thumb and forefinger. Further along the beach a group of older ladies sat on a 60-4=)7+84=,-<)+)<(&'1)&G)V&'-<)IG(,4+-)?0-)7&(Z,-<)&'8),-)+)1'6H,4)<V?`)) But maybe this is just a view constructed by the company I keep. Carlos, my brother and I spend a lot of time standing, drinking, watching. We bump into each other before 2,88,-<)+<+,-`)J0^(0)+H7+V2)&-)8=0)0.<0)&G)+-),.0+)8=+8)G+,H2)8&)?+80(,+H,20`) My brother’s dog, Cuba, has become a symbol of social antithesis. He steals tennis balls, rolls around in dirt, fights other dogs, and makes love to other dogs. If I fall behind the group he waits for me. His big ass swings in a mesmerising act of casual defiance that we can’t emulate. 9=0)2'-),2)4&?,-<).&7-`) Carlos is finger-picking his guitar. He sings about government cover-ups and UFOs. He writes songs like >&-21,(+4V)U0-0(+8,&-`)I)<0-',-0)20-20)&G)28&,4,2?),2)'-.0(?,-0.)6V)=,2)0-.H022)6+.)H'4Z`)L0)-0+(HV)H+-.0.) a job at a hotel but they wanted to see his papers (he’s here illegally). The girls we’d arranged to meet up with 0+(H,0()=+S0-^8)2=&7-)'1`) L0)2,82)'1`) gE)G00H)H,Z0)?V)H,G0)=+2)600-)-&8=,-<)6'8)+)20(,02)&G)?,220.)&11&(8'-,8,02`h) It’s these kinds of defeatist statements that finally stir my brother, who has been lying on his broken recliner, (0+.,-<)+(8,4H02)&-)=,2)1=&-0`)9=0)-0<+8,S,8V),2)28+(8,-<)8&)10-08(+80)=,2)2Z,-`)L0)28+(82)24(+84=,-<`)) gE^?)8+Z,-<)+)2=&70(`h) >+(H&2)60<,-2)8&)1(&S,.0)0S,.0-40`) I11+(0-8HV)8=,-<2)70(0)<&,-<)70HH)7,8=)+)<,(H)=0)7+2)200,-<)'-8,H)=0()?'?)G&'-.)=+HG)+).&\0-)OD)H,80()6&88H02) &G)7+80(),-)=,2)4+(`)) g3=0)6(&Z0)'1)7,8=)?0)604+'20)2=0)8=&'<=8)E)7+2)2a'+88,-<`h)) >+(H&2),2)2a'+88,-<`)L0)8(0Z2)+-)=&'()G(&?)8=0)4,8V)0S0(V.+V)+-.)=0^2)H&2,-<)70,<=8)604+'20)&G),8`)L,2)1(,\0.) possession is a light blue shirt with little yellow flowers. I’ve seen him fold and refold that thing a thousand times +-.)=0^2)+8),8)+<+,-)-&7`) L0)H&&Z2)8&)?0`) “You should stay in Barcelona if you don’t like flying.”
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“I need to finish my degree.” “I’m just saying, if you have a bad feeling about a flight, don’t take it.” My brother comes out in a towel. He’s carrying beers. We smoke some hash. Instead of promoting activity, 8=,2)?0(0HV)<+HS+-,202)&'()10(,&.2)&G)?+22),-.&H0-40`) E)H&&Z)8&)8=0)2ZV`) 9=0(0^2)+)28&(?)(&HH,-<),-`) Carlos is a paranoid creature, and he’s feeding my own paranoia about flying out in the morning. He talks of conspiratorial aviation narratives. My brother chimes in and says there was no Malaysia flight MH370 at all. Something flits across the sky. >+(H&2),2)+.+?+-8),8^2)+)<+(<&VH0`) VK#)-L;&'
It took me four days to get home. Flight delays, missed connections, and forty-eight hour stopovers eventually saw me holed up in a hotel in Guangzhou, ordering room service, and arranging the little bars of soaps and 4&-.,8,&-0(2),-)8=0)6+8=(&&?`)9=0)2?&<)&628('480.)+-V)S,07)E)=+.)&G)8=0)4,8V`)E8)4H'-<)8&)?V)2Z,-` My last flight took off from here. When our plane rumbled into the night sky it moved sluggishly. My anxiety kicked in again and I sat there, ('66,-<)?V)1+H?2)&-)?V)1+-82)+2)8=0)1H+-0)4(+7H0.)&S0()+)4,8V)8=+8)7&'H.)=+S0)H&&Z0.)60+'8,G'H),G)?V)-0(S02) =+.-^8)600-)(+-2+4Z0.)6V)8=(00).+V2)&G)-&)2H001` The plane rocked about and I began to make strange, vaguely sexual groans. Three people from the other side of the plane laughed at me. The airhostess opened her tired, pretty eyes and smiled. I kept trying to access the flight path but the channel was down. I sat there thinking that this fucking pilot 7+2)<&,-<)8&).'?1)'2),-)8=0)&40+-)2&?07=0(0)H,Z0)[L!#C`) E)8'(-0.)8&)8=0)1+220-<0()-0d8)8&)?0` “I hate flying” L0)1'8)&'8)=,2)=+-.`) g[V)-+?0^2)>='66,0`h An hour later we were drunk, carrying six Heinekens each down the aisle. My anxiety dissipated. I sat on my G008`)J0)8+HZ0.)+6&'8)6+HH08)+-.)6&&Z2`) E)6H,-Z0.),-)+-.)&'8)&G)2H001`)) When the cabin lights dimmed, Chubbie attempted to reach down my pants. He was telling me to experiment while I tried to deter him by citing obscure, misinformed notions surrounding ‘the old country’, nonno and nonna, and the idea of a traditional Italian moral framework. L0)7+2-^8)H,280-,-<` I kept brushing aside his hands, apologising. I)7=,80)H,<=8)?&S0.)+4(&22)8=0)2ZV`) gJ=+8)8=0)G'4Z)7+2)8=+8]h gI)<+(<&VH0]h) E)8=&'<=8)6+4Z)8&)>+(H&2^)&1,-,&-2)&G)*+(40H&-+`) Yes, I was finally invited to the party. Only now I wasn’t sure whether I wanted the invitation all along.
Artwork by Ellen y.g. son
farrago 2015 / edition three / 61
/ creative
62 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
photography by georgia evert
creative /
by Mary Ntalianis P4F'F-;'48.&'8KK)&:'8$+'.86#$L'.4&'."8#$'4-7&' L0)4+-^8)200)V&')8=(&'<=)8=0)Z0V=&H0 because you don’t fit into a fucking keyhole like the sheets that don’t fit your bed, with coffee stains and blood 28+,-2)V&'^S0)<(&7-)'1 years ago you learned algebra, you forgot 8=0-)2&?0&-0)80HH2)V&')8=+8)-0<+8,S0)-'?60(2).&-^8)0d,28 604+'20),G)V&')=+S0)\0(&)+11H02)+-.)2&?0&-0)8+Z02)87& V&')28,HH)=+S0)\0(&)+11H02
8=0-)+<+,-) V&')8=&'<=8)V&')=+.)-&)20HGP(021048)) 6'8)7=0-)=0)G&HH&70.)V&')8&)V&'()+1+(8?0-8) +-.)8=(07)8=0)870-8V).&HH+(2)7=0-)=0)7+2).&-0 V&')2'..0-HV)'-.0(28&&.)8=0)4&-4018)&G)-0<+8,S0)-'?60(2
V&').'?1)8=0)?&-0V)&'8)8=0)7,-.&7)+-.)280+H)8=0)-0d8)87&)+11H02 8=+8)10(2&-)6&'<=8 -&7)V&')=+S0)\0(&).&HH+(2 +-.)8=0V)=+S0)-0<+8,S0)87&)+11H02 e-;"'$&Z.':.&K'Y#))'<&'<8%6'<&4#$+'.4&'F&))-Y')#$& Geneva is dead, it has been for years ,8)70-8)&'8)7,8=)='?+-).040-4V)+-.)H0<)7+(?0(2 8=0)?+-),-)8=0)+1+(8?0-8)-0d8)8&)V&'(2).&02-^8)2?,H0 &()60H,0S0),-)G(00)0.'4+8,&V0280(.+V)V&')=0+(.)8=+8)8=,(8V)8=&'2+-.)10&1H0).,0.)2&?07=0(0 +-.)8=+8)G&(8V)0,<=8)7&?0-)<08)(+10.) 0S0(V)=&'(),-)8=0)>&-<& U0-0S+),2).0+. V&')1'8)&-0)G&&8)&S0()8=0)V0HH&7)H,-0 8=,-Z,-<)+6&'8)Z,HH,-<)V&'(20HG +-.)7=&)4+-)6H+?0)V&' V&')8=,-Z)V&'^(0)8=0)&-HV)&-0 !&-K)&'8"&$C.'6&F:N'.4&FC"&'48#"K#$: 9=0)80+(),-)V&'()28&4Z,-<)(0+4=02)V&'()Z-00 V&'()=,<=)2=&02)?+Z0),8)=+(.)8&)4H,?6)8=0)28+,(2 just take the elevator 10&1H0)+(0-^8)Z0V2 V&'^HH)(0+H,20)8=,2)7=0-)V&')&10-)8=0).&&( find him standing in your apartment you’ll open your purse, take out your gun +-.)2=&&8)=,? Z0V=&H02)+(0)Z0V=&H02 the hole in him was from a bullet, anyway
!-:.'G%"#K.T'34&'Y4-)&')8$+:%8K&'#:'*;%6&+ 9=0)Z0V)G0HH)&'8)&G)8=0)Z0V=&H0 8=0)Z0V).&02-^8)0d,28 V&'()8,<=82)=+S0)+H7+V2)=+.)8=+8)H+..0()60=,-.)V&'()H0G8)Z-00 6'8)8=+8^2)-&8)8=0)2+?0)8=,-<)+2)60,-<)8&(-
farrago 2015 / edition three / 63
/ Society
for and against / an australian republic for: Jacob Rodrigo
against: Nicholas Langford
=+8).&)V&')7+-8)V&'()4&'-8(V)8&)S+H'0] 9=,2),2)8=0)40-8(+H)a'028,&-)&G)8=0).06+80)&G)I'28(+H,+^2) 4&-28,8'8,&-+H)G'8'(0Y)8=0).06+80)608700-)(0?+,-,-<)+)?&-+(4=V)+-.) 604&?,-<)+)(01'6H,4`) Should we value tradition, with the stability it offers, and accept the hierarchy, religiosity and the stagnation of our national culture 8=+8)4&?0)7,8=),8])R()2=&'H.)70)8+Z0)+)(,2Z)+-.)4=&&20)+)G(02=)28+(8Y) 8&)60880()4(+G8)&'()-+8,&-)+).,28,-48,S0)4'H8'(0)8=+8)0?6&.,02)&'() values of egalitarianism, secularism and multiculturalism? J=+8)7&'H.)I'28(+H,+)H&&Z)H,Z0),G)70)+2)+)-+8,&-)4=&20)4=+-<0]) J=+8)4&'H.)8=0)I'28(+H,+)&G)DCAC)H&&Z)H,Z0)+2)+)(01'6H,4] An Australian president, whether directly-elected or chosen by parliamentary consensus, would provide our future republic with a 2,-<H0)Z0V)4=+-<0)8=+8)7&'H.)=0H1)1(&10H)&'()H+<<+(.)-+8,&-),-8&),82) G'8'(0Y)+)G&4+H)1&,-8)G&()&'()&7-)'-,a'0)-+8,&-+H)4'H8'(0)8=(&'<=)8=0) opportunity for an Australian to hold the highest office of our nation. R'()4'((0-8)-+8,&-+H)4'H8'(0)4+-)60)2'??0.)'1),-)&-0)S,2'+HY) +)7=,80)?+-)70+(,-<)8=&-<2)+-.)+)gF'4Z)&GG)70^(0)G'HHh)8P2=,(8)7,8=) an Australian flag draped around his shoulders, listening to the Triple J’s Hottest 100 while cooking a barbeque. We cling to this G+42,?,H0)&G)-+8,&-+H),.0-8,8V)&-).+V2)H,Z0)I'28(+H,+)/+V).'0)8&)&'() H+4Z)&G)4'H8'(+H),.0-8,8V`) Imagine if we didn’t have to, because instead of Australia having a vacuum of culture – caused by the highest office in our H+-.)60,-<)&44'1,0.)6V)+-)'-,-80(0280.)G&(0,<-0()c)&'()-+8,&-) would fill that role with one of us: an Australian who could, as our symbolic national leader, help us find and form an identity of our &7-)8&)40H06(+80` E?+<,-0)+-)I'28(+H,+).+V)?&(0).,S0(20)8=+-)6+(60a'02)+-.)600(Y) a day where we celebrate curries, souvlaki and pasta as much as the ?'4=)S+'-80.)2-+<`) Imagine a fulsome celebration of Indigenous culture, instead of tokenism, when an Indigenous person serves as our head of state. Imagine a flag of our own flying from buildings and cars in celebration, instead of a flag defaced by the symbol of a foreign -+8,&-)60,-<).(+10.)&S0()8=0)2=&'H.0(2)&G).('-Z0-)6&<+-2`) E?+<,-0)60,-<)(01(020-80.)&-)8=0)-+8,&-+H)28+80)6V)2&?0&-0) 7=&)8('HV)(01(020-82)&'()S+(,0.)10&1H0`)>&-2,.0()8=0)1&22,6,H,8,02)&G) a head of state who is gay, or who came to our country originally as a refugee, or who is disabled. Imagine any of the millions of deserving I'28(+H,+-)4,8,\0-2)7=&)(01(020-8)&'()4&'-8(V^2)?&.0(-)G+40),-)8=+8) role rather than the foreign, conservative, Anglo-Saxon, Anglican G+?,HV)7=&)4'((0-8HV)&44'1V),8` E?+<,-0)G00H,-<)'-+2=+?0.HV)1(&'.)&G)60,-<)I'28(+H,+-`) These thoughts could be the reality of Australia’s 2050, if we the 10&1H0)4=&&20)8=+8)G'8'(0)6V)4=&&2,-<)8&)604&?0)+)(01'6H,4`
64 / Farrago 2015 / edition three
he year is 2050. Australia is a republic. An octogenarian Jacqui 5+?6,0),2)&'()1(02,.0-8)+-.)>+-60((+)=+2)-0S0()600-)4&&H0(Y) a booming metropolis where, if you’re a pollie, you’re treated like royalty. So to speak, that is, because ‘royalty’ is a dirty word. So much so that the ‘R’ in RAAF and RAN has been dropped in favour of a ‘P’ for Presidential. 3,?,H+()+4(&-V?,4)2'628,8'8,&-2)=+S0)&44'((0.)+8)7=+8)&-40) 70(0)8=0)T&V+H)*&8+-,4)U+(.0-2)+-.)8=0)T&V+H)J&?0-^2)L&21,8+H`) *'8)-&)&-0)-&8,402)c)H08)+H&-0)4+(02)c)604+'20)8=&20)8=,-<2)+(0),-) [0H6&'(-0)+-.)7=&)H,S02)8=0(0)8=020).+V2])%+V)>+-60((+` Oh, and racist bogans are still a thing. This scenario is as absurd as it is disconcerting, but elements of the republican campaign are redolent of this sort of farcical, slippery-slope logic. So I’m fighting fire with fire. The only thread of reason I will extract from Jacqui’s presidential dystopia is that an I'28(+H,+-)(01'6H,4)c),-)+-V)G&(?)c)7&'H.)60)+)1&H,8,4,+-2^)(01'6H,4`) And Australia doesn’t want that. Let me briefly explain why. Firstly, let’s look at our head of state. Formally, this is the Queen. I44'2+8,&-2)&G)+1+8=V)&(),<-&(+-40)8&7+(.2)I'28(+H,+)&-)8=0)1+(8) of Her Majesty or her family are insulting and wrong. I need not 210HH)&'8)8=0)0d80-8)&G)8=0,()4&?1(0=0-2,S0)Z-&7H0.<0)&G)0+4=) of the Commonwealth countries, not least of all Australia. Even former prime minister Bob Hawke, himself not of the monarchist camp, praises the Windsors for remaining “absolutely committed to 8=0)>&??&-70+H8=h`) In practical terms, though, our head of state is and always has been the Queen’s viceregal representative, the Governor-General. Last time I checked, Sir Peter Cosgrove was Australian. As was Dame Quentin Bryce. The highest office in the land – that of GovernorU0-0(+H)c),2)&10-)8&)+HH)&G)'2` Perhaps by 2050, we will be fortunate enough to appoint an E-.,<0-&'2)I'28(+H,+-)+2)+)7&(8=V)=0+.)&G)28+80`)E8),2),?1&(8+-8) to understand, though, that whatever is holding us back from (04&<-,2,-<)&'()F,(28)X0&1H02)+-.)&8=0()?,-&(,8,02),-)8=,2)7+V) 21+7-2)-&8)G(&?)2&?0)G+'H8),-8(,-2,4)8&)&'()4&-28,8'8,&-)6'8)G(&?) the prejudices of individual Australians. In the eternal words of Macklemore, a helpful if somewhat unexpected citation on constitutional monarchy, “No law’s gonna change us; we have 8&)4=+-<0)'2`h I'28(+H,+),2)&-0)&G)8=0)?&28)2'44022G'H)?'H8,4'H8'(+H)2&4,08,02) &-)0+(8=`)F&()(01'6H,4+-2)1,-,-<)G&()+)?&(0).,28,-48,S0)-+8,&-+H) identity, 96,@),2),8Y)+)(,4=)+-.).,S0(20)4&?1&2,80)&G).,GG0(0-8)4'H8'(02) +-.)08=-,4,8,02`)J=V).&)10&1H0)4&?0)8&)I'28(+H,+])*04+'20)&G)8=0) 1(&8048,&-2)+-.)G(00.&?2)8=0V)+(0)+GG&(.0.)'-.0()+).0?&4(+8,4) 2V280?)&G)<&S0(-?0-8)8=+8)70)+-.)8=0)>&??&-70+H8=),-=0(,80.) G(&?)U(0+8)*(,8+,-` E8),2)&-HV)(,<=8)8=+8)70)+4Z-&7H0.<0)+-.)1+V)8(,6'80)c) symbolically at the very least on flags and in our constitution – for 8=+8)0-&(?&'2)60a'028`
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