UMSU By-election Guide 2022

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UMSU Media / Farrago presents

2022 UMSU By-election Guide 4 - 6 April 2022

What is UMSU? The purposes of UMSU are: 1. To advance the welfare and interests of Students; 2. To represent Students of the University within the University and to the community; 3. To provide amenities and services, principally for Students and other members of the University community, and incidentally to the public, but in all cases not inconsistent with agreements made with the University, as the case may be, from time to time; 4. To provide an independent framework for Student social and political activity; 5. To develop, maintain and support Student clubs, societies and associational life generally; 6. To promote and defend the rights of Students to education on the basis of equality, without regard to race, colour, sex, sexuality, gender identity, age, physical disability, mental illness, economic circumstances, political religious or ideological conviction, or national or social origin; 7. To oppose violence and/or hatred through militarism, nationalism, or discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, sexuality, gender identity, age, physical disability, mental illness, economic circumstances, religion, or national or social origin. 8. To provide a democratic and transparent forum in which Students’ affairs and interests can be governed in an effective and accountable manner; and 9. To promote free and accessible government-funded education. In order to achieve these purposes, but for no other purpose and subject always to the terms of any agreements with the University, as the case may be, the Association has all the powers of a natural person.

The Media Office would like to acknowledge the True Custodians of the land on which we work, the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin nations. We pay our respects to their Elders, past and present. We extend our acknowledgements to the First Nations and staff members in the University of Melbourne Community. The land we are on is stolen and sovereighty was never ceded.

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Ticket Statement - Independents for Student Democracy Ticket Statement - Community for UMSU Ticket Statement - Community for UMSU cont. Ticket Statement - Stand Up! General Secretary - Candidate Statement - Millie Macwhirter *Amended* General Secretary - Candidate Statement - Amelia Bright *Amended* Welfare - Candidate Statement - Benjamin Cronshaw & Daisy Norfolk Welfare - Candidate Statement - Shuyan (Lynne) Bian & Disha Zutshi Activities - Candidate Statement - Bridget Bracken & Peggy Lucas Activities - Candidate Statement - Sami Zehir & Bella Henry


Ticket Statement

Independents for Student Democracy The Independents for Student Democracy (ISD) has been engaged with Unimelb elections since 2019, having been founded by Benjamin Cronshaw. We believe in university should be a place for a quality, positive and enjoyable educational experience for everyone. There are many issues that students face, including study pressure, mental health, financial stress or harassment. The Student Union thus has an important role in providing services and advocating for student wellbeing, on campus and in society. The ISD as a ticket is committed to democracy and empowering people to gain experience and bring their unique perspective and ideas to the election – including the issues and passions that are important to them and their student experience. We believe democracy can be improved with constructive and engaged dialogue and seeking to reach common ground. The ISD was strongly engaged in the last 2021 election, with 11 candidates involved with the ISD (up from 3 the previous year). Our campaign included a great Farrago interview and debate appearance by our Presidential candidate Daisy Norfolk. We were also really excited to win a seat on the Student Council with Josh Davis and on the Welfare Committee with Elizabeth Riley. The ISD has continued to engage students with democracy and to work constructively with the other student representatives – with Josh Davis notably being awarded Farrago’s “Best Speaker of Council” at least twice now. Rather than ramping up only during election week, we want to build a more constructive dialogue between students and the Union – and we believe Tickets have a responsibility for that too. Our ISD page has had regular updates with election results, current affairs, student social events and memes. We believe that being involved in democracy is worth it for its own sake – to speak up for the things we care about, give voters more choice, for candidates to gain confidence and leadership and to make new friends. We like to encourage people to be engaged in the democratic process, which is – after all – open to all of us.


For more information and news from the ISD (or for anyone who would be open to be a candidate in September!) anyone is welcome to follow the Independents for Student Democracy page here: IndependentsForStudentDemocracyISD/

Ticket Statement

Community for UMSU

Students need support. Students need representation. Students need community. We’re Community for UMSU, a grassroots movement of students from almost every faculty and background, onshore and offshore, domestic and international. We’re committed to creating a university experience where no student is left behind. That means rallying with students against a university administration that puts profits first. That means equitable and meaningful representation for all students. That means listening to what students want. We have made huge strides in making the student union prominent and accessible. Last year, a Community-led UMSU delivered the biggest oncampus Clubs Expo, the Welfare Department Union Mart, university-wide diversity and inclusion modules, reduced study load for international students, WAMnesty in Semester 2, and much, much more. Our candidates in this by-election are all passionate, experienced, and ready to continue supporting students throughout 2022. Lynne and Disha have been helping students every day for the past few months as the current Welfare Officers. Amelia has led the highest levels of UMSU governance as General Secretary, always fighting to make our student union more accessible and visible to all of us. But the challenges before us remain, and your voice is critical in tackling them. That’s why from April 4-6, we are standing once again to: •

Represent the true diversity of our students

Our candidates are drawn from clubs, societies, and cultural communities of Unimelb. Last year, an overwhelming proportion of our 120 candidates were international students, which make up over 40% of our student body.

Effectively advocate for students

Our representatives have a proud track record of fighting tirelessly against university administration to support a student body deeply affected by the pandemic. And we believe only a grassroots-based, independent-minded voice can make it happen. Supporting our Community We want to make UMSU more accessible, fighting for: 1. Simplified UMSU governance: •

Translate UMSU and university documents, ensuring all students have access to materials in their preferred language.

Student election reform, tackling aggressive online campaigning, and expand UMSU’s affirmative action policies- so that non-binary students, students of colour, and other marginalised communities are represented at the highest level.

2. Equitable academic policy: •

Reform the special consideration process, especially as on-campus education resumes.

Create genuine student involvement in subject and faculty management, as well as additional student representation on the University’s policymaking bodies.

3. Reformed support services: •

Meaningfully engage students

UMSU runs on approximately $8 million of student money every year. And while more students are accessing the many services UMSU offers, we will continue to address this gap by connecting UMSU to the diverse communities of our student body. •

Reform the CAPS system, including culturally competent counsellors that are able to serve students from different identities, backgrounds, and languages.

Building our Community We want to rebuild student life as we return to campus, ensuring that the disruption caused by the pandemic is addressed at the highest levels of the University. 1.Engage our student communities: •

Work with UMSU International and clubs and societies, to deliver engaging online events that connect international students whether onshore


Ticket Statement

Community for UMSU Cont. destructive practices of the university administration.

or overseas. •

Advocate cuts to Stop 1’s red tape by fighting for increased availabilities, both onshore and across international timezones.

2. An accessible campus for all: •

Push for the creation of quiet spaces on and around all on-campus events.

Advocate for physically accessible teaching spaces in-person, and continue the work to guarantee close-captioned lectures, across all faculties.

Expand existing employability programs for students, ensuring that all faculties are able to support their students from university to working life post-pandemic.

3. A vibrant Bla(c)k, Indigenous and People of Colour community: •

Connect communities of colour, by directly liaising between UMSU departments and cultural clubs.

Streamline Clubs Regulations and funding to be more accessible to cultural and internationalstudent focused clubs.

While the state of our education and the world seems to change daily, our vision remains the same - a community that creates a better UMSU, and a better university. We deserve a functional, activist union. Vote Community, for a student union that will fight with you!

Fighting for our Community

To support Community for UMSU, April 4-6:

Our many experienced candidates come from marginalised groups largely neglected by the University. Together, we will fight for:

Vote [1] Amelia Bright for General Secretary!

1. Truly inclusive activism: •

Centre the voices of women and non-binary people of marginalised backgrounds through workshops, speakers and feminist reading groups.

Hold the university to account in its inaction against sexual harassment and assault on campus, fighting for a trauma-informed response centre separate from general university administration.

Ensure the representation, support and wellbeing of transgender and gender-diverse students, supporting the Queer Department in their fight against transphobia on campus, and prioritising gender-affirmation work.

2. Environmental justice for all: •

Centre Indigenous voices in all environmental activism - as there is no climate justice without First Nations justice.

Continue to push for sustainable practices during club and UMSU events, mobilising the broader student community against the environmentally


Vote [1] Lynne and Disha for Welfare Officer! For more information, check out our Facebook page at !

Ticket Statement

Stand Up!

Every student deserves a student union that is there for them and amplifies their voice in the University. During 2020, when Stand Up! was elected into UMSU, students were represented. Stand Up! won the WAMnesty, financial support during COVID-19 and fought off special consideration changes. In previous years, we’ve brought in the UMSU Free Breakfast Program, made lecture recordings mandatory, lowered the WAM requirements for exchange and so much more. When Stand Up! was elected into the union, we understood how important students’ money was and that’s why we delivered services that students relied on the most. Things like UMSU breakfast and fun events that bring our campus to life. We provided students with free public transport passes when they needed it, established the safer partying initiative with free pill testing kits and established the UMSU foodbank. We believe in an inclusive, accessible and safe campus for all students. We want to continue to fight for free and accessible education, for representation of marginalised groups, against staff and funding cuts, for safety on campus and for your rights at work. We know that students should be able to feel safe, supported, and included for the best university experience. Stand Up! is running for the by-election for Activities because we know how important it is to have a student experience. The last two years have depleted our campuses of life but we are committed to making sure that every student feels connected to their peers, their campus and their student union - whether you’re online, in person, or just passing by. We’ve already put on some epic Bands, Bevs and BBQ this semester, and that’s just a taste of what Stand Up! has to deliver in the Activities office. Stand Up! is experienced. We’re passionate and determined to fight for students. A vote for Stand Up! is a vote for a transparent, effective and bold student union. For more information visit or look us up on Facebook!


Candidate Statement

General Secretary

Amendment: Millie Macwhirter has been elected unapposed on 4 April 2022, as Amelia Bright has withdrawn. We have included Millie’s candidate statement below as this ocurred after the ballot opened.

Millie Macwhirter - Independents for Student Democracy Hi all! I’m Millie and I’m running for the role of General Secretary with Independents for Student Democracy. I am a second-year Arts student at the University, majoring in Politics and International Studies. I am passionate about the achievement of social and climate justice as well as grassroots, people powered movements. I am inspired by the people around me, particularly other young people, who work to create change in the areas they are passionate about. I enjoy studying and am thrilled by the opportunity to be General Secretary and help contribute to our vibrant community of students. In my spare time, I have always enjoyed and still love reading. I also enjoy spending time and talking with my loved ones, dancing and eating good food!


Candidate Statement

General Secretary

Amendment: Amelia Bright has withdrawn her nomination for General Secretary, leaving Millie Macwhirter to be elected unopposed.


Candidate Statement


Benjamin Cronshaw and Daisy Norfolk Independents for Student Democracy Greetings, I am Benjamin. Currently studying a Master’s in Public Policy and Management. My student experience includes UMSU Activities Committee (2020) and GSA Faculty Council (2021-2022), along with many (perhaps too many) club committee roles. Hello, I am Daisy. I am studying my Honours in Ancient World Studies. I have served in various volunteer roles such as President of the Classics and Archaeology Society, editor of the Chariot magazine and tutor for VCE Summer School. I am passionate about social justice and sustainability, with my favourite book recently being a great book by Kate Raworth “Doughnut Economics.” We are both passionate about democracy and student wellbeing, of which Welfare plays a critical role to support students to be healthy and have a more positive time at Unimelb. As an ancient Egyptian proverb notes, “He who has bread and something to dip it in has the whole of happiness.”


Candidate Statement


Shuyan (Lynne) Bian and Disha Zutshi Community for UMSU Hi! We’re Disha Zutshi (she/her) and Shuyan (Lynne) Bian (she/her). It’s been a privilege serving as your Welfare Officers for the past few months, and we can’t wait to continue our work for the rest of 2022! Under Community in 2021, the Welfare Department launched the Union Mart- serving free groceries, supplies and necessities to hundreds of students daily. You might even have seen us at our breakfasts, which we hope to expand with more healthy food and volunteering opportunities. And we can’t wait to show you the whole week of events we have planned for Stress Less week later this year! We know that the pandemic has significantly affected the day-to-day life and university experience for all students. Many of us continue to struggle, especially those from disadvantaged and marginalised backgrounds. That’ss why we also want to work on mental health support. We have collaborated with the Disabilities department to run Mental Health Collectives, but we want to extend that support to students still stuck offshore. And because we deserve a university experience that truly works for us as on-campus education resumes, we will continue to advocate for the reform of the wellbeing services (including CAPS and SEDS) provided by the university, fighting massive waiting times and constant unavailabilities. There’s so much more that we- and the rest of the Community for UMSU team- have planned for 2022. Catch us around campus to find out more! But this can only happen with a grassroots-based, independentminded team leading the Welfare Department. This can only happen with your support! So vote Community for UMSU, April 4-6: Vote [1] Amelia for General Secretary! Vote [1] Lynne and Disha for Welfare Officer!


Candidate Statement


Bridget Bracken & Peggy Lucas - Independents for Student Democracy Hey, I am Bridget. I am excited to be a candidate for Activities. My passions include equal access to education, sustainability, reinterpreting history and archaeology through feminist and queer lenses. My hobbies include reading, travel (or planning distant future travel right now) and learning to translate hieroglyphs! I have only got involved in student politics recently, and I am really enjoying the opportunity to run with the ISD. I firmly believe in ensuring that everyone can have access to a quality education and a positive student experience (including for people studying and attending events online). Hey, I am Peggy (she/her). I believe education and events at Unimelb should be accessible, diverse and cater to everyone. I am a candidate for ISD because I care about democracy and this party gives students more options to be involved beyond the major tickets. My passions include early education of consent, intersectional women’s rights and representation, fair and diverse education and history/archaeology. My hobbies include recording/playing music, reading, watching documentaries, winning at pub trivia and constantly panicking about climate change. We are both running for Activities Office-Bearers with the ticket Independents for Student Democracy (ISD). We both got involved in student elections through the ISD in the 2021 election as Education candidates. ISD is a group of students passionate about democracy and promoting student wellbeing and a friendly community/clubs experience. For Activities, this includes having positive and fun events on campus (and online) for students, such as trivia nights, board games, movie/documentary nights and concerts.


Candidate Statement


Sami Zehir & Bella Henry - Stand Up! Hello!! It’s Sami and Bella and we’d love to be your 2022 Activities Office Bearers! Activities are such a special part of the university experience and we are super excited to bring you the best events both on campus and online. We are both incredibly passionate about creating engaging activities that every student can enjoy no matter their interests or personalities. Coming off an uncertain year, we understand the necessity of running activities that are planned and managed effectively with flexible contingency plans to ensure the best experience possible regardless of changing conditions. This includes transparent and reliable event planning at a smaller and larger scale that is safe, inclusive and advertised to the wider community for maximum engagement. Obviously, we’re super keen to reinstate some of the events that were largely inaccessible this year due to COVID, including Bevs and Bands and Oktoberfest! Student activities are a fantastic way to meet new friends and have fun during semester, whether you’re an early starter or a later nighter we want to run events which caters to both, regardless of your location or campus. The University experience is not just an on campus one, and we are believe that every person deserves to have fun at uni and so we are here to make sure of just that. We hope you believe in this as much as we do, and put your trust in us as your 2022 Office Bearers for Activities!!


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