The Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln

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The Words & Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln 2 Letters, 2 Speeches and 1 Proclamation Plus over 50 “Quotable ‘Honest Abe’ Quotes”

Special Bonus: The Story Behind Lincoln’s Beard

The Words & Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln copyright © in its current format by 2011. All rights Reserved. This book, whole or in part, may not be copied or reproduced in its current format by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without the written permission of This book is presented as is, without any warranties (implied or otherwise) as to the accuracy of the production, text or translation. The publisher does not take responsibility for any typesetting, formatting, translation or other errors which may have occurred during the production of this book.

The Words & Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln



Publisher’s Preface


Quotable Quotes


Letter to Ulysses S. Grant


Letter to Joseph Hooker


Proclamation of Thanksgiving


The Gettysburg Address Response to a Serenade


Lincoln’s Last Public Address


BONUS: The Birth of a Beard


The Words & Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln


Publisher’s Preface With over 16,000 books written about him, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, is probably the most scrutinized president in American history. And many consider him the most eloquent President our country has ever known. Speech writers and public speakers try to copy his style, and all over the globe, children still recite his Gettysburg Address (included in this book) which is celebrated by many as one of the best speeches in the English language. In this book, along with over 50 “sound bite” quotes, are two letters from Lincoln, one to Ulysses S. Grant and one to General “Fighting Joe” Hooker both offering fascinating insights into the way Lincoln thought and how he presented himself. Then the Proclamation of Thanksgiving is an interesting look at the origins of an American Holiday. Next, along with the Gettysburg Address, you will find Response to a Serenade – some informal remarks made 4 months before the Gettysburg Address that gives a “preview” of his most famous speech. Finally, you will read Lincoln’s last public address that was presented three days before his death and attended by his assassin John Wilkes Booth who commented at the time "That is the last speech he will make." Enjoy this compilation of words and wisdom of this important historical figure: “Honest Abe” Lincoln, a man who used his words to hold his divided country together, healed “his nation’s wounds” and comforted his people in times of heartache and pain. You should find them inspirational, motivational and applicable to your business and personal life.

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The Words & Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln


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Quotable Quotes from “Honest Abe” A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have.

I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end.

I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

I don't like that man. I must get to know him better.

Upon the subject of education, not presuming to dictate any plan or system respecting it, I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people can be engaged in.

I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.


You will find The “Words & Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln” inspirational, motivational and applicable to your business and personal life. For the whole book (including the story behind Abe’s famous beard),


The Words & Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln


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The Words & Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln


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