FatsCap Fanzine: PartOne -TDS.

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Who is Part1? Why this name? It just so happens when I began writing I experimented with different names. Part1 was suggested to me by a childhood friend back in 1972. The rest is history...

When and Why do you start in this Culture? When I was 10 years old in 1969 I begin to notice tags arround the city. That immediately aucght my attention in wich I wanted to tag. By 1972 I was doing pieces aswell as the existence of our culture began to flourish. This culture is very unique and prominent today...

How to start graffiti under your point of view? First you need a name/tag, wich is of your own idea and creation. You must learn the history it is very important. This culture is made for everybody so you must be very prepared indeed.

What is graffiti for you? Graffiti for me is a unique form of expressing your self shape fashion or form it has taken me arround the world and introduced me to so many great people and amazing friends.

GrandMaster, who is your maximun concerning at art world? My concern is that people fo not lose interest in this culture nor misinterpretd the culture with anything else. Somo much confusion and misdirection towards graffiti that it must be maintained...acucurately...

Brother, can you explain the evolution of your style please? My style is pretty much smooth. When I frist began it was very mechanical, I pretty much prefer to let it flow...

Any tip to do pieces? And for still fresh? You definetly have to have a good choice of colors, exactly what you intend to execute. The style needs to flow with the theme of project.

And any tips to do amazing tags? Taggin is basically permanship, you definetly would like to practise, practise, practise...

When did paint your first train? Are you still paiting trains? I did my first in 1972 it was really small and toyish LOL... I was by myself and it was very cold. No I am not painting trains it’s veen 31 years since my last piece back in 1987.

What are the colors you use more? I pretty much like to use many different colors there are so many to choose from :).

Graffiti is changing all the time, what is the years where was more progress at it? What do you think about 2019’s graffiti? The 70`s were the peak years. So must was going on, the creation, evolution so many things.

What is your Crew? How long are you with them? Who are the other members of the Crew? They call us “The Death Squad”, we formed in 1976, the original members were: Kool131 (Pres), Mr.Jinx174, Bear167 (R.I.P), PadreDos (R.I.P), Dek2, Mag002, Chain3, PartOne. Today there many member worldwide...

Brother, can you explain the first days of graffiti on the trains? It was really just tags from the lates 60’s to early 70`s but by 72-73 the tags became bigger by 74 it was an explosion of beautiful Masterpieces.

The eternal fight: Legal vs. Illegal. What do you think ? Because of the powers that be unless there is a common truce and observance it will remain Legal vs Illegal.

What do you think about the law and how the agents treat the writers? I think it has completely gotten out of crontol, the actual charge would be criminal mishcheif today it become in some case a federal charge as far as tactics it’s an abuse of power.

Worm, some tip for the beginners please? For the begginers you definetlly have to be original. So many writers don’t understand creating a name using someone elses is just taboo in this culture... Be more creative.

Brother tell us the funniest experience that you remember about graffiti: Well we were about to go in on a couple of Whole Cars, when suddenly we goy chased. I left a brand new pair of sneakers behind. That dame morning Bear167 (R.I.P) & Butch2 arrived proceeded to paint. Later that day I recieve a call from Kool that Bear had recovered my sneakers :).

Can you tell me anything about your actual projects? At the moment there are no immediate projects. I am hoping that 2019 brings some new and exciting events!

What kind of music do you usually listen to? Who is the best bands of all times under your point of view? I like to listen Old School Rap and Old School Soul. I just like music in general no real favorites.

What is your favorite movie of all times? The sting, The taking of Pelham 123...

Finally do you to say anything for all writers? Much love and peace... Continue creating beatiful work. PEACE! -PartOne

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