Pornography Pornography was originally translated into German by Barbara Christ and was first presented in a co-production between the Deutsches Schauspielhaus, Hamburg, and the Festival Theaterformen and the Schauspielhannover in Hanover. It received its world premiere in Hanover on 15 June 2007 and transferred to Hamburg on 5 October 2007. The cast was as follows: Sonja Beisswenger Christoph Franken Peter Knaack Angela Muethel Jana Schulz Monique Schwitter Daniel Wahl Samuel Weiss Director Sebastian N獯bling Designer Muriel Gerstner Lighting Roland Edrich Music Lars Wittershagen Costume designer Marion M獯nch Dramaturgs Nicola Bramkamp, Regina Guhl, David Tushingham Pornography received its British premiere at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, on 28 July 2008. The cast was as follows: Frances Ashman Loo Brealey Sacha Dhawan Amanda Hale Jeff Rawle Sheila Reid Billy Seymour Sam Spruell Director Sean Holmes Designer Paul Wills Lighting Chris Davey Sound Emma Laxton This play can be performed by any number of actors. It can be performed in any order.