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Go-Give® AWARD
Angela Brannon
Independent Sales Director
Mary Kay Ash said, Go-Give® Award is perhaps the greatest honor a Mary Kay Independent Sales Director can earn. Those who possess the Go-Give spirit are the heart of this Company and our shining hope for the future.” These award recipients best exemplify the Golden Rule – helping others selflessly and supporting adoptees as much as unit members.
Began Mary Kay Business: September 2011
Sales Director Debut: April 2012

National Sales Director: Cindy Fox

Personal: Lives in Pell City, Ala. Husband, Justin; son, Turner; daughter, Ruby.
“I am motivated to help others because I want them to realize the potential that is inside of them and become the best version of themselves possible, which will change generations.”
Testimonial: Independent Beauty Consultant Maureen Groves of Sebastian, Fla., says, “Angela exemplifies Mary Kay’s Go-Give spirit. It is wonderful to see Angela carry on the tradition of this Company; she lives by the Golden Rule and gives from the heart 100%.”