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Go-Give® AWARD

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Go-Give® AWARD

Go-Give® AWARD


Jillian Wise


Independent Sales Director

Mary Kay Ash said, Go-Give® Award is perhaps the greatest honor a Mary Kay Independent Sales Director can earn. Those who possess the Go-Give spirit are the heart of this Company and our shining hope for the future.” These award recipients best exemplify the Golden Rule – helping others selflessly and supporting adoptees as much as unit members.

Began Mary Kay Business: March 1997

Sales Director Debut: January 2009

Mary Kay National Area

Personal: Lives in Rochelle, Ill. Husband, Will; son, Liam; daughter, Daphne.

“I am motivated to help others because I have been fortunate enough to have others help me, believe in me and truly see me. I can best honor those women by doing the same for those I meet. We all have different talents, gifts and abilities. If we all do what we can when we can, we will be so much stronger together than we could ever be individually. I believe that what we do sends a ripple effect out into the world. Our interactions with people in all areas of our lives can have positive impacts on so many more than we will ever know.”

Testimonial: Independent Beauty Consultant Rose Russell of Aurora, Ill., says, “Jillian has very high energy, and it rubs off on her team. She is a go-getter; she is loving, kind, and very generous. Jillian always goes above and beyond; she encourages and uplifts us; we are a family in Mary Kay! Jillian puts her faith first, then her family, and then her business.”


Our beloved Founder, Mary Kay Ash, created the idea of Go-Give as an others-first philosophy that became a foundation for her business. As we celebrate our 60th anniversary and to honor her in her birthday month, you can find ways to purposefully practice the Golden Rule. Or you can celebrate others who are great examples of this philosophy by nominating them for a monthly Go-Give® Award. What will you do to touch the lives of others?

This stunning travel jewelry pouch can be yours when you have personal retail sales of $600* or more in wholesale Section 1 products in May.

*The order(s) to support the personal retail sales of $600 or more in wholesale Section 1 products requirement per month can be placed in one single order or placed in cumulative orders, as long as the orders are placed in the same calendar month. Customer Delivery Service, Guest Checkout and EZ Ship order amounts count toward your personal retail sales of $600 or more in wholesale Section 1 products. You’ll receive your monthly reward inside your qualifying order. One reward per achiever each month.

Learn how you can grow your business, develop your team and earn these bracelets with the Share the Heart of Mary Kay Team-Building Challenge.

New Business Debut Assortment


This one-click product order takes the guesswork out for new Independent Beauty Consultants! The assortment includes easyto-sell products, plus free samples. Cost is $601 wholesale (Part No. 10228870)..

Be Golden Yearlong Consistency Challenge

When you achieve the Golden Rules Challenge each month from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, you can earn this gorgeous earrings and bracelet set.

Plus, when purchased, you can earn the Golden Rules Challenge for the month and be on-target for the Star Consultant Program. It can also help new Independent Beauty Consultants get qualified for Great Start: Ready, Set, Sell! While this convenient assortment was created for new Independent Beauty Consultants, it’s available for all. NO LIMITS!

Get the details, including a downloadable flier and FAQs.

It was 2018 and Wandra Alleyne needed to take a step back from her Mary Kay business. The loving daughter, sister and mother had lost her mother, sister and son, Montiel, all within the span of a few months.

“It was a painful time in my life, and I needed personal time to grieve and heal,” says Wandra. “Throughout that period, my Mary Kay sisters were the ones who stood beside me and helped me through all the pain and hurt. They were my strongest supporters, along with my husband Mark, daughter Ayanna and son Marquise.


“One day at lunch with my friend, Independent Executive Senior Sales Director Stacy Ervin, she shared her dream of building her National Area. It had been two years since the tragedies. I was ready and all in to help and support her as she had done for me. I submitted my Independent Beauty Consultant Agreement for the second time in July 2020, and away I went!”


Having been an Independent Sales Director before, Wandra was quick to jump in, hold parties, reach out to new customers and team members and grow her business. Only this time, it was in the middle of the pandemic.

“I knew the Mary Kay culture and what a great company it is,” says Wandra. “I did need to learn how to work my business differently holding parties virtually and having a bigger social media presence to reach new customers and potential team members. But the basics of enriching women’s lives and helping others reach their goals didn’t change, and it’s what motivates me still. I love seeing the change in women when they feel supported and encouraged. Like Mary Kay Ash said, ‘I’ve often said that we are doing something far more important than just selling cosmetics; we are changing lives.’”

Wandra became an Independent Sales Director that November and earned the use of her Mary Kay career car the same month. At seminar 2020, she achieved Double Star status.


“Career Conference came around that next spring, and something sparked inside me,” says Wandra. “I had earned a spot in the Top 10 in Court of Sharing. It was there at Career Conference that me and my unit members decided to stretch and set our sights on becoming a pink Cadillac unit.” To motivate and spur the momentum they had experienced, Wandra sent her unit red hot chili pepper seeds in a packet along with a pink Cadillac postcard. She wrote, ‘Here’s to our being a red hot pink Cadillac unit.’ Many were new in their Mary Kay businesses, and 2022 was going to be the first time they had ever attended Seminar. “I painted a picture that we could eat a cold box lunch, or we could experience fine dining at the pink Cadillac luncheon. Of course, they all wanted in on the fine dining experience!”


Wandra says with good old-fashioned hard work, consistency and perseverance, she and her unit achieved their stretch goal exactly one year later and earned the use of a Mary Kay pink Cadillac in March 2022. She picked up her Cadillac on July 6, her birthday. “The experience was definitely bittersweet,” she says. “Naturally I was grateful and excited for our unit, but my dad who had been ill passed away before he had a chance to ride in it.”

With his death coinciding with Seminar 2022, Wandra had a decision to make. She could stay home or be present for her unit in Dallas at Seminar. She chose the latter. “I didn’t want my unit to be there without me. They worked hard and deserved the recognition, and I wanted to be there and celebrate all our achievements.


“I was accustomed to the camaraderie I had from my 20-year military career, but to me, Mary Kay is even more unique to find this level of support with a group of women. It’s exactly why I love my Mary Kay business and the sisterhood it offers me.”

Wandra says she experiences that daily. “I love watching women feel more confident and secure with each success they experience in their Mary Kay businesses. The pandemic helped us expand our borders, reach out, engage and share Mary Kay with others across the country. That’s a good thing that came out of that.”

And she strives to be a great example to others. “I’m laser-focused when working toward a goal. I can’t expect others to work if I’m not. To me, the speed of leader is definitely the speed of gang. My advice is to not worry about what others are doing. Don’t look to the left or to the right. Just stay in your lane and focus on what you need to do to reach your goal. The rest will fall into place.”

WHAT’S NEXT Wandra’s next big goal? To earn the Top Sales Director Trip. “I’d love to take Mark on a dream getaway in appreciation for all he does working as a military nurse,” she says. She’s also eager to coach women with big goals of becoming Independent Sales Directors. “I’m so thankful I was afforded this opportunity and want to pass the torch to others. Being a Mary Kay Independent Sales Director is a calling, and I want to share this experience with others, crafting a memorable journey as we go.”

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