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Portfolio Fatima Tribble selected works

I am a highly efficient and diligent professional who prioritizes excellence and collaboration while possessing exceptional organizational skills. My track record demonstrates successful project completion, fueled by my strong analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities. My life goals revolve around contributing to my urban community through transformative design to bring about positive change. Baltimore and its surrounding urban areas inspire me greatly, and my passion for design dates back to my early years, when I first engaged with art classes and explored various artistic mediums, including performing arts, visual and graphic arts, fine arts, and photography. For me, art and design are inseparable and serve as vehicles for healing, ultimately leading me to aspire to heal others through the power of design. I possess a genuine eagerness to acquire new skills and gain diverse experiences, continuously expanding my architectural perspective. My areas of particular interest lie in sustainable design, historical preservation, residential ,and healthcare. This portfolio showcases a carefully curated selection of my acedemic work at Morgan State University, exemplifying my significant personal growth and development throughout my architectural journey.

C o m m u n i t y E a t e r y H y b r i d H o u s i n g P a r k H e i g h t s : O p e n S p a c e R e v i t a l i z a t i o n 3 16 25 16 30 P u
c e D e s i g n : E a s t B a l t i m o r e M i d w a y Table
i c S p a

Mixed-use development for the growing Goucher Neighborhood. Created a design for the intended structure utilizing only one predominant material, such as wood, metal, brick, or stone, while incorporating glass and concrete for openings and foundations.

Explored the possibilities of using this material on both vertical and horizontal surfaces, as well as for interior and exterior spaces, taking into account both structural elements and surface enclosure.

Developed a unified spatial and material concept that highlights the unique characteristics of the chosen material while drawing a parallel to the world of food, celebrating its diverse qualities in an architectural context.

Software: Revit, Sketchup, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lumion

Community Eatery

Old Goucher was originally a neighborhood where Goucher College was located which is now in Towson, Maryland.Old Goucher developed just north of the Baltimore City boundary in the mid-to late 19th century. New developments were being built which attracted people to this area .After Goucher College relocated, the neighborhood became to increase commercial activity. During the post war area, the nieghborhood became more industrial due to the automobile ownership increasing, more car dealerships and service stations were being developed in the area. In the 1970s,80s,90s Old Goucher was known as the city’s design district. Today, Old Goucher is a heavily mixed use area and with that some of the Architectural styles have gone and decreased the number of people living in the neighborhood.

Axis Street Primary Secondary Alley

Mission Statement

The space will be separated into a mixed-use building with a space to grab a meal in the restaurant above and grab local market favorites below. This farm to table space will have an abundance of fresh produce for the restaurant and farmers market. The farmers market will also hold a space for local artists and vendors to gain revenue for their brand, with indoor or outdoor spaces. This will be a space for all ages to come together in a neighborhood setting to support their fellow neighbors of Old Goucher. This space will also be a great space for college students to grab fresh food and study in before or after class. Food stalls will provide variety to the users by giving them many options for their preferences.

Site Plan
Morton st.
21st st.
Maryland Ave. W.
C o n c e p t D e v e l o p e m e n t Phase 1 Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Ground Level 2 1 3 4 5
1. Main Entrance 2. Restrooms 3. Farmer’s Market 4. Artist Market 5. Outdoor Market Space 6. South-East Entrance
6 7 F l o o r P l a n s
7. West Entrance
9 level 2 1 2 3 4 5
1. Lounge Seating 2. Restrooms 3. Bar 4. Outdoor Seating
F l o o r P l a n s
5. Food Stall
DN UP level 3 1 2 3
1. North Circulation 2. Roof Garden
F l o o r P l a n s
3.South Circulation
West Elevation
13 East Elevation
West Section Perspective
South Section Perspective

In this project we completed our city block and developed a hybrid housing typology for families with young children and young professionals. The group came together on a virtual platform to collaborate on a block that consisted of town-homes, an apartment complex and retail space on a fictitious site. Our block included a park for residents within out block. We developed our lot over a series of 3 design proposals to create this final product proposal. The design goals includes privacy for the residents located in this fictitious city, views to the park with local amenities.

My contribution:

I was responsible for the diagrams, site plan, digital apartment model, unit layouts, Photoshop sections and elevations, facade fenestration, final poster layout.

Group: Fatima, Marshay, Devin, Nahim

Software: Revit, Sketchup, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lumion

Hybrid Housing Types

19 1 2 3 4 C o n c e p t D e v e l o p e m e n t site location
Ground level 1 lobby leasing office restaurant art studio retail town homes mail room restaurant second level spa townhomes 2a 3A 2b 3A 3b 3c townhomes retail Third level 2a 3A 2C 2C townhomes fourTh level 3b 2b 3c 2a 3A 3b 2C 2C fifTh and sixTh level roof level RENTABLE OFFICE SPACE RENTABLE OFFICE SPACE gym green space F l o o r P l a n s

Unit type: Mixed use

sqft: 30,00 sqft

number of levels: 7 levels

number of units: 27 units

Development type: multi-family

User group: young profesional and family with young children

2a 2B
3A 1 3b
2B 2C 2C 3b 3c 2a 3A 2 bedroom units 3
U n i t T y p e s
bedroom units Interior rendering of a typical two bedroom apartment layout
Longitudinal section 1 Transverse Section 2
1 2
West elevation
Interior view of the restaurant space located in the mixed use Apartment Lobby Apartment green roof

Edgecombe located in the Park Heights Neighborhood has a multitude of nondeveloped open space around the local school Edgecombe Elementary. The area is in need of interactivespaces for residents.

The intervention addresses the lack of interactive spaces.

Community engaggement is initiated through the plans to add on school beautification, the revitilization of Edgecombe Park, Lot redesign , and a community hub.

My contributions: Final Illustrator Site plans , Location plans,Presentation.

Group: Fatima and Marshay

Software: AutoCad, Illustrator, Photoshop, Twinmotion

Park Heights open space revitilization



-Bioswale -Bike racks

-Residential Parking

-Outdoor Seating

O p e n S p a c e R e v i t i l i z a t i o n / C a r P a r k

existing conditions


- Addition of Vegetation

-Outdoor Classroom

-More green spaces

-Defined parking spaces

E d g e c o m b e E l e m n e t a r y S c h o o l / E x t e r i o r R e v i t i l i z a t i o n

Programs: - Cafe

-Educational Courses

-Art studio/ Culinary course

-Research space

-Outdoor gathering

O p e n S p a c e R e v i t a l i z a t i o n / C o m m u n i t y H u b


-Outdoor Fitness


-Covered Seating



-Recreational Sports

29 O p e n S p a c e R e v i t a l i z a t i o n / E d g e c o m b e P a r k

Creative place making is the use of arts and culture in a community setting in order to promote change and diversity, also to improve the community. This is important to community development.

In this study, We focused on East Baltimore Midway. East Baltimore Midway is in the eastern district of Baltimore, Maryland. This location has great potential and is in need of major revitilization. I dissected the Midway neighborhood to propose design ideas in order to improve East Baltimore Midway.

I developed a site analysis of East Baltimore Midway focusing on the sidewalk zones, circulation, and site conditions. This helped develop a final placemaking design.

Software: AutoCad, Revit, Illustrator

Public Space Design

East Baltimore Midway

Google Image

Cecil Elementary

Street Intervention

Sidewalk Intervention

Intersection Intervention

Green Space

Pedestrian Shed

In the previous report I focused on Cecil Elementary School, lo-cated on Cecil Avenue. My pedestrian shed is everything with-in a 5 minute walking distance (1/4 mile radius)..

In this report I will be developing proposals for streets, sidewalks, and intersections within my pe-destrian shed.

I will propose the best strategies for safety and comfort for the residents and proposing creative placemaking oppurtunities in the area.

E. 22nd St. and Kirk Ave. : Street Intervention Aisquith St. and Curtain Ave. : Intersection Intervention
1 2 3 S i t e s o f I n t e r v e n t i o n
E. 20th St. and Cecil Ave. :Sidewalk Intervention

Location: E. 22nd Street and Kirk Ave

Street Type: Industrial Acces and Urban Village Neighborhood

Kirk Ave and E. 22nd Street is in need of major im-provement. Weeds are unkept and sidewalks are uneven. New sidewalks being added will help the area and annual manteniance of plants will be necessary. Kirk Ave also has public transit running through, bus shelters would be a great addition to the area to keep transit riders comfortable and safe. More street lights will also aid in the safety of the residents. A recreation center is cornered at this in-tersection, so lastly I proposed for a creative place-making along the crosswalk for the children in the area.

E.22nd St. Designboom.com https://www.thisiscolossal.com/ S t r e e t P r o p o s a l Streetmix
Kirk Ave.

Location: Aisquith Street and Curtain Avenue

Street Type: Industrial Access

High Traffic street in need of a cross walk for pedestrian safety. Also there is an empty lot which can be used for creative place-making. Parking can be added along the empty lot for potential parking spaces for a park which could be added to the empty lot. The streets will also be lined with street trees and Maryland native plants for a rain garden along the streets.

33 I I n t e r s e c t i o n P r o p o s a l
Google Image Maryland.gov Streetmix

Location: E. 20th St. and Cecil Ave

Street Type: Urban Village Neighborhood

Cecil Avenue is intersected by a one way street ( E. 20th Street). The residential street will be enhanced for the residents by adding new street lamps and street trees along the sidewalk. Their is also a great amout of liter on the streets and inside drainage . Trash cans and storm water infrastructure will be placed also. For E. 20th Street a curb extension will be added with bollards, this will also create an oppurtunity for creative placemaking on the curb extension

I S i d e w a l k P r o p o s a l

Master Plan

Cecil Elementary Street Intervention

Sidewalk Intervention

Intersection Intervention

Green Space

Pedestrian Shed

35 p
Fatima Tribble selected works email: fatimatribble@gmail.com linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/in/fatimatribble/ telephone: 410-456-7829

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