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Super Effective Workout To Achieve Fast Fat Loss!
Hey guys! I’ve got a new workout for you today…. Now this workout isn’t for the lighthearted! In fact would recommend it specifically more for advance gym goers, but if you decrease the amount reps you do, you can tailor it towards your own fitness level, but remember don’t make it two easy for yourself! The workout Start with 10 minutes on the rowing machine. We’re going to some interval training here, (great for burning fat – PERIOD!) Start of at a steady pace, and continue this for 30 seconds, after 30 second increase the pace, so that you’re going about 80-90 % of your maximum. Keep doing this for the full 10 minutes. Beginner alternative Instead of 30 seconds slow 30 seconds fast, try doing 1 minute slow 30 seconds fast. Continue this for the whole 10 minutes. Exercises Each exercise will be performed for a total of 50 reps, and you should spend no more than 5 minutes on each exercise. For a beginner, I would say 30 reps and no more than 4-5 minutes per exercise. Once you have completed a set of 50, move on to the next exercise straight away. No rest for the wicked! You will be doing 8 exercises. The workout consists of only bodyweight exercises, but if you’re a real hardcore fitness freak like me you can span the workout over 2 days. For example, on Tuesday the routine will be only bodyweight exercises then your second day would be Thursday (depending on how you feel!). Thursday’s routine would work the same body parts but this time you would use free weights. You can choose what exercises you do in each workout. Below I have given you an example of the workout I would do. Monday – Bodyweight Workout Warm up
Rowing machine – 10 minutes (30 seconds hard, 30 seconds slow, continued for the whole 10 minutes) The Workout Press-ups x 50 Chin-ups x 50 Sit-ups x 50 Squats x 50 Lunges x 50 Dips x 50 Box jumps x 50 Back extensions x 50 Treadmill- 5 minute cool down Thursday – Free Weight Workout
Warm up Cross Trainer – 10 minutes (30 seconds hard, 30 seconds slow, continued for the whole 10 minutes) The Workout Dumbbell Flies x 50 Bicep Dumbbell Curls x 50 Reverse Wood Chop x 50 Barbell Squats x 50 Barbell Lunges x 50 Tricep Extensions x 50 Shoulder Press x 50 Lateral Pull Downs x 50 Rowing Machine – 5 minute cool down Now as you can see, it’s a pretty evil workout! Remember the workout I have outlined above is what I would do. If you are a beginner then I would recommend decreasing the reps, enough to make your body work hard, but obviously not too much so you don’t finish the workout! The reason this workout is so effective for getting rid of body fat, is because it’s classed as a whole body workout, where you are working every muscle in the body, burning calories as you exercise. Honestly, if you’re serious about losing weight, then I suggest you take out a pen and paper right now, and write up your workout plan for the next 6 weeks. Remember planning your workout is just as important as actually doing the workout. Take Care Chris
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